#the only thing i kinda miss doing is graphics 🥲
neotechs · 2 years
Oh wow just realized you’re back 😮 would you ever consider making gifs again? but either way, welcome back, hope you’re well!
Hii! Not me reading and answering this after disappearing for 2 months 😆 (im sorry). Im good thank you, hope you're doing fine too!
Im gonna be honest... i don't think I'll consider making gifs again, i honestly forgot everything 😂. Rather than in gif form i prefer to capture the boys as watercolor paintings these days (if you haven't seen you can check out #techsarts, @noondive or @ noondive on instagram/twitter). Im sure there are many great gif makers on here for our fandom but not so many nct fanartists on tumblr so there's no point for me to go back to giffing when my interests have also changed. Im sure you followed for the gifs so this answer might be disappointing but if you want to stay and support my artworks i'd be grateful!
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ducktracy · 3 years
Hey Eliza, love your work! I was wondering, what is your favorite part of the drawing/art process, and why? My favorite part is the Sketching, you can see the human touch of it, which is why I tend to be careful with clean-up. How about you?
HI THERE!! this is such a great question!!
is it a cliché to say “all”? HAHA I FEEL SO VAGUE SAYING “ALL” but it’s TRUE!! i think though this year especially though, i’ve realized just how much i love painting/rendering/any of that stuff. i LOVE drawing forms, i LOVE drawing expressions and expressive body dynamics, but drawing nothing but that for storyboards and not really focusing on color and rendering has made me realize just how much i love the process when i DO do that.
i love sketching because i love the freedom and messiness of putting ideas down on paper—i agree wholeheartedly with the human touch! i love finding errors and man-made touches in art, it’s very comforting in a way. i can restrict myself sometimes by getting a little too tight with my sketches, but i love the spontaneity and energy it has before it’s wrung through the art pipeline!
i LOVE COLORING. i feel like i haven’t been huge on color until recently/this year, i’ve always admired it but never really exercised any color harmonies or took many liberties and just kinda put down what i thought fit. now i LOVE IT!! i’m still learning the tools of the trade and have a lot of studying up to do, but i love warm, cozy colors and i enjoy experimenting with different color harmonies! it’s something i want to explore deeper!
and i LOVE PAINTING AND DETAIL. painting is something i feel i’m not great at but i LOVE to do anyway. it’s something i didn’t realize i missed as much as i did until i started storyboarding! i feel like there’s more room to make error HAHA it’s very relaxing and FUN! i hope to learn better ways to vary my brush strokes and get an actual technique down
and RENDERING. MWAH. i love slathering all my pieces in vintage textures as we ALL know. to be honest i feel i used to PARTLY use it as a crutch to mask flaws in my pieces, but i’ve grown out of that and don’t rely on it nearly as much. i love the graphic design trends from the ‘20s-‘60s (hell, even earlier—i LOVE comics from the ‘10s and before that!!) and seeking to emulate that same off kilter quirkiness yet inviting warmth in my own art is something i’m very passionate about. i’m still on a quest to nail the PERFECT vintage look, i feel like i haven’t gotten it as convincing as i’d like to but i know i’ll get there!! whether it’s putting the right textures and scuff marks or trying to misalign halftones on my more comic inspired pieces, i adore it all!
i guess i’d have to say i don’t love inking as much as the rest, but that’s because i haven’t found the right brush yet. only just this year have i really experimented with my inking (AKA adding weight LOL) and i find it a lot more enjoyable that way!! my hands can be shaky so i’m always most critical of my lines but i’m learning to embrace them and have fun!
I REALLY DO LOVE IT ALL… the art process is very very very important to me and i genuinely enjoy every step of it! i love art, and i love searching for inspiration for art! every aspect has their own unique quirks that i try to embrace as much as i can—i’ve been trying to make an effort to be more varied in my art just because i CAN! i used to see having multiple styles as a weakness for myself, but now i’ve embraced it as a love letter to art and i’m always itching to experiment and try new things.
THIS IS WAY LONGER THAN IT NEEDS TO BE but i love this question so much!! so thought provoking 🥲 i just love art so much it’s hard to pick a favorite part!! they all have their specialties!
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prettyboysinpain · 4 years
Hey! How are ya ? How much of HANNIBAL have you watched by now ? Fav episode ? I would love to hear some ramblings haha
Hey! I’m doing okay, thanks for the ask! I shall ✨ramble✨
I just finished watching season 3 a few days ago, but I plan on doing a rewatch sometime this week. The problem is I watched it without subtitles and there were times when I had absolutely no idea what they (Hannibal) were saying. I also skipped a bit in the beginning of the third season because I missed Will🤧😔
Like, I watched most of Hannibal, but I need to do a proper rewatch with a different perspective.
Please note there are definitely things/details I missed during my first watch, and I’m not 100% sure I’m interpreting things correctly! Tho I’ve been obsessively reading theories and watching cast interviews.
Anyways, here are my random, incoherent thoughts!
First off, I loved Hannibal (the show). It has consumed my mind and it’s all I’ve thought about for the past week. This infatuation has absolutely nothing to do with how puppy-like Will Graham is. This was also the very first time I’ve binged an entire series and I’m excited to do it again! There were some scenes that were difficult to watch ~ playing cello with vocal cords, Mason cutting his face, Dolarhyde tearing Chilton’s lips off, and other scenes that were too graphic for my taste. At least now I know which parts to quickly skip!
I don’t think I currently have a favourite episode because they’re all kinda jumbled together in my mind, but I might have one after my rewatch!
Honestly I was a teeny bit bored when I first started watching and considered not continuing because it had a slower start/build up. But once the pace rlly started to pick up, I was obsessed.
I literally can’t tell you the amount of times I wanted to scream at Hannibal too omfg.
I loved the second season because I was constantly on the edge of my seat waiting for someone other than Will to figure out Hannibal’s murdery side.
I thought Jack didn’t believe Will’s claims that Hannibal was, well, a cannibal, but apparently he did? And he willingly went to Hannibal’s place to eat people meat??? Unless that was before he knew or maybe he wanted to keep his cover but he also didn’t hesitate to eat? lmao someone explain.
I was hoping Beverly called someone before going to Hannibal’s place alone. . someone who wasn’t locked up in psychiatric hospital for murder. But she didn’t😭 (I think she told him she was gonna investigate?)
I originally thought Hannibal was a dick for sending Randall after Will and forcing him to kill someone in “self defense”, but I recently read that Randall could be seen as a gift for Will? Because Hannibal stopped Will from killing that guy at the farm and Will said the only thing he regretted was not killing him. So is Hannibal providing Randall as a kill opportunity since he previously took that chance away from Will?? Or did he just want to push Will to become murdery. Like?
I watched the clip of Hannibal stabbing Will at the end of season 2 a ton of times before I started the series, and watching that scene after knowing the context behind it hurt sooo much more. I didn’t know the details and only knew Will betrayed Hannibal. So I may have sobbed at the fact that Will called Hannibal to warn him🤧
“My freedom then, you would take that from me.” Sir did u not take away Will’s freedom and frame him for murder eye-
I wasn’t expecting Jack and Alana to be there too and it was a fricken bloodbath. AND HANNIBAL TOOK WILL’S JACKET OFF OF ALANA’S COLD AND DYING BODY AND PUT IT ON HIMSELF? EXCUSE ME? SIR? HELLO??
As I mentioned earlier, I skipped throughout the beginning of the third season because I missed Will’s cute face, and I had no idea what anyone was saying. But everything picked up again once Hannibal and Will reunited at the gallery🥺 the smile they give each other hurt my heart so bad.
“If I saw you every day, forever, Will, I would remember this time.” I’m okay, I’m fine. 🥲
Going into this show, I knew most of the major cliffhangers from watching clips on YouTube. But the thing that really caught me off guard were the time jumps (which made sense tho!) and the fact that WILL HAD A WIFE AND KID!!! I guess he wanted a sense of normalcy to pretend everything was okay and maybe he did love them but I don’t think he was truly happy? Idk seeing Will interact with them felt awkward to me, esp at the hospital. Unless I’m reading into it wrong. Molly and Walter are gonna wake up one day and find out that Will had ditched/disappeared with a cannibalistic serial killer😭 I felt bad for them but I’m also not attached to either of them at all😭
I felt like I ruined the show for myself by looking at every possible spoiler I found online:’) like before starting the series, I knew Hannibal and Will were gonna kill someone and fall off a cliff together at the end, I knew about the end credit scene with Bedelia implying they survived the fall, I knew Hannibal stabbed Will because he felt betrayed, I knew Hannibal would hide something from Will to convince him he was losing his mind and would frame him for murder, I knew Hannibal would purposely give himself up and eventually escape. . . yea u get my point.
But I still loved it so so much🥺
And omfg I watched compilations of Hannibal’s cooking on YouTube, and I thought it was subtly implied that he was cooking people meat. But in the show it’s like “this victim is missing a pair of lungs” and it immediately cuts to Hannibal chopping up said lung on a cutting board😭 All the cooking scenes I saw on YouTube included precut meat, and I screamed when he chopped a whole arm in his kitchen SIR PLEASEE-
Oh! I recently read a Reddit thread on The Evolution of Will Graham’s Darkness and it’s definitely an interesting read!
I really do love the show even if there were times when I wanted to throw my laptop across the room! But I love it. A lot!
And gosh the finale.. I loved it. It really was beautiful.
In conclusion, I love Hannibal (the show), my thoughts are scrambly, and I desperately need a rewatch.
And I totally did not make a graham cracker sideblog at @murderyhusbands
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