#the names funkenstein. DOCTOR funkenstein
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sarahwatchesthings · 9 months
Species across the universe have given the Doctor terrifying and impressive names; meanwhile the names the Doctor has given themself include:
John Smith
The Rottmeister
The King of Okay
Doctor Who
Doctor Idiot
Doctor Disco
Doctor Funkenstein
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boypussydilf · 7 months
there should really be a compilation of all the stupid names twelve gives himself. doctor funkenstein…
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thebadtimewolf · 1 year
you keep talking about rose with scorn, about future regenerations having outdone her completely & acting like they are somehow disgusted by the romance with her. but what are you basing your opinion on? in those books or comics that no one really cares about? which weren’t even written by showrunners?! moffat NEVER made twelve disrespect rose’s memory. that comic of him picking on ten was written by a bloke who doesn't even like rose, which indicates that the stories reflect more on the writers' opinions than the character. and while in the comics thirteen is somehow unbothered by rose’s presence, in the podcast narrated by jodie, she mentions rose in a fond, wistful voice. bc, guess what, the author is doctor/rose stan and said that she believes that the doctor loves rose in ALL incarnations and that jodie understood at the same moment what a mention of rose meant. ¯\_(ツ)_/ ¯ matt and jodie also talked about working with billie piper, about bringing rose back. and do you really believe rtd will write his doctors making light of the romance with rose??? he clearly still has a lot of affection for the character and it's no wonder he decided to name donna's daughter after her (when it would have been easier to name her 'martha' seeing as donna properly met her). so… yeah keep talking shit about rose and even tenrose all you want, it won't change that rose was immensely loved by the doctor, by TEN. ten loved rose so intensely he gave himself to her. david said that rose defined his doctor, and i say she defined the entire rtd1 era. and you can accept that or stay mad idrc
"And you can accept that or stay mad, i dont really care"
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no lemme be serious hold on.
"by TEN"
yo yall see this? just completely ignore mr. fuck the monarchy, queen killer, the lovely, the irreplaceable the impeccable ninth doctor himself christopher eccleston?? oh no i know why. its because nine flirted with black girl princess of the forest of cheem herself miss jabe? but you dont really care.
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im sorryyy im trying real hard but you are fumbling your own argument.
what makes you think rtd2 era is gonna be rose centric? if it was rose centric - we wouldnt need ruby sunday. but because shes yt and has blonde hair - of course YOU would think that. i mean with 14 its gonna be rose templenoble centric but you dont care. it would be easy to name ANOTHER BLACK CHARACTER WITH THE ONLY OTHER BLACK COMPANION NAME THAT DONNA KNEW?? other than what?? LANCELOT?? MINNIE?? YOU KNOW IN REFERENCE FOR LANCE HER NOW DEAD EX OR MICKEY??? but you dont really care.
anon. i can't stop laughing. you wrote all of that just to out yourself as a racist doctor who fan. you had very key things to strengthen your argument and prove your case and you fumbled. but you dont really care.
"jodie understood what a rose mention meant" and she understood what a river mention meant as well and YET jack mentions rose but 13 mentions river. she dont mention any of her previous companions vocally. she actively avoids it. tegan even noticed that. now rtd has a lot of affection for the rose character because it revived the show he used to watch as a child. but you dont really care.
"loved her so intensely he gave herself to her" - yeah he gave his human alias to her now 12 has to go by doctor funkenstein and doctor disco and doctor caretaker and 13 got to go by jane smith in honor of sarah jane smith big oof - like damn that sucks. but you dont really care.
But also, the 12 whole entire era was built off of donna. like that was clear. cut. dry. print. but you dont really care.
"jodie believes that the doctor loves rose in ALL incarnations in a podcast she narrates" and yet, we see from big finish productions that the doctor loves river in all his incarnations too. but you dont really care.
"which weren't even written by showrunners" girl neither was human nature/family of blood the doctor's wife, vincent and the doctor, and the lodger THE LODGER IS A MICKEY X TEN COMIC BEFORE IT BECAME AN EPISODE WHA--PFFT. but you dont really care.
anyway seems to me you dont really care about ten or rose or tenrose, you just using that as an excuse to be antiblack and silence anyone that dare point that out. just like series 3 does to martha. hm. interesting.
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thewebcomicsreview · 3 years
The Promotion
For the first time in the five years, the Burnmax Deadly Acid Factory whirred to life. After OSHA found out that none of the catwalks over the coverless vats of acid had guard rails, the factory had been shut down so fast they never even drained the tanks, which still burbled threateningly. Murderize wasn't sure if it was actually still dangerous. It made sense to him that Deadly Acid left out in the open would turn bad, like milk, but if the new boss wanted the mayor's daughter slowly lowered into a vat of acid, he wasn't going to say no to a paycheck. Times had been tough for henchmen ever since the new crew of masks hit town. His old crew, Mutilate and Comeuppance, were stuck in the Asylum now, and he was lucky to get a C-list criminal like Doctor Funkenstein to work for, even if the pay was worse and the bell-bottoms looked dumb and the free-love orgies had to be cancelled because there weren't any girls. Still beat working for Catboy.
The mayor's daughter, Barbara Whatsherface, was doing a good job of being tied up and screaming, though. Sometimes you'd kidnap a woman and she'd just cry or something and sticking her in a deathtrap got awkward. Non-consensual actors rarely stuck to their roles, not that Muderize cared, but the bosses always got mad when it happened. God forbid a big dramatic crime have victims who didn't resist being murdered in a fun way. "MMMMM! MMMMM!" screamed the mayor's daughter through her gag. It was real convincing, which was one of the advantages of using real victims and actually trying to kill them.
Doctor Funkenstein flipped the switch. "It's Alive! Alive! But soon, my dear, you won't be!" he said, which was a bit weak. He was clearly more committed to the "Funk" than the "enstein" of his gimmick. A tall lanky man in a purple suit and labcoat with a large disco ball for a head, Funkenstein was kind of a terrible boss to work with. Not deadly enough to be thrilling, not funny enough to be a good time, not quite thematically cohesive enough to get the good headlines. He'd been working on this rebrand for weeks, and hoped it would get him the success so many had expected of him two years ago. Murderize was unconvinced, but he wasn't paid to think. The mayor's daughter was halfway down. Murderize flicked his cigarette into an acid vat and unbuttoned his shirt. If the good guys wanted to save dear sweet Brenda or whatever, they were running out of time. Sometimes you actually got away with crimes and then you got to go home early.
Glass rained down from the broken skylight as the Wonder Five dropped in to save the day. Damn it.
Wonder Red landed on the catwalk before him. The founder and the leader of the group, he was still a dork in his red spandex onesie and motorcycle helmet. Wonder Red had hoped the other Wondernauts would change their names to be Wonder Blue and the like, but none of them did, and he just looked like a cosplayer who wandered into an actual superteam by mistake.
"Disco is dead, Doctor Funkenstein", said Wonder Red, "And so are your plans for world domination!"
"You're the one who's dead, Dunder Red", shouted Doctor Funkenstein, "For you've walked straight into my Saturday Night Deathtrap!". He leaned back, and lasers spewed in all directions from his disco ball head.
Muderize let the leaders have their fun. With hero teams as with villains, the henchmen were the ones doing the real work. Already Snakes flew into the mayors daughter, cutting the ropes with his teeth and he carried her off to safety. When Already Snakes flew off with your girl, you were never getting her back, so Muderize fired his Disco Gun (which was just a glock with glitter on it) at Animal Cracker, who cracked some birds into existence in the path of the bullets.
The birds disappeared in a puff of smoke, which hid Animal Cracker, but Murderize had fought these guys enough times to know AC liked to land an elephant on people, and ran out of the way. The elephant slammed into the ground, broke its legs, and poofed out of existence. AC dropped gracefully to the ground, and threw up a Gorilla Shield fast enough to block the second and third bullets Murderize fired, but not the first one, which grazed his arm. As the gorilla poofed, AC jumped behind a one of the acid vats. Shooting a giant vat of acid was a rookie move, so Murderize took cover himself. The two women members of the Wonder Five were busy with the other henches. Pink Moon had managed to pick out the rookies and was doing the "Oh no, I'm a poor defenseless girl what will I do" act, which every henchman fell for the first time. The smarter henches were left to Sorcera.
Murderize suddenly realized that a whole entire hero was dedicated to fighting just him. He tried not to get emotional about it, but if the Wonder Five had elevated him in their minds from henchman to miniboss, that could open up all kinds of career opportunities for him, especially having scored a wound.
Of course, scoring a kill, even against Animal Cracker, would do even more. He shook himself a little to get his head back in the game. AC had been hiding behind that vat for too long. He was up to something.
He barely had time to finish thinking before a murder of crows shot out from both sides of the barrel. He knew that Animal Cracker's animals got weaker the more of them he summoned, and that just the sound of a gunshot would be enough to dispel them. This was a distraction, AC wanted him to fire wildly at the birds from a distance. He was too smart for that. He waited for the birds to get close before firing, and made sure to aim his gun away from the acid tank while keeping an eye on it to make sure Animal Cracker didn't bail. Bang. One shot, and all the birds poofed into a big cloud.
A big cloud directly on top of him, obscuring his vision. Shit. He coughed, and tried to see which way the inevitable charging rhino would come from so he could dodge it. He didn't see it. He felt it, though. Hurt just as bad as the last time he got Rhino'd. He flew into a piece of machinery, and collapsed to the ground in pain. He blindly groped for his gun, but the only thing he felt was Animal Cracker slapping the cuffs on.
"I tagged you, though", said Murderize, as AC finished handcuffing him. AC said nothing, but there was no denying the nasty gash on his shoulder. "Gotta report that".
Animal Cracker sighed. "Yeah, yeah". Above them, the music stopped. Seemed like Doctor Funkenstein's Dancing Queen's Gambit had failed. He's barely lasted longer in a fight than Murderize himself did, even if it was against the star.
"You gotta tell 'em. Come on! You gotta tell 'em Murderize tagged you!"
"I'm not your PR guy, man"
"Come on, make me look cool and it'll make you look cooler for beating me. We both win!"
"You know how you could really win? By giving up a life of crime"
"Bro. C'mon. Bro".
There was a long pause. Socera broke it, swooping down with six experienced henchmen tied up behind her in magical ropes. Pink Moon was with her, carrying eight rookies in a net. "Yo, AC. You only got one?", Sorcera said, smirking.
Animal Cracker looked at Murderize for a moment, then at Pink Moon, before turning to Sorcera. "This isn't just a henchman, Sorcera. This is Murderize. He's.....he's a mini-boss". He pointed at the gash in his arm "Tagged me and everything"
Murderize looked down at the ground, trying not to let Sorcera see him smile
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solonglondons · 4 years
In S9, Twelve canonically introduces himself as “Doctor John Disco,” and “The President of the World, here to rescue people and generally establish happiness all over the place. Doctor Funkenstein,” and I‘m 99% sure those aren’t the only times that dork has used these names, including but not limited to:
- Making restaurant reservations. (“What, Clara? Why are your eyes getting all glare-y like that? Everyone knows the President of the World gets the best table, it’s just a fact.”)
- Calling up Clara’s school to harass her. (“Excuse me? Ms. Oswald? The office got a message from a Doctor John...Disco? He said to ask you why you weren’t answering your phone.”)
- Messing with his students. (“Hello, class, when you turn in your homework please remember to write my name on the top of your papers correctly. It’s Doctor Funkenstein.”)
- Using it as an excuse to change anyplace’s music he doesn’t like. (“This is Doctor Disco, Official Musical Taste Inspector. Sorry to say you failed inspection. I’m taking over your speaker systems. The torturous easy-listening music you’ve been playing in the elevators is outlawed in seven galaxies. Or, if it isn’t, it should be.”)
Tl;dr John Disco is canon and I’m pretty sure it’s the reason why Clara will no longer let the Doctor make restaurant reservations.
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agenderhyde · 4 years
someone: what’s your name, tho? you can’t just be ‘the doctor!’ 12: basil s: basil? 12: .....funkenstein. s: ?
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melusine0811 · 5 years
Thoughts on “Turning of the Tide”
I read it and actually kind of enjoyed (parts) of it. However, there is stuff I definitely hated. It did read like fanfiction and I think it should be taken as such. This story is clearly VERY AU. The TV show and Big Finish are more canon for me, since both Russell T Davies and Steven Moffat have done Target novelisations of one of their episodes, and there are MARKED differences.
So, if you’re like me and you’ve just read this book, you’re probably trying to navigate how you feel about these characters that you love so much. Here are a few of my thoughts, and a support post of sorts!
1) I do not care that she’s named him. I don’t care if she named him Corin, John Smith, Doctor Funkenstein, or Patches McGillicuddy. I don’t see it as nearly as relevant. I don’t personally think he’d be called anything but the Doctor, and would only use a name on paper, but I’ve read really good fic where he’s given a name. Again, not the issue. I actually think it’s cool that he’s named after the Norwegian man who owned the cabin they rented.
2) I really like that they spent several days in a hut in Norway alone getting to know one another again. I like that he has some Donna thrown in there, and has taken her mannerisms.
3) I love their house in the English countryside.
4) I love that they are clearly completely in love with one another, and seem to have the same relationship many of us do with our SO’s. Fights, laughs, shagging (implied cause she’s pregnant), the works. However, as I state below, there are MANY problems they haven’t sorted through.
5) I love Clark the worm. He’s adorable and KNOWS who Tentoo is much better than anyone else does.
6) I love that they still share inside jokes
7) He is sad because he thinks that half of him WAS solid and true, but she tells him that no, both sides of him are. She sees the desperation in his eyes to be accepted for who he is, and she falls in love with him all over again in that moment. 
8) Rose teaches little kids. I love this kinda, but still think she should be kicking arse at Torchwood/Unit.
9) They squabble like a real couple and it’s adorable
10) There is so much tenderness between them. Rose insists on accompanying him to solve alien problem, saying “You do better with me...you always do.” He squeezes her hand, saying “I know.”
11) The Doctor is terrified about being a dad, which is completely normal. (My own husband was scared to death he’d fail as a father.) I talk about the big issue with this below, however.
Things I hate:
1) Rose names him and starts rattling off dog names. She says “It’s like naming a dog!” The Doctor is clearly upset by this. She refuses to call him Doctor, without even once consulting him about it. She has even convinced HIM he’s not the Doctor, when it is clearly established in the show and in Big Finish that he is. 
2)Tentoo has a hard time remembering the other 900 years of his life. Like, HOW? If Rose can remember all the stuff from traveling, why can’t he?? Yes he’s part human, but so what? Rose doesn’t want him thinking like the Doctor or getting “ideas above his situation,” clearly because she doesn’t want him to be the Doctor and also because she’s clearly insecure that he’ll split and get delusions of grandeur. She does how feel bad for him that he can’t remember, however it’s HER FUCKING FAULT because she took his identity away because she’s afraid he’ll remember his old life too much and leave 
3) Rose obviously won’t call him the Doctor for three reasons. The first is because she’s scared he’ll remember he’s a Time Lord and leave her, that she “won’t ever be enough.” The second is because she sees him as a completely separate person, which to me is good but mostly bad. She gives this incarnation agency but takes it away at the same time- something I can’t get past.
4) It’s stated that Rose only accepted “Corin” because he smelled like the Doctor. 
5) Rose thinks that SHE is the only person who traveled in the TARDIS, not Tentoo, or “Corin.” I hated this. Selfish and manipulative.
6) The underlying message in the entire story is that he is CLEARLY the Doctor, no matter how much he and Rose fight it or deny it. Aliens found him, right?
7) Rose got mad at him for trying to build another sonic. Like, really?? (again with the insecurity)
8) “Corin” is afraid the baby will come out alien, and he doesn’t want to talk about it. He wants to ignore the fact that Rose is pregnant and treat her as one of his patients. Um, no. See below.
9) “Corin” has no problem with someone brandishing a gun, and he even uses it. Rose says the Doctor didn’t use one, and he says he’s not him. Again, see below.
10) The only competent person in this entire story is Clark the robot worm. 
11) The overarching plot here is that he’s the doctor but nobody will fucking admit that he’s the Doctor. Not even him. (See below)
There you have it. I liked some parts but hated quite a lot of it. I do not take it as canon because much of it is completely out of character. You read it and you decide.
I have had some time to stew about this. I mentioned that the overarching plot here is that “Corin” is the Doctor, but nobody will admit it. I think that this is at the very root of the problem with he and Rose’s relationship. I don’t think he trusts her with his identity, since she has stripped him of it. I think that THIS is why he is not looking forward to this baby- because he knows this baby is part Doctor, which is the part of himself that Rose obviously despises. He can’t bring himself to be excited about it. It’s said that he can’t even bring himself to decorate a nursery. WELL NO FUCKING WONDER. Rose hates everything about him that is DOCTOR so therefore he despises that part of himself. It’s like she’s surprised though when he does something that is so uncharacteristically un-Doctor like, such as when he brandishes a gun. He’s a loose cannon because of what she’s done to him. I found myself wanting him to just dump this “Rose,” and go travel the world with this universe’s version of Donna. When she wouldn’t even let him build a sonic screwdriver, I wanted him to say, “I’m the Doctor, fuck you.” The end. This “Rose” took the stars from him- things could have been very different in this story- they could have done so many things. But they’re NOT the Doctor and Rose. I am left with the Tenth Doctor’s dying words, “I could have been SO. MUCH. MORE......I don’t want to go.” 
I fell in love with Doctor Who through the eyes of Rose Tyler. This is not her. This is not who she is- who the girl who has been so selfless is. Who the girl who has fought tooth and nail to protect the Doctor’s identity is. This is not who the girl who became Bad Wolf is. I’m done. Big Finish all the way. 
If you agree, here are just SOME of the fanfics that I believe do both characters justice. There are still plenty I haven’t even read yet, so if you know of any other good ones (or your own) please drop a link.
Here are fanfic recs I think are MUCH better:
1) The “Trickling Down the Hourglass” series by @elialys . It’s spectacular, spot-on, and exactly how I imagine them. Plus the love scenes are AMAZING.
2) “The Wind by Night” by @tripwirealarm. Seriously, just read it. Fucking amazing.
3) “The Slow Path” series by @lastincurableromantic. It’s super long, and PERFECT. This was the first Tentoo x Rose series I fell in love with.
4) “Star Hopping” by @time-nebula. Tried and true favorite! I love how they are thrown into an adventure right off the bat.
5) “Enough” by @megabadbunny Hot as hell and so, so amazing.
6) “All of Me” by @hanluvr. Also hot as hell and the FEEEEEELS.
7) “The Application of Simple Science” by @gallifreyburning Another tried and true favorite that I have to read at least every few months.
8) “Just One Room” also by @time-nebula. HHOOOOTTTTTT.
9) “Laddie Lie Near Me” by @abadplanwellexecuted The Doctor and Rose clear the air and say some things that need to be said. Quite right, too! (no, seriously)
10) “Zen and the Art of Aesthetic Farming” by @abadplanwellexecuted What happens when the Doctor decides to be a farmer. Hilarious, tons of heart, and quintessentially THEM.
11) “Chimera” by @gallifreyburning. Another tried and true favorite that I’ve loved for years. What the Doctor does when Rose is threatened, and how Rose kicks ass and takes names. Quintessentially them, and beautifully done.
12) “First time Fumblings” by @hiddentreasures Gorgeous fic about their first time.
13) “Second Night of Forever” by @skyler10fic Another gorgeous fic about their first time. 
14) “The Distance to Here” by TheWayfaringStranger (on Whofic) One of the very first Tentoo x Rose fics I ever read and I still love it.
15) “Etched on Me” by @kscribbles. All of her Ten/Rose fics are amazing but this is my favorite.
16) The “Time, Eternals, and the Not Quite So Domestic Life” series by @kelkat9  This is a very long series that I haven’t even finished reading yet but I love it.
These are just SOME of my favorites. I am also writing my own series. This is my first multichapter fic, so please read and let me know what you think:
“The Dream of Atlas” by @melusine0811
PLEASE if you can think of any I can’t think of at the moment, please add below.
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doctor-punkenstein · 5 years
I was tagged by @lord-petyr, thank you! :D
ONE / name/alias: Kate
TWO / birthday: August 28th
THREE / zodiac sign: Virgo (isn’t that a bit useless since you already have my birthday?)
FOUR / height: I don’t know exactly but around 166 cm (5′4″)
FIVE / hobbies: I’m still not sure whether I count music as my hobby since I study it and it currently also makes me money and i have a very complicated relationship with it which I will not go into but... I guess, that includes concerts and listening to music... then watching TV shows and films, reading, writing, sometimes I draw stuff 
SIX / favorite colors: black, blue, silver, dark red
SEVEN / favorite books:  I don’t wanna repeat myself, some of my old favorite non-fiction: The Art of Asking by Amanda Palmer and anything written by Oliver Sacks 
EIGHT / last song I listened to: something terribly cheesy and summer-y from the radio at work (I have about 5 of those stuck in my head rn and what can I say, I don’t love it)
NINE / last film I watched: Baby Driver (worst film I’ve seen in YEARS, no kidding, one week ago I was home sick and watched it on Netflix for Jon Hamm in leather. I did enjoy that, tbh.)
TEN / inspiration for muse: walking, generally getting to any destination
ELEVEN / dream job: I’m interested in copyright law, intellectual property etc., so anything where I could use that and do something meaningful. I hate this question so much.
TWELVE / meaning behind your url: :))) it’s a play on the “I’m here to rescue people and generally establish happiness all over the place. I’m the Doctor, Doctor Funkenstein” line in Doctor Who S9E7(?). I needed a new URL and Twelve is the fictional character I (probably still) relate to the most. Also I like the general trashy rockstar/rebel vibe. And since it’s my nickname on many other sites as well now, I can’t really change it. 
THIRTEEN / top 3 ships:  I’m preparing myself for whatever season 4 of The Good Place is gonna be for Michael x Eleanor. Other than that, say... Marvey from Suits and Petyr x Sansa. 
FOURTEEN / lipstick or chapstick: Nothing, preferably
FIFTEEN / currently reading: Sandman
Work: I do that sometimes.
Fiction: Yes, please.
Fanfiction: YES, please.
I tag @thewholeguacamole, @intpdreamer, @sylphdrake, @lovehugsunexpected, @doctor-bowie, @anelementofsurprise, whoever else wants to do this. 
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twelvetm · 6 years
tagged by: @quietresistance
name of your muse:   The Doctor
aliases: Doctor. Doctor Disco. Basil Disco. John Smith. Doctor Idiot. Doctor Funkenstein. Please Stop. Shut Up. The list goes on.
one picture you like best of your character’s fc ((at the moment)):
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two headcanons you have for your character that you never told anyone:
ONE | he had hoped he would reunite with Susan during this regeneration, given that he looked most like himself when he left her to be with her love all those years ago. but it looks like it’s never going to happen. so his hope is slowly fading away. TWO | he’s a big fan of netflix original cartoons
three things your character likes doing in their free time:
ONE | playing the guitar TWO | thinking of theories and talking to himself THREE | going exploring
seven people that your character loves / likes:
ONE | clara TWO | river THREE  | missy FIVE | bill SIX | nardole SEVEN | charlotte
two things your character regrets:
ONE | not doing more TWO | not being a good man
two phobias your character has:
ONE | unable to think TWO | too many people talking at once
tag ten people to do the same: everyone
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would you ever put in a reference to one of twelve's supposed nicknames into LoG? (like basil or doctor disco or doctor funkenstein)
I mean, yeah, I feel like I’m not against the use of Basil as a name for Twelve in AUs, tbh, and it’s not hard to work things like that in, I just haven’t worked out how I wanna do it yet
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There’s “Doctor Disco” and “The Architect”;
There’s “Basil” and there’s “Doctor Funkenstein”,
“Sir Doctor” too.  Alas, I do suspect
That these names will be gone come end of line...
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patrickat · 7 years
Friendly reminder that Funkenstein was the name of the doctor who created him, not the monster on the dance floor.
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theophenes · 7 years
Mike’s dumb shadowrun OC ideas, summed up in terrible one-liners
“Runner” has some negative connotatins. I prefer the term “Freelance luchadora.”
“Necromancy is just archaeology with an interest in primary sources.”
“That’s Doctor Funkenstein to you. I have an MD.”
“Yes, the Heelies are smartlinked into the body armor.”
“The yo-yo was originally designed as a weapon. The flamethrowers, however, are totally my idea.”
“Rule 1 is that everyone is expendable. Rule 2 is that goes double for me, if it’s funny enough.”
“As a rule, I like to ask myself ‘What Would Queen Elizabeth II do?’”
“Any Troll can be large and intimidating. But me? I can be large, intimidating, and know seventeen recipes for fruit preserves.“
“I was damn good Butler for him. And yes, I’m aware of the irony, but his named was really Philip Johnson.”
“Renraku’s Red Samurai are tough. But the Black Ashigaru....they were friggin’ crazy.”
“Oni? Sure, I can work with that. Better than my last stage name.”
“King Kamehaha, the walking tsunami, at your service.”
“Never cut a deal with the fair folk, unless you can beat them at a dance-off.”
“What do you mean, ‘Twenty-two‘ isn’t about munitions sizes? I’m telling you, Taylor Swift was a hell of a runner. Look at Bad Blood.”
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thewebcomicsreview · 4 years
Wassup? I'm new in the comics scene, and I've been thinking about something. Have you watched Hbomberguys's video on Killing Joke and how he talks about the importance of nuance and subtlety? Well, I don't take issue with him but with the idea that these are important. I'm personally going for something that's just cool and fun. Is this okay or do I need to do some more thinking?
Comics are art, but they don’t have to be ~*Art*~. You can make a silly comic about a dude with a disco ball for a head named Doctor Funkenstein, and it doesn’t have to be a withering critique of neoliberalism or whatever to have value. There are a ton of great comics out there that are light and fun and cool and don’t have any deeper message beyond “My OC superhero Overkill beats up all the bad guys and has unprotected sex with a bunch of girls with huge tits”. That’s a completely okay and valid thing to do with your comics if that’s what you want to do, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
You still need to think more about nuance and subtly, though, because even if your comic isn’t arty or high-class, it should ideally still be good. 
For example, there’s a comic I like called Latchkey Kingdom. It’s a fairly light and fluffy adventure comic with jokes about the zeldas and the soulsbornes and the hippity and the hoppity and all that jazz. And it has a chapter that opens with this panel.
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I’ve praised this panel a lot in the past. It’s great, because there are all these subtle nuances that mean that even if you’ve never read Latchkey Kingdom, you have a solid understanding of who this person is. She has an incredibly fancy chair and a fancier dress, and she’s literally looking down at “you” with a smug expression and amused pose, so you can instantly tell that she’s high class and maybe a bit of a jerk. If you’re a little more perceptive, you might notice that her chair has a crown on it, indicating royalty, and that she’s wearing very practical boots, hinting that she’s perhaps a bit more outdoorsy and practical than the dress alone would indicate. She’s an arrogant snooty princess with a hidden adventurous side, and you can tell just by looking at her. (It is in a featureless void, but featureless voids are under-rated and there’s a perfectly good background shot on the same page)
Here’s a scene from the movie Fargo. In this scene, Jerry is meeting with some bank execs who he believes are going to loan him $750,000 which he needs for yadda yadda, and he realizes that his assumption was not only wrong, but moronic, and that he’s not even a player in the game he thought he was about to win. I’ve linked the whole scene but all you really need are the first fifteen seconds.
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Because Jerry is so out of his league here that he doesn’t even have a chair to sit in, he has to awkwardly sit on the arm rest of a chair that’s facing the wrong way, and the second he starts getting comfortable on it he gets BTFO by the main banker guy. This is followed up by the famous Parking Lot scene where Jerry has to scrape the ice of his windshield, throws his ice scraper in a fit of rage, and then has no choice but to pick it all up and go back to scraping. This isn’t a deep arty metaphor, it’s a visual indication of how impotent and powerless Jerry is, but it’s famous for how it captures Jerry’s weakness in such a clever and subtle way. 
A comic that wanted to establish a guy as a loser but didn’t think about these subtle details as much as the Coen brothers might, I dunno, just have him walking and then he falls down and then someone points and him and laughs like Nelson from the Simpsons because ha ha what a loser.
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Because if you don’t think about subtle and nuance, all you have is flat and broad, and flat and broad isn’t very memorable. If your character has a disco ball for a head and is a disco-themed supervillain, that’s a very silly idea, but if you show his bedroom and he’s got like one desk next to a bed, you’ve passed on a chance to make the character more interesting. If your comic doesn’t have depth, than it doesn’t reward me for being invested, and if I’m not rewarded for getting invested in your comic, I’m not gonna. 
But if there’s stuff to see and notice and think about, I’m going to get invested, your comic is going to get its hooks into my brain, and even if you do something really weird or dumb like naming a major character Yiffy Longstocking Lalonde Harley, those hooks will keep me reading. 
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klausdadshirt · 7 years
was tagged by @qtdva (thank u, u butt ;)) Rules: Answer the questions and tag 20 of your followers you would like to get to know better. Name: Sarah louise (or just Sarah ayyyy) Nicknames: oh jeez, my family call me sarah boo for some reason but other than that, big s, gayman, Sarg, ho, the big hoe™ Zodiac sign: I'm eh libraaaa Height: pfffff idk fam like 5'8 mabye? Orientation: bisexual (bonus I just came out to my parents yesterday wassup) Ethnicity: I'm white as milk, also being a place that rains constantly doesn't help Favorite fruit: blueberrys! Favourite book series: pfffffff I used to read a lot not anymore tho, the walking dead comics? Mabye? Idk Favorite season: autumn is the shit (because Halloween 🤷‍♀️) Coffee, Tea, or Cocoa: coffee but recently that gives me sore stomachs, but hot chocolate with cream and marshmallows are a big plus! Cat or Dog person: pffffff cat!! (Even tho I'm allergic, but also doesn't help that my buddy Is a lazy cat that I love :)) Average sleeping hours: idk it's really messed up but usually 2am till 10am or if I'm lucky 12pm Favorite fictional character(s): of what tv show/movie? GOTTA BE SPECIFIC I HAVE TOO MANY BOO Number of blankets I sleep with: one (BUT I HAVE A BLANKET THAT I LEAVE IN MY DADS AND THAT SHIT GOES EVERYWHERE WITH ME AND BY THAT I MEAN I NEVER HAVE THE FUCKIN THINF OFF) Dream trip: Hawaii I guess Blog created in: I can't even remember what I did last week Number of followers: like 107?? Idk man Oh sheet I need to tag ppl now o um @brainbleach @aesthetically-pissing @freckledwalrus @doctor-j-funkenstein @russian-funeral and at this point idk anyone do this if you want it's fun!
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