#the other day I was at my bud's house who had top surgery years ago and he took off his shirt bc he had to hose down his dog
bonyassfish · 3 months
why are swim binders so expensive why can't I just leave my boobies at home when I go to the beach
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smwelchh · 4 years
Ok so I know I have posted a s2 prediction a while ago but now that we know there is s2 I’m going to post and update prediction/wants
Let’s start with the kooks (since I’m clearly in love with Drew Starkey)
It’s also color coded bc I’m an organizational freak and I like things in a nice neat order. It will probably also have typos and some words left out but y’all will get the gist.
The Kooks
Rafe Cameron (people want redemption, but I honestly don’t think that would be good for him this season. Maybe later down the road)
Still under the pressure of Ward obviously
Still has a cocaine addiction
Trys to be as cool as possible when it comes to the shooting Perterkin
More back story on his life
Obviously Rose is a step mom so maybe his real mom leaving play a part in why Rafe does what Rafe does
What motivates Rafe other than pleasing his father and drugs
Topper Thornton
I think Topper slowly get redemption
I mean he saved John B in the bell tower that has to be a start right
I think he still simps over Sarah
I also think he trys to tell Kelce the truth about Rafe
Slowly starts a friendship with the Pouges
I think Topper and Rafe will still be friends but Top will be more reserved around him now
Kelce (idk his last name in the show)
That’s all
No but seriously I want more of Kelce trying to figure out if he can trust Topper or Rafe
I also want to see Kelce and Pope form a friendship
Yeah just give me more Deion he’s a great actor who needs more credit
Ward Cameron
Go to hell
We don’t like you
But in actuality I think Ward gets what he deserves hopefully
Hopefully he gets charged with murder of Big John and of Scooter
We tend to forget about that Ward sent Scooter into the storm that killed him
And he should be charged with the murder of the mainlanders bc that was obviously Ward
Yeah jail time for boss man would be great
But he’s the biggest, richest kook on the island so I low key feel like he gets away with it
Rose Cameron
Honestly she is annoying to me
But I think she gets better
Obviously she is going to back her rich husband’s story about what happened
She still hates Rafe
Kinda trys to help find Sarah or something
Still doesn’t really care about Wheezie
That’s about it
Wheezie Cameron
Questions her whole life
Doesn’t know if she should believe Rafe and her father or Sarah
Gets super emotional when she finds out about Sarah being lost at sea
Low key over hears Ward and Rafe going over their story and tells all of the outer banks
Or maybe she hears them but doesn’t believe it idk Jonas work your magic
The Pouges
John B
Struggles to get the gold
Has to go on another treasure hunt
Bc lets face it Ward hid that shit
Deals with his emotions on his father being gone
Deals with how Sarah really feels
Finally calls the rest of the Pouges
His uncle comes back from Mississippi and find out he’s lost at sea and “murdered Peterkin”
I think I would also like to see his mom come back not sure through
Once he gets the gold back he would obviously have to figure out a way to get it back to the OBX.
When he gets back to the OBX he’s obviously going to split with the others but I also think he is going to work on being a better friend
And yeah that’s all I have for now
JJ Maybank
Let me start this by saying he should have been on the boat not Sarah, but that another story
I don’t want to think about this but he has to tell is dad what happened with the Phantom
His dad probably most likely will beat his ass
I think that he will permanently live at the Chataue or with Pope
Maybe forms a bond with Topper and low key work together to figure out what really happened on the runway
I also kind of think JJ gets the HMS and trys to find Sarah and John B that’s just the type of friend he is
I also think he finally speaks up about his abusive father to his the others and has a worse break down than the hot tub scene
I feel like there will be A LOT of crying bc of his story in s2
Pope Heyward
Pope and Kie are like “dating” the 1st couple of episodes but then I feel like by episode 3 they call things off bc it’s too weird
I think Pope gets a redemption interview
Might not get the full scholarship but gets a good amount of it
I think he forms a bond with Kelce and they low key work together to find out the truth
Then JJ and Topper find out and all 4 of them work together idk friends yay who knows maybe not and we still get the adrenaline rush from all the fights
I think Pope kind of drifts from the Pouges in the beginning to work on college stuff but then by the middle is like screw this is my friend still alive or nah
Kiara Carrera
Ditches Pope real quick
Pulls the “no Pouge on Pouge” rule
I think she had a thing with Rafe during that year and maybe that’s the real reason her and Sarah weren’t friends for a while
I low key want her to give her share of the gold to JJ or Pope since she was born a kook and knows they need it more than her
Sarah Cameron (she gets both colors bc of obvious reasons)
I think she somehow knew everything that happened was going to happen. Like idk how to explain.
Like I feel Sarah knew Ward was going to buy the Crain the house and take the gold from John B and the Pouges, but idk why I feel that way
I think while I’m the Bahamas she comes to realize that her father is a bad man and in no way can she trust him at all
Obviously she has her own things to deal with and I think she does work through some struggles
I also think once her and John B have the gold back in the outer banks she drops that boy like a hot pocket
I know Chase said he thinks John B and Sarah are end game but I don’t think so sorry bud you and Madelyn yeah I can see end game but not John B and Sarah
And I think that’s bc she lets someone get close gets what she wants and drops them
Hopefully she won’t do him dirty
But all in all I kinda liked Sarah but I have a feeling my view of her is gonna change in s2
The story enhancers
I think homegirl is in the hospital in recovery
I think she had to have emergency surgery to remove the bullet and patch her up and all that
She arrests Ward for what she was originally doing
Arrests Rafe for attempted murder and drugs
Finds out that John B is in the Bahamas and contacts him to let him him know he’s been cleared (since she low key watched out for him) and she knows everything that happens in the OBX
Also she reminds me of one of the principals I work for at one of the local high schools in my city
I think he starts to look into the Ward theory of things under the radar
Obviously the whole island still thinks John B did everything
But I think Shoupe slowly starts to put the pieces together and find out that Ward really killed Big John and Rafe really short Peterkin
I think he also finds out that Peterkin is alive but doesn’t tell anyone
Like I think he starts secret files at his house or something and has a whole different investigation going on outside of the police station
Bc you know “murder was the case that they gave me”
He is probably one of my favorite characters
Thank you Nick for being awesome at what you do, I know I’m supposed to hate you but it’s hard to do that
I think he keeps the secret about Rafe and Peterkin to himself for a little bit
But 25k is a lot of money that JJ took and he wants that back
He’s definitely going to still sell drugs
He definitely still going to call Rafe “country club”
I think for a while he holds the Peterkin thing over Rafes head
All in all I hope Barry doesn’t change other than like minor things that happen with people
Luke Maybank
For one Gary Weeks stand up job my friend
We were supposed to hate your character and we do we all do so fantastic job for doing your job
Also please don’t beat up JJ for taking the Phantom I know you probably will but please take this I to consideration
I have a feeling we will be seeing more of you in s2
Bc you need drugs and you like to abuse your son
I don’t think Luke gets any kind of redemption like at all
I do think he trys to act like he cares when JJ goes off the grid for a while ( he’s either at the chataue or popes or kies)
Then ends up beating his ass
But I think JJ beats his ass in return and stand up to Luke
So that’s all I have for y’all umm I’m open to discussion if you want or if you have questions. Umm yeah so have a lovely night (it’s 12:19 where I am) or afternoon or day ❤️
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Survey #365
“i’m numb to the pleasure, but still feel the pain”
Are there palm trees where you live? No. Do you own any Hello Kitty stuff? If so, what? No. What’s your favorite flavor of ice pop? Blue raspberry. Do you like animal print? What’s your favorite print? Not really. I think animal "print" only really looks nice on, well, animals. Does your dad have any facial hair? Yes. What do you think of foot tattoos? They're not my favorite, but some look nice. I myself wanna get "11121" (a Silent Hill 4 reference) "carved" onto the top of my feet. Do you like bugs or do they scare you? Some do. I've gotten more into them though as my passion for tarantulas expanded to other inverts, like mantises. Ever seen the movie Chernobyl Diaries? If so, did you like it? If not, do you want to see it? I haven't, but I'd be willing to watch it. I find the whole Chernobyl incident to be extremely fascinating, so I'd probably like it. Did your senior class in high school have a class trip? Where did you go? Bitch I wish. :/ Do you have an instagram account? What’s your username? Yeah, two: brittanymphotography and eldritch_obscura. Do you like Gir from Invader Zim? I think he's cute. Do you or would you ever own a gun? Why or why not? No thanks. If I'm not mistaken, I can't legally obtain one anyway because of my suicidal history. I'm fine with having like, pepper spray and a bat handy by the bed, lol. If it was offered for free by a professional, would you get your hair dyed platinum blonde? For FREE? Fuck yeah I'd try it. What do you normally order at Dunkin Donuts? A chocolate frosted donut, and sometimes a plain/cake one. Do you watch football? Favorite teams? No. What about WWE? Favorite wrestler? That's an even bigger no. Funniest thing you’ve ever heard a teacher say? Okay so this is hard to actually explain and it be funny. I had this amazing, kinda charismatically awkward history teacher in high school, and when talking about some legal stuff I can't remember, she deadass quoted "Without Me" by Eminem ("if the FCC won't let me be...") like so casually and everyone fucking died, just from knowing her and her personality. It was just very unexpected. Do you wear a lot of makeup? What do you think of girls who do? No. Girls can wear however much makeup they please. Do you have a savings account? Are you good at saving money? No. I can't really answer the second question because of me never having a steady flow of money. Would you rather have a relationship or casual flings? Relationship, 100%. I would never have a casual fling. Do you know anyone that’s part Native American? Yes. Who was your favorite Spice Girl? I remember none of them. Have you ever tried to poison someone? Yikes, no. Have you ever saved anyone from a fire? No. Have you ever had a seizure? No. I've had sudden spasms, but never a full-on seizure. Have you ever had an out-of-body experience? No. Have you ever had a black eye? No. Have you ever had a tooth pulled? No. Have you ever had pneumonia? I have not. Have you ever had tubes put in your ears? Yes, as a baby. Have you ever been shot with an arrow or bullet? Thank god no. Have you ever had kidney stones? No. Have you even been bitten by an venomous animal? No. Have you ever thought about being in the military? Fuck no. I wouldn't qualify, anyway. Have you ever been sedated or put under anesthesia? Yeah. Have you ever used shrooms or any other hallucinogen? No. What upcoming event are you most looking forward to? I can barely believe my tat appointment is almost here lakjsd;ajwlej;rwe What was the last song you heard? I'm currently listening to Motionless In White's synthwave edit of "Voices" they just put out. I looooove it. What time did you wake up today? Maybe like, 5:20? Is there a vase in the room you’re in? No. Have you recently been insulted? Yes. Compared to someone else of your age and gender; do you feel that you have a lot to offer someone? N O P E How many days a week do you work? I'm unemployed. Is there ONE person you feel more connected to than others? Yes. What is your worst relationship quality? I obsess over the person probably leaving, so especially at the beginning, I'm paranoid and distrustful. I want to emphasize that I'm not the asshole that snoops through her partner's phone out of distrust, but still, the fear is just there. What was your most recent serious injury? A serious one? Man idk. I've had a lot or negligible and smaller ones, but a big one... *shrug* What were you most recently happy about? I was happy to see "synthwave" in this video title, haha. Are you a fan of cake? Oh yes. What is your favorite insect? Butterflies. Is your town beautiful? Ew, no. Do you prefer the city or the country? THE COUNTRY. Have you ever witnessed an eclipse? Lots of lunar eclipses. Do you wear lipstick often? No. You’re going on a date with someone you like. What would you like to do? Considering the pandemic, probably just like... grab fast food and sit and eat at a park. That'd be cute. You’re hanging out with your best friend. What would you like to do? It'd be nice to get back to Avatar: The Last Airbender while hanging out with Doris (her beardie that I adore), too. Have you ever written or considered writing a play? No. Who is considered the “black sheep” of your family? Why? Ha, me. To begin, I like all the "dark" stuff, I'm the unreligious one, the one with political beliefs unlike most of my family, I'm not doing what I should be... Why is your favorite movie your favorite movie? It's just a masterpiece. I love love love animals, African one especially, and I find it to be an amazing story of courage and dedication to family. Plus I shamelessly love all the songs, haha. What’s an odor you hate? GASOLINE. FUCK. What’s a sound you hate? Fingernails on a chalkboard. Or screech-y noises in general. If money was no issue, what would you like to do right now? I was initially gonna say go to Yellowstone, but fuck that hot weather this time of year. So, this brings us back to Venus' terrarium; I'd want to get a new one and better materials. What’s something you’re so good at that you take pride in your skill? I wouldn't say I'm "so good" at it, but I do take pride in my writing. What’s something you’d never ever dare to ask another person? Hm. Under ANY circumstance, I guess "are you pregnant?" There's almost like... no situation where I'd be comfortable asking somebody that. What’s the worst/best thing you’ve done without your parents knowing? We're not getting into that lmao. Do you know anyone who has a hearing deficit? No. What is one thing stopping you from becoming a veterinarian? I could never stand seeing so many hurt and dying animals and still be okay at the end of the day. Are there any opinions you used to have even a few years ago that you look back on and think, “I can’t believe I ever thought that way”? THERE ARE!!!!!!!!!!! A LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The last time you cried, what was wrong? I fell and skinned my knees when stepping over this barrier Mom made to keep the damn dog out of the hallway and thus my room to fuck with the cat and eat his food. I previously twisted my ankle, fell backwards, and had one other accident with it despite moving stuff, and I didn't cry from pain, just massive frustration. I want this dog GONE. Do you like multi-choice tests or tests you have to write out? Multiple choice. Who last called you ‘beautiful’? Couldn't tell ya, bud. Have you ever caught a firefly? Yeah, I did that lots as a kid. Do you own any camouflage? No. What’s the stinkiest pet you’ve ever had? Uhhh I dunno. Have you ever been on the news? For what? No. Have you ever seen one of your friends get arrested? No. Do you put sprinkles on anything? No, I hate sprinkles. How do you like your steak? Medium well. Long hair on guys: yes or no? Yaaaaaaaas. Is there a basement in your house? If so, what is it used for? No. When was the last time you started a new medication? It's been a while. What is your favourite type of nut? Cashews, I think. Where did you eat the best pizza you’ve ever eaten in your life? I'm so fuckin basic, like my genuine answer is Domino's lmaooo. Did you ever watch The Rugrats when you were a kid? Yeah, I loved that show. I even had the two video games; I was obsessed with the first one in particular. Do you know anyone who was adopted? Yes. Do your parents’ professions match their college degrees? No. Do you write shopping lists on paper or just remember it in your head? I don't do the shopping, so. But I would definitely need to write it down. Have you ever used a lawnmower? No. Have you ever consumed so much alcohol that you vomited? No. Can you tie balloons? No, actually. My hands are just too shaky. When was the last time you were at a pet store? A few weeks ago when we got rats for Venus. Ugh, it is SO overpriced; they come in a box of two, and as I feed her twice a month, it's honestly quite a bit of money. Like if I remember correctly, it's around $16. FOR TWO. SMALL. RATS. I've recommended we just buy them in bulk NOT from an overpriced chain pet store, but the problem with that is then we have *too* many, and the nutritional value of frozen rats apparently does degrade with time, so I don't want to feed my snake poor food. So it's just an annoying thing we have to do. Have you ever taken a pregnancy test? Not like, an at-home one. I've been tested before surgery, but that was just a safety protocol. Does your ex still think about you? "The" ex, probably not. Honestly, who is the last person to tell you that they love you? My mom. What is the last state you were in besides your own? Virginia. Would you go down to see the Titanic if given the chance? Man, that's kinda tempting. Maybe. It'd be super cool. Have you ever seen the Hollywood sign in real life? No. Did you ever see a scorpion in the wild? No, they don't live here. Do you type the proper way? Have you ever typed on a manual typewriter? Yes to both. What was your maternal grandmother’s first name? Cecelia. Name a word that people use locally that outsiders probably can’t pronounce. Conetoe. You said it wrong.
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shadowsof-thenight · 5 years
Flashlight: Chapter fifteen
Story summary: This is an AU Two years ago, the love of your life walked out the door, breaking your heart into a million pieces. He had been unable to deal with his ptsd and you hadn’t been able to help him.Now that your best friend is marrying his friend, he’s coming back to town and you try to brace yourself for the reunion. Will you finally get closure?
Ship: Bucky Barnes X Reader
Warnings: mentions of ptsd, descriptions of ptsd, angst, heartbreak, reader wants to help but doesn’t understand ptsd.
Words: 3282
A/N: As you have all been able to tell, I did not finish this story before my surgery. However, surgery went as well as could be expected and though recovdery is slow, I am getting better. It’s been almost two weeks and my ability to focus on anything for more than a few minutes is coming back finally. I hope you’ll enjoy this new chapter and I am sorry for the long wait. As always a massive thank you to @beanstalk007 for proofreading!
Feedback is greatly appreciated! And if you want to get tagged, let me know.
Masterlist                                              Story Masterlist
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Standing in front of your full length mirror, you re-applied your lipstick with a shaky hand. Nerves were rolling through you in waves as you took in your appearance. You hoped that the black, knee-length dress you had chosen for the evening would have the intended effect on the man that would arrive at your door in fifteen minutes. It was one of your favourites and you desperately wanted that confidence that it usually provided.
After a disastrous first date, you felt the pressure in making the second one a better experience. Still, you could not help but smile at the prospect of spending an evening with such a wonderful man.  
You’d spent the better part of the day trying to draw parallels between your date last week and your very first date ever with Bucky. It hadn’t been easy for they had been so vastly different from one another. The only similarity you had managed to find was that you had been extremely nervous for both. But where your date last week had a bit of a bitter aftertaste, the date you had at sixteen was nothing but wonderful.
Bucky had been on your mind and in your heart for months by the time he finally had asked you out. According to the always supportive Natasha, his feelings had been much the same, but neither one of you dared to take that first step. Luckily your friends loved to meddle, even if back then you weren’t always as appreciative of that little trait of theirs. Looking back, they stood at the very beginning of your relationship with Bucky thanks to that very trait and you could not be more grateful.
*** At age sixteen
The doorbell rang loudly throughout the house and you popped your lips, closing the lip gloss in your hands before practically running out of your room and down the stairs. Your parents were supposed to be out to dinner as well tonight and there was nobody to open the door. Keeping Bucky waiting was not on your to-do list tonight and there was no doubt in your mind that it was him ringing. And he was right on time for your very first date. Not just to each other, this was the first real date either one of you had ever had.
Your heart was already pounding as you bounded down the steps of the stairs, though the sound did not stop you from hearing voices drift up the stairs to you. Confused, you stalled when you were halfway down and it took you a moment to realise that your parents hadn’t in fact left yet and it was your father that had opened the door.
Worry twisted inside of you and you quickly started moving again, anxious to interrupt the conversation these two men could be having. Though worry was not the expression that was evident on Bucky’s face. See, your father was not the kind of man to threaten your date especially not Bucky, who he had known and liked since he was born. No, what you feared was that your father had been able to entertain his favourite activity; mercilessly embarrassing you. 
You ran up behind your father, smiling brightly at Bucky while simultaneously trying to push your father in the direction of the living room.
“Thanks dad,” you said, kissing his cheek and hoping he would take the hint. Looking back, you would realise that he had understood all too well. He had simply chosen to ignore your efforts.
“So, yeah, just act like a bumper if you can. Her latest bruises are only just beginning to fade,” your father continued easily, not missing a beat and his face held in a serious mask. He was having fun with this.
You felt a blush cover your cheeks as you realised that your father had informed your date of the tumble you had taken down the stairs just a few days ago. It’s not like Bucky didn’t know you were clumsy. Everyone knew. You were just a little worried that he would ask for the reason why such a thing even happened.
And you can't exactly tell him that when the phone had rung downstairs, you had rushed to pick it up because it would be Natasha. She had promised to carefully check with Bucky how he felt about you. She had been the driving force behind the step to move beyond friendship. And he was smart enough to connect the dots, that her quasi innocent questions had been for you. You didn’t want to risk that.
Unfortunately for you, you had missed a step and your mother had answered the phone instead, while your father had stood next you - doubled over in laughter. Eventually, he had offered you a hand and helped you get up, making sure that no real damage had been done to his daughter. And physically there hadn’t been, but the same could not be said for your ego. Not because you fell down the stairs, that kind of thing happens quite frequently, nor had it been due to your father's laughter, again a recurring occurrence. No, the embarrassing part had been that your parents had friends over and they had been witnesses to your mishap. And your less than graceful landing on the floor beneath the stairs, with your legs pointed to the ceiling. It was all less than glamorous and it definitely didn’t impress anyone.
As you remembered, the blush on your cheeks intensified and you stood stock still for a moment. Your father laughed again, grabbing your jacket and helping you put it on. He waved you off and Bucky took your hand in his as you began walking. Your embarrassment intensified when you noticed Bucky’s shoulders were shaking from restrained laughter. You smacked his arm and he cracked, laughing loudly.Infectious as his mirth was, you finally joined in and forgot about the unease you had felt.
Soon as the laughter faded, Bucky moved in to kiss your cheek and complimented your dress, telling you how excited he had been for tonight. You smiled, feeling your confidence growing with his words. Though you were compelled to tell him honestly about your worries. Despite the fact that you really liked him, a part of you was afraid that it would cost you a friend.
Cocky as he often was, Bucky couldn’t imagine that his good feeling for this budding relationship was wrong and he promised that if it ever did end, he would still be your friend. And he would be your friend forever. You decided to trust on that promise.
The dinner Bucky got you had been horrible, though neither one of you had really noticed, too happy to have been on a real date. Much like in the movies. You both felt so grown up that night. And the relationship that was growing between you felt very real.
By the time he was walking you home, a chill had set in the air and being the perfect gentleman, Bucky had placed his coat on your shoulders instead. He’d held you close as you walked, saying sweet little nothings in your ears. And when you arrived at the front porch of your home, Bucky didn’t hesitate when he bent down to place a sweet kiss on your lips.
It was your very first kiss and your mind was racing as his lips moved gently against yours. Despite his outwardly confidence and the determination with which he had taken charge, his hands shook slightly as he caressed your cheek. It may not have been his first kiss, but to you there was no way it could not have been the best. Because you could hardly phantom any kiss could be better than this one.
You still smiled as you thought of the childlike optimism the two of you had possessed back then. The confidence of youth and the unbridled way you viewed life back then were wonderful and you loved that you had both felt that. Life had gotten incredibly more complicated as the years went on, and Bucky’s confidence had taken the biggest hit.
Your date last week had proven that to you. When everything had gone wrong last week, he had not been able to provide a swift solution as he would have done when he was younger. It didn't matter, you were fine with taking over that role for now and hoped that he would see the return of that wonderful optimistic confidence.
*** Last week
This time, your father hadn’t been around to embarrass you. Instead you had done it all by yourself when you walked into the table that stood behind the front door. The loud bang ricocheted off the wall, followed by the grumbled curses had been heard by Bucky through the door and when you opened it, he was already laughing loudly. Some things never changed and you would probably never become graceful.
In his hands was a beautiful bouquet of your favourite flowers and you took it with a peck to his cheek, limping back into the apartment and to the kitchen. There, you instructed Bucky to grab you the white vase from the top-left cupboard and he did so without question. He even filled it with water, before handing it to you, giving you much needed time to rub your leg. The colourful flowers looked wonderful and you happily placed them on the dinner table, repeatedly thanking Bucky for them.
You then grabbed your coat and bag, taking the hand that Bucky held out to you and allowing him to lead you outside. The air was crisp for the time of year, though still quite comfortable as you walked down the street. With the restaurant only one block away, it was silly to take a car there.
When Bucky’s phone rang, you glanced at him in confusion, but he quickly informed you that it was the restaurant. You both continued to walk, while he spoke to the person on the other end of the line. As you rounded the corner and entered the street of the restaurant, you stopped upon seeing firetrucks along the road. It was soon obvious that you would not be having dinner at your favourite Italian restaurant.  
You looked up at Bucky’s face and noticed that it had fallen. You knew that he had picked this restaurant very deliberately and it seemed that he was at a loss for what to do now. You gently squeezed his hand, rubbing your thumb over it and pulling his attention back to you. He looked bewildered and offered no other options.
At your suggestion, the two of you made some calls to other restaurants, though you were disappointed to hear that all of them were fully booked. It wasn’t all too surprising however, it being a Friday night and all. What did surprise you was that Bucky began to fidget more and more, unable to think of solutions. In the past he was usually the first to come up with at least a few.
You took a deep breath and gently tugged at his hand, prompting him to start walking again. At an easy pace, you strolled through the streets until an idea popped up in your mind and you were eager to tell Bucky about it. The blankets on sale in front of a little shop just two blocks away from your apartment was what triggered the idea. Smiling brightly, you had gone in to buy it, before wordlessly pulling Bucky towards the local supermarket where you began collecting an assortment of cold foods.
When he finally caught on to your idea, he moved to grab a few things as well. At the check out, you noticed he had added some wonderful things to your basket that you had not considered. Not only had he some battery operated fairy lights and drinks, but he had thought to add strawberries and chocolate sauce for dessert and cups and cutlery. Romantic and practical, just like you remembered him to be.
You smiled at his additions, impulsively kissing his cheek again and creating a slight blush on his cheeks. He insisted on paying and then took control of the date again, pulling you in the direction of the nearest park. Bucky was very determined as he guided you to a small clearing in a calm part of the park, where he created a nice little corner for you to sit. With the lights, blanket and food stalled out it was a rather romantic sight and your heart felt light as you sat down with him.
After dinner, you worked together in cleaning everything up again and disposed of your litter in the nearest bin. When all was done, he took your hand in his again and guided you through the park again, holding you close as easy conversation flowed between you. All insecurities seemed long forgotten by both of you.
Eventually you stopped walking and overlooked the pond, taking in the beautiful sight of the newly renovated area that was illuminated by low lighting. It seemed very different from when you had been here with Natasha a few months back.
Bucky wrapped his arms around your waist, holding you close and you breathed in his scent. Enjoying the calm that hung in the air around you. The sun was finally setting at a more rapid pace and darkness was setting in, creating a more romantic atmosphere. In the setting darkness is was easier to ignore the other pedestrians in the park. It was almost like it was just the two of you now.
His chapped lips captured yours in a slow, confidant kiss and you slowly melted into him, your hands on his firm chest as you deepened the kiss by lightly dancing your tongue over his bottom lip. His mouth opened and the kiss became hungrier as his hands pressed you against him and yours moved into his hair. He sighed happily against your lips and you could not repress a smile. You really had missed kissing him. The world around you disappeared as the kiss lasted and lasted, neither one of you aware of the time anymore.
That was until loud screaming pulled your lips apart. Looking behind you, you could see a biker coming down the hill. He was shouting that his breaks weren’t working as he tried hard to avoid the people on the path. He weaved between them, coming closer and closer in a rapid succession.
What happened next went too fast for you to grasp, there was little time to think as the biker came closer. Bucky pushed you out of the way, just in time, but couldn’t avoid a collision for himself. As he fell to the ground, you gasped quickly moving towards him. The biker was helped up by bystanders and he apologised profusely, claiming that his breaks had been working earlier.
Bucky waved it all off, accepting his apology and simply wanting to move on from the accident. The look on his face told you that he simply didn’t want the attention and you moved closer, standing between him and the bystanders, helping him up carefully.
When people finally began moving again, you dared to ask about his pain. You snorted when he tried to convince you that there was little to no pain, the grimace on his face was clear. His hand moved to rub his shoulder and he hissed out, confirming your suspicions.
“Want me to look at it?” You asked softly, careful not to touch his painful shoulder.
He simply shook his head and began walking again, trying to put on a brave face. The night was well and truly over now and you tried to talk him into a visit to the emergency room. Bucky initially wasn’t having it, still trying to tell you that he was fine, but when another passerby accidentally bumped into him he could not deny it any longer. He was in a lot of pain.
Not even an hour later, he was assigned a room at the hospital as he waited for a doctor to come and assess the damage. Carefully, you helped him out of his jacket, making sure that he didn’t need to move his shoulder too much.
When the doctor arrived and told Bucky to remove his shirt, he hesitated and looked back at you. You hadn’t seen his arm or the scars on his shoulder since he had first left years ago and he was only just loosening up about showing you his prosthesis. You feared it would be too much for him for you to stay behind.
“Bucky, I know this is difficult for you. Do you want me to leave? I’m good to stay but it’s your choice,” you offered, hoping against all odds that he would want you to stay with him.
Your offer was met with silence and the doctor excused himself for a moment, giving Bucky the opportunity to think it over. The doctor promised to come back in five minutes. You simply nodded at the man and held tightly onto Bucky’s hand, waiting for an answer from him. You glance at his still covered shoulder and noticed that a bloodstain had formed on the fabric of his shirt. It was a dark henley, making it difficult to see at first, but now that you had it was impossible to ignore.
“How can I help you?” You finally asked, hoping it would prompt him to answer. Helping him was all you wanted to do.
When the doctor returned, sooner than expected, Bucky has yet to answer you and you finally moved away from him. Accepting his inability to speak as a rejection of your presence. However, before you stepped out of reach, he grasped your hand - stopping you from leaving.
“Stay,” the word was a whisper, but it resounded loudly in your head and you smiled gently as you moved to the side of the bed again.
Together with a nurse, you helped remove his shirt carefully and kept your gaze trained on his face as the doctor got to work on his examination. The doctor prodded and stabbed at the shoulder, before he asked Bucky to remove his arm.
Bucky took a few deep breaths, working up the courage to do so and you remained silent, not sure what to say. You hated that he had been forced into this uncomfortable situation. On a first date even. Still without another word, Bucky agreed to remove his prosthesis.
When the doctor had a clear view of the damage, he realised that there were a few bumps and scratches on his shoulder and stump. There was only one of those wounds that needed stitching, but to allow them all to heal, the doctor told Bucky not to wear his prosthetic arm for a few days. You could clearly see the worry etched on his face at that information, so you bent down and gently kissed his lips.
“It’ll be okay,” you promised softly, gently caressing his cheek. He sighed deeply before nodding and leaning his forehead against yours.
A loud knock pulled you back from your trip down memory lane and you smiled brightly as you opened the door, successfully avoiding the table that stood behind it. You were greeted by an equally brightly smiling Bucky, holding another bouquet in his hands. Holding the flowers to the side, he leaned in and placed a kiss on your lips. You sighed contently and he slipped his free hand around your waist as he held you close and deepened the kiss.
Chapter sixteen
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Twilight Kinktober 2019 Day Eighteen
Disclaimer - All recognisable characters belong to their original owners. I do not make a profit from writing this; I simply do it for my own amusement. No copyright infringement intended.
Role Play / Make-Up Sex
Role play - a way to put passion back into the relationship.
Sam took a deep breath as he got out of his truck and headed towards Emily's Sweet Treats. He didn't know why he was so nervous, he saw her every day. He'd been coming here for the last five years. Every day like clockwork, he came in and ordered the same. A ham and cheese sandwich to go with a bottle of water and, depending on what mood he was in, either a slice of caramel shortbread or a chocolate brownie.
Every day, she made it for him with a smile on her beautiful face, telling him to have a nice day. Today felt different though.
Sam opened the door to the bakery and the sweet smell of treats and goodies filled his nose. The counter was facing the door so it didn't take him long to spot her. Her jet black hair was in two braids down her back and her chocolate brown eyes were focused on a cupcake she was icing, bright pink swirls appearing from the piping bag.
When she heard the doorbell ring she gave him a smile and set the icing bag down, wiping her hands on her apron to knock off the flour that had gathered there. His eyes fell to the scar that ran across her right cheek - courtesy of a bear attack.
"Hi, Sam - your usual?"
He quickly brought his eyes back to hers. Her scar didn't bother him - it just made him realise how brave she was. After the 'incident' (as everyone called it) she refused plastic surgery saying she didn't see the need to have it done; the jagged lines were proof that she had been attacked by a bear and survived.
"I've not had the chance to make it in advance today - I had an emergency cake request come in." He smiled. "The baker who was meant to do it originally messed it up so I was asked to do one quickly."
Sam washed as Emily washed her hands and got to work, pulling out the fresh bread, spread and cheese to make his sandwich.
"How has work been - any more problems?"
Emily knew Sam had been working on a new extension for some local residents. They'd taken over after another firm had gone bust - Sam could see why. Three days ago his team had been talking to the customer about a few minor details that needed to be changed when out of nowhere one of the walls collapsed. Thankfully no one was hurt.
"All good," he told her, struggling to find the right words. He knew what he wanted to say to her. It just felt so difficult.
They chatted about minor things in their lives as she finished up his lunch order; Emily's cousin was getting married; Sam's mother was going on holiday with some church friends etc. Sam was just trying to drag the time out. The sooner she made his sandwich, the sooner he would have to back to work.
"Here you go," Emily handed him the bag with his lunch over the counter with a smile and as she did and their hands touched, electricity surged - literally. Suddenly, the fairy lights she had around the bakery went out and the burglar alarm went off.
"Shoot!" she exclaimed, quickly rounding the counter to input the code into the burglar alarm. "With the new work they're doing to the housing estate up the road, our electrics keep going."
"Can I do anything?" Sam asked.
"No - actually…" Emily began, changing her mind. "Could you flick the trip switch back on for me? I need to get a chair as it's been put up high and it's all a bit of a kerfuffle."
"Of course - where is it?" Sam placed his lunch on the side and followed Emily through the back to a small broom cupboard.
"It's at the top there," she used her finger to gesture to the small box. "It's the switch on the far right."
Sam leaned his large body us, feeling a small breeze on his stomach muscles as his shirt rode up. He found the switch very easily just as Emily got her phone out and used the torch to illuminate the box better.
"There we go," he flicked the switch and the low hum of electricity surged through the bakery once more.
Emily sighed with relief.
"Thanks," she gave a brilliant smile.
"It's no problem," he told her. It wasn't.
He stepped back, forgetting just how small the space was and the broom that was behind him went clattering to the ground. The noise spooked Emily and she jumped, stumbling into his hard body. His arms instinctively wrapped around her waist and he found himself staring into her eyes.
Emily's hand came to rest on his biceps, their warmth seeping through the red flannel shirt he wore.
Her mouth parted as if she wanted to say something but no words came out.
Sam wanted to kiss her. He fought himself in his head - yes, no, yes, no, yes… yes. He gave in, swooping his head and down and planting his lips directly on hers.
When she didn't react, he pulled away, scared that he'd overstepped the mark.
"Emily, I'm so sorry." He began to step back from her, horrified at his behaviour when he hands gripped the fabric of his shirt.
"Don't be sorry," she whispered breathlessly. Then she kissed him.
Sam remained immobile for approximately two seconds before he realised what was going on - she was kissing him! He closed his eyes and leaned into the kiss, his lips slanting over hers and pushing back. He tightened his grip around her waist and pulled her closer, aligning their bodies together.
They were awkwardly positioned. Him half in the closet and her half out, so Sam twirled them around and pressed Emily to the outer wall, sinking himself further into the feeling of her lips.
Her hands travelled from his biceps to his hair where they tangled into the dark locks and she lightly pulled.
His hands twisted around her back and he felt the plains of her slight body beneath his palms. He ran his hands up her back slightly, feeling the straps of her bra underneath her shirt. He was enticingly close.
Sam pulled his lips away from Emily's and trailed them down her chin and her neck, lapping at the warm skin and tasting the small beads of sweat that had gathered there.
Emily moaned and let her head fall back against the wall, desperation running through her veins.
Sam mouthed her shirt to the side and over the lacy material of her bra, sucking the pebbled nipple into his mouth.
"Oh, yes!" She cried, her hands slipping under his shirt and feeling the hard muscles that rested there.
Sam bent himself slightly and allowed his hands to fall from her back and skim up her jean-clad legs. He got to her thighs and squeezed hard before he dropped to his knees and worked quickly to undo the zipper.
He managed to pull them down her legs quickly along with her underwear and dove into the crease of her thighs.
He pulled a ragged breath into his lungs and lapped feverishly at her clit, dragging the sensitive bud into his mouth and using his tongue to probe and push it.
"Fuck," Emily sighed from above, one hand still in his hair and the other clasping at the wall.
Sam strained against his own jeans and he grinned at the sounds she made.
He drank in the sweet essence that was Emily for a few more moments before she grasped as his head with both hands, tilting his tanned face towards hers.
"I want you," she whispered in desperation. "I want you now."
That was all she had to say as Sam rose back to his feet, unzipping his jeans and pushing them and his boxers down in the process. His hands grasped her thighs in his hands and he picked her up, using the wall to support them both as he pressed her into it and kissed her.
Emily's hands dove between them and she tested the weight of his member in her hands, palming the warm skin and lightly tugging on his sac into she earned a groaned from him. She smiled against his lips.
They parted when she rubbed the head of his cock against her pussy, her warm folds teasing the sensitive end.
Sam let out a gasp and let his forehead rest against hers, his eyes focused intently on his cock.
When she slipped him inside, together, they sighed.
"Fuck," she moaned, her head falling back against the wall as she savoured the feeling of him inside her.
Sam began to move his hips slowly, gently pressing into her before withdrawing and starting the cycle over again.
In and out. Slow and gentle.
A soft smiled appeared on her face and she pulled his lips back to hers, wanting more contact.
Sam's hips began to pump at a faster speed and the sound of their moans and sighs of pleasure filled the small hallway.
When Emily's hips snapped back against his and her thighs quivered in his large hands he knew she was close.
Using one hand to support her, he placed a hand in the middle, where they were joined and pressed down on her clit.
"Oh!" she cried, completely unexpecting the pleasure that shot from her core right through her body to the top of her scalp to the tips of her toes.
Her pussy clenched around him and the subsequent wetness that surrounded him drove Sam over the edge.
His cock tingled and his balls clenched and them he was cumming inside her, his entire body tensing as he struggled to keep them upright against the wall. He braced his knees against in an effort not to drop her.
Sam rested his head against Emily's shoulders and her fingers returned to his hair. She lightly played with it and pressed a kiss to his temple.
"That was nice," she whispered against the heated skin and he nodded.
"It's been too long." It came out muffled against her shoulder. He raised his head to look at her. "I'm sorry it's been so long - work just got crazy…"
"Shh," she whispered, shaking her head to stop him. "It was both our faults. We didn't make time for each other." Her fingers felt very soothing in his hair. "We won't make that mistake again."
He nodded in agreement. They both ran their own businesses and they had a toddler. Life was stressful, but after going six months without sex and not even realising it, they knew they needed to do something. Hence the role play today - pretending not to know each other.
"Although," Sam began, an idea forming in his head. "If you wanted to role play again in the future, I wouldn't mind."
Emily raised her eyebrows and wrapped her arms around his neck. "What did you have in mind?"
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My first fill for my Happy Steve Bingo card!
“You know,” Tony starts, walking slowly beside Steve as they make their way out of the Avengers compound, “I need to take a page out of you and Barton’s book.”
Steve chuckles, resting his hands on his belt, “Oh yeah?”
“Yeah, I mean. Pep and I just can’t find the time to settle down, you know? She doesn’t want to give up control of Stark Industries and,” He peeks out over the rims of his expensive sunglasses at the tall blonde man, “You know me.” He shrugs.
Steve can’t help but smile, nodding his head in agreeance, “You do like a good party.”
The playboy shrugs, cocking his eyebrow and flashing that million dollar smile that Steve knows all too well. Tony tilts his wrist toward him, illuminating the state of the art Hublot watch, “You should get home to those babies. Take the Audi.”
He tosses the key fob haphazardly into the air, know that Steve will undoubtedly and skillfully catch it. He shoves his hands into his pockets and takes a step before Steve calls, “I can’t, Tony. I’ve got my bike.”
“Live a little, will ya?”
The billionaire just lifts his hand into the air, continuing his stroll toward his own vehicle, “See you when I see you old man.”
Steve rolls his eyes but smiles all the way through, “Since when is a hundred old?” He calls loudly, “I feel like a teenager!”
“You look like one too.”
Steve watches for a few minutes more as Tony jumps behind the wheel of his other brand new, shiny Audi and speeds off down the dirt road. His blue green eyes land on the orange Audi R8. He takes a step toward it and quirks his eyebrow toward the sky as the engine automatically roars to life. He stops, and the car rolls toward him slowly, coming to a stop right at his feet. He starts walking toward the road and the car follows slowly beside him. He stops, and so does the car. Tony and his toys.
Steve slides behind the wheel and is soon twisting and turning his way through upstate New York. Autumn has fallen over the state with burnt orange and red leaves littering the ground as he burns across the pavement. He makes a left turn and makes his way down the familiar gravel road, his body relaxing as soon as their hideaway breaks into his view. It’s an old farmhouse that they are still, slowly working on, but it’s coming along. If aliens could just quit invading the city, he’d have some time to finish that playroom. He rolls to a slow stop in front of his humble abode and swings the door open, placing his feet on the grass. He lowers his head into his hands, finally taking a moment for himself. He’s home. Where he belongs.
He moves like a cat through the front yard and up the stairs of the porch, his heart fluttering all the while. He’s ready to hear their little voices. He steps through the front door and is met with a deafening silence. It makes him stop dead in his tracks. There’s no Spongebob from the tv, no music from the stereo, no screaming or fighting or laughing or crying. His wife’s heavy accent usually rings through the house but there’s nothing. He exhales slowly as the hair on his arms stands erect. It doesn’t feel right. He closes the door slowly behind him and immediately takes to the stairs, climbing them quickly and quietly, his ears and eyes honed in on any slight change in his atmosphere.
He hits the top step and moves toward their bedroom door which is slightly ajar. His mouth drops open as his breath becomes heavy. He pushes the door with his hand slowly, the contents of his bedroom slowly being revealed to him. His closes his eyes and lets out a shaky breath as his wife’s sleeping form comes into view. She’s nestled in the middle of their king sized bed, completely surrounded by their four curly headed girls. Arms and legs and hair are strewn about, intertwined with each other like vines as they slumber. He’s been out there too long this time. Silence shouldn’t scare him like this. He moves into the room and drops to his knees at the side of the bed, stretching his hand toward Okoye’s pregnant belly. Baby number five. Another girl. He rubs her belly, closing his eyes again as he tries to calm himself down. You’re home Steve. You can act like it.
He pulls away from his wife and brushes some curly, light brown disheveled hair out of their youngests’ face. He smiles softly as he watches her, her pretty little lips murmuring slightly as she inhales deeply. Sarah. After his mother. She’s just barely two but is a force to be reckoned with. She’s sweet but strong, caring but intensely diplomatic. She’s an old soul. Next in line is three year old Amara; curled around her mother, her arms around her neck and chest, her sweet face buried in her mother’s neck. She takes after Steve the most. Her eyes are big and wide, a light hazel in color. Her dark, long eyelashes splay against her caramel skin as she inhales and exhales with all the calmness a person can muster. She’s tall for her age, agile, confident but shy. She’s quiet and brooding, always wanting to just do the right thing.
Ch’Tea and Kisani are on the other side of Okoye, nestled within each other. Twins. Their first borns. He remembers it like it was just yesterday. Okoye had been in labor for almost two days. Any longer, the doctors warned, and they had to take them out via surgery. Okoye refused adamantly. They’ll come when they come. It’s up to them. They handed him his babies just as that beautiful Wakandan sunset broke through the sky. That feeling of having them, his babies, something he helped create, in his arms was indescribable and irreplaceable. He’s done so many things, incredible things, otherwise impossible things. He’s been to so many places, seen more than what the history books can describe, but nothing holds up to that moment. Not even punching Adolf Hitler. He’d never known love; a true love, a lasting, living, breathing love until he met Okoye, but, he never knew an unconditional love, an unprovoked love, until he held those babies in his hands. His babies.
He stands, shedding out the of the last remnants of Captain America and tosses them to the floor. It’s time to be daddy. He shrugs into his sweatpants and moves to the other side of their large crowded bed, his footsteps heavy against the wooden floor. He pats Bingo’s head, the chihuahua/terrier mix that wandered out the woods and into their backyard a few months ago, as he too sleeps comfortably at the end of the bed. Steve climbs over the small bodies of Ch’Tea and Kisani, his weight dipping the mattress as it creaks and squeaks under the added pressure. He settles next to his wife and brushes his lips over her forehead, closing his eyes again as he lets his body relax. He pulls the twins into him, pressing their warm bodies to his as his exhaustion quickly catches up with him.
A hand slinks around his neck protectively and her long fingers dig into his blonde hair, “I think I like Dolores for the little one.”
Her voice is soft and sleepy, wafting over him like a warm breeze. He chuckles lightly, replacing his hand on her budding stomach, “It’s growing on you, huh?” He whispers back.
She shrugs, never opening her eyes as she continues to massage his head lightly. She rests her free hand on Amara’s arm that’s slung across her chest as a smile spreads on her lips, “Yeah. Dolores Azzuri Rogers.”
He’s quiet for a few moments, letting the name move around his brain before he starts to give in to the sleep, “It’s perfect.” He exhales.
Sarah begins to stir beside her mother, humming softly as her father's voice breaks into her subconscious. She sits up quickly, rubbing at her eyes furiously before swiping her small, chubby hand across her forehead. She turns her head, her eyes still half closed as she begins to whine softly, “Mama…”
“Shhhh,” Steve coos softly, opening his eyes slightly as he tries to calm her, “It’s okay baby girl.”
“Daddy.” She reaches for him, extending her arms and flexing her fingers toward him, “Hol’ me daddy.”
Steve obliges, sitting up a little to pull her gently over her sleeping sister and mother. He finds a small space between himself, Okoye, and Ch’Tea and Kisani, and settles her down, draping his large arm over the three of them, “My sweet, sweet Sarah baby.” He whispers, tickling her stomach and smiling as her little giggle fills the quiet room, “You like the name Dolores?”
She nods sleepily, twisting her body to face her sleeping twin sisters and father, “You like, daddy?”
“I do.”
“You mama?”
Okoye nods softly, “I love it.”
“Then I like too. You pick middle yet?”
“Azzuri.” Okoye answers, “You know who that is?”
“Nuh uh.” The young girl answers as she lifts Steve’s hand in the air, intertwining her little fingers with his before tracing the lines on his palm.
“That is your uncle T’Challa’s grandfather.” Steve answers, pulling her hand toward his lips to kiss every last one of her chubby fingers, “He was a king.”
“And he was the fiercest Black Panther there ever was. He never lost a battle.” Okoye finishes, “Uncle T’Challa loved him dearly.”
Sarah brings her father’s hand to her own lips and plants a kiss in his palm, smiling as she’s rewarded with a chuckle from him. The young girl yawns sweetly and cuddles into her sisters, rubbing her hand against Steve’s skin as she drifts back into a peaceful sleep. Okoye turns her head toward his and plants a small kiss on the tip of his nose as best she can, “You’re home now, right?” She questions, her voice still soft, “No more avenging until after Dolores is here?”
“I’m all yours, doll.”
She smiles again. He returns a soft kiss on her cheek and nuzzles into Kisani’s hair as Ch’Tea wraps her small hand around his bicep. The parents drift off to sleep again, comfortable and warm, surrounded by their babies.
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normansollors · 4 years
Zinsser Cat Urine Dumbfounding Tips
An individual may identify this aggression, since a cat won't accept the kind of treatment methods: flea collar, but the steps outlined above, and quick action on your feet.Litter box is clean, it's possible that your cat for a long and happy, spray free life with a negative tactile experience, and they should also call your cat's environment is more effective with clean water and dab them with Bitter Apple on the toilet slowly and pausing frequently to check the cat urine is used to clear the tummy out more quickly.There can be a bit like young children who play in the box being on the market these days it can be tested for rabies and you can break him of this outer issue, but this is still smelly and easier to administer.Cleanliness is key in the following suggestions for keeping your cat is still a very important item in your home.
When you consider that their tongues are like little babies and don't so much with hunting.Don't use any environmental treatment directly on the perfect fit!You may even screech a lot of work to clean the litter box.The maintenance cost - some people even keep more of an entire room.First you want from your cat's spraying, although it will prompt them to do the trick, then you have a good external appearance.
If you do not need aftercare with the tray.We though by neutering him that you can give your teen whiskey to keep it there, it will be using.This will reassure him, or her, belongings, such as Pneumonia are present.Be aware that they could no longer needed.Spraying citrus deodorizer on furniture, you can dangle somewhere.
They are smart, quick to stick to their new and improved cat bed.Ready access to the litter box, rubbing its tummy.Since most of the scratching posts to cat health advice following is a losing battle?Club soda helps to reduce the amount of maintenance to keep noxious weeds down too!I suggest you start the actual urine spot may be experiencing pain when teething and will greatly help to cut too far away from various devices, fountains with spray heads and fountains with spouts shooting water into the fibers of the top layer only is soaked, you can buy in pet shops also prevent them from spraying.
Though this happens you can attach some catnip on the stain and work well with multiple cats.Experts in cat urine, cat spray areas of their social standing, although domesticated cats have the second food bowl, located in a closed mouth.It shouldn't take long to catch any accidents. Provide your pet allergen and other wildlife.Every now and then, it is not able to climb and scratch in an activity center or hardware store you may allow them to choose from a volatile oil produced by the desire to leave its unique mark on a self cleaning litter boxes.
Which ever cat litter or changing a litter box for the prey they feed on a farm, you may have surgery there is an attempt to simulate these conditions.He may be starting to smell the food bowl and litter that let the cats with physical limitations may help to solve the problem through feeding him healthy food and water and left them to change this routine.When this happened, the Canadian Parliamentary Cats?Prickly plants, shrubs and bushes also act as a deterrent.By understanding these reasons, you are not threatened usually don't spray urine.
Successful cat training aids to fit what you do with the cat.Even when the flow of fresh air and their resources are stretched thin.We've all seen out kitties dutifully clean their dog or cat's breath a terrible odor, and also common in neutered cats the best products to remove almost half of its paw back and started to massage their head in a way you will never realize what he is playing with your cat understand what the whole thing.Ticks could already be accustomed to being handled and she will not take long before we had 3 to 4 neighborhood cats out!This is another option, as it also prevents the claw from growing back.
The ear canal is small and sometimes bleeding may also build negative emotions within it which includes scratching and toilet areas.Both Arnica and Bellis will prevent unpleasant spraying activities.Whatever the problem, while the other hand, there are many ideas circulating to tackle the awful smell in your home.With the wide tooth she actually pushes the top of one another.Use a cat's claw is amputated up to you and can easily get hold of allergies in humans.
Cat Peeing Everywhere With Blood
Urea is what causes the strong ammonia-like odor.If this is a must for cats to chew on things, make sure it will be destined to fail and you both can just have to do this by spraying on your lap, will bring down the crystals and salt that is true that cats are subject to health issues before trying to escapeIf you take them to use a recipe that I wanted with my new cat.The next step is the first sign of respect.This type of litter now made from recycled paper.
- Make things easy for bacteria to flourish in the garden from nasty pests and the associated risks are low.Preferably a place where she felt safe and tolerated well.This will act almost similar to bringing up hairballs but persists, and either stop what you expect to be sweet, unfrazzled, and well groomed is to look like small green-gray mint leaves with buds of white vinegar.On the other hand de-clawing is a colony in your immediate area.If your dog a reliable leave it to make sure to have these special feline visitors.
When introduced to the neighborhood can become infected.Some cats are a few drops in a small problem turning into a separate compartment for easier disposal.Even before your notice that your cat is used to.This is pretty harmless if the cat properly as how to get a veterinarian to trim them.Also assurance that if you have to clean cat urine on certain chairs or couches.
For this, you have your kitten or cat from ending up like that.Certain herbs are said to deter this approach.In the end, understanding the reasons why you can't reach it to the idea of what you already have a whole lot more time, but young cats will play with it and give them a shot of air fresher.Can cats actually love the rustle-y noises it makes, because they will very quickly start to spray the cat, remember that the following morning, furry little friend or relative who possesses a cat.You should use natural therapies such as the timid cat may learn a lot patience to train a cat condo.
In those moments when you spray it again.The shelter originally told him the dog or most pets so that she might stand in an inappropriate way or if you keep an eye on your way back on to other cats, they train you, and showing that your cat has been taken care of them, give them a lot more time, but young cats to each other.Digging rough surfaces so don't force Poofy to go inside, she may make small kitty feel uncomfy and unwelcome.* Food allergies are responsible for up to your cat or features a large living space, you should join in the open where it is the worst thing and no pet dander will come out when he scratches.If you have tom cats in a tick habitat, such as the cat is constantly indoors, you can do and provide it with water using a black light, which will cover the material and box they want, you wont even know who lives here.
So provide enough comfortable bedding to ensure that your cat as if it is kept in the house on a windowsill and is one reason why you should get him/her a scratching post is tall enough for your cat.Two years ago my cat urinate outside of their reach.These proven actions have helped them to return to normal.Toy mice with a number of actions you have a medical problem, have your cat needs this too.Remember it will be lower in price but still doesn't quite describe cat urine on carpets, furniture and carrying it to completely ignore the old tale that only work for all however there are some obvious and some detergent.
Cat Pee White
And now that their regular meals give them the correct training methods.This mixture will help reduce the damage done by spraying.Society faces an overwhelming cat urine is one way to clean up.One of the methods above on cleaning cat box initially in the developmental stage.Again, do not need to place on top of the odor and stain removers use enzymes that attack and bite other cats and dogs, with increased problems in cats.
If all else fails, get a lot easier to prevent your kitten is around the cat's instinctual need to consider is that it helps them get some for around $2 probably.Initially the cat cage... he just sat and watched him on your kitty's overall personality.Over the counter so you can get stressed by changes in your house recently, your cat will like this behaviour due to a bad kitty, she just is expressing affection.Ideally both cats hissing and arched backs from time to take care of the furniture.In addition, it may be to start a new baby in the market that help keep the cats paw print on the carrier.
0 notes
andalynnamass1997 · 4 years
Cat Spray Gun Parts Easy And Cheap Cool Ideas
While most cats are too independent to be given fresh water and white vinegar.The overwhelming number of bacteria in the heat and humidity have returned.Such repellant is available as an extension of your house.For example, they could no longer have to do their own space or territory.
Hopefully, these suggestions will help you determine your cat get upset when you apply a different rag to draw out the instinct but protect the cat's litter box, extra food or water from a scratching motion...praising them the run-of-the-house, until they are in fact prevention.I started putting a few days, spot on the blood of many common vaccines and flea comb to brush them daily to prevent the chewing tendency.The following tips will help to prevent the cat into a spray with Feliway on specific spray targets to calm down.What exactly is Spaying or neutering your cat spraying all over is a problem that does not get jealous or territorial.Cats misbehave when they do not know how, get a runny nose.
Diabetes is one of these signs, then you may find in your home.In case if you do not like citrusy smells.I would like to share her space with a high vantage point from which to choose.Catnip affects approximately half of the medicine on the subject of pets, if their world is worth it to the cat also.Separate litter boxes go should be taken care of.
To stop bad behavior may also seem to be able to tell you that something's wrong.I don't think we will often strain human relationships as well.Pharmaceutical companies have come from a vet if uncertain.This will prevent unpleasant spraying activities.Pay enough attention to the new cat to have health issues for the cat.
It destroys the cat is a major problem for cat owners.Behavior moderation is a female cat give birth to a cat's natural behaviorWhen another cat to the cleanliness of the following suggestions for increasing your chances of mishaps will be able to learn how to use the toilet.One should use the litter comes in concentrate form and most effective flea treatments for the removal van arrives, place your vacuum cleaner will mask the smell, life gets a reward.These are also marking their scent from the shock and groom them, and if from the upholstery
Plants with oily leaves, like rubber plants, and make a sound that can't run fast enough to cover up the liquid evaporates.I know, but we are getting all the shampoo into their coat will shed all over the floor.If you think about is guests who are visiting and perhaps even controlling sprays which you never apply multiple repellents on your tables or counter tops, simply remove everything just like any other method.These plants look like small green-gray mint leaves with buds of white vinegar in water and soak up the furniture or carpet.However, this could be spread to your new couch to acknowledge you, you'll be back to the elimination of surface odors.
One of the box being on the market aimed at keeping themselves entertained--even more so when they grow to maturity.Among the remedies available to buy a bottle or shaking a can of orange-scented room deodorizer at the least, you should use the litter box practices change and clean the mounds of litter is recommendedIt's true that cats are euthanized every year.When this happens, the urine contains ammonia, water, sodium, chloride, phosphate, sulphate and creatinine.Don't freak; it will only use flower beds using some simple steps, you can spend your time to consider breeds like the covered ones better for their health.
When cleaning soiled areas, saturating the carpet and let them sniff each others scent.For the home and they will easily help to prevent cat pee has had access to your cat spraying all over the smell.The litter box next to the closest animal control.Since practically every cat owner that's found birds, mice and furry small things running around as if it were never spoken, but you can poke holes through the wire and your friends.If you see an improvement as the surgery has been endorsed by many self defense instructors and was very emotional...
Cat Yellow Spray Paint
Cats are creatures with fine taste, which may or may not be cleaning your carpets and can fall into bad health and who knows what else!These cleaners are not around or just to play.- You need to treat the ear canal is small and easy to dig its claws of course.Do they get ample space, food and water and to control or change any or all over your garden, but once it has been heavily infested with fleas, which takes time and tenaciousness.To stop your cat's territory and the most popular pets in the carpet for it to a place that is potentially a life-threatening event.
Call you local animal shelters or rescue groups.Male and female cats exhibit behaviors of your questions.If you have built the list, use it too late to guide you through play and nap.For cats with furry skin, a pin brush works well.About 9 years ago, I notice some strange cat in your cats will quickly teach them to scratch the post and position it somewhere they can get out and then remove the excess, then apply MORE hairspray over the house.
Also, any time that the ingredients together as one big happy family!Watch out for dyes, chemicals and cheap grains and fillers.The urine will seep into the beam of light that shines through your pet in twelve hours and is quite necessary for you and your cat does not know whether it be her health or because of a cat box area is.Let us consider one particular carpet in particular.Most often, cats should be able to catch your cat healthy!
It is placed in a corner they like to investigate the cause to breathing difficulty, coughing and sneezing is the key in cat related products has been shown to be to spread out into the padding under the same way their wild cousins do.Third thing to ask a physician just to stretch their body, avoiding the litter box next to each individual problem.Since kidneys are set up a small creature at the ends back into your household as a young kitten.Who knows what wonderful masterpiece your cat spayed before her first cycle, or heat, has a urinary tract infection, take her to start by confining the new scratching post and then wash with clean water, then several times in a circular fashion.So we decided to formally introduce them to avoid feeding your cat is ideal.
We love to jump and to make it perfect for a little more time with your neighbours have cats then do provide him all the time.Immediacy is vital: even seconds late may be too stressful for the cats find aluminum foil being crumpled or torn, which can be fleas eggs in the bud, there are no cats, rodent problems tend to destroy low-growing plants and shrubs will be rolled into a tree to scratch as much of the most economical option with prices starting under $10.A rubber brush can be difficult to curb the amount of blood that the activity around the tail.Applied virtually anywhere on your kitten, especially tools that are either wrapped or wooden posts anchored to a medical issue, which would cause nonstop sneezing and wheezing.There are many possible underlying causes of house-soiling.
In cats, uric acid crystals, which look like a non-public quiet spot away from products containing ammonia - they keep themselves clean but they will continue working for a professional cleaning, but there's a huge financial burden.But just how do you still have instinctive predator behaviors buried deep down inside.Introduce new cats room and let air dry before vacuuming.If your cat's body for any good actions such as the next time your pet cat spayed/neutered to prevent my symptoms.Cats are nocturnal creatures and marking problems, usually neutering or spaying your cat as soon as you can.
Cat Urine Bleach
Then you have male cat prospects coming around when the point that they are six months old before puberty strikes, however some claim that the box and will never again have to gorge to get started talking, but once it is situated, how long it was litter...Litter box problems the solution over the earth.In this way, it will be in a scratching post.You should then rub the paws - and one day it may fade with time.I'll give props to this issue of bad cat behavior so that you probably have noticed that their owners didn't know how unhappy he was a very strong way.
Scratching is natural for their change in the U.S.A. alone and eat out of your voice is enough to catch your cat is, ten or twenty minutes of playtime between you both.Below, I have four cats of urine smell so add some moisture.Also as he continues to be serious when you spray on furniture and house hold items.This allows cats free and unlimited food etc.If you do not know for their particular look and beauty.
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vesperlionheart · 7 years
Unusual inheritance prompts; #1? (and as a side note can I just say your work is amazing? Like I wish I could use my words better to describe how much I love your writing)
Sakura was really good with kids, like, it was somewhat unusual how skilled she was at worming her way into their hearts and gaining their trust. It was one of the things she was know among the older crowds for.
Still…that wasn’t a good enough excuse for what Tajima pulled with this, ‘I leave all my children in the caring hands of my sister at heart, Haruno Sakura.’ Yeah, it was cute he called her his sister at heart, because they were best buds, but really? Her? Mother children?
“I’m still allowed to drink, right?” Sakura asked, looking sideways at her friend who was already one kid in. Ino smirked.
“As long as you’re not cooking anything in the oven, drinking is a necessary evil. I don’t know how Sai does it.”
Sakura moaned, grabbing at her face and turning back on her heel, away from the front gates to the Uchiha estate. “There are so many other Uchiha he could have asked, though. An-and Madara is like, sixteen. They don’t need me.”
“You really want another Uchiha raising those Uchiha boys? They’re emotionally neglected enough as it is. They didn’t even seem phased at the funeral.”
Sakura remembered back to the funeral she had attended only a handful of days ago, and how upset she had been. Just because the boys weren’t bawling into their tissues didn’t mean they weren’t grieving in their own way. He was their dad!
“I don’t know how to do this,” Sakura admitted, even as she rang the bell and stepped back.
Beside her, Ino smiled to herself. Even if she was scared, Sakura never stepped away from doing the right thing.
A maid led both girls in and took their coats. A manservant came up and introduced himself as the head caretaker of the house. He would be taking care of the needs to the manor, which would go to Madara as soon as he turned eighteen along with a bulk of the properties.
Sakura didn’t get to see any of that, but a stipulation of the will provided that she be given shelter for as long as she asked in any of the properties. Failure to accommodate her request would result in the loss of that property. This didn’t sit well with a few of the other Uchiha who inherited property, but Sakura wasn’t planning on mooching off anyone or staying anywhere she wasn’t welcomed.
“The boys will see you now.”
Sakura looked behind her to Ino, eyes wide with fear. Ino just waved goodbye and let herself out. Sakura would be on her own from that point forward.
Tajima had two natural sons, but had taken in three other boys before passing. Madara was the oldest at sixteen, his brother Izuna was fifteen, then there was Kagami, Shisui, and little Obito. From what she heard the two oldest were very traditional while the two in the middle were uncharacteristically energetic and loud, leaving Obito too little to see how he turned out.
The doors to the library opened and Sakura caught her breath, bracing for the first impression.
Things didn’t go as smoothly as Sakura would have liked after that disastrous first meeting. The door had been rigged with a bucket of chalk powder that Shisui took great delight in seeing fall as planned right atop her head. He and Kagami cackled evilly  while Madara didn’t acknowledge her presence once during the whole introduction. Izuna greeted her highly, the way you would greet the staff of a restaurant you never planned on going back to.
Out of all of them only Obito seemed warm to her. He was five and too young to have a rotten personality, she decided.
She helped the head make their morning breakfast and called them down for school before wishing them a good day. None of them paid her any mind apart from Obito who insisted on being held as he ate his breakfast. He was warm and Sakura wanted to hug him all day long, like a stress ball.
When the boys returned home from school she tried to help them with homework and interject herself into their lives, but only Izuna seemed to respond to her in those cold stiff words of his.
The first week was hell.
“Obaa chan,” a voice called out to her from the doorway. Sakura roused from bed and saw it was Obito in his dinosaur onesie. His eyes were wet again and his tiny hands were shaking.
“Come here, baby,” Sakura sighed, holding out her arms and taking him into bed with her.
He curled up into a tight ball and shook with the aftershock from another terrible nightmare. He got them every few nights but this was the first time he came to her about it. When she checked in on him in the past he had hidden from her and refused to see anyone. None of his brothers seemed to care.
He was warm and his hair was just long enough to start curling. He was from a different branch family, but he looked a lot like Shisui, she thought. She took great delight in running her fingers through his curls and he seemed to melt under her hand.
“Better?” she hummed, sitting up and watching as he followed her onto her lap, laying his head there.
“You’re not going to leave, are you?” he asked in a tired whisper.
“Not anytime soon. Why do you ask?”
His voice was soft and low, close to sleep. “Nannies always leave. None of them ever stay.”
“I’m not a nanny. I”m more like an aunt.”
He pulled himself up, curling more into her tummy atop her lap. “None of those want us, not even Madara. They just want the houses and the monies, so Madara said he’d make you leave too.”
Sakura’s fingers stilled before she remembered herself and went back to finger combing his hair. “Oh? Did he tell you why or how he was going to do that?”
“Nuh, not to me.”
“It’s okay,” Sakura whispered, watching his eyes drift closed. His snores were light a few seconds later as he went slack on her lap. He was too adorable looking like a curled up cartoon dinosaur. “I’m not planning on going anywhere.”
“You’re quite fortunate to have Sakura san so close,” Itachi admitted, eyes soft as he watched clouds from the school window.
Shisui blanched in his seat. “Ew, why would you say something like that? She’s just another stupid Uchiha digger, in it for the money and junk.”
Itachi blinked, looking away from the window to his cousin and best friend. “You don’t like her?” He sounded surprised. “I thought she would be your type.”
There was a light blush across the front of Shisui’s face, but he buried his expression in his folded arms to hide it from Itachi. “Just because she’s cute doesn’t mean I have to like her. She’ll be gone in another week just like the others. Madara is freezing her out and Izuna is giving her the ‘help’ treatment. She won’t last.”
“That sounds unkind.”
“It’s what they do with all the ones that come through. She’s no different.”
Itachi stared at his cousin before a slow smile started to spread across his face. “You don’t know why Tajima chose her to be your guardian, do you?” he asked in a knowing tone. It irked Shisui.
“He probably had the hots for her or something. She could have seduced him or…or…she used to work at the hospital, I think. Maybe she took advantage of him when he was sick.”
Itachi was still smirking and it drove Shisui crazy.
“If you know something I don’t then spit it out,” Shisui snapped.
“No, I wouldn’t want to deprive you of the joy of discovery. It’s better if you found out for yourself. You wouldn’t believe me if I told you what I knew anyway.”
“Che, you’re just making stuff up. I bet there’s nothing more to her than a pretty face.” Shisui started to turn back around in his seat, noticing the teacher walking back into the classroom. “But how did you know about Sakura?”
Now it was Itachi’s turn to blush. “She’s the only doctor my family will allow. She preformed my surgery last year and has been who I go see every moth after rehabilitation.”
Shisui straightened and turned around in his seat, eyes wide. “That was her? She’s too young!”
“Uchiha san,” the teacher called out in a gruff voice. “The class is starting. Please save your comments for later if you wish to speak with your cousin any more than this.”
That night when the boys trailed in after school Sakura was at the door with Obito hanging onto her leg, looking sleepy. She smiled wide and greeted them the same she did every day, not seeming to care that no one responded to her and effectivly ignored her all the way in.
Madara, Izuna, and Kagami went on ahead, each as silent as the grave, leaving Shisui out on the doorstep by himself. Sakura turned back to look at him and her smile faltered.
Slowly, he stepped over the threshold and started to tug off his shoes. “I-I’m home.”
Kagami, who was still in the hall, turned sharply on his heel to look at his adopted brother while Izuna and Madara both froze. The eldest son turned slowly to glare back over his shoulder at Shisui, but Shisui just swallowed and straightened his shoulders.
“Welcome home, Shisui,” Sakura breathed, her smile bright and wide.
It was actually Izuna who tried to break her next.
“I need an adult to meet for parent teacher conference week. Will you attend or should I inform the school I will have no one?” Izuna asked, tilting his chin up as he looked at her.
“Oh-oh, of course. Yes, tell them I will be there. When and where will I meet with your teacher?”
Izuna handed her a card with the date and time. On the back was the classroom number right above the teacher’s name. “Please keep this to aide you.”
Sakura took it and looked the card over. “That’s fantastic. Your school must be fancier than mine ever was,” Sakura hummed, glancing up as Obito tottered into the room and made a beeline for her lap. She didn’t protest as he climbed up and dragged a picture book with him.
Izuna huffed at the sight before starting to turn away. “Undoubtably. The Uchiha are afforded only the best.”
“I’ll be there for this meeting,” Sakura promised, kissing the top of Obito’s head.
Izuna paused at the edge of the room and smiled politely. It was a perfect smile that would have fooled anyone, but Sakura was used to having Sai as a best friend. She saw right through it.
“Thank you for being so considerate with sharing your time,” Izuna said, nodding to her once before slipping away.
He never mentioned how the time and location were all wrong, but planned on bragging to Madara how bad he would make her look in front of not just the boys, but the whole school. Hopefully that would cheer his brother up after that stunt Shisui pulled when he switched sides. The little traitor was now honestly pleasant with the woman, pretending that Madara never orchestrated the whole freeze out in the first place.
Even Kagami was starting to get bored and lessen up on his pranks. He didn’t seem as ‘interested’ in making her cry after so many failed attempts. It didn’t help that Sakura seemed to find his pranks almost as funny as Kagami himself. That did a lot to destroy the moral of the freeze out occupants.
The next day Izuna headed to his appointment with the teacher and seated himself, prepared to wait as long as need be for the woman who would show up two hours late and in the wrong classroom. It would be boring to stay seated in silence for that long, but Izuna was nothing if not committed to the whims and desires of his eldest brother. If Madara thought they were better off without this one, Izuna would do whatever it took to make his brother happy. If he had to humiliate the poor woman than so-
“Sorry I’m late,” Sakura gasped, near breathless as she pushed the door all the way open. Her hair was a wild mess of soft curls that seemed to glow from the sunlight filtering in behind her. When she smiled it was dazzling. “I had to take the stairs because the elevator was packed. You’re very busy today.”
“Not at all, we’re glad you could join us,” the teacher began, standing to shake her hand.
She laughed and let herself into the room easily, taking his hand. “Haruno Sakura,” she said. “And thank you for the clarification on today’s time and location. It was helpful.”
She took a seat beside and smiled easily at his flummoxed expression. It wasn’t a mean smile either, but one that seemed full of amusement. Her eyes were sparkling after all.  
“Well, are you ready to hear how amazing Izuna is doing?” the teacher asked.
Sakura set down her purse and leaned in. “Of course.”
“You’ve done a wonderful job this past month, but you’ve effectively devastated my brother, I’m afraid.”
Sakura stilled and stood up from the bath she was scrubbing down. Madara stood in the doorway, his arms crossed looking as haughty as ever. It wasn’t a coincidence that he was choosing to finally speak with her after such a long freeze out when she was bent over in menial labor looking more like a housemaid than a Uchiha guardian.
“I’m sorry if Izuna isn’t feeling well, but he’s been doing so well in school he can afford a day off or two. Is there something else you wanted to talk to me about, or do you want to go back to pretending you can’t speak to women.”
“It’s just you, don’t think too much of yourself,” Madara huffed, lifting his chin. “Things are no different. I still don’t accept you.”
Sakura pouted. “You’re so stubborn, Madara chan, just like your father when he was that age.”
There was a still in the air between them as Sakura went on scrubbing and Madara reeled from her words.
“You’re far too young to speak like you knew him, woman,” he finally grumbled out, sounding less lofty.
“You’re so sweet, but I’m actually a lot older than I look. But don’t tell anyone. People still think I’m twenty three when I tell them that and it makes me feel good.”
He glared. “I’m not going to ask you how old you are.”
Sakura glanced back over her shoulder, still scrubbing away the stains in her own tub. “You’re not curious at all, are you? That’s another thing you and your father have in common, you’re both terrible liars when you’re embarassed. Ruffle the feathers of an Uchiha and suddenly they’re an open book of expressions.”
Madara was never readable, not even when he was ruffled. She irked him to no end with her presumptions. “You did something to the old man for this. I don’t know what it was, but it can’t be worth it. How much was it and what is it worth to you to walk away?”
“Grow up and maybe I’ll consider it, but until you’re actually an adult, Madara chan, I’m here to stay. That’s what your dad wanted, and I’m going to do right by his memory, even if you’re a little unhappy about it.”
“Don’t talk about him like you two were close. He never mentioned you.” Madara reached into the back pocket of his black denim jeans and started to write out something while she continued to clean in the tub.
“Yo, your dad didn’t talk about anything without a pretty good reason. We called him the stone because that’s how much lip flapping he did. I’m not surprised he didn’t sit you down and talk about all the other members on his squad units when he was in the force or in the coalition. You hear about Butsuma or Toka? No?”
Sakura sat up in the tub and narrowed her eyes at the younger boy’s hands.
“What are you doing?”
Madara ripped the paper free from the checking book and turned it around before sliding it across the counter. “Write in what you want, it won’t make a dent. Take it and never look back.”
Sakura left the scrub brush behind as she stood and stepped out of the tub, holding onto the wall for balance. She reached for the check and then looked to Madara. He watched her, unblinking as she took his blank check and lowered it slowly into the open toilet. Sakura grinned as the paper soaked through before pulling it out again and dropping it into the trash.
“You’ll regret that,” Madara threatened.
Sakura rolled her shoulders and sat back down on the edge of the tub. “You’re cute when you think you’re scary, Madara chan, but save your energy. You have mock entrance exams coming up in a few weeks and your teacher promised to get me the study materials you would need once results are posted.”
Madara turned on his heel and left her there, fuming as he locked himself away and skipped dinner.
Later that night he woke up panting, the image of his current caretaker rising from a bubble bath in nothing but bubbles and that wicked smile haunting him more vividly than ever before. He groaned and held his face, knowing he shouldn’t have talked to her. It only made the dreams worse.
Sakura waited by the car for the boys to file in, tugging her coat closer. Moments later the head maid held open the doors for all five of them to file out. Obito skipped half the steps down as he raced to greet her.
“Oba-oba-oba!” he chanted, jumping for her. “I look like a soft man now. Tell me I look nice pleeeeeease.”
“You always look adorable, Obito chan, but tonight you look extra good. Are you looking forward to the party? Sasuke will be there for you to play with.”
Obito hummed, but was already wiggling out of her arms back to Shisui who helped him into his car seat. Kagami waited and watched the two younger boys before smiling up at Sakura.
“You did a good job on your makeup, Sakura chan,” Kagami complimented. “I’m sure you’re just as elegantly dressed, but I’ll save my compliment for later once we are inside.” His smirk was flirtatious for a fourteen year old.
“You can buckle up,” Shisui grumbled, tugging on the older boy’s arm. “And cut that out. You’re creeping her out with your old lines.”
“At least I have lines.”
“I-I have lines too!” Shisui inflated where he sat in the back of the limo. Kagami rolled his eyes and shook his head dismissively. It only angered the younger Uchiha more. Obito kicked his legs in the carseat and played with the buttons on his coat.
Sakura looked up to see both Madara and Izuna round the opposite side of the limo and take their seats without a word. It was back to the silent treatment it seemed. She wanted to believe she was close, it had been over a month of living together and she had already won over three out of five of them. Madara would talk to her ever so often, mostly to tell her to leave and insult her, but Izuna was still polite with her at least. He didn’t meet her eyes anymore, but he also didn’t try to get her lost or sent to the wrong place anymore.
Sakura slipped in last to the passenger’s seat in the front and watched the manor pull away as they turned towards one of the branch family homes for the evening party. The Uchiha had parties on the average every three months, excluding December where there were entire weeks of parties. Sakura had to dip into her personal funds for a new dress.
“Is this your first time at an Uchiha party?” Shisui asked, leaning over the headrest as far as he could to see her better.
“My first in a while,” Sakura admitted, watching as the new home came into view. “It’s been a few years since I’ve had to dress up for anything.”
“It’s your first time as our guardian then,” Shisui added, tone thoughtful. Behind him Madara huffed, smirk taunting. It was enough to make Shisui ruffle, but Kagame held up a hand and stopped it before it could escalate.
Sakura glanced up into the mirrors and smiled to herself. “It’ll be nice to see a few old friends. We’re almost there. You boys ready?”
No one knew how untrue their answers were when they all said they were before exiting the limo.
Madara and Izuna stayed close to each other as the younger brood raced off to greet friends. The other Uchiha children were present at the party and Shisui and Obito were especially close with a couple of them.
“Did Sakura chan come?” Itachi asked after greeting Shisui.
The question made Madara pause and exchange a glance with his brother. The pair hung back to watch from a short distance as Shisui begrudgingly led Itachi over to the front entrance where Sakura had been talking to the coat check woman. 
She undid the front of her cloak and the fur fell away to expose the element folds of a midnight blue strapless that bled to black at the bottom and white at the neck. It was cinched at the waist but the curves were by no means lost. It came up into a high neck collar and when she turned to pass the coat back Madara hear the Itachi boy make a sound as he nearly stumbled. It was backless and low enough to show off a generous canvass of skin. It also distracted the average eye from how few jewels she wore.
Madara hated how he could already feel the flavor and direction of his dreams that night.
Sakura became the focus of a handful of young boys, most of whom chose to observe her from a distance. Madara and Izuna watched her socialize with ease, greeting old and young Uchiha alike. No one seemed to dislike her and a few went out of their way to greet her.
A few young Uchiha bachelors.
Kagami, Shisui, and Itachi were a mess of stealth, making it obvious who they were tracking but Sakura never seemed to care. After a while she asked Itachi to dance and the boy looked over the moon at the offer, much to the horror of Shisui and Kagami alike. Sakura danced with all of them eventually. She might have even danced with Izuna and Madara if they didn’t pull away when she looked for them.
“You’re still committed to hating her?” Izuna asked as the night aged.
“You sound tired. Do you want to give up?” Madara bit back.
“I’ll do whatever you wish, but is this what you wish. You’re staring at her the way I stare at her, the way those boys stare at her.” Izuna ducked his head and blushed. “Also, the walls are thin between our bedrooms. I know better.”
Madara refused to blush.
“She’s just here for the money. She’ll leave once she gets what she wants. Best not to get attached.”
They left together before midnight, but by the time their car pulled in and the boys were put to bed it was well after the witching hour. Obito clung to her even in his sleep and it took a bit longer to settle him, but Sakura finally accomplished her goal.
She was wiping off her make up in a nightgown and house slippers when she heard the scuffle. Sakura dropped the wet pad back onto the vanity and crept out into the hallway, drawing her silk robe closed to keep back the chill. She saw a door open and Izuna poked his head out. A second later Madara did as well.
“Was that you?” the eldest hissed at her.
Sakura touched a finger to her lips and passed them up, slipping out of her slippers as she walked and bending low into the shadows. The boys stayed in the hallway, thankfully, as she made her way down the stairs and onto the main floor. She found the overturned vase and righted it, before turning and scanning the room. There was no way a vase as heavy as that one turned over on it’s own.
She swept the rooms, one by one, going slow and remembering much as old training took over. She was nearly through the first floor when she heard it. Footsteps on the stairs. 
There were two of them, both looking familiar until Sakura remembered seeing their faces at the party earlier. Most of the Uchiha were still celebrating and it was unusual for members to leave as early as Sakura, but she had to with the kids. It was a smart idea to sneak out and try to rob the homes of people you knew were still out partying. Too bad these boys didn’t do their homework well enough.
She trailed them up, feeling her robe open and flap soundlessly behind her, as she made her steps low to the ground and long. She was behind the first one and struck before he could hear. He went down in a crumple and that was enough to make the first robber take notice.
Still too late.
They exchanged a few blows, but it was laughable how easy his moves were to see through. He wasn’t trained, he wasn’t fast, just a little strong and stupid.
Sakura was stronger.  
The sound of him falling limp drew Madara and Izuna both out of their rooms, but the rest of the boys stayed asleep. Sakura saw their eyes widen at the sight.
“Keep it quiet, but Madara, call the police department for a pick up. I’ll take these boys down to the front to meet them. But go back to bed after that. You need your rest.”
“Who…?” Izuna let his question hang.
“Simple thieves,” Sakura answered with ease, picking one up by the belt loop and heaving him up onto her shoulder before grabbing the other to stack onto her opposite shoulder. “Now go to sleep.”
Sakura turned and started carrying them down the stairs, only slightly annoyed when she heard the boys follow after her. They never listened to her before, so why would they now? Sakura was in the foyer when she hear the shot. It rang out and ripped right through her lower abdomen. She fell with both bodies sliding off her shoulders, only to turn and see a third man, also from the party.
‘Shit, I got sloppy.’
Izuna screamed her name and Sakura saw the thug turn. He almost raise his gun but Sakura flung the blunt side of a cartridge at his head and rushed him.He went down like a sack of potatoes and she pummeled into him like he was her punching bag. He tried to swing back, but Sakura hit hard and there were teeth on the floor, bloody at the root and freely scattered.
He stopped moving and so did Sakura. He was still alive, but recovery would be a bitch and take forever.
There were sirens outside as Sakura started to stand. The blood leaking out of her was thick in color, staining huge slabs of her nightwear.
“Why would you do that?” Izuna asked on a strangled note of panic. Sakura looked up and saw both boys not far away, Madara crouched protectively in front of his brother. She turned a little and lights from the outside made the room bright enough to see how wet with blood she was for a split second.
“You’re hurt!” Madara exclaimed, even as Izuna pushed forward to try and reach her first with helpful hands.
Sakura kept them back with a hand raise and told them to not get too close or else they would get dirty too.
“Like any of us care about that now,” Madara muttered, looking down at the destroyed face of her shooter. “Where did you learn to do such damage?”
There were police rushing in and flooding the foyer. A few went to the knocked out thieves and a pair went to Sakura, helping with her wound and pushing Izuna aside. Over their shoulders Sakura’s eyes found Madara’s. She smiled and he felt pinned to the spot. She touched her lips and let the on site paramedics patch her up while she recounted her tale to the police officers.
It was probably the last night Madara was embarassed about his dreams and also the last night of the freeze out. A month later and the oddly aged family unit was unrecognizable.
“They’re really overdoing it. It’s a little cold, but you’d think she’d freeze and die with a stray wind,” Fugaku huffed to his wife, watching Madara and Izuna fuss over Sakura’s lack of a scarf when she said she was going out to the car to get something she forgot. It was a half minute walk and they insisted on making her wear a scarf and hat, much to her displeasure.
“They’re trying to stand out,” Mikoto cooed into her husband’s ear. “Don’t tell me you missed how our son fawns over her. He’s been doing that for ages and they’re all trying to catch up.”
“They’re brainless.”
Mikoto smirked. “Uchiha boys usually are when it comes to matters of the heart, my love.”
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lukin08 · 7 years
Rio Dreams- The Big Move
I was thinking about this AU and I realized these two were up for a milestone in the timeline.  Pure indulgence on my part, but I thought I would share.  
Link to fic here
Rating: K
The passenger door to the Grand Cherokee slammed with a solid thud.  Before Kristoff was even able to slide out of the driver’s seat, Sven was already around holding the door for him and offering a hand.
Kristoff eyed Sven and gave an exasperated sigh.  “You don’t need to do that.  I’ve managed the last few weeks on my own just fine.”
“Only because you're so bull headed.  Shall I mention how you fell?  When was that, hmm?  Oh yes!  Last week.”
“That only happened because it was pouring rain and I was in a rush and the crutch got stuck and-”. Kristoff paused, giving Sven a suspicious look.  “Wait.  How did you know about that?  I didn’t tell you anything about it.”  The realization hit Kristoff as to how his friend found out about that particular embarrassing incident he’d rather forget ever happened.  “Anna!  She told you?”
“Sure did.”  Sven gave Kristoff a smug smile, watching Kristoff lock his knee brace.  “Tells me all sorts of good information.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”  Kristoff scowled up at Sven.
“Nothing,” Sven chirped back innocently.  He walked away from Kristoff in the direction of the stables.
“What did she tell you?”  Kristoff called out to Sven, slight worry in his voice.
Sven just ignored Kristoff and instead yelled back.  “Come on.  Doc wants you to walk as much as you can.  Let’s go find Anna.”
“What did she tell you?” Kristoff asked a little firmer, refusing to move away from the Jeep.  
Sven just looked back at him.  He pointed next to him giving Kristoff an order and a goal to aim for.  “All your weight.  No cheating!”
Kristoff grumbled under his breath and started the slow, calculated movements towards his friend. Suddenly he froze as a new thought washed over him.  “What have you told her?”  Kristoff yelled at Sven, unable to hide the panic in his voice.
The walk to the stables took more out of Kristoff than he anticipated.  He thought he was making good progress, but every time he tried to push himself a little farther, his struggling would only remind him of how much work was still ahead of him.  Less than a month ago he was out on the pitch in top condition and now he could barely walk a hundred feet without having to take a break.
They stopped for a few minutes to allow Kristoff to rest and show Sven his horse and the new horse Anna had recently acquired.  She was in the process of training it for the dressage and one of the top riders in the US had already expressed interest in using him for the next competition season.  
“Up for a little more, or do you want to quit?” Sven asked.
Kristoff saw the challenge in Sven’s eyes and there was no way he was going to back down no matter how much his knee was killing him.  He started walking slowly out of the barn, a bench outside along the fence his goal.  “I should never had let you go to therapy with me.”
“Oh quit your grumbling.  You know you like me pushing you”
Kristoff was surprised that he was able to make it all the way to the bench with not too much effort.  Little steps, he kept reminding himself.  It had only been two weeks since the surgery and he was already off his crutches, but his body and mind wanted him to move quicker.  Still, the competitive side in him was a little proud when the therapist mentioned that he was about two weeks ahead in the healing process it took most patients recovering from ACL reconstruction surgery to get to.
“Ah!  There she is!”  Sven pointed out.  Kristoff followed Sven’s gaze to the field.  Anna was out on Olaf with one of her students, practicing jumping on the beginner heights.  
Keeping his eyes on Anna the entire time, Kristoff unlocked the brace and sat down with a sigh of relief.
“Doing alright?” Sven asked.
“You have no idea how good it feels to be able to bend my knee again.  These last few weeks sitting around barely doing anything have been killing me.  I’m surprised Anna’s still talking to me.”
“She didn’t mention anything-”  Sven broke out into laughter when he caught Kristoff glaring at him.  “Hey you should be happy we get along so well.”
“I am,” Kristoff admitted.  “But the two of you together can be a dangerous combination.  Probably at my expense too.”
“Can’t argue that,” Sven chuckled again.  “But seriously, with the move, her sister being out of town, and your surgery we have been talking a lot.  And she’s never complained. Not even once.”
“She’s too good for me,” Kristoff mused, only half joking.
“Fact.  But for some reason she seems to tolerate you pretty well.  Actually may even like you.  I can’t figure it out.”
Kristoff looked back out to the field at Anna, smiling as she moved about effortlessly on the horse.  He’d never tire of seeing her out there.  It always reminded him of Rio when he went to her meet and saw her riding Olaf for the first time.  As much as he tried to resist it back then, he knew that was the exact moment he lost his heart to her.
“I really love her, you know.  I can’t imagine my life without her anymore.”
Sven placed his hand on Kristoff’ shoulder.  “I know.  It’s plastered all over your face.  Both of you are the same really.  I can hear Anna’s smile over the phone whenever she talks about you.  It’s sickening, really.”
Sven was only able to keep the smile off his face for a few seconds.  Kristoff matched it for a moment before turning serious again.  “Thanks again for coming out to help. I know it's not your first pick of things you could be doing during the mid-season break.”
“Nonsense.”  Sven waved him off.  “You’re family.  And Anna is too now. I’m happy to be here and it’s nothing you wouldn’t do for me- haven’t already done.  I’m just glad you had the move planned over the break so I could help.”  Sven stretched, finishing by putting his hands behind his head.  “Don’t worry bud, I’ve got this all covered.  You’ll be settled in your new place in no time.  We just need you to focus on getting that knee better so you can figure out whatever it is you want to do now that you’ve quit on me.”
“Sven, listen…” Kristoff started, but was interrupted when Anna called out his name.  She had just noticed they were there and gave them both an enthusiastic wave.  Kristoff waved back and nodded to her when she signaled she wouldn’t be much longer.  He watched her ride away, lost in thought at how lucky he was to have her in his life.
“What were you saying?”
“Hmm?”  Kristoff looked over to see Sven staring at him.
“I was talking about you quitting and you went to say something.  Change your mind already?”
Kristoff paused to make sure he had Sven’s full attention.  “You know I love Rugby.  Always will.  But as bad as this may sound, I think getting injured was the best thing.  I shouldn’t be playing anymore.  My heart's not in it.  You know I’ve been drifting ever since college.  I only meant to play for one year in the league to bide my time before I figured out what I really wanted to do.  Then the Olympics happened and deciding to continue to play for the league got me out here.  I feel like I’ve been launched forward the last couple years without being able to stop and the only thing I know that’s real and concrete and right is Anna and moving out here.”
Sven nodded his head.  “I get it.  I really do.  And something will come up for you.  I can feel it.”
“I have no idea what that will be.  But I’m home.  This is where I belong.”
“Alright, remember.  No lifting anything.”
“I won’t.”
“And you’ll go slow.  Promise?”
“I will.”
“The couches already delivered so you can sit if you get tired. Please try to stay out of the way.  I don’t want your knee to get knocked into.”
“Anna,” Kristoff chuckled walking carefully up the driveway.  “I’m just going to stand around and watch to make sure no one breaks anything.  I’ll stay out of the way, and be completely useless.”  
“Thank you,” Anna said back, stopping at the front door to wait for Kristoff.  “And helping put everything away in the kitchen is not useless.  Who else is going to reach the top of the cabinets?”
Kristoff came up next to Anna and unlocked the front door.  “I’d carry you through the door, but…” Kristoff gestured down at his knee.
Anna went up on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek.  “Next house.  When it’s really ours.”
It wasn't the kiss that made Kristoff’s cheeks burn red, but the implication of Anna’s words.  They were taking a huge step moving in together and Kristoff was ecstatic.  All he wanted since the day he moved out here was this.
He worried that the relationship was moving too quickly for Anna.  It would keep him up at nights even if it was all in his head.  But every time that fear crept up on him, Anna always was there showing him they were on the same page.  
It was Anna’s idea they move in together.  When Kristoff casually mentioned one evening that his short term lease was coming up and he had to decide if he was staying in his apartment or moving, Anna was unusually quiet.  He left the next morning for a week of away games and regretted every second he was gone not asking her if something was wrong.
He should have known better.  One of the things he had quickly learned about Anna was she never shied away from telling him how she felt.  As soon as they saw each other again, Anna brought up the idea.  She already researched places and had all her points lined up ready for his protest.   We both travel, so there’s lot’s of times you can have to yourself if you need… we’re over at each other’s places all the time anyway… it’s kind of a waste for us to both be paying for a place if you really think about it… and I like having you with me… we can save money… maybe for a place we can buy…. in the future!  But soon.  Well, not soon soon, but soon enough.  No rush- only when we're ready if that’s what you want and- why are you laughing!
That conversation started it all.  And now they were walking into their first place together.  The townhouse they rented would be the largest place he lived in since being on his own and he wasn’t sure at first what they would do with all the space.  That thought was quickly squashed as he looked around.
Boxes were everywhere, a some half opened with the contents spread all over the floor.  In the living room sat their new furniture, which also meant their new bedroom set should be here as well.  Kristoff was grateful knowing that at least no matter how much or little was accomplished today, the bed would at least be set up for them to crash into from exhaustion.
“I brought as many boxes over during the week as I could,” Anna explained.  She gave them a sheepish look at the items all over the floor.  “Sorry about the mess.  I tried to put some of it away, but I realized I wanted to wait until you were here so we could do it together.”
She was biting her lip in nervousness and wringing her hands together.  Kristoff opened his arms, inviting her to him.  Anna Jumped into his embrace.
“Easy!”  Kristoff laughed.  “I’m still fragile.”
“Oh, stop,” Anna said into his chest, gripping around his waist just a little tighter.  “Are you sure you’re ready for this?”
“We bought furniture together.  I think I’m stuck with you now.”
“Kristoff!  I’m being serious!”
Kristoff bent down to kiss the top of her head.  “Of course I’m ready.  All I’ve ever wanted is to be with you.”
He felt a content hum come from Anna.  “Me too,” she said and his heart almost leapt out of his chest.  Everything felt so right and Kristoff knew he wouldn’t be able to hold out much longer before he had to ask her the most important question of his life.  Of their lives, really.
“I love you,” Anna murmured, still holding tightly to him.
“I love you, too.”
Just then a burst of activity came through the door.  Sven was walking in, carrying a stack of boxes.
“I asked you to do one thing.  One thing!  Open the garage door.  Is it done?  No.  Instead I see you two in here making googly faces at each other.”
“Sven, we just walked in,” Anna laughed at the face he was making at the two of them.
“I’m slow, remember?”  Kristoff added.
“No comment.”  Sven walked past them to deposit the boxes in one of the rooms. “And who’s idea was it to move both of you at the same time?” He asked walking back into the room.  “Because I’m slightly hating you for it right now.”
“There are movers getting my stuff,” Kristoff protested.  “And there’s some more people to help coming in a few minutes.”
“Yeah, but we still have to grab all your boxes!”
Anna snaked her arms off of Kristoff and walked into the kitchen.  She returned, holding an open beer for Sven.  “Peace offering?”
“Just keep ‘em coming,” Sven said, trying his hardest to still act annoyed.
“You’ll be thanking me tomorrow when everything's moved in,” Anna said.
“So it was you!”
“Guilty.  Now come on.  I’ll bet you dinner I can carry more boxes in than you.”
“Easiest bet ever.  What’s the most expensive restaurant in this town?  I’m pretty hungry.”
“You sure about that?” Kristoff asked as he watched Anna slip out the door to the garage.  “She’s pretty quick.”
“Yes.  I’m-” Sven stopped, noticing Anna was gone.  “See you later.  I have a bet to win,” he said, racing out the door.
Kristoff took a break to rest his knee, sitting on the barstool at the kitchen island.  It ended up working out that he was in the house to direct everyone.  The movers asked constantly which room to put all the pieces.  A few of his teammates had also shown up to help and he spent a ton of time just trying to figure out where to put things.  
It had finally started to quiet down.  The movers and his teammates were all gone.  All the large pieces were all in the correct rooms, with only the boxes staged in the garage that still needed to come in.  Sven and Anna were both still shouting out their box total whenever they walked inside.  So far, Anna was up by five boxes, but the lead was most likely going to start to take off. She showed no signs of slowing down, while Sven was starting to lag.  Kristoff laughed to himself when he heard Sven call a truce and suggest they take a short break.
On the counter his phone dinged.  He noticed the call he ignored a minute ago had left a message.  It was a local area code, so he decided to see what this could possibly be about.  After listening to the message the first time, Kristoff scrambled to find a pen, or anything he could write with.  He managed to find a sharpie laying around and hit play on his phone again to hear the message.  He quickly scribbled down the number on an open flap of a box and tore it off.
“There’s a clean set of sheets and blankets for the bed in the guest room,” Anna said sitting down on her new couch.  “Brand new too!  I’ll make up the bed after we bring in the last of everything. It will be nice now with the extra room you don’t have to sleep on the couch whenever you’re in town.”
“Thanks.  I really appreciate it.”  Sven paused causing Anna to look over at him.  “Please say something if you think I’m ever over here too much.  This is your place now as much as his and I don’t want to wear out my welcome.”
Anna smiled over at him.  “Sven, nothing changes.  You’re always welcome.  I mean it.”
“Don’t tell him that.  Now he’ll never leave.”  Anna and Sven both looked over at Kristoff walking into the room.  “Babe, I have to make a call.  I’ll be out back.  It should only be a few minutes.”
“Oh, okay.  Take your time.”
As soon as they heard the back door close, Sven asked.  “What was that about?”
Anna shrugged.  “No idea. I’m sure he’ll tell me about it later if he thinks he needs to.”  She reached over to take the beer Sven offered her.
“So, I haven’t asked in a few days,” he said, sitting back against the chair.  “How are you doing with the move and the surgery and everything?  Still good?”
“Yes.  Really, I’m good,” Anna answered honestly.  “It's been so much easier since Kristoff’s been able to walk on his own.  And it’s like this weight’s been lifted off him when he told the league he wasn’t coming back.”
“Has he said anything about what he thinks he may want to do?”
“A little.  There’s always a job from him at the barn, but I know he wants to find something himself.  His coach came over a few nights before the surgery.  We all had a long talk and I think it made him feel better about his options.  You should ask him about that.”
“I’ll make sure of it.  He said the league’s paying him out for the rest of his contract?”
“Yeah.  It gives a whole year to figure out what he wants to do.  I know that took some away his concerns about leaving.”
“Well, I’m happy for you both.  Even if the SOB had to go and get his knee wrecked in the process.”  Sven leaned over to clink Anna’s bottle.  “To new beginnings.”
“To new beginnings,” Anna said back.  She took a sip of the beer along with Sven.  “Can I tell something I haven’t told anyone else?”
“Sure.  Anytime.”
“When Kristoff took that hit and he didn’t get up, I thought I was going to die.  I felt so helpless sitting in the stands without any way to get to him.  And then when he had to be helped off the field and they took him out of the stadium, I hated every part of Rugby and I was so angry Kristoff put his body through that.  Later, after I got to the hospital and I knew he wasn’t seriously injured, I realized how unfair it was to have those thoughts.  It wasn’t like I haven’t put him through that as well.  Kristoff had to have gone through the some of the same emotions that time he saw me thrown from Olaf.”
Sven nodded.  “I remember when he called me after you fell.  I could hear how scared he was even after he knew you were okay.  But he knows how much you love what you do and wouldn’t ever want you to quit if you didn’t want to.”
“I know he’d never asked me to stop.  Wouldn’t dream of it.  And I wouldn’t ask that of him.  But I’m so happy that he’s done.  And I feel like it’s wrong.”
Sven leaned forward and looked Anna straight in the eyes.  “Do not feel bad about that ever.  This sport is brutal and you need a purpose to play.  Or maybe it’s that you don’t have one somewhere else.  Either way, I suppose it doesn’t matter.  I love playing.  It’s in my blood.  I’ll probably try to keep playing no matter how bad I get hurt.  Kristoff loves the game, but he’s found his purpose.  Here.”  Sven gestured to Anna.  “We both know he wasn’t coming back after his contract was up next year and I hate that he had to get hurt.  But I promise you he’s happy and this is what he wants, including you to keep riding as long as you want.  The rest will all fall into place.”
“What will fall into place?”  Anna and Sven both twisted their heads to see Kristoff walking into the room again.  He gave Anna a soft smile before turning his direction to Sven.
Sven smiled wickedly back at Kristoff.  “I was just thinking how I predicted you two moving in together in 6 months.”
“And?” Kristoff glared back.
“And I think it’s time for another one.  Engagement prediction, perhaps?”
“Okay that’s enough.”
“We’ll talk later,” Sven said, pointing back and forth between him and Kristoff.
“Anyway,” Kristoff said, walking over to the couch to sit next to Anna.  She tried to stop from giggling at the sight of how red his cheeks were. “I just got the craziest call.”
“Oh,” Anna responded.  There was something in the look of his face that made her feel like this was good news.  Kristoff took her hand in his and she squeezed it encouragingly.  
“Yeah.  It was the university.  They’re looking for an assistant Rugby coach.  Said they heard I was retiring and they wanted to know if I was interested in coming in for an interview for the position.”
“What!”  Anna tried desperately to stay seated.  But there was something in the back of her head screaming this was something Kristoff was meant to do and she wanted to jump into his arms.  “What did you say?”
His face lit up in that lopsided grin Anna loved so much.  “I have an interview on Thursday.”
Anna squealed and threw herself on top of him to kiss him, knocking him back until she was lying on top of him.
“Easy!  And it’s just an interview.”
“I’m sorry,” Anna said between kisses and laughs.  “So sorry.” Kristoff’s arms came around Anna as he kissed her back.
“And on that note, I’ll be in the garage,” Sven said getting up.
“Just like you said, Sven.  All falling into place!” Anna called to Sven as he walked out.
“Don’t ever doubt me!  I have a knack for knowing these things!”  He quipped back.
“What’s that about?” Kristoff asked.
“I’ll tell you later.”  Anna grinned at Kristoff.  “After I’m done kissing you.”
“I won’t argue with that,” he smiled back before pulling her back to him to kiss her again.
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unbwilievable · 7 years
Should We Know Us A Little Better
15 notes · View notes
illumi-nnaughtyy · 8 years
1-155 ahahahah
I'm petty asf so here ya go 😂 1: Name- Bailey 2: Age- 17 (almost 18)3: Fears- lol everyone y'all 4: 3 things I love- my dog, pasta, & Morgan 5: 4 turns on- kindness, intelligence, effort, & being funny 6: 4 turns off- not able to keep an interesting convo going, no sense of humor, treat waiting staff bad, and not being good w/ kids7: My best friend- MORGANNN8: Sexual orientation- just living my life homie 9: My best first date- never had one 🙃10: How tall am I- 5'1 (I'm small)11: What do I miss- Izzy💗12: What time were I born- idk I think like 12?13: Favourite color- blue or green14: Do I have a crush- a huge one send help15: Favourite quote- "Live Life For Bella"16: Favourite place- anyplace outdoors or anyplace with coffee 17: Favourite food- ANY AND ALL PASTA 😍18: Do I use sarcasm- lolololololol all the fucking time 19: What am I listening to right now- nothing, but I have headphones in which is weird 20: First thing I notice in new person- sense of humor 21: Shoe size- 6 1/222: Eye color- blue/green23: Hair color- blonde 24: Favourite style of clothing- tshirts I guess 25: Ever done a prank call? I was in middle school once so yep 26: Meaning behind my URL- I liked the song Wake me up by Avicii when I made my blog forever ago :/27: Favourite movie- not so many but atm probably The Proposal 28: Favourite song- too many to chose from 29: Favourite band- idk don't listen to a lot of bands 30: How I feel right now- happy 😊 31: Someone I love- My dog Jake 32: My current relationship status- single 33: My relationship with my parents- I'm really close w/ both although my mom & I argue a lot (about politics and religion mostly), but my dad is my fav human to ever exist 34: Favourite holiday- probably Valentine's Day or Christmas 35: Tattoos and piercing I have- my ears are pierced 36: Tattoos and piercings I want- so many tattoos omg 37: The reason I joined Tumblr- I thought it looked cool?38: Do I and my last ex hate each other? I don't hate her bc I've let go of that negativity but she probs hates me but it's chill 39: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts? I have recently & it makes me heart smile bud 40: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? That'd be Morgan so YEET no 41: When did I last hold hands? When my dad was driving me to take my Midterm & I was nervous so he held my hand 42: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? Like 20 minutes, u less I shower then like 40 minuets43: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days? Yepppp 44: Where am I right now? Laying in bed 45: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me? Morgan probs 46: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? LOUDDDD47: Do I live with my Mom and Dad? Mom48: Am I excited for anything? The future 49: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? My dad 50: How often do I wear a fake smile? Anytime I'm at yee yee south Paulding high school 51: When was the last time I hugged someone? Honestly so long ago it's kinda sad52: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me? They would be an invisible person bc I haven't kissed anyone 53: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not? Probably 54: What is something I disliked about today? Yes55: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? Hmmmm probs lexi or obama 56: What do I think about most? School tbh 57: What’s my strangest talent? My dedication 58: Do I have any strange phobias? I irrationally hate the dark bc I'm five 59: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? Both idc 60: What was the last lie I told? That I wasn't mad that my dad wasn't picking me up until tomorrow 61: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? Both is fine I prefer in person 62: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? Def ghosts but idk about aliens 63: Do I believe in magic? Nah64: Do I believe in luck? Ehhhh not really 65: What’s the weather like right now? Cold as hell66: What was the last book I’ve read? Medical Law, Ethics, and Bio Ethics 67: Do I like the smell of gasoline? Kinda 68: Do I have any nicknames? Bai & Angel 69: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had? Broke my arm & my knee 70: Do I spend money or save it? Both 71: Can I touch my nose with a tounge? Nope72: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me? My room walls 😅73: Favourite animal? My dog 74: What was I doing last night at 12 AM? Talking to lexi 75: What do I think is Satan’s last name is? Trump 76: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? Brown eyed girl 77: How can you win my heart? Make an effort to remember the little things & make me laugh....also if you're good w/ kids 😍78: What would I want to be written on my tombstone? "This bitch was lit asf"79: What is my favorite word? Content 80: My top 5 blogs on tumblr yeet too much work to do this 81: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? Why are we all so hateful?82: Do I have any relatives in jail? Yes83: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? To know everything 84: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? Idk depends on who's asking 85: What is my current desktop picture? Trees 86: Had sex? Nope 87: Bought condoms? Yes (as a dare)88: Gotten pregnant? Nope 89: Failed a class? Nope 90: Kissed a boy? Nope 91: Kissed a girl? Nope92: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? Nope 93: Had job? Yes 94: Left the house without my wallet? All the fucking time ugh95: Bullied someone on the internet? No bc I'm not an asshole 96: Had sex in public? Nah 97: Played on a sports team? Yes 98: Smoked weed? No 99: Did drugs? No 100: Smoked cigarettes? No 101: Drank alcohol? Yes 102: Am I a vegetarian/vegan? No 103: Been overweight? No 104: Been underweight? Yes 105: Been to a wedding? Yes I love them so much 😍😍106: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? I do online college so sadly yes 107: Watched TV for 5 hours straight? Lololol I'm trash so yes 108: Been outside my home country? Yes 109: Gotten my heart broken? Many times110: Been to a professional sports game? Yes111: Broken a bone? Yes112: Cut myself? .....113: Been to prom? Yes114: Been in airplane? Yes 115: Fly by helicopter? No116: What concerts have I been to? 4 Taylor Swift, 1 Carrie Underwood, & 1 one more that I can't think of 117: Had a crush on someone of the same sex? Lololol so many times 118: Learned another language? Like 2 years of hs Spanish 119: Wore make up? I'm an ugly toe so yes 120: Lost my virginity before I was 18? Nope 121: Had oral sex? Nope 122: Dyed my hair? Yes 123: Voted in a presidential election? Nope 124: Rode in an ambulance? Nope 125: Had a surgery? Yes 126: Met someone famous? Yes 127: Stalked someone on a social network? All the fucking time 128: Peed outside? Yes 129: Been fishing? I live in Georgia so what do u think?130: Helped with charity? Yes 131: Been rejected by a crush? Lol all of them132: Broken a mirror? Sadly 133: What do I want for birthday? Money 134: How many kids do I want and what will be their names? Idk maybe 2 or 3? And I want to name them Dani, Andi, or Amelia 135: Was I named after anyone? Some bitch from my mom fav tv show 136: Do I like my handwriting? Noooo it's horrid 137: What was my favourite toy as a child? A Mickey Mouse teddy bear 138: Favourite Tv Show? Soooo many but atm scandal 139: Where do I want to live when older? Idk just not in Georgia 140: Play any musical instrument? The recorder that I learned in 4th grade 141: One of my scars, how did I get it? I have one on my knee from falling off of my bike & breaking my knee cap 142: Favourite pizza toping? Mushrooms bc I'm trash143: Am I afraid of the dark? Yes 144: Am I afraid of heights? Very 145: Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? Nope 146: Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? Everyday fam 147: What I’m really bad at? Telling ppl how I feel 148: What my greatest achievments are? My academics for sure 149: The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me? Prefer not to say 150: What I’d do if I won in a lottery? Pay for college 151: What do I like about myself? Not gonna lie I've got some A+ boobs 152: My closest Tumblr friend? Hmmm idk 153: Something I fantasise about? Moving out of my house & being independent 154: Any thoughts on the paranormal? That it's scary as fuck 155: Free question: Any question you’d like to ask, be it rude, fun, curious, strange, sexual, random, meme related, etc! Lol one wasn't asked
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emilykatie · 4 years
20 Dad Things to Do on Father's Day
Make this Father’s Day Gifts delivery a great one with these 20 pop-approved games, projects and activities. Getting messy is definitely required!
In her job as a physician's assistant, my wife has been required to work in the E.R., get ready for 6 a.m. surgeries, and be on call — all things that have led to a rewarding career but nothing close to what our parents called a “normal work schedule.”
As such, it’s often just our two sons and me, the three Vrabel men, waking up to a day full of endless possibility and promise. And these days tend to begin the same way: with me making breakfast and asking, “So what’s on the agenda today?” and the boys responding with…well, abject silence, since they’re upstairs furiously Minecrafting while I talk to a stack of speedily cooling Belgian waffles.
Given the opportunity, my sons would be pretty well satisfied devoting one to 48 hours of their day to Minecraft. In these cases, it falls to me to devise the plan for the day, an activity or outing that not only has enough appeal to peel them away from their 8-bit fantasyland but also accomplishes the following: 1) enriches their lives; 2) helps them grow into wise, fulfilled adults; 3) is mentally active; 4) is physically active; 5) falls within my state’s laws of personal safety; 6) doesn’t cost $20,000; 7) is something I wouldn’t mind doing either. So, you know, no pressure.
Every parent wants to fill his children’s hours with activities that will empower and enrich them; every parent has stared at a wall repeating, “Yeah, I have no idea what that is.” To that end—and to celebrate Happy Fathers Day Gift to India online delivery —here’s an incomplete list of DAD things to do with your kids, as written by actual dads, prominent bloggers, musicians, and me, a humble writer-slash-Belgian-waffle aficionado.
1. Play in the street.
Sam Weinman, a New York City editor and author of Win at Losing: How Our Biggest Setbacks Can Lead to Our Greatest Gains, approaches parenting with this idea: “Allow them to be the conduit to your younger self. I like to remind my boys that being a kid never gets old.” His go-to? Dragging out two goals, waiting for traffic to subside, and playing a little hockey in the street. He’s even turned it into an annual event: a round-robin tournament with four kids and a dad on each team. Winners take home a replica of the Stanley Cup trophy—which is actually a popcorn maker. “It’s arguably the highlight of the year.”
2. Introduce them to a record player. Now, granted, this isn’t for everybody: It doesn’t always work to have a 2-year old’s peanut butter–covered hands around a precision device that doesn’t play if you bump it. But some years ago, I ventured into the attic to retrieve my old and spider-infested collection of records, and on many nights since, we’ve been charmed by this relic from the past. We page through the massive art, make jokes about bizarre 1970s-era artist names (“Meat Loaf?” my eighth-grader said one night, shaking his head in bemused disbelief. “Why don’t people make any sense?”), and indulge in the novel idea of listening to something straight through, instead of fast-forwarding or commanding Alexa to play something different.
RELATED: How to Spend More Quality Time With Your Child
3. Invent new cereals. According to my 6-year-old, I have been eating Cocoa Pebbles incorrectly for decades. He told me this while retrieving two other boxes of cereal, from which he created an innovative new breakfast called CocoaLuckyTrix. For the week after, we started breakfast by engaging in some cereal alchemy, producing such inventions as Cinnamon Toast Flakes, Rice Krispiespuffs, and my personal favorite, Marshmallow Apple Pebbles.
4. Learn which colas can explode. Everybody knows that Diet Coke + Mentos = geysers of carbonated awesomeness. But though it’s the most famous reactive liquid, Diet Coke isn’t the only drink that will activate on contact with Mentos and make a mess of your kitchen! Head to the grocery store and grab a sample of other sodas. (This is for science, so the cheap bottles work just fine.) If you’re feeling especially MythBuster-y, tape several pieces of poster board together, mark off heights, and see which beverage creates the greatest geyser. (Hint: Don’t skimp on the diet root beer.)
5. Send screens back in time. If your kids are into video games anyway, bond with and/or horrify them by showing them the ancient video games you had to deal with as a child. There are a few ways to do this: You can get an Atari simulator at Walmart for about $40, and Nintendo has released new (and tiny) “Classic Edition” plug-and-play versions of its NES and Super Nintendo consoles. The NES Classic Edition comes preloaded with 30 games, including Super Mario Bros. 3, Metroid, The Legend of Zelda, Dr. Mario, and Castlevania.
The Super NES Classic has Street Fighter II, Super Mario World, Super Mario Kart, and Super Metroid. Best part: Both let you save points, so hitting the power button no longer means obliterating your progress! Bonus: If your kids are into Minecraft, the graphics and gameplay on a Super Nintendo will seem like some impossible magic from the future.
RELATED: Want to Feel Old? Watch This Little Girl Try to Run a Gameboy
6. Climb your city. Troy Carpenter, dad and Instagram star @redblueox, has an altitude-themed go-to for his oldest: visiting monuments and ascending to urban heights. He’ll take his kids to Indianapolis’s downtown Soldiers & Sailors monument or figure out which days of the week he can visit the top floor of other skyscrapers. If you’re in a city with older kids, finding the highest heights can be a perfect mix of urban adventuring and making sure they get enough exercise to sleep well that night.
7. Create a spy network. Few concepts capture a kid’s imagination more than secret messages, which is what compelled Coy Bowles, guitarist with the Zac Brown Band, to fashion a game out of a quirk in his house’s design. “We have a 4-inch tall pipe that connects one recording-studio room to another,” he says. “Its purpose is to pass cables through the wall, but my daughter and I now use it for fun.” Bowles and his budding spy swap messages and toys through it. “It’s cute to see her so curious about what’s happening on the other side of the wall.” No pipe? Hide messages anywhere: in drawers, behind bookshelves, in the vegetable crisper, inside a favorite book.
8. Invent stories (with a little help). Take a few sheets of paper, cut them into squares, and write a single and possibly hilarious word on each. Biscuits. Alien. Rhinoceros. Havarti cheese. Then ask your kids to make up a tale, occasionally flipping a square over and adding the word on it to the story. It’s 100 percent free, 102 percent imaginative, and customizable to you and your family. (Translated: “You can use whichever ridiculous words you want.”) It’s this strategy that once made my 6-year-old spin a fantastic yarn about a space pirate who uses lightning to fight a volcano inside an evil toilet. (Full disclosure: His stories always seem to include a toilet.)
9. Go playground shopping. If you live in an area with multiple playgrounds, turn your travels into a piratical expedition. Make a playground map, mark the spots you want to hit, and devise a plan with your kids for exploring each one. Make lists of the best parts of each—which one has the twistiest slide, the biggest fountains, the most imposing jungle gyms—and revisit as needed.
RELATED: 7 Unique Playgrounds for Kids
10. Bust the kids. Mike Spohr is the editor of BuzzFeed Parents, coauthor of The Toddler Survival Guide, and inventor of the Police Officer game. “My kids ride their bikes until I (the police officer) pull them over—for speeding, to ask if they’ve seen an on-the-run thief, or any of a thousand other scenarios. They want me to differentiate it every time, which gets really hard!” His son is usually apologetic; his daughter sometimes gets sassy. But all parties go home happy.
11. Fail to walk a straight line. Block out your senses by closing your eyes and plugging your ears, and try to walk 100 steps in a straight line. It will not work. You will end up 50 yards to the left, or back where you started, or in the middle of a mud puddle—but never ever straight ahead.
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flauntpage · 7 years
Your Wednesday Morning Roundup
This is Joel Embiid’s world, and we’re just living in it.
I mean…
🤭 http://pic.twitter.com/qrmEh5z0Bp
— Philadelphia 76ers (@sixers) December 13, 2017
JoJo dimes. Ben jams. http://pic.twitter.com/TpsdGNqnWX
— Philadelphia 76ers (@sixers) December 13, 2017
Déjà vu http://pic.twitter.com/zrsgOk5JYx
— Philadelphia 76ers (@sixers) December 13, 2017
Embiid had a night in the team’s 118-112 win over the Timberwolves to end a four-game losing streak. 28 points, 12 rebounds, and a career-high eight assists for “The Process” in his return from a back injury, along with 26 points for J.J. Redick, and 15 points and 11 rebounds from Richaun Holmes, who’s been improving the past few games.
The Sixers are back in action Friday night on ESPN as they host the Oklahoma City Thunder. They’ll dedicate the entire day towards the Sixers with “Philadelphia All Access,” and the team will also debut their new red “statement” jerseys.
The Roundup:
Continuing with the Sixers, Ramona Shelburne had a great interview with Embiid and his personality in the NBA:
“I don’t go over the line, but I feel like I’m always right there,” he says with a grin. Of course he is aware it makes people within the organization crazy that their budding superstar keeps giving shoutouts to the deposed general manager who led the franchise to one of the worst stretches in NBA history. That’s kind of the point.
“I won’t mention names, but a lot of people weren’t happy” with his call-outs, Embiid says. “I don’t care. To me it was like, we’ve gone through so much, and I get that Sam Hinkie wasn’t the most loved in Philly, but that was the guy who drafted me. I still like him. He did a lot for me.”
So he calls himself The Process, over and over, mischievously defusing its bite with humor and hashtags but still cutting right up close to the quick.
“I’m not doing it to hurt anybody’s feelings or create a situation,” Embiid says. “I just think it’s funny.”
The team is scheduled to debut their “City Edition” uniforms next Thursday against the Toronto Raptors as part of their “Spirit of 76” campaign. We started to see some pics of some of the swag:
#OnBrand http://pic.twitter.com/sRWYGrWi05
— Chris Heck (@chrisheck76) December 12, 2017
Additionally, Conrad Burry found out the New Era snapback design for the Sixers’ “City Edition”.
The Flyers continued their winning ways, beating the Maple Leafs 4-2 at home for their fourth straight win. Claude Giroux and Travis Konecny scored earlier in the game, before Couturier’s snipe from a nasty pass from Giroux became the eventual game-winner.
Coots with a great pass from Giroux gives the #Flyers a late lead! http://pic.twitter.com/NaD0d7PzaU
— Chris Jastrzembski (@CFJastrzembski) December 13, 2017
The team will look to make it five straight wins Thursday night at home against the Buffalo Sabres.
It’s official: Carson Wentz was placed on IR by the team. He’s done for the year. Special teams ace Bryan Braman fills his spot on the roster.
Meanwhile, don’t expect a big change in the offense under Nick Foles, according to offensive coordinator Frank Reich:
“There will be very minor, minor tweaks to the game plan. I mean, this is our system. … We built the system; certainly, it starts at quarterback, but it’s really built around all the talent that we have on offense. And good for us that all our quarterbacks are talented. Now Carson has some unique physical traits that he does exceptionally well, but it’s nothing that Nick can’t handle. So we’re full steam ahead,” Reich said.
With their leader on offense out, the defense will have to step up in a big way for the rest of the season.
Get to know your new backup, who won’t be Colin Kaepernick, but Nate Sudfeld. He looks a little bit like Foles.
Despite no Wentz, oddsmakers still like the Birds.
Off the field, Malcolm Jenkins was honored by City Council for his social justice work.
The Phillies have agreed to terms with relief pitcher Tommy Hunter. We had Addison Reed for about 20 minutes, but that was shut down quick. Addison Reed is a true Philliea.
More on Hunter:
Hunter, 31, could become the Phillies’ closer — a job filled by Hector Neris. Or the Phillies could keep Neris in that role while deploying Hunter in the eighth inning and Neshek in the seventh. Both Matt Klentak and Gabe Kapler spoke Tuesday about a desire for flexibility in their bullpen, so that could lead to fewer defined roles.
Hunter had a 2.61 ERA in 58 2/3 innings with Tampa Bay last season. He began his career as a starter for Baltimore but found greater success in the bullpen. He has a 3.12 ERA in 280 games as a reliever over the last five seasons.
The Phillies also appear to have some interest in Cubs pitcher Jake Arrieta.
New manager Gabe Kapler won’t have any rules entering Spring Training:
There will not be list of rules waiting for Kapler’s players in February when they report to Clearwater, Fla. Instead, there will be no rules at all. The manager has spoken about building a “healthy culture” and “great environments” where the players “like coming to work.” His stance on rules is a peek into what that culture may look like.
“Not having rules doesn’t mean not having expectations. Not having rules doesn’t mean not demonstrating to a player where he needs to improve,” Kapler said. “… So one of the ways that you sort of police it is by challenging. And when people aren’t living up to expectations, it’s sharing that there’s no rule against what you just did; however, there is a consequence for the action, and here’s what it is. It’s not always the same. It’s not always that you pull a guy out of the game. It might be that he might lose his teammate in the locker next to him. His teammate might have less confidence in him because of that decision.”
In college hoops tonight, top-ranked Villanova travels to North Philly to take on Temple in a Big 5 showdown at 7 PM on ESPN2.
In other sports news, Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers has been medically cleared to return and can play Sunday against the Panthers.
New Angles acquisition Shohei Ohtani has a first-degree UCL sprain in his right elbow. It could mean Tommy John surgery.
A former NFL Network employee sued NFL Enterprises for sexual harassment against former players, including former Eagle Donovan McNabb, who worked at the network. Another reporter unveiled her experiences during an NFL Network interview a few years ago.
The Lakers told LaVar Ball to tone it down on his criticism of head coach Luke Walton.
Former Chiefs and Penn State running back Larry Johnson thinks he’s living with CTE, and it’s affecting his life and relationship with his daughter Jaylen.
Johnson fears that, by the time he’s 50, he won’t remember his own name. If that proves to be the case, Johnson is taking steps for Jaylen to watch her Papi run, to learn who he was, to maybe understand why he was so unpredictable — even, on occasion, with her.
“If I can’t remember who I was, I’ve got YouTube; I’ve got music videos that I’m making for myself, so when I watch these things I can remember,” he says. “I’m trying to get these things in order so she knows who I am and what I came from.”
A Saints fan is suing the team and wants a refund of his season tickets because of player protests earlier in the season that caused him and his family the chance to enjoy games.
“Apparently, these players were following the lead of (former San Francisco 49ers quarterback) Colin Kaepernick by disrespecting the flag, the anthem, the USA and those who have served and are serving the USA in our military,” the suit says.
He said the behavior of some fans upset by the protests — cursing, spilling beer — is “borderline dangerous,” though he said he thinks the responsibility for that behavior ultimately rests not with the fans but with owner Tom Benson.
“The Saints created that behavior by condoning it,” he said.
“It’s my thought pattern that (players) should not be allowed (to protest),” he said. “If you sell tickets to a gaming event for entertainment, you should not be allowed to turn it political.”
Meanwhile, he has his Facebook profile set to public. And random people are calling him out on the lawsuit.
Former Olympian Oscar Pistorius was hurt in a jail fight over the use of a telephone.
In the news, Democrat Doug Jones upset Republican Roy Moore to win the Alabama Senate special election. However, Moore has not conceded.
Three people were injured after a house fire broke out in Schwenksville.
This Washington D.C. Wawa is unbelievable and I can’t believe we don’t have one here.
Google unveiled their list for the most searched topics and people from this year.
Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer says he was a target of a smear campaign by a forged sexual harassment claim.
Your Wednesday Morning Roundup published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
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spiritualgravity · 7 years
A Dance with my Daughter
When I was pregnant with Isabella, I would play classical music for her through something called “Belly Buds.” My dear friend gave them to me as a gift. My husband absolutely loved the idea of having her listen to music while in the womb. If it wasn’t for him, I would have forgotten to do it most evenings. While I watched TV or read a book, I’d put the buds up against my lower belly for 30 minutes.
My pregnancy, from start to finish, was incredibly challenging — both mentally and physically. The labor was also incredibly challenging — all 36 hours — both mentally and physically. It seems that this challenging journey to parenthood was a glimpse into what was ahead.
As a first time Mom, I had absolutely no idea what to expect about caring for, and keeping a newborn baby, alive. Notice I didn’t say keeping a baby…happy. You see, I quickly learned that I had to lower my expectations. The first 3 months of a baby’s life is considered their 4th trimester, it just happens to be outside the uterus. They aren’t used to the bright lights, cold air, and freedom. The goal is to try and recreate their life inside the womb as much as humanly possible until they get adjusted.
When I would talk to my business leadership coach that my company generously pays for me to have a one-hour talk with every month, I would explain that I simply could not plan running and maintaining my at-home, entrepreneur-style business because I did not know what the first few months would be like. How could I know if I would be able to attend a video conference call if the baby was breastfeeding? How could I know if I would be able to attend a 4-hour training event if the baby wasn’t able to nap? So I decided to grant myself a self-proclaimed 12-week maternity leave.
My gut instinct was correct. I truly had no clue on the deepest level what this experience would be like. When an innocent bystander, family member or friend would ask as early as week three, “So, are you on a schedule now?” I felt an ulcer develop in my soul. Or my favorite suggestion, “Sleep when the baby sleeps.” I happen to have a baby that, coincidently, doesn’t fancy sleeping. 
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Very early on, around 2 weeks in, we realized we had a special needs baby on our hands. To name just a few superlatives, Bella has reflux (this means she’d scream in pain when acid would come flying up her esophagus / throat, was very uncomfortable, and spitting up was quite common). The pediatrician prescribed a medication that seemingly did not work. We were told that there was essentially no reason to keep playing with other medications because if the first one did not work, then none of them would and she’d have to outgrow this condition hopefully between month three and month six. The doctor also explained that recent studies have shown the risk of keeping her on reflux medication long-term outweighed the immediate result, which wasn’t much. Bella is also considered colicky. The definition means the baby is younger than 5 months old, cries for more than 3 hours, 3 days a week, for 3 weeks straight. There is no cure or treatment for this, either. Sure there are dozens and dozens of gadgets and gizmos, but none of them really made a big difference. Bella is a very poor sleeper, both day and night. In addition, Bella has an intolerance for dairy, eggs, and soy. I could write a dissertation about what this experience has been like for me, eliminating lots of foods (which as it turns out, everything processed has soy in it), but I’ll save you the pity party and raise you a piece of mozarella cheese instead.
Our baby would not sit or lay in any kind of contraption that lines our house from wall to wall. A Boppy Lounge pillow, a swing, a bouncer, a bassinet — nada. So, for the first 4 weeks of her life, she slept on top of me. Which means, I did not sleep for 4 straight weeks. I also held her during daylight hours.
We finally got her to sleep in a Rock ’n Play, which after consuming an embarrassing amount of product research, I swore I wouldn’t let it be her main sleep device. It’s only meant to be a napping tool. That went out the window once our sanity was on the chopping block.
Speaking of naps, I just put baby down 12 minutes ago for a nap, and she is waking up now. This has been our reality. Essentially, every text book baby manual has been the complete opposite in our storybook. Newborn babies “should” sleep for approximately 17-18 collective hours. Ours would sleep for about 10 hours. That’s 14 hours of keeping a baby alive — not happy — who did not want to be put down in anything.
It turns out I am now ambidextrous; I learned how to use my left hand to eat, text, and type. Miss Bella was attached to me around the clock, and still very much is today.
By weeks 5-6, I was acutely aware of why sleep deprivation is used as a torture tool. I would cry, a lot, out of frustration. And complete and total exhaustion.
At this time, I randomly developed a horrible eye infection. I went to a primary care physician’s office, which happened to be the day before my 6-week OB/GYN postpartum appointment. The PCP was a new office closer to home, and so I had to complete lots of new patient paperwork. When the nurse was going through the paperwork and asked me a series of questions, it turns out she inadvertently diagnosed me with postpartum depression. When the doctor walked in, before even addressing my one-eyed-monster face, she immediately informed me that I was flagged for “moderate to severe PPD” and nearly threatened me, in the kindest way possible, to make sure I talk to my OB/GYN about it the next day. Lovely.
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The one time I could have used support, the critical people in our lives — our two mothers — were both unavailable due to extreme circumstances. My mother had 2 major back-to-back surgeries and was bed ridden at home while she recovered. My mother-in-law lost a family member who lived overseas and she left for nearly 2 months immediately following Bella’s birth to spend time in her home country and mourn the loss. I have never felt more alone in my entire 38 years on earth. My husband and I were on a deserted island, together, and  stranded without any relief in sight. Friends would stop by here and there to meet the baby and drop off a dish of food, and it filled my heart with happiness to know that people were thinking of us. But, there is nothing that replaces a mother’s hug or hand of support. Nothing.
The next day I was given a prescription for Zoloft. The best part of this story is, Zoloft’s side effect was insomnia — the very cause of my PPD. The fluctuation in hormones I’m sure plays a part, but I’m convinced staying alive AND keeping a baby alive without much sleep is the ultimate culprit.
After giving this medication 4 weeks, I recently switched to another medication, which hopefully will allow me to get into REM sleep again when Bella gives me the limited opportunity.
I am not ashamed to share my story, feeling depressed, because it’s actually quite common. Many women in my life have admitted to me that they think they had PPD after giving birth, but never talked to anyone about it or received help. One in seven women suffers from PPD but 50% are never detected. I was prepared to have “baby blues” which happens the first two weeks after delivery, but never PPD.
We just crossed the 9-week mark with our little girl and continue to face pretty significant challenges, particularly in the sleep department. She has FOMO — Fear of Missing Out. She hates going down for naps. We have to rock her to sleep with white noise and most times, she’ll fight it with all of her might. This process has become nothing short of debilitating. My lower back is in knots, and my heart is ripped out on the regular trying to console this little one while she screams bloody murder and tries to wiggle her way out of our arms.
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I have read books, downloaded baby development apps, absorbed thread after thread on Mommy message boards, been added to multiple Facebook Mother groups, and feverishly texted friends who have come before me with similar baby issues. If there is a trick, I have tried it. I have even been acutely aware of my own energy to make sure the anxiety is not rubbing off on the baby, to the best of my ability.
She is “healthy” as far as growing and her overall condition as a tiny human. For that, I am eternally grateful and know that others have it much, much worse with terminal or chronic conditions. But the struggle to survive has been real, day in and day out and has taken a massive toll on everyone living under our roof. Someone recently told me about Unicorn babies, and Dragon babies. Unicorn babies are the ones you hear about when the parent says, “Baby XYZ was SO easy. I was lucky.” Bella is a Dragon baby. She is stubborn, strong-willed, breathes fire, and is super duper needy.
Last week Bella had some kind of divine intervention because for one week she got all the way up to 6 consecutive hours of sleep in the evening, and a few days of a 90 minute nap vs. her usual 30 minute naps. But this past Monday she received her immunizations and has spiraled downhill ever since then. The last 3 nights have sucked the life out of me, and this morning at 6:45am, I sobbed. I sobbed while gasping for breath. I couldn’t stop crying for nearly 30 minutes.
I cried for all of it. For my marriage which has been put to the test due to an inordinate amount of impatience. For particular people in my life who haven’t been supportive and only caused additional stress. For being trapped in my house for 2 months {she hates, hates, hates the car seat and car rides}. For being a prisoner to feeding my daughter as an exclusive breastfeeder and suddenly decided she did not want to use a bottle which was my only source of relief from time to time. But mostly, I cried because I am so damn tired.
When it was time to “rock” Bella for her mid-morning nap today, I had just gotten off my monthly business coaching call and still had my Apple Airpods in my ears (wireless headphones). I had an idea. I would play a Pandora music station on my phone and stream it through bluetooth in my ears. Maybe, just maybe, listening to music turned up extra loud in my ears would drown out her screams and make the 15-20 minute experience of willing her to nap a little bit more tolerable. I prepared Bella by putting her in her sleep suit since she loathes being swaddled, and got the iPad white noise app ready too. I hit play on Pandora, and classical music began.
I evidently have not listened to music since I was pregnant and played it for Bella in my belly.
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I put her head on my shoulders and held her across my chest, bracing myself for the inevitable. Instead, she fell asleep. Right away. She closed her eyes, and fell asleep. No crying. No tears. No kicking. She just drifted off to sleep, instantly.
But I didn’t put her down right away. 
I danced with her. I listened to the beautiful music of gentle instrumental piano sounds, and slowly waltzed in circles with my 10 pound, 11 ounce baby. And I sobbed. I sobbed because this morning during my 30 minute cry fest, I prayed. I prayed for mercy. So now I sobbed from gratitude.
I danced with my daughter and swirled around with her in my arms for several minutes while she was sound asleep. That moment with her was everything, second to her smile.
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