#the mc totally doesn't look like my partner so i totally don't have a massive crush
yukidragon · 1 year
Yuki, Yuki!
What do you think sex with Ian was like before he cheated on us? What do you think Ian's first time with M/C was like?
I've actually touched on the topic of what I suspect Ian was like as a lover in a previous post, and he has about 6 pages worth of personal sex and love headcanons I'm using for Sunshine in Hell in this massive post. Still, I could go a bit more about what we've seen from the demo and what a hypothetical first time was like for a general MC.
Content Warning: Remember this is an Adults Only fandom and a very spicy topic, so I'm going to be getting graphic at times with the details when dissecting it. Also, I must stress that Something's Wrong with Sunny Day Jack is not intended to depict non-consent or dubious consent. However, the topic will be discussed in regards to its influence on ecchi, and in turn the effects of fiction on a person's perception of sex. I will also touch on the topic of feeling obligated to perform sex acts for the sake of one's partner rather than one's own enjoyment. Also themes of religious guilt, toxic family members, and an abusive childhood will be discussed.
The bulk of the knowledge we get about Ian's sex life comes from the afterlife episode that you can access after playing through the game's demo once, including an example of what the sex was like between him and MC. MC even has their own opinion on how Ian is like when it comes to sex.
He might be meek but at least he knows what he wants. He’s just not the greatest at pushing for it though.
I think MC is a little bit off in their assessment though. Ian knows what he wants, but isn't the greatest as pushing for it with words. We see him easily flustered and embarrassed, which MC takes advantage of to tease him, both verbally and physically. This would make him seem like the submissive partner in their relationship, but when MC tries to come up for air from the blowjob, he doesn't let them. He pleads with them to keep going, giving puppy dog eyes, then eventually takes total control physically until he's satisfied, which nearly causes MC to pass out from lack of oxygen.
It was like being used. And somewhere in the back of my mind, I didn’t care if he WAS using me.
However, despite how rough Ian was with MC, it's clear that he didn't have malicious intentions. He panics after seeing the state they're in after he comes down from the high of his orgasm.
“Alice…? Hey, are you okay? I-I didn’t hurt you did I…?”
Please pardon me for filling in Alice's name in these quotes that I saved for my own reference. ;)
Getting back on track, throughout the experience, Ian does show concern for MC, gives them compliments, and says how much he loves them. We get another example of this in this NSFW picture Sauce drew of Ian and MC going at it doggy style. He also seems to be good at aftercare, at least as far as giving MC affection in the form of cuddles and praise as well as asking how they're doing.
However, they don't really discuss the fact that MC nearly blacked out from lack of oxygen. Ian fusses a bit, but MC just dismisses his concern. After that they take a nap and cuddle.
Now... how a specific MC might feel about this is subjective, same with the players. Some might get excited by being "used," some might dislike it, and some might not care either way.
Personally, I found it troubling that Ian wouldn't let MC stop when they made a clear attempts to do so, repeatedly. They gave in to his wants because they love him and enjoyed seeing him excited. He was apologetic about being so demanding and praised them, but eventually they weren't in a position to stop regardless of what they wanted, which led to them nearly suffocating.
I wanted to look him in the eyes, but when I threatened to stop he only doubled down and gave a solid, deeper thrust. It was almost as if he was trying to remind me what I was to be doing.
I know choking is a kink for some people when it comes to sex, as is having control taken away, but it's just not my thing, especially when it's something that's sprung on their partner without warning or really addressing it afterwards. This behavior from Ian was something MC didn't expect, but they went along with it because of his pleading.
Now, I'm not saying this scene involved dubious consent. That's not intended to be part of this game. MC may have wanted to stop at times, but they still made the conscious choice to keep going despite that because they wanted to pleasure their lover. It's sweet, but it's also not very healthy to ignore one's own wants and needs like that, especially since it could have had dangerous consequences.
Was this a one-off thing, or was this a constant in MC and Ian's sex life? It's hard to say for sure at this point, so we're left to make our own conclusions. Personally, as I've discussed in the big love/sex headcanons post, I'm inclined to think that it's a habit of his to act on emotion and urges, only to apologize afterwards. This might even be a part of why he cheated on MC.
Judging by how flustered and indirect Ian was at the start, plus MC's assessment about him being meek, he's likely not very good at outright stating what he wants. This is no doubt heavily influenced by his mother, who shames him for "satisfying his manhood" and likely uses religious guilt to make his desires seem sinful. He's scared that someone might know he's doing anything sexual, as he checks to make sure MC didn't tell anyone that they are in that kind of relationship... even though they are in a relationship and living together. It's not hard to guess that two people in a relationship just might be doing sexual things together.
Ian is easily flustered by his own sexuality, not wanting to be made fun of for making a weird noise during the act. He focuses a lot on how he appears to others, both to his partner and to people in general.
MC takes the lead in giving Ian a handjob, then a blowjob, but then Ian takes control of the scene. Even when aroused and getting unintentionally groped, he didn't initiate anything sexual and was embarrassed by it as he let MC take the lead. Between this and MC's own assessment, this suggests that MC was probably the one initiating sex most of the time.
However, this promotional art on the official twitter does show that Ian is perfectly capable of initiating sex himself. Maybe he does it more infrequently because he feels like he has to build up to it in a big romantic display like this picture, while MC is far more casual when initiating it and Ian hasn't mentally prepared himself for suddenly being horny.
As for the sex itself and what that was like, we did see a glimpse of it in the afterlife episode. Ian gets flustered and shy, but is very eager. He gives MC praise and is the type to beg even while he's taking control and going wild.
Ian also gets tips about sex from ecchi, which... really isn't the best source to learn techniques. Fictional pornographic stories are often exaggerated/romanticized, and details are skipped for the sake of story flow and "getting down to the good stuff" more often than not. Often times they skip conversations about boundaries, and even consent, in order to get to the sex right away. Hell, ecchi often depicts the person being penetrated as saying, "No!" repeatedly, acting like they don't like it, only to either love it despite themselves or that they didn't actually mean it. Dubious consent appears a disturbing amount of time in hentai/ecchi to the point that some people internalize it as normal... which might be the case for Ian.
Once I read online about an American living in Japan who was having a sexual encounter with someone who had been giving him clear consent and was into things. However, at one point she said, "No," much like in a lot of ecchi/hentai, and he stopped immediately. She then got confused and asked why he stopped. "No" during sex wasn't actually seen as "no" to this person and this was so ingrained into her as normal that she assumed that he wouldn't stop if she said it, even though this sort of dubious consent roleplay wasn't discussed ahead of time.
Another unfortunate convention of ecchi/hentai is for the bottom to be in pain upon initial penetrative sex, even bleeding. This is especially the case for a person's first time, regardless of there being a hymen to tear. This is sadly a mistaken assumption that goes well beyond ecchi, but it's pretty well known to be glorified in a fair number of ecchi/hentai.
Sex should not hurt unless that is the intent. Penetration should not lead to bleeding. With enough foreplay, penetrative sex can be done safely and without pain. The sad fact is that a lot of times penetration comes way too soon, before a person is ready, and they are injured because of it. This can make it harder for the penetrated person to enjoy the experience, or grow to believe that pain is an unavoidable part of the experience, as is often shown in ecchi/hentai. These fictional stories often gloss over the pain and blood and its negative effects on the person (unless their suffering is part of the story's focus), as the penetrated person quickly is overwhelmed by pleasure, but this isn't always the case.
All this to say is that porn really isn't the best place to get tips about having good, healthy, and safe sex.
It makes sense that Ian would look to fiction for tips though if he came from a household where an overly pushy mother used religion as a weapon to repress her child's sexual desires. As I went over in Ian's entry in the big sex post, I think it's possible that he could've simply not had access to anything but ecchi when it came to sex until he moved out from his mother's house. Given that he finds other people to be "weird," his strong resistance to the idea that he's looking at porn, and his general internalized shame towards his sexuality, he probably hasn't looked up videos or photos of live action porn online. It's possible too that he didn't get much sex education outside of ecchi and personal experience with a mother like his.
I think that college was Ian's time to learn about sex, both from having access to more sources of information, and from practical application from MC. Although it's made clear in the game that MC only had him as a sexual partner, they seem pretty chill about the idea of porn. As such, they might have more knowledge about sex than Ian does.
This could lead to MC basically expanding Ian's sexual education through their relationship, or lead to multiple mistakes and growing pains while learning. I'm personally exploring the latter with Alice, but I think other MCs could thrive on teaching this repressed, apologetic man to cut loose with his desires. Or at least they could encourage better communication when it comes to sex.
It's this inexperience with sex that might even be part of why Ian cheated. I won't go into my theories about why he might have cheated beyond that here, but you can check out previous posts here, here, here, and here if you want to read more about my thoughts on that subject.
I suspect the first time Ian had sex with MC, at least in terms of going all the way, had a similar flow to a lot of first times in ecchi. After all, it might be where Ian learned how to have sex. Hell, it's possible that teaser art of Ian creating a romantic atmosphere with candles and rose petals could have been his attempt to lead into losing their virginity to each other. It's also possible that their first time happened with MC taking the lead after cuddling led to Ian getting hard and they just went for it.
Unfortunately it's also possible, maybe even very likely, like in ecchi/hentai, that MC experienced pain/bleeding when initially penetrated during their first time, and it was treated as something expected to happen.
How MC would react to this depends on their own knowledge about sex and their personality. It's also possible though that MC could have been the one doing the penetrating with Ian if they had the inclination and equipment to do so.
Overall, I think sex with Ian was clumsy - at least at the start - but sincere. Even if ecchi isn't a good place to learn how to have good sex, these techniques are emulated due to ignorance and with good intentions. He wants MC to enjoy themselves and to perform well as their lover, as he himself says in the afterlife episode.
How that might improve really depends on how sexually compatible Ian is with MC, and how well the two can communicate when it comes to sex and their boundaries. As we've seen in the afterlife episode, Ian is hiding things from MC, ashamed of his desires, and struggles to communicate. If MC also struggles with communication, then their sex life is probably going to be pretty rough.
There's a lot of wiggle room when it comes to MC, which is by design. I mean, hell, our decisions on what MC chooses to do during branching story paths will affect what happens and the ending. This too applies with their sex life with Ian, I feel, and whether or not it was something pleasurable for both parties involved.
What we saw in the afterlife episode was that MC wanted to make Ian feel good, and they enjoyed making him feel good even if they nearly passed out from suffocation. What that says about their relationship and how good the sex was for the two of them is ultimately for us to decide, pretty much.
For my personal narrative, Alice might have enjoyed making Ian feel good, but the sex was not good for her. It wasn't intentional on either of their parts, but poor communication, getting lost in the moment, and repressing one's own feelings led to damaging an otherwise happy relationship.
Of course, it wasn't just the sex that led to their relationship turning toxic, but it certainly played a key role.
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore @okamiliqueur
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What happened? O.L., Olympique Lyonnais, Les Gones, was sold by Aulas to a Statian, under a business plan that assumed OL was going to make 2nd in Ligue1 in 2022-2023. That didn't happen. So, to be validated by the french goverment, the sale of key players plus the sale of OL Feminin plus OL Reign + other things. In my mind , selling Lukeba/Barcola/Cherki warrants a total reboot of the team. The idea that those three players each representing a sector, defense/forward/midfield are absent next season side their senior colleagues is massive. OL Feminin was already in process to be sold as Ms/MRs Kang has ambitions to be a woman owner with teams all over the place, ala City Group. The sale of OL Reign has to happen as Kang already owns the Washington Spirit in the NWSL. and the NWSL has a one owner one team policy. But, when the Women's world cup ends it may be a huge day for OL Masculin+Feminin. Textor says he doesn't like projects like PSG but from where I am sitting Crystal Palace isn't on the path to lifting trophies and while Botafogo may, Brasilian futebol tends to tests owners quality far more than people realize. OL masculin is not involved in anything but French football next season so… we will see the quality of his ownership… I said it before, I was content with Aulas. I am not a big ownerchanger. But I don't expect this owner to do much, USA owners usually don't.
INFO RMC SPORT - After appearing for the first time in a press conference in a speech still very vague on his project Wednesday, John Textor must now look at a decisive offseason for the future. At the time of its purchase of Olympique Lyonnais, the American investor had appeared before the DNCG with a business plan that was based on participation in the Champions League each year. He had also injected 86 million euros in cash to close the current season 22-23. Problem: OL will not play the C1 next season and will therefore be deprived of the financial windfall of several tens of millions of euros that goes with it.
The DNCG will soon schedule the passage of the various clubs as usual. It will take stock of the past season and especially will look forward to the next with the sole concern of ensuring that the clubs can go to the end of the next year from a financial point of view. This is where the challenge arises for John Textor. Clearly, he will have to find nearly 130 million euros to ensure a smooth passage before the financial gendarme of pro football.
For this, he is of course counting on the transfer window. Thanks to the sale in January of Malo Gusto to Chelsea, Lyon has already been able to bring in 30 million euros (more than five million euros in bonuses). Ryan Cherki, Castello Lukeba, Bradley Barcola seem to be the three most rated players on the market. On the other hand, it seems illusory to imagine that this is enough to achieve the objective.
Textor will have to find money elsewhere. The plan to sell the majority of the shares (52%) of the women's section falls within this framework. Expected gain: not far from 50 million euros after a legal accounting year that would show this sum in the "result" box, without there being a cash transaction. This operation would also save €13 million in OL Women's annual operating costs. In addition, the sale of OL Reign – imposed by the presence of two franchises of the same entity in the NWSL since the arrival on the board of Michele Kang – could bring in a few tens of millions of euros. A recent Wall Street Journal survey even estimates the price of a women's franchise at around $50 million.
The shareholders, Textor and its partners, could also find a solution to reinject new money themselves, as Franck Mc Court does every year at OM.
Another avenue envisaged according to our information, an IPO of the Eagle Foot structure (which brings together Lyon, Botafogo and Crystal Palace), potentially in the United States, to raise the necessary funds. At the time of the takeover of the Lyon club, OL's financial department had already raised this hypothesis with the DNCG, which did not seem to reassure it too much.
Indeed, in its sale valuation report that it had sent to Jean-Michel Aulas, the DNCG had clearly indicated that with this takeover project there was a significant risk of significant financing needs from the first year. It is no longer a risk, it is now a reality. And it worries because by buying OL and becoming majority (78.40% of the shares), John Textor must commit to launching a takeover bid to buy back the shares of small holders (12.13% of the shares). Takeover bid that has still not seen the light of day. This should be done next week. Textor could spend nearly 40 million euros to buy back these 12.13% of the public's shares. What still question the financial solidity of the new parent company of OL.
In the event of a lack of guarantee provided by John Textor, which seems likely today, the DNCG can take measures as specified in Article 11 of its regulations. This can lead to a control of the wage bill, a limitation of the number of transfers, a ban on recruitment or even demotion in the worst case. The DNCG wants and must absolutely ensure that no club that commits to a season finds itself in a position of default before the end of the season at the risk of distorting the entire competition. It is this risk that John Textor will have to remove very quickly.
Contacted by RMC Sport, the entourage of the new boss of OL specifies "that the DNCG has not issued an extraordinary request following the change in the capital structure." According to a source close to John Textor, who is still working in Lyon this weekend, the new OL boss is "aware of the importance of the French rules enacted by the DNCG and that he is, in advance, very happy to go there in the appointment set as every year, in June."
URL https://rmcsport.bfmtv.com/football/transferts/ol-textor-doit-trouver-130-millions-avant-de-passer-devant-la-dncg_AV-202305110405.html
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soaringcolors · 2 years
i have managed to fall in love with the only mf show with no good fics 😭😭😭
i love daniel zovatto as tiago vega and i need more
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