#the mordeo x reader
nevermore-ocs · 5 months
your Slasher ocs x Chubby reader hcs 🔫 hand them over (please)
(This is gonna be the FIRST PART OUT OF, HOWEVER MANY, I just got way too many horror and horror adjacent characters to comply them all to ONE list, so this one is gonna have 3 and then we'll go on from there!!)
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-Being as mute as he is, North is a master of communicating in numerous other means
-Ever observant, this towering powerhouse of a woodsman finds himself regularly staring at you whenever he can't touch you right away
-Working outside on the outer perimeter of his self claimed property? He always catches his gaze cutting away from his work to wordlessly gawk at you sat patiently on the porch of his abode, he can't help himself
-The way that your plushy curves and hips and sides, thighs and all can be hugged by clothing given if their more form fitting or not is enough to drive him up a wall in the best way possible, and while he may not ever be inclined to speak, just eyeing your stretch marks and belly when you stretch and your shirt is gracious enough to him to allow him to snag a few peeks, his hushed breath often hitches in his throat at just how attractive you are to him
-And then there's his hands
-Calloused, rough, and powerful, however, he's so delicate with his touches with you
-They're, greedy, and drawn out. Gliding his palms over the front of your thighs, the sides of your hips, your sides, they're never too rough to cause you any pain, of course, but he'll pause his hand's movements to let the tips of his digits dip into your flesh and relish at how your pillowy body always fills out his awaiting palm
-And of course he does indeed pepper your stretch marks and belly with kisses, he knows that sometimes that can be a problem area for you to make peace with somedays, so he wants to be diligent with how much he adores it cause there's always just more of you to give love to
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-Ivy Darrow-
S/i: "Whew, is it hot in here or is it just me?" Ivy: "It's you--" S/i: "Wha-" Ivy: "WHAT-"
-Seriously, I cannot stress ENOUGH on how just being in your presence ups her dorkiness factor past like 11, like the first time y'all even met she had a comical fumbling pratfall befitting something of Hanna-Barbera cartoons as she clumsily attempted to catch the spatula that slipped out of her hand
-Sickly sweet and abundant in her praises, there's never a day where she doesn't tell you just how insanely beautiful she'll always find you
-Your number one and biggest fan in the history of ever, she always encourages you to wear and dress yourself in things that'll show off your shape more, and she barely even regards her own pleasure in witnessing you in such an outfit, she wants you to feel like a person who can indulge on things marketed to slimmer people cause you're as much as a person as they are, and don't need to "fit" in
-But yes she absolutely did nearly faint when she saw you in a crop top, and, raising herself back up off of the mattress, she made grabby hands at you, because belly, obviously--
-You did have to partially restrain her from near mauling someone when she overheard the insult thinly guised as a compliment "you're so brave for wearing that", but you know she always means as well as she can be
-But days like that is when she layers on the praises, the sweet words, the compliments, even more than she already does and she does it plenty enough as is, you're her favorite person ever, legit her dream partner and her second half, and whilst she loathes the demonic genes of the Mordeo tainting her blood, she's not at all ashamed in letting that side out if it meant defending you
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-Salem Abbott-
-Salem is...nice?? In his own right?? If you can label the shit that comes out of his garbage disposal of a mouth "nice"
-"I fuck with fat bitches heavy, thanks-" And then he promptly spanks your ass as you stand next to him, I-
-Your fault, you chose him, you know what you signed up for--
-You gave him a little bit too much credit to not be painfully obvious with him staring at you, but there's plenty moments throughout a day where you can feel his stare locking onto you, and if you even turn to face him to meet his gaze, his eyes linger knowingly for a few moments or so before they cut upwards onto yours and he doesn't say anything right away, rather, he allows this shit-eating grin to spread across his lips and he gives you a little wave with his fingers
-"My eyes are up here, Sal-", "I've already made my decision-"
-Despite all that, Salem, if you could believe it or not, isn't a creep or weird, or anything malicious like that, with you ever
-He's already experienced how dangerous someone can be when they just want to take, and take, and take something like that from someone, there are a multitude of moments where humanity does breach the surface of his sociopathy
-Kisses against the back of your head while whispers about how fucking gorgeous you are melt against your head and your hair, his touches are a lot like North's in a way, they're greedy and take their time traversing over the bountiful, supple curves of your body, but they never go any sordid without you explicitly giving him that consent to go further
-He loves the word perfect for you, he says it a lot to you, so, fucking, perfect, he's far from it himself, and has been for quite a long time now at this point, so someone that he views as utter perfection wasting their time with him, he has no idea how you put up with him, and he never will
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(I dunno if you are still doing stuff sorry)
How about a mordeo who falls for someone but show their affection different than the mordeo queen since they are more feral?
Oooh, yes! I’d love to!
Just a friendly reminder tho, the inbox is closed while I try to catch up on requests.
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(Romantic) The Mordeo/reader headcanons
It’s one thing for The Queen to become attached to a human. She’s not entirely driven by hunger, so she can distinguish between different emotions. It’s another thing entirely when a drone Mordeo finds a human they think is worth keeping alive.
The other Mordeo will not be as easy to keep away from you as they are with The Queen’s human. They don’t see you as someone else’s mate — they see you as leftovers. You’ll have a hell of a time trying to avoid them, and if the Queen finds out about you and your partner, your partner may unfortunately be exiled. Because of this, I would not recommend a cabin in the woods to stay close to your partner — maybe have a few neighbors within a short running distance and have your backyard facing the woods.
It’s very odd, but you’ve somehow been able to distinguish which howl is your partner’s. Maybe it’s because they do a more subdued version of it around you when they’re happy — it’s like a small bellow when you two snuggle or go on runs. I also imagine that Mordeos purr, because purring monsters make my brain happy and just…come on, who wouldn’t like a Mordeo laying in their lap and purring away?
As happy and carefree as your Mordeo might be when you’re together, that all goes out the window when you both are in the woods. Every twig snapping is another Mordeo stalking you, and they will not lower their haunches until you’re back safe in your house. Your neighbors will occasionally mention seeing a weird deer thing prowling near the houses, but you just smile and nod along and pretend you know nothing. Can’t have the government coming after the bae. No-no. That’s not happening.
I imagine that your Mordeo would like to bring you spoils of their latest hunts, so you might be given a severed body part or a dead animal when they come to see you. They don’t understand you can’t eat them at first, but even after you’ve gotten the message across they continue to bring things. But now the kinds of gifts have changed — now you get cool-looking rocks, pointy sticks, clothes people have left behind… and an occasional body part. They know you don’t eat what they eat, but it’s their way of showing they care.
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stumacherstan · 5 years
Mordeo Headcanons:
a/n: i’m so soft for this cryptid
soft furry hands
god they’re so soft. you love holding hands. he loves holding your hand. he’s touch starved big time and is grateful for any affections
it’s amazing
and he’s big and stronk
you’re tiny human
and he’ll just swoop you up in his big stronk arms
s w o o n
it’s amazing. lovely.
you feel so safe
and like cuddles?? yes please. amazing. again, somft and safe
in all of his immortal life, he’s always just cooked for himself
and thankfully over the years, he’s just become a better cook
and god it feels so good to be fed three warm meals a day
it’s so great and it tastes so good
and he’s just happy to have you there and will gladly over feed you
he wants you to be happy
he sometimes can’t sleep
and he’ll just lay there with you as you sleep
mordeo will just caress your face and pet your head
you help him fall asleep without you even knowing
for him, you’re just a relaxing and peaceful aura that he loves
you soothe him
again, soft. so soft.
it’s so nice to have someone forever by your side
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How would Look-see, Soot, Kinderfänger, and the Mordeo Queen take care of their s/o while she’s on her period?
Hope these are to your liking! College is a bitch.
Look-See, Soot, The Kinderfänger, and the Mordeo Queen taking care of their fem!s/o on her period
Warning: mentions of blood
The Look-See
Will be at your beck and call for the entire week. Too wrecked by cramps to get up and go anywhere? He’ll go and get stuff for you. You’re too hot? Off go the blankets and on goes the AC.
100/10 will sneak out of the house and steal whatever you want. If you make a passing comment about how you wished you had some mint chocolate chip ice cream, he’ll be out the door and come back with a shit-ton of ice cream. Just... don’t turn on the news. You don’t wanna know what he did to get it.
If you can’t get out of bed, he’ll just flip down there with you and snuggle you. He’s a very touchy-feely monster, so this is his element. He’ll hold you to his chest, stroke your hair, and purr to lull you to sleep.
He will immediately roll with the punches the second the red devil hits the house. He’s no stranger to blood at all, but he still gets worried when he comes to your house one day and smells a suspicious amount of iron in the air. He finds you on the couch, curled up in a ball with bags of junk food at your feet, and is thouroughly confused. This is... not how bloodied humans usually react when he finds them.
He’ll freak out and once you explain things to him, but will still be confused and scared when you say that you’re dying while experiencing a particularly awful cramp. What do you mean you’re dying? No, no, that can’t be right. You look just fine!
Oh, god, you’re bleeding out and don’t know how to tell him — those kinds of thoughts go through his head. His job is literally to get people who were supposed to die — you can’t blame him for getting paranoid when he hears stuff like that.
He can’t exactly go out and buy things for you, but after the first time he experiences shark week with you, he makes sure you’re absolutely gonna be prepared for the next one that hits.
The Kinderfänger
Because Kinderfänger spends most of not all of his time around prepubescent children (nobody really knows what his song would do to teenagers. Frankly, we don’t wanna know.), he does not know what a menstrual cycle is. Which is why he immediately starts freaking out the first time it starts around him. He smells blood on you, and he flips the fuck out. Who hurt you?! Who drew your blood, little maus?!
When you finally calm him down enough to explain it to him, he’s both shocked and disgusted. Excuse me??? You bleed from your where now??? And this happens how often???
Once he’s gotten over the initial freak out, he refuses to let you out of the lair. His children are sent out to steal things that would make you feel better. Keep in mind that this is a likely-centuries-old smoke monster that has no idea what Google is, so he’s only going off what you say will help.
Hovers constantly. When you’re particularly moody, it does far more harm than good. If he senses that you’re upset, he’ll try to cuddle you to help you feel better. This will lead to his children coming up and hugging you with him. They may be mind-controlled demonic kiddies, but they love you almost as much as he does.
The Mordeo Queen
Honestly? The least useful. As much as she hates to hear about how much you’re in pain from cramps, she wouldn’t be able to help you if she wanted to. Not only is she in the woods, practically isolated from you if you live in the city, but the smell of blood is enough to send her predator instincts into overdrive.
It hurts her so much to hear how you suffer on in this time of the month, she’s worried that if she goes near you, she won’t be able to control herself and attack you. It’s not fun for her, either.
The best she can do, if you happen to live within the vicinity of her woods, is keep other Mordeo away from your house. She’ll sit outside your cabin like a guard dog and attack any Mordeo that comes investigating the intoxicating scent of blood. As the most sentient Mordeo, she has the most control over her beastly instincts, and really, are they gonna argue with the leader of the pack?
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How would the Mordeo Queen react to finding an infant that was spared/missed during one of the blood hunts that she decided to raise as her own human child.
I want to see some mother Mordeo!
Eee, the concept of Mama Mordeo gives me life. I mean, realistically, she’d just eat it, but hey, it’s a fanfic! Let’s go wild!
I think that the Mordeo Queen would not only be a protective mom, but the rest of pack would function as feral brothers and sisters. They’d either be on the prowl looking for danger, bringing back meats for the baby (because come on, only the freshest, juiciest meat get reserved for the baby), or trying to roughhouse with the kid when they get older.
Mama Mordeo is high-key protective of the baby and is very hesitant about the other pack members being around the baby because, as previously mentioned in other posts, she’s the most sentient of the Mordeo and she doesn’t trust the others to not give in to their hunger and try to kill and eat the baby. She’ll make a bed out of clothes from her victims and sleep super close to the baby, maybe have an idea to make one of those wraps that hold the baby so she can watch them while she’s hunting. She’s super paranoid that something might happen to the baby, but she makes up for it with all the snuggles and face nuzzles. She’s overprotective as fuck but she means well.
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Crypt Monster Univers LGBT Headcanons
EDIT 9/06/2023: I forgot that Crypt confirmed a few of their monsters were LGBT, so I updated this!
The Birch: Confirmed trans!
The Look-See: Confirmed pansexual!
The Mordeo Queen: Confirmed genderqueer!
Aponi: Demisexual lesbian
Soot: Asexual demiromantic
Kinderfänger: Abrosexual aromantic
Miss Annity: Hetero
Mira Mira: Pansexual
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(Romantic) The Divine Creatures of Darkness: General relationship headcanons
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The most protective of the Big Five. She’ll have her host check up on you daily, at the risk of losing their power.
Some guy bothering you? No problem, she’ll pay them a little visit. She’s very... persuasive, as it were.
As a witch from the late 1600’s, she doesn’t entirely understand the concept of dating at first. She’s more on the “this person and I are interested romantically and that’s all that matters”. When she figures it out, she goes all. Out. Moonlit picnics in the woods, cozy nights in at a cabin, you name it. And she always puts a personal twist on them to keep things exciting.
She’ll fashion you small charms to ward off evil spirits and brings good luck. It’s no gold chain necklace, but she puts a lot of care into making them and that definitely counts for something.
Over time, she may start trying to convince you to take on her power so she’ll be with you all the time.
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Lanie Bouchard | The Birch
A sweet, albeit protective partner.
She’s been hurt one too many times in her life as a human, and what she really needs is someone to stand by her and give her the love and validation she craves.
Again, very protective. If you’re upset, she’ll flip between soothing you and plotting revenge on those who wronged you.
She like to wrap her branches around you when you two cuddle. She doesn’t understand human limits anymore, so you need to tell her yourself if they’re getting too tight. She doesn’t want to crush you.
Likes to grow flowers for the sole purpose of putting them in your hair. Seeing you with them, human and nature blended into one beautiful being, makes the hole in her aching heart start to close up.
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The Look-See
Canonically has a lot of himbo energy outside of being a murderer (don’t believe me, check out Crypt TV’s Instagram), so I imagine he’d be pretty fun to be around.
He’ll probably bring you back pieces of his victims as little gifts. You know, like how cats bring back dead animals to their owners as a sign of love.
Relationships for him are a contact sport. He’s very touch-oriented, so cuddles and hugs are his favorite thing. He can’t kiss, so he’ll try to compensate by face nuzzles or licks.
He’s probably the easiest monster to go out of the house with. Just tape some Groucho glasses to his face and maybe give him a wig to cover up those nasty scars, he can be somewhat plausible for a human being.
His perfect night, however, is snuggling up with you on the couch and getting to hold you for hours on end. If he had his way, he’d never have to let go.
If he can’t check up on you, he’ll have his proxy check on you for him. Expect to see more of Jenni when you two start dating.
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The Mordeo Queen
Shit, dude, how’d you get this cannibal queen on your side? It really is a wonder that you haven’t gotten eaten yet, but you’re not really complaining at this point.
Like The Look-See, The Queen is very touch-oriented and likes to rub. She’s either super soft or super rough. There is no in-between.
If you bring her meats when you visit, be it human or animal, she’ll love you forever. She’ll also respond by bringing you some of her own favorite meats. Just be careful to not get caught with it when you get back to civilization.
Dates with her include snuggling by a soft brook in the woods or racing each other through the trees. You’ll have to have a lot of stamina to keep up with her in a race, because she’s fast as fuck.
When she feels like you two are equals in the relationship, she’ll invite you to join the blood hunt. You’ll have to lose some of your conscience if you go, because all Mordeo are expected to contribute.
Once the other Mordeo have gotten the point that no, you are not a sacrifice, they’ll become deathly protective of you. People giving you shit better watch out, because you have a whole-ass army of cannibal deer people at your disposal. Granted, you’ll have to lure them into the woods, first...
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Probably the most high-strung out of everyone on here. His job is literally to track down and kill people who don’t deserve a second chance.
He’s not as emotive as the other four. Hell, even the Mordeo Queen shows positive body language. As a grim reaper, being emotional just... ain’t in his nature.
It’s harder for him to take you out, because people have one of two reactions when they see him — scream and call the national guard, or sneer at him for “cosplaying” in public.
Soot isn’t too big on touching, but he does like holding your hands. They’re so soft and warm compared to his ugly, rotted and chapped ones.
He likes games, oddly enough, but he’s absolutely ruthless when he plays. Thankfully, he takes his losses in good faith, because the last thing anyone wants to be is on the wrong end of an angry grim reaper.
He does feel bad that you can’t have a real date what with his ghastly appearance, so he tries to make up for it by having a fun time indoors. Mind you, he hasn’t been dating for very long, so he’s not going to be good at it.
But he tries, and he learns from his mistakes. And he does his best to make the next one even better.
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(Romantic) Mordeo Queen relationship headcanons
I loved writing the headcanons for The Mordeo Queen in my previous post, so I thought I’d make some more!
The Queen is a very physical creature. She is very touch-oriented and likes to hold onto you. She likes to give face nuzzles, so be careful of her antlers since she certainly won’t.
I like to think that as a more primal species, Mordeo are scent-oriented as well. Part of her constantly wanting to cuddle and such is based off a need she has to make sure others know that you belong to her.
Interactions with the underling Mordeo are extremely limited at best and nonexistent at worst. The Queen has the most sentience of the bunch and she refuses to let them near you. Not because she’s jealous -- she literally can not trust them to not eat you.
She’ll bring you freshly-killed human when you visit her as gifts of respect and gratitude. It’s worth noting that she will be overjoyed if you return this sentiment with giving her meat as well. She’ll happily devour it.
One of her favorite things to do with you is go on runs through the woods. She’s much faster than any human, so she has to pace herself regardless of how light on your feet you are.
She also likes to roughhouse, if you’ll let her. Mordeo roughhouse with one another to strengthen the bonds of the species, but things do tend to get messy. She does have to try to keep from getting too bloody, she doesn’t want to hurt you.
In terms of soft, she likes to take you to a soft brook or maybe even a secluded glen and just... lie there with you. As previously stated, she likes to snuggle and will lie with you for hours without getting up.
Once the other Mordeo have gotten the point that this human is not, in fact, their next meal, they will become deathly protective of you. At this point, you would no longer smell like human to them, but smell like their queen, and they will do anything to protect their matriarch. They can, and will, kill anything they deem a threat to you unless the queen tells them otherwise.
Now you have a doting if not protective cannibal deer demon queen for a girlfriend and an entire species of cannibal deer demons ready to mutilate anybody that crosses you. And in the end, is that not what all monster lovers want?
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(Romantic) Yandere!Brute x Reader headcanons
Trigger warnings: gore and blood mention
You don’t know why you were picked. They needed a sacrifice, but you don’t know why it had to be you. Was it rigged? Was it chance? Who the hell knows? All you knew was that you were supposed to be getting eaten by this monster, this brute from behind the door. But when it came out, it did not lunge like you believed it would. Instead, when it smelled you, it came slowly, creeping across the forest floor, its head tilting periodically as it tried to find the source of the new smell.
When it finally approached you, it was practically straddling you. It “stared” at you, its nostrils moving with its low, deep sniffs. Then it lay its head in the crook of your neck, and almost relaxed. That is, until one of your captors began to move. Immediately The Brute lunged for them, tearing their chest open like a bag of chips and feasting on the gooey insides. It was sickening. Disgusting. And when it was done it went back over to you, carrying some of their entrails and dropping them on your lap. Its bloodied face nuzzled your neck once more, a low rumble coming from its chest. Oh, god. Oh, fuck. Oh, no.
I don’t know what you did to get this thing interested in you, but whatever you do, do not run. Do not try to escape. Because there’s no telling if The Brute will be able to distinguish you from its prey. When -- not if -- it catches you, there’s a 50% chance that it will try to eat you.
The Brute is much more beast-like than the other Crypt Monsters. It doesn’t obey a master. It kills to eat, like the Mordeo. Ordinarily, every human in its path would be decimated without a second thought. But it doesn’t know why it wants you. All it knows is that it wants. My guess is that it would find you and think “human smell good. do not kill. must protect.”
The Brute is bitey. And scratchy. And snuggly. On some days it’s like it lives to mark you and make it known to the world that you belong to it. Be warned, it will bite and scratch you hard, and sometimes without warning. But it’a also...strangely affectionate. It seems to sense whenever you’re afraid, and it feels...bad? Its mate is in distress, and it wants to soothe it. It’s amazing how dense it is, for real, because it doesn’t know that it’s the one you’re afraid of.
You will have to learn to eat what it eats, because it will not let you go back to The Colony, even if you need food, because it just knows that you won’t come back. Don’t ask it why -- it can’t tell you. It just knows. If you somehow manage to get back, you won’t have long before the monster has followed you, and is drawn to the scent of fresh meat. If someone tries to bring you food, it will attack and kill them in a rage.
No matter who you used to be in The Colony, everyone there learns to fear you. You’re the one human that The Brute refuses to kill, and that makes you dangerous. If you wanted to, you could sic the monster on their village -- or anything else that made you angry. But they don’t know that you fear The Brute as much as they do. You don’t know why it chose you. You don’t know why it doesn’t want you to leave.
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stumacherstan · 5 years
Mordeo x Reader
A/N: i’m not sure if this is the exact cryptid/monster i’m thinking of, but it’s the closest I can get to
“When will you talk to me?” The skeleton faced man with antlers asked aggressively. “You were offered to me, you know the rules.”
Ah yes, the basic old traditions of fear. Every 70 years, someone is sacrificed to Mordeo to keep peace and to ensure he doesn’t destroy the local village. It’s not set in stone that it’s every 70 years, that’s an estimate of the human life span. It’s more like whenever the human dies, then another sacrifice must happen.
“Fine. Don’t talk to me. You can starve and rot.” The disfigured man slammed your door. He stormed into his own room and groaned. You were very good looking, he specifically chose you. It’s not often that someone like you comes into the village. In his centuries of living, he’s never wanted to hold someone more. It was frustrating that you haven’t uttered a word to him since you arrived.
You put your head in your hands. This wasn’t fair. Why does everyone bow to him? You can all just move villages instead of doing this shitty tradition. Your stomach growled, the affects of not talking to him. He was going to be your sole provider which you hated, but if you want to last, you need to talk to him. For now, you’ll sleep it off and talk to him in the morning.
You woke up and gathered your pride and put it in a box. You left your room and walked out to his simple kitchen. “Good morning,” you gritted.
If Mordeo could grin, he would. Alas, he lacks skin on his face. “Hello my dear, finally caving I see. The other one lasted 5 days before succumbing to their hunger.” He walked up behind you and pulled out your chair. “You’re putting your pride aside sooner than the others, I like that.” Mordeo couldn’t help but let out the little petty remarks. He wanted to be nice to you but bitterness was all he knew.
“Well I’ll be living with you till the day I die, I suppose. Better to get along than to die young. I will not hate a permanent roommate. However, don’t expect me to bend to your every demand.” You sat down and let him push your seat in for you. You nodded a thanks when he set a plate for you and did your servings. You hesitated a bit, even if it looked scrumptious, he could’ve done something to your food.
“Paranoid? Here I’ll try it first.” He grabbed his own fork and ate little bits from your plate.
You watched in curiosity to see how he eats. You wanted to gag and laugh since he didn’t have muscle, he just threw it in the mouth with his head tilted then swallowed. “Morbid,” was all you could say. It was kinda cool, if you could ignore that he was just a skull with a human body and antlers firmly placed on the top of his skull.
“I’ll take that as a compliment. Now eat. We have a day to complete.”
“A day to complete?” You raised an eyebrow as you started to eat. Your eyes then widened, holy shit he can cook. Your feet did a little happy dance that one does when they’re satisfied.
Breakfast was done and Mordeo told you to put on a coat before you two left. He grabbed a basket and waited by the door, he tapped his shoe impatiently. You finally emerged and looked at up.
“So, what are we doing?”
“We’re going into the woods.”
‘Great. He’s going to kill me then feast on my body after just letting me eat breakfast.’
“You are aware I can read your mind right?”
Your face went blank with embarrassment. “I-“ You started walking. “I’m sorry. Let’s just go.” You wanted to think just kill me already, but you tried to make your brain stop thinking. That was so embarrassing to be called out. You wished the ground would just swallow you now.
Mordeo grabbed your head. “You don’t even know where you’re going. I’ll lead.”
‘His hand is so soft.’
“Thank you.”
“Stop reading my mind!”
“Stop thinking so loud.”
You huffed as he lead you deeper into the woods. You both reached a nice clearing where the vegation was thriving. It looked so peaceful and nice. You heard the birds chirping awfully close, you looked at Mordeo and stifled a laugh. Three small birds already perched themselves on his antlers.
“Everything in this land knows me as their protector.” Mordeo didn’t know why he was explaining himself. “So they just like to be close.” He shooed away the birds.
“You don’t seem like a big scary monster anymore, but why show me this part of you?”
“I’m lonely. I want a companion, it’s why I demand a sacrifice. Everyone is too scared of me to bother.”
You felt a pang of guiltiness. Damn. “Maybe you should be nicer.”
Mordeo laugher. “You’re an idiot if you think kindness will get you everywhere. Look at me, you even just called me a monster not that long ago. That’s all people will ever see, all you ever will see.”
You scrunched your nose. Maybe you should be nicer.
“I brought you here to show you that on the inside I’m human too. I do want to get along. I’ve seen how you’re nice to everyone, I want that too.” Mordeo looked away, if he had eyes he would’ve rolled them.
“I’m sorry.” You bit your lip nervously. “I didn’t see it like that.” You grabbed onto his hand passionately with determination in your eyes. “I will be the very best friend I can be from now on.”
Mordeo would’ve smiled if he had the skin. You were truly the nicest of all the other people he had gotten. Nobody had given him the chance, all the others tried to run when they got to the clearing. They didn’t last long without their legs being torn out. “Thank you. I appreciate that. Go and pick some fruits. I think I want to make some deserts.”
You grabbed the basket and nodded. “Okay! We haven’t been properly introduced. I’m (Y/N) (L/N). I will try my best to be your friend as long as you can be my friend too.”
Mordeo took your hand and bowed. “I’m Mordeo. We will be the best of friends.” He felt his heart swell, maybe you could be the one. The one to get rid of his sad lonely days and accept him fully, just like he was in the beginning. For now, he’ll let time do it’s own thing.
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