#the other can't lie for shit so he gotta tell you the truth obviously
mushangaa · 1 year
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I wanted to show off a sketch of something I am working on. If the sketch gets a lil confusing that's okay imma emphasise some stuff during the second lining stage after colours and that should get some ebb and flow in there to make it less overwhelming to look at (or maybe it ain't confusing but I've been looking a long time down on this sketch so I am a bit workblind now). But I couldn't wait to show it because I really really like this sketch a lot. Can't wait to finish this one ahddsughfhgf.
So yah remember I said I was in Venice and I wanted a Venician mask, but authentic you feel me? And during one of our late night strolls we came upon Ca' Del Sol and boy... so this shop is full of handmade masks and when I say handmade I mean this shop had the workshop on the other side of the canal with a lil bridge in front of it and you could look through the windows in there and see the silicone molds they probably made themselves too. Anyway so yah the mask were a couple of hundreds. Those that can be worn anyway (I bought a smaller one as wall decoration) And in there I saw a several twin masks. Like connected by fans and feathers and pearls and those long jester like sleeves with bells or tassles attached to them - they were big. So. I saw those and was like... yahhh disaster twins inspo let me go apeshit on the details imma draw something with that when I come home.
And here we are. I might remember to scann some wip stages for this one but yahhhh can't wait to chill out with this one.
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wrong-melody · 3 years
A bored Zombie and a Jealous Doll
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Character: Hanma Shuji (present age: 28)
Word count: 900 words
Pronoun: female reader (she/her)
Type: fluff, jealous reader, suggestive at the end
Warning: nothing, Hanma being Hanma
A friday night means you can have fun with your friends doing all the plans you agreed on from last week. But here you are laying down on your bed with your beloved boyfriend tightly hugging you from behind. Or at least as he thinks. Tightly hugging you.
"Doll help me. I'm bored. I survived many injuries but I dont think I can survive this boredom anymore"
Hanma asked for help in a serious tone as if he is really dying from boredom. This man can't stand this feeling and will annoy the hell out of you to entertain himself. Yet, you aren't in the mood for bored Hanma right now.
"You decided to comeback home early after work when you could have fun with the other guys and comeback tomorrow. Of course you will be bored with me."
For some reasons he wasn't sure why he felt like you sounded angry. Is it because he usually doesn't spend friday nights with you ? Or because he is trapping you between his long limps and literally preventing you from going anywhere, not even with your girlfreinds and making you cancel all your plans with them ? He gotta find out.
"They are no fun but you are an exception"
He said while rubbing circles on your stmach, trying to sooth your hiden and bulding up anger.
"I am no fun too if you barely spend these nights with me, right?"
His circling motions with his big hand stopped upon hearing your replay. You are definitly angry and he doesn't like it.
"There is an explaination"
"They were mostly gangs meetings. You ended up drinking and lost track of time. Thats why you aren't home until saturday morning. I know all of that."
How can he replay to that ? He has been telling you the same excuse for a long time but he can't tell you the exact truth, can he ?
"I already know the truth too, idiot"
Well, that was a little bit suprising considering how much he tried to hide many details related to gang stuff from you. But there is nothing can be done as these things get to be known in a matter of time.
"I didn't lie though"
Just because he didn't tell you the complete truth that doesn't mean he lied about what he says every week and everytime. You moved his hand away from you to free yourself from his 'trap hug' and properly sat down starring at the bedsheet , and he followed you to sit as well as he can sense the seriousness surrdounding you, waiting for the truth you said you know.
"I can't be as fun as those girls in the club. There is no way I can be in the same level as them and I .... "
His laugh intrupted you. Is he having fun seeing you jealous like this ?! You finally looked at him to throw some fists but he was quick to hold your hands gentally while he is still laughing.
Out of frustration, you tried to even hit him with your head but due to your height difference, your head perefectly land into his chest and he didn't waste a second from hugging you again.
"You are Hanma's girl. Of course you aren't in the same level as some club whores"
You really weren't in the mode for his sweet talk so you tried to get away from him but obviously there is no escape from an embrace from a giant human like him.
"Sorry doll, but thats not the truth."
He finally let you go from his hug to look into your eyes
"I don wanna say much but they are literally gang staff, you already should have an idea about what I mean"
Yes you know but ...
"So you better to not think of stupid shit like that again. 'kay doll ?!"
You couldn't help but to bite down your lower lip despite his serious and honest answer.
"No. Its not okay at all. You still have meetings at the clubs and can see these girls who will make a show. Dont usually men enjoy these kind of things too ?"
You said in frustration but somehow you regret your last sentence after you saw his smirk.
"Well if that's the problem then I can bring the whole damn club here if it will make you feel better"
Being with Hanma means at least being flustered once a day and this is just the start.
"Those girls are half clothed but you can do it naked and give me a better show. I will be all yours for the rest of the night and you can entertain me with a special performance"
You couldn't replay as blood rushed to your face turning you red and that for sure didn't go unnoticed by Hanma who gentlly hold both your cheeks between his hand sqeezing your face.
"I will redesgin the room and add a pole .. where do you want it ?"
You didn't mean it but it was a spontaneous  reaction from your embaressment as you tried to hit me again on his chest, and he let you take your frustration out as he laughs. You couldn't really help but to smile at his melodic laugh, at least he doesnt seem dying from boredom anymore and somehow you felt better that he would rather have a special show from you than a bored show at the club.
Mero 🖤 Feedbacks are appreciated.
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tum-like-oxygen · 4 years
I want you to depend on me (4/4)
The last part. This time with Key and Jinki. I did this on my phone and reread it once. Sorry for any mistakes.
Warnings: emeto,male x male, shipping hinting, depictions of vomiting and overall sickness. Bloated tummies are very present.
"Shit..." Key thought as an off bubbling sensation washed over his stomach. It was only a day after Minho and Taemin got sick. Minho was not feeling good a few days ago..."must've caught it in the van..." Waking up to this sensation was less than prime. He had heard the two boys from his room getting sick, for a day and was sure the worst was over. Now he had his own issue to deal with. He felt hot and achy.
His plan was to lay low. He didn't like people knowing anything was wrong, always trying to remain cool and deal with it on his own to save his image. He sighed, placing a hand on his stomach. He should have known when he skipped dinner last night. He felt full so he decided to just go to bed, at least he knew this stomach upset wasn't from hunger. He closed his eyes, even after sleeping so long he was still tired. It was about noon now. His belly was bloated a bit. Clearly he was sick.
He opened his eyes at the sound of knocking and his doorknob turning. His leader stood there. "Are you going to get up?" He looked concerned, Jinki always knew more than he let on, but maybe he could get away with it. "Just didn't sleep well last night... Gonna lay back down." Jinki frowned. Keys stomach let out a loud gurgle, causing him to turn a bit red. "I'll make you some food" Jinki left before the younger could protest. He could tell Key didn't feel good. His body language said everything. He was the leader, he knew his members, especially after 10 years. Not to mention the two sick boys in the other room, and the upset gurgles from his own stomach.
Key sighed, giving his bloated belly a gentle rub. He dreaded putting anything in his stomach. God only knew what Jinki was going to bring him... And he couldn't just not eat it. Even though his stomach was empty, it felt full and heavy.
Jinki returned with some chicken broth, a litre of ginger ale and glass, liquid tylenol and a partially empty bottle of Pepto. "Damn..." Jinki was just too good. "Open your mouth" Jinki placed a thermometer in front of the singers face. He complied. No use arguing. "Your almost at 103. Take this." He poured the liquid into the medicine cup and handed it to Key. It was disgusting. Cherry. His least favorite flavor. Definately not something he wanted to taste right now. He handed the cup back and cracked open the ginger ale, not even bothering you put it in the cup. He just wanted the cherry taste gone.
"Eat if you can. It's been over twelve hours since you've eaten anything " Jinki took the medicine bottle and walked out. Before closing the door he looked back 'I'll be in my room if you need me." He smiled and shut the door.
Key looked at the food with disgust. His tummy didn't feel like eating. His stomach was not happy.
Sighing he downed the broth in a few gulps. He didn't want to taste it. He wanted to get it over with. Realizing his mistake he swore and grabbed the ginger ale taking a small sip. The amount of broth Jinki gave him wasn't exactly a small portion. The bowl was huge. Key moaned, leaning back to rub his bloated stomach through his shirt. "ugh the broth is already making my stomach upset .. I guess even that was too rich to handle." The broth was salty, and he was dying for a drink. Eyung the ginger ale he though. "I mean... Won't this help my stomach?" He flipped on the TV and laid down, trying to soothe his tummy ache, mindlessly drinking his gingerale.
Fifteen minutes later a wet loud gurgle emitted from his stomach, causing a wet burp to rise. "Oh God... I drank it all." His stomach now full of broth and ginger ale, his stomach began to slosh and bubbl. "Hic .. oooh..." He stifled a burp with his hands. "God my stomach's upset." He grabbed the bottle of Pepto... Cherry... "For fucks sake..." He sighed, there was only a little over a third left in the bottle, so he just drank the rest down. He wanted his stomach to calm down, and surely this was the only way.
Gagging on the sickening cherry flavor, key felt a bit dizzy. His stomach doing flips. The taste in his mouth was less than pleasant. He wanted, he was absolutely nauseated. All the sloshing liquid only added to the queasy feeling, akin to being seasick. He stood up and his belly sloshed. "oh god..." Wrapping his arms around his midsection, he walked mindlessly to the leaders room. Before opening the door he regained his composure as best he could.
Jinki was laying down, reading a book. Key could see the eldest had a hand rested on a bloated belly. He could tell Jinki felt a bit unwell just by looking at him. That was their leader though, never caring about himself, and selflessly thinking of his members in any situation. "Kibum..." He closed his book "Is something wrong."
Key blushed. "N..no... I just heard Minho puking again and I wanted to be away from it.' He lied. Jinki eyed the youngest bloated belly. It was obviously upset. He could even hear it gurgle and groan from the distance between the two. But he played along. "Thank you for the food..." Keys stomach let out a queasy gurgle. "I... I gotta pee.." He lied again, the cacaphany of flavors riding up his throat, and closed himself in the eldest's bathroom.
Jinki sighed. "Why not just tell the truth." He shook his head and waited. He wasn't going to hurt the singers ego or embarrass him. If he needed him Key would let him know.
Key turned the faucet on... Not wanting to be heard. His stomach grew more upset each second. Not wanting to be on the dirty floor, he sat on the edge of the bathtub and rubbed his sick stomach, brining up queasy burps, ocassionally spitting into the bowl. He began to sweat, he really didn't feel well. Eventually the nausea faded enough that he felt like he could go back. He turned off the faucet, tears in his eyes. His belly hurt so badly and he felt so sick.
"S...sorry I bothered you." He looked down. "I..I'll go."
Before he could leave Jinki grabbed his arm. "Kibum' his voice was stern. "Why on Earth did you drink all of that?" Having gone into the bedroom to tidy up, he was shocked. Keys stomach had to be sicker than before. He pulled the covers from his bed back and patted the empty spot. "Lie down. You have a bellyache. I won't let you leave my sight until you're better."
Key blushed, complying. "Jinki, ah... I'll get you sick..."
Jinki scoffed "I'm already sick to my stomach. He lifted his shirt revealing his slightly bloated stomach. "It started a few hours ago. I'll be fine..." He blushed. "Please just let me be here for you." He looked into the youngers eyes. "Stop pushing everyone away..."
Tears streamed down Kibums cheeks. "Jinki...." He was interuppted by a wave of nausea. His hand raised to his mouth. Onew placed a hand on his back as he shot up in bed. "Does your tummy feel sick?" Key nodded, afraid to speak. His stomach let out gurgle after gurgle. Jinki looked on concerned as the singers face paled. He knew moving Key would be a bad idea. "It's ok... I'm here..."
Key swallowed the acidic liquid rising from his stomach and moaned. "Jinki..." He panted, sweating from his fever and nausea. "Can't... Make it to the toil -" he was cut short by a gag, rushing his hand to his mouth he was able to stop it momentarily, but some sick still got onto the elders white bedding.
He was able to turn to the side of the bed, as his stomach sent up another wave. The liquid poured out of him violently as he retched. The taste of th cherry Pepto causing him to vomit again. Soon he felt a hand on his belly running in soft circles. "It's alright. Get it all up." Jinki was amazing at__ consoling. With him there, Key felt safe. Something he hadn't felt for a long time.
A mixture of the situation and his own stomach bug, Jinki began to feel nauseated. "Kibum... I'm happy... You're not going through this alone .. at least.. " he spat on the ground as Kibum continued to bring up the liquid contents of his stomach. Jinki retched as a stream of water escaped his lips, all he had ingested. "S...sorry stomach just isn't feeling well it's not you.'"
Key shook his head as a break presented itself. He spat. "I know... God my stomach is so upset..." Key whined. "I guess yours is too." Jinki nodded. "Get to the bathroom. I'll clean this so we can just lay down once this is over."
Key nodded, getting out of his soiled clothing and leaning in front of the toilet. He was dizzy and hot. His stomach wasn't anywhere near empty. He wasn't throwing up a lot at a time. He almost wished he would and get it over with.
Jinki was overcome with nausea after cleaning the mess. After changing the bedding he threw it in the corner of the bathroom. He didn't care. He ran to the sink and vomited bile. Key couldn't handle that and a large steam of liquid came after a wet burp. His eyes were tearing up as he continued to bring most of his stomach contents up into the bowl. He spat, not feeling like more was coming.
He panted and leaned back rubbing his belly. Jinki flushed the bowl and sat down, pulling Kibum onto his lap facing the toilet. He put both hands around his disdended stomach. "I'm here for you." He pressed into his belly, bringing up some more burps from the sick singer. "It hurts..." Key whined, moaning at Jinki's touch. "Just lean on me. I'll rub your stomach until you feel you can get up."
Key laid there, resting on his hyung. His smell was comforting. "Thanks hyung... I'm sorry you don't feel good either." He stifled a burp. "I feel better than you. Just relax." Key was just getting comfortable when his stomach cramped, and he flew over the bowl, retching up the last of the liquid and bile. He dry heaved for a few minutes until his stomach calmed a bit.
"I need to lie down..." Key moaned, his stomach still not feeling well. He was done vomiting, but the upset stomach lingered as well as a slight bloat to his stomach. They cleaned up and went to the room.
Jinki helped him up and gave him one of his shirts. His stomach was visible even through that. Jinki changed and put a trash can on each side of the bed, turned on his fan and slid next to his member. He pulled him close in a spooning position and rubbed his belly, still gurgling. Jinki was exhausted, as was the younger.
"Hyung..." Key blushed. "Whenever my belly hurts... I'll tell you from now on... Will .. will you rub it every time."
Jinki smiled, kissing the back of his head. "Always. I always want you to tell hyung every time you aren't feeling good." He stroked his cheek. "After all Taemin has Minho, and if you'll have me... You have me..."
Key blushed, placing his hand on top of Jinki's. "I.. I'd like that .." soon the two drifted to sleep , the younger in his hyungs arms. Their upset stomachs had them up and down, and they rubbed each other's bellies and backs every time one was awoken by the urge to vomit.
Soon, they were able to sleep without interruption.
The next morning they knew they'd have to explain why Kibum came out of Jinki's room. But that was ok. Maybe tomorrow key could rub Jinki's belly, that though drove him crazy. This stomach bug brought them all closer than they thought it would.
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starker-garbage · 5 years
So I was watching hoco agian. And I started thinking about a story. A building falls on Peter then he processed to fight vulture. What if the next day tony finds out from happy, then rushes to make sure Peters okay. And he's rambling and somewhere in there he mentions he loves him. So something like. "Do you know what I would do if you died. I love you, you can't leave me."
“I’m sorry he what?” Tony said, gritting his teeth as he listened to Happy’s story through the phone.
“Do you actually want me to repeat it or-” Happy said, basically feeling the negative, angry energy through the phone.
“A what fell on who?” He asked, knowing basically exactly what had gone down. Happy wouldn’t bend the truth, or lie, or pull a prank like this on him. That’s just not something he did.
“A building collapsed,”
“And you’re trying to tell me that it had collapsed on Peter?” Tony said, truly trying to wrap his mind around it.
“Yes,” Happy said, almost scared of what Tony’s reaction would be.
“And where is he now?”
“I’m not entirely sure, probably home, or at school, or patrolling, he could be anywhere,”
Tony didn’t respond, just hung up the phone and put it in his pocket, taking a few deep breaths to avoid doing something he regretted too much. Did the kid even care? Wasn’t he worried what everyone would feel like if he died? Why was he even there in the first place? In the position to get an entire building collapsed on him? He wasn’t indestructible and he knew that so why was the damn kid being so fucking stupid?
Multiple thoughts were rushing through Tony’s head. Obviously he couldn’t not say anything to Peter, because even though Tony has told the kid multiple times to not be a complete fucking dumbass, apparently he still needed to hear it more. Maybe it was a waste of Tony’s breath, but one day the kid was going to get it through his thick skull that he was being a complete fucking idiot and realize he needs to start being careful.
Tony decided the best way to talk to him would be waiting until the kid got home, and if he was already there, then that just meant this would go by a little faster. After taking a few deep breaths, he called Happy back.
“Can you come get me?” He asked. “I need a ride to Peter’s,”
“What are you gonna do, Tony?” Happy asked, getting ready to pick Tony up nonetheless.
“I’m going to go talk to the kid. What else? He can’t keep doing this, he’s going to die, and I don’t know what I’d do if that happened. I mean, I took the kids suit away and it hasn’t stopped him in the slightest. It’s getting so frustrating,”
“I mean, he is a teenager after all. That’s kind of what they do, Tony,”
Tony cringed at the word teenager. He needed to get that through his head. Teenager. Barely legal. A kid. A child. Not someone you should think about in any other way than platonic.
“I know, Happy, but most kids drink and smoke, and do reckless dumb shit that’s dangerous, but not get buildings to fall on them, and class A criminals chasing after them,”
Happy was basically in the car now. “Yeah, yeah, but still,” He said. “I don’t think you going down there and yelling is going to stop him from doing it. His mind’s pretty set on saving the world, being a what was it? Friendly neighborhood spider man?”
“I can’t just do nothing, Happy, he’s going to get himself killed,”
Happy sighed, at a loss of what to say. “Can you send me your location?”
“Yes, hurry please,” Tony was currently leaving some conference with some company when Happy had called him. He quickly sent the location to Happy after hanging up the phone.
While he waited for him, he couldn’t help but pace. The sun was beating down on him and his thoughts were rushing a thousand miles per hour. People walking by probably thought he was a madman, and hell, maybe he was, but right now, he just couldn’t care about what other people thought, because he was so fucking worried? Angry? Concerned? Fuck, Tony couldn’t even tell you what he was feeling. It was just one big cluster fuck.
When he saw the familiar car with the familiar person driving said car, he quickly rushed over to it, opening the back door, hoping in, and slamming it shut.
“As fast as you can,” Was all he said as he pulled out his phone. He had a tracking device on Peter’s suit, but not on Peter’s anything else. Nonetheless, he pulled up the app that told him where Peter’s suit was, in hopes of knowing something, but no luck at all. The suit was where Tony had left it.
“You need to calm down,” Happy said, seeing the distress on his friend face increase.
“Calm down?” Tony laughed, throwing his head back and leaning it against the back of the seats. “Calm down?” He repeated. “How the hell am I supposed to calm down?” He was laughing hysterically at this point. Shit. Maybe he really was going mad. “Jesus Christ,” He mumbled under his breath, closing his eyes, and trying to take Happy’s advice and calm down, even though he knew his attempts were futile.
“I should’ve let him keep the suit,”
“What?” Happy said, taking a glimpse at Tony, who looked a mess, through the rear-view mirror, before diverting his eyes back to the road.
“If I had just let him keep the suit, he would’ve had better protection, maybe he could’ve escaped before the building escaped, or hell, maybe he could’ve even stopped it from collapsing all together-”
“Don’t do that to yourself,” Happy stopped. “It’s not your fault the kid decided to meddle in something larger than he could handle, he’s reckless, not dumb. He knew it was a bad idea, but he went for it anyway, nothing about it is your fault,”
Tony knew that was supposed to reassure him, but it didn’t. He didn’t respond and jsut left himself to his thoughts for the rest of the drive over to Peter’s apartment. When Happy parked, it stopped Tony’s train of thought, and he opened the door, thanking Happy.
He walked into the lobby, to the elevator and onto Pete’s floor. Once he got to the door, he knocked. Someone might answer. May was probably working, but Peter, depending on what shape he was in, was either at school or home, or patrolling. If that kid was patrolling right now Tony might actually have a heart attack.
After waiting a minute or so, he heard the door unlock, then the door opened and revealed Peter’s face. Once he saw it was Tony at the door, he opened it wider. “Oh, hello Mister Stark, why are you here?”
Tony just stared down at him, his face expressionless. He wasn’t sure what he was feeling. Was he relieved? Upset? He was relieved to some extent, sure. Peter wasn’t horribly injured, not that he could see right away. There a nasty bruise on his arm that he hadn’t covered up. Tony didn’t want to know the other injuries that could be hiding behind Peter’s clothing.
“I mean, not like I don’t want to see you or anything,” Peter began to ramble on. “But it’s kind of weird for you to just show up- actually no it’s not- you tend to just show up a lot actually, kind of creepy sometimes- I mean not that you’re creepy or anything-”
“Can I come in?” Tony asked, still trying to sort out his emotions.
“Oh, yeah, sorry of course,” Peter said, side-stepping so Tony could get through.
Once Tony was inside he looked around. “Is it just you?”
“Wha? Oh yeah, May’s at work,” He said. Tony glanced at him and it didn’t take a genius to realize the boy was antsy, he kept balling his fists, wiping them on his jeans, even the way he was standing made it obvious the boy wasn’t doing too great.
“So, what have you been up too recently?”
“Oh, you know, Mister Stark, same ol’ stuff,”
“Staying out of trouble?” Tony said, directing his attention from around the apartment back to Peter, making direct eye contact while quirking a brow.
“Uh, for, for the most part, ya, yeah,” He said, laughing nervously.
“Really?” Tony says, staring Peter down, noticing how the boy is getting even more nervous.
“Ya, Yeah, why’d you ask,”
“Oh no reason, say, where’d ya get that bruise on your arm,” Tony said, stepping forward, carefully grabbing Peter’s arm and holding it up, showcasing the painful-looking bruise on his arm, observing it further. It was a deep purple. It’s what you would expect a bruise to look like if it was caused by rubble falling on your body.
“Mister Stark, I have a feeling you know something,”
“Hm, do you now? So I guess you really aren’t dumb,”
“I gotta say I’m a little confused Mister Stark, I-”
“So if you’re not an idiot, I don’t know why you’d go chasing after criminals, and then get an entire fucking building to fall on you,”
Peter’s jaw dropped. “I mean, I didn’t get it to fall on me, someone else broke it I was just, I uh- I was in the way of it,” There was a short pause. “It was kind of a lesson, if I remember correctly, it really wasn’t all that bad,” Peter was rambling at this point. Tony released his arm gently and looked him in the eye.
“Why do you keep doing this to yourself, kid?”
“I, um-”
“You can’t keep letting yourself be put in harm’s way!”
“I was fine! I swear Mister Stark, I had it under control! I mean, sort of, I didn’t plan for it to happen the way it did, or anything, I didn’t plan for the building to fall on me, duh, but I knew basically what I was doing! And I got out of it, nothing bad happened it was fine,”
“For one, me and you have different definitions of fine–”
Peter tried to cut Tony off, but he kept talking.
“Secondly, even if that was considered ‘fine’, one day, you’re not going to be so lucky, you’re not going to get out, and then who knows what will happen. You could get injured, you could die. Do you even care? This is your life we’re talking about, Pete,”
“But I’m fine!” Peter yelled, he didn’t know why he was yelling, but he was getting mad at how Tony would just swoop in and yell at him for doing things Tony would’ve done if it meant saving someone. Why was it any different when he did it?
“Once again!” Tony was also raising his voice now. “We have two completely different definitions of fine!” Tony reached forward and grabbed his arm again, holding it up. “It’s a bruise this time, but what about next time? And don’t say it won’t ever happen again because this isn’t the first time! You keep putting yourself in these dangerous situations, without caring what happens to you, or what other people are going to do when you get hurt, you’re just being reckless, Peter,”
“Try and tell me you wouldn’t do the same thing!” Peter yelled, yanking his arm away. It hurt a lot, but he wouldn’t admit that. Especially not to Tony.
“It’s different, kid,”
“Tell me, how’s it different?”
“I don’t know kid, it just is, okay?”
“No!” Peter yelled. “It’s not okay, you would’ve done the same thing in that situation! And you can’t sit here and look me in my face that you wouldn’t because we both know that’s bullshit,”
“No, Tony, It’s B-S!”
“Peter listen to me, you can’t keep doing this!” Tony was trying to avoid the ‘you would do it too,’ because yes, he would. He was dumb and reckless as well, but that’s a subject for another time.
“God,” Peter said, exasperated. He ran his fingers through his hair and through them back down to his sides. “Why are you so concerned with every little thing I do? I don’t see you riding up anyone else’s ass about this, it’s only me,”
“That’s not true,” Tony said, slightly throwing his head back. It wasn’t true was it? Think, Tony, think of an example come on- “Wanda, I’m always concerned about her,”
“No, you were concerned when the papers were being signed because she was seen as a weapon, it’s different and you know that, so why are you so concerned with me? Concerned with how I save lives, how I save people, how I defeat bad guys? Do you like adding to the stress level I have to deal with in those situations? Do you want me to be fighting and think “Oh, damn Mister Stark’s gonna be pissed, I should stop and let everyone else handle it,”
“To some extent, kid, Yes I do. I want you to think, I don’t want you plunging into battle without a second thought of the people who care about you!”
Peter didn’t respond. It felt like the breath was taken out of his lungs. He had so much he wanted to say but he just couldn’t.
“What would Ned feel? What would May feel? Do you think about that at all? How they’d feel if you died? Or got hurt? Held hostage?”
“I-” Peter began, but Tony cut him off.
“I mean, Jesus Christ kid, what about me? Do you know what I would do if you died? I’d be devastated. I love you, Peter, and as selfish as it might be, you can’t leave me. I can’t live in a world that you’re not in. And it hurts me to feel that way, it really does, but I can’t stop it. And so I have to watch as you constantly put yourself in harm’s way, and it’s killing me, Peter,”
Peter listened as Tony poured his heart out and he was shocked to say the least. He noticed how his jaw had dropped slightly, and instantly closed it.
“It’s like you don’t even care-”
It happened in a flash. Tony saw Peter stepping closer, bouncing up on his toes to make himself taller, and then he felt Peter’s soft lips against his. Tony was shocked for the first few seconds, obviously. However, he was able to gather his thoughts enough to start kissing back and place his hands on Peter’s hips and pull him closer.
Tony wasn’t sure who initiated the tongue kissing, but he was sure thankful it happened. It was hot and messy and Tony shouldn’t be getting excited by how inexperienced Peter obviously was, but the dirty reality was that it just made it all the better.
Every other thought of Tony’s was pushed away and all he could think of was Peter. Peter’s tongue. Peter’s body against his. Peter’s soft skin. Peter’s lips. Peter’s hands that were tangling themselves in his hair. Peter.
Unfortunately, you can’t kiss forever because of this pesky little thing called: oxygen.
“Sorry,” Peter said, not breaking eye contact and his face flushed red.
“Why are you apologizing?”
“I’m not entirely sure, but probably because of the fight, or the fact I kissed you, or-”
Tony cut him off. “That took some guts, I could’ve meant it all platonically,”
“Yeah, I thought about that but then,” Peter tilted his head, the corner of his mouth quirking up. “I decided it was worth the risk,”
Tony couldn’t help but smile. This kind of risk was a risk he didn’t mind Peter taking.
///sorry this took so long///
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lovingthereign25 · 5 years
The Heart Wants What It Wants
You pull up to the arena and see Roman unpacking his car you sit in your car pretending to be on the phone so Roman wouldn't approach the car to talk about what happened this morning.You watch him and a few others enter the arena then decide to get out and unpack yourself. You slowly make your way into your shared dressing room with Renee. You and Renee were pretty close, as you were with a lot of the female superstars and some male ones too. "So I got your list of interviews for tonight from Marc." She says handing you the list,"You got a few on screen interviews tonight girl!" she smiles
"Oh awesome" you say smiling until you see his name second on your list. 
" What's wrong?" Renee asked
" Nothing just noticed I interview Roman" you say 
" Do you have a problem is with the Big Dog?" She asks
Just as you were about to answer there's a knock on your dressing room door.
" Come in" you both say
" Hey Renee can I speak to Y/n alone please" you turn and see Roman standing there.
" umm. Sure I was gonna head to catering anyway" she smile patting his back before leaving you two alone.
" Y/n , about this morning , I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you, its just I thought we were on the same page" he says 
"Its cool Roman, but I gotta change and get ready I'll see you in a little bit" you say walking in the bathroom to change.
Roman sighs and leaves. Walking right into Carmella.
"Shit Sorry Mella " he says rubbing his neck
"No worries, everything okay? She asks
" Yeah, Good luck tonight!" he smile "Thank you!, same to you" she smiled back before he walks off.
Carmella walks right in on you in while changing scaring you half to death.
"Damn babes that's the outfit for tonight? she asks turning you around .
" Yes ma'am, is it too much?" You ask checking yourself once more in the mirror.
" No no it's perfect! Where'd you get it from? she asked checking the tag
" It was a gift actually" you say grabbing your makeup bag 
" From who?, that's a dumb question obviously from Jackson!" She says thumbing her head lightly.
" Y-yeah from Jackson" you lie 
You felt bad lying to your best friend,But it never seemed like the right time to tell her about Roman and you.Carmella and you walk down to get your makeup done for the show sitting in the having some much needed girl.
" So what did Roman wanna talk about before?" Renee asked from the chair next to you.
"H- he wanted to over the interview so we could get comfortable so we wouldn't mess up" you lie again
" Nice, he's such a sweet guy, if you were single I'd hook you two up"she says 
"Isn't he married? You ask pretending not to already know
" Yeah but they are separated and getting a divorce soon" she explains
Renee gets done she tell you she'll see you guys later and heads off to start the show.When it's just you and Carmella again she asks the makeup artist you leave you two alone for a second. They agree you look at your best friend confused.
" Spill" is all she says turning toward you
" Spill what?" You ask
" What did Roman really want?" She replies
" To go over the inter-" you start but Mella cuts you off 
" Bullshit" she says " I know when you lie and I caught you a few times today like when I asked if you were okay morning you lied about missing Jackson, then again with the outfit you lied about him buying it! Y/n what's going on?"she says
"Mella, you need to swear you won't tell no one not even Corey" you say
"Done" she answered 
" I've been messing around with Roman for a few months now, and it's a whole ass mess girl let me tell you and today he told me he loved me, I just don't know what to do" you blurt out
" Holy shit Y/n"she gasps, " I wasn't expecting that, what about Jackson? She asks
" I don't know, i love Jackson I really do but its just seems like all he cares about is his work, and Roman he makes me feel special like when he looks at me Car it's like I'm the only girl in the world!" You explain tears building in your eyes
"Y/n honey don't cry!" We'll figure this all out okay?" she hugs you, you nod and let Lisa finish your makeup.
It's just about time for you interview with Roman. You were a little nervous until he walked up to you giving you a smile. You practice the interview before going live. You have a small break before they cut to your interview.
"Nice outfit" Roman smirks
" Thanks" you smile at him
" I told you it fit you just right, the way it hugs your curves perfectly" he says licking his lips. 
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After you interview Roman about his match coming up you thank him for his time and go to find Carmella and some of the girls. You find them sitting backstage watching whatever match was going on. You take a seat by Carmella and Lana.
" Y/n you coming out with us tonight ?'' Lana asks 
" uhh I don't know" you shrug
" yes, yes she is she definitely needs a night out" Carmella say making plans for you
"Everyone is coming even some guys, it'll be fun" Lana says nudging your shoulder.
" Sure then" you smile . 
Roman's music starts to play on the screen ahead. You look up from your phone seeing him walk down the aisle to the ring. He looked so good in his gear, hair wet, doing the sexy little nod he does from time to time. You're so caught up watching Roman you don't hear any of the conversation Lana was having with you until she said your name a little louder
" Damn girl are you listening to me?" She asked 
" Yeah Sorry I just never really get to enjoy the show" you say Turning your attention back to the match as you do you see Roman take a pretty bad hit  from Samoa Joe. Usually you could tell when Roman was acting hurt and this wasn't like that he wasn't getting back up as quickly he was hurt.
"Damn what a hit" you heard someone behind you say.
" Guess the Big Dog  got put down" you hear another say. 
With that you whip around seeing Charlotte Flair with a smirk.
" Can you shut the fuck up, I've seen the "Queen" get knocked off her thrown a few time if I recall correctly" you snap
" Y/n you okay?" Lana asks
" Seriously girl calm down, let's go for air " Mella says you get up and follow Carmella and Lana
" What the hell was that about?" Lana asks once outside.
" Nothing Y/n is just stressed" Carmella lies 
" No, Mella I can't lie to Lana you two are my best friends, I've been messing Roman for a few months now" you say looking down
" Wow, Oh. I don't even know what to say, so is it over between you and Jackson?" She asks
" No, he has no idea, I feel like shit" you say
You tell your friends everything, how you got started with Roman, how you felt neglected by Jackson, and how Roman told you he loved you and you ended things this morning.
'' Holy crap I really need that drink now" Lana laughs trying  to lighten the mood
'' Right, that's what I'm saying " Mella joins in
" I'm gonna go check on Roman" you say
"You sure?,  want me to come with?" Mella asks 
" Nah I'll be fine I'll see you at the club" you hug them both and head to the trainers room.
You enter the trainers room and see Roman lying on the treatment table. He looks like he's in so much pain the medic notices you and assumes you want a statement from Roman and leaves the room.
"What are you doing here?" Roman asks through gritted teeth from the pain
" Just came to make sure you were okay Rome, you took a hard hit out there" you say walking over to him placing your hand on his but he moves his hand away
" Don't. I'm cool! " he says mocking your words before
" Roman.. Don't be like that I care about you, it's just complicated" you try to explain.
" It doesn't even matter Y/n, its over between us right?, it was all just sex I get it" he says trying to sit himself up. You try to help him but he stops you.
" Roman please can't we just talk about it?" You ask
" Now you wanna talk about it, No Y/n its fine we fucked for a few months it was fun now you can go home to your husband and pretend to be happy and in love and what not" he says .
You nod and leave the room. You pack your things and head to your car taking your phone out to call Carmella asking her to meet you at your hotel room. When she arrives, you ask her to cover for you with WWE that you going home for a rest. But the truth was you weren't you were going home to tell your husband face to face what you have done.Whether it was to save your marriage or end it that you weren't sure of but either way this was what you needed to do.
Your outfit:
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Buster & Edie
Buster: I need to talk to you Edie: hot Edie: shoot Buster: Are you in a state to hear me or not? Edie: i got eyes n ears mckenna Buster: You know what I mean Edie: am i high, what you asking yeah Buster: Well, are you? Edie: when am i not, if you waitin for me be sober u gon be blueballed forever Buster: I just don't want to be talking to a brick wall Buster: Or repeating myself like it's my job Buster: Can you give me that or should we do this another time? Edie: i ain't indie i stay functioning unless i'm nodding Edie: and we wouldn't be flirting rn if i was so off you go Edie: i'm listening Buster: Alright Buster: Drew got lifted on St Paddy's night carrying fuck knows how much Buster: He could get as much as 14 years but I doubt it Edie: ha Edie: s'funny Buster: Do you want me to hit you up again when we know how long he's getting? Edie: nah i'll just pretend he got 14, fitting Edie: how old indie is yeah Edie: paroled himself into pen, ha Buster: No way that cunt'll get max Buster: He never does Buster: But sure Edie: you ain't need to tell me Edie: 'bout to be 16 right here Buster: I was more speaking my own frustrations, babe Buster: But you know Edie: tell me all about 'em Edie: peak daddy issues right now, i'll see u right init Buster: Shut up Buster: You've got a man for that Edie: you ain't Edie: omg are you coming out to me rn Buster: Obviously yeah Buster: Your sister's my beard, like Buster: Don't be an idiot Buster: Also I ain't got daddy issues yet so why we talking about me? Edie: makes more sense than what u playing as truth Edie: wanna talk about mine some more Edie: cool Buster: I wanna make sure you're okay Buster: So sue me, babe Edie: sweet Edie: makes no odds to me does it Buster: You tell me Buster: I ain't speaking for you Edie: he ain't been about Edie: i ain't about Buster: I know that's bullshit 'cause they saw you Buster: You could've come in, had a drink Buster: You still can Buster: Fight your way through the tourists, like Edie: i dun wanna cover up your homo ways w you boy i'm soz Buster: Fuck off Buster: You love it Buster: What are you doing that's better? Edie: my mans Edie: like you said Buster: I'm so offended right now Buster: But fine Edie: gutted Edie: any more sad news to get me juiced Buster: I don't reckon Buster: You did talk my sister into therapy though so nice one Edie: whey Edie: slainte Buster: Yeah Edie: vulnerability all round Edie: get u some ur so welcome Buster: What is that meant to mean? Edie: u tellin me my daddy going gone so u can pipe me, so sayin Edie: uncovering all her trauma Edie: 🙌 Buster: Bullshit Buster: Don't be like that Edie: like what Buster: Fucked Edie: boring Buster: If that's your threshold Edie: for your boringness Edie: yeah Buster: Fine Buster: I'll go then Buster: See you later Edie: toodles Buster: Yeah yeah Buster: You know where I am if you actually need anything or wanna talk, babe Edie: desperate Edie: what you actually wanna say Edie: babe Buster: 'Course Buster: You're that irresistible, Eds Buster: I've said what I came here to say Buster: You can't blame me for wondering if that boy can string a sentence together, like Buster: Who else you talking to? Edie: fun times Edie: lots of people Buster: Yeah? Buster: Good Edie: 'fact Edie: one of my lads 'bout to go in Edie: 🤞 they get the same pen, visit 'em both ay Buster: Someone's got to Edie: you know indie will Edie: probably ro too Buster: Nah Buster: They're both over it Edie: nah Edie: indie likes her free gear and ro likes her bit of rough Buster: You're out the loop, kid Edie: you're kidding yourself you think anything changed Edie: been here many times, u weren't about Buster: I know they have Buster: I've seen them both, you ain't Edie: oh babe Edie: no smart mckennas left Edie: so sad Buster: Don't patronise me, babe Buster: You wish Edie: don't play dumb Buster: Don't play like you know anything that's going on Buster: I'd say you'll see but we both know you won't Edie: i got bored of it Edie: wait til you on your thousandth rerun of everyone's shit, you will too Buster: Bored ain't the word for what I am Edie: nah Edie: go on then if ur so smart Edie: impress me with that vocab Buster: Fuck that Buster: I don't need to prove anything to you Buster: I'm smart enough to know it's not worth bothering Edie: that riveting is it Edie: well enjoy his downfall whilst it lasts Edie: dun expect me to join in celebrations Buster: I ain't celebrating nor waiting on you Buster: I've got plenty of other shit to do Edie: clearly Edie: clogging up my inbox inviting me for drinks Buster: I'm here for Rio I ain't here for you Buster: She wanted me to tell you so I have Buster: End of Edie: now u have Edie: probs suck ur dick well done u Buster: She doesn't need the incentive Buster: But thanks for caring Edie: disgusting Buster: You brought it up Buster: Don't if you don't wanna hear about it Edie: yeah just ignore it like it ain't happening with the rest Edie: cool Buster: There's not ignoring it or talking about my sex life as the only two options Buster: Again, you wish Buster: None of this is being ignored by any of my fam Edie: it ain't being dealt with either is it Buster: Speak for yourself Buster: I'm dealing with it every day Edie: no one making u do it Buster: Nobody's making you do anything you are either Edie: welllll i ain't fucking my cuz either so i'm good Buster: That don't make you good Buster: Hilarious maybe Edie: soz ill get to work so i can be up to standard Edie: options ain't limited Buster: Tell me something I don't know Buster: I can do anything I want Buster: How about you? Edie: you can Edie: i am Buster: Proud of you, like Edie: should be Edie: mixed messages otherwise Buster: That's not about to worry me Buster: I only came to deliver one message and it's done Edie: 💔 Edie: obvs Buster: Good to know Edie: relay that if you like Edie: get 'em all feeling good Buster: I don't chat shit anymore Buster: Sorry Edie: why u sorry Edie: idc Edie: they won't love it Buster: 'Cause I know you'd love me to pass this whole convo on but I ain't Edie: aw bummer Edie: so sad Edie: hit 'em with the round robin Buster: You always want me to be your errand boy Buster: So transparent Edie: you wanna be around em so much Edie: i don't Edie: both get what we want Buster: I wanna be here, I don't want them in my face Buster: And especially not on your account Edie: sure Edie: so transparent Buster: Funnily enough, your fam are really annoying Buster: You think you're the only one who knows that? Edie: also your fam but go off Edie: makes it weird when u think on it huh Buster: No, I'm talking about your mob Buster: They ain't my immediate Buster: I'm not seeing them all at breakfast like Edie: me either Edie: i'm as related to them as you are Buster: Bullshit Buster: Your saw your brothers the other fucking day Buster: What was that? A coincidence Buster: Come on Edie: Could be Edie: they were out on street alone Edie: i coulda been anyone Buster: They were outside the pub Buster: Lie better if you're gonna try Edie: on st paddys day Edie: do better if you really dont want ur kids missing Buster: If you were my kid I would Edie: hearteyes Edie: ain't that just what i wanna hear Buster: I don't give a fuck Buster: We're having a convo I'm not playing to an audience Buster: Your parents are shit, what do you want me to do? Edie: i dunna ring social Buster: Ring them yourself Buster: You're the one they failed Buster: It aint your brothers or me Edie: oh yh rest of em are golden Buster: Yeah, as good as they can be Buster: Nobody's perfect Edie: ha Edie: now u bullshitting Buster: No I ain't Buster: What's so fucked up about any of them? Go on Edie: long Edie: u wanted this list u should've given me 3 working days Buster: Keep stalling while you make up your bullshit, babe Buster: I'll be here then Edie: what i gotta make up Edie: your whole thing is evidence of the first and worst, like Edie: why i wasting my time telling u when u don't wanna hear Buster: There's nothing wrong with Rio Buster: But feel free to hit me with that list on the rest of them when you're ready Edie: oh god Buster: Is that all you've got? Buster: Good then Edie: all needs telling to u Edie: u dont care bout the rest of them and how fucked up they are 'til they of age Edie: end of Buster: You don't care about any of them so don't lecture me Edie: sure don't Edie: who lecturing you want the list so bad Edie: k bundy Buster: Whatever Edie: 😂 Buster: I'll see you around on your brother's twitter feed, like Edie: cute u care Buster: Yeah I know Buster: I've been told Edie: i bet Edie: ⭐ Buster: Feel free if you need the cash Buster: Low risk Edie: huh Buster: I'm a safe bet, babe Buster: Don't you know? Edie: u make me wanna throw up in my mouth a bit Edie: not rlly my thing but u make it work 4 u Buster: Yeah I do Edie: ick Edie: stop Edie: i just ate Buster: Good to know Buster: At least you're not gonna starve to death Edie: such a drama queen too Edie: how do u actually get laid its impressive Edie: b4 the whole incest vibe Buster: Talk about mixed messages Buster: Stop flirting with me, babe Buster: I liked it better when you were playing hard to get Edie: boiiiiii Edie: u think that flirting u need to watch out Edie: calling u repugnant Buster: Yeah yeah Edie: oh that's who u remind me of Edie: american psycho Edie: what was his name Edie: gets horny over card stock Buster: Good one Buster: You're funny Edie: i know Edie: imma rewatch Buster: Cute Buster: You don't have to miss me you can just come see me Edie: ew Edie: bateman Edie: ha Edie: funny Edie: indie would laugh Buster: I'll tell her Buster: See if she does Edie: aw Edie: domestic bliss Buster: Yeah Edie: gotta give it to yuh Edie: hustlin on the next Edie: been there Edie: clever Buster: What? Edie: got her good to go when u get bored of ri Buster: You're fucked Buster: She's a kid Edie: whatevs Edie: 4 years ain't a big deal Buster: Yeah it fucking is Buster: When she's 14 Buster: Don't fucking say shit like that to me or about me Edie: dry Buster: Sort your head out Buster: Seriously Edie: what Edie: i don't wanna fuck a 14 year old Edie: n i ain't Buster: Neither do I Buster: Fuck you Edie: cool Edie: keep it legal but dubious Edie: that's how u rollin Buster: Shut up Buster: You don't know what you're talking about Edie: sadly do Edie: u really splash it all over socials Buster: I'm not doing anything wrong Buster: Unlike that boy fucking you Edie: what u gonna do call garda Edie: who cares Buster: You have enough of an opinion about my moral code Buster: Sort yours Edie: oooo victim blaming hahaah Edie: have u for that the feminazis Buster: Give a shit Buster: What are you gonna do, tell on me? Edie: they sense that shit from mile way Edie: dun need to Buster: I'm so scared Edie: same Buster: It's been fun Buster: I gotta go Edie: it hasn't Edie: ✌
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Rio & Buster
Rio: I've gone home Rio: Can you go back to your 'rents tonight please Rio: Need some 1 on 1 with Indie, will explain when everything's less hectic Buster: Alright Buster: Are you both okay though? Rio: Will be Buster: Anything I can do other than fuck off? Rio: Not right now Buster: Okay Buster: I'll see you tomorrow then? Rio: Yea Rio: Probably, I'll let you know Buster: Probably Buster: Come on Rio: What? Rio: I'm not sure yet Buster: Am I at least gonna get to see you before I go or are you not sure about the day after either Rio: Yes of course Rio: I'll come see you Buster: Well, I'll see you then Buster: Do what you've gotta do Rio: Yeah Rio: talk later Rio: love you Buster: I love you too Rio: [Next day, late lbr] Rio: How's the hangover? Buster: You know I don't get hangovers, babe Buster: Not a fucking amateur Rio: Hmm Rio: Okay, babe Rio: well my head hurts Buster: I've been to the gym, hung out with a half dead Nance and got my school work done so yeah Buster: Like I said Buster: Poor baby Buster: How's Indie? Rio: Such a twat Rio: She's still asleep, it took a while Rio: but Rio: I don't know Rio: really Buster: You love how hardworking I am, don't lie Buster: Do you want me to come get the dog it's gonna need walking, yeah? Rio: No need to rub it in Rio: Yeah, please Rio: I should be here when she wakes up Buster: Anything else you need like coffee or food? Rio: That's okay, baby Rio: How much do you know then, how much did I say Rio: it's all a bit of a blur Buster: Literally nothing Buster: I wasn't even sure if you were gonna say you loved me, like Buster: It was all business Rio: I did though, didn't I Rio: I'm surprised it hasn't got 'round yet Rio: your ma'll be celebrating again today, like Rio: Drew's back inside, he got arrested yesterday Buster: Yeah you did. Thank fuck otherwise I'd have been even more worried Buster: I'm sure my mum knows but I ain't seen her Buster: He must've been carrying so much shit, damn Buster: I can't say I'm not glad Buster: It couldn't happen to a more deserving bloke Rio: Well, I know Meena was going to tell Ro last night so yeah Rio: that'll be fun right now Rio: was last night Rio: sorry you were worried, it got intense there wasn't really time to explain all this then, like Buster: Shit, maybe I should head around there at some point too then Buster: Or offer to drive Nance if she wants to Buster: Don't worry about me, babe, I was well drunk there wasn't a lot of time of me being awake worried after we spoke Buster: Still time to miss you though, obviously Rio: Rather you than me Rio: it's such a mess Buster: What's new, like Rio: Hopefully he was smart enough to keep his stash under the 13 thou mark Rio: it depends if they then got a warrant for his car or house though 'cos they keep so much shit at his 'cos he's fucking replaceable Rio: I've been looking and he could get like 14 years if he's unlucky Rio: a year is his best at this point so Rio: any chance he had of seeing Astrid now is put back 'til then, if ever Buster: He's been in the game long enough that luck shouldn't come into it Buster: Regardless, the cunt's now got an excuse for why he can't see her, he'll love that Rio: I guess so Buster: He's a lot of things but he ain't that stupid, not about that at any rate Buster: There's a reason he always gets out so he can go back Buster: Jammy prick Rio: You could've got along in another life, like Buster: Fuck that Rio: I feel sick Buster: Baby Buster: I'm on my way Rio: It's going to be bad Rio: I've got to tell Edie, no one else will think to Buster: If you want me to do it I will Rio: Yeah Rio: What are you even going to say Buster: I'll figure it out Buster: The truth basically Buster: It's more about what she wants to say anyway Rio: If anything Buster: Yeah Buster: Exactly Buster: That's why I'm offering, you already don't feel well Rio: It should come from one of us though Rio: no, I'll do it Buster: What if Indie wakes up? Buster: How are you gonna juggle both of them? Rio: I'll do it Rio: I can Buster: Let me help you Buster: I can Buster: Whatever it is you need Rio: You can't fix this Rio: none of us can, like Buster: I know Buster: But that don't mean I can't make it easier for you if only in little bullshit ways Buster: Like sitting with you while you message Edie and making you tea or whatever Buster: We're a team Buster: So tell me what you want me to do Rio: I don't know Rio: okay Buster: Rio Buster: It is okay Rio: No it's not Rio: it's so far from being fucking okay, jesus Buster: I mean, it's okay not to have all the fucking answers Rio: Well again Rio: no it ain't so Buster: You can't fix this either, you know Buster: So yeah, it is Rio: I know but that doesn't make it okay Buster: It makes it shit but shit that you'll handle anyway Buster: You always do Rio: Yeah Rio: tell me something I don't know Buster: I can't Buster: You're a know-it-all, remember Rio: Shut up Rio: this is serious Buster: I'm serious Buster: You can do this Rio: Stop being nice Rio: Go away Buster: No Buster: I don't want to and you don't want me to Rio: I know I don't want to do this right now Buster: What do you want then? Buster: Tell me Rio: Oh my God Rio: I don't know Rio: to be unconcious again Buster: So go back to bed Buster: I have a key I can get the dog without waking you up Rio: No, I have things to do Rio: it's irrelevant what I want right now Buster: No it isn't Buster: A few more hours aren't gonna make a difference to Edie, who else is she gonna hear it from, she ain't here Rio: Yes it is Rio: No more being selfish Buster: Fuck's sake Buster: What good is you playing the martyr gonna do anyone? Buster: All its gonna do is run you into the ground Rio: What good has come from me ignorning my responsibilities and doing whatever I want? Rio: None Buster: You ain't on both counts Buster: And taking care of yourself is a responsibility too Rio: Well it's low down on the fucking list Rio: and I'm fine Buster: Bullshit Buster: Lie to yourself if you want, don't lie to me Rio: Get off my back Buster: It's one thing not to give a shit about yourself but you can't tell me not to care Buster: It's not happening Rio: I have no energy for this right now Rio: do what you want Buster: Then stop fighting me Buster: I'm on your side Buster: Jesus Rio: Whatever Buster: Don't Buster: Just actually fucking don't Rio: What now Buster: You're so infuriating Buster: Fucking hell Rio: I ain't sorry Rio: so leave Buster: Fuck you Buster: Why do you always have to do this? Rio: That's just how it is Buster: No it isn't Buster: It's not me or them, trading one responsibility for the fucking other Buster: Selfish or selfless Rio: What do you want right now, seriously Buster: I want you, you idiot Buster: Stop shutting me out Rio: Don't call me an idiot, fuck off Buster: Stop being one Buster: Do you know how many times you've said whatever or told me to leave Buster: I love you Buster: You know that Rio: Why won't you listen Rio: I need to be alone Buster: Then go Buster: I'm not doing it for you Buster: So you can say I turned my fucking back when everything was this fucked Rio: Fine Buster: Christ Rio: This isn't about you, as much as it isn't about me Buster: Yeah it is Buster: 'Cause you think it's a choice Buster: No more, being selfish, yeah? So fuck me Rio: I have to prioritise right now Buster: Fine, go back to being what they need you to be Buster: Put your life on hold, again Buster: Nice to know that your priority ain't me, babe Buster: Cheers Rio: What else can I do? They need it, end of Rio: how do you expect to be right now, there's so many bigger problems Buster: Fuck you Buster: I would literally die for you Buster: And I'm not important Buster: And that's not even the worst thing, it's that you still think it's me or them like I'm not part of this Rio: I can't do this right now Rio: I'm sorry Buster: Yeah Buster: You will be Buster: You and me both Rio: You're not getting the point Buster: Then make it Buster: What are you trying to say? Rio: I'm just trying to keep them alive Rio: okay Rio: that's all I'm trying to do Buster: And all I'm trying to do is make sure you know you don't have to do that without me Buster: I'll always help you Rio: Not now Rio: I've ruined it Buster: Stop trying to give up Buster: I'm right here Rio: I'm not I'm Rio: I don't know, I'm just trying to do the right thing Buster: Me and you Buster: That's the right thing for me Buster: If its not that for you there's nothing else I can say Rio: Don't Rio: that's not what I'm saying Buster: Then what? Buster: If you love me that's all I need from you right now Buster: I'm not asking for anything else Rio: Of course I do Rio: what's the right thing for them Rio: everyone else Rio: that's what I want to know Buster: You can't answer that, they have to Buster: And if they don't know, then what you're gonna wait around until they do? Buster: Why doesn't it matter what you want? Rio: Why is no one here Rio: she's a kid, Edie's a kid Rio: I'm a fucking kid Rio: there should be an adult here doing the right thing for them but there ain't so who else if not me Buster: Call your mum, your dad, Meena Buster: It's not your job Buster: Jesus call my mum even Rio: She won't talk to them Rio: she said it herself, not like she does to me Buster: Then tell them yourself what she told you Buster: She won't like it but I don't fucking like what this is doing to you, okay? Rio: I'm sorry Rio: I really am Rio: you have no idea how much Buster: Rio, come on Buster: Please Buster: You wanna do the right thing, there it is Buster: Tell someone Rio: Are you sure? Buster: I'm sure that you can't do this on your own Buster: That you shouldn't have to Rio: I know Rio: I'm a failure Buster: Fuck that Buster: That's not what I'm saying or what I meant Rio: It's the truth though Rio: everyone's counting on me from both sides Rio: they're all gonna be let down 'cos I can't handle this one thing Buster: It's bullshit Buster: That's why you can't handle it, there's too much pressure Buster: It shouldn't all be on your shoulders Buster: It doesn't fucking have to be Rio: Don't make me right now Rio: I want to talk to her first Rio: but I don't want to wake her Rio: can you come here Buster: I won't make you ever Buster: Not that cunt, babe Buster: 'Course, I meant when I said I was on my way, I just had to drop Nance off at Ro's first Rio: I'm sorry Rio: i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry Buster: Baby Buster: Just breathe Buster: That's all I want Rio: Don't leave me Buster: Never Rio: I love you don't ever think I don't Buster: I know Buster: It's okay Rio: It isn't Rio: I keep getting this all wrong Rio: I was so mean to Indie Buster: You're allowed to make mistakes Buster: It's a headfuck Rio: but I don't want to Rio: there's enough already without me adding Buster: Nobody wants to, babe Buster: We're all just trying Rio: I know Rio: it just doesn't feel good enough Rio: does it Buster: No Buster: But you're good enough, you know that, yeah? Rio: Ha Buster: I'm serious Buster: You're so good, Rio Rio: I don't feel it Rio: but I'm trying, like you said Buster: I love you so much Rio: I love you Rio: you know how important you are to me don't you Buster: Yeah Buster: I was just wound up Buster: I'm sorry Rio: Don't be Rio: You didn't do anything wrong, seriously Rio: You were literally trying to be so helpful Rio: I'm just Rio: I don't know, it's always bad when he goes away and it just got longer every time Buster: I still want to help you Buster: I will Buster: Indie too if she lets me, us in the flat ain't been the worst time of my life, like Rio: She will Rio: she ain't as stubborn Buster: For real what are we doing about Edie? Buster: She can't be that far away if your brothers saw her Rio: I don't think she is Rio: I'm sure I saw Kai out the other night but then he was gone Rio: she wouldn't be without him Rio: I don't know what would bring her back Rio: like, this might or it could to the opposite Rio: you can't predict her, never have been able to Buster: Should we go looking? Buster: Not now but Rio: She might talk to you Rio: or be riled enough she wanna fight me, I don't care Buster: I'll take either Buster: Not like I'm gonna let her hurt you Rio: I just wish there was a reason Rio: why she's got to be gone Rio: 'cos then it could be fixed or Buster: I'm sure there is but she ain't gonna tell either of us Rio: I don't think she knows herself Rio: not really Rio: because I've thought of it every which way Buster: She probably don't Buster: I never used to know why I was so angry when I was a kid Rio: Yeah, exactly Rio: like looking back on it you can think well it was x, y and z but sometimes at the time you just know you gotta, there ain't no other way to be Buster: Yeah Buster: Jesus, sometimes still I get so angry so quick Rio: Yeah Rio: Some shit is DNA, no matter how we try and fight it Rio: but I don't wanna do her like that Buster: I know Buster: Like how Indie thinks being a stoner is in hers Buster: It's fucked Rio: Yeah Rio: Maybe it is, I don't know Rio: there's some fucked shit that keeps repeating itself in this family Rio: and you have to hope we're not choosing it, yeah Buster: Seriously Buster: On the bright side I can take my lack of hangover from how much my mum and dad can both put away themselves, like Rio: It's definitely something Buster: Fucking traffic Buster: Damn tourists Rio: Yeah, you're brave trying to do literally anything Buster: You know I'd do anything for you Rio: Baby Buster: I've missed you Rio: I've missed you too Rio: when she was finally asleep and I wasn't I just kept wishing you were here Buster: You should've called me, baby Rio: I know Rio: I didn't want to risk waking her, and I would've been even worse than I was Buster: I'd take the risk on both counts Buster: I always want to talk to you Rio: Why are you so nice to me Buster: 'Cause you've earned it so many times over Buster: You know you have Rio: Not today Buster: Right now Rio: I'm glad you love me even if I don't deserve it Buster: You haven't done anything to make you undeserving Buster: Ever Rio: I'll make it up to you Buster: You don't have to, but that doesn't mean I don't want you to Rio: I will Rio: you won't be worried on this ever again Buster: I believe you Rio: Good Rio: I mean it Rio: I can't lose you, I can't do it again Buster: You won't Buster: Look at your hand, babe Buster: For fucking ever, yeah? Rio: For fucking ever Buster: Remember that Rio: I will Rio: I do, I promise Rio: I was just scared, but not of you and this Rio: but everything else and the possibility of it threatening us and how happy we've been Buster: And I promise I get that, I do Buster: I get scared too Buster: Not of this, but the Chlo thing Rio: Yeah, she must be getting big Buster: Thank fuck I don't have to see her in school now Buster: Just him Rio: Seriously, that'd be such a distraction Rio: not a good one Rio: he's unbearable enough Buster: Exactly Buster: Last time I did see her there, Christ Rio: That bad? Rio: I can imagine Rio: such a headfuck Buster: I didn't know if I was gonna be sick, cry or hit something Buster: Most likely him again, so good thing I didn't opt for that one Rio: Only so many times 'fore he starts to take it personal, like Rio: it's shit Rio: really shit Rio: the fact there's no retribution for doing something like that to someone Rio: no one's calling her out Buster: Let's not talk about her anymore Buster: I'm nearly there now Buster: Keep the headfuck to the most current one, like Rio: Okay baby Rio: Easy enough Rio: much as I'd like to pretend none of 'em exist Rio: nothing but you Buster: I feel that Buster: This wasn't how I imagined this weekend playing out Buster: St Paddy's was so good before the Drew news Rio: I know, me either Rio: Sod's law Rio: We all knew it was coming but couldn't wait 'til you were gone again, like Rio: no, fine Buster: I'm glad I'm here for you though Buster: Like not only on the end of a phone Buster: And you still have your iconic outfit if I start to forget how fucking good you looked in it Rio: Sadly I had to take it off Rio: even in my state, there was no sleeping in that like it's that comfy Buster: I'll take a moment to think about that Buster: Don't mind me Rio: Weren't looking bad yourself Rio: too good, like, not just Indie looking at you like 😍 Buster: Unfortunately I can't promise the same for right now Buster: [Sends a selfie to show he's got joggers on and is casual af] Buster: Dog walking attire Rio: No you're good Rio: like, put a leash on me too good 🤤 Buster: Fuck Rio: My sentiments exactly Rio: well, more or less Rio: might add a 'me' at the end there Buster: Jesus, babe Buster: You turned me on so much like 0-100 Rio: You should never be at 0 Rio: just wrong Buster: Okay not 0 Buster: like 25-100 Rio: You're just that hot Buster: You're just gonna have to fuck me before I walk this dog Rio: Oh dear Rio: well, we all got our chores, yeah 😋 Buster: If that's how you feel, I'll handle it myself Buster: Been at a standstill long enough, like Rio: No 😧 Buster: Give the tourists something to see Rio: 😩 Rio: Now I'm conflicted Rio: maybe I do want that Buster: I'm not. I want you Rio: How do you want me, tell me Buster: On the stairs Rio: Shit Buster: Gotta be considerate and not wake Indie up, after all Rio: Of course Rio: The neighbours should really be awake at this time right Buster: If they ain't they will be soon Rio: I'm already trying not to make noise for you so Buster: Yeah? Rio: Yes daddy Rio: it's hard though Buster: It really is Rio: Fuck Rio: can I see Rio: please Buster: [sends pics thank god the traffic is murder so he don't die] Rio: mmm Buster: Anything you wanna show me or are you a surprise? Rio: You can see whatever you want, whenever you want, you know that Rio: it's all yours Buster: You are Rio: [Pics] Rio: I really am Buster: God Buster: You're making me moan already Rio: You make the prettjest noises baby boy Buster: They're all for you Buster: I don't wanna make them until you can hear them Rio: Try to be good Rio: you can be bad when you get here Buster: Okay baby Rio: I'm being very good Rio: even though I could be bad, 'cos you're not here yet Buster: 'Course you are Buster: You're an angel Rio: Your angel Buster: All mine Rio: It hurts being good Rio: will you make it all better Buster: You know it Buster: I'll make you feel so good Buster: So soon Rio: I need kisses, daddy Buster: You can have as many as you want Buster: Anywhere you want Rio: my special place too? Rio: that's where i need you most Buster: I know Rio: but I need your big dick inside me more, I can't stop looking at the picture Rio: gonna ride your lap so fucking hard Buster: Yeah you will Buster: 'Cause you always know exactly what I need Rio: 'cos I'm your little girl, daddy takes care of me but I take care of him too Rio: and I know you wanna make me keep eye contact with you on your lap to see how every thrust has me closer to tears Buster: I want you so bad right now just the thought of that is making it impossible to drive Rio: I'm sorry Rio: be careful Buster: Don't be sorry Buster: You're perfect Rio: I just didn't get enough of you yesterday, I wasn't done letting everyone know you're mine Buster: Me either Buster: But I'll leave enough marks for them to still see when I'm gone Rio: I feel so pretty and loved covered in your bruises Buster: Good 'cause you are Rio: Almost as pretty and loved as I feel covered in your cum Rio: but that's just for you to see Buster: You're so fucking beautiful that if I let myself think about for too long I'd cum now here in this car Rio: I'll make you cum there if you want daddy Rio: I promise I don't mind making you hard all over again when you get here Buster: You can't you've got things to do Buster: So have I Rio: 😞 Rio: I know Buster: I can wait, you're so worth that Buster: And I really am only a few streets away Buster: If I kill some pedestrians I'll be there, like Rio: 😏 Rio: Bad Buster: I just need you Rio: I know, you're throbbing too huh Buster: Yeah Buster: I ache so much for you Rio: Imagine how much relief you're gonna feel when you cum deep inside my tight little cunt Buster: Oh fuck Buster: I better not imagine it Rio: I'll imagine for the both of us Rio: then we're going to go out, and I'm gonna be walking 'round so innocent like I've not got your load leaking out of me with my own Rio: running down my thighs Buster: Baby Buster: You're killing me Rio: it's my favourite though, people think they know Rio: but no one knows how dirty i get for you, all the things i let you do Buster: You're my favourite Buster: Everything about you Rio: I know Rio: that's why you own me Buster: I know I said I'd try to be good but you've got me making noise again Rio: I don't really want you to Rio: be bad and noisy for me Buster: You're a naughty girl today Rio: This is what happens when daddy doesn't put me to bed Buster: Oh really? Rio: Mhmm Buster: I better fix that then Rio: You know I need punishing, sir, stayed up so past my bedtime Buster: Good thing I've arrived right on time then Rio: Finally, daddy's home, come put this dog collar 'round my throat and pull tight Buster: Jesus Buster: Who could refuse an offer like that? Rio: Please don't, it'll feel so good being choked out whilst you stretch me out too Buster: I won't Buster: or can't Buster: It's impossible to refuse you when you're making demands like that Rio: I've got lots more Rio: Princess priorities Buster: I'm here Buster: Come and tell me Rio: Really? I have to walk now? Buster: I thought you'd wanna while you still can Buster: But alright, hang on Rio: Fuck, I got you like that, yeah? You gonna break my back? Buster: You'll see Rio: I wanna see. I wanna see every stroke, how big you look inside me, too big to fit but somehow you do and it hurts so good, and how I feel has you biting your lip and screwing your eyes up so tight Rio: Jesus, this is why I can't walk, I'm too ready Buster: You're gonna make me trip up these stairs Buster: Distracted ain't the word for me right now Rio: Sit and wait for me, daddy Rio: if I wanna be a dog so bad, I can crawl to you on my hands and knees, yeah? Buster: Fuck Buster: Now you have to Rio: I am, I'm coming to you lead in my mouth Rio: Puppy dog eyes has never been more accurate Buster: Oh my god Buster: I need you to hurry up Rio: I'm trying but I keep getting distracted Buster: Please Rio: No, no, I need a firm hand and strong commands Rio: Try calling my name and telling me to come Buster: Fine Buster: Can you hear me yet or are you being too slow? Rio: Not quite Rio: I'm not well trained yet Rio: little louder Buster: I'm gonna have to be stricter with you Buster: Too nice always Rio: Yeah, I think so Buster: I know you heard that Buster: And felt it Rio: You've got my attention Buster: Good Buster: Now keep mine Rio: I'll do anything Rio: anything to please my master Buster: Come here and prove how willing you are Rio: Yes sir Rio: you've never seen anyone so eager Buster: I'll be the judge of that Rio: Oh my God, please use me, use every single hole, they only exist to make you feel good Buster: Stop talking and keep moving Rio: Imagine if we got caught Rio: how are you going to explain what a whore I am for you to the nice respectable neighbours? Buster: Focus Buster: There's nobody here but me Rio: Film this, film me begging for you to fuck me 'til I cry, I want you to remember exactly what's waiting for you at home when you have to leave again Buster: I've already got my phone out Buster: Great minds, babe Buster: The nice respectable neighbours are gonna hear firsthand how well you get me Rio: Good, you're about to see exactly how pathetic I am for you, drooling from my waiting mouth and pussy Rio: they can see too, if they wanna, see exactly how a real man deals with dirty little girls who play too much Buster: Enough waiting Buster: Come here Rio: Yes daddy Rio: I love you so much Buster: Now Buster: I'll show you how much I love you Rio: Fuck yes
0 notes
Buster & Rio
Buster: I thought I saw her out last night. It wasn't Buster: I don't know how you stand it though Rio: I don't Rio: I've gone totally insane Rio: Thinking maybe that's what she was after, not enough to come back though Buster: Yeah. Maybe Buster: It's fucked Rio: That it is Rio: Enjoy the wild ride whilst you're here, like Buster: You could come back with me Buster: If you want Rio: No, I have to look after the others, don't I Buster: But who's looking after you, babe? Rio: Who better than me? Rio: Tons of practice, like Rio: Even if self-care ain't a priority Buster: Yeah Buster: Offer stands though Rio: Thanks Rio: Make a habit of it, your Mum and Dad will start charging me rent Buster: Nah they don't need any more cash Buster: insufferable already like Rio: That ain't the attitude, rich boy, never enough, like Buster: You don't have to tell me Buster: Just working on being funny for you, babe Rio: Would you like me to like and say you're improving? Buster: Nah Buster: Don't lie to me Rio: Nothing but truth bombs dropping from these lips Rio: On it Buster: Good Buster: How are you then? Rio: Sneaky Rio: Pretty shitty but getting used to it so, not as shitty as it was, I guess Rio: How about you? Buster: You looked anything but at Nance's thing, if that helps Buster: Yeah same Rio: Good to know I can still turn out a look Rio: Pretty fucked moneywise if I can't Rio: How long is it now, 'til she bursts? Buster: 4 months Rio: Over halfway there Rio: Well done on not totally losing your shit Buster: Cheers Buster: I reckon I have but don't spread that around, yeah? Rio: I'd sooner slate her still Rio: Don't worry Buster: I'm here for that any time Rio: Well, she posts every five fucking minutes so I've got plenty of material Buster: More like 2 minutes, ain't it? Buster: Fuck's sake Rio: The world needs to know Rio: Bless her Buster: I'd rather curse her but whatever Buster: If your sister could have a word like Rio: I think her witchcraft is pretty white (funny, I know) but I'll ask if she's willing to dabble in a bit of black Rio: Help the cause, like Buster: Could always bless my kid so it doesn't turn out like her. I'd take that Rio: Definitely more her speed Rio: At least it'll be cute regardless Buster: There you go admitting how hot I am again Rio: Maybe I really rate Chlo, thank you very much Buster: Well she's single if you wanna have a crack Rio: Yeah? Rio: I think she'd rather I was dead in a ditch but probably just playing hard to get, right? Buster: Yeah. There's a thin line, don't they reckon? Rio: 'They' might be engaging in some wishful thinking, I reckon Buster: Who wouldn't wanna think about you and Chlo lezzing off, I mean, come on Buster: Give the people what they want Rio: You're such a child Rio: A gross one at that Buster: I never said me Buster: If you want me to watch that's on you, in your head Rio: Shut up Rio: No one else is harbouring kinky fantasies about us both Rio: Unless that mate of yours has previous with baby mama too, like Buster: Probably does Buster: She's done a few rounds Rio: Not gonna shade a girl for weighing up her options Rio: not when there's other more valid reasons aplenty Buster: I don't harbour anything but hostility for her, just FYI Rio: Valid Rio: I'm not seeing the appeal myself Buster: Nance had a crush on her once, I reckon Buster: If she'd only sealed the deal I wouldn't be here Rio: Put aside her homophobia I'm sure it could've been a beautiful thing Buster: Yeah Rio: You and Nance talking a bit more now? Buster: I'm trying and I know she is too like Buster: Fuck it Rio: I'm glad Rio: It'll get there Rio: Was surprised to see you Rio: Nice surprise Buster: Yeah? Buster: I reckoned you'd want a warning but it was a last minute decision Rio: Nah, don't need to worry about me Rio: Bit awkward obviously but Nance really appreciated it, I could tell Buster: I know but Buster: Too awkward or do you wanna see me again, before I go? Rio: It was only awkward 'cos everyone else was there Rio: Can't tell a lie, remember? Rio: We could go for a drink or something Rio: if you wanna Buster: You know I do Rio: I dunno, things change Rio: Been a while Buster: Too long, if I'm not lying either Rio: I'd rather you didn't Rio: Had enough of your bullshit to last a lifetime, boy Buster: Of me too? Rio: Never Buster: Good Rio: Is it gonna be different when you're a Da? Buster: Why would it? Rio: 'Cos we won't be able to see each other like that Rio: You'll have responsibilities and shit Buster: You can see me whenever Buster: Just say Rio: Never mind Rio: I'm just overthinking things Buster: I can't blame you Buster: but seriously Buster: I can't stop thinking about you. That's the truth Rio: That's what I mean Rio: You gotta focus on more important things Rio: Your baby, School, all that real stuff Buster: You're real Buster: How you looked the other day was too fucking real Rio: It's just a game though isn't it Buster: What does that matter? Rio: Gotta stop playing at some point Rio: Gotta pick a winner and a loser Buster: Why? Rio: 'Cos that's how it works Buster: It works for us. However we want Rio: Stubborn Buster: Do you wanna stop? Rio: Not the point Buster: That's not an answer Rio: Not allowed to lie Buster: Then don't Buster: Tell me Rio: I don't want to stop Rio: Obviously Buster: So there's no problem Rio: Its that simple, is it? Buster: If can be Rio: I'm just saying Rio: I don't know what I'm saying Rio: But it's easy to hide shit from the world when we're avoiding them all, its gonna be a lot harder when you can't Rio: Are you sure you're up for that aggro? Buster: I'm a pro at hiding Buster: Ask Chlo Rio: As much as I don't doubt you're her fave topic of conversation Rio: I'm alright Buster: Look, I don't know what's gonna happen when the kid's here, yeah? Buster: but there's 4 months to go, remember Rio: I know Rio: I told you I was overthinking Rio: Just it has been a while Rio: Thought I'd be over it by now Rio: No offence, like Buster: Some taken Rio: Come on Rio: Not like we're playing for keeps here Rio: Maybe if we just fuck properly it'll get it out of our system for good? Buster: Worth a shot, like Buster: I'm going home tomorrow Rio: Oh Rio: When you wanna meet up then, right now? Buster: You got something else you'd rather do? Rio: No Rio: Just sooner than I thought Rio: Barely got over the last time, like Buster: We don't have to Rio: Are you angry at me? Buster: It sounds like a no, that's all Rio: I'm not ready Rio: to you know Rio: I don't know why I said it, except I'm being honest and I'm a bit drunk Buster: What's changed, except you're being honest and you're a bit drunk Rio: 'Cos I don't think its going to change anything Rio: fucking Rio: and I don't wanna do it just because I'm trying to prove a theory Rio: but now I said it so that's gonna be in your head Buster: Why do you wanna then? Buster: You said yourself we're not playing for keeps so what does it matter if it's to prove something or whatever else Rio: I want it to be like that night Rio: I wanted you so bad Buster: I can get you some coke Rio: That's not what I mean, don't purposefully misunderstand Buster: What you mean is you don't want me anymore, I understand loud and clear Buster: It's been too long, yeah? Whatever Rio: I knew I'd ruined it Rio: and I knew you were angry Rio: Forget about it Buster: Like I said, whatever Buster: If there's someone else you can tell me that too, it's fine Rio: Oh, there isn't Rio: I haven't got the space in my head to think about anything fucking else Rio: between you and my fucking sister and all that shit that happened there, all that shit I did Buster: You didn't do anything wrong Buster: With me or him Rio: If that were true Rio: Well Rio: Lots of things would be different, wouldn't they Buster: It's not your fault that he's a fucking pervert, Rio Rio: I'm 18, I'm not a kid Buster: He's known you since you were Rio: Yeah well, didn't stop me did it? Rio: He didn't just pounce on me outta nowhere Rio: You know that Buster: I know that you didn't want that Buster: Him Rio: I didn't think he would Rio: I didn't really mean it Rio: I'm so stupid Buster: I know, babe Buster: You're not stupid, he's fucked Rio: But I was part of it Rio: part of the reason Edie's gone Buster: No Buster: He's your best friend's dad. Your fucking sister's Buster: He shouldn't have gone near you Rio: Doesn't matter to her though Rio: He's never cared about her Rio: I'm the one who betrayed her Buster: It does and it will. She'll figure it out Buster: She just needs time. Her head's fucked Rio: Join the club, yeah? Buster: Yeah Buster: I'd run if I could. Ain't happening though Rio: You're better than him Buster: So are you Rio: Promise? Buster: Yeah. You are Buster: I could swear that on my kid's head when it comes out if you want Rio: No, don't do that Rio: I'm not up for using your kid as a betting chip Rio: Especially with the odds stacked against me, like Rio: I know me Buster: I know you too Buster: But cheers, don't really fancy being at the business end of Chlo sober like Rio: Eww Rio: You're terrible Buster: You love it Rio: Maybe Rio: How awkward though, if you make a baby, it should be from really great sex, shouldn't it? Rio: No way to start the poor kid off Buster: Not a question I wanna ask the rents about how me and Nance came about Rio: We all know the answer Rio: 10 kids, its not a question if mine were loving it Buster: Shut up Buster: You were the first though, could've been crap Rio: How dare you suggest such a thing Rio: Offended Buster: Just saying Buster: They were what? 15? Buster: Talk about stacked odds Rio: Ummm well, your parents have been with each other forever so how much experience have they racked up elsewhere before, hmm? Rio: Neither of mine were such saints Buster: Again, no desire to ask Rio: Aww, are you embarrassed? Buster: Fuck off Buster: Just 'cause you're a filthy perv like Rio: Guilty Rio: I'll ask 'em don't worry Buster: Please don't let me know Rio: Fine, fine Rio: Boring Buster: You wish, babe Rio: Yeah, would be easier to ignore Buster: Instead you couldn't ignore me if you tried Buster: Unlucky Rio: Sorry, did you say something? Rio: Hahah Buster: You want me to come whisper it in your ear, make sure you've heard Buster: See how you do then Rio: Do it Rio: You'd break first Buster: I won't Rio: We'll see Buster: Tell me where you are and we will see, yeah Rio: You can't come here Rio: Where do you wanna go Buster: I don't care Buster: Wait Buster: How drunk are you? Rio: I can't drive, if that's what you're suggesting Rio: Put some effort in, McKenna Buster: That's not what I meant Buster: I don't wanna see you tonight if you won't remember it tomorrow Rio: Film it for me Buster: Great idea that'd be Buster: Your brother would watch it, film nerd he is Rio: Don't be so disgusting, he's a baby! Rio: Your eyes only silly Buster: Exactly my point Buster: We can't be that stupid Rio: You've not gotta upload it Rio: ain't my first rodeo cowboy Rio: but fine Buster: Fuck Buster: I know you're joking but still Buster: Trying to kill me Rio: Am I? Rio: Never know now Buster: Rio Buster: stop playing Rio: Don't wanna Buster: You're such a fucking tease Rio: Yeah Rio: So are you Buster: You're worse Rio: You mean I win? Buster: Doesn't feel much like I'm losing Rio: I'm just that good Buster: Says you Rio: I offered you the chance to come find out for yourself Buster: But you also said you weren't ready for me to Buster: Which is it? Rio: I've changed my mind Rio: you've made me horny Rio: but you're too much of a gentleman, I know Buster: You're drunk, babe Buster: I really fucking want to, believe me but Rio: Its alright Rio: I know Buster: Remember when you said, not like this, I'm calling mine in Buster: Where are you though? I don't think you should be on your own just chilling like Rio: Understood Rio: Although we did have phone sex so I demand at least some pictures, thank you Rio: Its alright, I'm with Indie at their flat, s'why you can't come over Buster: Okay Buster: I can call you when she's asleep. Doesn't matter how late it is Rio: Okay Rio: You're nice, you know that Buster: Fuck off Buster: It don't count if I'm only nice to you Buster: And you know I want something Rio: It's okay, I won't tell Buster: Not allowed to lie, yeah? Gotta keep your word now Rio: Don't worry, only wanna sing your praises to you Rio: You're just the same old prick you always were with everyone else Buster: Yeah Buster: I can tell you this 'cause I know you won't remember and no fucker ever re-reads these Buster: I really miss you Rio: Wish I would remember Rio: Shame Rio: Miss you too Buster: Maybe soon I'll get to tell you again Buster: Since you can't ever ignore me like Rio: I don't wanna Rio: That's why Buster: I know Buster: and I don't want you to Rio: What do you want from me? Buster: You already know that Rio: But are you gonna not want me once you had it Rio: is it just to say you did, the conquest or whatever the fuck Buster: How could I not? Buster: I want you so bad Buster: You're so fucking sexy, yeah? Like perfect. It's bullshit Rio: So are you Rio: How are you real Buster: Most of the time I ain't Buster: But you already know that too Rio: Yeah Rio: but I see you Buster: Even when I don't want you to, yeah Rio: Sorry Buster: Don't be Buster: Someone should. I ain't mad it's you Rio: I don't hate it either Rio: Are we fucked up? Buster: I am, but not 'cause of this Rio: That's how I feel too Rio: So we must be right Rio: or both equally delusional Buster: I'll take either Rio: I like you Buster: I know Buster: You're not bad yourself, babe Buster: I don't wanna go home tomorrow. Fuck's sake Rio: Do you have to Rio: I picked a bad night to get fucked up Buster: No such thing Buster: But Chlo is cracking the whip, so no, but also yeah Rio: S'okay Rio: 'Til next time, McKenna Buster: There will be one, yeah? Rio: I hope so Rio: I can't wait much longer Buster: I know the feeling Buster: I will see you around, Cavante Rio: You owe me Rio: Remember Buster: Can't forget. Won't either
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Bea & Fraze
Bea: [Sends article] He's out Bea: 4 years early Bea: Fucking 'good behaviour' Caleb left the chat 3 hours ago Fraze (Caleb) joined the chat 3 hours ago Fraze: I'll kill him. Finding him won't be hard Fraze: The cunt couldn't do one decent thing and rot behind bars Fraze: Fucking hell. Where are you? Is anyone else with you Bea: Good one Bea: You'll just take his place and YOU will get life Bea: He's smiling, he fucking loves it Bea: Won't be surprised if I'm subjected to reading 'his side of the story' next Fraze: I'm not gonna stand around doing fuck all like I had to as a kid Fraze: I'll take my punishment if it means wiping the smile off his face at the same time Bea: Nothing's changed, can't change anything Bea: that was it, that was the punishment, my closure, now its done Bea: Oh, and leave me alone? Great Bea: Besides, you have people who give a shit about you, unlike him, people who you can't do that to Fraze: I'd never do that. Fucking never. Wherever I am Fraze: But I'd be doing this for you, 'cause you can't ruin your life for this cunt again Fraze: You're the one I care about. I'd do anything for you Bea: I didn't ruin MY life Bea: HE did, end of Bea: I'm not under illusion anyone can do anything about it anymore Bea: left those dreams on the playground Fraze: I didn't mean it like that Fraze: What so I can't do anything? Fuck that Bea: Sorry to say, babe Bea: get angry if it helps you sleep at night Bea: I'm sick of being angry Fraze: I don't give a shit about helping myself Fraze: There has to be something I can do for you Bea: What? Bea: I'll just book myself into therapy when I can afford it Bea: repress it all like a good girl Fraze: Talk to me. I ain't a shrink granted but it won't cost you more than a drink like Bea: What do you want me to say, Fraze? Fraze: Fuck I don't know, Bea Fraze: What do you wanna say Fraze: Be honest Bea: Nothing Bea: I wish I didn't have to think about it and remember it Bea: never mind talk about it Bea: I wish it never happened because I don't wanna be that girl Bea: Its pathetic, I'm pathetic and I hate it Fraze: It did happen, yeah, but it doesn't make you pathetic Fraze: You ain't that, never have been Bea: Yes, I am Bea: What could be more pathetic than an abused orphan Bea: everything about it screams pity me and I don't want that Fraze: No. You're smart, brave, determined, beautiful and that's not the half of it Fraze: That's what happened, not who you are Fraze: Who's pitying the best student at Cambridge? Come on. Bea: I'm hardly shouting about who I am and where I've come from, am I Bea: but its still the truth, even if I hide it forever Fraze: Nor am I. Why have we gotta? Fraze: The truth is he shouldn't be out. Ever Fraze: And that shit shouldn't have happened to you Bea: Because its all fake, a lie Bea: Well it did Bea: I doubt he'll be able to pull that shit again, looks on death's door the miserable fat cunt Bea: Who's going to let him near their children now? Fraze: We're real Fraze: Fingers crossed, save me a job, yeah? Bea: Yeah? Bea: Ok Fraze: Bea, don't Fraze: You know it Fraze: I love you Bea: Even so Bea: still can't make it work Bea: still gotta fuck around Fraze: We are making it work Bea: If that's what you wanna call it Bea: Sure Bea: Functioning, super healthy Fraze: I never said that Fraze: Christ, we keep having the same fight about this for one thing Fraze: But we're not giving up Bea: Only because we're stubborn Bea: doesn't mean its a good thing Bea: Perhaps we should Fraze: Fuck you. You don't get to push me away Fraze: Not 'cause of him Bea: I can do whatever I want Fraze: Yeah you can Fraze: But don't lie to me or yourself that this is what you wanna do Bea: Is it a lie? Bea: Why else would we have made up that stupid rule Bea: Obviously over it Fraze: Speak for yourself Fraze: You aren't speaking for me now. Simple as Bea: Bullshit! Bea: I've not slept with anyone else Bea: you have Fraze: So what? Fraze: That doesn't mean I don't want you Fraze: I do Bea: That's exactly what it means Bea: Don't be ridiculous Fraze: You're being fucking ridiculous Fraze: I didn't go behind your back once. I wouldn't Fraze: If not for this agreement bullshit I wouldn't have looked at anyone else Bea: You can say that 'cos you haven't had to try Bea: it was for your benefit Fraze: You agreed to me to it along with me Fraze: You didn't tell me you weren't fucking around Fraze: I thought it was what you wanted Bea: Because I know you Bea: I'd rather at least be able to front like it was my idea Bea: than just get fucking cheated on Fraze: Clearly you don't Fraze: Fuck you Fraze: I don't know how many times I can tell you that I love and want you Bea: That's what he used to say too Bea: Just words Fraze: Don't you fucking dare put me up against him Fraze: I'm nothing like him Bea: Calm down, I'm not calling you a kid fucker Fraze: Don't tell me to calm down Fraze: You're calling me a piece of shit that's enough Fraze: I'd never hurt you. Ever. In any way Bea: Look Bea: Sorry, alright? Bea: I didn't mean that Bea: Not intentionally but you can't say that like its fact Fraze: Why can't I? It's a fact for me, living by it Fraze: I'm a lot of things, yeah, but I'm not that to you. I won't be Fraze: Like I said, I'd do anything for you. Tell me what you want me to do Bea: Because you can't control me or what hurts me Bea: Stop caring Bea: Can't you see where it ends? Fraze: Stop twisting it Fraze: I'm not trying to control anything except this now, you pushing me away, 'cause it's fucked Fraze: Look, I know where we end Fraze: Marry me. I mean it Fraze: All this bullshit can just stop Bea: Why would you say that? Bea: Now, REALLY Fraze: 'cause I love you Fraze: It'll happen one day why not now Bea: No, it won't Bea: I don't want to get married Bea: I'm trying to make something of my life not end it prematurely Fraze: I'm not stopping you Fraze: A ring wouldn't either Fraze: What the fuck happened to doing it together? Bea: What happened is we obviously can't Bea: We want different things, we're in different places Bea: It is what it is, Fraze Fraze: Bullshit Fraze: You're scared Bea: Of what? Fraze: Fuck knows. You tell me Fraze: He did a number on you and you think I'm gonna Fraze: You're safe with me. I let you know that when we met. Nothing's changed Bea: You were just a kid then Bea: you didn't know what you were promising and you certainly don't need to stick to it now Bea: some fucked sense of duty Bea: I just told you I didn't want to be a sad pity case Fraze: Maybe not then but I do now and I'm still saying Fraze: It's love, that's what it's been since I was 7 Fraze: And I told you, you fucking aren't Bea: Fraze Bea: The answer is still no Fraze: You don't have to marry me, just don't fucking leave, yeah? Bea: How can I? We aren't together now already Fraze: You know what I mean Fraze: Fuck's sake Bea: Anyway Bea: just had to tell someone Fraze: Bea Fraze: Come on Bea: I can't Bea: I can't do or say what you want me to Bea: I'm sorry Bea: I really am Fraze: Fuck sorry Fraze: I want you. End of. I'm not asking for any more than that Fraze: What's hard about that all of sudden? Bea: Are you kidding me? You're living what's hard about it right now too, yeah? Bea: Either that or you're full of shit Bea: I can't keep missing you all the damn time Bea: it hurts too much Fraze: We knew it was coming Fraze: You're telling me you'd rather call it quits forever than miss me for a couple more years? Fraze: How'd that hurt less? Fraze: You're full of shit Bea: Fine, make ME say it Bea: because we'll get over each other Bea: we'd have to Fraze: If there's someone else just say it Bea: There isn't Bea: Don't try and make it into something it isn't Fraze: It's that London lad Fraze: I'll fucking kill him Bea: Bronson? Bea: That is ludicrous for so many reasons, which you'd be aware of if you took any time to listen to me, or try to get to know him Fraze: Don't turn this around on me, babe Fraze: He's the one pretending 'cause he's out for what he can get, with you Fraze: just friends, yeah? Fuck off Bea: That's not a thing that happens in real life, babe Bea: who knew you liked chick-flicks so much Bea: you think I wouldn't notice if I was slowly being wooed by my 'asexual' friend? Bea: the word alone makes him uncomfortable never mind this story you're concocting Fraze: Bullshit Fraze: And the point is, you have noticed and you're loving it Fraze: Gone off me 'cause you want him, but it's a big fucking joke, yeah? Bea: Oh, fuck off Bea: Even if he was into me, WHICH HE'S NOT, doesn't mean I HAVE to reciprocate it, WHICH I DON'T Bea: What do you even want me to say on this? Like, its not real, you're making it up Fraze: Go fuck yourself Fraze: Or him 'cause you clearly wanna Fraze: Trying to make me step aside like it's my idea Bea: Shame I can't, ey? Bea: 'Cause by this stupid fucking agreement I'm well within my right to anyway so Bea: why are you getting so angry? Fraze: You know why Fraze: I don't have feelings for any other girls Fraze: I'm not spending all my time with them like they're my girlfriend Bea: So I'm not allowed friends now? Bea: You have friends, I don't accuse you of fucking them or being in love with them Bea: My God! Fraze: Why am I the cunt for not wanting you to fucking replace me? Fraze: Christ sake Bea: Because I'm not! Bea: And if you can't take me at my word on that then tell me Bea: how do I prove that to you? Fraze: Stop pushing me away Fraze: And take me at my own fucking word Bea: I'm not pushing you away because there's someone else Bea: and you know it Fraze: What the fuck do I know? Fraze: You're messing with my head Fraze: Being fucking stupid Bea: I'm not trying to Bea: that's what I'm telling you Bea: leave Bea: don't get pulled in by my mess Fraze: Bea Fraze: Stop this shit Fraze: Enough now, yeah? Fraze: I'm not begging Bea: I can't Bea: Alright Bea: It ain't that simple Fraze: What's complicated Fraze: Don't act crazy Bea: That's right Bea: I'm crazy Fraze: Fucking hell Fraze: I'll call you when you've caught yourself on Fraze: Not getting nowhere Bea: Don't Bea: I don't want to talk to you Fraze: Don't answer Fraze: I can't make you Bea: Yeah 'cos I need you blowing up my phone Bea: Just leave me alone Fraze: I don't need you turning this on me Fraze: I'm trying Fraze: it's you doing this now Bea: Hey at least I didn't propose Fraze: Fuck you Bea: Fuck you right back
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