#the logical element would be like either i saw a spoiler i didn't get at the time and forgot but my brain remembered
icharchivist · 1 year
also i’m not going into the details because the whole dream actually had a full blown overcomplicated plot, but the Belial dream right before i read wmtsb specifically stunned me because one of the major plotpoint of that dream included “Belial being unable to move on from a dead beloved and becoming worse in worse as a result (even if he was bad to start with), so he becomes obsessed when the idea of his beloved probably being back to life comes up to him”
and, i cannot stress enough: i didn’t know anything about Lucilius before reading wmtsb. I genuinely thought Belial was just Mister Horny and had genuinely no emotional depth to him, let alone anyone he actually cared about.
So i had this dream and i remember waking up from it so unsettled because there were so many layers, with Belial being a lot like i’ve seen online personality wise, but still pretty tragic and devoted in ways i haven’t seen anyone mention at that point.
And i told this story to my friends who got me into gbf then, and i was there just like “man thanks god he’s probably going to be far more two dimensional because i have no idea where my brain went to fetch all of this but this is highly unlikely Belial has enough heart for this type of things my brain made up”.
And they were just. reading me like. huh. 
And then i read wmtsb and i was just. Starring at it. Trying to process. The fact that Belial’s motivations in the game were *this similar* to the ones from my dreams *while i swear to god i had 0 spoilers at that point*
So needless to say. I’ve never recovered and every once in a while i think back to that dream and stare into oblivion trying to make sense of how the fuck it happened.
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