#the little bow is my favorite part of this uniform
daguerreotyping · 1 year
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Carte de visite of a jauntily posed German sailor, c. 1880s
101 notes · View notes
sometimesanalice · 3 months
That’s My Girl
Summary: Bradley has been looking after you for longer than he can remember. You’ve always been his favorite person. So when some guy makes an unwelcomed move on you, that last thing he’s going to do is just sit back and watch it happen.
Pairing: Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw x Female Reader
Length: 6.7K
Warning: language, male chauvinism, allusions to smut, some angst with a happy ending
(author's note: this is a fic is set in the 'Like I Can' universe, however it can be read on it's own!
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In hindsight, Bradley should have known how rowdy the crowd at the Hard Deck was going to be tonight.
Sailors fresh off a several months long deployment were always a boisterous bunch. But Sailors fresh from a deployment during San Diego Fleet Week were a different thing entirely.
The bar is packed and humid, even with the doors and windows opened for the Pacific breeze. Penny’s old air conditioning unit might be on its last legs because Bradley’s shirt is sticking to the skin of his back. He’d nearly lost his mind when he’d seen that bead of sweat work its way down your neck and between your breasts when you’d pressed a kiss to his cheek and told him you were getting a refill and asked if he wanted anything.
Bradley really hoped you’d be up for leaving soon. He wouldn’t mind taking a dip in the pool at your apartment. Or better yet, getting you to join him for a cool shower.
It wasn’t the just the deep v of your tank top- or those sweet little embroidered flowers along the edges of it- that hand his fingers twitching to touch you. Although he liked those too.
It was that damn bow.
When Bradley had picked you up from your apartment earlier this evening and seen you wearing that, he’d given you a wolf whistle so loud it had caused your neighbor’s dog to start barking.
He’d taken advantage of your surprised laugh to back you up against your front door to get his mouth along the column of your neck. He’s always been a big picture kind of guy. And he knew he wouldn’t be satisfied until he was tugging open that bow between your breasts with his teeth.
You’d all but sighed his name as your fingers tangled in his hair.
And just as he’d reached your collarbone, you’d pulled him back up to your mouth like you were going to kiss him and murmured Later against his lips before slipping past him, like the menace that you are, leaving him to chase after the trail of your perfume.
You knew what you were doing, that was for damn sure. He’s always been a sucker for a bow. And for you.
Bradley had more than appreciated the extra sway you’d put in your hips just for him as you walked down your hallway towards the elevator. He’d grinned to himself as he set off after you, because at the end of the night, his girlfriend would be coming home with him.
Earlier in the evening, Coyote had been fast to claim the cluster of tables that some Butterbars had left to close out their tabs, most likely onto their way to the next stop of many for the night. It was lucky timing, because there’d been a nonstop steady stream of people making their way into the unofficial designated Naval watering hole for Fleet Week. There was a mix of civilians, Naval regulars who are stationed at North Island, and the visiting Sailors dressed in their uniforms on liberty. Bradley wasn’t sure how many more bodies could be packed in until some of the worn wooden shingles of the bar started popping off.
The lively and loud atmosphere of Fleet Week was something that Bradley had typically enjoyed in the past. He liked seeing people cut loose and laugh as they swapped stories with their friends and families. And he’d been happy to do his part to add to the good times, having been pulled to the piano twice already.
Over the years he’d built up a curated collection crowd-pleasers for occasions just like this. Part peacocking, part coping. While he’s never been the type to shy away from being the center of attention, he’d also found it was easier to breathe in the spotlight. Because with everyone’s eyes on him, it was impossible to feel alone.
So much has changed for him since getting permanently stationed in San Diego. And all for the better. That loneliness was a thing of the past, because now when he played, he was surrounded by all of his favorite people
But Bradley still ends his impromptu sets the same way he always has, with Jerry Lee Lewis. Only now he gets to sing it directly to the girl who’d given him the sheet music to the song in the first place.
The same one, he’s realized, who hasn’t returned back from getting her refill yet.
Bradley takes a quick glance around the corner of the bar they’d laid claim too. Bob, Fanboy, and Payback were lounging against the side of the pool table chatting up some of the visiting Sailors, since there wasn’t enough room to actually play a round without taking someone out with one of the cues. Coyote was leaning over the jukebox flipping through the albums with a pretty civilian who was out with her friends that he’d met and was clearly trying to impress. And Jake and Nat were seated with him at one of the tall round tables taking about the new Top Gun students, where your chair next to him was still empty.
Everyone was accounted for, except you.
There are so many people packed around the edges of the bar that it takes him a moment to find you. He thought maybe you’d been held up by Penny or Jimmy or some other familiar face, but he doesn’t recognize the man who standing way too close to you. But the firm press of your lips tells him everything he needs to know.
He sees the next moment playout as if it’s in slow motion. Watching as you attempt to take a step back, only for the guy to wrap his hand around your wrist to keep you from moving away. Bradley sees you glance down at that hand on you, and back up at the stranger. He knows that look in your eyes as you shake out of his grip. You aren’t just annoyed, you’re pissed.
Bradley slams his beer down and shoves his stool back.
He hears Jake curse behind him, “Oh, shit.”
Chair legs screech against the wooden floor as his friends hustle to follow after him, but he doesn’t wait for them to catch up.
There’s a trail of spilled cocktails and beers in his wake as he unapologetically weaves through the tightly crammed bodies that separate him from you. If anyone has an issue with him later, they can put a refill on his tab. But right now, his only goal is getting to you.
He doesn’t slow for a second. He just struts right up and steps in between you and the other man.
“Do we have an issue here?” he rasps, folding his arms over his chest.
Bradley takes the guy in with a hard glower. The name tape on his uniform reads Wilson. A LTJG, based on his shoulder boards, from one of the visiting ships. The man is big, but Bradley is bigger. And he outranks him. The guy might not know it yet, but it was just another thing he was planning on making crystal clear.
You put a hand on his tense shoulder. “Everything is fine.”
“It sure as shit doesn’t seem fine.” He doesn’t take his glare off of Wilson. “I think it’s time for you to go now.” He jerks his chin towards the front door.
“We’re just having a friendly conversation,” the other man drawls, sending him a wink. The implied innuendo makes Bradley’s jaw clench. There wasn’t anything “friendly” about the way he’d been using his size to keep you trapped at the bar.
The guy is trashed. There’s a blankness behind his eyes that Bradley doesn’t like the look of. He must have pre-gamed before going out because Penny and Jimmy weren’t ones to overserve.
“No, what you’re doing is paying your tab and leaving this bar.” It’s an order.
“Bradley.” You say his name like a warning. “I’m handling it.”
You pull on his shoulder, but he shrugs you off.
“No, kid, I’m handling it for you.” This asshole was Bradley’s problem to deal with now. He’d tapped in the moment he’d seen the man touch you.
“I see.” Wilson’s gaze bounces back and forth between the two of you, an oily grin appears on his face. “You’ve already got someone for tonight lined up. Damn, you didn’t waste any time did you, sweet thing?”
Anger flares hot and bright in his stomach.
“You better watch your mouth,” Bradley spits, pointing a threatening finger.
The bar around him blurs around the edges, but the man in front of him only gets sharper in focus.
You step around him and tug on his arm. From the corner of his eye, he can see you shaking your head at him. “Bradley, stop. I told you, I’ve got it.” Your voice is clipped, tight. “Let me take care of it.”
He knows you want for him to let it go. To back off. And he’s about to- for you- because you want him to. But then he sees the guy’s eyes drop down to the exposed skin of your chest- to that bow between your breasts- and smirks.
It’s a look so filthy that even Bradley feels dirty. He operates out of instinct. Stretching his arm in front of you, he purposefully pushes you back behind him to where he knows Seresin is standing close by, trusting that his friend will move you out of the way.
“A barrack bunny like you must know her way around. I don’t mind another man’s sloppy-”
For a moment, Bradley isn’t at the Hard Deck anymore. He’s standing in Jason Cameron’s kitchen, where the smell of weed and cheap alcohol and Axe hung heavy in the air.
Bradley’s fist flies on its own.
He barely registers the moment his knuckles connect with the other man’s jaw. He doesn’t see the man stumble backwards into the table behind him. He doesn’t hear the surprised gasps or the sound of glass breaking or the thud as the man hits the floor. There’s only the color red and the sound of his own ragged breathing.
When he shakes off the memory and returns back to his body, he’s almost surprised to see the broken bottles on the floor and not shards from a sliding glass door.
The next few minutes are a flurry of chaos as Wilson’s friends come and scoop him off the floor to make their exit. From the looks of irritation on their faces, it seems like this might be an all too frequent occurrence. He makes a mental note to try and look up the man’s supervising officer. And if he can’t find them on his own, he’ll ask Mav to help.
He can feel dozens of eyes on him, but he can’t bring himself to care.
Bradley takes a moment to apologize to Penny. He avoids looking directly in her eyes, not wanting to see the disappointment he’s sure is there. The adrenaline is still coursing and sparking through his body. He needs a moment to work off his anger and get his head back on straight before he comes to check on you. But he knows you’re in good hands with his friends.
Without being asked, he rights the table and stools on his way to the supply closet to grab a broom and dustpan. He takes his time meticulously picking up the bits of broken glass off the ground before he sweeps the rest of it up as he waits for his heartrate to settle back down.
When he’s done, he spots Nat and Jake sitting at the bar top and heads towards them. But for the second time tonight, you’re not where you should be.
“That was some left hook, Bradshaw,” Nat says, pinning him with a flat look over the top of her drink.
He ignores the comment. “Have either of you seen my girlfriend?”
Jake lifts his hand up at about your height. “About this tall? Great smile? Dating a man that’s clearly punching?” He chuckles to himself. “No pun intended.” Those dimples of his are more grating than usual.
Bradley’s hand flexes in irritation. His quick fuse is on its way to being lit again.
“Seresin,” he barks, low on patience, “Where’d she go?”
The other man lets out a low whistle and shares a look with Nat. “She left out the side patio door like ten minutes ago. Looked like she was about to spit nails too.”
“Goddammit,” he mumbles under his breath. He turns to Phoenix. “Did she really look that pissed?”
She shrugs. “I’m surprised she didn’t punch you, I probably would have.”
Bradley’s mouth drops open. “For what? For defending her?”
All he did tonight was stand up for you when someone crossed a line and tried to get physical with you. He wasn’t ashamed for doing it, he’d do it again in a heartbeat.
“But did she want you to do that?” she asks, deliberately.
He doesn’t understand why Nat is giving him a hard time about this.
“That’s my girl and that guy wasn’t listening.”
Nat lifts a pointed eyebrow at him, “Sounds familiar.”
Bradley forces out a breath. “That was different and you know it.”
“All I’m saying is I think she was making herself pretty clear, but you chose not to hear her and did what you wanted anyways.” His teeth clench together as a rock lands hard in his stomach. “And from the sound of it, she wanted to handle it her own way.”
“Yeah, but…” You’re his, he wants to say, but holds back at the risk of sounding like the jealous boyfriend Nat thinks he’s being. Except he wasn’t being jealous, he just wanted to protect you.
“No buts, Rooster. You fucked up.”
Nat has always been a straightshooter. It was one of the things he’s always appreciated most about her, that and her keen ability to read people. He trusted her judgement. And if she feels this way, even if he didn’t necessarily agree with it, then the chances are very high that you do too.
“Yeah, ‘shit’. Now go fix it.” She pats his shoulder once, and then gives him a shove to the side door they’d seen you leave from.
It’s cooler outside.
The ocean breeze feels good on his hot, sticky skin. Bradley feels like he can breathe a little easier without all those people milling around him.
You’re not hard to spot. To anyone else you’d a solidary figure facing the ocean, but he’d know the shape of you anywhere.
From what Seresin said, Bradley had figured you’d be half way down the beach. He’d been planning just to follow the trail of steam to find you. But you’re still as a statue with your arms wrapped around yourself as you stare out at the inky waves.
The noise from the bar is muffled inside the walls of the Hard Deck, but still slips out from the windows that are cracked open and follows him as he walks towards you. The sand shifts beneath his shoes with every step he takes. The tunes from Penny’s jukebox get carried away on the wind and are replaced with the gentle roar of the waves as he approaches you.
The days are getting longer and dusk is rolling in. The sun is hanging low in the sky. Not quite set, but well on its way. He’d love nothing more than to pull you into his lap in one of the Adirondack chairs to watch the last glimmering moments of golden hour with you in his arms. But knows that’s probably not in the cards for tonight.
The two of you have had fights before. Usually over stupid, inconsequential things. Arguing with you feels different now than when it did when you were just friends. Now that you’re his girlfriend, it feels like there’s more at stake. He knew he’d never forgive himself if he fumbled the best thing that’s ever happened to him.
Bradley wants to skip over this part to where the two of you are back on the same page. He wants to skip to the part where he gets to see your dimples and hear you laugh.
He stops just a few feet behind you. He knows you know he’s there, in that uncanny way you’ve always been able to sense him. The minutes tick by as he stands there and waits for you to acknowledge him. Or to turn around and shoot him that withering glare of yours. He’d take anything other than your silence.
But you don’t.
You give him nothing, which is almost worse.
It feels like a standoff.
He folds first.
“Sweet girl,” Bradley says, with a resigned sigh.
He doesn’t miss the way your whole body tenses at the sound of his voice.
“I don’t want to talk to you right now, Rooster.”
The way you say his callsign lands like a punch in the gut.
You’re only standing a few feet away from him, but it feels like the two of you are miles apart.
“C’mon, kid, that asshole is gone now. Come back inside.”
“Seriously?” you laugh bitterly, still refusing to look at him. “You’re seriously going to ignore me right now too? I said I don’t want to talk right now.”
He feels his jaw tick. “Look, I’m sorry,” he starts, still not feeling sorry in the least, “But-”
You put a hand up and whirl on him, shaking your head in disbelief. The thunderous look on your face would have a lesser man taking a step back, instead Bradley steels his spine and digs his feet into the sand.  
“I really don’t want to hear it. I don’t think I’ve ever been this mad at you,” you fume. “Not even in high school when you got in that stupid fucking fight at that Homecoming party when I had to take you to the hospital.”
He presses his lips together firmly. There was a time and place for a conversation about that night, the one where he’d earned the scars on his face, but it wasn’t here and now. It was a secret he’d kept to himself for nearly two decades, the only other person who’d known the full story was his mom. But telling you about it now would only make things worse.
You continue, like a freight train without brakes, “And you’d been drunk then. Not that that excuses anything. But you’ve had, what? Two beers tonight?” When you lift your eyebrows at him expectantly, he nods curtly in confirmation. “So tell me what the hell just happened in there?”
He swears that sharp flash of your eyes could cut glass.  A lick of heat bursts behind his sternum. Hot and fierce.
“He wasn’t backing off,” Bradley grits out, trying to summon the patience he doesn’t have. “What was I supposed to do? Give him a pat on the back and let him keep hitting on my girlfriend?” You scoff and he feels his pulse kick up in his throat. “I have always had your back, and I will always have your back.”
Bradley doesn’t understand why you don’t seem to understand that he’d do anything for you. He’s been looking out for you since your bike handlebars had iridescent tassels streaming from them, and if he has his way he’ll be looking out for you until his number is up.
“But that’s the thing, Rooster! You didn’t have my back in there,” you argue, stepping forward so you’re toe to toe with him. Your use of his callsign again chafes against his ears like sandpaper. “All you did was manhandle me out of the way to get at him and throw fists. I mean, Mav and Hondo would have let it slide if they’d been there to see that. But what about Cyclone? Would he? Why would you put your career at risk like that? What were you even thinking?”
You’re looking at him like you don’t know him, and he hates it. Because you’re the person who knows him best.
He runs a hand through his hair in agitation. He’s been trying to tame his temper, that caged animal that paced within the confines of the ribs in his chest. But his anger and frustration has been feeding off of yours, meeting it measure for measure.
“I wasn’t. I wasn’t thinking,” Bradley explodes, flinging his arms out to the side. “I’m not going to stop and make a damn pros and cons list while I watch some asshole being disrespectful and getting physical with you. It’s not going to happen, kid.”
“And I told you that I had it handled!” you exclaim.
The sound of the waves gets lost in the way both of your voices are raising with each and every parry in the verbal fencing match you’ve found yourselves in. This has escalated quicker than he ever could have expected, and all he wants is to find himself back on the same page with you.
“How am I the bad guy in all of this right now?”
“Don’t you get it? I’m not mad about you wanting you to be there for me, I’m mad about how you went about it. You literally pushed me out of the way and passed off to Jake, like my voice and feelings in that moment didn’t matter to you. Like you didn’t care about what I wanted. You have never treated me like that before.”
Guilt makes his stomach churn.
“You and I both know that’s not true,” he replies. It’s an uncomfortable truth.
That dark period after his mom died and how he’d treated you still haunted him sometimes. When he’d try to set fire to all the bridges around him, including his friendship with you. He hadn’t been worth knowing back then, but you’d never given up on him. He remembers it like it was yesterday, he’s never forgotten it. On the nights he couldn’t sleep, it was one of the many things that played out behind his eyelids like a highlight reel of all his worst moments.
Your eyebrows pinch together in confusion. He sees the moment it clicks for you because the fire that had been blazing behind those eyes he knows so well transforms into something softer. Something sadder.
“Bradley, I’m not going to hold onto something from when you were eighteen and hurting and heartbroken.” Your voice catches with emotion. “But tonight? Tonight, you made me feel small. And you’re the very last person I thought who’d ever make me feel that way.”
He can’t even enjoy hearing you say his name again, because you look so disappointed in him. The two of you stand there staring at each other, searching each other’s eyes as the waves rolling in along the shore fill the silence.
The way your lower lip wobbles steals the fight right out of him. All that righteous indignation that had been whirling in his chest is gone quicker than it came over him at the sight of the tears welling up along your lower lash line.
He’d let you down back then. And he’d let you down tonight too. He feels like he’s broken a promise to you, one he’d made with himself a longtime ago. Bradley wants to be the man whose shoulders you could lean on, the one you trusted to bet there to support you. He never thought he’d be the guy who makes you cry.
Bradley says your name tenderly. Every single letter of it is precious to him because you’re the most important person in the world to him.
The single tear that escapes the corner of your eye and rolls down your face cracks his chest wide open.
He holds out his hand for you, but you half-heartedly bat it away.
“No, I’m still mad at you,” you say, feebly. It’s unconvincing at best.
“You can be mad at me, kid,” Bradley murmurs, “But just let me hold you.”
He needs to know that you’ll still let him. That you still want him.
Bradley reaches out for you again and this time you let him pull you into his chest. And when you thread your arms around his torso and hold him just as tight that knot in his stomach loosens. He rests his chin on your head and releases a sigh. With you in his arms, he feels like his feet are finally back on solid ground.
He knows he owes you an apology, a real one this time. He knows that he’s fucked up, he understands where he went wrong. But he can’t shake the feeling that he feels like he’s missing something, that there’s another reason playing into why you’re so upset.
Every one of your quiet sniffles twists the knife that’s lodged itself between his ribs just a bit more each time.
He doesn’t know how long the two of you stand there wrapped up in each other, as he runs his hand up and down your back. There’s more to discuss, but he doesn’t rush you. He’ll hold you for as long as you need him to.
When you pull away, only far enough to look up at him, he takes the opportunity to gently cup your face in his hands. His thumb skims along the line of your jaw, your eyes are still watery.
“Sweet girl, why are you crying? I know you. Why does it feel like there’s more to this than just me being an idiot?” he asks, quietly. It still feels so fragile between the two of you.
“Because I l-like you so much. And I know you meant well, but I hated what happened tonight.” You wipe angrily at the fresh tears that streak down your face, like you’re irritated at them for them falling without your permission.  “My ex used to pull that kind of bullshit all the time and I always hated the way it made me feel.”
His hands fall from your face.
Your confession surprises him. “Jack?” Bradley asks, his eyebrows pulling together. You nod. “I thought you said he was fine? That the break up was mutual because things got stale between the two of you.”
It’s times like this where he’s reminded of just how much distance there between the two of you over the last decade before you moved to San Diego. Of how much of you he’s missed out on. All the little moments that made up someone’s life. There was only so much an email, or a text, or a call could do.
You sigh, heavily. “I’m realizing now that there were a lot of things I put up with Jack because I didn’t want to rock the boat.”
Bradley’s fingers flex involuntarily where his hands are resting your hips. He doesn’t know what to make of that admission.
“You got to give me more than that to work with, kid. Help me to understand.”
You run you hand along his forearm soothingly, like you can sense his unease. He slides his thumbs through the loops of your jeans, fixing himself to you.
“Jack was really good about wanting to show everyone that he was a good boyfriend. And he was- for a while.” You pause, pressing your lips together. “But there were a few times where we’d go out and he’d make a scene, like what happened tonight. Except instead of someone being an actual asshole, it’d be someone who’d started up some polite small talk with me as we waited in line. And it always became a bigger thing than it needed to be. Then afterwards, he’d make it seem like he was defending my honor or something, even though he knew I didn’t like the kind of attention and all the looks that came with it afterwards. But Jack was always about Jack, and he liked the hero edit his friends would give him.”
You look away from him towards the ocean, the sunset paints you golden. Bradley knows you’re collecting your thoughts, so he waits. When you’re ready, you turn back towards him. There’s a different kind of hurt reflected in your eyes, one that tells him tonight has opened up old wounds for you.
“He’d say all the right things around other people, but when it was just the two of us alone, I never got that side of him. At the time I believed he was saying them because he meant them, but I can see now that he never really showed me that he meant them. I took his words at face value and settled for them.”
You give him a self-conscious shrug. Like you’re embarrassed. But your big heart was one of the things he loved most about you, and he hated the idea that someone had been careless with it before it made it into his safekeeping.
Bradley swallows hard. That tonight reminded you of the low points in your past relationship is hard for him to hear. And knowing why, makes it even worse.
“I think, more than anything,” you continue, your voice much quieter now, “I’m just mad that I let myself get lost in that for so long. Like I knew I needed more and that I wanted more, but I kept putting him ahead of myself when he wasn’t doing that for me.”
You thread your fingers between his and squeeze them lightly. He squeezes yours back.
“But you, Bradley, say the right things and mean them. You show me how important I am to you, with or without an audience. No one has ever made me feel as special as you do. Like, you don’t buy me red roses because you think you should-”
“Wait,” he doesn’t mean to cut you off, but his mind has snagged on a critical detail, “I thought your favorite flowers were tulips?”
A soft smile coasts over your pretty face. “They are.” He loves the warm way you’re looking at him right now, tender and fond. “And that’s what I’m talking about. You show me all the ways you know me because you care about me and want to make me happy. You don’t treat me like I’m an accessory in your life. I mean, I didn’t feel like I could even hang art on the walls of the apartment I paid half the rent for without Jack having an opinion on it. And here you are letting me bring over kitchen towels and plants for you, and we don’t even live together yet.”
Yet. Such a small word, but it means so much to know that you’re envisioning the same future with him that he sees with you.
“I like that you do that. I want you to do that. I appreciate the way you show me you’re thinking about me too.” Bradley runs his thumbs over the back of your hands. “Although, I’d rather be the one buying them,” he says, only partly teasing.
You made his house feel like a home. He hadn’t had that in so long. He wanted you to have things there in his condo that you also liked and made you happy because he wanted you to stay. He couldn’t wait for the day the two of you shared one address instead of two.
“Does that mean I should return the throw pillows I found for you?” He spots a wink of your dimples. “They’re soft, but firm enough that you won’t hurt your neck when you inevitably fall asleep on the couch even though you claim you’re just ‘resting your eyes’.” He never wants you to stop teasing him.
“No,” Bradley chuckles. “They sound perfect, but you’re going to let me Venmo you for them.”
“Ok, fine,” you agree. Almost reluctantly.
God, he loves you.
He leans in to kiss you. Once. Twice. Soft, sweet.
Bradley lets go of one of your hands to settle on your lower back and press you closer to him, until there’s no space between your two bodies. And brings the other one, with your fingers still tangled with his up against his chest. Before resting his forehead against yours.
“I’m so sorry I made you feel like that tonight.”
“Thank you, I forgive you.” You set the hand not entwined with his on the side of his face, your thumb sweeps across his cheek. “But I need you to hear me when I say that I can hold my own just fine, Bradley. I know you want to have my back and look out for me, but please, just not like that. Even if your heart is in the right place, ok?”
He nods. “I hear you, sweet girl. It’s not going to happen again. I promise.” He turns his head and presses a kiss to your palm. And then lifts the one still in his up to his lips, and drops a kiss to the back it.
“Plus, you taught me how to throw a punch, remember? I’m pretty sure I broke a guy’s nose one time,” you grin.
“Atta girl,” he says with pride. It’s so much lighter between the two of you now. He takes a couple step back, letting go of you and giving you a not-so-subtle onceover. “Ok, hot shot, show me what you got.” Beckoning you over with both hands.
“I’m not going to punch you, Bradley.”
“C’mon, kid, show me how it’s done.”
You shake your head at him in amused disbelief. “You’re not going to let this go, are you?”
“No ma’am.” He taps his finger on his abs. “Let’s see it.”
You roll your eyes at him fondly. Then you hook your thumb over the top of your fist, just like he showed you all those years ago. And you ever so slowly, ever so gently press your perfectly aligned fist into his stomach. It could hardly even be considered a graze.
He doubles over with an overexaggerated oof and then tilts his head up at you and winks with a smile.
“You’re ridiculous.” The sound of your laugh fills his lungs.
It’s the same sound when he’d toss you into the pool when you were twelve. It’s the same sound when he’d spin you on the big tire swing when you were fourteen. It’s the same sound when he twirled you around the dance floor when you were nineteen at your mom’s second wedding.
There’s not just a glimmer of your dimples anymore, the full force of them hits him right in the chest.
“Speaking of punching,” Bradley says, straightening back up. “Hangman thinks I’m punching up.”
“Oh, does he? Interesting,” you hum. Your eyes shine in amusement.
He grins. “He’s not wrong. You’re way out of my league.”
You softly shake your head at him. “I’m just right for you. And you’re just right for me.”
He couldn’t agree more, but you don’t give him the chance too because you’re threading your arms around his neck and pulling his mouth to yours. With you in his arms and his lips on yours, he feels whole. You weren’t just right for him, you were perfect for him. And he’d never stop trying to be the perfectly right man for you.
No one’s ever had him, not like the way you do.
You’d always had a special place in his heart, but now the whole thing belonged to you. It was yours for the taking. He knew it would be in good hands with you, and he wasn’t going to stop proving to you that he was the one to be trusted with yours.
“Do you want me to take you home or do you want to go back inside?” He asks against your lips.
You kiss him again. “Let’s go back,” you say, wrapping your arm around his waist. “You owe me a dance, you know.”
He drops an arm over your shoulder. “I do?”
“You do.”
“Well then, lead the way, sweet girl.”
After he twirls you around on the crowded makeshift dancefloor of the Hard Deck, you let him take you home. Where he apologizes to you again, but this time on his knees with your thigh thrown over his shoulder. And twice more in your bed for good measure.
But not before he got his teeth on that little bow of yours.
He never stood a chance against it.
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𝐚 𝐟𝐞𝐰 𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐤𝐬 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫
Bradley is about to line up his next shot at the pool table when Jake saddles up and nudges his shoulder.
“Looks like your girl has an admirer.” Hangman points with his beer bottle, directing Bradley’s gaze to the bar where someone is chatting you up.
He recognizes him from the most recent batch of Top Gun students. To call him overconfident would be an understatement. The guy is clearly as full of himself on the ground as he is in the sky, based on his body language as he monologues to you, all puffed up chest and cocky smiles.
If the guy had any common sense, he’d see that you look like you’d rather be anywhere else. It’s written all over your face.
“So it seems,” Bradley agrees, rests a hip against the table.
He’d noticed the guy checking you out. But it was pretty ballsy of the aviator to be leaning into you the way that he is, considering the two of you had arrived together and that Bradley had been the one tasked with doing some demonstration trainings with them earlier in the week.
The man makes some big gestures with his hands, he’s clearly reached the part of his story that’s meant to impress you. Bradley chuckles to himself when he sees the less than subtle roll of your eyes.
“Are you going to go all Rocky Balboa on his ass?” Jake asks with a knowing smirk.
You must feel their eyes on you, because you glance over in their direction.
He knows you can handle yourself, but he’ll be there if you want him to be.
Bradley lifts his eyebrow in a silent question. You give him a slight shake of your head and he nods.
“Nah, she’s got it.”
He sees the moment the guy fucks up and oversteps, because your eyebrows shoot up. You’re his sweet girl, but he knows the other guy is in for it when look that promises the best kind of trouble settles over your face.
His favorite menace.
Bradley watches on as you lean over the counter and ring the bell with enthusiasm.
A cheer goes up throughout the bar. He brings his fingers up to his lips and lets out a loud whistle.
You look rightfully smug as Penny points out the wooden sigh strung up between the beer taps to the confused Top Gun student whose bank account will be hurting in the morning.
“Damn. I forgot the kid is a straight hustler,” Jake says, clearly impressed.
“She sure is,” Bradley grins, still looking at you, “It’s a good thing she likes you or you’d be screwed.” He pats Jake’s shoulder reassuringly, before pressing the cue into his hands.
You return a few minutes later, with a tray of frothy, freshly poured beers for everyone wearing an all-to-pleased grin that lights up the whole bar.
He waits until the beers are safely on the table before threading a finger through your beltloop and tugging him to you.
“That’s my girl.”
Bradley tilts your face up for a kiss. It’s not his best work, you’re making it difficult for him since you’re too busy smiling.
He wouldn’t have it any other way.
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Disclaimer: my writing playlist included Cassandra, The Prophecy, and Castles Crumbling. So legally I cannot be held accountable for any angst hangovers.
Thank you for reading!
If you want to see what happens next for these two, click here!
You can read more of my stories here!
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andyoullhearitagain · 7 months
Top Ten Least Bad Outfits in TNG
I'm gonna be honest and say that the non-uniform outfits in TNG are not my favorite costume design in the world, but there are some looks that stick with me:
10. That Girl Who Kissed Data That One Time's Outfit:
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I can never decide if I like this look or I think it's ugly, but I love the pants and tall boots combo. Her blouse is bad and the bouclé jacket is both too heavy and too fussy for this outfit, but I love the belt and suspenders combo, and the chevron embossing on the suspenders. This costume and all the others except #9 is a Robert Blackman design.
9. This Jumpsuit On That Girl From "The Dauphin":
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This is the only William Ware Theiss design on this list. I love his TOS stuff but most of his TNG designs leave me cold 🤷‍♀️. But I love this is extremely 80s jumpsuit. Love the pretty drape, love the ruching on the sleeves, love the harem pants silhouette. Only note is that the whole bodice should be a structured corset bodice instead of the kind of odd structured panel it has now.
8. Picard's Shorty Pyjama Set:
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TNG is absolutely full of the strangest pyjama choices you can imagine and Picard is no exception but I love this bold look. Would kill for this pyjama set. He also takes a work zoom wearing this one time which is insane.
7. Data's 1890's Looks But Specifically This One With The Shirtsleeves And The Blue Shirt:
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The best part of "Time's Arrow" is that Data isn't a fish out of water in the 1890s, he's absolutely killing it, and I love that the only real Casual Data look we get is this one. I prefer the blue shirt to the pink because Data should really wear more blue, it's a nice contrast with yellow. Please also note his emerald watch fob, which was 0% necessary to blend in, he's just having fun with it.
6. 12 Year Old Keiko's Linen Overalls:
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The paperbag waist! The bow! The little bows at the shirt cuffs! I can understand why she replicated a miniature copy of this outfit.
5. Beverly and Guinan's Dixon Hill Holodeck Costumes:
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I'm counting these as one because they're essentially the same design in different color pallets but what color paletts! Bev is pulling off the very difficult pink+red+red hair and the mint green on Guinan is 🤌. I particularly love how Guinan's hat is so 1940s yet also echos the silhouette of her usual costume.
4. Deanna's Teal Dress:
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Like all of you I prefer Deanna in the uniform, but this dress slays, ok? The space age asymmetrical neckline. The drop waist. The structured bodice. The slit almost all the way to the hip. And of course the matching tights and shoes CANNOT BE BEATEN. Also one time I saw a dude on a Star Trek forum call this a "ballgown" which baffles me to this day, this is clearly a slightly fancy day dress.
3. Picard's 1890s Look:
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You'd think Picard would go full posh in the 1890s but instead he gives us this working-class Shakespearean director look and he 👏 looks 👏 incredible 👏. Way to mix textures, Jean-Luc.
2. Lore's Turtleneck and Giant Vest:
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You and I know that Lore stole these clothes from the Pakleds because we pay a lot of attention to Star Trek costumes, but to a normal viewer Lore shows up and this is just his outfit!! It's giving, like, space-age goblincore and it's incredible. I want wear this oufit every day. I want to make a little doll Lore wearing this outfit to express my love for it. It's only not #1 because the pants are too orange and a strange weave.
Deanna's Ancient West Holodeck Outfit:
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Deanna!!! The pants! The hat! The calico! She looks 10/10 hot in this outfit. For sure the superior version of this is before she gives her neckerchief to Worf (it really benefits from that cool highlight) but either way this is the best anyone's ever looked on that holodeck.
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styxwanderer · 4 months
The Wrong Fake Identity | Twisted Wonderland [pt.6]
part 1 Part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 <part 6> part 7
[A for Abduction, B for Bribery]
˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙·̩̩̥͙**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙˚*
Word of you secured in the dragon’s and his herds arms spread wide. Some were brought to despair, some are brought to joy, some are brought to anger, some are even more determined.
“Of course the final boss would be the dragon, but there is nothing me a genius can’t do hehe..”
“Silver! How do i look!” You enthusiastically walked up to him, now dressed in the black and green uniform. 
“..it.. it looks good on you, y/n.” The precious boy stammered. His unique orb staring at you.
You had no idea why, but you felt yourself wanting to hug the silver haired boy, or maybe sleep on top of him. You just need to get him to lie down first.
“Come, we should show father and malleus!” 
You intertwined your hand with his as you cling to him. Silver was shocked out of his mind from your boldness, even more so when you started purring in his hold, but he wouldn’t mind it either, it’s just a matter of keeping his heart steady that he mind. He could bow hear his heart beating in his ears, he just hope his complexion is not as obvious as his heart is.
“We are back father, Malleus.” 
“Oo welcome back—“ the both of them stood shock at your close proximity with silver, even so when you start to rub your cheeks against his biceps. 
“Aaa~ it seems this little kitty is very attached to you silver, after all you had been very good with animals.” Lilia can’t decide if he should be proud of his son or be jealous that he is favored by you. He had agreed to share you, but that doesn’t mean you can have favorites amongst them. 
Malleus was jealous, he had known you longer than silver but why must you choose silver? That’s alright, he would just prove to you that he is much kore deserving of your favour than the silver haired boy. 
“Child of man…” sitting in his throne, he called to get your attention, trying to get you to come to him. 
You ignored him, silence filled the room making silver sweat a drop, not wanting to offend his Leige. This makes malleus hurt.
“Come kitty, you can’t act so spoiled. When your king called you, you need to acknowledge him.” Lilia pried you off his son, sensing the jealousy that bubbles up the dragon fae.
“Malleus hold this.” Lilia throw a mouse toy connected to a string. This caught your attention, you begun to approach the dragon.
“Oh?! You wanted to approach me now that i have this? Interesting indeed.” Malleus swish the stick back and forth. Your head, of course follow. 
You leap to the toy trying to catch it, but Malleus had retracted the toy to his hand holding it. Your eyes remain slitted as you readied yourself.
You pounced to his lap shocking the trio. In a reflective movement, malleus had stretched the hand to the air, and accidentally dropped it. 
“Oh no-“
You being a spoiled naughty cat you are deciding the best course of action is to jump over malleus, your feet stepping on top of his head, between his horn and leaped behind him to catch your prized mouse.
“Nyaa~” you meowed amused with your catch. The room once again become silent, 
“Ahahahahahha, how brazen this cat is, i have never had anybody even dared to think of stepping my head. Me, the heir to the briar valley. How amusing~”
“Hahahha.. if sebek is here he will either foam in his mouth, or have a mental breakdown, maybe both.” Lilia laugh
Silver too joined in, finding your boldness endearing and adorable, he wouldn't mind  if you had stepped on his head too. 
you returned to Malleus lap, finding it comfortable enough, this had made Malleus ecstatic tho he tried his best to hide it. you finding your foot print to be dirty and half guilty over your action decided you need to clean your mistake, you licked the top of his head grooming his hair back to its proper state. 
a prince can't have a messy hair! 
"oh my! your bravery is very admirable! The soldier in briar valley ought to learn a thing ir two from you." lilia mused
"how long does it take to plan a wedding.”
“Ohh my! Well it might take a year or two. But with a skillful fae it could take a day or two.”
“Malleus, is it not too early? We are still at school.” Silver chirped in.
“Doesn’t matter, they had accepted me as hers.”
Malleus haul you up and spins you around. The blushing fae is spinning the room with you, still confused of the situation and more preoccupied with the toy in your hand:
“We shall be wed And have a kid or two. Our wedding would be the most magical! What a dream come true~”
Even though silver and lilia are a bit jealous that Malleus are abled to gain the title your husband, they wouldn’t mind at all since a king’s job would be plenty, and of course there should be somebody looking over you while your beloved husband is away. 
With Malleus preoccupied to plan the wedding he have silver and lilia to look over you, your over energetic drive have driven both lilia and silver out of their energy. 
“Oh no..” silver said mid playing as he felt himself getting drowsy and drowsier. Then  silver passed out on the floor.
“Noo.. you can’t leave me Silver, haaa-“ 
Lilia looked back at you thinking he have to continue to play with you alone but to his surprise you just walked toward silver before curling up on top of his abs and enjoying the boy’s warmth.
“ i guess the whole cat mouse game had also tire you out.” 
A rumble in your stomach became a bell to lilia.
“Oh! You are hungry too? What a demanding kitty, what can i do? I shall make you a grand fiest.” 
You were about to protest but all is too late since lilia bolted out of the room.
“I should just topple the plate over once he comes back for bow i shall enjoy this nice pillow” you thought.
There is a voice again, you looked around to find the source. A hand then came out of the big door.
“Come here kitty kitty kitty~~~” it whispered 
“What is this smell?” You thought 
“It smell, so… so very..”
You bolted towards the door to find the source of such delectable smell.
“Idia?? Nice to see you here! Also.. heyy~ what’s that sticking all over you? It smells so good~” 
You grow closer and closer to the guy sniffing him up and down. Idia is standing nervously, he had somehow managed to stick a lot of catnip all around his clothes hair and body, stuffing as much as he can inside under his jacket of course.
“It..it doesn’t matter, the smell, its just something special for you..” his voice getting lower towards the end.
“Ohh! Idia you are the best!” You hugged the now pink flame haired boy. 
“Eh uhm not really.. haha.. so you would want to come with me righht? Ill give you lots of these if you come with me.” The nerveous boy had somehow snapped his personality to a cocky bastard. 
“Yess! YES! Where should we go?” 
“Just follow me!” 
You are latching yourself to Idia as you give his occasional rub on his neck, his arm, his chest, sniffing the delectable smell. 
You had been successfully stolen by the timid boy. 
Once malleus and lilia came back and finding the passed out silver and not a single strand of your hair in sight, a thunder roars through diasomnia. This snaps Silver out of his dream. 
“FIND HER, and punish those who dare to steal from me!” 
“Yes, malleus.”
“What is this smell?” 
Meanwhile in Ignihyde,
“Awhh whose the good kitty?” 
“Me! Me!” 
You had a brad new collar, a blue triangle patterned collar with a beautiful silver charm, which engraved “ property of Idia, please return” on the back side of it. You are given a comfortable ignihyde uniform. You are nuzzling Idia in his room, enjoying the comfort of his body and the addictive smell. 
You hug him close rubbing yourself everywhere around his body, sniffing him close. You can never get enough of his smell. 
“I am the best, i am a genius. Not even the final boss can win against my brilliance” Idia thought, patting himself on the back for his brilliant idea. No body could rival his brilliance he manically laugh inside. 
He decided to play his  game in his bed as you latch to his torso, sitting in his lap. The both of you comfortable with each other. A peck of pink flame always colouring Idia’s hair. 
“Ignihyde dorm leader had taken y/n away from him.” The news spread. 
“That guy?!!” Ace half-shouted shock.
“Well he is quite a cat lover, Still we have to get y/n back!” Grim grumbled
“We hafta to et em back! “
“Uhmm.. to get them away from my brother.. is going to be quite hard..” Ortho ponders.
“A! Its because you are on his side isn’t it!” Ace accused.
“Not its not!! Its just the fact that Idia manage to steal them away from the final boss means that he also come prepared, like a final boss.”
“What ever would make them go with that guy.” Deuce ponders. 
“Delivery for Idia shroud.”
The five of them glanced back at the rabbit delivery courier. 
“Oh! Deuce! Nice to see you here.”
“Nice to see you too, can we help you with something.”
“Ah its just, do you know where to find idia shroud.”
“Oh yes he is my brother.”
“Is that so, well i got a package, I don’t know where to drop it off, he said he is going to meet me but i guess he lost track of time.”
“Geez typical of my brother.”
“Right i will just leave the package to you, please sign here.”
“And here is your package.”
“Uwaaaaa!” Ortho almost tumble down as he try to hoist the package up. 
“What is this? Why is it so heavy!!”
The courier had already left probably in a hurry.
“ hey.. that’s idia’s right?” Grim said.
“The  he must’ve building something that capture y/n or some defense! If we get to know what he is building then we can defeat the final boss eaze peaze right?” Grim smirked
“Oh! Nice thinking! Now open the package!” Epel enthusiasticly said. 
“Wait! No! If brother know you went through his stuff! He will be mad!!!” 
“What he doesn’t know wont bother him!” Ace smirked closing in on ortho who is trying to protect his brother’s package.
“Im sorry ortho but this is for the best.” 
Jack hauled the box out of Ortho’s grasp as he open it. 
“Eugh this smell. Ah!” Jack had accidentally thrown the box down. Letting it’s content to spill.
“Hey! Computer program is very delicate ya know!”
“It isn’t computer program.” Jack answered.
“AAAAHHH!!!” A collective gasp were heard.
“THAT BASTARD Is bribing my henchhuman!” Grim fumed. Even though, it smelled good, if you aren’t there to serve him he rather not have it. 
“That’s rude! My brother is not that low! He must’ve used this … for other reasons… probably..” 
“WHATEVER! Now this is ours we can used it however we liked, even to lure a certain cat!” Epel smirked.
“Nice thinking! Human!” Sebek.
“Oh what’s with the commotion here?”
“AAAHH!! Its Riddle, Trey, and Carter!!” 
“It is certainly noisy around here.” Azul and the tweek appeared 
“ stop yapping already, and what is this smell?” Leona said wincing his nose. Ruggie walking aside, hand behind his head. 
“Ohhh!! Is there something going on here?” The scarabia duo come in. 
“ what a troublesome thing, epel i expected you to be more reserved around these miscreant. “ vil and room has also joined them.
“Oya oya? Is there some sort of meeting we are not invited into?” The diasomnia trio appeared. 
“Ah look its the traitor group.” Leona taunted.
“Whatever shall we do to a grouo of traitor.” Azul joined in.
“A beheaded sure is filling for the crimes of betrayal is it not.”
“Truly it is, afterall  a dog that bites the hand that feeds them needs to be punished.”
“Hahaha, don’t be too cruel now you two, now that item, it’s idia’s is ot not?”Azul chuckle 
“Ooo? He is building something to building a project?” Malleus questioned
“My brother’s business is none of your business!!”
“Plus it’s finder’s keepers so HANDS OFF!”
“Oh still dare to bark?”
“Ohh look at all those catnip.” Lilia suddenly show behind them.
“Malleus could this possibly the smell from before?”
“Hmm.. It Is! Haaa unexpected of shroud, he dared to enter the dragon’s territory and claim his bride/groom? How terrible.”
“Ha? Whose bride/groom?” Leona retorted.
“Of course they should be mine, None of you know how to take care of them properly!” Vil joined.
The seven of them tried to escape but were soon caught by the tall huge juniors.
“Where are you going noww? I havent squeeze you all yet~”
“Hahaha, that’s true, floyd needs his fill for today.”
“Stop this little pups..” 
The potionlogy came with Crowley who was tied and forced to go whereever he is, Sam, Vargas, and also Trein. 
“Stop fighting against each other for once we have greater problem.”
“What is it?”
The first year could only sigh and surrender to  whatever fate is to come.
After the explanation the second and third year felt like hunting and mauling the crow. 
“Eekh! I told you im sorry already! It’s not my fault —“
“Its your fault ya kno..” Sam interrupted.
Vargas is trying to calm the boiling crewel.
“Ha, we need to catch them before the inspector comes and give them the antidote to their potion.” Trein concluded.
“This package, idia’s package might’ve proven to be useful to us.” Crewel said
“we need to come up with a plan.”
“Haaa, im sorry brother.” 
[ Words 2505]
>> to be continued<<
.·:*¨༺ ❈ ༻¨*:·.
[ maybe i should add tw: druging LOL]
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feasibilities · 6 months
Growing Pains | Neil Lewis x Unstable Ex-Girlfriend!Reader
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Synopsis: Lying to Neil about breaking up with him didn't go over too well, so you want to make it up to him. Warnings: Stalking, Home Invasion, Non-Con, Humiliation, Exhibitionism, Dacryphilia, Overstimulation, Degradation, Dom-Sub Aspects, etc.
Author's Note: I've seen a lot of amazing stories that make Neil the creep so I wanted to reverse the roles. I love how scared he looks in the gif above. Also, please reply if you want me to add you to a taglist! Here. Take it! @mothhball
“I missed you so much, Neil.” You whispered, standing over the fearful man. His blue eyes were wide with unease.
“How the fuck did you…” Neil trailed off, noticing the unlocked window you crawled through. 
“You left it unlocked so I knew you were waiting for me.” You smiled.
“You have serious issues. You broke up with me and when I finally start to get over you, here you are.” Neil complained, putting his face in his hands.
“You mean you weren’t thinking of me all those times you jacked off in the shower or in here with some smutty VHS tape playing?” You teased, walking to his worn out VHS player.
Neil went to stop you from taking the tape out but remembered he was nude underneath the blanket. He rushed awkwardly and hid his lower half, but he was too late.
“College Girls Get Pounded #13. What a summary!” You exclaimed, putting the tape back in the slot and pressing play. A lewd clip of a cheerleader having an orgy with some of her football-playing counterparts appeared on the screen. Gruff hands entered the frame to grab at the soft flesh of her breasts, thighs, and ass. Her pleas for mercy were met sneers and teasing. 
“Can you please-“ Neil started, feeling incredibly embarrassed.
“Shh, this is my favorite part.” You shushed him, earning a confused glance.
You watched her entire body shake as one of the players rammed into her. He covered her mouth and held her firmly in place. Her cries of pleasure were still audible. Just as she was about to come, Neil turned off the TV.
“Please go home. You’ve humiliated me enough.” Neil sighed, ignoring his hard-on. 
“I am home. Also, I have something to show you. Be right back.” You winked, scurrying into his closet with your book bag. 
Neil told himself that he was sick of your mind games, but another part of him was absolutely enthralled. None of his exes put him on edge like you did. You brought out the most insane parts of his personality. 
Opening the closet door, you revealed that you put on your old cheerleader uniform. It was a bit too snug and your skirt sat too high. Your breasts were spilling out of the top. You sold the look with a sparkly bow tied around your ponytail. Neil was practically drooling, but he tried to stay firm in his refusal of your advances. 
“J-just go. I don’t even know why you put that on.” Neil said, his voice cracking toward the beginning of the sentence. 
You walked toward him and stood over him once more. He closed his eyes tightly hoping you would disappear like you did in his dreams. You were obviously still standing there when he opened them. Kneeling in front of him, you started to pull the blanket away from his lower half. You giggled at his pathetic efforts to stop you. Finally, you saw what he was so embarrassed about. His dick was painfully hard. Pre-ejaculate leaked from his tip. Veins adorned his shaft. 
You took him in your hands as an evil smile grew across your face. You squeezed slightly, making him whimper. 
“Dirty little boy…” You degraded him. Suddenly, you had an idea that would humiliate him further. 
“Stand in front of the window.” You ordered.  
“Please don-“ He begged.
“Do it.” You spat through gritted teeth. 
He walked to the window and stood quietly. You walked up behind him and forcefully put his hands above the window, exposing himself completely. You spit in your hand and began stroking him harshly. Neil cried out and asked you to stop. However, you saw him thrusting into your hand. His eyes brimmed with tears as his anxiety was through the roof. It was the middle of the night, but he worried some stranger would see you two. 
You planted kisses on his shoulder and occasionally massaged his tip with your thumb. You were turned on by his crying. Neil’s whining grew louder as he approached his climax. His hands were clenched into tight fists above the window. You rutted against him to rile him up even more. Suddenly, hot ropes seed shot out of him onto the window sill. The rest seeped between your fingers. You continued to stroke slowly to drain him of any remaining defiance. 
“P-please, I’ll do anything you say. It hurts.” Neil sobbed.
“You mean it?” You mocked.
“Yes.” Neil replied, tears rolling down his face. 
“Good.” You said, pulling him toward the bed and pushing him down. Straddling him, you pulled off your top. Neil’s teary eyes took in the beautiful sight. He reached up to touch you before you smacked his hand away. 
“I wanna watch a movie.” You blurted out. Neil seemed to relax at your suggestion. You made it an effort to bend over and put in the tape. Coming back to the bed, you straddled him once more, facing away. You pulled up your skirt and slid down on him. A faint moan left your mouth as you turned to the screen. 
“I tho-I thought we were watching a movie.” Neil faltered, feeling a rush of adrenaline again. 
“We are. Now shut up so I can watch.” You reprimanded him, moving up and down slowly. You missed how he felt inside of you. Neil’s breathing was heavy and ragged. His pupils were dilated and his legs trembled intermittently. He saw how your arousal covered his shaft. He wanted to pin you down and take you like the girl in the video. Being submissive to you proved to be way more interesting, however. 
“This is one of the high points of 1940s cinema, isn’t it?” You asked innocently, bouncing faster. 
“What?” Neil responded, completely oblivious. 
“Why aren’t you paying attention? This is one of your favorite movies, Neil. You talked my fucking ear off about it when we met.” You chastised him, slowing down once more. 
“N-no, I am paying attention. I feel like it’s one of the best movies of the era. I…” He trailed off once you clenched around him. 
“Mhmm, and what else?” You teased. 
“The cinematography is extraordinary.” He said, staring at you. 
“Yeah...” Your voice quavered as you felt that familiar warmth in your lower stomach. Neil picked up on this and decided to return the favor. He sat up and pulled you toward him. Your back was flush against his chest. He groped your breasts harshly and moved his hand to your clit. You gave him a death stare that made him smile sweetly. 
“What did you like about the movie, darling?” Neil goaded. 
“Fuck you.” You ignored him, loving that he was touching you.
“Ah-ah, watch your language.” He said, bottoming out. You tried to wriggle out of his grip, but he held you tightly. As he began thrusting vigorously, he pinched one of your nipples. A reverberant moan left your throat. At this point, the neighbors definitely heard you two. Neil moved his fingers from your clit to your mouth. Eyes rolling back, you sucked them lovingly as he hit your g-spot with each thrust. You leaned forward to lessen the blow of his movements before he yanked you back by your skirt. 
“Stay still, slut.” Neil snapped, putting a hand around your throat. 
Your vision went white when you came. You groaned loudly and held his wrist for dear life. He missed this so much. You two pushed each other to your respective limits. He was truly depressed when you “broke up” with him. You made it seem so real. He wondered if he wasn’t enough, but now he had his answer. 
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redtsundere-writes · 2 months
Tyrant's Favorite | Sukuna Ryomen
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Part 8: Differences
King!SukunaRyomen x Servant!FemReader
Summary: You used to be just another servant among the army of humans operating under the command of the terrible king, Sukuna Ryomen. An ordinary human who only knows how to wash, clean and cook. Until one day, he notices something in you that you hadn't seen before.
Tags: MDNI. +18. Murder. Blood. Cannibalism. Sukuna Ryomen Is The Warning Itself. Nudity. Sexual Display. Vaginal. Fingering.Sometimes fluff, sometimes angst.
Word Count: 3856 words.
Beginning. | ← Previous | Next →
Sukuna hates mornings. Birds chirping, getting out of bed heavily and watching the sun conquer the skies are things he despises with all his heart. Just a curse that lives in a gigantic dark castle in order to have to deal as little as possible with sunlight. The windows with bloody roses, besides serving as decoration, have specific colors to mitigate the intense day to day light. Sukuna rubbed his eyes as he made his way to the dining room for breakfast at a slow pace as he was just waking up. As he approached the door, he heard the servants encouraging themselves to work faster. 
“Good morning, my king,” the servants said in unison once the great conqueror of their lands entered the room. 
The table was set as it was every morning. The tableware was elegantly placed in front of each seat, the candles were symmetrically spaced between the empty spaces and a subtle lemon scent could be perceived from how clean everything was. The servants lined up against the perimeter of the room as usual as they heard the king approaching. Sukuna inspected the faces he saw each morning, making sure no one was missing. It was strange not to see you in your usual place. Mrs. Inoue had not seen you at breakfast time or in the kitchen. She was so worried that she had already thought the worst. She wanted to ask the king about your whereabouts or the confirmation of your sudden death, but she didn't have the courage to do so.
“Did you inform her that she must have breakfast with me?” Sukuna asked Uraume as soon as he sat down at the head of the table. 
“Yes, my king, she must be getting ready,” Uraume answered as soon as one of the servants served him his breakfast: fried eggs and shredded meat, human, of course. 
The door opened again, interrupting the king's first bite. Finally, you have arrived. Your figure was wrapped in a beautiful dress that had been made especially for you. A pair of braids framed your face while a crystal tiara rested gently on your head. Your neck and wrists were adorned with precious jewelry that cost more than your old cabin in the countryside. Even though you had no royal blood, you felt like the princesses you used to see at balls. Sukuna was so used to seeing you in your uniform that he dropped his fork in shock. 
“Good morning, everyone,” you greeted with a small bow before entering the room. 
All the servants looked at you in shock for dressing so extravagantly. It was the first time you felt so many eyes on you, completely exposed even though you were clothed from head to toe. You just smiled and made your way to your new seat, the right side of the king. Mrs. Inoue was on the verge of tears of happiness to see that you were not dead and better than ever. 
“Good morning, my king.” You bowed respectfully to him. Mrs. Inoue overtook another servant to pull your chair, the perfect excuse to approach you. 
“Are you all right?” She whispered in your ear. You just nodded as you took a seat. 
Sukuna was still enthralled with your extreme change in appearance. He had known you as an ordinary girl in a hideous brown dress full of dirt that hid your good attributes. Now you stood before him in a beautiful purple dress with gold flowers decorating your chest and flowing down to the skirt. The sleeves that subtly rested on your arms allowed him the exposed skin of your shoulders that used to be covered by the uniform. Since you always wore a white scarf, I had never noticed your pretty hair color. You were a diamond in the rough that just needed to be polished to shine among the stars. Quickly, you noticed that Sukuna was just looking at you with his lips parted as if he wanted to say something. 
“Is something wrong?” you asked, confused. 
Sukuna quickly returned to his reality, picking up his fork as if nothing had happened. He coughed a couple of times before looking away so it wouldn't show that he loved your new look. His heart was beating like crazy and he didn't know how to make it stop. 
“That color doesn't go with your skin tone,” he complained, pretending that was the reason why he was looking at you so intently. 
“Do you think so?” You asked while looking at the contrast between the dress and your skin tone. 
It had been a long time since you had worn a dress as beautiful as that one. I repeat, you had never worn a dress as beautiful as that one. Your mother used to buy dresses for you, but they were a solid color and not the best material, as she bought the ones that were within her financial means. You had forgotten how tedious it was to wear a corset so tight to the body and heels that hurt your feet, but it was nice to pass in front of the mirrors and see something nice on the other side. 
A servant soon arrived to serve you a breakfast similar to Sukuna's, but with mutton instead of human flesh. You bit into it, happy to be eating something other than porridge after a long time. You missed eating meat after the time Sukuna invited you to eat with him for the second time. You were very excited that from now on you would always eat with him. 
“Your tutor is coming today," Sukuna informed you. 
“My tutor?” You asked confused. 
“He will make sure you have the necessary intellectual tools to be my wife and the mother of my future heir. He will teach you literature, mathematics, health and give you piano lessons,” he explained before drinking from his wine glass. 
That last thing got you very excited. You couldn't wait to learn to play like the professionals. In your head, you could already imagine all the songs you would learn. The king could be a heartless being, but sometimes he was generous. 
“He will arrive in the afternoon for you to welcome him, since he will be living here from today on,” he ordered before continuing eating. “You better not waste his time.” 
“I will try my best to be the best student.” You smiled before continuing to eat. That only made Sukuna's heart flutter even more. "Is my heart failing me already?" He asked himself. 
The sun was still struggling against the cloudy sky so that it could stand out among the heavy clouds. You waited patiently for the arrival of the tutor Sukuna had arranged for you as he had instructed. You paced back and forth as you could not contain your curiosity as to who this mysterious teacher would be. Your heels echoed against the old concrete beneath your feet as you told Mrs. Inoue what had happened the night before. 
“He proposed to you?!” Mrs. Inoue exclaimed in astonishment. 
“I still don't believe it,” you commented while shaking your head. 
“And did you really accept?” She asked you as you stopped next to her to answer. 
“What was I supposed to say? No?” You asked before following the sway of your steps. 
“No, well, yes..." The old commented when the logic hit her full on. “At least you will be able to live better than the rest of us," she said, trying to look on the bright side. 
“But what if he finds out I don't have what it takes? He'll be disappointed! He'll kill me!” 
You had told Mrs. Inoue everything except about the last test your king had imposed on you. Because of that deranged test, you hadn't been able to sleep the night before. Although you could now rest in a bed far more comfortable than the straw bed in the dungeon, you had to think about how to ensure that you would continue to sleep in it. You could only remember the words of your king in an infinite loop. 
"You must kill one of your race." 
"One of your race." 
"Of your race."
The king was smart. If he let you kill whoever you wanted, he knew you would get the foolish idea of killing a curse, a being that preys on humans and eats them with no thought for their suffering. He couldn't risk you getting hurt trying. He knew you didn't yet have what it takes to do it. Besides you had no idea how to kill them, curses are more agile and cruel than any human. It wouldn't hesitate two seconds to devour you, even if it meant betraying its king.
“Don't be silly, girl, you have everything it takes to be a real queen,” Mrs. Inoue scolded you for being so pessimistic, something rare in you. “Don't let yourself be influenced by the pressure.” 
“I'm a human, how can I be at his level?” You complained as you approached her again. 
“It's true. You may never be at his level, but he won't be at yours either,” the old said before taking your hands. 
“What is she talking about?” You arched your eyebrow in confusion. 
“The king may be very intelligent and powerful, but he will never be as kind and elegant as you are.” That comparison made your mind relax. “What I mean is that you will never be like the king because he could never be like you. You have your own strengths, use them to your advantage and you'll be fine, girl. Just like you always have.”
A smile appeared on your face and you did not hesitate to hug her tightly at her touching words. You closed your eyes as you leaned against her plush shoulder. It was just what you needed to hear, a loving and reasonable voice to quiet your mother's paranoid cries in the back of your mind. Mrs. Inoue gave you a couple of pats on the back for extra moral support. 
“You'll be fine, child. We've survived everything and we'll continue to do so.” 
You genuinely hoped that she would continue to support you when the time came that you had to kill someone. So far your only plan was to kill the oldest servant in the castle in the most peaceful way possible. The first and only idea was to use poison. The most complicated part would be to take off his head to give it to the king and live forever with the guilt of killing an innocent, but that was a concern for another time. 
The gigantic gate descended along with the sound of heavy chains, straining to form the bridge that connected to the castle. The bars opened to let in a black carriage, one of the many that King Sukuna had. The two jet-haired horses paraded across the parade ground to the entrance. Behind the imposing horses, stood the coachman, a slender curse wearing an elegant suit and top hat. 
“That must be the tutor,” You murmured to your friend once you pulled away from the embrace. 
The coachman took care of parking the carriage in front of you. He jumped down from his post to open the passenger door. From inside, a tall man with long black hair emerged wearing a light colored rakusu with checkered patterns and underneath a yukata with black bloomers. Your nerves went away once they saw a human face instead of a cursed one. He was a really attractive man with captivating black eyes, sharp features and thin eyebrows. The only odd thing was the stitching that adorned his forehead. 
“Welcome to our noble lands.” You bowed next to what used to be your co-worker. 
“You must be the lady I will be in charge of, aren't you?” He asked you, beaming a beautiful smile. 
"He is so charming," you thought in surprise. In all your years of life, you had never seen such a beautiful man as him. Your heart was pounding with nervousness as soon as he approached you. Gently, he reached under your chin to cup your face for a closer look. You blushed immediately and tried to instinctively take a step back, but his fingers flexed on the back of your neck to keep you from moving and looking into his eyes. 
“You are prettier than King Sukuna described you in his letters. It will be a pleasure to work for you, Miss.” He said with a smile that looked sincere, you reciprocated amidst your nerves. 
“Let me show you around, sir…”
“Master Kenjaku,” he answered before releasing you to take your arm and entwine it with his. “Lead our way, miss.” He asked you, to which you complacently obeyed. 
After a long tour of all the common areas and where his new room would be so he could settle in after the long trip, Kenjaku decided it would be a good idea to start classes as soon as possible. You took him to the game room where the gigantic and endless library was located. 
“I see our king likes to read,” he said, scanning the place in awe. “Do you?” he asked you directly. 
“I like reading fairy tales. It's the only thing I can read, everything else I find complicated to understand.” You answered honestly. 
“Don't worry. We are all born knowing nothing, that's why there are people like me who are in charge of guiding others towards the understanding of things, so that later they can guide other people.” He answered with a philosophical air as he glimpsed a green chalkboard that was kept between two bookcases. “Since we'll be seeing each other a lot from today on, I want to start with the basics,” he said as he took it out next to a small flask with chalk. 
“The king told me you would teach me many things, what exactly are the basics?” You asked him before taking a seat in front of one of the work tables. 
“I see that you have a curious mind. That is fundamental for learning, we are on the right track,” he commented with a satisfied smirk. “Your primary job is to be on par with the king. What does that mean? That you must understand everything he tells you the first time he says it. For that, there are things you must understand.” Kenjaku took one of the chalkboards and wrote the word Jujutsu on it. “This world is made up of humans and curses, right?”
“What many people don't know is that there are three types of humans: monkeys, people with vision and sorcerers,” he explained as he drew three stick people. “The monkeys are the people who can't see the curses and think they are ghosts or evil spirits. The people with vision are those who can see curses, like you. And finally there are the sorcerers, the people who eradicate curses using Jujutsu.” He pointed to the word he had written at the beginning. 
“Jujutsu?” You read with difficulty, familiarizing yourself with the word. 
“You see, we all have a soul and that soul radiates energy. Sorcerers radiate what is considered cursed energy. Which allows wizards to have their powers and..." Geto stopped when he saw your surprised face. “Is something wrong?” 
“Sorcerers? There are a lot of those?” you asked. 
Sorcerers used to be a myth among humans in the Sukuna kingdom. Your father used to tell you and your sisters that there used to be people with extraordinary powers who were in charge of guarding humans from curses, but they were slaughtered by King Sukuna so he could spread his reign of terror and have everyone under his control as flesh and blood puppets. Many said that these magical people would return, but they have never been present. 
“That's a lie, Dad.” Your sister, Yorozu, scolded your father before eating a boiled potato in her mouth. 
Not letting it cool enough, she bit into it and burned her tongue. You shook your head in disappointment and passed him a glass of water. Yorozu was always like that. Careless, clumsy and rebellious. She always used to get into trouble when she didn't have to, but she was the most spoiled in the house being the prettiest of the daughters. Your parents saw her as the perfect opportunity to improve the family economy.
“I'm serious! My great-great-grandfather used to be a very powerful sorcerer,” her father said, offended that they didn't believe him. 
The whole family was gathered around the table like every dinner. When your father was alive, there was always bread, potatoes, wine and cheese on the table. Your mother would eat quietly while observing the manners of each of her daughters. Starting with you, you always ate with your back straight and took the utensils with care. 
Yorozu ate the first thing in front of her and whatever she felt like eating quickly. Mimiko and Nanako, being twins, acted similarly, eating slowly while listening to the conversation attentively. At the end of the day, they were all good girls, but you could tell how different they were. 
“I wish we had powers, so we could kill all the curses that get in our way," Mimiko commented bravely. 
“And why don't we have powers, daddy?” Nanako asked, disappointed. 
“I don't know, honey,” Her father answered honestly. “All I know is that we were born blessed with good health and good spirits.” 
“There are many.” Kenjaku replied, bringing you back to the present. “There are so many that there are kingdoms full of them.”
“Really?” You asked, still surprised. "And I thought Uraume was unique." 
“The Gojo kingdom is a good example. The royal family is the largest family of sorcerers in existence and harbors secrets as old as life itself.” Kenjaku answered. 
“And how does one know one has powers?” you asked curiously. 
“They usually manifest themselves at five or six years of age. As a defense response of the body to a life or death situation.” Kenjaku explained. 
You leaned back against the chair with a hopeless expression. You didn't stand a chance. You had never noticed any kind of power in yourself. That disappointed you, but you remembered Mrs. Inoue's words of encouragement. "You have your strengths, use them to your advantage and you'll be fine, child." Kenjaku quickly noticed your downcast face and approached you. 
"Don't worry, I will see to it that you become a powerful queen with or without powers. I may be in the service of King Sukuna, but you will always have the last word,” he promised you. 
All your life you had always been someone's subordinate. Since you were born, you obeyed your parents above all things. You always cared for your sisters before you cared for yourself. Now, you were under the total control of the most terrifying curse of all time. It was nice to hear that someone was at your service and would help you in everything you needed. You were sure that Kenjaku would be the best ally you could ever ask for. You were not going to waste his kindness. 
Sukuna read the biweekly reports from Uraume. A document that summarized the shortcomings around the castle, the attitude of the curses and the behavior of the servants. He carefully read every word until I saw your name on the paper. Hiser heart skipped a beat again as he remembered how pretty you looked that morning. He put the document aside to feel his own confused pulse. It didn't hurt, but it was throbbing harder than usual. "I should ask Kenjaku for a second opinion," he thought, worried about his own health. 
Sukuna doesn't believe in love. He has read theories about it and heard humans talk about it before, but he has never experienced it. Therefore, he came to the conclusion that it does not exist. It must be an invention of humans to cope with the idea of being tied for life to someone by the bond of marriage. Why don't humans just marry a person who gives them prosperity and that's it? That was the most logical thing to do, according to our king Sukuna. Rats just like to complicate their lives. 
Someone knocked on the door of his office. It was Kenjaku, the guy he wanted to see. He let him in while he put away the documents he had not yet read in a drawer. The last time they had seen each other had been in the kingdom of Jogo when he conquered their lands. Kenjaku surrendered completely to him and betrayed his king to now serve him. Sukuna hated traitors, but this one had qualities that he could use to his advantage. One of them was his vast knowledge in medicine and botanics. 
“I'm sorry I was late in greeting you, your majesty. I found the young lady so interesting that I felt the need to start the lessons as soon as possible. I can see why you chose her to become your wife.” Kenjaku greeted him with a bow. 
“Did you do what I asked you to do?” Sukuna asked, getting straight to the point. He still had things to do and he didn't want to waste time in formalities. 
“I started with the investigation, but you must understand that investigating the inter-species birth between humans and curses requires time and patience,” the lesser curse answered honestly. 
A month ago, Sukuna sent a letter to Kenjaku instructing him to investigate whether it was possible for a woman to conceive a baby from a curse. Kenjaku, despite his confusion at the strange task, set to work. Curses are born thanks to cursed energy, they are the direct product of the intense emotions that humans manifest. They manifest randomly, so it is difficult to create one from scratch. What Sukuna was asking was nearly impossible, but it was worth a try. Now that he knew the reason why he was interested in the subject, it all made sense. He wanted to make sure he left offspring and that the mother would be okay during the process. 
“I need you to hurry," Sukuna ordered. 
“I will do my best.” Kenjaku answered placidly. 
“Good.” Sukuna mused. “Come closer and check my pulse.” He ordered.  
“Does your chest hurt?” The subordinate asked. 
“No, but since the morning I feel like it's getting lumpy out of nowhere.” 
Kenjaku pressed two of his fingers against Sukuna's neck while taking the time to calculate his heartbeat. Although his heart was pounding, there was nothing out of the ordinary. He had a healthy pulse. 
“It sounds good. There's nothing to worry about.” Kenjaku smiled reassuringly. 
“Good. You can go now. I am very busy.” Sukuna asked him after receiving the conclusion of a connoisseur on the subject. 
Kenjaku bowed before retiring. The king took out again the documents he was working on. He scanned the bi-weekly report to return to where he had left off. Seeing your name, his heart fluttered again. Sukuna put the document aside with an annoyed sigh to clutch his chest. 
“Fucking liar.” He cursed Kenjaku under his breath. 
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Open fanfic commissions!
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elryuse · 2 months
Yandere snsd otp 9 please there obsessed with there adopted little brother reader
Yandere SNSD OT9 X Male Reader
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The plane touched down in Incheon, a cold wave of dread washing over me. My parents, the people I trusted most, had ripped the rug from under my feet. They'd sold me, their own son, to a rich family in Korea. Betrayal gnawed at me, a bitter pill I couldn't swallow.
A man in a chauffeur's uniform held a placard with my new name, a Korean name I didn't recognize. He led me to a sleek black car, and the entire ride was a blur of towering skyscrapers and neon signs spewing unfamiliar words. Finally, the car pulled up to a colossal mansion that looked more like a palace.
My jaw dropped as I stepped out. A maid bowed, ushering me inside. There, I found them. Nine girls, impossibly beautiful, clad in luxurious clothes, faces a mix of curiosity and disdain.
"This is our new… brother," the one with the fiercest eyes announced, her voice dripping with ice. Jessica, they'd introduced her later, with a coldness in her eyes that sent shivers down my spine.
"Yoona," a girl with doe-like eyes scolded softly. "Be nice." Sooyoung, her name tag read. The only one who seemed to show a shred of genuine warmth.
The first few weeks were a blur of isolation and silent judgment. I became a ghost, flitting through the edges of their seemingly perfect lives, cleaning their mess, fetching things, and basically acting like their servant. They treated me with indifference, their conversations laced with inside jokes and references I didn't understand.
One rainy night, as I drove them back from a late-night practice, a reckless driver ran a red light. The car swerved, tires screeching. The world became a chaotic blur before everything went dark.
I woke up in a hospital bed, my body a map of aches and pains. But the pain was a mere whisper compared to the sight that greeted me. Nine worried faces surrounded my bed, concern etching lines on their flawless faces.
"Y/n! You're awake!" the one with the soft voice, Yoona, cried, her eyes glistening with unshed tears.
Tiffany, a girl with bright eyes and a seemingly warm smile, held my hand tightly. "You scared the living shit out of us. Don't you ever do that again."
The others, the girls who used to ignore me, surrounded me with a flurry of questions and frantic care. It was overwhelming, this sudden shift in their behavior. Yet, a part of me felt...warm. A flicker of hope ignited in my chest.
Days turned into weeks, and my stay at the hospital became an unexpected haven. They showered me with affection, bringing me my favorite takeout, singing me silly songs in butchered Korean to cheer me up, and even reading me Korean bedtime stories – their attempts hilariously endearing.
As I recovered, I learned more about them, about SNSD, their dream, their struggles. Their ambition, once cold and distant, became something I admired. I found myself drawn to their passion, their love for music, and most unsettlingly, to them.
One afternoon, while they were recording, I sat in their practice room, captivated by the raw emotions they poured into their song. As the last note faded, a heavy silence descended. Then, Yoona spoke, her voice trembling.
"Y/n, W-we…" she began, then stopped, tears welling up in her eyes. "We were terrible sisters. We took you for granted."
Taeyeon, the fierce leader, stepped forward, placing a hand on my shoulder. "You became our family, Y/n. And we scared you away. We… we can't lose you again."
Her words unraveled something within me. I realized I wasn't just drawn to their world; I was trapped. Their love, once suffocating, was now a possessive cage woven from concern and affection.
I looked at their faces, each beautiful in its own way, and a horrifying truth dawned on me. They were obsessed. Not with me as a brother, but as something… more. A possession to be cherished, protected, and never let go of. The warmth I felt earlier turned icy cold, a knot of fear tightening in my stomach.
They were my family, my saviors, but also my captors. A twisted family bound by a love that had crossed the line, and I, Y/n, the unwanted son, was now their prisoner in a gilded cage.
The following days solidified my fear. My room was adorned with SNSD posters, their schedules plastered across my desk like religious icons. My phone was replaced with one monitored by Sooyoung, under the guise of 'keeping me safe.' Sunny, the bubbly one, would burst into tears if I mentioned leaving for a walk. Hyoyeon, the dance machine, started following me everywhere, a silent, watchful shadow.
At night, the nightmares began. I'd wake up in a cold sweat, the scent of lilies – their favorite flower – thick in the air. A single lily would be placed on my nightstand, a silent promise of their obsessive love.
One evening, I managed to sneak my old phone out of my bag. With trembling fingers, I dialed a random international number. A voice, rough with sleep, answered on the other end.
"Mom? Dad? It's me Y/n." Relief flooded me, a lifeline thrown across a vast ocean of despair.
But before I could speak further, the door creaked open. Taeyeon stood there, her face a mask of fury. The phone clattered to the floor, the sound of my shattered hope echoing in the silence.
"Who were you talking to?" Her voice was laced with venom.
Tears welled up in my eyes. "M-my parents. I just wanted to…"
"You don't need anyone else," Tiffany cut in, her eyes blazing with a possessive glint. "You have us."
They surrounded me, a suffocating wall of beautiful faces. Yoona, ever the gentle one, held a syringe filled with a clear liquid.
"This will help you sleep, Y/n. No more bad dreams."
Panic clawed at my throat. I lunged for the door, but Jessica was already there, her grip like iron. A struggle ensued, a pathetic fight against nine determined women. In the end, they subdued me, the syringe finding its mark on my arm.
The world dissolved into a hazy blur. As darkness claimed me, I heard their voices, a chilling chorus that echoed in the recesses of my mind.
"Don't worry, Y/n. You're safe now. You'll never leave us again."
I woke up strapped to a bed, the sterile white room a stark contrast to the opulent prison I called home. An IV dripped into my arm, a constant reminder of my captivity.
On the bedside table sat a bouquet of lilies, their cloying scent filling the air. Despair washed over me, a cold, suffocating wave. There was no escape. I was a prisoner in a gilded cage, a plaything for nine beautiful, deranged women who called themselves my sisters. The once-distant dream of freedom now felt like a cruel joke. My new reality was a life sentence of love, a love so twisted it could only be called obsession.
To Be Continued
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lovergirly · 2 years
mornings with wednesday
i wrote this while super drunk so please bear with me. i love y’all so much i hope you enjoy 💕
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dating wednesday addams was a crazy experience. she didn’t quite know how to express emotions, but she tried for you. she held the door open, kissed your knuckles, allowed you to pick on her without killing you, etc. your favorite part, however, was mornings with your lovely, goth girlfriend. it was currently 5 am and you could feel wednesday trying to get out of your grasp.
“wednesday stop-“
“no. it’s 5, i need to get up. you should too.” you can see her braided hair was slightly messy and she didn’t have any makeup on. she looked beautiful.
“can we please cuddle for another five minutes?”
“why must you always ask this? you know i say no every time so just let me get up.” she sees your face turn a little sour so she sighs and leans in to give you a kiss. she finally gets up and leaves for the bathroom to take a shower. you stare at the door for a couple seconds before starting to close your eyes again, only to hear wednesday yell, “don’t go back to sleep,” through the door. you never understood how she knew you that well. so well she could tell your every move, even when she couldn’t see you. you disregarded her words anyway, and took a nap until she got out of the bathroom.
“i thought i gave you explicit instructions.” you simple smile at her and she deadpans back at you.
“i’m tired what can i say my love?”
“you can say nothing and get out of bed.”
“whatever.” you say while finally getting out of bed. you get dressed in your uniform while wednesday changes into the same uniform but all black. just looking at her made you fall even deeper in love. she always looked so composed. even when it’s 5:45 am and her hair is down and… wait. her hair is down. it was longer than you expected, very wavy. she looked absolutely elegant, but you knew she’d braid her hair again. it’s never not braided after all. why not make the morning just a tad bit romantic.
“wednesday?” you asked while conjuring up the sweetest voice you could find.
“yes mi amor?”
“can i braid your hair… please?”
wednesday paused. she never let anyone touch her hair. it was her thing. she always needed to look composed, it didn’t matter who she was with. as long as she was composed she’d be fine. she can’t act nervous right now because it makes her lose control of her body. and when she loses control of her body she loses control of her words. “you want to- what?… umm why may i… ask?”
“because i love you and i want to make you feel beautiful. and if doing your hair will do that then i must braid your hair.” you shrug. deep down your real reason was to be close to wednesday. you loved her. her shampoo, her hair, her face. not only that but her personality, her charisma, her style. you loved the girl in front of you with everything you could. and in return she loved you. she sat in front of you as you started dividing her hair and getting to work. she was nervous (though she’d rather swim through a pool of her own blood than admit that). she loved your gentle touches and how you can make her feel like a precious doll. now wednesday hated feeling weak, but with you she didn’t feel that way. she instead felt loved. every smile you sent her way was true love. every time you reached for her hand when you were nervous was true love. every time you apologize for pulling her hair a little too hard was true love. you both were so in love with each other and neither of you were scared to admit it. “oh mi amor, you did such a good job on my hair.” the goth praises while giving you a kiss of the nose.
“of course i did! i tried my hardest. now it’s 6:15 we need to get breakfast.”
“of course after you my love.” she says while opening the door for you and giving a false bow to show how chivalrous she is.
i hope you guess enjoyed !! like i said i’m very drunk rn so i’ll probably delete this tomorrow morning or something. leave me more requests i’ll get back to them asap!!
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sixeyescurseuser · 3 months
Except it does keep happening. There will be random periods where Gojo just randomly shifts into his swan form? Always when he’s in the apartment. Usually when around Geto too. 
It’s very healthy, or so Geto claims. To be comfortable with his animal side and embrace shifting instincts - which are very normal - all Gojo needs to do is learn how to control his shifting. 
Despite not jumping up and down about this, Gojo supposes he’ll live. He got flying down pretty easily. Just flaps his wings and zooms around like a little airplane in their living room and kitchen. He dive bombs Geto for funsies too. 
While navigating the hybrid experience to its fullest potential, Gojo also comes to terms with the fact that at some point, he’s fallen for his roommate, wholly and irrevocably. 
The easing into physical intimacy was definitely the start of it. Gojo loves when their chests are pressed together for whatever reason, in a hug or cuddling. 
Listening to the way Suguru describes Gojo's dance after each moment - in complete awe - Gojo realizes that yeah, Suguru has always seen him. Every part of him.
Suguru makes him happy. 
It's really a no-brainer that Gojo feels the desire to mate. 
Meanwhile, Geto continues to look up every last piece of information on swan hybrids. He wants to be prepared in case Gojo struggles with anything other than shifting. And if reading about swans courting and mating rituals are part of this process, then so be it. Geto sure isn't going to complain.
When Gojo stumbles across Geto's notebook of information, he becomes even more fond of Suguru.
During one of the biggest performances Gojo has ever put on, he debuts of a new kind of dancing called “shift dancing," where he shifts mid-dance from human to swan, swan to human. Or pops his wings out to fly as a human, still moving along to the music, dropping white feathers to a few lucky members of the audience. 
It’s a huge step in the dancing world, as well as for Gojo himself in showing off his swan side. After the final bow and the curtains close, Gojo is vibrating from the post-adrenaline of the show and-
He's itching to find Suguru, who will be backstage soon.
Geto shows up with a giant bouquet of Gojo's favorite flowers. Gojo lets out a happy squawk and catapults himself into the air - trusting Geto would catch him. 
Geto quickly switches the bouquet to one arm and catches Gojo with the other. 
"Satoru, what are you- I- oh my goodness, you're jittery," Geto laughs as he's frantically nuzzled. Geto is so proud of him.  "God, words cannot describe how breath-taking you were out there."
Gojo suddenly feels all fuzzy from being in Geto's arms. He merely hums in response. 
"Satoru, do you want to change out of your uniform?"
Gojo shakes his head. Geto laughs, and can't help but place a kiss on Gojo's hair. 
"You want to go out to our celebratory dinner in your uniform?"
Gojo pops out of his hiding place at that.
"Dinner? Where?"
"I booked that new place you wanted to try. All you can eat buffet. With sashimi, and wagyu, and fish," Geto murmurs.
Gojo positively wiggles in happiness, throwing Geto off balance. 
"Let's go! Right now!"
Who is Geto to tell him no?
Cut to Geto literally feeding Gojo because Gojo deserves to be spoiled. Geto is rambling on about the food, saying, "This is good for your protein intake, which you need for muscle repair and growth. Got some healthy fatty acids here too~"
Gojo has long finished chewing and listens like 🥺 
He leans forward to peck Geto's lips, effectively cutting Geto off. 
Then, Gojo steals the bite of food from Geto's chopsticks, chewing with satisfaction. 
“I- Satoru?" Geto blinks, malfunctioning. Gojo merely raises an eyebrow. 
If Geto had his panther ears, they'd be twitching with interest.
"You better not be messing with me-"
Gojo steals another kiss. Geto lets out a low growl and grabs ahold of Gojo's chin to keep him from pulling away. They both sigh into the longer kiss, noses lightly bumping.
When they slowly pull away, Gojo's eyes flutter open. Geto could count how many pretty, white eyelashes he has up close. 
Geto shakes his head, murmuring, "Fuck. The things you do to me."
"Nuh-uh. The things you do to ME,” Gojo counters, feeling a surge of emotions well up inside. “You feed me and hug me. You rub my back when I'm cranky, and watch all my dance performances. You let me have the comfier side of the couch and you look at me as if I'm your entire world or something. How do you expect me NOT to fucking fall for you, idiot?"
"I-I, I didn't realize-"
Gojo shoves a bite of food in Geto's mouth. "If you're not confessing, I don't wanna hear it."
Seconds later, Geto is nosing at Gojo's neck, lifting up slightly to whisper in Gojo's ear: "All right, darling. Let me take you home - I'll give you a real confession."
When they get back home, the new couple begin bickering about which room shoulder be shared as “theirs.
Geto: “Mine already has my scent!”
Gojo: “Mine has my nest!”
Geto: “Mine’s facing away from the street!”
Gojo: “Mine’s closer to the kitchen!”
In the end, they wind up in Geto’s room. 
Gojo has full reign of recreating his nest there, and easy access to his mate’s entire closet. 😈
w/ @no-one-says-hi
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rainba · 1 year
Flickering Warmth
(TWs)/Tags: gender neutral reader, dubcon, slight noncon, master/servant
Everything about him is so warm.
The touch of his hands, the smile on his lips, the flame in his eyes.
Yet his calloused hands are so rough and cold on your skin, the contact unwelcomed.
The tears stinging his vulnerable crimson eyes are taking out his flames, leaving him vulnerable and squirming beneath the pressure of being in your presence. He wants to say something, anything at all, but everything just feels like it’s too much to bear. The dimly lit candle that’s flickering and dancing beside the two of you is also warm. But it’s not warm enough.
“Master Diluc…” Your meek voice calls out his name, but it’s as if he’s in another world. You say his name again, over and over, until it eventually reaches a volume high enough to catch his attention. “Master Diluc!” You yell, and he jumps out of his darkened trance. He looks down at you, confused, until you point at his hand on your forearm. He’s holding it so tightly that it leaves behind a bruise.
“...Oh,” he whispers. “My apologies.” Diluc slowly removes his hand from your body, but you could swear you still feel the ghost of it lingering on your skin. You cough awkwardly. “Is… Is there anything else you need from me, Master?” You take a few steps and you bow a little, being courteous to the man who pays your bills. Being courteous to the man who practically holds your life in his hands. 
Diluc parts his lips to speak, but no words come out. His brows are stitched together and his expression is nothing less than torn, utterly distressed. Part of you wants to stay and comfort him, but the smarter part of you wants to run away from this situation and pretend it never happened.
The light of the candle illuminates his beautiful face, and yours as well. It’s storming outside. The rain and thunder is so loud as the two of you stand beside a window partially covered by crimson curtains. Diluc hums lowly as he musters up a reply. “Yes, actually…” He gulps. “I hate to bother you any more than I already have, but would you mind fetching me some warm tea? I need it to calm my nerves.” He lets out a soft sigh of relief when you nod and practically bolt out of the door, excited to escape this awkward situation.
When he no longer sees you, he grits his teeth and runs his fingers through his messy hair. “Fuck,” he hisses underneath his breath. “I can’t believe I just did that.” His face turns a little red as he curses at himself. He never, ever wanted you to see him in such a desperate state. He wanted so badly to take things slow with you, to court you like the gentleman that he is… Or rather, like the gentleman he wishes to be.
But he sometimes just can’t stand it. He can’t stand waiting for you to fall into the cage that he decorated so nicely for you. Sometimes he just wants to take you and claim you so badly that his heart begins to throb and his head begins to ache. This act is getting so tiring… But he loves you so much that he tries his best to keep his inner demons under control. His sinful demons that crave to own you entirely.
Diluc glances at the window and sees his own reflection in the glass. It’s… It makes him sick. He’s supposed to be better than this. When you get back into the room, he’ll apologize to you, and he’ll tell you to forget everything that happened tonight. His thoughts had just gotten way too out of control tonight, and he’ll never let it happen again, that’s all.
However, that’s not how things go. When you walk back into the room, he finds his thoughts going haywire again. That servant uniform you’re wearing, the innocent look in your eyes, his family’s emblem on your chest. Seeing all of it just drives him insane, and he’s paralyzed by his thoughts.
“Here, Master Diluc.” He loves it when you call him that. “I made you your favorite tea.” As you set it down, Diluc’s eyes don't leave your body. His skin feels like it’s on fire. His throat is dry. You notice how intense his gaze is- it sends shivers down your spine. It makes you feel like you’re his prey.
Diluc’s hand trembles slightly as he reaches for the cup of tea. He figures he should dismiss you from the room before he embarrasses himself any further. He knows he should dismiss you before he does something that he knows he’ll regret. But he can’t stand the thought of you being away from him.
When you turn around and attempt to leave without his orders, he grabs your forearm once again, and he yanks you close to him. “Master!?” You yelp loudly, your face getting quickly buried into his chest. Diluc’s breathing is unbearably heavy, and his heartbeat is deafeningly loud. He’s so warm.
“I’m sorry,” he apologizes again. “I can’t take it anymore.” Before you can even reply, he has you pinned against the wall with his body pressed firmly against yours. He rests his hips between your legs and keeps you lifted up in the air this way, then he desperately kisses at your neck. “Do you know how long I’ve wanted to do this?” He says, not truly expecting an answer. You gasp and moan as he nips at your most sensitive areas. “How long I’ve wanted to make you mine…” His strong hands grab your hips and lift you up a little further, giving him better access to your collarbone. He begins to undo the top of your uniform.
“Diluc, wait!” You shift within his grasp, accidentally rubbing up against his sensitive lower half, drawing a guttural moan from him. You hate it, but at the same time, it’s far too intoxicating. “Y-you’re my employer, I’m not a noble, I… We can’t…” You try to find the right words, but it’s so hard when he’s touching you in all the right places.
“I don’t care about all of that.” He growls a little before moving your legs and wrapping them around his waist, locking your bodies together. 
It’s all so hot, so, so hot.
It’s too much.
You gently press against his chest to push him away as he traces his fingers up and down your thigh, and you plead with him more to stop. Yes, on some level you do want this, but on the other hand, you feel that it’s wrong. You want to take things slow, you want to gain the approval of others, you just want things to feel perfect and romantic. Right now, you feel like you’ll simply melt away if things keep escalating.
You push him just a little harder and it pushes him out of his trance. His eyes grow impossibly wide as guilt hits him like a speeding train. “Oh. Oh god.”
He realizes he lost control.
He races to fix your uniform and get you back on your feet, apologizing for his unruly misconduct. 
“It’s fine, really, I promise it is, you don’t have-” You try to speak, but he cuts you off.
“I promise this will never happen again. Truly, I apologize for my behavior.”
He keeps apologizing over and over until you’re finally out of the room, leaving you speechless.
It’s only then when he heaves a sigh of relief. If you hadn’t kept pushing him away, who knows what he would’ve done to you. He would’ve marked you, claimed you, bent you over his desk, he… He… 
Diluc can’t help but feel like he’s losing his mind when he thinks of you. He’ll just pleasure himself to the thought of you like he usually does… Until the day where he can truly have you. His hand will just have to be enough. With the feeling of your body against his in his memory, he’ll…
In the end, it’s not a matter of ‘if’ he’ll have you.
Just a matter of when.
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unforgettwble-sumii · 2 years
BLUFF ଓ ˖˚⊹
[ Wednesday x Fem!reader ] PART - 1
> The reader trying to hide her feelings from Wednesday, in fear of rejection. However, little does she know that her one and only true love reciprocates her feelings.
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🔵 [ Swearing/cursing | talking cat (⁠つ⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)⁠つ | I think I'll have to do parts, this was supposed to be a short oneshot but I got ahead of myself]
[Monday, 5:30 a.m]
It was a typical morning in Nevermore. It was actually a beautiful sunny day today. Some of the light from the sun shined through your window.
The birds on the trees were chirping and you could hear some chattering noises from a few of the students outside your dorm.
Actually, probably all of the students were up by now.
Except you. You pulled an all nighter last night to study for an exam in miss Thornhill's class.
"ughhhh...shit. my head aches soooo baddd" You woke up groaning. You turned to the other side where your nightstand was.
"5:35 a.m!? Shoot, I'm gonna miss breakfast!!!" You said jumping off your bed and sprinted to the bathroom to get yourself ready.
To be honest, you really didn't want to get off of your comfortable bed, I mean who would want to??? It's literally still 5 am in the morning. But, you had an exam at 7:30 a.m and missing it would cause you to get an F on your report card.
And since you were classified as one of the top students, you wouldn't want that now would you?
You wore the typical black and blue uniform, You styled your hair in an easy but quick hairstyle and placed a white bow on it to add a bit of personality.
You looked over to your roommates bed, Yoko. "Of course she isn't here" you playfully rolled your eyes.
You got your school bag and waved goodbye to your black cat. "Bye Selvester. I'll be back later, don't get into too much trouble, okay kitty?"
You said waving to the adorable yet grumpy kitty that was sitting on an open area infront of your window.
"yeah yeah, now go run off kid. You'll be late." The black cat said with a meow in the end. The adorable thing yawned and continued his disturbed sleep.
"hehe" you giggled. And with that, you ran of to the quad to get breakfast. Or at least you hoped that there was still breakfast.
[5:50 a.m]
When you arrived at the quad you saw some of the students had finished eating and was going over some lessons for Miss Thornhill's exam.
You quickly went over to the table where your friends were sitting.
"hey, guys!" You said with a closed eye smile.
"heyyyyy, Y/N!" Enid said with her usual smile.
"Y/N how was your sleep? Actually, I guess it was good since you over slept" Yoko said as she and the others laughed and giggled.
"heyyyy! It isn't funny" you said with a fake pout that turned into a laugh after.
"I gotta be fr with you guys but my sleep was really meh" you sighed.
"We can tell with the dark circles under your eyes." Wednesday said, she was right behind you.
"AHHH- WTF-!? oh, hello wen!" You said with a smile, and scratching the back of your neck. You really didn't mean to scream.
"Don't call me that unless you want me to tear your larynx off." She said with her usual deadpanned expression.
"oh right... hahahahah" you said with an awkward laugh. Your cheeks were lightly coated with pink blush.
"oh Y/N? Where's your food?" Enid asked concern lacing her voice.
"Oh, right. Uhm I kinda forgot but honestly I think that they already ran out and all they have is rancid cereal, yuck" you said cringing at the thought of it.
"I think I'll skip it today" a sheepish smile plastered on your face as you said that.
"No don't." Wednesday said handing you a tray of your favourite breakfast foods.
A blueberry waffle with syrup, white frosting sprinkled with blue and white sprinkles. And ofcourse, a medium sized cup of hot cocoa.
"....woahhhh!!! Wen, how did you know this was my favorite??" Your eyes twinkled in excitement.
"First of all, the nickname. And second, you eat it every morning. I figured since I knew how....chaotic and very annoying you get when you didn't get to eat in the morning, I got you breakfast." She said as her eyes focused on your face the whole time.
"thankyouuuu!!!" You said practically jumping up and down in excitement.
Wednesday quietly sighed and watched as you ate your breakfast.
[7:26 a.m]
"Hello everybody, today as you all know, we'll be having a very big exam. It'll contribute 70% of your grade in my class. So I hope you guys studied well." Miss Thornhill said with a smile as she placed the copies of the exam on her desk.
She handed out the exam papers and made it clear to use a pencil incase of any mistakes.
You were rummaging through your bag for your pencil pouch but to your dismay, you couldn't find it. You then remember where it was. It was on your desk.
'shit' you mentally cursed at yourself. How could you be so forgetful? At this point, you were practically sweating.
A certain someone beside you noticed your distress and slided you a pencil.
You noticed the pencil roll to your side of the desk and you picked it up. You were about to turn to your side in order to thank the person who gave you the pencil but, they beat you to it.
"You don't have to thank me. I just thought of giving it to you since you looked like an idiot about to cry."
"thankyouuu so much Addams!!!! I was about to cry myself shitless" you exclaimed about to hug her but then you realized that it would make her uncomfortable so you stopped yourself from doing so.
"Yes, I saw and didn't I just say not to- nevermind." She happened to notice that you didn't call her by the usual stupid nickname that you gave her. 'weird' she lightly frowned.
She rolled her eyes and noticed that you were about to move closer for a hug, but you stopped yourself. That made her lips curl up just a little, not too much for you to notice though.
She was glad that you remembered that she doesn't enjoy skin to skin contact. She felt like there were disgusting butterflies in her stomach.
She didn't understand why but, everytime she sees you she feels the same way everytime. Confused, happy and other disgusting emotions.
You made her feel things. Things that even she didn't know she was capable of feeling. You were her love, and she was yours. However, both of you failed to recognize each other's feelings.
"Alright everybody, it's already 7:30 a.m which means, exam time!!!" Miss Thornhill said throwing her hands up in the air to show how excited she was.
"I wish you guys well and I hope everybody passes with flying colors! You each have 1-2 hours to complete this exam since it's a little long. Oh and before I forget, no cheating or talking to your seatmates please." She said glancing over to a certain student, that caused them to giggle.
And with that everyone started to answer their exam, some of them already being stuck on the first question.
Before you started to answer your exam, you quickly looked at her, flashed her a smile and a "Break a leg, Addams." You said with a grin on your face.
"You too, L/N"
Okay, this took longer than expected. I was just gonna do a small and short oneshot however, my brain had different plans. 。⁠:゚⁠(⁠;⁠´⁠∩⁠`⁠;⁠)゚⁠:⁠。
I promise to make Part - 2 as soon as I can : *
But for now, that's all. Thankyou so much for reading and I also appreciate the love and support on my previous oneshots!! (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤
luv u all, xoxo!! ♡ - unforgettwble-sumii
©unforgettwble-sumii's work. Pls do not repost, steal modify, or translate.
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badaseyebags · 4 months
to all the boys that tried to love me ch 4⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
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word count: 2,5k (wew)
warnings: tsurugi being icky (as always), bad writing
author’s note: wow can you believe i actually updated? i was gonna drop this series as a whole since i don’t think anyone’s reading but but oh well, impulsive thinking at its finest😞 feel free to roast me, hope you enjoy! 🍞
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life’s been pretty strange lately, i’m out here making random friends, trying to be social and even being protected by them despite them not even knowing me? well let’s be real, even tsurugi’s friends are warning him not to hurt me, and telling me to be careful around him. they seem to like me more than him. i’m also getting one step closer to my crush by knowing her name. everything is going great, right? yeah that’s also what i thought. this was just moments before everything would crumble again.
i’ve spent my days with my besties and with tsurugi texting me non stop about how he’s fallen in love with me, and how he pictures our future together. from our wedding and our daily life together, to the name of our future children.. yikes, i’ve already turned him down at least 10 times this week, letting him know i’m not interested in finding a boyfriend. i thought he seemed a bit too chill with that at first, which was relieving. he suggested we become closer friends to which i could only agree to. i might of been pushed a little outside my comfort zone when he wouldn’t stop begging to call me with me before he goes to bed, i have anxiety every time i call someone but we’re friends now, right..? that’s what friends do.
i have no clue why ryujin is so excited about tsurugi not leaving me alone, but bummed out about me becoming friends with wooyoung. i know she’s into him but it’s not like i hang out with him or something, i have my own crush. we just text from time to time and i watch his streams when i get notified, i always try to mention her too. somehow it feels like he’s more of a friend than she is somedays.. maybe i’m being too sensitive, but she doesn’t seem fond of us getting along, i always thought it’s good when your friends and your love interest have a nice connection. i’d be happy if her and hwa got along well.
she was ready to take things a little bit further and make the next step to finally meet her crush, tell him she’s the girl who’s been sending him those hints, his secret admirer. reveal her identity then and there. she’s so bold for doing that, i’d probably pee my pants if i just approached hwa out of nowhere… maybe she’s so brave because it was me messaging him instead of her this whole time.. ah and my crush.. i don’t even have her social media.. i just know her name.. anyways i think my efforts to get them to talk will hopefully pay off soon. hmm.. maybe i am trying a bit hard to introduce them to each other. oh well, there’s another party today and she wants to go really bad to finally meet her crush face to face. well more like face to mask cuz i doubt he would magically appear without it, it’s like a permanent part of his face at this point. was he born with it?
tonight’s theme is school party, i really like the concept because i have an excuse to dress up all cute and not get judged for once, since everyone will be matching in some way. i curled my pink hair and put it in two little buns, wearing an outfit resembling a school uniform along with some white thigh high socks. i love how opposite me and my besties look, they’re always wearing dark colours and look so cool and i’m just there like their pastel coloured accessory. i wish i could wear this everyday without being looked at weird.. i add some finishing touches by putting little bows on either sides of my hair, spraying my besties and i down with my favorite glitter spray. “you look like a girl that calls her boyfriend senpai” ryujin’s older sister jokes as we finish getting ready in her house, her escorting is out. hopefully she doesn’t mean it in a cringy way.
the three of us walk hand in hand and before we can even reach the club we are met with tsurugi running up to me, pulling me into a hug and pulling the mask off my face. “don’t you dare cover your cute face or i will spank you!” he threw it aside and i put my head down. ew, what an ick. i cringe feeling a little insecure, thinking the thought of covid being a little while ago would save me, but i failed since i have lost my mask somewhere in the wind. i keep my head down for a little before he pulls me into yet another tight hug, my cheeks soon being pinched and my ears ringing from the excessive amounts of compliments he threw at me. he’s really not getting the hint, i don’t like him! how is he not seeing it? “friends” my butt.. i try being nice to him but in the end he never respects my boundaries and ends up making me uncomfortable with his never dying efforts. i beg my friends to distract him for a little to allow me to get some fresh air, i just need to take a little walk without him being all up in my face for a at least a minute. one minute of peace is all i need.
i let out a sigh of relief as i watch him disappear inside the the club along with my besties, closing my eyes, simply enjoying the soft breeze. its a little chilly but not too cold, just the right amount of air hitting my face as i walk, just the refreshment i needed. i continue walking an unknown path all by myself, making sure to not stray too far from my friends, this place can be full of creeps but today for some reason unknown, i’m not afraid. my feet stop me in some random alley nearby, and that’s when i finally decide to properly open my eyes, looking up instead of the floor. at some point i stop walking forward and turn my head to the left. maybe it was the muted chatter coming from that side luring me in, maybe it was the lights that reflected so nicely that drew my attention. my body became stuck as my eyes reached an unknown figure, just a guy resting on the side of the wall, thick black glasses framing his face, his outfit also resembling a uniform occupied by the phone in his hands. he seemed to play some kind of a game on it. as if he felt my eyes unknowingly scanning him, he looked up from his phone and the second our eyes met, everything went into slow motion. for a moment it felt like time had suddenly stopped, almost as if i could feel every second turn into a whole minute, holding my breath unknowingly. i can never hold eye contact, not even with my friends but.. is it supposed so feel this deep? i’ve never seen such sad eyes, but.. why do i feel so much comfort? i swear i’ve seen those eyes before i just can’t figure out where..he feels so safe and peaceful? i feel like.. i’m a little kid again.. feeling a certain way i haven’t felt since i lost my grandpa, he was my favourite person in the world.. what even is this feeling? am i drunk? oh wait, i didn’t even drink yet.. even the wind is moving in slow motion, wtf is happening.
before i get the chance to peel my eyes away, his phone falls to the ground with a thud as it slips from his hands. even though he’s across from me, i could hear the screen shatter and my eyes widen as i turn around and quickly run back to meet up with my friends, letting out a breath i held in the entire moment. i made him break his phone by being creepy oh my god, whoever he is i hope he doesn’t bump into me tonight. i would have to pay for his phone or something, I’ve got about 20 bucks and a strawberry flavoured lollipop. i doubt that’s enough-
great now i’m back being trapped inside a club with a dude who’s desperately trying to make me his girlfriend. speaking of girlfriend… i’ve noticed hwa, but… she went to the mens bathrooms? maybe it wouldn’t hurt to approach her, this is the perfect opportunity! it’s a sign. i think as i walk closer to the door. i should let her know she went to the wrong bathrooms accidentally and get to know her that way. girls bathrooms are such a easy place to start conversations for some reason. oh- she looked into the mirror in front of her, her eyes locking with mine for a split second. i swear i saw her smirk. what the hell is going on! i panic, running back to ningning, surprised when i don’t see ryujin next to her. “i just saw hwa…going into the men’s bathroom??? where the hell is ryujin?” ningning swayed her body to the beat of the music for a little before agreeing to go get some fresh air with me. “i think she went to say hi to wooyoung” she screamed over the loud music as we made our way outside. oh yeah i totally forgot he would be here, i should probably greet him too, i have to witness this iconic moment of them meeting.
i excitedly skip outside the club, arms linked with ningning, trying to find our bestie and the guy she doesn’t even know, but won’t stop drooling over. as soon as the outside air hits me, so does someone’s words. “is miffy here?” huh.. me..? i look around and find the owner of the voice and my smile drops a little. the same man i saw just moments ago, those thick frames resting on his face. he’s now talking to ryujin. “oh, she’s right here.” she exclaims as i blink, confused looking between the two of them. how does he know my name?? and why is he speaking to her, and why does he know of my existence.. where have i heard his voice.. did he possibly approach her to ask her to pay for his phone cuz he saw us together?i’m so screwed. my mind goes 30 thoughts per second as i try to understand the situation.
“hey miffy, and her friend that i don’t know the name of” he says and my mind connects the dots. i know this voice. i know this dude, no wonder his eyes were so familiar.. it’s wooyoung.. oh god. i can’t allow myself to look up anymore as i just nod, closing my mouth that opened in shock, waving my hand as the other one clutches to ningning. “that’s ningning, but we call her ningi” ryujin says and he repeats questionably. “should we exchange instagrams?” he suggests passing his now cracked phone to ryujin, her excitedly typing her username into the search and passing the phone to ningning soon after. he takes the phone out her hands, offering it to me jokingly. “oh yeah, i don’t need yours i already have it” he waves it in my face, seeming too happy for the fact i accidentally broke his phone earlier. seeing my profile already pulled up on his screen my heart drops a little, his phone is done for, and it’s my fault. “is..your phone okay?” my stupid mind blurts out as if i was blind, or stupid, which i am both actually.
he laughed tucking it away into his pocket. out of sight, out of mind. “it’s just a little scratch, don’t worry about it” he says assuringly and my head dips down in embarrassment again, what a great way to interact with friends! god i’m hopeless. i didn’t even recognise him without his mask, it’s my first time seeing his face but still.. ryujin keeps trying to make small talk but i feel his gaze on me and i tug on ningning’s arm. “we should probably get going, let’s give them some privacy, ningi”. she nods in agreement but he cuts me off. “actually i have to get going but, i’ll see you around?” he asks but it feels like he’s not speaking to all of us. ah right, i forgot i’m the only one who he actually interacted with before. i’m like his friend now, of course he’s relying on me, god i suck at communicating. i nod and just as he was about to leave ryujin grabs a hold of his arm, whining slightly. “noo, don’t go yet” he looks back at her almost panicked, trying to pull his arm back. “pleasee” she tugs on his arm not letting go. he wiggles out of her grip, running off with a wave. “sorry!!” he disappears into thin air, leaving her confused and clinging to us. ah… damn this.
she’s basically heart broken right now because he pretty much just rejected her on the spot. as soon as she approached him revealing her identity he told her he’s not looking for any relationship, and right after that asked her about me. and now she’s embarrassed for grabbing onto him like that. well.. i mean since were at a party might as well enjoy it. well not really, we were kind of avoiding tsurugi and his attempts to grope me, followed by him moving onto a totally random girl, giving her almost identical treatment except this one actually seems to enjoy it, i swear this man has no shame. i gotta go fix my eyesight, i suggest a walk to some nearby shop to get some snacks since we all got a bit hungry.
i approached one of the friends i’ve made earlier that night, asking her for directions since we have no clue where the nearest shop is or where the hell we actually are. “we can go with you, imma just get a few more buddies so you can wait for us outside” she says and i excitedly skip outside, happy to take a walk with more new friends despite being shy and not knowing how to. i hear laugher and chatter as i turn around, seeing her along with a bunch of people. some faces i haven’t seen yet, some i have, hwa being one of them. oh crap, there’s no way. she’s coming too, i’m so gonna piss myself. i cling onto my friends once again, trying to look calm even tho i was fangirling inside (and probably on the outside too).
our walk was fun, people joking around and talking about random things, singing and dancing around, showing off the alcohol in their blood stream. everyone, everyone except hwa. she was just smiling and watching everyone interact, kinda like i tend to do in bigger crowds. she remained quiet until someone asked her a question, and that’s when i heard her voice for the first time and realised something is a little bit off. not just a little.. she doesn’t sound like what i expected..but not that it’s an issue just.. hold up.. the voice.. the bathroom..
she’s a he? hwa is a guy??!!! what the-
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kouchabu-archive · 6 months
Koisuru Scramble - Chapter 1
Writer: Nishioka Maiko Translation by: Sophie // Proofread by: Mirei
This story is fully voiced in-game! You should read while listening to it~
Episode 1: Scramble of Meetings
< Spring — during the time when Sakura trees aren't in full bloom yet. >
< From this day on, Koino Hajime is a second year student. >
< I styled my hair a little neater than usual. I also left my house earlier than usual. >
< And with a little hope in my heart, I wished that something special will happen today. >
< But unfortunately… >
< Now I have to run with all my might! >
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Hajime: Huff… Ah… Hah… Oh no, I’m gonna be really late!
Hah… Okay, 8:20am. Thank God. I think I can make it just in time!
(How come I dropped my favorite keychain today of all days?)
(I just had to run back for it. So much for leaving the house early.)
(At least I was lucky enough that someone surrendered it to the lost and found.)
(Ugh. I’m sure my face’s just super sweaty now. Don’t even mention how unruly my hair became! It took me forever to do this…)
(But I have to make a run for it, so I guess it’s fine! I can’t afford to be late on the first day of school after spring break.)
(It’s not like I have such high expectations… but well, I finally got into a new class, and I started to feel more comfortable in this uniform.)
(I just kind of wish that today would be special~ Like, maybe I’ll have some sort of a fateful meeting with my fated one, or something~)
(But of course, that’s just nothing but a far-fetched dream, huh…)
(Is this divine punishment for having just a little bit of hopes and dreams? Even so, do I really have to be this unlucky? Dear God, that’s just unfair! Stupid!)
...Oh, there it is! Yumenosaki’s famous six-way intersection! Just a little bit more and I’ll finally get to school!
(I've always thought about it, but… this is such a strange way to construct a road. Well, I guess that’s exactly where it got its fame.)
(But this road is just full of blind spots. I can never ever get used to it.)
Augh… Ow, ow, ow… My butt hurts. I really just had to hit the pavement that hard, huh? What's with my luck today…
Eiki: I’m sorry for bumping into you. Are you alright?
Hajime: Ah, I’m sorry, too! Thanks for aski—”
(Waahh… What a beautiful person. And he’s wearing our school unifor— wait. Huh?)
Eiki ‧ Miki: ….....
Konatsu ‧ Mahiro: ….....
Hajime: (Huh? Four guys are suddenly reaching to help me up?!)
(U-Um… W-Whose hand should I take?)
< And wait… aren’t these guys… >
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Airi: And then? What happened?
Hajime: Hm? What do you mean 'what happened', Airi?”
Airi: I mean, weren’t there four guys who reached out for your hand? Who did you end up choosing?
Hajime: ...Well, I just can’t decide whose hand to take so I just stood by myself, bowed down and apologized, and just went my merry way.
Airi: Eh~~ Why'd you do that? You just wasted a lifetime opportunity!
Hajime: A li—lifetime opportunity? You’re always exaggerating things…
Airi: I mean, that’s what it is! You bumped into those guys, right? This school’s very famous—
< That’s right. Those guys are the four most handsome boys who are fawned over in this very school. >
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[ The Academy’s handsome prince who brims with the utmost elegance: Nakaouji Eiki. ]
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[ The guy who has a gentle heart beneath his cool aura: Kurose Miki. ]
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[ The lady killer senior who embodies eternal youth: Asuma Mahiro. ]
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[ The cute junior who possesses both devilish and angelic charm: Nekomura Konatsu. ]
Airi: They're like the celebrities ever! You got super duper lucky! You could’ve at least bragged about it on Enstagram.
Hajime: I don’t really have to, though?
Airi: Gosh, don’t be so boring!
Didn’t you hear that even students from other schools would go out of their ways just to see even a strand of their hair? They’re that famous! Real celebs, y'know?
Hajime: Even so, that’s completely unrelated to me~
What happened earlier is just pure chance — a one-time miraculous coincidence. There’s no way we’ll have anything to do with each other after that.
Airi: Hey, it might be your fateful meeting with your fated one!
Hajime: No way. Even I know that there’s no way that’s going to happen.
Airi: Eh~~ Why are you giving up just like that? Don’t let your dreams be just dreams! Come on, don’t be boring~
Hajime: You’re just saying that because you find it entertaining, right?
Enough with all that. We’re up to order next, you know? Did you decide what to get yet?
Airi: Gosh, not at all! What should I get… Hm…
Airi: Hm~ Is there still space for us here?
Hajime: Oh, there's one over there! And just perfect, it has two seats! Let’s go, Airi.
Thank God~ I stroke gold—
Eiki: Hello there. We met this morning, right? Did you have any problems or injuries after that?
Hajime: .........
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Hajime: N-Nakaouji-kun?!
Airi: Ah, Hajime, careful! If you move too much in that small space, you’ll bump into the person behind y—
Ah, there she goes.
Miki: That hurts.
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Hajime: Waaah?! I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to bump into you! I was just surpris—
Wait, Kurose-kun?! W-Wah, yet another one from earlier! I-I’m sorry!
Konatsu: Hm? It looks so lively out there. What’s up?
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Konatsu: …Oh? That girl who’s bowing her head down in the middle of all the fuss… Isn’t she from this morning’s…
Mahiro: Haha~ So everyone, should we go have some fun on our way home?
—Hm? Ah, sorry, ladies. There’s some sort of fuss over there…
Ah~ If it isn’t that cutie from earlier.
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Mahiro: Hm? Haha~ You’re all cuties in your own rights too~ Come on, wipe off those scary looks on your pretty faces.
Hajime: I’m really sorry!
< I thought that there’s no way we’ll have anything to do with each other after that. >
< I thought that it’s nothing but a once-in-a-lifetime miracle. >
Next Chapter // Koisuru Scramble Masterlist
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peachymilkandcream · 2 months
Kingdom of Ash and Greed|Part 9|King Levi x Evelyn
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WARNINGS: noncon/dubcon, big age difference, kidnapping, slavery, violence, power imbalance, implied somnophilia, forced pregnancies, mind breaking, yandere behaviour, yandere themes, forced cuckolding, etc.
Petra put on her best morning dress and met Levi for breakfast. Normally she should be dining by herself but she suspected that the King wouldn't care for such rules of propriety. Not with the dealings he got up to.
"Good morning my King." She curtsies low.
He looks up and offers her little more than a nod. "Petra."
"May I join you?"
He seems slightly surprised by the request but nods and gestures for her to sit.
To calm her nerves Petra wipes her sweaty palms on her dress, giving her a moment to breathe deep and prepare for her proposal.
"If I may be so bold Your Majesty, could I possibly talk to you about something."
Again he nods, seemingly uninterested.
"Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I've heard rumours about a woman you have kept as a spoil from your campaigns?"
"Evelyn? Yes that's right."
Jealousy burned in Petra's core, he admitted it and didn't seem the least bit ashamed or guilty. "Am I permitted to ask why Your Grace?"
"I've taken a foreign princess as my concubine."
There was a moment of relief, at least he wasn't planning to wed the girl. "I see. So she is just a concubine, nothing more?"
"As of now, no."
"Begging your pardon sire, but could I be so bold as to ask for her as one of my servants? I'm short and all of your staff are so busy. And if the girl does nothing aside from your..." She swallows hard to get the words out. "Nightly activities- then wouldn't she be best earning her keep in other ways as well?"
"You would want my concubine as your maid?
"Yes Your Grace. If you would be so kind to me in doing this one thing before we're wed."
"If, we're wed."
"Forgive me, if."
Levi ponders it a long moment before replying.
"Very well. I'll make the necessary arrangements. Consider it done."
Petra nearly squealed in delight, standing quickly and bowing in thanks before hurrying to her rooms. This is what she had wanted, this bratty girl who believed she was entitled to the king under her heel.
Poor girl would be wishing for death when Petra was through with her.
Petra looked over the girl in front of her. Evelyn had been cleaned and clothed in a simple maid's uniform, standing and waiting for her instruction. Clearly she was happy to be moving to a more dignified position, but Petra wasn't so sure.
"So you're Evelyn, the King's favorite?"
"It would assume so, ma'am."
"Tell me girl, how often are you shown favor by the King and permitted in his bed?" If Levi wasn't going into detail about his relations with this girl then Petra would find out herself.
"Nightly, ma'am."
Another pang of anger and a touch of worry fill her. What if she was with child? Then Petra's chances of being Queen would be thinned and a bastard child could threaten the future throne.
"Are you cycles...regular my dear?"
"Yes ma'am."
"Have you missed one yet?"
"No ma'am, not yet."
The yet was what Petra feared. If she could keep Evelyn busy then she wouldn't have the time or the energy to warm Levi's bed. And in desperation for relief he would marry Petra sooner and then she could take her rightful place as Queen.
"Very well. Get to work unpacking my dresses."
Evelyn nods and starts to unpack them gently, but the moment Petra sees something that isn't perfection she grabs Evelyn and slaps her across the face.
"No you stupid cow! You'll ruin them that way! Do it again and I'll have His Majesty flog you in the streets!"
The other woman nods and even more carefully unpacks the dresses, wondering which master was worse to serve.
Much to Petra's annoyance despite her constant beatings and punishments the King still found Evelyn desirable enough to summon her to his chambers. It went on for days until she just couldn't stand it anymore.
"Evelyn. His Majesty wants you in his room, now." The messenger had said.
As usual Evelyn nods and drops what she was doing to go to her new King.
But this time, fed up with being treated as second in this courtship, Petra follows. Determined to confront Levi on his affairs and beg him to stop.
She waited a few minutes before quietly sneaking down the hall to her King's room. Stopping outside and feeling a wave of disgust when she hears the cries of passion just beyond the doors.
Unable to take this disrespect any longer Petra throws open the doors and walks inside.
What she finds is Levi on top of Evelyn with her legs shaking desperately around his waist. Her cries filling the room.
"..My...my King..." Petra mutters out.
He stops and turns to her, angry. "What is it Petra. Can't you see that I'm busy."
"A thousand pardons sire, but this couldn't wait-"
Levi sighs and pulls Evelyn up until she's seated facing him on his lap. "Then speak."
Petra tries to focus, but the movement of their hips and Evelyn's whimpers of passion make it hard.
"I was just going to voice my concern about this- arrangement you're in with her-"
"And why is that?"
"It's improper for a man of your renown and blood to be mixing with a lowborn whore-"
"That is my business. Not yours woman."
She had struck a nerve and needed to tread carefully. "I understand Your Grace, but I am your betrothed, if you should need comfort I would be more than happy to warm your bed."
"May I ask why not?"
"Because for one, I am not sure if we are or will be betrothed. And secondly, if I bed you I must marry you, or pay my ransom to your father for damages."
Her face burned hot with indignation. "I do not wish to be disrespected like this-!"
"Then leave. But I will keep my affairs as I so choose and take comfort in whichever woman I summon to my bed."
She had gone to far, she could tell, his face with enraged. And while Evelyn riding Levi until she climaxed with a strangled cry only added to her humiliation Petra accepted it with a curtsy.
"Of course my King. Forgive me. I will not question you again."
"Good, now close the doors on your way out."
She leaves, anger burning within her and a plan forming in her mind.
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sleepyheadincoulds · 4 months
ℰ𝓂𝓂𝒶𝓃𝓊ℯ𝓁 ℳ. ℛ𝓊𝒾𝓏
(This is a updated version of my yuusona)‼️
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—★“𝐃𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐞? 𝐈 𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐝𝐨.”
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Emmanuel is a 1st Year Ramshackle student. She’s 14 years old and she’s Night Raven’s little sister/child figure. She comes from Houston, Texas from her world and she has talent for making her own clothing and having her sense of fashion. 
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Name: Emmanuel Marianna Ruiz
Nicknames: Emmy, Little Cinderella, Child of a Man, Jellyfishy, Lilac
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Birthday: June 18th (Gemini)
Height: 5” 1’ (155 cm)
Hometown: Houston, Texas
Voice claim(s): Jewel Sparkles (Lalaloopsy) Gypsy Rose (The Act)
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Class: First year
Dorm: Ramshackle
Club: N/A
Hobby: Exploring abandoned places/creeks and forests
Talent: Sewing/Making her own clothes
Favorite food: Mochi
Least favorite food: Spinach
Likes: Friends, family, trinkets, talking to animals, heardcore rock music, scrapbooking
Dislikes: Being alone for a long time, being watched unknowingly
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Emmanuel used to have long curly brunette hair, but she cut it short and dyed it pink. It now looks like cotton candy. (Never ask why and hair was changed aftermath of book 4) She has a peachy-light skin color and brown-hazel eyes. 
She does have the appearance of a teenager in their early teens, but her smile is something heart warming to see. 
𝐃𝐨𝐫𝐦 𝐔𝐧𝐢𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦
Emmanuel’s dorm uniform was designed by her after inspiration from Cinderella’s maid outfit in the stories. It’s a blue button dress with a brown button vest, and with a signature blue ribbon as a bow tie around her neck. She has black flats for shoes and white high knee socks.
Emmanuel is too kind and too nice to understand anything, and always there for others. It’s easy to manipulate her but, never do that. Because once you do you’ll ruin her trust and just break her more (unless you’re sadistic). She’s just a teenage child. Doesn’t know any better and relies on those who are older and seem trustworthy. She is sensitive about some things and believes in dreams coming true.
But as she continues to grow, she’s forced into growing up. Meaning as she takes in responsibility as Ramshackle Prefect, she’s slowly becoming an Old Soul. She is maturing, but all too soon, she still has a heart that replaces her mind, but she’s growing up too fast and maturing too quickly for her age.
Emmanuel was born from Monterrey, Mexcio, but by the time she was 5 months old, her parents and family moved to Houston, Texas. She did grow up in that part of Texas, but it was just her parents, grandparents (from mom’s side), and other family relatives who lived near her.
She originally attended a K-12 school, and grew up with her two best friends, David and Oliver, but she did live a decent life. Her mother owned a clothing store while her father worked at a local restaurant.
Emmanuel learned how to make clothes and sew from her mother, but since both her parents aren’t home most of the time, she would go with her best friends to adventure creeks, forests, or even abandoned places.
Emmanuel loves to make clothing for herself out of scraps or any sort of fabric, she hopes to open her own clothing store like how her mother did.
She likes to collect trinkets from people she knows, or from exploring creeks, forests, and abandoned places.
Her first language was Spanish, since her parents wanted her to learn their native language, but she does know English well just not at an expert level.
It can be a surprise when it comes to her music taste, most people think she likes Pop music.
Whenever she sees someone cry, she cries too but not intentionally or feeling sad. It’s how her body responds when she sees others cry, it’s like her body can reflect sorrowful emotions without Emmanuel actually intending to cry.
Emmanuel somehow managed to bond with woodland creatures and they moved into her dorm. Grim has come company now but all the woodland critters have their own lil outfits!
She likes head butting people. Why? For absolutely no reason!
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wren-l-winter · 6 months
Hear me out hear me out hear me out
A upperclass gentlewoman thief and the head of the city guard
Our thief plays the guise of a sweet and innocent heiress by day while stealing from the rich and giving to the poor (and a little to herself) during the night. Our stoic serious guardswoman has taken it to herself to look after the heiress while investigating the heists that have been occurring all across the city's most high status districts. While on the outside it seems like the guard is looking after the heiress because she thinks she'll be the next target, it's actually because she has already figured out she's the mystery thief she's looking for although she isn't allowed to make an arrest until she finds concrete evidence
And our heiress in turn has found out the guard is onto her keeping her close to make sure she never finds the proof she needs, and because she just can't resist a pretty face. After all for a thrill seeker what's better than having wine and getting maybe a little too close with the one person who's threatening your whole operation. Who knows, maybe our charming trickster thief can convince her darling knight playing detective to hang up her shield and retire early and comfortably, with the funds she's... Come across over time
...God I'm so gay
Day 2 of writing a sapphic short story every day! I went a little off script but hope you all enjoy :)
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She went by many names. Thief. Liar. Criminal. Pickpocket. Betrayer. But tonight, as she crossed the threshold of the ballroom, she shed those names like a snake shedding skin. Tonight, she was something else. Something sweet and intoxicating. Tonight, she was the Heiress to the Bloodrose fortune. 
The fabric of her dress, dipped in dyes forged from the midnight sky, clung to her lithe form, accentuating her curves while allowing her to move as she pleased. Intricate silver embroidery traced delicate patterns along the hemline, reminiscent of moonlit constellations scattered across the inky heavens. Each stitch seemed to shimmer and dance beneath the light of the chandeliers. This dress was her favorite. Not because of the silken material or the plunging neckline, but because of the dozens of hidden pockets hidden in the folds. They were perfect for holding anything the heiress could get her slender fingers on. 
But her night of graceful pilfering came to an end as a figure clad in armor emerged from the crowd to meet her. 
“Captain,” she said by way of greeting, “lovely seeing you here.” 
The Captain of the Guard, clad in her polished uniform of silver and a cape of crimson, stepped into a practiced bow. “I could say the same,” she replied easily, her voice tinted with an accent the heiress had only heard amongst the commoners. 
The heiress hummed, her painted lips pulling into a lopsided grin. “What can I do for you, Captain? Or are all the ladies attending honored with a greeting from our esteemed protector?” 
The captain straightened, her features pleasant but unamused. “Only you, heiress.” 
She liked the sound of that. “And why is that?” A passing servant holding a tray of goblets passed. The sloshing red liquid was irresistible to her. She took the cup and savored her first sip of many. 
“To protect you. There have been rumors of a thief targeting the nobility. From what I’ve gathered, they’ve set their eyes on you. For the night, you are under my protection,” the captain said. 
She’d heard the nuisance of a guard had caught onto her but she hadn’t imagined she’d be so bold as to approach her during the ball. The heiress took a deep drink from her glass before smiling up at the woman meant to accompany her for the night. “The Goddess has showered me with her blessings then,” she said. “Do you dance?” “Do I dance?” 
The heiress grinned at the way the captain’s shoulders rose like a feline’s haunches. “Mhmm. Surely they taught you how to dance as a part of your training.”
The captain blushed. “I’m afraid not.” “Then I’ll teach you.” Oh, tonight would be fruitful after all. 
She took the captain’s hand, leading her through the crowd of serpents eager to gain her favor. She slipped past them. Dodging outstretched arms and offered hands with a practiced grace and poise. She didn’t care to listen to their marriage proposals tonight. 
“Now,” the heiress turned toward the captain at the edge of the dance floor, “put your hand on my waist.” The warmth of her touch bled through the soft fabric of her dress, drawing up the faintest of blooms across her cheek. She put her hand on the captain’s shoulder before taking her hand. “Follow my lead when the song begins. We’ll start with small steps.” The orchestra began, filling the room with the sound of rich cellos and the rhythmic beat of drums. They began their dance a bit awkwardly as the heiress directed her dance partner where to step. To the captain’s credit, she only stepped on her toes twice before easing into the dance. 
“And now, you know how to dance,” the heiress laughed. 
The captain kept her gaze averted, perhaps scanning the crowd for threats or simply trying to keep them from crashing into another dancing couple. “It’s not as difficult as I thought it would be,” she admitted.
“Honestly, I wasn’t sure you’d be able to move so gracefully in all that metal,” the heiress mused as her hand gave a pointed squeeze to her shoulder. “Ha, you’d be surprised how gracefully I can move in uniform.” Long lashes danced across her cheeks. “Is that so? Perhaps later you could show me just how gracefully you can move.” The heiress had heard of the captain and the ladies that held her affection, but the heiress never thought she’d be one of the courted women.
The guard blanched, her face looking as though it had been burned by long hours beneath the sun. “Oh, I didn’t-that’s not what I-forgive me-” The heiress laughed, a sound more genuine than she’d meant. “There’s nothing to forgive,” she cooed and closed the space between them. “You are enchanting, Captain. The finest guard I’ve ever had the pleasure of dancing with.” She relished the way the woman squirmed beneath the weight of her words. 
The song changed, the tempo leaving no room for the heiress’s teasing. Fate had spared her prey from her toying. 
The two danced until their legs could hardly take another step and the heiress yearned to be rid of her heeled shoes. Tired and a touch out of breath, she found it far too easy to coax the captain away from the ballroom to the cool air of the gardens. Surrounded by flowering quince and honeysuckle, they walked the pristine paths beneath the gaze of the moon. 
“About what you said earlier,” the heiress said, looking over to the guarded features of the captain, “I would love to take you up on the offer.” “It wasn’t an offer,” she replied stiffly.
A soft laugh left the noblewoman. “Wasn’t it?” She took a daring step in front of the guard, stopping her from continuing. “The way you held me, looked at me, I’d say you’d be as happy as I would be to give it a try. I wouldn’t tell anyone.” She lifted her hands, running them over the silver armor just above her chest. “It could be our secret.” 
“No.” Gloved hands grabbed her forearms, removing her hands from her. “I know what you are, heiress,” she hissed. 
“And what am I,” she leered. 
The captain snarled down at her. Any trace of infatuation lingering from their dance had vanished. “You’re the thief. I can’t prove it yet, but I will. It’s my duty.” 
“Duty,” the heiress scoffed. “Your duty is to your people, not these glittering fools prancing about like those beneath them aren’t starving.” 
“I do what I must to keep our city protected from criminals like you.” “From what I’ve heard, the only crime the thief has committed is helping their people when the nobility won’t.” 
“Don’t play games with me,” the captain spat, releasing her as she took a step back. 
The heiress grinned, danger glistening in her eye. “It’s too late for that.”
The guard was unprepared for the swiftness in which the thief moved. A shove and her foot behind her ankle was all it took to have the captain laid out on the stone path. The heiress was upon her the moment she struck the ground. “You will help me, Captain,” she said inches from her face, “or you will lose everything you’ve worked for.” “I’d never help someone like you,” the guard seethed. 
“Oh, but you will.” Unable to resist, she lowered her head, letting her lips scrape along the cusp of her ear. “There’s a necklace in your quarters that belongs to the Duchess of Eldoria. How long has it been missing? Three months? Five? Imagine what she’d do to you if she found out you were the one who’d stolen it.” The heiress pulled back, grinning down at the guard. “So you can work with me, or you can face her wrath.” 
The guard stared up at her, at a loss for words. Stars above, she was adorable looking up at her like that.
“If I don’t have a letter in my hand by tomorrow night, I’ll take it as a no, but,” she traced her finger along the woman’s jaw, “if you decide to accept my offer, I would love if you accepted it in my chambers, preferably in my bed.” 
In one fluid movement, she rose and stepped away. “Goodnight, Captain.” 
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