#the more interesting option is definitely preferable
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hi! can you do something with the marauders preferably sirius or james where the reader has constantly been like kind of invisible her whole life and spoken over and in the end has just stopped speaking up much ? thankyou <33 ( no pressure though! )
Hi! Thank you for this request ❤︎ Not sure how I feel about the quality of this. I definitely feel like it's not James enough, but it is what it is. Or maybe it's the lack of interactions with the rest of the Marauders that has me feeling like this? Idk. (It also might be because I'm not a huge James writer? Who knows?)
ANYWAYS! I hope you enjoy it nonetheless!
Potions partner
James Potter x reader
4.6k words
cw: fluff, yapper!James
You’re not sure which is more peculiar: the story you’re telling or the fact that multiple people are listening to you tell it.
It had happened during Care of Magical Creatures class that morning. Professor Kettleburn was trying to settle an aggravated Thestral and was failing horribly to the point where he dismissed class urgently. You were one of the few students who could actually see the beast so your retelling of the event was more descriptive than the rest of the class’.
But what wasn’t peculiar was when a boy sat down a few seats away from you with complaints about the latest Transfiguration essay and all the attention that had been on you and your story moved on. Was the Thestral more interesting? Yes. But you were you, a background character in your own life. People didn’t pay attention to you if there was something else going on.
You sigh and turn your attention to the food on your plate. You’ve barely touched it since you were talking for once. Now that attention has left you like it always does, you’re able to eat. It had been nice to feel heard, even if just for a few minutes. You never did hold people’s attention for long. You were just something to fill the background, nothing special to see. And often you weren’t seen. There were too many times for you to count when someone brushes past you, accidentally knocking you to the ground and they barely give you “Sorry, didn’t see you there.”
In short, you weren’t seen and you weren’t heard.
It wasn’t just your classmates either. It seemed like once a week, a professor would scan the classroom as they marked who was in attendance and they’d ask if you were there. You always were. You’d raise your hand and wave it around. Sometimes, even with that, they’d miss you until your friend spoke up and said that, yes, you were, in fact, in class. You weren’t sure how the professors managed to skip over you so much, but they did. Maybe it was because you weren’t an extreme. Your grades weren’t horrible enough to be of concern, nor were they exceptional enough to be used as examples and to earn house points.
That afternoon in Potions, one of your least favorite things happened. Professor Slughorn announced a partnered-project.
“If everyone could get into pairs please! We will be working on brewing Felix Felicis and there will be various assignments with this. Pick someone you will be able to focus with. Yes, this means that Potter and Black cannot be partners.”
A pair of groans erupt from the back of the room.
“I got dibs on Moony,” Sirius says.
James groans again, scanning the room. Lily had picked Mary. Marlene and Peter didn’t continue with Potions in N.E.W.T. level. People got into pairs quickly. You had immediately turned toward Emmeline. She was usually kind to you, but she paired with Benjy Fenwick. Your options dwindled fast.
“Alright, anyone without a partner?” Slughorn asks the class as the room began to settle down.
You and James both raise your hands.
“Alright, you two are paired then. Here is the first assignment…”
You glance at James and cringe internally. Loud, boisterous James was your partner for the foreseeable future. Slughorn hadn’t given a timeframe for how long these assignments would be. You try to listen to everything that he’s saying about the first assignment, but it’s difficult when you’re dreading the assignment before it’s even really begun.
After class ends, you approach James.
“Erm, I’ll do the essay if you want to do the first part of the potion?” you offer, hugging your books tight to your chest.
“Huh? Oh, for the project. The essay’s long, don’t you want to work together on it?” James replies.
“I don’t-” you start to say.
Sirius interrupts you. “Mate, the girl’s just offered you the easy way out of the project. Take it and run.”
You press your lips into a thin line, nod and walk away. Sirius got it. You’d split the project into separate pieces as much as you could. Plus, did Mr. Popular really want to be seen with someone as quiet and invisible as you? You didn’t think so. As you made your way to your next class, you assumed that was the end of the conversation.
It wasn’t.
James finds you in the library after dinner. He’s slightly out of breath as he places his things on the table.
“You’re a hard one to find,” he says, taking a seat across from you.
You don’t say anything. In fact, you barely spare him a glance.
“I wanted to talk to you about the Potions project,” he continues as he takes out homework for a different class. “It’s a multiple part project. It’s very interconnected, not something we can split down the middle and work on separately.”
He stops talking and waits for you to respond. You still don’t look up. You just work on your Herbology assignment.
“You… you are my partner for Potions, right?” he asks, running a hand through already-messy hair. “That’d be embarrassing if I just sat down across from the wrong girl…”
“We’re partners,” you whisper, more to your parchment than James.
“Great. So I’m at the right table! Like I was saying, you can’t do the entire essay and have me do all the brewing. I mean, we can do that. Like you write and I actually brew, which is fine. But we have to meet up to work on it, you know? Can’t do one part without the other.”
“I prefer to work alone,” you say. “So take my offer or do it all by yourself.”
James��� eyes narrow.
“That’s not how partner projects work.”
You raise your eyes to meet his for the first time since he sat down. Pretty. You sigh and look back at your assignment. You have work to get done. You hope that James will get the message, accept your terms and leave you alone. Instead, he starts to work on an essay for Astronomy.
“Do you study at this table often?” he asks nonchalantly.
“Mhmm,” you hum.
Part of you wants to ask why he’s asking. What’s it to him that you work at that table practically like clockwork?
“This a daily thing or weekly? Every other day? Multiple times a day?”
“Whenever I have assignments,” you answer, although it's a very non-answer. When didn’t you have homework as a sixth year?
Every teacher assigned endless work to prepare you for the incoming exams. You were to be prepared and the way to prepare you was to assign work.
“So you’re here every second of every day, got it,” James says cheekily.
A quick glance at him reveals a smirk playing on his lips. Despite his quill hovering about parchment, he’s watching you, scanning your face for some kind of reaction. Something more than the quiet, short answers you’ve responded with so far. It’s a change of pace for James. Everyone wants to talk to him. He can talk with anyone about anything. It’s a gift that he and Sirius share. You, on the other hand, aren’t talking and it’s strange to James. Even Lily talks more when she’s shooting down his advances.
“Do you need help with that for Sprout?” James offers, confident that he can get you to talk more. “I finished it over lunch.”
You shake your head. James frowns, having been hoping for a verbal answer. He gives up trying to get you to talk for the evening, although he doesn’t leave your table. The two of you work in tandem for a few hours. James is far more uncomfortable with the silence between you than you are. It’s something you’re used to, and even if James had decided to ramble on about something, you would’ve managed to get the same amount of work done. James was used to noise around him, even in the library. With friends like his, quiet work time didn’t exist.
The next day James tries to say hi to you during the few classes that you share. You offer a small smile or a quiet ‘hello’ in response. You never stop and talk to him beyond that, which bothers him. You were partners for a project that would inevitably force you to spend some time together. Why didn’t you bother trying to get to know him at all?
“That’s your Potions partner, right?” Sirius asks as you walk away from them for the fourth time. “The one you got stuck with?”
“Yeah. Clearly doesn’t talk much,” James answers, watching you go and wordlessly sit down next to a Hufflepuff. He runs a hand through his hair absentmindedly.
“Maybe she just doesn’t know you? Or like you,” Peter says.
“What do you mean, Wormtail?” James asks.
“You’re not friends with everyone and some people don’t talk to people they don’t like.” Peter said it like it should’ve been common sense.
“But how can she not like me if she doesn’t know me? Won’t even try to know me? I sat with her for hours last night and I got maybe five sentences out of her!”
“You were in the library,” Remus snorts. “Some people respect the library’s quiet.”
“I know how to whisper!”
The other three boys burst into uncontrollable fits of laughter. James Potter whispering was more akin to a stage whisper. So, not a whisper. He was a loud person.
Then after dinner, James sits across from you in the library again.
“Same table. Easier to find,” he says as he takes out his homework.
Just like yesterday, you don’t respond. You don’t look up. You just continue working. James, however, is more intent on getting you to talk. He tries to think of something that might get your attention. It’s more difficult than he originally imagined. He didn’t know you. “What’s today’s assignment?”
“Care of Magical Creatures,” you say, voice barely qualifying as a whisper.
That got James’ attention more than it should have.
“Were you in class with the rampant Thestral? I heard it was crazy. Can’t imagine dealing with a creature you can’t see!” he asks.
“Professor Kettleburn provoked it. He pulled its wing. It looked overstretched,” you say with certainty.
You nod, flipping the page of the book you have open in front of you.
“You can see them? I thought you could only see them if-”
“If you’ve seen death,” you interrupt James.
He’s staring at you with wide eyes.
“You’ve seen death?” James asks.
He’s certain that he won’t get any work done. Not when you can see Thestrals.
You nod, again. Yesterday you were thrilled to have people’s attention as you recounted the beast mauling Kettleburn with its hooves. Today, you want to get your assignment done so you can return to your dorm. You aren’t sure why James is so curious about it, or why he keeps talking to you. No one ever sits at your table two days in a row.
After you don’t speak, James lets the conversation, if you can call it that, die. He figures that you don’t want to talk about who you’ve seen die. Maybe it was someone close to you. Maybe it was recent and hurt too much to talk about. He tries to focus on his work, but he was right in his assumption that he wouldn’t get work done. Even if you weren’t talking, James found you fascinating. His eyes keep drifting up to watch you work.
He breaks the silence after a while. “Can we work on that Potions essay tomorrow? I’m fine with brewing the potion, but we’ll work on the essay together.”
You sigh yet you nod all the same.
And with that, James leaves you alone.
The next day feels the same as the last. James says hi to you whenever he sees you, earning the same responses from you. There’s something nice about him taking the time to say hi to you when most of your classmates barely acknowledge your existence. Still, he’s only your partner in Potions and he didn’t choose to be your partner. It just happened because Slughorn said he couldn’t be with Sirius.
When James finds you in the library after dinner at your usual table, he’s lugging his cauldron with him. You stare as he sets it up next to the table, taking out a small collection of ingredients.
“Bit rough getting this past Madam Pince,” he tells you, seeing that he managed to catch your attention for once. “But I figured, if we’re working on the essay right now, might as well work on the potion too, right?”
You open your mouth as if to speak but nothing comes out. You gape like a fish out of water.
“You do have your Potions stuff with you, yeah?” he asks.
“Yeah… I do…”
You move your unfinished Care of Magical Creatures assignment off to the side. You’d work on it more after James left. Or at least, whenever he was done insisting on this ‘working together’ thing.
“Right, so Slughorn wants the first portion of Felix. And the essay is on the…” James says while looking over his scribbled notes.
“Essay is on the ingredients’ effect on the coloring. Pretty self-explanatory if you ask me,” you finish for him.
“How do you mean?”
You try not to laugh at James.
“Please, occamy and ashwinder eggs? Common rue? Shiny, shiny, yellow. It’s basic color theory.”
“Huh,” is all James says for a moment. Then he follows with, “That’s why you offered to do all the writing, isn’t it!”
“More like I thought you wouldn’t be bothered to work with me.”
James gasps, putting his hand over his heart like you brutally offended him. “Ouch, sweetheart!”
“Just get to brewing, Potter.”
And that’s the last that you spoke that evening. You worked intently on the essay as James brewed the potion. For some time, the sound between you was the crackling of the fire under James’ cauldron. But then he started talking. At first it was about the potion. He told you about everything he did and the immediate effects, every change of color and consistency. You didn’t need the commentary, although you used it to ensure that James was doing everything correctly. His descriptions matched what you had written.
Then he reached the point where the potion needed to simmer, James started talking about quidditch. You humor him for a while, listening to him ramble about what you easily assume is his favorite topic. He talked about more than just the Gryffindor team. He talked about the different tactics he’d seen the other houses use this year and how well they executed them, how they compared to the professional teams and how each of those teams were doing this year. Then he went on a tangent about the new rules and regulations that were passed recently and how they affected the game. He went on for a while.
“Do you want to read this or not?” you ask with some snap to your voice.
You slid the finished essay across the table toward James. You had written the entire thing as he brewed, only a testament to why you thought that partner part of the project was pointless. But if he wanted to ‘work together,’ you figure the least you could do was have him look over your work.
“Oh, yes! Let me see,” he mumbles as he takes the parchment from you.
You resume work on your Magical Creatures assignment. It takes James a few minutes to look over the whole thing. You had put a little extra effort into writing it since it was going to be James’ grade as well. It was one thing if your own work was subpar but when someone else got brought into the equation, you tried a little harder.
“This is great. You really did the whole thing while I brewed?”
You nod.
“You’re fantastic!” You feel a heat creep up your neck at the compliment. It was just an essay.
“Okay, so we have the potion and the essay for the first deadline! Great! I’ll clean up and get out of your hair. But I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?” he asks, a wide smile on his face.
You nod again.
Over the next week, James continues to meet up with you in the library. He’s grateful that you never change tables. That at least means you don’t mind too much that he’s joining you. With each day, he tries to get you to talk. He tries topic after topic, hoping to come across one that you wouldn’t mind opening up a bit for. What James doesn’t know is that you’ve trained yourself to limit your responses. Even if someone asked about your deepest interest, you’d barely let on that you knew everything about it.
Then, just as you’re getting used to James constantly being at your table, he says something that throws you off.
“I won’t be here tomorrow.”
You want to respond with “Okay?” He wasn’t required to do homework for you after dinner every day. He wasn’t obligated to sit at your table. You still didn’t even really consider him your friend.
“We got the quidditch pitch reserved for a last minute practice before Saturday’s match,” he says, pausing to watch your face with curiosity. If there was a change in your expression, he’d see it. There was no change. “You’re coming to the match on Saturday, right?”
There was hope in his voice. Like he really wanted to make sure that you’d be in the stands for the game. Almost like he wanted to know if you’d be watching him, and just maybe, cheering for him.
You blink your eyes slowly.
“I… I’m not sure.”
You bite the inside of your cheek. “Depends on how much work I get done, I guess.”
“Stay hard at work then, will you? I’d like you to be there. Heard it’s going to be a good match,” he says, his grin audible in his voice.
It makes you look up at him rather than at the parchment in front of you.
“Heard it’s going to be good?” you repeat back to him. “Wouldn’t you say that about every match you’re in?”
“I mean, yeah, but Saturday’s especially.”
“We’ll see, Potter.”
“You’ll only see if you go.”
You flex your eyebrows and turn back to your assignment. James smiles to himself as he begins to work again too. Something about your demeanor made him think that you would show up. He wasn’t really sure why he cared if you did, but there was something about you. He had grown to like the quiet air that you maintained. He didn’t mind that you didn’t talk much, despite his desperate attempts to get you to talk. You kind of reminded him of Remus during first year, if he was being honest. And that means that you had the promise of becoming a very dear friend.
You would be lying if you didn’t work extra hard the next evening while James was at practice. You didn’t promise anything but you felt that you owed it to James to at least try to be at a point where you could justify going to the match. You went to a handful of them. You could follow along enough with the game, not that it mattered. Balls were tossed around, some were hit and there was a super small one that only two players tried to catch. That’s about all you needed to know.
Still, you don’t know why you felt the need to show up for James. It wasn’t like he would be able to see you in the sea of students. It was one thing to find you in the library. It was another to spot you from a broom while you were surrounded by hundreds of others pressed together and bundled up against the biting wind. You even figured that you could just tell James that you went, without actually going, and he wouldn’t know the difference.
However, when morning came, you were bundling up. You join the masses heading to the pitch. You listen to the excited chatter about how epic the match is going to be. It was Gryffindor against Slytherin after all, which always made for a good match being the natural rivals that they were. You stood pressed between your friend and one of her closer friends. They cheer louder than you did. You were more focused on trying to keep up with the game as your mind continuously drifts to James. As your mind drifts, so do your eyes. You’re confident that you watched James for at least 90% of the match. Which shouldn’t be too shocking given the amount of times he was in the midst of the action. You swore he had his hands on the quaffle during every play.
And then something happened that made your heart stop.
You swore James’ eyes found yours and then he flashed you a smile. All before proceeding to score again. Almost as if he was doing it just for you.
Which was ridiculous. He was just your Potions partner who happened to be studying a lot with you as of recently.
But still. He found you, in the middle of the crowd, where you should have been as invisible as you always were.
How? How did he see you? It’s all you could think of for the last few minutes of the game. You were so in your own head that you missed the Gryffindor seeker catching the snitch, ending the game and sealing the win for them. You let your friend drag you out of the stands as students filled the pitch. Except you didn’t follow her into the pitch. You started down the path back towards the castle, but you didn’t make it far.
The sun was shining brightly and the air wasn’t too frigid once you were hundreds of feet into the air. You veer from the path and find a nice patch of grass to sit down on. Some sunshine wouldn’t hurt. An occasional shadow passed over your face as clouds drifted across the sky. Each shadow was only momentary, a brief chill until it moved on.
Until one shadow didn’t move on. You waited a minute before opening your eyes to see how big this cloud was.
The cloud in question? James Potter. James Potter still in his quidditch uniform and sporting a smile so bright it could rival the sun itself. And he was standing in front of you.
“Potter,” you say shortly.
“Didn’t see you on the pitch after the match,” he replies, sitting down across from you.
You don’t say anything. What was there to say?
“I was hoping to see you on the pitch. Maybe get a congratulations on the win?” he says with a tilt of his head.
“You played well.” That was as close to a congratulations as he was going to get from you.
“Did you see the goal I scored for you?”
You cough. “For me?”
“Well, yes. I swore I made eye contact with you before I did it.” He pauses thoughtfully. “Or did I look at a different pretty girl?”
You swallow thickly. “No, you, erm, that was me.”
“Ah, then yes. For you. My pretty Potions partner.”
If your heart had stopped in the stands, it must’ve turned into stone now. There was no way that James just called you his pretty Potions partner.
“That’s… ah… that’s alliteration,” you manage to say despite your mouth suddenly becoming drier than the desert.
James tilts his head curiously.
“I did want to thank you,” he says. “For coming to the match. I wasn’t sure if you were going to come. Because of homework, like you said. But I hoped you’d come.” He pauses for a moment. “Did you like it?”
“The-the match or you scoring… for me?” you ask, the end of your question feeling foreign in your mouth.
People didn’t score goals for you. That didn’t happen. You were barely noticed. You were spoken over. You were forgotten about because you offered so little to conversation and friendships.
“Erm, both, I suppose.”
“The match was entertaining. Definitely a step from Binn’s lectures.”
James laughs. It was a delightfully warm sound that draws the attention of students headed to the castle.
“You scoring… for… me…” you continue, the words still feeling odd to you, “was… nice, I guess. Unexpected though.”
James nods, accepting your commentary. He understands why it came across as unexpected. It wasn’t like he had flirted with you in the library. He hadn’t asked you to Hogsmeade or a picnic or even for a measly walk through the corridors together.
“I suppose I did this a bit backwards, haven’t I?” he chuckles.
“Did what?” you ask.
“The fact that you have to ask…” He shakes his head and runs a hand through his windswept hair. “I think I want to ask you out.”
Your eyes go wide and a blush tints your cheeks pink. Your heart has been shocked back to life and is working overtime.
“You think?” you ask once you’re able to say words.
“Okay, well, I do. I want to ask you out. I’m just not sure… if I should? Would you say yes if I did?”
You’re frozen in shock. He wants to ask you out. He grows increasingly nervous when you don’t respond.
“You don’t talk much and you seem to take your studies seriously. You remind me of Remus. You know Remus Lupin, right? Good, good friend of mine. And I think you’re rather pretty. So the combination of both, I want to see if we, you know, work together,” he says all too quickly. “And now I’ve gone and scored a goal for you, which I know most people usually save for after they’ve gone steady with someone or if they’re heavily chatting them up, but you don’t seem like the kind of person to appreciate a proper chatting up so…” He took a sharp breath. “Whatdoyousay?”
You continue to stare at James. It’s a lot. You’re not really sure when he started feeling all of this and you don’t know how to express that. You also don’t know how you managed to catch his eye.
“Can I, ahem, get a nod or something? You, me, butterbeers next weekend?”
You nod slowly and that brings a brilliant grin to James’ face.
“And I’ll see you in the library all week, yeah? Can’t be falling behind in our assignments, can we?”
“Yeah,” you breathe. “Same table.”
“And there’s a party in the Gryffindor Common Room later, if you want to go. I don’t know if that’s your scene or not, but I’ll be there. Wouldn’t mind seeing you there. But only if you’re up to it.”
You nod, but then realize that he might take that as you agreeing that you’ll go to the party.
“Maybe. I… I need to work on Astronomy but… I’ll consider it.”
His grin gets impossibly wider and he pushes his glasses further up his nose. Then he stands up and holds out a hand to help you up.
“Then let’s get you back to the castle. Can’t work on your Astronomy if you’re out here.”
You take his hand and let him lead you inside. Something about James inviting you places makes you actually want to show up, even if a Gryffindor quidditch party is completely out of your comfort zone.
#marauders#marauders fic#marauder-misprint#request#james potter#james potter x you#james potter fluff#james potter x reader#james potter fic
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What To Expect In Your Life Next? 🛫🚏🧭 - PAC
Welcome to the Love For The Feminine 🦋
Thank you for the likes, sharing, comments and following!🤗
...............Love For The Feminine 🦋 .................
So my Lovelies this pick a card will be about the next phase of your life which can be anything and everything and it can come anytime soon from now on!
Let's dive in!⤵️
...............Love For The Feminine 🦋 .................
🛫Pile 1:
So this is very obvious for me that you about to travel my lovely. This can be somewhere far, like overseas or you will just cross the ocean soon. Interesting because your reading can go two ways. It's like you will have two options regarding to this travel. One way will be a much more smoother and enjoyable and the other will be the same old same old and the best part in it that you can decide how you would like it.❤️ Which is always a win a win.
Hmm. I am hearing that the how is not even important. The what will be important here which is what will be the catalyst for you to do this change, because my lovely you will be the one who will initiate it from the start or you are already manifesting it.👏🏻
I am feeling, it can be that you are specifically will receive a very interesting insights or some kind of hidden information or even download from above and while you might do not have a clue what I am talking about, the universe is plotting everything in behind the scenes. This information can come through a person who will be sent by your spiritual team too.🧭
Very interesting and mysterious for you my lovely.😉
How can you align with this is, in a simple way: just going within. Meditation or even just having a good rest can elevate your energy and this will help you and the universe to work together, so you will be more interested the present moment to actually see it, hear it or even sense it. 🙏🏻
Your intuition might going to heighten up before this change happening or you will feel much more sensitive than usual. If you are a lady here than my lovely this can be during the time of your period even.
This is a big shift for you which will effect your 3D world. 🌎
It can be moving, changing location, travelling from one place to another and staying there forever because it will be more aligned with your soul.❤️
You are not just elevating in the 3D but in the 5D as well and let me tell you a secret, the energy always arrives at first and then the change is happening around you as well.
So before this shift happening you might will feel very uncomfortable because you are growing out your own self, the old skin. Like a beautiful snake 🐍 shredding what they don't need anymore.
This is how I can imagine this for you.🔥
Something which will effect your physical body and environment. ✨
Like Kundalini Awakening!👏🏻
The Phoenix Rising From The Ashes!🌠
Thank you for reading it!
Bye bye
...............Love For The Feminine 🦋 .................
🚏Pile 2:
This is how I can describe what is coming next for you. Inner peace, baby! ❤️
Your life will be about just you with someone special or specials depends on your preferences, I am feeling it. 😊😋
If you are already in a connection, it can be that you might going in separate ways because your inner peace will be much more important for you, as it should be!🍷
Only take this info if you are dealing with someone who is unhealthy for you! 🙏🏻
So back to the singles.
By the way if you are in a connection and you are happy you are going to be blessed even more.😉 Even with a baby 🍼 if you want to. 😉 S*x definitely will be good, just let me tell you. ✌🏻
Okay, so singles! 😎 Are you ready to fall in love? No? Yes? You can choose baby, because you will have options.
I am sensing a vey seductive energy from you and what will be unleashed here because you will be that tiger or lion or the female version of it who will be on the spotlight and on the dating market.
Cupid will come at your door step! Wow 😳 this is very specific here....
I am not going to lie but it can literally it will knock on your door🚪... Spooky😂
If you are not looking for love, I am feeling, it will find you anyway. 👻
There will be opportunities in front of you which you might do not want to miss, if you know what I mean 😋😜💋
You will be glowing baby🍒
So it can be that Goddess Aphrodite will be around you from now on or the energy of romance, love and passion and beauty! 💞
It can be that you are already doing some kind of change on you regarding to your appearance or you will. Going to the gym or just working out at home. Eating much more better even if it looks unhealthy for other people. I am going to be honest. You will put food and drink in your body which will make you feel good even if it's a cheeseburger 🍔 with fries🍟, your body will get what your body needs. And how you are eating it will be very s*xy even if you look like a mess.
The special someone will love it definitely. I have feeling people will love to feed you or someone has a kink here. 😘
Something with your cooking skills will be outstanding, I am hearing it. 🏆
People and especially the gender what you are attracted to will be very eager to get your numbers, ask you out or shower you with love!😘
You will be a wife or a husband material for people so if this is what you want you will get no matter what! 💗😉
Even if you specifically will not do anything on you regarding to your appearance, it will be your energy which will be very magnetic to people.🔥
So my lovely just think it as if you have a genie lamp 🪔 and it will make your wishes come true.
Alright then, that was for you.
Thank you for reading it!
PS: It can be that someone will be in your DM soon as well 😜✌🏻
I have still a little note for that you will feel like a Femme Fatale or Don Juan, dark feminine arise. Boom Shakalaka😋
Have fun with it, it's going to be safe for you. S*xual interaction, love, passion, flirting, exploring, dating even when it comes to just being with yourself!❤️😊
Bye Bye
...............Love For The Feminine 🦋 .................
🧭Pile 3:
Interesting, already I am feeling that you are entering a winning phase of your life.
If you are playing lottery, 😁 it can be that you will win or you will feel that you are winning everytime no matter what you are doing.
Midas touch!🏆
More positivity my lovely this is what's coming for you. More laughter, more joy, happiness and freedom.
So take what will applies for you.🤗
We have here someone who will be about to get married, so congratulations if this for you.🎊🎉
Everything will be okay!👍🏻
If you are not the one who will get married soon that my lovely you might going to attend to one just to support your friend or your relatives.
Because somehow I am feeling that you will buy a very nice outfit for you to attend somewhere which can be a little bit of a formal event.
The lifestyle what will change for you I can see that. Somehow in some way you will get more access to financial abundance through some kind of work what you are doing or you about to do and it will help you to elevate your life.
So If your money is looks good in the bank right now 🏧 than for you it's much more about how you are seeing yourself and what you are allowing.
Very self-love oriented your reading which is very good. You will feel more that you would like to treat yourself more and also your pets. I don't know maybe you have a pet already or you will adopt one because you will prefer a fur baby more than being in a connection or having a human baby.
It's like you might going to even decide that you don't want children or you just want to enjoy your single, independent life even forever if this is what you whish for.🥳
It's like you will adjust your own life to your soul and what is aligning with you.
You might going to set more boundaries towards other people and towards yourself even more.😎
It can be that you will be more selfish in a way which can be the: if my cup is full that I might going to share it or not.
Honestly your beautiful energy feels like Samantha from Sex and the City 🌆, if you know you know😉
Also it's genderless. You can be still Samantha even if you are a man, because I am reading the energies!😁✌🏻
This can be that a specific friend group will be significant here for you.😳
So, I think you will be in your A game no matter what and people will see it as well.
Your confidence will be up to the roof in the best possible way.
And if you are considering yourself a very confident person, I am feeling you might going to invest your money into education or upgrading your skills even. Of course you can do it after you gained back your confidence if this way applies for you better.
You might entering into a course to learn something which you always wanted or go back to school to finish what you started. 👏🏻
Something about being very organized in a way how you are spending your time, money and energy and also with who and how much time you are allowing for it.
This will be the time for you when you will create long lasting friendships and meeting with your true soul tribe.🤠 Just like in the Sex and City 🌆. To be honest New York can be significant or that series or the movies.👍🏻
You might want to watch it again or you will do it the first time.
First time can be significant too. It can be you are going to feel that you are so powerful the first time or you will do something which will be that.
Expanding the comfort zone.👀
If you are the type of person who has a hard time to focus, in this chapter of your life it will be very easy for you.
I am going to be honest it's like energetically you are a fresh, new born baby and the world is your oyster, so enjoy it😍🥰
Okay my lovely that was for you!
Thank you for reading it!
Peace!✌🏻 Out! 😎
Bye bye
PS: Check out my other posts as well if you did not see them yet!💋
#pick a card#tarot reading#spirituality#tarot#love#romance#future spouse#tarotcommunity#next chapter#glowing up#self love#spiritual awakening#meditation#spiritual healing#kundalini awakening#new beginnings#travel#tourism#passion
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who in the twst cast lets you put a ribbon on it. (Diasomnia, Rollo, Crewel)
NSFW, MDNI, gn! reader <3
(Heartslabyul, Savannaclaw Vers.) (Pomefiore, Ignihyde Vers.) (Octavinelle, Scarabia Vers.)
Malleus Draconia
Of course he lets you put a ribbon on it. He would raze down entire kingdoms for you. A ribbon is nothing . The moment you mention it, ribbons appear out of thin air, dancing around you in a flurry of the finest silks procured from all across Twisted Wonderland. Whether you prefer a more simple ribbon, or one decorated with gold and jewels, he will offer you all that your imagination could dream of and more. Every single option you choose will be laid on a display with care, and he’ll be surprisingly reverent in doing so.
Genuinely treats this as an act of courtship and treasures the act of you tying the ribbon around your cock with such delicacy and tenderness. Every brush against his skin sends a heightened sense of pleasure through his body- more so than usual. The slipperiness of the silk is simply divine against his skin, but frankly, your touch is what brings him over the edge.
Oh? He’s never really hard about putting ribbons on one’s cock, but he doesn't feel super strongly about it either way when you mention it. He does have experience making flower crowns, though, so if you want to do a styled pattern on the ribbon or want to do a particular type of knot, he’ll do his best to help! The skin of his cock does tend to be sensitive, so take care not to use a bow made of polyester; otherwise, he’ll be overstimulated and not in the fun way :(
He may or may not fall asleep with the ribbon on. It just feels so soft and nice against his skin…as aroused as he is, the caress of the fabric lulls him to the waiting arms of sleep. However, if you took precautions and worked him up a fair bit beforehand, he enjoys the added sensation of the ribbon combined with your own hand <33 Slightly tightening the bow while he’s temporarily dazed works wonders- the sudden constriction jolts him awake and makes him want to chase this pleasure until he’s spent.
Sebek Zigvolt
He’s so bewildered when you mention it to him. It reminds him of the tales Lilia told him, where royalty and maidens alike would grant knights their favor with a ribbon or handkerchief…hearing of a similar tradition in a sexual context makes him incredibly flustered. He will ask if this is an odd human courting ritual of yours. (He’s disappointed when you say it isn’t . Just a little .)
Put in so much time searching for a ribbon after you mention it tbh. It’s special to him, even if you had only brought it up as a passing interest. Of course he’s going to find one that’s made with enchanted silk, one that’s been created by nothing but one of the best. (He may ask Lilia for help in this area, as the older fae is likely to have expertise in fabrics and whatnot). When it’s actually tied around him, he feels as if his soul is going to leave his body. The soft, act of possession as you tie a ribbon around his cock make him incredibly weak, and he’s practically putty under your hands for the rest of the night <3
Lilia Vanrouge
Oh he’s having fun. He has plenty of ribbons from when he was experimenting with different fashion styles, so you’ll have a fair share to choose from!! From ribbons with frayed edges to ones with fine embroidery, the only issue you might find is having to untangle them all and pick out which one you like best ^^; He even offers a few suggestions that are more in-depth than you’d expect…
If you can’t choose one, he offers that you try multiple in one night (or even in one round!). Why not try all that you can in order to experience this kink to the fullest? I don’t think he has a particular preference for any particular fabric, although he does seem to gravitate towards ribbons that have more lace and textures to them! Will most definitely bring it up again whenever the craving strikes, and will have absolutely no shame in asking if he could do the same to you <3
Rollo Flamme
Oh. Oh dear. He becomes incredibly fond of the thought even as he vehemently scolds you for having such perverted thoughts about him. He already carries around a handkerchief with your signature scent on it, of course he would want you to claim him properly as well. Despite this, he can’t help but feel flustered and ashamed. To do something so lewd in such a loving manner…he can’t contain how incredibly horny that makes him.
He’ll spend time with you picking out a ribbon, though he already has one in mind. One of classic silk with a bit of a lace trim- there’s simply no other ribbon that could do. When you finally tie it around his cock, it takes all of his might to not cum on the spot. The sheer intimacy of the moment overwhelms him, and he can’t help but want to have your touch engulf him wholly as he succumbs to your desires.
Divus Crewel
You want to tie a ribbon around him? You better understand what a commitment that is, pup. He typically prefers to dom in the bedroom, and you wanting to collar him (in a sense) is quite the intimate proposition. If you ask this of him, he takes it all rather seriously. Taking you to specialty boutiques to pick out a ribbon that would symbolize your bond best, to lending you a book detailing different types of bows and styles one can decorate their lover’s cock with.
He’s patient throughout the whole ordeal, watching your every move with bated breath. Every single loop the ribbon makes around his cock, every knot you make…he engraves every movement in his mind as he feels pre-cum drip over the edges of the luxurious fabric…He will pay back the pleasure that you will draw from him tenfold <3
a/n: Thank you for reading the final installment of my "who in the twst cast lets you put a bow on it" series! If you have any ideas you want me to elaborate on, feel free to stop in my inbox <3
#moth.flutters#twst x reader#nsfvv#malleus draconia x reader#silver x reader#sebek zigvolt x reader#lilia vanrouge x reader#twisted wonderland x reader#twst smut#rollo flamme x reader#divus crewel x reader
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Wishful Thinking - chapter 5



arranged marriage Nanami with a people-pleasing reader
last chapter - next chapter - series masterlist
You had gone to bed that night expecting the man by your side to inadvertently keep you awake. Only a few feet from you, you couldn't help focusing on his breathing. Consciously aware of his presence.
Memories of the first night at your shared home filled you with embarrassment as you had pulled on a comfortable fleece pajama set that evening.
Nanami changed in the bedroom whilst you were calming yourself in the bathroom; and when you came back to your bed, he was sat up on his mattress in a crewneck and a loose pair of pants. Just the sight to him brought reminders of when he had come into the master bedroom that first night after the ceremony.
You flush at the memory once more. Turning to crawl into bed, he told you about some ideas for your first day in Kuala Lumpur. You knew, of course, that he was looking for you to choose the excursion yourself. Something you were not looking forward to.
You were just able to slip out of that responsibility by feigning tiredness. He crossed his arms in a way that definitely was not supposed to catch your attention, but it most certainly did, and gave you a disbelieving look.
"I'm sure you'll be ready in the morning after a good night's sleep." He raised a brow.
"Surly." You drag out the word, though you weren't sure at all which option he would prefer you pick. And that aside, you had no intention of getting any restful sleep with him so close to you anyway.
Despite this, the subtle rattling of the train lulled you into sleep far quicker than you would've expected, and when morning came, you felt more rested than you had in months.
When you turned to sit up, you saw that Nanami was already awake, his back was against his headboard, a book in his hand. He looked over at you and smiled.
Nanami appeared so large in the twin bed. It was an interesting image to see once you've woken up. A kettle was placed on the table between your mattresses and he pulled out a saucer for you as you rubbed your eyes.
"We'll arrive at the capital in about two hours."
My God. His voice...
You cleared your throat, "Thank you." and reached for the teacup he had passed you to pour a drink into it.
As comfortable as you were beginning to grow with the man, there was still a sense of awkwardness mingling within the air. You decided not to waste any time and tiptoed to the bathroom with your tea.
Once you arrived, you almost smacked yourself with grief. The pajamas, the hair, you looked...well... you looked like you had just woken up.
Who cares? You thought for a moment. Your appearance was not really of any consequence; there wasn't a reason to feel ashamed. especially since Nanami was just a legally bonded...friend? But you couldn't help but feel frustrated at how put together he looked in the morning.
You turn on the sink and sigh.
What you did not see was that Nanami Kento had arisen hours before you had. He tried to go back to sleep when he noticed your form cuddled up with a pillow. He even had tried closing his eyes and matching your breathing, but it was all too much for him.
He was too aware now of the other presence by his side and knew he would not be able to dispel that knowledge from his brain. So he arose and massaged the back of his neck, busying himself with a brochure of Malaysia, averting his eyes to the curtains where peeks of sunlight occasionally lapped in through the passing trees.
He checked his watch and decided he might grab some breakfast for you both. He made his bed and wondered if you would enjoy breakfast in bed or if you were of the opinion that it was messy. After some consideration, he figured you wouldn't tell him either way.
When he arrived back at the bedroom suite door, he felt a wave of anxiety, wondering if you would be awake by his return. After some inspection, however, you had hardly moved. It was still early morning.
He settled the tray on the bedside table and went to go groom his appearance. Truth be told, he was altogether glad you had not awoken to see him before he was ready for you to.
When he came back to the bedroom, he oscillated awkwardly between pretending to be asleep again and pulling out a book he had packed. There was a small part of him that thought it might be disingenuous to pretend so he settled himself back in bed and tried to read.
And repeated the same page over and over.
When he saw you stretching beneath the sheets, he sat up, straightened his sweatshirt and slowed his breathing.
You were unbearably cute when you awoke.
How unfair.
The train had not arrived in Kuala Lamper for longer than a quarter of an hour before you and Nanami were dressed and ready to spend a day out in the city.
In your youth, you had not been given the opportunity to see the world. Your life before these moments had been confined to your clan estate and the Kyoto School. There was a thrilling warmth carried within you as you strode out of the station with your husband in toe. But do not be mistaken, the lead-up to this exciting moment was exactly as pleasant as you had anticipated it being the night prior.
That was to say, not at all.
The two of you had been sharing breakfast, still in the quiet of the morning, after a few moments of silence and standard eye contact you would laugh and look back to your lap.
He would grin and continue to eat, only before you would look at him once more and giggle.
Turning to you he joined along, "What? What is it?"
"This is just so ridiculous!" You laughed. "I can't believe this is happening."
He seemed confused, but smiled nonetheless, "It is strange to think...we're on our honeymoon." He shrugged a shoulder at you.
You hadn't even been thinking about that. Only that you were going to experience the world for the first time, and that waking up next to, eating breakfast alongside, and sharing silence together was so intimate. You hardly knew this man, but he was wholly yours.
Is that not a strange notion? He was your closest confidant, a gentlemanly friend. Another human legally bound to you.
And he was right, this was your honeymoon.
But you don't want to alter this moment, so you just grin a little more and try to take a sip of your tea.
After some time, you could tell by the shifting of his posture that he was subtly attempting to gain your attention. Looking your way, setting down his cup, and finally, leaning back, arms crossed.
No longer interested in identifying his body language from your periphery, you turned to look at him. Between his right thumb and forefinger was the brochure from the previous night. He was tilting it every which way between his fingers, the thin paper bending, making its way toward you.
"The scenery is... lovely!" You pointed out, turning to the window.
"A fine try." He chuckled and handed you the pamphlet.
You picked it from the space between you and used it to cover your face. "Must we do this?"
"We must." He closed his eyes dramatically as if he really were sad to say it.
"I think I would have a much better time if we just randomized our options..." You knew it was silly, but you couldn't help the all-encompassing fear that you might want to do something that perhaps he held no interest in. And thereby ruin his vacation, his honeymoon. The fear that you might waste his time.
"I'm afraid that's not one of your options." He whispered.
You only gave him an unamused look and skimmed over the leaflet.
A Tour of Batu Caves, Waterfalls, and Hot Springs Genting Highlands Day Trip with Skyway Cable Car Culinary Travel Tour Historical Sights Day Tour Private Excursion of Elephant Sanctuary
You were starting to get overwhelmed by all the options. You knew you would be visiting the beach on the last day of the trip, so perhaps he wouldn't want to go to the hot springs as well.
Or maybe he was a water-loving guy? You weren't sure, how would you know? The cable car seemed to be a nice option as well, the pictures included in the catalog depicted lush greenery and gorgeous views.
But it was a day trip... what if he became tired of the travel? Or worse, what if he was scared of heights and hated the entire thing?
It seemed that he hadn't taken his eyes from you since handing over the brochure. He would look at you over the rim of his teacup while you read over your options before he spoke up next to you, all low and quiet.
"I would love any of these options, just so you're sure." He tilted his cup to you in a greeting gesture but his words did nothing to ease the torture of your decision.
The pause continued as you mulled over the options, he seemed like the type to enjoy classic tourism, perhaps he would like to witness the historical sights.
"And if there was an option I really didn't like," He came in close, just then, almost looking over at the paper. "I would tell you. As I would hope you to do." You could feel the warmth of his skin although he never touched you.
Stumbling over the suddenness of the electric shock his nearness gave you, you pulled away and quickly spoke, "Do you like cooking?"
He didn't respond immediately, holding eye contact for quite a while before he smirked, "I would love," he emphasized, "any of these options." Running his finger up the pack of the sheet in your hands, he continued, "Didn't I just tell you as much?"
You yanked the paper back, "I was just checking."
He lifted a brow, teasing, "Would you like that? The Culinary Class? Is that something that interests you?"
You consider it a moment. You had seen Nanami in the kitchen, he enjoyed food and preparing meals. And you certainly liked the idea of a hands-on cooking class. Having been kicked from the estate kitchens any time you had wandered into them as a child. The maids would bring you treats every so often but you always wanted to help them.
"I think it's a good option." You smiled. Hoping that would be enough. Hoping he would sway himself one way or the other with words such as 'I would pick that too.' or 'I'm not so interested.'
But of course, he would never say those things. He liked making your life more challenging. So, ever the patient man, he lifted his ankle over to his other knee and shifted to face you completely. "It is. Is that the option you prefer? Or is it just a good option?"
Wasn't calling it so confirmation enough? Even just stating, 'I want this' or 'I like that' felt so unnatural to you. Making a preference known seemed almost exclusionary to your husband. But he did not seem to view it that way.
"Well?" Still smiling, he clinked his empty teacup to the saucer with a look that said 'I can wait you out all day if that's what you'd like.'
You sat up straight and steeled yourself. "It is." You nod, "The option I-I like best."
With a swiftness you had not yet seen from the man, he came close to your face, plucked the pamphlet from you, and hummed. "Very good."
He stood to his full height and reached to put on his watch. "Don't worry about anything else now." He grabbed the teapot and platter to set outside the bedroom door for the stewardess. "I'll work out all the other details."
And work out the other details, he did. Nanami did not lie when he told you that the hard part was over. He arranged everything, the transportation, the schedule, and of course, the payment. He even helped you put on your apron when the two of you arrived at your destination.
The kitchen structure was pristine, with a dozen stations lined up in rows. Fresh ingredients were decadently laid out for you on racks that you passed by to enter the kitchen. Gloves and pinafores were set aside at your disposal.
Several people from other groups would be joining the two of you, they included a group of friends on break together, a family of four interested in a cooking lesson, and another couple who were on their ten-year anniversary.
Each member introduced themselves to the chef and everyone began getting to know one another as you all washed your hands. Your husband had taken the liberty to grab a pair of aprons for you both and once you began drying off your hands, he grabbed the trash that the paper towels had left and started to tie the pinafore around your neck.
He could not see his hands at work but he made a conscious effort to not pull your hair, gently tucking the strands into a comfortable knot.
"This isn't too tight, is it?"
You had long since looked away from the man directly before you, his stature made for an intimidating visual and as you stared at your station's sink you swallowed and hummed out, "No, it's alright." He had stepped back and you immediately felt yourself reach up to touch at the simple tie he had left there. "Here," You came forward, "let me get yours."
Nanami laughed, "Not quite." And with the lightest of touches to your wrist, he turned you slightly to the side so he might tie your waist.
It was not an unusual sensation. In fact, you were quite accustomed to being dressed by someone other than yourself, but there was something different about this, something so tender. He patted the small of your back softly before circling to your front and asking for your assistance.
Your heart thumped and you fiddled with the strips of fabric, knotting it loosely at his back. You wondered if this was something you would do for a friend that would result in such a bodily response, and if it was, why did you feel so giddy at the action?
The culinary class was intended to take up several hours. You would be preparing a meal together with the instruction of a professional chef. To start, you would make ready your Roti Canai, a popular flatbread dish. And while the dough rested, you would put together your Kari Ayam, a simple chicken curry.
You had been somewhat nervous as the class was getting started, but as everyone went in a circle, introducing themselves, there began to grow a sort of camaraderie within your group. It was easy to converse as you collected your mise en place from the stocked shelves that surrounded the room.
You had just begun the process of combining the ingredients for your unleavened bread when Nanami came around the corner of an inventory shelf with some garlic, shallots, and chilis in hand for your curry. He was laughing at the joke of another man across the kitchen. The man made a pointing motion at Nanami and seemed to be asking for one of the peppers. Nanami tossed it to him with ease.
When he turned to see you, he settled his ingredients on the counter and came around behind you.
You felt so unsure in every aspect of life, even something as simple as breadmaking, but Nanami seemed so well adjusted, he was steady as his hands came around to mimic yours, kneading the dough you had been working on.
"This looks good." he was grinning, you couldn't see his face but you knew anyway. He spoke up suddenly, "Our's will be much better than that man's." He nodded to the gentleman from before and you all laughed. The chef even circled around and praised your sections of dough as they proofed on the counter.
Nanami turned to look at you, a smile on his face as he raised a brow in response to the praise. It was fun.
Nanami insisted on weighing out the ingredients for you and settling each of them in their own bowl. You had tried to tell him that he didn't have to go to the trouble but he simply waved you off.
Eventually, he even began to assemble the spice paste. With the respite between dishes, you felt as though he was pulling more weight than you were. Though it was true he was not clan-born, it was something of an embarrassment that your husband was doing what felt to you as all the work
Sheepish, you tried to pull the bowl from him, "I can do that-" but he kept a finger looped on the side, tugging it back, "there's really no need-" you tried again.
"If you keep saying that, I'll get the impression that you don't like my company very much." He whispered, turning to you now.
He steadied himself a moment before laughing and gently brushing some flour off of your cheekbone. And there was that erratic thumping again.
You laugh at his comment but it wasn't out of discomfort or a desire to change the discussion, no, this was the type of laugh that caused you to feel silly and included. Like you once had during your time in school.
While the dough rested on the counter, and the curry simmered, the chef re-entered the kitchen with a treat. Ais Kacang, or shaved ice was offered to the class in little glass bowls. He encouraged you all to sit and enjoy a break.
You all decided to pull away from the kitchen stations and opted to sit in the foyer of the building. Sitting next to you on the left was the man and wife who were on their anniversary trip. The man was the one whom Nanami had been joking with before. The man's wife bent forward to look over at you,
"So, you're here on your honeymoon?" She asked.
You set the dessert in your lap for a moment and smiled pleasantly, "That's right." Shifting the conversation to her you ask, "And you mentioned before this was your ten-year anniversary?"
The woman's husband swung his arm over her shoulders and kissed her cheek, "Yup! Can hardly believe it." It was clear that he was head over heels for the woman, and even though she huffed in annoyance, anyone could see it was pretend.
His wife pushed his chest back good-naturedly, and laughed, "That must be exciting. I remember hardly being able to wait for my honeymoon."
Your smile never wavered, but you considered how your circumstances were likely very different from her own. Before you could respond, the man reached a hand behind you to your right and tapped Nanami on his shoulder. "So, when did you know?"
Not privy to the conversation at hand, Nanami pulled the spoon from his mouth and made a questioning, "hmm?" sound, looking down at you for direction.
The woman turned to you again, rolling her eyes. "He loves to ask this question," She shifted her neck to glance at him, "I think it's because we both took so long to realize we were in love."
You wanted to ask her for more details but the man was already booping his wife's nose. "Noooo, if I remember correctly, and I always do, it was you who was completely oblivious to my pining." He turns to you and Nanami, shaking a faux-sullen face, "Very sad."
You all laugh and he squared Nanami once more, "So, when was it? When did you know she was the one?"
Your laugh falls short and suddenly you're a bit sick to your stomach. They were so romantic together, so natural. They were real. And there was nothing to even say about your proposal because it had all been manufactured. You were just about to interject something to deter the conversation, a muted, "Oh-" coming out when,
"The moment I met her."
You turn to him, befuddled by the ease with which he spoke. You expected to share a moment with him, a silent embarrassed glace but Nanami just smiled at you, not in a teasing way, he was always so very genuine.
The couple made cute little "aweeeee~~" sounds but you were focused on Nanami.
The thudding resounded evermore and you were grateful when you could stand, brushing off imaginary dust as the chef announced it was time to prepare for the plating.
The sun shone brightly into midday as you walked the busy city streets.
"Our first meal together..." Nanami sighed contentedly, looking your way.
You consider him, "That wasn't our first meal together?" you say, squinting up at him. He had pulled you slightly away from the bustling pavement, walking on the curbside of the street now.
"Maybe not..." He looked thoughtful, "But that was the first meal we actually made together."
You think about it, he was right, and although it seemed silly, it had been nice to enjoy something the two of you had made. The sun was bright and you turned away from him to speak, "It was delicious, and now I'll be able to make it once we're back." You had almost said 'home' but the word seemed too familiar, romantic even. What a silly notion.
A hand came up to your face, and you flinched back for a moment only to find that Nanami was simply blocking the sun from your face.
"I had a wonderful time with you. I'll have to make an effort to remember all those ingredients."
As you came closer and closer to the tracks where the station lay, Nanami checked his watch. You had some time left before dinner would be served and you were not all too hungry after such a fulfilling meal.
He suggested shopping, and although there was not a thing you could have asked for, you would never turn down the request of company. Surprisingly enough, Nanami didn't ask you where or what you would like to go, do, or buy. He simply asks, "How about here?" When you come upon a gift shop.
The truth remained, you did not want anything from the decadent stores, you know your husband well enough now to know he would insist upon paying for whatever you glanced at for too long, so you made an effort to look inconspicuous as you followed behind him.
The store had an open front so any passer-by could see within. Colorful spices, intricately crafted clothing, souvenirs and toys, a wide array of postcards, and loads of candy. Nanami was slowly walking past a glass case of jewelry, eyeing what was held inside when the sales lady came to ask what it was the two of you were looking for.
She was boisterous and bubbly. Such a vibrant energy came from her as she excitedly greeted you both.
Upon her arrival, it was as if a switch flipped on in your brain. You couldn't help yourself from straightening your posture and smiling back at her. Throughout the interaction you tried your best to match her personality, your body language became more open and you attempted to respond reactively to her sales pitch.
You felt slightly embarrassed by the volume of your own voice as you replied to her questions. Even your laugh was different, leaving artificial pauses so she could point out other items in her shop.
After having you smell her array of perfumes, you could tell she liked you. It eased any shame you felt about your sudden extroversion. You had succeeded, you might have even made her day with how well you matched her in the interaction.
Through all of this, Nanami watched. Every so often he would include an anecdote about your trip or the item in the owner's hands. But his eyes rarely strayed from you. He was analyzing you in a way you weren't aware of, too focused on pleasing the women.
Pleasure simmered in your chest at how pleased you seemed to make the woman.
Though you had come into the shop without the intention to purchase anything, you found yourself trailing beside Nanami as he carried a bag full of local confections.
At some point in the gift shop, Nanami had to check his watch and announce that you two would need to head back to the train for dinner soon.
Once the afternoon air hit your face, you felt yourself relax some.
The man at your side spoke up, "I can't believe I can watch you do it." He reached into the bag and handed you a candy that the lady had spent some time explaining to you both.
She had put an entire handful of the chews into your hands, the outside had a cute white rabbit on the packaging and she insisted you must eat the candy whole. Wrapper and all.
You let Nanami drop the sweet into your palm and give it a try. "Do what?" You warble over the milk candy.
Nanami chuckles at your voice, "That thing! You know, turn yourself off and on."
You stop chewing for a moment, catching his eye, your pace even halted slightly, the station was within sight. Your eyebrows stitch together, "What do you mean?" A hand comes up to cover your mouth and you try to swallow down what you had been eating.
"You completely changed yourself just now, I watched you do it." He reached into the bag and fished out a treat for himself.
"I... didn't change myself..." You mumble, shocked he had said a word about it. "She seemed happy, I don't think there's anything wrong with that." You try and think back, attempting to recall a moment when someone else had noticed your behaviors.
It had become so natural to you, you had no idea it was visible to others.
"But it's not you." And Nanami calls your name, "You morph yourself into something else in nearly every interaction with others."
You try and wave his accusation off, marching onward to the train, "There's nothing wrong with wanting her to like me."
But he stops suddenly on the pavement, "Are you doing it to me as well?" He squints at you then, and he doesn't look pleased, "Are you turning yourself into what I want? Are you making yourself into something you're not just to please me?"
You pause for a moment, you even give it some thought, but the issue was that you knew that couldn't be the case. You had tried, but you just couldn't figure him out.
"How could I? I never know what you want."
Nanami seemed happy to know you couldn't pinpoint what he liked to hear. Which was altogether peevish. Looking so accomplished as your misfortune.
When the two of you made it back to the train, the sun was almost beginning to set as you started on your way to the suite. Your shoulders gently rubbed against one another while walking to the room in the narrow halls.
In good humor, Nanami leaned into your side, tilting into you jovially. You looked up at him in mock offense, leaning harder into him. He seemed to find it very funny.
When you made it back into the room, you watched as he pulled out a button-up and some slacks from his duffel. You sat on the desk and plucked a candy from the bag there.
"I can change in here," He nods to you, "You're free to use the bathroom."
You straighten up, "Oh, I thought you would want to use the shower." He had mentioned cleaning up before dinner.
"Oh, please, ladies first." He draws up the chair at your side, reaching into your shared bag for a piece of gum.
"No, no, seriously, I can wait." You toss your hands in the direction of the bathroom, fawning him in that direction.
He says nothing, only grins.
"Nanami." You groan.
"Ah, I see." He rises, "I must stink." Nodding, he walks in the direction away from you, "You must think I smell bad, alright then, I'll be on my way."
That was most certainly not what you meant and he knew it. You knew he knew it. He only ever smelled pleasant but you still scampered after him, distressed, "No! No, no, no, that isn't it."
"Really?" He whips around and stops you short, tilts his head down to look at you, "good, then you go first."
Huffing, annoyed, you snatch the dress you had laid out from your bed's banister.
Just as you're about to close the door, you hear him call out to you, "And take all the time you like!"
After dinner that night, the two of you practically raced back to the room to dress in pajamas. Halfway through the meal, the train had departed from the Kuala Lumpur station and started its journey to the next location.
Despite the grandeur of the whole trip, you felt, now far from home, that you could relax. Nanami was nothing but a poor influence as he called for sparkling juice and more sweets. You both thought about going to the observation car, but decided to say in your room.
You tucked your feet into the blanket of your bed and laid your back against the wall.
Since early morning, you had decided you would try and get to know your husband on this trip. Though you had been thinking of him as a friend, you knew deep down, that was a bit of a shallow assumption.
Neither of you knew hardly anything about the other. At one point, you had thought him a bit of a daydreaming, irresponsible, fool. But that had been years ago now, when you both were barely adults. And despite his words about sorcery, you knew that he was anything but irresponsible.
Eventually, your late-night snacks arrived at your room and your husband set them on the nightstand between your mattresses.
You almost wanted to speak up, 'Tell me about yourself' but that seemed too informal, too odd to say to your spouse. On the other hand, you were presently dressed in your jammies, tucked into a duvet on a twin bed, a day into your honeymoon with the man. Informal was just about as accurate as it could get.
Just as you were about to suggest a game you had learned in your first year at the Kyoto school, Nanami beat you to it.
"You know, I've been thinking about it." He hands you a glass of something clearly non-alcoholic, held within an entirely too fancy glass for the occasion.
"Mmm?" You look up at him, hoping he would proceed as he lowered himself into his bed.
"I think you ought to call me by my first name." He tilts his glass at you, and continues, "It might be a little odd for my wife to be calling to me in such a way."
You hadn't even noticed, in fact, you felt a pang of sadness at the struggle it even was to recall your partner's given title. You push that aside and sip the carbonated juice. "Maybe I'm just happy to share the name." You tease.
It was clear he hadn't been expecting that as your response. His mouth twitches as he tries to concoct a reply and his ears grow a subtle pink. "Well, Mrs. Nanami, I can't help but find it strange that you don't call me Kento."
You smile, "Kento." You try it out, it feels right, it suits him.
He says your name and after a brief pause, you both laugh at the absurdity of it all. "Kento," You begin again and he gives you a soft, "hmm?" Before you continue.
"How did you feel about getting married?"
It was a question you had been wanting to ask, and also something you never thought you would. Had you married a normal man, it would have never crossed your lips. This whole arrangement was not uncommon among clan families, you had been presented with the names of many young boys for as long as you could remember, but you knew this setting was unusual, even to many other sorcerers.
This matrimony was proving to be an experience that granted you more peace and enjoyment than half the things you had been taught to enjoy. You couldn't help the awareness that Nanami was likely not feeling the same, however.
From your previous discussions, you knew that Kento had lived a more full life than you could imagine. Having even left sorcery at one point. Did he feel chained down now? Did he feel as though he lost freedom in the same way that you had gained it? Did he feel pressured, forced even? Would he even tell you if he did?
"I always wanted to be married." He took a moment to respond, almost looking ashamed at his reply. His eyes followed the corner of the room to its inevitable end at the ceiling.
"Did you?" Your interest is certainly piqued. At Kyoto, you had heard the groans of boys and men alike at the prospect of marriage, of having to settle down and continue the bloodline.
Kento did not stutter, though, looking almost surprised at your interest, "Of course..." He considers your tone, "I suppose, for you, marriage was viewed differently." He frowns now and sets his glass down to give you his full attention. "Were you frightened?"
You want to dissuade his concern and laugh it off, attempting to explain. "Oh, no, no, it was something I had been prepared for for quite some time...it was... perfectly normal for me." You smile at your hands but he doesn't join you.
In fact, he sighs, never taking his eyes from you, the train hummed along the tracks and you both watched each other from parallel sides of the car.
“Normal doesn’t mean good or moral. Normal means normal.”
Your gaze remained on your hands encircling the stem of your glass. That, you knew to be true, indeed.
You saw the look in his eye and attempted to shift the conversation,
"You didn't know anything about me or my clan when we first met, right?" You knew the higher-ups had explained the basics to him, but it was clear that much of your family tradition would come across as foreign to him. "If that is the case, how is it that you... know me so well?" The words don't come out right.
He seemed confused at your claim, it wasn't until you continued, explaining that he must 'read people' well that he mused. Thought about it for a moment, and finally looked back to you "I'm not sure." He shrugged, "But there is something about you, I can see it, you know. And I'm not sure how nobody else seems to see it either."
That was not the response you had looked for. You had thought that maybe it had to do with his technique, or maybe he had studied behavior in his past, or maybe he was innately interested in the actions of others.
Nobody before had noticed you cater yourself, and yet after only a week or so, he could spy out exactly where you frantically tried to blend yourself in.
"You tirelessly analyze people, me included. You try and... I don't know, dig up who they are, what they want," He shakes his head, "what they want from you." He grabs his glass again but you are honed in on his words, "Then, you mold yourself into something that will fit them."
He turns to face you now and the train rattles slightly, "I've barley known you a handful of days but I've seen you do it. I've seen you play half a dozen roles for different people, for different circumstances. And honestly, I don't know who you are. And you're my wife. Isn't that crazy?"
He seemed to want to make light of this deduction of the very nature of your being, so you try and allow it. "If it makes you feel better," you intone, "you're my husband and I have no idea what you want me to be."
He narrows his brows and even though you can tell that's his 'upset' face, you can't help but appreciate just how handsome the man is.
He speaks your name slowly as if troubled that was what you drew from his words.
"Not everybody wants you to be someone else."
You had spent the night talking amongst each other, no high-school game necessary. You asked him about his family and his childhood, and he, in turn, asked about yours. The conversation flowed smoothly and it was well into the night before the two of you realized you probably ought to be getting some sleep.
And this time, when you drifted off, you were not taken by surprise at the ease in rest's arrival.
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hsr characters as your pets, namely cats. I hope you enjoy it. I apologize for the possible ooc.
reader x dan heng, caelus, phainon (separately)
Dan Heng
A very calm and non-confrontational cat. Gets along well with other pets, if they are in your house.
Not picky about food, but still prefers your cooking. If you feed him something delicious, you can hear him purring softly.
Unlike many other cats, he is not afraid of water. On the contrary, he willingly goes into the water if it is cool or warm. He calmly waits until all the spa treatments are completed, which makes your job much easier.
He's not the most talkative, affectionate and active cat in the world, but he always responds when you call him. He always listens attentively to you when you're talking enthusiastically. And at night he likes to lie down on your feet, warm them and purr softly.
If you're sad, in pain, or crying, he'll try to comfort you by rubbing against you, purring, and snuggling up to you. Needless to say, it more than helps?
You often lose some small things, such as keys, and somehow he always finds them and brings them to you. You don't understand how he does it, but it's still very nice.
As for outsiders, he doesn't particularly like them coming. He reacts calmly to them, but always stays away. For example, he's sitting on the couch and watching a new person in your house.
It is not strongly attached to its habitat, it is more attached to its owner, that is, to you. He'll miss the old house, of course, but he's also not against moving. He even shows interest in his new place of residence.
He loves you very much, just like you love him. You thank everyone you can for getting such a good friend and pet.
And this is not a cat, but a disaster. Unlike Dan Heng, he is very active and constantly gets into some strange situations. He definitely has a talent for it.
He's certainly not picky about food, he'll eat anything you give him. Sometimes it seems to you that he has a black hole instead of a stomach, because how the hell does he fit so much and he's still hungry??
He's not afraid of water either, but you should be patient, because you won't be able to do spa treatments in peace. As already mentioned, he's very active, so you need to keep him occupied so that he doesn't think to leave the bath in the middle of the procedure. That already was, and you were ready to kill him.
Very talkative. It doesn't matter if you're busy with something or not, he'll say whatever he thinks. But if he's quiet and you can't hear him, then this can only mean two options. First, he's done something wrong and is trying to cover up the crime. The second one, he's not feeling well.
He is also very playful. You have a lot of different toys at home. But for some reason, the box and the packages are his favorites.
This kid is like ginger cats, you'll never guess what came into his head. At first he may purr and caress, and the next moment he wakes up in him the desire to bite you. Or he suddenly attacks you from around the corner when you least expect it.
Nevertheless, at night he likes to lie down next to you and purr like a tractor. And loudly. But somehow it's like white noise to you, and it's hard to fall asleep without it.
He immediately notices when you feel bad. He may not be very good at comforting, but the fact that he's trying to cheer you up, albeit clumsily, makes you feel better.
If Dan Heng is the one who finds your lost things, then Caelus is the one who gets your things lost. You find them in the most unexpected places. How did he even manage to hide the TV remote in the cupboard??
He is interested in every new visitor to your house. He won't be as affectionate and talkative with them as he is with you, but he won't stay away either. He will look at a person with interest and, for example, touch him with his paw or, if he likes a person, play with him.
Wherever you go, he will always be curious. He will actively explore new territory and get to know the world around him. He looks so cute in those moments, he's like a child.
Even though he's a walking disaster and often gets on your nerves, he's still very attached to you and loves you very much. He's not perfect, but that's why you love him.
And here we are, have the perfect balance. Quite calm, but quite playful at the same time. Gets along well with other pets. And he doesn't give you any problems.
He's not picky about food, but like Dan Heng, he prefers your cooking more. He purrs softly if the food is really delicious.
He is very willing to go into the water. You can tell by his whole appearance that he enjoys spa treatments. That's why he always smells delicious and his coat is shiny.
As already mentioned, although he's calm, he doesn't mind playing either. You have several toys that he likes to play with.
He's a walking anti-stress guy, not a cat. It's enough for him to meow a couple of times, purr and settle on your feet, and your stress and fatigue go away instantly. At night, you sleep soundly with him in your arms. He purrs softly so as not to wake you up, and warms you up. Dream.
He's your little helper. He finds lost items even before you realize that you've lost something somewhere in the house, and brings them to you. You're very interested in how he does it. Or he calls you when you ask for it. For example, if you ask him to call you when the water starts to boil, he will actually call you. Sometimes it seems to you that there is a person in the body of a cat next to you, and not an ordinary cat.
When you're working, he either sits next to you or on your lap, waiting for you to finish your work. Needless to say, how does it add motivation to finish everything as quickly as possible?
Not to say that he's against strangers in your home. He won't shy away from them, but he won't fawn over them either. His affection belongs only to you. He will sit next to you and calmly look at the guest.
The change of location scares him a little, but he tries not to show it. While you're around, he's exploring a new area with interest and caution. He looks so cute that you can't resist taking a few photos.
Anyway, you have a whole photo album with him. He's too photogenic and handsome, there's nothing you can do about it. And it doesn't look like he's against it.
He's very attached to you and loves you very much. You feel the same way, so there's an idyll in your house. You don't even need a boyfriend with a cat like that.
#hsr x reader#honkai star rail x reader#honkai star rail#phainon x reader#phainon x you#dan heng x reader#dan heng x you#caelus x reader#caelus x you#hsr headcanons
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Day 10; Fight.


╰┈➤"Your boyfriend's goals were very clear; Make you happy, spend time with you and defend you from anyone who dared to insult you in any possible way."
╰►Gender neutral reader, one-shot, 1.9k words. Kinda based on that one tweet that was like "My girl can wear whatever she want cause I can fight."
╰► Characters: Deuce, Jade, Floyd, Epel.
╰►Note: The prompts are based on words I found interesting and then I put them on a roulette to decide when I would write about them, lol. English is not my first language, so please let me know if there are any grammatical mistakes <3. Not proof read, I haven't written in a long time, so I apologise if anything is out of character.
╰►Masterlist / Inktober Masterlist.

﹙❥﹚Deuce Spade ❜ ˖ ࣪⊹ ִֶָ
He tries his best, most of the time.
Every time he gets jealous or mad at someone else, he has to remind himself that he’s no longer a delinquent. 'Top students don’t engage in fights', he’d say to himself, even though he was well aware he had been in a few arguments with other students ever since he joined Night Raven College, each time promising himself it wouldn’t happen again.
Until it came to something related to you.
It was Halloween, it was supposed to be fun. You wanted to try a different costume this time, and decided to wear a more eccentric outfit, trying to match the extravagance of the other dorms.
You looked really cute, and Deuce was quick to compliment you, taking your hand with an excited demeanour, walking with you towards the Heartslabyul stand to show the rest of your friends your outfit.
He was really happy, as he walked along you, entertained as he listened to you talking about how you went into town and tried in many costumes before choosing that one, when he was able to hear a comment made by another Hearstlabyul student as they walked by.
"Well, they got no magic and no style, huh? Where did they even get that costume, at the kid's section?"
"Repeat what you just said." Deuce was quick to stop his walk, turning towards the student with a frown on his face.
"I said they look terrible." He answered with a defiant demeanour.
"They look perfect, are you out of your mind?" He got closer to the student with a menacing aura, ready to punch him if it was necessary.
"Not really, I've seen better-dressed scarecrows, why are you even letting them go outside like that?"
That was it.
Before you could even stop him, Deuce threw a punch directly at the guy's face, who wasn't even brave enough to defend himself, instead he just stood there holding his now bleeding nose, seemingly out of words now.
"And just so you know, they can dress however they want! And they got their costume at the adult section, don't say such stupid things!" He screamed as you dragged him out of the place, trying to avoid the small crowd that was starting to form due to the sudden commotion.
"Riddle's gonna kill you if he knows about this, you know?" You commented as you both walked to Ramshackle now, deciding to wait a bit before going to Heartslabyul.
"And It'll be worth it! He had no reason to say that kind of thing about you."
"I don't care, really."
"But I do! No one will insult you in front of me without getting what they deserve."
You giggled softly at his attitude, stopping briefly to plant a kiss on his cheek.
"Well, thank you, my Prince Charming." You watched as he blushed, timidly holding your hand.
"Whe-whenever you need it, my love!"

﹙𖧵ֹֺֽ໋໋݊﹚Jade Leech ❜ ˖ ࣪⊹ ִֶָ
He can definitely fight, but it won't be his first option, unless the other person is the one who starts it, which never happens, because, well, he's Jade Leech.
He prefers to use more efficient techniques to make sure people never bother you again, which is why is widely known around school that no one should mess with Ramshackle's Prefect.
So imagine his surprise when, in the middle of one of his shifts, as you were sitting on one of the stools of the bar while waiting for him to be done, he heard a most unfortunate comment.
"Doesn't Azul always bother everyone about how this is a very distinguished place? I wonder who let them in while looking like that, they look like they came here straight out of bed."
As Jade was walking to a different table, he heard two students from Scarabia, making him promptly direct his gaze towards you, sitting by the bar with your headphones, without being aware of the words directed at you. It was Saturday, and you had stayed at his dorm last night, so you had decided to wear something comfy as you waited for your boyfriend. The outfit of the day was one of Jade's hoodies, which had a small embroidery of a mushroom on the front, along with a loose pair of jeans, as you supposed nobody would look at you in the secluded corner you chose to be.
You looked absolutely adorable in his eyes, and he wouldn't stand for malicious comments about you.
"Is everything alright? Are you enjoying your meal?" He asked politely towards the group of Scarabia students, who froze up immediately when Jade appeared out of nowhere, his smile more frightening than usual.
"Ye-yeah, everything is fine."
"I'm glad to hear that, but..." His smile widened as he got closer to the student who made the comment earlier, whispering so only he could hear. "I wonder if you'd be still fine if Professor Crewel knew about how you cheated on his last exam?" An innocent tone could be heard in his voice.
"How-how did you-?"
"This is a very distinguished place, as you know. It'd be inappropriate to allow patrons with such immoral attitudes to be seen in here."
"Let me talk to Azul, you can't-"
"Uh? What was that? I can't do it, you say?" He raised an eyebrow, a curious expression on his face, as he expected an answer from the nervous student, who knew better than to make Jade Leech angry.
"We-were finished either way, right? Thanks for the service, we'll be going!" The other student interrupted, quickly getting up to get ready to leave.
"Ah, I hope you enjoyed your time here." The vicehousewarden bowed politely. "But I hope you're aware that, if you make such inconvenient comments about my partner, I won't let you go as easily." He added with a close-eyed smile that didn't match his words in the slightest, as the students went away as fast as they could.
"Uhm, Jade? Your shift is about to finish, isn't it?" You asked taking your headphones out of your head to speak to your boyfriend more properly, as he placed one of your favourite drinks in front of you, his smile remaining on his face, but this time being softer.
"Yes, my love, just wait a bit more."

﹙𖧵ֹֺֽ໋໋݊﹚Floyd Leech ❜ ˖ ࣪⊹ ִֶָ
Some days he fights, someday he doesn't care at all, some days he'll let you defend yourself if you want.
Either way, same as Jade, you weren't bothered often. No one would risk enraging the unpredictable Leech twin, and at first, when you started dating, some people wouldn't even look at you at risk of being misunderstood by the Octavinelle second-year.
It was less extreme now, as you've dated him for a while, but there were still some people who preferred to be more cautious around you.
But of course, there'll be always stupid people who'd make rude comments even when Floyd was near.
"Wish me luck, shrimpy!" Your boyfriend looked at you expectant, an excited smile on his face.
"Good luck, Floyd, score some points, okay?" You kissed his cheek softly, giggling when he accommodated the hoodie you were wearing, before going back to the basketball court.
You were in the stands, waiting for the start of a match between Night Raven College and another school which you didn't much about, you just knew that you were supposed to be there to support your boyfriend, and your friends too.
Floyd played better when you were around, and he liked to find you right away in the middle of the crowd, which is why he gave you his hoodie before the match. A hoodie that he likes to wear loose, and considering his height, you wondered if it'd fit you right when he offered it. You were wrong, and now you were sitting while completely drowning in the piece of clothing, making you look a bit out of place. But you didn't care, as long as he was happy.
The match started and everything went smoothly, as Floyd seemed to be on top of his game, scoring points left and right as he watched you cheer on him.
Until a student from the other school spotted you in the middle of the crowd, laughing to himself and then commenting on it with one of his classmates.
"Did you see that one student over there? I wonder if all the students here dress like such a mess, that hoodie is at least four sizes bigger than them."
"Perhaps they didn't even look themselves in the mirror before coming here, how embarrassing."
Floyd frowned as he heard such a comment about you, quickly deciding his strategy. He wouldn't allow words like that to be directed at his little Shrimpy.
"Hey, Floyd, pass it to me- what are you doing?!"
The whole gymnasium fell into silence as Floyd threw the ball in the air. The thing was, that instead of being aimed to score a point, it landed on a different place...On the head of the student from the other school.
You could only watch in surprise, as Floyd turned around to show you a thumbs-up, as if he had solved a problem you had no idea about.
"Floyd! What was that?!"
It was a very effective strategy, at least.

﹙𑁍﹚Epel Felmier ❜ ˖ ࣪⊹ ִֶָ
He'll fight at any opportunity that he gets.
After all, that's what a good boyfriend does, right? Defending you from stupid people it's his number one priority, and he wants to show you that you can depend on him.
It reaches a point in which Vil has to intervene, as it has been a regular thing lately, something the housewarden can't allow. 'Brutes don't belong in Pomefiore', is what he tells Epel one day as he scolds him, reminding him there are more ethical ways to solve things. Now he's on observation; one more fight and he'll be punished by cleaning all the windows of the dorm.
Ever since, he has been doing good, and you help him calm down when some stupid student from another dorm says something mean, telling him they don't know anything about the two of you.
But one day, as you both hang out in the Pomefiore lounge, he hears some second-years speak to each other across the room, as if you two weren't literally a few meters away from them.
"Did you see that atrocious sweater? No matter how you look a it, it doesn't match their jeans at all. Vil should stop letting people with such bad taste enter Pomefiore, don't you think?"
"What did ya say about (Y/n)?!" Epel startled you as he suddenly got up from the sofa you both were, quickly walking towards the other Pomefiore students, who observed him with a superior demeanour.
"We were talking about how badly your partner dresses. You're a Pomefiore student, Epel, you should know better than to let them walk outside with such ugly clothing."
"I gifted them that sweater! Take back your words, you idiot!"
"Even worse, you're absolutely tarnishing Pomefiore's reputation by-"
"And the next I'm gonna tarnish is gonna be your face if ya don't apologise to them, so hurry up, would ya?" Epel interrupted, promptly getting ready for fighting.
"Epel, let's just go to my dorm, okay? If you get into another fight you'll get punished." You tried to talk some common sense into him, considering that Vil would immediately know if there was an argument in his dorm.
"They're insulting you, ain't no way I'll letting 'em get away from that."
"But Vil-"
"I don't give a damn 'bout Vil-"
"What's the meaning of this scandal?!"
Well...You'll help him clean those windows, would you?
#twisted wonderland#twst x reader#disney twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland x reader#twst#twisted wonderland scenarios#disney twst#twisted wonderland reader insert#twst scenarios#twst x you#twst epel#epel felmier#epel felmier x reader#twst jade#twst floyd#twst deuce#deuce spade#floyd leech#jade leech#deuce spade x reader#jade leech x reader#floyd leech x reader#lynnie's post
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can u do dating king ben headcannons
❦King Ben dating headcanons❦


I loved writing this and I could go on forever about him so if anyone wants more of these headcanons I still have loads in my brain! Thank you for requesting!! <3 I made it gender neutral as I didn’t know if you wanted it with a female reader or not hope that’s ok!
Warnings: none

-He is the most respectable and affectionate boyfriend ever. Once you’re dating he always has his hands somewhere on you because he loves being close to you. His absolute favourite though is forehead touches. It allows him to look directly at you with no interruptions.
-Cannot take his eyes off of you. Even before you started dating he would just go into his own world while staring at you. Would spend forever looking at you if he could.
-Before you started dating he would always try to impress you but he’s a little nervous so it ends up being a bit of a clumsy mess but you found it cute and laughed at him so he saw it as a win. Would go from being clumsy to so smooth with flirting with you though.
He jogs up to you at your locker after class and leans on the lockers next to yours. He’s looking down into your eyes, not breaking contact while wearing his signature smirk and just comes out with shameless flirting that I don’t think he even realised he’s doing it. It’s such a shock to your system you just turn to mush and hide your face from him. Would be the type of man to lean down so that he could still see your face or grab your chin and bring your face back to him.
-Could take him back to your parents any day, maybe not if they’re villains though they would probably hate his goody too shoes kind of life.
-Would always stand up for you and defend your name.
-His love for you is so pure and unbreakable. He definitely falls first and deeper. Ben just holds so much love for you that you would never be able to comprehend it.
-Would treasure anything you ever gave him even if it was as simple as a daisy you picked when you were sitting on the grass together. He would watch you so closely if you ever made a daisy chain and would be more than happy to wear it. Would happily let you place flowers in his hair if it made you happy.
-Loves holding your hand and will always take the opportunity to hold it. Makes cheesy excuses to do it even if you’ve been dating for a while. Would be like “your hands are freezing, I definitely need to hold them to warm them up”.
-Cheesiest boyfriend ever. He does most of it on purpose just to see you smile.
-Hopeless romantic and can’t help but to spoil you. Ben is always organising the cutest and romantic dates you could imagine. Always gives you your favourite flowers.
-Would always be so interested in anything you have to say, staring so intently into your eyes so that you know he’s listening. He would remember the smallest details about you and when it resulted in him getting you a gift or saying something to do with it you would melt. He wouldn’t know how to react because he just saw it as a normal thing to do because why wouldn’t he remember everything about you and everything you say to him?
-Is a puppy. Will follow you everywhere he can and will be at your beck and call. Will also whine and moan whenever he’s not in your presence or you have to leave him.
-Would do anything for you and would do anything to see you happy, he can’t stand it when your sad.
-Would give you absolute princess treatment no matter your background. Always pulls your chair out for you, holds doors open and would lay his jacket over a puddle if needed. The type of boyfriend to swap shoes or clothes with you if yours were hurting you and would have no shame if he looked weird. Would also carry you round on his back if you preferred that option.
-Would dedicate any points or winning games to you. Would definitely try to teasingly embarrass you this way. It would mean the world to him if you came onto the pitch after a winning game and ran into his arms. Would pick you up and swing you round, giving you a massive kiss when he puts you down.
-Loves, loves, LOVES seeing you in his clothes. He would feel that deep feeling of love for you and his beast would slightly come out with any feelings of possessiveness it ignited in him. Imagine him seeing you wear his crown he would be on his knees for you.
-Loves when you run your fingers through his hair, especially when cuddling. If you ever refused, even in a joking way, he would beg you to do it with his best puppy eyes.
-Is the best hugger ever. His height combined with his big arms make for the comfiest and warmest hug ever.
-If the beast ever comes out he would be so protective over you it would be so funny. I feel like this side of him even when in his normal form would make him such a biter. Not even sexually, he just gets the urge to lovingly bite your shoulder and nibble.
-Always keeps you close by his side, especially at big events. Mainly so no harm comes to you but also because your a massive comfort to him and being in your presence immediately calms his nerves.
-Ben is a big cuddler and could be either big spoon or little spoon depending on the day. Definitely loves lying on top of you, his face on your chest listening to your heartbeat or squished into your neck.
-Always confides in you with any worries he has about becoming king and ruling Auradon. You immediately squish them and reassure him.
-He couldn’t wait to rule the kingdom beside you with you as his king/queen. Would lovingly call you “my queen/king”. In fact he would give you every pet name under the sun he just couldn’t help himself, his love for you poured out of him in buckets and he just had to let you know in every way he can.
-Would always show you off to everyone and be so proud to call you his partner. Ben would bring you up in conversation all the time and everyone just got used to it and let him because they secretly thought it was cute how in love he was with you.
-Acts like he’s under a love spell with how down bad he is for you
-Overall the love you share is so soft and pure it’s such a fairytale relationship and all you could ever wish for. Ben is the perfect boyfriend.

Thank you for reading! im so excited to write for all the descendants requests<3
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My dear lgbt+ kids,
I feel like advice on loneliness comes in only three flavors:
"It's all mindset, learn to embrace being alone and you'll never feel lonely!"
"Your head is lying to you, you have friends and they love you!"
"Here's a list of places you can go to hang out with people and make new friends!"
Those are usually well-meant and I'm sure there are situations where they do help someone feel better - but they're definitely not universally applicable.
The first one is even plain wrong: connection is a basic human need. You can't just "change your mindset" and turn that off, the same way you can't turn off your need for food or air or mental stimulation. Humans are group animals. We absolutely need social interactions to stay healthy and sane. It is true that some people do not need a large number of friends and are happiest with just one or two close friends, and it is also true that some people prefer to fulfill their social needs in other ways than what's traditionally defined as friendship - but that's not something you can (or should) try to train yourself to do, that's just natural differences and preferences!
The only thing you could "train" yourself to do would be to learn to ignore your social needs and bury them deep down under layers of denial... and you don't need me to explain to you why that's a very unhealthy idea. It's sad enough that so many people have to do that to not lose their minds in loneliness, we certainly don't need to celebrate an unhealthy coping skill as a "superior mindset".
The other two at least get a bit closer to the truth: the solution for your unmet need is not to kill the need, but to fulfill it... but that's easier said than done, isn't it?
After all, "Don't worry, your friends love you!" doesn't help if you have no friends. Loneliness is not always "all in your head": Maybe you moved to a new place and don't know anyone there. Or you cut off contact with all your friends after a big fight. Or you grew up neurodivergent (or got mentally ill at a young age) and had no chance to learn how to make friends at the age most kids do, and by now you have been friendless for so long you don't even know where to start.
Same with "just go to a bar and talk to some new people" or "Take a pottery class and you'll meet some interesting people there" - that's not factually wrong, but also not helpful if the reason you feel lonely is that you struggle to make friends (or even struggle to just talk to people). Which can also be part of neurodivergence or mental illness, or just be a part of your personality (shyness), or be a result of isolating circumstances (like having spent a lot of time in a closed environment, for example a long hospital stay, and now feeling unsure how to connect with people outside of that environment).
And those are just a few of the many, many possible explanations why someone may be lonely that require a more individualized approach - which is why we can’t solve loneliness with any one-size-fits-all solution.
That may be a somewhat disappointing-sounding conclusion in a letter on loneliness, so let me also tell you: hope and support are always within reach, even if it might take some time and patience to find them. The key is to remember that your feelings are valid and that you're not alone in your struggle.
First, recognize that admitting that you feel lonely, and wanting to take action based on that feeling, is a sign of strength, not weakness. You’re pretty insightful for recognizing your loneliness and super brave for wanting to reach out!
Secondly, be kind to yourself and allow yourself to take small steps. Small, actually manageable steps are crucial in any healing journey! If it’s not an option to just go to the bar or that pottery class, then it’s okay to start somewhere else. Maybe a therapist, a support group, or even online communities can be valuable “training sessions” for social connections. Even reaching out to one single person can make a significant difference over time. Your journey to finding companionship and connection might be different from someone else’s, but that doesn't make it any less valid (or achievable!).
Lastly, do consider embracing new activities that you may enjoy - but not just for the sake of meeting others. It’s important to nurture your own happiness and well-being when you’re feeling lonely. Those can be activities you can try out alone and even at home, for now! Anything that enriches your life is good. Long down the road, maybe it will lead to opportunities to connect with others, but even if it doesn’t: it’s important to incorporate new experiences into your life.
While there isn't a universal solution to loneliness, I truly believe there is a path forward for everyone. It's all about finding what works for you.
With all my love,
Your Tumblr Dad
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Arousal hcs for the support class? What are they like when they’re horny?
Support Classes | What Support Is Like When They Need To Go To Horny Jail
Obviously, NSFW below!
<3 This man will go to insane lengths for privacy to jork it. Like, he will straight up drive off into the desert before his belt even gets unbuckled.
<3 UNLESS he gets hot 'n bothered during battle, and he has the object of his infatuation nearby his nest. Then they're getting yoinked off the battlefield and into his lap.
<3 Listen. This man is gross. I know this. You know this. Don't lie to yourself. He definitely has a scent kink and will snag his partner/crush's underwear to help him get off if they're not around.
<3 Get's FERAL when he's horny. If he's alone, he bites his hand so hard it bleeds, and if he's with someone, they ain't leavin' till he breeds. Expect lots of growls and snarls and rough love bites.
<3 Want him to get horny immediately? Stretch and show your neck/midriff.
<3 Likes post-nut snuggles. Don't expect him to be vocal for a little while.
<3 Despite being such a romantic person who clearly gets bitches, he doesn't get horny very often. Like, if he's with someone, then obviously he doesn't have any problems getting it up, but he doesn't usually pop a boner midday.
<3 When he does though? Insatiable. This man is not going to settle for any old porn magazine. No, he's going to get his material straight from the source. Is this an invasion of privacy? Yes. Does he care? Right now, not at all.
<3 Acts just as stuttering and clumsy as his son if the person he's interested in shows up when he's trying to take care of himself, before he get's hella snappy. Either fuck off or come help him!
<3 Really slow to trust and get comfortable with someone. Don't expect the mask to come off until you have a super strong bond with Spy.
<3 Usually quiet if he's masturbating, but he likes to praise his partners. Lots of petting and light hair pulling to guide them.
<3 Wanna give him a 'problem?' Put on a classy outfit and take the lead. Tease him a little, and if you're good enough, he'll fold like wet, hard laundry.
<3 Post-nut cigarette inbound. King of aftercare, but please treat him nice too.
<3 Exhibitionism! Get your exhibitionism here!
<3 This man has no shame. He won't do it, like, in the common areas, but if you walk into his Medbay or Room after work hours, that's on you. Def has masturbated on the battlefield before. Man's is a FREAK for blood and gore.
<3 Also pretty insatiable, though he gets hornier more often than Spy does. He can take care of himself, but he prefers a warm body to help him out.
<3 He's into bloodplay, doctor/nurse roleplay, and probably wound fucking, if I'm being honest. Also, he decided that, out of all the things he could of done to get back at Team Classic, he decided to get them pregnant.
<3 What i mean here is: Medic has a breeding kink, and he will make it a reality, no matter the sex of his partner.
<3 LOUD ASS GERMAN MAN. People know when he's taking care of himself or getting some. Please gag him. PLEASE.
<3 Wanna make him think with his other head? Dress up in a nurse outfit and/or rip someone's organs out. Fair warning, though, if you take the 'and' option, you'll be walking funny for a while, if you can walk at all.
<3 Great at cleaning you and him up post-nut. Gets clingy afterwards and very possesive. Pray your teammates don't accidentally stumble across you, because they're gonna meet a bloody end.
#tf2#team fortress 2#tf2 x reader#tf2 medic x reader#tf2 medic#tf2 spy x reader#spy tf2#tf2 sniper x reader#tf2 sniper#n/s/f/w#tw suggestive#tw kinks#tf2 headcanons
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I'm sorry? Pigeons have to coo to ovulate?
okay, okay, I left this one out in the tags without elaborating the other day and you were not the only person who asked-- @nanavn and @corvus--caurinus were also curious. I did not have a ton of time yesterday when my brain was not leaking out my ears, so here I am today.
First, I apparently misremembered my grad school teachings: the best-documented case study of doves being required to hear their own coo in order to ovulate is that of the ring or Barbary dove (Streptopelia risoria), not the rock dove which gave rise to our domestic pigeons (Columba livia). They look like this:

They're the domestic doves you see sometimes that aren't domestic pigeons.
But yes, I was completely serious: hens need to very specifically hear their own nest coo to ovulate. The way it works is this: these doves have a very specific courtship pattern, where courting males at different stages of the nesting process perform first a "bow" coo, then a nest coo. Then the hen makes a nest coo back, and the pair goes on to build a nest together in which the hen will lay fertile eggs.
If you prevent the hen from producing this coo--and the first paper I've linked does this in several different ways with both neural lesions and also mechanical blocks of the synrinx--she will not ovulate. Then Dr. Cheng tried rescuing the effect for doves who could hear but not produce their own coos by playing back recordings of devocalized doves' own nest coos, recordings of other hen's nest coos, recordings of male nest coos (their own males, I think, for preference?) and no recordings at all. Hen nest coo recordings, especially the recordings of the hens themselves, were enough to rescue ovulation effect... but deafened hens who could, themselves produce nest coos weren't able to make ovulation happen half the time even when the male was right there. The male nest coo and his mating display is really important, because his coo stimulates the female to make her nest coo, and that's where ovulation starts.
In 2003, a little over a decade later, Dr. Cheng wrote a whole book chapter about auditory self-stimulation as a phenomenon in neuroendocrine shifts. It makes for pretty interesting reading! I'm going to really enjoy it this afternoon. Stimulated ovulation is actually a pretty common phenomenon in animals--often it makes more sense to only bother ovulating if you know there's a partner around to use whatever eggs you yield up--but this one is one of the most interesting and elaborate systems out there, and definitely the one that offers the most options to a given female dove to potentially consciously control her reproductive output.
But grison, you might ask, what about the doves outside my window? Is this just a function of this one dove species, or are lots of doves doing this to make ovulation happen? So I went looking to find out whether anyone has checked. The thing is that the heyday of pigeon behavioral research has faded somewhat in the intervening decades since Dr. Cheng's discovery, so there's not as much as I might hope where people sat down to investigate the question. I did, however, find a neat study on Columba livia demonstrating that auditory stimulation is more important to courtship displays and success than visual displays are, although of course the multisensory courtship is stronger than either sensory modality alone. So yeah, the cooing back and forth really loudly is part of a display that is functionally necessary for successfully producing offspring, and the auditory component is important for basically every pigeon that has been studied in this respect (albeit that number is pitifully small).
I also found this really interesting review of known uses of birdsong to set internal emotional states in birds (either for the self or for a partner or flockmates) that I want to look into with more detail, plus this really thoughtful review from Dr. Donna Maney talking about how "incentive salience" can use learning and experience to make certain cues bring up neuroendocrine changes in state over time, which helps individuals control how their endocrine system is reacting to stimuli in the world they've been shaped by. Clearly I have some reading to do...
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daan's contradictions
One of the aspects of Daan's character that I find the most interesting is how often he contradicts himself throughout the game. Even in some party talks where he doesn't contradict himself, he will act entirely different about a situation depending on who else is present. To a certain extent, all of the characters act slightly differently based on your party makeup, but I think Daan is particularly intriguing because of how much he does this.
Also, he is the catalyst for a lot of the other characters to act differently, such as Karin becoming more obstinate when he's in the party, and both O'saa and Olivia becoming more talkative with him compared to other contestants.
I've seen some people who mistake this for Miro having a lot of different opinions on how Daan should act, or even poor writing, but I think this is definitely more indicative of the strength of Miro's writing. I really feel like this is a conscious choice on the part of Daan's character and I want to try and explain my thoughts about why he acts how he does, as well as provide some examples.
1.) In one of Daan's earliest conversations in the game (if Karin is in the party), he will lament his shoes getting ruined and Karin will accuse him of being too prissy to spend time outdoors. She'll point out how he's a city slicker with soft hands and doubts that he'd have the skills to survive on his own. He'll refute her but he'll dodge her questions about being a "city slicker" and his explanations of how he'd survive are either sarcastically bad, or he's genuinely pretending not to know.
In a later party talk, we learn that Daan actually spent the majority of his childhood living in nature before he was taken in by Eihner (or started selling Sylvian services, depending on his backstory).
This makes his answers to Karin, as well as his constant comments throughout the game about how poorly he's handling the Prehevil weather and nature, very strange. If he really did grow up in nature, he should know better than to eat random mushrooms and shouldn't be bothered by things like the smell of lake water or mud, but he still makes a point of acting like he's not used to encountering them.
Additionally, if Olivia is in the party, Daan will actually backtrack on some of his comments about nature and express an interest in it, seemingly just to be nice to her.
2. When standing in the rafters of the church, if Karin is in the party, she'll express a fear of heights, Daan will point it out (in what seems to be a teasing way), and they'll bicker a bit.
Despite this interaction, if you do a party talk in the same area and Karin isn't in your party, it becomes clear that Daan is also afraid of the rafters lmao.
3. When O'saa comments on the bookstore, Daan will act offended and argue with him about the value of books and reading.
When visiting the same store without O'saa, Daan will not express a fondness for reading or share the story about A Tree Grows in Rondon, and will even say he finds books boring.
Despite this, he will once again seem to like books during his party talks in the Mayor's House.
3.) When not playing as Daan, he will tell the player (in a few different interactions) that he either plans to stay on the train, or thinks it's the best option.
He says variations of the above lines with every player character and in a few different dialogue branches. Ironically, he actually doesn't wait around by the train. In fact, Daan is one of three characters who doesn't spawn at all during the morning of Day 1. While some characters (like Olivia) will actually wait by the train, despite Daan's comments, he only ever spawns by the train during that initial interaction (and immediately after), and then doesn't return until he can be found in the shack later that day.
4.) Daan says in one party talk that he prefers being out in open areas because they seem safer, yet when Karin says the same thing, he makes fun of her for it.
5.) In some party talks, Daan will talk openly about sex, however when Abella is present, he becomes much more prudish. One example is in the department store, Daan will make a comment about how the torture victims seem to be screaming in pleasure, and if Levi is present, will agree with him that the torture is consensual.
When Abella is in the group, however, he will instead act disgusted by what he sees. Similarly, when O'saa makes a joke about sex in front of him at the PRHVL Bop, or when Marcoh and him joke about joining an orgy at the museum, Daan will go along with it, but when Abella does the same about the Sylvian statue in town, Daan will stop her.
These are just a few examples, I remember seeing a few more in my first few playthroughs, but these are just the ones that stuck out to me the most.
I think it makes a lot of sense that with Daan's background, he would have to have a lot of skill at appeasing others. In any version of his backstory, he would have had to rely on getting other people to trust or like him, so it's probably something he's developed a skill at. I think that can explain a lot of his random contradictions when interacting with others.
Daan's blank soul also plays a part in this, I believe. In the narrative, both with the Dutches and with Pocketcat, Daan serves as an empty vessel meant to fulfill the whims of someone else, be it Eihner's ritual or the Pocketcat's need for a body. In gameplay, most of his abilities help others at the cost of hurting himself in some way. Daan's life and story revolve around the people he's surrounded by, so it makes sense that his interactions with others would mirror that on a more minor scale.
I also think that a lot of Daan's calmness is a facade meant to trick the player (and other contestants). When we see Daan in a lot of extreme and horrifying scenarios in the game, he is hardly bothered. Attempting to kill Daan, having him inspect his fiancee's body, having him in the party for the fight with stitches or needles, or even amputating all his limbs, still only end with Daan acting almost comically calm for the situation. In contrast, when he undergoes minor annoyances like ruining his shoes or entering the sewers, he reacts very strongly. I think his apathetic personality is a coping mechanism to deal with his past trauma, as well as the trauma of Prehevil, and that his true emotions slip through the cracks of his less important interactions. That's why, when he's talking to Karin or O'saa for example, he is much more emotive and mocking.
Finally, I also think Daan is a bit of a liar. Likely due to the same reasons as needing to please others for safety and survival, he also developed a talent for lying. Throughout the game he is either incredibly secretive, or even sometimes outright lies to the player and other characters whenever he is questioned about his actions, motives, or past.
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Plsplspls daisuke and reader romance hcs and my soul is yours
gn/transmasc whichever you prefer thank you so much
daisuke x reader | headcanons
part 4:
Romance edition
pay up anon 🫴👈 /j no, bc I have notes about this already and I saw you pop up in my notifs.
⚠️: 🔞 gn pronouns and masc pronouns* used, fluff, nothing explicit but there is implied sex (don't worry, it's optional. I put it at the end so you can skip.)
*bonus transmasc!reader category
🌺 Mentioned in a previous post. You fall first, he falls harder. He doesn't even notice until later on when he's doing the most mundane task and he catches himself smiling - "Oh."- while thinking of you. "Shiiiit."
🌺 The D in Daisuke stands for dense. Dense, dense, dense. To be fair, you guys are close and everything you've done together was seen as platonic. Heavy on was.
"Are you really bros if you don't cuddle to sleep?"
🌺 C'mon. He'll treat this like a romance visual novel game and you are the main and only love interest. It makes him less nervous this way.
🌺 Daisuke - for the life of him - could not use endearments. It makes him cringe. Will most likely call you by nickname or dude/bro (gnc).
"Babe... Baby... Honey— PFFT-" "Daisuke." Last name mouthwashing. Followed by whatever his last name was. You gave him a warning tone. "I can't help it!" He stifles his laughter but it turns into a fit of giggles.
🌺 Best friends to lovers is a perfect trope with him. I feel like the confession will come in naturally. You become best friends, blur the lines of platonic and romantic without realizing it, and the next thing you know, you're dating.
🌺 Experience wise? He's had a few relationships in highschool. Doesn't even know if he considers it as a relationship if he were honest. More-so flings.
⚠️ Implied sex. Ignore if uncomfortable.
🌺 If I were to lean more on to his mature side, then maybe things got too intimate. No promises of what happens next, but surely, you'd both question it. Don't get me wrong though, definitely an each other's firsts situation still.
Your sports watch vibrates on the table side, its buzz louder against the surface it was on. Groggily, you sit up, stretching and flinching at how sore you were before orienting yourself, unconsciously tugging the blanket closer to you. The faint sound of the shower beside the shared room reminds you of the events last night and your brain felt like it was about to shortcircuit, thoughts silencing quickly as you hear the bathroom door open, making you snap your head back up and you felt like having another wire shorting in your brain at the sight, but you push it away for now. "Mornin'!" And he says your name so sweetly, enthusiastically. Your heart ached. "I didn't take too long right? Did you just wake up?" Your silence scared him, even more so when you hung your head low. He calls your name. "Did you not like last night? Ah, fuck- Is anything painful? I'm sorry. We don't have to do this again. I'm s—" "Daisuke?" "Y-Yeah? What's up? Seriously, you're worrying me, dude. Did I hurt you?" "What are we?"
[ Bonus: Transmasc!Reader ]
🌺 Seeing your binder for the first time?
You two were back at your shared quarters. The day had just ended and you just wanted to change into your sleepwear and crash. "Dude, that looks uncomfy. You sure it ain't too tight?" "Nah. I made sure it fit. I have looser ones just incase. Don't worry, Dai." You were about to remove it when you notice him staring. Before this, you've been changing in the bathroom already, and at times he'd just turn away when you tell him to. He only realizes when you haven't moved for awhile and he instantly flinches. "Oh, sorry- turning riiiight now!" "We're dating already... It's okay." Plus, totally normal to see dudes topless. He tilts his head curiously as he watches and it would be a lie if it didn't make you slightly conscious of your appearance, but you trust him. The smitten look he has makes you feel better. His eyes dart down to the small dents on your skin left by the band and his hand twitches. "Can I massage it?" "What? My tits?" He calls out your name in mock frustration before laughing. "Y'know what I mean!" "Yeah, yeah. Make some space on the bed then."
🌺 Probably would love pressing the marks away. Also, he gets to cling onto you while at it so win-win right?
🌺 Top scars?
"Duuuuuude. That's sick as fuck." His head was hanging by the edge of the bed, watching you change while upside down. "Hm?" "The scars. How'd you gettem? Don't look like it's from an accident." "... Surgery?" "Oh?" He stays quiet for a moment trying to piece two and two together. You wait for him with an amused expression. "OHHHHHH." Right, he didn't know. "Still sick as fuck though."
🌺 feeling dysphoric? he already treats you like a king, but hopefully you won't get too overwhelmed with his advances when he notices you feeling down.
"hey, handsome." "pretty boy!"
🌺 if he didn't know you were trans and you tell him, he'd be confused but in a way that's like, "I still love you, y'know. That ain't changin'!"
[ Updates: ]
🪓 i'm working on another ask at the moment and it involves a pilot intern!reader. they req afab!reader but it's difficult for me to write femmes and i usually go for gn or transmasc readers :(( I hope that's alright. I can try to make a separate post and do femme pronouns. What do you guys think?
it's going to be longer than my usual posts so it may take some time. so yeah! hopefully the anon who req it sees this.
That's all, thank you for reading!
#rambles#daisuke mouthwashing#daisuke#daisuke x reader#mouthwashing#x reader#headcanon#transmasc reader
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I hope I’m not asking too much but can you do a Yan!girlfriend Athena headcanons please? I LOVE your work just as much as I love Athena and I’d really appreciate if you could do it ! 🫶🏻
❝ 🦉 — lady l: aaah, here! I hope you like it because I love writing for her!! Forgive me for any mistakes and good reading! Also, thank you.❤️
❝tw: obsessive and possessive behavior, mild stalking, mention of deprivation (punishments), toxic relationships.
❝🦉pairing: yandere!athena x gender neutral!reader.
Athena never thought she would actually get involved with someone, much less fall in love. She always remained faithful to herself and her alone, there was no room for others, much less romantic companions. Not just because of her vow of chastity, but because Athena had never loved anyone romantically.
That said, Athena remained this way for centuries and millennia to come, until she laid eyes on you. She didn't understand why she couldn't take her eyes off you, but she decided not to question it. It had been centuries since any human caught her attention. She didn't think much about it, figuring it was just another innocent interest that would quickly fade away. How wrong she was.
As time passed, Athena couldn't take her attention away from you. She didn't understand why she couldn't get you out of her thoughts. There was something about you, something that attracted the attention of the goddess of wisdom. And when a human catches the attention of a deity, their life will be doomed.
You lived your life as you always did, your days peaceful and ordinary. Except for the fact that you didn't know a goddess had her eye on you. You went out with your friends, lived with your family and worked/studied. And it was during one of your outings with your friends that you met a particular woman.
She introduced herself as Athena and was very beautiful. When you said her name was after the Greek goddess of wisdom, she laughed. A low, delicious laugh to hear. You spent the rest of the night talking, the woman being very impressive and polite. You found yourself wanting to see her more often.
You and Athena met other times and with each meeting, the goddess' desire and obsession grew more and more. She knew there was no turning back, she was too involved. You were very involved in her life and she was very involved in yours. She would have to face reality, she was in love. Athena decided to act quickly, she confessed to you and hoped you would accept her. You would do it anyway, it was the safest option. Rejecting a god is never a wise thing to do.
Athena is very pleasant to have around, she has the natural ability to make everything more comfortable and fun. Although she is serious, she still has a fun side that is only shown to you. She loves reading and painting with you.
As she is also the goddess of handicraft, Athena would love to teach you everything about the subject. She will teach you how to weave and will praise your work with great conviction. She is very proud of you, of the things you do. She will praise you and encourage you and be your number one fan of everything you do.
Athena is a proud goddess and does not accept being offended and her punishments for offenders are always very harsh. And that includes you, if you offend her in any way, no matter how small that offense is, she will punish you. Her punishments towards you are milder, however. Athena prefers to punish you by depriving you of things, of everything that is good for you. If you take medications, you will no longer take them. All you need is her. She will definitely try to make you as dependent as possible.
She is extremely possessive and manipulative, always manipulating you in a subtle way. Athena will never share you, you are hers and what belongs to her is hers alone. Any foolish attempt to flirt with you will result in harsh punishment, from blinding them to death. It all depends on the mood of the goddess.
Athena defends you fiercely and everyone knows not to mess with the King of Olympus' favorite daughter. Speaking of which, Athena will be adamant about keeping you away from the other gods, especially Ares, Poseidon and Zeus. She doesn't want her rivals around you and she doesn't want her father's roving eyes on you. You are hers and must remain that way.
She will spoil you only if she thinks you deserve it. If you are good to her, you will be spoiled without hesitation, whether with material things or with gifts that she can give you. Athena wants you to be perfect for her, even if that means she has to mold you. The romantic partner of the goddess of wisdom must be similar to her and share the same ideals.
Athena tries to be a good girlfriend and she is, she supports you and will always be by your side, but she is possessive and manipulative, and can incite distrust. She can easily be dominated by jealousy and insecurity and this will hurt her pride, which makes her dangerous. But it's okay, you just need to stay with her and you will be rewarded for your loyalty and love.
And even if you deny her in any way, Athena will never take no for an answer. You discovered this when you disobeyed her once and woke up in an ancient temple alone. It was a threat and a promise. Athena was warning you to never cross her again or she won't be so kind. After all, you are hers and she is a goddess and she can do whatever she wishes with you.
#yandere greek mythology#yandere greek gods#greek gods x reader#greek goddess#athena x reader#yandere athena#yandere athena x reader#yandere athena headcanons#headcanons#yandere headcanons
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jjk characters as male thot jobs
including: satoru gojo, suguru geto, toji fushiguro, kento nanami
contents: sfw but very suggestive, jjk men acting like sluts, gn!reader but there is a fem term used once
a/n: you might not consider some of these as “thot jobs” but im here to hypnotize you ouuuuhhh *wiggles fingers around* .. this is so silly but i had a blast writing this one

☆ . . . since gojo’s brain is hardwired to find teasing others amusing and quite the pass time i could see him as a dentist. you go to your local clinic for a annual deep cleaning and this man purposely goes out of his way to make things seem inherently sensual but still manages to do his job professionally. he’ll coo and praise you for following the most regular orders “now open real nice and wide for me … that’s righttt, good girl.” and “bite down on this … mhm yes just like that, you’re doing a great job.”
he’d definitely be like the annoying ones who still try to have a conversation while knuckles-deep prodding in your mouth. “i can tell you haven’t been flossing as much as you should be, what’s up with that?” and all you can do is narrow your eyes at him. he always caress your jaw and cheek too even through the latex gloves his touches are so intimate and gentle at the end of your appointment you’ll be genuinely considering if you should fuck your dentist or not.
☆ . . . i had multiple options for geto but firmly decided on a ceramic artist. i can envision him owning a modern yet whimsical pottery studio —he wanted the modern look but nanako and mimiko insist on the whimsical interior— he offers free beginner classes twice a month. omgg the way his hands knead at the clay and skillfully sculpts on the wheel with his fingers meticulously bending, making his veins more prominent while delicately morphing the creation into a vase. he annunciates his instructions with melodic calmness but still has authority present in his tone i swearrr his voice is like honey.
you catch his eye in one of his classes and offers extended hours free of charge to help you “better your form.” he sits behind you, cradling your forearms directing your movements but still making room for you to assist your own creation. his warm minted breath tickles the back of your neck causing goosebumps “make sure to sit close to the wheel and anchor your elbows tightly against your body…” the sultry in his tone doesn’t go unnoticed with him slightly moving to your ear next “don’t be afraid to make mistakes it’s all about trial and error, darling.”
☆ . . . like the unemployed bum toji is, he seems like the type of man to pride himself as a ‘jack of all trades.’ which is why i see him in the freelancer field of work, specifically, a personal shopper. he has an app on his phone where he can either accept or deny requests. he’s quite picky with commissions when money isn’t running low, but don’t get him wrong, he’s willing to go the extra mile to please his clients. always prefers phone calls over text when discussing farther details knowing his gruff voice will have the recipient weak in the knees. he isn’t shameful to treat his full time employment as a part time hookup arrangement…if he’s lucky enough that is.
“here’s your stuff, pretty.” the quite taller and muscular man at your porch hands over a brown bag containing your groceries. you don’t miss the way his hands graze yours in the exchange, his sharp eyes examine you like you’re his prey; awaiting for your next move in a game you involuntarily started playing. words of gratitude try to slither past your lips but ultimately couldn’t: you’ve officially peaked his interest. “hey, why don’t i help you unload your items?” at that, you nodded making way for the sleazy man to enter your home and eventually your bedroom as well.
☆ . . . what differentiates nanami from the rest is that he’s unaware of how insanely attractive his profession as a baker is. he truly doesn’t understand the appeal of a man in an apron kneading dough and decorating pink frilly cupcakes. he co-owns a bakery with haibara !! they even enrolled in culinary school together. the interior is quite morden with wisteria and other succulent plants hanging from the ceiling; most of the time he’s clueless to very clear advances from others or kindly shut them down saying how he’s “not looking for anything serious” which is a lie he himself started to believe.
but on a faithful sunday autumn morning you stroll in just salivating at the thought of warm dewy chocolate filled croissants, fresh from the oven, when you see him; clad in a bulky knitted cream sweater tying a black apron around his slim waist whilst his becipes bulged slightly through the thick material of the sweater. “good morning, what can i get for you today?” one thing lead to another making you leave with not only a croissant but the blond man’s phone number —due thanks to his cheeky younger coworker, yuji, who wrote the number on your receipt including a note that read: ‘he’s soooo into you :)’

reblogs & feedback is extremely appreciated !! <3
#gojo satoru#suguru geto#toji fushiguro#nanami kento#gojo smut#gojo fluff#jjk gojo#gojo x reader#gojo x y/n#jjk toji#toji smut#toji x y/n#toji x reader#jujutsu kaisen toji#toji fluff#jujutsu kaisen#jujutsu nanami#jujutsu gojo#jujustsu kaisen fluff#jjk scenarios#nanami x you#nanami x reader#geto smut#geto x reader#x reader#nanami smut#jjk x reader#jujutsu geto#toji#nanami fluff
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It's all fake, right? Prologue (LN4)
Pairing: Lando Norris x female Dutch reader
Series summary: The McLaren team thinks Lando's playboy reputation is damaging their image. They want him to settle down, or at least pretend to settle down for a while. Meanwhile writer Y/N is becoming quite successful, so successful that Hollywood is showing interest. But to keep their interest she has to gain a more glamorous reputation, which makes her the perfect match for Lando.
A/N: So this is just a little starter and I haven't really proofread it, because I fear that will make me too self conscious to post it. Please keep in mind that English is not my first language.
Y/N takes a deep breath before she steps into the paddock on Saturday. It’s not her first time at a Grand Prix, but it will be the first time she spends it at the McLaren garage and she’s pretty sure her face will end up on the live broadcast at some point this weekend. She sends a longing look at the Red Bull garage as she passes it, wishing she could hide away in the more familiar environment. She would definitely prefer listening to Max yap about something technical for an hour or so over the curious looks and whispered gossip that no doubt awaits her at McLaren. Sadly that’s not an option and she’ll have to suck it up and be the picture perfect girlfriend she’s contractually obliged to be.
As she approaches McLaren she spots the enormous picture of her fake boyfriend plastered on the outside. She bites the inside of her cheek as her stomach turns nervously. It’s not that she’s not excited to watch qualifying today and the race tomorrow. She’s actually a big fan of formula one and has been to several races over the years, but always with Max and always in the background. Now she has to stand front and center in the garage of a driver she barely knows. It’s not that she dislikes Lando, but she has only spoken to him a few times. Always with a lot of other people around and almost always with Max or Martin there, and now she has to pretend to be in love with him.
Inside the garage Lando is trying to pass the time between FP3 and qualifying. His eyes move around the space as he wonders when his fake girlfriend will show up. This whole arrangement wasn’t his idea and from what he has seen it wasn’t Y/N idea either. They’ve seen each other a few times over the summer break in order to get the rumours going, but the only time the whole fake relationship thing was openly talked about was during a meeting a few months ago. Lando had been very annoyed at his team for basically forcing him into this. Y/N didn’t look annoyed, but she did seem pretty uncomfortable with the whole situation.
He had never paid much attention to her before that meeting. She had always just been one of Martin’s friends. He didn’t like her, but he didn’t dislike her either. She had simply never caught his attention and they never exchanged more that a few brief words with each other. Since he couldn’t stop the arrangement from happening and he didn’t really care about the technicalities of the contract, he spent most of the meeting looking at Y/N. He came to the conclusion that she was pretty, but not his usual type. She seemed a little too shy for his taste, but at least he wasn’t being forced to fake date someone unattractive.
Lando is pulled from his thoughts when he sees Y/N walk into the garage. He watches her look around for a moment before he takes a deep breath and pushes himself off the wall he was leaning on. Showtime, he thinks as he plasters a smile on his face.
“There you are.” He says as he approaches her, a smile on his face as his arm wraps around her shoulders to pull he into his side. A few of the mechanics and other guests glance at them. “I was afraid you were gonna bail on me.” He jokes.
Y/N leans into him and wraps her arm around his waist to return his side hug. “And miss out on watching you get pole?” She says as she releases him and Lando lifts his arm off her shoulder as he remembers what they told him: not too much too soon, then the public won’t believe it. “No way. I’m here for the fastest lap today and victory tomorrow.” Y/N adds with a smile. She’s not lying, she’s pretty sure McLaren have the upper hand this weekend.
“With you here as my good luck charm, that’ll be a piece of cake.” Lando flirts, very aware of the eyes and ears around them. Part of him hopes they tell everyone how smooth he’s being, maybe it’ll finally get rid of the Lando Norizz allegations. Y/N lets out a slight giggle that she really hopes is convincing and she’s relieved when someone calls Lando to get ready for qualifying. “I gotta go.” He says as he gives her a half smile. “Wish me luck.”
Y/N shakes her head. “You don’t need luck.” She looks at him for a moment before deciding to just go for it and stepping closer to kiss his cheek. “You’ve got this.” She says with a smile as she pulls away. If her move surprised Lando he doesn’t let it show. He simple lifts his hand to give her arm a squeeze and then he walks away.
As she watches him walk away she lets out a discrete sigh before looking around to see where they want her to watch qualifying. Someone comes over to show her where to stand and Y/N thanks them with a smile before she leans against the wall behind her as she pulls out her phone to pass the time. When she unlocks her phone she’s confronted with a text from her agent:
Remember: no hiding away this weekend.
I want to see at least one headline about you and Lando before the day is over.
Y/N sighs and closes her eyes for a moment after reading the words. She’s not cut out for all the attention that will come from this arrangement, and she’s also not convinced that anyone will believe Lando is into her. She doesn’t exactly look like the girls he’s usually spotted with. It’ll be hard to believe that he left behind the southern European model types for a boring Dutch writer. Y/N’s own fanbase probably won’t be very convinced either. She has been in one public relationship before this and that was with another writer. The only time she steps out of her safe cultural bubble is when she visits Max in the paddock or Martin at a gig. How is she supposed to make anyone believe that she’s fallen for someone with a completely opposite lifestyle?
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Reaper's Wardrobe Collection- Information Packet 📝
I didn't want to bloat the original post up with all of this(it's a lot) and it took way longer than I expected! Sorry I've been so strapped for time recently, balancing life (and ironically—death, unfortunately) but I've finally found some time to include some additional information about the newly released (December- Friday the 13th!!) Reaper's Wardrobe Collection, which by the way, you've all been SO sweet and kind and receptive to, thank you eternally 🥺💗 Below is some additional information if you're interested, just because one, I'm a certified yapper, but also I like to include that with my cc when I can <3 Please, if you use these items for your sims, TAG ME!! I would seriously be so happy to see how you use them 😍
Lamplight Dress (+Glowy Version) and Final Layer Accessory Lingerie
A sensual little number that will draw them in like a moth to the lamplight. This versatile dress comes in a variety of swatches, including even sheerer options for when you really want to turn up the warmth. You can pair it with the Final Layer Lingerie—a maxis match accessory lingerie set found in the glove category—or any other accessory underwear to layer and customize your look.
Lamplight Dress: 44 Swatches Final Layer Lingerie: 26 Swatches
And for those special sims who are the light of your life, or maybe just get lost often, try the bonus glowy version that actually glows up!
Both dresses are standalone, so neither rely on the other to work. You can freely have both in your game at the same time or just one, whichever you prefer.
Lamplight Dress-Glowy Version: 11 Swatches
Deathflower Pendant
Yes, it's the one and only deathflower, now wearable! Meshing this as a beginner almost sent me over to the other side, but I'm happy to say that with the help and support of my lovely husband, I got through it. Which I'm grateful for, because I needed this in my game. Available for ages kids and up, and comes in 9 swatches.
Death Grip Ear Cuff/Eternal Whispers Earrings
Embrace the whispers of the beyond with the Death Grip Ear Cuff and Eternal Whispers Earrings. This one can be a little finicky. So because of how the UV_1 maps work, there doesn't seem to be a reasonable way to make the ear cuff move along with the ear slider, at least that I'm aware of. So the best we can do is to remove the ear cuff entirely or shape your sims ear to work with the cuff. I know, not ideal, sorry :( It was created with ear preset 1 in mind, but you might be able to mold your own ears with some sliding around.
The set is designed to be worn either together, or separated. The cuff (a metal skeleton hand) can technically be worn with other earrings, but due to texture constraints, most textures conflict. Although not all results look bad so definitely feel free to play around and make some happy mistakes!
Whimsical Wings Knit Sweater
A little flutter of quaint, a little flutter of spooky— What started out as an attempt to convert the Life and Death one for toddlers into a kids version, but ended up basically recreating it. However, there are a few more cute swatches special for kids that fit the theme. 16 swatches in total.
First Grimpressions Zip Up Onesie
For the little reapers in training— This cozy zip up onesie is perfect for jammies, costumes, or playtime, and is available for both toddlers and children. Although children get a few extra bonus dingy social bunny swatches reminiscent of the social bunny from ts2. The rest are reaper and "freezer-boney" themed.
Grimborn Onesie
My pride and joy :’) this is one of the first ones I started working on, a little hooded onesie subtly shaped like death himself. Many of the swatches feature an embroidered crow with the daintiest little heart, but throughout the rest of the 8 swatches you'll also find little wings, a skull, and and a freezer-boney.
Reaper Sleepers
How could your days ever be grim when you have these adorable little reapers bouncing around with you each step you take? These were what started this whole project, honestly. I was making a few things for Norvis, and obviously he needed a pair of house slippers, being a middle-aged son of the Grim Reaper, obviously. That's when I decided it might be fun to not only share them, but make this into a whole collection— then it snowballed from there. They're not the most perfectly meshed items, but I think that gives them some character ^̮^
Robes Of Respite
Just the Life and Death Employee Reaper Robes, but with no hood, because sometimes we all need a breather. I did tighten the rope around the waist a bit so your sims can show off that figure when they're reaping someone's soul and dragging them away to the unknown. I also enhanced the textures a bit and added a bonus dark swatch. One for Male frames and one Female.
Prep Me Pumps
Just a cute pair of soft goth pumps to make a statement, complete with the most darling little bow placed right under your achilles heel so you can prepped for anything, anytime. 13 swatches in total.
Spirit Sprinter Athleisure Set
Even though all 4 of these cozy swatches are adorned with a zip up ribbon corset, there's no need to sacrifice your comfort to look snatched. Whether you're bumming out at home handing candy out to trick-or treaters, or training hard to be the best reaper the company has ever seen, this outfit has you covered.
Reaper Scythe Accessory
This is just the regular Reaper's Scythe from the game, made into an accessory by leo_morg on MTS. Link here They don't seem to be active anymore or have a TOU. It is just an EA item from the game but I wanted to properly cover my bases when it comes to crediting, since they were the ones who did most of the work. I just made some edits to the mesh and textures. At first I was just using it for screenshots and previews but since its a fine piece of cc I figured someone might find it useful so why let it go to waste?
Eclipse Cloak-Illuminated, Eclipse Cloak-Veiled, and Halfway Hair
For the adventurous souls daring enough to tread that liminal bridge between the afterlife and the mortal world, shroud yourself in mystery with these deluxe reapers cloaks- This is the first hair I've ever created with the sole purpose of making it specifically for a hat, although I'm happy with how it looks with no hood too! As for the cloaks, I just wanted some separated dramatic cloaks/hoods for storytelling, both a version that is up, and down. Goes in the hat category. They're a lot of material in a small space so the textures aren't the the most beautiful up close—but at the very least they're not going to conflict with pretty much any clothing (unless that clothing item doesn't obey the allotted space, of course) The veiled version is kinda neat because it functions/chops as a hat, so it works with a select handful of hairs. The hair has your standard 24 EA swatches, and the cloaks have 8 matching swatches.
Morgue Moth Vintage Romper
If you're one of my readers, you may have noticed that I occasionally like to use moth motifs from time to time. They go hand in hand with the death theme and they're also just really pretty ♥‿♥ You'll see them a lot throughout this project, and this item is no exception. I especially love this romper because it's super versatile— all 11 moth adorned swatches make for an easy go-to outfit for those hot days, but also work as adorable pajamas or vintage swimwear, and have that whimsical-macabre twist that is so mothsneakers ✨
Plaid To The Bone Shirt
11 swatches featuring a grungy patchwork of button down flannels stitched together, layered with a haphazardly placed tee with grim but colorful graphics for that effortlessly unkempt look. Wanted to make sure we got something for the men too, but of course our girls can throw it on as well, if they want!
Cadaver-demia Coat Set
Fight the biting chill of the morgue freezers, or stay warm on your haunting moonlit walks in the cemetery, and look hot doing it! Lately this has been my irl go to look when I want to look put-together but don't want to think too much about what to wear. simply mini-skirt+shirt+coat, pair it with your favorite tights and boots and you're good to go 😊 Keeping that same kind of idea with this piece, I really love full-body outfits so I don't have to think too much about putting an outfit together, I always feel like the cc-world needs more full-body outfits (that aren't just dresses, but complete looks you feel me?) I digress, this set has 8 swatches.
Thanatolo-dress Outfit
Give off Thanatologist's day off vibes in this studious casual full-body set. 18 swatches; featuring a fitted turtleneck sweater, (some with grim graphics, some plain) layered under a cropped plaid button down top, and paired with a high-waisted corduroy mini skirt.
Once again, huge thank you to every single one of you who have reblogged and shared, or had such kind things to say about this collection. It's been so much fun to make, and I'm so glad y'all encourage my outlet and more importantly, that you're encouraging ALWAYS FREE CC 🥰 because there is no space for greed in this community let's just have fun ok? Please enjoy, please tag me if you use it (because I'm dying to what you do with it) and you can find the collection here 🖤
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