#the ortega sisters
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hislittleraincloud · 3 months ago
I also seem to have a like/dislike relationship with Jenna, and prefer her sister Aliyah.
In older videos you would see Jenna talk over Aliyah because she always had to be right, even when Aliyah was. I wonder if she is controlling in the work place. Everyone seems to be fawning all over her. I don’t get the hype
See, I didn't stalk them that far back. I've only seen perhaps a couple of older vids (like the one where they talk about Jenna's height and how she hasn't grown — LOL — and a couple of other short ones where Jenna was being an ass to her).
But yeah, as it is, Aliyah is much more down to Earth and sweet. And holy Hell, prettier 🫠. Like the difference between Cindy Lou Who and an actual model.
Recent pics of both
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I mean, just open your eyes
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Not to mention her doing exactly what she knows she's doing when she does shit like this
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She would make so much 🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦 if she had an OF, but she's a good girl (a huge tease, but a good girl nonetheless) and only whores herself on Live every night to pay for her nursing school shit/other things. (She's got a couple of wealthy simps that just pour buckets of gifts on her every night. 💀 It's kind of neat to watch the rarer gifts/animations come up.) She's beauty and brains, since you gotta have some brains to get through nursing school.
The Ortegas seem to be their own little islands (Aliyah even intimated that there were different votes in the election this past month, so..."everybody does their own thing/have different opinions" re: politics, so color me unsurprised), which is weird to me but whatever. She's not an influencer, she's just a regular celebrity sib, however in this age of connectivity, she isn't actually coasting off of her older sister's name/fame (and hates all the simps asking her to hook them up with Jenna). We watch her for her and the nothingness that is spending a few minutes of connectivity with someone we don't know "just because", like any other Lives over there on TT.
Watching Aliyah for an hour doing nothing but sitting pretty and yapping can be more entertaining than watching her sister in one of her bad movies. I said what I said. I mean did you miss the singular post where I — gggg let's see it again
ETA: Re: Jenna being a controlling one, yes, I can see that. She likes to overdraw her checks, like when everyone fawned over "mother mothering" when she told Ryder that she didn't have to take her glasses off during B2 promo, as if Ryder hasn't been a part of the industry for twice the time Ortega's even been alive. 🙄
Jenna appeals to people who get hard over baby faces. It's probably as simple as that. And people in general fawn over baby faces (except in professional settings, if I recall reading that recently). A baby face is both a blessing and a curse, because some people won't take you seriously sometimes. But I mentioned in another recent post that hers has changed a bit since filming Wednesday 1.
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bathroom-sand · 1 year ago
paramount and spyglass are trying so hard right now to save face because jenna ortega rightfully left the scream franchise after they fired melissa for supprting palestine. nobody is dumb enough to believe the excuse that it’s a scheduling conflict hours after rumors she was trying to get out of her contract cause she was pissed. i’m very thankful that jenna is risking her career and using her position to do the right thing. she’s been outspoken about palestine for years now. i hope this begins a trend of zionist losing money for their support and complacency with an active genocide
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N*oah schnapp can be posted with stickers saying “Zionism is sexy” and his career is unaffected but Melissa Barrera speaks against genocide and is fired. Fuck Hollywood. Fuck n*ah schnapp. FREE PALESTINE
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barblaz-arts · 8 months ago
I know this might be a bit redundant since Carmilla and Vaggie's voice actors were also from In The Heights, but I think I'd want Melissa Barrera as my voice cast for Dani.
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riddles-n-games · 5 months ago
Here's a Libby and Avery headcanon for y'all. When fall arrives, Libby and surprisingly, Avery, love going to stores and looking at fall-theme decor. Normal, right? Well, that's exactly where you're wrong. The second those two find the candle aisle with fall scents, they go absolutely feral, furiously inhaling smell after smell from every candle they grab. They can pass three hours no problem just standing there in that one aisle in one store without ever moving and people kind of get annoyed at finding them there but they don't care. Those two are on a mission.
After Avery is named the Hawthorne heiress, they made their intentions clear of going on fall shopping and continuing their tradition, despite Alisa's ridiculous attempts to stop them (seriously, she's no fun). So, given Oren's obligations as Avery's bodyguard, he tailed them but the girls also started dragging him into their candle shenanigans. Though they are still the ones primarily investigating which scents interest them, Avery and Libby casually began to include him in this process by passing candles between each other and then thrusting it under his nose. They would also ask him what he thinks and at first, he was quiet and unresponsive partly because he was confused why they were asking him at all. 
Eventually, the more the girls went on such shopping trips, he began giving his opinions starting off with just one word sentences until he actually began quietly suggesting and sounding a little too invested before going back to stoic badass bodyguard. Oren takes his duty very seriously and sometimes requests for them to get him a s'mores scented candle or pumpkin pie (he has a big sweet tooth which only Xander knows about because he’s Xander and also because he’s a softie with a big mushy heart who just wants to find these kids new, good parents and make them happy in whatever way he can). Of course, this would make Avery and Libby grin smugly and share a mischievous look with each other every time when they exited the store.
When they come back to the House, the amount of bags filled with candles is enough to take up a whole section of the Great Room. That’s how crazy it gets. Avery calls it one of her first very important investments when Alisa nearly faints at the sight of them. But they do make good use of them. Libby and Avery focus on every single wing and section of Hawthorne House with a collection of candles that fit the vibe and once Xander gets wind of this, he wants all in. 
The brothers are all rather amused by the candle obsession but by the time Libby and Avery are a year into their respective relationships, Jameson and Nash are slightly terrified when the next fall comes around. Especially once their girlfriends quite literally drag them into going with them on the shopping trips as new recruits to their madness. Though the sisters still do most of the searching together, they split up into teams at times with their clueless boyfriends as second opinions. 
Nash and Jameson learn quickly and even Xander joins them soon enough. At the end of Candle-Mania, they have a Candles-giving where they give special candles that they chose specifically for their loved ones (they even gift the staff thanks to Nash’s people skills). It becomes a new tradition that is another fun fall festivity until the fall fair shenanigans that Xander comes up with. But speaking of Xander shenanigans, after he discovers that Avery and Libby also do candle trades, he decided that alongside scones, candles become a bargaining chip between him and Avery especially during the fall when they are in competition to find the most of a specific candle scent or a candle theme set. Grayson is the tally marker and Thea and Rebecca team up to help Xander while Jameson and Avery duo up as usual.
The Hawthorne brothers and Avery do come up with some fun uses for the candles throughout the year such as creating a themed scavenger hunt, a clue to a mystery, wagers, etc.
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daughter-horror · 7 months ago
It’s National Sisters Day!
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celiastjamesoscar · 1 year ago
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I hope this is true
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alexsshittyworld · 1 year ago
"You were a wonderful sister."
"You were… everything."
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xxxninjaxxx23 · 7 months ago
You brought the light I needed in my life
Part 3
Sam is struggling with her inner demons and tries to fight what she feels for Y/N. After an heated moment at the gym, Tara must step in and clean up her mess of a sister.
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(Later that week)
(Tara’s pov) Well my hopes of getting Sam to talk to me about that night just went out the window. Almost a week has passed and I haven’t seen or heard from Y/N ever since that day I met them. When I asked Sam about it, she always said “It’s fine Tara, you have nothing to worry about.” Or “I’m ok Tara, I just needed some time to think.” She doesn’t even talk about Y/N period. Whenever we go eat with the others,she’d shoot a glare at us if we try to bring it up.
Anyways I got fed up and didn’t want to be around Sam today so I left and went to meet Anika in film class. When I got there and we shared a hug, we talked about our subjects and daily life issues, mine regarding Sam
“And she seems to be getting worse by the minute. Keeping herself locked in her room and won’t even say what’s going on with her or Y/N.” Anika took a sip of her drink
“Look, I get you’re trying to help and all but Tara, do you think you should be sticking your nose into someone else’s business even if they don’t want to talk about it? That’s so not cool.”
I rolled my eyes “Oh sure genius, I would leave her alone if she wasn’t keeping me up the last few nights with her crying. God she sounds like a humpback whale when she cries.” Anika nearly choked on her drink when she heard that. I patted her back as she started snickering
“That is so mean and funny at the same time. Tara carpenter, the all time savage when she needs to be.”
I shook my head “I don’t know what to do Ani. I can’t just leave her like this, even if it’s not my concern.” Anika nodded “Maybe just maybe. Sam will come around when she’s ready to talk, as for your ears. I have professional grade earplugs if you need them.”
I pull out my phone and check for texts “Ok, I might have to take those by tonight.” I said.
Meanwhile Samantha laid on her bed, hand clutched to her stomach as a result from the constant drinking.
(Sam’s pov) So I got a call from my boss saying that a new employee was currently in training and needed to be put on my shift for today but I will still be compensated for my hard work and able to go back tomorrow (hence why I love this job) only problem is, my stomachs been angry with me lately. What with all the drinking and the stress of avoiding Y/N, also Tara who won’t shut up about it.
I managed to climb out of bed and take a ginger ale candy before sitting on the couch watching a movie that Tara left on stream. ‘Sigh’ “And she used my credit card to buy the ultra high definition! Figures.” I wrote the amount on a piece of paper to tab that out of Tara’s pay later on.
While watching the movie, I got a few texts from Tara and….Y/N which I picked up and just sent a small text
“I’m fine, just watching a little tv.”
“ ‘Sigh’ no point in sitting here all day” I said, going to make breakfast before I hit the gym today. ‘Pretty much all I do, well before Y/N tried to crawl their way into my fucked up life. Honestly I’m doing them a favor no matter how I really feel.
(After breakfast)
After I ate, I sat down for about an hour, watching another one of Tara’s shows. I tripped over one of her shoes the last time Y/N was here. At first they thought I had a kid or another little baby sibling with me.
When I told them no and asked why, they said it was because of the “kids” size shoe I tripped over. I had a field day with that, telling them that it’s just Tara’s shoe and to never say that around her. It didn’t end well for me when I did that, she’s got teeth as sharp as a piranha.
(One hour later)
“Ok…I guess it’s time to hit the gym.” I put on my jacket and head out. The gym is one building away from my place and I could use the walk. I spoke too soon when an empty cup got thrown at me by a passing car halfway there.
“Yup like I said, I’m doing Y/N a favor.” I shook my head and kept my pace, going to the gym.
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I set my bag and towel in my assigned locker then went to go for a run on the treadmill. I looked around the place a bit as I ran in place ‘good thing the gym isn’t too packed today’ I put my AirPods in my ears.
After my run, I move over to the dumbbells and began lifting my usual weights (readers choice lol) I did a good amount of reps before moving onto the bench press. I decide to kick it up a notch and upgrade to the heavier weights than my usual.
I took the barbell off its stand and started my reps. I got off to a good start, what with the headphones blocking out small sounds or any creep trying to hit on me. I made it very clear that I’m uninterested in their company or conversations.
As I was in the zone, I spotted a familiar figure to my left, lifting dumbbells ‘no…no, it can’t be! Is that?’ I didn’t get a clear look as I lost my concentration, dropping the barbell on my chest “OW! Fuck!!!”
The figure, dropped their weights and went over to get the barbell of my chest “You ok Ma’am?” I nod and look up only to see they recognized me “Sam?! Omg this is a pleasant surprise.” I smiled sheepishly “heh heh. Yeah it sure is.”
After Y/N helped me, I decided to take a break and have a snack. Unfortunately they sat down next to me ‘Jesus Y/N. Why can’t you leave me alone?’ But I put on a smile and offered a protein bar and water for them. “So….fancy seeing you here” Y/N said. I scoffed a bit “I always come to this gym. What’s it to you?”
Y/N playfully put their hands up in surrender “Hey, I didn’t mean anything by it. Im just surprised I came to your rescue.”
“I could have gotten that off myself. I didn’t need your help.”
Y/N was a bit taken back by my blunt words “Sorry. I’ll um….stand back and let you do it next time?”
I felt my heart beat at a quick pace when that warm feeling came back to me. But before I could process my feelings to Y/N, I saw my father sitting beside them, grinning and making a knife gesture “Christ almighty why can’t you leave me the fuck alone!”
(Y/n’s pov) if I thought the last words were harsh, I’m surely mistaken. “Sam please-“ then she went off again “Everywhere I go, you’re there just watching me! Trying to hover over me when I don’t want you to!” I was a bit confused “Sam what? You were the one who approached-“
“Shut up just shut the hell up for one fucking second! I….can’t even live a good life with you always there in my shadow just breathing In my damn presence, wasting my own breath and energy talking to you!” I felt my heart tear up a bit but before I could speak again, Sam went for the kill
“You….useless….sack of SHIT! You and your little legacy, everything! I hate it all I just can’t…..I hate you. I HATE YOU!!!!! If you’re done sitting there you can “kindly” get out of my sight, get out of my life completely, before I do something I won’t regret!” My heart was now shattered into pieces completely and Sam just tossed the remains in the trash can.
I felt a bit of anger rise up in me. Nodding “I get it Sam. I get the message loud and clear that I’m not wanted anymore. Thank you so much for yelling at me just to drive home the point!” I got up and tossed my snack in the trash can “Well fuck you then! Have a nice life Sam.” I stormed out of the break room, slamming the door.
(Sam’s pov) I flinched. In all my yelling at Billy, I completely forgot Y/N was still sitting there in the crossfire. I quickly got up and bolted for the door “Y/N wait!” As I was running I felt my ankle catch on one of the bleachers legs, spraining it.
Shaking the pain off, I limped towards the door “Y/N wait! Hold on!! As I opened the door, I saw them already walking out the front entrance. “Y/N! P-please.” They turned around to look at me one last time but I couldn’t bring myself to speak which they sighed and closed the door.
I dropped to my knees, staring at the wall ‘What have I done….’
I needed my place of comfort right now. I promised Tara I wouldn’t do it again but I’m really desperate at this point. I put on my jacket and helmet, then started up my motorcycle. Tara gave me a speaker for my birthday and attached it to the motorcycle. Might as well put it to some use. I hit shuffle and let it play from there as I tore down the road.
(Later that night)
(Tara’s pov) “Damn it no! How did you get past me!” I gripped the switch controller a bit. Chad chuckled, taking a sip of water “Sorry guys, I don’t know why I’m so good at this game.”
“Mario kart 8 is fun but it hurts my fingers” Anika said. “Um babe you know there’s an auto drive setting you can set up.” Mindy said.
I shook my head “And where’s the fun in that? I think the regular mode is good on your fingers. Makes it feel like your pressing down on the gas pedal in real life.”
Anika started selecting another level “Hey maybe that’s how Chad beat you T. As far as I can see, his thumbs aren’t red like yours. Ouch.”
Tara grumbled, fishing money out of her wallet to give to Chad for winning. “Wow you’re betting money from your girlfriend on Mario kart? That’s low, even for you peabrain.” Mindy said.
Chad whipped around, slightly embarrassed “Hey we both agreed on it right Tara!” I nodded “See? Plus I promised her I’d be a good boy in-“
“OK we don’t need to know that!” Mindy said throwing a chip at Chad which he surprisingly caught in his mouth. “Too slow.” He said which Mindy threw the finger before turning toward her girlfriend“Just start the game my love.”
‘Sigh’ Of course. Out of all the races, Anika had to go and pick rainbow road. No phobic of corse but this stage is so unbelievably hard, especially when my controller is stuck in “motion” control just because the sticks are broken.
While starting the course, I’m already in 11th place because pretty boy had to go and knock me off the course by “accident” when we started. Halfway through the race, I got a bit used to the controls but I’m still dreading on my wallet being eaten up again by Chad.
Luckily I was saved when my phone rang “Guys pause it please.” to which they did “Hello?”
“Yes is this Tara Carpenter?” The voice said ‘Oh great, I already know who this is.’
I clear my throat “Yes Stan it’s me. What’s wrong you seem upset.” Stan laughed a little “Upset. You’re goddamn right I am!! ‘Sigh’ Look, can you please come down here and get your sister? She’s already at it again, causing another scene in my bar and lashing out at my customers. I’m already 5 seconds away from calling the cops!
I pinched the bridge of my nose scoffing in disgust “Ok just hang tight, I’ll be right over.” Before hanging up.
‘Damn it Sam can I have one day, just ONE day of not taking care of you?!’ I shook my head, grabbing my jacket from Chad’s room. “Guys, I gotta head out. As munch as I want to keep playing, I have to go get Sam…..again.”
They nodded their heads, understanding what I meant “Alright love, do you want me to give you a ride there and back?” Chad asked. I shook my head “Thanks for the offer babe but I have a feeling Sam drove her motorcycle there. No way I’m letting her drive that deathtrap home by herself.”
“T do you even know how to ride a motorcycle?” Mindy said, giggling. I folded my arms “I do too, know how to operate a motorcycle Minds! Quinn and I used to sneak it out a couple of times when Sam was asleep” though she did most of the driving.
Chad smiled and gave me a peck before leaving “Be careful out there. Call me when you get back.”
I nod “Will do, love you Chad.”
(Sam’s pov) “Had enough drinking your sorrows and throwing a tantrum for one day?” He said, sitting next to me “Not until you’re finally cleared of my conscience forever, maybe then I’ll be at peace.”
He “rubbed” my back “Well somebody’s got to. Otherwise you’d be just like your mother going down her path instead of facing your problems head on.”
I picked my head up and threw a glass at him, which passed and hit the wall. “You ever start to think that YOU’RE the reason I can’t have a relationship or any friends?! Another person down the drain because you had to show up and ruin it!”
He laughed a bit “Sweetie I was only trying to warn you to be careful. You didn’t have to go screaming at the both of us.” God, why do I even bother with him. Then a bunch of cameras flashed me in the face
“Samantha carpenter? Gale weathers here questioning your take on the latest murders in woodboro. Do you think Ghostface will follow you to the big apple or have you become-?”
I spit on her “Your about to see another Ghostface if you don’t get the hell out my face!!” I shoved the cameraman towards her. She scoffed and walked away, good riddance.
I angrily stumbled over to the table and slumped on it once again, closing my eyes for a bit and ready to knock out the next person that bothers me. I was having a good slumber until I felt a hand on my shoulder “Sam.”
(Tara’s pov) The next thing I knew I saw a fist fly right at my face, hitting me in the jaw. ”Ow! What the fuck Sam?!” Then she fell to the floor “Shit! I’m sorry, I’m very sorry Tara. I didn’t know that was y-you.” I held my slightly bruised jaw
“Just get the fuck up, right now!” Sam “quickly” picked herself off the floor throwing her arms around me, crying down my shoulder. “Please, forgive me….I’m sorry Tara I’m so sorry that I’m such a fuck up and a sorry excuse of a sister!”
Oh good god she reeks of alcohol! “Sam. Would you PLEASE get off of me! I’m not mad just….fuck! I can’t even talk to you right now or breathe!” I pushed Sam off for relief “I want you to go outside and wait by the bike, I’m driving us home.”
Sam tearfully nodded, handing me the keys. “I’ll meet you out there in a few minutes.” I said before she stumbled out the front door.
Stan was sweeping up the floors before giving me a look “I’m gonna permanently ban her if she can’t control her temper in here. That’s the third time this week. You better see to it that you have a LONG talk with her!”
I rolled my eyes “You want a tip? Keep your nose out of other people’s business and stop giving them more than they already had!” before leaving to meet Sam outside.
As I found the bike with the key, I see Sam throwing up her drinks behind it “You done sis?” I said patting her back.
“Mhm….mmm so tired.”
I got on the motorcycle and turned the key “Come on then. I’ll put a movie on at home and you can go to sleep.” Sam coughed a bit before handing me her helmet “Here….put this on. I don’t have a spare but I always put your safety over mine.” I sighed a bit before feeling her arms wrap around my waist
“Are you sure you know ‘hic’ how to drive this t-thing?” I scoffed “Yes. I do actually. I um, looked up a video before coming here. Let’s just go home sis, you’re already wearing me out.”
Sam nuzzled her face into the back of my neck as I took off.
(One motorcycle ride later)
(Sam’s pov) I can’t say how impressed I am with Tara’s motorcycle skill. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was sneaking it out from the garage every night, that girl always likes to get into trouble.
As I got off the bike, I waked a few steps before suddenly falling to the ground. Looks like my ankle is more swollen from putting too much pressure on it earlier. I tried looking for something to help me walk but I found nothing.
Seeing no other option I carefully pick myself up and kept my balance leaning on the railings before it ran out. “Sam! You ok?” Tara said, noticing that I wasn’t making any progress.
“I’m fine sis. I’ll catch up.”
Tara shook her head and walked over to me, turning around and cupping her hands “Hop on, I’ll get us up there.”
“Tara no. I’m too-“
“Will you just get on my back?!”
I smiled a bit “Well….alright then.” As I gently got on Tara’s back, she hoisted me up quicker and held onto my legs.
I got worried when Tara had to lean forward a lot just to keep her balance, I felt terrible that she has to do this. “Tara please just let me-“
“Sam would you stop being so stubborn and let me take the wheel in our relationship? You always put yourself before others but never let them return the favor, just let me as your sister help you just this once.” Tara said as she headed for the stairs since the elevator is broken.
‘Sigh’ “Just tell me if you getting tired.”
Tara nodded as she prepared to climb up 7 flights of stairs….with me on her back!
(7 flights later)
(Tara’s pov) Not a lot of people know this, but I got a really strong back. So strong that I actually won an award for being able to carry so many items on my back as I walked without any aches. Unfortunately I got the nickname “Pack mule” from the other students for the rest of my high school life, but I proudly carry that title with pride and dignity to this day.
As I dropped Sam on the couch, I sat down next to her and peeled off my shoes and socks, sighing in relief from the soft carpet. I wasn’t expecting to carry Sam up seven flights of stairs, my poor legs and feet.
“All I know is, you owe me another foot massage, a really good one too. Oh my poor aching toes, having to carry such a heavy load.” Sam threw a grape at me “Hey, you wanted to carry me the whole way here, ask Chad to massage your gnome feet.” She said, smirking.
I threw Sam the finger before gesturing her to lay her head on my lap. “Come on. It’s time to tell the doctor what’s wrong.”
Sam crossed her arms, sitting up “Very funny sis. I already told you everything’s-“ I slapped my hand over her mouth
“BEFORE you finish that sentence, let me remind you that this is the THIRD time I had to drop everything and get you home. Even after you promised me that you wouldn’t be drinking your pain away again! You either tell me what’s going on or I’ll go throw myself onto an oncoming train tomorrow.
Sam glared at me “You wouldn’t fucking dare! You know I won’t be the same without you.”
I smirked “Think I’m bluffing? Just try me!”
Sam punched the table “Fine….Fine! You really want to know what’s going on in my fucked up life, Y/N?!” She took a breather “You really think you can help me, can you?”
I looked at Sam in offense “I’m your sister. Siblings are supposed to help each other out, even if it’s problems like this.”
Sam gave me a small hug before placing her head into my lap “Ok, listen….about Y/N”
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blackswnns · 1 year ago
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why do I feel like this is so tara and sam coded??? (tara being the grey messages and sam being the blue ones, of course)
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Thank you Jenna and Melissa for showing us to always stand up for what you believe in and to not let censorship win.
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thisonewhocanbreathe · 11 months ago
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I just learned that from TikTok so I have no idea if it’s true, but if it is, that’s so fucking disgusting. The fact that it’s worded so disrespectfully, too. Like, not only is it disrespectful for Tara and Sam’s characters’ arcs, it’s disrespectful for Jenna and Melissa, and how much they got invested in their characters and their acting. It’s not necessary to kill them off at all, but you want them to ‘get run over by a taxi or something’? The way this movie is going to flop so bad. « Oh, we should call Tara and Sam for help, they killed the last Ghostface! » « No, man, ain’t happening, they crossed a road at green light. » Be fucking for real.
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samcscreams · 1 year ago
And just like that our sweet girls return
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scream4567 · 1 year ago
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if Sam and Tara were on Instagram and yes Sam would definitely have her and Tara as her profile picture that’s probably what the majority of her posts would be honestly while Tara posts with friends etc lol
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dinasaurconspiranoic · 2 years ago
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tangerinesperfume · 1 year ago
Wether Jenna dropped scream out of solidarity or not literally does not matter
Because in the span of 24 hrs, we got news of Melissa’s firing due to her support to Palestine and then, we get an article of Jenna’s departure.
People will draw the conclusion. It does not matter. It’s done and finished.
The situation and its timing doesn’t help their, already shitty and pathetic, PR statement about how they’re not related.
It makes no difference.
Sleep in the bed you make, I guess…
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