#the only sjm found family with rights is any adult with evangeline
eerna · 2 years
Sjm is one of my actually hated writers - my friend loved her and recommended her books so I read ACOTAR, and I liked it! Sure it was generic and very samey and it dragged in places but I didn't hate it and I thought it could go in interesting places!
Oh how naive I was.
So many generic white characters who are a "found family" (and I say that with the loosest of terms) by virtue of being in the same geographical location most of the time and by being mean to each other under the guise of banter.
The sex scenes were full, I skipped over them.
And then the double standards when it came to the PTSD - my dudes, I was ready to throw that series down the moment I realised she was intent on demonising Tam Lin for the things our self insert main character gets to have help and healing for.
I was so angry and watching those videos seriously cheered me up about it. And I am glad I am not alone in my rage.
GO OFF!!!! I halfway relate bc I really liked ToG and when ACOTAR was published everyone was telling me"OMG YOU SHOULD READ IT IT'S A MILLION TIMES BETTER THAN TOG GO RIGHT NOWWW" and then I read it and was like ".......... that was literally everything I hated abt TOG but turned up to 11, what are you talking about" and NO ONE validated me until I saw Cindy's vids a few years later. The found family bit in particular murders me because thESE CHARACTERS HAVE NO CHEMISTRY AS FRIENDS BECAUSE SJM RELIES ONLY ON PHYSICAL ATTRACTION AS SIGN OF AFFECTION SO IDGAF ABOUT THEIR "FRIENDSHIP" UUUUGHHHHH
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