#the lunar tree in L.iyue and so on
reginrokkr · 2 months
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✧ @delusionaid & @jueying asked: [ META ] + home
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Dain has a complicated relationship with the concept of home dating back since relatively-peaceful days in Khaenri'ah that he spent. There is no doubt that he sees it as his homeland and its people something precious to protect and to feel a sense of pride for all the achievements the sum of people who lived in the kingdom accomplished, and that he still feels strongly for it as there is a new official artwork of him holding an inteyvat in his hand, a symbol of the tenderness of home as well as a flower that blooms in a place that is incompatible with life (flora and fauna unless artificially made), ergo against all odds. Nevertheless, it is also a place of conflict with his own beliefs as nuanced in Chiori's miscellany, where he says that one must follow the law established in a land regardless of the beliefs you have. To me, this is telling that he knows Khaenri'ah isn't an idyllic home and that he still chose to stay and protect its people, all of them and not just the aristocracy.
Since the moment Khaenri'ah was destroyed, it's safe to say that he lost the home he had and it's possible that he learned more from its darkness as years passed, either on his own or during his dispute against the Abyss Order since its conception. He's a nomad with a mission, going from one place to the next with nowhere to really stay and call his home anymore. Nevertheless, due to his connection with Irminsul —spiritual, I'd say—, lingering a little while under the glow of trees that are reminiscent of the holy tree or the very tree itself (there are descriptions of a kingdom established at the roots of Irminsul which may or may not be Khaenri'ah, if it is, then it would give another layer of homesickness to him), where he feels at ease and safe from any external danger until he's done resting.
Going a little further with this and playing with the concept of realm of consciousness or memory palace, Dain's own is an entire field of inteyvat flowers under a gentle true sky (as a sign that he knows of the source of all fate and can look past the layer of false sky created possibly by Phanes to act as an hermetic layer around Teyvat) that changes from hues associated with day to night and Irminsul.
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