#the moment i gave him a different name other than stickmin is the start of this rip
mai-mai-lim · 1 year
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"You know, we used to play a game when we were younger. A game to see who was the fastest. You remembered that, right? The others joined too, and almost every round, you win. You are always that quick all the time. But today, I am very much delighted to announce that: I am the winner this round, Seung-jae."
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I’m sorry I couldn’t resist-
I discovered this ask blog and I just- 🥺
This AU belongs to @rhmg-au , PLEASE check out their blog.
(This fic isn’t canon to the AU, it’s just based off the blog. If you want to see how the AU’s story unfolds, check out the blog)
TW: brief abuse mentions
Charles was shaking.
He couldn’t help it.
He was scared.
This treatment was... inhumane. Even for a Toppat.
Green was... still human.
But Galeforce had snapped.
Not much Charles could do about that.
And there his mind went, racing for ideas to free Green, get him back to his clan.
Thoughts that would lead to certain death if acted upon.
Galeforce was powerful.
Too powerful.
If Charles tried to defy him, he’d... disappear.
What other choice did he have other then to stay? If he ran, the Government would find him. If he ran, the Government would kill him.
He would’ve had no impact on anything.
Charles’s breathing was slowly slowing down. He gradually stopped shaking like a leaf.
But just because he wasn’t showing it, didn’t mean he wasn’t scared.
Quite the opposite.
He curled up into a ball and took several long breaths.
His mind was still on saving Green.
The more selfish parts were brainstorming ideas for saving himself.
Charles eventually got up and dusted himself off. He stuck his hands in his pocket and ducked his head, trying to avoid everyone. He needed sleep.
Even though he knew his dreams would be nothing but nightmares.
As he kept walking, catrastrophy struck.
Green was walking down the hall, yelling his name.
“Charles!” he called. Charles jumped, thinking Galeforce had read his thoughts and was going to kill him. But no, it was just Green. Charles steadied his gaze on the floor.
“Green, I... I don’t want to talk right now,” he muttered. It was... awkward being around him, for more then one reason. Green grabbed Charles’s arm comfortingly.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” he asked, his tone worried.
“I’m not in the best mood.” Charles replied, slowly removing his arm from Green’s grasp. “I just need some sleep. When I wake up, we can do something, ‘kay?” Charles had to admit, he liked spending time with Green.
As much as one could like spending time with a brainwashed mass murderer, anyway.
Green’s face fell. “Aww, c’mon Charli- Charles.” he begged, stumbling over his words. Charles stuck his hands back in his pockets. “I thought you said we could play Mario Kart!” Charles sighed.
“I did say that,” he replied. Charles looked up from the ground and made eye contact with Green.
This existence, brainwashed, working for the enemy, killing your friends...
It was the definition of torture.
Charles just hoped he was never out in that type of situation.
He took a couple breaths.
“Well, I’m never one to break my promises. If you wanna play that much, we can.” Charles replied. As much as he hated it, this was his job.
Green’s face lit up. He jumped up and down, squealing.
Despite his overwhelming terror, Charles smiled.
“Let’s go let’s go let’s go!” Green said happily, grabbing Charles’s arm again and dragging him toward the break room.
One Month Later...
Charles sighed as he tore up another paper.
Why were escape plans so hard to make?
He took a long sip of his mug of coffee, trying to hold back the wave of tiredness he felt.
Charles hadn’t slept in two days, but really, that wasn’t important.
What was important was recent revelations.
The Toppat Leader (Henry, as his brain reminded him,) had sent out a expedition to rescue all the remaining Toppats on Earth.
It went successfully (which made Charles feel... conflicted), except for one minor detail.
The Toppat Leader was captured.
Charles knew Henry got out lucky, knowing he at least wasn’t killed.
But seeing that crestfallen look in his face when he realized what the Government did to Green...
It made something inside Charles snap.
Henry was going to be turned over to the Wall soon, but not before he would be used as bait to lure out his right hand lady.
Charles tore up another paper in frustration.
“What can I do, what can I do?!” he sobbed miserably, taking another long drink of his coffee.
Green had started glitching more and more since Henry was captured.
Charles hoped Green would get his memories back, bust Henry out, and escape.
According to Galeforce, that was extremely unlikely.
Charles hugged himself as he started spiraling more and more.
He felt so useless.
As he started to write another plan, he heard a knock at the door. Charles yelped and shoved the paper in between two books. He warily approached the door and opened it.
Galeforce was at the door.
Pure terror shot through Charles, but he tried to keep his composure calm.
“G-General! To what do I owe the pleasure?” he stammered, fiddling with a pull string on his hoodie. Galeforce chuckled darkly and shoved Charles out of the way, walking into his room.
“I wonder, Calvin... what are you working on? You haven’t slept for two days. Your room is a mess. You’re neglecting your duties.” Galeforce said sinisterly. Charles felt goosebumps crawl up his arms.
“I- uh-“ Charles sputtered. He couldn’t lie. That was one of his biggest weaknesses. Galeforce knew that. Galeforce exploited that.
“Did you know, Charlie, that Dr. V recently developed a microscopic camera? It’s revelationary for spying on the enemy... and for weeding out traitors.” Galeforce gave Charles a sharp glare. His tired mind put the puzzle pieces together much too late.
“Wait- but I’m not-“ he started desperately. Galeforce cut right over him.
“You’re not a traitor? You’re not a threat? Oh Charlie, we both know you can’t lie. Trying to let our biggest weapon just escape like that? Your efforts are traitorous, and useless.” Charles felt all his tiredness he replaced by pure, cold, fear. That was the only way to describe it.
“Please, Galeforce,” Charles pleaded desperately. “I don’t know what you’re going to do, but don’t do it. I’m nothing but loyal! Please...” Galeforce scoffed.
“Perhaps you’re telling the truth. Perhaps you’re not. The answer makes no difference.” he said as two soldiers rushed in, grabbing both of Charles’s arms.
“What are you gonna do to me?!” Charles screamed as he struggled against the two men. Galeforce smiled unpleasantly.
“Oh, Charlie. If you only you knew,” he mocked. “Gentlemen, bring him to the prison. Put him next to Mr. Stickmin’s cell.”
There was nothing Charles could do.
Once again, he was useless.
He was a failure.
Charles’s eyes shot open.
When had he fallen asleep?
He rubbed his back. The prison beds felt like brick.
He slowly started examining the surroundings. He had been put into a decrepit cell. The walls were cracked and filled with cobwebs. The floor was painted a faded yellow. There wasn’t much in the cell. Just a toilet, a sink, and the brick bed.
It made him feel even more miserable than he already did.
He looked at the bell next to him and saw a tall and skinny man peering at him through the bars.
“C-Charles?” he said, his voice hopeful and confused and sad all at the same time. It was... a lot of emotions to handle.
“Henry!” Charles cried, running over to the bars. Henry was... a brief acquaintance at best. But it felt so good to see a friendly face. Well, a slightly friendly face.
“How- why-“ he stuttered, his face fully shifting to confusion. Henry was surprised now, too. Like he never expected this to ever happen, like it wasn’t in the realm of possibility. 
“Long story,” Charles sighed, hugging himself as he sat back on his bed.
“We’ve got time,” Henry replied, also sitting on his bed.
“You might, but my time’s running out.” Henry’s face was pained. “How long was I asleep for, anyway?”
“Two days,” Henry replied, shrugging. “You must’ve been really tired.” Charles widened his eyes.
“Really? Jeez. Well, I was up for two days straight.” Henry frowned.
“God, you sound overworked.” Despite everything, Charles laughed, only for a moment.
“I was trying to figure out an escape route for you and Green,” he explained, leaning against the wall and shrugging. Henry widened his eyes.
“Really?” he asked, stunned. “You didn’t have to do that. Especially for me.”
“No, I did.” Charles replied fiercely. “You were gonna be used to lure out the clan. The plan was to slaughter them while you watched helplessly behind bars. Then pawn you and your right hand lady over to The Wall once every other Toppat was exterminated.” Henry was silent for a moment.
“Ambitious plan,” he remarked. “But there are a lot of us. How would they take us all out?”
“Maybe with a brainwashed robot programmed only to kill Toppats?” Charles prompted, his voice sad. Henry blinked, that crestfallen look returning for a moment.
“Why are you telling me this?” Henry asked suddenly.
“I’m a traitor to the Government, so might as well tell everything to a person I barely know.” Charles said, shrugging. Henry looked sad at the words ‘barely know’.
“You’re the bravest man here, Charles,” he said, closing his eyes. Charles teared up, not sure what to say.
“I-“ he began before guards opened up his cell. Charles blinked, confused. “What is it?”
“Dr. V wants you,” one said flatly. They grabbed Charles’s arms again. He looked helplessly back at Henry, who’s eyes were watering.
“Charles, please, escape. I can’t lose you again.” Henry said, holding back a sob.
What did that mean?
Charles thought it over as the guards dragged him to Dr. V’s lab. They shoved him in roughly and closed the door. Dr V. was sitting there, alone.
“Ah, Calvin.” she said, her voice not betraying any emotion. Charles started shaking. Dr V. had always scared him.
“What do you want? What are you gonna do to me?” he blurted. Dr. V. chuckled darkly, sounding all too much like Galeforce.
“Fear is a good emotion on you, Calvin!” she said, her smile growing more and more sinister. Charles pressed himself against the wall, his eyes panicked.
“Don’t hurt me...” he whispered. Dr V. pressed a button as she pulled on a mask. Smoke filled the room and Charles felt loopy. “What’s... happening...?” He hit the ground with a THUMP! as he passed out cold.
Dr V. stood above him, smirking. Not like anyone could see it through the mask.
“Time to get to work.”
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echotrinityme · 3 years
You will be loved Chapter 3: Miscommunications and Manipulations.
Calvin Bukowski's POV
My brother and I were talking when I spotted Charles and Henry Stickmin walking past us, they were talking, well more like Charles was talking while Henry was listening. Charles was always such a chatterbox, that's one of the things I love about him. Oh? You didn't know I have a crush on Charles, you might heard the rumors about me and I know Charles doesn't feel the way.
He has a crush on the former criminal which boggles my mind. Why would he a Government pilot and our the best if I add, fall for a clusmy thief? He could so much better than that. I also noticed Rupert gave Henry a cold look, see even he doesn't like Henry but for different reasons.
Konrad Bukowski's POV
There he goes again! Thinking about Charles again, what a simp. I mean Charles is a great guy and I love my brother and I want to be happy but...I don't think they would make a good couple. Yeah, I've said it. I know it makes me sound like a horrible brother but for one Charles has a crush on Henry(yes everyone in the Government knows he's simping over Henry) and I think Henry feels the same, I'm not sure. 2nd, I know my bro is gonna find some way to get Charles to be his. I just hope he doesn't do anything stupid...what I am saying I know he's gonna do something stupid.
No one's POV
At Brody's Bar at 6:00 p.m
Brody's bar was located in a town couple miles from the base, the bar was owned by you guess it Brody Graves. He was a friendly young man about in his mid-20s and as long as get you don't start trouble and get on his bad side.
Charles and Henry finally arrived just a few minutes late. Rupert was already inside, sitting impatiently at one of the tables far right with a glass of water and he was scrolling through his phone when he heard the door opened.
"Oi, about time you got 'ere." Rupert said with an unimpressed look on his.
"Sorry Rupert, It was my fault."said Charles with a sheepish grin, he grabbed a chair for him and sat down. Henry did the same too. A waitress came by to get Charles'and Henry's orders, he ordered a beer and Henry ordered a plain coffee. After the orders were taken, the trio sat in awkward silence until Charles spoke
"Hey Henry, I was wondering do you have any hobbies?"
Henry thought for a moment and signed "No, I spent all my life being a thief . However I always been interested to do some painting.
" How did you even became a thief in the first place?"chimed in Rupert who was genuinely curious.
"It's complicated, all I know since I was a baby I have a penchant to steal stuff and being sneaky."
"So you have kleptomania?"asked Charles.
"Sorta? I never have got properly diagnosed."
"Does your parents know yer a th-I mean a former thief?"asked Rupert stopping himself to say thief to not to upset Charles and Henry.
"Well, my dads are former criminals so I guess it runs in the family." signed Henry with a sheepish grin.
Rupert and Charles let that information sunk that in their heads. Rupert was about to ask who are his dads till he heard an obnoxious familiar voice .
"Hey it's Charles, Rupert, and whathisname!"shouted Calvin Bukowski. He came in the bar with his brother Konrad.
"Oh great." thought Rupert, "Why do I have a feeling this night is gonna turn bad?"
"Hey, Calv and Kon what are you guys doing here?"asked Charles.
"The name is Henry." signed Henry with a frown on his face.
"Whatever." said Calvin in a dismissive tone, "Anyway, we are here the same reason you guys, to hang out." Konrad nodded while his brother spoke.
"How did you know we would be 'ere?"asked Rupert who was suspicious at the twins.
Calvin looked shocked at the question and began to answer " Well...uh...I heard your conversation earlier heh heh."
Konrad slapped his forehead with his hand just wondering why he gave them that kind of answer.
"And why were yer listening into our conversation?" asked Rupert again, still suspicious.
"Uh..."hesitated Calvin. "Hey it doesn't matter, they're here now and with two more this will be the best night ever!" said Charles while trying to break the awkward silence.
"Yeah, let's just enjoy tonight with out any trouble."agreed Konrad.
Rupert,Henry,and Calvin nodded in agreement and try to enjoy the rest of the night. Later, that night Charles was drunk so was Calvin though not as drunk while Konrad, Henry,and Rupert were sober. A phone ring began to disrupt the atmosphere they were going, it was Henry's phone.
"Ah sorry, I got to take this." signed Henry quickly getting up and going outside to answer his phone.
Konrad and Rupert nodded while Charles and Calvin where too busy being drunken idiots. Meanwhile, Charles and Calvin are trying to see which one will pass out first, and things was starting to get bad.
"H..he..hey Charles~, I saw Henry leave the bar talking to someone on the phone." a drunken Calvin replied.
"Hmmm I wonder why~"slurred Charles.
Calvin thought for a moment, then an idea formed in his head. If he wants Charles , he's gonna get him.
"Maybe it's his lover~ "
Charles' eyes widened and spoke mostly slurred "He has a lover? He didn't mention on having a special someone, we're best friends we tell each other everything how come he hasn't told me about this.
Calvin glanced over at Charles who starting to have tears in his eyes. He put his arms around him to comfort.
"What's wrong? I thought you will be happy for him seeing someone?"
"I should be..."
"What do you mean?" replied Calvin who already knew what's he's gonna say.
"I have feelings for Henry, I was gonna asked him out tonight."
"Did you tried sending him signals that you're interested in him more as a friend?"
"I did and I thought he was interested in me...but I guess he led me on."
"Yeah, he did."
Calvin hugged him while Charles started to cry on his chest. He rubbed his back and said comfort words, however while he was comforting him on the outside in the inside he was beaming.
" I can't believe that actually worked! Now he's gonna be all mine." thought Calvin.
Deciding to take things further he lifts up Charles' chin with his hand and wiped his tears away.
"Don't worry, it will be better Charles."
"How?"asked Charles.
"Like this."
Without warning, Calvin leaned to Charles and kissed him. Konrad and Rupert who were watching the scene with anxious looks especially Rupert. Just then Rupert saw the door opened and Henry came in finishing his phone call.
"Oh no..." said Rupert and Konrad. Henry was walking back to the table and was about to signed sorry until he saw the scene before him. His eyes widened and he began to tear up, Rupert stood up to try to comfort Henry but he ran out towards the door.
"Henry wait!"shouted Rupert.
A/N: At this point, I noticed I’m making Calvin Bukowski the butt monkey in my fics. I don’t hate him or dislike him, I guess I see him as an asshole but I don’t know.
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