#the lucario was also for someone but they dont have tumblr
chainlink32 · 3 months
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Doodle dump + some drawings i made for peeps last month :D
Riddler/Two-Face was for @ginger-oot
Goku was for @fr1gger
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hurricane-bady · 8 years
yee-hah so im gonna do this tag meme thing that I saw on @pika-bye ‘s blog
Rules: answer questions n’ tag someone else to do it (I wont really tag anyone because I dont really wanna bother them lol)
Sign: Cancer (im the craab *snip snip*)
Height: im only 5′6′’ but I wanna be at LEAST 5′10′‘ when im done growing
Last thing I googled: “whats a mutral in tumblr” (I saw pika-bye say that anyone whos a mutral can do it if they wanna and I was intrested in so I looked up what it means, aha)
Last TV show I watch: uhhhmm, idk? its been a long time sence I watched TV...
When did I create my Blog: I think it was around 2013? or 2014? its been so long and yet I never really interacted with anyone
What stuff do I post about?: anything really, like stuff I find funny. but I reguarly post about pokemon, dragons, art related tips, and anything else im intrested in the moment (and that seems to be kirby right now). also, recently I have been posting my drawings here. im real shy about it tho
Do I have any other blogs?: Yeah but I dont use them, its a old account about my characters, I never done anything to it lol
Do I get asked regularly?: very rarely do I get anything sent to me. har har
why did I choose my URL: Ahhhh, its been so long ago. when I was new here I wanted to make an ask blog about my own characters. buuut I saw them as dumb and unoriginal so I named the blog that. latter on, when I stoped being an ask blog. I decited to just change it into what I have now.
Gender: dude
Pokemon team: aw YEAH. its deffinetly going to be Typhlotion, Lucario, Dragonite, Dusknoir, Zoroark and Tapu Koko. I love them all very much
Fav color: Red and Blue. I like them
Avrage Hours: a good amount
Fav Characters: a lot. but the first thing that come up to me is Magolor from the kirby games. hes cool
Dream Job: idk, anything science, art or engeneering related? im not too sure
and yeah, thats it. im not really going to tag anyone but if ya wanna do it, go ahead
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cutebunnys50 · 8 years
tag meme thing (that i started like last week or something idk lol my sense of time is messed up)
Thanks for tagging me Em I’ll do a bit now and finish later ^^ damn. I started brainstorming 5 ships too and then I remembered I’m not asked that. xD thank god when it comes to me I can spend hours… xD 
1.       What is a song that defined a moment/event in your life? Why? What was that moment/event?
Damn. xD Starting with a hard-hitter. xD I’m trying to think of video game music or something and I guess what keeps coming to mind is Maplestory. xD It defined my childhood, and if you know me, I’m bound to bring it up sometime. xDD whether it’s by a 5 hour talk with @nyashizura or not, it would eventually come up xDD Maplestory opening- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qj4hgJeSe4
2.       If you were a Pokemon gym leader/elite four, what type would you specialize in?
Mmmh. I’m really open lol. I’d throw all of my fave Pokemon at you, not paying attention to type. I’m not a strategic player. xD I just like Lucario and Latios and Latias and stuff. xD I almost said water, but honestly, I’d be miscellaneous. xD I’d rather be the adventurer than a gym leader/part of the elite four. xD I get bored waiting around. xD
3.       What is your favorite reptile? Why?
             I don’t look up specific reptiles so I’m not sure. xD I like a lot of animals. Maybe a turtle or a dragon. xD For turtle, red-eared slider turtle; my turtle. I hope Speedy’s doing okay!
4.       What anime archetype do you think you’d fit the best?
Mmmh… In a slice of life anime, I’d be the boke, I suppose? C: And I’d try to be the outgoing, energetic one. I’ll try to make things fun by asking weird questions and getting everyone to think and go along with my random whims. xD Haha, just being with a cool group of friends would make me happy xD so I wouldn’t know _how_ to act. xD bad puns/jokes and trying to brighten/lighten up the atmosphere tho c: also you can come to me for help xD rely on me xD slightly bunmum xD 
5.       Do you have a favorite font? What is it? Why do you like it?
            Fonts are cool xD I used Comic Sans unironically though. xD I liked it because it was simple and easy to read/use. xD Also if something’s controversial, just watch me keep using it. xDD
6.       Which post you’ve made yourself on your current URL has received the most notes? When did you make that post? Why did you make it?
Probably would have to be that Madosaya comic I shared with otpprompts. xD It got so many notes because people looked at it and liked it and reblogged it. xD After I shared it, I fled tumblr for a while out of embarrassment and was surprised to come back to like 100+ notes and very nice comments hhhffngsdh, I made that post back in 2014/2015? And I made it because I was influenced by a prompt in otpprompts (I’d surf it all day, thinking about my OTPs) and I was compelled to make a dumb comic and share it with people. xD thank that blog for sharing my art lol
7.       European noodle dishes or Asian noodle dishes?
            Asian noodle dishes yes I’m love.
8.       What is your favorite flavor of juice?
            Listen this is so hard ghjflksj?? I like anything that tastes good pls. I love juice in general… apple, grape, orange… I like it all… (listenn i actually take time to think abt these for a while,, , aahh)
9.       Which brand of ballpoint pen is your favorite?
            No idea I don’t use pens. xD Pencil ftw xD
10.   Have you ever traveled outside your home country? If yes, where have you been? If no, why not?
            Yea, to China. I wanna travel more. It’d be cool. xD What if I studied overseas or somethin’ hmhm…
11.   Contemporary of Victorian architecture/interior? Why?
             Man I ain’t good at architecture even If it’s pretty and a valid form of art! idk man. we haven’t covered that in AP Art History exactly yet xD 
10 Facts about me
1. I like to think I’m chill but apparently I’m not I guess lol I just bottle it all up inside and get really agitated/irritated easily if you know where to push my buttons. xD When something doesn’t go my way I get really frustrated/angry to the point that I could start crying lol tb to when I was like in 5th grade or something and I started crying bc I couldn’t get this one long division problem right despite doing it two times. xD (it was resolved.) Old habits die hard I guess. xD
2. don’t get me started on art… (I love it)
3. I’m very lazy I just went back to filling out this meme and I’m not gonna write as much as I intended to xD
4. I’m love girls.
5. I stole my brother’s cat lol
6. I wanna play the trombone
7. im married to my computer we’ve been together for 4+ years
8. Maplestory is my lif e
9. i like to observe things from the side without being directly involved. I make a lot of observations about the other person in my head and make note of small things. The small things are important too lol.
10.  I’m very passionate and energetic, I like to think ( owo )b even tho I can be sidetracked/distracted easily/lose interest easily/procrastinate, I’m serious about stuff when I’m serious!! I don’t necessarily have to mention the thing one million times to get the point across, but believe me inside me I have the blazing flames of passion. My obsessions don’t die down; they’re only put on the backburner for a bit and they can be reactivated very hard. xD like my surge of Touhou again xD
My questions:
1. Do you have any pets? Tell me about them! :D
2. Do you have a favorite season and why?
3. What do you think is one of your defining traits? (If someone described you to another person, what would they say/what do people associate you with?)
4. Do you have a favorite object/thing? (toy, clothing, blanket, etc.) Why is it important to you and what is it? A person is fine too. ^^ 
5. Do you have a favorite emoticon/emoji? What is it?
6. What’s your favorite animal?
7. Do you have a favorite quote? What is it? (Whether it be out of context or inspirational or anything xD)
8. What is your opinion of art?
9. How do you like to spend your free time?
10. If you could visit any place right now, where would you like to go?
11. What is your favorite song? List one of them! :D
Tagging all my mutuals ig? xD  @latimerlink @mikantrapper too lazy to list everyone out im sorry i dont wanna leave anyone out xD
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