#the other is a bit of a girlboss but overall a mess
symbioticsimplicity · 2 years
When I call Steve Harrington babygirl I mean it in a Bubblegum Bitch way.
When I call Billy Hargrove babygirl I mean it in a Pacify Her way.
Hope that clears up any confusion.
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Werewolf Pack Intros
CW: Yandere stuff
Werewolves (from shortest to tallest because I wasn’t sure how to organize them lol):
Brat (he/him, she/her guy): Shortest, smallest. Has dyed hair in human form. Wolf form has black fur. Demanding, bratty, pouts a lot but is genuinely really sweet.
Girlboss(?) (she/her): Second shortest of the group, but still taller than a lot of humans. More bark than bite, and thinks of herself as a big dog and girlboss even though she’s not quite there yet.
Nerd (he/him): Shyest of the group by far; always keeps his head down/nose in a book. His wolf form has reddish brown fur, and he’s got the hardest time controlling his instincts out of the group, being the most recently turned/added to the group. The others try to drag him into their fun and shenanigans but he’s pretty reluctant and kinda touchy. Prone to angry outbursts as well— he didn’t really want to be turned or stay with the pack. Some of them are growing on him though.
Delinquent (he/him): Wolf form is dark brown. Definitely has an attitude problem, and views werewolves as being better than people. Local heartbreaker— prone to flirting and running, getting into fights at the bar, and driving just a little too fast. This adrenaline junkie doesn’t want to stop for anything— except you, baby ;)
Hunter (he/him butch): Second-tallest of the group, with a white wolf form. Fastest and most efficient at hunting. No-nonsense kinda attitude overall but remarkably chill with the others’ nonsense, for better or worse 😅
Sheriff (he/him): Tired old man. His back hurts from carrying the pack and trying to keep them a secret from the government and human residents in the area. Doesn’t really like his job, but it gives him access to destroy certain files that could expose them. It also gives him an excuse to look after that damn troublemaker.
Interpack Dynamics:
Brat + Girlboss: Frenemies with benefits. Girlboss often feels the need to fuss at Brat and keep him in line, so he’ll be poutier around her. They also fight over makeup and clothes sometimes, having similar styles.
Brat + Nerd: Brat flusters Nerd a lot, and nerd is kinda tsun/unsure about it, not used to people being so affectionate or open in attraction to him. Brat loooooves how flustered nerd gets, but also wishes he felt more comfortable around him and has a genuine crush 💔
Brat + Delinquent: they’ll hang out and cause trouble together for sure. Parties, bars, good wingmen for each other. Delinquent has a definite weakness for Brat’s, well, bratty attitude and indulges her quite a bit.
Brat + Hunter: Hunter finds himself rolling his eyes at Brat quite a bit, but can’t find it in himself to be genuinely annoyed, unlike Girlboss. Brat likes Hunter a lot, and is always trying to figure out how to get them to like him more.
Brat + Sheriff: Brat really enjoys messing with the Sheriff and getting on his nerves, but is careful to not go too far with it. The Sheriff, for his part, immediately gets a headache whenever Brat comes up to him with that mischievous smile. Does his best to be patient, even with the over-exaggerated flirting Brat likes to put on. Brat would definitely let Sheriff hit, but Sheriff doesn’t seem too interested.
Girlboss + Nerd: she’s really the one he feels most comfortable around. She likes hanging out with him as well; they like a lot of the same shows and music, and they don’t stress each other out much.
Girlboss + Delinquent: she’ll go along with his antics, but they definitely have a frenemies thing going on. They respect each other but also despise the way the other goes about doing stuff, if that makes sense? He’ll also use her head as an armrest just because it gets on her nerves😂😅
Girlboss + Hunter: Hunter and Girlboss like each other pretty well. Girlboss looks up to Hunter and has a bit of a puppy crush, wanting to get stronger and be more like him.
Girlboss + Sheriff: Sheriff has a soft spot for Girlboss; to be fair, she doesn’t give him too much trouble. She thinks he’s pretty cool, but not as cool as Hunter.
Nerd + Delinquent: really at odds over how they view being werewolves, and how they think of humans. Delinquent tends to push Nerd’s buttons and bully him. Nerd can’t quite decide if it pisses him off genuinely or if it makes him feel something a bit… different 😳
Nerd + Hunter: Hunter has conflicting feelings towards Nerd— guilt for turning him, wariness for the dangerous anger he holds inside, but also a desire to help and protect him. Nerd feels resentful of Hunter for turning him.
Nerd + Sheriff: Nerd is also pissed at Sheriff for the circumstances of his turning. Sheriff feels some guilt over this, too. They are often at odds. Usually Sheriff has to keep closest watch over Delinquent, but since Nerd came around, he’s had to keep an eye on him more.
Delinquent + Hunter: the Delinquent tests Hunter’s patience anytime he gets, but Hunter has yet to cave in. Once in a blue moon, Delinquent can also convince Hunter to go in on his harebrained schemes like kidnapping you
Delinquent + Sheriff: Headaches all around. Delinquent is pissed at the sheriff for being so uptight and controlling. Sheriff gets annoyed at the delinquent for jeopardizing the group’s low profile. Delinquent is delighted at Nerd for being angry and difficult for Sheriff and getting Sheriff off his back lol.
Hunter + Sheriff: deep mutual respect for each other, they spend more time with each other than the rest of the pack. The decision to kidnap you, which Sheriff did NOT sign off on, drives a wedge between them. It’s hard to stay angry forever when the Sheriff is forced to face the fact he’s happy you’re here to stay too…. Even if it makes his job much harder.
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inverted-flowers · 11 months
Secret Life Tarot Reading no. 6!
It's Scott's turn!
Quick reminder that as of reading number 5 with Tango these are done after episode 3s have come out. Also! You don't really to know anything about Tarot Cards to enjoy this post. Just understand that I'm using them to predict how our lovely ccs are gonna do in Secret Life.
First Card - Start
So to describe the (now passed) start of Secret Life for Scott I drew The Hanged Man. This card feels like it's more so saying he did well in terms of avoiding rash descions. How? My thoughts are on how while everyone else was taking silly bits of damage, from falling off of things for example, Scott didn't really do that. He did very well in thinking through his situations to avoid losing hearts.
Second Card - Individual
This card is meant to describe how Scott plays this season. I drew The Lovers. This card talks about positive collaboration and how trust in your team provides strength. I'm thinking this is saying Scott plays with a strong bond with his team or at least intends to. He wants to be able to work with his team and trust in them.
Third Card - Social
This card is supposed to describe how things go for Scott on the social aspect. I've drawn Justice in Reverse which discusses dishonesty and one-sidedness. It's funny because at first I was just looking at this card and the one before it and wondering how the heck that could make any sense. They're kind of difficult for someone to have at the same time here ya know? But then I changed perspectives a bit and it makes more sense.
There's a few ways we can take this. Usually when I'm drawing this card when someone's I'm got a team assuming that it's going to refer to their team first and the rest of the server second. Since we're looking for the more major kinda baseline stuff it just makes sense. So I suppose the first idea here is that this card is referencing Scott's social experience outside of his team. I'm not really feeling that theory but it felt best to mention it anyway. The next idea is that the dishonesty is coming from either Gem or Impulse. I'm also not going to completely shoot down the idea that Scott is the perpetrator in either of these. I just think the cards are saying he gets deceived- maybe marinated if we don't mind using Among Us terminology lmao. Someone pulls the wool over his eyes and keeps it there.
Fourth Card - Big Impact
This card is meant to tell us about what has the biggest impact on Scott's season. I drew The Chariot for this. This sounds like he survives something by the skin of his teeth. That or it's describing something like what usually happens to the last green (which Scott has plenty of experience with). If that's the case I'd reckon he sees it coming from a mile away and narrowly avoids it.
Fifth Card - End
I drew The Emperor in Reverse. This card talks about being blind to others needs as well as hiding one's true intentions. This sounds like it could be a callback to our 3rd card. Someone, whether that be a teammate or someone else, decieves him.
Final Thoughts and Theories:
I somehow drew all Major Arcana cards for this reading? Also as I was interpreting this the song Jenny Was A Friend Of Mine by The Killers popped into my head which was ironic with some of these cards. (I always have a song stuck in my head at this point I swear.)
Is he gonna win a second time? This reading certainly doesn't sound like it's giving a definite 'no' but I'm not sure it's a 'yes' either. If I had to make a guess as to how it unfolds I'd say he trusts someone he gets deceived by (cards 3&5) and it does him in. Could he pull a gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss? Sure but thats not the vibe I'm getting. Maybe he gets decieved and it results in him being unable to help his teammates. That would leave him alone after he builds his game around working strong together. If we wanna go back to my previous reading with Impulse, I said there's a chance he betrays or just overall messes things up with Gem & The Scotts. Maybe Impulse stabs him in the back for a task? The task would be the need Scott is blind to here (card 5). There's also the whole thing with how Scott is usually one of the last alive. Those who will be around towards the end of his season are likely to all be red. Yeah we'll see I suppose!
'Til next time! :D
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lmelodie · 2 years
The Santa Clauses
Okay so the series has concluded, and this is my series wide review of the entire thing (Long ramble under the cut). And just as an aside, if you did enjoy the series all the props to you! It’s got some good stuff in it truly. But for me personally it’s complicated. 
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Regarding the story, the writing was lacking to say the least. The story feels disjointed and the pacing is all out of whack, it feels like it was still trying to figure itself out in every episode. As is, I feel like it would've been better off as a movie, the episodic series format doesn't seem to gel with the story they tried to tell. But even still it was all ruined by THE ENDING. Nothing spoils a piece of media (good or bad) more than an unsatisfying ending. 
I LOATHE that Simon as a character was utterly wasted the entire time. He just got to go up to the pole, cause a big mess and then get “dusted” and not remember anything at the end. I was really rooting for him to actually be reformed in some way and to end up being the next Santa instead of Scott COMING BACK. In universe it's explained that he wasn't even supposed to retire that early anyway, but I got the vibes from the entire series that the Santa position was supposed to properly go to Simon, and he learns a valuable lesson about family and charity and he gets to be a good Santa after that, and then Scott can be with his family.
Another personally niche qualm that I have, is that this series has many callbacks and references to the first two movies, BUT THEN TRIES IT'S HARDEST TO SWEEP THE THIRD FILM UNDER THE RUG. In fact, the existence of Buddy and that one half mention of Jack in the first episode are THE ONLY indicators that the third movie ever happened in this series. And I just think that's a shame.
An unexpected saving grace of this series is to actually leave out the legendary council and the Miller family, so that they are all spared of the inevitable butchering their characters would have gone through, had they been included. Unfortunately I cannot say the same for Charlie and Bernard.
Overall, the series fits in well with the movie trilogy in that it has a lot of good ideas! It is chocked full of great concepts, THAT THEY DO NOTHING WITH. All of the good world building ideas are either heavily fumbled, completely unexplained, or utterly retcons other established ideas in the trilogy. 
Examples being Charlie and Bernard, whose appearances in the series were very welcome! I loved seeing both of them back. But I just wish that they were maybe written a bit better. Bernard especially, THEY FUMBLED BERNARD SO HARD. Also Carol's Mrs. Claus storyline was also extremely fumbled, it didn't have an impact, it raised a lot of questions but then gave absolutely zero answers.
On another note, here is a brief list of all the things that I actually enjoyed about the series:
Buddy as a character. His himbo energy was one of the few saving graces of the series, it kept me going through the entire thing and he was actually very funny. He takes a firm second place on my list of favorite characters.
FIRST PLACES GOES TO THE MARRIED COUPLE BETTY AND NOEL! They are my entire world and they will absolutely be included in writing stuff if I get the chance. Girlboss x malewife couple? Best decision this series made. 
La Befana also has my entire heart!! I love that SHE WASN'T A VILLAIN! She was just a chill cottage witch living in the woods the whole time and I love that for her. Her vibes are so on point as well.
Bernard brought THE SASS. Bernard's energy was very very welcome and I do very much enjoy his appearance. Could've done with more screen time, but I'm just glad he's here at all.
The existence of Krampus is also very welcome. I love this funky little goatman, and I'm glad he's cannon, I just think he's neat :)
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magiefish · 2 years
Heyo it’s been a very long time! I’ve been screaming over Batdr and now I’m having an overflow of ideas for my AU (idk if you remember it).
What about you?
I had a period of around a day of losing it over the game but I think I’m chill now. I can’t say that BATDR is objectively good but it’s definitely The Most and I appreciate it for that. Bit disappointed that more characters didn’t return and that it didn’t build more on the lore from the first game: like, guys, I don’t even know how Lacie Benton died and you’re telling me there’s an ink city based off a real city in the outside world that has ghost trains like ???? All it would take is one audio log to accomplish and you already have her voice actor on hand like c’mon it’s not that hard (obviously there are other things that didn’t get answered but I just used that as an example). I had also hoped to see more of characters from the last game in the aftermath of Wilson’s takeover - Like, how’s the Ink Demon cult faring?
OH YEAH, NO INK DEMON CULT?? LIKE NOT EVEN A BIT??? They literally had another cult living in the sewers it would have been so easy to just put any remaining Demon cultists there and it would have made sense too I just AGHHHHH. They did my boy Sammy so dirty - like yeah there were some characters from the last game whose stories felt largely resolved already like Buddy!Boris and The Projectionist that they didn’t need to feature and I’m happy they left alone but SAMMY?? INK DEMON CULTIST AFICIONADO?? FORSAKEN PROPHET??? YOU REALLY COULDNT THINK OF ANYTHING BETTER TO DO W/ HIM THEN HAVE HIM SHOW UP ON A BALCONY AND THEN WILHEIM SCREAM DIE?? There were literally so many interesting directions to take his character and they gave him zilch, nada. I’d even be happy if he just stayed behind glass being sad and we found a letter nearby talking about his loss of faith and lack of purpose - that would have been a good conclusion to his arc. Or even if he joined in W/ the others in the fight. But no, they just made him a joke. Also Malice - I’m happy that they gave her some closure in the form of the moment with Allison, but it’s weird that she didn’t remark at all on Wilson’s takeover. Like, she just shows up as if she’s been dropped in directly from Chapter 3 of the first game, completely unaffected by her time likely imprisoned by The Keepers or the Ink Demon’s absence. Like, you’re telling me the Ink Demon ‘died’ and she didn’t even try a little coup?? Ms Malice ‘torture device creator girlboss gaslight gatekeep manipulator heart eater elevator dropper’ angel didn’t take one look at Wilson’s scrawny ass and said ‘oh yeah, I could take him’.
But, the game had a good emotional core to the story and I liked all the stuff to do with the Cyclebreakers and the Keepers and Wilson. The new technology using colour was a really neat visual, and the whole trapping and documenting subjects thing really scratched the Southern Reach-Control-SCP part of my brain. Honestly, kind of wished all the areas in the game were larger. Each had neat ideas and I feel like if they just had more time to breath it would have elevated them, but as it was it felt a bit like ‘ok heres this cool thing ok done now go here new cool thing ok done let’s go new thing go go go’. Joey was fun in this game but I still don’t understand why he was an ink ghost. Really liked The Ink Demons character in this one too, like *chefs kiss* he has issues. Call him the new projectionist because he sure is projecting hard right now. They should honestly rename this game to Bendy and The Daddy Issues because that accurately sums up the entire thing.
Overall, I’m satisfied but kind of disappointed. Audrey is best girl and I hope she and Benders go get ice cream together.
Honestly, I don’t think it’ll change my AU that much? A lot of the story already kind of aligned with what I had so while I’ll probably add stuff from the game (e.g. Betty and Wilson) to my AU it doesn’t really mess it up either? If anything it makes it easier because it’s like ‘cool, canon characters who fulfil the same role I was going to have to make up a fanon one for anyway, neat’. Definitely going to be incorporating the Keepers, Wilson, and Benders tho, that whole part of the game was cool as hell. Idk if I remember your AU that well but I’d be happy to hear about some of your new ideas too.
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brandnewhuman · 2 years
Could you possibly do slashes (Brahms especially)with a S/O Who has ADHD and constantly miss places/loses things? (Or how they would interact with somebody who has ADHD)
Brahms Heelshire - Michael Myers - Bo Sinclair
Tw: canon violence, mature language.
A/N: hiiiii! Thanks for the request. I hope I got everything right cause I kinda based it on what is my personal experience too, even tho I kinda dislike how this came out cause I feel the hc came out so boring and all the same. So once again I'm asking, If you don't like or you feel that I've done a shitty job in representing what you asked, or even if you just want to give me some advices, please let me know! I want everyone to feel included and comfortable in my blog and i would never forgive myself for writing something harmful about such personal topics. That being said I hope you like it!! ^^
He's going to be a bastard™
Will shamelessly steal things from you and make it look like you're the one losing everything 
He knows you tend to misplace or simply lose your stuff most of the time, so everytime you ask him if he has seen what you're looking for he's gonna girlboss the fuck out of it 
"You can't find your shirt?? You don't remember where you put it? How inconvenient… oh well at least it wasn't your favourite one right?" 
It was your favourite one. He's having the time of his life right now
If you catch up on what he's doing and accuse him of taking your things he will be fighting for his life to and getting offended like it's no one's business 
"Me???? How dARE you accuse me of such things!!"
Your favourite shirt will suspiciously be found the day after on your bed tho
And you will have a guilt ridden Brahms being uncharacteristically helpful and nice 
Even tho he's a pain in the ass he tries to help you as best as he can
Makes you checklists, leaves you little notes as reminders of what you have to do or to help you taking care of yourself since he has notice you tend to overlook your health most of the time
He just overall tries to do for you what he does to help himself get his routine done and not get stressed about things
He's surprisingly patient with you. Like he gives you time to do what you have to do, doesn't ask you you to more than one thing at the time, he listens to you without interrupting even if you trail off from what you were saying and if you need it he will remind you what you were talking about 
He will help you with whatever you may need while you do other chores but he will expect to be rewarded with kisses and extra attention later for being so helpful 
And if he sees you're getting overwhelmed by something he'll just make you take a break and relax a little bit 
It's okay y/n he gets overwhelmed too when he has too many things to do 
I know everyone thinks he would be a stinky trash man who uses your adhd to make fun of you or to make you feel stupid but he doesn't. Not now, not ever, not even when he's angry.
Like yes, he has his fun taking your stuff ecc but will never go to the extent of actively hurting your feelings using something so personal. He would never take things further than light and playful messing around with your stuff 
He cares about you that much y/n and he doesn't want you to hate him or to feel bad 
the thought of him having a s/o so energetic bouncing around him and just pushing all his limits it's just hilarious to me
The amount of times he has seen you power walk  into a room saying you needed to do something just to forget what it was?? smh..
It wasn't even funny like this so he decided instead to keep an eye on you, giving that you're living like you don't have a single worry in this world
The first few times he saw you looking for things you have misplaced he just minded his business, after a while he started to help you just by pointing to where you left what you were looking for and towards the end he just straight up took whatever it was and throw it at you
He's that fucking nice. I know, charming right? 
But I feel that on a more positive note, he would secretly love hear you talk on a on about anything. He finds it so entertaining the way you can talk about so many things, connecting things that don't even have anything in common between them
It kind of reflects the way his inner monologues work sometimes. He sometimes has so many racing thoughts that he can't do anything about. He wished sometimes he could just let them go as you do and talk them out
On more serious note, he secretly worries about you and will do about anything ensure you don't take poor choices and you take care of your mental and physical health 
He's might be a little bit rough in showing he cares. more often than not when he tries to help you he just plain manhandles you to make you do what he wants
Like if you're not getting enough sleep He just picks you up, lays with you in bed and basically traps you there with him until you don't fall asleep
Or if he sees that you overlook meals ecc he will make you cook something using him being hungry as an excuse 
If you get stressed or overwhelmed he's not going to be too much of help. Unless you tell him otherwise he is just going to assume you want to be alone 
Honestly he tries but he's kinda useless when it comes to help others 🤷🏻 it's not like he doesn't care he just can't figure out what to do about it
I know you probably expected brahms to be your adhd buddy
WRONG. is Bo.  And you'll have to LISTEN AND LIKE IT CAUSE I KNOW HE IS. 
No Lester, no vincent. He's the one who's mind has decided that peace was not an option 
He's the type of yelling and getting worked up because he can't find his hat, looking everywhere for it without realising he's wearing it 
And everyone that has got insulted by him because they didn't help are now contemplating their life choices 
I'm sorry but he is the one who's gonna make fun of you mercilessly 
That's until he gets humbled real quick when he's the one fighting for his life when he has to focus on something  
I personally get so angry when I start to feel overwhelmed that anyone who gets near me and tries to make conversations gets the screeching demon treatment
That being said I just- you both screaming at each other because you can't figure something out and neither can him but he feels the need to put the blame on you
"What do you mean you can't do it? It's too fucking easy!! Even a baby could it!!" "THEN DO IT YOURSELF YOU WHORE" 
Oh to be able to call Bo a whore
In the end you're both an emotional support for each other
He helps you you help him
You try to ensure he doesn't end up doing a empty head no thoughts impulsive thing that could hurt him and he makes sure to help you feel less overwhelmed about things by sharing chores
He actually loves how you're able to understand him and his short temper so much. You always seem to sense when he's feeling stressed and just need someone to be patient with him
And he's overprotective nature makes sure you take care and don't exhaust yourself
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merakiui · 3 years
We dragged Diluc in this mess too? Aight. *Cracks knuckles* Let's do this man.
Phew. Finally! You're out from that shithole and moved in with Diluc and his brother. First impressions? Great! It was a bit strained with Diluc's seemingly cold demeanour and Kaeyas pick-up lines. But overall atleast they're a huge upgrade from asscara and weirdzuha.
God you were so wrong.
Sure they argue with each other once in a while but atleast they don't argue with you! Well you kind of choose to not go in the argument. Yeah, Living with Scara made you learn to stay passive if it's not towards you. But dear god. The arguments were so fucking annoying that you couldn't help but gesture to them to shut the fuck up. Sadly that only drags you in this mess. One particularly fight of there's led you to just think of getting the fuck out. So you tried.
You got a new laptop and was searching for a new place to stay at. Then kaeya and Diluc got in the house bickering with each other once again. You didn't care to be honest.
You shouldve cared bruv.
Apperantly Diluc and Kaeya had one thing in common. and it was making you stay in here. Forever. Diluc burned your laptop and Kaeya proceeded to try and gaslight girlboss gatekeep you. Sucks to be them but you experienced this and fucking bolted out with your things and find a new roommate since rent won't pay itself. You also might've gotten a glimpse of a certain angry scara and kazuha in the sidewalk but yeah. New destination.
(cw: yandere, unhealthy behaviors, mention of non-con touching, coercion, mention of alcohol/intoxication)
At this point the poor reader is going to live through every bad roommate horror story imaginable. Whether they childishly bicker like Kaeya and Diluc or team up to get what they want like Scara and Kazuha, there will never be a dull moment in your life.
Can you imagine how smug Scara would be if you end up crawling back to him and Kazuha because you believe they’re better than Kaeya and Diluc? Oh, he would not let you live that down! He’s such a brat about it, constantly bringing it up and holding the fact that he and Kazuha even bothered to accept you after you left them over your head. Kazuha goes along with it because of course he would. He always does because he wants to look like the pacifist who resolves conflicts—not start them like how Scara does.
At the very least, you had privacy when it was just you and Diluc. With Kaeya…not so much. He’s good at talking sweet and pushing you in directions that seem right on paper but are wrong in practice. You learned that the hard way when he coerced you into doing shots for New Year’s Eve, even though you were originally adamant about not wanting to drink. You didn’t want to get too drunk and then stumble upon Scara or Kazuha, especially since so many people were going to be at the party Kaeya was throwing and you don’t know how far his connections reach. Instead you found Diluc—or more accurately he found you and could only scoff at how drunk you were as he brought you to his room so you could rest up—and whatever happened that night is fuzzy. You truly can’t remember much, no matter how hard you dig through your brain for a fraction of a memory.
Diluc knows, but he won’t tell you about it.
And let’s not forget that time you visited the aquarium with Kaeya and some of his friends. Diluc had work that day and had bitterly texted the two of you that he’d rather do that than look at boring fish all day; though secretly he wanted to come because he would get to keep an eye on you. Kaeya was good at leading the group into the exhibits that were dark and had only the faint glow from the large fish tanks to give a semblance of illumination.
His friends didn’t notice a thing when he got closer to you, pressing your body against the tank and innocently pointing at the tiger shark that swam idly in the water. Or when his hand would grasp your shoulder and give it intimate squeezes. Or when his fingers danced along your hip, traveling further down to your ass. You’d look at him with confusion and discomfort and he’d give you his signature smirk and tease you with some cheesy line about how you can’t stop looking at him because he’s so attractive. He’s always toeing the line like this, pressing your buttons to see which one will make you snap. At home, in public, or even when you’re with your friends and he tags along to subtly tease you in front of them. Sooner or later you’ll break; Kaeya knows it.
Diluc tries to be better than Kaeya. He puts on the front of a gentleman so that you won’t look at him in disgust like you look at Kaeya whenever he makes another explicit joke. Diluc seems like he’s the perfect man: he’s considerate and responsible, he knows what he wants, he works a stable job and makes it a mission to be upfront and honest with those who are close to him (except when it comes to Kaeya, of course), and he tries to take care of you in little ways. Draping a blanket over you when you fall asleep at your desk; sometimes he’ll help you to your bed. He’s there for you in the morning when you wake up with an unbearable hangover, courtesy of Kaeya and his alcohol-loving friends.
And when he can’t be there for you he’ll occasionally send a text or leave a note so you know he cares. Medicine is on your bedside table when you feel absolutely wrecked after a night of heavy drinking, complete with a note that’s half-insulting, half-endearing. Or when he knows you’re swamped with your own work and can’t offer his help, he’ll message you and tell you to take it easy. Don’t try to do everything in one sitting; you’ll burn yourself out, he says. It’s strange how he’s so in-tune with you and your life, but he’s showing better colors than Kaeya. The least you can do is show your appreciation.
They have their pros and cons and are absolute children when they bicker, but you’re willing to tough it out. You keep telling yourself they’re not as bad as Scara and Kazuha. Maybe that’s true. Or maybe all of them are equally bad and you’re just trying to survive rent, work, and school, and you don’t need the extra stress.
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collisiondiscourse · 2 years
Rant about Tiger & Bunny please
for a show made in 2011... Tiger and Bunny holds up SURPRISINGLY well. when i first watched it, there were so many times i had to remind myself that the show itself was relatively old. its certainly not perfect and there are some parts you can see that dont age very well, but overall? its a pretty! damn! good! show!
first on the animation — it should be said that tiger and bunny is laughably VERY explicit with their sponsorships. its a very tongue in cheek joke that all the companies sponsoring/working on the tiger and bunny anime are actual companies within the universe of t&b and thus also sponsor the heroes themselves. every superhero has a logo emblazoned SOMEWHERE on their suit like a funny take on formula 1 racers
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i mean, talk about being loud and proud am i right?
stylistically speaking, tiger and bunny uses a very very good blend of 3d and 2d animation to get its action scenes across. the matching suits that tiger and barnaby wear are completely 3d animated, which makes them a DELIGHT to watch as they duke it out. the anime also does this thing where occassionally, their helmets will be flipped up in order to see their expressions which are completely done in 2d and very very interesting to look at.
is it the best and most highquality animated thing i've ever seen? no. not by a LONG shot.
do i think the animation quality and style enhance the way the show is watched? FUCK YES.
t&b's style is extremely fun and dynamic and i could NEVER get tired of the way they make kotetsu move whether he is in the suit or out of it.
MORE THAN THAT — its extremely cheesy! but in a good way!! THERE ARE SO MANY THINGS IN THIS SHOW like classic hero catchphrases, kinda-cringy hero poses, and EXTREMELY funny hero move names that make this show so damn fun to watch and so very nostalgic. its about the funny announcer voice when tiger and bunny do their special! the way fire emblem's flames literally spell FIRE as they shoot it out of their hands! the way a character designed after a samurai and named origami cyclone is some white dude when kotetsu, an actual japanese man, is right there! the director of herotv is literally a girlboss french woman! blue rose has bracers with pepsi branding! both nothing and EVERYTHING makes sense in tiger and bunny and i am here for every wild, wild second.
not to mention they constantly subvert my expectations by going against what i thought was the norm for shows like this! despite the whole HEROTV having a points system and all... the bond between all the heroes and supposed competing companies? is very wholesome! they all love and respect each other by miles and trust one another to a degree that they work out together, know each others addresses, and never feel the need to hide their secret identities. all the heroes are genuinely good and caring people who believe in justice and doing right by the people before the points themselves.
whats more is that the media and journalists? aren't an enemy!!! they work with heroes! respect their privacy! hell, theyre the ones who are clearing the heroes names whenever someone attempts to sabotage their reputations. the herotv producers literally WORK to give communication and act as the eyes in the sky for the heroes and ping them whenever they spot crime! if a mission needs privacy? if a hero accidentally reveals who they are? if a fight suddenly gets personal or too bad that the heroes are about to get beaten up live on tv? THEY CUT THE CAMERAS!!!
Not to mention! all the citizens are nice and reasonable! they evacuate when the heroes tell them to. they respect the heroes and dont badmouth them without reason. HELL, when tiger underperforms? messes up a little bit while saving people and causes a little more property damage than needed by accident? they dont boo him or jeer or ask for his resignation. they laugh and tease him and tell him to do better next time! the people of stern bild are FUCKIN AWESOME!!!!
as you watch the show, youll realize that it was probably the point of inspiration for SOOOO many other pieces of media! mha is heavily inspired on everything about tiger and bunny. voltron legendary defenders has a few obvious points of inspo here and there. its such an unsung but persistent piece of media that really makes you step back and think "oh. so THATS where it came from." and it makes you fall in love w the show all over again.
i could rant about how kotetsu is such a good character for DAYS. or the parallels between him and bunny and bkdk that have me screaming. OR the fact there is a literal nonbinary african-american character who is so fucking badass and totally has their moments. OR anything about every single other character BECAUSE I LOVE THEM ALL. but i wont bc that would take too damn long and i wouldn't even know where to begin.
my tldr is this.
tiger and bunny is a DAMN good show and will make you hyped for every episode you are on. you'll be left thinking abt it for DAYS, mourning the lack of content on the internet it has.
its fun. its sweet. its heartfelt. and its so so so so COOL. watch the first 2 episodes and i guarantee, you'll be hooked.
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time for "Owl Does Not Shut Up" once more. Today's topic? The Psychic 7 getting back into the swing of things at the Motherlobe post-game.
Helmut helps the interns/junior agents make KLOB have more than one song. He becomes a guest DJ on there, and he's done a couple interviews to hear all about what's happened without him around. Bob has showed up on air a couple times, mostly because he was told to get out of his shell and talk to people. Helmut's interviewed him and it was just the gayest thing ever seen or heard in the Motherlobe, including the literal mural of them holding hands.
Cassie gets involved with the record keeping at the Motherlobe. She's not one for the spotlight anymore, but she and Hollis have a rapour with each other, so they work together on keeping track of the finances and such. She also helps out with getting the history right again.
Compton likes to be at the Lumberstack more than the Noodle Bowl, since there's a lot less people and a lot more animals. It takes a long time, but he does manage to get the food to sometimes be edible, which is incredible as is because of Sam's... "cooking".
Bob finally opens up a bit. He tries to go to the Motherlobe a few times, but it's a bit overwhelming for him, so he usually likes to be outside. He's almost always nearby Helmut, and if he has to be inside, he usually has headphones or borrows Helmut's hat to help block out some of the noise. And yeah, he just likes to borrow Helmut's hat because it's Helmut's and it's soft and he's just gay. Good for him. (Also, he's trying to get sober! It takes time, and effort, but the others throw him a party when he reaches milestones and they keep him going)
Ford doesn't try to get involved at the Motherlobe, since he's aware he messed up Big Time. Instead, he just tries to build up the Heptadome again, keeping the gulch looking nice and being a park ranger again. It takes most of his time just to get all these places back to how they were before-- Especially the van and Otto's lab. But hey, he's been a janitor, he's been a ranger, he's done it all. Rebuilding the Heptadome after a flood? That's just part of his life.
Lucy's trying to figure out what all she missed and to re-learn what she knew. She helps with her family, and helps with Ford, and still wanders quite a bit, just finding her own places to relax and avoid others when she needs time off. (Augustus usually finds her first.) She's going with the flow, doing whatever it takes.
Otto doesn't change one bit. He's just vibing. Having a good time. HOWEVER: He does make sure to check out all the brains, and he does take nights off to go out with the others to go bowling/get dinner/whatever. He's actually willing to talk to the others, even though his whole vibe is "Otto no" vs "OTTO YES!" when he's got a new idea. He falls back into actually talking with these guys, actually opening up a bit about his emotions.
Overall? Everyone getting to do what they think is best, helping where they can. Cassie and Hollis as girlboss duo. Helmut and Morris at the radio station. Compton re-aquainting himself with his grandkids. All that good people-getting-better stuff. Everyone's happy and nothing's going wrong. (until something does go wrong but that's not the point the point is happy)
excellent ideas all around, I love the life the P7 can all live now that things have been kick started toward recovery and getting closer again... its what they deserve
Do you think Ford and Bob would make any concerted efforts to get the greenhouse lowered down from that nasty vine spiral? Those vines all over the place would be such a pain in the ass to move and Bob's still just getting back on his feet.
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gaylaughingdoves · 3 years
I really love how you draw Dottore! he's my favorite character in genshin- do you have any hcs/ideas for how he interacts with the other harbingers? I find other people's readings of him really interesting!
take care, have a good day whenever you read this!
Aaa!! Thank you!! <3 :D And yes I absolutely have hcs about him and the other harbingers!!
(I'm gonna toss them under a cut because I have a tendency to ramble on and use a whole lotta Words-)
Alright, so Signora and Dottore:
Extraordinarily chaotic and evil sibling dynamic
They gossip, like, A Lot, it's mainly Signora talking while Dottore fidgets and works with whatever he's working on, but he gets invested in it pretty easily
Now they also can and will rat each other out when they want, absolute snitches the both of them, they find immense joy in it, however. They also know a decent number of each other's secrets and they aren't going to tell those unless given a proper bribe (which neither have received just yet)
Signora and Dottore also both do Not like Childe
They have bonded over this
Childe is gaslight girlboss gatekept from everything when Signora and Dottore are involved
Also, Signora usually isn't phased by whatever Dottore keeps in his labs, because, yk, she might be 500+ years old, which Dottore appreciates because usually people are constantly on edge in his labs
It's a pain for him to actually keep staff (alive and employed), but having another Harbinger there (even one with a reputation like Signora's) grants the people working for him an, admittedly false, sense of security. Nothing could go bad when two Harbingers are here, right?
So Actually many many things can go wrong with these two in a room with Dottore's experiments
Like don't trust them around fire? Ever? Signora knows her way around it a little bit too well to be safe, and Dottore just likes watching how things burn under different conditions soo a recipe for Arson, that's what that is
Signora also thinks Dottore is hilarious when he's angry, and Dottore just likes being antagonistic, which leads to a whole lotta bickering. It's usually lighthearted but it can get serious and it can get serious fast
But overall Dottore just sorta sees her as an older sibling-ish person? He knows if he lets something slip she's not going to go straight to the other Harbingers to gossip. Which he likes because he can just go off and rant about how stupid something is and she'll just use it as blackmail material, which he thinks is better than like. Having everyone know how much he hates a certain piece of old machinery or something-
However, he doesn't trust her too much, because?? Who in the Harbingers actually trusts each other???
Also he and Signora have Transmasc/Transfem solidarity I will not be elaborating
Dottore and Childe on the other hand:
Pure hatred from Childe's side, he straight-up despises Dottore.
After all, this is a guy whose family is one of the most important things to him, his siblings are children, children who do not know the weight of the world just yet.
And Dottore is the guy who is... well. He's known to treat kids like nothing but a base to experiment on
Now Dottore on the other hand literally just wants to dissect Childe, he's gone absolutely crazy trying to get permission to at least run tests.
I mean, What else was he going to do when the kid Pulcinella found on the side of the road started turning into an entire 10ft abyss creature??? That's part of his whole line of work!! This is literally something he studies!!!
Needless to say, he was not allowed to study Childe's Foul Legacy in any regard and it ticked him off
So yeah, just overall they Hate each other, they argue a lot, like, if the Tsarita wasn't there at meetings they would turn into fistfights
However, they both drink whatever the Genshin equivalent of Monster is
This is not a bonding point, they fight over flavors
Sounds like a dumb thing to fight over but Dottore can't stand Childe's and Childe can't stand Dottore's
This has lead to other Harbingers swapping their flavors around because they think it's entertaining to watch them fight
It actually got to the point where the Tsaritsa herself had to order them to stop switching the flavors around because Dottore and Childe are already prepped to murder each other at any moment, they don't need to make it worse
So Dottore just reserves himself to snapping at Childe with the annoyance of someone who is being blocked from something that could very easily be a big break that's being dangled over his head
For real though, Childe has so much potential for Dottore's experiments but Dottore isn't allowed to do so much as study what effect that the transformation has on Childe afterward, and he hates it
But he can't lose his funding from the Tsaritsa so he stays quiet and angrily compiles whatever information he can
Anyway, Dottore and Scaramouche:
Overall neutral actually?
Like they don't see each other much, with Dottore usually knee and elbow deep in some messed up science stuff, and Scara's work taking him out and about a lot of the time
They bicker and stuff, but overall?? They kinda just avoid talking to each other?
Sometimes, rarely, they do get put on a mission with each other, but when they happens they usually get along pretty well!
They actually have a good time snooping around places, what with Dottore's practically uncontrollable curiosity being easily triggered if there's... oh idk, dragon bones, or old machines, or abyss-related ruins, or anything in the typical Vindagyeran Architecture Style, and Scaramouche just likes to snoop and sneak around for fun, for funsies
There's been a few times when the both of them have bonded over chaotically messing something up (didn't impact them, but sure did impact whoever was living in those houses) and laughed over it, grabbed some drinks, and just hung out
They're sorta like buddies who don't see each other much so they're overall estranged but still have a good time, yk?
Scaramouche has hung out in Dottore's labs before, doesn't particularly enjoy them, what with all the machinery and people crying and whatever, thinks it's boring, but if he has to hang out there he'll find his way to Dottore's office and read his files
This gets on Dottore's nerves, but he knows a little better than to cross the minor god that is Scaramouche
And he would very much like to study Scaramouche, considering, yk, divinity abandoned by the divine?
What an odd predicament!!
What effects would that have!!
How does he still have any power!!!
The questions Dottore could have are endless!!
But Scaramouche is away enough to be sure that Dottore's interest is solidly in other things (mainly Abyssal, and Dragons, because there's always some Fatui around the dragon skeletons (Durin and Orobashi) and I have a feeling it's Dottore's doing)
And that's it so far I think? They'll probably change as more Harbingers/info on the ones we have already come out and such but that's what I have rn!! Just Dottore being a funny feral little angry science man with at least three sensible braincells, and yk what I love him for it :)
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ncghtshifts · 3 years
starts wildly tap dancing w excitement HLO EVERYONE!!!!!! wow i am barbarically excited to rp with u all, below is a wee bit abt my first bebe rosa....... my sun my moon my stars......... give this a like if u wld Love to Plot!!
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◜     *     :     maya     hawke     .     ciswoman     &     she/her     .     everywhere     by     fleetwood     mac     .     ━━     the     legend     surrounding     london’s     l’academiae     furorum     would     not     be     complete     without     ROSALIND     SAMUELS     .     the     academy's     TWENTY     -     FOUR     year     old     ASSISTANT     STAGE     MANAGER     has     been     with     furore     for     TWO     YEARS     ,     oft     described     as     OBDURATE     ,     MAGNILOQUENT     ,     COGNIZANT     ,     AUSTERE     &     has     proved     utterly     indispensable     to     the     company.     in     passing     ,     they’ve     come     to     be     associated     with     ORGANIC     WATERMELON     AND     MINT     SHAMPOO     ,     FRESH     LAUNDRY     THAT     DOESN'T     QUITE     COVER     THE     SMELL     OF     THE     SIX     COFFEES     YOU     DRANK     TODAY     &     scoffing     in     a     man's     face     -     how     dare     he     speak     to     you     ?     toughest     crybaby     on     the     block     ,     with     perfection     on     the     brain     .     hands     shaking     from     caffeine     and     lips     pursed     with     determination     ,     constantly     donning     a     turtleneck     and     jeans     ,     even     under     the     heat     of     the     summer     sun     .     still     finding     out     who     you     are     all     these     years     later     -     mirrors     still     intimidate     you     .     whether     this     will     be     their     final     curtain     call     is     anyone's     guess     &     the     company’s     worst     nightmare    .
rosa is the daughter of a pastor in new york so…………… Fun Times was had throughout her childhood!
she’s also the younger sibling of twins who were super close growing up so she always felt like a bit of an outsider……… but they loved her n she loves them even tho they’re . super weird about it
she was always a bit of a . Harsh child…….. fr no reason rly she jst didnt kno how to interact with kids but there was one (1) kid named sylvie who was rosa’s closest friend for a bit and she grew so attached they did??? everything together like they had sleepovers every night they were Obsessed
CANCER TW - rosa hadn’t made friends other than sylvie so when she had to leave school bc she was diagnosed with leukemia it was fkin devastating fr rosa she didnt kno how to exist without sylvie
DEATH/GRIEF TW - lo n behold sylvie unfortunately passed away……… n it rly messed rosa up she was extremely selective w her friends fr most of her childhood (n still is frankly) - CANCER TW END
just when she was getting over it one of the twins?? passed away and the whole family was in shambles once again and rosa for a while was really messed up over it she stayed home for a semester before going away to uni bc it reminded her of losing sylvie again n she didnt kno how to function
she eventually sort of?? forced herself to get over it in a way where like . she’s almost trying to pretend like it never happened?? just refuses to talk abt it rly :/ - DEATH/GRIEF TW END
SUPER keeps to herself rly, she has a decent amount of friends bt nothing crazy n frankly has no desire to meet anyone new or talk to anyone new, jst has trust issues n doesnt wanna lose anyone else
decided to go Global fr her schooling and found herself in england, where an opportunity arose fr her to become an assistant stage manager n the rest is history!!!!
avoids sexual advances if she can/exploring her sensuality fr the most part………. still a wee virgin (not tht i believe in the concept of virginity bt rosa does #catholicupbringing)
can b kinda temperamental n will blow up in someones face
strictly wears long sleeves and pants (mostly overalls) its rare shes in short sleeves and/or shorts even in hot weather
u will RARELY ever catch her in a skirt/dress its jst not her thing
a total tomboy she grew up doing 1000 sports
very dry humour…………
is tough as nails yet simultaneously? cries at anything and everything. #girlboss
hates men and she’s right for it.
someone she has a crush on bt refuses to face it so she bullies them bc of it
someone who has a crush on her?? bc tht wld b cute considering she wld b oblivious
a few friends who managed to weasel their way into her life
or ppl she’s rubbed the wrong way/enemies tbh
frankly???? anything this isnt much to go off of bt i am also beyond down. to go by vibes smiles at u all
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cvastals · 3 years
hiiiiiiiiii im . temporarily swapping mercy out fr Mon Bebe rosa..... oh i love her so. abt her below giggles (impish) n waddles off to post w a strut in my step.
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* maya hawke, cis female + she/her  | you know rosalind samuels, right? they’re twenty-two, and they’ve lived in irving for, like, one year? well, their spotify wrapped says they listened to your type by alvvays like, a million times this year, which makes sense ‘cause they’ve got that whole wearing long sleeved shirts even in the middle of summer, rolling your eyes as a defence mechanism, crying at nothing at all thing going on. i just checked and their birthday is august 8, so they’re a leo, which is unsurprising, all things considered.
rosa is the daughter of a pastor in new york so…………… Fun Times was had throughout her childhood!
she’s also the younger sibling of twins who were super close growing up so she always felt like a bit of an outsider……… but they loved her n she loves them even tho they’re . super weird about it
she was always a bit of a . Harsh child…….. fr no reason rly she jst didnt kno how to interact with kids but there was one (1) kid named sylvie who was rosa’s closest friend for a bit and she grew so attached they did??? everything together like they had sleepovers every night they were Obsessed
CANCER TW - rosa hadn’t made friends other than sylvie so when she had to leave school bc she was diagnosed with leukemia it was fkin devastating fr rosa she didnt kno how to exist without sylvie
DEATH/GRIEF TW - lo n behold sylvie unfortunately passed away……… n it rly messed rosa up she was extremely selective w her friends fr most of her childhood (n still is frankly) - CANCER TW
just when she was getting over it one of the twins?? passed away and the whole family was in shambles once again and rosa for a while was really messed up over it she stayed home for a semester before going away to uni bc it reminded her of losing sylvie again n she didnt kno how to function
she eventually sort of?? forced herself to get over it in a way where like . she’s almost trying to pretend like it never happened?? just refuses to talk abt it rly :/ - DEATH/GRIEF TW END
SUPER keeps to herself rly, she has a decent amount of friends bt nothing crazy n frankly has no desire to meet anyone new or talk to anyone new, jst has trust issues n doesnt wanna lose anyone else
moved down the coast to pennsylvania for uni where she majored in gender studies, then got a scholarship to do her masters in north carolina n fell in love w the town :D now she TA’s for the university in irving
avoids sexual advances if she can/exploring her sensuality fr the most part.......... basically jst as selective with who she hooks up w as she is w her friends
can b kinda temperamental n will blow up in someones face
strictly wears long sleeves and pants (mostly overalls) its rare shes in short sleeves and/or shorts even in hot weather
u will RARELY ever catch her in a skirt/dress its jst not her thing
a total tomboy shes on the soccer, tennis, n baseball team
very dry humour…………
is tough as nails yet simultaneously? cries at anything and everything. #girlboss
hates men and she’s right for it.
someone she has a crush on bt refuses to face it so she bullies them bc of it
someone who has a crush on her?? bc tht wld b cute considering she wld b oblivious
hook ups?? i cld see her doing mostly one night stands bt i’d like to see maybe one (1) person she’s particularly fond of n they’re mayb fwb’s now??
a few friends who managed to weasel their way into her life
or ppl she’s rubbed the wrong way/enemies tbh
frankly???? anything
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zepdeans · 4 years
decided to lump my gamblenatural and carvernatural reviews into one so enjoy
s6: 7.5/10 fave episodes: 6x04 weekend at bobby’s - 6x15 the french mistake - 6x18 frontierland - 6x20 the man who would be king - 6x22 the man who knew too much
s7: 8/10 fave episodes: 7x01 meet the new boss - 7x10 death’s door - 7x17 the born again identity - 7x20 the girl with the dungeons and dragons tattoo - 7x23 survival of the fittest
final notes: everyone rags on gamble but ngl these seasons were a lot better than I remembered/expected them to be. s6 is a bit directionless at first and damn if the lisa plotline isn’t boring as hell but cas’s plotline? amazing. it really amps up by the end and imo this is the first season dean and cas start to shift from textual/subtextual friendship to ummmmmm <3 you know. but rufus’s death was STUPID. s7 was solid and I liked going back to monsters but no real standout episodes, I didn’t like bobby’s ghost arc, and not enough cas :( overall- gamble is a strong writer, I also can’t tell if she hates or loves castiel. she came up with some cool plotlines (purgatory, prophets, tablets) even if the seasons lulled at times. gatekeep girlboss gamble!
s8: 8.5/10 fave episodes: 8x02 what’s up tiger mommy - 8x07 a little slice of kevin - 8x17 goodbye stranger - 8x21 the great escapist - 8x23 sacrifice
s9: 4/10 fave episodes: 9x06 heaven can’t wait - 9x10 road trip - 9x11 first born - 9x22 stairway to heaven - 9x23 do you believe in miracles
s10: 8.5/10 fave episodes: 10x14 the executioner’s song - 10x17 inside man - 10x18 book of the damned - 10x19 the werther project - 10x22 the prisoner
s11: 7.5/10 fave episodes: 11x04 baby - 11x14 the vessel - 11x16 safe house - 11x17 red meat - 11x18 hell’s angel
final notes: jeremy carver you confuse me. how does the man who came up with s8 and s10 also throw s9 to me and expect me to digest that mess. purgatory!!! underutilized. sam should’ve finished the trials. kevin and charlie’s deaths were dumb as hell, but new characters! claire, rowena, eileen, billie. the amara storyline had potential but weak execution. don’t know how to feel about the chuck stuff. casifer on the other hand? excellent. overall- tons of strong episodes, and by this era of spn there’s a noticeable difference in episode quality between writers. s9 is also the first season that most filler eps start becoming insanely cringey garbage. really wish sam got cooler arcs too :( and I FUCKING HATE THE LIGHTING!
s3 > s1 > s4 > s2 > s10 > s5 > s8 > s7 > s11 > s6 > s9
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njawaidofficial · 7 years
Netflix's Canceled Shows: The Definitive Guide
Netflix's Canceled Shows: The Definitive Guide
Ever since Netflix started debuting original series in 2012, the streaming giant has been adding shows at an increasingly rapid rate. The platform has also been renewing the vast majority of them — until now, that is.
The streamer is finally starting to look a bit more like a traditional TV network by implementing a model that keeps the most successful shows and does away with some of the the less fortunate contenders. Within the span of a month, the streamer pulled the plug on Baz Luhrmann’s pricey hip-hop drama The Get Down, The Wachowski’s globe-spanning sci-fi series Sense8 and Nasty Gal founder Sophia Amoruso’s semi-biographical comedy Girlboss.
Surprising many in the industry, the cancelations came amid remarks made by Netflix CEO Reed Hastings in a CNBC interview at the Code Conference in Rancho Palos Verdes, Calif. speaking about the company’s track record. “Our hit ratio is way too high right now,” he said. “I’m always pushing the content team, ‘We have to take more risk, you have to try more crazy things,’ because we should have a higher cancel rate overall.”
A month later at the Produced By conference held on the Fox lot in June, the company’s chief content officer Ted Sarandos also addressed the topic. “Relative to what you spent, are people watching it?” he said in a conversation with Jerry Seinfeld, whose show Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee is moving from Crackle to Netflix next season. “A big, expensive show for a huge audience is great. A big, expensive show for a tiny audience is hard, even in our model, to make that work very long.”
Below, The Hollywood Reporter looks at the small handful of Netflix shows that have received the ax and examines why they didn’t make the cut.
Hemlock Grove
Hemlock Grove may not have been Netflix’s first original series, but it was the first to be canceled. In 2014, the company announced that it had renewed Eli Roth’s supernatural drama for a third and final season. The final 10 episodes of the series, which is based on a Brian McGreevy novel of the same name, premiered in 2015. “We are so grateful to the fans of Hemlock Grove who have championed the series so intensely over two seasons. We are looking forward to taking the last and final season into some dark and unexpected places, and to giving viewers the killer finale you’d come to expect from Hemlock Grove,” Roth said in a statement when the cancelation news broke. Mere months before Hemlock Grove‘s cancelation, Netflix’s original content vice president Cindy Holland broached the topic in a rare interview with THR. “They can’t all last forever!” she said when asked about the company’s cancelation strategy, adding, “If the creative team decides they don’t want to go on, that’s one factor. And if the investment required outweighs the subscribers and the viewing hours we predict for the series, that would be another.”
The Norwegian drama marked Netflix’s first foray into original programming when it debuted in 2012. But after three seasons following the exploits of former gangster Frank “The Fixer” Tagliano (Steven Van Zandt) as he makes a new life under Norway’s federal witness protection program, the streamer opted not to move forward with the series. The decision was brought on by entangled ownership rights and escalating costs. “It’s become a very economically challenged deal because there’s a partnership with the Norwegian broadcaster,” Sarandos told THR at the time. “It was very difficult to maintain the level of global exclusivity and control that we hope to with our shows with that show.” Star Van Zandt, for his part, noted his frustration with the show’s cancelation on twitter, writing, “#Lilyhammer RIP. Not my decision. Let’s just say for now the business got too complicated.”
The Killing
A year after Netflix announced it would revive Fox’s cult comedy Arrested Development (which, by the way, is set to return for a fifth season on the platform in 2018), the streamer revealed it was doing the same with AMC’s mystery thriller The Killing. Based on a popular Danish TV series, Veena Sud’s drama starring Mireille Enos and Joel Kinnaman was canceled not once but twice by the cable network before Netflix picked it up for a six-episode fourth season. “The rich, serialized storytelling in The Killing thrives on Netflix. We are looking forward to offering fans — both existing and new — a series that we know is perfectly suited for on-demand viewing,” said Holland at the time. The short run served as the wrap-up for The Killing as Netflix did not order any additional seasons of the drama.
Marco Polo
Though it’s hard to know for certain without any reliable viewer metrics, Netflix’s big-swing historical drama appeared to be a massive misstep for the digital service. With a reported $90 million budget for the first 10-episodes alone, sources told THR at the time of the show’s cancelation in December 2016 that the two seasons Netflix ordered of Marco Polo marked a $200 million loss for the streaming giant. The Weinstein Co. series starring Lorenzo Richelmy debuted to little buzz and dismal reviews, with THR‘s own chief TV critic Tim Goodman describing it “a middling mess, complete with random accents, slow story and kung fu.” However, Sarandos claimed in a THR roundtable discussion with other TV executives months prior that Marco Polo was a global success for the company. “Marco Polo is one of those shows for us [where viewership doesn’t matter to international audiences],” he said. “It’s hugely popular all throughout Asia and Europe. There’s a lot of focus on if your neighbors might be watching it, and it’s really irrelevant because it’s doing what it’s supposed to do.” Its cancelation following a quietly launched second season made it the first Netflix original scripted series to not make it to three seasons.
A&E raised eyebrows when it decided to cancel the Western drama after just three seasons. It was, after all, the cable network’s most-watched original scripted series — however, contemporary crime thriller’s fan base skewed old and was doing little to boost the coveted, advertiser-friendly 18-49 demo that the channel needed it to for revenue purposes. But since advertising is a foreign concept to Netflix given its subscription-based model, the streaming giant quickly swooped in to save the show in an effort to lure a new (and older) crowd to its service. “When Warner Horizon Television came to us with the idea for a new season of Longmire, we were intrigued because the series is so unique, and consistently great,” Holland said of the pickup. “We are thrilled to help continue Walt Longmire’s story for his large and passionate following.” Netflix announced in November that the drama would conclude with its sixth and final season later this year after three additional seasons on the streamer.
Despite series creators and executive producers Todd A. Kessler, Daniel Zelman and Glenn Kessler being open about having a five- or six-season plan for the family drama starring Kyle Chandler, Bloodline came to an end earlier this year after only three seasons. In an in-depth story on the inner workings of the streaming giant, THR exclusively revealed that Netflix had notified producers at Sony Pictures Television sometime after the show’s July 2016 renewal that the third season of the series would be its final outing on the platform. The streamer also cut the episode order from 13 episodes to 10 and slashed licensing fees on the show, though both parties deny any tension between them. Even prior to the renewal, a third season of Bloodline had been uncertain due to the demise of Florida’s entertainment tax incentives program, which made the Keys-set drama more costly to produce. “There were ideas that we thought we might do in a third season leading into a fourth season and beyond,” Kessler told THR at the time. “But it’s storytelling, so working with amazing actors and great collaborators and directors, we had to figure out how to shake it out and say, ‘OK, here are all of the moments that we want to hit’ and give each character as great a story as possible that will hopefully create emotional resonance and be entertaining.”
The Get Down
Ever since the project was first announced in February 2015, the musical drama from acclaimed film director Baz Luhrmann was plagued with rumors of a chaotic behind-the-scenes process. On top of multiple production delays, the series faced financial problems. With a reported overall budget of $120 million, The Get Down was quite possibly the most expensive television series, though Luhrmann refuted the claim when pressed on the matter by THR. “I heard The Crown was the most expensive show ever made,” he said at the time, pointing to another Netflix series. Still, Lurhmann’s ambitious vision wasn’t enough to keep the show alive. The streamer waited until the second half of the first season debuted on the platform — both parts received middling reviews — to make the final call. In a lengthy letter to fans posted on his Facebook page, Luhrmann suggested that the fact that he was unable to continue on the series full-time moving forward was the reason for the cancelation. “When I was asked to come to the center of The Get Down to help realize it, I had to defer a film directing commitment for at least two years. This exclusivity has understandably become a sticking point for Netflix and Sony, who have been tremendous partners and supporters of the show. It kills me that I can’t split myself into two and make myself available to both productions,” he wrote, adding, “But the simple truth is, I make movies.”
A week after Netflix canceled The Get Down, the streaming platform pulled the plug on the sci-fi drama from Lana and Lilly Wachowski and J. Michael Straczynski. “After 23 episodes, 16 cities and 13 countries, the story of the Sense8 cluster is coming to an end,” Holland said of the drama, which centered on eight strangers around the globe who find themselves interconnected. “It is everything we and the fans dreamed it would be: bold, emotional, stunning, kickass and outright unforgettable.” But following outcry from fans that included a petition to bring back the series, Netflix announced that Sense8 would return with a two-hour finale episode next year. “After seeing that the cancelation was a total cluster, we decided to give Sense8 fans the ending they totally deserve,” said a Netflix spokesperson. Co-creator Lana Wachowski unveiled the news in a emotional letter in which she admitted to falling into a “fairly serious” depression after the show was abruptly axed. “The outpouring of love and grief that came in the wake of the news that Sense8 would not be continuing was so intense that I often found myself unable to open my own email,” she wrote. “While it is often true that these decisions are irreversible, it is not always true.”
Girlboss didn’t last long after debuting to dismal reviews. Netflix quickly opted to not move forward with a second season of the Britt Robertson-led comedy that’s loosely based on Nasty Gal founder Sophia Amoruso’s life. The 13-episode series — which followed a rebellious anarchist who turns herself into a business woman by up-selling vintage clothes online — was written and executive produced by Pitch Perfect’s Kay Cannon and counted Charlize Theron among its executive producers. Amoruso shared the news herself in a rather candid Instagram post. “So that Netflix series about my life got canceled,” she wrote. “While I’m proud of the work we did, I’m looking forward to controlling my narrative from here on out. It was a good show, and I was privileged to work with incredible talent, but living my life as a caricature was hard even if only for two months. Yes, I can be difficult. No, I’m not a dick. No, someone named Shane never cheated on me. It will be nice to someday tell the story of what’s happened in the last few years. People read the headline, not the correction, I’ve learned.” Since Will Arnett’s sadcom Flaked somehow managed to score a second season despite being critically panned, Girlboss marks the first comedy to get cut by the platform.
#Canceled #Definitive #Guide #Netflixs #Shows
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njawaidofficial · 7 years
Netflix's Canceled Shows: The Definitive Guide
Netflix's Canceled Shows: The Definitive Guide
Ever since Netflix debuted starting debuting original series in 2012, the streaming giant has been adding shows at an increasingly rapid rate. The platform has also been renewing the vast majority of them — until now, that is.
The streamer is finally starting to look a bit more like a traditional TV network by iimplementing a model that keeps the most successful shows and does away with some of the the less fortunate contenders. Within the span of a month, the streamer pulled the plug on Baz Luhrmann’s pricey hip-hop drama The Get Down, The Wachoski’s globe-spanning sci-fi series Sense8 and Nasty Gal founder Sophia Amoroso’s semi-biographical comedy Girlboss.
Surprising many in the industry, the cancellations came amid remarks made by Netflix CEO Reed Hastings in a CNBC interview at the Code Conference in Rancho Palos Verdes, Calif. speaking about the company’s track record. “Our hit ratio is way too high right now,” he said. “I’m always pushing the content team, ‘We have to take more risk, you have to try more crazy things,’ because we should have a higher cancel rate overall.”
A month later at the Produced By conference held on the Fox lot in June, the company’s chief content officer Ted Sarandos also addressed the topic. “Relative to what you spent, are people watching it?” he said in a conversation with Jerry Seinfeld, whose show Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee is moving from Crackle to Netflix next season. “A big, expensive show for a huge audience is great. A big, expensive show for a tiny audience is hard, even in our model, to make that work very long.”
Below, The Hollywood Reporter looks at the small handful Netflix shows that have received the ax and examines why they didn’t make the cut.
Hemlock Grove
Hemlock Grove may not have been Netflix’s first original series but it was the first to be canceled. In 2014, the company announced that it had renewed Eli Roth’s supernatural drama for a third and final season. The final 10 episodes of the series, which is based on a Brian McGreevy novel of the same name, premiered in 2015. “We are so grateful to the fans of Hemlock Grove who have championed the series so intensely over two seasons. We are looking forward to taking the last and final season into some dark and unexpected places, and to giving viewers the killer finale you’d come to expect from Hemlock Grove,” Roth said in a statement when the cancellation news broke. Mere months before Hemlock Grove‘s cancellation, Netflix’s original content vice president Cindy Holland broached the topic in a rare interview with THR. “They can’t all last forever!” she said when asked about the company’s cancellation strategy, adding, “If the creative team decides they don’t want to go on, that’s one factor. And if the investment required outweighs the subscribers and the viewing hours we predict for the series, that would be another.”
The Norwegian drama marked Netflix’s first foray into original programming when it debuted in 2012. But after three seasons following the exploits of former gangster Frank “The Fixer” Tagliano (Steven Van Zandt) as he makes a new life under Norway’s federal witness protection program, the streamer opted not to move forward with the series. The decision was brought on by entangled ownership rights and escalating costs. “It’s become a very economically challenged deal because there’s a partnership with the Norwegian broadcaster,” Sarandos told THR at the time. “It was very difficult to maintain the level of global exclusivity and control that we hope to with our shows with that show.” Star Van Zandt, for his part, noted his frustration with the show’s cancellation on twitter, writing, “#Lilyhammer RIP. Not my decision. Let’s just say for now the business got too complicated.”
The Killing
A year after Netflix announced it would revive Fox’s cult comedy Arrested Development (which, by the way, is set to return for a fifth season on the platform in 2018), the streamer revealed it was doing the same with AMC’s mystery thriller The Killing. Based on a popular Danish TV series, Veena Sud’s drama starring Mireille Enos and Joel Kinnaman was canceled not once but twice by the cable network before Netflix picked it up for a 6-episode fourth season. “The rich, serialized storytelling in The Killing thrives on Netflix. We are looking forward to offering fans — both existing and new — a series that we know is perfectly suited for on-demand viewing,” said Holland at the time. The short run served as the wrap-up for The Killing as Netflix did not order any additional seasons of the drama.
Marco Polo
Though it’s hard to know for certain without any reliable viewer metrics, Netflix’s big-swing historical drama appeared to be a massive misstep for the digital service. With a reported $90 million budget for the first 10-episodes alone, sources told THR at the time of the show’s cancellation in December 2016 that the two seasons Netflix ordered of Marco Polo marked a $200 million loss for the streaming giant. The Weinstein Co. series starring Lorenzo Richelmy debuted to little buzz and dismal reviews, with THR’s own chief TV critic Tim Goodman describing it “a middling mess, complete with random accents, slow story and kung fu.” However, Sarandos claimed in a THR roundtable discussion with other TV executives months prior that Marco Polo was a global success for the company. “Marco Polo is one of those shows for us [where viewership doesn’t matter to international audiences],” he said. “It’s hugely popular all throughout Asia and Europe. There’s a lot of focus on if your neighbors might be watching it, and it’s really irrelevant because it’s doing what it’s supposed to do.” Its cancellation following a quietly-launched second season made it the first Netflix original scripted series to not make it to three seasons.
A&E raised eyebrows when it decided to cancel the Western drama after just three seasons. It was, after all, the cable network’s most-watched original scripted series — however, contemporary crime thriller’s fan base skewed old and was doing little to boost the coveted, advertiser-friendly 18-49 demo that the channel needed it to for revenue purposes. But since advertising is a foreign concept to Netflix given its subscription-based model, the streaming giant quickly swooped in to save the show in an effort to lure a new (and older) crowd to its service. “When Warner Horizon Television came to us with the idea for a new season of Longmire, we were intrigued because the series is so unique, and consistently great,” said Holland of the pickup. “We are thrilled to help continue Walt Longmire’s story for his large and passionate following.” Netflix announced in November that the drama would conclude with its six and final season later this year after three additional seasons on the streamer.
Despite series creators and executive producers Todd A. Kessler, Daniel Zelman and Glenn Kessler being open about having a five- or six-season plan for the family drama starring Kyle Chandler, Bloodline came to an end earlier this year after only three seasons. In an in-depth story on the inner workings of the streaming giant, THR exclusively revealed that Netflix had notified producers at Sony Pictures Television sometime after the show’s July 2016 renewal that the third season of the series would be its final outing on the platform. The streamer also cut the episode order from 13 episodes to 10 and slashed licensing fees on the show, though both parties deny any tension between them. Even prior to the renewal, a third season of Bloodline had been uncertain due to the demise of Florida’s entertainment tax incentives program, which made the Keys-set drama more costly to produce. “There were ideas that we thought we might do in a third season leading into a fourth season and beyond,” Kessler told THR at the time. “But it’s storytelling, so working with amazing actors and great collaborators and directors, we had to figure out how to shake it out and say, ‘OK, here are all of the moments that we want to hit’ and give each character as great a story as possible that will hopefully create emotional resonance and be entertaining.”
The Get Down
Ever since the project was first announced in February 2015, the musical drama from acclaimed film director Baz Luhrmann was plagued with rumors of a chaotic behind-the-scenes process. On top of multiple production delays, the series faced financial problems. With a reported overall budget of $120 million, The Get Down was quite possibly the most expensive television series, though Luhrmann refuted the claim when pressed on the matter by THR. “I heard The Crown was the most expensive show ever made,” he said at the time, pointing to another Netflix series. Still, Lurhmann’s ambitious vision wasn’t enough to keep the show alive. The streamer waited until the second half of the first season debuted on the platform — both parts received middling reviews — to make the final call. In a lengthy letter to fans posted on his Facebook page, Luhrmann suggested that the fact that he was unable to continue on the series full-time moving forward was the reason for the cancellation. “When I was asked to come to the center of The Get Down to help realize it, I had to defer a film directing commitment for at least two years. This exclusivity has understandably become a sticking point for Netflix and Sony, who have been tremendous partners and supporters of the show. It kills me that I can’t split myself into two and make myself available to both productions,” he wrote, adding, “But the simple truth is, I make movies.”
A week after Netflix canceled The Get Down, the streaming platform pulled the plug on the sci-fi drama from Lana and Lilly Wachowski and J. Michael Straczynski. “After 23 episodes, 16 cities and 13 countries, the story of the Sense8 cluster is coming to an end,” Holland said of the drama, which centered on eight strangers around the globe who find themselves interconnected. “It is everything we and the fans dreamed it would be: bold, emotional, stunning, kickass and outright unforgettable.” But following outcry from fans that included a petition to bring back the series, Netflix announced that Sense8 would return with a two-hour finale episode next year. “After seeing that the cancellation was a total cluster, we decided to give Sense8 fans the ending they totally deserve,” said a Netflix spokesperson. Co-creator Lana Wachowski unveiled the news in a emotional letter in which she admitted to falling into a “fairly serious” depression after the show was abruptly axed. “The outpouring of love and grief that came in the wake of the news that Sense8 would not be continuing was so intense that I often found myself unable to open my own email,” she wrote. “While it is often true that these decisions are irreversible, it is not always true.”
Girlboss didn’t last long after debuting to dismal reviews. Netflix quickly opted to not move forward with a second season of the Britt Robertson-led comedy that’s loosely based on Nasty Gal founder Sophia Amoruso’s life. The 13-episode series — which followed a rebellious anarchist who turns herself into a business woman by up-selling vintage clothes online — was written and executive produced by Pitch Perfect’s Kay Cannon and counted Charlize Theron among its executive producers. Amoruso shared the news herself in a rather candid Instagram post. “So that Netflix series about my life got canceled,” she wrote. “While I’m proud of the work we did, I’m looking forward to controlling my narrative from here on out. It was a good show, and I was privileged to work with incredible talent, but living my life as a caricature was hard even if only for two months. Yes, I can be difficult. No, I’m not a dick. No, someone named Shane never cheated on me. It will be nice to someday tell the story of what’s happened in the last few years. People read the headline, not the correction, I’ve learned.” Since Will Arnett’s sadcom Flaked somehow managed to score a second season despite being critically-panned, Girlboss marks the first comedy to get cut by the platform.
#Canceled #Definitive #Guide #Netflixs #Shows
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