#the only shitty parent is the chiaki dad
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fluffybunnybadass Ā· 5 years ago
I have so many ocs that i reached the tag limit of 30 tags. I thought that limit was a myth.
Does your OC consider their own parents good parents?
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gumidols Ā· 4 years ago
Komahina Family AU
ā€¢Makoto is the baby
ā€¢So is Komaru
ā€¢Thereā€™s a 15 year age gap between Hajime and Nagito and Makoto and Komaru
ā€¢Hajime and Nagito are 23 when Makoto is 5 and Komaru is 4
ā€¢so when Makoto is 15 theyā€™re 30, and when heā€™s 19 theyā€™re 34
ā€¢Hajimeā€™s a Police Officer
ā€¢Nagito is a fashion designer
ā€¢and heā€™s over his whole ā€œFuck anyone who isnā€™t an ultimateā€ phase
ā€¢Hajime helped him with that
ā€¢But it comes back in full force after Junkoā€™s done with him
ā€¢Hajime finds Makoto and Komaru in a burnt down house and says fuck it and adopts them
ā€¢He didnā€™t think things through
ā€¢His Ultimate Dad instincts came thru ig
ā€¢Hajime did the Izuru Kamukura project in high school
ā€¢but nothing happens
ā€¢Or so he thinks
ā€¢it was just like inactivated
ā€¢or was it?
ā€¢Why canā€™t I just give you a straight answer?
ā€¢cause Iā€™m a bitch
ā€¢Junkoā€™s 19 and she manages to manipulate 16 adults
ā€¢Hajime gives Makoto the middle name Chiaki because she insisted
ā€¢but for some reason they didnā€™t give it to Komaru
ā€¢because she thought Makoto was a girl and he was the oldest
ā€¢So his name is Makoto Chiaki Hinata
ā€¢Nagito took Hajimeā€™s last name because he wants to distance himself from the Komeada name
ā€¢His dad was a dick
(ā€¢he still died tho)
ā€¢Nagito thinks heā€™s gonna be a dick and a bad parent to Makoto and Komaru because of this and ends up distancing himself cause heā€™s scared of his luck and he just buys them things
ā€¢heā€™s rich as fuck, from both the inheritance and all the money he makes from being one of the most popular fashion designers in the world. He has a massive company and could practically do anything. Hundreds of companies are trying to buy his business including the Togamiā€™s but Nagitoā€™s refused them all
ā€¢heā€™s basically the Gabriel Agreste of Danganronpa but with a better fashion sense
ā€¢Makoto the fucking 5 year old goes into therapist and lecture mode and tells Nagito that just buying them things isnā€™t going to work and that he doesnā€™t need to buy things for them to love him. He is incredibly mature. Well as mature as a 5 year old can be. He says it in a childish way but itā€™s the thought that counts
ā€¢after that Nagito learns that Makoto is immune to his luck. Not Komaru, only Makoto
ā€¢On the first day of HPA, Makoto has like a really big fight with Hajime, who doesnā€™t want him to go there because he knows how shitty it is, and Hajime says ā€œI lik ur g cutā€ and smacks him
ā€¢When he comes back they make up sure but Makoto canā€™t remember that since Junko wiped his memories from that day onward
ā€¢so for the entire killing game Makoto is scared that heā€™s going to die without being able to apologize to his dad
ā€¢and it almost convinces him to kill
ā€¢but then Maizono beats him to it
ā€¢Makoto, Komaru, Hajime and Nagito all have like a lot of fond memories together like baking, playing tag and hide and seek, shit like that
ā€¢Just thought you should know
ā€¢when Makoto is 19, Junko strikes and kidnapps all of the previous members of class 77 (63 in this au)
ā€¢Makoto is still in class 78 btw
ā€¢Chiaki is pitted against children
ā€¢obviously she goes ham and wins, making it to the goal
ā€¢then she gets speared
ā€¢Junko met Izuru like a good few months earlier
ā€¢turns out he was taking over Hajimeā€™s body after he fell asleep and just walked around, bored out of his mind
ā€¢how nobody knows this or noticed this when Hajime and Nagito sleep in the same bed I donā€™t fucking know Ultimate Luck or sum shit. Ultimate Spy? Smh
ā€¢Junko tries to convince him to murder Nagito, Makoto, and Komaru, telling him that heā€™ll feel massive despair and that heā€™ll never be bored again
ā€¢Izuru declines
ā€¢he doesnā€™t truly know why
ā€¢the previous members are still really close to this day, with it being normal to see any of them randomly at the Hinata household
ā€¢Souda to this day is chasing after the already married Sonia and Gundahm
ā€¢ā€Sheā€™s just playing hard to get!ā€
ā€¢you caught me the only reason I wanted to make this au is because I wanted to write Makoto calling Souda and everyone else Aunties and Uncles fucking fight me
ā€¢Uncle Souda, Aunt Sonia, Uncle Gundahm, Aunt Mahiro, Aunt Hiyoko, you get the drill itā€™s fucking adorable
ā€¢Hinata and Nagito are the only ones with children, with Sonia and Gundam having started getting ready for their honeymoon
ā€¢Theyā€™re all really close so when Chiaki dies they all go HAHHAH DESPAIRRR and then while Hajime is despaired Izuru takes over his body completely, believing to have erased Hajimeā€™s existence completely
ā€¢Iā€™ll give you hint, heā€™s not completely erased
ā€¢Komaru, who was waiting in the car, goes into the school
ā€¢Uh oh
ā€¢Makoto, hearing the commotion, runs out of his classroom even though his teachers told him to stay as the school burns down, along with the reserve building
ā€¢(yea, the reserve course is still going. Jin is a fucking snake)
ā€¢Then he watches Nagito shoot his sister
ā€¢she lives, because it was only a shoulder hit, but Makoto thinks she died
ā€¢Nagito goes to finish Makoto off but Izuru beats him to it and throws a knife at him, making sure not to kill him
ā€¢the two have a really deep talk about why they were doing this, with Makoto begging Izuru to remember him and calling him ā€˜Daddyā€™ but not in the sexual way but in the ā€˜Iā€™m scared and I need comfort and I know you still love me somewhere in there dadā€™ way in complete pain and anguish and itā€™s fucking hurting me to write
ā€¢after heā€™s passed out Kamukura wipes his memories, and heals him so he can go into the killing game
ā€¢Makoto in the killing game talks incredibly fondly of his family, and itā€™s obvious that he cares for them a lot, to the point of even contemplating murder to keep them safe
ā€¢Makotoā€™s mood can switch at the drop of a literal hat, because while he may not be Hajime and Nagitoā€™s birth son, he still takes after them a lot thanks to their influence
ā€¢so Makoto can go from caring angel, to pissed off grouchy ass, to fucking hoping psychopath, in the span of mere seconds, although he mostly goes into crazed compliment all ultimates mode to make people (cough Munakata, Juzo and Togami cough) leave him alone or when he wants to get out of situations
ā€¢he also has a switch in one of his pockets, and a game boy in the other, kudos of Chiaki
ā€¢the real reason he wears a hoodie is to hold all those games
ā€¢At random times he can just flash from normal guy trying to figure out class trials to a fucking psychopath thatā€™s apparently so fucking scary and intimidating that the Genocider herself admits to being terrified of him when he gets like that, the rest of his classmates agreeing never to piss him off
ā€¢Byakuya excluded. Heā€™s still terrified of Nagito mode Makoto but he still fucks him over multiple times
ā€¢Later, Byakuya finds out that Makoto has more money then him, and he goes absolutely bonkers
ā€¢if anyone asks why Togami asked for a few custom made suits theyā€™re all getting executed
ā€¢Makotoā€™s like really good at sewing
ā€¢Like really good
ā€¢Like give the Ultimate Seamstress a run for her money kinda good
ā€¢Like he touches a needle and suddenly you canā€™t stop him. Komaru and Hinata learned the hard way not to give him and Nagito both needles and put them in the workshop together. They wouldnā€™t come out for days.
ā€¢Makoto refuses to admit this though, and thinks he sucks at sewing
ā€¢Makoto is always embarrassed to invite people/friends to his house, because of his parents, but they always end up loving them because of how fun they are
ā€¢Makoto is always grumpy by the end and asks them ā€˜Have YOU had to be in their presence for more then a few hours?ā€™
ā€¢After learning about the Tragedy, about how both of his parents played gigantic roles in it, how they put him into the killing game and wiped his memories, and how they ā€˜killedā€™ Komaru and almost killed him, he still forgives them without a second thought, both during the killing game, and after Hinata and Nagito wake up. He stated that he knows it wasnā€™t their faults, and that the person who really killed Komaru was her, Junko.
ā€¢When Makoto is executed, his luck manages to save him, managing to shock both Nagito and even Kamukura, who both initially thought that he had no luck whatsoever, and was simply immune to Nagitoā€™s luck
ā€¢Kamukura cares about Makoto a lot, taking care of him in ways that only resemble fatherly urges. Heā€™ll threaten and kill anyone who puts Makotoā€™s safety at risk, and is over protective and incredibly overbearing
ā€¢he refuses to admit it though
ā€¢He pretends he doesnā€™t care and A.I Junko finds it incredibly amusing
ā€¢he threatens the FF daily you didnā€™t need to know that I just wanted you to imagine Kamukamu as a Karen
ā€¢Like they think heā€™s finally come to kill them but instead he just switches to Junkoā€™s teacher personality and all hell breaks loose
ā€¢Ok but Kamukura in a ponytail and glasses like #blessed
ā€¢Nagito also wears reading glasses. And he keeps his hair tied in a ponytail. Normally. Just thought you should know
ā€¢Hajime also has reading glasses
ā€¢Makoto also has a gun
ā€¢That escalated quickly
ā€¢Like Nagito got him a glock without telling Hajime and heā€™s just hiding it in his jacket
ā€¢Heā€™s literally just Nagito 2.0 with Hajime traits and itā€™s scaring everyone
ā€¢He also has a rusty hello kitty pocket knife
ā€¢Multiple rusty hello kitty pocket knifes
ā€¢nevermind, thatā€™s why he has so many pockets
ā€¢also for pens
ā€¢Why? Do you think I know?
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crazynekochan Ā· 6 years ago
Non-Despair Omegaverse Adult AU: Kaz has just gotten out of a shitty relationship and is currently drinking at the bar, moping and complaining to an also quite drunk Ibuki. Ibuki, being drunk and not a paragon of restraint and good decision making even when sober, suggests that he find someone to sleep with on the rebound (their more reasonable friends are all distracted or have already gone home). Because Kazuichi is also drunk, lonely, and he remembers that his ex wasnā€™t that good in bed (1/?)
One Night Stand Baby AU (2/?): anyhow, he agrees and ends up going home with an alpha guy that has been eyeing him the whole night. They had great sex then the guy had to leave, but they at least left on good terms. A few weeks later, when heā€™s in a better headspace, Kaz ends up on a date with Gundham and after a bit of a rocky start, they end up really hitting it off & becoming an all-but-married couple quickly. But about 3 months into their new relationship and 4.75 months after the one night
One Night Stand Baby AU (3/?): stand, Gundham finally convinces (read: drags) Kazuichi to go to Mikan about his sickness and odd nesting behavior and she, in a very awkward position because she doesnā€™t know about the one night stand, tells them that Kazuichiā€™s about 18 weeks pregnant (give or take the 6-16 days for full implantation, thatā€™s when pregnancy starts according to Planned Parenthoodā€™s website). Kazuichi is absolutely floored because heā€™s not ready to be a parent, heā€™s trying to
One Night Stand Baby AU (4/?): remember if he used a condom with the one-night stand (they put it on wrong since they were drunk, and it was dark. Kazā€™s heat had passed only a few days before the one-night stand and he broke up with his ex because Kaz caught him trying to sabotage his birth control the week before it), and heā€™s absolutely terrified that Gundhamā€™s going to leave him and heā€™ll turn out to be a terrible parent. Instead of being angry, like Kazuichi and Mikan were bracing for,
One Night Stand Baby AU (5/?): Gundham is ecstatic because heā€™s very in love with Kazuichi and is perfectly willing to be a dad with the love of his life, even if itā€™s only been a few months into the relationship. Which is great, since Kazā€™s friends were all willing to cause an ā€œunfortunate accidentā€ if Gundham left Kaz over this. Plot twist: after the twin girls are born and theyā€™ve gotten to the point where they look like humans instead of Winston Churchill after a sauna challenge,
One Night Stand Baby AU (6/6): Chiaki, Ibuki, and Mikan are all chosen for babysitting duty and while explaining to Mikan why she was technically responsible for the existence of these children, Ibuki notices that the kids look a lot like Gundham. Turns out, Gundham was the one-night stand, so he was the bio dad too.
Mod: ā€œgotten to the point where they look like humans instead of Winston Churchill after a sauna challengeā€ this is by far the best description for a newborn infant that Iā€™ve ever heard x)
Being drunk and sad is never a good mixture, that is for sure. But at least it turned out quite well for everyone. Also fuck the ex, who tried to sabotage Kazā€™s birth control. That is an ultimate dick move and sadly way too common
I wonder how everyone reacted when Ibuki realised that the children look a hell of a lot like Gundham. (She would probably also have no problem to see if she can find any baby photos of Gundham to check. And she would probably pretend to be Sherlock Holmes, letā€™s be honest). Kazuichi would probably not believe it at first, because that just has to be wishful thinking. Even if he would have to agree that now that they mentioned it, the children did look like him. But again wishful thinking. At least until Gundham does later on mention that he did have a one night stand at the same time, while probably also being a bit too drunk to fully remember how Kaz looked like. Which then would lead to them making a test to find out the truth
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