#the moon is nearly foooooool
baby-prophet · 1 year
it's a beautiful night to run awayyyyyyyyyy 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
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switch-in-time · 5 years
⭐ Connie has ADHD! Much more hyperactive, always always moving, can never sit still. When he gets super excited, he'll burn off the energy by running or walking around very quickly. He also has a habit of biting his teef(?) Together so they clacks.
⭐ Grooves also has ADHD! Not as hyperactive as Connie, but he's always moving and grooving. He's very fidgety, and it almost seems like he makes a point of never sitting anywhere correctly. Upside down, moving his legs weird, he has never sat properly in his LIFE
⭐ Cookie's issue with texture and flavor are a huge factor in how she's gotten so good at cooking. However, they also mean she won't cook with many different ingredients. A big one is mayonnaise, she can't handle anything to do with mayo.
⭐ Mafia Boss will eat just about anything and is almost like Cookie's garbage can
⭐ Grooves little shoes aren't heelies, but they do have wheels. He'll spin in circles endlessly on them. He's gotten good at making sure he stays in place when he does
⭐ The Fire Spirits do not die when the fires burn, but get very excited and cheer. They love watching and playing with fire and Bow and Hattie have to actively take away any lighters they find (don't wanna add too much fuel to their fire)
⭐ Connie has very strong fire magic, (his family is heavily draconic in their ancestry, and his pa was a fire spirit) and nearly killed Bow when he revealed his fire powers by accidentally setting the pillow pile on fire
⭐ Snatch doesn't understand why his brother and Grooves like the moon so much. It's a giant rock, big whoop. "no one lives on the MOON, it just sits there!" says the small child adopted by aliens
⭐ Badge heavily enjoys the video games on the girls' ship, and will quietly play for hours. One of the few times they've heard them talk was when Bow asked about their Animal Crossing town and they showed her around while telling her about it.
⭐ MJ and Snatch would be a formidable Dodgeball team, with MJ's catching skills and Snatch's throwing skills
⭐ Mafia Bab totally looks up to Mu. Even while she's taking care of them, she's super independent and strong and he wants to be just like her. He's never said this to her
⭐ Mu does very much love MB, but she gets super frustrated because she has to take care of all these kids she didn't ask for. She does her best not to blow up at him on her bad days, but she has..
⭐ Bow has a Bow for every occassion! Bar Mitzvah, Christmas, Easter, Birthday, Funeral, Thursday. You name it, she made one special for it.
⭐ Hattie had swore off having kids at a young age, being the youngest in her indeterminate amount of siblings. Whoops, she has about 200 now
⭐ Grooves may or may not love Bow more than Hattie and feels bad about it
⭐ There is a hidden garden in the Alpine that most of the of the Dwellers spend most of their time in
⭐ no one:
Literally no one:
⭐ if you insult Nessa you will have a horde of children coming to end you
⭐ Hattie once made the mistake of spinning and flinging Connie into the pillow pile, now all the kids routinely ask the adults to do so.
⭐ Shapeshifter is a little older than the other kids, and spends most of their time kinda hanging out in the background of where everyone else is
⭐ Mu routinely plays the "let me in" game with MB where she sits in front of the door and he tries to get in. It's a joke for them both
⭐ Mu once let the Mafia cook food for her and cookie after they begged incessantly. Nearly died
⭐ Nessa loves Roller Skating! She'll go to the rink with Grooves! She isn't very good, but they're having fun!
⭐ Badge loves going everywhere with Hattie! They'll usually hang out in a couple areas while Hattie goes everywhere
⭐ Connie and Cookie are more chatty buddies than exploring buddies. Cookie will be cooking in the kitchen, and they'll chat while Connie paces around and ocassionally gets stuff for her
⭐ Empress does NOT like either of the bird bros. She will go out of her way to antagonize them, and no one can figure out why.
⭐ Empress once pushed Grooves down the ladder ledge. She got into heaping helping of trouble.
⭐ Bushkitten is Snatch's kitten and adorable and no one wants to get into the questions of Bushcat vs Cookie
⭐ The Lazy Paw Game is babies and just as adorable and annoying
⭐ Empress will not admit that she is shy, but metaphorically latch onto Bow's side and if she gets too nervous, physically. Claws and all
⭐ Shapeshifter once pretended to be Badge for a day, and only gave themself away because they nearly cried from how nice everyone is
⭐ Cookie, Nessa and Grooves gossip. A lot. It's cute
⭐ Mu still plays guitar, but plays more acoustic than electric.
⭐ Empress 100% does that thing where she runs down the hall at Hattie, stare at her for a seconds and Sprint away at light speed
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