#the og game came out in fucking 1998
woundedheartwithin · 3 months
Just saw someone say the original Carnivores was on iOS and I actually wanna hit something
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
Do you think that people are getting their hopes too high for Leon appearing in RE9? Like yeah, RE4make was a huge success, but it is a retelling. OG Leon hasn't appeared in any games (?) since RE6, which was slammed because they fucked up his character so bad. If he's going to appear again, I'd argue that most players (or at least a large chunk) are not paying attention to how the movies tie into game canon, meaning that his better written personality in RE9 is NOT going to make sense. Many will wonder how he came from RE6 to a more carefully thought out RE9. What fills in the gaps?
It makes more sense to exclude him and instead focus on his younger self throughout the new script, should they continue down that path, so he's consistent. Regardless, I'd want newer games to mainly focus on what the fuck is happening in the BSAA. What HAPPENED to Chris? Why are they using B.O.W.'s!? Where does Rose go from here? I enjoy Leon, I do, but he's not a the main character in the RE franchise and I don't think a lot of people get that.
I could be totally wrong though, lol. I do not speak on behalf of the billions of people playing this game, just my thoughts. Also to clarify bc social anxiety, this isn't hate to your last anon! I liked their question too! It was established that Chris was in his own mission, with his own team DESPITE what he was told. There was strong references to a whole lot of drama between him and his superiors, because he stropped trusting them almost entirely, from what I remember. He technically wasn't supposed to be there and finding B.O.W.'s in the BSAA was an ending scene twist. So I don't understand the connection between him and the people keeping Rose on a leash, either. The closest I can guess is that he made some type of deal to keep her safe and train her to use her powers safely and ethically.
You are giving the CGI films way, way too much credit. You will not at all have to watch Vendetta or Death Island to make sense of Leon's character moving forward, just like how you didn't have to watch Damnation to make sense of him in RE6.
Say RE9 deals with Leon's self-awareness about his status in the government. Well, in RE6, Leon is so much at odds with the government that he had to fake his death at one point in that game. Going into an RE9 that deals with him breaking free and going his own way doesn't really seem crazy to me. In fact, it makes more sense than any other title progression for him.
Answer me honestly: Do you really think that his character's personality progression makes sense if you just go straight RE2 -> RE4 -> RE6?
Because it doesn't.
OG RE4 still gets criticism to this day for how much they changed him from RE2, just like how RE6 gets shit for it.
Also, like.
What's the implication here? That he should never be in a game again because it won't "make sense" to players?
Resident Evil is a video game series first and foremost, and Leon has been its deuteragonist since 1998. I don't understand this mentality that he won't/shouldn't be in a numbered game title again and should be contained strictly to supplementary material moving forward in order to wrap up his story. Why on earth would/should they do that, when Leon's presence in a game helps move units?
Leon is going to be in either RE9 or RE10. This is not really up for debate. Capcom is going to have to close out his story soon because of his age, and it's going to happen in a mainline title.
Because he is the secondary protagonist of a video game series.
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phoebehalliwell · 4 years
so, amnesia trope....which charmed one would you do it with & how would you do it (if you want, i just like this trope)
hmmm that’s a really good question idk why but my gut really says to go with phoebe. she was first to the craft and the one that really pushed prue & piper to move forward in their destiny, so to have that all be wiped would be interesting to say the least. furthermore, with her psychic powers, i feel like that leaves a lot of room for “echos” like feelings of deja vu or the sense that you should be remembering something but you can’t remember what you’re remembering.
i feel like i would put this line after season 4 / beginning of season 5 in an au where cole doesn’t come back but phoebe is still haunted by his memory. i think her emotional stress and ptsd from that relationship would then cause a block in her powers bc as well all know your powers are tied to your emotions so phoebe might start looking into a way to fix that. personally, i feel like it’s never a good move to have the character move forward with these actions to the extent that they end up damaging themselves bc while i think it is a complex journey it very often comes across as unrelatable and leads to people holding grudges against said character bc it looks like they placed their own well being over the well being of their family and those they swore to protect. so what i would do is have phoebe go through multiple processes trying to cure herself: crystals, meditation, essential oils, talk therapy, etc. but she still has this block. shit really becomes an issue when a power of three spell almost doesn’t work. piper, phoebe, paige, & leo all have to sit down and discuss what’s happening bc phoebe’s troubles seem to only be getting worse and it’s now directly impacting the power of three. they need to find something fast bc it’s getting dangerous and phoebe starts crying bc she’s doing everything she can and she doesn’t know how to move forward so everyones looking at leo like okay whitelighter this has to have happened to some witch before phoebe what do we do and leo’s like well idk there’s one thing we could do but it’s incredibly dangerous and we should really only use it as a last resort and piper’s like well i think we’ve hit that last resort stage and leo’s like it’s a spirit journey and again it’s really dangerous and i’m not sure this rewards outweigh the risk and phoebe’s like leo my problems are more than just my problems now they’re stopping us from saving innocents whatever it is i’ll do it i have to do it. so leo’s like okay alright i guess were doing this
so they hole up phoebe in her room and phoebe calls elise saying she's going on a vacation for her mental health (which elise fully supports) bc they asked leo how much time this’ll take and leo has genuinely no idea bc it’s not a common practice and it really depends on phoebe so piper whips up the potion and paige lines phoebe’s room with protection spells and they offer all their love & support and phoebe goes under
the next couple episodes are split between piper & paige fighting their real world battles and phoebe’s adventures through the spirit world. piper & paige get more and more anxious bc phoebe’s been under for like three weeks and piper & paige are talking to leo like is it supposed to take this long can we pull her out what if she never wakes up and leos like i wish i had the answer to these questions but i deadass do not i don’t know what’s going on in there i don’t know how she’s doing meanwhile i feel like phoebe’s walking through memories changing her actions go through ripple effects walking through alternate universe maybe in an alternate universe she never met cole and prue’s still alive in an alternate universe she had telekinesis in an alternate universe she stay evil and killed her sisters and she keeps living out different scenarios and seeing different sides of herself and she’s exhausted and scared and
she wakes up in the middle of the night bolts upright in her bed lightly coated in sweat. she trods outside her her room and is just like confused so she goes down the hallway and knocks on the door and paige opens it like you’re awake!!! and pulls her into a big hug and phoebe starts squirming and yelling (but not judo flipping paige or anything like the pre amnesia phoebe would be able to) and she’s like who the fuck are you what are you doing in piper’s room!!!!! and the yelling alerts piper and leo and come running out of their room like you’re awake!! and phoebe immediate rushes to piper’s side like What Is Going On Who Are These People Where’s Prue? and piper’s like prue??? and phoebe’s like Yes Our Sister Prue Where Is She and piper’s like phoebe... whats the last thing you remember? and phoebe’s like New York... i came back and she looks at piper with like absolute sorrow in her eyes and is like grams... and piper’s lookin at piper and leo like holy fuckin shit the last thing she remembers is the pilot episode and she’s like phoebe sweetie i need you to sit down and just give me a second and phoebe’s like completely shell shocked so she does and piper’s like the last thing she remembers is coming back from new york; she doesn’t know who you are she doesn’t know who you are, she doesn’t know prue’s dead, i don’t even think she knows she’s a witch and paige is like okay what do we do and piper’s like i don’t know and they’re looking at leo like ?? and leo’s like i don’t know either i mean we have to tell her and by we i do mean piper as she’s the only one phoebe recognizes and piper’s like oh yeah sure hi sweetie you don’t remember this but you’re a witch your sister’s dead i’m married paige over there is our half sister mom had an affair while i’m at it dad’s back in our lives oh and also a couple months ago you were queen of hell! is there anything i’m missing?? and leo’s like just,, talk to her slowly,, treat it very gentle and piper’s like yeah Not My Forte but she goes to phoebe and holds her hands like i don’t know how to tell you this but your last memory is from 1998 and phoebe’s like ,,,, what year is it now? and piper’s like 2002 and phoebe’s lower lip starts trembling and she’s like how did this happen and piper’s like i promise i’ll explain everything but right now i think it’s best that you get some rest. i’ll see you in the morning and she kisses phoebe on the forehead and sends her back to bed and piper paige & leo all head up to the attic to try to draft up some game plan on how to get their phoebe back
so over the next couple of weeks they like try to really gently bring phoebe up to speed the first thing they really have to get out of the way is Phoebe You’re A Witch which is a shock y’know magic being real but phoebe rolls with it about as well as she did in the pilot. the next is prue’s gone, which phoebe has sorta pieced together but was still Not Ready to hear. i think this whole era would also be a really great opportunity to build up paige & phoebe’s relationship bc the show really dropped the ball on that one. i think they would both really lean on each other and grow bc a young phoebe was very much like a young paige and phoebe’s still quasi young phoebe but like paige is like this is advice you gave me a phoebe’s like me?? giving out advice??? and paige is like yeah believe it or not you’re actually an advice columnist i also think phoebe would spend a lot of times flipping through photo albums and reading her old columns and trying to understand who she was / is. i also think she would push piper to open her restaurant after seeing p3 bc she’s be like piper this is amazing but this isn’t your dream. you always wanted to be a chef. and piper admittedly had almost forgotten that she had put that dream on hold but phoebe bringing it back up would really stoke that fire again and make her want to open up her own restaurant.
i think phoebe’s first major relapse would be when she was flipping through the book and found her entry on cole’s human form which has pictures of her and this man and it’s all written in her handwriting and she gets this horrible know it her stomach and then a premonition containing the highlights reel of her and cole’s relationship and she breaks down. and piper paige & leo all find her an absolute mess and she’s like were you going to tell me??? were you going to tell me everything i did????? and she goes through this horrible era of feeling responsible for prue’s death and all the evil cole did and piper and paige really have to help pull her out of that at this point i think we also bring in coop who really helps her start to heal her heart and i think the whole journey to get Back To Phoebe wouldn’t be an easy one but the drama driven by this could very easily take up the space occupied by piper & leo’s relationship drama which i personally have never been too keen on. i think this could be the driving plot of s5 and then s6 could be piper’s pregnancy & wyatt s7 could be be chris and the future plotline which i think phoebe would be a lot more attune to as that could have been one of the realities she lived through on her spirit journey and then s8 would be the final season idk i wouldn’t want to use zankou or the avatars or billie & christy but y’know something good and have it stick the landing like it did in the og
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