#the music selection is always so funny to me because i never know what i'll get but i feel like those are ten good songs
alienmythologist · 2 months
putting you under my microscope back ❤️🐋 and i truly hope you're having a nice day!
4, 6, 7, 9, 14, 17, 22, 24, 29, 34, 37, 48, 50, 52, 56, 57, 73, 80, 85, 91 and 92!
Thank you so much for all of these, it means so much that you return those 'studying you under a microscrope' feelings ! <33333 hoping oll have answered in ways as fascinating to you as your answers were to me
4. "Is trust a big issue for you?"
Yes and no. No as in, I trust people in a sort of guarded way. I'll give Indormation, but not show much deeper than that. Yes as in. Not showing much deeper than that. Honestly, now that I think about it, I don't think there are more than like 4 or 5 people I feel like I can completely trust. But that being said I will also give my followers in general the nuclear launch codes to my psyche for fun. And to me trust isn't a very all or nothing thing, I trust some people very much in some ways but not others, it's just select like that.
6. "What are you excited for?"
Getting new prescription glasses within a few weeks and being able to See Well, especially enough to Drive (I'm not like. Pro-cars, but i would like to Be Able To Do Things and Go Places.)
7. "What happened tonight?"
It's now like 1 pm for me so I will answer for the last night: Got an MRI, it was much easier than I expected. Also a beloved mutual and friend asked me about my blorbo who sucks ass and I have been vibrating with excitement over getting to share all that.
9. "Is confidence cute?"
In my opinion it Can be. Depends how much and depends in what ways. Usually just in addition to other traits, though.
14. "What are you going to spend your money on next?"
Actively avoiding spending money to save it as much as I can, but . The idea of a VPN to use to give you specifically access to Moby Dick (2011).... it tempts me.
17. "Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?"
My best friend of about 7 or 8 years by now. We have unfortunately yet to meet in real life but like. We could tell each other basically anything at this point. We have a very Crozier and Blanky type of dynamic.
22. "Would you ever want to swim with sharks?"
If they're salmon sharks, I'd find it hard to refuse. They're just. Such little guys.....
24. "What do you want right this second?"
For Tubi to allow me to take a screenshot for something i will find funny. And to have more Time. In general.
29. "Do you really, truly miss someone right now?"
Less a person, more a time with them. Several, in fact. And always, though I ignore it as best as I can. And I know in many ways, there are many I shouldn't miss.
34. "Listening to?"
Nothing immediately right now. But I've been listening to more music by The Caretaker. And of course the Moby Dick audiobook. Or one of them.
37. "Do you believe in love at first sight?"
I want to say 'no' because I never have, but there is 1 exception, but I guess it'd depend on what you'd consider sight.
48. "Do you sing in the shower?"
I don't sing in general. There's one person I used to sing to, but I don't know if I'd consider it singing so much as 'monotonous reciting'.
50. "Ever used a bow and arrow?"
No, but I've found the idea Very intriguing and hope to one day.
52. "Do you think musicals are cheesy?"
Yes but I also think that's The Point. They're Supposed To Be. I'm sure some are less than others, I'm only really into a few, but like. I just prefer when they're honestly what they are and don't try to appeal to people who will not like them from the start.
56. "Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?"
Dreamed of being a successful career criminal for a while I think. I don't know why I've been asked this before but am just remembering that now.
57. "Do you believe in ghosts?"
In the sense of things being haunted, yes. In other, more literal ways. Depends who's asking. But right now I'll say yes, especially in light of dreams I've had recently. But I believe in things not unlike ghosts, but people who believe in ghosts seem to find hard to believe, so i usually don't bother even saying so, if that makes any sense.
73. "Have you ever cried because you were so happy?"
I'm not sure if happy would be how to describe it, but in emotions I'd consider positive, yes.
80. "Hot tea or cold tea?"
Both, but generally hot tea currently.
85. "Are you patient?"
I really want to be. Like. With other people, in most ways I am. But with myself, much less so, even about small things.
91. "Best room for a fire place?"
A room that is basically also something of a porch. I feel like they have actual names, but the best way I can describe them are just like. Outdoor sort of rooms, where there are a lot of windows or maybe just screens and they're just kind of aside from the rest of the house. I love those rooms in general, though.
92. "Do you want to get married?"
Yes, but not for reasons related to love, necessarily. Yes because I'd like to share income with someone I could trust in that way, and in particular with the only person I feel very much like I could. But in terms of other things, like a life-long partnership of sorts, platonic, romantic, or something else entirely, but still love? I want that with more than just 1 person. But strictly monogamous, romantic love? I do not. Have that with anyone, really, so no.
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dangan-kagura · 1 year
I think my biggest misgiving with your "Why I Don't Like Ibuki Mioda" post is simply that heavy metal =/= death metal. There are many subgenres of "heavy metal" that Ibuki could logically land in without landing in "death metal," and the few song titles of hers that we know of (aside from that one "I thought up a new song" moment) don't seem to align with the usual themes of death metal - those being the infamous "I Squeezed Out the Baby But Have No Idea Who the Father Is" and the less-funny "From Me to You Too." On the flip side, though, you've got two screenshots in there of quotes from her that sound "death metal"-ish, at least. So you do that have that on your side. But I've always taken Ibuki to be more of the general "heavy metal/metal" than "death metal." Because it's just like you say - the death metal genre simply doesn't fit her personality and vibes. It doesn't make sense to me for that to be her selected area of expertise. But let me step back to address the comment I made to that post earlier and your subsequent reply: If you want to know why/how Hope's Peak would let Ibuki just play whatever bizarre genre she likes instead of making her adhere to the genre that got her the "Ultimate Musician" distinction, I think we can easily answer that. Because throughout the canon games and official AUs (meaning "Ultimate Talent Development Program" and Danganronpa S), Hope's Peak never provides much direction OR discipline to their chosen students. They believe in allowing the students they scout to "develop their talent" however they damn well please... up to and including methods that actively interfere with the school's own campus and classes, apparently. So of course the board of Hope's Peak wouldn't care if she was over there doing *literally anything* as long as it was vaguely music-related. They don't even make these people attend classes, for god's sake. If Ibuki wanted to stand in a field and repeatedly bang a flute into her head, I doubt they'd object. Because they kinda suck? :P Ah, but you brought up Hiyoko, so of course I've gotta waste text on HER too. A least-fave character of mine, but a favorite topic of mine all the same. I've also long questioned whether Hiyoko's "bullies" even exist, given that A) Saionji is such an unreliable source of information in general and B) like, how? How would anyone "bully" someone who is so incredibly cruel and aggressive? Would they not be swiftly destroyed in response? How does anyone bully someone who is such a vicious bully herself? I guess I just haven't ever seen it done in RL, but that doesn't mean it's impossible - especially in fiction. (As to "Why would someone like Hiyoko like squishing ants?" I'd simply say "Based on all available evidence, she greatly enjoys tormenting anything and anyone weaker than her.")
I don't know how to best respond to your first paragraph, but I'll say this. I think it would've been better if Ibuki did try to make references to all sorts of rock bands, even the ones that aren't metal related, otherwise, I can only see her as the type that is only limited to a specific subgenre. I personally think Ibuki would fit perfectly with the Guilty Gear setting which has all sorts of classic rock and metal references. As a former fan of Guilty Gear, I probably could tolerate Ibuki just a little bit if she was canonically into the same kind of bands Guilty Gear has made reference to (e.g. Queen, Iron Maiden, Guns 'N' Roses). And from my experience, Guilty Gear hasn't made any references to modern rock (except maybe in the Xrd games) so back when I was a fan, I didn't have to worry about any of that screamo crap.
That second paragraph, I think I understand what you meant a little better. But Hope's Peak aside, I still think Ibuki is one of those characters that needs more character development. I've read that lots of fans were disappointed with the DR3 despair arc since it didn't really provide much depths for the backstories for Class 77-B. And compared to everyone else's free time events, Ibuki's FTEs don't have much details about her backstory since they were all about her trying to cheer Hajime up. Just saying that she got hit in the head with coconuts and going to a different country on an illegal fishing boat doesn't really provide anything related to her music career. And the fact that she went to Shiba Academy which is an all-girls school only gives me an idea as to why Ibuki is bisexual, if she went to an all-girls school, Ibuki grew up with less boys in her life and at some point found herself sexually into girls. I'm not complaining about that fact, it's a little interesting for other reasons.
As for Hiyoko, I've read that "her chosen bloodline was constantly targeted by conspiracies and assassinations due to jealous people. As a child, she constantly suffered cruel and even life-threatening pranks and threats, like having pins in her shoes, dead mice scattered all over her bed, and poisoned food." That's how I assumed Hiyoko grew up with a bullying problem. Meaning when she was very little, Hiyoko probably didn't have that spoiled brat personality, but because she was a target for assassins and bullies as the heiress of the Saoinji Clan, at some point in her life, she developed her own bullying as a self-defense to protect herself. And when she attended Golden Light Girl's Institute, "it's heavily implied that she never had any friends due to growing a mean and distrustful personality in order to defend herself in the past." Some of these are mentioned in her free time events.
This Amino post should include some info on Hiyoko's past.
This character analysis video by Weeby Newz should also help in a way.
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septembersghost · 3 years
i've been awful at keeping up with tag games lately, i apologize! i love them, i'm just slow. 🥺😂 here is a big catch-up mass response to the recent ones <3 <3 <3
@saloume tagged me
Rules: We’re snooping in your playlist. Put your entire music library on shuffle and list the first 10 songs and then choose 10 victims.
victims!!! it feels like this should be an eerie playlist, but it says "entire music library," which is a LOT of songs for me, so the sampling is always fun to see. let's gooo!
1. In the Still of the Night - Ella Fitzgerald 2. My Boy Builds Coffins - Florence and the Machine 3. gold rush - Taylor Swift 4. You Make Loving Fun - Fleetwood Mac 5. The Queen - Lady Gaga 6. Wake Up With Me - Gabrielle Aplin 7. Shade of Yellow - Griff 8. Anything for You - Gloria Estefan 9. The State of Dreaming - Marina and the Diamonds 10. Moon River - Jane Monheit ***
@deansraspberrypie - 🎶new tag game put your 3 favorite songs at the moment and tag 5 people 🎶
this is hard because i love so many songs at any given moment, but i'm going to list three that are from albums released recently this year.
1. dance with you - Ben Platt 2. honey - Halsey 3. Hold Out - Aly & AJ (I want to say Slow Dancing but I've talked about it before!) ***
@deansraspberrypie and @deansmultitudes tagged me in this one! 💛🌟
day or night // car or truck // series fandom or music fandom // dark academia or light academia // moon or stars // picnic on the beach or stroll through the woods // pink or blue // road trip or plane trip // pop music or rock music // dyed hair or natural hair // sports car or jeep // fantasy or nonfiction // phone call or text ***
and finally from @alaynestone 😘💕
three ships: i'm going with spooky influences because 'tis the season! gomez/morticia (the addams family), louis/lestat (the vampire chronicles, interview specifically, but ask me how ripped off we were that they were never fully canon in the books), dani/jamie (the haunting of bly manor).
last song: wildest dreams (taylor's version) - taylor swift
last movie: oh! i feel strange that i can't answer this because i'm not certain? i'm not sure i've watched a movie since i saw beauty and the beast for the thousandth time a couple of weeks ago. soon it will be time to bring out the halloween movies!
currently reading: just finished lycanthropy and other chronic illnesses, am deciding what to read next! i'd say i want to read something spooky, but every book i've read in the past couple of months has been (i am predictable). i might try when all the girls are sleeping.
currently watching: i feel like i'm between series right now too? but things i'm watching and enjoying - what we do in the shadows, sharp objects, nancy drew.
currently consuming: nothing because it's 2 am, but the last thing i had was hot chocolate. the weather has been chilly!
currently craving: halloween. autumn. <- vicky we're here!!! 🍂🧡🎃 but i'm leaving your answer because i'm always craving that too. ***
*hugs you all* i'm not tagging anyone because this post is a mess, but please feel free to take anything from me and say i tagged you because i like to see them!
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glowingbadger · 3 years
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Okay folks, get ready for a Modern Au Fluffy Megapost~
Firstly, Sylvain and Dimitri have gotten a fluff post already that you can see here if you like! I'll think about whether I have anything to add that would be relevant to a Modern AU for them, but their sections are gonna be shorter as a result.
Yuri, Felix, Ashe x GN Reader
Fluffy relationship headcanons - SFW
- At first, it's not really in Yuri's base nature to be soft and gentle towards a lover. "Delicate" in the cunning, teasing sense, perhaps- but vulnerable and kind? Less so. Which is why it's a bizarre feeling for him when he finds himself wanting to be softer to you- wanting to comfort you and hold you and protect you. He doesn't really know what to do with this new-found tenderness at first, but it will start to manifest in how he treats you despite himself. His tone is completely different with you, he smiles to himself whenever he checks his phone to see you've messaged him, he starts saving songs you mention to listen to later- he simply can't help it.
- He won't let on that he's got quite a lovely singing voice for some time (he intentionally doesn't audition for musicals)- but one night, as your head rests on his lap as he reviews a script for the next play on campus that he's performing in, he starts quietly humming to himself. He stops as soon as he realizes you've noticed, but you carefully say, "I'm... pretty sure I recognize that song- how does the rest go?" He indulges you, humming the rest, even peppering in some of the lyrics. But by the end, he smiles with a quirked eyebrow and pokes your cheek playfully, "Don't think you fooled me with that line earlier- you couldn't repeat a single note of that song, you were just goading me into singing it."
- After this though, he does treat you to a song or two whenever you're upset or not feeling well. He knows that, with all of the complex and duplicitous relationships he's left behind him, it's a relief to finally have something he can give you that he's never willingly given to a partner before. So when you're sick or stressed or dealing with a mental health issue, he'll stroke your hair and sing softly to you, the quiet smile you wear tugging sweetly at his heart.
(most of my thoughts are in the link above)
- Dimitri loves doing boyfriend tasks for you, like carrying heavy things (really any things) for you, reaching the top shelf, opening jars (he has broken one or two), and so on. He's the type to make sure to hold the umbrella over you even if it means he gets rained on.
- He's a clumsy texter, and his messages to you are always full of type-o's and ridiculous auto-corrects. He also has every voicemail you've ever left him saved on his phone and will listen to them when he hasn't seen you for a while.
(once again, he's in the link up there)
- He sends you stupid memes of animals with "this is us" typed below. Most of his signs of affection are dumb and cute but goofy like that, and getting him to actually level with you and express his genuine love and care for you can be pretty rare.
- Sylvain secretly likes romcoms, like, a lot. He tries to brush it off, saying, "Oh you know, I've just seen a lot of them on dates." but his encyclopedic knowledge of their plots and cast suggest otherwise. Once he fesses up to you though, he refuses to meet your gaze and mutters, "it's just.. nice sometimes to think that a relationship can actually be like that, y'know?"
- He's so bad at being soft, but he wants to be for you, but also doesn't want to be because ew feelings. Which he has a lot of. This is why the main way he expresses his affection is through physical contact. It's mostly in private, where he can be super cuddly with you- but in public, he'll still find times to lightly brush his hand against yours, or an excuse to "fix" your hair, mumbling, "It's flying all over the place, hold still-" even though it's really not that out of place, he just wants a reason to touch you.
- Felix is a funny one to bring your problems to. He's actually a surprisingly good listener for someone he cares about, so he's happy to just hold onto your hand and listen to you vent about whatever's bothering you. If it's an interpersonal problem, he'll probably offer to confront or straight up fight whoever is giving you trouble, which might at least get you to laugh, even though he fully means it. But for a more serious problem, he'll quietly wipe away your tears and remind you, "Hey, listen- you just... keep living your life as you, okay? You can't be anyone else, and I don't want you to be."
- He secretly loves it when you play with his hair. While he's studying or gaming, he likes to lean back against the edge of his bed or a couch and have you sitting behind him brushing out his hair, or even braiding or pulling it up for him if you like. He finds your touch incredibly soothing, and there have even been times when he's spaced out a bit and completely forgotten what he was doing because he was just enjoying your nails along his scalp and your fingers through his hair. Honestly, it's a bit like scratching a cat's ears- he'll even subconsciously lean against you if he's not careful.
- 'soft' is Ashe's default state in a relationship, and it is just the cutest. He wears his affections openly on his sleeve, and if you're upset or unwell, his concern is completely obvious. When you're sick, he'll immediately start looking up your symptoms and any possible solutions, and he's always got extra pillows and blankets to lend you. He knows your favorite snacks and movies by heart, and always has them on hand for off-days.
- He loves cooking for you, and cooking with you, if you're into it. There's something so intimate and domestic about making and enjoying meals together, and he has an uncanny way of making the best of even a crappy little college dorm/apartment kitchenette. Though, you're going to have to set some strict boundaries with your friends about date nights, because if you let them, your friends and his will swarm to his cooking and mooch off of the fruits of your labor- and we all know Ashe is too nice to say no.
- Ashe absolutely wants to own a pet with you. Perhaps even before moving in together, he'll help you select a small, low maintenance pet, and he'll always be delighted to come visit it and help you take care of it. If you're living together, he definitely wants a cat or a small dog, and he's a total pet-dad about it. He'll give them cute little bandanas to wear, experiment with which brand of food they seem to like best and so on. He gets a bit shy if you tease him about his doting, but ultimately, he'll just kiss your cheek or forehead and say, "I just want to take care of you both as best I can, that's all."
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anarmorofwords · 3 years
so because of all the music talk today I thought i'll finally share my Matthew playlist, ft. a selection of some particularly fitting lyrics etc. - inspired by @itsjusta-j-really's format I'm just putting them under the cut (also because there's A Lot)
warning: many songs on this playlist deal with heavy topics, such as addiction, suicidal thoughts etc., so please keep that in mind
also, you might cry, I'm not sorry
gonna tag @thepictureofsdr @underestimatedgenius too because you like Matthew so maybe you'd be interested
false confidence - Look at you all dressed up for someone you never see// You're here for a reason but you don't know why (...) Don't let those demons in again// I fill the void up with polished doubt, fake sentiment// Surrender yourself
redemption - Father, help me, do you understand?// All my life, I've been a wicked man// Show me mercy and comfort me// I need to find redemption (...) I've never been this far from peace// I'm disappearing out of reach again
achilles come down - I'll just say read this post
spirits - I got guns in my head and they won't go// spirits in my head and they won't go (...) I'll be a dreamer 'til the day I die// and they say, oh, how the good die young?
I'll be good - I thought I saw the devil, this morning// Looking in the mirror, drop of rum on my tongue (...) My past has tasted bitter for years now (...) I've been cold, I've been merciless// But the blood on my hands scares me to death// Maybe I'm waking up today
comfort crowd - This hurt that I'm holding's getting heavy// but I'ma keep a smile on my shoulders 'til I'm sweaty (...) Telling you, "I'm fine I don't really need nobody"// but you say through a sigh// that I said that lie already
broken - If you see the boy I used to be// could you tell him that I'd like to find him// and if you see the shell that's left of me// could you spare him a little kindness *sobs*
dancing with the devil - It's just a little red wine, I'll be fine (...) // twisted reality, hopeless insanity// I told you I was okay, but I was lying
when you wash your hair - You did some things that you forgot// drinking wine and smoking pot// you tried to be someone you are not
the fire - 'Cause I've been a devil, I've been a saint// somebody help me, I can't change (...) Ashes in the cold, now I'm running toward the fire// (Runnin' toward, runnin' toward the fire)
mad world - all around me are familiar faces// worn out places, worn out faces (...) And I find it kind of funny// I find it kind of sad// the dreams in which I'm dying// are the best I've ever had
four - *inhales**cries* In this game of hide and seek// I can't help but think that ordinary has swallowed the key// bodies fashioned out of dirt and dust// for a moment we get to be glorious (...) Maybe my heart needs to break to be sure (...) I lost my balance when I needed it most (...) I'm stuck swimming in shadows down here// it's been forever since I came up for air
unsteady - Mama, come here// approach, appear// daddy, I'm alone// 'cause this house don't feel like home (...) whoa, if you love me, don't let go// Hold, hold on, hold onto me// 'cause I'm a little unsteady
ready to go - Jackie's just 17, and hard to please (...) You don't know what she's seen, or where she's been// The devil's dancing toe to toe// when the reaper comes, I'll be ready to go
the show must go on - The show must go on, yeah// inside my heart is breaking// my makeup may be flaking// but my smile, still, stays on (...) another heartache, another failed romance, on and on// does anybody know what we are living for?
tortured soul - Whiskey taste is on my breath// part of me is scared to death// what if I told you the truth? One more sip for a tortured soul// your diggin' my heart in deeper hole// and a thousand thoughts going through my mind
icarus - look who's digging their own grave// That is what they all say; you'll drink yourself to death (...) Icarus is flying too close to the sun// and Icarus' life, it has only just begun (...) Standing on the cliff face, highest fall you'll ever grace// it scares me half to death// look out to the future, but it tells you nothing
perfect places - every night, I live and die// feel the party to my bones (...) meet somebody, take 'em home// let's kiss and then take off our clothes (...) meet somebody, take 'em home// let's kiss and then take off our clothes
sinners - I'll be drinking late with you// until the morning comes around (...) Yeaaah, I must be good for something// yeaaah, yeaah, yeah// oh sinners come down, come gather 'round (...) Drinking gin and dropping lines// wasting beats in this heart of mine// until the morning comes around
monster - If you knew the truth, you'd probably hate me// (...) I need a fight// I've got you, in my sights// only one of us will make it out alive// I'm turning into a monster // My tongue is a weapon and I'm locked and loaded (...) Delirium takes over me// you're just another casualty
play with fire - Insane, inside the danger gets me high// Can't help myself got secrets I can't tell (...) Fire, fire // I've always liked to play with fire// oh, watching as the flames get higher
monster - Ever since I could remember, Everything inside of me, Just wanted to fit in (oh, oh, oh) I was never one for pretenders (...) Everything I touch isn't dark enough// If the problem lies in me
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A totally self indulgent compilation of my favorite works on this blog of the year June 13, 2019 - June 13, 2020
I wanted to do this for the blog's first anniversary but then completely forgot about it lol.
The following lists are all in chronological order according to the date each post was first published.
Top 10 panel edits:
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#1: Don and Gilda - Chapter 138: Demon serch (1)
Date: Jun 14th, 2019
Time: ~ 1:30 h
My very first redraw from my very first edit posted here, so it deserves an honorable mention. Back then I was young and inexperienced, I didn't even apply a gray filter (lmao I was so unskilled I even unintentionally scratched the picture, I hadn't realized until today). I'm actually very happy my first redraw was of Don, boy deserves all the love.
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#2: Emma and Ray - Chapter 140: I’m Here!
Date: Jun 28th, 2019
Time: ~ 1 h
Back then this looked like so much work to me!!! And to this day, I think it turned out pretty well. I'm particularly proud of how the bow turned out. This is one I was really proud of right after having finished it; it gave me the confidence to try redrawing bigger areas. Also, the edit were I first applied the opacity of layer / opacity of brush for the gray filter that would have stuck with me.
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#3: Krone's birthday edit
Date: Jul 15th, 2019
Time: 15 mins
I don't know I just really like how Krone's hair vanish to a more sketch-like style here– and consequently, how I managed to replicate such effect. I think Krone's beautiful.
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#4: Emma, Norman and Ray - Chapter 153: Coward
Date: Oct 4th, 2019
Time: 4:07 h (and 67 layers lmao)
Probably the single panel redraw I'm the most proud of. That Norman panel was beautiful and very poignant at the end of a chapter I adored, so I believe it deserved all the time I've spent working on it. It's far from being perfect - the back of his head is too plain, and the difference between my brushes and the original brushes is pretty visible - but I still like it very much and am extremely attached to it. The horn looks kinda big but I honestly believe it to be more of an issue with the original than with what I had redrawn lol. Funny enough, the whole picture didn't make it to the final edit and had to be trimmed.
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#5: Full Score Trio - Chapter 154: A Breakthrough
Date: Oct 11th, 2019
Time: 29 mins
I don't have a particular reason for this I just think Emma's hair turned out amazing. It took just half an hour and I didn't even use references like. Wow. @Redrawing skills where did you go please come back
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#6: Mujika and Queen Legravalima - Chapter 158: The Reason I Was Born
Date: Nov 17th, 2019
Time: 2:09 h
Sis I love this so freaking much. The shift from redrawing almost exclusively people and clothes to redrawing this mess was so fun and refreshing. Even though it's a mess I think it turned out very clean and overall it looks beautiful? I remember after finishing this I felt so powerful, like now that I had redrawn this thing I would have been able to redraw anything I set my mind on lol.
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#7: Emma - Chapter 161: Never Be Alone
Date: Dec 13th, 2019
Time: 57 mins
Again no particular reason except this is a very cute Emma and I think the redraw turned out pretty well. There's this big lock on the left that doesn't make a lot of sense but overall I really like it. Cute Emma is cute, and I love her determination.
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#8: Emma - Chapter 166: Going Back Home
Date: Mar 9th, 2020
Time: 3:45 h
I'M SO FREAKING PROUD OF THAT RIFFLE I have not the slightlest idea why this took so damn long BUT I'M SO PROUD OF IT
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#9: Norman's birthday edit
Date: Mar 21st, 2020
Time: 1:04 h
This is cool! I didn't know I could manage to draw this, but I did it! The feathers were particularly hard to clean but I think they turned out fine.
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#10: Full Score Trio - Chapter 174: A New World (part 1)
Date: Apr 6th, 2020
Time: 2:11 h
I just think they're very pretty? I can't understand if I like Ray's face a lot, or not at all, but I think overall there was a lot to redraw and it turned out pretty cute! Sorry Gillian.
(Also insert pretty much every panel from the chapter 177 Isabella edit– I've spent so many hours on basically every panel there's no way I could choose only one).
Top 5 edits as whole:
#1: Emma and Ray - Chapter 140: I’m Here!
Date: Jun 29th, 2019
Complessive time: 2:57+ h
The very first edit I'm actually proud of; I'm really attached to it. It's the first edit I had put all of my effort into, and I remember feeling anxious people would have left it without notes. It kinda feels weird to think about it now, because I really don't care about notes anymore; yet, it somehow makes me happy to think that past-me wasn't let down. Thank you @neverlandstrio for your support, you may not remember but it really meant a lot to me back then! And it still makes me smile. You're the best!!!!!!
#2: Mujika and Queen Legravalima - Chapter 158: The Reason I Was Born
Date: Nov 20th, 2019
Complessive time: 7:12+ hours
This whole edit was an hella wild ride. It's midnight before a school day, when I think: "Mh, it's been a while since I last made an edit, why not make one about Musica and the queen from the last chapter?" And seven hours after this was born. I'm particularly proud of the queen's redraws on the 3rd, 7th and 9th picture (ofc), the areas which have been redrawn are pretty huge yet I think the difference with the original is almost impossible to notice?? @Redrawing skills where did you go please come back (part 2)
#3: Emma - Chapter 174: A New World (part 1)
Date: Apr 12th, 2020
Complessive time: 6:53+ h
I think the panels that were selected work very well together, especially considering the close-up / full body alternation. I love Emma, and I've always been kinda sad noticing that edits that focus one her take the less notes... She deserves all the love. Also, fun fact: for the last but one panel, I had redrawn Emma's whole left ear before remembering she doesn't have one, so I had to redraw the panel from the start. Besides from the error with the ear, the reason why this (and all the others after) took so long is because official panel take way longer to clean.
#4: Isabella and her children - Chapter 177: Mother
Date: May 22nd, 2020
Complessive time: 13:41+ h (ahah.)
Lmao tbh I can't understand how this has so few notes it's like. Technically speaking, probably the best edit I've ever done. I don't even like Isabella that much, I haven't got the slightlest idea why I decided to spend so many hours on this. Anyway, I find the composition (full body on the left / headshots on the right) really good looking in this as well! And I think the redraws turned out fine, especially Isabella's.
#5: The Promised Neverland manga ending countdown→ 1/7 chapters: chapter 1 - Grace Field House
Date: Jun 9th, 2020
Complessive time: 1:59+ h
I don't know how I came up with that idea for the composition but I find it really beautiful??? I think it does a pretty good job conveying the sudden, terrific shift of atmosphere from the first chapter, and I think that sharp bridge is very nice. I'm very, very proud of this.
Honorable mention #1: Full Score Trio - Chapter 154: A Breakthrough
Date: Oct 13th, 2019
Complessive time: 3:44+ h (+ 1:13 h of working on a panel that ultimately didn't make it to the final edit)
A very good chapter, and the edit turned out surprisingly amazing??? All the redraws look great and make it almost impossible to distinguish them from the original; honestly I feel like I'll never be able to redraw so neatly again lol.
Honorable mention #2: Don and Gilda (+ Norman) - Chapter 160: Shackles
Date: Dec 11th, 2019
Complessive time: 3:14+ h
That one is really one of my favorite scenes; I'm telling you peoples, Gilda and Don are a blessing to the earth. I think I've never mentioned it, but Gilda's hair is a nightmare to redraw??? More specifically, it takes me h o u r s to fill the texture without making it look too weird, it's the worst.
Honorable mention #3: Norman and Ray - Chapter 179: Compensation
Date: Jun 6th, 2020
Complessive time: 4:16+ h
I was so glad to finally be able to make a Norman / Ray edit, and it turned out it was just in time before the series' finale. I like how it turned out and I'm pretty satisfied with the redraws (even though my sister helped me with the lineart of some panels - it was exams time and I really couldn't afford to spend more time on it), too bad we didn't have more chapters that focused on the boys. Ray sweetie one day I'll fix your ear it's just today's not that day.
Btw, I justed realized I have never done an Emma / Norman centered edit? I'll have to make one eventually. I remember considering focusing on them alone for the chapter 154 one, but then I thought "even if the manga is gonna ignore Ray, I will chose to do not" lol.
Top 5 long posts:
#1: Reconstruction of how the Grace Field children were settled in the three bedrooms
Date: Aug 28th, 2019
I just had really a lot of fun doing it. I love putting all the little things to their own place, it's so calming to do and that's why I love making this kind of things. Also, loved how @temporoom contributed to the post! It was so nice of them to add what they had noticed to come up with more exact conclusions, that's one of the things I love the most about the internet.
#2: A study of how many times the characters of The Promised Neverland call each other through the first season of the anime
Date: Sep 10th, 2019
I REALLY LOVE IT! I mean it *was* kinda stressing to note everything, but it was very also very satisfying to see everything methodically divided and organized! And it's not just that– it's also the fact that it looks good. That's one post I have fun rereading because it's actually pretty! Also, even though it can be very stressing to learn to use new programs and sites, it's always very satisfying to look at the final result. Again, I really adore compiling these tiny little details! I would love to make more posts of that kind if i had the time.
#3: The Promised Neverland musicals headcanons
Date: Oct 27th, 2019
I mean it's literally. Putting my two favorite fandoms together how could I not love it. This is another one I really enjoy rereading, I find all the musical / character associations so fitting! I really want to make a second part, I hope to find some time to do it.
#4: Considerations on the reward / eventual series' finales (and Emma's sacrifice)
Date: May 7th, 2020
It's always nice to put down all your thoughts regarding a particular matter. It can take a lot of time (at least for me it does because... I need time to think about things), but it's so satisfying to see all of them there once you're done. Bonus points when, like in this case, it was something asked by someone else because “Wow! Somebody wants to hear my opinion on this subject! I'm flattered (◍•ᴗ•◍)”
#5: Some other considerations on the series' finale and Emma sacrificing herself
Date: Jun 13th, 2020
Pretty much the same as above. It's like some kind of clarity when the post is done and signed. Another fun fact, I had to censore the post a lot; the first version was extremely sharp and harsh, but I believe it's right to express your opinions calmly and politely.
Bonus: A thread of what the tpn characters would wear at the Oscars
Date: Feb 9th, 2020
Imagining all the children in those pretty dresses makes me so incredibly happy (╥﹏╥) I go back to look at that post a lot. I really love red carpets, I love looking at pretty dresses!!!!!
Lmao it's so funny how the post of mine I like the most are also the ones with the less notes
Anyway this was just a personal report! You don't have to read it all (or any of it actually). But it was indeed fun making it! Here's to many more months in the fandom!!!
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edengarden · 4 years
Hiii!!! I'm here for that regular bnha matchup👉🏿👈🏿 I really love the hq one u did omg!! It's *chef's kiss* kekdjdjdkdhd!!!! Here's the info:
Appearance: I'm fem, black, 5'1, slightly athletic & curvy-ish figure (lol), short? (mid-neck) hair, straight, dark brown eyes, size 9 shoe size (I still dk if it's relevant but oh well lmao)
Personality stuff: infp-t, Hufflepuff, Taurus sun, scorpio moon, sanguine, chaotic good, ambivert, a BuzzFeed quiz told me I'm a Pinto bean and a pumpkin spice mocha (do what you will with that info jdskdj)
Positive traits/qualities:
I'm super enthusiastic!! I love hyping people up and being energetic in general! I'm always down to try new things and have fun! If anyone is not feeling appreciated I'm ready to make sure they know that they're a queen/king and they're amazing!!!
I'm optimistic! I like to look at the brighter side of things and I always try my best to find a silver lining in any situation! Positive thinking helps me get through tough spots in my life because there's always hope for something better in the future!!
I'm observant!! I usually like to sit quietly and observe my surroundings. Especially in a new environment. Irl I like to read people's body language to asses their mood so ik how to approach them lol. I also do little things like remembering what they (friends/family) like to order at restaurants or something they pointed out at random that they liked. (Idk if I'm making sense lol)
Negative traits/flaws:
I'm annoying. Sometimes I just like being a little shit and cause mischief (being the youngest child does that to a person) but I think sometimes I'm too enthusiastic/energetic that it can be seen as obnoxious/annoying so I usually try and tone it down so I don't bother people...
I'm argumentative. When I have something to say I have to speak up. I try not to step on any toes but I can't help but argue with someone when our views on something clash. I like hearing different sides of debates though so I always give others a chance to talk. I don't go picking fights but if I feel like my opinion is being disregarded/not heard I will argue until it's known!!
I'm forgetful. Sure I'll remember random stuff like 'what my friend said in that one coffee shop last year' but important things like appointments? Birthdays? Assignment due dates? Idk her 😭 I try my best to write anything important down cause my memory is a selective sieve and it'll keep the most useless/random shit.
Hobbies: I love: Reading, writing, listening to music, learning languages, playing saxophone (I'm still learning tho lol), swimming, watching anime and cooking!
Music taste: any type of rock (punk rock, grunge, j-rock, metal), pop, kpop, RnB, jazz, dubstep, lofi hip hop, rap, bangers from: Elvis, the beach boys, Khalid, Ateez, Kendrick Lamar, p!atd, mcr, fallout boy, Nirvana, BTS, mxmtoon, Marianas trench, twenty one pilots, stray kids, Jay Park, crush, Dreamcatcher, Skrillex, MJ, troye sivan etc
Traits I look for: idk kind, funny/fun, loving/lovable, loyal (idk I ain't picky)
Traits I don't like: (nobody's perfect, just don't be a racist, xenophobic, sexist asshole lol)
More fun facts:
My love language is touch! I live for hand holding, cuddling, hugging, tickle fights and more!! 🥺
I love learning new stuff and rn I'm learning how to draw, paint, play music on sax, a new language and new recipes! :3
I love traveling!! It doesn't even have to be too far, as long as I don't know where I am it's an adventure! I usually end up getting lost whenever I travel (rip) but it's fun finding your way around and makes the trip more exciting!!
My current aesthetic: Sunflowers, striped turtle necks, warm blankets, rainbows that come out after storms, friendship bracelets, watching movies cuddled up w/someone, the joy of being alive. <3
It's mostly the same lol I just added a little something at the end :D Can't wait to see who I'll get! Don't forget to stay healthy & drink lots of water!! Take care 💙✨
I’m matching you up with Tokage! (You didn’t specify your gender preferences I hope this is alright ;-;)
You guys. I can’t even decide where to begin. The ENERGY- oh my god, you’re so enthusiastic, she’s so enthusiastic?? And you also recharge each other’s batteries so it’s a never ending stream of optimism and cheers!! People can’t believe the two of you are together but then again they watch you two go and they wonder how you two COULDN’T be a couple.
And her?? Thinking YOURE annoying? Fucking never. She’s the same as you to an extent and we KNOW she wouldn’t doubt your affection for her, but for the love of god if it does bother you, talk to her. She’ll have you thinking differently in NO TIME. this girl uses her words and she uses them well. And the two of you ARGUE. but it’s mostly fun arguing, Tokage isn’t the type to be so cocky as to not admit when she’s wrong; she’ll fight for her point if she knows it’s valid. Otherwise, if YOUR point becomes the only valid one, she’s giving it to you. She wouldn’t want to lose you over some stupid pride thing.
Oh my god, she’s 100% the type of person who’ll go “hey remember like two years ago when...” and theN MENTION SOMETHING STUPID OR EMBARRASSING YOU DID THAT YOU COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT
Tokage loves physical affection, both giving and receiving. She’s just so proud to call you hers?? Let her hold your hand and watch her always call dibs on you during training (Vlad never lets the class choose their partners anymore because of you two lol). She’ll tone down the PDA if you’re uncomfortable or if others warn her that they don’t like it, but otherwise?? She’s always by your side unless you need some space.
My god the two of you just have SUCH a fun relationship!! It’s never dull or boring, trust me.
- my boy, Billie Eilish
- Feel It Still, Portugal. The Man
- butterfly addiction, Cö shu Nie
- Let’s Spend the Night Together, David Bowie
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daesungindistress · 4 years
im glad im not the only one who found the truck ad thingy strange.. i mean do people seriously think yg has or will ever give a shit? bc I don't. of course, some staff members might care about bb as people but the company won't? and why do I feel like ot5s are always demanding stuff they don't even know the members want/need? its a nice sentiment i guess but i always get the feeling they don't trust the members somehow? oh well. yb said what he said, i'll take his word for it. it'll be alright.
The project wasn’t what I was expecting -- and by that I mean it wasn’t as BAD as I was expecting -- so I’m not too bothered by it. But it was still embarrassing and IMO reflected poorly on IVIPs as a whole. Because in some ways it was a bit tone-deaf. BB aren’t having activities right now primarily because of COVID, sure, but there is of course another reason why they’ve been keeping things on the down low since last year and giving their image time to slowly recover. You know who. He is so hated by Korea at the moment that the Korea Subway Transportation Corporation refused an ad for BIGBANG bearing his name and face not because he isn’t a member of the group anymore but because he’s considered “immoral”. So, what do OT5 IVIPs do? Go and put him in a paid ad for BIGBANG demanding protection against hate. Aimed at YG, no less, who he no longer has a contract with 🤦 “Foreign roaches should read the room,” one knetizen commented. Yeah, some of us can. OT5s can’t. I swear these people wake up every day with the goal of finding new ways to get the guys dragged.
In another recent fan project (Fanplus) a fanmade OT4 poster was selected to celebrate BB’s upcoming 14th anniversary in Korean subway stations. OT5s raged online and bombarded the company with hate to the point where Fanplus issued a statement politely requesting that fans stop sending them profanity. This made the news in Korea, by the way. These fans ran amok on Twitter, plotting to sabotage the project (yes that’s the word they used), promising to vandalize the displays, and threatening to tear them down. Y’all. Who needs antis when you’ve got fans like that? Ironically, these OT5s don’t seem to realize they’ve become the very thing they’re asking YG to protect BB from.
And no, they don’t trust the members in the slightest. If they did they would stop screaming at them about Seungri daily and trying to strong-arm them into giving them what they want. They would stop baiting them into making statements about him... then manipulating, misinterpreting, and mistranslating their words when what they get isn’t quite what they were hoping for. They would see the foolishness of slapping his face on promotional posters and would think twice about demeaning the members by placing him front and center. If they truly trusted BB they would stop shoving him on them, where he no longer belongs, and on us, where he’s no longer wanted. They would quit forcing the issue, give up their demands, and simply let it be. Accept what’s happened and what is -- quietly.
If they trusted the members they would also let go of this pretense of concern they’ve been flaunting lately. “We care more about the members’ mental health than a comeback,” they boast, in a seemingly well-meaning but actually backwards attempt to disguise the fact that they’re reluctant (and for some, downright unwilling) to support new material from a four-member BIGBANG. It’s only a nice sentiment until you understand where it’s coming from, this faux caring. They are hoping the guys will lie low a little longer, quietly and uneventfully, their creative energies suppressed until their disgraced ex-member returns from the military and ~rejoins~ them. They’re pushing a tragic narrative that says the members are too depressed and broken to make music without him. Believing they don’t want to come back as four and patting themselves on the back for telling the guys to take it easy until they can be five again. Yeah, that sounds an awful lot like wishful thinking to me, from a group of fans who still, after a year and a half, haven’t come to terms with our new reality. We all know whose mental health they’re really protecting by balking at the idea of new music -- and it ain’t BIGBANG’s.
What’s especially funny about this is -- well, you know those teasers from TOP over the last few days? The clips from the studio with the caption “working,” him spitting lines with a vengeance, dancing in his PJs and looking for all the world like someone who’s ready to take on the stage, and even dropping a “Big Bang,” getting us all stirred up with excitement? He posted those just as these “we’re not asking for a comeback because we care” arguments were making rounds on Twitter. The timing could not have been better. Thanks, TOP, for serving a reminder to those who’ve forgotten (or have never known) that the most healing thing a creative person can do is keep creating 😘
In short, the truck project was messy, reckless, and unnecessary. And Youngbae’s “Cheer up, guys” that followed, with a fun message about shaking off hate, is all the encouragement I needed, personally, to keep believing good things are on the horizon for BIGBANG. I trust they know what they're doing. All there is for us to do is be there for them when the time comes. Until then, we wait.
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mononyann · 4 years
a while back people requested that i share some of my headcanons for certain bnha characters, so here's some of the characters that i did
Shota Aizawa
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- he absolutely has at LEAST 3 cats, he spoils the heck out of them too. that's why he's always eating those gel packs... he spends too much on his cats.
- he really does love his class. and we all know honey??? u haven't expelled any of them. ur soft for them ok.
- he likes to sleep with his cats bc he gets lonely at night... he will not admit it, but he likes having someone/something there :)
- he has reuccuring nightmares about the usj attack and how he could have failed to save his students
- has a very low alcohol tolerance and often ends up getting dragged back to his apartment by mic or midnight when they go out whilst he rambles and whines the entire time
- he hates crying and tries his best to keep his emotions held in, he's only cried in front of a select few people
- he tries not to let others opinions on him rule his life and tends to block it out if someone hates him
- he doesn't know it, but he is the entirety of class 1-a's dad.
- he really likes tea, and dislikes sweets
- as you would expect, he takes his coffee black
Hanta Sero
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- he really likes kpop! he stans multiple groups and really wants to attend a concert
- though he seems really chill on the outside, he's actually quite sensitive and has some self confidence issues
- he loves being around people and finds that he gets his energy from being around those he loves
- definitely into e-boy fashion, and he is open about it
- pierced his own ears at 3 am and called kaminari crying about how he screwed it up
- he actually likes to draw a lot in his free time, it's very relaxing. he puts on some nice low-fi music and draws for hours
- he hasn't had many crushes in his life and doesn't find romance to be a big issue currently, but he's open to anything
- accidentally taped his hamster to the ceiling in 2nd grade, he didn't mean to and cried for hours (the hamster was ok)
Nemuri Kayama
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- she is a BRO, she likes to crack a cold one open with the boys on the weekends
- she is bisexual and thinks everyone is beautiful in their own unique ways
- most likely talks shit about her coworkers to her classes
- she thinks children are adorable and loves them, often scaring them with her enthusiasm
- very touchy, she loves hugs and will probably not pass up a chance to use you as an armrest if she has the chance
- she secretly worries about aizawa a lot and is scared that he lets the past effect him too much
- did you guys know she has a cat?!
- i like to think she and mic are like... EPIC bros, she loves to paint his nails and do his hair while gossiping with him (aizawa would NEVER let her do this to him lmao)
- she isn't a mom, but finds the idea of having her own children very nice, for now having a cat will suffice
- she enjoys trying to make all might flustered, she thinks his reactions to things are always very cute and funny (it's all in good fun!)
- she's the mom friend! though she may seem very sexual, which she undoubtedly is, she is also very caring and has a very nuturing motherly personality, she's a lot more than just fanservice !!!!!
Todoroki Shoto
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- completely oblivious when it comes to love... he doesn't even understand his own crushes
- "of course you can borrow my credit card uraraka" *pulls out endeavors card which he sneakily took*
- would be the person to tell a child that their pet guinea pig didn't go to heaven and be confused when they start sobbing... like "what... don't be honest?"
- allows his friends to huddle up to his warm side when they are cold
- is confused when people show him copious amounts of love and affection
- he would beat up anyone if they tried to do ANYTHING bad to midoriya
- he wants more friends. he really is enjoying meeting new people and having some new friends at ua!
- he gives really good hugs, he doesn't try to hug you too tight, but he doesn't half ass it either, very nice and warm
- he hates his scar. like. a lot. he wants to cover it up so bad but it just doesn't work. he's afraid it'll make other people scared of him.
Shinsou Hitoshi
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- loves patd! and fall out boy, a brendon urie STAN
- loves to kiss his kitties on the forehead but dreads human interaction
- he loves to squish his cats' toebeans... he takes pictures of them and posts them to his secret cat social media acc
- he is gay but doesn't know how to feel about it and/or come out, he's really nervous and doesn't trust people to accept him
- he doesn't smile often but when he does it's the cutest thing ever
- he secretly really likes deku and kaminari and is hesitant about accepting their friendship, but appreciates the gestures a lot
- he suffers with social anxiety and doesn't really know how to make friends very well??? like, in middle school people were total dickbags to him so he kinda just closed himself off and decided he was gonna like... not make friends, but now that there's nice people around him he just kind of- doesn't know how
- this is actually canon! but he feels guilty about having to manipulate people when he uses his quirk, during the 4th school briefs book he feels guilty when he overhears midoriya and ojiro talking about him using his quirk during the sports festival, and he's like "i wish ojiro would say something rude about me to show he's angry so i wouldn't have to feel so guilty about this" since ojiro showed no ill feelings towards him
Izuku Midoriya
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- "hold on I'll go get a blanket!" *opens closet* *thousands of all might figurines tumble out*
- watches cat vine compilations until 2 am, than freaks out when he realizes it is 2 am
- very good with children!
- used to be very self conscious about his freckles bc of bakugou insulting them; hid them with concealer for a while until someone told him they were beautiful
- loves his momma so muchhh he would do anything for her, he likes to surprise her with small favors to see her happy
- does not understand the concept of letting people handle their own problems
- stays after to class to offer his teachers help
- he has a lot of self doubts and is still struggling to this day to come to terms with the fact that he is worthy of having one for all
- he wants to learn how to cook for his mom and friends
Kyoka Jirou
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- she is a lesbian!!!!! she has a crush on momo but is completely convinced that it's unrequited
- struggled with judgmental kids in middle school because of her sexual identity and style
- gets very easily flustered by anyone complimenting her
- that one person sitting at the back of the bus with their earbuds blasting full volume
- was a GOD at guitar hero
- acts like she's fed up with kaminari's (which she can be sometimes), but truly he's one of the people she can trust the most. she secretly appreciates the way he hypes up her talents and how he really helps her through the day sometimes!
- she loves heroes so much... when she was a little girl and didn't know what to do she'd ask herself "what would my favorite heroes do!?"
- she also secretly buys hero merch but hides it in fear of her being seen as sappy
Amajiki Tamaki
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- would have trouble standing up for himself but if he sees ANYONE messing with mirio he WILL throw hands
- likes to watch bob ross videos when hes feeling anxious
- he once went to a butterfly museum with his parents and cried out of joy when one landed on his nose
- leaves food out for strays in his neighborhood, ends up attracting an entire hoard of animals.
- he can paint very nicely, he began to paint after he discovered bob ross
- mirio then saw his paintings and showed the entire class to tamaki's dismay, but everyone absolutely LOVED them!!!
- every day he becomes more and more capable and sure of himself, he is still very anxious, but he's learning to open up and embrace his talents <3
- he really loves to listen to music and any time he's not around others he'll probably have earbuds in, gently swaying back and forth to whatever he has on
- nejire loves to try out new hairstyles on him, and strangely enough, tamaki lets her, he loves it when people play with his hair
Shirakumo Oboro
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- shares one collective braincell with mic
- that one person that brings EVERYONE valentine treats on valentines day at school
- most likely plays ding dong ditch
- *draws stick figure* "ah yes. just like van goh" (he cannot draw)
- hates to see his friends (and even random strangers upset) and will go out of his way to do dumb things to make them smile
- probably played soccer
- he's a massive flirt and likes to believe he will become a stereotypical anime protagonist with a massive harem
- he really wants to see aizawa come out of his shell more and tries his best to encourage him to see the best in everything
- he has most likely worn a schoolgirl uniform to class once
- he's very affectionate and loves to hug his friends (even if they don't want hugs), it's his way of showing he likes people
Hizashi Yamada
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- he lives off of caffeine. he is a teacher, pro hero, and radio show host, im honestly not sure how he does it
- gives out stickers when students get the correct answer in class and has class parties when they are well behaved for the semester
- just like everyone else, he has his own turmoil as well, he likes to stay busy because it prevents him from having a lot of time to dwell on the past
- he gives really good hugs, and loves to feel the touch of others, it's very comforting to him
- was probably pretty troublesome when he was very young while he learned to get control of his quirk
- overall a really happy and excitable guy, he loves being the center of attention and if he can make people happy by being what he is, that's awesome!
- he shows his appreciation for people in odd ways, but he always means good, even if his wild antics can be a bit stressful lol
- he likes to sing a lot and does it a bunch when he's alone, he can also play a lot of instruments
- he can be very serious if needed, he does often put on a persona when he's present mic
- when he's hizashi (out of hero persona) he's even more of a dork than usual, very goofy, awkward and pouty. a manchild.
OK so I reached my image limit, if u guys wanna see the rest I might post some more later PLUS feel free to request some in my asks, I don't really know how all that stuff works bc I'm kinda new to Tumblr but ILL FIGURE IT OUT
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The Southsider (pt. 9)
Sweet Pea x reader
Chapter Summary: As y/n prepares for an important event in her life, her humor stirs up some interesting reactions from those she cares for.
Word Count: 1978
Chapter 1 • Chapter 8 • Chapter 10
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Toni taught you the main moves, and you were determined to perfect them. Some of the dance had to be from your own creativity, which you figured out along the way. This had to be perfect. Not just for Sweet Pea, but for you. "Alright, I think we could take a break. And by break I mean we're going lingerie shopping."
You nervously nodded. When you got there you just felt like none of them would look good on you. You felt awkward there. If you felt uncomfortable in a crop top for one person how were you supposed to wear this stuff in front of a group of people?
"Have you found anything?" Toni asked, poking her head out of an isle row.
"No. I don't think I'll look good in any of these." You sadly looked at the items.
She walked up to you with a few outfits in hand. "Why not?"
"I don't know. Just never been a big fan of my body I guess. It was only a few years ago when I had to cover up to hide the bruises covering my body."
She put a hand on your shoulder. "But there aren't any more bruises to cover up. Your dad's gone now and your body's thriving. You should be proud of having control over it. Now c'mon, I found a few things for you to try on."
You went into the dressing room, trying on each of them and showing them to Toni. Toni reassured you that you looked good in all of them, but you both agreed that none of them were really perfect for you. "This is stupid." You called through the dressing room.
"No it's not, now come on out. This is the last one anyways."
You stepped outside. Toni looked you over, nodding her head. "I like this one. I like it a lot."
"Yeah. This is the one." She grabbed your hand and spun you around. "Let's see that dance." Toni joked.
You hopped around, overexageratily rubbing your arms. "I'm not used to this much air hitting my body!" You partially joked. "It's so cold in here." She laughed and pushed you back in the dressing room.
You changed back and paid for the outfit. "It's getting late. Hopefully FP and Jughead will be asleep and won't see this."
You both walked back to the trailer park. As you both stopped at Jughead's trailer, Toni then said. "Y/n?"
"Pea's gonna love it." You blushed and playfully pushed her. She laughed at the reaction and walked back to her trailer.
You opened the door slowly. The lights were off. As you closed the door the lights clicked on, and you saw the two boys sitting on the couch. "Hey guys."
"Now where have you been?" FP asked.
"With Toni, like I said."
"What's in the bag?" Jughead asked.
"Nothing important." You put the bag next to your duffle bag and laid down on the small air mattress that was set up. "Night."
"Y/n." FP said in a harsh tone. You sat up, knowing he wasn't in the mood for games. "Where were you?"
"With Toni." You urged. "You could even ask her grandfather Thomas."
"That bag doesn't look like English homework to me."
You sighed. "Look, I went over to Toni's, learned some stuff, then we made a quick shopping run. I worked for the money that I spent, if that's what this is about."
"Were you with Sweet Pea?" His asked loudly, ignoring all that you said.
You gave him a really? look. "No."
"See? I told you." Jughead said. He started to get up. "We stayed up for nothing."
"Sit boy." He pulled him back down. "What's in the bag?"
You didn't want to argue or get him mad, so you grabbed the bag. FP tried to snatch it your hands, but you pulled it back, handing it to Jughead. He looked into the bag, before yanking his hand out right away. He got it. "Dad, she was with Toni."
He ripped the bag from his son's hands. "Give it here boy."
He pulled out the lingerie and stood, throwing it to the ground when he realized what it was. "What the hell is that?!"
"Careful, it was pricey!" You exclaimed. Jughead held in a laugh.
"So this is what you're doing now?" You nodded your head, a little confused. He didn't get it. "You used to be smart and open eyed, and now this is what you're doing? Sweet Pea's got you doing this sort of crap?!"
You bursted out laughing. "You think that Swee-!" you cut yourself off laughing more. You sat next to Jughead, putting a hand on his shoulder. You calmed down a bit, pointing to FP and the lingerie. "He thought that I got that for Sweet Pea~!" You started laughing again. Jughead couldn't help but laugh a little bit as well.
"Someone wanna tell me what the hell is so funny?!" FP was getting angrier.
You calmed yourself down. "Thank you for that laugh, it felt really good." You then sat up straight. "No, I did not buy that for Sweet Pea. I bought that for the serpent dance."
He put a hand to his mouth, digesting what you said. "The Serpent dance?"
"So you're gonna become a serpent?"
"Just like mummy." You gave him a cheeky smile.
"Oh." He let out a big sigh. "I just figured, cause it's Sweet Pea, you know?"
"No, I really don't." You turned to Jughead. "Why does everyone see Sweet Pea as some dark, controlling person with a knife kink or something?"
"I honestly don't know." He responded. "I don't see it either."
You nodded. "You think he'd like the outfit though?"
FP cut the conversation short. "Bed, now." You and Jughead lightly laughed as you all then went to sleep.
The next morning you woke up a lot earlier than the other two. Whenever you slept in a place you weren't used to sleeping in, you always woke up very early. You decided to make the most out of the time you had, and went to your duffle bag.
Jughead woke up the best way he could. He smelled bacon. He walked into the kitchen, groggy and tired, to see you practically shining. "Morning." You smiled at him. "I made pancakes, bacon, and sour bread french toast. What would you like?"
"The works." He sat, a plate of stacked food put in front of him. You knew him too well. He dug in as FP came out of the bathroom and sat down as well, a plate being put in front of him.
He turned off the stove and plugged in a small fan to not make the whole trailer hot. "Where'd you learn to make all this?" FP asked.
"Practice at my house. When it's just you, you don't have to feel bad for screwing up someone else's meal. I got better overtime."
After breakfast you washed the dishes as Jughead combed his hair. "So, you ready for our double date?"
You made a face. "Ugh, that's today. Why was Betty so excited for it?"
"I don't know. She's been talking about getting to know Sweet Pea because one of our best friends is dating him. She said it'll be good for the Southside to stop hating the Northside so much by southsiders getting to know her."
Oh Betty. Such a sweet heart of gold.
When you got to school Kevin immediately came up to you, linking arms. "Oh my God, we have so much to talk about."
"So you heard?"
"From Veronica, who heard from Betty, who heard from Jughead. I knew that wrinkly, sack of bones aunt was evil. Okay, no offense, but her inside kind of shows on her outside."
You laughed. "None taken. I agree, when I look at her I see my mom if she was buried in pet sematary and came back."
He laughed as well. "As much as I love talking about the Wicked Witch of the West and the Good Witch of the South, I wanted to ask you something."
"Go ahead."
"As you know, I'm directing the musical for this year, which I have selected to be Carrie: the Musical."
You nodded. "And a good choice too. I think we all know who's going to be lead."
"Pretty much, but there is another role that I think will be perfect for a certain person."
"Which is?"
"I want you to play the role of Chris Hargensen!" He smiled brightly as you, anxious. You loved musicals, but you weren't much for performing in front of others. However, seeing the smile on Kevin's face caused you to give in. You would do anything for Kevin. He was your best friend.
"Sure." You smiled back.
He excitedly hugged you. "Oh my God, this is perfect. It's a good thing you said yes, because I already wrote down the cast list and was on my way to post it on the bulletin board."
"Gee thanks."
"It's fine, Veronica was going to be my backup in case you said no." Kevin took out the paper from his satchel and posted it, people shoving past the two of you to see the list. "First meeting starts tomorrow after school."
The bell rang. "Alrighty then. I'll see you later."
The day went by a little too quickly for your likely. School ended, and Betty told you to meet them at Pop's at 4. You walked out of the PE locker rooms, which happens to be your sixth period, to see Sweet Pea waiting for you. "How are you so quick?"
"I'm just that good sweetheart." He smirked.
You laughed and lightly nudged his shoulder. "No need to brag. I was close behind you." He only responded with an unsure sounding Mm. You fake pout.
"Put the pout away." He hugged you from behind as the both of you walked to his motorcycle. "I'm here." You snapped your head and looked at him with a wild smile. He didn't know whether to be confused or nervous.
"That was the most adorable thing I have every heard! I fell for a teddy bear."
He felt offended. "I'm not a teddy bear, I'm a serpent. Nobody adorable would have a neck tattoo."
You giggled. "So cute."
You made it to his bike, and he grumpily let go of you to hop on, but you grabbed his hand to stop him. He sighed and leaned on the bike. You leaned onto him, his hands unconsciously finding your waist.
"I know you're not just a cuddly teddy bear. You're tall and dark and brooding and a mystery that people can't seem to solve. You're a badass who has a neck tattoo. You're a serpent. I know all that, but I also know that you can be a softie sometimes, and there's nothing wrong with that."
He then gently said, "I'm only soft for you."
You were about to kiss before you heard laughing. You pulled back and saw Fangs standing right next to the two of you. "I'm only soft for you? Yeah, that's something any chick would want to hear." You both stared at him, Sweet Pea fuming. "Oh, right, I'm not here."
Sweet Pea then quickly got up and chased Fangs through the parking lot as you patiently waited for your boyfriend while leaning on his bike. When he came back breathing hard with ruffled hair you smiled. "You good now?"
He walked straight up to you and pulled you in for a deep kiss. You were surprised, but quickly reciprocated. When he pulled back you were gasping for breath.
"All good. Let's go to that damn double date." You were still in a daze and extremely flustered, so all you did was nod and grab onto him as the two of you sped off.
Author's Note: Sorry that this was a little shorter than usual, and not much really happened either.
Tag list:
@madaboutlili @sireennotsiren @elsie2018 @greyfairie @iamaunicorn4704 @wanna-plan-world-domination @whenallsaidanddone @t-a-i-l-o-r-m-a-d-e @live-love-bailar @thecraziestcrayon @cvvlxx @grim-adventures58 @official--fangirl @jesus-jagiya @skeletalwolfcat @theunofficialduke @punkrock-cinnamonroll @rhi-an-onn @amongthewildthingss @apocalypticriot
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If I Fall For You, I'll Never Recover
Pairing: Klaine Status: Complete Author: Sunshineoptimismandangels Word count: 2,717 Summary: Kurt has the best friend in the world. Blaine is smart and talented and everyone loves him - including Kurt. Now if he could just work up the courage to say something about it. Notes: Another little one-shot that was quickly written for a Tumblr prompt. This was meant to be shorter but it got away from me. :) I hope you enjoy it!  
FF.net | AO3 There he was, the cutest boy in all of NYADA – Blaine Anderson. He was heading towards Kurt with a spring in his step, wearing a ridiculously bright yellow cardigan, and looking like a walking ray of sunshine. He caught sight of Kurt and sent him a dazzling smile, a smile that was just for him. Kurt's heart somersaulted in his chest. Someone should find a way to bottle Blaine's smiles to cure cancer or spread world peace.
Kurt sat up straighter eager for Blaine to join him, but Blaine's gaze was averted as two sophomores ran up to him stopping Blaine in his tracks. They practically drooled over him as they chattered animatedly. Kurt wouldn't have been surprised if they whipped autograph books from their bags and asked him to sign.
Kurt's mood soured. Blaine was incredibly popular. Winning the Harold Prince Award for Excellence back in his freshman year, a feat previously accomplished by only two other NAYADA students in the history of the school. He then went on to land a leading role in the school's big end of the year musical while only a sophomore. Now Blaine was a junior and everyone at NYADA knew he was going to be a big star someday – he had students, male and female, fawning after him at all times.
If Blaine wasn't so sweet, humble, and truly, honestly grateful for all opportunities he was given Kurt might resent him a little bit. As it was, Blaine was one of the most sincere and generous people Kurt had ever met. And beautiful. And smart. And funny. And… Kurt was in deep. He'd been in love with his best friend for nearly two years and it was the worst.
Blaine finally peeled himself away from his admirers and hurried over to join Kurt, sitting down across from him and folding his arms on the table, giving Kurt another one of those heart-melting smiles. It was a beautiful and sunny spring day and Kurt had secured a table in the quad, giving anyone who might have thought about sitting down with him a withering glance to keep them moving. He'd saved this space for Blaine. Blaine, Kurt's own personal sunshine.
"Sorry, I'm late," Blaine said turning to the bookbag he'd placed on the bench next to him. "Dr. Norris wanted to talk to me about my song choice for the Spring Showcase."
"Mmm." Kurt hummed and nodded, "Did he want to give you recommendations or get some from you? He probably wanted your advice on the lesson plan for his next class." Kurt meant for his words to come out teasing, but it sounded bitter to his ears. He wasn't actually jealous of Blaine, but seeing him adored by every boy on campus sometimes left Kurt feeling raw.
Blaine looked up from his bag, his brow furrowed slightly. "No, he just thought my choice of doing something Top 40 was risky."
"Right." Kurt looked down at the coffee cup in front of him. Actually, there were two coffee cups – one for him and one for Blaine.
"Is everything-" Blaine started just as Kurt slid a cup towards him.
"I got you coffee," Kurt said at the same time.
Blaine's face softened and he looked from the cup to Kurt's face. "I was going to get you some, but I was already late."
Kurt laughed, "I win this round."
Blaine smiled and picked up the cup taking a sip and sighing with satisfaction. "You went to Pour."
"Only the best."
"Where does that put us now?" Blaine asked setting his cup down. "I think I'm still in the lead."
"You most certainly are not," Kurt said with relish. He and Blaine had a running game of who could buy coffee for the other person more often. It started early in their friendship when Blaine showed up at Kurt's dorm with a non-fat mocha and a bag of ladyfingers after Kurt had a horribly grueling day. Kurt had been so surprised that Blaine remembered his coffee order that he'd fallen a little bit more in love with him on the spot. Now it was a competition that had lasted years.
"I'm in the lead." Kurt continued. "I brought coffee after your midterm with Cassandra July and I brought coffee when we met up after my combat class to go see Rachel in her new off-Broadway play."
"Uh no." Blaine said tilting his head, "We both brought each other coffee and had too much of it before Rachel's play. That was a draw."
Kurt's chest warmed at Blaine's teasing tone. "Okay… but when you were sick last month I brought you soup."
"That isn't part of the game!" Blaine laughed.
"What? You didn't like my homemade chicken noodle soup?"
"Homemade? By who?"
"By the woman at the little corner sandwich shop of course. She said it was her grandmother's recipe."
Blaine laughed again and Kurt couldn't help the wide smile on his face as he watched him. Blaine was all crinkled eyes and bright smile and ruddy cheeks. He made Kurt's heart ache.
"Fine. We will count the soup. Just this once." Blaine conceded reaching out to squeeze Kurt's hand. "You're in the lead, but barely."
Kurt flipped his hand over to hold Blaine's and took a sip of his drink to try and hid the slight blush he knew was spreading across his cheeks. Blaine was always very tactile. Holding hands, linking arms, leaning his head on Kurt's shoulder as they watched a movie or coming up behind him to surprise him with a hug at any time of day. Kurt love and hated it. He was addicted to these sweet little touches, but at the same time, they often left him feeling a little lost and wanting more.
Kurt wanted to turn around in a hug and kiss Blaine silly. Or take his hand and press Blaine's knuckles to his lips. He wanted to tell Blaine how he felt and hear that Blaine felt the same way. He'd almost said something countless times, but the timing never seemed right. First Kurt had a boyfriend and then Blaine did. Then even when they were both single it felt like every time Kurt was about to get up the courage Blaine would say something about what a great friend Kurt was and Kurt would clamp his mouth closed, fearful of ruining what they had.
So Kurt sat in silence. Drinking his mocha and holding his best friend's hand as Blaine started talking about his song selection for the Spring Showcase. Kurt had decided his song weeks ago; he was singing The Greatest Star. Kurt had been practicing almost nonstop, Blaine listening to him on several occasions to help give critiques. Blaine wasn't much help though; he always just stood and cheered for Kurt gushing about how perfect he was. Blaine usually had his song selection made early as well. This time he was struggling. Kurt wondered if the pressure of being the school's golden boy was getting to him.
"I honestly can't choose between And This Is My Beloved and Love Somebody."
"You're still considering a pop song after talking to Dr. Norris?"
Kurt loved Blaine's voice when he sang Adam Levine, but honestly, he had a habit of doing pop songs. It wasn't a necessarily a bad thing, especially in a school that heard way too much of, For Good, Seasons of Love, and other Broadway staples. Still, the idea of Blaine singing the lyrics to And This Is My Beloved made something deep and warm stir in Kurt's chest.
Blaine sighed, running a hand through his dark silky curls… god, Kurt wanted to run his hand through them himself. "I don't know. I mean it's kind of my thing. Doing pop songs when everyone else is doing Broadway. I feel like I have to keep it up."
Kurt shook his head quickly. "No, Blaine. Your thing is picking songs that mean something to you and then singing with your whole heart. That's why you're so good. That's why everyone loves you. Don't pick something because you feel like you have to. What do you want to sing?"
"And This Is My Beloved," Blaine answered immediately, still holding Kurt's hand and looking him in the eyes with a soft, earnest expression that made Kurt's throat feel dry.
"Um… then," Kurt cleared his throat and looked down at their hands. "You should sing that one."
They were silent for a moment before Blaine spoke, his voice full of emotion, "Thank you, Kurt."
Kurt looked back up at him with a smile. "Anything for my best friend."
Blaine nodded and chewed on his bottom lip for a moment. "Let's talk about anything besides school," Blaine said pulling his hand back and taking a sip of his coffee.
Kurt wanted to chase after him, grab his hand again, but he didn't let himself. "Okay." Kurt thought for a minute. "Oh! Oh my god. You won't believe who asked me out!"
Blaine placed his coffee cup back on the table his expression looking funny for a moment before he smiled, "A date? You have a date?"
"No." Kurt laughed, "I do not. I said guess who asked me. I said no."
"Oh." Blaine's smile grew. "Um… that older guy who works at the deli counter?"
"What?" Kurt looked at Blaine speechless before he burst out laughing. "Why in the world would that be your first guess?"
"He flirts with you."
"He is at least fifty!"
"I said older guy."
"Oh my god. No. It was that cute little freshman girl that I was paired with in a mentoring project earlier this year. She walked right up to me this morning and asked me out."
"Really? I mean kudos to her. A freshman having the guts to walk up to one of the most admired seniors in all of NAYDA and ask him out? I'm impressed. Her gaydar is completely broken, but I'm impressed."
Kurt smiled and lifted an eyebrow, "Most admired seniors?"
Blaine waved him off as if Kurt's renown was undebatable. "At least you're being asked out. No one has asked me on a date since… I don't know? Last year before I dated Carlos?"
Ugh, Carlos. He was a perfectly nice and stupidly handsome exchange student Blaine had gone out with for a month last year. Kurt pretty much hated him. He didn't even like to think about that long, lonely November. Still, Kurt was shocked Blaine wasn't getting offers left and right. "Really? No one has asked you out since then?"
Blaine shrugged, propping his face up against his hand. "I guess in a sea of eligible students I'm not cute enough to get any attention. Unlike you, who has freshman girls and deli counter workers falling all over themselves for you."
Kurt laughed wondering why someone like Blaine wasn't knee deep in suitors, but privately a little pleased about it. "Aw Blaine, you're adorable. I'd date you."
The words were out of Kurt's mouth before he had a chance to consider them. As they left his lips Kurt felt as if his soul was leaving his body. As if he was standing next to himself and watching him say something that could shatter the perfect little bubble he and Blaine resided in. Kurt could feel the blood drain from his face and his hands suddenly felt clammy. "I… mean…" Kurt sputtered out hoping Blaine would take what he said in jest.
Blaine looked at him seriously, not skipping a beat. "Then date me."
"Wait…" Kurt blinked a few times, "What?"
Blaine took a deep breath. "You should. Date me. I know you're out of my league. I know. You're Kurt Hummel. Kurt Hummel who everyone at school looks up to. Who everyone wants to be like. I know you could have your pick of any student here… and some teachers for that matter." Blane ran a hand down his face, "But have you ever thought about… us? I mean we fit together so well. No one knows me the way you do and who knows you as well as me?
"I know when you're in an actual bad mood verse when you just need to eat something. I know that you pretend nothing bothers you but your lips twitch a little when you're holding your emotions in. I know that you're endlessly kind well after I would have given up on people. I know that you laugh at stupid reruns of "Millionaire Matchmaker" and that your father is your whole world. I know that when you were eight you asked for a pair of sensible pumps not only because fashion has no gender, but because they reminded you of your mom…" Blaine let out a deep sigh as if these words had been weighing on him. "Kurt, you're my best friend and I… I care about you so much. Haven't you ever thought about us as… more?"
Kurt stared at Blaine, his mouth slightly agape and a flurry of emotions washing over him. "I…" He started and stopped, not knowing what to say. Had Kurt ever thought of them as more? Only every single day for the past two years!
"Oh god." Blaine breathed in sharply when Kurt didn't respond. He stood from the table snatching up his book bag. "Oh my god. You don't and I… I have to leave now."
Blaine turned to leave and Kurt sprang up from the table, finally able to function again and his heart pounding against his chest. "No! Please don't go." He practically leaped around the table to stand face to face next to Blaine. "Please Blaine," Kurt smiled, a laugh bubbling up inside of him. "Yes. Yes. I've thought about it. A lot. I've wanted to be with you so much and for so long… I just convinced myself that you didn't want to be anything other than friends."
"That… that's what I thought you wanted! You're always saying I'm your best friend… like I should remember not to push."
"Oh my god no! Blaine, I'm crazy about you."
Blaine's dark eyebrows shot up and a smile slowly spread across his face. A new smile, a smile Kurt wasn't familiar with and Kurt thought he knew all of Blaine's smiles. This was one different. This one wasn't holding anything back and it was full of something that looked a lot like love.
"Kurt." Blaine didn't say anything else, instead, he just crashed their lips together, dropping his bag on the ground with a dull thud, hands moving to wrap around Kurt's waist.
Kurt's body reacted before his mind had even caught up with what was happening. He looped his arms around Blaine's shoulders and kissed him back. His mind singing, Blaine is kissing me! Blaine is kissing me! Until he wasn't able to think at all and he could only cling to Blaine, lips chasing and mouth opening to deepen this kiss. It was a few minutes before they broke apart, Kurt's whole body warm and trembling against Blaine – he leaned his forehead against Blaine's sighing happily. "How long have you felt this way?"
Blaine pressed his lips briefly against Kurt's again before answered. "Pretty much since we met. Why do you think I brought you coffee that very first time?"
"Jesus, I'm an idiot."
"You were dating someone else."
"No one has ever compared to you, Blaine."
Blaine chuckled in disbelief, his eyes misty, "Then we are both idiots."
Kurt just swooped in to kiss him again. They stood like that for a long time, the sun on their shoulders, arms around each other, and lips locked. A few students walked by and catcalled, but Kurt couldn't have cared less. Kurt brushed his thumb over Blaine's bottom lip as he pulled back. "We should..." Kurt could barely catch his breath, "We should go back to your place and practice your Showcase song."
Blaine nodded, "Yeah. We should go back to my place, but not to practice any songs."
Kurt grinned wildly, that was exactly what he'd been thinking. "Let's go back to your place and make up for lost time."
"Perfect," Blaine beamed, grabbing his bag and then Kurt's hands and tugging him along as Kurt laughed and quickly followed after him.
For the Tumblr post- Tag your OTP
Person A: Aw you are so cute! I'd date you Person B: Then date me Person A: .. what?
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Haque: A review
It was funny one summer of anime I was reading this really cute manga about this girl who maxed out her level by killing nothing but slimes, the same time as everyone was getting into that other anime call “that time i was reincarnated as a slime” super weird that these things happened fairly close to each other.
Oh well let's talk about fighting some slimes.
Welcome back to another video here on Mummified games. My name is Tony and today we're going to be taking a look at the RPG Roguelike Haque by Super Try.
This is another one of these roguelikes where you are asked to pick one of three characters to go run though these dungeons. And try to get as far as you can.
The game has a heavy retro feel to it. And I mean heavy retro as in they let you turn on CRT scan lines and a faux dirty screen to make it feel super rough and hard to see...
Ah yes the anarcho-retro style. So in love with old graphics that were going to actively make the experience as basic as possible on your nice clean 1080p monitors and TVs. The chaotic Evil of game graphics.
Luckily if you don't want to play with dust and crap all over your screen, then grab some monitor cleaner
And if you don't want the fake dirt in the game then you can turn it all off along with the CRT scanlines. Doing this will make it all crisp clean sharp pixels.
Anyway moving on from that small personal setting.
The game starts when you first load it up asking you to impot the date. But no matter what you type it does the right date. And that was cool when it happened. You can just press the same key over and over again to progress though this intro but it might also be fun to just pretend you're inputting these commands.
I don't have any video of this because I started playing the game and forgot to hit the record button on OBS. So yeah. Sorry.
So once you’re in I highly recommend you play the tutorial and figure out what everything means. The symbols and art that exist in this game are fine. And once you know what they stand for it makes sense, but just jumping right into the game can be a little deep.
The controls are fairly simple, similar to the controls of a game that I reviewed earlier called Midboxx where you can click around your character, selecting the squares around them and moving to the next squares. And also attacking this way.
Hitting “I” will bring up your inventory and you can also see what you have equipped. Similar to all the other RPGs that are out there.
All the actions you can do are bound to 1 through 4 and also Q W E R at the top left of the keyboard. Compared to ability buttons in some MOBA or MMO games.
QWER being reserved for special skills that your equipped items give you. And then there are 1 through 4 that are quick locations for consumable items. Examples being positions and other limited uses items.
There is a companion that comes with you that fights the monsters you might see in the dungeons.
But that's sort of the basics. There are tons of skills and items that you could use in the game that you could just hold right click over and they explain the spell.
Once you get out of the tutorial the actual game starts with you picking one of 3 different random skilled and stats characters at the start. They’re nowhere near your typical archetypal characters, sometimes you can get a sorcerer that is a great fighter. Sometimes you can get a Necromancer Mushroom that spews spores everywhere. And then there sometimes is a werewolf that you can play as, also.
It's hard to tell you about this game because there isn't a lot that sets it apart from other Roguelikes there are.
The music is fairly basic, and now that I stopped playing the game I could not tell you what any of it sounded like. I know there was a sort of chime sounding song that would play in the shops and that was different from the other songs.
Oh there is a fun idea they put into the shop mechanic.
There's no money or currency in this game. So the shopping experience is a barter deal. Where you select the item you want to buy and then select the items you would want to trade for it. And the game gives you a percentage of if that deal would go through or not. That's actually interesting.
Especially since the chance of the trade going through is the same window in the game where they show you the likelihood of the attack you're about to do will land or not. So that's fun.
There's a sight range thing... *sigh*
There is just nothing to really talk about in this one. It's all just more dungeon crawling fighting more enemies.
There is a story going on with the program being corrupted. And there is an old man that I was halfway through level 3 or 4 when I was thinking okay when is he going to turn on me? And turns out to be a bad guy.
Idk why i thought that might happen but after beating the level one skeleton boss he said something to me that i thought was super ominous. All while the screen was glitching out a bit. Very weird.
Having played this for about an hour and a half I didn't get really far into the story part of this Roguelike. Again a fault of the genre. Your story can't be super long or hard to reach if the player is going to die over and over again.
While playing this game I found myself taking into account the same fighting style that I adopted in Crypt of the Necrodancer. Where if the monster i'm fighting is about to attack i just move back one and they have to spend their turn to move forward.
The problem with this strategy is that the game does not clearly show you how long it is until the other character will take their turn. So you might move back one and then it turns out you have more time until they do their thing.
I feel like this one is going to be the same thing I say about most of the games that came in the Racial Justice Bundle. If you bought that bundle then sure go play this game since you have it. Go find it in your collection and give it a whirl.
But as for a recommendation to go out and pick it up. I'd say unless you really need that crunchy pixel roguelike RPG in your life then sure. If not then I'd give this a pass.
If you played this game, what were your thoughts on it?
If you haven't played this game, are there any other aggressively retro games out there that you would want me to try. Let me know in the comments.
I just remembered I never did a Tournament update at the end of July. I think that since i didn't do a full month i'm going to wait till the end of August. That way I have a bunch to filter though. Not as much as the first one obviously but still a good chunk to push forward with.
I'm sure ill get to another tool or book review soon if anyone was looking for more of those. I'm giving myself a little bit of time every day to read though some of the actual books in this bundle. The next Book club might not be a bundle but a full book by its self. Obviously i'll keep you informed.
But for now you all do the youtube dance Like, Sub, Bell, Comment, share with someone you know.
And as always friends, keep digging and we’ll make it out sometime
See you in the next one.
0 notes
simplysaiyanlicious · 7 years
[ I could be an asshole and just make you answer all 100 of them. But I'll be nice and just select like 98 of them. ^^ So, hmm.. let's see. I'm so bad with options. >/ 1-5. And then 7, 12, 13, 15. 16, 17, 22 (DON'T LIE), 23, 28, 36, 37, 38, 41-46, 49 (wtf xD), 50, 52-56, 58-66, 69, 71-74, 78 (DON'T LIE), 84, 85, 89, 90, 94, 95 (go for that Miss Universe title~), 98-100. ]
Yeah okay fine I’ll do it, you dick.
Nuuuuu ilu
1.What is your middle name?Suzanne ^^
2. How old are you?30~
3. When is your birthday?February 21st!
4. What is your zodiac sign?Pisces/Bunny
5. What is your favorite color?Teal, hands down. So much in my house is teal; the curtains, a wall, my towels, my pillows, my decorations, my floor mats, you name it I probably have it in the color teal.
7. Do you have any pets?I doooo. Currently I only have a very old bunny named Bunneh and a handicapped cockatiel named Loki (he can’t fly). I also used to own a bunch of cats, a budgie, two gerbils, a hamster, four chinchillas and a tame hedge sparrow and he was the BEST BIRB EVER! ;__;12. What was your last dream about?... The Nanny. MISS FINE AND MR. SHEFFIELD! I don’t even know why.
13. What talents do you have?... art? XD I also have this very useless talent that lets me memorize dialogue real easily, which allowed me to memorize entire DBZ episodes as a kid and that’s how I taught myself English.15. Favorite song?Les Friction - Torture (listen to it, seriously!)
16. Favorite movie?I dunno, I like way too many movies to just pick one favorite.
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?No I’m a good girl.
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?No but I do have a Belgian actor in the family. Never met him either though.28. What type of music do you like?I mostly prefer game and movie OSTs, and also ‘epic’ songs, the type of music often used in movie trailers.36. Favorite clean word?Keukendeur, which is Dutch for kitchendoor and this is a really long story but basically it’s an old inside joke between me and some friends and it’s not gonna make any sense if I tell you. XD
37. Favorite swear word?I don’t really have a favorite one, but back when I still RPed in Dutch (15 or so years ago) my favorite swear word to use for my character to call other people was ‘opruiige bakvis‘ which... doesn’t really translate into English well, so... yeah XD;;;
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?Close to 30 hours, during a movie night when I was still in high school.41. Are you a good liar?I... don’t know? I think so... I mean, I’m no saint, I’ve lied plenty as a kid and I usually got away with it.
42. Are you a good judge of character?I like to think I am. I tend to trust my gut and it’s usually right (I WAS RIGHT WITH YOU!!
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?I never tried honestly...
45. What is your favorite accent?Hmm... there’s this youtuber from Sweden (no, not that one) whom I really like listening to because of his accent. It really reminds me of how Zevran from Dragon Age Origins talks. His name is Keralis, look him up, he’s funny.
46. What is your personality type?INFP (mediator)49. Are you an innie or an outie?Innie
50. Left or right handed?Right handed52. Favorite food?Sushi and lasagna, you can always wake me up for either of these!
53. Favorite foreign food?... sushi and lasagna? XD
54. Are you a clean or messy person?I’m not a clean freak and I like to pile things up and cover every available space with stuff instead of putting it neatly away, but my place is not gross or dirty or anything. It’s organized chaos! Gets dusty real quickly though, but that’s what happens when you have pets.
55. Most used phrased?Oh snap!
56. Most used word?‘Lol.’ All the time.
58. Do you have much of an ego?No. When I receive a compliment I get terribly self-aware and start getting all awkward and shy.
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?I suck ‘m!
60. Do you talk to yourself?All the time, it’s a terrible habit XD
61. Do you sing to yourself?I only sing along, never without actual music.
62. Are you a good singer?I’m average at it.
63. Biggest Fear?Drowning.
64. Are you a gossip?... maybe a little. XD
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?Hmm... I honestly don’t know.
66. Do you like long or short hair?Looooong hair all the way, on the ladies AND on the men!
69. Extrovert or Introvert?Very introvert.71. What makes you nervous?Everything. Not even joking, almost everything makes me nervous or gives me stress and anxiety. The joys of having a severe anxiety disorder. >
72. Are you scared of the dark?Depends. I don’t like being outside while it’s dark, and I’m seriously afraid of being in a forest in the dark. But at home? No problem.
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?Only when I feel it’s actually important, like when the mistake they’re about to make will have actual consequences. In all other cases, learn from them.
78. Have you ever done drugs?No, unless you count actual medicine like anti depressants and such. I was in the hospital once and they gave me oxazepam and I was so fucking high when they wheeled me off to surgery, I was grinning the whole way. I had a blast, lol.84. What color is your hair?Boring brown. I used to dye it, I’ve had it black for a while, and various shades of red, but I’m honestly too lazy to keep it up.
85. What color is your eyes?Greyish green with amber flecks. My eyes are purdy :D89. Do you like your age?Eh, my real age doesn’t reflect my mental age anyway, so whatever. XD
90. What makes you angry?When I see people hurting animals. I’m a huuuuuge animal lover. I’m really super shy but if I see you hurt an animal I will go fucking bananas on you! >C94. What are you strengths?I dunno. People say I’m a good listener so there’s that I guess. This is kind of difficult to answer.
95. What are your weaknesses?I’m what I like to call a ‘doom thinker’. I always immediately think of the worst case scenario when something happens. A friend doesn’t show up on skype for a day? They probably got into an accident and I’ll never know. A small pang of pain in my chest? Yep I’m having a heart attack.  My 98 year old grandpa doesn’t answer the door after ringing twice? Something happened to him and he’s probably dead.
Stuff like that. It sucks.98. Do you have any scars?Smalls scars here and there but the most noticable one is on my left wrist. Derpy kid!me was trying to feed a pony and I accidentally cut myself open on rusty barbed wire. Oops.
99. Color of your bedspread?... teal. Don’t even bother acting surprised. XD
100. Color of your room?Which one? XD My bedroom has white and grey walls, and my living room has white and teal walls.
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Haque: A review
It was funny one summer of anime I was reading this really cute manga about this girl who maxed out her level by killing nothing but slimes, the same time as everyone was getting into that other anime call “that time i was reincarnated as a slime” super weird that these things happened fairly close to each other.
Oh well let's talk about fighting some slimes.
Welcome back to another video here on Mummified games. My name is Tony and today we're going to be taking a look at the RPG Roguelike Haque by Super Try.
This is another one of these roguelikes where you are asked to pick one of three characters to go run though these dungeons. And try to get as far as you can.
The game has a heavy retro feel to it. And I mean heavy retro as in they let you turn on CRT scan lines and a faux dirty screen to make it feel super rough and hard to see...
Ah yes the anarcho-retro style. So in love with old graphics that were going to actively make the experience as basic as possible on your nice clean 1080p monitors and TVs. The chaotic Evil of game graphics.
Luckily if you don't want to play with dust and crap all over your screen, then grab some monitor cleaner
And if you don't want the fake dirt in the game then you can turn it all off along with the CRT scanlines. Doing this will make it all crisp clean sharp pixels.
Anyway moving on from that small personal setting.
The game starts when you first load it up asking you to impot the date. But no matter what you type it does the right date. And that was cool when it happened. You can just press the same key over and over again to progress though this intro but it might also be fun to just pretend you're inputting these commands.
I don't have any video of this because I started playing the game and forgot to hit the record button on OBS. So yeah. Sorry.
So once you’re in I highly recommend you play the tutorial and figure out what everything means. The symbols and art that exist in this game are fine. And once you know what they stand for it makes sense, but just jumping right into the game can be a little deep.
The controls are fairly simple, similar to the controls of a game that I reviewed earlier called Midboxx where you can click around your character, selecting the squares around them and moving to the next squares. And also attacking this way.
Hitting “I” will bring up your inventory and you can also see what you have equipped. Similar to all the other RPGs that are out there.
All the actions you can do are bound to 1 through 4 and also Q W E R at the top left of the keyboard. Compared to ability buttons in some MOBA or MMO games.
QWER being reserved for special skills that your equipped items give you. And then there are 1 through 4 that are quick locations for consumable items. Examples being positions and other limited uses items.
There is a companion that comes with you that fights the monsters you might see in the dungeons.
But that's sort of the basics. There are tons of skills and items that you could use in the game that you could just hold right click over and they explain the spell.
Once you get out of the tutorial the actual game starts with you picking one of 3 different random skilled and stats characters at the start. They’re nowhere near your typical archetypal characters, sometimes you can get a sorcerer that is a great fighter. Sometimes you can get a Necromancer Mushroom that spews spores everywhere. And then there sometimes is a werewolf that you can play as, also.
It's hard to tell you about this game because there isn't a lot that sets it apart from other Roguelikes there are.
The music is fairly basic, and now that I stopped playing the game I could not tell you what any of it sounded like. I know there was a sort of chime sounding song that would play in the shops and that was different from the other songs.
Oh there is a fun idea they put into the shop mechanic.
There's no money or currency in this game. So the shopping experience is a barter deal. Where you select the item you want to buy and then select the items you would want to trade for it. And the game gives you a percentage of if that deal would go through or not. That's actually interesting.
Especially since the chance of the trade going through is the same window in the game where they show you the likelihood of the attack you're about to do will land or not. So that's fun.
There's a sight range thing... *sigh*
There is just nothing to really talk about in this one. It's all just more dungeon crawling fighting more enemies.
There is a story going on with the program being corrupted. And there is an old man that I was halfway through level 3 or 4 when I was thinking okay when is he going to turn on me? And turns out to be a bad guy.
Idk why i thought that might happen but after beating the level one skeleton boss he said something to me that i thought was super ominous. All while the screen was glitching out a bit. Very weird.
Having played this for about an hour and a half I didn't get really far into the story part of this Roguelike. Again a fault of the genre. Your story can't be super long or hard to reach if the player is going to die over and over again.
While playing this game I found myself taking into account the same fighting style that I adopted in Crypt of the Necrodancer. Where if the monster i'm fighting is about to attack i just move back one and they have to spend their turn to move forward.
The problem with this strategy is that the game does not clearly show you how long it is until the other character will take their turn. So you might move back one and then it turns out you have more time until they do their thing.
I feel like this one is going to be the same thing I say about most of the games that came in the Racial Justice Bundle. If you bought that bundle then sure go play this game since you have it. Go find it in your collection and give it a whirl.
But as for a recommendation to go out and pick it up. I'd say unless you really need that crunchy pixel roguelike RPG in your life then sure. If not then I'd give this a pass.
If you played this game, what were your thoughts on it?
If you haven't played this game, are there any other aggressively retro games out there that you would want me to try. Let me know in the comments.
I just remembered I never did a Tournament update at the end of July. I think that since i didn't do a full month i'm going to wait till the end of August. That way I have a bunch to filter though. Not as much as the first one obviously but still a good chunk to push forward with.
I'm sure ill get to another tool or book review soon if anyone was looking for more of those. I'm giving myself a little bit of time every day to read though some of the actual books in this bundle. The next Book club might not be a bundle but a full book by its self. Obviously i'll keep you informed.
But for now you all do the youtube dance Like, Sub, Bell, Comment, share with someone you know.
And as always friends, keep digging and we’ll make it out sometime
See you in the next one.
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