#the mc is under ~168cm
tosahobi-if · 3 months
Looking back at that art of adult Yul you commissioned and posted a few months back (yes I read through your entire blog after I played the demo… absorbing so much info…) and rereading the demo where they’re introduced much younger and cuter reminds me of my relationship with my cat tbh. I adopted him as a kitten years ago and thought he was just the cutest little thing and spoiled him lots purely because of his adorable face and how small he was… but now he’s grown larger and into his features and it’s getting harder to look past it. Like he can’t get away with baby crimes anymore. He knows. Of course, I still love him but now he’s a clingy, needy ass adult cat with a face that’s a little too sharp at times. I post him online and my friends ask why he looks so much like a Man. 
It’s funny to imagine a mc feeling the same about Yul. More than happy to give up their entire breakfast for them because seeing them eat is enough to fill their heart which is enough to ignore their hunger, the type of sucker that easily gives in and indulges all of Yul’s whims because their eyes are so sweet and their cheeks so pinchable, ignoring whatever anyone else has to say because Yul’s their precious little junior, of course mc's on their side!
Then flash forward a couple of years and Yul's grown up to be such a beauty and so no longer baby. No, they can’t get away with batting their eyelashes and silently pleading anymore, they’re big enough to do whatever it is they want themselves. Mc is not going hungry and feeding them their entire breakfast again; this is basically a robbery with how much of an adult they have become. Also, please let go, they're technically taller and definitely past that age so it's kinda weird they're still hanging onto mc's sleeve like a little kid. (Okay, actually, maybe just this one time they'll let it slide but definitely not the next… is also what they said last time and the time before that and the time before that and the time before that and the time before-)
i'm so obsessed with this ask (beyond the cat mention) because yul is subtly and consistently manipulating the mc like that. they're well aware they shouldn't be able to get away with certain things past a certain age, but hey, if they're being doted on, might as well use it to their full advantage! they enjoy the attention after all^^
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inkly-heart · 3 years
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All natural. //More asks under the cut//
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He killed his crush who broke his heart.
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Yeah, he will be ok. kind of??
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Angel-  183cm Catherine- 185 cm Venni- 168cm Stalker-  194 cm DG- 180cm Gunther- 195cm Milla-  165cm Sal- 182cm MC- you can decide /my version of MC is around 175cm/
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Stalker-” Darling you don’t need to be scared of me.. I would never hurt you.” /Long as you don’t try run away from him or break his heart he doesn’t have reason to hurt or kill you./
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If it reaches to that point that he actually likes them he would show more affection and care but he would also still be an ass.xDD
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Sal-blushes lightly-”Ehh, thank you? and uhh heh..Can you be a kind and put me down?”
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Stalker is ok with kids long as they behave nicely but DG doesn’t like them. But DG would consider babysitting if the payment is good enough and same goes with Stalker but of course if the person is his crush then he would say yes right away.xDD
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He would get very jealous and wants to get rid of the person fast as possible. (But he needs to be extra sneaky because he doesn’t want his crush to know.)
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seimeinotaka · 4 years
VilAnnthology: The yearning love of the poisonous flower
(Cross-posted from AO3)
In which I present my TWST MC, Ann Hawthorne, through the meticulous notes of a skilled and absolutely not suspicious hunter discovering a new prey.
Thanks to polyphenols@AO3 for beta-reading this!
- The suspicious thick album lay open, a couple of photos on top of the pages. In one the profile of a young girl was visible, her lime green eyes looking at the horizon,  unaware of the photograph being taken. Deep wood brown bangs to the right side of her forehead, long locks framed her face and went down to the end of the photograph. A mole under her right eye was the only apparent mark on her face.
The other photo had the same girl, this time holding books, talking to a cat-looking monster which could be mistaken for a familiar. She was wearing a modified version of the uniform; instead of pants, she was wearing a mid thigh pleated skirt and knee-high boots. In this picture, her long hair reaching her lower back was visible.
Next to these photos, in perfectly neat handwriting there were several notes written, as a matter of record.
Name: Ann Hawthorne
Gender: Female
Age: Presumed 16
Birthday: TBD
Star sign: TBD
Height: 168cm
Eye color: Lime green
Hair color: Deep wood brown
Homeland: Unknown, referred to be from another world. Needs confirmation.
Dorm: Ramshackle
School year: First
Class: 1A Student
Occupation: Student, Prefect
Club: Horse riding
Best subject: TBD
Dominant hand: Right
Favorite food: Suspected to be chocolate
Least favorite food: TBD
Dislikes: TBD
Hobby: TBD
Talents: TBD
One of the students who crashed into the Entrance Ceremony, alongside Monsieur Fuzzball. Despite not being able to perform any kind of magic, the Headmaster has allowed her to stay. Became the prefect of Ramshackle dorm, which consists of Monsieur Fuzzball, three ghosts and her. Said permission was obtained after recovering a magic gem from the Dwarves’ Mines, where she coordinated two Heartslabyul students, Monsieur Heart and Monsieur Spade, as well as Monsieur Fuzzball. Ever since, she has been entrusted to a variety of tasks by the Headmaster, as well as overseeing Monsieur Fuzzball’s education.
Something of note is her involvement in the recent Overblotting cases, starting with Roi du Rose up to Roi de Fort. While physically incapable of fighting, has been directing other magicians during their encounters with the Overblotted students. Because of her ability to get others to do as she says, as well as her cunning strategy to defeat Roi de Fort to free her friends from a contract, I have dubbed her Trickster.
Trickster possesses average physical abilities and no magical abilities. Her grades are counted as part of Monsieur Fuzzball’s, and the combined sum is below average. However, the professors seem to comment on Monsieur Fuzzball’s neglectful performance, so Trickster’s can be considered above average. The only apparent weakness of Trickster is flying class, where her skills are similar to Roi de Fort and Roi de ta Chambre. However, it seems it is more due to a psychological disposition involving phobias, rather than lacking physical skill. Her phobia is something to be further investigated but will prove to be challenging given her personal secrecy.
Trickster doesn’t reveal much about her homeland, or her past. The only apparent snippets of information come from comparisons between traditions of our world and hers. Said world appears to be similar to ours except for the use of magic, given her rather easy adaptation to our world, magic excluded.
According to other students, Trickster is easy-going and the mediator between Monsieur Heart, Monsieur Spade and Monsieur Fuzzball, with whom she tends to hang out the most. She seems to possess a good heart like Roi d’Or, and favors fair play and hard work, as she didn’t fall prey to Roi de Fort’s exam scheme. However, several people have commented on her blunt honest remarks, in particular the times when she called Roi du Rose’s rules idiotic, as well as calling out Roi du Léon’s lazy disposition and foiled plan on the Magift tournament. It could be that this honesty is part of the reason Trickster can get other people to cooperate, if not for a lowkey charisma she might possess. This would explain why other dorm students like Monsieur Loup* have befriended her.
Trickster has also shown interest in sword fighting, as she has begun training with Monsieur Épée*. Whether it is to become a guardian of Roi du Dragon or for her own curiosity has yet to be developed. As it is uncommon for a non-Diasomnia student to interact with the guards of Roi du Dragon, the depth of this relationship is intriguing and I’ll continue my observations on this.
As of now, it doesn’t seem Trickster has interacted with our Pomefiore students, but I am certain she will do so in the future. Perhaps she will be needed in case that fails. In any case, I am most overjoyed to have found another interesting prey, this time from a different world. Beauté!
“Rook, what is taking you so long?” Vil’s exasperated voice could be heard and in an instant, all photos were neatly put inside the thick album, and it was already hidden from view, with only a couple of papers laid on the desk. “We have a rehearsal coming up.”
“Oui, Roi du Poison. I was caught up in my notes and lost track of time.”
“Your notes? Are you still sticking your nose in other people’s business? We have no time to waste, VDC is coming up.”
“I have found another interesting prey, though this one is different from the others! Unlike Roi du Léon and Monsieur Kills for Thrills, this prey is similar to a fawn. Utterly defenseless! In a physical fight, perhaps the only victory would be against Roi du Rose!”
“Are you replacing someone strong but trite as Leona with someone trite and weak? I regret asking this, but how could that even be a challenge?” Vil rolled his eyes, not wanting to prolong this talk, even though he had fears it would be the opposite.
“Fufu, the challenge here is not in the strength but what I cannot easily see. This prey won’t attack, at least not directly, but I have a feeling she has a different way of doing so. The most dangerous prey is not the strongest one, but the sneakiest. Call it an unpolished charisma and wit.”
“You’ve already lost me. I have no interest in someone like that. Now please get going to the Ballroom,” Vil replied annoyed, as he left the room, a sign the discussion was over.
However, Rook gave a one last glance at his hidden album, and smiled to himself. “I wonder how you both will interact.”
*Jack and Silver haven't been given officially any nickname by Rook as of 11/09. However, judging his logic, the easiest idea is Loup (French for Wolf) for Jack and Épée (French for Sword) for Silver. I will update when more information is available.
Thank you for reading!
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listwjanka · 3 years
Worldbuilding notes K&A - Character profiles #1
These have been sitting in my google drive for a while and I just wanted to slap them on here.
Included here: Ida, Bogdana
Ida Odintsova - Research assistant - Main Character (MC)
Physical data:
Height: 168cm - Weight: 60kg - Age: 29 - Eye colour: Brown/Hazel - Hair: dark brunette
Ida is Emperor Solan of Selis' second daughter, after Oxana Solana. Ida was born to a paramour of low social standing, who fell ill shortly after Ida’s birth. The paramour’s family ended up suing the Solan family for aliments (this was back when the courts still held some form of sovereign power). Ida’s mother succumbed to her illness before the court proceedings could properly begin.
The families settled out of court as the Imperial Family’s cousin, Duchess Bogdana Solana, agreed to take in Ida in as a foster child to somewhat discreetly erase the ties to the Emperor Himself. Ida was given the surname Odintsova, the Only One, to further distance her from the Imperial Family.
Ida’s origin is an open secret within the Imperial Family and the higher nobility, but kept mostly under wraps in public. She enjoys good relations with her half-siblings Oxana and Zlatan, but hasn’t had a private conversation with her biological father in years.
She is currently employed at Labour Site Zhet as an Alchemist. Her duties are currently focused on the development of the Hothouse, with "Victor" being a side project. Ida is often irritated, has a sickly pale complexion due to rarely leaving the Apothecary, her hair is usually covered in a thin layer of grease. Hence her low popularity with colleagues. However, Ida is rarely concerned with other people's personal opinions unless they're directly work-related.
Bogdana Solana - Duchess of Blyida - Side Character (SC)
Physical Data:
Height: 157 cm - Weight: 98kg - Age: 59 - Eye colour: Fuchsia (contacts) / pale green (nat.) - Hair: white blonde
Bogdana is the Emperor’s younger cousin and was, well into her 30s, thought of as “unusually adorable” for a noble. Well-known and -liked for her sweet, innocent, even naive demeanour due to a very sheltered upbringing in a loving, and/or laissez-faire, home, Bogdana was married young to a Kismer Diplomat, henceforth the Duke of Blyida, to strengthen political bonds. Despite loving the idea of rearing a child, the couple never produced offspring and eventually led parallel lives in the estate due to having very little in common.
Therefore, when the Duke passed away in a bizarre hog hunting accident, Bogdana grieved just long enough so as not to sour relations with Kismer. At age 32, she adopted the at-the-time toddler Ida as per legal agreements.
At first, Bogdana was smitten with the child as she’d always toyed with the idea of motherhood; however, her fantasies thereof were hardly congruent with the reality of raising a quasi-orphaned foster child who barely spoke until she turned six and was about as cuddly and lovable as a cold pebble. As Bogdana suddenly faced challenges and her family’s adoration for her ‘sacrifice’ to take in Ida dried up, she more and more left all child rearing duties up to the maids and private teachers who oversaw Ida’s development.
In part due to agonisingly avoiding parental duties, Bogdana developed a taste for raunchy festivities, male acquaintances whose attention may or may not had been bought and other such debauchery and during Ida’s adolescence became known as a dandy and a true force of unabashed hedonism - a reputation she quite happily holds to this day.
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rkcheri · 6 years
❪  2013   ›   2019  ❫
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information that wouldn’t be hard to dig up, probably some of the first things that pop up on google if you search her name
legal name   son naeun
stagename  cheri
age  twenty-four ( twenty-six 、kr )
birthdate  december 12, 1994
place of birth  busan, south korea
company  royal entertainment
group & position  luxe, leader and main vocal, goddess of the moon
height & weight 169cm, 45kg
social media handles  @mooncheri ❪ ig ❫ @oliji  ❪ youtube ❫ @luxecheri  ❪ twitter ❫
languages spoken fluently  english & korean
among royal’s more famous trainees, is also one of royal’s longest-trained trainees, has a long laundry list of appearances under royal’s name and her legal name, naeun.
is best friends with eclipse’s @rkariel​ and @rkxblue​, is close friends with eclipse’s @haseulrk​ whom she met on mga:1.
is best and childhood friends with nova’s @rkmiya​.
is best friends with convex’s @rkjinkis and @yienrk, is childhood friends with @rkhyun and is a close friend of @kibumrk and @rkromeo, is fine acquaintances with convex’s @rkjinwook and @rkzyx.
is close friends with royal’s @rksoohyun.
she loves food, skincare and picture books.
she has a dog named, domo. he’s a white pomeranian. ( he used to featured extensively on her twitter before she moved into the dorms ; now he stays with one of her cousins )
actually knew @rkxayah​ before they were on royal survival together, were friends before the show.
mcdonald’s is her favorite place to eat.
was a contestant on the mnet global audition: season 1, contestant #007, in the end was scouted by royal entertainment along with several other finalists during the finale, became an official trainee on january 8th, 2014. 
caught in a minor scandal with fellow trainee, jung daehyun ( @/rkdaehyun ), it was quick to die.
participated as a public trainee in a royal q&a session.
auditioned and was casted on october 21, 2014 as ha sohyun in the television drama, dream high, as well as engaged in the promotion and concert.
performed as a dancer in a company performance and as a back-up singer with fellow trainee, @/rkdaehyun, for kim taewoo at sbs gayo daejun held on december 29, 2015 at the coex mall.
auditioned for a part as one of the ‘coaches’ on the mnet global audition: season 3, and was casted and revealed as royal’s sole coach during the third episode. in the final episode, team naeun finished in third place.
appeared in the samsung galaxy a7 commercials: team #be balanced.
cast as a contestant on royal survival, was placed on the minor team in the first episode. as the season progressed, she made it to the major team during the third episode and eventually, finished the show as one of the finalists slotted to debut in the new royal group, luxe.
performed ‘to my boyfriend’ and ‘be my baby’ with royal girls, and ‘santa’s coming for us’ with @rkxeve​, @haseulrk​, @rkness​ and @rkwendy​ at the seoul plaza festival.
the last member of luxe to be revealed through a teaser on royal’s official youtube channel. in the teaser, it depicts a sleepy cheri trying to wake up only to fall back to sleep with an instrumental track of ’luv me’ playing in the background.
on july 30, 2018, luxe officially debuted; their album, ’luv game’ was also simultaneously released that same day.
performed at the seoul bubble festival 2018.
v-live streaming with @rkxayah​.
appeared in ‘i feel good’ dance practice video.
appeared on dreaming radio with @rkyena​ and @rkella​.
v-live streaming with luxe on halloween.
performed at the samsung jeju new year special in jeju with luxe.
made a cameo appearance on the television drama, my love from another star.
came back with with their second mini-album, ‘fantasy’; and their song ‘confused’.
appeared as a special mc on kbs music bank on the day of their first comeback.
came back with their repackaged single, ‘every night’.
information that has not been officially disclosed to the public, usually close friends or those who are around her often know this ; with light digging, though, someone can find this out.
preferred name  naeun
english name  olivia son
hometown  manhattan, new york, usa
blood type  b
actual height & weight 168cm, 45kg
languages also spoken  basic conversational mandarin
instruments learned  piano, guitar, bass ( with rk achievements in the first two )
education   professional performing arts high school in new york, graduated as valedictorian ( due to extracurricular achievements and her julliard scholarship, not because of her gpa )
financial situation  ridiculously wealthy
family  daughter to retired broadway starlet and philanthropist, georgiana son ( she also used to be an actress back in the late 80′s in korea ), and lawyer, christopher son ; she is the youngest of three children ( she has an older sister, gwen, and an older brother, louis ).
she’s cousins with @rkseongmin, @rklnaeun, @/rkyura, @/rktaehyng, and @/rksungkyung.
lived in the united states, specifically new york, for ten years ( 2002 - 2012 ).
was known as royal’s camellia when she was a trainee.
had the reputation of being rather motherly towards the royal trainees but was horrible with faces and names.
was closest to @rksoohyun​, @rkbyunbaek​, and @rkseonho​ ( and @rkxnarong before she became a member of luxe ) as a trainee, and @kibumrk and @yienrk before they moved companies.
is close friends with royal’s @rkkangjoon​.
after royal survival, grew closer to @rkrose.
she’s not very good at taking pictures.
is close friends with nova’s @rkhuidong​, @hyunark​, and @rkyngsun​.
is currently roommates with @rkella back at luxe’s dorm.
designated person who wakes up late and sleeps late. 
hidden talents include hand magic, fitting things into her mouth, and being extra.
was known to be one of royal’s worst dancers for a long time -- she’s gotten a lot better since 2014 but definitely is not main dancer material.
one of her notable accessories, and naeun doesn’t wear many: @rkromeo gifted her a necklace the shape of a crescent moon when he confessed to her and naeun has worn it ever since, sometimes across her neck, mostly looped around her wrist.
not really skeletons in her closet but things that are extremely undisclosed to the public and things they would not know unless they’ve got cash to shell out or connections to ... connect
is the granddaughter of the owners of kmart ( a supermarket company chain modeled after hmart, lmfao ) ; part of a chaebol heritage that extended from busan to new york due to her mother’s familial influence.
back when she was in new york, she was charged with a dui when she crashed her car near central park ; her father got the records sealed.
signed an exclusive six year contract with royal entertainment for luxe, making her contract in january null as this contract signs her and exclusively binds her to luxe for six years as of july 18, 2018 ; ( end date: 2024 ).
knows trc’s @rkjxy​ because she dated her cousin.
country hopped after she graduated in 2012, somehow landed in australia and met @rkromeo​
is a loud and proud bisexual.
was in a relationship with @/rkjiho to which she broke off rather suddenly
was in a relationship with @/rkjessica for a couple of months before they broke off, suddenly, too
was in a some / fwb relationship with @/rkolltii that broke off without a word since.
has currently in a relationship with @rkromeo​ for the past three years ( going on four, this year! )
was medicated during some of her trainee years and prescribed, under the influence of a company coach and by the company physician, some uppers under the pretense of exhaustion but the situation escalated and she got addicted, quite easily, but has since quit.
she has 7 piercings / has a navel piercing, right ear: one cartilage/helix piercing, a snug, and a lobe piercing; left ear: a tragus; and two lobe piercings.
used to have an apartment in dongdaemun-gu, seoul, south korea.
used to be @yienrk​‘s neighbor along with @rkxblue and @/rkjinah.
a very lightweight drinker, a touchy and happy drunk, at that ; she, @/rkjinah and @rkxblue​ were cute drinking buddies.
has a group of friends she and @rkariel​ call the ‘hbc’: includes hyemin, jaewon, daewoong, and jooheon ; and their usual place of meeting was hyemin’s bakery.
her uncle, @rkhyunjoon‘s dad, died in november, 2018.
was gifted a cat by @rkseongmin​ for her birthday, whom she named joonjoon, but since pets aren’t allowed in the dorm, he’s being taken care of by her cousin in the meantime.  
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songqian87mx-blog · 6 years
All the informatation about Song Qian:
Chinese name: Song Qian (宋 茜) 
Artistic or korean name: Victoria Song (빅토리아 송)
Nicknames: Miss Elastic, Pororia, Qiannie, Vic Omma, Barbie Kung Fu, Quentoria, Asian Goddess, Queen of China.
Leader of kpop girl group f(x) under the company S.M ent.
She is a Singer, Dancer, Actress, Model and MC.
Born on Shandong, China in the 2nd of february of 1987.
Her height is 168cm and she weight 53kg.
Zodiacal sign: Aquarius 
Chinese sign: Rabbit 
Blood type: A
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tosahobi-if · 3 months
hi! do you have any ro descriptions?
posted here! but here are some smaller details + some updates:
jinwol: beauty mark under his right eye and under the right side of his lip. blue-black hair and eyes.
yul: mc's height + 1cm UNLESS the mc is under 168cm (5'6), as their minimum height is 169cm (~5'7)
iseul: pale green eyes, pin-straight, jet-black hair tied in a ponytail with a single braid.
xst: violet eyes with a lighter ring around the pupils. dark, thick hair usually tied up in a half-up half-down bun.
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