#the moment they said neither arden cho or dylan o'brien would be in it it was clear
multi-babii · 2 years
if I learned anything from Veronica Mars it's that revivals are not worthy (especially if the director/writer has a problem and wants to prove something)
(i might write something more because honestly this whole thing is hilarious)
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whitedahlia13 · 3 years
What is your opinion on the Teen Wolf movie not having Dylan O'Brien which means we get no Stydia or a ruined endgame. I knew better but I deep down inside believed. Now I feel stupid. You ?:) #angry #bitter #annoyed
I’ll preface this by openly admitting I had an immediate cringe reflex when I heard about the movie. That hasn’t changed in the months since. In all honesty, I never wanted a movie, nor an s7, nor a reboot of any kind. I didn’t even want 6b. As far as I’m concerned, Teen Wolf ended with 6x10.
Nonetheless, it looks like this movie is going to happen. From what little I have heard or read (and keep in mind that is very little) I have a suspicion that it’s mainly going to be a set up for the spin-off JD is trying to promote. After all, what better way to siphon interest for your pilot than by tempting the original audience with the prospect of getting more from the characters they love? Well, some of them anyway.
But I digress… Back to your question. I’m partly sad, not at all surprised, and mostly relieved if Dylan passed on this project. It’s not easy for me to admit that. In fact, anyone who knows me, knows that Dylan/Stiles was the main reason I watched TW all those years. But I also realize that whether or not he is in the movie, it was probably always going to be a no-win situation for Stydias. And it’s no picnic for me to admit that either, so let me clarify – this opinion has nothing to do with my love for Stydia, nor does it imply that I don’t think they have what it takes to remain endgame. Because I do love them, and they most certainly are endgame. But I’m also a realist with a fairly good memory. We’ve been burned by JD and some of the writers one too many times in the past for me to view the idea of more TW with anything more than dread. When the movie was announced, I figured the options were either: 1) Dylan and Holland are both in it, and JD and the writers make a joke of Stydia like they did for most of 6x20, 2) Only one of them are in it (which it seems will be the case), and the other person’s absence gets explained with some ridiculous story that taints all the good moments we do have, 3) Neither of them are in it and… Well, looks like it’s too late for that option, but I’ll circle back to that in a minute.
As much as I’d like to be wrong about the potential this movie has to crush us, as much as I crave quality new Stydia material and would like to believe it is possible to get it, I simply don’t trust the powers that be to give us the Stiles and Lydia we deserve. I’ve been perfectly content the past five years to live with the future!Stydia that has become my headcanon. Which is where the now impossible option 3 (a.k.a. my best-case scenario) comes in. Neither Dylan nor Holland sign on. Instead, at some point early in the film, Scott mentions that there’s no way he is going to let anyone disrupt their honeymoon to ask for help with whatever supernatural drama sprung up in good ol’ Beacon Hills this time. There. We get the satisfaction of knowing Stiles and Lydia are happy and living their best lives together, and we can fill in all the other details on our own. Tie a green string around it and label this puzzle Solved.
That said, if Dylan passed on this project, I fully support his decision. He has made his love for TW implicitly clear over the years, and I think you can love something and appreciate the start it gave you without feeling the need to keep trying to relive it. It’s okay to move on, to want to do other things. Some things are better left alone anyway.
It’s also worth mentioning that as other details are being revealed, especially those regarding the shameful treatment of Arden Cho, I want even less to do with this movie. She deserves better and so does Kira.
One last thing – and this is easier said than done, I know – please don’t feel stupid for having hope. We waited a LONG time for Stydia to be a couple, and when we finally got there, the series was over. There is nothing stupid about wanting to experience all or even a few of the moments we missed out on. Just remember…no matter what happens, their story is what we, the fans who love them, choose to make of it. In our hearts, they were, are, and always will be endgame. That is all.🧡💙
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