#the man lovesssss spicy foods
ooglyboooglybitxh · 1 year
Since y'all asked😭:
𝐍𝐚𝐡𝐢𝐫 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
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mom!shuri, mom!reader reader & shuri’s child
contains: HOLY FLUFF, a little bit of angst, kissing mentioned
[]: Born: Nahir M/N Udaku, July 23, 2022, 4 pounds, Sex: Male, Blood Type, AB positive, Allergies: None
[]: He has Y/n’s long frizzy hair and Shuri’s face. Like if you were to look at both of them side by side you’d think they’re twins
[]: He can eat spicy shit, i mean it comes from his Dominican and African side. So he aint really phased by it
(A/N: bro the other day my mom flamed me for not finding anything spicy and she said: “Thats bc your nigerian mf, you are from africa” 💀 and idk really eat african food fr so i wouldn’t know if it’s spicy or not😭)
But anyways💀 back 2 the headcanon
[]: If he wakes up before Shuri and Y/n he’ll climb out his crib and get on the bed and start bothering them until they give him his needs. He’ll tug on Y/n’s hair and hit Shuri.
[]: he LOVES Riri and Riri ADORES him. If Shuri and Y/n need a break she’ll always be willing to take him unless she’s busy.
[]: He will NOT go to sleep without his turtle plushie and if the turtle’s being washed he’ll probably be willing to sleep with one of his spider man plushies but usually Y/n washes his plushies together at the same time. So he won’t go to sleep until their done washing.
[]: he LOVESSSSS baths especially when he gets to use the bubbles, oh yep- its a wrap he’ll be in there for about 20 mins tops. after his done getting his bath he’ll play until he has to get out.
[]: He has this like thing for turtles… he loves them why?. Only God knows.
[]: The first time he ever stepped into Shuri’s Lab. God this boy didnt keep still at all he kept touching everything.
*Nahir giggles* as he crawls around Shuri’s lab
he crawls over to the molding station and Shuri immediately snatches him away from the area
“NO! shit, here just sit by me ok?…stay” Shuri says sitting him down on the chair next to her station, trying to keep him away from dangerous things and objects around the lab.
Shuri turns back to the console now completely focused on the console. Nahir sneaks away quietly and crawls to the hallway
“Panther, Nahir is in the hallway” Griot says warning Shuri
Shuri immediately runs after Nahir and grabs him from behind
*Nahir giggles* at Shuri’s firm hands tickling him while she picks him up
“Where are you going?. Eh, little one?” she says putting her on the same chair.
She stares at him for a second slowly turning back to the console and Nahir tries to move again but Shuri catches him
“Aht Aht” She grunts grabbing him as she gets an idea
She adjusts her Kimoyo Beads to Child Mode, as she does this her child reaches for her wrist wondering what the thing is glowing on her wrist
“Ehh” Nahir whines reaching for his mother
“Hang on” Shuri reassures him
She slides the beads off her wrists and gently grabs her son’s wrists, gently sliding them onto his.
“mmm” Nahir coos becoming interested in the beads tapping on them
Shuri does know how but he opens a game after a couple more taps, thinking she would have to turn on the game for him
“Brilliant..” She says as her eyes widen
She smiles softly at her son’s quick wits figuring out how to work the Kimoyo Beads at 7 MONTHS!?.
maybe just maybe….. he’d be as smart as his mother one day. As she thinks that her smile grows wider kissing her son’s forehead.
[]: When ever he gets angry at Y/n he’ll nudge into her or hit her and Y/n makes a death face at Nahir. And in fright he’ll coo into her or hug her basically apologizing
“yeah thats what i thought”
[]: He watched Lilo & Stitch and boy he lovesssss Stitch after he watched it he was pretending to be Stitch
“iiiii” Nahir yells flopping around on the bed
Shuri and Y/n chuckles
Y/n checks her phone:
10:09 pm
“Time for bed mhijo” (son) Y/n says to Nahir.
“ehhh” Nahir whines and pouts
[]: Y/n and Nahir stay up late often to watch tv and eat snacks while Shuri sleeps through all the noise knowing it’s them causing racket.
[]: If a character in a movie is sad or something he’ll go: “aww” which is so adorable to witness 🥹🥹
[]: whenever he has nightmares in the middle of the night he’ll cry loudly, waking up his parents
if its Shuri she’ll immediately jump out her sleep and pick him up
“Shhhh its okay unyana i’m here stop crying its ok”(son) Shuri says trying to calm down her son she picks up his turtle plush and tries to give it to him.
If its Y/n she’ll grab him, lay him on her chest and rub his back.
“It's ok Mhijo“ she says rubbing his back
[]: He hates it when Shuri and Y/n Kiss. Like he actually loathes that shit😭. If he’s near them when they kiss he’ll yell and hit the both of them😭. If he’s far away he’ll throw something at them and NOT MISS!!!😤
[]: So he has this “My Friend Miles Morales” plushie that if you squeeze that chest he talks and makes noises. He hates that shit. So Shuri notice this and when he was taking a nap she took the plushie down to her lab and removed the voice box and when he noticed the voice box was out he was so happy. And Shuri’s heart warmed over the feeling of knowing her son was so happy
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I am so sorry if this was too short😭
tbh i don’t like writing short shit bc it just makes me feel weird like idk😭
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but dont be spamming ma shi tho😹
-💙 @ooglyboooglybitxh
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elgaravel · 4 months
💋🌻🍼🥞🎤🏪 for el and akira!! :]
ehehehe thank you bones >:))
💋 KISS MARK: What’s their signature look, if any? Do they have a gesture or piece of jewelry or something else that acts as a calling card for them?
She doesn't quite have a signature look clothing wise since she likes to experiment with styles but she does love a good denim jacket. She's generally more recognizable via her hair (very curly and often thrown up into a bun pre-wasteland) and tattoos. Especially the latter in the wasteland since I don't think they'd be as common? At least outside of cities, maybe. Her laugh is a good calling card tho since she cackles really loud when she finds something really funny.
🌻 SUNFLOWER: Do people generally tend to like them? What personality traits do they have that draw others in?
El can be... polarizing. An acquired taste might be a kinder way to put it but she can be difficult to get along with due to how stubborn and blunt she is. But I love her to pieces and that's what matters 😌. But most often people are drawn to her confidence and ambition along with her love of the arts.
🍼 BABY BOTTLE: How do they feel about babies and children? Would they ever have any?
Well, she does have one, August. But she's always had conflicted feelings about kids and having her own but has generally always leaned towards not wanting them. She's afraid of that level of commitment and of fucking up her kid/turning into her parents. Plus, she's always felt a bit awkward around kids since she doesn't really know how to interact with them. She loves August but she has a lot of inner conflict about it all. She really only kept him in the first place because Akira wanted a family, and then had a hard time bonding with him and then the Game Events happened, and now she has a synth version of him after killing the human she actually popped out her herself. But she does take good care of him :]
🥞 PANCAKES: What’s their comfort food?
She lovesssss pasteles! She mainly had them for the winter holidays growing up since they can be time-consuming to make but she's still very fond of them even if she doesn't eat them too often anymore. She also loves the miso soup that Akira makes :]
🎤 MICROPHONE: What does their voice sound like? Do they have a notable accent? Can they sing, and if so, what would they sing at a karaoke night?
Tashi Rodriguez is both her face and voice claim! So she kinda has a medium pitched voice? Idk I'm bad at describing voices but she doesn't really have much of an accent in my mind since she's kinda lived all over the place. Just a standard American. She cannot sing to save her life </3
🏪 CONVENIENCE STORE: What would be their go-to convenience store snacks?
Omg she'd love Takis or just spicy chips in general. She'd hate the dust tho so she wouldn't go for them unless she's just going home after or if Akira's with her so she can just wipe the dust on his jacket or smth 💀. Probably just some water and iced tea to drink, maybe a nuka cherry if she wants to spice things up.
💋 KISS MARK: What’s their signature look, if any? Do they have a gesture or piece of jewelry or something else that acts as a calling card for them?
He's usually going for that greaser look but doesn't generally slick his hair back bc he doesn't like putting product in it. So a leather jacket, jeans, a t-shirt, and a pair of boots generally. Add some leather gloves and armor in the wasteland, and ofc a pack of cigarettes in his pocket. He's never been big on jewelry but he did let El pierce one of his ears.
🌻 SUNFLOWER: Do people generally tend to like them? What personality traits do they have that draw others in?
At first glance, people tend to gravitate towards him since he's a very attractive man but he can be initially very awkward and a bit shy so that can be off-putting to some people. But people don't really tend to dislike him, I guess. He's very kind and warm once you get him to open up a little bit.
🍼 BABY BOTTLE: How do they feel about babies and children? Would they ever have any?
He likes kids and he's good with him but he never really wanted any of his own until El told him that she was pregnant. Just seemed to kinda flip a switch in his mind and he found himself pretty excited to have one with her even if he was a bit scared but he was oblivious to her own reservations :/. BUT tbf she was lying to him abt her feelings on it, he just took her at face value.
🥞 PANCAKES: What’s their comfort food?
Good ol' Blamco Mac 'n cheese with some broccoli and shredded chicken. Cheers him up every time.
🎤 MICROPHONE: What does their voice sound like? Do they have a notable accent? Can they sing, and if so, what would they sing at a karaoke night?
Akira's voice is quite deep but soft in a way, it doesn't carry very well. He has a bit of a southern Maine accent (which is just similar to the general New England one) but it's not very thick. He pronounces his 'R's softer than most so 'car' kinda sounds like 'cah', cold weather is nippy, etc etc. It doesn't really stand out in Boston. He's a decent singer but doesn't really like to sing in front of people often.
🏪 CONVENIENCE STORE: What would be their go-to convenience store snacks?
Generally, a beer and whatever candy he's feeling but he gravitates towards anything with peanut butter!
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bittybattybunny · 4 years
Poor hungry noodle had to eat raw and decaying meat for 2 centuries. I'm surprised he didn't became mad because of hunger
It's one big reason he's so grouchy he gets more lax once he has access to normal foods again!!!
Like during his time being human, he gets way more playful and less angry at every little thing and a little less tsun (only a little, he’s still a cheeky bastard)
Like it’s one of the reason’s he gets so grouchy and snaps is just he’s had to deal with a lot, not only that but he actually had a really hard time telling time was passing at all in the ocean. Like Hattie coming to him daily is what helps him kinda figure out days and weeks again.
here’s something from when he legally became Hattie’s dad showing his playful side when not constantly hungry. (this is in the timeline of the fic, about a year after living with them)
“that’s not it,” she giggled and grabbed the paper back, “It just explains a good deal on why you act like you do!” She admitted running off with the paper, “I’m going to tell Hattie!” She laughed.
        “Don’t you dare!” Snatcher gave chase. Running after the woman as she ran out the door of the house into the yard.
    “That man is dead! I’m just Snatcher now!” He growled as he sprinted after her. He tackled her to the ground, Wincing as they both landed in the dirt. He huffed as his hair fell in his face as he stared into her eyes.
    Eclipse gasped as she went down. Face to face now with the man and couldn’t help laughing in his face.
    “Do you think this is funny?!” He snapped.
    “A Little!” She admitted, “After all! The giant danger sea noodle is a lost prince! I know you always said you were a prince but, I honestly didn’t believe it!” She gave a loud laugh, pushing up on his chest, “Get off of me before someone gets the wrong idea.”
    “Wrong Idea?” He asked with a devious smirk, leaning down closer to her face, “Oh I’m sorry. Does the wolf not like the fact a Prince is looking solely at her?”
    He grinned like a devil watching her face turn red.
    “Get Off of me Snatcher Before I make you!” She covered her face with her hands, attempting to hide her embarrassment.
    “Are you guys sure you aren’t going to get married?” 
Both Snatcher and Eclipse snapped up, looking to Hattie who was standing a few feet away with her school bag. Beau stood with her watching curiously. Hattie’s face tired and confused as she stared at the two.
Versus this scene from going to the clothing store with Eclipse earlier on(timeline this was about a month after he became human so it’s about mid november):
Snatcher jumped, lost in his head, he hadn’t heard her and knocked over the display he was looking at. Wheezing as he tried to fix his mess. She tilted her head laughing, “Spooked the spook?” she asked with a sharp tooth grin.
She knelt down to help put the clothing back, “I’m serious though. I told you not to bother with price tags!” Like mother like daughter, she puffed her cheeks out in the same pouting method displayed by Hattie. She frowned at him.
Snatcher poked her cheek to deflate it, “Listen. Pufferfish. It’s fine. I just didn’t like the color that much.” he lied, “besides I should get something stretchier no?” he laughed standing up and cracking his back. He forgot how sore a human body can get, with gravity and all that. At Least he didn’t need to use a cane today.
Eclipse stared at him clearly not buying the bull, She stared at him with pursed lips before sighing. She gave a huge wide toothy grin “Well then! I’m going to buy it for you anyway!” she declared.
“Wha-?!” He turned to face her red in the face, “I just said no!”
“My money, Sea Noodle!” She grinned that sharp wolf smile, and waved her hand at him. “I can do what I want. After All we can just add it to the pile Hattie has for you!” She snickered, moving close. Standing on her tiptoes she got as close to his face as she could, “I make the rules in my house. Mister noodle.” She grinned, her canines sharply peeking from her lips. As Snatcher grew in color she backed off waltzing a bit away, “Anyway come look at this one!”
Sighing he followed after her grumbling. No wonder her kid was so persistently annoying! She got it from her mother! He never would have thought that from how their normal interactions went.
Food is a magic thing for a snoodle man. He loves food a lot in this fic!
also he’s a fucking junk food junkie
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He’s such a bad influence for Hattie. eclipse may not make the most balanced (or fully cooked) food in the world. But they don’t really keep junk food in the house until he discovers how good it is.
He has to keep it away from Hattie tho or she binges it. Not that he doesn’t eat it all as soon as they get home.
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