#the one with fiery red hair ─ ( aes: Larry )
hcze · 2 years
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alla pianista ─ ( vis: Drew ) pieces of my soul ─ ( hc: Drew ) He; who sees with kaleoscope eyes ─ ( isms: Drew ) colors in my head ─ ( synesthesia ) tales of a life ─ ( drabbles: Drew ) matters of the heart – ( diary: Drew ) assai ─ ( aes: Drew ) pianissimo  ─ ( moodboards: Drew ) the soundtrack of a lifetime ─ ( playlist: Drew ) my record collection ─ ( music: Drew ) Hackett ─ ( social media ) the melody to my song ─ ( wanted connections ) Opus〢: sing us a song ─ ( main ) ♫ No 1〢: space cadet ─ ( arc ) ♫ No 2〢: young at heart ─ ( arc ) ♫ No 3〢: english man in new york ─ ( arc ) ♫ No 4〢: you’re the pianoman ─ ( arc ) ♫ No 5〢: hello world; how’ve you been? ─ ( arc ) ♫ No 5〢:  ─ ( info ) ♫ Opus〢: sing us a song ─ ( OUAT ) ♫ No 1〢: elementary; my dear Dawson ─ ( arc ) ♫ No 2〢: unresolved mysteries ─ ( arc ) ♫ No 3〢: I will find you ─ ( arc ) ______________________ blue eyes of love ─ ( brielle: mom ) the face I forgot ─ ( jonathan thorne: father ) the hero without cape ─ ( matthew hackett: dad )
the good ol’ boss ─ ( vis: Larry ) what ya want t’know? ─ ( hc: Larry ) stubbornness & wise wit ─ ( musings: Larry ) He  ─  whose eyes kill with a stare ─ ( isms: Larry ) the one with fiery red hair ─ ( aes: Larry ) & a grumpy character  ─ ( moodboards: Larry ) ■ Night〢: we’re talkin’ about a dive bar  ─ ( main ) ■ Night〢: the Elizabeth to my Darcy ─ ( akittenwithclaws ) ■ A Shot〢: one Bourbon; one Scotch; one Beer ─ ( arc ) FRIENDS✧┇❛  brothers from another mother  ─ ( Tom & Larry ) ✧┇❛  your heart hearts me ─ get out of the car!  ─ ( Larry & Drew ) ✧┇❛  are we adorable? ─ no; we’re adult men; we’re cute ─ ( Tom & Drew ) SHIPS✦┇❛  & wish from this day forth never to be parted from you. ─ ( Kit & Larry ) ✧┇❛ grumps squared ─ ( Liz & Larry )
tales of a life ─ ( drabbles: Astrid ) She  ─  who shines so bright to guide her path ─ ( isms: Astrid ) smiles & warm hugs ─ ( hc: Astrid ) colors of the rainbow & ghost stories ─ ( aes: Astrid )
what’s your poison? ─ ( hc: Tom ) playful smiles & witty words ─ ( musings: Tom ) He  ─  who loves playing cupid ─ ( isms: Tom ) everyone tells their story to the barman ─ ( drabbles: Tom ) the one with sideway smiles ─ ( aes: Tom ) & flirty eyes  ─ ( moodboards: Tom ) the tonic to my gin ─ ( wanted connections: Tom )  ▸ Scene〢: well I’m sure that I could be a movie star  ─ ( main ) ▸ Take 4〢: he’s quick with a joke or to light up your smoke ─ ( arc ) 
the passionate artist ─ ( vis: Scott ) color me amazed ─ ( hc: Scott ) stories at the tip of my brush ─ ( drabbles: Scott ) the color to my painting ─ ( wanted connections: Scott ) splashes of paint & books ─ ( aes: Scott ) Hazy media ─ ( facebook ) HAZE
It felt like home ─ ( aesthetics ) House to the million & one cocktails ─ ( Haze)
Crew tags
✧┇❛  brothers from another mother  ─ ( Tom & Larry ) ✧┇❛  your heart hearts me ─ get out of the car!  ─ ( Larry & Drew ) ✧┇❛  are we adorable? ─ no; we’re adult men; we’re cute ─ ( Tom & Drew )
✧┇❛  .  ─ ( Larry & Seb ) ✧┇❛  .  ─ ( Seb & Drew ) ✧┇❛  . ─ ( Tom & Seb ) ✧┇❛  . ─ ( Astrid & Drew ) ✧┇❛  . ─ ( Astrid & Tom ) ✧┇❛  . ─ ( Astrid & Larry ) ✧┇❛  . ─ ( Astrid & Seb ) ✧┇❛  We’re like a family; a sort of functional one ─ ( The crew )
Tom & Drew & Larry & Seb
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