#the only recording of it that we ever hear has a censor beep in the middle of it btw. pearl canonically says fuck
sonknuxadow · 2 years
one of my favorite splatoon facts to drop on people who know nothing about it is that there is canonically a song called #$@%* dudes be #$@%* sleeping and it was so explicit that they refused to play it on the radio 
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kittyxuchiha11 · 8 years
Savin’ you is all I’m good at - Part 6
Read on AO3
Summary: “So she isn’t puttin’ up a fight and I’m like, hold on a minute what’s going on here? I’ve got my gun to her head and she- she tells me to bloody kill her! Like this is scary assassin Widowmaker who doesn’t feel emotions, and she’s just like oh yeah Lena it’s no big deal just pull the trigger an’ that”
Widowmaker is acting strangely and Tracer wants to find out why.
Widowtracily (Widow x Tracer x Emily)
“So” Winston says, a permanent frown on his face as he looks from you to Emily “Talon are planning to attack us?”
 “Yup” you answer casually, already very bored of explaining the details as you’ve done so twice already, and Winston still seems to be unsure of it all.
 “And yet again, I have to ask how did you come across this information?”
 You sigh dramatically, giving Winston your best smile and hoping that’s enough to clear the suspicion he obviously has “Come on big guy, don’t get super serious on me now. You know I ‘ate all this formal crap. Can ya not just give the message out and we can start getting ready to kick their arses?”
 “If I could I wouldn’t be asking, but the higher ups need to know”
 “We have higher ups? thought you were as tall as they got” you say with a grin, earning a rather exasperated face palm from your friend.
 “Lena, please”
 “Okay, okay. I’ll stop with the jokes. But can we just at least tell all this to Athena and see if she can find anythin’?”
 “That’s still not an answer Lena”
 “Look, big guy-”
 “-I found out about it” Emily says suddenly, making both you and Winston look at her in surprise. She’s hardly said a word since you both arrived apart from a few polite pleasantries. Anyone onlooking could obviously tell she was troubled by something, luckily only you know that she’s definitely worried about Widow, and hoping her new friend is safe.
 “You found out about our enemy’s plans?” Winston asks, an eyebrow raised in suspicion. Thankfully Emily seems to be well trained in keeping a straight face and lying blindly while doing it. Something she’s obviously picked up in the years of practice in her field.
 “I was looking into a story with ties to something much bigger. A few phone calls to the right people and the information just sort of fell into my lap” She says, her eyes on Winston’s, and you have to admit even you believe her for a moment “I didn’t mean to find anything like this- it was a story on corrupt banking figures for gods sake, but I sure am glad I did and could warn you in time”
 “Well…thank you Emily, your cooperation is appreciated, of course” He smiles warmly at both of you as if Emily’s explanation really has put him at ease. “I just need to clarify, you didn’t talk to any active Talon agents to get this information, did you?”
 You Look to Emily, the panic obviously evident your eyes because she simply places her hand on your knee and gives it a little squeeze before smiling. “Of course not. Do you really think Lena would let me get near anyone to do with Talon?”
 “Oh, yes, of course” he laughs in that loud friendly way that makes you feel at home “I’m just going through procedures for information gathering. I know Lena is way too over protective to let you near any Talon members, but I still have to check”
 “You know me too well big guy” you say cheerfully, hoping the nervousness of lying to one your best friend stays out of your voice. From the smile you get back from him you’re pretty sure you’re safe.
 “With all that sorted, I’ll send all this to the higher ups” He pauses for a moment, turning towards the console in his office “Athena, stop recording and send the relevant audio to the commander and security chief”
 “Yes Winston” comes Athena’s voice over the large speaker above your heads “Cropping Audio and condensing into a file now…Done, and sent to the relevant participants”
 “Thank you, Athena” Winston says with a small smile before turning back to you “Now business matters are out the way, how are you both?”
 “We’re good” Emily answers for you “Such a shame this all had to come up now, Lena just got home and now she’s back here again”
 “Ah yes, an Overwatch agents job is never done” Winston’s say with a soft chuckle. “I’m glad you’ve both taken this so well, and come to us with such interesting information. Plus, it’s been months since I’ve seen you in person Emily”
 “It has, hasn’t it? The last time was Christmas wasn’t it?”
 “Yes, when you both joined Athena and I for Christmas dinner”
 “Oh yeah” you say, memories of that day fluttering through your head as a small smile pulls at your lips. You don’t often like to get sentimental, but spending time with Emily and Winston is one of those rare occasions where you’re completely content and don’t have the worry about the world that’s falling down around you. You enjoy their company equally, and when you all spend time together you can’t help but look back on those memories with a smile on your face and a warm feeling in your stomach.
 A strange feeling comes over you as you realise that feeling you’d only ever associated with being loved and happy comes up with other people too. You’d simply thought that because Emily meant the world to you, and Winston being one of your best friends meant that that warm fuzzy feeling was just for them. But it comes out at other times too, maybe a little more weakly, but it’s still there. When you see Fareeha is looking and Angela with such love and adoration, When Reinhardt laughs his big loud laugh and nearly knocks you to the floor by patting your back, When you beat Hana at a video game and she gives you that signature pout of hers but then smiles a wonderful smile. Most worrying out of all these examples is the fact Widow also makes you feel like this. When she saved you, your chat on the rooftop last month, even your conversation from yesterday brought on that feeling. At first you’d thought that feeling simply meant happiness, it came in small bursts with friends but larger ones with people you loved more. But now, now you’re not sure. Whatever it is, it’s as intense with Widow as it is with Emily, and honestly, that scares you quite a lot.
 You realise you’ve been quite literally lost in your own thoughts when You hear Winston’s voice pull you back to reality and realise him and Emily have started a whole other conversation.  You try to listen in, but your heads not really in the right place. That is of course until Winston says a certain snipers name and then all you can do is listen.
 “How are you finding the Widowmaker file?” he asks, something clouding his eyes you can’t read “I haven’t read it all myself, but I’ve been told by Angela it’s a tough read”
 Emily seems to wince a little bit, obviously recalling exactly what’s in that file and shuddering. You know she’s read it all and watched all the videos several times, you’d woken up in the middle of the night once to find her in the living room watching a video from it with silent tears streaking down her cheeks. You hadn’t needed to speak to give her comfort, only walked over and carefully wrapped your arms around her. She’d hugged you back, pushing the device aside and telling you in a choked-up voice that she needed to save Amalie. You’d tried to remind her then and there that Widowmaker is not Amelie anymore, but Emily was in such a state she didn’t want to hear it, and just kept repeating that she needed to save her over and over again until she’s cried herself to sleep in your arms.
 The next day you both acted like the night before hadn’t happened and left it at that. Emily was not known for crying, if anything she was the one to hold you when you cried. That’s when it became very obvious to you that Emily was even more invested in saving her than you were, and although there should have been some concern or worry, you amazingly felt perfectly okay about it. That was probably another worrying feeling to add to the ever-growing list you have now.
 “It’s a very hard read” Emily admits quietly, earning a sad smile from Winston. He’s about to touch her arm comfortingly when she smiles at him, and he freezes as if her smile has shocked him “It’s terrible everything Talon did to her, but also very interesting medically. It really helped that article about gene altering I was hired to write”
 You try really hard not to smile at the fact Emily had the perfect excuse for getting the file, and by the looks of how Winston is now talking to her on the topic of gene altering, he doesn’t suspect that file was originally meant for you at all. You know everyone has been worried about how fascinated you are with Widow, and seeing Winston fully believing Emily having that file has nothing to do with you is nice. Not that you don’t mind your friends concern, but the lectures on not befriending the enemy do get tiring. If only they all knew exactly how you’re feeling about Widow now, you’d probably never ever hear the end of it.
 “Well, I better let you two get some rest. It is late after all” Winston says, nodding at you as Emily stands from her seat. You quickly follow her lead, both of you saying your goodbyes before making your way to your room. Emily has only been here a couple of times before, but she seems to know where she’s going better than you do. You watch in awe as she turns down corridors confidently and before you know it you’re standing outside your room.
 “Lena” she says, grabbing your attention, and then motioning to the door. It’s only then that you remember you’re the only one who has a key card for your room and she very well can’t go in until you unlock it. With a slight blush spread across your cheeks you hurriedly fumble in your pocket for the card and press it against the censor. With a quick beep the light turns from red to green and a little click is heard as the lock slides open.
 She gives you a little smirk and you can almost hear her voice telling you she loves it when you get flustered. But she doesn’t actually say those words tonight, just walks into the room and waits for you to follow. Maybe she’s just as exhausted as you are and can’t be bothered trying to tease you. Or maybe she can actually sense how tense and dangerous this situation has become since both of you are now on pretty good terms with an actual enemy of Overwatch.
 When you enter the room, you find her already sitting on your small single bed. You’re about to try lighten the mood with a joke about how the bed is too small for the both of you, but then you see the look Emily is giving you, the words die on your lips. Something is wrong, that much is obvious. If she’s scared about what could happen, or even worried about Widow you don’t know, but something is definitely up with her.
 Her eyes met yours and her lips twitch into a small smile as she pats the bed beside her. You do as you’re told, sitting down to her right and letting her take your hand when she reaches for it.
 “You okay luv?” you ask, already knowing the answer but hoping you can at least cheer her up if nothing else.
 “Yeah…It’s just” She starts, cutting herself off with a sigh “…Lena, I have to tell you something”
 Fear takes a tight grip of you at her words, but you try to calm yourself, swallowing the knot in your throat before nodding at her. She hesitates for just a moment before turning to look into your eyes, a real vulnerable look shining in them.
 “While you were away on your mission, I ended up meeting Amelie while I was out, quite a few times actually” she says, nervousness evident in her voice as she seems to scan your face for a reaction. You try not to give her one, listening to see where this is leading exactly. “She…She isn’t a bad person Lena. When I said I think she has some good in her, I was telling the truth. I’ve spent time with her, Seen that she’s way more than just a weapon to Talon”
 You don’t really know what to say, if anything you’re impressed she managed to meet the assassin and come out of it completely unharmed. Although from what you’ve seen already you don’t think Widow would ever harm Emily. You should probably be upset that she didn’t tell you this earlier, but you find yourself sort of relieved that Emily seems to really get on with Widow for some reason. You’re not sure why that makes you feel the way but it does, so you don’t question it.
 “I should have told you sooner I know, but I was planning to let you have a nice first day back then tell you tomorrow” She laughs softly to herself “But you never stop working, even on your first proper day off you’re back at work in the evening”
 “Is that why ya got so upset when I said we couldn’t trust her?” you find yourself asking as things from your chat earlier in the park start to make sense. No wonder Emily had such a strong reaction to saving Widow if they’d spent a good couple of days together. That thought brings a whole bunch of new questions into your head.
 “Wait, what did ya even do when you spent time together?”
 Emily squeezes your hand and gives you this smug little smirk in response “Are you jealous Lena?”
 You scoff “I’m not jealous, just concerned she’s brainwashin’ you for Talon or somethin’” you mumble in reply, and she actually giggles.
 “You, we talked about you” comes her blunt answer, which comes as a little bit of a shock to you although it really shouldn’t at this point “It’s what we have in common, although she’s way too shy in admitting she feels anything for you. I could barely get her to admit she’s here to protect you, she just kept going on about how she needed to keep me safe from Talon, and if she could save you along the way that would be nice”
 “You make it sound like she has a sense of humour or somethin’” you say dryly, earning a light hit to your arm and a grin from Emily in response.
 “She does, the whole actually having emotions again thing helps with that”
 “Starting to sound like you enjoy spending time with her luv” you say teasingly hoping to get sort of reaction out of her. As expected, her cheeks turn pink making her freckles stand out even more. and all you want to do is kiss her and tell her how cute she is. You expected her to get embarrassed and flustered, but what you don’t expect is for her to have a sincere reply.
 “She’s…fun? I don’t know, she’s different. I liked when she’d hang around me because then I knew she was safe and away from Talon. I guess I really liked spending time with her actually”
 “Now I really am jealous” you say with a grin, for the first time actually understanding exactly how Emily feels about Widow. Maybe your strange feelings towards the assassin aren’t so strange at all if your girlfriend feels sort of the same way, but then again you guess Emily’s feelings don’t run quite as deeply as yours probably do. You try not to think about it too much, instead focusing on the girl in front of you and how she tries to laugh at you but she interrupts herself with a yawn. She looks at you sheepishly, knowing you’re going to make some remark about her being tired and beats you too it.
 “Well I guess we better get to bed, we’ve had a pretty long day”
 “Yeah no kiddin’, I’m knackered” You say, watching Emily as she ushers you off the bed and strips off her shirt and jeans before climbing under the covers. She looks at you expectantly, waiting for you to join her, and for a moment you think about saying you’ll come to bed later. You do have people you should talk to, but on the other hand, there’s a gorgeous girl in your bed and you simply can’t say no to that offer. You quickly rid yourself of your clothes, hanging your accelerator on the hook beside the bed, and join Emily under the covers, giggling with her as she gives you a little shove when pretending to push you out the bed.
 “Athena” you say, your face now tucked into Emily’s neck as she drapes an arm around your waist “switch off the lights would ya”
 “Of course” says Athena’s voice before the room plunges into darkness “Goodnight agent Oxten, and Miss Emily”
 You feel Emily smile against your head where her lips were a second ago pressing a small kiss there. “Night Athena”
  Your stay at the watchpoint is fairly uneventful until the third day comes around. All Overwatch agents who answered the recall were called to the watchpoint for their own protection, and because really, the more people there are to fight the better chance they have of surviving Talon’s attack. With everyone in one place there had been the usual banter there always is, but everyone is just a bit more on edge. Of course, that doesn’t stop Hana and Lucio having a pro gaming session, and then wrestling to determine who really wins when the game ends in a draw. Angela had simply sighed loudly while patching them up, while Fareeha encouraged them to let her join next time, which made her receive a deadly glare from her partner and excited grin form the younger ones.
 At the end of the third day, you find Emily already asleep in your room, one arm tucked securely to her chest while the other hangs off the bed with a small handgun just out of reach. You frown at the sight, knowing Emily really doesn’t like guns or violence at all. Someone must have convinced her she needed a gun on her for safety reasons. It was probably soldier, he is but far the biggest gun fan in Overwatch, and pretty much obsessed with keeping his team safe.
 You make your way over the cupboard, trying to sift through it as quietly as possible as not to wake Emily up. After a bit of searching, you find the blanket she bought you for your one year anniversary. You’ve always kept the orange fuzzy blanket at the watchpoint as a sort of good luck charm, and a reminder of the girl you had waiting for you at home. A smile pulls as your lips as your fingers run over the soft material before you carefully infold it and drape it over your girlfriend’s sleeping form. She stirs slightly but doesn’t wake, instead she turns over and luckily doesn’t take the gun on the floor with her. You watch her for a moment before leaning down and picking up the small gun, making sure the safety is definitely on before placing in on your bedside table. You’re just about to place a kiss on Emily’s head when you hear a soft knock at the door.
 When the door slides open Angela is standing there waiting for you. You smile at her, expecting her to smile back. She does smile, but it doesn’t reach her eyes, which tells you something is obviously wrong. She looks past you to Where Emily is sleeping on the bed.
 “I was hoping I could talk to you, but it seems your room is already occupied”
 You nod, already stepping out of the room and pressing the small button to close the door. Angela looks at you, almost as if she’s sizing you up before she gestures to her left in the hallway. “My office will have to do then”
 “Lead the way, doc” you say cheerfully, although you’ve spent way too much time in the infirmary and her office to not know where it is at this point. It’s deadly quiet on the walk to her office, even the sounds of you friends chatting in the main room sounds so far away and almost ghostly. It’s a little creepy actually, you’ve never noticed how creepy this part of the watchpoint is at this time of night, and can now understand why Angela likes having Fareeha walk her to and from her office. Not that she has much of a choice as Fareeha is rather glued to her. Speaking of her actually…
 “Where’s Fareeha?” you ask as you’re nearing her office. Angela just shrugs in reply, fishing her keycard out of her pocket as you approach the door “Still with Ana and Reinhardt I guess. I left them when they started to play this game called pictionary”
 “Oh, me and Em played that with Winston at new years, it was well good”
 “I do not see the appeal, but then I am not much of an artist, and I’m a terrible loser”
 “Oh, I know Angie” you say with a laugh “Remember when we all played scrabble and you stormed out the room?”
 A blush spreads across Angela’s face and she looks just as flustered as she did when it actually happened “That wasn’t my fault. Jesse was trying to pass of ‘tootin’ as a word. It’s simply not in the dictionary!”
 You laugh at her, already trying to think of other game nights she’s stormed off on because she wasn’t winning. But before you can, she holds open the door to her office for you and you know you better drop it because she does in fact she pointy things in there she can, and will, throw at you.
 Once you’re both inside and seated by her desk she starts talking finally. “How are you doing liebling?”
 “Me?” you ask, caught pretty off guard by such a simple question, especially since she looked so serious when you first opened the door to her. “I’m doing fine, great actually. Didn’t think it was time for my yearly examination yet” you add with a grin, hoping to keep the atmosphere light.
 She smiles softly, looking down at the papers on her desk for a moment “And Emily, how is she?”
 “Good” you answer cautiously, not liking Angela’s tone or her sudden interest in how you both are. Angela is a great friend, kind and of course the best doctor in the world. You’re lucky to have her on your team for most missions, never mind the fact she’s a very good friend to you. But that being said, she is still a medical professional who also knows a great deal about psychology and can read you like a book. So to say you and Em are holding the biggest secret of your lives right now, that really isn’t good for either of you.
 “Good, that’s good. I was wondering if the extra stress of having to hide her from Talon agents was having an effect on either of you, but if you say it isn’t, I can’t do much”
 “We’re both okay. She knew what she was signing up to dating an Overwatch gal and all” you reply cheerfully, adding a little laugh at the end to try uphold the façade that you’re perfectly happy and everything is fine.
 “I’m worried about you, Lena” Angela simply says “You’ve been acting very strangely over the last few months. I thought it maybe was just from the stress of missions, but then when I saw Emily acting so secluded and shut off…”
 “I’m fine luv” you reassure her “Completely fine and so is Em. We had a bit of a tiff before coming here about me not having enough time off, so that’s why she’s been sulking a bit. This was supposed to be our time off together ya know, and we’re stuck ‘ere and she isn’t that happy ‘bout it”
 She looks at you unsurely, and you have a feeling she knows something she isn’t telling you. This feels an awful lot like a test that you’re definitely failing right now. “You would come to me if something was wrong, wouldn’t you Lena?”
 “Haha yeah” you say sounding so incredibly fake that you want to hit yourself. You just want to get out of this situation and fast. You absolutely hate lying to Angela, but it’s for your own good. No, that’s a lie, it’s for Widows’s own good, because no matter how nicely you put it, she’s gonna get in so much shit for this if anyone finds out. Talon will torture and condition her again, and Overwatch won’t do much better. You need to keep everything you know about her a secret, and definitely can’t have Angela knowing anything at all.
 “Anyway, we’re both fine, and if that’s all you wanted I better get back to my room to see Em and-“
 “-Lena” Angela interrupts, making you freeze in your tracks. You’ve gotten as far as standing up from the chair before she’s stopped you, and now you’re just standing there, frozen like an idiot staring at her. She sighs deeply, reaching into her bag on the floor next to her desk and pulling out a data pad. You watch her carefully as she presses a button and the screen comes to life, making you realise exactly who the device belongs to.
 “My data pad! I was wonderin’ where it got too” you say, finally moving from your spot and making your way around the desk.
 “The picture of you and Emily told me it was yours” Angela says, eyeing you almost suspiciously before she touches the screen and a file pops up. You’re confused for a moment to why there would be a file open, unless someone had found it and decided to go through your stuff. Not that there’s really anything that Important on it apart from your emails and-
 Your eyes go wide as the realisation hits exactly what Angela has found.
 “I’ve told you to password protect this, leibling” she says almost threateningly, pressing the screen again and sure enough the Widowmaker file comes up in all its glory. Expect, it’s ten pages into the report on a page made entirely of pictures of the assassin, and to anyone who didn’t know what this was it would look like a weird collage of pictures of your supposed enemy.
 “Angie, I can explain” you start to say although you know you really can’t explain. You don’t even remember opening that file, never mind skipping several pages into it. Actually, now you think about it, you can’t remember the last time you’d even used the device. The last you’d seen it, Emily had been looking at it in the main room while you chatted with your old friends.
 Angela must be able to read the realisation on your face because she raises a brow as if wanting you to explain your amazing epiphany you’ve just had.
 “Emily was using it. Her one broke last month so we’ve been sharing mine-“
 “I’m not stupid Lena. Why would Emily have a file like this? She doesn’t need to know anything about Talon, or about their agents”
 “I- I swear Angie. She asked Winston for it because she needed to write an article on gene altering, and I’d mentioned ‘bout the fact that Widow is kinda blue an’ that”
 She still looks suspicious, but the anger from before is gone and she just looks more confused than anything else now “So…You didn’t steal this file from Athena’s archives”
 “God no luv” you answer, trying to give Angela your most sincere look “I’d never do that, even if I wanted information I’d always ask you or Winston first”
 “I…I apologise then” she says, her eyes on the desk in front of her again “You must understand, this is an uncomfortable topic for me. Anything about Amelie-” She stops herself, taking a large gulp of air before continuing “About Widowmaker isn’t something I like to talk about. After all, Gerard’s death is on me”
 “It’s not your fault” She looks up at you in surprise, finding that you probably have the same surprised expression on your own face. You’re so used to talking about this with Widow that the response just comes naturally. Never in your life have you ever talked to Angela is such a sweet calm voice before. If she suspects anything, she doesn’t show it and just smiles at you. You know you really shouldn’t be talking about it, but you do sort of want to see how far you can push it. You’d ideally love to tell Angela about everything that’s happened and how confused you are about everything, but obviously, you can’t. You do want to see how much you can get away with talking about though, just to gauge her reaction.
 “It isn’t your fault luv, but it wasn’t her fault either” you say, watching as Angela opens her mouth to say something but closes it again.
 “You have read the file then? You know about the conditioning and everything they’ve done to her?” she asks, a strange edge to her voice you’ve never heard before.
 “Yeah” you say simply, studying your friend’s face carefully for a reaction. “I just wanted ta know what really happened to her, ya know, since no one here would tell me”
 “That’s fair enough” Angela says with a small sigh “It’s something no one likes to remember. Amelie was our friend, and when she disappeared we thought she was dead. We mourned for her, dealt with Gerard’s anger and loss for him. And then when she came back- we were all so happy. If I’d paid more attention to her results, if I’d tested her properly to see why her body temperature was so low, maybe we wouldn’t have lost them both. Talon may have created that monster, but I allowed it to kill”
 You don’t know what to say to her at all. So many thoughts fly through your head at a million miles an hour. The most prominent one is that Angela definitely had a very strong attachment to both Amelie and Gerard, and losing them both must have broken her. Seeing your friend like this makes your heart break, and all you want to do is reach out to her and give her the biggest hug you can. But she’s looking at you steadily, if there are tears she isn’t letting them fall and you realise for the first time that Angela may be one of the strongest women you’ve ever met.
 “’m Sorry Angie” you half mumble, not really sure if you should be speaking at all, but at the same time wanting to say something. She shrugs, shaking her head a little and when she looks at you again her focus looks a little better.
 “It doesn’t matter leibling, I should be the one that’s sorry for kepping you up with my troubles”
 “Aw, no, Angie don’t say that” you gush quickly, yet again obviously surprising her because she looks a bit startled “You can come to me anytime ya know, I’m here to listen. That’s what friends are for, right?”
 She looks unsure for a moment but then gives you a small smile “Of course, I’ll keep that in mind” she says, handing you your data pad and then walking a few steps towards the door before turning back to look at you.
 “We both better turn in for the night, Fareeha will come searching for me if I don’t go back to our room soon”
 “Let me guess, I don’t want to see a tired Fareeha?” you ask teasingly with a grin.
 “She might rip you to shreds for keeping me away from her, and that’s if she’s in a good mood” Angela says, a smile that matches yours on her face. You’re incredibly glad she seems to be back to her usual self now, and wonder if maybe she’s needed to say all that out loud for a while now.
 You both make your way out of her office and back to your rooms, Angela walking you to your door and giving you a tight hug before she goes on her way to her own room. When you open the door Emily stirs and blinks at you tiredly.
 “Didn’t mean to wake ya luv, go back to sleep” you say softly, crossing the room and running your fingers through her slightly frizzy hair. She groans softly but seems to do as she’s told and closes her eyes again.
 You get ready for bed and slide in beside her, trying really hard not to make much noise or movement but it seems all for nothing because as soon as you’re under the covers beside her, she attaches onto like a koala and mumbles something sleepily. You laugh softly, turning into her arms so you’re face to face. Her eyes are closed but she’s obviously still awake, but just very sleepy.
 “Where you been?” she grumbles, trying to pull you closer although it’s pretty impossible as she’s as close as she can be to you.
 “Talking to Angie” You answer simply, intending to leave it just there but then the thought crosses your mind that you should probably ask her if she was looking at Widow’s file. “She found our data pad ‘nd it had Widow’s file open on it. Where ya looking at it?”
 Emily makes a strange groaning sound which could be taken as a yes or a no. It’s all you’re going to get from her you think, but then then she speaks up again “She’s pretty”
 “What?” you ask, slightly amused at the weird things Emily is saying in her half-asleep state.
 “Amelie-Widow, whatever. She’s nice to look at”
 You actually giggle at that, pressing a quick kiss to Emily’s forehead “You gay disaster Em, that’s supposed to be my job”
 “Hmmm, we can be gay disasters together” is the reply you get and you laugh again, only receiving an annoyed sleepy groan in response now.
 You Fall asleep with your arms around the girl you love, while you mind wonders to another girl, who so many people use to love.
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