#the only way to normalise ocd is to educate people about it but most people with ocd are too scared to actually speak openly about it
ronanceautistic · 3 months
The worst part about Moral OCD is how the anxiety from it stems from the potential of being a bad person, and the idea that if people knew your intrusive thoughts they would 'see you for who you really are' and turn against you. And because of society's horrific misunderstanding of what OCD actually is, it is entirely possible that people will turn against you, only reinforcing the OCD.
Like I'll never forget that girl on TikTok who spoke openly about her intrusive thoughts, specifically her fear of being racist, only to be called racist because of the thoughts and 'cancelled' because people think intrusive thoughts is the same as impulsive thoughts because TikTok slang has mutilated the term 'intrusive thoughts;. I hope she's doing alright because that would legitimately be my last thread.
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