#the npcs in the mansion are there to prevent enemies from spawning
mitzi-doodles · 8 months
TW // Eyestrain
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Spending almost a month on building the bridge and mansion, all just for guide to live is both worth it and not. I will never make a building in underworld for the sake of my eyes lmao
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Close-ups for each rooms.
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4 notes · View notes
boss-hoody · 6 years
A Kingdom Hearts 3: world-by-world review I guess
when I say “Area” I mean parts of the world separated by loading screen OLYMPUS Consisting of 3 areas, Olympus had itself a major upgrade from its past appearances. The Colosseum is nowhere to be seen, (same with the underworld), and has been replaced by a large town and Mount Olympus itself. The third area you visit in Olympus is “realm of the gods”, and the presentation of this area’s entrance was a legitimate “Stop and look at how pretty this is” moment The gameplay in this world was pretty varied, as it served as your tutorial world, teaching you the various forms of movement and combat the game has to offer, as well as showing you early that enemies can have elemental weaknesses. Story wise, Sora is there to ask Herc’s advice on how to regain the power he lost and ends up showing up at the wrong (right?) time as Hades has finally put his 18 year plan into action and released the titans (All four of them this time)
The (very nice) cutscene that brings us into this world is also the one and only mention and appearance of Final Fantasy characters (Cloud and Auron) in the entire game’s story, which is extremely disappointing and a mark against the game as a whole. 4/5
TWILIGHT TOWN I was really looking forward to jumping back into Twilight town, exploring the streets, the tunnels, and all that again. But sadly, Twilight town, while receiving an aesthetic upgrade, only consists of 1 area consisting of Tram common (Now called “the neighbourhood), the forest and mansion, and a single tunnel connecting them (the hole in the wall is gone). There is no exploration of the mansion.
Its also home to the cooking mini game
2/5 (1 point for cooking mini game which is surprisingly fun, and 1 point only because of the atmosphere created by the NPCs and music)
KINGDOM OF CORONA This world is where the game really sines for the first time. Olympus was great, but it was clearly designed as a tutorial area, and Twilight Town lacked anything resembling gameplay content, but Kingdom of Corona makes up for that quickly with a vast forest and a small lively town to explore. Rapunzel constantly wanders off to look at things, which create a number of small character moments and not-quite-mini games you need to do to progress and also helps to make Sora seem more involved. The dancing actual-mini game in the town square was pretty fun once I got the hang of it and realized the symbols on the floor corresponded to buttons based on color, not shape.
Story wise it was a bit janky. The story follows the plot of the movie (Unlike Toy Box, which seems to take place somewhere between Toy story 1 and 2), but Sora becomes separated from Flynn and Punz a couple times, and story progresses without him or us present. At some point Flynn told Rapunzel his real name apparently? And Flynn was knocked out and tied to a boat but we never see it happening. He’s just suddenly tied to a boat an unconscious. Rapunzel’s healing hair comes out of nowhere, as does the song sung to make its magic work. When she rubs her hair on his wound and starts singing as he lay there dying, you might be extremely confused if you hadn’t seen the movie. And by “Might” I mean “WILL”
This world did something interesting with its music that I wish Toy Box had done. When you enter a certain area of the forest, the music (and battle music) change to suit the atmosphere of the area. It was a small touch but it was appreciated and missed once I got to Toy Box...
This is also the first world where we encounter the Nobodies.
4/5. It loses a point for the janky story, but everything else was great
TOY BOX Consisting of two areas, Toy box becomes massive as soon as you leave Andy’s room. It was bizarre running around in a photo realistic suburban street as a tiny toy, (and the fact that you’re a toy in this world is the only reason I like it) and the toy store, Galaxy Toys, is a massive 3 floor area full of toy mechs (seriously they spawn in with regular enemies, you can end up with 5 of them on you very fast).
The mech gameplay was surprisingly fleshed out for a one-world wonder. There are three types of mechs, red, blue, and purple, and they seem to work in a rock-paper-scissors type of deal. Purple has an advantage on red, red has an advantage on blue, and blue has an advantage on purple. Each of the mechs has a different amount of health and firing speed to balance them out further.
The world loses points with me however due to the fact that an instrumental version of “You’ve got a friend in me” is playing throughout the whole world. It became grating very fast and its still stuck in my head.
MONSTEROPLOUS  Taking place almost entirely in doors, this world feels a lot like Kingdom Hearts 2 in the worst way (Hallway, arena, hallway), broken up by rail segments. The “arena” sections at least try to keep things interesting though, with one becoming a  “the walls are a hazard” type of deal. This world introduces us to the Unversed and is actually the only world where they appear, so there’s not many of them.
The battle music in this world was also great. I don’t know, there was just something about it that jived with me.
Story wise, this world takes place after the first Monster’s Inc movie. Sully is the CEO, and laugh energy is the new hotness. Randal is back thanks to his new friend and literally wants to make all children suffer chronic depression forever because, while its not as strong as laughter, sadness is a far more abundant form of energy or something.
Other than that, there’s not much to say about this world. Its not bad, but its not great
3/5 (the fact that it has its own story instead of following the plot of the movie earns it an additional point.
ARENDELLE This was the first world where it really felt like “Disney shenanigans”. Sora was just kind of there while the plot of Frozen happened, and like with Tangled, the story progressed without Sora or us present, and again, if you hadn’t seen the movie, you’d be lost. Unlike tangled, it lacked little character interactions to at least make Sora feel connected in some way.
The boss in this world was a combination of amazing cinematic attacks and a rehash of Scar in KH2, and your Disney buddy for this world was a legitimate surprise.
I enjoyed the reindeer Heartless in this world too. Not only do they take huge damage from fire, but it also melts their antlers, preventing them from using their annoying attacks. However Donald the super-genius would often hit them with Blizzard which would give their antlers back...
THE CARIBBEAN  This world. THIS FUCKING WORLD Its so good. Its perfect. Its like its own game There’s a huge ocean full of little islands to explore, the under water combat WORKS and is FUN. The primary heartless you’ll run into under water is a fish that changes color, and is weak to a different element depending on said color, giving you something to think about while fighting it. You can just wale on it if you want, or you can use magic and work out its weakness to dispatch it quickly.
You get your own pirate ship. SORA FINALLY LIVIN THE DREAM! The pirate ship can be upgraded for more health and canons by finding white crabs (Can’t explain how that works without spoilers), it has its own reaction commands that devastate enemy ships, OH and there are ENEMY SHIPS. SHIP BATTLES. SHIP ON SHIP COMBAT
Again tho, like with Tangled and Frozen, the story likes to progress while Sora is off dicking around. However, the supporting characters do a better job of explaining what happened while Sora was AFK than anyone in Corona or Arendelle did. The fact that Sora is already familiar with most of the cast thanks to KH2 also helps this along a bit tho. Sora doesn’t feel completely tacked on despite being completely tacked on.
Despite the negatives, the gameplay of this world makes up for all of it
7.5/5: Too much water
SAN FRANSOKIO The story does what Kingdom Hearts 3 worlds haven proven to do best and does its own thing. Sora arrives in San fransokyo some time after the events of Big Hero 6. Hiro has built a new Baymax but is still torn up about the original his brother built being lost to the void, and now weird robot heartless are attacking (Hint: Bring thunder) Sora makes fast friends with the crew (as he tends to do) and through helping them with the heartless, gives each member ideas on how they can upgrade their gear.
The world consists of 2 areas. Hiro’s garage, and downtown San Fransokyo, which is basically mini spider-man PS4. While in Hero’s garage, you can choose to explore the city during the day or night. Heartless do not appear during the day, so if you just wanna run around and explore, find treasure and hidden mickey’s, hit the town during the day. But if you’re looking to level up (and this is the final world with enemy spawns so you will be) then you should hit the town at night.
While the downtown area is small (especially just coming off the open seas of the pirates world), it makes up for it in both verticality and density.
4/5 (Extra point added for the presence of Thigh queen Go Go Tomago)
100 ACRE WOOD Its a single area with 3 almost identical mini games, it’ll take you about 20 minutes to get through, there’s a keyblade at the end, 0/5
KEYBLADE GRAVEYARD This is the final world of the game and serves as the site for the final battles with the organization. Its basically a series of arena matches where Sora teams up with one or more of his friends to take on multiple members of the organization at once. It dominoes into the final conflict with the 3 main Norts. Young, Heartless, and Nobody all at once while Old man watches and throws Keyblades at you occasionally. 
Gameplay is all boss combat. Story is all PLOT
5/5 on both counts
THE FINAL WORLD Okay no THIS is the final world. Literally. Its entirely main plot based so I won’t go into any actual detail. It consists of a single room which is a giant cube puzzle (Not like the movie “Cube”, like you’re standing on a big cube thing). Which would be SUPER cool if it weren’t for the fact that Sora’s flow motion abilities completely break it.
Plot wise 5/5 Gameplay wise 1/5
SCALA AD CAELUM OKAY NO THIS IS THE REAL FINAL WORLD FOR REAL A city located in the past, this is the site of the true final battle with Xehanort and his 12 selves. you go up against the 12 all at once (they seem to share a health bar tho so its not that bad) as they utilize their own weapons (Xigbar’s guns, Marluxia’s scythe, etc, etc) to just honestly beat the hell out of you. A small section of town serves as your arena, making this perhaps the most geographically diverse fighting arena in the game’s history.
Once those naughty bois are shut down, Xehanort is like “Wanna see something cool?” and tosses you into a legitimately disorientating arena for the beginning of the final showdown between peace boy and naughty grandpa
There’s no gameplay here outside of combat and plot but its a 5/5 none the less
FINAL THOUGHTS This game was at its best when it wasn’t rehashing the plots of the worlds it visited (Tangled, Frozen, Pirates), but either doing its own thing (you know, the Kingdom Hearts plot?), creating new plots set in the worlds visited (Big Hero 6, toy Story, Monsters Inc.) or somehow doing a combo of the 3 (Hercules)
I found it EXTREMELY disappointing that all traces of original Square Enix characters are just gone. We get a single mention of Cloud and Auron in an exposition dump at the beginning of Olympus and thats it. And before you mention the main Nomura OC cast: they’re owned by Disney, not Square.
The game wrapped up pretty much all the major plot points and answered a lot of long standing questions, but also didn’t answer one question in particular that I’m sure has driven a lot of us into the depth of insanity. It also posses a couple new questions, such as “Who?” and “How?” and “What the fuck?” 
Overall, this game is at its best when its focusing on the main plot, with everything in between feeling more like filler... So a standard Kingdom Hearts game.
In the end, despite the lack of FF, and the falling into disney shenanigans, this was a great game and an excellent ending to the dark seeker saga. Going forward, I hope the future games (and there definitely will be future games, this is by no means the end of Kingdom Hearts) don’t do what this saga did and spread the plot over 200 games on 200 different consoles over 200 god damn years. If thats the case I think KH3 will be my jumping-off point. However, if they’ve come to their senses and choose to release the next saga of games like normal human beings instead of depraved madmen, I am 100% on board. However, seeing as Nomura is a depraved madman (see FFXV development for details) I am extremely cautious in my optimism.
Final score from me is 4.5/5: WHATS IN THE BOX?!
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clothtap · 5 years
Best top 30 Gta 5 mods Normalgo.com
Originally published back in, Grand Theft Auto 5 has become one of the most popular and mod-friendly onPC games, with modders constantly finding fresh methods to improve (and totally break) the development of Rockstar.
Antman is another great GTA V mod to look for as it allows you to play a mini Antman game.
In a completely fresh perspective, you can reduce and view the GTA V globe while still hitting others from the bottom.
Even though you’ve shrunk, individuals are still going to notice you.
Download: Antman mod
Dragon Ball Z
Dragon Ball Z series fans, look forward to it! You can now play as Goku with all the different versions of Super Saiyan, from to you with a few playing abilities, including the classic Kamehameha, Genki Dama (spirit bomb), Qi Bombs, and Disk attack.
Also, Goku is likely one of GTA V’s fastest mods, flying so much quicker than aircraft and covering the entire map in seconds.
Download: DBZ Mod
Explore Construction Interiors (Open All Interiors Mod)
Every player at one stage wished to explore an area in which they were not permitted, whether due to the design of the game or not having reached some portion of the tale. TheOpen All Interiorsmod makes this a thing of the past, giving you access to almost every place in the game’s interior.
  Force Field Mod
If you’ve always wanted to drive around in GTA 5 without being distracted by dumb pedestrians or other traffic, we’ve got the ideal mod. The mod force field adds about you or your car a force field. Anyone who comes into contact with the force field is taken back into the atmosphere, so wherever you go, you’re all alone as you blast back. It’s like a superpower. You can also drive around the town without having to worry about traffic or destroying your rhythm with nasty pedestrians. Now, drive at complete velocity without ever hitting the brake.
  DGhost Rider Mod
  Prepare to burn your enemies into a beautiful little paste when they look in your eyes. Sounds familiar? Well, it should be because Ghost Rider is one of the coolest superheroes out there. You can now use this incredible mod to become the Ghost Riderhimself in GTA 5. Attire black leather, burning skull, and a ride hell. Go out and burn all those who oppose you in Los Santos. You can even burn innocent performers, but you’re not supposed to do that in GTA…. oh well. Just go out and fight crime or something with all your fresh hell-powered flames. Punish evil people, spare innocent people.
GTA Fuel Script
/> True, when a GTA player gets bored, they begin to drive directly and obey all the game laws. Even at all traffic lights, they would stop. Well, if you prefer this kind of realistic contact then why not go a little further and add to your game some more realistic aspects. In all your GTA cars, the GTA Fuel Script mod adds fuel capacities. No longer riding in a vehicle without endless implications. You’ve got a fuel tank now and as you drive it’s depleting. Now, you need to concentrate on the fuel bar and refuel your vehicle before a robbery at a petrol station because when running low on gas, no one likes to get into a car chase with the police.
Download Here are some of the finest GTA V mods for download now. Check it out.
/> Those of you who are large fans of role-playing games should definitely attempt the GTA RPG mod to make the game a pleasantly decent RPG. The mod packs in a non-linear development of story and skill, which makes it feel like other famous RPG titles like Fallout. You will be able to choose from three character advancement at the start of the game through the tasks you get from the quest scheme of the mod, you will be able to update the abilities of your personality in the skill tree. The mod also provides dialog trees with NPCs for a more immersive RPG experience, along with randomly produced loot.
  GTA V Pride
GTA 5 is definitely one of the least politically correct games out there but there is a mod that adds the pride parade in your GTA 5 game if you’re in that game. The parade of Pro-LGBT Pride has been added with complete swing to the match. You can experience the rainbow-colored parade all around you, individuals from distinct races and backgrounds come together to celebrate their pride. There is also an indestructible blimp of the rainbow that expresses everyone’s love. This is a Stockholm Pride non-profit mod. If you enjoy to participate in the parade of Pride then it is time to put the parade of pride into your game.
How to Train YourGTADragon
Creator: JulioNIB DownloadDragons V Speaking of far-fetched mods forGTA V, this one must be the most outrageous of the bunch–but also one of the funniest. Titled Dragons V, this mod (you guessed) transforms your personality into a enormous dragon, not just from an aesthetic point of view, but from a gameplay point of view as well. From your gigantic mouth, you can shoot fireballs and flames, knock all in sight with some big wing assaults, and even crush hapless NPCs and vehicles with your enormous teeth. So if you ever feel like setting Los Santos ablaze, it should be your go-to for this creative mod.
I Predict A Riot”
“Creator: alphazolam DownloadMelee Riot (Ambient Peds Riot) The Grand Theft Autoseries has always entertained the concept of causing as much chaos as possible to humans, with the’ wanted stars ‘ characteristic being a favourite supporter. Did you ever think you wished more destruction inGTA V, though? If so, the trick should be done by this sadistic mod. If activated, all NPCs will be turned into vicious thugs who will seek to annihilate you and anyone else who comes into contact with them. With a smattering of melee guns in hand, pedestrians are going to be armed and prepared for any battles that might arise–and let’s face it, with this mod, the probability of that happening is high.
Amazing HulkScript
So, Iron Man mod isn’t your tea cup? You don’t like a metal suit flying around? Well, no worries, because if you don’t like to fly around, you likely like to make others fly around. Enter the Incredible Hulk GTA 5 mod, allowing you to play as the powerful Hulkand destroys everything on your route. It would make cars and individuals fly out of orbit just a straightforward punch…. It’s an exaggeration, but they’re still going to travel a great distance. Show off your furious abilities in Los Santos and ruin all on your way. The best part is no HulkBuster to prevent you, so just knock out.
Iron Man
Probably the nearest thing you’ll ever be to Tony Stark is this Iron Man mod. There’s a mod with the Stark Tower even coming in.
From your palms you can shoot laser beams and from your shoulders fire rockets.
Visually, it’s very comparable to Iron Man’s film version. Download: Iron Man mod
Just cause
This mod is certainly for you for fans of the Just Cause series. Even though it’s such a easy instrument, it gives the game a lot of pleasure.
Especially cars, you can shoot hooks and bind them all together like a package.
Download: Just Cause Grappling Hook Mod
K Graphics (realistic)
Next up is one of GTA V’s greatest mods right now, and what it does is offer a much-needed boost to present graphics.
Some might say that when it is published in the future, GTA will look like it.
Check out the video on the gameplay of this mod to see what I’m talking about.
It contributes to the game an ultra-realistic feel and gives something to this game.
Download: NaturalVision Remastered
  Luxury Safe House (Marlowe Valley Safehouse Mod)
/> This mod is designed for those who want to escape the hurdles of reality and get right to the correct things. Certainly, some of the six secure houses included with vanillaGTA 5 are not too shabby, like Michael’s Mansion, but we believe you deserve only the best.
Play Video TheMarlowe Valley Safehousemod transforms the in-game place into your private playground, adding three helipads, a medium-sized runway, enough garages and parking spaces to store more than 5 cars, an interactive apartment, a tuning garage, a military bunker, a garden, and a collection of pre-saved vehicles you can drive. It’s time to lastly pay off your life of crime.
Make the Look of Los Santos
Creator: BackstageMODS DownloadProject RELOAD GTA V Enhancer We’d lie if we said Grand Theft Auto Vlooked bad, because it’s still a beautiful game, quite honestly. That doesn’t mean it can’t be improved on, though–something this mod demonstrates more than it can be. Yes, the modification of the GTA V Enhancer will make your version of the game look much better, featuring greatly improved textures, much better lighting, and more realistic weather effects to ensure that in some places you are never pulled out of the game world by low-resistance images or bland textures. Make no error about it–Los Santos never looked beautifully like that before.
Make Modding Much simpler (Script Hook V + Native Trainer Mod)
If you want to create the modding GTA 5a process much easier, you will first want to exploreScript Hook V, which enables you to use custom scripts to change the game code. This provides you immediate control over stuff like how much gta money no survey you have, how quickly your character is running, and how you can teleport or spawn any car in the game.
Play Video Keep in mind that this mod is not compatible with GTA Online for apparent reasons, so when you switch to multiplayer, it will automatically disable it. However, having installed this one will provide a good basis for any other mods that you choose to add later.
Making Waves
Creator: Bone DownloadTsunami mod Do you think you’re more a risk-taker than an explorer? Then this mod was instructed by the doctor. This one, called the Tsunami mod, does precisely what it says on the tin. By activating it, Los Santos will flood in water, adding enormous waves. Even cleverer is the ability to change the height of the wave and the water level to suit your needs, so if you don’t want to be, you will never be up to your neck in the glowing liquid. The map may be littered with rivers, pools, and oceans, but this mod virtually ensures you’re never too far from the boundary of some H
Mass Effect Reaper as Blimp Mod
Mayhem / Carmageddon Mod
/> If you’re looking for chaos and mayhem in GTA 5then don’t look any further because this is the perfect way to add some chaos to your game. Carmageddon mod is one of GTA’s most famous mods and is now accessible on GTA V, allowing you to see some true armageddon-esque destruction in your game. This mod provides a random factor in the game where at random intervals each vehicle will spiral out of control. Cars are going to fly away, drift away, hit trees, houses, and so on, and everywhere there will be chaos. It’s fun to watch the earth burn.
Meteor Shower Mod
Last but not least, in apocalyptic scenarios this meteor shower mod is helpful. It provides the notion that the earth ends with meteor showers that are non-stop.
But that’s a lot of it.
More in the’ Canon’ Than You First Thought
Creator: flocraftMods DownloadVehicle Cannon It passes without stating that there are some strong guns in the Grand Theft Auto V, but none are as devastating as the one you’ve been given with this mod. Inexplainably, this transforms your weapon into a cannon that can shoot cars out–what’s wrong with love? To activate it, just click F on your keyboard and you’ve got a car cannon that will give your enemies their life’s ultimate shock! What’s more, it’s also possible to shoot big cars like tractors and trucks–providing even more oomph to the destruction! Needless to say, this super fun mod will enable a few more roadblocks.
More Missions (Red House Mod)
/> Although completing the primary narrative of GTA 5 will take you for hours, users may want a little more material to chew on beyond the initial campaign of Rockstar North. That’s where The Red Housemod comes in hand, adding+ fresh tasks and one heist to the base game together with bodyguards fighting for you.
  Via gta5-mods.com While Redux’s hyperrealism is all right and good, if you just want it to look genuine, without any additional polish, then take NaturalVision. A ridiculous amount of effort has been poured into it by the modder, Razed, researching the Los Angeles area through hours of video and hundreds of photos.
The outcome is honestly amazing. It only feels genuine. The mod screenshots could handle pictures quite easily. Los Santos is perhaps the most beautiful but dangerous gaming town.
  Play As A Dragon From Throne Game
/> If you’re a big fan of the famous HBO Game of Thrones series, this mod is for you.
You can play as either a tiny baby dragon or a grown-up dragon that resembles the one in GoT while waiting for the TV series to begin again.
This dragon is capable of breathing fire, spurting fireballs or even using wind slash capabilities. Have fun with this really cool dragon mod terrorizing the Los Santos people.
Download: Dragon Mod
Play As Spider-Man
This super cool mod can also be used as Spider-Man in GTA V. You can swing around with your webs and even climb houses like the friendly Spider-Man neighborhood.
Definitely the movements are not like the game Spider-Man in PS, but it’s better than nothing. It’s really incredible to be able to play as a Spider-Man in a GTA game.
Download: Spider-Man Mod
/> Did you ever want to use the authority of your mind to regulate everything? If your reply is yes, you should definitely check out the GTA V psychokinetic mod to enable you to do just that. The mod gives you telekinetic skills as you would expect, allowing you to float through the city, pick up cars or people, and send them to the world without care. If you ever wondered what it would be like to be like X-Men’s Jean Grey, then before downloading this mod, you shouldn’t believe twice.
Realistic Crime Monitoring (Crime and Police Rebalance Mod)
This does not apply either to the player alone. The AI no longer drives like it is on a path, but has to cope with the same issues as the player, resulting in better chases and spectacular law flights.
Realistic Graphics (NaturalVision Mod)
One of the favourite things modders have to do is tweak the graphics of a game, whether it implies making things look prettier or like a living nightmare. The NaturalVisionmod overhauls the graphics of GTA 5, making countless adjustments to the impacts of environmental weather, lighting, ambient colors, tone mapping, weapon systems, textures of higher quality and more.
Play Video This is all in an attempt to further blur the game-playing line between fantasy and reality. Assuming it can be handled by your PC, installing at least one mod that improves graphics can create an ancient game feel totally new.
Physics of Real Ragdoll (Euphoria Ragdoll Overhaul Mod)
Many players have a grip on vanillaGTA 5is how unrealistic a lot of their schemes feel. Some modders have therefore devoted much of their time to fine-tuning different components of the GTAexperience, including the ragdoll physics of the game.
With the Euphoria Ragdoll Overhaulmod, you’ll see a significant shift in how the bodies of characters respond to things like shooting, punching, or running over. This leads to a more immersive role-playing experience as landing headshots now cause goals to fall to the floor instantly, and when a neighboring explosion happens, NPCs will attempt to cover their heads.
Replace Bullets with Cars (Vehicle Cannon Mod)
/> Sometimes modders are willing to answer the hard questions that many of us simply can not answer, such as “what would it look like to replace bullets with vehicles?””We now understand, thanks to the Vehicle Cannonmod.
Play Video This is likely one of the simplest mods on this list and utilizes a simple F-toggle to activate the Cannon Vehicle. Any weapon you fire will send a stream of cars flying across the map once switched on, causing much more harm than a plain bullet.
Shark-O-Matic Gun Mod
/> Do you understand what’s better than using your gun to shoot cars or alter gravity? Let me tell you, it’s shooting your victims with a ravaging shark that tears your enemies apart and eats their flesh every bit. Sounds awful? Well, in GTA 5, the most fun things are gruesome stuff. Shark-O-Matic Gun mod provides you with an overloaded weapon that shoots lethal sharks. Just shoot your victims and watch a gigantic shark torn them apart. Who requires rocket launchers or gravity weapons if you are able to throw hungry sharks at their victims and destroy them into small parts.
    Take On the Living Dead
Creator: sollaholla DownloadSimple Zombies[.NET] d The excellent thing about mods is that they can take video games out of the realms of reality into the lunacy of fantasy. Grand Theft Auto Vis is definitely no different because it not only allows you to shoot vehicles from your weapon, but it also provides you the opportunity to bring on t. Yes, this mod has you fought zombies in a manner inspired by the State of Decay, with RPG components thrown in for good measure. Hunt for funds, scavenge for food, and find refuge in this scary fresh addition to the Grand Theft Automodding universe.
Take realism to a whole fresh level
Mod: GTA Realism If you are someone who wants to follow every traffic light and speed limit sign as you drive across SoCal, this hyper realism mod will be right up your alley. It contributes to GTA 5 a host of tiny but smart information intended to make everything feel tactile and naturalistic.
There are bleeding impacts when you’re shot, police act more strategically, you can replace flat tires with spare ones in the trunk, bullets have projectile drops, and tons more. It transforms the experience of Grand Theft Auto into a complete simulation of crime, and it’s quite great.
  < p >
The Flash mod is for you if you’ve ever wanted to feel extremely quickly.
Even the cops won’t see what hit them with super speed and ability.
Download: Flash Mod
Yes, you can play in GTA V as The Hulk! This may have distinct mods, but the one I used was really nice and overpowered too much.
You can either do the ability of the atomic bomb or clap the thunder like The Hulk. In my view, the latter is somewhat weak. Try to jump all the way up into the air and land with an atomic bomb to do the most harm.
With that kind of effect, you’ll see vehicles or even lorries flying away. You can even call another Hulk as your foe and have a Hulk vs Hulk mod fight to make it more enjoyable.
Give it an attempt!
Download: Hulk Mod Via gta5-mods.com The San Andreas statistics scheme was quite divisive. If you combined that with the needs of The Sims, you would get the mod of marcs. The trio of protagonists will have to remain fed, rested, and enjoy life with it installed.
While these are not crucial, adverse impacts will begin to emerge if you neglect one of them for too long, including health loss and a decrease in their unique skills. It also adds fresh stores for each personality and an inventory system, so supplies are never removed too far.
Mod of Interior
There is a mod called Open All Interiors which is actually one of the best mods in GTA V. Many buildings in the story have locked doors when you play the game in story mode where you can’t see what’s going on inside. This interior mod opens with functional gates almost the entire interior of the game.
It does not imply that it is possible to enter every single building, but only those who played a role in the tale. Inside these structures there are also individuals. How cool is it?
Download: Open All Interiors
Thrown Around Like A Ragdoll
Creator: MiGGousT DownloadEuphoria Ragdoll Overhaul-E.R.O Drinking too many alcoholic beverages inGTA IVhad your character stumbling around like a lunatic, but sadly, ragdoll physics aren’t as efficient in the recent installment. Fortunately, a smart modder has solved that omission with a ragdoll mod that will keep you in hysterics whenever you see it. Not only will the playable characters get to the knees wobbly, but they will also get NPCs. They will realistically respond to being shot in the arm, they will keep the areas where they were struck, and if they still have some battle remaining in them, they will even enter a last stand-esque state. Sweet!
Pedestrian Riots Trigger (Ped Riot / Chaos Mode Mod)
Although vanillaGTA is already fairly messy, there is always space for a few notches to switch stuff up. Rather than just running around Los Santos with a rocket launcher killing unsuspecting civilians, why not offer them a opportunity to fight? You can do just that with the Pedestrian Riot / Chaos Modemod.
Play Video Pedestrians are now going to riot in the streets, shoot anything that moves, drive recklessly, and usually cause mayhem wherever you go. You can change which kinds of weapons are permitted and how many civilians riot at any given moment, but be warned that if you set the quantity too high, your play will crash. Other than that, appreciate your wildest games fantasies of hunger.
Tsunami Mod
border-GTA 5 is all fun and games until the whole city is covered by a giant wave and all that isn’t sinks. Tsunami Mod for GTA 5 does just that and allows you to experience the horrendous tsunami in your game because no one really likes to experience it. This mod sinks the entire Los Santos town and you can enjoy the view from your aircraft or enjoy riding the waves in your ship. If you get your hands on a submarine then it’s even better because you can explore the sunken city’s depths in the submarine and perhaps discover your favourite hot dog joint, but be careful, wet hot dogs are quite hazardous.
Turn aircraft pilots into psychopathic murderers
Mod: Angry Planes (cleaned) This mod rightly had a stigma attached to it since 5, when it was found that the coding contained hazardous malware concealed inside. Since then, however, some definitely less malicious modders have cleaned it up and are accessible online as a clean, malware-free update.
But what’s that doing? Well, now every aircraft pilot in the sky is out to chase and crash into you at whatever price. Pandemonium naturally occurs, so make sure your gaming rig is strong enough with all those explosions to maintain a reasonable framerate.
Turn GTA into a Battle Royale (Complex Control Mod)
/> This mod is ideal for those who want to improve the challenge of playing GTA 5 while making it more enjoyable. TheComplex Controlmod totally overhauls the gameplay of vanillaGTA 5 and has you spawn as random, procedurally generated avatars with the capacity to teleport along with three other randomized abilities varying from run to run.
Play Video You spawn around the globe at randomized places with the goal of standing for at least four seconds in pre-determined areas. However, as enemies also spawn and actively seek to kill you, it won’t be simple. This mod is exclusively compatible with GTA Online for single-player GTA 5.
Vehannon Mod
/> Ok, the Vehicle Cannon name may sound like your cars are going to get buttons or just transform into a transformer and shoot laser or something, but this mod is completely unique. There’s a cannon engaged and there are cars as well, but you get a cannon that actually shoots cars instead of having a cannon on your cars. Yes, you’ve been reading that right. Now, as in cars, trucks, etc., you can shoot vehicles and destroy all that goes in your way. Shoot as many cars as you like, you may still have a car dealer, so don’t worry.
Whistle with the portable radio
Mod: Mobile Radio It’s a small, small shift, but it does make a difference. Picture this; you’re driving along to a banging tune in your car, but you’re forced to leave the vehicle because, oh, I don’t understand, the car is now hurtling down a cliff and exploding seconds away.
The tune has disappeared, and so is your groove. Mobile radio shifts this by ensuring that your songs always remain with you, whether you’re walking, swimming, or punching up. Most of us listen to music anyway as we walk nowadays, so why not apply for GTA the same thing?
Would you ever want a GTA zombie game version? Then likely the nearest you will be to that is this zombie mod.
The zombies are scheduled to make noise so that your gunshots will definitely attract attention. This mod being a survival mod, you must also chase for food and loot.
You can also create a camp to hire survivors through this mod. I haven’t attempted that personally yet but so far, excellent reviews have been received.
Download: Easy Zombies
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