#the manila continental
evrensadwrn · 2 months
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“Me? Tired? I’m running on several cans of soda and pure will.”
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Character Profile for the MANAGER, MS. AMPUAN here
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beingjellybeans · 2 years
Top of the Morning weekend breakfast buffet at Timberland Highlands Resort's Ridge Cafe
Top of the Morning weekend breakfast buffet at Timberland Highlands Resort’s Ridge Cafe
Weekends are for leisure and enjoyment, do you agree? That should certainly include your breakfast. Weekend breakfasts provide you with the opportunity to take things slow – in contrast to the mad rush during workday mornings – and spend time with your loved ones. At Ridge Cafe in Timberland Highlands Resort, you can do that and more! Ridge Cafe is one of the resort’s dining venues which…
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treedaddymcpuffpuff · 3 months
Beneath Miles of Stone - Part Twenty - John Wick x Plus Size Fem Reader
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Summary: John has been in prison for nine months. He’s content to stay if it means appeasing the high table and keeping peace between the owners of each continental. However, he meets someone who erases that willingness. Peace be dammed.
TW: kind of kidnapping if you squint ; mentions of death ; violence ; angst ; nsfw kudos to @scarlettspectra and @lilspookymeh for being music gurus and basically inspiring my entire writing playlist ❤️
“John, I can’t stay here - I have work, Michael.”
“It’s not up for debate.” 
She scowls at the way he talks to her like a petulant child, looks over at Winston for help and finds none.
“You can’t make me stay here,” she grits.
He fixes her with a dark, mean look, clears the distance between them in one stride, and grabs her before she can think about running. “I can make you stay, but I don’t want to have to do that.”
He’s really just springing this on her. Because the death of Maria puts a target on his back and therefore a smaller one on hers, John thinks the best solution is keeping her locked in the safe house that is Winston’s massive hotel. No consulting her, no talking about options. Just cut and dry. Do as I say. She’s offered alternative solutions, even - “I’ll walk around with Victor’s - sorry, Viggo’s - bodyguards at my side!” - because, of course, her having a private little secret service of her own is now unnegotiable, too. Imagine that.
“You don’t have to do anything,” she retorts, voice quiet despite her lionhearted words. 
“I’m not speaking in metaphors,” John says, “you’re staying here. Either way. I need you safe.”
She tries to tear her arm from his grip, but it’s like attempting to wrestle with a gorilla. “So what? I’m just supposed to stay locked up in your gilded cage and forget I have a life?”
He loosens his hold a little bit, lets her puffy flesh spring back from bruising, and softens, hard rock eyes turning molten. Still, there is fire involved. “You can hate me if you want. You don’t have to look at me or speak to me, but I’m responsible for your safety, now. I need you unharmed.”
Ah, there it is again, that fucking pang in her heart that leaves her whole being bloodless and aching when he reminds her why she’s ultimately here - pity. 
Sure, he’s told her otherwise a thousand times now, and his actions are testament to how much he wants her, but that admittance is all she needs to start thinking she’s a charity case again. 
Tears swell her eyes. 
She can’t believe they’ve gone from bliss to this in such a short amount of time. And now what? She’s trapped here and humiliated? Pitied? 
“No, I didn’t-“ 
“Yeah you did,” she whispers, looking down at the shiny dark floor, watching little tear droplets accumulate on its surface.
He lets her pull away and gathers every ounce of his willpower to avoid following as she walks out of the room and into the bustling hotel. 
“That went well,” Winston comments, flipping through the manila envelope of witness statements.
His knuckles ache to punch something. Marcus isright here, downing scotch like it’s his last day on earth - maybe he thinks it is - one little punch wouldn’t hurt him. 
More willpower used up to not hit Marcus. He decides to leave the room instead. 
Marcus thinks he did it. Winston might as well think so, too. The eight witnesses that put him at the location say he did. 
The only person that knows he didn’t do it - because he was instead with her when he supposedly took a round trip flight to El Paso and fixed a bullet into Maria’s skull - wants nothing to do with him when the only thing he wants is to curl up beside her and lament. 
He needs an outlet. 
“You need to call the police,” Michael tells her. His voice fades away for a minute while she hears rummaging in the background. 
“I don’t want to get anyone in trouble Michael. It’s not like I’m being tortured or something.” 
“It wouldn’t matter.” 
“I don’t know, they could probably come get you out of there?” 
“I don’t think cops come here, Michael. I don’t think they’re allowed to be here.”
He pauses for dramatic effect, probably. She’s glad she called him. His usual antics calm her. “They’re not allowed to tear gas peaceful protesters either, but….. ”
“No, I think they kill them here.” 
“Sneak out,” Michael concludes. 
“That’s my next bid.” 
“Damn, your pussy must be god tier if this man is kidnapping you, though.” 
She rolls her eyes. 
“What?! I’m just saying!” She hears the no good grin and it puts a smile on her face. 
“I don’t know how I’m gonna pay rent, Michael. I told work, but they’re probably going to fire me - if they even believe me - and then I won’t have income to pay my share-“
“ Are you serious?” Michael sighs. “You’ve just been kidnapped and you’re worried about me ? Babe, stop.”
“We made a deal Michael, and all I’ve done is fuck it up.” 
“Worry about getting out of there, and we’ll sort it out once you’re free of crazy boyfriend.”
“He’s not crazy,” she tries, “he’s just… worried.” 
“Uh-huh.” Michael takes another pause.  “Anyway, what is this place called?”
“You are not coming here, Michael. You’ll get hurt.” 
“Why? I’m not a cop.”
“Right, right. You’re living the mystery novel life. Is it wrong that I’m a little jealous?” 
“No, I guess not. He just kind of makes it seem like he has to keep me here. I feel like a burden.”
“ You ? Feeling like a burden ?” The sharp sarcasm in his voice cuts. “Have you tried telling him that?”
“Well, no, but I’m scared.” 
Michael sighs. “Jesus, hun, I’m not sure what to tell you here. Sounds like he’s a little bit dysfunctional. Maybe he’s just not ready for a relationship. I mean, he has to know that holding you against your will isn’t okay.” 
She sighs back. It’s like their own little angsty language. “It’s not like I’m normal.” 
“Ah, so maybe the darkness in you calls to the darkness in him?” Michael sounds like he’s reciting breathy Shakespeare.
She laughs. 
The Continental is massive, shimmering, crystal chandeliers and intricate, antique carpets. 
Spotless, open, airy, a few delicate plants dotted about. Every room or hallway or lobby she enters feels too big - like she’s a kid again, tiny in proportion to everything else. Even the elevators gold and glimmer and loom.
Private clubs with massive polished oak doors to guard against entry, workers in perfectly tailored suits everywhere; one around each corner, in the bars and shops, diligent and watching. 
If she had any hope before of getting out of here, now she definitely doesn’t. Seems like every exit has an individual posted on it who would put Benny’s hulking mass to shame. 
She sees a woman who is taller than John, in a sleeveless tuxedo dress, muscles rippling over her shoulders and neck. She doesn’t think she has ever envied or admired someone so much. Despite the bodybuilder physique, this towering lady moves like flowing water. She just stares at her for a few minutes, entranced by the otherworldly beauty. How can he even think of liking her when women like this live and breathe? 
It’s easy to forget the outside world exists, here. But, she stills feels trapped - heralded off to some magical realm where everyone has a gun tucked under their shirt instead of a magic wand. 
She gets lost in the place, always expecting John to be waiting for her around corners or down a hallway. He’s not, though, instead leaving her alone like he said he would. That pisses her off and disappoints her a little bit; she wants him to follow her, fight for her, extinguish her flame of independence, which must mean there’s seriously something wrong here. He can’t just lock her up and then leave. 
Ignoring the empty John shaped space in her gut, she walks until she finds the library. Wall to wall shelves, rolling ladders carved in intricate, braided designs, a few cozy reading nooks. Librarian fantasy says hello. 
She scowls at the thought, goes to the fairytale section, lying to herself about thinking of John in this instance, too.
As chance would have it, someone she recognizes is here. The older woman from the bookstore in the mall, still sans reading glasses, squinting at the cover of a worn yellow hardback. 
“Do you need some help with that?” 
“Oh, my dear, nice to see you again.” There is an air of poise about this woman even in her shortcomings. She hands the book delicately to her rescuer, smiling softly. “Would you mind?” 
“Oh,” she thumbs the cover, feels the carved gold letters on the front. “This is Alice in Wonderland.” 
“Lewis Carroll?” 
“Yeah, I can tell you about this without even reading it.” She grins, cheeks puffing, pleased to have someone familiar here. 
The woman takes the book from her hands and sticks it back. “As interesting as Alice in Wonderland is, I’d much rather talk to you. You don’t belong here, do you? In a place like this?” 
She looks down at her feet. “Ah, no.” Really, she could pose the same question, but she finds herself unsurprised that nice stranger books in this hotel. Maybe it was the men in suits at her side. Maybe it’s because she’s used to this by now - fitting in nicely, snug as a bug in a rug. Meant for the underground. 
“So why are you here, dear?” 
They end up sitting in one of the lounges. She offers to go grab them both tea, paying for it and tipping despite hospitality, and then settles in to talk. This woman reminds of her of Winston, or like one of the kind, witty grandmothers from sparse foster homes. No matter how mean the rest of the family was, usually the elders were double kind to make up for it. 
She ends up telling her small things. Not too much, but more than she can Michael. This woman is already involved in the ancient crime world, so she feels like she can divulge more info. Plus, she’s confident that anyone here could just type her name into some imaginary database and bring up every detail about her, anyway. 
“Ah, John Wick, Boogeyman.” 
“People keep calling him that. I don’t think he’s that scary.” 
The woman laughs. “I don’t know, I’ve only heard. Never met.”
“Well, he’s actually nice,” she supplies, sipping her hibiscus tea. “Stubborn, but nice.”
“And he’s keeping you here to protect you, so he can’t be all bad.” 
“Yeah… we’ll go with that.” 
The woman laughs. “Oh, there is a fire in you. Misplaced, but a fire all the same.” 
“You desire hardness, outer armor, to be strong, but you don’t realize that your true power comes from your softness.”
“I’m tougher than I look.” 
“I’ve no doubt.” Her contemplative eyes assess the cementing posture. 
“Sorry, I’m just. I’m irritated that I have to stay here.” She drops her shoulders, relaxes her jaw. 
“You’ve got a free spirit. You remind me of someone I once knew.”
“Was it you?” She smiles again. 
“Indeed. Unfortunately, this old bird had her wings clipped long ago.” 
“Your wings are massive and amazing, still.” 
The elder beams at her. “You know, my children think I’m out of my mind.”
“Huh? But you’re not.”
She shrugs. “They want my empire. I suppose I am getting older - should probably relinquish it sooner rather than later.” 
Just like with John, she feels that deep dive questions would be too forthcoming and intrusive here. “So, they’re making up stuff to get it? Sounds like your kids aren’t that great.” 
“Ah, but isn’t that my fault if they are not great, then?” She sighs and leans back into cushions that swallow her small frame. 
This is a hard question. She’s spent a lifetime blaming foster parents for fucking her up so much. 
“See? You can’t argue with that.” Her crinkled smile widens. 
“Mistakes are mistakes. The past doesn’t define the future. You do seem lovely now, regardless of what happened when they were kids.” 
“What do you do for work, my darling?”
“I’m a nurse.” 
After talking for a long time with Ella, her mystery bookstore friend, she goes to knock on Winston’s study door, surprised she can even find it again. It takes a while, and she gets completely lost in the process. 
“Won’t find him in there. I think he’s downstairs. Do you need something?” She turns to find a tall, tattooed, beautiful woman folding linens onto a silver cart. 
“Oh, I just wanted to talk to him. Sorry.”
“You’re John’s girl?” She holds out a hand, gives a soft smile. “I’m a good friend of his.”
Why in the hell can’t she repress the jealousy raging inside her as she takes this absolutely gorgeous woman’s hand in her own? “Uh, yeah.” She resists asking how everyone seems to know what she looks like and who she belongs to. Maybe it’s just that distinguishable? John Wick with a fat girlfriend. 
Ouch . Back to hurting her own feelings again. 
“Oh, it’s really nice to meet you. A friend of John’s is a friend of mine. I’m a bell hop, trying to work my way up into bartender. They make more money.” She fixes her pile of cloth and then looks up as if forgetting something. “I’m Addie.” 
She’s at a loss for words, feels incredibly sheepish around this girl for no reason - exposed and open, ready for final judgement. Harrowing.
She introduces herself back despite trepidation and tries to give a warmer smile than she’s capable of right now. “Oh, that’s cool. You like bartending?” 
Addie laughs at some inside joke. “Oh, God no. Not in this city. But in the hotel, it’s great. Not many other bar owners will let you punch their customers for getting too handsy.”
She laughs. “Serves them right.” 
“I don’t mean to pry,” Addie smooths over a crisp sheet. “But how did you meet John?” 
Oh, the million dollar embarrassing question. “The prison. I was his nurse.” 
“Oh, that’s cute as hell.” Addie’s melodic giggle helps lower her raised haunches. “He hasn’t gone steady in a minute. I’m glad he’s happy. I’ve known him since we were kids, I mean, and he hasn’t been this sunshiny in a long time.”
Ah, another one of John Wick’s long time friends. “He’s a pretty good guy.” 
Addie nods. “Ah, we’re not passing the bechdel test.”
She chuckles. “You’re right.” 
“We will next time, promise. I gotta get back to work.” Addie gives her a wink and then she’s off. She calls back over her shoulder, “I’ll tell Winston you’re looking for him.”
“Thanks, but you don’t-“
“It’s fine.” Addie grins back. “He’s not busy.” 
She gets lost a few more times, maybe just maybe hoping for a tall, dark hero to come swoop her up and apologize. She’s more disappointed than she should be when that doesn’t happen. 
But, she does run into Charon again when she finds the front entrance. 
He gives her a small smile. “I trust you are finding the provisions here adequate, Miss?” 
She leans on his counter, emboldened by the lack of patrons in the lobby. “Could I ask you something?”
“I was in the library, and I saw the book with you in it. Behind the big glass display case, you know? You were in an orchestra in the pictures. Do you play… cello, right?”
“That’s correct. Well, was correct. I haven’t played in several years. Do you play?” 
“Ah, no.” She shrugs. “I just saw you in there and you looked amazing. Like really in your element.”
“Do I look.. out of my element now?” His head tilts, smile broadening.
“No, no, not at all.” Her eyebrows furrow. “Sorry, I just meant - you really looked like you loved it.”
“I did. It was exhilarating.” 
“Why don’t you do it anymore?” 
“I suppose I just got busy with other duties. I enjoy working at the hotel. The light of the stage was wonderful for a while, but I realized I was meant for a quieter fate. One with less excitement.”
“This is less excitement?” She gestures around. 
“Continental ground is sacred. We rarely have to take action against our guests for violence.” He pauses. “I know your experience has indicated otherwise.” 
She shakes her head. “Sorry, I didn’t-“
“There is nothing to be sorry for.” His pleasant smile still lingers as testament to that. “It’s alright to be curious. Ask me anything you want.”
She does. She asks who can stay here, who is not allowed to stay here, how long it’s been around, who built it. She asks him about the cello, if his hands got scarred, if he would play again at some point so she could come to his concert. 
Charon is infinitely interesting, sports the same dark humor that John does, and she chats with him until he gets customers. 
John stays gone. All day, all night. The more time goes by, the more anxious she gets. She should be angry, seething, but instead she just wants him to be okay, to come back to her. She’s grown so miserably attached to this elusive man, and the insanity that goes with that attachment is eating at her like swarms of locusts on fresh fields of grain.
He’s all bruised knuckles and blood flecked, sinew and tendon and vein. The smell of diesel and sweet liquor and heavy iron. She can’t help but peak at him from under the comforter while he undresses. 
“Good morning.” 
Of course he knows. He’s got sonic radar. She flushes, and doesn’t answer him. 
“I’d ask if you want to join me in the shower, but that would make me a bigger asshole.” 
“I don’t remember even saying you could stay in the same room as me anymore,” she grumbles, shifting under the blanket so a few of her toes peak from the end.
He resists tickling her. 
“You’re right. Let me take this shower, and I’ll book another one.”
“Are you rich?” She asks. 
“I have money.”
“Like, rich money?” 
He raises a dark eyebrow and looks far too good standing nude and bruised on the cold hardwood. 
“Does it matter?”
“I feel like you’re trying to buy me off.” 
He snorts, rubs a flexing hand down his abdomen and yawns. God, he’s fucking delectable. “Would it work?”
“Fuck you, John.” She tries to make her words hurt, but they’re half assed and weak.
He’s got a smile that makes her seethe and clench at once. Infuriating bastard. 
“Want me to fix that attitude with my tongue?” He offers, watches her toes curl up as she turns the other way and becomes a smaller mound under the covers. 
“I want you to go away.” 
He gives her credit for the control in her thickened voice. Saliva, always giving her away. 
“You got it.”
When the bathroom door shuts, she flings the blanket off and goes to get breakfast. For herself. 
Winston catches her in the dining room. “Do the clothes I sent up fit?” He asks. 
“Yeah, they do. Thank you. I appreciate it.” She looks distraught, out of element.
He hums and threads her arm with his, walking with her to the serving bar. “I’m sure he’ll take you to get your clothes and toiletries soon,” Winston promises. “I offered to have Charon escort you, but Johnathan seems to have faith in your ability to weasel away.” 
She huffs a laugh. “I’m not promising I wouldn’t try to escape.” 
“Are you angry with me?”
“No, I get it, he’s a bully.” 
“Ah, can’t say it’s entirely his fault. I’m concerned for your safety, too.” Winston sits with her as she orders cheesy eggs and toast and orange juice. 
“If he would have just explained it better, maybe I would have compromised.”
“Unless you know how to kill someone, I’m afraid there’s little compromise for you here.” Winston pauses, rubbing at the slick surface of the bar top. 
“I’m still mad at him.” She’s not sure why she feels so comfortable talking to Winston about her relationship problems, but the man is more than happy to chat and advise. 
“I can understand that. What can I do to make you feel better?” 
“Oh, no, Mr. Scott, you’ve already done so much. I’m sorry for being like this.” 
He smiles warmly, amusement cresting the crinkles of his face. 
Normally, she’s wary of being touched, but there is nothing except reassurance in Winston’s hand rested over hers. “My dear, you are human. Flesh and bone. Your feelings and emotions are your power, no matter how overwhelming they may become. Never forget that.” 
She feels a little like she has stepped from the mortal realm into fae territory. Everything shines and dazzles, wise figures give her hopeful advice, and there is a beautiful, inhuman man terrorizing her with a small grin from across the room.
She quickly looks away from John, and Winston of course notices the pick up in nerves. 
“Do you want me to kick him out?” He asks her. 
She giggles. “Will he leave?” 
“It’s worth a try.” 
Avoiding John Wick is kind of like being a moth who hates light. 
When he looks at her, she’s looking at him. And vice versa. She tries to eat, but feels too nervous to finish with coal eyes burning the endless fire in her belly, asks for a to go box and gulps the rest of her orange juice down. 
He watches her while she walks out, sipping his black coffee, unabashedly staring directly at her beautiful bottom. 
“I’ve thought about it,” Winston tells him, taking the seat across the table. “And I believe you.” 
“Is that supposed to make me feel better?” John asks. 
Winston ignores his sour mood. “Someone is trying to frame you, Johnathan. Someone wants you dead. With eight witnesses, the high table will come for you. Especially concerning the public knowledge that Maria put a bounty on your head. This is a war that ends one way.” 
“I know.” 
“So, do something.”
“I’m sorry.” 
She turns around to find him leaning into the door jam.
“I told you I wasn’t good at this.” He motions between them. “But that’s no excuse to be an asshole.”
“I’m not good at it either, in case you didn’t notice,” she replies dryly. 
“If you get hurt, I’m not sure what I’ll do,” he admits. 
“But I can’t live like a clipped bird, John. And you’re just so forceful about it. I can’t get a word in when your mind is set. Michael has been nothing but good to me, and now I’m bailing on him. I like my job. It makes me feel like I have a purpose.”
“It’s not forever, just until I can figure this out.”
“Is it really that dangerous? If it is why did we start this in the first place?” That kind of sounds like she regrets the relationship, so she doubles back. “Sorry, that’s a stupid question. I would gladly meet you again and again, even if it meant more hardship, John, but I can’t just leave my old life.” 
He gives a deep, baritone sigh, running hands through his damp hair. 
She gets a little waft of the delicious shampoo he used, and itches to go to him. 
“Just give me a day. One day. I’m going to fix this, and I need you to trust me.”
She eyes him, makes him feel vulnerable - raw - with the power of her stare.
“Tell me what you’re thinking.” It sounds more like a plead than a demand, so she provides.
“Are you just doing this because you feel like you have to? Am I inconveniencing your life even more?” 
He looks at her for a very long time.
Then, pads over and tips her chin up with his fingers. “I live in a dangerous world. I’m scared to lose you in its chaos.” 
“But is it out of obligation or-“
“It’s because I need you.”
“You need me?”
He presses his forehead against her own. “Yes.” There is frustration in his voice.
She cradles the back of his head, inhaling spice and salt, quiet and still. Some kind of storm will rage and destroy her later, but for now she can keep it at bay while he is folding her up and pressing her into the bed. 
“This doesn’t solve anything,” she says, trying not to lose her resolve in the delicious wet of his mouth. 
“Tell me to stop,” he murmurs, lips trailing the sensitive bridge of her ear. 
She doesn’t. Lets him gather her hair back and lick behind her lobe, turn her into a quivering little mess of a human clinging to his sweatshirt. 
He can’t get enough of her in his mouth at once, uses his hands to make up for the loss, cups her tummy and groans at how soft she is. God, he could just sink right into her and never come out. 
“This is all I wanna do,” he says. “Every time I look at you, you just get more tempting. That cute little smile, pretty skin, soft little body. Who sent you here to destroy me?” 
“Th-the FBI.” She’s smiling that sunshine smile, animosity an afterthought, pulling at her new fixation which happens to be his velvet hair, rubbing her fingers into his scalp. 
His cock gives a little jump against her thigh, and he vibrates for her again. Ah, of course it’s the hair. 
“You like it when I play with your hair?” She asks, voice hitched high and tight as he sucks down her neck. 
“Yeah,” he admits. 
“I uh, yeah, l-like your hair, Johnny.” She sloppily threads a strand around her fingers, tugging just a little. 
And to think he was contemplating getting another buzz cut because of this mess always being in his face. Not now. Now he would never cut it again. Now it was his pride and fucking joy. 
He snakes his hands under her shirt, rubs at her bare tummy, pulls and feels and groans about how fucking pillowy she is - about how a bullet would probably just bounce right off of her. 
“Fuck, I love this,” he says, making her giggle and grab his fingers. 
“Tickles,” she tells him.
Immune to bullets, but not to soft fingers digging into her plump. He can’t help the hells grin while he indulges himself and makes her a giggly, frantic mess. “Where you going? Huh?” Chasing her up the bed, pressing her against the pillows, making her scream and curse his name. 
Only a little bit of fun, and then he’s kissing her ribs, pulling her bra up to let these beautiful tits flop in his face so he can nuzzle between them. Giggles into moans, the chant of her hips matching the rhythm of mewling sounds. 
“You’re so fuckin sweet.” 
Her hands make their way back to his hair.
Big cock pressing and grinding into her giving thigh, fingers running circles around her areolas to tease, mouth nipping at the tips of her breasts. 
He gets her begging, whining, needs her to ask him for it. 
“Pretty girl wants to cum on my tongue again, huh?”
“Yeah.” Little shimmering tears in her lashes, lips all puffy and big just like her nipples. 
“Tell me. Tell me, babydoll.” 
Flooding with hot embarrassment, biting her lip, trying not to crumble and break, she does her best for him, tries her hardest to make him happy. “John, make me cum. Please.”
It’s not good enough. “Ah, ah,” he scolds. “Make you cum on what?” 
“Y-your tongue. Want your tongue. Please, fuck.” 
“There you go.” And how could he ever fucking say no? 
How could he not spend a decade between these comfy thighs eating her sweet puffy cunt nice and slow. 
Fucking her on his fingers, tickling her little clit with his tongue and making her her hips spark up off the bed, giving her rug burn on top of rug burn while she pulls his hair and curses his wicked mouth. Sometimes it hurts, especially like now when she’s too drunk on his mouth to be careful or sweet - and he fucking loves it. 
He may never be able to convince her that he’s sorry with words, but he can still use his mouth to accomplish the same goal.
By the sounds of it, she, at least for now, forgives him.
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radiofreederry · 1 year
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It's another continental contest as the great cities of the world's most populous continent face off! It's #cityrumble Asia!
As always, the contests will be linked below.
Ho Chi Minh City v Seoul
Wuhan v Yokohama
Bangkok v Karachi
Shanghai v Kuala Lumpur
Singapore v Baghdad
Yangon v Delhi
Kolkata v Hong Kong
New Taipei City v Jakarta
Baku v Tehran
Phnom Penh v Manila
Tokyo v Mumbai
Lahore v Nanjing
Beijing v Hanoi
Dhaka v Kathmandu
Guangzhou v Busan
Hyderabad v Pyongyang
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lonestarbattleship · 1 year
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USS Monadnock (BM-3) at sea between San Francisco, CA, and Manila, Philippine Islands, circa June 23 to August 16, 1898. She was one of only two U.S. Navy monitors ever to make the crossing. She was ordered to join George Dewey's Asiatic fleet in the Philippines during the Spanish-American War. While she never turned to the continental US, she protected US interests during the Boxer rebellion and patrol the rivers of China. She served her twilight years as a submarine chaser before being scrapped in 1923.
Photographed from USS Nero (AC-17), her escort on the trans-Pacific voyage.
Note: the amount of water over top of the main deck. While a ship will stay afloat as the main interior body stays dry, that doesn't mean it makes a good sea going vessel. Monitors as design have shallower hulls to make them a smaller target to the enemy, the trade off is they are only really suited for rivers and coastal areas.
NHHC: NH 45956, NH 60659
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eirikswood · 1 year
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El Tamborilero / The Little Drummer Boy
The earliest known Asian-American settlement in the continental United States is Bayou Saint Malo, Louisiana (1763-1915) founded by deserting sailors and fugitive slaves from Manila, who were uniquely suited to thrive in the inhospitable and remote marshlands using indigenous shrimp fishing techniques and stilt houses from the Philippines.  For 250 years (1565-1815) Spanish galleons crossed the Pacific Ocean trading luxury goods and forcibly recruiting and converting colonial subjects from Las Islas Filipinas and the Américas through the ports of Manila and Acapulco under the Viceroyalty of New Spain in México Tenochtitlán.
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eastercon · 1 year
The winners of this year's BSFA Awards will be announced at Conversation 2023. The BSFA Awards ceremony is free to attend by all members of Eastercon. See you there!
Here are the shortlists, including works by two of our wonderful Guests of Honour - Adrian Tchaikovsky and @tkingfisher Best Artwork
Alyssa Winans, Cover of The Red Scholar’s Wake by Aliette de Bodard, Gollancz
Manzi Jackson, Cover of Africa Risen: A New Era of Speculative Fiction, Macmillan
Chris Baker, Cover of Shoreline of Infinity 32, Shoreline of Infinity
Vincent Sammy, Cover of Parsec 4, PS Publishing
Miguel Co, Cover of Song of the Mango and Other New Myths, Ateneo De Manila UP
Jay Johnstone, Cover of The Way the Light Bends, Luna Press Publishing
Best Fiction for Younger Readers
T. Kingfisher, Illuminations, Argyll Productions
Frances Hardinge, Unraveller, MacMillan Children's Books
Kate Dylan, Mindwalker, Hodder and Stoughton
Gina Chen, Violet Made of Thorns, Hodder and Stoughton
Juno Dawson, Her Majesty's Royal Coven, Harper Voyager
Vanessa Len, Only A Monster, Hodder and Stoughton
Xiran Jay Zhao, Zachary Ying and the Dragon Emperor, Margaret K. McElderry Books
Best Short Fiction
Or Luca, ‘Luca’, Luna Press Publishing
Aliette de Bodard, ‘Of Charms, Ghosts and Grievances’, JABberwocky Literary Agency, Inc
Rick Danforth, ‘Seller's Remorse’, Hexagon Magazine, Issue 11
Adrian Tchaikovsky, ‘Ogres’, Rebellion
Neil Williiamson, ‘A Moment of Zugzwang’, ParSec #4
Best Novel
Adrian Tchaikovsky, City of Last Chances, Head of Zeus
Aliette de Bodard, The Red Scholar's Wake, Gollancz
Adam Roberts, The This, Gollancz
Gareth Powell, Stars and Bones, Titan Books
EJ Swift, The Coral Bones, Unsung Stories
Best Non-Fiction,
Rob Wilkins, Terry Pratchett: A Life with Footnotes, Doubleday
Maureen Kincaid Speller, The Critic and the Clue: Tracking Alan Garner's Treacle Walker  http://strangehorizons.com/non-fiction/the-critic-and-the-clue-tracking-alan-garners-treacle-walker/
Fiona Moore, Management Lessons from Game of Thrones: Organization Theory and Strategy in Westeros, Edward Elgar Publishing
Wole Talabi and the ‘ASFS, Preliminary Observations from an Incomplete History of African SFF’ , https://www.sfwa.org/2022/06/01/preliminary-observations-incomplete-history-african-science-fiction-fantasy/
Oghenechovwe Donald Ekpeki , ‘Too Dystopian For Whom? A Continental Nigerian Writer's Perspective’, https://www.uncannymagazine.com/article/too-dystopian-for-whom-a-continental-nigerian-writers-perspective/
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brookstonalmanac · 10 months
Events 8.21 (after 1900)
1901 – Six hundred American school teachers, Thomasites, arrived in Manila on the USAT Thomas. 1911 – The Mona Lisa is stolen by Vincenzo Peruggia, a Louvre employee. 1914 – World War I: The Battle of Charleroi, a successful German attack across the River Sambre that pre-empted a French offensive in the same area. 1918 – World War I: The Second Battle of the Somme begins. 1942 – World War II: The Guadalcanal Campaign: American forces defeat an attack by Imperial Japanese Army soldiers in the Battle of the Tenaru. 1944 – Dumbarton Oaks Conference, prelude to the United Nations, begins. 1944 – World War II: Canadian and Polish units capture the strategically important town of Falaise, Calvados, France. 1945 – Physicist Harry Daghlian is fatally irradiated in a criticality accident during an experiment with the Demon core at Los Alamos National Laboratory. 1957 – The Soviet Union successfully conducts a long-range test flight of the R-7 Semyorka, the first intercontinental ballistic missile. 1959 – United States President Dwight D. Eisenhower signs an executive order proclaiming Hawaii the 50th state of the union. Hawaii's admission is currently commemorated by Hawaii Admission Day. 1963 – Xá Lợi Pagoda raids: The Army of the Republic of Vietnam Special Forces loyal to Ngô Đình Nhu, brother of President Ngo Dinh Diem, vandalizes Buddhist pagodas across the country, arresting thousands and leaving an estimated hundreds dead. 1965 – The Socialist Republic of Romania is proclaimed, following the adoption of a new constitution. 1968 – Cold War: Nicolae Ceaușescu, leader of the Socialist Republic of Romania, publicly condemns the Soviet-led Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia, encouraging the Romanian population to arm itself against possible Soviet reprisals. 1968 – James Anderson Jr. posthumously receives the first Medal of Honor to be awarded to an African American U.S. Marine. 1971 – A bomb exploded in the Liberal Party campaign rally in Plaza Miranda, Manila, Philippines with several anti-Marcos political candidates injured. 1982 – Lebanese Civil War: The first troops of a multinational force lands in Beirut to oversee the Palestine Liberation Organization's withdrawal from Lebanon. 1983 – Philippine opposition leader Benigno Aquino Jr. is assassinated at Manila International Airport (now renamed Ninoy Aquino International Airport in his honor). 1986 – Carbon dioxide gas erupts from volcanic Lake Nyos in Cameroon, killing up to 1,800 people within a 20-kilometre (12 mi) range. 1988 – The 6.9 Mw  Nepal earthquake shakes the Nepal–India border with a maximum Mercalli intensity of VIII (Severe), leaving 709–1,450 people killed and thousands injured. 1991 – Latvia declares renewal of its full independence after its occupation by the Soviet Union since 1940. 1991 – Coup attempt against Mikhail Gorbachev collapses. 1993 – NASA loses contact with the Mars Observer spacecraft. 1994 – Royal Air Maroc Flight 630 crashes in Douar Izounine, Morocco, killing all 44 people on board. 1995 – Atlantic Southeast Airlines Flight 529, an Embraer EMB 120 Brasilia, attempts to divert to West Georgia Regional Airport after the left engine fails, but the aircraft crashes in Carroll County near Carrollton, Georgia, killing nine of the 29 people on board. 2000 – American golfer Tiger Woods wins the 82nd PGA Championship and becomes the first golfer since Ben Hogan in 1953 to win three majors in a calendar year. 2013 – Hundreds of people are reported killed by chemical attacks in the Ghouta region of Syria. 2017 – A solar eclipse traverses the continental United States.
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room42 · 2 years
National team out as PVL Invitational champion to represent PH in AVC Cup
National team out as PVL Invitational champion to represent PH in AVC Cup
MANILA, Philippines—The Philippine national women’s volleyball team will no longer represent the country in the upcoming Asian Volleyball Confederation (AVC) Cup. Taking the national team’s place in the continental meet slated from August 21 to 29 at PhilSports Arena will be the champion of the ongoing Premier Volleyball League Invitational Conference. The Philippine National Volleyball […] The…
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radioshiga · 12 days
Filipinas solicita à ONU extensão de sua plataforma continental
Manila, Filipinas, 18 de junho de 2024 (Agência de Notícias AP) – As Filipinas apresentaram uma reivindicação à Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU) para estender sua plataforma continental no Mar da China Meridional, uma área rica em recursos naturais e alvo de disputas territoriais com a China. O Ministério das Relações Exteriores das Filipinas anunciou no sábado (15) que o país submeteu…
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evrensadwrn · 2 months
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“I changed this place for the better.”
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Okay guys I have to post posters like this because my aunt or my aunt is gonna take the account again and that will be boring
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unhonestlymirror · 1 month
"Did you know that Lithuanians have participated in every American war, from the Revolutionary to present?
Here are a few famous and less famous:
Felixas Miklaševičius, a Lithuanian nobleman who was recruited by the Continental Congress as a privateer to prey upon British ships during America's Revolutionary War.
Thaddeus Kosciuszko or more accurately, Taddas Kosciuška, born in the territory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, proclaimed to Lithuanians in 1794, "Lithuania-my fellow countrymen and compatriots. I was born on your soil and in my ardor for my homeland there is within me a special inclination toward those among whom I began my life...Lithuania...glorious for valor and citizenship...I vow to stand amidst you." Also, in the introduction of his last will and testament written in Paris in 1798, it states: "I, Thaddeus Kosciuszko, formerly an officer of the United States of America, and a native of Lithuania...." We know that Kosciuska's engineering background helped him build fortifications that allowed Americans to beat the British. For his service, Kosciuska was awarded the rank of Brigadier General.
Ann Bernatitus, daughter of Alexander and Margaret Adamaitis, a Navy nurse known as the Angel of Bataan, was the first American of any service to receive the Legion of Merit for her heroic service in Manila, Bataan, and Corregidor during WWII. Today, her portrait is proudly displayed in the US Pentagon.
Stanley Bender, who worked in the slaughter houses of Chicago, and later as a taxi driver, was an American Lithuanian and the recipient of the United States military's highest decoration-the Medal of Honor-for his actions in WWII. On August 17, near La Londe-les-Maures, France, he single-handedly silenced two German machine gun emplacements and led his squad in the destruction of the remainder of a German strong point. From 1946-1949, Bender was a member of American Legion's Lithuanian Darius-Girenas Post and was a member of its command.
History has taught us that whenever or wherever there is a call to serve, or wherever the fight for freedom may be, you may rest assured a Lithuanian will be there."
By National Lithuanian American Hall of Fame.
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shahananasrin-blog · 9 months
[ad_1] MANILA, Philippines–Stallion-Laguna and Dynamic Herb Cebu are hoping that tough expertise of their continental debuts will assist them an awesome deal within the Asian Soccer Confederation (AFC) Cup.The 2 Philippines Soccer League golf equipment each misplaced to respective groups from Southeast Asia this week, with Stallion succumbing 5-2 to Indonesia’s Bali United at Binan Soccer Stadium and Cebu getting blanked 3-0 by Cambodia’s Phnom Penh Crown at Rizal Memorial Stadium.“I’m pleased with the efficiency,” mentioned Cebu coach Joshua Schirmer. “A few of the gamers have by no means performed at this degree earlier than, and now they see what that is all about. FEATURED STORIES SPORTS Dwight Ramos reaffirms dedication to Gilas Pilipinas SPORTS Bagunas in awe as PH males’s volleyball group places up battle in Asian Video games SPORTS Gilas drawn with New Zealand in Asia Cup Qualifiers “Some raised their video games and a few have to be taught to boost their recreation even increased for the following video games as a result of we don’t anticipate the opposition to get any weaker,” added the American coach.Cebu stored the sport scoreless till the forty second minute when Phnom Penh capitalized on an aerial scenario, prompting Shintaro Shimizu to attain a header. The guests tacked on two extra within the second half, a lot to the frustration of the Central Visayas outfit on Thursday.The day prior to this in Laguna noticed Stallion drawing degree at 1-1 on a objective from Junior Sam, however accidents amongst his defensive gamers coupled with three straight targets from Bali ultimately led to the lopsided affair.“Why we need to neglect one thing historic?” mentioned Stallion coach Ernie Nierras, whose membership can be in its maiden foray in an Asian membership competitors. “It was sudden [to play in the AFC Cup] and also you noticed that we have been combating.”Stallion had an opportunity to tie the sport at 2-2 earlier than the break, however Finn McDaniel’s try from the spot was saved by Bali keeper Maringa.It got here minutes after Stallion goalie Hayeson Pepito stopped a Bali penalty that prevented the away aspect from taking a 3-1 lead.“Had we scored that [penalty], it might have been a brand new recreation and it might have been completely different within the second half,” mentioned Nierras.Stallion and Cebu resume their AFC Cup marketing campaign within the first week of October after they go to their Australian foes Central Coast Mariners and MacArthur FC, respectively.However first off, Stallion will resume its home duties when it wraps up its group stage stint within the Copa Paulino Alcantara on Saturday in opposition to Adamson at Rizal Memorial Stadium.Cebu, in the meantime, gained’t be taking part in till subsequent week when the Copa begins its two-leg quarterfinals. [ad_2]
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kikewolf22 · 11 months
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🗺️Sabias que tenemos la playa más vieja de Mexico y refugio de piratas en su época 🏴‍☠️
Se llama La Audiencia y le pusieron así porque ahí estuvo Hernán Cortés en persona, revisando la construcción de unos bergantines (barcos de vela) que salieron a explorar la Mar del Sur (Océano Pacífico).
Esta playa fue el segundo puerto de todo el
Continente Americano. Aquí estuvo anclado el temible pirata inglés Sir Francis Drake, que robó el Galeón de Manila, un poderoso barco mercante que movía la economía virreinal.
Drake huyó con un botín valuado en decenas de millones de dólares actuales, desde esos tiempos vinieron piratas holandeses, corsarios y demás alimañas del mar.
Esta playa esta ubicada en Manzanillo, es un orgullo del estado y de México
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