#the most immediate solution here is either new job (virtually the same issue) or waking up earlier so i have time to wake up how i like
vampyretaemin · 6 months
told myself i was going to stop being so mad and negative about having to work all the time but im already struggling with it i wont lie
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wsmith215 · 4 years
How AI and remote collaboration tools could help the construction industry get back to work
In the two-plus months of global lockdown, much of the digital debate has focused on the pandemic’s long-tail impact on the global workforce. Remote working has suddenly become the norm for millions of people, and companies like Twitter have already confirmed that employees will be able to continue working remotely indefinitely.
Whether this trend proliferates remains to be seen, but not all industries lend themselves to working from home. Among many other hands-on sectors, builders, electricians, and plumbers can’t very well ply their trades over Zoom. But digital technology could still play a pivotal part in getting the $11 trillion construction industry back on its feet.
The construction industry has never been renowned for efficiency — various reports indicate it is among the lowest-performing sectors in terms of productivity, due in part to the lack of digitization. This has led to a boom in investments aimed at bringing building sites into the digital era, including robotics, AI, and other automated tools. Now the COVID-19 crisis could accelerate that shift.
Virtual tours
OpenSpace uses artificial intelligence (AI) to automatically create navigable 360-degree photos of construction sites. The San Francisco-based company’s software works in tandem with a 360-degree camera, which builders and site managers can strap to their hard hats to document the evolution of a site. OpenSpace captures all the imagery and uploads it to the cloud before tapping computer vision and machine intelligence to organize the photos, stitch them together, and map them to project plans.
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These visuals allow all stakeholders to monitor progress remotely through virtual site tours, while the digital record can also be used to resolve conflicts at a later date or help managers track multiple projects without being physically present. Ultimately, such technology can reduce the number of people who need to be on-site.
Above: OpenSpace: Comparing how a construction job has progressed
In the immediate aftermath of the global lockdown, OpenSpace reported a sharp spike in usage, including a 400% rise in “field notes,” which are basically comments made on a project image remotely. The company also said it saw a 65% increase in the number of web-based viewing sessions and a 37% uptick in the number of on-site photo captures.
OpenSpace also fast-tracked the launch of a new free version of its service called OpenSpace Photo — a basic “manual” offering aimed at smaller projects or subcontractors who only want to focus on a specific area of a build, such as a window installation.
While the two versions of the OpenSpace platform target slightly different use cases, they are both designed to help construction sites operate without needing lots of people present.
“With either version, you’re getting a purpose-built tool that makes it easier to collaborate with people virtually to monitor site status, make decisions about changes, and communicate any issues,” OpenSpace CEO and cofounder Jeevan Kalanithi told VentureBeat. “We’ve been planning the launch of OpenSpace Photo as a free service for some time now because we believe that photo-documentation is the future of the construction industry. We believe that any tool that can help builders continue their essential work while respecting distancing guidelines is useful, and we wanted to do our part for the industry.”
The builders themselves still have to be physically present, but tools like OpenSpace make it easier for construction sites to respect social distancing measures, as fewer people need to be present at a time. As a byproduct of this shift, construction companies are being forced to try new tools, which could lead to permanent changes in the way they operate.
“We are definitely seeing that the current situation is accelerating the transition to remote working, as more companies find themselves suddenly reliant on remote workers to keep progress moving forward,” Kalanithi added. “Construction is not by any means a tech-averse industry, but because margins can be slim, many businesses like to see real ROI (return on investment) before investing in a new product. We think that the pandemic situation has made remote work a necessity and will accelerate the adoption of enabling technologies because the ROI is no longer a few extra percentage points of profit, but rather potentially the viability of the entire project.”
Face blurring
Elsewhere, London-based Disperse uses AI to improve the work flow of construction sites. Similar to OpenSpace, Disperse captures on-site visuals through a 360-degree camera and helps project managers spot issues before they escalate into bigger, more expensive problems. The Disperse platform essentially creates what it calls a “digital twin” of a construction site by combining schedules, 3D models, drawings, and weekly snapshots captured on-site.
Above: Disperse in action
Disperse is also creating new tools and services to help the construction industry to get back to work safely, including building integrations with Microsoft Teams and Slack. Perhaps more interestingly, the company is reappropriating some of its existing AI technology to help building sites figure out what tasks they can safely carry out while adhering to social distancing measures.
Disperse previously used computer vision to blur workers’ faces when capturing imagery — to protect their privacy — but the company realized that historical face-blurring data could be used to measure physical distancing on building sites and map it to specific tasks. This means construction companies can gauge how many people are typically required to do a particular job and how close workers usually are to each other.
“We’re now offering this functionality to our customers to help them understand things like which critical tasks are inherently safe because they can be performed by one person at a time; which tasks will always require more than one worker and should therefore require extra PPE (personal protective equipment) if [they’re] to continue; and which sort of high-risk, non-critical activities have we observed that can be eliminated or delayed altogether,” Disperse CEO Felix Neufeld said. “It’s not a ‘real-time’ solution that keeps tabs on workers at all times, but rather a new way to get an understanding of which tasks are still possible to do safely, and which tasks need to be reconfigured or resequenced.”
In the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, Disperse noted a sharp rise in demand for its platform, reporting a 50% increase in “new project engagements.” Neufeld thinks — or perhaps hopes — that COVID-19 will expedite the construction industry’s embrace of digital technologies permanently.
“The signs are everywhere,” he said. “Any solution that can ease the pains of a newly distributed workforce will be positioned to help right now. At Disperse, we’re experiencing an uptick in demand from contractors and developers who want to quickly understand how this crisis is impacting production and how to safely maintain a baseline of productivity where possible.”
The status of the construction industry during the pandemic has varied wildly from country to county, and state to state. In some regions, building work ground to a complete halt, while others have been close to business as usual. While it’s true the construction industry will never be able to go 100% remote, the sector carries inherently fewer risks than many other industries that require their workforce to be physically present. For starters, many construction projects are located in large open spaces — whether indoors and outdoors — and safety guidelines around ventilation and wearing PPE are often already in place. In this context, digital tools may simply serve as the “grease” to get some projects going again.
“The new imperative of social distancing is challenging, and there’s no one ‘silver bullet’ that can solve it at once, but the situation is not insurmountable,” Neufeld added. “We’re working with our customers to make sure that anyone who can work remotely will at least have virtual access to a project, and to provide objective data that informs about which tasks can be done with fewer people in a physical space. [Having] fewer people on a site makes everybody safer, and to get there we’ve got to reconfigure processes and work smarter.”
Procore, the California-based construction management software company that is reportedly shelving its IPO plans to raise more private funds, has also launched a bunch of video conferencing tool integrations over the past couple of months, including one with Zoom that was followed by tie-ups with Microsoft Teams and GoToMeeting last week.
Above: Procore and Zoom
And while architects, project managers, and engineers can all use this integration to communicate remotely, it’s really aimed at all stakeholders in the construction process — including on-site workers.
“During the early stages of lockdown, customers wanted access to video conferencing tools to help support collaboration between home workers and on-site personnel, which we worked quickly to introduce to the platform,” said Brandon Oliveri-O’Connor, head of Procore in the U.K. and Ireland. “It’s not just about joining group calls to stay connected … construction workers on the ground have been using Zoom to show off-site personnel aspects of the construction site in real time, whether it’s to report a wall with a crack or to query something they’re not sure about.”
New features built or accelerated to accommodate COVID-19 are only part of the story here. Most of these digital platforms have been designed from the get-go to help people to collaborate without being in the same space. As construction sites gradually resume operations, logging a fault by uploading a photo to the cloud and then assigning the relevant contractor to fix it at a later time makes good sense all around.
The global economy has already taken a thrashing over the past few months, and society will likely have to learn to live with COVID-19 rather than hunkering down in permanent lockdown. The world still needs new buildings, and people need to work — so construction technology may now have a real chance to shine.
“Builders need to build now more than ever — we need more hospitals, more housing, and more care facilities,” Kalanithi added. “And we need the builders to stay healthy.”
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atakportal · 6 years
Hemorrhoids Saviour | Cure Hemorrhoids Fast & Forever
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The Missing Manual “The Guide You Should Have Got With Your Gut”
RN, M.Sc (Clinical Nutrition), Graduate Diploma Natural Therapies Digestive Health Specialist
From personal experience and consulting with thousands of sufferers, I know the medical definition of hemorrhoids does not even begin to describe the reality of what it means to suffer the pain and embarrassment of hemorrhoids and how it truly impacts your quality of life.
All the letters after my name, degrees and diplomas, don’t mean zip – what matters is proven results.
Let me start by asking you a few questions:
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you’re definitely not alone – but you are in the right place to receive professional advice from a qualified digestive health professional.
Hemorrhoids Saviour is an easy to follow program for curing your hemorrhoids naturally, quickly and permanently.
It is the only book available written by a qualified healthcare professional – a clinical nutritionist, digestive health specialist and natural therapist with more than 30 years experience in the field.
Hemorrhoids Saviour is the gut owner’s guide to cure hemorrhoids … “the guide you should have got with your gut”.
Hemorrhoids Saviour is the only completely natural system which will show you how to permanently cure your hemorrhoids, and in doing so take the stress off your heart and other organs, and achieve lasting freedom from digestive disorders, using a unique method you will not find anywhere else.
This is a very rare, unique and highly effective hemorrhoid breakthrough, which very few doctors and natural therapists even know about. It will enable you to dramatically improve the quality of your life.
Discover how I have helped many thousands of hemorrhoids sufferers – just like you – to be free from this debilitating complaint without drugs, creams, suppositories, surgery or side-effects – faster than they ever imagined – even when their doctors said: “Surgery!”
This program contains all the information you will ever need to be permanently free of hemorrhoids and many associated digestive disorders. This solution is a scientifically-based approach, with many clinical studies in support. It relieves the symptoms of hemorrhoids in as little as 24 hours (sometimes less) and permanently cures the causes. It also shows you how to prevent recurrences. It is a 100% natural, safe and powerful treatment which rids your body of the root cause of your hemorrhoids. It is practical and easy to implement.
You may have read claims of “curing” hemorrhoids within 24 – 48 hours. In the majority of cases this is misleading and inaccurate.
Yes, using my methods you can shrink your hemorrhoids in as little as 12-24 hours. (Some sufferers have even told me they felt amazing relief within minutes). And if you have ever suffered the debilitating pain of swollen, protruding or bleeding veins, you will know how much relief you can gain from shrinking them back down to size quickly – without the side effects of conventional drug and pharmacy treatments.
This will allow you to get on with life – go to work, play sport, enjoy a normal social life, have fun with your children …
Then, with my proven yet easy program, you will be able to cure the root causes in a matter of weeks – and enjoy a life permanently free of the pain and disruption this complaint causes.
Why is there so little accurate information available about hemorrhoids?
Simply because it’s a topic very few people feel comfortable discussing – it’s hardly the conversation of choice at a dinner party or in the office. The majority of people would rather suffer in silence than speak even to a doctor about it. Did you know, the second most shoplifted item from pharmacies is hemorrhoids preparations? That’s an indication of how embarrassing it can be. This embarrassment is why there is a lack of information, and so much mis-information.
I’ve also often read that because herbs are 100% natural, they’re 100% safe and free of side effects. Please do not believe this. Many herbs, including some which are commonly recommended for hemorrhoids, can produce allergic reactions, cause dependency, liver damage and impotence, among other side effects. Some should not be used in pregnancy. Others could interfere with prescription drugs or other medical conditions. Some should not be taken for extended periods of time. Again, many well-meaning “researchers” simply don’t know how to access the clinical studies that show which herbs, vitamins and supplements are proven effective, and which are a waste of time and money or, even worse, potentially dangerous to your health. I tell you the findings of scientific research, so you know you’ll get results.
Hemorrhoids Saviour reveals:
Hemorrhoids Saviour allows you to:
No other hemorrhoids book on the market today contains this much information – I guarantee it!
the only guide your gut will ever need
Fast Natural Treatments Reduce pain in 24 hours – or less No Surgery No Drugs No Creams No Doctors No Pain
The untold causes of hemorrhoids Does your diet make a difference? Herbs – do they heal or harm? Scientifically proven natural treatments Treat the root causes Prevent further attacks forever
My Personal Recommendations Extensively Researched Most Effective Formulas Tried & Tested Where to buy at best prices International Resources Special Discounts
At the time, this seemed somewhat ironic. As a child, I had what my mother described as a “weak stomach”, which was her way of saying that almost anything could give me a tummy ache.
My “weak stomach” subsided for a few years during my teens, but returned with a vengeance when I began my nursing career. I worked 12 hour shifts, attended university, ate on the run, went home to cook and care for my family, and looked after everyone’s health except my own. Stomach aches and pains were a daily part of my life.
I also worked in the operating theatre – so, when it comes to the digestive system, I’ve seen just about everything there is to see from the inside out.
Later, I worked for leading colorectal and gastroenterology specialists, dividing my time between their clinics and private hospitals.
I knew from my own experience, that when your digestive system isn’t working properly, nothing else in your body is, either.
In those early days, I just did what the doctor recommended. I took whatever pills and potions I was prescribed. If I was lucky, they worked and eased the pain. If I wasn’t lucky, I would just grin and bear it – I didn’t want to jeopardise my job. After all, I was hardly a glowing advertisement for a gastroenterologist!
Over so many years, I saw the same patients in the same clinics, over and over again, trying to simply maintain their poor state of digestive health and their poor quality of life.
I became increasingly frustrated and disappointed at the inability of mainstream western medicine to actually help people (including myself) to become well. Sadly, I began to realise how ineffective most doctors are at solving chronic health problems. Western medicine is focused on “managing” disease – suppressing symptoms – not addressing the underlying causes. In conventional medical textbooks, there is virtually no discussion of “health” and precious little about nutrition – it’s all about “disease” and “management” and “medication”.
I didn’t want to be like the patients I saw everyday – relying on prescriptions to get them through the day, with no end in sight. I realised that if anyone was going to figure out my digestive problems, it would have to be me – after all, nobody else would be even half as motivated as I was to find an answer, and I was fortunate to have access to an enormous amount of expert research.
And so … I returned to university, to study clinical nutrition and natural therapies.
The more I studied and researched, the more I came to see that so many illnesses are easily treated with a combination of dietary and lifestyle modifications, good old-fashioned food, and targeted nutritional supplements.
The more I researched about the pharmaceutical industry, the less I liked what I saw – massive conflicts of interest between food and drug manufacturers, doctors, researchers and even government bodies.
And, yes, there are certainly conflicts of interest and mis-information campaigns in the natural health industry, too – which is why I aim to present the most up-to-date and accurate research  in my books and website.
I continued to study natural therapies, and had the privilege of working with some of the finest Chinese and Ayurvedic practitioners – I left no stones unturned in my quest to find the best possible solutions for good health.
After now working with thousands of clients over so many years in successful clinical practice, I can assure you that you can overcome your digestive health issues – without drugs.
I am dedicated to helping you overcome your challenges with digestive-related issues. I am dedicated to providing you with information that can make a substantial and life-changing difference in your health. I aim to provide you with the latest, best, most accurate information that can make the biggest impact on your health. In my books, I share scientifically sound, well-researched secrets that few doctors know. I hope to prove that there are alternatives to suffering with the symptoms of digestive related illness, and there are alternatives to drugs. You do have a choice. If you are willing to take the first steps to wellness, I am committed to helping you improve your health.
Hemorrhoids Saviour is the guide every gut owner should have been born with – it covers everything you’ll ever need to know about hemorrhoids, what causes them and how to treat them – naturally.
After so many years of working in surgeon’s clinics, and then studying natural alternatives for hemorrhoids, I came to realise that:
1. Thousands suffer needlessly, when a few simple remedies could easily end their misery.
2. Thousands waste money needlessly, buying expensive medications that don’t cure the problem, address the root cause, or prevent future occurrences. Many drugs and creams can create side-effects and even more expense and discomfort.
3. Thousands undergo surgery needlessly, surrendering to the scalpel when, in so many cases, a simple at-home cure, plus a few easy preventative measures, could save them the risk and pain of an operation – which, in many cases, is not a guarantee they will not return. (Why? Because surgery doesn’t cure the cause)
If I told you how many patients in the clinics where  I worked still had severe problems after surgery and how many had multiple operations, you probably wouldn’t believe it. In my experience, most surgeons don’t tell you this. Surgery does not always heal properly – then what? Another operation? More creams and drugs? And they don’t always tell you about the recovery time and associated pain – if anyone tries to tell you it’s a painless operation and you’ll be back at work in two or three days, you’ll be extremely lucky. Be prepared – it can be an exceptionally painful procedure, for a prolonged period of time. And if you are unfortunate enough to have any complications, you will almost certainly wish you had tried my easy treatment program first.
You might be wondering what’s wrong with over-the-counter or prescription hemorrhoid preparations? Many contain ingredients such as corticosteroids, vasoconstrictors, antiseptics, aesthetics and analgesics. Then there’s petrolatum, mineral oil, shark liver oil … What do these chemicals do? To give you some idea, vasoconstrictors can cause an increase in blood pressure – did you know that you should seek medical advice before using any of these if you suffer from heart disease, diabetes, thyroid conditions or hypertension (and if I told you how many people are suffering from these conditions without even knowing it, you would be shocked – you could be, too).
Use of cortisone creams can cause permanent atrophy (thinning) of the skin. It is irreversible. This can make the skin around the backside itchy, but because it is thin and delicate, even slight scratching can cause tearing. Even if the hemorrhoids/piles disappear, you can be left with permanently thin and hyper-sensitive skin. If your hemorrhoids don’t go, this thinning of the skin will only add to your misery. I’ve seen it happen more often than you would want to know. I’m sure you’ve heard the other concerns about the use of cortisone treatments – especially if used longer than short term. With some creams, the more you use them, the less effective they become, until they have virtually no effect at all.
On many hemorrhoid medications, you will find warnings not to use them for longer than seven days. Problem is, when you stop using them, the swelling often return. Then what? (And why is it that you cannot use them for more than a week? What will happen if you do?) Not to mention the allergic reactions to some of these drugs. How would you know whether a cream will give you a rash around your backside? You won’t – until you get it. Then you have another problem and even more discomfort in a place where you could most do without it. Many treatments cannot be used with bleeding hemorrhoids – how do you treat these? What if you have both types?
Even if your hemorrhoids don’t require surgery and you are able to “manage” them with creams and suppositories, do you really want to do that unpleasant job for the rest of your life?
So, why take unnecessary risks and put up with the nastiness of it all when there are easy and inexpensive alternatives?
And why treat only the symptoms when you can also treat the cause – and actually eliminate the problem from your life? Do you really want the worry of wondering when the next attack will occur? Hemorrhoids can worsen with age – why wait? Even if you have only a mild case, treating them now is always bette than waiting til they’re worse. Advanced hemorrhoids can be successfully treated with my treatment program – it’s been used by people in their seventies and eighties with stage 3 and 4 hemorrhoids – but starting before they worsen will always bring quicker results.
Hemorrhoids are a desperate message from your body telling you something is wrong inside. When a warning light flashes on your car, do you ignore it? Generally not, because you know there could be a more serious problem ahead if you don’t attend to it quickly. Hemorrhoids are a warning light – they’re your body’s way of telling you that all is not right, and help is required.
You should not ignore this warning, especially when it is so easy to treat the problem.
Did you know hemorrhoids can be a sign of a serious disorder with another of the body’s major organs – and it can be easily treated.
Did you know one of the main symptoms of hemorrhoids can also cause cardiac stress, even if you have no previous heart problems?
A Nobel prize winner says one of the causes of hemorrhoids is also one of the major causes of ageing and many other illnesses.
For all these reasons, I became disillusioned with the medically-based mainstream ways of treating this problem. None of them seemed to address the actual causes. I hate to say it, as I have the greatest respect for the surgeons  for whom I have worked, but so many medical professionals seem more interested in writing prescriptions and getting out their knives than offering preventative advice or non-drug alternatives.
I never met a doctor who told a hemorrhoid sufferer that they could be increasing their risk of a life-threatening heart disorder, by failing to address one of the most common symptoms and causes of hemorrhoids. Yet this threat is very real.
A leading physician says death is “not rare” when referring to one of the disorders associated with hemorrhoids. You would probably never imagine you could die from this – But you can easily avoid it.
Millions of people around the globe suffer from hemorrhoids.
However, from my own clinic, I cannot possibly help the number of people who need my advice. Not everyone can afford consultations with a nutritionist or natural health specialist – and there are very few who specialise in the natural treatment of such disorders.
And it’s not easy to find the answers by yourself. Although there are ample articles about hemorrhoids, it’s often difficult to know fact from fiction. I spend half my time in my practice disseminating internet mis-information. (I’m often horrified by the inaccuracies on the net.)
Hemorrhoids Saviour is my way of putting the best information in the hands of as many people as possible – and in the hands of the people who need it the most.
Hemorrhoids Saviour is the result of decades of research and first-hand clinical experience.
Fully-illustrated, over 150 pages of easy-to-read information.
Lifetime updates – access to all new research & recommendations.
Download as a PDF and read on-screen, or print for easy reference.
Hemorrhoids Saviour is your personal digestive health specialist at your fingertips – 24/7
Because of the comprehensive nature of the advice I offer, there is obviously a limit to the number of emails I can answer each day.
I will not be able to offer this level of guidance at no extra cost forever and it’s important to me to answer each email personally.
Order now to avoid disappointment.
© 2018 Hemorrhoids Saviour. All Rights Reserved.
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