#the more tingly and sensitive and giggly i get
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i think i finally figured out how weed impacts my tickle moods HAHA
if i’m like at the perfect level of high where im still on the climb or riding a mid level high out, i usually am super chaotic switch/ler-leaning
if i get really high, usually hit this point by evening LOL, that’s the point where i cross over the switch line into lee land 😅😅😂
#i’m finally seeing somewhat of a pattern#it used to seem more like a gamble#50/50#i get high… could be more lee could be more ler#world may never know#but it seems the higher i get#the more tingly and sensitive and giggly i get#it legit feels like i get MORE ticklish#i tried a new 2g cart as opposed to my usual and it’s been 👀 gettin me STONED hahah#so i think this helped me crack the case#i finally notice the pattern hehehe#more high = more lee#less high/pretty high and maintaining it… ler-leaning ftw#random tickle vent
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The year-end tease gauntlet ~<3
Based on notes, these are the top 10 posts from my tumblr this year. It's kind of perfect how they dovetail and I dareeee you to read through it allll~<3 Happy new year darlings. You're all sooo soo beautiful and amazing and I can't wait to tease you allll so much more in 2025.
1~ when a tickler gives the yeahhh that's what I thought smirk ~
2~ You're not ticklish
3~ If you blush easily, you are instantly 100% more tickleable. Sorry I don't make the rules ~
4~ makeout sessions in the middle of a tickle session ~
5~ the tickle session mid care of fixing the ticklee’s hair and fixing their clothes and telling them to breathe and tracing their giggly face while murmuring about their cuteness and how fun they are ~ before tickling them to bits all over again~<3 6~ unbound gang tickling so whenever you gather the strength to try and get away one of them can chuckle tauntingly and “oh oh oh oh where ya going? Where do you think you’re going huh?” and throw your wiggly self back into the pile of wiggling fingers and fluffy tools and buzzy wands~ “we’re not done with you yet cutie pie~”
7~ tickling is so built for the praise kink, like there’s no other physical action that makes you squirmy and bashful and self aware like tickling and it’s three forms of praise rolled into a non-verbal action ~ when I tickle you it’s me saying you’re cute and also it’s me saying I love your body and lastly it’s me expressing how much I love the sounds you make and I want more of it all, I want more of youuuu and I’m going to sip it allll from youuuu ~ and on top of it all, I’m going to relentlessly sayyyyyy thingssss about how you’re my adorable cute gorgeous sweetheart with an irresistible aura that draws me in like a magnet and I can’t not tickle your perfectly sensitive bodyyyy with allll those delectable spots and noisemaker buttons foreverrrrr ~<3
8~ face down with a treatment which is equal measures merciless side tickles, gentle back ticklies, and adoring hairplay~ likeeee justt mmhhh ~ brush and braid my hair then tickle my sides until I can’t speak and then trace designs on my back while I squeak out babbling overloaded nonsense~~<3
9~ Wakey wakey~ You find yourself struggling on the curiously shaped padded white exam table which slopes downward from your head ~ the thick straps keep your arms forward your waist is similarly held snug, your legs are gently spread with enough wiggle room to kick nervously ~ particularly as the hum of machinery starts and viewing panels open from all sides high above. Shadowy figures seen glaring down at your plight are joined by the glowering red lights of observation equipment winking to life all around ~ your protests and squeaks echo around the sanitized room, the humming becomes a buzz as you sense the presence of something heavy and imposing approaching your legs~
You can kick all you like, the machinery can’t be deterred as it deploys padded probes to the backs of your legs and begins stimulating with tickly tingly vibrations. Activity rises in the observation deck and the equipment feeds on your reactions, every noise and twitch and struggle is captured and analyzed ~ you can almost see the line of data pulsing through the equipment as every big reaction causes the machine to recalibrate and further massage on your most sensitive spots behind your knees and up the backs of your thighs ~ annnd up to your tush, humming and stimulating your booty to its satisfaction~
Your squeaks turn to giggles and gasps, the relentless machinery cataloging your body and coaxing it of all the sensitive secrets. You feel spent and worked over, probed and defeated ~ and yettt ~ the treatment is only starting. The machinery surges in energy, the probes attach to the backs of your thighs and tush cheeks in strategic locations. With a gentle push they hold you taut, hold your cheeks gently apart ~ as the machine spools up its routine and the sound of spinning orbital buffers fills the room. Their progress is temporarily delayed by a swarm of mechanical hands, clicking as they flex their fingers and work hurriedly to spray your rear quarters with a cleansing solution. Others follow behind with soft wipes, working away the imperfections. This attention, mechanical or not, puts you into a fury of blush and gasps ~ and it does not go unnoticed.
You glance back and see them approach. Your protests and pleads fall on nonexistent sound receptors. The machine cannot be bargained with. The observers above certainly hear your begs as the soft whirling surfaces are approaching your twitchy sensitive spots, and note each one. Soft motorized fluff invades the curves of your back legs, buffing in lines to maximize your stimulation. Two more join them, deployed at the curves under your buttcheeks. From your vantage point they are a blur of green but you absolutely feel every soft fiber as it is whipped over your skin, barely touching yet drawing out so much sensation ~ and giggles.
With a whine, another piece of equipment deploys. You shriek uselessly seeing the wheel approaching with a buzz. Each spoke sprouts a feather of soft stiffness, and the circle begins turning slowly as it is brought closer and closer between your legs. At first it’s the tiniest breeze, teasing at your honey spot and royal area and edges of your tush cheeks. You think you can handle it, maybe even find it a good distraction from the buffers as they polish around your legs and behind your knees now. But then it grows closer. The breeze becomes a slowly growing itch, a little ember of want. Every feather slides down and caresses between your cheeks, over your hole and downward. That slow path quickly becomes worn in with gigglish sensation~
You get the slightest respite between feathers, but their time tickling at your line of ticklishness grows. The wheel is now slowing slightly each time a feather makes contact, then picks up speed after it passes your royal area. The adjustments are slight but they draw out your ticklish agony so much. The activity above rises. Eyes are stuck to glass, notes are taken rapidly. The equipment is burning hotly trying to consume all your data.
And then the wheel reverses~
You scream out in desperate wanting needing laughs. The feathers caress one after another after another, touching your royal area with the slightest slap before passing you to the next. The kiss at your honeyspot becomes an explosion of tickles. The wheel never stops turning. The buffers taunt and work to engage with skipping motions between each feather touch so that you are constantly passed back and forth from sensations. You want it so badly, you want that release. More buffers add to your desperation, their fluff invading under your toes and along your soles. Your muscles ache, your royal areas throb. Your whimpers only seem to encourage the operators, as you can start to recognize the motions above precipitating another surge of machine activity.
When your mewling overtakes your giggles, the wheel pulls back to give the taunting breeze so the buffers can work around your cheeks and small of your back and even sneak at your hips to make you buck and laugh. When your laughs become high pitched and silly, the orbital discs slow and the wheel engages at full contact to make you moan and giggle and yelp for more.
And more you get ~ as with a flurry of motion in the observation deck followed by what appeared to be a minor debate, the room trembles and through a complex set of mechanical squirms and shrieks, you find yourself flipped over, facing skyward under brightening observation lights. Strapped down tightly, legs gently spread, the wheel soon approaches once more surrounded on all sides by snaking orbital buffers ~ and a burst of newcomers, their intense blue-white lights igniting as they buzz furiously like a swarm of bees. Tiny spotlights illuminate under your arms, around your tummy, in your navel, along your neck, over your chest buttons, on your hip dips, and between your toes. The vibrating tools begin their humming inquisition as if questioning your hot spots with their tips right as the buffers make strides across your longer tickle zones - sides, ribs, arms, legs, and thighs. And that wheel, that wicked wicked wheel, extends its feathers once more and begins the endless caress over your royal area.
You want the ticklecum so bad~
and can only hope it’s on the menu today~
10~ the hottest thing you can do is be irrevocably ticklish
oh hey you’re already doing it
well how about that
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Hello! Can you do a sequel to the tickle story you just made? Where Bucky is the one who is away on the mission.
Steve spends some time with his little girl trying different ways to tickle her while Bucky is gone and Bucky does the same thing to her belly when he comes back?
I loved that story!
Hi there love! 💜
Of course i'll do it! Thank you for asking. I'm so happy you loved that one! ❤️
Enjoy <33
Warnings : tickles, fluff, laughters, playful, pet names, teases, tickle teases
Pairings : Daddies!Stucky ; Daddy!Bucky x Papa!Steve x Little!Reader
Summary : a ticklish week with Papa
It's the second day that you're alone with your Papa since your Daddy is away for mission and it was two wonderful days. He took a break from his work during those days so he could be with you, he didn't wanted you to feel like they were both away.
But now he has to get back to work. You sadly couldn't bring yourself at letting him in the office, alone, on his bothering computer so the kind little girl that you are, forced him at keeping you with him.
So you're bouncing, wiggling, talking and giggling a lot while he tries to concentrate on his work. He asked you to be quiet but of course, it comes in one ear just to get out from the other.
"Sweetie" he sighs, letting his pen falling from his fingers. He really needs to be in the silence to work. You peer behind your shoulder at him with a cute and question look on your little face he loves so much "I will ask you this one more time. I want you to be quiet for Papa, can you do that for him ?" he tilts his head
You smile and nod your head "YYYesss" you sing making him chuckle through his nose. He kisses your temple "thank you"
But the peace of the silence is quickly break by your voice who get back louder. He rests his back against his seat and sighs again. He starts to regret keeping you with him, even tho you made it as if he didn't had a choice.
He hold you by the waist to straightening himself but the tip of his fingers accidently twitch which tickle you a little. You giggle and push his hand away "Papaa" you giggly whine.
"what ?" he sighs. He didn't realised what he just did.
"stop ticking me" you giggle as you get back to what you where doing. Your Papa's eyes switch to you as an idea pop up in his head. He move the chair so you're pin to the edge of his desk without you noticing and sneaks his hands under your t-shirt.
You don't really pay attention, it happens that your Daddies do that because they know you like having you belly stroked or things like that but when you feel his fingers spidering your sides, you immediately flinch.
You squirm on his laps and try to move his hands but through your laughters and your fast movement, you don't have the strength to move his hands.
"what's the problem, sweetie ?" he teases, digging his fingertips in your sensitive flesh "i thought you wanted to laugh" he questions "and I want to be the one who make you laugh"
"P-papaaa-aa" you close your eyes at the huge sensation. Tears start to fill your eyes.
His wonder his fingers all over your sides and ribs making you more and more squirmy.
Right before you can pee on yourself, your Papa stops his torture and stroke your sides to get ride of the tingly feeling you still feel "are you gonna stay quiet for Papa ?" he asks, grabbing your chin so you'll look at him.
You nod your head when you get your strength back. He smiles and kisses away your tears "thank you, princess"
He really had lots of fun tickling you the other and since then, he can't stop thinking about it. How your cute little body squirmed on his laps, the laughters and giggles who slipped away from your lips. How you felt so small and vulnerable at that moment.
So when he came in your playroom and found you laying on the ground, on your stomach, drawing and that you ignored him when he told you that dinner was ready, he just had one thing to do
He quietly sneaks behind you and sits on the ground near your feet. He asked you one last time to put your things away and come eat with him and when he doesn't have an answer back, he doesn't have a choice.
His hand accidently wraps around your ankle and pin her on the ground and out of nowhere, without his acknowledge, his fingers lightly wiggle on your sole.
You scream and try to get away but he's a lot stronger than you so it's kinda impossible "uuuuugh Papaaaa" you scream as he plays with your defencless sole.
"maybe with that you'll learn to not ignore your poor Papa" he taunts. When he starts to play with your toes, your screams get louder and louder making him laugh "damn it, baby" he laughs "i didn't thought it would've been so funny to tickle you"
"look at those poor and helpless feet" he teases, grinning "does that tickle ? Ohh really ? It does ? I wouldn't have thought" he taunts.
"Aww your toes are so cute when they wiggle like that" he teases. Your tears start to fall down your cheeks as you cough on your own sobs of laughters.
"what's the matter, baby ?" he taunts "too ticklish for your own good ?"
It's the evening now and your Papa is busy changing you before bed. The after dinner was just amazing, he puts a funny movie on the tv and gave you cuddles during the whole times.
But now you're feeling kinda grumpy because it's bedtime so you try your best to give him a hard time preparing you for bed. He took the double time he usually takes to change you because of you which doesn't make him happy.
As a punishment, because he doesn't want to badly end this evening who was wonderful, he digs his face in your hips and blows a huge rasberry. You harsh your back and scream with laughters as he shake his face at the same time
"there's the happy baby I wanted to see"
He blows a second one on the other sides as he blows multiple little rasberries on your sensitive flesh. You tap his head because you can't say a word through your laughters to ask him to stop and he does, knowing that if you get too excited you won't sleep.
"no more grumpy baby, okay ?" he asks after pausing his torture. You nod through your hard breath as you try to get it back. He nods and goes down to kiss your hips but he chuckles when you flinch at that moment "you're so cute"
Your Daddy comes back tomorrow and your Papa proposed to make him his favorite cookies for when he comes back. You thought it was a beautiful idea so you quickly agree to help him.
You help cooking everything and now you have to wait for it to be ready. Your Papa lifts you up from the counter and walks around the house. You enter the gym room where your Daddies train and smile because it means you get to watch your Papa training.
He puts you down on the ground and chuckle when you run around the room. You stop running when you reach the pull up bar, you look at your Papa "help ?" you sweetly ask.
He smiles and tilts his head before coming to you. He lifts you up by the waist and waits to be sure you have a good hold to let you go. You try to do like your Daddies but sadly can't causing you to groan.
Your papa chuckles and walks around you so he's facing you. He sees you trying again and failing again, he chuckles at your annoyance. You really are a cutie.
He brings his hands up and wiggles his fingers in your open holes causing you to gasp in surprise. You shake your body and try to kick him with your legs as he tickles your poor armpits.
"it's your fault, I'm too tempted" he laughs as he watches your face getting redder and redder.
Your armpits being one of your tickle spot, you don't hold for too long. Fortunately for you; your Papa is quick to wrap his arms around you as you let go of the bar.
"hey i got you, princess" he chuckles as he rests you on his hip. He kisses your cheek and keeps chuckling as you cough a few times.
"Daddyyyy" you run toward him when you hear the door closing behind him. He laughs when he sees you and is quick to wrap his arms around you "Hii my beautiful babygirl" he smiles and kisses your cheek.
"how was your days without me ?" he asks as he steps further in the house. "was soo fun! But I missed you"
"I missed you too, beautiful" he kisses your nose "i'm happy to see you"
You giggle and shake your feet causing him to laugh at your cuteness. He enters the living room where Steve finishes to put away things that weren't supposed to be there. Steve looks up and smiles at his husband, he walks toward him and give him a sweet kiss as a welcome back home "i missed you" he whispers
"i missed you too" Bucky smiles as he kisses him again. "we made cookies!" you exlam, breaking their greeting.
Bucky gasps playfully as Steve chuckles beside him "no way! You did what ?"
"cooookies!" you sing and giggle when he runs to the kitchen with you in his arms. He rests you on the counter and immediately steal a cookie from the plate. He groans as he tastes the sweet he has in his hand "those are wonderfully good!"
You smile as you look at him. You're not gonna lie, you're proud of yourself.
"you looked at where is Sicily on the map who's in our room like I asked you to?" he asks as he eats his cookie.
You asked where he was going right before he leaves and he told you he was going in Sicily for his mission. You asked him where it was because you didn't know and he just said "well, you'll search in the map while i'm away and you'll tell me where it is when i'll be back"
Your face fell as you remember your conversation and you shamefully shake your head. Your Daddy tilts his head and smiles "it's okay, I'll show you then"
Your Daddy lies you down on the counter and lifts your shirt up. Your Papa laughs when he enters the room "what are you doing ?"
"I show her where Sicily is" he grins at Steve who chuckle and shakes his head. He learns against the fridge and enjoy the scene.
"so," your Daddy starts. He made sure to show all your belly, ribs and lower belly before starting. "we live here" he says and rests the tip of his index on your right ribs. You bite your lips to eat your giggles.
"and I went here" his other index digs into the space between your side and your stomach on the left side. You take a hold of his wrist and a giggle left your lips
"ah ah ah" he shakes his head "let go of my wrist, please" he asks. You bite your lower lip and let go of his wrist "where was I" he clears his throat "so those are the two points" he says and shakes both of his fingers making you giggle harder
"This is the way I had to take to get here" he travels his finger who were on your ribs down to his other making you squirm more.
"on our way to the mission we couldn't go in a straight line with the plane" he explains "we had to zigzags" he zigzags his finger around your belly. You shake with laughters "Daddyyy"
"and it rained at one point" he starts to poke all over your belly with his fingers. You try to turn around but he won't let you, he watch with amusement your face getting redder from the laughters and your eyes filling with tears
"and I finally reach Sicily" he ends by digging his index in the place where he points Sicily before.
You giggle and push his hands away from you "do you know where it is, now ?" he grins down at you.
You nod and giggle under his gaze. He laughs and bends over to kiss your nose, he lifts you up in his arms and hold you tight against his chest "god I missed you and your adorable little giggles so much"
#@aagn360#little!reader#bucky barnes x steve rogers x little reader#daddies!stucky#daddy!bucky#papa!steve#little space#bucky barnes#stucky x little reader#steve rogers#james bucky buchanan barnes#bucky x steve#steve x bucky#james bucky barnes#bucky fanfic#bucky x reader#bucky x you#bucky x y/n#winter soldier#james buchanan barnes#steve fluff#stevebucky#steve rogers fic#steve x little!reader#steve x female reader#steve x you#bucky x daughter!reader#bucky x female reader#ticklish reader#tickets
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Hello! I LOVE your writing! If you're still accepting prompts for tickletober, may I please request (bsd) Lee! Fyodor and ler! Dazai (romantic preferably, but whatever's easier for you) with day 18, magic?
Dazai can cancel Fyodor's ability, making him the only one who can touch Fyodor without dying. I have a headcanon that every time Dazai touches Fyodor in a certain, very light way, Fyodor will feel a tingly sensation wherever Dazai touches him as a result of their abilities interacting with each other. Usually, it's just a bit tingly, but it gets very ticklish when Dazai does things like poking, rubbing, tracing etc.
When the two are having a sappy romantic moment (not often, let's be honest XD), Dazai will be a little shit and place his hands on Fyodor's neck/jaw before kissing him, making Fyodor all giggly and flustered. For a more platonic scenario, Dazai is (just like before XD) being a little shit and he thinks it's funny when Fyodor loses his cool. So he quickly grabs Fyodor's hands, causing Fyodor to do a full-body shiver and try to yank his hand back, but since Dazai is stronger than him, he's stuck there, forced to endure the tickles until Dazai thinks he's had enough.
Sorry if this is long, feel free to decline. Have an awesome day!
Tickletober day #18: Magic
Hsjdhskhdjsh I hope this is okay, writing a russian rat and suicide maniac together is quite challenging and after the latest season, I have a hard time visualizing them as romantic partners
I am a Dazai x Sigma believer ✌️
Fyodor x Dazai (interpret as you wish)
Lee: Fyodor
Ler: Dazai
Warnings: Tickles!
“You’re not so scary now, are you?~” Dazai teased, having pulled Fyodor onto his lap with ease and more importantly, without getting obliterated in the process thanks to his special ability.
“And look, I can even touch you all I want~” and just like that, Dazai’s hands started to playfully roam all over Fyodors torso.
Being touched like this was foreign to him, to say the least, but he didn’t plan on it to feel so damn ticklish!
“Oh, what’s this? Did I hit a sensitive spot?~” Dazai whispered teasingly close to the russian male’s ear, causing him to jolt upright.
“Tch, I don’t get sensitive” Fyodor let out a huff, trying to cover up the laughter that threatened to spill out of his lips. How foolish of him to think that Dazai would just leave it there, it is Dazai, after all. He thrives on other’s misery.
“Then surely you won’t mind if I do this, right?~” there was an evil smirk on Dazai’s face as his bandaged fingers found their way under Fyodor’s shirt, making sure to touch every inch of his torso.
“Mph!” his eyes instantly shut tight at the growing sensation, trying to squirm away from the offender, but he was too weak when in such a vulnerable pisition.
“C’mon, y’know you wanna laugh~” Dazai’s index finger poked it’s way to Fyodor’s navel, earning a startled gasp from the latter.
“Gah! Pfft! Ahahahaha! Dazai nohoho!” the damn finally broke and Fyodor’s laughter echoed across the room. His pale cheeks quickly turning tomato red as he tried and failed to control his reactions. How embarrassing! Someone so feared being brought down with something so childish, and yet, it didn’t feel all that bad to be touched so gently. Not like Fyodor would admit it out loud, but knowing Dazai, he already has an idea.
“Better get comfy ‘cause I won’t stop for a looong while!~” and thus, Dazai kept softly yet consistently tickling all over Fyodor’s belly and sides. Feeling like he was on cloud 9 for hearing such genuine laughter for once from this man. Even if neither voiced their enjoyment of this moment, it was pretty clear to anyone the giddy expressions they both wore.
Update: After doing a very crack rp of me playing as Fyodor, I can say I believe in FyoZai love LMAO
#augtickletober2023#tickletober2023#bsd#bsd tickle#bsd tickle fic#fyodor dostoevsky#dazai osamu#lee!fyodor#ler!dazai
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Sally face lee headcannon's
Pt. 1

𝙰/𝙽: 𝚛𝚎𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚜 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚍! :]
Credit to: @choc0joang0 for the help with these headcannon's! They were HELLA creative with some of these!!



43% lee
He's more affected by light tickles more than rough tickles (their headcannon)
His ribs and thighs are a ᴅ ᴇ ᴀ ᴛ ʜ s ᴘ ᴏ ᴛ
↜Tickle his death spots, and he will be all wheezy and almost out of breath, dude.
Bro is the squirmy type when tickled.
↜one time it got so bad that he flung his prosthetic off his face by how squirmy he was. ⚰️
He would do ᴀ ɴ ʏ ᴛ ʜ ɪ ɴ ɢ to hide his face if his friends tickle him without his prosthetic on. ↜Especially when he's holding stuff in his hands, he'll use it as his advantage to hide his face.
Tickle anywhere else and he would be a giggly mess. He'll wheeze here and there, only because certain spots get him more than others, but he's mostly a giggle box of joy.
Larry is fr the only person he goes to when he's in a lee mood. And I don't mean like those tiny lee moods, I mean when he's been having a lee mood for 3 days STRAIGHT. That's when he calls for help.😭
He's feather ticklish. (You didn't hear that from me) 🤫
↜his ears are the WORST when someone tickles him with a feather there.
He's embarrassed of his laugh, but his friends tease him by how "charming" and "cute" it really is to them.

15% lee
He doesn't get lee moods often, but when he does, oh my GOSH. He's obnoxious!!!!! He literally bugs his pals days on end until he gets what he wants. (He's too scared to ask for tickles, straight up.)
He has the dad laugh.
His death spots are literally just his armpits.
He's definitely a mix with light and rough tickles.
He's the type to be sensitive on his face. So I guess that means he's also feather ticklish.
↜one time, Ash wanted to see how good of a makeup artist she was on other people, so she chose Larry as her target, and it led to them both finding out that Larry was, infact, feather ticklish. (I say feather ticklish as in really soft and light touches to the face that has him scrunching up his face)
↜His mother always bullies his sensitivity and just gives him check kisses out of spite. (Their headcannon)
He would so have ticklish palms. It wouldn't get him laughing, but he'd ball his hands in fists if you tried tracing his hand lines.
Mfker's probably hair ticklish too.
↜You know when someone plays with your hair, you can feel your head just get a tingly feeling? That's what he has. Especially when people play with the hairs that are attached close to his neck. BRRR
Hair tickles are probably his favorite too. He can't get enough of 'em. He craves it the MOST out of his lee moods.

50% lee
She's more ticklish on her sides, belly, navel, and probably her palms. (their headcannon)
↜An add on that was also their headcannon; she probably hides her palms because of how ticklish they are.
Girly has thick skin, so of course she's going to be affected by rougher tickles than lighter ones. (Their headcannon)
She will literally tickle others just fo them to tickle her when she's in a lee mood.
↜ she already knows who to go for, too. And it's most likely Larry and Sal, but mostly Larry, because Sal is too ticklish for his own good and will be weak to fight back anyways.
She squeaks when she laughs. (Squeaky laughs are 👨🍳🤌)
She's a fighter when she gets tickled without meaning to.

100% lee
Todd is ticklish literally EVERYWHERE.
He gets tickled the most out of the entire friend group. (Sal is second on that list)
His death spots would be his top ribs, feet, and armpits (ofc)
Rough tickles get him. IMMENSELY. Light tickles??? Not so much. But ROUGH TICKLESSS???!!. Great, his friends has sent him to outer space 🌌
His friends, ESPECIALLY his bf, bully him everyday. It's insane but cute at the same time. (Bro always gets him back though, and it's scary, but we ain't talking about their ler moods 😬)
(I like this headcannon a lot) bro has either made, or already has made a tickle machine. (Their headcannon)
↜ to add on to this; his friends teased him for WEEKS after sharing his thoughts about making one.
He straight up asks for tickles. He may be 100% lee, but he still has that confidence to just ask what he wants because he knows he won't get judged for it.

37% lee
Ticklish sides. And his top ribs. Maybe even his neck too? 🤔 (how does one know these? Simple! No one 😶) the only people who dare to find out is probably Sal | ・I'd like to think there is another universe where they all didn't die, and they become good friends in the end, and so it resulted in them two being more comfortable with each other, and, and. Yea. They find out through friendship. 👬・
Screechy, but not the annoying type screech, kind of laugh, if you will.
He's the only who would yell "stop!" so confidently when in his lee moods when tickled, but he and the ler both knows that he's not wanting it to stop.
↜ "NO! Stahap! Ihi'm seherious! Ehahaha!" looking aah.
Teases won't get him UNLESS you have him cornered or pinned, its hard to explain. He's a runner, so taking away that ability, you've already won.
He's also a fighter when tickled, but he's self aware of what he does, thank goodness to the lers; He doesn't want to hurt the ler, so he limits his movements the best that he can.
When the lers are quiet, he goes insane ⚰️
↜"whihihihihy aren't yohohou saying anythihing?!" "sahahay sohohomething!"
He's self conscious of his laugh (_ _;)

0.05% lee
He never gets lee moods, but if he does however, he suffers in silence because he's barely ticklish.
Literally any spot you try to tickle him at, bro doesn't laugh. The least he would do is giggle or chuckle, and that's that.
He finds it cute and endearing that his friends, especially his bf, try to find his "death spot" when he technically doesn't have one.
There IS however this one spot that Todd goes for to make him blurt out the most SWEETEST of giggles, but I'm not gonna say because it will spoil an upcoming fanfic.. Wait whatttt? 🤫🤫
His laugh is very deep and rich, but can also be high and some-what wheezy.
Bros a grabber. He will lock onto your wrists.
↜one time, Todd went for the spot that has him giggle up a storm, and bro didn't let go of Todd's wrists even after of his bf finishing his onslaught for minutes.
Rougher tickles get him. 🫡
·˚ ༘ 𖦆 ꒷₊˚ ꒦꒷꒷꒦ ⑅ ʚ ⤜ ⨳ ࣪• ☼ ⋒ ⚡︎ 𐚱 ⊹˚˖⁺ ⤾·˚ ༘ 𖦆 ꒷₊˚ ꒦꒷꒷꒦ ⑅ ʚ ⤜ ⨳ ࣪•
Part 2 will have the following;
#sfw tickle community#sally face tickle#sally face headcanons#sally face tickle headcannons#Sf tickle headcannons#sally face#sf sal#sf larry#sf Ashley#sf Todd#sf Travis#sf Neil#writers on tumblr#saturn headcannons
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what i would do to omu: test his sensitivity with different magical lotions and creams. this one makes every touch feel more intense, this one makes his skin feel cold, this one makes his muscles relax, and that one makes him feel warm and tingly... how do they affect different parts of his body? maybe this potion makes him feel dizzy, or giggly, or aroused...
aw, thats fun! tbh he'd probably get so into the experimentation he'd have a hard time noticing exactly what they were doing to him- you'd have to get him to relax and take in the sensations
..at which point he'd probably start getting very quiet and embarrassed- squirming around and making little surprised and pleased noises depending on the sensation
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I want soft, tipsy, almost drunk sex w pornstar!bucky. like both of your bodies are warm and tingly and he’s touching everywhere
⟶ kitchen floor • pornstar!bucky
word count || ~ 1,000 words
warnings || kitchen sex, tipsy sex, squirting, pet-name [peach], pornstar!bucky, praise kink, mocking, unprotected sex, fingering, giggly but messy sex — 18+ ONLY//MINORS DNI
“Buc—ouch, no that’s—Bucky!” You were a tipsy, giggling mess as you collapsed onto the floor, right onto Bucky’s chest.
He was glossy eyed, staring up at you as he lolled his head to the side, “mmm, what is it, Peach?”
Neither of you were drunk, but neither of your were exactly sober.
“C’mon, Buck. Get off the floor, s’cold,” you tried to get him to budge, but unfortunately for you (and fortunately for Bucky), he was all muscle.
“But s’comfy,” he replied back cheekily, massaging your ass through the barely there panties before his hand crawled up and under your shirt, well, his shirt.
Your bodies were warm, unusually warm from the alcohol flowing through your veins. The alcohol that had brought you to the kitchen floor.
“C’mon Peach,” he purred, hiking your shirt up until your breasts were exposed and his hands were all over them.
“Jus’ wanna fuck you on the kitchen floor, s’that too much to ask for?” He quipped while pinching your nipple and okay, you caved.
“Mmm’only if you do that thing I like,” you giggled in response, eyes fluttering closed before clothes were gonna and this time it was you whose bare back was against the cold tile floor.
“This thing?” His cool digits skated around your lips as a shudder rolled through your body as he lightly brushed over your clit.
“Yeah,” you whispered, “but more.”
He chuckled, low and deep, “someone’s a little greedy,” he taunted as your smaller fingers wrapped around his thick wrist.
You were craving it, you didn’t want it anymore, you needed it.
And you didn’t care how you got it, just as long as you did.
“Oh, that’s what you want,” Bucky played dumb as he smirked, dipping his fingers into you core and curling them deep inside of you.
Yeah. This is what life was about; sex with Bucky Barnes.
“Such a good girl for me Peach, already takin’ two of my fingers.” He cooed, your slick wet against his fingers as he rocked them in you.
You could feel the pressure slowly building, like a fizzy can of pop being shaken—ready to burst.
“Can feel you, Peach, know you wanna let go—so do it.” He growled, like a taunt before you were wet—soaked, drenched, drowning.
“Look at’cha, squirtin’ all over my fingers, hmm? Nothin’ else ‘side that dumb baby brain of yours?” His body was over yours again, warm and thick as his cock prodded your sensitive entrance.
“My dumb baby,” he purred with a proud smirk, entering you as you hummed in content.
You couldn’t think of the words, so you let him do the work as he rocked his hips against you, his bare ass in your hands as he groaned and nipped at your skin.
“God, I need’ya to cum with me Peach,” he groaned, “milk my fuckin’ cock.”
It never took much from Bucky, just his aura was enough for you as your back arched and your legs shuddered.
Before the entire kitchen was filled with giggles, Bucky smushing your cheeks between his fingers and pressing a wet kiss to your lips.
“Now that’s what I call love, Peach.”
#bucky barnes smut#bucky barnes x reader smut#bucky barnes x reader#bucky barnes headcanons#bucky barnes headcanon#bucky barnes fanfic#bucky barnes fic#bucky barnes fanfiction#bucky barnes blurb
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I can seeee how your belly is flexing and twitching just right and how your legs are quivering according to plan ~ I've been relentlesslyyyyyy preheating that lil gigglebox of yours with my rubbing thumb tickles on your side and my ever-so-evil single finger index nail scratchies on your royal button through those adorable panties ~ you're feeling allll those tingly lip prints across your pinkened tummy as I survey you with a smirk. How many giggly tickly wiggly edges has it been? I stopped marking them on the giggledoll board. And with one more ticklyyyy light feathery stroke on your button it finally happenssss~
"Ooooh~ oooh!!! Uhhh ohhh! Uh ohhh!!" I snicker and faux panic over you, not stopping my stride for even a beat as I follow your spastic squirming and arching, massaging your side with tickly rubs and tickling all over your royal area with wiggly nails. "Oooh nooo! oooh nooooohooo!!" I gigglemilk your body without mercy, moving down to kiss and raspberry at your thighs while I dance my fingers along your waistline, skittering about to stimulate those hot spots and pinkened lines of sensitivity. "Mmmmhh! Mmmmhhhh!" I imitate your moans with a teasing coo, nibbling at your hips and relentlessly rubbing along your pantyline, slipping my nails under the band while giving your button an overload of attention. "Mmhmmm mmhmmm ooh oh oh ohh oh my god oh my gawwwwd!" I moan tauntingly in your ear, still teasing your button while I start playfully tickling across your royal chest buttons and over each underarm. I keep you wiggling and weak, my hyperstimulated dancing doll. "Tiiiickles! Tickle dollllll~!" I call out as you start to get fuzzy, smiling like I'm a saleperson as I hold up my wand and move to pin your wiggly leg so I can start my lovely gigglebox up alll over again ~<3
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Bc you asked.....i present to you....Ler scara ,, warnign this is so long , so uh feel free to put a "keep reading" button since. ler scara is making me feel all flustered rn
((also if ever you respond to thisss, is it okay you uhm tag this with the 🦋 anon tagg? if its okay with you ofcc,, this is for like easy access hsh
Now....Ler scara
writing this was NOT EASY btw i felt all tingly and giggly just by typing this all out
- This guy is HUGE on revenge tks,,, like the moment of opportunity comes by, he can AND will get his revenge. also tckles you if he is in the mood
- Likes to pin his lee down to make sure his chances of winning are high
- [coughs] my huge weakness.....teasy/flirty scara.....imagine as he wrecks you, he likes to get near your ear, whispers evilly and smirks when he sees your face flush a deeper red or your laughter gets louder (it brings him a MASSIVE EGO BOOST...)
-Along with teasing... i feel like he would go "Ah, ah, ah~ Where do you think you're going, hm?~" im weak. im goddamn weak for this. if he says this to me im immediately dead.
-Laughs along with his lee. Dont, and i repeat dont look at his eyes when hes tckling you , youre going to die bc of how his indigo eyes seems to glow with that smirk of his is looking at you (i cant even type this fully my face is heating up rn holy shit)
-if his lee says a safeword or he notices that theyre near or at their limit, he will slow down to more gentle tkles,, and will hold you for a bit while you take in air, stroking your hair gently
-Will love to use the methods that makes you squeal, cackle and giggle the most (hes so evil). if youre sensitive on your tum/torso, he will spider his fingers all over it and, blows huge raspberries on your navel (the devious joy he gets when he hears you cackle and try to crawl away from his grip makes him grin widely)
-or if youre also senstive on your neck (and is close to you), he likes to wrap his legs and arms around your body to keep you still as he blows MORE raspberries on the nape of your neck . and also kisses and playfully nibbles there as you giggle helplessly
again this also makes him smug and smirk into your skin, chuckling lowly as all you can do is squirm and scrunch your shoulders up
-OR IF. your back is senstive he scratches the area on your back where the collarbone would be on your upper back and claws your lower back to your sides, sliding a finger up and down ur spine
-Ribs,,, oh god goodluck, hes gonna have a fun time counting them all and nibbling on it,,, glances up at you before biting very gently and when he hears you squeal, he gets encouraged to continue
-Ears. im. im deceased. he chuckles, goddamn chuckles into your ear and enjoys when he sees your whole face burn up. if you try to scrunch your shoulders up or move your head away, he'll simply hold your head in place as he whispers devastatingly tcklish teases into your ears
-When you try to even run away from him, he uses his anemo to blow the wind towards him so that your body will fall right into his arms. So when your body collides against his own, you can only smile nervously as he pins you down
-If you even dare try to tckle him back while hes tckling you, he will be absolutely merciless and get you even worse than before.
-His teases has a slight sarcastic tone but its still so flustering qvaniidvdbdjd my midn is meltinwg my body is also [car crash noise]
-Absolutely does tk punishments , which also goes in hand with revenge tckles. if you get his hat , he will tckle you until you give it back, or if you (playfully no ill intent) insult him, he immediatelt goes for your worst spots until you apologize
yeah uh. ahahuwha godddd ler scara is making me melt int he brainajsdbj
-🦋 anon
Ah darn, I can’t make the thing shorter- BUT now I know for the future! Thanks everyone for being so nice and explaining it ^^
Ahem, yes, my favorite Scara provider hehe (don’t apologize for giving me ideas mwah!)
Lee Scara is something that would keep anyone awake at night. And he loves it, it’s like having a black cat. It’s pitch black in the room but you feel the chilling air that somethings in there with you. Then you notice two eyes staring at you…
Also, this is super random. But Scara and Xiao being (in my own opinion) associated with cats… purring? No sorry-?!
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Tickletober 2022 - Day 6: Cuddles
A/N: Thank youuuuu @ticklishraspberries!! I fucking love Barry more than I can say, I just wish more people watched it and appreciated it! I also know I haven't written for Barry except for like one other fic so my characterizations are me trying my hardest lol. Hope it still comes through and I hope you enjoy!
Fandom: Barry
Characters: Noho Hank, Cristobal Sifuentes
Hank couldn't figure out which he liked better.
Night cuddles...
Cristobal would typically be in bed first, as he didn't have Hank's detailed nighttime skincare routine. And he would be watching TV or be on his phone, just waiting for his love. And when Hank emerged from the bathroom looking all glowy and perfect, he would hop into his spot in the bed and snuggle right up to Cristobal, either from the front or behind, all depending on which way Cristobal was facing. Cristobal would open his arm up to wrap Hank in closer to him and immediately start rubbing his love's arm. Hank was always so smooth, it made him simultaneously jealous and in awe. He could barely keep his hands off the man.
Hank would then take the time to feel up his love, too. Nighttime was his time to be snuggly and cuddly. He'd intertwine his leg with Cristobal's and feel the scratchiness of his partner's leg hair. Then he'd sometimes drag his big toe against Cristobal's arch to watch the man yelp and get a slap to his thigh in return.
Hank likes to draw patterns on Cristobal's chest and belly when they're in bed late at night with the TV playing something neither of them are totally invested in. But they need that little bit of light and noise to help them sleep. Or Hank would even start scratching absentmindedly at Cristobal's skin, just wanting to be near him and touching him. He liked when he zoned out in those moments, as he'd hear Cristobal's high-pitched giggle and he'd feel a strong arm block off the area he'd previously been caressing. If Hank was in the mood, he'd pout until Cristobal let him continue.
Hank would play with Cristobal's hair, too. If Cristobal was leaning against his chest, Hank would have his fingers carding through Cristobal's growing curls or his beard, scratching and grazing through the coarse hairs. He loved it and so did Cristobal.
... or morning cuddles...
The mornings were Cristobal's time to cuddle Hank. Well, cuddle and do practically everything else with him. Their bed covers were plush and warm as can be, but they still weren't as comfortable as being near Hank was in the mornings. Cristobal was early to rise, always. And he'd nuzzle right into Hank's neck, taking a big whiff of his lover's scent, and that action alone usually woke Hank up, giggly and a little breathless, definitely feeling tingly.
Cristobal was so happy he was growing out his hair and beard. The mustache was always fun to kiss Hank with, the Chechen usually smiling from how it tickled him. And now that everything was longer and thicker, well, Cristobal was in heaven.
After the neck nuzzle, he'd start peppering kisses into Hank's neck and collarbone. Hank was a mess of pleasurable hums and squeaks as he sunk further and further down into the bed covers. Cristobal followed him down, down.. and even more down some mornings, down to his belly. Then his thighs.
Hank's thighs were a special place for Cristobal. They were so sensitive he still had trouble believing it. Hairless, like the rest of him, so no boundaries... and when Cristobal would kiss down there, in between on mornings when the warm sun blazed the inside of their bedroom, Hank would explode in bubbly laughter. And the laughter might turn to moans depending on how the morning went from there...
Yeah, Hank still couldn't decide which he liked best. Both sounded pretty perfect to him.
#tickletober#tickletober 2022#tickletober2022#augtickletober2022#tickletober 2022 day 6#tickletober day 6#tickletober cuddles#tickletober day 6 cuddles#day 6 cuddles#day 6#cuddles#barry#hbo barry#barry hbo#noho hank#cristobal sifuentes#noho hank x cristobal sifuentes#hank x cristobal#tickle fic#tickle fanfic#ticklish!hank#ticklish!nohohank#lee!hank#lee!nohohank#ler!cristobal
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i’m living for the helluva boss content you’re posting !!! may i pls request 10 & 27 with stolitz ?
These numbers must be really popular lol. I think it’s so funny how you & that anon picked the exact same numbers! Great minds think alike! It’s kinda suggestive but hey, it’s Blitzo & Stolas, can you blame me? It’s a little suggestive tho, but nothing explicit.
Stolas had been wanting to try something new for a while, but was afraid of how Blitzo would react. Would he think he was weird and mock him? Would he refuse and walk out on their little session? He doubted he would, but he couldn’t help the anxiety eating away at him.
“What’s goin’ on in that bird brain o’ yours? You’ve been unusually quiet,” Blitzo inquired. And wasn’t that just the perfect segway to talk about his feelings.
“I’ve actually been wanting to try something new…” he trailed off, tracing the pattern of his bedspread. Blitzo smirked and leaned in closer.
“It couldn’t possibly have something to do with those fuzzy cuffs I saw earlier, could it?” he purred. “I gotta say, I admire the aesthetic, even if it’s not my exact taste.”
“Yes, I know. You prefer leather. And it ties into it…”
“HA! Tie, like bondage! I get it,” Blitzo barked out a laugh at the unintentional pun. Stolas offered a tight smile. Blitzo stopped chuckling, realizing that he was serious.
“Well what is it? Go on, you can tell me,” he encouraged.
“Well alright. But you have to promise not to laugh.”
“I can’t guarantee anything, but I can sure as hell try,” he assured.
“It’s just- I’ve been feeling a bit down lately, and could really use a good laugh. So I was wondering if you could- um- wow I didn’t think this would be that hard to ask,” he said nervously, a slight giggle in his voice. Blitzo’s lips quirked up and he huffed in amusement. “Couldyoutickleme?” he rushed out in one breath.
Blitzo heard him loud and clear, but couldn’t pass up an opportunity to tease him. “I’m sorry, what was that?” he asked, cupping his ear.
“I know you heard me! Don’t make me repeat it,” he whined.
“You want me to, what was it? Pickle you? Like put you in some vinegar and age you? That is fuckin’ weird,” he teased, but even as he spoke, he started cuffing him to the bed.
Stolas whined and looked away. “Blitzyyyy!” He chuckled as he straddled his waist.
“Oh I’m gonna enjoy this,” he said, wiggling his fingers above him. He faked an attack, making the owl demon shriek. Blitzo cackled as his cheeks reddened.
“Y-you’re a horrible tease! I-I changed my mind, you don’t deserve this,” he said in a prissy voice, tugging on his arms.
“Oh no, too late to back out now. Besides, I know you love it when I’m mean,” he purred, cupping his chin. Stolas melted at the touch.
“That I do…” he agreed with a dreamy smile.
“You up for a little challenge?” he asked, mischief dancing in the imp’s eyes. A pleasant chill ran up Stolas’s spine.
“As always,” he purred.
“Good. I wonder how long you can go without laughing?” he pondered aloud. “I mean, if you can manage to stay quite during all that other stuff, this should be a piece of cake for you,” he teased.
“Ihihi don’t know… want to find out?” he invited, arching his back.
“You bet your sweet ass I do! Don’t think this means I’ll go easy on ya,” Blitzo teased with a wink. “I love watching you break.” Without further ado, he began scratching over his belly. Stolas squeezed his eyes shut, squirming side to side. A wobbly grin was plastered on his face, and he sucked his tummy in, trying to escape the tingly feeling.
Blitzo traced shapes over his feathery tummy, making him writhe around on the bed. His breath was starting to get more sporadic as he fought to stay quiet.
“I’m actually surprised you haven’t cracked yet. I know how sensitive you are,” he teased, dragging a single finger down his chest all the way to his waist line. Stolas arched his back sharply, a giggly whimper escaping. Blitzo smirked down at him, walking his fingers up his sides. Stolas was smiling brightly, clearly struggling to contain his laughter.
“What happens if I tickle you… here?” Blitzo asked, suddenly diving for his exposed pits. The floodgates broke and Stolas’s wild laughter flooded the room.
Now the real fun could begin.
#asks#sentence starters#sentence prompts#hhf23art#ugh sorry this took so long#blitzo#stolas#stolitz#helluva boss#helluva boss fic#helluva boss tickle fic#ticklish!stolas
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I was wondering if you could do something where Virgil gets stuck somewhere and the twins find him and team up to take advantage of the situation? Thank you in advance, your work is amazing!
Warning: Intense tickles, maybe you could say bondage? It’s just the rope trap and Virgil’s own shirt
Of all the things to happen in the imagination. And of all the people for them to happen to, it happened to be Anxiety, caught in a trap.
It was a simple rope trap, snagging his ankles and jerking him upside down, hidden well enough that even with all his wariness he hadn’t seen it.
“I don’t even hardly go in the imagination and then the one time I do I get stuck,” Virgil grumbled.
He’d tried to get out, twisting and thrashing and grabbing, but it didn’t do any good. He was lucky he wasn’t human, or the blood rush to his head would’ve become painful. As it was, he was just exhausted from thrashing and very very bored of being stuck.
And then he heard footsteps.
His heart beat faster, worried that the Hunter had arrived. He wasn’t sure what the imaginary hunter might do, but he was still more than nervous.
“Ohhh~ look what we have here~” a very familiar voice said.
“Remus,” Virgil sighed, relieved. “I’m glad you’re here, can you let me down?”
Remus walked around in front of him. “But I caught you~”
Remus made a summoning motion, and Roman rose up. “Look what I caught, Ro~ weren’t you just saying earlier you wished you could find someone a little stuck for a few pokes~?”
A few pokes… Virgil’s face went red and he covered his stomach.
Roman grinned at his reaction. “I did say that, didn’t I? Maybe there’s a reason this little Stormcloud let himself get caught, hmm?”
“I-I didn’t! Not for— not on purpose!” And he hadn’t, truly, had anything of the kind in mind when he’d wandered into the imagination. Now though, presented with two grinning Lers, butterflies were growing in his belly.
Remus sat down in front of Virgil’s face, tugging surprisingly gently at his arms. Virgil had already spent his energy on thrashing earlier, and didn’t have much fight left in him to resist. His arms were pulled down, so they dangled straight, which made his shirt flip up over his face.
Roman moved his shirt so he could look him in the eyes, more serious now. “You can say no, now or anytime.”
Virgil blushed at having to admit he wanted to be tickled now, even just by not saying no. “Thanks,” he mumbled, biting his lip.
Roman grinned, evil and hungry looking, dropping Virgil’s shirt to cover his face again.
Virgil squirmed, the skin on his exposed torso tingling in anticipation. Remus held both his wrists easily in one hand, leaving three hands and a whole imagination’s worth of tools ready to tickle Virgil at any moment.
Fingers lightly touched his ribs, and Virgil jolted and squeaked.
There was a dark chuckle from one of the twins.
The fingers scribbled lightly, and Virgil burst into giggles.
“I want to keep him forever~” Remus said. “He’s mine, I caught him, and I get to tickle him for ever and ever, hours at a time~”
Virgil squealed as the scribbling fingers reached one armpit and scribbled even faster.
“I love the idea~ so long as you share your prize sometimes~” Roman teased.
Virgil felt two hands grip his hips, and squirmed hard, his giggles ratcheting up to laughter just from the anticipation of tickles on his hips and belly. The two hands held him still as a long, loud raspberry was blown directly onto his bellybutton.
Virgil squealed and laughed helplessly, already his squirming not working to help him, as tired as his muscles were and weak from laughter.
Remus seemed to understand how incapable he was of protecting his weak points, and let go of his wrists, attacking both armpits at once.
Virgil cackled and laughed, squealing again when Roman blew another raspberry on his belly.
Roman squeezed and scribbled at his hips, blowing many small raspberries all over his belly. Remus’s hands crawled up to taze his ribs, and Virgil was lost in laughter, tears of mirth leaking from the corners of his eyes.
Then they stopped, both at the same time, letting Virgil catch his breath.
“I have a game for you~” Roman said. “Guess correctly where we tickle next, and you get a little break. Guess incorrectly, and we tickle you till you squeal~”
Virgil wouldn’t know. He couldn’t see past his shirt. He was going to get so tickled, he knew it. Excitement bubbled up in him, nearly making him giggle even without any tickles.
“My turn first then!” Remus said, sounding as excited as Virgil was. “Where am I gonna tickle, giggly darkling~?”
Virgil’s mind went to the sensation of Remus’s fingers in his armpits, and on his ribs, and his sides, and each spot tingled, nearly tickling already. He didn’t know. Didn’t have a way of knowing.
“Come on, you can guess~” Remus teased. “It’ll only tickle so much when you get it wrong~”
Virgil could barely keep the giggles at bay. “A-armpits.”
“Wrong!” Remus said gleefully, tazing and scribbling at Virgil’s ribs.
Virgil laughed and squirmed, jolts of tickly sensation running through him. And then Remus started nuzzling, his mustache rubbing against the sensitive skin on one side, while both his hands were free to taze into the other. Virgil squealed, trying to push Remus away, but his arms were far too weak.
A few more seconds that felt more like hours later, Remus stopped, rubbing soothingly as Virgil hiccuped and giggled, trying to get his breath back.
“Where will I tickle you~?” Roman asked, before Virgil had gotten his breath back.
That was right, the correct guesses were for breaks. He was glad they still paused for a little, rather than Roman asking while he was still laughing his head off.
“Behehelly,” Virgil guessed.
“Nope~!” Roman said.
Virgil wasn’t sure then where he was going to go. Belly was a wide guess, even sides and hips were sort of counted in it.
And then a hand squeezed at his thigh. Virgil yelped embarrassingly loudly.
“Surprised you with a tickly spot~” Roman cooed. “Get ready to squeal~”
Roman scribbled lightly along the backs of Virgil’s thighs, and Virgil couldn’t help laughing. But then he squeezed again, just above his knee on his left leg, and finding that awful horrible amazingly ticklish tendon on the right.
Virgil squealed and shrieked in laughter, his body jerking with more energy than he thought he had left. Roman kept going a bit longer than Remus had after the first squeal, and when he finally stopped Virgil went nearly limp, gasping for air.
“You ready to be done?” Remus whispered in a more serious tone.
“Can—“ Virgil gasped. “After a break… can I have more belly tickles.. before done? A— a lot?”
He was glad for the shirt hiding his face, as he blushed dark.
Remus hugged him suddenly. “We’d love to.”
“Awwww~” Roman cooed. “Such a tickle-hungry lee~”
Virgil blushed even darker.
“Since the lee wants a lot, I want to use tools!” Remus said excitedly.
“Oh yes~” Roman agreed. “Brushy tools particularly~”
Virgil squirmed, barely biting back the whine.
“What if one of us tickles the belly, and the other gets to focus all their attention on the button~?” Remus asked.
Roman’s chuckle was pure evil. “Yes.”
Virgil did whine that time. “Don’t tease!”
“Don’t tease~?” Roman asked. “Us, not teasing our sweet captured lee? Impossible~”
“It makes all the tickles tickle more, doesn’t it~?” Remus said knowingly. “So when we scribble at your belly it’ll be all tingly and ready to burst with laughs and giggles~! It’s so perfectly stretched out for us too~ with no way of getting away or curling up~ just waiting for us to play with it just how we like~”
Virgil whined and squirmed.
“I think if he’s able to whine he’s able to be tickled, don’t you?” Roman asked.
“Oh yes!” Remus agreed, and suddenly Virgil could hear the sound of buzzing.
He squirmed and whined, twisting back and forth.
Hands grabbed his hips again. “I guess I’ll have to use some magic to tickle the button, if I have to hold you still~” Remus teased.
Something liquid touched his belly, and Virgil gasped. A hand spread the oil slowly over his belly and poked into his bellybutton, making him squeak.
“You ready for a lot of tickles~?” Roman teased. “Actually wait~” he bent down and tapped Virgil’s chest and his throat gently. “Don’t want you running out of air, and now you can’t!”
They were going to tickle him till he went insane!
“The little button gets the first tickle~” Remus said, brushing circles around Virgil’s bellybutton with an electric toothbrush as Virgil shrieked with laughter.
Roman scribbled around the rest of his belly and sides, often blowing raspberries.
Remus quickly went from circling to dipping the brush into Virgil’s bellybutton.
Virgil couldn’t stand it! It tickled so bad! It was like his brain floated away from his body, leaving only sensation and laughter. Squeals and shrieks were pulled from him by the two tormenting his belly. He never wanted it to stop. Nothing mattered in the slightest except the fireworks of tickles constantly being set off. He didn’t even have to worry about catching his breath.
And then Roman decided it was his turn to start using electric toothbrushes, far more than two hands could hold, and Remus was also squeezing sporadically at Virgil’s hips.
All his laughter became a silent scream, the sensations starting to blend together, his whole belly a tickle spot.
He managed to bump one arm against Roman’s leg.
The two stopped immediately. Remus rubbed his belly gently, and Roman helped to very gently and carefully get him down.
The forest faded away, replaced by a cool, dim room and a very soft bed.
Virgil felt all glowy, still riding the high from all the tickles. One of them offered him some water, and the other laid beside him, rubbing gently up and down his arms.
“Did you have fun?” Roman asked quietly, his tone hesitant and almost worried.
“So much fun,” Virgil said, a grin still on his face as he hugged Roman.
Remus hopped into the bed behind him, hugging also and running his fingers through Virgil’s hair.
“If I get this kind of treatment every time, I’ll start looking for traps in the imagination…” Virgil said sleepily.
“I’ll make some just for you,” Remus said immediately. “Anytime you want.”
Virgil leaned his head into Remus’s hand, weakly tugging Roman a bit closer. He could barely keep his eyes open.
Roman’s knuckles brushed against his cheek. “You can sleep, Emo.”
Virgil drifted off, still floaty and happy. “You two are the best…”
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Ok so it's TECHNICALLY still Tuesday for me and I have three minutes to squeeze this in...
First of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN! I hope it was fantastic!
If it isn't too much trouble, I would love to request my baby Dave York with a bit of a praise kink! A few "good boy"-s tossed around for good measure would be lovely, but not required.
I think he would just be so beautiful when he lets down his guard and submits to his partner!
made it just in time, my dear haha. Thank you so much! 🥰🥰
say it again - Dave York x gn!reader**
WARNINGS: praise kink, some choking, power play. 18+ ONLY!!!
gif: @a7estrellas
His touch is familiar. Rough and confident, but familiar and inviting as always. You succumb to his wishes, however wild and filthy, and each time you are rewarded. It thrills you beyond words.
But tonight, it feels different.
Dave moves and feels the same, but your interests lie elsewhere. His calloused hands keep your legs spread as he’s deciding on the manner of pleasurable torment he’ll apply to you, and the words come out before you can filter them properly.
“You’re such a good boy.”
Dave lifts his head from in between your legs, brows furrowed and lips pressed together like he does when he’s deep in thought. Your breaths get ragged as he’s processing your words and when he does, he huffs, biting his inner cheeks.
“Run that by me again,” he says in his dark voice.
“I said – you’re a very good boy. You know all the right ways to make me happy, to make me feel good…”
He leans forward even more and his fingers wrap around your throat, gently yet powerfully, as he compels you with a single look to repeat yourself.
“Say it again,” he commands.
You open your mouth to say something just as Dave squeezes the sides of your neck just a little more, applying the right amount of pressure to get you feeling more hot and bothered.
“Again,” he mutters.
“Good boy.”
Dave smirks. He doesn’t need appraisal or encouragement. He knows what he’s doing. He’s been in the know for years, but something about you acclaiming his performance makes him tingly and oh so needy to overpower you in ways you hadn’t even seen yet.
“What else?” he strives, one hand reaching to play with your most sensitive area.
“You’re – doing so good when we’re alone. The sounds you make, the faces, the way you twitch inside of me – “
“That’s enough.”
You gulp and Dave feels the motion in the palm of his hand. He watches you intently, his hand increasing his motions and he listens to your whimpers like they’re audible art.
“I’m gonna show you exactly how that makes me feel, and you’re gonna take it exactly how I give it. Clear, honey?”
permanent Pedro crew:
@doin-stuff @pedro-pastel @acourtofsnakes @wild-at-heart-kept-in-cage @rosiefridayrogersunday @beskarboobs @everyhowlmarksthedead @imcalledflorence @haloangel391 @tanyalooovesyou @boxdyeblonde @artsymaddie @gingerbreadandpaper @dins-helmet @linkpk88 @bii-aan-ckaa @casssiopeia @the-ginger-hedge-witch @sir-lili @asta-lily @sleep-tight1 @a-court-of-feysand-and-elorcan @pasckles @northernpunk @wantingpedropascal @cheekygeek05 @lilliannelson @arellanofelixboys @evelynseventyr @itssmashedavo @phoenixhalliwell @elegantduckturtle @mylifeinthetardisforever @66psychotic99 @ohhersheybars @amaya124 @justanotherblonde23 @kingsqueensandvagabonds @missstef23 @lemonlime09 @greeneyedblondie44 @sebbys-girl @mrsparknuts @hnt-escape @nova-blonde @dindjarinneedsahug @ironbabey @hayley-the-comet @1andthesame @lips-for-you @spideysimpossiblegirl @lsphoenix @kirsteng42 @lunaemss @goldielocks2004 @diogodxlot @queridopascal @gracie7209 @floraandfrost @giggly-otter @mejswho @recklessworry @dobbyjen @janebby @what-iwish-you-knew @jedi-jesi @kaqua @datenshi666 @stevie75 @ezras-channel-rat @for-my-satisfaction @quica-quica-quica @mishasminion360 @eri16 @lovesbiggerthanpride
if you want to be added to my permanent PP taglist, send me a message!
#birthday celebration#requests#dave york x reader#dave york x you#dave york x gn!reader#dave york drabble#dave york fic#dave york smut#pedro pascal
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Juicy Fruit (Chris Evans x Reader oneshot)
Based on a dare by @hnryycvll and @honeychicanawrites, I decided to write something about my personal theory that Chris is a two-pump chump who cannot last in bed to save his life. So, yes, this is somewhere between smut and mild bullying.
Word Count: just under 2k
Warnings: smut (duh), drunken shenanigans, dub con if you want to be totally accurate about the fact that they’re intoxicated but I promise everyone involved wanted this to happen
He struggled to slide the key card through the door, and you tried not to laugh at him as he did it.
When he finally made it work and you both stumbled inside, you took a moment to appreciate the expanse of his suite.
“Your room is a lot nicer than mine,” you blurted out.
“Starring versus guest starring,” he smirked.
“Truly, guest stars are the most oppressed, downtrodden people on the planet,” you laughed.
“You want a drink?” he offered, waving to the minibar.
“I’m already pretty lit,” you admitted. “So, just one.”
“Right,” he winked, “just one. You’ll like this whiskey-- on the rocks?”
“Yes, and with a twist please,” you requested. He nodded and obliged, rubbing the orange peel on the rim before dropping it in and handing the glass to you.
You took a seat on the couch, admiring the view from his expansive window, showing the glittery city lights below.
As he brought his own drink over and sat next to you, you honestly couldn’t tell what sort of “let’s hang out in my hotel room” interaction this was. You hoped it was the more mature kind… and the way he was looking at you made you think your hopes weren’t so outlandish.
“I’ll admit that was my first cast party,” you said quietly, breaking the silence.
“Well, you pretty much did all the stuff you’re supposed to do,” he soothed. “Drink, chat, try not to think about how long it’ll be until you see these people again…”
You nodded and looked away. “Yeah, I’m definitely gonna miss these crazies. For better or for worse.”
“Don’t worry about it,” he shrugged, “we’re gonna get renewed. And we’ll be back together again in no time.”
You decided to believe that, but you didn’t want to get your hopes up too much. Sure, you believed in this show, but that didn’t always translate by the time it was edited and released.
“And if we get cancelled?” you couldn’t help but ask.
“Then at least I got to meet some super cool people,” he answered hopefully. You smiled.
“Yeah, this is such a great cast,” you smiled.
He bumped you on the shoulder with a finger. “You’re my favorite,” he admitted.
“You’re drunk,” you frowned.
“Yeah, but it’s still true. Don’t tell anybody though.”
“Cause you told them all the same thing?”
“No,” he laughed. “Word spreads fast in this town, that’s all.”
“People would think we were… involved? If they knew we were friends?”
“Yeah, definitely. If I say anything nice about a female co-star, everyone is convinced that I have a crush on them.”
“Ugh, that’s so annoying,” you groaned.
“Yeah,” he agreed, “especially when they’re right.”
“Oh my god!” you gasped. “I totally knew it! You had a crush on Scarlett Johannson, right?”
He frowned. “I was talking about you, genius.”
You nearly dropped your drink. “Seriously? I mean, the girls in makeup were always joking about it, but I never thought…”
“Why wouldn’t you think? You’re super smart and you made me laugh, like, a hundred times a day.”
“Yeah, I get the feeling our director didn’t care much for that.”
Chris laughed at the memory. “We ruined a lot of takes…”
After a pause, you took the last sip of your drink and set it down. “So, is that it?”
“You’re just gonna tell me you like me and… not do anything about it?”
He gave you a look, and you hoped you weren’t blushing too hard.
“Should I do something about it?” he asked lowly.
You simply nodded, and tried not to grin too hard.
He leaned in and kissed you sweetly at first, slowly. It was giggly and innocent-ish until you found yourself feeling suddenly desperate, needy, and you grabbed his shirt to pull him closer. He got more serious then, too, his hands slipping to your back and holding you; you felt so small in his embrace.
“Chris,” you whimpered.
“Yeah?” he asked, only pulling back from you as little as he possibly could to talk.
“Are we...gonna do this?”
“I really hope so,” he admitted with a little smile.
You kissed him again, leaning forward even more such that you would’ve fallen over if he hadn’t wrapped an arm around your waist to keep you stable.
A sober you would’ve thought about not straddling him on the couch, but tipsy and love-drunk you was tired of the damn waiting and was already on top of him, moaning a little at the feeling of his hands running down your legs.
He laughed softly and moved the kiss down to your neck, taking a moment to murmur your name, as if he needed to remind himself who this was happening with.
The intoxication made your skin warm and tingly, and the arousal made your eyes feel heavy-- or maybe it was the other way around, you couldn’t really tell. Either way, being held by him felt like being wrapped in a warm blanket, even as your heart raced and your mind was happily supplying anxious thoughts of oh my god this isn’t happening, is it?
You didn’t even realize your hips were rolling against his until you felt what was obviously his erection, somehow managing to rub against your clit just right even through so many annoying layers of clothes. You heard his breath stutter, and his hands gently guided your hips to do it again.
As much as you felt like you could just keep doing this and get off pretty quickly, that was not at all what you wanted from this.
"I need to taste you," you sighed against his lips.
"Aren't you already?"
"I was thinking somewhere a little different," you admitted with a raised eyebrow.
You felt your dress stretch a little as the hand on your back clenched into a fist.
"Fuck," he replied softly, "yeah, okay, damn."
You smiled as you stepped back and dropped onto your knees, pushing his legs apart. He looked at you with some mix of confusion and amazement as you ran your hands up his thighs and finally reached to unbutton his jeans.
You bit your lip when your hand reached into his boxers and wrapped around his cock. It wasn’t even fully hard and yet already so thick and hot in your palm. Of course, it didn’t take more than a few lazy strokes over it as you pulled it out for it to get entirely hard and oh shit, this thing could take your eye out.
Deciding you’d better get on with it before you changed your mind, you licked the head and wrapped your lips around it. He moaned and it spurred you to bob down further, loving the way he filled your mouth until your jaw ached.
“Oh god,” he sighed. He couldn’t seem to decide between letting his head fall back onto the couch, or looking down to watch you take him deeper into your throat.
You hummed around him in approval. The whole time he couldn’t stay still, squirming and gasping beneath you. He was so sensitive; every time your tongue swiped just under the head of his cock, his hips jerked up into you just a little.
“Baby,” he praised with a breathy voice, “so good. Oh my god, you’re so good.”
It was hard not to smile, but you managed for the sake of your task.
“Get up here, please,” he begged suddenly, “I need to--”
You didn’t even let him finish, pulling off with a pop! and hopping back up into his lap.
“Eager, are we?” you smirked.
“I don’t think I’m alone there,” he chuckled. “I’ve wanted this for so long,” he explained breathlessly, “I’ve wanted you for so long. God, I’ve thought about this for so damn long.”
“Me too,” you grinned.
“Well shit,” he laughed, “why haven’t we done it sooner then?”
“Let’s not worry about that now,” you decided, pulling him in to kiss you again. His hands pulled at your clothes and you finally relented, letting him shirk you of your dress. Before you could worry about what he’d think, he was kissing you again and running his hands over your bare skin.
You felt yourself blushing a little as you reached between your legs to pull your underwear to the side. You’d never been quite so desperate but you needed him inside you as soon as humanly possible and there was no chance you were going to get up off his lap until you were done.
His breathing stuttered when you grabbed his cock and guided it to slide through your folds.
“Oh,” he gasped as you started to drop your hips down, your eyes fluttering shut so you could focus on the feeling of him stretching you open.
“Fuck,” you whispered.
He winced as your hips reached his, fully seated inside you. You just stayed still for a moment, absorbing the perfect feeling of him before starting to, finally, move.
“Oh… oh god,” he groaned. He hissed in a sharp breath as you started making circles with your hips, your own moans impossible to stop from emerging. You wrapped your arms around his neck, attempting to keep yourself stable as you bounced on his thighs.
“Yes,” you hissed, “oh my god, Chris, yes.”
He bared his teeth when he heard you say his name like that, leaning in to lightly bite at your neck. Every graze of his teeth against your skin made your walls clench around him, and both of you moaned.
“Baby, if you don’t stop, I’ll-- oh my god-- I’ll come. Fuck, I’m gonna come.”
“I’m not gonna stop,” you promised, “I wanna make you come.”
“I want you to come inside me, Chris.”
You sped up a bit, leaning in to him so all you had to do was buck your hips and his cock would brush against your clit on its way into you with each thrust.
You weren’t sure what it was that made you ready to come so quickly, but him being on the edge was pushing you over as well.
“Yes, oh my god, yes,” you hissed as pleasure washed over you, and suddenly he was wrapping an arm around your hips and pulling you down onto him as he came inside you.
“Fuck,” he groaned, “baby…”
You stilled against him as you began to catch your breath, laying your head on his shoulder.
“I didn’t last very long, did I?” he whispered.
“Nope,” you laughed. “Me either, though.”
“I’ll go ahead and blame the booze,” he shrugged, but then he turned his face to look down at you and tuck your hair behind your ear.
“We should do this again sometime,” you suggested, already drifting into sleep and hoping he would carry you to the bed at some point.
“After a nice dinner?”
“Or before. I’m flexible.”
#chris evans x reader#chris evans headcanons#chris evans smut#chris evans x y/n#steve rogers x reader#chris evans imagines
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7, 14, and 23 for the tickle asks?<3
Find the list here!
7. Of all the ways you can be unintentionally tickled, which is the worst for you (pedicures, massages, doctor’s exams, pat-downs, side-hugs, etc)?
Tie between pedicures and like,,, people being touchy I think. I myself am a touchy person but my friends have a habit of tracing their fingers over my hands/scratching at the designs on my jeans and its SO BAD. I'm really sensitive to gentle touch so that doesn't help. Pedicures are the worst too because everything tickles. There's no point where it doesn't. I'm just sitting there trying not to react at all. I got one recently and almost cried like. It was fun and nice don't get me wrong but whew...
Like I wish y'all could've seen me. I would relax every time he stopped doing what he was doing, thinking the next part wouldn't tickle, and then I'd almost scream when it did.
I had a very tickly massage recently but it was more relaxing than intense, I think.
14. Worst “tickling casually comes up in conversation and you want to dig a hole and hide” experience?
Okay so I'm an actor and tickling always seems to come up in work I do. Whether it's written in the script, happens on improv, or a director/castmate is like "if you can't laugh genuinely, ask someone to tickle you!" It's the worst. I think it's even worse when it doesn't happen to me but I have to watch, y'know? Which is almost always.
23. Actual worst tickling dream/nightmare you’ve had.
If we're talking worst as in most intense, whenever I write/read fic read before bed I tend to have a tickle dream somewhat related to whatever I was working on, so I've had a few. Hmm.
There was one Avengers-themed one that was pretty intense. Classic tower-wide tickle fight trope. Sam and I took down Bucky and Peter and then he betrayed me </3
OH now that I think about it, I had a D&D themed one with my NPCs and the tether essence spell and whew...I never wake up with reactions from a dream unless it's a nightmare but I genuinely woke up giggly and tingly and could not leave the house to join society </3
Thanks for asking ilysm <3
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Don’t Be Mean On New Years Eve
A/N: Heya all! so here is my submission for Squealing Santa 2k20! First off Jumanji (I’m not taking any chances with this new year y’all!) and Happy New Year! @gigglykenma I am your squealing santa! So sorry hun for submitting this late, and I hope you enjoy this darling and I hope I did it justice! Also big shout out and thanks to @ticklygiggles for hosting again this year! Thank you bunches girl!
Prompt: Bungou Stray Dogs: Soukoku: size/height difference tickles. • Mean and playful ler
So without further ado I hope you all enjoy! And cheers to a brighter and better new year lovies!
“Pleassseee!” Dazai whined following his smaller lover around.
“Nope.” he pushed him away by the face. “I’m not doing it.” Chuya said with a flat tone as he sat on the couch looking away. “Not after what you said you bastard.” He resisted a smile when he heard Dazai whine behind him. His lover has been attempting to get a picture with them cozied up as they decided to stay in on New Years Eve wanting to be in each other’s company. Dazai groaned dramatically and flopped beside him. “All I said was that you’re cute! And how you are small was a bonus!” he pouted. “Its bad luck to be mean on New Years Eve!” he said only to squawk as a pillow hit him in the face. “Chuyaaa not nice ACK!” Another pillow hit him in the face as a fuming Chuya glared at him. “I’m of average height you overgrown spindly ass behemoth!” he hissed at him turning his back to him mumbling curses as he bristled. He heard Dazai chuckled before he felt arms warp around him and pulling him into his embrace.
Dazai happily nuzzled Chuya’s neck with a mischievous snicker as he chimed. “Chu-Chu Chuuuyaaa~” he sang as his hand went to his waist.
Chuya tensed, that meant trouble! He looked back at the brunette with a glare though his voice shook nervously. “Dazai don’t…” he trailed off in warning.
Dazai hummed happily as he raised a brow. “Are you gonna take pictures with me?”
“No you ass-pft haha ahh nohoho D-Dazaihihi!” he squirmed as lithe hips were squeezed and spurts of laughter escaped from him while struggling to escape. It was one of the weaknesses his lover like to exploit when he least expect it. “Nahahahaha!”
“You’re right, we shouldn’t take pictures until you’re in a better mood.” He chirped as his fingers danced from his hips to his sides. “Haha for someone so small you have such a big temper Chu-Chu!” He taunted as he let each counted and teased each rib making his way up. “Lets tickle all the meanness out of Chu-Chu~!” He all but had him cradled in his arms as he struggled to escape. His small stature was something Dazai was always fascinated with, whether he was teasing him or complimenting him, even embracing him he always noticed how his lover fit perfectly in his arms. “Hmhm~” he hummed kissing his neck.
“Dohohohon’t call mehehehehe Chu-Chuhuhuhu!” Chuya was red as a beet as he laughed shoulders scrunching up from the ticklish kisses that were delivered to his neck. He pushed at his hands as he tried to cover his torso. “Stahahap!”
“Nu-uh!” He chimed happily with grin as he moved his fingers faster. “Don’t call you what? Chu-Chu? Maybe I should call you giggly Chu-Chu!,” he squeezed at his sides again. “Squirmy Chu-Chu!”
“Nohohohoho!” Those names were so stupid!
“Oh I know! Ticklish Chu-Chu!” he declared as his hands shot to his thighs, laughing himself as the most loudest shriek escaped from him. “Ticklish little Chuya!” he sang happily as he aimed his hands to squeeze under his arms.
“NOOOOHHOHOHOHO! D-DAZAIHIHIHIHIHI!” He wanted to curse him to death and as soon as he was able and free from his grasp, he’d kick his ass! He gave a groaning laugh as he tried to clamp down on his laughter and wiggling even more. The taunting did not help the situation and only made him seem more ticklish and warmer. “It tickles tohohohoh much!” “Whaaa? Im not doing anything?” he whined like a child. “I bet it doesn’t even tickle that badly!” he snickered. “Especially if I do this!” he vibrated his fingers and moved his head to avoid being hit as that drove his lover even more wild. “They say its good luck to bring in happiness and laughter instead of nasty attitudes and foul words!”
“NOHOHOHOHOH Theheehhehey don’t!” the red head cackled out as he slid further down against Dazai. That logic was ridiculous and of course the man would use it as an excuse to drive him crazy. “I’ll hahahaha K-kill you!” He got out. “Whats that? More tickles for the mean chu-chu train!” he taunted. “Will do!” Then he went wild going for his neck, ears, and all over he could reach on his upper body.
“AHAHAHAHA STAHAHAHAP!” This was too embrassing for him, he thought he couldn’t be flustered by such things or words. Yet, the stuff falling out of Dazai’s mouth just made the situation too much to bear. Making him feel like butterflies were in his stomach and making his body even more sensitive. No matter what he did, he couldn’t escape from his captor. Knowing all too well how until Dazai was satisfied he be here laughing for a long while.
And laugh he did, it was already past midnight when Dazai decided to stop and give him a break. He laid their panting with tears in the corners of his eyes, face flushed, and giggles spilling forth even when he stopped.The tingly ticklish sensations still remained. He attempted to glare at the other but it was hard due to his state so settled for just staring with what he thought was a glare and catching his breath.
Dazai smiled softly at him as he intertwined their fingers. “Still feel like being a prickly ole meanie chu-chu.” He chuckled out as he nuzzled him. “I think this one of the best ways to bring in the new year.”
Relaxing more in his arms with a huff he looked back at the brunette with a blushing grin. “Not right now… but you wait.” He threatens lightly. “You are…are so dead.”
“Hmhm! I’ll take that as a Happy New Year Chuya!”
Chuya smacked his lover lightly with a sighing laugh as he received affection after being tortured. Yet, as long as it was Dazai he didn’t mind because when the other least expect it he would pay him back in full. “Tch happy new year to you too.” They shared a kiss and continued to enjoy their time together as they brought in the new year together.
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