#the librarians and the fables of doom
the Eureka Christmas episode "Do You See What I See" feels like (if you're willing to grant it any-sufficiently-advanced-technology-is-indistinguishable-from-magic because that's how the false reality was created or w/e) a Christmas-y precursor to (and perhaps it inspired) the The Librarians episode "The Librarians And The Fables Of Doom". It's not just got the broad-strokes like a little girl and magic (loosely in Eureka's case) book transforming the people of her small town into archetypal characters thematically representative of them in ways that kinda lead to some introspection on the heroes' parts but it's even got specifics the same like the ensemble's Tough Action Girl becoming a princess and them all getting "upgrades" for the final fight to get a fighting chance against an enemy the book also conjured up (with Eureka it was the "style" taking a turn for the Saturday-Morning-Cartoon anime and with The Librarians Cassandra's magical potential got woken up, Eve became a ninja princess and Stone became a robot huntsman)
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The Librarians 1x6 - "And the Fables of Doom"
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incomingalbatross · 5 months
Is "And the Point of Salvation" still one of my favorite time-loop episodes ever? Well, YES.
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sorenvfd · 1 year
Evil Cassandra followed immediately by Prince Cassandra?? I forgot how FED we were during season 1
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samnotsammy12 · 1 year
And the Fables of Doom is just that one Supernatural episode but a thousand times better
Same plot but better writing
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scottstiles · 6 months
the librarians and the fables of doom meets supernatural bedtime stories
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rebeccasteventaylor · 2 years
That fairy tale episode of The Librarians is wonderful. Of course Jake is the The Huntsman. Of course Ezekiel is Jack. But having Eve become the Princess and Cassie become Prince Charming and not the more obvious other way round? Absolutely brilliant
I love how Cassie just completely leans into it and then Eve starts falling for her…it’s so delicious. I love this show so much.
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wheelybard · 2 years
If I had a nickel for when a Star Trek actor plays a librarian in a John Rogers show I would have two nickels , which isn’t a lot , but it’s weird that it happened twice.
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eve-baird · 7 months
some of my favourite tidbits from the librarians commentary (season 1) :
in the fables of doom eve was supposed to have bluebirds flying around her
john harlan kim ended up with the nickname rooftop for a while during filming
flynn doesn't really wear bowties after the first ep bc a lot of ppl drew comparisons between him and the doctor
charlene was supposed to have a fight scene in the first episide but it ended being cut due to restraints. it also wouldve been revealed she was a guardian then.
morgana le fey was into eve hitting her and had alicia been available in s2 mightve been the one eve was under the spell with (BI EVE CRUMBS WOO)
the way they talk abt ezekiel during the s1 commentary (at the time of filming the commentary theyd also filmed s2) definitely makes me think his s4 backstory was not planned at this point. id already kind of assumed theyd just added it in but the commentaries all but comfirm it tbh.
My personal fav thing they drop in the commentary is that cassandra killed her parents (which whilst im pretty sure its a joke. its my new personal headcanon)
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...And the Fangs of Death
I did not even remember that this episode was second!!! Whew, what a way to start a season, here we go!
First of all, Flynn wearing his pajamas and robe in the Library just gives credence to the whole ‘they live there’ bit. Guardian to Guardian bonding is priceless. 
Ezekiel eating once again. Boy knows what’s important. Jenkins looking for backup in the wrong place, as he said, he’s there to watch the show. Then Jenkins getting upset they don’t all know the importance of Charlene, whom let’s be honest, they don’t know well at all. Ezekiel eating pizza like nothing bother him and he’s just enjoying what’s happening. Then he gets told everyone is going. 
The fact that the charm of “we’re the Librarians” works for Flynn has Ezekiel baffled and Jake frustrated. So cute boys, you’ll get there, he does have 10 years of Library experience on you. The thief is over and looking through logs with Flynn, and he keeps looking taking it all in, studying their options to see what’s happening. And again, Flynn takes Ezekiel with him. I know he needs him, but it seems like he’s letting his concern for Charlene outweigh his dislike for him, for a time anyway. 
Staying back in the ‘he remembers’ lane, Ezekiel will have to deal with all his trauma at some point. He did great yelling to keep the others going, but it still is very similar to running from the rage people. 
Back on track, he hacked through that footage pretty well and I’d really like someone to tell him good job at some point. Flynn being aggressive to Ezekiel because he didn’t get what he wanted, man leave the kid (realizing I’m only 8 years older than him, I still shall call him kid on occasion) alone, he is doing his best under pressure. And Ezekiel didn’t waste any time following Flynn when he just took off. I am so stressed as they run. Flynn pausing on the walkway to explain what he thinks will help, bro get across then explain. “I’ve spent my life on catwalks, I’ve got this. Go!” and he had the same look on his face that he did when he told the others there was a weapons cache, before locking them in a room. Also we need a backstory on spending his life on catwalks. A guy falling off the side, that was painful for him. Then he couldn’t even get back fast enough and no one even went to look for him. No one was there to pull him back. 
They may be “safe” in the infirmary but none of them looked back to see if they were all okay because Flynn was yelling. Ezekiel clearly looked like he was in pain. Then when Jake does look back, as Flynn finds the pendant, he doesn’t take in their youngest, he just shares a bit of a sad/concerned look. Boy was staying behind everyone to avoid suspicion. I’m worried about Charlene as much as the next person, I loved the original Librarian movies, but come on! Why did it take them sooooo long to notice Ezekiel’s injury?!?! Good grief, I know he hides it well and keeps himself calm and turns so that he doesn’t show anyone his arm, but they are supposed to be super observant. 
Wait, Jenkins never lies...just like Ezekiel...I could see our boy eventually being something like the caretaker. That’s just gonna float around in my mind now...
Ugh, Jake finally notices Ezekiel’s been bitten and Flynn doesn’t even look over right away. Too lost in his own thoughts. Until Jake has him sit down and the bite/blood are uncovered. Oh Flynn, feeling like giving up when he thinks he lost Charlene, you still have people in there my guy. 
I just love when my 2 favorite boys work together. Ezekiel comes up with a plan to distract, Flynn eventually perks up, the smelling him is a little excessive and reminds me of the Fables of Doom, but Ezekiel’s face was confused enough to make me chuckle. “Guys, I think we have a plan.” They are a good team and I love that Flynn finally gets the chance to see it up close and be a part of it. 
Okay, Flynn reaching out to touch Ezekiel’s shoulder, like he’s suddenly realizing this young man is going to go into a very dangerous situation and he can’t help, stings. “I could be wrong...” “At least then I’ll die happy, knowing you were finally wrong about something” (insert crying face) Flynn even looked like he was about to cry. Reality came crashing down on him. 
I love that Ezekiel is not even a little bit bothered by Anubis, just says woof and then moves around him. This kid deserves a raise!!! I don’t know what he gets paid, but it’s not enough. He will definitely need help soon though, he was struggling to turn the steam on in the first place. It’s pretty great that the other 2 finally come out of their safe room to help. Jenkins getting defensive and protective of his youngest, just perfect. I’m a little annoyed that none of the rest of them try to go over to him to see if he’s okay when it’s done though. 
The ball thing was a little silly and I can’t help but feel like, sure it might have been part of the werewolf thing fading but not gone, but I think he also may have just been playing with them. It made Jake happy, and I think that is usually his goal.
As much as I like the Flynn/Eve pairing, I do feel like she deserves better. She puts up with a lot from him. “We almost lost Ezekiel” man if that doesn’t tear at your heartstrings as either Dad Flynn almost lost his reluctant son, or just a team member who was valued and important. It’s nice for it to be acknowledged, but I also think that someone telling him how much he means, will go a long way. The others all know they deserve to be there, but the last we heard Ezekiel talk about it, he’s just there to steal stuff and is completely expendable. I need one of them to talk to him, and listen to him, at least once. 
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my-beloved-lakes · 7 months
What’s your favorite Librarians movie, episode, and/or ship?
My favorites are Curse of the Judas Chalice, And the Silver Screen, and Fleve!
I've only seen the first movie so I can't answer that part yet. I am planning on watching the other two movies soon though.
I have a few favorite episodes. (In no particular order) The Point of Salvation, What Lies Beneath the Stones, The City of Lights, and The Reunion of Evil are my top 4. I do also really love The Silver Screen! The Fatal Separation, The Fables of Doom and The Loom of Fate also get an honorable mention.
I personally don't really ship anything except for Fleve so they're automatically my favorite ship lol. I did also like Mabel from And the City of Lights and I think her and Jake would have been really cute together, but we all know how that turned out :'(
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Cassandra was kind of fruity in the fairy tale episode 😳
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saruma-aki · 4 years
wow, okay, so i see that no one’s going to talk about the fact that ezekiel casually cast a spell in the fables of doom? okay. i see, i see.
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claudia-kishi · 3 years
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Smells like dinner.
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ellayuki · 2 years
02042022 - The Librarians
Cassandra Cillian has a tiny, little (huge, enormous) secret, and Ezekiel Jones knows about it.
It’s… Look, he wasn’t snooping or anything (not this time), alright? He was just coming to Cassandra’s study to ask for her help with one of the Artefact Rooms, when he’d stepped up to the open door just in time to see a small, blue ball of light materialise in Cass’ open palm.
And well, after everything they’ve been through these past few months, nothing really surprises Ezekiel anymore. It’s just that… Honestly, he thinks it’s more the look on Cassandra’s face that has Ezekiel so… spellbound, for lack of a better word.
There’s something soft in her eyes, and proud, where they glow with the light of the floating orb, and her smile looks hopeful like he hasn’t seen on her even when she was promised a cure for her brain grape. There’s something like peaceful contentment sitting across her shoulders.
Ezekiel steps back a few quiet paces. If Cassandra hasn’t said anything about retaining some magic after the whole debacle with the fairy tales coming to life, he’s not going to be the one to mention it to the others. Or her, for that matter.
He’s curious, yes.
But she’ll tell them when she’s ready.
“Hey, Cassandra!” he yells, and stomps his way back towards her open door. When he catches sight of her, the ball of light is gone, and Cassandra is looking at him with a question in her wide eyes.
“Ezekiel,” she says, with a tilt of her head. “What is it?”
(The smile is still there, though, hiding at the corner of her lips.)
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eliotspencerr · 4 years
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CASSANDRA CILLIAN being a BICON   ↳ requested by @kurtwagnermorelikekurtwagnerd
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