#the minotaur of smtiv if you will
queseraphita · 9 months
i have to face off the police guard puppet....Murphy
ngl i'm a bit scared
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gothamcityneedsme · 3 months
I forgot medusa assumes you work for tayama? She also doesnt realize that you came down (obviously) and thinks you are coming up the Tower
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neomedievalist · 10 months
20 and 23 for the choosing violence asks on whatever topic you want to rant about 🔥
20. part of canon you found tedious or boring
everyone always talks abt the minotaur fight in smtiv no one wants to talk abt the medusa fight and how annoying it is bc u can cheese ur way thru minotaur and ill be real its mostly annoying because the boss triggers just when you step over a line near the exit and not after you enter the door and you still dont have access to a lot of stuff and its just. Fucking Annoying
23.ship you've unwillingly come around to
fate again. i did NOT like cugil at first and the more time goes on the more im like damn. no theyre a hilarious couple actually. theyre annoying in a unique way to kotogil and i enjoy it
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lilycovecity · 2 months
smt vv thread
more like i wanted to document this a little better than a usual twitter thread. also wanted to spend more time thinking about it.
i bought smtv on launch and started it, got a couple of hours into the first area and got freaking murked by a demon it completely shattered my desire to keep playing. which is really funny but also a testament to the smt way of saving every 2 minute because you never know when you're gonna get owned by a new moon demon.
in any case i went to target today on a journey for something else and smtvv was 20 dollars off so of course i copped it.
i think smtvv has such a strong aesthetic sense. it's peak kaneko except as interpreted by doi, which is insane because i feel like doi is doing kaneko more than kaneko has done. LOL. it's funny and cute especially when you compare smt iv/iva to smt v. i really love the school uniforms.
i was really surprised that they had like four variations on their uniform, including a sailor style and then a more preppy varsity type...i think nahobino's full gakuran with the lilies is so beautiful and i wish that we got a female character with the seifuku version because it's one of my favorite uniforms in the game.
the music in this game is also a lot of ambient noise which i love. lol. i dont know if the overworld stuff will be as strong as smtiv for me music wise but the big important scene music has been so delightful.
the first time i heard smtv stuff was at the concert and i was really floored by the instrumentals so ... i have my hopes.
in any case...
as you know obviously my favorite smt game is smt iv. so that's my baseline for comparing anything i consume re. smt. LMFAO i know the love of nostalgia blinds me but it is my everything.
so i find it really interesting that you're simultaneously painted as loser with no friends in your class but also you know the most popular girls in school. for some reason.
while i was typing this i went to go google what his canon name is and i guess it's kei amemura? which is cute. kei-san...
i'm already ready for the yuzuru/kei yaoi. a good demon hunter x demon set up.
i also think kei in general seems so...detached? there's something about him that's really whatever about the entire ordeal. kind of just being pushed along vs the other members that we've met so far.
also aogami/kei is kind offffff (pleasepleaseplasepleaspelaseplaese) lmfao
ok. we are back again. finally at my first demon fusion and i got cait sith :) my kitty cat. i love the demon fusion for smtv lmfao. sick organ moment.
one of the things that sucks about smt in general is the inability to like. teleport to ur quest marker. like for sidequests. i grabbed what u needed dont make me go trek all the way over there
ok. finally at the first boss fight (tokyo tower) the minotaur if u will. after this we will see if i continue for the night...
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animatedapostasy · 5 months
i am so sorry to smtiv fans but i'm giving up on it. like i beat Minotaur and Medusa but i can't beat the monster that is Tokyo. i am eternally lost in that place and i hate challenge quests.
i still love the trio though you're in my heart. i'll just watch you on youtube or whatever.
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lordfluffyvoice · 4 years
Funnily enough, i did my previous voice acting of the minotaur on a whim, but i was actually commissioned to do this part. Thank you @yarrayora for the commission This Part contains the minotaur’s Defeat quote, as well as the quote when you fuse him
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maiamaiden · 4 years
i’m also playing megaten 1 rn i just haven’t really been posting about it bc. there’s honestly not much to say. it’s a first person dungeon crawler. it has the classic “walk into walls for a thunk noise”. i finished daedalus tower and now i’m working on valhalla. minotaur was there
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raykit · 8 years
Hi! Can you summarize the story of smt iv prayer? I cant find any chapters translated anywhere and at this point I'll be happy just knowing a summary ;;
Hmm, unfortunately even though I have copies of Prayers but my Japanese knowledge is quite very beginner. By looking at the pictures only, I can summarize 2 volumes as below. However, I may have made mistake in story since I cannot read full Japanese.
The story is about Jonathan and his befriended fellow samurai named Asuma, they’re friends since young. In Jonathan’s young age, there was a demon appearing to attack people of Mikado, sadly his babysitter, Nicola, got killed by the demon. After all later Flynn (who has this sun-like cloth on his face) appeared and killed this demon.
When they grew up, they both now samurai. However there is another character named Eis (I guess? I cannot know how exactly I can call him in English. It’s ii-su [イース] Voice pronounce in English should be similar to Eis), who is also samurai. Apparently turn out that this guy was the one who control the demon that killed Nicola. He fought Hope, killed Minotaur and also cut Naraku to open way to Unclean Ones country (Tokyo).
The samurai (Jonathan, Asuma, Walter, Isabeau, Navarre) went to Tokyo try to pursue Eis. They met the black samurai who mocking Asuma about power (at this rate to my opinion, Asuma is hungry for the power of strong like Walter in game). After the black samurai left, Eis appeared and attacked them. They got beaten. Once again Flynn appeared in Jonathan’s vision and let him borrowed the power. However that was not enough to beat Eis. Both Jonathan and Asuma got beaten, Eis was killing Jonathan in the process while Asuma somehow awaken to his hunger of power before passed out. Eis did not kill Asuma because he is important to Eis’ plan.
In his dream, Jonathan met Flynn. Who tried to help Jonathan get stronger by making him faces the situation whereas Nicola was killed over and over.
After that day, almost 2 months passed, at the outside world, Eis created cocoon. Suddenly one large demon appeared, who later Walter found out it was Asuma. After the demon exploded, Asuma’s figure appeared to be floating in the air, demon-like figure, who hungers only power and no reason can reach him. (During his disappearance, he was in cage and Eis feed him with demon.).
In the midst of hopeless situation, Jonathan was back to help them. They fought each other, Asuma tried to drag Jonathan to the darkness. But he won over Asuma and can helped him back to his own self.
Cocoon was changed shape, it was demon Eis. He attacked the samurai with darkness, however Flynn appeared and helped them all. Giving power to Jonathan and Asuma to fight Eis. Hope and Isabeau help broadcasting to both Mikado and Tokyo asking people to send power to Jonathan. And the battle was over.
Jonathan, after the won, saw a vision of Nicola thanking him.And scene was back to peaceful Mikado, who has samurai to protect its people.
To my personal opinion, comparing to 2 comic versions of SMTIV, I’d prefer Demonic Gene. Especially I love Ikumi Fukuda sensei’s art. The core story is based on SMTIV game better than Prayers. Less original characters, and yes, mostly because I’m big Walter’s fan XD;;
I hope this helps more or less, and I agree I’ve never seen full summarize of Prayers anywhere even though the comic was released since 2014.
Also thanks to you, I just found out Demonic Gene got completed translation (I’m so slow). Orz
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uzume-giveaways · 4 years
Lmfao I remember the first time I got into smt. It started with Tokyo mirage sessions fe. Sort of. Lol I preordered TMSFe and then like a week later i think smt IV went on sale and I was like hey cool let’s try this out and see how SMT is like. Let me tell you that stupid Minotaur was so annoying. Anyway I beat the game before TMSFE came out and it was a completely different experience lol
TMS and SMTIV are sooo different in tone. I can’t imagine what you thought TMS would be like after IV lol. They are both good games though imo, and I hope you enjoyed playing through them both! What were some of the things you liked about the games?
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