#the name is permanently changed to shitflix
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Do you know how many times I've seen this kind of headline in the last few years? Countless.
Do you know what happened to all those shows that were proclaimed "best series they've ever seen"? They were forgotten in a week. All of them, without exception.
If, in a few months, you asked those people who called these shows "the best they've ever seen", they're not even going to remember the plot or the names of the characters. You know why? Because in a few months there's gonna be another show alike they will call "the best they've ever seen". And so on and on. They will eventually all be forgotten in a short period of time after being hyped for about two weeks.
Meanwhile, you have a giant graveyard of quality canceled shows, and the majority of them would be giving them so much success if they haven't been retareded morons for canceling them.
This is the picture of Netflix. Overrated hype and casual viewers. And it's so fucking sad and funny at the same time because this is gonna be their end one day.
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