#the most wholesomest of best friends
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Made this awful no-good art for a dear friend 😊. Cami is so hinged she is so normal about everything and kind of embarrassingly fun to draw she's a very stylish serial killer ok and my friend's KC Lisette is there to match her every step of the way 🌸.
She made the worst choice possible at every point along her path, enough that she got the 'don't have to kill your romance' option when she got fully lich'd without my friend knowing that was possible 😅.
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reigningmax · 2 years
I saw your tags under the Max video and the ask after and I absolutely agree. I sometimes am taken aback how "stable" Max is. idk how to say it but from the outside we can clearly see that the way Jos has been treating him is abusive, but you can't really see it on max? he is more private than most drivers so we can't see that much, but people that work with him all sing his praises and not just because he's fast. he has 2 cats, which means he's wholesome (that's why Alex is the wholesomest) 1/4
The way he is with Kelly and Penelope is actually surprising. How he's taking care of Penelope(the little we can see of it) looks good, fun and helthy. And how he isn't afraid to wear floaties in the pool, or swim in Kelly's arms like the babygirl he is. If I were a guy and my father was Jos, I would be the poster child for toxic masculinity tbh... yet Max isn't. I am a new fan and I've only seen some videos and stories of him being angry/agressive but I don't see it in present Max 2/4
Also the way he put his foot down with DTS and declined being a part of it because he felt like they're creating drama.Wether it's for his benefit alone or because he sees the whole grid mistreated idk.I wish he was more firm and outspoken on other stuff too. I'm not sure if he simply talks about everything he cares for and doesn't talk about anything else or if there are other stuff he's not comfortable speaking out for. I don't think I was ready to talk about a lot of stuff back at his age 3/4
And the way he spoke out about the virtual Le Mans! I don't understand how some people were not siding with him! Not only was he right, he was probably the best known person there and his words can actually change something. And the way he spoke about it reminded me of Mr Darcy lol "I cannot forget the follies and vices of others so soon as I ought, nor their offences against myself... My good opinion once lost is lost forever." 4/4
YES!!!!!! YES EXACTLY. he in every way is expected to be that toxic man whos' controlling and angry and shitty. it's how his haters want to believe is just to make themselves hate him but he's literally just Not that?? he's very grounded, protective, SO loving towards his people. he shares his wealth with his family and friends. he takes care of his people. he loves his team and his friends in the paddock. he's unapologetically himself cause it seems like he's always had to apologize before for who he was, how he was, what he loved. he's someone to admire IMO cause he got out of a shit situation and made the most of it??
there are people who say they like him and always give a "well people who hate him have their reasons" but DO they? lmao or is he just good at getting shit done in his sport without faking niceness??? yknow... like all the greats in every sport ever lmao.
and you dont even need to like him as a racer to see how he is a man but. he's either reduced to [insert whatever buzz word the moral police wanna use here] or he's max, the abused dick-traumized weird man who likes weird kinks and to be humiliated. which....couldn't be farther from who he is clearly even if it tried. and obviously fic vs reality etc etc but I think the excuses people who hate him AND people who pander to those who hate him clearly completely miss the mark of who Max is. the man who loves what he loves unapologetically and takes care of everyone around him and is a good one to love, with all his flaws and past mistakes. cause obvi he has those and has fucked up and I wish he has spoken up about things in a more conscience way. but you can't sit and tell me he hasn't changed.
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pranzill · 1 year
Thanks @catnipster69!!
I was tagged to Name five songs you're into right now and tag five people...
So...I'd like to derail this post to celebrate the Italian Republic Day (June 2nd) because I don't have 5 songs I'm particularly into right now and I'd like to spam some good classic Italian songs that I'm generally into, that are always shown off during these holidays if in a friends group there is someone with a guitar ❤️
Fabrizio De André - Bocca di Rosa (Rose Mouth)
De Andrè is a wonderful storyteller. This song is about a girl who for work, out of boredom or just for passion gives her love freely to anyone. She ends up sent away by the wives of the last place she lands, but on her way, people knowing about her, search for her to show their love, until even the priest wants her during the procession next to the Virgin Mary. Holy Love and Profane Love.
Franco Battiato - Centro di gravità permanente (Center of permanent gravity)
Most of Battiato's songs like this one, are playful and surreal mixes of irony, literature, philosophy and new age quotes. His cringy little dances are awesome and I was lucky enough to see him sing and dance at one of his last concerts. You can write an essay about this song or take it as a summer hit, you choose.
Lucio Battisti / Mina - all of their songs
Can't choose just one song nor one between them, they're both iconic. Classic love songs like there's no tomorrow guys.
Ivan Graziani - Monna Lisa
One of the best italian guitarists. He basically goes to the Louvre to steal "what once was mine". Yep, Her ❤️.
Gianni Morandi - C'era un ragazzo... (There was a boy...)
The wholesomest singer ever with the biggest hands on earth. The song is about a boy, a traveler from the US, who loved The Beatles and Rolling stones, who loved and singed about freedom but was called back to America to fight in Vietnam.
Joan Beaz made a very popular version of this song too ❤️
Aaaaaand I'll tag @walechu @herefortears @sugaraddictarchangels @collinmieczbz @digitalmeowmix don't know if you're already been tagged and no pressure tags of course!
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crocwork-clockodile · 2 years
I was thinking about how I can never seem to relate to those stories people have about the wild, Game-of-Thrones-style political intrigue stories they would play out with their dolls when they were young, and how my games with my toys were generally fairly tame, but then I remembered a game I made up with a friend that actually was kind of messed up...
One day, when my parents had forbidden me from playing on the computer for one reason or another (back in the early 2000s so this was a fairly reasonable thing for parents to do), my best friend at the time and I were trying to think of a way to entertain ourselves for the afternoon. Then, my friend got an idea. She and I gathered all the plushies from her room and we sorted them into big ones (adults) and small ones (babies). Then, we arranged the adult plushies into a sort of audience facing us and the babies in her room.
The game was that she and I were I suppose the heads of a nursery wing of a hospital or something, and the babies were all the newborns that were ready to be sent home. However, the parents had been separated from the babies, and would have to identify a baby as theirs in order to take it home. There were some “canonical” baby-parent matchups among the plushies already, so they were the first and easiest to pair off. However, we would then be left with unclaimed babies (I’m not sure how we thought these babies got there in-fiction, or how orphans/abandoned children work). These would then be essentially auctioned off -- not for money, but just held up and offered to the remaining prospective parents like
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Which, considering how much fun I found this and how often I’d play this game even by myself, probably makes it a relief that I don’t want to have any irl children.
With each iteration of the game, different adult plushies would adopt different “orphaned” baby plushies, and we’d also have the adults promise to take good care of the babies, but none of these parents ever wrote anything down or signed any paperwork, and there were no formal background checks to even make sure that the alleged biological parents even were who they claimed to be. We were taking everything on faith. It’s just a testament to my faith that people are inherently good that there was never an Incident with mistaken identity or anything.
So I guess the moral of the story is that even the most sunshiny, wholesomest child can have some messed up games with their dolls and stuffed animals, lmao.
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galaxina-the-pyro · 4 years
Idk if somebody already asked but you just haven’t answered yet? But what about Phineas (for the character ask thing, unless that’s closed now?)
OH YAS! I’m game for that! :D (I’m always open for these kinds of asks, because not many people ask anyway and they’re lots of fun, lol)
1. Sexuality Headcanon: Either he’s straight or he’s demisexual. Both make complete sense to me - I’m actually leaning more towards the demisexual bit, because while Isabella has technically shown signs of having feelings for another character (The Beak, though that ended up being Phineas and Ferb [ she was talking to Phineas the whole time, though, so...yeah...]), Phineas has never shown romantic interest in another character outside of Isabella (though one could say that technically this interest doesn’t occur until “Act Your Age”, but a lot of moments in the show tell me otherwise).
2. OTP: Phinabella, because that is the cutest, most wholesomest, sweetest, bestest ship there is, it’s my pride and joy and I will love it forever and ever and ever and I just love those two together, they’re such great friends and they’re so cute together and-
3. brotp: Phineas and Ferb. They be bros for life. I also love his dynamic with the rest of the gang, too, I swear they’re the best part of the show for me aside from Dr. D. But seriously, I needed more Phineas and Ferb episodes showcasing the bond of the bros, cmon. (Also, like, not to rant more about Phinabella, but even their platonic friendship is just the most cutest thing in the universe, I cannot even)
4. NOTP: So I already said Phinerb and Phindace - but you wanna know a ship I hate JUST as much? Doophin. Why? WHY would you take two of my favorite characters and smoosh them together in such an unholy abomination? Just. Why? Doofenshmirtz would never groom a child, he’s too fatherly to literally anyone smaller than him (and even NORM at times), that ship’s existence is an egregious insult to his character. (Wait...isn’t this supposed to be about Phineas?)
5. First Headcanon That Pops Into My Head: Phineas is a horror movie junkie, and is absolutely enthralled with creepy macabre stuff. Which is totally out on a left field for people who don’t know how as well as his friends or family, because he’s such a sweet squishy boy on the outside. And he is on the inside...but with a dark side. (He sucks at telling scary stories though, he’s too pure even for his horror loving soul to break through)
6. Favorite Line From the Character: “Anyone else around here leading a bizarre double life...put your hand down Ferb.” (Phineas is a cornucopia of good lines, omg)
7. One Way In Which I Relate To This Character: I can be REALLY oblivious to obvious situations, and can miss social cues as a result (only MY THING is due to social awkwardness, while his is because he’s a precious bean).
8. Thing That Give Me Second Hand Embarrassment About This Character: I actually don’t mind Phineas’ oblivious behavior, and find it charming and hilarious (if anything, I find people blaming him for his oblivious behavior to be more...cringy? But that’s opinion, and I honestly don’t blame anyone for being frustrated) - I just...don’t buy that he’d wait ten years to figure it out? He’s oblivious, not stupid. I also didn’t like how his anger was handled in “Mission Marvel”, but I hate almost everything about that episode so that’s too easy.
9. Cinnamon Roll or Problematic Fave?: I’m not even gonna acknowledge the second half of that question, we all know Phineas is the pure embodiment of the phrase “cinnamon roll” (except when he’s manipulating Bobby Fabulous into helping with his parents’ anniversary, and there’s also that love of horror thing so yeah, but that might actually add to him being a cinnamon roll all things considered)
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booksandseventeen · 4 years
Characters as Types of Farms
Vineyard farm
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wine for dayz 
likes to rent out his place for weddings and grad pictures
he’s leaning on a fence post with a piece of straw in his mouth with an oversized jacket over his overalls.
oh he just accidentally swallowed the piece of straw
he doesn’t quite have the farmer feel yet but he’s trying 
he shouldn’t join famersonly.com 
no no he wont
.....but maybe?
Minecraft farm
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the only farming this boy does is online
likes to invite his gamer friends to plant and what not
one time he invited Hinata and Hinata accidentally set fire to half his field
emotionally, he is not over it yet
grows cherries and peaches
he once tried to bring a cactus home but he ended up killing it because who knew you could under-water a cactus
he had named it Kuroo :(
Rip Kuroo
sunflower farm
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the sunniest farm for the sunniest boy
he’s frolicking like a gd gazelle every sunrise and sunset
most sought after farm
did you know, that when a sunflower can’t find the sun, they turn towards each other?
Kageyama sunflower #1: bro where’s the sun?
Hinata sunflower #2: bro, you are my sun
Kageyama sunflower #1:....bro
^^ better than any romeo and juliet
sunflower crowns for all his friends 
maze farm
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fun for all ages!
except that one time he forgot to make an exit?
he was on the channel 11 news
“over 50 men, women, and children missing: More to come at 5″
akaashi had to bail him out
but he has fun doing it!
he just wants everyone to visit his farm and have a great time!
he gets more and more elaborate every year
this year he made a selfie of himself doing an awesome spike with Hinata in the background cheering for him with a confetti gun
scientists are still wondering how he could have pulled off that detailed of a maze
Illegal Cat Farm
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not really a farm
just an open area where local cats gather
it’s canon that he sleeps with two pillows squished on either side of his head
that’s because so many damn cats are meowing
Lev: “haha, Kuroo look at those scratches on your back, I bet you had a wild night.” *wink wink*
Kuroo: “yeah they were in heat and I got caught in the middle of it. i’ll be coughing up hairballs for dayz.”
Lev: “.....wut.”
training them to become ninjas that follow Kenma around and make sure he’s doing basic human needs
milk farm
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he’s milking those uddies like it’s last dig of a match point game against seijoh
he has over 100 cows and has named them all
the ones that act up the most are named after his enemies
he’s at the farmers market every sunday 
he’s kind of famous among the locals, no biggie.
takes a nap with them once a week
most wholesomest
likes the ride “choco” into the sunset when he feels dramatic
exotic farm
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must I say more?
You can’t unsee it
and finally, Ushijima: 
the prettiest farm
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undisclosed location
i’m talking crops
i’m talking animals
i’ll talking horticulture and landscaping that yo mammie and pappie would cry when they see
he’s living that farming life, working from sunrise to sunset to twilight to breaking dawn 
puts everything into his land, his heart and soul
Ushijima: “And just as i have planted a seed in the land, i shall plant my seed in you.”
Tendou: “okay lets try that again. less creepy aaaaand GO!”
yearly gatherings at his farm for smores and classic boy scout activites
best farm, but all are great
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kagemajaya · 4 years
Unripe Expression - High school romance and friendship done well
Misughan Pyohyeon - 2016, Aga - 9/10
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Jaewon and his boys - my favorite harem yet
I’m not much of a manga reader, if you don’t count BLs that is. BL manga is one of the very few things that can pull me out of boredom, and I consume on average one volume a day. Korean webtoons are definitely a part of this comic devotion of mine. They are almost always easy to consume (not something I can say for manga) and the format lends itself to binging extremely well. Many a night, starting a new 80+ chapter webtoon has been a grave mistake for me, as I end up welcoming the sun with whatever couple I’m on a journey with at the time. Another feature of most BL webtoons is that somehow their drama never suffocates me, no matter the seriousness. Albeit a huge generalization, even when they make me cry rivers, they never feel quite so pessimistic as their Japanese counterparts. I always know what sort of an emotional reaction I’ll get out of them - which is not a bad thing if you are reading romance as a enjoyable pastime.
Unripe Expression, while seemingly just another one of the cute high school romances with some light drama, changed my mind as it built towards something subtly different. Throughout the majority of the story, I had two main feelings: that the story was ordinary but very involving, and that the main cast was individually superb characters. They were well-written and had lives and feelings of their own, and they were all extremely sympathetic even after they made mistakes. At the end, my feelings on the boys remained strong, but another thought struck me. The story was their desires, interactions, overall relationships, and characterization otherwise. The romantic pursuits and the friendships that Aga showed us were nuanced and alive, and I love each and every one of them.
Jaewon, the MC, is a sweet guy and first and foremost I wanted his choice to be realized, and this was in spite of Junseo being my best boy. While Jaewon had agency in the narrative, and he had a choice from the very beginning, the romantic plot never revealed what it had in store for us at the end. This is a 70 chapter comic, and I only knew who the lucky guy was in the last 2-3 chapters, a truly unpredictable gem. This can rattle a lot of people, and perhaps, if I hadn’t been convinced by the relationships of Jaewon and the boys, I’d have felt the same. Looking up some reviews after I finished the story, I found that not a lot of people were happy about the ending, so this might not be one of the stories you choose to read when you are in the mood for wish fulfillment. Speaking for myself, it fulfilled my wishes in terms of great relationship development on all counts, so even if I felt sad for the unlucky ones, I was completely satisfied with the way this particular story turned out. I bought every one of their plotlines, and that none of them were tools for fanservice to the audience. I was reading the real lives of a bunch of good high school boys, and what I wanted for them was not really their concern. Aga certainly has the qualities of a writer that I respect passionately. They seem to be writing for art and not the reader. Having said that, I’m still a weak human, so I’d love to see a continuation story for the other boys who couldn’t get Jaewon. [Big spoilers past this point until marked otherwise.]
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Is it gonna be him or him or him? An embarrassment of riches...
First and foremost of those boys is of course Junseo, the reason for the public outcry in reviews. Junseo is the most well-built character and it is perfectly natural to be on his side as he helps Jaewon through his identity crisis and romantic troubles chasing Karam. He is sweet, loyal, a great friend, and as we witness him support his friend wholeheartedly, he falls in love with him in the process. The fact that he had already had a very intense relationship before high school and was broken hearted over it adds to our deep sympathy for him. His own transition from friend to boy in love is believable, and the story helps us support him in his quest through the first half of it - until we start getting a bit more into how Karam sees Jaewon (well at least me!)
My journey in what I want for Jaewon was quite shaky. In fact I’d say I’d have probably felt okay with whoever he ended up with. However, my top choice changed throughout the story; first Karam, then Junseo, and Karam again. I never stopped loving Junseo the best and feeling for him, but as mentioned, I wanted Jaewon to have who he wanted. We knew Karam was slightly interested in him from the beginning but the nature of that was not entirely clear. As we got further away from understanding him, my heart was turning towards Junseo and giving him what he wanted. However, Aga eventually turned the story back to Karam, with a new tool in the game - Jaewon’s first love Yoonsung. Yoonsung didn’t only trigger Karam to understand his own feelings better, he also showed us that Jaewon’s feelings were fully mutual. Karam can come across as the least developed of the group, and he is certainly the “less exciting” choice, but his own struggles with his feelings were gripping. Despite feeling that Jaewon was special, and despite being confessed to, he turned down Jaewon and still wanted to stay with him. This trope of being scared to lose a friend can come across as ordinary, but in this case the execution was superb. Karam wasn’t actually scared, and without respite, he kept sticking to Jaewon and flirting with him and doing everything in his power to stay in his heart. He didn’t want to lose Jaewon’s love for him to Yoonsung. The inherent selfishness of this is also inherently titillating to me - as long as Jaewon was only looking at him, he didn’t want to bother with the troubles that come with romance. Thankfully, Yoonsung came across as a very open threat to his possessive love. Little did he know, the real possible competition was Jaewon’s best friend Junseo.
Yoonsung himself comes across as the easy boy, the playboy who is playing games, and why would we ever root for him? The truth is we’ve read plenty of BL where the childhood love of the hero returns and has had a transformation of his own and gains the heart of his love again. Yoonsung is a charming boy, and from his perspective, the story is a sad one. The boy he’s loved all his life doesn’t pick him, and he doesn’t even make it simple. Jaewon’s protests against Yoonsung’s advances are flimsy at best. In the space of a few days, he gives hope to all three boys with his actions. Karam has already been confessed to, Yoonsung is allowed physical closeness, and Junseo emotional closeness. Jaewon’s relationships with each of them make these interactions believable and not-unlikeable. They are all a part of the natural flow, and in the end, as a boy who has been turned down, his confusion is natural. I find the final choice of Karam incredibly realistic, as he’s never stopped loving him. And luckily for Karam, he wasn’t too late to fix what he had almost undone. Unlucky for Junseo of course, because given enough time, I have no doubt that he could have made Jaewon forget about Karam’s rejection. Just the timing wasn’t right. Poor Yoonsung, on the other hand, was entirely too late. His time had been almost ten years ago. His unintentional rejection of Jaewon as a well-meaning child was the final chance he was ever going to get. 
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Jaewon is the wholesomest slut in the world of BL
Another entirely doki doki element of the webtoon is that throughout the story no one ever finds out how close Jaewon and Junseo were. It was their own world, making their friendship particularly special - and make no mistake, it was a friendship, of the best kind. A huge strength of this webtoon was that despite most of the boys being in love with Jaewon, it wasn’t only about romance. It was very much about friendship, friendship of people who might have romantic connections as well. Whilst in many romance stories, friendship can be neglected, it is even rarer to see lovers or love interests portrayed properly as a friend. The perfection of how Junseo was equally in love and a loyal friend is one of the biggest draws here. Of course, we don’t only have Junseo as a friend but also Jaehee, who was the only straight boy in the crowd, Jaewon’s other best friend. Jaehee had a smaller role compared to the others, however, from his initial reaction to how he got himself forgiven and how he silently watched over his friend without wanting to make him uncomfortable, he had a subtle and sweet character development of his own. He was the less complicated friend-the one who was always there, unlike Junseo who had to leave at the end. And that choice was probably the one that made me the saddest. It was clear to me that Jaewon wasn’t only a crush for Junseo, so seeing him throw away his friendship was particularly sad. Jaewon respected his choice in the end, as he had briefly been there with Karam and didn’t appreciate the situation he was put in (once again showing that Karam is not such a goodie two-shoes.) In the end, this made the ending particularly bittersweet - not only because best boy Junseo didn’t get the boy but also because they had lost their best friends in each other as well. If we ever get a sequel, I would love to see Junseo get a boyfriend of his own, and back to being friends with Jaewon - and close friends at that! If I had to complain about anything at all, it would be that friendship does come behind romance as the main theme, and this means that once the romantic plotline ends, we don’t get to see any “side stories” to see where they all end up. Given how important friendship is to the rest of the story, it would have been more fulfilling to have one for the road.
Spoilers done!
In the end, Unripe Expression was a great success - telling a heartfelt story of love and friendship of five sweet boys, all of whom you could route for, for their own happiness. Harem is a particularly difficult structure to realistically execute and Aga did it perfectly here. None of the characters’ interest in the main character felt forced and I never found myself thinking, oh my god, why does everyone like this one boy! Even if the last choice may be controversial to some, Unripe Expression tells the story of Jaewon’s romantic escapades in a heartfelt and well-constructed fashion. Hopefully, you’ll give this beautiful (and extremely bingeable) webtoon a shot and Aga will one day grace us with more of their imagination and more of these boys’ friendships.
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natsumiheart · 5 years
im asking this out of genuine curiosity, and not to be rude or anything- could you explain what there is to like about oumasai, to someone who really doesnt like it? i played the whole game, free times and bonus modes included, and i dont get it. most posts about reasons to ship it are aimed at people who already like the ship, so they just dont make sense to me. i hope this wasnt too rudely phrased, and thank you in advance for your time
Oh no don’t worry about it! You were completely respectful, and I’m really touched you’d come to me about this! ;; I think you don’t need to force yourself to ship something you don’t get, your feelings are very valid and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise! But honestly it’s so awesome how you’re open to hearing reasons from their fans instead of painting them all in a bad light like what a lot of people in the dr fandom usually do.
I actually have a couple posts where I rant about Saiouma so to list everything this will take forever XD 
I made a 100 reasons post which you can find here, it’s just me fangirling so you don’t have to read the full thing but the most important points are numbers 22 and 100.
22. In chapter 4 Kokichi referred to Shuichi with the phrase “Suki ni natta hito” “the person I fell in love with” while alone. and it’s not even a bonus scene or event, the line is 100% canon and the player will come across it no matter what.
100. Their relationship is very realistic, it is focused on how two characters try their best to understand each other, how even someone like Kokichi can come to trust in someone and want someone to trust in him, how he wants that someone to be able to understand him. Kokichi went from being interested in Shuichi to falling in love with him (literally referring to him as the person he fell in love with, using the same phrase that Maki says to Kaito later on), in a freaking killing game. he forced himself to cut their ties and died thinking the only person he cared about hated him. while Shuichi started off interested but wary of Kokichi, tried reaching out to him but failed due to Kokichi pushing him away, to getting mad from him for making Gonta a murderer and trash talking Kaito when he seemed in a really bad condition (after getting punched by Kokichi too) to hitting cold hard realization to what Kokichi has been trying to do the whole game after his death. and then appreciating his help, using the clues he left behind for him, clearing his name, calling him a friend, and grieving his death with the rest of his friends who died in the killing game. He then uses everything Kokichi gave to him and taught him, ends up understanding Kokichi and his lies, and uses the tactic he taught him where he said “sometimes you win a game by not playing it” to end danganronpa. then you’re left wondering how things could’ve been different if Shuichi didn’t already have so much on his back and tried harder to reach out to Kokichi. you start wondering what could’ve happened if Kokichi didn’t push him away, you start thinking about all these possibilities. and then salmon team comes along and wraps everything up with a ribbon. putting direct throwbacks to what happened in the killing game and the free time events, Kokichi BEING the one to reach out to Shuichi, asking him to stay by his side. Their relationship is like one huge arc that starts the moment they met to their graduation in salmon team, and it leaves you with the fact that after they graduate they will stay together and learn more about each other, just like both of them wanted but couldn’t do in the killing game. if this isn’t a beautiful realistic relationship, I don’t know what is. Honestly, everything about this ship is so very beautiful, and I will support it with my life.
About point number 22, a lot of people deny that Kokichi’s feelings even exist that’s why I ranted about it once in a post that you can find here!
I answered this ask about it being technically one sided in the main game, because the main story is just the worst outcome for their relationship in my opinion (due to Kokichi’s plan having Shuichi hate him after chapter 4, ouch) but Kokichi’s feelings are shown to be reciprocated in Salmon team.
Then there’s this ask where I just summarised all my favorite things about the ship XD
I’m not saying that everyone who supports the ship has a bunch of deep reasons, some might just ship it cause it’s cute, and some might just like the fanon pregame version of the ship only because it has a totally different dynamic. But this is just the case for me because not only have I been questioned my feelings for this ship multiple times, but I went from actively disliking it at first to having it as my otp! (Which led me to even questioning myself multiple times, why did I got from dislike to like?) As I played the game I just kept noticing things, it probably all started after Kokichi’s “I stole Saihara-chan’s heart so I don’t need to take his life anymore.” and then solidified after Kokichi saw a detective Shuichi chasing after him in the love hotel scene, and the “Man I fell in love with.” line in chapter 4, and then the entirety of Kokichi’s Salmon team route.
The main story had such a tragic outcome for their relationship, but in another reality where Kokichi didn’t have to make everyone hate him including Shuichi, where he didn’t have to die being hated by everyone, and where Shuichi didn’t have to discover his true intentions after Kokichi was dead and consider him a friend again after he was gone. They really could have the wholesomest relationship as friends or more! And many amazing well-written fanfictions I read really shows it ;;
They just complete each other, at least that’s just how I see it XD I love them so much to the point I’ve been shipping them for two years now and it’s still going strong, amazing writing like this really hooks me, they have so much potential that you can’t stop thinking about all the what if scenarios. To me I love their relationship even if it was just platonic, I just love seeing them interact.
Still I totally understand that not everyone will see their relationship the same way as I do! These two are just two characters that I’ve analysed to death and liked their dynamic. And I think it’s totally alright to ship them with other characters (Shuichi is so shippable istg), but when I see people attacking their fans and calling their ship one sided or unhealthy it seriously ruins my day considering all that has happened to me before, and how it’s blatantly not true. It’s not true to the point I ranted multiple times about it in those essays-
But yea this on top of all those essays pretty much summarises why I ended up shipping them, they have this dynamic where they can make each other develop as a person, and at the same understand each other’s problems and the anxiety of how they look like in other people’s eyes. They have so much angst and the same time so much fluff, and I think many people who are into the yin yang *together we balance each other* dynamic will really have fun shipping them! Hope this somehow showed what I saw in them!
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taskunukkumatti · 5 years
0-44 🔥
APUA!! :D thank you! C: < 
0:Height   - 175cm last time I checked :D  1:Virgin?  - Nope 2:Shoe size
   - 42/43 
3:Do you smoke?    -Only when I’m drunk and someone offers! lol :’D 
 4:Do you drink?    - Yup :D  
5:Do you take drugs?   
6:Age you get mistaken for   - I don’t know, how old do you think I am? :)  
7:Have tattoos?    - No 
8:Want any tattoos?    - Maybeee, not sure what kinda though 
9:Got any piercings?    -None 
10:Want any piercings?  ´ -
 not really 11:Best friend?    - my broes <3  
12:Relationship status    - Single af! :’D 
 13:Biggest turn ons   - kindness, sense of humor, flirting    - Neck kisses, waist grabs, 
 14:Biggest turn offs    - Nagging, being mean, toxic behaviour in general  
15:Favorite movie    - Fight club, Chappie, lotr, FnF, idk I like movies :D  
16:I’ll love you if    - we do dumb stuff together :’D  
17:Someone you miss    - I miss every dog I’ve pet :C  
18:Most traumatic experience   - hmm, varmaa ne ekat salmari/jekkukännit kun en pysty enää juomaan oksentamatta lähes heti.. 
19:A fact about your personality   - Always ready for spontanious meetups or trips or just hangouts :D  
20:What I hate most about myself   - probably how I sometimes feel bad even though everything if fine 
21:What I love most about myself   - maybe how I try to be useful and helpful to everyone :)  
22:What I want to be when I get older   - Happy and in love I guess 
23:My relationship with my sibling(s)   - it’s good :)  
24:My relationship with my parent(s)   - same :) we call a few times a week  
25:My idea of a perfect date   - First do something together, then hangout/walk around during the night and just chill and talk about all the things in the worlds or netflix and chill is cool too 
26:My biggest pet peeves    - Driving noticeably under the speed limit or just badly in front of me :’D  
27:A description of the girl/boy I like    - Don’t really have one right now but last one was the cutest, wholesomest, fun person and just all in all lovable girl  
28:A description of the person I dislike the most   - Ignorant, high and mighty selfish person..  
29:A reason I’ve lied to a friend   - surprises mostly, or just saying everything’s fine so they won’t worry 
30:What I hate the most about work/school   - The shitjobs are the worst but I really like my job all in all :)  
31:What your last text message says   - “pappastikyläs ni pöytätäki täys” 
32:What words upset me the most   - nothing comes to mind :’D  
33:What words make me feel the best about myself   - all compliments :D  
34:What I find attractive in women   - Colourful hair, their body, eyes, small cute habits they might have :) 
35:What I find attractive in men   - build, face  
36:Where I would like to live   - I really like Tampere ;)  
37:One of my insecurities   - ulkonäkö.. 
38:My childhood career choice   - Never really had one 
39:My favorite ice cream flavor   - vanilja, kahvi, baileys, minetin supermies ( vai mikä se ny oli)  
40:Who wish I could be  - idk everyone’s got their own shit going on so.. 
41:Where I want to be right now  - In bed cuddling/snuggling with a cutie 
42:The last thing I ate  - chocolate 
43:Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately  - A friend ^^  
44:A random fact about anything - I can sleep almost anywhere, almost whenever I want :D  thanks alot <3 ! 
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