#the mortifying ordeal of being known vs the overwhelming urge to overshare online
mooseonahunt · 1 year
Tagged by @hamartia-grander and @unmotivatedartistry (thank you both ;<;) and I'm just now realising I never even posted an intro or little blurb about me when I joined. Just hopped right in started being a menace. Anyways
Rules: Tag 10 (or less) people you want to get to know better
Relationship Status: single unless Chloe (dbh) is willing to marry me
Favourite Colour: yellow like sunflowers
Song Stuck In My Head: Oh I have 2 rn. "Flu Game" and "What A Time To Be Alive" by Fall Out Boy
Three Favourite Foods: milanesas de pollo, tamales, and enchiladas mostly the green ones but I'm starting to really like the ones de mole
Last Song I Listened To: So Much (For) Stardust by Fall Out Boy as you can see their new album has consumed me
Dream Trip: I've never thought about this. Maybe a world tour so I can go to all the different countries my friends live in and annoy them in person.
Last Thing(s) I Googled: "weather today" because it was raining and I was debating ditching class since I have to bike to school
I don't know that many people on here, and I am very hesitant about tagging people since I also don't know who'd be okay with it or not so,, consider yourself tagged if we're moots :,)
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