#the lunya vs babycorn win ratio is 0-1 and babycorn shows this off at every time its when they were kids and babycorn ate all the cards
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hqmillioncorn · 2 months ago
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my little sister's deck has no pathetic cards
"So you mean to tell me you've been going around and telling people that I'm your little sister??" Lunya was floored, flabbergasted and shocked to learn about what Babycorn had been doing. "Yeah!" Babycorn was glad that Lunya understood. Lunya shook her head and looked down, sighing. "Babycorn you do remember I'm a year older than you." Maybe if the difference was a couple of months Lunya would let it slide, but this was a whole year. Not to mention that Babycorn was, well, Babycorn. "B-B-But-!" Babycorn tripped over her words for a couple of seconds, until she found her footing. "If I'm your big sister I can protect you and make sure nothing ever bad happens to you! That's why I gotta be the big sister Lunya!" Lunya was a little caught off guard. That was actually kind of sweet. "Babycorn...I love you and I appreciate the thought but I-" Lunya was interrupted when a dragonfly flew past her, catching Babycorn's attention. "Woah what's that?!" Babycorn ran to chase the dragonfly and would have face planted into the ground had Lunya not acted quick enough and grabbed the back of her shirt collar to keep Babycorn in place. "Classic Babycorn..."
with @windupnamazu 's lunya and butter
in butters continuing adventures to win babycorn's heart he decides one of the ways to do so is to take up arms against an impossible opponent. in the deadliest form of combat to ever exist. triple triad........................
It was just a little bit past sunset. The weather was finally cooling down and the sky was growing darker.
The ground was still a little moist from the rain earlier that day. Which made it perfect for Babycorn and Cherrypit to dig around in the mud. And the dirt.
Cherrypit was digging another deep hole to himself yet again, biting at and scaring away any bugs that dared to crawl near him. “Ra! Ra!” Cherrypit roared at them in his tiny squeaky scary voice. 
He knew he was free to dig as much as he wanted to since all he had to do afterwards was fill the hole back up. 
Lunya had very patiently explained to him (and Babycorn) they needed to do that after one too many people took a tumble down into the dirt.
Most of those people being Coco Cocoda. 
Meanwhile on the surface, a very mud-covered Babycorn was simply sitting down, waiting to see when Cherrypit would want to go back inside for snacks. “I want-! Popoto chips~!” Babycorn sang to herself. She had been craving them aaaaaall day. 
Suddenly, something caught Babycorn’s eye, putting a stop to her little concert. 
A tiny puft of hair was poking out of the hole Cherrypit was digging. Without even a second thought she grabbed the hair akin to grabbing a radish to pluck it from the ground. When Babycorn pulled her arm up she also pulled her baby brother up. Cherrypit took a small break from chewing on some mysterious object to let out a happy little giggle and wiggle around. “Bebe! Bebe! Hi Bebe!” he greeted his sister. 
“Hi Cherry!” Babycorn wiggled him around a little bit. Just like she knew he liked to be and then set him down on the ground. “Do you wanna go see if we can find some popotoooo…?” Her voice trailed off as she noticed what Cherrypit was chewing on. Even as mud covered as it was she could still recognize it. 
“Oh, hey!” Babycorn held her hand out in front of Cherrypit’s mouth. A movement that her brother instantly knew meant to give her whatever he had in his mouth. “Blah..!” Without any hesitation he let the drool-covered object fall into his sister's hand. 
Now that she could get a good look at it, Babycorn actually recognized what she was holding. “These are my old triple triad cards?!” They were covered in baby drool and mud but she was more than positive that’s what she was holding. “Tiple tiad!” Cherrypit happily repeated, clapping his hands. 
“I buried them a long time ago! Cause I thought they would grow into a card tree…” Back then Babycorn was even more clueless about things than she was now. She was convinced that her deck of cards would grow tenfold if she planted her cards into the ground to grow like plants did. That’s how those cards ended up almost six fulms underground. 
“I guess they didn’t really go anywhere, huh?” Not that it really mattered, she ended up getting more cards over the years anyway. 
On a whim, Babycorn reached into her pockets and took out the usual cards she carried with her. The five cards that she constantly tried to battle people with. “Ooh..They’re the same cards!” One of the sets was much more mud covered than the other but there was no mistaking it, it was a one to one match. 
Cherrypit crawled over and reached his hands out, “Card! Cards?” Then a few more pieces of baby babble that sounded like “Yubabilakuku?” Which Babycorn knew meant something like, ‘I wanna see too? Please? Please?’
“Okay here you go!” There was no harm in giving Cherrypit her old buried cards. He was the one who had dug them out so it was only fair to give them back to him. “Remember you can chew but don’t eat them too much. Kaykay?” 
“Kay! Kay!” Cherrypit repeated. This usually meant he understood. Usually. 
As Babycorn handed her brother back the cards, yet another something caught her attention. This time it was a sound behind her. The sound of a door opening. “Hellooo-oh?”  Babycorn leaned back as far as she could to try and see who it was. 
Her eyes lit up with excitement when she saw Butter staring down at her. For some reason he was upside down but that didn’t really matter. “Hi Butts!” Babycorn was about to ask what he was doing out here but she noticed something he was carrying in his hands. 
A bowl, full of a particular snack.
Babycorn let out a dramatic gasp, pushing herself up from the mud and standing in front Butter with shimmering eyes. “Popoto chips?!” How had he known she wanted some?! Besides her telling literally everyone who she ran into that day that she was craving popoto chips.
Butter giggled, “You told me you wanted some! So I went and found some for you!” Specifically he had run out in the rain to go buy as many bags as he could carry home. “I even went and bought some extra bags so if you want some more later you can grab those!”
“Weally????” Babycorn’s eyes looked to be watering. “For meeeeee?” 
“Really!” Butter maneuvered the bowl in his hand on top of his arm so he could pet the top of Babycorn’s messy head. Making sure to avoid any parts of her head draped in mud. “Here you and Cherry can have as many as you want!” He held the bowl out towards Babycorn, waiting for her to take it. 
“Yipppeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!” Babycorn let out a deafening squeal and grabbed the popoto chips from her good friend Butter. She took a seat back on the ground and began eating them, even dunking some of the chips into the mud for extra flavor. “Chip! Cheep!” Cherrypit crawled over and grabbed a handful. “Thank you Butts!” He was a polite little boy so of course he had to remember to thank Butter too. 
“It’s no problem really!” It's not like he could just stand by and let Babycorn suffer a single more second wanting a snack and not being able to eat it. He couldn’t let the world be that cruel to her.
Not only that, making sure that Babycorn never went hungry was on his list of ways to woo her. 
An ever growing list that just always seemed to be getting longer and longer the more awesome ideas he and Oleo had. 
“D’you want sum too?” Babycorn asked with her mouth full. It would be rude not to share, she had learned this by now. Butter very kindly declined and began to walk back inside. For some reason Butter leaving made Babycorn feel a little sad.
If only there was some way she could get him to stay a little longer…
That’s when she had a genius idea. “Do you wanna play triple triad with me?!” She blurted out. 
Butter froze, his hand on the front door. “Triple Traid…??” That had come completely out of nowhere. 
At least, for Butter it had. 
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It didn’t take Babycorn long for her to scurry back inside and pick up a triple triad mat from her messy room. All while tracking mud inside the house.
While she was doing that Butter was grabbing his own cards from his collection. He had started collecting them ever since getting his first pack of them at the Gold Saucer. 
Both lalafells shortly meet up back outside, placing the mat on the garden table, they both took seats across each other. Cherrypit took his seat on top of Babycorn’s lap, eating popoto chips from a much smaller bowl Babycorn had also grabbed. Which meant she also tracked mud all over the kitchen too. 
“Caurd!” Cherrypit pointed at the cards in his sister’s hands and giggled.  He’d also been the one to decide who would play the first card. Of course Cherrypit choose Babycorn to go first. Butter expected nothing less. For now he was patiently waiting for his turn to go. 
Babycorn looked up at Butter with a big grin, she swayed happily from side to side without a care in the world or a thought in her head as she looked down at the cards in her hands. 
There was a Sabotender, and also a Sabotender, then another Sabotender, alongside a Sabotender card with a bite taken out of it, and a Calcabrina card that Babycorn always let Cherrypit put into her deck. 
Most of the time the people she played Triple Triad against would never let her use this deck on account of the silly rule of it technically being ‘illegal.’ Whatever that meant. Babycorn didn’t really understand. 
What she did understand was just how frustrated she always was to learn she couldn’t play with her beloved cards. Her disappointment was usually short lived however and would fix the problem by just letting Cherrypit pick five random cards from her collection. 
With his eyes closed. 
For Cherrypit she decided to play his favorite, the Calcabrina card. She placed it on the top right corner. “Caurd! Capabina!” Cherrypit laughed, he stretched his arm to where the card was and gave it a little pat. 
On the other hand, whenever someone did let her use her favorite little cards, Babycorn would get so happy that the act of actually winning the match would hardly matter to her anymore. 
She was just happy to be able to use her cards for once. Which was exactly what was happening now. Babycorn giggled and kicked her feet in place, a wide grin on her face. 
Now it was Butter’s turn. Not that he realized it at first. It took Babycorn telling him it was his turn to go for him to notice. Something about being too busy staring at the cute girl in front of him was just a little distracting. 
“R-Right-!” Butter simply took a Delivery Moogle card and placed it at the bottom right corner. 
It was not Butter’s objective to win this match, rather, he wanted to try his hardest to let Babycorn win. Just to make her a little bit happier. Of course Butter didn’t mind doing this, he was happy to.
The only thing was that…
Making Babycorn win a triple triad match ended up being much harder than he thought.
They were now well into their ninth game of the night. And this was the ninth time in a row Butter was trying his absolute best to lose. He had done all he could, placing his cards in horrible places, getting his cards taken away on purpose, even playing cards with his eyes closed. 
Yet somehow, someway, Babycorn kept finding some way to lose.
Surprisingly, she didn’t seem to mind. It was almost the complete opposite. Every time Butter won a match she would get ecstatic about it. Letting out another “Yay! Butts wins!!” and clapping until her hands stung. Truly she was just happy to be here. 
It was getting late so both Babycorn and Butter decided it would be best to turn in for the night.
As Babycorn collected her cards all back up she congratulated Butter one last time. “You’re really good at this Butter! I can’t believe you won so many times!!” Cherrypit shared in her sentiment. “Butts win’d!”He had never seen someone win against his sister so many times. 
Most people just walked away after the first match after seeing the nonsense they were playing against.  
“Y-Yeah…” Butter could hardly believe it either. He still felt a little bad wiping the floor with Babycorn so many times but if that made her happy, who was he to judge?
“I bet you could even beat Lunya!” Babycorn placed the triple triad mat on top of Cherrypit’s head not paying any mind to the innocuous comment she had just said. “She’s really really good! I’ve never seen anyone beat her!” 
Butter knew full well of Lunya’s triple triad reputation. Tales were still told of the innocent looking lalafell who wandered the lands, defeating opponent after opponent, collecting the spoils of the battle. “I don’t…Hmm..” A thought crossed Butter’s mind. 
Oleo had said something about wooing Babycorn by doing something that really impressed her. Beating Lunya of all people in a triple triad match-that would woo Babycorn ten times over. 
Surely, Lunya would go easy on him if it was for the sake of winning Babycorn’s heart? Right?
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The next day Butter decided to put his plan into motion. He took a peek outside, Babycorn and Cherrypit were back in the front lawn. This time they were playing with their sentient backpack, Hungstal. Basically just throwing treats into its mouth and watching as it ate them up.  
“Good job Hungstal!!” Babycorn clapped, throwing another chicken bone inside it. 
Things were lining up perfectly. All he needed to do now was get Lunya’s attention, which wouldn’t be hard at all. Right now she was in the middle of planning a redecoration of the house’s main foyer. Something she had been hard at work for the last couple of days. Butter hoped that Lunya wouldn’t mind being torn away from her work for a little bit, but a part of him also figured that she would appreciate the break. 
Butter carefully walked up to Lunya and was about to get her attention, when she turned around to face him first. “Yeees? Something on your mind Butter?” She swiveled her chair towards him, “Do you need more gil to buy snacks for Babycorn again?” Lunya let out a knowing little laugh. 
Butter shook his head, he didn’t know why he was feeling so nervous about this. In hindsight, it could have been his own self-preservation warning him. “Lunya? Can you help me with something really quick?” Butter asked. 
“I’d be happy to!” Lunya was happy to help her son that was only a few years younger than her with whatever problems or favors he wanted. “Well, I suppose that depends on what you need!” Maybe today Babycorn was craving a different snack. Hopefully nothing too out of the ordinary.
Not like that time she was craving cupcakes baked using a special baking mix that had been discontinued seven years ago.
“Great!” Butter jumped and clicked his heels together before mysteriously running over to the front door. “I’ll ask you about it outside! Thank you!” He stepped outside and closed the door as gently as he could. 
Leaving behind a very confused Lunya.
What in the world was waiting for her outside???
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As soon as Lunya stepped outside she was met with the sight of no one around her. “Huh?” Hadn’t Butter said something about meeting her outside? Where could he have run off to? Maybe Babycorn whisked him away to some other grand adventure which usually involved going shopping for food. 
“I hope they have fun out there.” Lunya sighed, they were growing up so fast... Maybe she would call them a little while later and ask them to bring her a snack too. They usually did, if Babycorn happened to remember. 
Lunya turned around to go back inside, when she heard someone call out her name. 
Butter emerged from the shadows of a nearby hydrangea bush with Babycorn right behind him. He held his cards out in front of her, “Lunya! I challenge you to a triple triad match!” It took a second for Butter to process what he had just said and done. Most of this was a spur of the moment sort of thing. “...uh, please? If you’re not too busy?” 
Butter was a little worried when Lunya didn’t say anything. Only keeping her back turned towards him. He couldn’t have upset her, could he? There was an apology brewing up inside him but before it could escape he heard Lunya’s distinct voice answer him. 
“Oh-! Of course! I would love to~!” 
The sky began to darken around them. Clouds rolled in from out of nowhere, covering the sun behind them. Butter looked up in surprise. The weather was supposed to be clear today, wasn’t it? 
The distinct sound of thunder sounded all around them. Flashes of light lit up the sky, illuminating Lunya for every crashing sound they heard. A wind howled past them. Sounding more like the echoes of the past, warning them of something sinister coming towards them. 
Cherrypit giggled to himself, but there was something a little malicious about it. 
Before Butter could be even more confused of what was happening, Lunya turned around, slowly. There was a wide grin on her face. Normally Butter would find some sort of comfort in her smile but right now the only thing he was feeling was something akin to dread. Horror? Complete regret? Something along those lines. 
An ominous bell began to toll in the distance. For whom was it tolling? Butter could only guess it was a prelude to his funeral dirge. ‘This was a mistake. This was a mistake. This was a mistake. This was a mistake. This was a mistake.’ 
Babycorn’s pom stood up on its end as she excitedly looked around. “Oh! Is it dinner time?” A bell could only mean that food was ready! 
Lunya walked closer to the pair and Cherrypit, a threatening aura was coming off of her. “No-it’s not dinner time yet but someone is about to be cooked.” God help him she even had cool one liners.
Butter had set up the triple triad mat ahead of time. It was in the same place he and Babycorn had played together just yesterday. He hoped that maybe putting it in the same location would give him a little bit of luck but now he wasn’t so sure. He also wasn’t so sure now about Lunya going easy on him just because Babycorn was here. 
“You can do it Butts!! I believe in you!!” Babycorn cheered him on, standing in his corner. Even though certain doom certainly awaited him it made Butter’s heart flutter a little hearing Babycorn believe in him so much. 
Meanwhile Cherrypit was standing right behind Lunya, cheering on her victory. “Go wuwu! Go wuwu!” Both siblings decided to do this so neither of their friends would feel left out. Lunya pet the top of Cherrypit’s head for good luck, fluffing his hair around. “Hehe” he giggled. 
Just like before, Cherrypit was the one who decided who would go first. After telling him that Babycorn could not go first because she wasn’t playing he changed his answer to Lunya. 
“Thank you Cherry!” Lunya chimed. 
Then before Butter knew it, Lunya had already placed down her card. It wasn’t one that Butter recognized. It was his turn now. He had to play something. “It’s okay Butts! You got this! Yeah! Yeah!” Babycorn’s cheering was actually helping a little. For a second he actually believed that he stood a chance. 
That was before he finally played a card, then Lunya played her’s, and he played another and so on. It was pretty crystal clear that Lunya had won the round. She had turned all of Butter’s cards into her’s. “Wuwu wins!” Cherrypit clapped and cheered. Lunya was so cool! 
And so it went, round after round after round, Lunya came out victorious. It didn't matter what cards Butter switched out or whether he went first or second , the outcome was still the same. There was no stopping the Lunya sweep.
“Lunya wins!” Lunya chirped, setting the winning card down on the mat. 
At this point Butter had lost count how many times he’d lost. It was pretty clear by now that Lunya was showing him no mercy. There was only one thing on Lunya’s mind right now and it was to win. 
Butter inhaled a steady breath and held it for a worrying amount of time. He wasn't the type to give up, this was proven time and time again. and yet, even he had his limits. His convictions had run out. With a heavy sigh Butter set all his cards down in a stack and placed his palm on top of his deck. 
Which is of course the universal sign of surrendering in a card game 
Lunya blinked, looking up at Butter. “Aww are you sure?” She was having a lot of fun but if Butter wanted to call it she would oblige.
Butter slumped down in his seat. “Yeah…I don’t think I have a chance of winning…” At least, not with the cards or luck he had right now. Maybe in one-thousand or so years he would actually stand a fighting chance. 
“Well you’re right about that.” Lunya smiled, “But you did put up more of a fight than my usual opponents! You made some really smart moves!” Unfortunately it hadn’t been enough. Not against Lunya. “I’m sure if you keep trying you can beat anyone that stands in your way!”
Butter felt a newfound sense of hope. “Even you?”
Lunya giggled, “No <3” 
Well that settled that. 
“By the way-” Lunya stood up from her seat and put her hands behind her back, “You’re welcome.” She winked at Butter and playfully smiled, the same little smile she had on the entire time they were playing. 
Before Butter could ask what Lunya meant, someone grabbed him by the shoulders and turned him around. “BUtter!!!” Babycorn screamed at him, “That was AMAZING!!” she waved her arms up and down. There was a shocked look on her face “You looked so cool and awesome and really really really…!” She was stumbling on her words.
Babycorn placed her hands on her cheeks and looked away, she let out a nervous little laugh. “...You looked really cool!” Her face felt a little warm. Mysteriously. For some reason. 
“Cool!” Cherrypit repeated. 
Butter felt his own face warm up. “O-Oh!” Was this it? Was this what it meant to woo? It felt a little like Babycorn was wooing him now too. She looked so cute right now. Well, Butter thought she always looked cute but that’s not the point right now. “Th-Thank you..!” He didn't really need to win in the end. Who would have guessed?
Babycorn shook her head, trying to snap herself out of whatever love filled haze was filling her head with flowers. “And you even went up against Lunya and you're still alive! That’s really impressive!” 
Butter blinked, twice. “Huh?” Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? What did that mean? What did she mean by that????????
Butter turned around in a panic to ask Lunya what the heck Babycorn meant by that but she was already long gone. “Huh???” What did this mean? Could he have died at any point in the matches? Probably not. Lunya loved him like a son BUT WHAT DID BABYCORN MEAN???
Cherrypit waddled over and pointed out towards the front gate. “Luwu gone!” He had seen it first hand. Not wanting to disturb the lovebird’s moment, Lunya had just sprinted away as quickly as she could. She was still in earshot, listening to everything they were saying. 
“...What the hell is Babycorn talking about…” Lunya whispered to herself.
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