#the only exception for me is like. actively mistagged works
bananonbinary · 1 year
maybe im just a grump but honestly i treat stuff i dont want on ao3 with a very "i do not see it" kinda attitude. like, yeah, i think trollfics are annoying, and a friend made a strong case recently for why it's not really an appropriate place for ai-generated stuff either but like. any time i see something like that my response is "damn that's annoying" and then i ignore it.
there's very occasionally been like, actual campaigns to annoy users (like that time assholes put like 300 tags on all their trollfics to "protest"(?) something??), and in those cases i'll actually bother to report people, but if its only like 2 people that annoy me i don't see much point. they can go be annoying out of my sight i dont care.
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rochellena · 2 years
Since it looks like I’m going to be more active over here, here are some tags you might want to mute. (And if I forget to tag something or I mistag it, please let me know. I’m a big fan of curating your experience when possible, so I want to be able to help do that.) I have been inconsistent with these in the past, so I’m trying to get my shit together and be more welcoming with this for new people. General Conversations- #Chatter ToT specific conversations- #Twitter of Time Random selfies, personal life void screaming, etc- #Personal  Show Spoilers (I only consider it a spoiler until a week after the episode has aired)- #ShowInitials Spoilers (for example #WoT Spoilers) Book Spoilers- Either #BookName Spoilers #BookSeries Spoilers or simply #Book Spoilers  Movie Spoilers (Again, if the movie has been available on streaming for more than a couple of months, I don’t consider it spoilers at that point. With the rare exception to this being like a whodunnit or mystery type where the reveal is the whole point of the movie)- #MovieTitle Spoilers And honestly, if it’s an adaptation, I will probably tag both the original work and the adaptation with whatever name it goes by, but if you have something specific you’d like me to add an extra tag to so you can mute it, just let me know! 
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