#the other character is rosa but does she even have a tag
demidevildonnie · 1 year
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one more before the road
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daughter-of-sapph0 · 2 days
I wanna hear about the OCs you tagged on the tarot post
if you're referring to this post, then yes, I'd love to talk about my OCs!
so both Avery and Iris are from a story I'm writing. it's, uh, a lot. definitely not a read for everyone. but I'll give you the sfw summary of their characters
so Irene Sorello works as a maid to the Fiore family, although they just call her Iris since they give all their workers flower nicknames. she has a huge love of witchy mysticism stuff, and was really big into the occult before she started working as a maid.
the Fiore's have a single daughter, named Rosaline. Iris was originally hired as Rosa's babysitter, since her father was never home. because of how much time Rosa spent with Iris, she eventually developed a bit of a crush on her babysitter
Iris was completely oblivious to any of these feelings. despite her love of fortune telling, she couldn't see Rosa's feelings growing stronger as she got older.
at age 18 Rosa tried to confess her feelings to Iris, but Iris turned her down saying that she was too much like family. the spoiled rich brat that Rosa is, she was devastating at not immediately being given something when she asked for it. she moved out of her parents' mansion, while Iris stayed behind. and as much as Rosa loves Iris, she hates her father even more and wants to run away from her family, going so far as to change her last name from Fiore to DiAngelo.
anyway, quick profile of Iris:
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Rosa DiAngelo is a world class heartbreaker. people fawn over her for her looks and money. and she's had more one night stands than she can count. but she doesn't feel love. at least not the love she had for Iris.
that is until she meets a young girl at a night club. Avery Fitzgerald is the embodiment of luck. good luck for others, bad luck for herself. while her roommates are incredibly successful (Rachel is married and has a kid, and is graduating med school soon, Violet is in a band that just got a record deal), Avery can't keep a job, or a partner, to save her life. she's extremely clumsy, poor as dirt, and relying on her friends for support. the only interesting thing about her is that she's mediocre at best online video games.
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but while celebrating her 21st birthday, she meets Rosa. originally Rosa just wants to take her home for one night, thinking "heh, cute. ginger hair, glasses, she kinda looks like Iris". Avery, however, has never received any sort of affection from anyone, and the moment Rosa calls her a "good little girl", she's already fallen for her. Rosa is a bit surprised when Avery asks for her number the next morning, but she's happy to continue to meet with her. while Rosa doesn't love her, she does find it cute how Avery would let Rosa do basically anything to her.
also here's Avery, looking absolutely adorable:
I won't spoil how it happens exactly, but eventually Avery ends up as Rosa's maid. she's a bit apprehensive at first, especially since Rosa is extremely demanding. I'm planning on writing it so that before Avery fully understands her role as Rosa's maid, she meets with Iris (during a very forced family reunion organized by Rosa's father), and Iris basically acts as Avery's mentor for a time. and of course Iris would give Avery a tarot reading, helping to give some insight into her future as Rosa's maid. whether that reading is leading Avery in the right direction or not is yet to be determined
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OC Mundane Tag Game
thanks for tagging me, @accidental-spice !!
Rules: Pick an OC you'd like to talk about and answer the questions for them! Then tag ten people, or as many as you can. 'Underdeveloped character I adopted' is fine, too! Absolutely no pressure to play, though
Also, if some of it can't apply to your OCs, just answer what would be the answer-- like if they're in a historical setting, they likely can't watch movies, but what is a movie they'd like?
(Also, most people have many ocs, so feel free to retag people and answer as many times as you get tagged! Or get really wild and just answer for as many ocs as you'd like! :D)
1. What is their favorite movie? hmmm ok I’m picking Daesha! I think The Princess and the Frog would be a beloved of hers, as she’d really connect with Tiana! She’d love Mulan, too. She’d also rly like Legally Blonde!
2. What is their favorite season?
She’s an autumn person, I think! It just has her Vibes! She’d really enjoy watching the leaves change, and her caf cantina’s cozy vibes are even more immaculate in autumn!
3. What do they find annoying?
Just kidding lol. She would definitely make that joke and not mean it…usually. Homegirl has some Stuff to work through in that area. Anyways, she’s annoyed by anyone who messes up her cantina’s vibe. And everything about Twi’lek stereotypes infuriates her. But when it comes to domestic, everyday annoyances…I think she gets frustrated when people pick apart movies. She’s like “it’s my day off I took off w o r k to enjoy this so LET ME ENJOY IT”
4. How would they like to spend their Christmas or equivalent holiday?
She just celebrated Life Day with her parents for a long time, which was really intimate and enough for her. She and her parents are very close, and they’re super proud of her! Daesha loves welcoming people into her caf cantina, but she’s a bit of an introvert when she’s off work, and she’s quite the workaholic. So she doesn’t make a lot of effort socially, besides the customers who eventually become friends and family to her. One in particular…but that’s another story.
5. Do they play an instrument? If so, what? How good are they at it?
Nah, but Daesha does love listening to music! She’s got one headphone in most of the time and gives the BEST music recommendations!
6. What’s their favorite meal to eat?
Daesha’s breakfast is caf, so that one lol!
7. Do they have a favorite video game or board game?
OOH Daesha would play a lot of board/card games with her parents!! I think she’d love Monopoly lol and the card game Spades! She’s very competitive, but in a fun way. When she was a kid she was more fiery about it lol but she’s usually more chill now. Usually. Unless you get her really worked up. Also she’s secretly a gamer on her off days and story video games make her cry like nothing else, especially Undertale
8. Do they celebrate their birthday?
Her parents make her celebrate lol. and they leaked her birthday to her customers so they all join in and every year they bring decorations as soon as the store opens and hang them everywhere and buy way too much caf as a present for Daesha haha
9. What’s their bedtime routine?
she used to SUCK at self-care, but now she’s got a fire skincare routine lol. she always makes a to-do list for the next day before she goes to bed in her super organized planner! she’s an early riser, so she doesn’t stay up super late—unless it’s the night before an off-day, in which case she g a m e s so hard and then falls into bed. also occasionally she gets stuck in the hypnosis that is Brooklyn Nine-Nine and binges too many episodes. she only once in a blue moon, tho. also yes her favorite character is Rosa, closely followed by Amy
10. What’s an OC (or canon character) they like to spend time around? What do they tend to do together?
She and Hera VIBE. they connect for so many reasons and on so many levels! throughout the Rebellion, they don’t rly get to see each other, but afterwards, they reconnect, and they FaceTime/holocall or whatever about once a week! it’s therapeutic for the both of them, and they very occasionally meet up and Daesha makes her caf and they talk for hours. also Daesha loves Jacen so much she thinks he’s the cutest thing and sometimes when Hera’s out doing General Things and no one in the Ghost Crew is available she drops him off on Keothon and he hangs out with Aunt Day for a while and she lets him help out in the caf cantina! he loves being a mini barista and the customers adore him!
tagging @jessicas-pi @musewrangler @locitapurplepink @anileahvictoria and anyone else who wants to play!
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signor-signor · 2 years
The other day, I checked Craig McCracken’s Twitter post about his daughter having watched The Black Cube and having drawn a friend for the Cube called “the Rainbow Sphere of love.” A lot of people found that adorable. I commented that he should consider adding the Sphere to the cast of characters set to debut in S3; someone else had the same mindset, and when she told Craig, “if you get a season 3 for Wander Over Yonder , you should include your daughters creation. So cute!”, he had this to say:
“If that ever happens we will definitely do that. She already demanding that we make it for her.”
It’s safe to say that WOY has gotten a new character who has yet to be introduced. Just like Rosa from Kid Cosmic, the McCracken daughter shows determination just when hope seems lost. If she can show interest in more original WOY content, we should, too.
Now, going off all the hints and details I accumulated in the past 6 years, here’s how I think S3 would play out:
•Start with Dominator walking through space in her orbble fuming about her defeat.
•Lord Hater, having stopped chasing Wander and Sylvia around the recovering galaxy, is encouraged by Peepers to conquer planets that are currently uninhabited. (I still like to think my fan fiction piece, The Eye on the Galaxy, is canon, but I digress.)
•Wander and Sylvia return to the formerly secret planet where all the other refugees await, and it’s there that the ship that carried the hooded beings gets an overhaul to become Star Nomad, which runs on orbble juice without wasting it.
•Wander and Sylvia use this ship to carry most of the refugees back to their planets. Along the way, they find a space ape stranded on a nearby moon where the space capsule crash-landed, and Wander decides to let him tag along.
•Star Force Enforcement Force, who had been searching for Dominator, appear. They run into Hater and ask about her whereabouts. They find Wander and Sylvia aboard the Star Nomad and ask if they could take the ape off their hands and find a better place for him. Little does anyone know that the ape becomes the team’s own police animal, and the team eventually find Dominator and lock her away for most of the “season.” They also look for other villains in the galaxy to capture.
•At some point, Hater hides out from SFEF with Wander on the Star Nomad, and his origins are finally revealed.
•At the end, Hater and Peepers come to accept Wander as their friend, SFEF let the villains turn good on their own (Dominator still has a little ways to go), a glorious reprise of “If You Wander Over Yonder” is performed, and Wander moves to a new galaxy to take on a new name. As for the space ape, it was discovered that he was Hater’s previous best friend.
Even if Craig is currently developing a way to kick off the proper reboot of The Powerpuff Girls, which is currently not in production at the moment, we might still have a shot at changing the minds of Disney’s higher ups. Besides, what kind of father would Craig be if he left an entertaining show incomplete and with no indication of the space ape’s survival? If anyone can help us fans convince Disney that interest in S3 (or some other form of a real conclusion) still exists, it’s his little girl. Every chance we get to send a letter to Disney or watch episodes on Disney+ or Hulu, do it for her.
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terristarstrike · 7 months
Sprite De La Rosa
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Character Lore:
Sprite De La Rosa is a vivacious, pint-sized 17-year-old Mertilian born of Dominican and Haitian descent. She was born within the Caribbean Sea near Haiti and the Dominican Republic, but her family swam to the Pacific Ocean near Westshore when she was 10 years old.
She enjoys being a hairstylist for her friends, especially Terrina. She loves to moisturize Terri’s curls and she loves to give her ponytails and afro puffs.
Sprite speaks with an American accent, and her Spanish has Dominican dialect.
Sprite has scales on her back that give her the ability to breathe underwater in her human form.
As a Mertilian, she transforms into a human when she's out of the water, and back into a mermaid when her entire body is submerged in water.
Alongside Bailynn Lo-Shanta, she often participates in social justice activism to help improve her community. She speaks out against issues like racism, genocide and slavery.
She is surprisingly knowledgable in human history. She knows about the Taino genocide in the 15th century and enslaved Africans being imported to the Caribbean in the 17th century.
Sprite is fluent in English and Spanish and she doesn't play when it comes to speaking Spanish. Having spent her life near Haiti and the Dominican Republic, she knows that Dominican Spanish isn't the same as Mexican Spanish, or Castillian Spanish.
“Deja que fluya” is her major moral, it means “go with the flow” in English.
Sprite and Izzy are the ultimate tag team, they love to sass their enemies and throw comebacks at them.
Her parents named her Sprite because she reminded them of fairy figures from the surface world’s fairytale books.
Her favorite books are romantic fiction and fantasy.
Mertilians are free to roam the ocean on their own once they turn 13. Her parents are deeply protective of her safety, but they’re trying to let their daughter enjoy life in Westshore.
She LOVES to dance when she's on legs, mostly to salsa, boogaloo and hip hop.
Sprite can talk to sea creatures like dolphins, whales and fish, but she can't talk to land animals.
She has a special Siren Song that hyptonizes those who hear her singing voice. She rarely uses it at all, but she only uses it for when she needs to save her friends.
Sprite is skilled in playing the guitar and the harp. If the Terrestrial Kids were a band, she would play the bass guitar.
She is fascinated with the concept of peanut butter, and she loves to spread peanut butter on everything she eats.
Sprite is the biggest cheerleader to her team. She loves to encourage her friends to prove their worth even when they’re faced with impossible challenges or foes.
Terrina has a huge fishbowl for Sprite to swim in for when she brings her to El-Doe.
Her favorite treats are Dulce de Coco (Coconut Sweets) and plantains.
Her body constantly smells like the ocean. It's mostly a pleasant smell of coconut and sunscreen. She often "stinks like seaweed" after swimming in the ocean in mermaid form, but she covers it up with perfume.
One of her favorite places to visit are the islands of Puerto Rico, Haiti and the beaches of Florida.
She hates the bitter cold of winter on the surface land. Sure, she can handle cold waters, but not cold air. Expect her to wear a huge puffy coat in the wintertime.
Mertilians have different concepts than humans: When a Mertilian dies, their bodies evaporate into seafoam. Their bodies are strong enough to withstand the pressure of the underwater trenches, and they're even stronger than humans when they're on land.
Sprite has a crush for Izzy, but she doesn't know how to express her feelings for them. The two are currently in a situationship in which they are crushing on each other, but not interested in a serious romantic relationship.
Sprite yearns for independence from her parents to spend her life in Westshore, but she is learning to hold a job so that she can be able to financially support herself as a human.
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snow-and-saltea · 2 years
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I posted 8,493 times in 2022
That's 5,858 more posts than 2021! (this is not an improvement!! but its okay!)
25 posts created (0%)
i dont even make original posts bc i am too opinionated and i cant be bothered to say it to people i dont already talk to it about (aka not gonna talk about it to ppl i dont care about sorry FJSKFJS)
8,468 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
@paleasamoon (🤠🐢!!!!)
@fflewddurfflam7 (🦊🐢!!!!)
@thecookiemonster77 (🍪🐢!!!)
I tagged 3,811 of my posts in 2022
#hey cookie - 598 posts (HI COOKIE 💛💛💛💛💛🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢💛💛💛🐢🐢🐢🐢 certified cookieposting on main!!!!!!!!! tagging each other in cats and poetry, so true)
#vid - 388 posts
#cats are valid - 354 posts (real... im kinda embarrassed w my cat tag and i wanna change it to smth else but the archival consequences.... the horrors....)
#arts and smarts - 325 posts (fucken love art babey!!!!!!)
#fave - 157 posts
#vyn richter - 138 posts (cant believe i vynpost so much.... need 2 fix that next year)
#genshin impact - 117 posts
#i create as i speak - 116 posts
#*bookmark - 106 posts
Longest Tag: 135 characters
#im happy he made it and that everyone was cheering for him and one of them was ready to help him out dghjgjhjhk that's so cute 🤧🤧🤧🤧
from this vid i rb'd!!! it didn't keep the caps though!!!
My Top Posts in 2022:
went a little insane while showering today thinking of miss medea and psyche from hit webtoon series your throne
8 notes - Posted May 11, 2022
for the chara ask.. rosa 👀? and i also cannot resist putting marius in here too
rosa, tot:
who? | only know their name | loathe | ugh | overrated | indifferent | dead | alive | just okay | cute | badass | my baby | hot | want to marry | favorite 
literally where do i even start. i love her so much that she's legit like, one of my fave fictional female charas!!! i love how sensible and logical she is, and how kind and sensitive she is too. those two sounds like opposites of each other but she balances having both traits so well. i just think she is such a great otome protagonist and if any company wants to try and write a good "self insertable" protag who is both convincing and cute they should look to her. loml 🧎
marius von hagen
who? | only know their name | loathe | ugh | overrated | indifferent | dead (his mom) | alive (him) | just okay | cute | badass | my baby | hot | want to marry | favorite 
he's a funny funky guy!!! he's my blorbo in law cus both you and angel (my other friend) like him. so i kind of get appreciation through osmosis. tbh i dont have a lot to say about him bc i think his character as a standalone is simple, but when he's in a group setting? i think that shines the most. i actually talked w angel a bit about this but we were discussing how vyn is afraid of losing rosa emotionally while marius is afraid of losing rosa physically. i read his personal card where he gets a panic attack after rosa gets kidnapped and that ending was literally..... the most poetic shit i've ever read. LIKE. his personal story and card just super appeals to the poet / artist in me bc the twist in words, the symbolism, the rose and the snake that takes turns to guard each other.... im screaming and wailing and throwing up. vyn could NEVER tbh, he's very deliberate and his acts of affection still has an underlying feeling of wanting to impress rosa at all times and to show his heart to her, but w marirosa it literally feels like they're romantic soulmates bc of the writing. does that make sense? like it feels so organic and romantic in a way vyn's measured actions and words can't replicate. i went feral at this part
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9 notes - Posted June 23, 2022
for the character asks vyn diluc lumine and kaeya!!
HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE thank you for giving me the chance to talk about my blorbos!!!
vyn richter:
who? | only know their name | loathe | ugh | overrated | indifferent | dead | alive | just okay | cute | badass | my baby | hot | want to marry | favorite 
yeah i bolded the who? one don't worry about it!! /j anyways yeah i Like this man a normal amount its not like ive written sm threads on him already yeah. i'm completely normal
except i'm NOT
i started out thinking my fave would be artem cus vyn seemed too pretentious for me at first and i still have trauma from the last time i liked a white haired and golden eyed guy in otome cus that bitch disappointed me so much i literally can't even look at him without going >:T
he's such a cool character to me, i love how contradictory he is while being completely consistent characterization wise. by contradictory i don't mean that he doesn't say what he mean or doesn't mean what he says, but the way he views himself vs how he views rosa vs how he views other people (derogatory) is quite ironic. i love how he loves rosa because she's beautiful both inside and out, in the sense that she is straight laced, honest and not mired with existential or moral complexities that stop her from being kind, realistic and faithful to her values. (in fact, when facing those moral complexities, her true character shines more because of the way she isn't stagnated by indecision or analysis-paralysis. but that's another talk for another day i could literally go on and on about her)
i like it a lot because he's both a bit of rosa in him and a bit of the cynical jadedness he dislikes in other people. as a doctor, he wants to cure his patients, and he secretly harbours some hope, at the back of his mind, that people are better than he thinks they are, that when presented the opportunity for change and growth they'll choose it— which is why i think he "tests'" rosa in his stories so much. cus he wants to see a diff outcome come from her!! to him, i feel like there's a bit of him idealism projected onto her, smth like saying: "i tried and failed, but i want to see how you do it, and what new thing you'll show me with your way of doing things." in ideals and visions, he relates to rosa.
however, in many ssr stories, and even one sr (the iconic false tears story) he shows the pettiest and most spiteful parts of himself that he's tried to keep hidden from rosa, where he indulges his egocentric beliefs that makes him feel like the things he's doing are justified, as long as the end goal is a positive net of "justice" in the world. he also sometimes shows how incredibly judgemental and harsh he can be, because he always thinks he knows better and is more objective / morally superior than other people he dislikes. in practice and methodology, he relates to the people he dislikes. it's like a mirror that shows the ugliest parts of himself. if he dislikes them like any other normal person would dislike an asshole and then move on with their life, why would that be such a big psychological trigger for him? it clearly means more to him than he tries to hide, so he tries to make a clear line separating his own "cruelty" and other people's "cruelty" and how he's better than them cus he had the right intentions in mind.
(that's not how it works btw babygirl. but issokay ur kinda fucked up i'd like to put u under a microscope)
i like how he slowly comes to realise that contradiction, too. not verbally said, but i interpret his recent growth in stories as someone who knows he's "ugly" inside and filled contempt for everyone—although sometimes he dresses his actions in a more gentlemanly or "fair" so that it's still TECHNICALLY the right thing to do even if the way he did it was unethical. at first their relationship progression was "i want her to see the most impressive parts of me" > "i want her to rely on and be influenced by me" > "i want her to know my feelings but only the ones that are peer reviewed to be palatable" > "i want her to see me for who i am and accept me, even if i can't accept the entire truth of myself". and i think that fuckign ROCKS
concluding statement: if the road to hell was paved with good intentions vyn is building a freeway. but rosa is changing his lanes!!! she changed my lanes too if u know what i mean wink wink nudge nudge
anyways yeah im mentally sound and in perfect health about vynrosa why do you ask
diluc ragnvindr:
who? | only know their name | loathe | ugh | overrated | indifferent | dead | alive | just okay | cute | badass | my baby | hot | want to marry | favorite 
i like him!!! iirc he was my second 5* after jean? and then i used him as a dps for a while! i wish they gave him fluffier or longer hair. i think in game diluc doesn't really do enough justice to his characterization or lore bc i feel like he looks a bit "bland" in story execution compared to the other charas. oh well, virtues and vices of being an early game chara! i like him best when he's in big brother mode and i cannot thank fanartists enough who portray him being a good big bro to the kids like klee, diona, bennett, fischl and razor. i love it!!!
who? | only know their name | loathe | ugh | overrated | indifferent | dead | alive | just okay | cute | badass | my baby | hot | want to marry | favorite 
she's so goddamn FUNNY and cute?????? i like the progression of her character and her growing into her own personality in the recent quests, i think they wrote it really well. have you listened to her voice lines where she talks w paimon? they show sm of her personality and she's just so... witty and dry and sarcastic but her voice is so soft that it makes u double-back and go, "sorry, run that by me again?" i love her sm. although, i don't really interact w the fandom a lot because they're very noisy in hating her for some reason. and it gets tiring to hear TwT i get my lumine food from anng rt'ing stuff on twt or on tumblr! consuming fandom the exact way it was intended: i only see what my friends will share w me!!!
kaeya alberich:
who? | only know their name | loathe | ugh | overrated | indifferent | dead | alive | just okay | cute | badass | my baby | hot | want to marry | favorite 
another case of sadly being an early game chara so his execution was a bit sloppy TwT his lore is so funkin cool and his personal story and how he got his vision was, imo, the coolest and most emotionally impactful out of everyone else? ofc he and shenhe shares similar patterns in their history and how they were treated, but i think it hits harder for me bc like. GOD. overridden by guilt for the death of diluc's dad, he confronts him and tells him the truth of who he is. and at the emotional height of his life where diluc turns to fight him, he's given a vision if only to protect himself and his heart so that he can still go on and fulfill whatever "destiny" his dad had marked out for him, if he chooses that as his right.
i still think its meaningful bc even in game diluc never shows any signs that he genuinely, truthfully, dislikes kaeya. so while they still have this unspoken history between them that neither of them seem willing to talk about, there's a nostalgic and sad feeling of people who drifted apart brushing by each other time and again, and silently forgiving the other but not making it known at all. i can't find it rn but there's sm diluc and kaeya comics where its all about sibling hurt / comfort and reconciliation and making it known that they care about each other verbally, instead of accepting it as is in actions, bc they're hesitant to break the ice. GOD
14 notes - Posted June 22, 2022
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saw this post and immediately my purpose in life for the next 37 minutes was crystal clear to me
couldn't have done this without my fellow vyn and marius dunker, @00uroboros
23 notes - Posted August 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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fuckign losing it rn
38 notes - Posted July 19, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
Yee Haw! thats it babey!!!
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niuxita21 · 10 months
Finally finished Las Pelotaris and went on the tag and OMG I can't fucking beLIEVE that yet again there is not a single gifset of Chelo and her pretty pretty face even though her character had the best denouement out of all of them by actually being allowed to kill her abusive fuckwad of a husband and watch as his body was eaten by pigs (queen shit). I also can't believe the level of simping over Itzi with a woman who apparently loved her SoOOOooOO much that she easily believed she killed her husband just from a signature on a typewritten confession. Ugh I'm so mad at this show like it started off so good then was utterly terrible in the middle and the finale was actually enjoyable (if majorly stressful) because for the first time all season the three lead characters (+ Rosa, the true MVP of this show) were in the same country and interacting with each other. I will always be a sucker for scenes of female bonding over killing/disposing of trash men or helping each other do it. I also can't believe that the prospect of a season 2, no matter how grim it is, does not entirely displease me because at least the four of them would be all together and I would really enjoy watching them deal with this new shitty situation. But alas, I highly doubt there will be a second season, and if there is, they'd find a way to ruin it the same way they mishandled everything after episode 3 give or take. And I would have to continue watching Itzi pine over a woman who chose to believe the worst of her. Itzi, mi amor, love yourself!!!!!!
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RNM s04e08 Rant
Okay, so time for Salmon says something not everyone is going to like.  Always, always, always, right? This is a fandom rant - Roswell New Mexico - mostly about Episode 08 of Season 4. And mainly revolves around Michael, but not because I’m complaining about Michael.  The exact opposite. As always, tags are avoided, so please respect that.
First off, I literally had to go look it up because suddenly I was doubting my own memories of the episodes but…
Isobel didn’t teach Rosa how to pick out individual sounds. Michael did!  Isobel and Max were trying to help Rosa with her powers, but they totally failed - partly because Rosa was still angry at Max, but still the facts are they failed.  The one who succeeded was Michael - because he was a fellow musician and could tell her in words that made sense to her.  So why was Rosa talking about Isobel teaching her to pluck out the sounds?  Did the writers fail to double-check their own episodes?  Because that was definitely, definitely Michael.
Yeesh, like… let’s give credit where credit is due here, okay?  I love Izzy, but she was the most help to Maria, not Rosa.  Moving on…
I now feel like I know why Kyle couldn’t return to New Mexico yet, Dallas had to be shoved through the quicksand portal, and Isobel had to be with Tezca the entire episode.  Because if any one of the three of them were present, they would never have allowed the others to lie to Michael about Alex.  Liz, Max, and Maria are seriously the King and Queens of bad decisions, but this one has to take the cake. (Liz is the highest on my character list of the three but she still has a long list of very bad decisions.)
I absolutely hate that Michael’s reaction to the lies was treated as wrong.  That the writing claims it was him falling back on old habits and “acting like a baby” - because, honestly?  This time his anger was justified.  Keeping this from him was a betrayal of trust.  All season, Michael has made an effort to be open and honest with everyone.  He has struggled but ultimately worked hard to not fall on old habits and succeeded.  So, no, his anger wasn’t him acting like a child or being unnecessarily cruel.  Everyone he has been making an effort with all season repaid that openness by lying to him.
Max definitely deserved to be punched - because this is not the first, second, or even third time of this sort of behavior from Max.  The Pod Squad has kept saying - no more making decisions for each other (s1), no more making decisions unless it’s all three of us (s2); no more lying to each other (s3).  Michael and Isobel have put in a shit ton of effort to keep by those words.  And then there’s Max.  So, no, Michael should not have to apologize for his anger or his behavior towards the man who is supposed to be his brother and have his back.  Max deserved it.  1000%.
While anger can lead someone astray if it runs rampant or is used in place of other emotions - that doesn’t mean it is never justified.  The idea that someone does not have the right to speak up in anger when they are mistreated is a load of crap.  You don’t want someone to call you out?  Don’t be an asshole.  If you are an asshole, then - no - nobody owes it to you to play nice.  Nobody has to keep quiet and not say you’re an asshole. They have every right to call you on your crappy behavior.  You made your bed, so gd lay in it.
Which leads me to the last complaint - and oh, how I wanted to punch my screen.
So Liz gets to own up to her behavior to Michael. “The Lair is closed to liars” “I deserve that.”
Max gets to own up to his behavior to Liz. “I should have pushed back harder on keeping Michael in the dark.” and to a lesser degree to Michael. “You were upset,  I reckon you still are and I didn’t do you any favors hiding the truth from you.”
But Maria, of fucking course, does not.  She almost does, we get so gd close to her finally admitting to poor behavior, and the writers - of course - have Michael cut her off and apologize instead.  And Maria, of course, does not bother to argue that he deserves her apology.
Do the writers want me to hate her?  Seriously, is that the goal here?  Cuz at this point, mission accomplished.  I hate, hate, hate when they do this to female characters.
“I did 50 things wrong but never have to apologize and every character fawns over me and whoever doesn’t gets treated like they’re the bad guy.”
Amber from the Tribe, Elizabeth Lochley from Babylon 5, and Alyssa from The Order all suffered from this shitty ass writing choice.  They’re all absolutely awful.  They are downright cruel to people, make terrible decisions, never admit when they’re wrong - and the writing bends over backward and has characters bend over backward to claim they are gd Saints.  I hate every single one of them, and Maria is written exactly the same way.   So, fine, towel thrown in.  She is officially chucked into the  “I hate this character” bin.  All I can do is grit my teeth through her scenes, and be thankful Liz didn’t get picked for this crappy Female Saint writing choice - as it usually is the main female who is.
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So how does it feel being a Britt Baker stan and Sammy apologist? I am sure there's a whole bunch of shit that Ospreay will do, too.
So this has been sitting in my ask for a while and I was going to ignore it along with most of your other messages, because yeah -- I'm pretty convinced you're the same person who just seems to have a problem with me. Because there's NO way I am important enough that more than one person is wasting this much energy disliking me.
So let's go:
First of all, how have you been? My bish, my main squeeze, my most dependable relationship here on Tumblr (J/k, in the grand scheme of things, despite how much you seem to hate me, you're a gnat that I forget about every time you buzz away) -- hope you're having exactly the day that you deserve.
Note for everyone else: If you don't like the people I like, I'd like to think I have never once crammed it down your throat or tried to change your mind. This is honestly just in response to this one person who seems to dislike me and I want to clarify my opinions which are only my opinions. If you are a normal functioning person and I am blogging something or about something that makes you upset, please tell me and I will literally create a tag you can filter out. I literally enjoy being here and reading your takes and seeing your blorbos succeed even if they are not mine. This is really just me being petty back to someone who leaves me regular rude messages because I feel I have earned that right.
How does it feel being a Britt Baker stan? Great, glorious, fantastic. You know, I like the rest of the women's division too. I was ecstatic to see Shida come back and heartbroken to see Thunder Rosa relinquishing the title. I also don't particularly want Britt near the title unless it's to further a story with her versus Jamie. Because it's almost like I can enjoy someone without having them front and center or hating everyone else.
And, since I assume by your petty mean girl repetitive attempts at my inbox you should know a few things that you have not gone out and experienced and one is you're never going to get along with everyone. I think the dirt sheets are blowing this out of proportion and that the fans are only making it worse by speculating. What I'll say is I have had some interactions with Britt and heard stories that confirm her to be lovely when she is out of character. I also think stories about the women's division drama somehow also spiral more than the men (and gee I wonder why). Even if she and Thunder Rosa don't get along, they work together fine. They were even only two tables apart at my last con and no one hid in the bathroom (plus, the story is that it was over Jamie Hayter's nose, not Britt. And I personally think that if my opponent were injured in the ring accidentally and my role is really to protect my opponent, then yeah I would hide in the bathroom to collect myself. I work from home and hid in my own bathroom today when I made a mistake at work.) Everyone calm down.
And I say the women get blown out of proportion because we know all of the men don't get along either. Eddie is particularly vocal about shoot not liking someone they work with and you can't please all folks. Speaking of Eddie, let's transition.
A Sammy apologist: I have never once apologized for Samuel Guevara in the way that YOU mean and I challenge you to find one instance where I have. Yeah, Sammy and Tay are probably difficult to work with right now and I frankly would have been too coming out of a situation as hostile as the fans reacting to their relationship and having it throw a wrench into my career. Are they doing it in a mature way? Probably not. That's something for AEW management to work with and frankly I could not give two shits about it beyond that. They'll work it out if they want to remain employable. Because again -- you have to deal with shit situations and people you don't like all the time, especially at work.
From what I understand, the tipping point for this argument was a promo paired with a bad attitude from Sammy. Again, the kid's got to get that shit handled and sorted. But do I also think there is probably something to be said that if you're going to have their talent write and deliver their own promos, which we all greatly prefer to scripted ones, that there probably does also need to be some lines already in place of what's off limits for folks? Sammy and Tay asked Sammy's past relationship not be brought up. Cool. Understandable. Eddie should be able to draw a line at digs about his physique. This may not be the crux of the issue, but then you avoid people stepping over the line in already difficult situations and it escalating.
I love Eddie and am inclined to support him all the time. But, I also know he is a reactive and emotional person just like me and think that regardless of who said something wrong or acted difficult, you should also be able to go to work without the expectation of it becoming aggressively physical especially when your job depends on your physicality.
Will Ospreay: I like him. I also probably dislike some of the people you like. I also probably love some of the same people you love. I've presented my take on Will and why I still choose to enjoy himm and have never once actually tried to force him down the throat of anyone else here.
But I'm half tempted to write him a fic now just in the hopes that you completely unfollow me since you can't figure out how to scroll past content you don't like or filter out the tags and phrases I deliberately use to be conscientious of people who are not carbon copies of my interests.
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a-marlene-s · 4 years
Commission: Actions and Consequences
Tags: (I’m going to do a reblog tomorrow with the tags.)
@miner249er commissioned me to write this fic.
If you like my work, please considering supporting me! https://ko-fi.com/a_marlene_s
Oh, and there’s a bit of Lukanette in this~
You know what they say…
All actions have consequences.
Every choice has a consequence.
Be responsible and be…
You get the idea.
This has been on the mind of everyone in the school of Dupont for who knows how long. Oh wait, that really hit home when one Lila Rossi came to Paris and started her lies. It looks like the only ones that were clearly fooled by her lies is the Akuma Class. Including their own teacher!
Well… except for Marinette.
She is the only one that is not fooled into believing such things. Who in the right mind would believe any of that? Akuma class, that is whom. People began to pull away from them. One by one, not wanting to be connected to them. Not so much for the fact they are known as the Akuma class… it is for the lack of regard they have for Marinette.
How dare they treat Marientte in such a way! After what she has done for them! For all of them! They believe the words of that liar over a friend they have known far longer. Some have tried to reach out, but Rossi is always near or just sucks them back into her webs of lies. Whatever work they have to get their friends back to a world of reality, it is reversed back the moment they step back into that classroom filled with webs.
Many have tried and tried again to help them. To help them see the light of what has been going on, but they all refused to see the light. Many of them growing toxic to themselves that it is better to cut ties then to deal with them anymore.
Who could blame them?
They tried. Truly tried.
Did they want to lose their friends?
No. They did not. But for their own health and sanity… they cut their losses and moved on. At least, they are reassured, that the only ones in Rossi’s grasp is the Akuma class sans Marientte Dupain-Cheng. For which, they made a promise to get protect her from them. She does not deserve the mistreatment. No one does.
It started out small.
Too busy to hang out.
Leaving messages on read.
Avoiding having them around.
Cutting conversations short.
Many other things to get away.
Some others… are more up front with their dislike with Lila Rossi.
They do not bother to hide their disgust.
Some kept quiet to a degree…
Mireille gave Lila a worried smile as she started to tear up about Aurore’s mistreatment towards the latter. She simply patted Lila’s cheek, leaning close so that she could wrap her arms around Lila to give her a comforting hug… before whispering into her ear as everyone watched on. “Play along… after all… this is just a game for you. You don’t want to disappoint your audience.”
It wasn’t much of an issue to play along with Lila’s games when she tried to bring in the Akuma Class as backup. Long as you show sympathy, play along with Lila’s games against her… you should be good. Lila will never break in character in front of them. Long as you don’t call her out in front of them and act just as deluded to make her mess up, it’s all good.
Then there are the times one has to be more up front…
“Achoo! Ugh, sorry, allergies you see.” Aurore sneered out as she ‘accidentally’ stabbed her umbrella into Lila’s hair when she sneezed. “I’m allergic to bullshit.”
Lila’s jaw dropped as she tried to pull her hair but only wincing as her hair really got caught in the umbrella. She looked around, hoping to catch someone’s attention. But… no one is paying any mind. If anything, one of them even went as far to offer Aurore an allergy pill. “Why are you doing this? I never did anything to anyone!”
“Oh, shut up. We all know you’ve been mistreating Marinette since day one.” Aurore teased, there was a glint in her eyes as she easily untangled her umbrella out of Lila’s hair. “All of us were willing to stand back because Marinette asked us to. Then you got her expelled… Let’s make some truths…”
Slowly but surely, things began to change for Bustier’s Class. Or better known as, the Akuma Class began to see a change. Then again, things have been happening and have been so caught up in Lila’s lies to even take note of any of it at first.
Many have already put a distance between them and themselves.
It’s silly really. None of them really had taken note of the fact here is now a wall between them. Slowly growing as time goes by. It really came ahead when news spread around on Marinette’s expulsion and her return back to school without much of a say on what happened.
Except for the fact Lila claims Marinette had stolen an answer sheet, her necklace and pushed said girl down a staircase.
Why no one bothered to look deeper into those lies, is beyond anyone at this point. What really got to the rest of the school is how the Akuma Class, Bustier and Damocles’ are so far up Lila’s ass that they wonder if they could even see the sun at this point. It was at that point, the gloves were off and no more.
It was time to bring out the big guns when word got out that Lila supposedly has a lying disorder… only to Bustier and Damocles. Only them, no one else. Thus, only causing more tension for Marinette with the rest of her classmates as they still believe the original lies. All of them giving her a side eye, wondering what she should do next.
Marinette doing something against Lila?
It’s going to be the entirety of Dupont against Lila now.
Dupont vs the Akuma Class, sans Marinette. They love their sleep deprived cinnamon roll that could possibly kill them once she finds out what they are up to.
It would be so worth it though…
“I’m sorry Rose, I’m going to be busy that weekend. Busy, busy at the studio!”  Mireille smiled sweetly at Rose, Juleka, Mylene, Alya and Lila. “Nadja is prepping me to do live interviews over the weekend. I’ve been told I might interview a rock star! Isn’t that great!”
“Wow! That’s amazing, Mireille!” Rosa said in awe. The others following along, amazed by the news.  They were gushing over the fact Mireille is possibly going to interview a pop star soon. Going on and on… Mireille simply smile, keeping her arms behind her back and her knuckles turning white as she kept a tight grip on the back of her blouse. She kept an eye on Lila, her smile only growing as Lila tried to steer the conversation back to herself.
Mireille did not care; this would be the perfect opportunity for her to walk away.
Expect when she saw Marinette walk down the hallway with Aurore.
“Hey Marinette, did you hear? Lila knows who Mireille is going to interview.” Alya mentioned, grinning at Lila’s direction. “
Marinette paused, nose scrunching up. She looked over at Mireille to see her eyes narrowing at the direction of Lila. Clearly, this is one of the many lies Lila has up her sleeves. Aurore smiled at Lila, almost warningly. “Yeah, she told us last week.”
Marinette looked around her classmates to smile at Mireille. “Nadja finally got in contact with them?”
“Thanks to you, Marinette. Nadja got in contact with all of them.” Mireille smiled widely at Marientte and Aurore. “We can’t thank you enough for that favor! Come on! I know the perfect tea shop!”
Mireille walked over to Marinette and looped an arm around one of Marinette’s own. Her smile only grew as Aurore looped her own arm around Marinette’s free arm. The two girls quickly pulled Marinette away from Lila’s sights all the while talking about the interview and the tea shop.
“Did… did they just ditch us?” Alya pulled a face as she watched Aurore, Marinette and Mireille walk away. Mireille had earlier mentioned she was going to be busy after classes which is why they asked her if she was going to be free this weekend. Apparently, she’s supposedly busy with other things than to thang out with them. Why?
“Hey, girls… is everything alright, Alya?”
Alya and the rest of the girls turned around to see Nino and Adrien walking up to them. Her smile grew when she saw Lila warp an arm around Adrien’s own. What she didn’t see is how stiff his smile became but continued on.
Adrien looked ahead to see Marinette with a Mireille and Aurore. The three chatting away without a care in the world. His brows furrowed at the sight. As of late, this has been becoming the norm…
“Mom said we could hire a DJ for the event, but…”
“Davis already have the day filled?”
“Yeah. Along with Diego, Mei and Lola.”
“What about Nino? He DJ’s, too right?”
“Hah! Dad, don’t joke! Like I want him to DJ the party! Marinette is going to be there and if I have him there, he’s going to wonder why no one else in his class was invited. I am not going to invite a bunch of people that have been mistreating my friend.” Claude grimaced at the thought. He was not going to have Nino DJ his party. If things were different, things would have been different. It is his party. His. He is not going to run the risk of Lila Rossi and her flying monkeys coming to his party and making it all about her.
Yeah… that is not happening.
Lila will find a way turn the party so that it’s geared towards her. She did that at Izzy’s 15 birthday bash and it took Izzy weeks to console her after she regretfully invited Rose, who in turn invited Lila after she overheard the blonde telling Juleka about it. Rose never asked or apologized to Izzy about inviting Lila, who in turn invited her flying monkeys.
Yeah… Claude was not going to let that happen. To make sure that does not happen no one from the Akuma Class, except for Marinette, is invited to his party.
“That’s a bit harsh. I’m sure there’s more to the story. You and Nino were good friends for some time now.” Claude’s father said, worry filled his tone.
“And I thought Nino was close friends with Marinette far longer but apparently that does not matter to him.” Claude deadpan. “I am not going to have Nino DJ the party. Plus his girlfriend is Lila’s main supporter. If I do have Nino DJ, he’ll tell Alya who will tell Lila and I am back to square one. The one I want to avoid! I don’t want Lila Rossi at my party!”
“I’m sure she’s just trying to make friends…”
“…that’s what you said about Clarice before mom divorced you.”
Adrien paused mid-bite, straining his ears to overhear what is being said on the booth several seats away. He overhead Claude saying Nino and Lila’s names several times but never a clear sentence. It took a while before it caught on what is being said.
Izzy’s party was amazing to say the least! He went along as the rest of his classmates invited him along and he finally got permission to go by his father. The party was amazing to say the least! The music! The food! Everything else!
Why wouldn’t Claude want to ask Nino to DJ his party? It wouldn’t be a bad idea to invite everyone. It would be horrible to note everyone. Wasn’t Claude friends with everyone in his class?
Sitting across of Adrien is Nino, concentrating on a calendar that he brought out along. Nino has been… struggling to get gigs for a while now. It was not so much he could not get someone to hire him, from what Nino has been telling Adrien, it’s actually doing his job. As of late, he hasn’t been asked to DJ for anyone else outside of his class. Sure, there are some here and there, but at times… he needed to cancel because Alya wanted to do something with Lila and wanted him there for it.
Luka resisted the urge to pull out his ears as the rest of Kitty Section, sans Adrien and Marientte, whisper to other. All the while sending him weird looks throughout. This is the first time they have met up for practice in well over a month since they keep bailing on practice. Why? They prefer to hang out with Alya… who is hanging out with this Lila Rossi. All. The. Time.
They all have been talking about Lila Rossi… nonstop. Going on and on about her. To the point, Luka suspects that Rose wrote a song about her for some damned reason. Why are they talking about her?
Lila Rossi knows Jagged Stone.
How Lila Rossi’s dance move got stolen from Clara Nightingale.
How close she is to Prince Ali.
Lila knows a lot of people that could, supposedly, get them famous. How Lila has connections to help Kitty Section become famous. Knows someone that would make them better costumes. Along with even knowing how to write better music.
Lila this…
Lila could do this.
Luka stood up from his spot from the makeshift stage with his guitar in hand. There tunes are different, no longer in tune to the music, let alone to their hearts. More so when he is supposedly out of ear shot and they started to whisper about how Lila mentioned that he, the founder of Kitty Section, should no longer be in the band. How Lila told them how he is hold them back and that she knows someone that is better than himself.
Him holding them back.
Rossi is the one that is holding them back.
If they want to repeat that broken tune, so be it. He needs to find his muse. Luka left them to whisper to themselves. If Lila believes that they do not need him, so be it. Leaving without much of a fight, he knew when it was a time to retreat until they got their bearings. Right now, he now needs to find out more about Lila Ros-
“Psst! Over here!”
“Hey! You! Luka!”
Luka paused, an eyebrow raised as he slowly turned around to see two individuals, some of his sister’s friends from a different class, are calling out to him. They were both holding umbrellas, which only made them stand out more in his opinion. “Hello?”
“Come here!” The blonde motioned for him to walk over to them.
“Hurry before they see you!” The other said, pointing down the hall. Luka looked down said hall to see Adrien and some unknown girl that is clinging onto his arm. Oh.
Luka hurried over to the girls and they promptly hid him under their umbrellas and behind the pillar with them. It was close enough to listen into whatever Adrien and the new girl’s conversation.
Adrien stood by as Kitty Section walked out to meet him and Lila, and they started to talk about Lila’s advice. What’s this advice? That it would better for Luka to leave Kitty Section as it would be too weird for him to be in the band with them. It is concerning to say the least. Are the really going to kick out Luka from the band?
“It is better this way. Luka is only holding all of you back.” Lila smiled at her classmates as she tightened her grasp around Adrien’s arm. “All of you are better off without him. I’ve talked to that producer friend of mine and Jagged Stone, and they both agree. Luka is no good for your image.”
“I suppose you are right…” Juleka said, twiddling around with her gloves. Rose reached over to hold onto her hands and gave her an encouraging smile. Juleka chewed on her bottom lip as she thought it over.
“I am positive that Luka will understand.” Lila smiled once more and this seemed to put Juleka in a better place.
“We have been practicing without him for the last month.” Rose mentioned, tugging onto Juleka’s hands. “We could do it.”
Lila smiled brightly, increasing her hold around Adrien. She looked at the blonde for support. “Right, Adrien?”
Who does she think she is???
They have been practicing without him.  For the past month? Without him? Well, that’s one thing he could easily take with a grain of salt. What his sister is saying has his song beating a new beat that hasn’t been played for so long. What really got Luka’s attention is the fact they were all eating up Lila’s lies.
Are they really that gullible?
“This is just the bare minimum of what Rossi has been doing to your sister’s class.” Aurore explained, motioning for Luka to follow her and Mireille.
Luka’s brows furrowed over the blonde’s words. “…Is something being down about it?”
“More or less, but that’s for later. Right now, we are planning a party later for Marinette and we need you to distract her for a bit.” Aurore said, nudging Luka with her elbow and gave him a sly grin. “The party is for her. Did she tell you about her class situation?”
“Marinette has mentioned she wanted to tell me something but everytime she tried to say it, one of her classmates popped up and she would go quiet…” Luka trailed off as he took that in. Oh, that would explain some things. Shaking his head, he would ask her later about it. “I’ll talk to her later about it. Tell me more about this Lila…? I don’t like her song.”
Mendeleiev was never one that cared so much to know about the personal lives of her students. In terms that, she does not care who is dating (long as it is a healthy and very much legal relationship), knowing what her students are doing after classes (long as it is nothing illegal or against the rules), and well… whatever she had just witnessed from down the hall.
Ondine just broke up with Kim.  
Which is a big surprise considering how googly eyed they are… were for each other. A big shock, that’s for sure. However… considering what has been going on, it’s no surprise to anyone. Well…
To Bustier’s class that is. Those poor, poor, souls do not know what is coming to them. It was just a matter of time and patience before someone loses said patience. There is only so much someone could stand idly by or do their best to help others, before washing their hands of them. Look at herself? Mendeleiev did so to Bustier due to the fact the younger woman refuses to listen to reason.
Mendeleiev shook her head as she headed to her room. She needed to create some paperwork in hopes that will push some people to see things her way.
Adrien gulped when he heard the news that Ondine broke up with Kim. That came out from nowhere! Completely out of nowhere. Why did she break up with them? They were so happy together it does not make any sense.
A lot of things have not been making sense for a while now. Many of those things were small at first, but Adrien could no longer shake off that creeping feeling there is more t-
“Adrien… a word?”
Marinette stared down at her phone, her shoulders shaking as she read the text messages her fri… her classmates are sending her. Varies of texts that has her wondering what the heck is going on to her class, are they finally seeing the rest of the school just does not tolerate Lila?
“Block them, Mari.” Luka murmured into her ear while he played with her loose hair. He and Marinette were in her latter’s room on the sofa, with the bluenette snuggled up to Luka. He reached for the phone and took it from Marinette, ignoring the pout that was sent his way. Placing the phone in his pocket for safe keeping, Luka wrapped his arms around Marinette and reached down to give her a peck on her neck.
“I suppose I could forget about them for now…” Marinette giggled at Luka’s actions, she smiled when she felt Luka grin against her neck. She raised an eyebrow at Luka, despite the fact he could not see it. “Are you hiding something from me, Luka?”
“You could say that… Aurore and Mireille asked me to distract you as they set up a surprise.” Luka mumbled into her neck, his grin ever present. “How am I in distracting you?”
Marinette’s jaw drop when she felt Luka started to press kisses up and down her neck, her mind went blank just long enough to return the favor. This was so much better than dealing with her classmates demanding answers to something they should have known since day one.
“Ugh, again with Lila crap?”
“I know, right? Why does Alya keep posting those so-called interviews she has for Rossi?”
“I don’t know, but have you seen ClaudetteOneEye’s reaction and debunking of it? Hah! Her best yet!”
“She already did a reaction to it! I need to watch it!”
“We still have time before class, watch it now!”
Alya really wanted to storm out of the stall and yell at the individuals that were clearing mocking Lila, who in turn mocking her. What is there to debunk? There is nothing to debunk! Lila has been most telling about her history with Ladybug. They are best friends for Pete’s sake! Alya took out her phone and started her search to show those gir-
“You know how Alya always goes on and on about how she’s a reporter and always checks her facts…”
“Hah. Her checking facts? Has she ever checked on any of the crap Lila has been spewing? Any of it?”
“I know, right? Plus, has she ever asked Ladybug about it before posting any of their interviews?”
“Like the little good reporter that she is? Unlikely. No wonder Ladybug has been ignoring her.”
Has… has she ever asked Ladybug about Lila? Alya ran a hand through her hair as she tried to think of an answer to her question. Of course, there were times when she has recently tried to get an interview, but Ladybug just… started to avoid her.
“Saving Jagged Stone’s cat? If they looked it up, they would have checked that him and his fiancé are allergic to animal fur.”
“Doesn’t he have a pet crocodile?”
“Yeah. He does.”
“That’s just as pathetic as her knowing Prince Ali and being friends with him.”
“Uggghhhh. That doesn’t even make sense, she’s been here in Paris for months before she started coming to Dupont.”
“That’s what I thought! Among the other bull she’s spewed out, the ones that grinds my gears are all the ones she lied about Marinette…”
“Yeah. They all known her for years and this new girl comes along and what? All that goes out the window?”
“Marinette does so much for them, and this is the thanks she gets? That they’ll believe Lila’s lies that she supposedly pushed her down the stairs, steal her necklace and some other bullshit?”
“Still heated about it?”
“Of course, I’m heating about it! They still think she did those things! From what Marinette told Aurore and Mireille, they didn’t even let her talk or defend herself. They took Lila’s side and expelled her.”
“Tell me again, how Marinette got un-expelled?”
“From what Marinette told them… Lila said she had a lying disease.”
“That is bull. I am so over the moon over the fact she’ll be leaving that class. Come on, Aurore said she’s going to need help setting things up.”
Juleka, Mylene and Nathaniel pushed themselves against the wall as they watched several students run past them towards the courtyard. Their expressions betrayed how they felt over what they just overheard. Did they just hear right? Lila has been lying this whole time… and none of them… No, just their class never caught it.
Except for Marinette.
Mylene shakily took out her phone to look up all of Lila’s stories, the others followed in doing so.
Adrien sat on a stone bench as he watched Kagami paced in front of him. Every time he tried to say something, she would shoot in a glare. He looked down on his lap as he tried to think of what he should say when he’s finally able to speak. Somehow, Kagami found out about Lila’s lies. All of them. From whom, he does not know. Maybe Marientte told her, he’ll have to ask her about it. She shouldn’t have told Kagami about Lila. “Kagami, did Marientte tell you about Lila? I-”
“Agreste, everyone at school and whoever has met Rossi, knows she is a liar. Everything that has ever come out of her mouth is a lie. Everything.” Kagami said in a tight voice. She stopped pacing to stare down at Adrien. “Marientte told me nothing. I was the one that had to go around to figure out exactly what type of person she is.”
“Why didn’t you ask me about Lila before you asked others?” Adrien asked, head shooting up to stare at Kagami with confusion. “I would ha-”
“You would have attempted to pressure me to not do anything against Rossi once I found out exactly what kind of person she is. However, considering you never told her off about that picture she took of the two of you…” Kagami looked up and down at Adrien, her mouth twisted into a scowl. “You would have attempted to have me stay quiet about Rossi’s nature. Just like you are doing to, Marinette… correct?”
“I-I just don’t want to cause problems!” Adrien exclaimed, pushing himself off the bench. “I don’t want any problems in class, and with Marinette trying to out Lila it was impossible. I don’t want Lila to get akumatized anymore.”
Kagami stood her ground, crossing her arms over her chest. “And what of your classmates? Your friends? Marinette or myself? I was akumatized because of her, remember? Don’t we all matter too?”
“It’s more complicated than that, Kagami.”  
“Complicated? Complicated! How is that complicated! Explain yourself!”
“…What did you tell Marinette about Lila’s lies? Adrien, what did you tell her?”
“Could we drop this?”
“Tell. Me.”
“I told her, as long as me and her know the truth, does it really matter?”
“Adrien, it does matter! Everything matters! You are allowing Rossi to walk all over Marinette and make her out to be the bad guy for trying to stand up for herself.” Kagami snarled out, causing Adrien to jump. “You are forcing her to stay quiet about someone’s lies. You do realize once your friends find out, they will be the ones that are going to get akumatized. Not Rossi. What then? Who are you going to protect then?”
“I’m doing my best, Kagami.” Adrien pleaded.
“Your best is not good enough. Rossi is escalating and you are doing nothing. What will happen if she says you two are dating? What then? Far as I supposed know, are dating but this is extremely one sided considering you keep putting Rossi’s feelings above everyone.”
“I… I don’t know…”
“…you are pathetic. Your best is not good enough and it will never be.” Kagami sniffed, she pulled out her phone to look at the time and grinned a bit. She put it away before starting back at an obviously hurt Adrien. “What? Like I would allow someone who I am supposedly seeing, to put some other girl’s feelings above my own.”
Adrien opened and closed his mouth, unable to say anything as he was unable to respond to Kagami’s words. How was he supposed to respond that, there was no answer to that for him. “Please understand th-”
Kagami shook her head before she pulled out phone before putting it away. She gave Adrien on last look before walking away. “You need to stop putting horrible people above those that have been nothing but supportive of you… It’s no wonder why Marinette has finally given up.”
Ladybug swung around Paris at night as she thought over today’s events. It’s safe to say, that today has been one of the best days of her life since becoming Ladybug to say the least. She felt free and no longer held up to an impossible standard. To think transferring to a different class has made her feel as such. It also may have helped she told everything to Luka what has been happening to her since Lila came to Paris. The memory of that conversation made her blush as at the end of it, they are now officially together. It made her happy, immensely so.
Their first date was at the welcoming party Aurore and Mireille threw for her transfer to their class. Best date and party ever. The cherry on top, was when her former classmates crashed the party(apparently that was planned) and Claudette of @ClaudetteOneEye did a live reaction to one of the newest interview of Lila. It was priceless to say the least. Her former classmates tried to approach her but that was shut down immediately. Many other things had happened at the party that made it so much better, but that’s a thought for another day.
Right now, there is someone sitting alone at the park.
Is that Adrien?
Ladybug let out a sigh before she swung down to the park.
Adrien blinked a couple of times when he heard steps walking towards him. He looked over to see Ladybug walking up to him. He smiled at the sight of her. “Hello, Ladybug? Having a good night?”
Ladybug raised an eyebrow at Adrien, she sensed something is up with Adrien but did not make any notion for him to open up. “A little late to be out, Adrien?”
Adrien shrugged before he looked down at the ground, his brows furled deep in thought. “Can I ask you something, Ladybug? I need your advice in something?”
Ladybug stared at him for a moment before motioning for him to speak. Might as well hear what Adrien wants to say and need advice in. This is new considering how his advice has never been exactly the greatest.
Adrien began to tell her about the advice he had given to Marinette, when it came to Lila.
Adrien Agreste is asking her opinion on the advice he had given Marinette, who by extension, is actually herself. The same advice that had weighed heavy in her mind so much so, that it nearly akumatized her. Ladybug had stopped listening to Adrien as she felt anger started to bubble within her. This is too much, far too much. It was one thing to ask her about his original advice. Oh no, now he’s going on about Marinette’s actions that contradicted mentioned advice.
For what? To make sure that Lila does not get akumatized. Again.
“And Marinette? What of Marinette? Were you not even worried if she got Akumatized because of Lila?” Ladybug cut Adrien off. “Have you even thought of the highly possible chance she could be the one getting Akumatized over your advice? Paris got very lucky tonight there were no akumas out tonight otherwise the city would have Akuma’s at every corner of it.”
Adrien looked shocked over Ladybug’s words. His silence, his answer, has Ladybug starting to pace around.
“No, you did not care. What you cared is to make sure Marinette kept quiet and did not stand up for herself. Not only to Lila, but also by extension to Chloe.” Ladybug grounded out, sending Adrien a glare as she continued to pace. “You expected Marientte that as long as the two of you knew the truth, that nothing else pretty matters? That as long as Lila continued lying to everyone and allowing her to walk over Marinette, who is supposed to be your friend, that it did not matter?”
“It’s not like that, Ladybug.” Adrien stood up and approached Ladybug. Ladybug raised a hand at Adrien’s direction to stop him from getting close to her.
“Then how is it, Adrien?” Ladybug questioned. “You are prioritizing Lila over everyone, even if it puts them all at risk at getting akumatized themselves. Is that what you wanted to hear? That your advice is horrible. Let me tell you something, Marinette, your supposed friend to nearly get akumatized. Twice. It’s all because of Lila and the second time, Hawkmoth got to her and for some reason the akumatization did not take place. Lila caused that. All because she wanted to keep your promise when it came to her. Truth is that Lila Rossi is a liar that should have been exposed a long time ago and I am happy that it happened tonight. I am happy!”
“What about Lila? It was horrible what happened to her, she got humiliated in front of nearly the entire school.” Adrien tried to ask but was cut off when he saw Ladybug pulling out her yo-yo.
“To be frank Adrien… when it comes to bad people… you need to knock them down several pegs to get them to understand how wrong they are.”
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johannstutt413 · 3 years
Mmm... what do you think of Swire ship dynamics outside the obvious LGD pairs?
I know you said outside the obvious LGD pairings...but I'm going to need to include them for scale :P. (Also, DYK there are 31 Swire-tagged fics and 23 BP fics? Compared to 48 Gummy, 43 Zima, 36 Rosa, and 31 Istina? Some of those would be doubled up, and some of them aren't about ships at all, but...again, for scale.)
Swire has a lot more story-time than BP; as a crucial background NPC for The Ch'en Arc, she played a role in the main story chapters of Arknights - the story we've basically been telling since the release of the game, in fact, since we spent a solid 4ish chapters in Lungmen doing Lungment shit.
And ya wanna guess how much of that characterization lands in my primary sources, aka the characters' bios provided by the game itself? NOT ENOUGH, DAMNIT.
There are definitely characters who are worse victims of this - Amiya, Ch'en, Kal'tsit - and there are some characters who have basically no characterization (...yet?) outside of their bios, but I can't have the entire story of this game open when I write these, damnit! If I could, and meaningfully process that information, either a) fics would come out even slower than they do now, or b) I'd turn into a creature completely incomprehensible to my current state of being: someone who fully knows the lore of something. (I'm riding on, like, educated headcanons to do this shit, because this shares my space with seven bajillion other interests :/ .) So, what we get is a mix of "what the in-game bios say, as recorded by sites that compile those," "hey this one site summarizes the plots of the individual chapters and events and shit! I can use this as reference material!" and "...alright so what's cute/cool/funny/hot||what is actually reaching my mind right now?"
Which, to bring it back to Swire, is a girl who is very fluffy, very huggable, very omigod-lemme-snuggle-this-Feline-already-why-are-you-bringing-out-the-cuffs-hang-on-let's-talk-about-this. Someone who can be pretty haughty and snobbish but also super caring, that princess who could very easily be a tsundere-type, a deredere-type, a himedere-type, or just someone who does a lot of work and needs someone to make her life easier at home. Versatile, again, but with some pretty clear directions to it.
Speaking of directions:
Talulah: Real talk - I would put Talulah higher if I only had to get Swire onto the Rhodes Island craft; unfortunately, there's also the problem of Chapter 9, which tells me that a) Talulah isn't even on the boat anymore, and b) even if she was, she's not there to get a girl. Redeemed!Talulah, one who's both remorseful and rehabilitate(d/able), is a better ship than Canon!Ch'en, but as things stand...this isn't going to happen either. Does it make a fantastic story, though? Sure does!
Miss Ch'en: Oh, Ch'en, heeeey. Real talk - by the end of Chapter 8, this is not a ship I really see sailing anytime soon, mostly because the Dossoles event showed us where these two are at. Ch'en is officially a full-time Rhodes Island agent now, completely an Operator operating under our auspicious main-character-collecting auspices, and Swire is still a heavily-worked LGD employee alongside Hoshiguma (we'll get back to her). They're just not on the same wavelength and never really have been, but now there's plenty of distance to keep it from happening...
If we ignore these facts, though? It's a rivals-to-lovers ship that's totally sensible and a source of amusement for various RI/LGPD folks. Without those tidbits of information? Sail-worthy. With it though? Sunk.
Non-Lungmenite RI Employees (Doctor included): There's a pretty clear break in canon to get this done (the whole "have to have Swire on the ship" thing), but once you get her on-board, the right situations could put her in contact with all kinds of people who meet the shipper-mandated need for companionship I as the writer feel and impose on the shipped (not apologetic about that, either, just maybe a little guilty). This is a catch-all for, at minimum, all the really cute fics I've written with characters that, without RI, would never interact with her - the Doctor, bears, Ptilopsis, Gavial, Jackie, the list goes on, and will no doubt continue to expand.
Non-Hoshi Lungmenites: Three people, specifically - Shaw, ShiraYuki, and Bison (hey, look, male characters! They're real!) - who come to mind as ships I've written and been quite happy with the thought of. Shaw, ShiraYuki, and Swire could all reasonably know each other as agents of the government (police, fire dept., agent of the mayor's wife - not too distant circles in a game like this), and combined with the looser environment of the Rhodes Island craft where they're spending time together (because for anything that isn't Swire/Hoshi this lil' suspension of disbelief will have to carry us some distance), love could totally blossom. Bison's on this list because he's lived in Lungmen and is also a fairly-wealthy-young-person, but he might be a bit too young? I'm kind of iffy on his actual age - how old do you have to be to intern in Terran Lungmen? No idea, but if he's old enough to be the voice of reason in the situation he's in, he's old enough to be shipped.
Hoshiguma. Look, as far as I'm concerned? This is canon. I shit you not, the way she and Bea interact in the Dossoles event? That's the good shit right there. If it's not canon, after Ch'en sliced a corner out of Hanya and left her at-the-time most promising ship in Hoshi behind with the swag-cat (to differentiate her from the other money-cats in Arknights), it's by far the easiest to connect the dots for...as much as it pains me because that means I have to admit neither of them would match with the Doctor as easily, and I am a major Hoshiguma simp...c'est la vie.
Man I hope these posts aren't "too long" for Tumblr when that update comes around, cuz I don't have these backed up :D. (unlike the fics, which are safe and sound in cloud storage...yeah...totally safe...) So, tl;dr, outside of the LGD ships, you can make quite a bit work just by getting her out to Rhodes Island and setting up circumstances right, but Shaw, ShiraYuki, and Bison have a little home-field advantage, and Hoshi's basically fucking canonical which I love but wish Hoshi was real whenever I think about her so YMMV.
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haloud · 3 years
things we could burn in one go (eminence) - chapter 6
also on ao3
Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Isabel Evans & Max Evans & Michael Guerin, Michael Guerin/Alex Manes, Forrest Long/Alex Manes Additional Tags: post-s2, Canon Compliant, Angst, Canon-Typical Violence, Hurt/Comfort, starts forlex ends malex, other characters may appear - Freeform, tags subject to update
Chapter Summary: Alex comes home to find his world turned upside down; Max and Isobel struggle to save Michael’s life.
How close did they come to that chest being stilled forever? The answer was clear, splashed rust-red across Michael’s clothes, and Alex couldn’t stand it, couldn’t reconcile it, couldn’t balance the equation made by Michael this morning and Michael here, now, this.
Alex stood sharp, with a purpose, stood over Michael whose eyes moved rapid behind his lids, Michael who flushed with life but hadn’t lived since being healed, Michael who could so easily be an illusion of hope, snatched away in a second, snuffed out. Jerkily, Alex shot out a hand, then yanked it back, checked over his shoulder for Max or Isobel or—anyone—like a kid with a hand in the cookie jar. A touch so innocuous, necessary, even; Michael shouldn’t be forced to rest with dirty clothes; but. Was he allowed? Was the universe watching?
His hands were heavy; purpose and gravity worked on them, yet with a weightless almost-faith they remembered the hill and valley of Michael’s chest, the texture and temperature of his skin, the cartography, topography of loving him and being loved.
Rain pounded the windshield, and pain pounded Alex’s head, from the back of his neck to behind his eyes. He huffed out short relief when he finally turned down his quiet street and settled back against his seat, no longer needing to squint through the panicked flutter of the windshield wipers at the too-bright lights of other cars as he coasted into his driveway. Parked, he rolled his shoulders back and stretched, heavy eyelids opening and shutting, brain ticking over slowly as it tried to marshal signals to his body to get him out of the car and to the door.
Exhaustion didn’t cover the way everything wore on him. Work, other people, the Project hanging over him like Damocles—how much longer could he hold Fields off without an answer before she took drastic action or moved on, maybe even called Flint in? He had a calendar in the drawer by his bed counting down the days to the end of his contract, hidden away so he didn’t have to explain himself when Forrest stayed over. Not that he relished everything about a return to civilian life, a life he’d never lived as an adult…
Even his loved ones wore on him sometimes. Guilt was another chain around his shoulders, from the way he’d ghosted Kyle for weeks, to shooting down offers from Maria to hang out, to letting his morning call with Liz this week slip from a real conversation to a perfunctory text confirmation that Arturo and Rosa were fine. On top of that, he still hadn’t texted Forrest since he landed, and now Alex was avoiding his phone, the tension of expectation he imagined on the other side of the line too much to bear.
And then there was Michael. Brilliant, stubborn Michael, who reminded him without meaning to how wide a gulf he still had to cross to regain his trust, the trust that Alex would always protect him, no matter what.
But—one day at a time. Hour by hour if he had to. Old advice from the counselor he saw after his injury, but no matter how high the papers piled up in his mental inbox (call your therapist), he hadn’t been able to get himself to book a new appointment with a new one, so he’d do what he could, and fall back on the somewhat insufficient tools he had in his outdated toolbox.
And one day at a time meant getting out of his car, carrying his groceries through the rain, and getting in the front door. Okay.
As he turned to leave the car, something moved in his peripheral vision, and he whipped his head around to chase it. Squinting through sheets of rain and twilight-gray haze, he could just make out a dark shape huddled beneath the overhang, but whether it was human, animal, or object, it was impossible to tell. Through the thundering static downpour, Buffy howled behind the door.
Moving slowly, he retrieved his combat knife from the glove box and cracked the door open. The rain rushed up from a rattle to a roar, loud enough to cover the scrape of his boots against concrete and brick as he crept toward the porch. He was soaked cold within moments, blinking water out of his eyes, still and smooth as a cat after decades of conditioning, every muscle locked to avoid tremor. The closer he got, the louder Buffy grew, barking and slamming herself against the door. A few feet closer, and the shape took form—human, definitely human, adult male by size, but whoever it was, they were slumped beside the door, not crouched, not lying in wait, so Alex lowered his knife.
Still creeping closer, he spoke up, “Hey! Do you need help—”
But before he could get out a single word more, the person lifted their head, and—
Alex bounded forward the last few feet, dropping his knife with a splash, flinging himself to one knee beside Michael’s huddled form, grasping at his sopping clothes, seeking injury, something, anything.
“Michael, what’s wrong? What—”
He tipped his face up and his head lolled back; his breath rattled in his chest. The only color between his ashen face and rain-black hair was an ugly streak of red from the corner of his mouth across his cheek and chin, and a gust of wind blew the storm against them, washing his blood pink, and then it was gone.
“Michael!” Alex repeated, more urgently, frantically. How did this happen? Who could have done this? Alex’s mind shot straight to his own earlier question—how long would Fields let him go without answering. Was this his answer? Tripp’s dog tags hung leaden around his neck. He could choke on them, on the cold tin symbol of his own inaction, even now.
“Max is already on his way,” Michael said, voice breathy and labored, then laughed, a bizarre and throaty caricature of his normal laugh, and his elbow bent robotically to let him tap his temple. “Called him.”
“Why didn’t you go straight to him so he could heal you? Michael? Michael!”
But he was gone; his eyes rolled back to whites, and he slumped strings-cut so Alex almost dove to catch him in his arms; his hand fell from his head to the brick patio and struck the ground with the force of gravity, skinning his knuckles.
It took seconds for Alex to process his shock—seconds Michael might not have to waste, but nonetheless--the rain had his hands slipping on his skin, so Alex held on tighter, clutching Michael’s head to his chest, curling his body around him on the most animal instinct to shield, shelter, protect.
Despite the cold downpour, Michael’s skin was feverish, his breathing bad and worsening, his pulse fast and weak. Bracing his weight on his good leg, Alex pulled Michael over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry and stood and unlocked the door.
Buffy’s barking stopped as it swung open; she scrambled around Alex’s feet, pawing at his legs, herding him inside, sniffing at Michael’s fingertips that dangled inches from the ground. Panting, Alex hauled him to the couch and set him down.
Inside, out of the rain, Michael somehow looked worse. His entire front was soaked with blood along with rain; he stank of it, all copper and salt, and bile rose in Alex’s throat. He held his breath and grabbed a towel.
“Gonna ruin your stuff,” Michael rasped. “Gonna ruin…”
Milliseconds before pressing call to figure out how far away Max was, Alex dropped his phone from numb fingers as Michael—there was no word for it, for a second, a heartbeat, Alex lost all faith in his own eyes—as Michael blurred and disappeared and blurred and reappeared a few feet away, whining like a shot doe.
“What the f—Michael!”
“Alex!” Max’s voice bellowed. A fist pounded on the door, shaking the entire frame.
“It’s open!” Alex called back, dropping to the ground beside Michael again and lifting his head into his lap. “Michael,” his voice broke as Max threw the door open. “Michael, what happened? What’s happening?”
His only answer was a babble, words Alex couldn’t understand, words that doubled, tripled in on themselves, moved backwards to forwards and slid out of Alex’s mind the second he heard them, alien, unknowable.
“Michael!” The word wrenched out of Max’s mouth. Buffy paced behind him, whining, letting out a single loud, anxious bark that went unanswered as all the energy in the room funneled toward Michael.
“Hey—[][][][][][][],” Michael said, a horrible, gasping laugh rattling out of his chest.
As the words left his mouth, he groaned and curled in on himself, choking, splattering himself with more blood as it bubbled up between his teeth; then Alex had to strain to hold him still as his back snapped into an arch. Light flashed, then flashed again, and Alex’s logical mind wanted to call it lightning but—but it wasn’t. It came from inside Michael, as all the strength left his muscles and he collapsed, again, limp against Alex. He was so feverishly hot, even for him.
“What the fuck,” Alex whispered. His mind came up blank for anything else to say; his hands tightened, one hand’s nails digging into his bicep, a fistful of bloody shirt in his other. Michael tipped his head to the side, nodding against Alex’s chest.
“Alex,” he croaked.
“I’m here.” To Max, he repeated, “What the fuck? I saw him just a few hours ago, what the hell happened?”
“I don’t know, I don’t know!” Max said, reaching out to grab him.
Alex’s hands tightened more, on pure instinct, clutching Michael to his body, but then he forced himself to let him go, to let Max lay hands on him.
Max continued, “I heard him in my head, like he screamed in my ear, and I just—knew he’d be here, somehow. It’s not normal, it’s not—we never hear Michael, he’s always closed off. I don’t know what happened.”
As he spoke, his hands wandered over Michael, across the bloodstains on his chest and neck. His brow furrowed; he moved as if on autopilot, until his hands found purchase on Michael’s temples, and he closed his eyes. Softly, his hands began to glow, and Alex held his breath.
If Max couldn’t fix him…
No. He wouldn’t even entertain the thought for a second, not when his body still tingled with the sense memory of Michael’s living heat. He couldn’t die; it went against nature.
Max grunted, and his exertion pulled Alex back down to earth. He couldn’t do anything for Michael that Max couldn’t right now, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t be helpful. Levering himself to his feet, he headed for the bathroom, Buffy following, barking anxiously. Wrenching open the medicine cabinet, he downed two Tylenol dry to head off the pain in his leg and hip he knew was coming, then from under the sink he snatched a fresh bottle of acetone and marched back to the den.
There, it was something out of a horror movie, rain lashing the windows, lit only by the artificial twilight of an afternoon storm, Michael spread out, skin grey, blood red, Max hunched over him looking half as sick, and Alex thrust the bottle at him.
“Drink,” he ordered, and as Max obeyed, guzzling the acetone, gasping between gulps, Alex returned to where he belonged—at Michael’s other side, holding on to him as if their bodies touching would be enough to keep his spirit tethered to this world—the only world—that is, the world they shared together, rendering all others that may exist utterly meaningless.
As nightmarish a scene as they made, Alex let out a sigh of relief when he clutched Michael’s wrist and felt his pulse strengthen. His eyes moved rapidly under his lids; his breathing was regular.
“It’s working,” Alex said, voice croaking out through a thickened throat.
“I hope,” Max groaned. “His mind is like—it’s like an animal fighting back. I need Isobel, I called her, but I’m afraid if she went in we’d lose her too. I can’t think—” his eyes met Alex’s, terrified. “It has to be Jones. Jones did something, I can’t think of anything else that might have done this.”
Alex could. But he seized on the opportunity to have an enemy he could exact answers from, one that didn’t lie at his own front door.
Absentmindedly, searching for soothing and knowing on a base level where it lived, Alex ran his fingers through Michael’s rain-soaked, sweat-soaked hair, stroking it away from his forehead. Blood was drying in rivulets now on Michael’s face and neck, and Alex followed the path of one with the tip of his finger, from the corner of his eye down his cheek.
How close had he come to losing him? If he’d been stuck in traffic, if he’d stopped for coffee on the way home, would it have been too late?
No. No thinking like that now. Stay in the moment.
“What do you need?” he asked Max, who finished off the acetone and tossed the bottle aside, reaching for Michael again.
“I think I won’t know until Michael wakes up again. If he does. If not…Isobel will be here soon.”
“When you heal, can you feel what it is you’re healing? Do you know what’s wrong with him?”
“Sort of?” Max’s hands began to glow again. “I’m healing burst blood vessels—all over his body. Internal scarring, almost like burns, it’s—bizarre.” He shuddered. “What I can feel from his head is separate, and I’ve never felt anything like it before.”
Michael shivered in Alex’s arms as Max placed his hands on his head again and filled his body with light, and Alex kept his eyes on Max, watching for any sign he was hitting his limit.
“How’s your heart?” He asked, though the concern flowed bitter and false over his tongue. Even at his coldest, most calculating, he wouldn’t bring himself to sacrifice Max outright, but if Max had to give his life to save Michael’s, would Alex truly stop him?
“I’ll live,” Max replied through gritted teeth.
Over by the door, Buffy rattled off a series of barks, getting louder and louder until the door slammed open. Alex flinched at the sound, hand flying to where his gun would be if he was wearing it, even though he knew with near-certainty who it would be.
“Where is he?” Isobel shouted, red-faced and panting as she rounded the corner into the living room, Buffy jumping and barking at her heels. “Michael!”
The glow from Max’s hands faded, and he struggled almost to his feet, but Isobel was there before he stood fully, folding him into the hug he was trying to give her. Then Isobel reached for Michael, shoving Alex aside so she could cling to her brother, and Alex went.
She made a strangled noise when he was in her arms, limp and lifeless even after all Max’s effort.
“I’ll get more acetone. Maybe he’ll drink some,” Alex said, using the couch to pull himself to his feet.
Isobel continued to ignore him, but Max grabbed Alex’s wrist and said a quiet thank you as Alex left the siblings alone.
The bathroom door snicked closed behind Alex before he turned the light on, and in the dark he breathed in deep and deliberate until his lungs no longer caught on every inhale against his aching ribs, his galloping heart. He white-knuckled the sides of the sink to keep himself upright until the shaking stopped.
And when he checked all his welds and seams and found himself still watertight, he turned the light on, met his own eyes in the mirror, just once, and got back to business, grabbing the rest of the eight-pack of acetone.
Before he opened the door, his phone buzzed, and he flicked it open. It was a text from Forrest.
 Hey! Just got back to the hotel after dinner. Having a great time so far…but I keep thinking I’d have more fun with you here. How’s my girl doing? And how’s my man?
Alex’s thumb hovered over the keyboard for a few seconds, lips pressed together, head blank of anything to say. Then, a lump in his throat, he shut it down without replying, and headed back to Michael and the Evanses.
He breathed a little easier when he re-entered the room and was met with a different scene than before. Max and Isobel had Michael laid out on the couch—and Alex’s mind flashed back to the way Michael had disappeared and reappeared and what the fuck was that?—and he rested more peacefully than he had before. Color was coming back to his skin.
Isobel sat on the arm of the couch, stroking Michael’s hair off his forehead, while Max sat on the floor at the other end, back against the couch.
“Thank you, Alex,” Isobel said, acknowledging him for the first time.
Alex acknowledged her back with a nod, as Buffy paced from the couch to the door and back again a few times, finally settling with a whuff against Max, resting her head on his thigh, looking up at him with huge, soft eyes.
“Hey girl,” he said softly, petting her ears.
“How is he?” Alex asked.
“Alive. Sleeping.” Isobel ran her hand across his forehead again. “We’ll see where his mind is when he wakes up.”
Alex sat on the piano bench, folding his hands between his knees. “Max kept saying he’d never felt anything like this before. Can you describe it to me?”
She groaned and rubbed her temples, and Max nudged a bottle of acetone closer to her. “It’s almost like interference, but not. There’s nothing in there that isn’t Michael; he’s not possessed. But it’s like Michael’s been repeated. A thousand different Michaels all shouting at once. He’s quieter now. But…I don’t know.”
Watching Michael’s face, approaching peaceful in an unconsciousness Alex was too fearful to be fooled by, Alex spoke slowly, uncertainly.
“When you discovered you could use telekinesis alongside your other powers, what was that like? Was it spontaneous, or…?”
“Not really? Noah said that we all had the potential for much more than we imagined, and—after—I was so angry, I thought, if Michael can use his anger this way, why not me?” She shrugged an elegant shoulder. “So I wouldn’t call it spontaneous. I could always have done it, I just never thought to, until I did. Like knowing how to swim and learning a new stroke. I was clumsy at it at first, but I was just doing something I already knew how to do in a different way.”
“Why do you ask?”
“Before you both got here, Michael was…”
“He called me. Like your psychic scream, Isobel, except he’s never done that before. And he kept emitting light. While I was healing him,” Max said, looking up at Isobel. “Flashes of light. Not electricity.”
“And before you got here, he—teleported. Only word for it. Something none of you have ever done.”
Isobel grabbed Michael’s shoulder tightly, like he might disappear right in front of her, like she could stop him. Max just shook his head silently. He really did look awful, eyes red, dark bruises beneath them, a shakiness to him that hadn’t been there last time Alex saw him, some random Thursday when he brought marshmallows to Michael’s because he’d never actually had a smore that wasn’t made in the microwave. Maybe his condition came down to the rigors of saving someone’s life with your own, but considering how worried Michael had been for weeks, Alex thought not.
“I don’t know,” Alex said, dragging his hands over his face. “None of us know. We’re just talking in circles.”
“I guess we just have to wait for Michael to tell us,” Max said.
“Or we go beat it out of that bearded f—”
“No, Isobel.”
“You can’t keep defending him.” Her voice went high and loud, zero to a hundred. “Look what he’s done! He almost killed Michael, what is wrong with you?”
“I’m not defending him!” Max shot back, wounded. “I’m telling you not to go running off on some half-cocked vengeance scheme when Michael still needs you here! If he’s lost inside his own head somehow, there’s no one who can help him but you. We’ll deal with Jones later, when we know Michael is safe.”
Isobel growled but capitulated.
Not letting any ugly silence settle, Alex got up and said, “I’ll put some coffee on.”
They watched over Michael for all the rest of that evening and into the night, as the storm quieted and the sun set and Michael’s hair dried into a familiar halo of curls. At some point, Isobel brought Alex’s groceries in, half-ruined, and Max made dinner with whatever could be salvaged. While they worked, Alex sat with Michael in a chair pulled up to the couch where he lay, watching the steady rise and fall of his chest.
How close did they come to that chest being stilled forever? The answer was clear, splashed rust-red across Michael’s clothes, and Alex couldn’t stand it, couldn’t reconcile it, couldn’t balance the equation made by Michael this morning and Michael here, now, this.
Alex stood sharp, with a purpose, stood over Michael whose eyes moved rapid behind his lids, Michael who flushed with life but hadn’t lived since being healed, Michael who could so easily be an illusion of hope, snatched away in a second, snuffed out. Jerkily, Alex shot out a hand, then yanked it back, checked over his shoulder for Max or Isobel or—anyone—like a kid with a hand in the cookie jar. A touch so innocuous, necessary, even; Michael shouldn’t be forced to rest with dirty clothes; but. Was he allowed? Was the universe watching?
His hands were heavy; purpose and gravity worked on them, yet with a weightless almost-faith they remembered the hill and valley of Michael’s chest, the texture and temperature of his skin, the cartography, topography of loving him and being loved.
They started slowly. He eased up the hem of Michael’s ruined t-shirt with a pinch of fabric, without touching his body at all; he inched it up his back where it rested against the couch, until he ran out of room to work with cloth alone. The shirt bunched around his underarms.
Alex had no choice but to touch, so he did.
His hand still fit the circumference of Michael’s arm, and he lifted it. Michael moved without resistance, idle art in living warmth, velvet skin, liquid veins. Alex moved as if he was as delicate as glass. The second arm was no easier; Alex worked just as tenderly, every inch of his skin lit up with sensation. Leave no trace, like Michael’s body was some untouched scrap of woodland in Alex’s brief custody rather than the sweetly historied path toward home. But that was where Alex was right now, what time and choice made of them.
He pulled the shirt over Michael’s head, and it came away easy in his hands, and he went to his bedroom to get a new one.
The whole thing took less than a minute.
Michael slept on.
“Any change?” Max asked softly, handing Alex a plate of the dinner he’d already forgotten about. Buffy followed him from the kitchen, but she didn’t go after the food, opting for her bed beside the piano, where she continued to watch Max with adoring eyes. He didn’t comment on Michael’s shirt, for which Alex was pathetically grateful. In the kitchen, the water ran as Isobel did the dishes.
“No. Can…you sense any change? Through your bond, or through a handprint?”
“No. Maybe? When I first got here, he took up so much space, metaphorically, psychically, that it was almost hard to breathe. He feels more like himself now. Like he fits inside his body. So that’s probably good.”
“Probably,” Alex agreed.
The water shut off, and Isobel appeared in the doorway to the kitchen. “I’m going in,” she said flatly.
“What?” Max asked.
“His head. I’m going in. I need to see what he’s seeing; to try and pull him out. This?” she waved a hand at Michael. “Isn’t normal. Liz died and she wasn’t out this long. I’m going in to get our brother back.”
Take me with you? Alex almost said it, almost begged, as much a violation of trust as it would be to walk Michael’s mind uninvited. But as Max healed his body, as Isobel healed his mind, Alex was helpless to do anything, and he never wore helplessness well. It clawed its way out of him. It destroyed things if he failed to catch it in time.
But he held its leash tight, for now, and gave Isobel an equally tight nod.
“What do you need?”
“Space. No interruptions. It seems like you’ve got enough acetone”—five bottles were still left at the foot of the couch—“so I just need time.”
“You can have the guest bedroom,” Alex agreed.
He and Max carried Michael between them, sharing his weight. Some rearing and needy part of Alex wanted to do the work himself, bundle Michael in his arms and hold him close, but he’d already carried him once today, and Tylenol only went so far. Once he was situated on the bed, Max went to get acetone and water for Isobel.
Weak in the legs, Alex sat beside Michael’s head, never taking his eyes off him. He couldn’t; he wouldn’t. And neither was it a possibility for him to reach out and touch his hair, his forehead, his cheek, so he only watched.
In the door, Isobel cleared her throat. She held both liquids—Max had put them in different-colored cups—and set them on the bedside table before sitting on Michael’s other side.
“I’ll leave you to it,” Alex said, but made no move to go.
After a few seconds, Isobel made a frustrated noise and tossed her hair. “Whatever. You can stay.”
“It’ll be boring, and if it freaks you out, you can’t interrupt. But yeah.” Alex opened his mouth to respond, but Isobel just held up a hand. “I don’t pretend to understand your weird alien soulmate bullshit. Yours or Max and Liz’s. And I don’t really care what your deal is with Forrest Long, but if you mess my brother around, I’ll end you.”
“I’m not—”
“Again, don’t care. I just know…” she softened. “…I just know how much you mean to Michael. So you can stay.”
Alex swallowed, the lump in his throat too big for him to answer with words, so he nodded, and Isobel nodded back.
“Okay. Starting now.”
Her eyes slipped closed as she lifted Michael’s hand and pressed it between both her own.
The world didn’t change; no power within Alex’s senses rippled between the two of them. Isobel wasn’t wrong to call it boring, as even the uncertain anxiety of what was transpiring in Michael’s head couldn’t keep his attention from wandering. Half an hour in, Max came into the room to stand beside the bed as well, and he clapped a hand on Alex’s shoulder and gave it a squeeze, an attempt that reassured neither of them. But it was a brother’s touch, and that meant something.
In that room, throughout that silent ordeal, they were family. Alex was part of that family. It was a feeling he had no room on the shelves for; it fit in none of his boxes. He could barely comprehend it, so it sat in the center of the floor, and for a few hours, everything rearranged itself neatly around the new centerpiece of his world, like it was meant to be there all along.
The night deepened on, pain and exhaustion graying Alex’s vision. Discretion and strategy overtaking his determination, he was close to calling it quits and attempting a few hours of sleep when Isobel surfaced, bone white and nose bleeding as Max scrambled to hand her the acetone.
“Did it—”
Max didn’t even finish the sentence before, with a drowning, sucking gasp, Michael followed her out. Alex shouted, elation, shock, fear, everything, as Michael coughed and coughed until a clot of blood dislodged from his throat, guzzling the water that Alex passed him. His bloodshot eyes met Alex’s over the rim of the glass, confused and shocked, and Alex just nodded, trying to say without words everything that…just everything.
On Michael’s other side, Isobel was laughing, breathless and triumphant.
“I’m going to kill you! I’m going to fucking kill you,” she wheezed, throwing herself into Michael’s arms.
Michael’s eyes fell shut as he rested his head against hers. “I know,” he rasped in return, but his lips pulled into a smile anyway. “I know.”
“Michael,” Max said weakly.
And Michael replied, “I know.”
Max rounded the bed to fold the both of them into a hug. Alex might have even joined them, if he wasn’t—he realized only now—shaking too badly to move. But in the midst of all the sensory overload, the misfiring nerves electrifying his helpless flesh, one sensation rang true.
Alex’s hands rested on the bed, stiff and motionless, until one of Michael’s crossed that untouched skin, light at first then more firmly, finger atop finger, knuckle nestled into soft palm, and Michael held his hand and gave it a squeeze, and Alex squeezed him back.
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laufire · 3 years
RNM 3x04
Although I’m enjoying the season so far, I gotta say, the episodes feel super disconnected, this one most of all. I blame the fact that Liz (THE LEAD) and Rosa still aren’t participating in the main fucking plot :)))
I’m still extremely wary of Rosa’s storyline. I think it makes sense for the character, and that *for now* they’re keeping it in line with it being more about Rosa proyecting/exorcising her issues than about Wyatt Long’s manpain, but. I’m eyeing it. And I really want her to be more involved in the main plot/do more stuff. Now that Kyle is in peril and Long is leaving town (which made me wonder whether he’ll become a suspect, actually), I hope that’s where she’s headed. I loved her art (it always has so much personality in it, I love how they do it) and her quote about people changing and becoming who they want to be.
I feel that with this storyline I’m doing a reverse of my usual “things I roll with in fiction but wouldn’t stand for irl” LOL. Because if I was in Rosa’s shoes I WOULD try to deradicalize someone like Long -and there’s no shortage of people like Long in my hometown, so I’m not just talking out of my ass here-, less for him and more as harm reduction and for my own morals. But this could derail Rosa’s storyline in really annoying ways. And I REALLY don’t trust this show’s track record with race. On top of that, a lot of the discourse around redemption arcs~ conveniently omits the fact that only white male characters are pressumed to get them after they commit horrible acts. Why can’t Flint, a MoC, be the one to get a redemption arc instead, for example? It could’ve been painfully easy to switch their storylines, and it could’ve been interesting since Rosa actually disliked him in high school. But the show suddenly decided to care for Long’s inner life. Because white characters (and people) are afforded more complexity by others, more good faith.
I’m not TOO worried about Kyle because it feels too early in the season to fully close that plot. But if they killed him I don’t know that I could continue with the show. I adore Rosa, but her storyline isn’t grabbing me; and I dig Michael’s family drama with Nora and the dictator, but they’re not as ~dear to me. Kyle this season was the one reuniting it all. And they can’t kill him before we figure out everything with the communicator and his father!! C’mon. Anyway. I did love him this episode, helping out; and his scenes with Michael (my rareship is sailing! xDD) were great, from their bitchiness with the radio to their perspectives during their argument. The moment Michael pushes him to take cover and then removes Kyle’s hand from his shoulder asldkfjaf. This fandom is weak for not writing me multiple pages of this rareship, js.
Speaking of rareships sailing LOL, I can’t believe after my joke post about Bert x Kyle I got a mini scene asdlfjasdf, where Bert talks to Kyle and pays a compliment to his mother. I’ve also said since then that I wanted more Bert in the show, but frankly, I wish it was for more alien/conspiracy/fun stuff (like his artisanal beer or his werewolf obsession! or get into the main alien plot!), and not an Issue Storyline that I don’t even trust the show to handle properly.
Maria and Isobel’s vision quest was fun, although I resent the fact that the Liz we saw for half the episode was a fake (seriously, BRING HER TO THE DAMN MAIN PLOT ALREADY). I don’t care much for the two of them bonding, tbh, but if it’s what Maria wants, so be it. And her moments with Kyle this season have made me more lenient towards Isobel, at least. I’m also curious about some of the elements in the quest: the first things Maria sees are Michael sitting in her bar and Rosa painting her table <33. Bert is around being attacked by racists. I also dig that either/both of them pictured Kyle in his doctor getup (with the radio).
Wrt the vision itself, I’m still on denial about the dead being Kyle lol. I’ve heard all the theories: fake death to hide the aliens (I hope that can get solved because if Kyle couldn’t for some reason continue his career in medice it would CRUSH him), and his mother (please don’t) seem the most likely options after this episode. Others are Sanders (for the hints in last week’s) or even Arturo (for Rosa and Liz’s reactions, although obviously the “Valenti” crest wouldn’t make sense there). I also don’t see how it makes sense to cover Kyle’s death if Logan killed him? Unless Max tries to heal him and leaves a handprint. Anyway, I hope none of the above die and it can be resolved. And BTW: the SPN war flashbacks I’ve witnessed in the tags with the “killing” method are. Something. I think RNM still kept the scene dramatic and the audience concerned, but man. The risk of that reference... I don’t know that it was worth it lol.
BRING LIZ TO THE MAIN STORYLINE FFS. I like what we see of her on LA in abstract, but in practice... she’s the lead ffs. One episode where she’s out and having a nice time dancing (those scenes were lovely, admittedly) like this one can be great, but after three episodes where she’s been so removed of it all? Nuh huh. Given recent events (Kyle’s attack, the handprint on her chest reacting, her resignation) I hope it changes soon. And I hope Heath can be taken at face value, because I don’t trust this show’s track record with MoC that could inconvenience its storylines (see Noah and Diego, or even Flint). Also, I LOLED at her dream in the beginning, with her imagining Max apologizing to her and expressing her own concerns about getting lost in their relationship lmfao (as if that would ever cross his mind xD).
His scenes with Kyle seem designed to get Michael out of his funk wrt his heritage, and I appreciate it (especially if it’s THIS, and not the useless or even counterproductive pep talks of anyone else Michael cares more about that does the trick lol). I’m still eagerly awaiting for development on this front. Related to that, I’ve seen the theories about Jones being his father, but. Eh. It’s not that I don’t see how it could be possible (he’s incredibly powerful and can make fire), but. To put it bluntly? I don’t think the actor can pull off what I want from the Dictator. I want someone charismatic, and preferably visibly older than Michael that actually looks like his father. Jones would be a terrible miscast on both accounts. If they bring someone else JUST for Michael it could also be a sign of him really taking over the storyline (which I’m still iffy about because of my other faves, but it’s an interesting way to see where the show is headed).
I feel they could have taken Jones to more interesting places but there’s still time. The good news is that he shaved his godawful beard AND saved a dog’s life lol. Also, am I the only one that thought he might’ve known Noah, when he grabbed his and Isobel’s picture? I’m curious about that.
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
OK MY ELECTRICITY WENT BUT IM HERE WITH MY LIVE BLOG. Im also wearing a tiara i found during cleaning at 2 38 am...
You see, that’s how Lexi functioned. Unlike Selena who had a weekly planner with her name doodled on it, Lexi didn’t like having a schedule. She would decide what she wanted to do when she wanted it.
lexi why are you in pain
what what what
whats happening
im freaking out
There were six of them. Each handle in one colour of the pride flag.
these demons can talk as well.
that's what bothers me the most
CLARY STFU YOU KNOW DAMN WELL YOU FOUGHT A WAR AT 15. I know she's worried for valid reasons but im losing it right now.
calm its ok its gonna be ok
georgia collecting the ichor-
i love her so much
Lexi didn’t think it was possible, but the sight somehow made her gayer than before.
me every time i look at amy or rosa from b99
“Of course you are not dying!” Lexi said severely. “Neither one of us is allowed to die before we finish binging Game of Thrones.”
with the major character death tag right there
dont make me think of georgia getting sick
The bar was extremely low for shadowhunters.
yes it is
did i just sob "my child" ?
maybe i did
im so proud of him
wait but in tid sophie was over the age of ascention too
“Life is too short for bad blood,”
yeah. yeah it is
i still really like camilla
He could go to Mexico right now. His heart wanted to do it. His body screamed at him to do it.
It wasn’t the distance that was the problem. He had two warlocks at home. He had a bike. He had money to buy a plane ticket.
It wasn’t the distance at all. Rafael would walk to Mexico for her if necessary.
i screamed so loud here i was grateful for the closed door
“Y’all really be acting as if portals are like a bag of Cheetos!” Max pointed out seriously. “It ain’t $2.50, bro! Do you have any idea the energy it takes to make a portal? What people actually pay for it? I can’t be making portals for free. I don’t get a salary from the Clave like you do. This is how I make a living!”
“I was going to say you should go stay at the institute with David,” Rafael said. “But you are right. You are not a baby. You can stay here on your-”
“On second thoughts,” Max interrupted with a grin. “I’m still a fetus in warlock years so I will go the institute.”
my throat hurts
“All thanks to the amazing Isabelle Lightwood,” Jaime replied. “I think I am a little in love with her.”
“Who isn’t?” Rafael chuckled.
we all are in love with isabelle lightwood
no no no
where's anjali
where is she
dont fuck with me right now
why does diego look like a mess
“Diego,” the woman rasped. “She is coughing up blood again.”
it's chapter 1
stop making me cry
if anyone gives izzy shit for this i'll kill them
“Jace, if you want to a baby so much then grow your own damn uterus,” Isabelle snapped.
After Georgia’s birth, they had promised each other that they would always choose the children first. If it ever came to a point, as it often did in their lives, where they had to choose between themselves and the children – they had promised each other to save the children.
dude theres a major character death here
Jace thought for a moment and then grinned at her. “No uterus. No opinion.”
“Selena has trained you well,”
selena my smart feminist child
“Do you really need those?” Alec asked, pointing at the glasses.
“No,” Jace replied. “But Clary thinks I look hot with glasses.”
“You two are ridiculous,” Alec shook his head.
Jace turned around. “Really? And your beard is for character building, is it?”
there's no use lying alec we all know why it's really there
she cant die
my throat hurts from all the shouting
“Can I get a cinnamon latte with extra cream and two sugars please?” Alec asked.
Jace raised an eyebrow.
“Magnus had a long day at the Spiral Labyrinth,” Alec explained.
“Can’t he just magic his drink?”
“Well, yes,” Alec replied. “But I like buying it for him. It’s called being a good husband.”
aww that's so sweet
“I’m saying no one can do better than David,” Jace huffed. “He is precious.”
“If you are going to be this way, things are going to be very awkward at their wedding,” Jace muttered.
“They are not getting married, Jace!”
“Do you not want them to???”
“They are nineteen!!”
“Doesn’t mean we are not allowed to think about it,” Jace pointed out. “If they get married, we will be family!”
“We are already family!” Alec all but yelled.
“Yeah, but we will be even closer!” Jace sighed happily.
“You are my parabatai!” Alec said incredulously. “My soul is literally tied to yours! How closer do you want to get?”
wait how old is michael
"Oh my god,” Jace gasped. “Three out of three! I win!”
“It’s not a competition, Jace!” Alec rolled his eyes.
“It is and I won,” Jace grinned. “You’re welcome, LGBTQ+ community.”
“Can we talk about something else?” Izzy demanded. “We are not those parents who only ever talk about their children.”
Alec cleared his throat. “Right. Of course.”
“Yeah, we have lives of our own,” Jace nodded seriously.
They drove quietly for a while before they started discussing about their children’s love lives again right up until Jace pulled over at Jade Wolf.
of course...
Lily’s face was pale – paler than usual.
lily what's wrong
please lily
lily is close to her
of course
“Then we burn all the angels,” Lily growled.
Jace walked in that moment, sipping from his latte. “I bought donuts, y’all!”
A chuckle escaped Magnus. “Jonathan. Your timing is impeccable.”
"Is everything okay?” Jace asked, looking troubled.
“No,” Maia replied. “But at least we have donuts.”
at least they have donuts
“I love you,” he mouthed, and Alec’s heart was okay for a moment.
They had put on their clothes
they grow up so fast...
im crying
dont please
she was poisoned
oh my god
Rafael drank like a dozen a day.
understandable have a good day
Im squeezing the life out of Emma (my emotional support stuffed cat) right now
the first time i heard the source was angelic my very first incstinct was seelie. I didn't wanna share it because of how absurd it sounded. but it doesn't anymore.
charlotte was poisoned by a seelie unintentionally which cost her her child
I'm losing my mind oh my god... I am so scared. Please Anjali and Isabelle please they cant...no i dont wanna think like that. tryna take deep breaths. ok. it's gonna be ok. maybe.
see ya friday!
Now I want to write lbaf while wearing a tiara. Hmmmm. I'll look for one online.
See you Friday! Also hope you had a good birthday!!!
And send pics of Emma!!!!!!!
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dr-lizortecho · 2 years
5 shows
Rules: Pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions. Don't cheat. Tag 10 people
I was tagged by @salvatorestjohn! Thanks, this was a lot of fun!
My Shows:
1- Roswell New Mexico
2- The Vampire Diaries
3- New Girl
4- Justice League Unlimited
5- Moonlight (2007)
1) Who is your favourite character in 2(the Vampire Diaries)?
This is difficult… a tie between Bonnie Bennet and Tyler Lockwood, they both deserved more content and better storylines
2) Who is your least favourite character in 1(Roswell New Mexico)?
Nora Truman hands down, I feel like she could have been written more consistently (and maybe held accountable for her actions) but Noah Bracken is a close tie… sorry if I’m being salty but just nah
3) What is your favourite episode of 4(Justice League Unlimited)?
“This Little Piggy” like come on, Wonder Woman gets turned into a pig and Batman has to serenade Circe to get her back? with Zatana doing a guest appearance!
4) What is your favourite season of 5(Moonlight)?
Welp, season one. The one and only, lol
5) Who is your favourite couple in 3(New Girl)?
Cece and Schmidt, they are in fact soulmates
6) Who is your favourite couple in 2(the Vampire Diaries)?
This is a hard one, cause there were a lot of good couples, but for healthy dynamics and how invested I was would be Tyler/Caroline cause they were too precious and had the exact right amount of doomed from the start angst
7) What is your favourite season of 1(Roswell New Mexico)?
Probably season one, I loved the unraveling of the ‘what happened to Rosa?’ the plot points being hit nearly every episode and everything about Echo of course
season two was great for character dynamics and three seems to soon to properly judge
8) What is your favourite episode of 5(Moonlight)?
“Sonata” it’s the final installation and shows Mick and Beth getting over themselves, but most importantly for young me, posed the question of how a vampire could be ‘cured’ and what that meant for the universe in general
9) What is your favourite episode of 2(the Vampire Diaries)?
4x08 “We’ll Always Have Bourbon Street” for no reason besides Damon&Stefan, Bonnie&Elena&Caroline bonding time, and Tyler straight up telling Elena she was in love with Damon and to screw the sirebond, cause Tyler&Elena would have been such a good friendship to explore more of
10) How long had you watched 1(Roswell New Mexico)?
I’ve been watching it since it started airing, actually saw the pilot episode live and fell into this unwittingly
11) How did you become interested in 3(New Girl)?
My sister made me watch a few episodes with her and it was the first actually funny sitcom I ever saw, so I ended up watching the entire thing
12) Who is your favourite actor in 4(Justice League Unlimited)?
So voice actors… idk, Mark Hamill did a wonderful job as always
13) Which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5?
Roswell New Mexico hands down, it’s my current obsession and I think the characters are wonderful so idk…
14) Which show have you seen more episodes of, 1(Roswell New Mexico) or 3(New Girl)?
I’ve seen all existing episodes of both, but New Girl has more so it wins out here
15) If you could be anyone from 4(Justice League Unlimited), who would you be?
umm, toss up between Black Canary and the Question, but Vic does hold a special place in my heart so who knows
16) Would a crossover between 3(New Girl) and 4(Justice League Unlimited) work?
It would be too chaotic… like animated Jess??? or live action Batman??? it just… doesn’t
17) Pair two characters in 1(Roswell New Mexico) that would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple
okay, so I ship practically everyone in RNM, so unlikely is hard for me to wrap my head around… because they all seem likely. However, based off the universe and the history I’d have to say Michael/Liz just because of Max and all the context there, because they are great on paper, their personalities compliment each other nicely (even if they’d probably lock themselves into the grotto and die of starvation science-ing together)
18) Overall, which show has the better storyline, 3(New Girl) or 5(Moonlight)?
not to hate on New Girl but as a sitcom it introduces random elements randomly, looses characters all the time, and reset Coach every time he returned to the loft
so Moonlight wins (also because it got canceled before they wrote too much plot)
19) Which has the better theme music, 2(the Vampire Diaries) or 4(Justice League Unlimited)?
did TVD have theme music? so I guess JLU, but TVD’s soundtrack was like listening to my playlists 60% of the time
20) What is your favourite episode of 3(New Girl)?
Probably the very last one, it appealed to my character and possibility driven brain, with that flash-forward to them playing All-American with their kids, it was just too sweet
no pressure tags: @jule1122 @cygnetofthesea @spcecowboyyy and anyone who wants to do this consider yourself tagged!
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theoriginalladya · 4 years
Slán leat  (Goodbye)
Tumblr media
So this morning, Caleb Shepard’s muse grabbed a two-by-four and belted me upside the head out of nowhere with this piece.  I’ve half thought about writing one since posting this drabble a while back and mentioning the idea of a memorial post-war, but until today, I had no idea how it would play out.  This, apparently, is how it plays out.
On AO3 here
Summary:  Two years after the end of the Reaper War, Caleb Shepard finally faces what he can no longer avoid ...
Setting: Alliance HQ, Vancouver; two years after the war
Characters: Caleb Shepard, Abby Williams, Kaidan Alenko, Major Coats (David Anderson, Ashley Williams, other NPCs)
Tags:  grief, hurt, comfort, angst, character death, mourning, memorials
Dark grey clouds hang low over the Vancouver skyline weeping slow, steady tears.  Appropriate, Caleb Shepard thinks, otherwise ignoring it while huddling deeper into his jacket and leaning heavily upon the cane Kaidan wouldn’t allow him out of the apartment without.  As if you know…
He pauses, tilting his head, almost hearing the voice on the occasional gust of wind.  It’s one he’s never forgotten, no matter the years that have passed or the fact that death claimed him once.  Just a hint of a whisper, drifting droplet to droplet before splattering at his feet as they tease and taunt.  
Sentiment?  For me, Skipper?  I’m touched …
Days like this push him to his very limit anymore; pain of all sorts dogging at his heels, physical, mental, emotional. Almost as bad as those days right after London, when it wasn’t a sure thing that he would survive.  Without Miranda around to lend her expertise this time, he nearly didn’t.
Slowly, carefully, he continues to make his way across the grounds toward his destination.  In all honesty, he doesn’t want to be here, doesn’t want to face the inevitable he has successfully ignored; but time is no longer on his side, and avoidance is impossible now that he is here.  It’s been two years since the end of the war, and though loathe to admit it, he knows he can no longer hide from his duty.  Two years.  It seems like forever ago, the last time he was here, yet this time he has freedom to search for old friends and faces rather than face punishment for fulfilling his duty.
As he draws near, he discovers the memorial is far larger than last time; instead of taking up the central courtyard outside of Alliance HQ, Vancouver, newer panels branch out to form a maze, circling around, folding back upon itself while creating space enough to hold its weighty burden. Caleb’s chest aches to think how many names are now inscribed here.  
Still, he knows exactly where to locate the first, and makes his way through the pattern.  It takes several minutes, perhaps twice or three times what it normally would without injury.  Still, he finds it easily enough – his memory is as strong as ever was, thankfully – and eases down on one knee while using the cane to hold himself steady.  His hair is plastered to his face, covering his eyes, but his is still able to peek through without much difficulty.  He scrolls down the list of names until he finds it, stretches out his left hand, and lets the tips glide lightly over the engraved marble surface.
Gunnery Chief, Ashley Williams – Virmire
A hint of a curve pokes at the corner of his lips, sad yet hopeful, as he whispers, “We did it, Ash.”
He doesn’t expect an answer – the dead don’t talk after all, not unless he’s joined them – so he is a bit startled when a voice so similar to the one he remembers replies, “That we did, Skipper.”
Peering over his shoulder up into the falling rain, he finds her; solemn dark brown eyes staring back at him, dark hair twisted into a regulation knot at the nape of her neck, dress blues soaked through, N7 designation shining brightly despite it all.  Caleb pushes awkwardly to his feet, relying on the cane for leverage, and opens his arms to her.  “That we did, major,” he agrees as Abigail Williams walks into the embrace and holds tight.
When she steps back after the greeting, Abby smiles and leans up on her toes to press a kiss to his cheek.  “I was hoping Hackett would talk you into coming this year,” she murmurs as she glances around the area.  They are alone for now, though others will likely show later, especially if the rain diminishes.  “Where’s Kaidan?”
Pushing his hair out of his eyes and taking some of the excess moisture with it, Caleb replies, “I came on ahead.  He’ll be along in a bit.”
Sharp eyes narrow on him, searching.  “Ghosts calling you?”
He sighs as he avoids her knowing gaze, nodding. “Aye, something like that.”
Without additional comment, she loops her arm through his and they start down the path to his next destination.  “Haven’t you learned, sealgaire, visiting ghosts should never be done alone?”
The chuckle that escapes has an edge of pain to it, but he eventually finds his voice.  “Haven’t you learned all Irishmen are stubborn to a fault?”
They take their time walking the trail, finding each and every person on Caleb’s list.  Most are clumped together by date or location, but a few are found on their own or with others he does not know.  When they find the rest of the crew of the SR1, he is startled to find his own name among them, the N7 designation setting him apart from the rest of the crew.  His breath stutters and Abby’s arm tightens in support until he waves her off with a nod. They move on only after Caleb takes a step backward, straightens to attention, and salutes.  Abby follows suit.
The rain still streams down from the skies above as he searches for the last two names.  With a knowing smile, Abby finds the way unerringly.  The wall for these individuals is filled with Ns of varying levels, but the ones he needs are near the end.
Captain, Rosa Morales-Minton, Elysium
It is impossible to differentiate tears from rain drops as they slide down his cheeks, as fingers tender and aching from the cold trace the letters of her name.  To his left, Abby says quietly, “Did I ever tell you, I met her once?”
His voice is a rough whispering rasp as he replies. “No.”
“They had a memorial – a quiet one, only a few people allowed in – for the crew of the Normandy after she went down. I was here finishing OCS when I saw the gathering, recognized some of your surviving crew, so I snuck over.”
Caleb huffs softly, managing a lopsided grin.  “You’ve definitely earned that infiltrator badge. As for the rest?”  Sighing, he shakes his head.  “The Alliance followed the Council and kept the Reapers quiet.” His eyes roam beyond her, down the path, at the walls upon walls upon walls of names.  “They too afraid of what they did not understand.  How many more could have been saved if they’d listened?”
Abby tightens her hand around his arm.  “She was here, that day, too.  So much pain and sorrow in her eyes, but she was here for you.  We spoke briefly afterward.”  She smiles up at him, sadness in her eyes, but a brightness in the smile and memory. “She loved you like a brother, Caleb. Did you know?”
Caleb’s eyes close, his fingers twitching over her name yet again even as he nods.  “She was one of the best.”
A heavier weight settles over his right shoulder. Caleb isn’t startled, and he doesn’t have to open his eyes to recognize who stands there in support.  As a result, his grief eases just a bit as the burden is shared.
“Not your fault, mo shearc,” Kaidan reminds him gently.
Caleb pulls his hand back from the wall and rests it atop his husband’s on his shoulder, squeezing gently in response.  “I know, mo ghrá.  I know.”
Another set of booted steps nears, stopping as they come within range.  “Ceremony is starting soon,” Coats announces, his hand settling around Abby’s shoulders. When Caleb glances over, he nods. “We should probably head over.”
“Just a moment.”  Caleb shifts his position so he can reach the last name on his list, two rows over, a few lines higher.  
Rear Admiral, David Edward Anderson, London
“Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam.”**
As before, Caleb takes a few steps back, straightens, and offers a final salute to the man who helped change his life.  Kaidan, Coats, and Abby join in.
They turn away moments later, Kaidan sliding a hand into Caleb’s free one, and Caleb gives the wall one last, long look.  “Slán leat,** old friend,” he murmurs, his steps already moving away.  “One day, perhaps, we’ll meet again….”
** Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam = May his soul be seated on God’s right hand. (God rest his soul)
** Slán leat = good-bye
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