#the lesbian flag really does have such a pleasing colour combination
pokimoko · 2 months
hey! Are you still taking requests? If so could you draw a lesbian toucan?
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Of course I can do a toucan for you! Enjoy!
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carlottastudios · 5 years
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My Proud RWBabies
So I heard that June is apparently Pride Month. So I decided that it would be a good time for me to post this little shitpost I made not long ago. This little shitpost being my Next Gen RWBY characters sporting the colours of their respective pride flags. Now, before I get into each one, I just want to say that I didn't make this post to be like "Oh, look how much representation I'm doing with my OCs oooooh!". I don't like it when people do that, so I wouldn't stoop to that. I just: a) wanted to find a way for me to more easily remember the sexualities I gave these characters of mine, b) wanted to play around with MSPaint, c) like the pride flags and their colour schemes, d) had nothing else to do when I first made this and e) have nothing else to post today. So now I'll just briefly say a few things about each character: - Cobe: Cobe is bisexual, but it took him a long time to realize that he's also attracted to guys too. He was actually one of the last people to figure it out, if not THE last. Everybody else found the situation quite amusing. - Li: Li's exploration-centric nature is also present in his love life. He's dated the rainbow of gender identities. Multiple times. - Argent: I'm still playing around with the idea that Argent is somewhere on the spectrum of aromantic, but it's still up for debate since I want to inform myself more about people who are aromantic yet who are in relationships. Regardless of his romantic orientation, though, Argent identifies as straight and it's what I mainly view him as. Partly because I love making jokes about him being "straight as a ruler" or something. It describes his sexuality, but it also pokes fun at his very rigid nature. - Sky: Sky is the incarnation of disaster bi. Poor boy cannot catch a break in his love life until well into his adulthood. - Marion: Marion is the kind of open bi person who will act out the "Bi, bi, bi" meme with a huge grin on her face. But she's not flirting with every guy or girl she comes across (leave that for Pearl). She has her types and she's okay being single sometimes. It's just that she doesn't see it as unusual that her types include people who are male and female. - Shae: Shae is the only girl Linden's age who is not attracted to him, and that is in great part because she's a lesbian. Also, she does have a girlfriend, but I will not be drawing her. - Ilia: I have a big habit of headcanoning characters as bi so that there are more shipping options. That habit has leaked over in the creation of many of my own characters, including Ilia. What can I say? It's a habit, and not a bad one in my opinion. As for Ilia herself, I can see her ending up with a guy or a girl. It doesn't really matter as long as she's happy. - Summer: I know. That question mark is not an actual flag. I'm well aware of that fact. But my not giving Summer a proper pride flag was not an accident. Because Summer doesn't actually know her orientation. All she does know is that she definitely finds Linden attractive and that she's in love with him. And given that they're going to end up together, that's all that really matters to her. - Linden: Linden is actually biromantic demisexual, but I gave him the bi flag because...Wait, why'd I go for the bi flag instead of just the demi one? Ah, I don't know. But that's what I did and it still fits him so I'm sticking to it. - Pearl: Pearl is the opposite of a disaster bi. She's the type of person to have flirted and been with a truly ridiculous number of people. And in her case, that ludicrously big number includes just as many girls as guys. - Mae: Oh my god, I just realized that Mae might be an even bigger disaster than her brother Sky. Because while he actually approaches the people he's interested in, Mae is so antisocial and awkward that she's perfected the art of pining from a distance. Though she also doesn't have nearly as many crushes throughout her life as Sky does. - Lacey: So, while I've said I have a habit of making characters bi, there's also nothing wrong with being straight, just as there's nothing wrong with being gay or whatever sexuality you are. Plus, I do have Lacey form at least one deep friendship with another girl (Shae, in case you're wondering), but I honestly didn't want to make it a romance, because friendships are important too. Now, you could argue I could have this stay a friendship with Lacey being bi, but also, Lacey being straight just clicks for me. - Fawn: Fawn has been trying to flirt with girls since he was a wee nipper. But he only really becomes a lady killer later on as a young man. - Rose: Like Linden, I have a definite combination of romantic and sexual orientations in my head for Rose. Specifically, Rose is heteroromantic asexual. Yes. I am aware of the irony that she's based on Eros, and yet she has no interest in consummating love via sex. I love irony like that and thus I couldn't resist including it among my RWBabies. And that's all I have to say about this! Happy Pride Month guys! Please forgive this shitpost. DISCLAIMERS: RWBY (c) RoosterTeeth this next gen and its characters (c) me these drawings (c) me
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