#the one the only immortal Jackie Rockwell!!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️
toyybox · 4 months
Face claim for Jackie?
I’ve actually never come up with a face claim before, although I do have a vague idea of his features. I found some similar images anyway. There’s no single face that I associate with him, and this is just for fun, so the images will not be completely accurate.
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These photos are generally accurate to his face shape. They also have curly hair. All in all pretty similar ✅
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This reminds me of Jackie a lot ^_^ It’s the eyebrows I think, also the silent passive aggressive anger lol
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I draw Jackie with more of a sloped (button?) nose, but otherwise I feel like this has the general energy?? of Jackie??? I’m sure you can see my vision ok
Jackie is also never getting enough to eat so his face will look sharper, so once he’s on a healthy diet he would have a rounder face. But he also just has a naturally pronounced jawline and cheekbones.
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