kdolohov ¡ 4 years
A U G U S T U S   R O O K W O O D :
Sure, he noticed that she’d barely touched her drink - Augustus noticed everything, after all - he really couldn’t quite bring himself to care. Maybe the alcohol would numb his frustration, maybe it would amplify it, but either way, it gave him an excuse for whatever came next. Even if he hadn’t even come close to drinking enough to lose his well-kept control, he’d found excuses out of less convenient things. And if the confusion and questions leftover from their carefully ignored last meeting was pushed even further down by the intoxicants, well, all the better. Augustus smirked, recognizing the silencing spell, and though he was grateful he made sure it didn’t show. Already he was radiating weakness, vulnerability to be exploited in every line of his hard expression; he didn’t need to allow any more.
Yeah, well, maybe I don’t feel like lying to you. Augustus silenced that traitorous thought with another sip of his drink. “Maybe you’re finally learning to read me,” he retorted, a sly smile on his face. It still fell short. He was agitated and she knew it, and as much as he hated it he was lucky that only she knew it. Now that he actually had the chance to express his frustrations, Augustus found himself unsure of where to even start. “I’m just,” he began, then paused, running a hand through his hair with a huff of annoyance. Well, no going back now. “I’m not exactly thrilled by this public image nightmare that we suddenly find ourselves dealing with. And I can’t imagine you are, either.” If he was going to come out with it, he would do his best to take her down with him. And then propriety and masks and far too many of the defenses he had between them were tossed summarily to the wind. “No, fuck this. Let’s drink.”
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The notion that she knew him wasn’t an entirely new one when half of their rivalry had been caused due to the similarities that they shared. What was unsettling was the notion that she had begun to care about what she was able to read from him and so she was quick to attempt to create some distance between them with dry words. Hoping to echo their jibes and sparring of the past rather than whatever almost softened seemed to creep its way into their current meetings. “Then you really are becoming predictable.” Brow rose at his outburst, expression neutral as she took another sip of her drink. Coy words left her lips, filled with an innocence that she didn’t truly possess. “And what would make you think that? It’s hardly my place to begin questioning the choices of those above me.” 
A few weeks ago she might have revelled in the upper hand that she had now, with him not only so determined to drink but also radiating frustration in a way she would have been certain she’d never witness. He was always too irritatingly poised for such things. But now instead of feeling victorious and smug in the wake of it, she found herself reaching around him for the bottle. Although she was still undecided about how much she would actually drink ( their last evening together singed into her mind when she hated how much the alcohol had clouded her choice ) there was an urge to level the playing field that she couldn’t ignore. Sigh slipped from her lips followed by her own candid words which she tried to downplay with light tones. “But if I were to begin to voice any misgivings, I would start by wondering exactly what they had hoped to achieve. And ask if they’d even considered the repercussions for our image.” 
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kdolohov ¡ 4 years
A R I A D N E   R O O K W O O D :
She should have known Katarina Dolohov to keep her cards so close to her chest.   And if Augustus hadn’t cracked under the pressure,   she supposed trying to extract anything from her friend would be an even more hopeless endeavor.   But you can’t blame a girl for trying.   At the other’s coy words,   she offers a wry smile that contrasts the direct call-out that follows.   “   Your ability to evade and elude never fails to surprise me,   ”   and then a hum,   as if she’s moved on from the topic altogether   (   they should both know better.   )   “   So long as you don’t go giving your heart away to just anyone…   You know how Alessia and I get jealous.   ”   There are few people that Ariadne is truly herself around,   but Kat has seen it countless times.   The light in her eyes doesn’t fade even as she pulls back,   smile still a ghost on her lips.   “   Kismet.   ”   And then,   wrapping her arm around the other’s,   she moves to lead them out of the shop   -   making note to send a house elf back for her things later.   “   And just where are you taking me?   ”
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While she made it a habit to never keep a secret from her friends, this time it was all too easy to return Ariadne’s smile with a sweet one of her own. “Well my skills are rather extensive but I’m not all that convinced that there’s anything to evade this time.” The words were perhaps some of the most honest she had ever spoken when she was firm in her belief that she had nothing to hide from Ariadne in any aspect of her life. Of course, she knew that there were bound to be whispers of the two evenings that she had spent in the company of another Rookwood might have raised some eyebrows but she had convinced herself that nothing of consequence had happened. Which made it all the easier for warm but firm words to leave her lips as they walked. “There is no danger of you losing me. Now or in the future.” Romance she had always viewed as rather pointless but friendships - those she did know how to hold onto. “There’s a darling little place I found that we could apparate too? Pretty and private as it is, shall we say, selective about its clientele.” 
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kdolohov ¡ 4 years
A M O S   D I G G O R Y :
“That sounds great!” Even if he usually preferred to bring his own lunch that he prepared a few days ahead, he wouldn’t say no to the occasional invite to eat out. With her comment about having to walk there, Amos simply shrugged. “I wouldn’t mind some leg stretching. Just lead the way,” he gestured for Katarina to continue walking. Amos will just walk by her side. Even if two departments in the Ministry can be as different as they can be, he found that it never hurt to learn some insider information on what’s happening in other departments. It’s not that too rare for something that might be happening at another department to snowball into something that will affect everyone. “So, tell me? How are things at the International Magical Law Office?” he asked. Amos just kept surprising himself today. Not only did he remember the girl’s name, but also where she worked. What she did there, however, might be a different case entirely. 
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“Glad to hear it. It really shouldn’t take us all that long and the service has always been fast.” Having gotten her way, she relaxed slightly. There was nothing to say that she would be successful in every aspect of her goal for this time together but she was confident enough that she would make something happen. At his mention of work she smiled - perhaps it would  be easier than she had thought to  get him to open up about work. “As smooth as they ever are. International relations are never simple, after all, especially not where the law is involved.” For all she tended to look down on those around her, there was no denying that she was good at smoothing things over with people. A talent that happened to make her very effective during her shifts. “But we have had no major issues to speak of, I’m quite sure something will be brewing as it always is. How about you? I can imagine you have your hands full too?” She would perhaps never see the appeal in working with magical creatures but she supposed someone had to do it. After all, she doubted they ever left room for some time off.
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kdolohov ¡ 4 years
N A R C I S S A    M A L F O Y :
Narcissa found herself relaxing in Kat’s presence, instantly feeling a bit better about the manor. Recently, when Lucius wasn’t home, the hallways had felt as if they were too long. Shadowy corners held dark cloaks and empty rooms held cleaning house elves. Narcissa could still remember the smell; the sight of the empty room. The feeling in her stomach. For now, though, those thoughts truly did disappear. For a second, there was relief, and Narcissa couldn’t help but feel that relief flood through her body like a welcome tidal wave. 
“Hm, yes, I’m rather in tune with emotions aren’t I?” she teased, sitting down at the table as she pulled away. “Sit, sit.” Narcissa recently had the comfier chairs pulled out for the table, the ones with the nicer cushioned seats. They’d been eating together more often, having dinner at home rather than going out. Narcissa might have wanted to leave, but she was forcing herself to stay. To become used to the world that had seemingly betrayed her ideas of safety. “Draco is doing very well. He’s learning how to fly a broom, actually! It’s quite marvelous, and you know I feel about Quidditch.”
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Smile touched her lips at the other witch’s words, smoothly taking a seat as she spoke. “More than most.” The words were light, teasing even, but there was no denying that Narcissa did seem to be more in touch with her emotions than most others she knew. She was undeniably more in touch with them than Katarina herself when the brunette had always pushed them aside to favour logic. After all, they were so rarely useful in getting things done - unless of course she chose to use someone else’s feelings to get what she wanted. Though more and more she wondered if staying distant from her emotions was truly a good thing.
Light laughter left her lips at the mention of quidditch - she’d always thought it rather pointless - brow raised almost playfully. “The same way that I do? I’m sure he’ll be fantastic at it, as he is with everything else.” Expression softened slightly, gaze dropping for a moment when se knew it could not be easy to be a child at such times. “I am glad to know he is doing well after it all. I trust Lucius has been looking after you both?” Brow rose slightly when for all the Malfoys seemed to have the perfect relationship, appearances could be deceiving and she simply wished to know her friend was receiving the care that she deserved.
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kdolohov ¡ 4 years
O D E T T E    M A C M I L L A N :
She was excited to meet up with Katarina. It didn’t involve anyone else’s company, only hers. Sometimes it was exhausting to be around many people at once, and that was commonly the case during most of her day - from one social gathering to another. It was important to her mother and she believed Odette should have the same social obligations in her calendar. It was the only way to maintain growing connections, her mother would say. And like a good daughter, Odette would follow her example and do as it was expected of her.
But today belonged to her alone. There was no social gathering to attend. She could spend time with a girl who she considered to be a true friend. Odette saw in Katarina someone who could understand her, the lives they led weren’t so different. And both of them had once belonged in Ravenclaw. It made her nostalgic sometimes. Everything seemed so much simpler back then.
“Kat!”, she exclaimed, as she entered the establishment and spotted her friend. Walking up to her, Odette seated herself at the table Kat had picked for them. “Oh, do not worry about it. We could just ignore them.”, she added. “I have been well. What about you?”, Odette then asked. “I was so worried about being late. I had a tiny outfit issue.”
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There’s a warmth to her smile as she gives one to her friend, reserved for only those she deems worthy of such things. “Not difficult to do at all when I’d much rather focus on what you have to say than any of them.” She had never been slow in making sure her friends knew just where they stood in her esteem. Enough honeyed words and false compliments left her lips that she wanted to take every opportunity to give genuine ones when she could.
“Busy but well, thank you. There’s plenty to do at work and of course plenty to keep me busy outside of it too.” Perhaps a little too much to do at work when the odd country had begun enquiring about the state of affairs in the UK ( not particularly in her job description and yet those that asked couldn’t seem to help themselves ) nothing that she couldn’t handle with a bit of charm and directing attention elsewhere, however.
Hand waved away the notion of being late when she knew that she would forgive such thing from her friends with ease. It was others that she would subtly lord it over. “Not at all.” Gaze flickered over Odette’s outfit and found it as flawless as always. “Well you couldn’t possible tell, you still look lovely.” 
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kdolohov ¡ 4 years
the ancient stories always talk about the damsels in distress but never about the witches that saved themselves
thoughts #283 | r.m (via rmeisel)
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kdolohov ¡ 4 years
E M I L I E   F L I N T :
To bring a week to end, a proper woman will have lunch with her ladies. It is best to be able to have the time to decompress the previous week’s problems and plan for the next’s. Emilie had been dragged along to luncheons for as long as she could remember and while they were not always what she wanted to do, she came to learn that they were nearly always what she needed. 
Now that she was of an age where her own weeks were filled with problems beyond potions homework and hemming her skirt short enough to catch eyes, but long enough not to catch the attention of authority, Emilie had her own lunches to attend. Though she flitted through life wearing the rosy glasses of a socialite, she deeply admired those of her friends who dedicated their lives to something more than just beauty. Kat had long been a close friend and though their lives had taken starkly different directions, they would always have a bond that would tie them together through whatever might jerk them from their divine path.
As she sat in the dining room of the private club her family had belonged to since before her great grandparents walked the earth, Emilie quickly swiped the shoulder of her mint green tweed suit. Her normally unruly curly hair had been smoothed and straightened, pinned back into a pearly white bow that complimented the oversized gold buttons on the blazer of her suit. She looked every bit of the lady she wanted to grow into being as she lazily circled her wand, watching the ornate teaspoon stir in the honey to her tea. She smiled as she saw Kat make her way through the crowded dining room, “Don’t rush! We have all day!”
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For as long as she had realised that with connections came power, she had always ensured that her social circles were wide and varied. Everyone had some sort of use to her, after all, it was simply a case of finding it. As useful as it was to be able to call upon so many, it also meant that the friendships that she counted as genuine were somewhat limited when it was impossible for her not to view things through the lens of what someone could do for her.
There were some that had managed to slip through her requirements and form some kind of genuine connection. She almost considered it a kind of indulgence that she allowed herself the joy of genuine friendship. But the women that she counted as truly close to her had never been a distraction and their company was perhaps what she enjoyed most in life. She counted herself somewhat fortunate to be able to call so many wonderful witches her friends. But only somewhat when she was confident that she brought more than enough to the table to make it a beneficial connection to both parties. 
Even with her schedule so busy, she never failed to make time for those that she cared for so when Emilie had reached out about lunch, she had accepted without hesitation. Smile graced her lips as she entered the club and spotted the blonde. “But how can I not rush when I am so keen to spend time with you?” Light laugh slipped from her lips, easy compliment following as she gave her friend a kiss on each cheek. “You look wonderful, I adore the green.” Her seat was taken smoothly, hands running over her skirt as she sat. “How have you been? I must hear it all.”
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kdolohov ¡ 4 years
M A R L O W E   P R E W E T T :
Marlowe knew that someone like Katarina, perfectly poised and ready for anything, would have been early. She also knew that Kat would have eaten, but that didn’t stop her from making the offer. It was polite, after all, if she was going to be late to bring something for her companion. Still, despite the horrid taste of the biscuit, Marlowe nibbled, settling her grumbling stomach. “We’ve got a dragon coming in from the States,” she said, sighing ever so slightly. “They need our department’s expertise before we get it up to it’s native land in Scotland. Poor guy probably has no clue how it got to Minnesota. Sometimes I think the dragons find portkeys.” Marlowe frowned for a minute, shaking her head. “Anyways, we just need to sign some papers and get that bad boy on its way back home.” She pulled a binder that Amos had let her borrow from her bag, sliding the book over for Katarina.
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While she couldn’t claim to have any interest in what the redheaded witch chose to do for a living, she still nodded along with a polite smile as Marlowe filled her in. It all seemed rather inconsequential to her but still, she could appreciate someone cutting straight to the point if nothing else. “Well it sounds as though you have it all in order.” It was almost a compliment though perhaps only because she managed to keep the surprised tone from her voice, she was too well practised to let true thoughts seep through. “I assume this is to notify MACUSA of what will be happening?” She began to flick through the file, noting that it seemed well enough put together and thorough along with it. “It all looks in order to me, is it just my signature you needed?” Brow raised slightly, determined to ensure that everything had ran smoothly before she put her name to it. “No hiccups along the way?”
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kdolohov ¡ 4 years
B E L L A T R I X    L E S T R A N G E :
With her fingers wrapped around her glass, Bellatrix smirked. Conversations like this reminded her of when she was younger at the festival, dark eyes watching her father take care of business amidst the celebration. “Times are hard.” A small chuckle left her lips, observing the woman beside her. Asking the right questions. The sword was powerful, yes, but words? Words had the ability to root themselves in the mind. They could twist and turn fabrications until lies became truth. More notably, words functioned within the law. While chaos was something Bellatrix thoroughly enjoyed, she would be stupid not to see the value in people like Katerina. A pair of watchful eyes and a silver tongue was just what she needed. “With a statement like that, Ms. Dolohov, you’ve most certainly grabbed my attention… that’s a hard thing to do.” Bellatrix nodded. “I think you and I could become rather good friends, given our similar mindsets and interests.” 
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It came as no surprise to her that she had managed to win Bellatrix over, it was only a matter of time before people realised her merits, but that didn’t mean that she was no less proud of the achievement. She allowed herself a bright smile, even though she kept the expression schooled enough that the part of her feeling somewhat victorious didn’t show. Bellatrix Lestrange was a force to be reckoned with and her mind was already full of what Katarina Dolohov could become with the elder witch as her guide. “Well I will do my best to ensure that I am worthy of keeping it.” After all, she had no intention of losing what she had secured in any aspect of her life, let alone the attention of someone she admired. “I think it certainly holds enough promise of being more than beneficial for us both.”
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kdolohov ¡ 4 years
A U G U S T U S   R O O K W O O D :
Maybe it was the familiarity of it all - Kat was a known entity, after all, and for all that they hid themselves from each other even that was familiar in its own way - that must be why he was there. Augustus could tell himself it didn’t matter, and really, it didn’t, but in the dark corners of his mind he couldn’t help but pick at it, trying to uncover a truth he figured should remain covered. It pissed him off, how poor of a job he was doing at keeping his emotions hidden, but then again maybe that was why he hadn’t sought out any of the people he could call friends without shuddering. Augustus huffed out a laugh and nodded his agreement. “That sounds about right.”
Watching Kat take a sip was the very excuse he’d been waiting for, and Augustus grabbed his own glass and downed it in one go, matching her sip for sip immediately thrown out of the picture. With a sigh he refilled it once more, but simply held the glass in his hand, leaving it untouched for a moment. The alcohol calmed him some, but more importantly the action had given him a second to think. No matter what the equal footing might mean, he still wasn’t about to simply forfeit the competition. “I’m better now,” he said with something so much closer to his roguish grin, leaving it unclear whether he was referring to the company or to the alcohol. “These are trying times, are they not? We’re all just trying to keep this war from getting out of hand.” The grin didn’t drop, but his tone had taken on a sickly sweet air; it seemed he was just overflowing with frustration.
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Usually she would have matched her own drink to his, refusing to be left behind. But her glass stays still in her hand and she wonders if for once she’s making the conscious choice to feel rather than choosing to numb all emotions. It was something she didn’t want to acknowledge just yet so instead she turned her attention back to Augustus, gaze flickering over him as his grin seemed more feral than it’s usual charm. Even with her aptitude for reading people it wouldn’t have taken much to realise that there was something he wasn’t say but wanted to. With a flick of her wand she cast a silencing charm over the room, not that her walls weren’t thick enough for ultimate privacy without it. 
She wasn’t used to feeling concerned for anyone other than her siblings and sometimes for her friends. But she had never considered Augustus Rookwood a friend. A rival and an annoyance, perhaps even an ally more recently but never a friend. Even if she had yet to define their shift in dynamic, she was fairly certain that it didn’t feel like friendship. Which was what made it all the more surprising and uncomfortable that she found herself almost worried for him. “You’re usually more convincing, Augustus.” Brow had risen slightly to couple with her dry tone but her expression soon softens, ever so slightly. There’s a challenge to her next words, trying to ensure that she sounds more exasperated than worried when she hardly wanted to leave him the option to point out that new turn of events. “If there’s something you’re trying to get off your chest, do it.” 
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kdolohov ¡ 4 years
N A R C I S S A    M A L F O Y :
Long hair carefully swept back into a bun, Narcissa had practically dragged herself to the living room to see Katarina. It was not that she didn’t want to see her friend. In fact, she was more than pleased to see Kat’s shining face entering her foyer. The sight of someone who truly wanted to see her, wanted to listen, even if Narcissa wouldn’t talk, was almost overwhelming. There were very few moments right now that she’d felt comfortable, even in her own manor. Everything felt different after Harry, and she clung to Draco as if he were a life-line. 
As Kat wrapped her in a hug, Narcissa accepted it, letting her head fall onto Katarina’s shoulder. For a second she wondered if this was the graceful, motherly, wife of Lucius-Malfoy act, but quickly realized she didn’t care. The embrace was warm and nice and for a moment Narcissa forgot about who she was and remembered she was only human. “I don’t know,” she said, honestly, holding on still for one more moment before pulling away. “It is incredibly wonderful to see you, though. I’ve got the elves setting up tea…”
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She had never once been the type to dwell on negative emotions, finding little use in being dragged down by them. All they did was add a weight and when she always intended to move forward, it was better to simply cast them off. But this was not quite so easy a thing to disregard and she could not help but turn it over and over in her mind. Part of her knew it was unwise to feed her sense of unease by overthinking but another part of her knew that if she didn’t, she would never be able to put it all behind her.
Of course, the whole ordeal had barely affected her other than earning her ire for the damage to their reputation that it had done. But Narcissa had been affected by it and it’s that knowledge that makes her squeeze a little tighter during their embrace. “Well I’m glad that you know that much.” Smile flickers over her lips as she pulls away, an attempt at a joke made before tone shifts to sincerity. “That sounds perfect. How’s Draco? I trust he’s well?”
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kdolohov ¡ 4 years
A M O S   D I G G O R Y :
It’s been a week since Amos was a called to a meeting with the Head of the Beast Division along with the Head of the Department for Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. He was still wrapping his mind around what was discussed during the meeting. His new assignment is definitely daunting but Amos was determined to do well. While he had no proof, even a blind man could see that he was being passed for promotions in favor of newer and less deserving employees. (Amos has a suspicion why that was the case.) At the end of the day, however, they couldn’t trust anyone else with a task this important. If this doesn’t prove that they’ve been wrong to overlook him all this time, then nothing will. 
After a full morning of meetings and planning, Amos passed through the Atrium as he headed for lunch. He was in the middle of deciding where he was supposed to have lunch when a voice called out to him. He turned and took a few steps back to approach her. “Katarina!” he greeted her back. He was proud of himself for remembering the girl’s name. In Amos’s experience, that didn’t always happen. But he figured that it was easier for him to do so if he didn’t end up sleeping with them and forgetting about them right away. “Why not? Are you planning to go anywhere specific? I actually haven’t decided where I wanted to eat when you called me.”
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Smile touched her lips as her name was spoken, knowing that it meant that she’d left enough of an impression to be remembered. How much or how fondly didn’t really matter, the recognition was enough to know that she’d succeeded. It meant that she had something of a foundation to build off in her ongoing goal to see if she could glean any useful information from him. Given that he also worked in The Ministry, she was almost certain that something of note would have passed over his desk at some point or other. Time would tell of course but she liked to think that she had a knack for posing the right questions to get the most interesting answers.
“There’s a charming little place not too far from here. In fact it’s close enough we could enjoy a nice walk and still be there with plenty of time.” She almost always preferred using magic but in her experience a little stroll tended to make people open up that little bit more. Perhaps there was something relaxing to be found in it and that made them less closed lipped. “I don’t know about you but I’d love to stretch my legs after being at my desk for the past few hours.”
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kdolohov ¡ 4 years
If there was one thing she prided herself upon ( in reality there would always be several when she deemed herself more than quite accomplished ) it was the number of friendships that she had managed to maintain. No easy feat when life kept her so busy and yet she always dedicated time to those she considered true companions rather than people she simply kept up appearances with. She’d arrived early when she loathed being late and secured the pair of them a small table as she waited. Her wait was for from long, however, and soon she was raising her hand to help the other witch find her. “Odette!” Smile spread over her lips as her friend drew closer, light tones slippig from them soon after. “I must admit, I wasn’t expect it to be quite so busy in here tonight but it seems as though everyone else has had the same idea.” 
Gaze flicked around the bar, it was one she usually chose for its exclusivity and yet it seemed as though that night they were letting in anyone and everyone. Another time she might have been displeased about the situation but for once she was far more concerned with spending some time with some welcome company than anything else. “Perhaps something exciting is about to happen. But I’m certain it will pale in comparison to spending some time with you. How have you been?”
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kdolohov ¡ 4 years
N A R C I S S A   M A L F O Y :
The right people on their side. Narcissa almost forgot that she was on a side at all. Her neutral status was fragile, and a part of her wondered if Kat was part of the Death Eaters after all. Narcissa couldn’t judge. Her whole life was full of people who were part of this war. One side or the other, Narcissa couldn’t judge. Everyone had their ideals, and she admired people who would fight for them. Yet, she hadn’t chosen a side. Narcissa had chosen her son, and she would do what was best for him, no matter the cost. “Faith,” she nodded. “I suppose that’s all we have right now, isn’t it?”
“Thank you for stopping in,” she said, softly. “I hope to be home by tomorrow night…” But even as she said it, a wave of dizziness rushed over her and she had to close her eyes. Narcissa knew that it wasn’t her fault that she’d ended up in this bed, but it still felt like she’d made some kind of misstep. As a nurse came into usher Kat out, Narcissa waved and smiled, but a part of her felt like it was cracking, breaking open. She felt exposed, and Narcissa didn’t like feeling like an open wound.
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kdolohov ¡ 4 years
S E B A S T I A N   W I L K E S :
“in my defense, it’s a two-way street.”  sebastian had little interest in going through the logistics of his strained relationship with his mother, even with someone he considered an ally like katarina.  he didn’t care for dwelling on the past, especially not his own.  what was the point?  you couldn’t change it regardless.  “if she wanted to receive news from me more often, she would write more often.  we get by.”  he simply shrugged at her next comment, taking a sip of his drink to buy him a couple seconds to form a response that wasn’t simply  ‘fuck the greater good’.  “ah, well.  perhaps there is some truth there, i suppose,”  he conceded,  “but i believe you can’t do much for the so-called  greater good  if you’re dead.  a bit of an extreme example, yes, but you have to be able to help yourself in order to help others.”  finishing his drink, he waved down the bartender for another.  “i don’t doubt for a second you wouldn’t let me forget it.  yes, i managed to avoid it for the most part.  i apparated away when the spells started flying.”  he neglected to mention that he’d been hit, but that was a little suspicious for him to admit in a public place when he’d been wearing his mask at the time.  “what about you?”
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She had always been good enough at reading people that she could tell with lazy ease that his mother wasn’t a topic that the wizard was overly fond of. A small shrug was given, fairly neutral piece of advice spoken. “Perhaps but sometimes it takes someone to break the impasse.” Gaze flickered over his features, studying his response as she wondered whether his self proclaimed self preservation would begin to interfere with their organisations plan or not. It’s nothing she shows, instead giving a slight nod as though she concede to his point, still watching him with concealed care as she gave her own opinion. “That holds some truth but I believe a balance should always be struck. Self interest should never be that overwhelming that it drowns out everything else.” Brow raised in light challenge. “Besides, isn’t it nice to be part of something bigger?” Sip of her drink was taken as she listened to his reply. “Well I’m glad to hear that. It was all quite chaotic, probably for the best you got yourself out quickly. I was quite lucky, only a minor injury when I got caught up in the crowds. The fighting seemed to pull everyone in.”
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kdolohov ¡ 4 years
D O U G L A S   M U L C I B E R :
Katarina was, Mulciber supposed, better company than most. She was pleasant, the type of woman that their world revered, but Mulciber appreciated her bite. Not many people had seen it, or heard it, even, but being best friends with Augustus had its moments, and Mulciber was able to see the truth of people, even if they weren’t aware they were showing it. “Why of course,” he said. “You know I could never turn you down, Kat.” His arm outstretched, offering the seat in front of him, Mulciber snapped and quickly whispered to the waiter to bring her favorite bottle of champagne. “I hope you haven’t been too affected by the past… festivities.” A raise of his brows implied that he hoped she would speak about what had truly happened. 
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With a smile she takes the seat opposite him with her usual elegance. They perhaps weren’t the closest but she was certainly grateful for the company and the opportunity to get to know him that little bit better. “Well I would like to think you couldn’t.” Smile spread further over her lips, words teasing even though she liked to think that her charm was sufficient that no one could turn her down. “Not too much, I was quite fortunate in spite of all the trouble.” It wasn’t so much that she didn’t want to give him all the details, she trusted him just about enough, but more that a public venue was not the place for her to shed her neutrality. So she kept her response vague and was quick to change the subject, especially when she had always been curious about him. “I trust your trip went well? Though it is nice to see you back.”
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kdolohov ¡ 4 years
A R I A D N E    R O O K W O O D :
“   There are few who could,   ”   she teases,   smirk blossoming into a full smile.   It’s so easy to drop her practiced demeanor around Kat   -   she’d been around before it was mastered,   after all.   “   Next time you’ll have to come along,   Florence is beautiful this time of year.   And you can’t keep a face like yours cooped up in that office all the time.   ”   A pause,   a mischievous glint in her eye,   gaze lingering on the other for emphasis,    “   though I hear you’ve had plenty help with that as of late.   ”   It’s a dead end street if her interrogation of Augustus was any indication,   but she’s never going to stop wandering down it.   At her friend’s offer,   she nods,   taking her hand in her own.   A gentle squeeze,   her voice drops to something of a whisper,   as if she’s parting with a great secret.   “   I was hoping you’d say that.   It’s been so long since I’ve been wined and dined by someone with a pulse.   ”
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“I don’t think there’s any.” After all when her friend’s charms knew no bounds, it wasn’t so much a compliment that she’d delivered with a fond smile but the simple truth. “I would be happy to. Beautiful company in a beautiful place - what more could a girl want?” Expression had brightened at the notion of a trip away together only to shift to something slightly more guarded at the glint in the other witch’s eyes. She knew that she shouldn’t have been surprised by the new line of hinting when Ariadne always had a knack for knowing anything. So instead she feigns ignorance, playing it sweet and almost cloyingly coy. “Well, I have been doing my best to get out and about. Brunches and the like.” The squeeze of her hand is returned before grin spreads over her features, eyes sparkling as she indulges in the same playful conspiratorial tones that her friend had just given her. “Then we’re a fine pair. It’s been too long since I’ve wined and dined with someone interesting.”
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