#the last time it was quiet in my head it was when i could see a veritable sea of stars
tibby-art · 22 hours
i am straight up on my hands and knees BEGGING for more hitman au
crazy that you mention that actually because i did write another snippet a little while ago.. here’s a doodle i did to accompany it + the writing under the cut
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Grian gazed out the window of the bus, soaking in the quiet evening of the city. It had been some time since he was out in public like this, since he had felt like a normal citizen going about her daily buisness. It was nice to be outside the NHO headquarters for once, free to do what she pleased. Well, sort of.
Grian wasn’t exactly free. He was allowed some free time out when there was no training, lab visits, or missions. However, she was only allowed outside the NHO with a bodyguard. Someone who could both protect him from the overstimulation of the outside world, as well as protect others from her… if he were to ever lose control of his powers, or something.
Yes, riding the bus with a former-criminal-turned-professional-hitman certainly made the whole experience feel less normal for Grian.
“It’s nice to take public transportation once in a while,” Scar mused, stretching his arms over his head. “Us vexes don’t get to do that much anymore, when we can just fly around wherever we need to go.”
“That must be so much better, though,” Grian pointed out. “You can fly wherever you want, and you don’t even have to pay the bus fare.”
“Let me tell you, Grian, flying can be so tiring,” Scar huffed. “Sometimes I’m so tired by the time we show up to a hit, we need to take a breather on the roof for a few minutes. The NHO should just let us have a car for the long missions, for goodness’ sake!”
Grian did a quick check of his surroundings. The bus was pretty empty this time of day, but she got no sense that any of the passengers were paying attention to Scar so casually talking about being a hitman. A brief tap into watcher vision didn’t show any movement from the passengers behind her, either.
“Cub’s in much better shape than me,” Scar rambled on. “Did you know that man was a professional basketball player once? Or was it golf…? Actually, I think it was both.”
The NHO didn’t deem it too urgent to send both their prized hitmen on Grian-watching duty, so Cub had stayed behind at the headquarters. Last time Grian had seen Cub, he was showing off a ring of keys to Scar, saying how he was going to get a lot of ‘research’ done that night.
“What are those keys for?” Grian asked.
“Don’t know yet,” Cub shrugged. “That’s part of the fun”.
“So… those aren’t your keys?”
Cub and Scar just grinned at her.
“….This is our stop,” Grian said.
The pair exited the bus. The Hermit City library stood before them.
“Library, huh?” Scar asked. “Do you have some overdue books from before you became a watcher or something?”
“Not so loud,” Grian scolded, glancing around a mostly empty city street. “But, no. Speaking of… that, I wanted to see if there were any books I could find on the subject.”
Scar raised an eyebrow. “Do you think a public library would have better information than what we have at the NHO?”
Grian shrugged. “It’s worth a shot.”
The library was pretty empty at this time of day. In fact, they probably closed in an hour or so. Grian had deliberately chosen a time of day where less people would be around, so that the trip was less overwhelming on his new senses. Scar had complained that he wasn’t a morning person, so they settled on the evening instead. Grian secretly was also glad she could sleep in a little.
“Geez, when’s the last time I’ve been in one of these?” Scar muttered, glancing at the countless shelves of books as they walked past.
“What, are you allergic to reading?” Grian teased.
“Well, I am dyslexic, so… sort of?”
Grian realized that for a trip to the library to do some research, she probably should have gotten Cub to come. The man literally has two science degrees, after all.
The two made their way to the front desk, where the librarian on duty appeared to be preoccupied… knitting a hand puppet of some kind?
“Well howdy there!” The librarian looked up from his work cheerfully. He had long, brown hair that was dyed neon green at the tips, matching perfectly with her pointed green glasses. “What can I help y’all with?”
“Uh, yes, um.” Grian tapped his fingers on the desk. “We were wondering if you had any books on Watchers, and where they might be?”
“Watchers, huh…” The librarian furrowed their brow. “Now that’s an obscure topic.” He swiveled his chair towards his computer to investigate further. Grian began to grow anxious with how obvious he felt they were being.
“I know, right?” Scar sighed, leaning on the desk casually. “It’s for some lame group project that’s like, a fourth of our final grade in the class.”
“Yikes! That sounds rough,” The librarian remarked as she typed on the computer. Grian tapped into his sixth sense and didn’t pick up on any feelings of suspicion from the librarian. Maybe bringing Scar was a good idea.
“Okay, well, most of these books that are coming up seem to be more on the… fantasy side,” The librarian explained after a moment of scrolling. “I know those guys are mythological beings, but you said you’re doing a research project, so I’m guessing you want something more factual…”
“Yeah, anything with information about where they came from, what they do, stuff like that.” Grian nodded. “Y’know, like if they were real.”
“Oh! Here’s something promising.” The librarian turned the monitor so that Grian and Scar could see. “This book right here seems to be a study of the tales of Watchers throughout history. Although… it looks like our only copy is checked out at the moment.”
“Really?” Grian asked. “By who?”
The librarian blinked. “Hm… y’know, I’m actually not sure if I’m supposed to like, give that information to people? Like, legally?”
“There’s another person in our group project, so we just want to know if they beat us to checking out this book,” Scar lied. “Communication in group projects, am I right?”
“Pff, yeah, that makes sense,” The librarian turned the computer back to face him. “It looks like this book is currently being borrowed by a Martyn. With a y! How fancy.”
“Ah, Martyn with a y, of course!” Scar exclaimed. “Well, now we know that Martyn has the book, right Grian?”
“Yup,” Grian agreed, mind racing.
“Hey, actually…” The librarian scrolled down on the computer some more. “You guys sure got the right person for this project. It looks like this Martyn fella has been checking this book out for a few months now?”
Grian’s eyes widened.
“Ohh, that Martyn,” Scar laughed. “Always getting the head start on things! Uh, did we need anything else, Grian?”
“Um…” Grian needed to think fast. Whoever this Martyn person was, he’s been checking the same book on Watchers out for months. Surely he has to know something about them. Grian had to speak to him. But how on earth were they going to find this person?
Grian focused on the back of the librarian’s computer monitor. For a brief moment, in her mind’s eye, he could see the content of computer screen, from the librarian’s eyes. There on the screen was a full name: Martyn Littlewood.
“Nope, that’s all,” Grian replied, blinking rapidly as he returned to his own vision.
“Great. Well, you two have a good one!” The librarian said cheerfully, and returned to their knitting.
Grian and Scar briskly made their way outside.
“Wow. So who’s this Martyn guy? I didn’t think anyone else cared about Watchers that much,” Scar began, turning to Grian. “Oh uh, Grian, you’ve got something there…” Scar pointed to his own nose, looking worried all of a sudden.
“Huh?” Grian wiped his nose on his sleeve instinctively, expecting snot. However, when he glanced at his arm he saw red.
“Ah.” At least her sweater was already red.
“What did you do in there?” Scar asked, his green eyes intense with a mix of curiosity and concern.
“I was able to get a better look at that computer, and see the guy’s last name,” Grian explained. “Martyn Littlewood. Whoever he is, he might have a ton of information about Watchers. I’ve got to find him and have a word with him.”
“Grian, you’re amazing!” Scar exclaimed, impressed. “Well, finding someone in this city should be easy enough for a Watcher.”
“Shush,” Grian glanced around the empty bus stop. “Or we could try, y’know, looking the name up online first…” Grian quickly pulled out her phone. “Ah. Found him.”
“What? You’re kidding.”
“Oh my god, Scar.”
“Scar.” Grian held the phone out. “Martyn Littlewood is…”
“A youtuber?” Scar’s jaw dropped as he scrolled through the list of videos. “And he makes videos talking about-“
Scar stared at Grian, dumbfounded.
“Scar, I think we just found the world’s biggest, and perhaps only, Watcher fanatic,” Grian stated in disbelief. “And he lives right here in Hermit City.”
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fuxuannie · 3 days
ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ 𝐢'𝐦 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 | kenji sato x gender neutral reader
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love mail — reallllyy quick req from a friend (this took 20 mins pls bear w me) ヽ(o´3`o)ノ i love u all chu chu, this is an OVERLY done trope with this song but guys please let me 😞 be delulu
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︰꒱꒱ YOU AND KENJI USED TO BE BEST FRIENDS. you met when he transferred to america, and it was mostly due to connections. it was around the time he had gotten popular, but not quiet there yet — and you had been part of an underground band that began gaining traction as well. you two got along well, late night banters, him listening to you sing while he would practice baseball.. you became each others routines. his practices would feel empty without your presence, and your singing wasn't as fun without him.
when he had to move back, you were devastated. you were both at the highest points of your careers, and you relied heavily on each other during an equally difficult time — so to hear him have to leave, and not even sure for how long.. it scared you. he'd likely be missing so many of your milestones, and it's not like you could beg him to stay either. you two were.. just friends. nothing more. even if your heart screamed at you to be something more, to tell him that as you dropped him off at the airport, — when he turned his back away from you and was about to enter.. when he actually looked back before going inside. regret finally settled in when he was no longer in view, and you crumbled, feeling lost as you realized you couldn't see him anymore.
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years have passed since that day, and you eventually had to move on. life gets busy, after all. bu5 it wasn't like you weren't keeping tabs on him, though. you had his games livestreaming during rehearsals and you would even watch some of his interviews in japan. one of these days, however — you had accidentally kept a live interview running as you entered the room of your makeup department, preparing for your third live performance of your big tour. not getting to see the rest of the stream as the question for ken sato followed; "with the giants big comeback season coming to an end, do you ever plan to return to america?" the journalist asked curiously, and kenji only laughed — feeling rather excited to answer the question. "yes, actually. i'll be attending a concert with a few old friends, and i'm looking forward to that."
he looked straight to the camera, his smile soft, — he was hoping, praying that you were watching. "i'm coming back, sweetheart."
the fifth night was the biggest one the whole tour, it had completely sold out tickets — and that made you worry. not only that, but now the rumors of ken sato coming back to america were going around.. and the coincidences — they seemed to align a bit too well. but you shook your head, deciding something as trivial as someone from your past be a distraction was something you weren't about to let slide, so you close your laptop and meet your bandmates back stage, chatting away about how exciting tonight was going to be.
on the other hand, kenji arrived in america yesterday. missing just the fourth night of your tour. and decided to plan a little surprise for you, with the power of connections — he had gotten in touch with your manager and bandmates, and it was going to be the most memorable performance of your career.
"how about singing 'still into you' by paramore for our last song?" your drummer suggested, smiling cheekily. "a cover song? a strange suggestion," you respond, only for your guitarist to chime in with an equally endearing smirk. "not at all, we all know the song anyway. i used to play it for my gigs." he shrugged, and you eyed your amazing bandmates curiously. "are you all plotting something...?"
"absolutely not.."
"you're crazy!"
"we just want to play a good song to end the night."
despite their obviously suspicious responses, you shrugged it off. it was a pretty catchy song anyway, and who knows — maybe you'll get to let out those unsaid feelings for kenji through singing.. hoping he'd hear, even if it felt crazy to even imagine that he'll hear, or reciprocate.
the stadium had slowly filled up with people, and in only an hour there were now hundreds of people waiting for your band to show up on stage, — and you still didn't feel any less nervous even after four other shows prior to this. your manager noticed your nerves, and put a reassuring hand on your shoulder. "you'll kill it, (name)." she tells you, giving a big smile. "just perform the last song and you'll be able to head home, yeah?" and that helped you feel a little better.. only a few songs, and perform the cover song, and you will be able to rest again. yeah.. not so bad! you can do this. you will do this.
taking a deep breath — you're the first one to enter the spotlight; people cheered your name, and you relished in the feeling. god, you wouldn't trade performing for the world. as you introduced the rest of your bandmates, who received an equal amount of uproar and applause, you spoke into the mic. "thank you, everyone! we're excited to perform here tonight, — and we've got a special surprise for you at the end, so make sure to stick around for that!" you smiled, the crowd going insane with cheers. all your problems seemed to melt away when you were on stage and infront of an audience.
as you performed the last original song of your band, the applause seemed to only get louder after each ending. you had sat down on the stage, dangling your feet on the edge as you tried to get a little interactive with the audience. "tonight, we're going to be performing a.. cover song! a little unusual, but the band seemed insistent on it — and who am i to deny my family?" you stood up, laughing as the crowd began to once again lose their absolute minds as the instrumental of 'still into you' began.
"you know your cue?" kenji couldn't even focus as he hid backstage, his eyes didn't leave you the moment you went out there and started singing. my god, you were as breath—taking as he remembered, and he put no effort into hiding how he felt as your manager rolled your eyes. "wait till the last few lines, loverboy. don't disappoint."
"some things just, some things just make sense and one of those is you and i!"
okay, maybe you needed this. these lyrics almost resonated with you personally, — with the feelings you've held back for years. you sang for someone who will never get to hear these words from you, and you sang with your entire heart, hoping that by some chance — maybe he'd know. (which he definitely did)
"and even after all this time—"
you needed a breather, and thank goodness the crowd started singing the next bit for you. as you were focused on breathing, your bandmates looked at each other, and to kenji hiding backstage. signaling it was almost his time. taking one deep breath, you continued, your smile much brighter and determined as you kept a firm grip on the mic.
"let em wonder how we got this far, cause i don't really need to wonder at all!" kenji felt a quick shove behind him, immediately rushing him to get on that stage behind you. he had a hoodie up and his head down so to the audience members who were far away — they didn't get a good look at the random hooded man on stage. but to the vip members? they were desperately trying to get a closer look, trying to make sense of who exactly the mysterious figure was. "yeah, after all this time—"
"i'm still into you,"
he'll start by lifting his head up as he walked towards you, and almost immediately, gasps erupt from the vip audience, making you a little confused. if only you saw the wide grinned kenji behind you, he looked like he was looking at an angel, and admittedly? you were one to him.
"i'm still into you,"
next to go was his hoodie, and that confirmed to everyone attending that night who exactly was on that stage with you. now the cheers were getting louder, a few audience members were even pointing behind you; did the visuals mess up? a few people seemed to notice your confusion, so the fans began to yell 'turn around!', so this had to be a visual issue. turning around, your heart drops.
"i'm still—" the sight of his smile, in person, after so long.. you felt your heart genuinely skip a beat as thousands of bottled up feelings suddenly came over you. and all you could do was clutch your microphone, needing to focus the song — with that being the very thin rope holding you back from erupting into tears.
"sweetheart." he calls for you, god, that nickname had you weak.
"—into you."
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furiousgoldfish · 2 days
I didn't see this right away, but my parents refusing to teach me anything really got to me, and not only in the way of lacking survival skills. I was being told things like 'how old are you not to know this' and 'you should know this by now' constantly, but nobody ever took the time or patience to explain or demonstrate to me how anything works. I had school education, so I was able to absorb information, but that was still, me being one of the 20+ children sitting down, with one adult who spent more time trying to keep us disciplined and quiet, than managing to explain anything. If I didn't get anything, I was too afraid to ask. I was being told I was stupid on a daily basis anyway.
My parents insisted that I was too stupid to get anything, too clumsy and ignorant and incapable, so it wasn't worth trying to teach me anything, it was a waste of energy. I was supposed to absorb knowledge by looking at what they're doing, but they would often give me other tasks to do, I wasn't free to observe. I believed that I was specifically dumb and incapable, and this was the only reason why I didn't have any skills. I actually believed that I was clumsy, stupid, incapable of doing anything correctly. I didn't think I was worth teaching, worth mentoring.
There was one time I was in my friend's house, and there was a guitar. I touched it, fascinated, since I've never had the chance to touch one before. My friend's father saw my interest, and offered to show me how to play. I was flabbergasted. He showed me how to hold it, how to press my fingers on the strings to create different chords, how to make sound happen. It took maybe 20 minutes. But it was the first time an adult showed me how something worked, and I felt.. unworthy. I didn't understand how could I deserve so much of someone's time and patience, because it had never happened before. I couldn't retain the knowledge, because that was the last time I ever touched a guitar, I never got the chance again. I still feel indebted for that 20 minutes, it feels like too much spent on me.
I thought back to those moments a lot, thinking about how special I felt for an adult to believe that I was worth teaching. If someone gave me a guitar now, I'd be ecstatic to try and learn it, because I remember that someone thought I could, someone showed me how. All of the other skills, I had to learn while already thinking I would fail, that I couldn't do it, and had to deal with extensive negative mindset before even trying to start. There is no skill that one can do perfectly on the first time, we all start by being awful, and then slowly get better with practice. But, with the 'I fail at everything and even if I try it will go bad' mindset, the awful start feels like a confirmation that we cannot do this, that we're too incapable, or stupid, or lacking in talent. Since all my work was heavily criticized no matter how well I've done, I had to go back and figure out what things I actually do okay, and criticism was unwarranted, and where I've actually been lacking in knowledge. And that is a complicated thing to do, when all of the criticism feels so painful, and even trying to do something makes you hear the words of ridicule, degradation and berating in your head. It makes you want to go the route of perfectionism, to try and do things so well they would be above criticism in general, but that's impossible. Criticism we receive in abuse is not actual criticism, it's often directed at us only to hurt our feelings, to discourage us, mock us, make us feel inadequate, sometimes even out of jealousy or because our capabilities present a threat, so they need to run that down. But how would we know? If all feedback is negative, it's impossible for us to sort trough what is a confirmation of being awful, and what is a jealous remark created to sabotage our good work.
Sometimes it feels bad learning everything on my own. Finding online tutorials and youtube videos for every skill imaginable, sifting trough forums to find information on finances and economy, trying to put together how society works by analyzing how people live and not daring to ask them to explain how they got where they are now. I had no guidance, and sometimes things would be too complicated, and I would give up. I often wish I could ask someone to explain it to me, instead of typing questions into google. The information is stored differently when it comes from a human, it creates warmth and the knowledge that someone cared enough to explain it to me, that I didn't have to put it together from various sources myself.
Learning basic survival and life skills was unnecessarily painful for me. I still have things I cannot do, just because of how much pain is associated with them. But to think everything could have been as simple as that guitar! If every time I showed interest in something, an adult who knew how it worked sat down next to me, demonstrated it, gave it to me to hold, put my hands in the right places, and directed me to what I should do. Would I ever have trouble believing in myself? It wouldn't have crossed my mind that there's anything I can't do. Or that I would fundamentally be bad at anything, just because I'm bad at it on the first attempt. When you're a kid, you don't even know if you're doing good or bad, if your first attempt gets a 'good job!', you're incentivized to do it again, until you do get good at it. That's why we encourage children, not to lie to them, but because we know how painful it is to be told off on your first try, and that it will make the second try unlikely.
Today I understand that all skills are gained trough practice, and that I can pick and choose what skills I want, and I can get them with enough practice. I can and do give up on some that are too frustrating, and that's okay too, we are all more inclined towards some activities, while others feel bad even with improvement.
As a kid I was enveloped by fear of not being able to do anything, not being useful enough to be kept alive, never being good at anything, not finding any kind of place in the world, just because I can't do anything right. All of that fear was necessary, there's tons of stuff that anyone can do, with some more complicated stuff that one needs to be specialized in, but it's not necessary for survival, or even for earning a place in society. We all have a place, by birthright, and just having skills is not as important as with what purpose you're using them for. You can be extremely skilled and using those skills to exploit, destroy and do damage to society, or even to isolate some members of society who you can then hurt. Or you can have very few skills but be insistent on using what you do only to help those around you be safe and sound.
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His like a poem I wish I wrote
pairing: Oscar Piastri x reader Author's note: Hey, this is my first time writing fanfics on tumblr. I haven't wrote a fanfic in years. It's not great. But I'll get there. Also forgive my mistakes, English isn't my first language. Summery: The poem you want to write just walked in through the door and wants to make conversation
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It wasn’t that early in the morning. Around 8:30. It was raining outside. The window foggy, the rain strumming on the street with a steady pattern. You take in the steam of your coffee. It smelled like just what you needed. A cartado, your preferred first caffeinated drink for the day. The coffee shop wasn’t that busy. Only a few people were around. 
You try to take in everything around you. It all seemed so perfect this morning. A new city, an unknown place, an exceptional cup of coffee, the sound of rain, the humid weather, what more could you ask for? Staring at the blank screen in front of you, you could think of a few things you could wish for.
You woke up this morning to the sound of the rain and you wanted to go for a walk. You also felt ideas running around your head. It’s been a while since you last wrote something. You really desperately wanted to write something today. 
You’ve been sitting here for a while. Your head was running around coming up with half a line, messy rhymes, phrases that didn’t have much of a meaning. Nothing came together. You shift your eyes from the screen to the window again with an exasperated sigh.
That’s when you heard the jingle of the bell on top of the cafe’s door as someone walked in. A man wearing  a white hoodie, black jeans walked in, hood on his head to shield him from the drizzle outside. He walked to the door and took down his hood, a hand ruffling his hair to brush off the water droplets.
You sip your coffee as you watch the boy order. He was unbelievably beautiful with white sleeves pulled up to his veiny forearm, messy chestnut blonde hair ( or at least that's what it looks like from where you were) sharp jaw and those beautiful eyes. The boy finished ordering and gave the barista a smile before turning around looking for a seat. And of course he caught you staring. You quickly darted away your eyes in embarrassment and you didn't notice his amused smile. He walks over and seats at the table right in front of yours facing towards you. You notice that but don’t look up at him from embarrassment. You sip your coffee and keep looking at your blank screen. 
Eventually you do take a glance and his on his phone. You are getting a little irritated. There’s this blank screen in front of you with not a thought in your head to write down, and then there’s this boy in front of the screen in a distance that looks like poetry. Oh no, he's looking at you now. Your eyes meet and he gives you this soft small smile that makes you want to melt in your seat. You smile back as the waiter approaches with his drink. You try to find a place to avert your gaze or look for something to do. Suddenly you don’t remember how to act normal. 
The boy looks at his drink then back at the beautiful girl sitting at the table in front of him with rain soaked hair, sipping her coffee so gracefully. She’s looking out the window at the rain with her chin resting on her hand and he kind of wishes she was looking at him like that.  He picks up his cup and walks to her. 
“Is this seat open?” You look up to see the boy standing right infront of you. Unsure of what’s happening you just nod. 
“Would you mind some company?” “Not at all” 
He pulls the wooden chair and sits down. “I’m Oscar”
You introduce yourself too saying it was nice to meet him.
“I saw you looking at the rain with great concentration. Do you like the rain?” “Yeah, it’s my favourite type of weather.” You smile. It was, but that was not the reason why you were looking at rain drops on the street. It was so you could stop yourself from looking at him.
“You looked very interesting, in this quiet cafe with a nice book in front of you while looking at the rain. Thought I’d introduce myself and get to know you a bit.” He says pointing at the book in front of you with his eyes, the cover green and blue with the words “Normal people” printed on it in white font.
You blush slightly. “So Oscar ,what do you do?” you ask, sitting up a little straight, signaling that you’d like to know him too. He smiles before saying he's a formula one driver. 
“Oh. You're here for the race then, that’s supposed to happen this weekend?” “Yeah. Do you follow motorsports?” he asked, sipping on his coffee, an americano you noticed. “Not really a sports girl.” You shrug. “ What do you do?” “I’m a writer.” 
You see his eyes perk up at that. “Oh that’s very interesting. Any books of yours I might have read?” . “I don’t know, are you a big reader?” You reply with a smile.
“I do read but really not much.” He replies honestly. “You chuckle a little, “even if you did, I don’t think you would’ve read mine.”
“Are you a local here?” he asks, leaning back in his chair looking at you with undivided attention, it almost made you feel a little dizzy. “No, I’m here for a literary festival for my recent book.”
  You two chat for a while. He orders you both another round of drinks. You get to know him from Australia and this is his home race, which makes it a big deal. He explains how the races work when you ask him, and you listen attentively. So does he when he asks you to tell him about your book. 
“It was wonderful to meet you, but unfortunately I have to go to work now.” He says after he takes the last sip of his second coffee. “But maybe I can see you around again? I’m here for a few days.”  He asks, almost shyly. You smile. “I’d love to.”
You exchange numbers and he gets up to leave with the same warm smile.
You look back at the empty white screen of your laptop before turning it off. Because the only poem you would love to write just walked out the door.
A/N: hope you enjoyed it. Requests are open.
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daenysx · 1 day
i dont know if u are taking requests rn but if you are could you do something with remus lupin and a reader who is very confident (not snobby just confident). pls and thank you lovely 🎀
thank you for requesting, i hope you enjoy!! i don't know if i did well on this but i like their dynamic so much <333
remus lupin x fem!reader, fluff (lots of kissing because remus can't resist his girlfriend <3)
you have an aura that keeps pulling remus to you.
he feels like an addict most of the time, if that's the right word. you've been in a relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend for only two months but he never hides he's fallen for you the minute he met you at his favorite library. he still remembers all the details of that moment as if it's playing in front of his eyes; the books in your hand, your clothes, your charming smile as you ask for help to reach the high shelves.
your smile still affects him the same way, it appears. remus likes spending his evenings with you, it's so quiet and calming. he gets tired of busy days but they never seem to end, you offer him bits of peace in the silence of your room. a long forgotten tv show remus likes, play on your laptop as you settle down on his chest. his fingers are easy on your hair, you snuggle up to him as he plays with you.
"gonna fall asleep." you say against him. you don't want to sleep, not now. it's just that remus is so safe, you can't help yourself.
"you can." he says before kissing your head.
"can't." you say, spending your energy on sitting straight on bed. "i wanna spend time with you."
remus extends a hand to you, stroking your cheek with a loving finger. "we're spending time, dove."
"you know what i mean." you say before climbing on top of him again, this time your legs on either side of his thighs. he helps you sit, your hands tickle his sides. "i missed you, handsome."
your voice is low but tricky. leaning into his face, you blink slowly. you have a way of batting your eyelashes, remus wants to give you everything you can ever ask for. you get what you want at the end, though, it's always been like that. your lips make his head spin like he's been drinking an entire bottle of the expensive wine he occasionally gets.
"you didn't miss me?" you ask. how dare you, he wants to say. don't you see your effect on him? you're so teasing, trying to stay awake by loving him.
"please." he begs, his face moving towards you.
"please." you say. "i'm saying please."
remus can't help himself this time, cupping your lovely cheeks to pull you against him. he kisses you until he runs out of breath for a minute, you bravely kiss him back. you make quiet noises, you know how he's insane for any sound you let out. you do it on purpose. he likes it so much.
"you're so handsome." you say, breaking the kiss. "did i tell you today?"
"yes, 3 times now." he replies. his cheeky side comes out when he's with you.
"it's just that i can see every detail of your face when i'm this close." you explain, running your fingertips on his cheek. "you're so pretty."
you've never been shy with your affections, remus wants to hide his face to your neck. you're so easy with the compliments, but it's hard sometimes, accepting all the nice things you say to him so effortlessly. you mean every word you say, he knows. you make it seem like everything is possible, you're so kind and confident with your words. he wants to scream into his pillow, scream how much he loves you.
"you're so pretty." he says instead. "have you seen yourself?"
"oh, it's my favorite time of the day." you say happily. "when we compliment each other. you're boosting my ego so well."
remus pulls you for another kiss. his pretty, perfect girlfriend. he thinks he has every right to lose his mind about you, what else can he do?
the kiss is nicer this time because he at least tries to control his breath for it to last longer. you smile against his lips, your softness melts in his mouth and leaves a nice taste. your fingers go through his hair, you angle his face to deepen the kiss. he lets out a shaky breath, the smell of your perfume lingers in his space.
remus smiles when he leans back against the headboard. you take his hand in yours, put it on your heart. it beats too fast, your charming lips curved into the nicest smile he's ever seen. he presses his hand to your chest. you kiss his hand when he lets go.
"you don't look so sleepy now." he says. "aren't you tired?"
"no, not at all." you answer. "i've been waiting for you all day, saved all my energy for you."
"liar." he laughs, because you really are lying. you've been studying all day long, only came home when remus called you before leaving work.
"kiss?" you ask. he pulls you closer to his chest until there's no space between you, you wrap your arms around his neck. smiling satisfied, you kiss him for a last time. your head stays on his shoulder, he rubs a big hand on your back.
remus manages to put your laptop on your nightstand securely, closing it. he lays down on bed with you on his chest. you're like a koala, not moving a bit. "remus." you mumble.
"i love you."
you're being the most honest when you're sleepy. silent seconds, quiet mumblings. always clear with your words, always telling him how you feel. he pulls the covers on your bodies, rubbing his hand all over your back. he doesn't hesitate when he says the words back. "i love you, beautiful."
"i can move." you whisper, eyes heavy.
"no." remus is certain. the room is dimly lit but he can see your eyes sparkling even when you're sleepy. "stay."
"good night, handsome." you say, kissing his neck soundly. "i'm gonna try a new recipe for breakfast. you'll love it."
"i'm sure i'll love it." he whispers. "good night."
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daisyblog · 7 hours
Styles in Rome
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Our Story Masterlist Summary: Harry, YN and Grace have their first family holiday in Italy.
Based on this request and a big thank you to @howling-wolf97 for helping me.
warning: body insecurities
Italy was like a second home to Harry and YN. The last few years they had spent  lot of time there, whether that was work related for Harry or to enjoy some time as a couple. It only felt right for their first family holiday to be to Rome. 
Travelling with a 7 week old baby had definitely tested their travelling skills of needing to pack more, travel heavier and plan their schedule to the inch of their lives. 
Harry had managed to organise their flights so they would land early evening, meaning they could try and stick to Grace’s routine as much as they could. 
Their first full day began with a 7am wake up call from Grace, who was letting out small cries from her travel cot next to their bed. YN stirred first, adjusting the Italian sun shining through the large glass window.
Gently picking up Grace from where she lay, she carefully cuddled her into her shoulder and picking up her blanket. “Shh…it’s okay…Mummy’s here…are you hungry my girl?”. 
YN walked through their apartment and opened the door to the balcony, that overlooked the sea. Sitting on one of the chairs, YN gently lifted her top and allowed Grace to latch on for her morning milk. Stroking the little one’s cheek, she couldn’t help but think about how lucky she was. “Your Daddy and me love it here…and I’m sure you will too”. 
ynstyles story
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harryfan9 choke her with a sea view!
annetwist Missing you all already❤️
harryfan2 Enjoy!!☺️
lottietomlinson Have fun!! Miss and love you loads🩷🩷🩷
Harry appeared at the balcony doors, two mugs in his hands before placing them on the table. “Morning my girls!”. He left a peck on YN’s lips, before placing his finger in Grace’s hand as she still fed. “Are you having cuddles with Mummy? Are you taking all my cuddles?”.
“I think Daddy’s jealous”. YN pretended to whisper to Grace, adding a smirk as she watched Harry sit in the chair next to her.
“You can’t blame a man for wanting some cuddles with his wife”. YN couldn’t hide her smile as she stared at him. “Why are you looking at me like that?”.
Her smile only got bigger, as she glanced down at Grace and back at her husband. “I just love it when you call me your wife”.
“You’ve been my wife for the last twelve years…but it’s just official now”. Harry did mean what he said. They may have only been married for a couple of months, but nothing has changed between the couple. They’re still happy, still madly in love but now they get to share that happiness with their daughter.
“I love you more and more everyday”. YN lifted Grace up as she noticed she had finished her morning feed.
“It will never beat my love for you two”. Harry opened his arms as YN gently placed Grace into them. Seeing Harry with Grace always sparked a burst of joy in YN’d heart. She watched as Harry looked down at Grace in his arms with pure love and him being a dad was definitely YN’s favourite look on him.
“Your dad era makes you ten times hotter!”. YN couldn’t control what she was saying. The postpartum hormones and the lack of intimacy the last few months has definitely caught with her. “Long hair era has gone to second place!”.
“You must really fancy me at the moment then…you used to pounce on me every change you got when I had long locks!”. Harry teased as he cuddled Grace into his arms, placing a delicate kiss to her head.
“They were the days!”.
After they had eaten some breakfast, got showered and dressed for the day. They decided to spend a couple of hours at the beach.
As they arrived at the quiet beach, Grace had fallen asleep in the carrier so they laid her down under the large umbrella out of the sun. Harry quickly removed his T-shirt, which left him in his dark green shorts and tattoos on display. YN let her eyes stare, taking in the view and admiring her gorgeous husband. She couldn’t help but let the insecurities take over and question how someone so effortlessly beautiful could want her.
Harry covered himself in sunscreen, before his eyes noticed that YN was doing the same to herself after she had put some on Grace. But what he was surprised at was that she was still wearing her cover up.
“Not that I don’t like your cover up…but I was hoping that since Grace isn’t in need of those right now that I could admire them”. Harry tried to joke about wanting to see YN in a bikini.
YN’s lips twitched knowing Harry was teasing. “Oh…uh…I’m a bit chilly”. She cursed at herself knowing how ridiculous that sounded considering how warm it was.
Harry frowned as he realised that there was more to this than he originally thought. Sitting down on the large towels covering the sand, he slid his arm around her waist, his hand landing on her hip. “Hey…what’s wrong?”.
YN thought about lying again, making something else up, but she knew Harry had already caught onto her hiding something. Without looking at him, as she felt his hand rubbing her hip gently, she spoke the truth. “It’s just…since I’ve…I…I’m embarrassed of my body since having Grace…and that’s not Grace’s fault…I absolutely love that my body grew such a beautiful little baby…but I can’t help but think you’re going to look at my new body and just…I don’t know…not love me anymore!”.
Harry listened to every words his wife said, and the words stung. He blamed himself for how YN was feeling and annoyed that he hadn’t noticed. He thought carefully about his next words, not wanting to say the wrong thing. Gently turning her head to face him. “Babe…I could never not love you…if anything I love you more now than I ever have…you’re more to me than just your body, you’re my wife…you’re my best friend…my soulmate…the mother to my baby and future babies…nobody else is you and I want you…I’ll always want you…I’m in love with you”.
YN had carefully closed her eyes as Harry spoke, and he could only assume it was to stop herself from crying, so his words only continued as he pulled her closer so he was cuddling her.
“You'll never love yourself half as much as I love you…And you'll never treat yourself right darling, but I want you to…if I let you know, I'm here for you…Maybe you'll love yourself like I love you, oh…And I've just let these little things slip out of my mouth…’Cause it's you, oh, it's you…It's you, they add up to…And I'm in love with you…And all these little things…I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth…But if it's true, it's you…It's you, they add up to…I'm in love with you…And all your little things”. Harry sung softly as YN laid in his arms, tears slowly rolling down her cheeks as he sang the meaningful lyrics to her. “But you’re perfect to me”.
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liked by harryfan6, ynstyles and 682 others
layla_tpwk I MET HARRY AND YN STYLES!!❤️BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!! View all 103 comments tagged: harrystyles ynstyles
harryfan3 italrrry!!
sarah_70 So pleased for you darling! A dream come true💕 ⌞layla_tpwk thanks mum🫶🏼 ⌞ynstyles sarah_70 Your daughter is an absolute credit to you. She was so polite, kind and respectful today, especially towards our newborn Grace🩷Layla, a big thank you from Harry and I x ⌞harryfan7 YN!!! ⌞ynrryfan4 OMG YN LIKED AND COMMENTED!! ⌞sarah_70 ynstyles She’s beautiful inside and out. Thank you to you and your husband for giving up some time to chat with her, you’ve made her beam💜 ⌞layla_tpwk ynstyles it was so lovely to meet you both and baby grace 💕
ynrrydaily Story time please???? ⌞harryupdate desperate for this one because yn has liked and commented🙈 ⌞layla_tpwk ok..I’m still in shock but I’m on a family holiday in Italy. I was with my dad and we were walking around and then I spotted harry and yn walking towards us. At first I thought I was dreaming but then I could see yn carrying grace in a carrier. I didn’t want to disturb them but my dad knows I’m a huge fan so he spoke to them first and explained I had been a fan since 1D were on X factor. Honestly they were so kind and even recommended some places for us to go to. yn is literally the sweetest human ever and grace is soooo cute!! I am so happy tonight❤️ ⌞harryfan4 I am very jealous!! ⌞ynrryfan8 I want to meet Harry, YN and Grace😢 ⌞ynfan does grace look like harry or yn??? ⌞layla_tpwk she’s definitely a Tomlinson💕
Tag List:
@pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @harrys-flower @platinumbarbie143 @frickin-bats@harrysbbyh0ney @chronicallybubbly @goldensunflowe-r  @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite@kaverichauhan @peterholland04 @panicattheuc @or-was-it-just-a-dream @hittiesontour@bunnyharold @fanfictioncafe @lilfreakjez @iamahallucinationnn @theekyliepage @indierockgirrl@buckybarnessimpp @ashleighsss @jerseygirlinca @fake-coolbeans @itsmytimetoodream@treehouse-mouse @mrs-anna-styles211994
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missvelvetsstuff · 2 days
The Situation Room
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: After a mission almost gone wrong, Tony brings back Bucky's former assistant, who is also Bucky's ex. Can they work together without hurting each other? Will the whole truth about their break up finally come out?
Avengers AU where Thanos never happened.
Chapter 1
Warnings: swearing, angst
After a rough nites sleep, Y/N woke at 6am and took a shower before heading to the kitchen for coffee and breakfast. There was a team meeting at 8am and she knew she needed caffeine to get through it.
She was sitting at the table with her coffee and a bagel when Steve and Sam came in followed by Bucky. She greeted them with a quiet good morning which had Sam pulling her out of her seat for a hug, winking at Bucky who rolled his eyes. Sam's friendship with Y/N had always irritated him and he just knew Sam was going to do everything he could to exacerbate the tension.
"Radar! How you been, baby girl? I'm surprised to see you back here, tired of Madripoor?" Sam laughed as he squeezed her.
Y/N shrugged "Are we really sticking with this Radar thing? I mean I love MASH but just because you're so predictable, Sammy, doesn't mean I'm psychic." She teased "There's too much going in Madripoor to get bored, I'm just doing an old friend a favor but don't plan to be here too long."
"Thank God for small favors." Bucky spat
She felt her stomach drop at his tone but just smirked at Bucky "Just keep your shit together so I can train you a new assistant and get the fuck outta here."
Sam laughed "I have missed you!"
Steve was more reserved, worried about how Bucky was going to deal with this new dynamic "Nice to see you again, Y/N" he gave her a small smile and nod.
Radar grinned "Same to you, Rogers."
Wanda and Nat wandered in chatting with Bruce trailing behind them. Nat stopped dead and put her arm out to stop Wanda "Is that who I think it is? Y/N? You're back?" She tried to temper the excitement over seeing her friend here in the compound after 2 years while picking up on the anger radiating from Bucky. She went to hug her friend "I didn't think I'd ever see you here again. Not that I minded our girl time in Madripoor."
Radar smiled, hugging her and Wanda at the same time "It's good to see you ladies. It's been 6 months since our last get together we'll have to tear up Manhattan when we can schedule it."
She smiled at Bruce and he hugged her "Glad you're back Radar, we've missed you."
A voice came from the hall "I hope you aren't planning a girls nite without me. I missed the last trip." Maria Hill walked into the kitchen and went to give Radar a hug.
Steve and Bucky were staring at the women, slack jawed until Steve spoke up "So you girls have been getting together regularly? How is this the first I'm hearing of this?"
Radar chuckled "Well geez Cap, it's girl time and you aren't invited so why would anyone tell you? Besides there's all kinds of drinking and swearing and general mischief making. Really not your type of party."
Bucky scoffed, glaring at Radar "So Nat, you and Wanda have been getting together with her, even after she- after what she did?" he shook his head "some friends you are." and stomped down the hall.
Radar shook her head and whispered under her breath "Yeah, what I did to him. Pffft."
Nat rubbed her back "You going to be ok working with him again?"
Radar smiled sadly "Yeah, as soon as I get his shit in order, I'll work to find and train my replacement. Then it's back to exciting Madripoor and the Power Brokers trail."
Nat hummed as she considered whether she should say what she was thinking and decided to push ahead "You could try to talk to him, tell him the truth about what happened."
Radar chuckled humorlessly "Right, he's obviously totally open to talking to me, thats why he says something nasty every time we're in the same room. He's no more interested in my side of the story than he was the day it happened. Sorry, Nat, sometimes you can't go home."
Steve poured himself a cup of coffee, wondering what they were talking about before switching to captain mode. "Meeting starts in 30, make sure you're all there on time."
Radar smiled "Don't worry Cap, we're on our way."
The ladies chatted for a few more minutes before heading to the conference room. They all sat together with Radar between Nat and Wanda while Bruce sat next to Nat and Vision walked in with Tony then sat next to Wanda.
Clint was behind them and smiled when he saw her "Radar! Welcome home." He patted her on the shoulder.
Radar looked at her friends on either side of her and smiled sadly at their happiness. She was thrilled they both found good partners but seeing them like that made her so lonely. She'd had no romantic interest since she left the compound. It felt like that part of her heart was broken beyond repair. There had been a couple of flings, a girl has needs, but nothing more than one night.
She had truly believed that Bucky was it and after everything still loved him, even if they couldn't be together.
Sam, Wanda and Nat had kept her up on the team gossip and while learning of Bucky's many women felt like a shot to the chest, she knew that was him acting out and would still do whatever she could to help him. He had worked so hard to make up for what Hydra made him do and his reputation had been trending upward but this last mission and the incident with the photographer made the public and the team's benefactors question him being there.
Radar took a deep breath to calm her mind, reminding herself that she would get him back on the right track, then go back to the wilds of Madripoor and probably never see him again. The thought of that hurt but she shook it off, that's how it had to be.
She jumped when she heard her name.
"Radar! I can't believe it's really you, never thought you'd come back." Nick Fury shouted with a grin on his face.
She smiled "Good to see you too, Nick. Enjoy me while you can because I'm just here to clean up a mess and train the next guy."
Nick chuckled "We'll just have to see if we can find a way to make you move back home permanently."
Radar smile at him sadly, why did everyone but him have to bring up keeping her here. "I don't think that's a good idea but I'm flattered you want me around."
Bucky and Steve walked into the room and Bucky scoffed "If she stays I'm fucking leaving. I'd rather give up my pardon and live the rest of my life on the Raft than anywhere near her."
Radar sighed "Yes Barnes, we get it. You hate me and wish I were dead. If you insist on reminding me every time we're in the same room together, I'll be convinced that you're still obsessed with me." she winked at him.
Bucky was sure steam must be coming out of his ears, she had a lot of nerve fucking with him like that "If you-"
Fury interrupted "Flirt on your own time, Barnes. This isn't speed dating, we have business to take care of."
Bucky sputtered and went to say something but Tony spoke up and interrupted him, not that he had any coherent thoughts to voice so he sat back, glaring at Y/N.
"Now that we're all here. The first order of business is notifying all of you that Radar has returned to help Barnes get organized and train her replacement. Once that's done, we need some excuse to convince her to stay."
Bucky groaned "please, god, no."
Radar shook her head "Don't get yourself in a tizzy Barnes. I told you, that's not happening." She looked at Tony "I told you that I'm leaving once I've trained a competent replacement. I can't stay here permanently and you know that. You all need to let that go cuz it's not happening."
Bucky sighed, relieved that she wasn't planning to stay. He didn't know if he could deal with seeing her all the time so he promised himself he would do everything in his power to speed things along. But somewhere, deep in his subconscious he dreaded the thought of her leaving again. And maybe never seeing her again. He still loved her desperately, the countless women he had gone through in the last 2 years gave him no peace, none of them felt or smelled or sounded like her and he was terrified that he would give in and beg her to take him back if she stayed too long. He was also terrified that he wouldn't and she would get away from him, again.
Bucky badly wanted to touch her, kiss and hold her, make love to her for hours like he used to. He could smell her vanilla body spray, the citrus shampoo & conditioner and the musk that was distinctly her. He could feel his body responding to being in close quarters with her again and was grateful for the table to hide his, ahem reactions.
Thankfully, Nick Fury spoke up "On to business. There's a facility in Belarus that was believed to be abandoned but is showing signs of activity. I need 2 people for recon. Any volunteers?"
Bucky raised his hand "I'm in if I can get out of here while....." he trailed off.
Radar kept her face emotionless. She was starting to think this was a mistake. As if the glares and cold demeanor weren't enough he had to make a crack every chance he had.
Just being near him was torture. She felt an empty ache in her chest and her eyes filled with tears but she refused to let them fall. She swallowed a sob down and whispered in a sing song voice "Obseeesed"
Bucky growled and she felt her panties dampen. His nostrils flared and he sat back in his seat, a death grip on the arms, before he took her on the conference table in front of the whole team.
Sam volunteered to go with him and Bucky groaned, he was almost as difficult to be around as Y/N.
Fury nodded and handed packets to both men "There we go, that wasn't so difficult. Since Sam's assistant isn't here, Radar will prep everything you need and be in the quinjet and in your ears when you go in. I suggest the three of you get some sleep, wheels up at 9 tonight"
Bucky shook his head "What do you mean she'll be in the jet? Starks tech is good enough that she can do it from here. Goddammit I want to be wherever she isn't so send someone else."
Fury glared at him "For a man who's over 100 years old you are acting like a fucking child, Barnes. Grow the fuck up and act like the professional you are supposed to be."
Nick's face turned up into a devious grin "You do realize that if you don't go, she doesn't either right? She's your assistant, your angel. If you had hired assistants without prioritizing their fuckability, you wouldn't be here. It's already decided. Go hit your rack while you can."
Sam chuckled as he left the room "You just can't win Terminator. Maybe the universe wants you crazy kids together."
Bucky sighed, no point in complaining any more. A mission with the two people he would least like to be around. Hopefully the intel was right and it would be a quick in and out. He went to his room to stretch out, knowing that sleep was unlikely.
Steve caught up with him in the hall "I'm just giving you some information and what you do with it is up to you." He lowered his voice "I heard Nat trying to convince Y/N to talk to you, she said something about telling you the truth about what happened that day. Maybe you should hear her out, listen to her side."
Bucky shook his head "What side? There's no side that makes what she did ok so there's not much point. I just want to get through this so she goes on her way."
Steve shook his head "Fine punk, it's your life."
Radar went to the armory to put Sam and Bucky's gear and weapons together and loaded up the quinjet before heading to her room for a couple of hours of sleep, if she could manage that much. She prayed to whatever gods were out there that this mission would be easy and fast.
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joeyalohadream · 1 day
Ooh ok this is sort of angsty but maybe Gale having a rough encounter with a guard in the stalag (take that as u will) and Bucky finding out? Protective and caring Bucky is everything to me
Thanks for the prompt, anon! I hope you enjoy what I came up with!
Warning: implications of potential SA, but nothing happened here.
Word Count: 2,991
The first time Bucky wakes up without a headache pounding behind his eyes, he’s sure he’s dreaming. It’s been over week with a constant pounding in his head, behind his eyes, radiating out from his face. He’s been nauseous and groggy, feeling like his mind is in a separate location from his body.
Gale’s presence has been the only reprieve. From the moment he’d stumbled through the gates, pure elation filling his chest at seeing his Gale, upright and smiling and alive, Gale had handled him with nothing but care.
After the Doc had looked him over, it had been cool rags washing him clean, wiping his brow. A slender, gentle hand cradling his head to ease water and food into him. Comforting fingers combing through his curls. A hand in his as he tried to weather through the torrent of pain. Soft words and a strong hand coaxing him back to reality after nightmares jolted him awake. And all of it had been Gale.
Bucky lays in his bunk now, staring at the rough wood above him and wonders if he moves his head, the pain will return. There’s a dull ache, but nothing like he’s been experiencing, and he wants it to be over. He’s tired of the pain, tired of feeling weak, tired of laying in bed while God knows what goes on outside. And he’s really tired of not being able to follow  Gale when he leaves their hut.
The only way to know if he’s on the other side of this is to try to make a move. He takes a deep breathe and sits up, swings his legs over the side of the bunk and plants his feet on the floor. As a precaution he rests his head in his hands, waiting for the vertigo, for his stomach to roll, for the pain to flare. He’s pleasantly surprised when none of it comes.
He eyes the door to the hut. The only thing he could focus on the last time he was outside was Gale and even his beautiful face had been blurred at the edges by his concussion. He’s both eager to see what awaits him on the other side of the door and dreading it in equal measure. Upright and clear headed for three minutes and already feeling the cage closing in around him. Knowing what’s outside is all he’ll see until either the end of the war or the Germans decide to kill them all is not a pleasant thought.
The decision to stay on his bunk or exit the hut is made for him when the door pushes open from outside and Gale steps back into the room.
He watches Gale’s eyes widen from where he’s stalled by the door, halted by his shock at seeing Bucky in a position other than prone for the first time in a week.
“You’re up.” Gale’s quiet voice rasps out, looking at Bucky like he’s seen a ghost.
“I’m up,” Bucky lifts a shoulder and cocks his head, seeing Gale full and clearly for the first time since he arrived. And he doesn’t like what he sees at all.
His words seem to ignite something in Gale because the next second, he’s surging forward, stumbling steps bringing him to Bucky’s side in a moment. He sits down next to him on the bunk and raises his hand, lets it graze over his cheek, around his ear and finally to the back of his head, fingers teasing at the curls.
“Are you feeling okay? Your head hurting?”
Bucky leans into Gale’s touch and closes his eyes when Gale moves his hand to cradle his jaw, thumb swiping over his cheek.
“Feel better than I have since my fort went down,” Bucky tells him honestly. “Keep waiting for the other shoe to drop and my head to split in two again.”
“Maybe you’re through the worst of it,” Gale breathes out, the relief in his voice clear to Bucky and his heart squeezes, hating that he worried him so. “Maybe just take it easy for today though, just to be safe.”
“Been taking it easy for a week, Buck,” he groans out, opening his eyes and finding those startling blue ones locked on him. “I’d like to get out of here for a bit. See the lay of the land.”
Gale’s hand tightens around his jaw for a moment before he drops it. Bucky misses the warmth of it immediately.
“Can we wait until afternoon?”
Bucky looks at Gale, confusion pulling his eyebrows down.
“What’s it matter? Time seems a little pointless in a prison camp, Buck.”
Gale fidgets next to him, one hand joining the other to allow him to pull at the cuticle around his thumbnail. The anxious act has Bucky’s heckles rising. He reaches over and covers Gale’s hand with his own, stalling the action.
“Hey,” he leans more into Gale’s apace. “Talk to me?”
He studies the younger man’s side profile. He’s pale, he’s lost weight, more than should’ve been possible in the few weeks he’s been here, the bruising under his eyes indicate sleepless nights and Bucky feels like he’s to blame for that. And with all that, he just looks flat out awful. He can’t help but wonder if this is how he looked when Bucky walked into camp or if it’s new. He has no way of knowing because it’s been a blur to him and he’s paid more attention to the sensation and the presence of Gale, than to his actual person.
“Nothing to talk about,” Gale offers him a smile and a shrug. “It’s fine, we can go out now. I’ll show you around.”
But Bucky’s known Gale since they were twenty-one years old. He’s known him since he was a shy, sweet man without the weight of the world on his shoulders. He knows him better than he knows himself and he knows that right now, Gale is lying to him.
Gale stands abruptly and turns to offer Bucky a hand up, but now that Bucky is aware, he sees a tightening around his eyes, he sees that he’s holding his weight intentionally on one leg and he realizes that he hadn’t been stumbling in his eagerness to get to him when he’d entered. He’d been limping.
Bucky takes Gale’s offered hand but doesn’t let him pull him up. Instead, he gently pulls forward until he’s standing in the space created between his thighs and rests his hands on his hips, thoughts spiraling when the waist under his hands, always one of his favorite things to grasp, is alarmingly slim.
“Buck,” Bucky makes his voice gentle. Gale looks down at him, a question in his gaze. And Bucky realizes that he’s been so out of it lately, so un-present that Gale has no idea he’s onto him. That he’s realized something is wrong. “What happened? What’s wrong?”
“Bucky,” Gale starts, hands going to Bucky’s shoulders. “I’m fine.”
“When did we start lying to each other, huh?” Bucky tries his best to keep his gaze open, even as his anxiety threatens to spike his temper.
The look Gale gives him in return is borderline pleading and Bucky wants to back off, but has a feeling he shouldn’t, knows he can’t. He decides to take a different approach.
“You’re limping,” Bucky stokes his thumbs over Gale’s hipbones. “That still from the bailout?”
Gale looks into his eyes for a beat, then another and Bucky isn’t sure he’s going to tell him anything. Doesn’t know what he’ll do if chooses not to.
Bucky nods, thankful that he didn’t deny the limp, that he answered him, no matter how brief.
“Is it a sprain? Pull a muscle?”
He watches Gale’s jaw clench before he shakes his head.
“Dog bite,” Gale lowers his gaze as Bucky’s hands tighten around his hips.
“Dog bite? How the hell did that happen?”
“The guards here, some of them have dogs. Mean things, nothing like Meatball.”
Bucky rears his head back, not expecting that response in the slightest.
“They sick their dogs on us? Rumors about it being humane in here full of shit?”
“No,” Gale shakes his head. “They do follow the Geneva Convention. There’s a library, showers, even got a baseball field.”
“Then what, you’re just getting special treatment?”
He doesn’t expect the flinch Gale’s body gives at his words.
“Yeah, guess so.”
Bucky slides his hands down, letting them rest on the backs of Gale’s thighs. Scared to move them lower or tighten his grip, not knowing where the injury is. His mind feels sluggish still, he doesn’t like any of this, his heart is pounding in his chest.
“Buck, I need to know what’s going on, alright. I’m not going to drop this, so just tell me. Please.”
He leans his head forward, letting his face press into Gale’s stomach. Can’t fight the shiver that runs down his spine as Gale’s fingers brush through his hair.
“Can I sit?” Gale rasps out, still petting through his curls, scratching his scalp. He sounds apologetic. Bucky leans back at the words, hand sliding back up to his hips.
He uses his grip to maneuver the smaller man from between his legs and watches as he lowers himself to the bunk. Gale presses against him from shoulder to hip to thigh and Bucky can’t resist throwing an arm around him, drawing him closer.
“There’s a guard in here,” Gale tells him. “Don’t know his name or anything, but he has rounds in our compound every morning. He really doesn’t like me. Hasn’t from the first moment I got here.”
Bucky rubs his hand up and down Gale’s arm, brow furrowed.
“And his dog bit you?”
Gale tenses under his arm, but nods.
“He said I looked like I could be on a poster for Hitler’s vision.”
Bucky feels ice in his veins at the words. Blonde, blue eyed, fucking beautiful. His Gale.
“He touch you?” The words leave his mouth, and he braces himself.
“No,” Gale’s answer is immediate and there’s truth in his words. “But I can tell he wants to.”
Bucky feels a growl building in his chest, rage a physical thing, threatening to choke him as images flood his mind. As he realizes that he’s been laying in bed while Gale’s been dealing with a psycho. Gale doesn’t allow his thoughts to spiral though, continuing speaking.
“He just shoves me around every chance he gets, and I can’t fight really back. If you raise your hands on a guard in here, they’ll shoot you.”
Gale pulls away enough that he can look him in the eyes.
“That’s why I didn’t want you to know. I wasn’t trying to lie to you, I just knew you’d be angry and there isn’t anything you can do about it.”
“I’ll kill him is what I’ll do,” Bucky grits out and Gale is immediately shaking his head, hand moving to clasp his forearm.
“You can’t, Bucky. We need to survive this. I need you to survive this.” Gale ducks his head to catch Bucky’s eyes, frowning at the anger he sees in them. “This last week, you hurting like that, I don’t want to see that again. God, I was so worried, John. Just let this go.”
“I can’t just let it go, Buck,” he glares at the other man, volume rising. “You’re telling me that there’s a guy in here that hurt you, that wants to hurt you and you expect me to do nothing? What kind of man do you take me for?”
“Hopefully a level-headed one, a smart one,” Gale responds, tone hard, serious. “Hopefully one that knows I’m a goddamn Major in the Air Force and not some wilting flower in need of white knight.”
His words make Bucky pause in his spiral and he takes a breath, trying to calm down.
“He only comes ‘round this end of camp in the morning,” Gale continues. “And he doesn’t bother me much if I’m with other people or in front of the other guards. He only let his dog at me because I mouthed off to him. I stick with Benny and Crank and the boys most days and it’s manageable. So let it go, John.”
There’s finality in his tone, an order, and it makes Bucky want to rail against it and submit at the same time. Gale has always had that effect on him.
“Alright,” Bucky exhales the word on a sigh. “But now that my eggs aren’t scrambled, it’ll be me you’re sticking with out there.” He’s thankful his words aren’t met with any protest. “And I know you’re not a wilting flower, Buck, of course I know that. You’re the strongest man I know.”
Gale’s eyes soften around the edges and one side of his mouth turns up.
“But you’re also mine,” Bucky leans over to knock his forehead gently against Gale’s. “So, you can’t blame me for wanting to keep you safe. You do the same thing for me.”
He’s surprised when chapped lips press against his a moment later. Chaste and over too quickly, but it was enough to warm Bucky from the inside out.
“I know,” Gale’s low voice, free of the hard-edge, answers Bucky. “Just need you to keep yourself safe in the process.”
“I’ll try,” Bucky agrees, though he knows that in the face of someone actually hurting Gale, he won’t be able to keep his word, so he doesn’t bother making it a promise.
“Now let me see that leg,” Bucky sits up straighter, giving Gale his best stern look and is met a stubborn jaw and a pair of blue eyes rolling.
“It happened my second day here, Bucky. It’s pretty much healed by now, nothing you can do about it.”
“You got to nurse me for a whole week, Buck,” Bucky chides. “Humor me? Please.”
Gale heaves a put-upon sigh, but he scoots back until his back is resting against the wall and stretches his right leg out to him. Bucky cups his palm carefully around the back of Gale’s ankle and pulls his leg smoothly into his lap, rolling up the pant leg a moment later.
Deep bruising paints the back of Gale’s calf, peeking out through the cloth bandage tied around the limb. He feels his anger surge, both at the guard and at himself for laying in bed for a week without ever noticing that the other man was injured himself.
He unwraps the bandage and sees the abused skin beneath. Gale’s right, it’s scabbed over, but Bucky can still make out the puncture marks, see where the skin tore. It looks like it must have hurt something awful, and it makes Bucky feel sick to his stomach.
“This looks bad, Buck,” Bucky gentles his fingers along the edge of a scab, watches goosebumps rise in their wake.
“Looks a lot better now,” Gale prods his stomach with his toes, drawing his attention away from the healing wound and back to his face. “It got infected. Benny had to drag me to the Kraut doctor. Finished their antibiotics the day you showed up and it’s been better since then.”
Bucky heart squeezes, imagining Gale sick and in pain. Enough that he’d agreed to let the Krauts touch him. Imagines that’s why he looks like he’s lost more weight than the others, why there’s barely any color left in his beautiful face. The thought that he’d still be sick and in pain while Bucky had collapsed into his arms that day makes him want to curl back up. All he remembers the strength in Gale’s grasp, holding him up like it was no effort, the relief, joy even at seeing him.
“I’m sorry I didn’t notice,” Bucky hangs his head, looking back at the marred skin. “That you had to look after me like that when you needed me too.”
“Hey,” Gale digs his toes into Bucky’s stomach again, harder this time. “You have nothing to be sorry for. You were hurt. You were hurt real bad, Bucky. All I needed you to do was get better, and you did that. This,” he wiggles his leg, still in Bucky grasp, “is nothing.”
“It’s not nothing,” Bucky insists. “You being hurt is never nothing, Buck.”
“Okay,” Gale’s voice is soft, placating. “But I’m really okay now. It’s sore and it hurts if I’m on my feet too long, but I’m alright. So quit worrying.”
“Hypocrite,” Bucky gives his ankle a squeeze.
“Fair,” Gale huffs a laugh but then catches his eyes and gives him a look so gentle, full of love that Bucky feels like he could cry. “I’ll worry about you, and you worry about me and we’ll get through this together.”
Bucky nods, even as he feels the doubt in the back of his mind.
“And whenever you’re ready to tell me what happened to you before you walked through those gates,” Bucky feels himself flinch, flashes of blood spattering across his face, the phantom taste of it entering his mind before he shoves it deep down. “I’ll be here, ready to help you carry it.”
“I can’t,” Bucky admits. “Not yet, maybe not ever.”
Gale pulls his leg from Bucky’s grasp and gingerly shifts his weight enough to pull Bucky back towards him. Bucky’s back hits the wall and he presses himself close, molds himself into Gale’s side.
“Okay, John,” Gale wraps his hand around his and Bucky interlocks their fingers. “That’s okay.”
“I really missed you, Buck. Never lettin’ you outta my sight again,” Bucky breathes out and lets his head fall to rest on Gale’s shoulder. “Love you.”
“I love you too, John,” Gale’s lips brush his forehead and Bucky closes his eyes. He thinks he can wait a while longer to find out what’s on the other side of that door. He’s pretty content with where he is at the moment.
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honeygrahambitch · 6 hours
"Weird." Jack said aloud.
The question came from Jimmy who was just pulling the body they were supposed to examine out of the freezer.
"Last Tuesday Dr. Lecter asked Will to come over to fix his washing machine. Then on Friday, he said that his car was making a weird noise and Will insisted on coming over to have a look at it. On Monday it was the oven. And yesterday?"
"Yesterday it was the fridge." Brian said.
"Do you not see a pattern?" Jack asked, a deep frown appearing on his forehead.
"I do." Jimmy replied. "You'd think that someone as rich as Hannibal would invest in high quality stuff. But everything seems to be breaking down these days."
"Must be a stressful time for him, it's always like that. When something stops working in your house, another ten things stop working too." Brian continued.
"Good thing Will is good at fixing stuff."
Beverly watched the conversation in a complete awe, as if she was trying to convince herself they could not be serious.
"Honestly, my wife has been nagging me to fix the hood in our kitchen for a month and I did not get to do it. I could ask Will." Jack said thoughtfully, any previous concern disappearing.
"So the three of you believe that Hannibal would ask Will to drive for an hour to Baltimore a few times a week only to fix stuff in his house?"
The three men turned to face her.
"Will is definitely fixing something but it's not kitchen appliances. That's all I'm saying." Beverly added.
"That's far fetched." Brian insisted. "Are you going to say that the times Hannibal visited Will to go on a fishing trip or to go hiking were excuses as well?"
"Can someone answer this for me?" Beverly asked definitely looking at Jack.
"Dr. Lecter is definitely not the guy to go out in nature."
The room fell quiet as if everyone was letting everything sink in. The silence was broken only when Will and Hannibal entered the lab. To say that all eyes were on them would have been an understatement.
"Mrs. Crawford has been giving Jack a hard time because he won't fix the kitchen hood. And we were suggesting that he should ask for your help." Beverly said and bit her tongue in order to keep a serious face. She definitely did not miss the side eye she got from Jack.
"I could have a look." Will replied still creeped out by everyone's glances.
"No, we need to make sure you won't ruin it even more." Jimmy chipped in. "Say, Dr. Lecter, is Will doing a good job?"
To that, even Will turned his head towards Hannibal, waiting curiously for feedback.
Beverly could feel a metallic taste in her mouth because of how tightly she was biting her tongue at that point.
"Definitely. However I don't think I can share him, I still need some help with my dryer this week. And my kitchen sink. One of my porch lights is also making an unusual noise."
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meazalykov · 3 days
redirection V
esmee brugts x reader
last chapter: redirection IV
next chapter: redirection VI
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esmee and I arrived at the beach just as the sun hit its peak in the day. luckily the heat wasn’t this intense during the recovery training earlier, or else we would’ve been exhausted. the moist air was filled with the sound of gentle waves. a few children were laughing as they were playing volleyball a few feet away. 
my heart fluttered with a mix of excitement and nerves as i walked alongside esmee, after we grabbed our things from the trunk of my car. she looked stunning with her blue jean shorts and white linen button up. 
i wore an oversized white linen button up too, with matching linen pants. almost matching with my barcelona teammate– and crush. yes, i will finally admit that to myself.
"this place is beautiful– I came here with my mom and brother when they visited here a few weeks ago." esmee said, her eyes sparkling as she looked around. i looked at her with a faint smile as i see the shimmer in her eyes. it's clear that she misses her family just as much as I missed mine. 
"it is, and awe that sounds nice." I replied, trying to keep my voice steady as we stepped on the hot sand. luckily i am wearing my birkenstock sandals but the sand still hits the top of my feet.
we found a quiet spot not too far from the parking areas and set up our beach chairs. we laid down towels and unpacked a small cooler (thanks to esmee) filled with drinks and snacks. 
the beach wasn't too crowded, thankfully, giving us a sense of privacy. we haven’t been in barcelona for too long, but many femeni fans have recognized us outside of the stadium before. 
after setting up, we were able to lay down on our beach chairs. the sun hit the front of my body and i felt relaxed. 
esmee reclined on her chair, her black sunglasses perched on her nose. she appeared relaxed but I had a feeling that she was just as nervous as I was. 
i couldn't help but steal glances at her as she closed her eyes from the bright sun. the sunlight danced on her hair, which was unbraided since she took her braids out in her apartment.
i recline my chair and turned my head to the side, covering my eyes with my hands due to the sun. at first, i grabbed a cold water bottle from the cooler before  trying to subtly peek at esmee, who seemed to be dozing off.
suddenly, she giggled, startling me. "why are you staring at me?" she asked, a playful tone in her voice. she raised her sunglasses to her forehead as she could fully see me without the shade. 
my eyes widened and my heart skipped a beat, and my mind fumbled for an excuse. "i... i was just, um, making sure you were comfortable," I stammered, feeling my cheeks flush as I looked away towards the water.
she smiled, her eyes still closed. "you're sweet," she said softly, making my heart flutter even more.
after soaking up the sun for a while, i figured it was time for a swim. "do you want to go in the water?" i asked, standing up and removing my white linen button up and pants to reveal my red bikini. 
i felt a bit self-conscious but was unaware of esmee's gaze lingering on my body. she didn’t speak as her brown eyes checked me out.
"sure," she replied after my head turned from looking out to the water to facing her. 
i smiled at her before pulling away and spotted the sunscreen poking out of one of our tote bags. “esmee!! I just realized that we forgot to put on sunscreen!” 
my hands reached for the can of sunscreen out of the bag. esmee watched me as i sprayed my body all around the front of myself with sunscreen. 
the dutch girl notices me struggling to spray sunscreen on my back. i didn’t ask for help, but esmee stands up and pulls off her shorts and button-up– revealing her navy blue swimsuit—  before she grabs the can away from my hands gently. 
“here i’ll help you.” she offers. i held my hair up from my back as she sprayed the back of my body. i couldn’t help but feel a nervous tingle in my stomach. 
esmee gave the can of sunscreen back to me and I returned the offer for her. 
after we were finished, we walked down to the water together– slowly due to the sinking sand below our feet.  the cool waves started lapping at our feet, i felt a growing sense of ease. 
“the water is cold!” i held my waist as we walked further into the water. esmee didn’t respond verbally, but she did nod her head in agreement. 
after a few minutes of our bodies getting used to the slightly cool water– we started to swim around enjoying the refreshing sea. the playful atmosphere that followed eased our shyness, and for a while, i forgot about my nerves.
at some point, esmee splashed me with the water, and in retaliation, I lunged onto her body, causing us both to fall into the water, laughing uncontrollably after we came up from the water.
“esmee what the heck!” i laughed, unaware that my legs wrapped around her waist. i don’t think she is aware that she is holding onto my legs as well. 
“i’m sorry I couldn’t help it!!” she laughs. my legs unwrap around her waist before we (silently) agreed to head out of the water. 
after tanning for a few hours– the evening came, and we decided to grab dinner at a nearby beachside café. we found a cozy spot with a view of the ocean that we just swam in. 
“you know– i’m starting to like it here.” I talked to esmee. we got onto the topic about moving to barcelona after transferring from our childhood clubs a month ago. 
“you hated it here?” esmee’s eyebrows knitted in confusion. 
“oh no! i never did– its just—- i’ve never been here before. it was hard getting used to this place– but the team is making it so much easier for me,” i responded. 
“ohh that makes sense. i got used to it here after a week or so, i grew up coming to barcelona with my uncle and brother–they’re barcelona fans– so i was already familiar with things here.” esmee spoke. i took a sip of my water as i looked at her with a faint smile. 
“that sounds fun. america isn’t really close to here, and my family always chose mexico, costa rica, or jamaica for their summer vacations– so i’ve never been to europe until now.” i frown. esmee’s eyes widened as i said the last part. 
“no way?! not even for international breaks?” esmee asked. 
“no, the only european team i played a friendly against was germany– and they came to miami to play us.” i shrugged my shoulders at the memory. 
even though i wasn’t called up to the world cup by vlatko for the world cup, he still gave me the opportunity to represent the uswnt multiple times. my first cap was against australia in november 2021, the same game I scored my first goal for my country. 
I have a thing for scoring in my debuts...
“well, during the champions league competition we will all show you around new places and you can even come to the netherlands at some point with me, i’ll be happy to show you around.” esmee smiled. 
“i’ll take you up on those offers, thank you es.” i joked around before thanking her.
as we finished our meal, i had to drive esmee home. the ride was quiet with her aux playing throughout. esmee was on her phone but i’ve managed to take a stolen glances towards her. 
“i had a really great time today," i said as i put the car ignition in park. esmee looked at my hands before looking at me with a smile. my voice was soft but sincere.
"me too, i needed some time away from the pitch and my apartment" she replied, smiling at me as we both giggled at her relatable comment.
“thats true, if you’re ever bored. please text me to hang out, i’ll probably be bored in my apartment too.” i smiled. 
“what about berry and maca?” esmee said. i placed my hands into my lap before turning my body to face hers in the passenger seat. 
“they’d love your company.” i smiled as i looked into her eyes. she looks away from me and smiles before looking out the window to her apartment for a few seconds. 
observing her actions– i wondered if she felt the same way as i did for her. 
remembering what (almost) happened in my apartment earlier– i suddenly had the courage to be bolder when she looks back at me. we didn’t say anything for a few seconds. all i heard and felt was my heart beating in my chest. 
without thinking, my body leaned over the car’s console and i kissed her on the cheek, feeling the warmth of her skin against my lips. 
her eyes widened in surprise, a smile spreading across her face as i pulled away. at first, she didn’t say anything, which scared me. 
she looked at me before i felt both of her hands grab my right. 
"we should do this again, y/n" she said, her voice just as soft.
"definitely," I nodded, my heart racing.
we shared a lingering look before she stepped out of the car. i got out of the car to help her get her things from my trunk. she insisted that i didn’t need to help her bring her things to her apartment– but i still did. she waved me goodbye as she drove away, but something inside of me wished we were at the stage where i didn’t have to leave. 
next chapter: redirection VI
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winwintea · 1 day
the last hope - lee mark
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PAIRING ▸ soldier!lee mark x fem!reader 
GENRES ▸ romance, fluff, angst, lots of angst, supernatural, wayyy too much angst
WARNINGS ▸ angst. and character death
SUMMARY ▸ [part of the last love series!] you've fallen in love with the mark, the soldier who wishes to protect the country. His life is a brilliantly burning flame, whereas yours is nearly completely, gone. no matter how much pain it causes, you'll never love another like him. even as he walks away to his main purpose in life.
WORD COUNT ▸2.8k (not proofread 😭)
AUTHOR’S NOTE ▸ suffer pt 2
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Recently, your mornings-or more so, your afternoons had become quite a little circus. You hoped he might have woken himself up today, but he’s deep asleep, yet again.
Mark lay in his bed. Blankets upon him like snow drifts, burying him completely. “...Mark? Mark, it is afternoon. You must wake up.” There was no response from the pile to indicate anything was even alive under there. That’s fair. You’d learned by now that just calling his name wasn’t enough to wake him. You sighed in preparation for this trial, gripped his blankets, and yanked them up off him.
“Mmm? Oh… it’s you. Hi.” Mark just yawned, stretched, and grinned at you with an effortlessly charming smile.
“I swear I will send Ricky in to wake you up! He doesn’t seem to mind it.” “...I prefer you.” “What did you just say?” “I prefer when you wake me up. No matter how I slept, I always feel better when I wake up and see your face.”
“Is that so..?” “Yeah.” When he smiled, Mark was the sunlight filtering through a canopy of trees. There was an honesty to him that made you trust him. Which was how you knew he had somehow come to enjoy himself here. For he certainly didn’t smile at the beginning of his stay.
It was a surprise to yourself as well when Ricky lured Mark and the other humans here, hoping you might turn one of them. Out of all of our human “guests,” Mark was the most adamant about leaving. When you explained about the magic of this mansion and offered your sincerest apologies for Ricky’s actions- Mark accepted them. He began to let down his guard around you and gradually came to treat you as a dear companion. You hadn’t spoken so freely to anyone since you lost your family. With Mark, you felt closer to the self you lost so long ago. When Mark laughed and what a laugh it was- laughter crept out of yourself as well. His love of life illuminated the centuries old ennui that had wrapped itself around your heart. “Y/N? You’ve gone quiet.” “I’m sorry. My mind was wandering” You knew there could be no one in the world like Mark, just as he knew there was no one in the world left like me. “I believe I hear Ricky calling, I must go…”
“Wait!” Mark touched your wrist. “Will I see you tonight at our usual place?”
At your acknowledgement, he smiled. You left Mark’s room, touched your wrist where he’d touched you, and sighed. Humans are so warm. Or perhaps this is just Mark’s warmth you feel? You hadn’t expected it to happen, but it appears that after all this time, you’d fallen in love. You thought you knew better than to pine after mortals. And with no one else like yourself in the world, you sealed yourself off from ALL love. But love found it’s way to you. And it was both wonderful and confusing.
When the moon had risen in the sky, you headed towards “your usual place” to see Mark. “There you are, Y/N. I was wondering when you’d show up.” “I’m sorry. Did I keep you waiting?” “Only by about two hours”
"Two hours?! I did not! It's just barely sunset!"
"I'm teasing you! Let's sit down.” Mark was laughing at his joke; you looked at him wryly before sitting next to him by the window, here in your "usual place." While you couldn't provide Mark an exit, You’d given him full use of this garret. It had the view farthest outside the mansion… “What would you like to hear today?"
"I always enjoy your stories of the city."
"You're not tired of listening to me ramble on about it? ...Very well. It's your choice.” you watched the light in his eyes as he spoke animatedly about his home and life there. 
And you remembered your first conversation here..
"...You're still searching for an exit, I see. Why have you been in such a hurry to leave?"
"You ask me that, after trapping me here?!"
"I apologize again. But there's truly nothing I can do to release you until the month is up."
"…..But I must return. Somehow. There's something important I have to protect...My people. I am a soldier. I don't know how much news you get here, but the fighting continues to grow worse every day. ..The people live in terror. I have to protect them; to restore peace to this country. I know this country and her people will see the sun rise again. I believe in that. But I've also heard the whispers. I fear something horrible will sweep across the country before that happens. That is why I cannot remain stuck here while more innocents fall!” 
You felt the truth of his words; when he spoke, it was like you beheld that glorious sunrise in him. “Mark, I know this cannot atone for your entrapment, but I assure you, in a month, when the full moon comes- ...I will do nothing to impede your exit from this mansion; I will do all in my power to see you back safely to your home.”
“...Do you promise that?"
“I promise.” you were sure he would save his people-Mark, who burned bright as a flame. Your own flame was dying. To keep it going by feeding off of his-to take him away from where he needed to be-was wrong.
...It's funny to think back and realize. I'd fallen in love with him that very night.
"And as for the flowers, the old woman said-" You gazed at him, wondering how peaceful it would be if you could spend my last moments in his arms, listening to his voice…
“Hmm. Yes?” 
Mark’s hand came to rest upon your cheek. "Is something the matter?" As he touched your cheek, his pearl brown eyes gazed into yours.
"...No. Why do you ask?"
"You looked very sad for a moment.”
"You must have been imagining it." His hand drifted away. The more time you spend together, the more your feelings grow beyond your control. But it could not-should not be. You pushed your love for him down where you’d kept all the other precious memories from your life.
"The full moon is coming."
"..That's right. In just four days. "You don't need to worry, Mark. I haven't forgotten my promise. You'll go free and return to the city where-"
"What will happen to you?"
"...What do you mean?"
"What will happen to you once I and the others leave this place?" If you fail to turn a human by the full moon, your body will fail and you will die.
The knowledge of your fate would not change your decision. No. More than your decision and your beliefs, it was your love for Mark that rendered it impossible for you to turn him. You would want to uplift him, if it were possible. Not to expose him to the worst experiences of your own life.
"Why, nothing will happen." You waited a moment to see if the lie worked. "It will just go back to being Ricky and I, living here as we have for centuries. Oh, but I must make sure he doesn't get it in his head to lure anyone else here!” you cut yourself off there; anymore and it would feel like guilty rambling.
To your relief, Mark smiled. "...Nothing will change for you, then? If that's the case, then I will fight hard so that you, too, may continue to live in peace.”
"You'll fight...for me?"
"You might not be aware of the fighting going on right now, but that doesn't mean you'll be safe in this forest forever. But I will make sure that you and this mansion are protected, for as long as I am alive.” He carries so much already, yet he would add you to the things he wishes to protect? What a beautiful gift. 
"...Thank you, Mark..."
“You are welcome.”
Mark talked to you of his life in the world beyond this forest, until he felt your head touch his shoulder “..Y/N? Are you asleep?"
All he heard in response was your soft breathing. Mark touched a kiss to your brow. You continued to sleep peacefully, and he smiled gently at you. 
“...I had not imagined I would fall so deeply in love with you." His quiet voice melted into the night…
You had fallen asleep sometime during
Mark’s story. He woke you when the night turned cold. We bid each other adieu and you returned to your room, only to be greeted by Ricky.
"Madam, I did not expect to find you up and about so late”
"Do not fret. I'm on my way to bed. I fell asleep while talking with Mark."
"…..You fell asleep in front of him? How curious. You always shoo me off long before you're ready to sleep.”
"Yes. And I would do so to any other. You're right, it is strange that I slept in his presence.”
"...Or fortuitous. Madam, once more I implore you. With what little time you have left-!"
"Ricky, I cannot turn him. No matter how much I've opened my heart to him. No matter if I love him.”
“Then what is so wrong with extending his lifespan? I don't regret being turned. Except that I might live to see your end..” The ever stoic Ricky now pleaded with you.
 "I know you would rather see me live. …..That is how I feel about Mark. I would not force the sun to stay in the sky, day and night, until it burns itself cold. I wouldn't simply be ending his existence as a mortal, Ricky. Mark treasures his life. I would be destroying him!"
“My lady…”
"..Now it is late and we both should rest. Good night, Ricky.” It hurt to refuse Ricky, who had cared for you for so long. And it hurt to lie to Mark, whom you would soon say goodbye to forever… You hadn't expected after so many decades of sorrow you could still feel a pain this sharp..
Finally, the night came. The others had left as soon as the gates had opened… but you held Mark up for only a minute, so that you could give him a proper goodbye.
"The stables?"
"Yes, there's something I'd like to give you. A parting gift of sorts." You released your beloved steed, Suzanne, already saddled for a long ride, from her paddock. “I… want you to take Suzanne with you when you leave. She is yours now, Mark."
"Take Suzanne? I...cannot accept. She is too precious of a gift."
"That is exactly why I want you to have her."
"You have a long road ahead of you, Mark. Longer than the path out of these woods, and more treacherous." His eyes spoke his understanding "I fear for the injuries you may take; both the physical wounds, and the ones to your heart. I have seen many wars before retreating here. I know what they cost those who fight. And those who defend." He had told you much of his life; was he surprised to know we shared this? "Suzanne-she will protect you from all that would seek to harm you."
"...Thank you. I will take good care of her." You handed him the bridle. His hand stopped to rest on yours before the exchange. 
…That will be the last time we touch. This is the last time we’ll see each other.
Over a hundred thousand days accrued in your memory. You begged this moment to become one. "...You must get going. The magic of this place is fickle. You wouldn't want to be trapped here for another month, would you?"
"Yes, I understand." Mark looked at you, his pearl eyes catching the light of the last full moon. "…Will I be able to return here at some other point? To see you?"
“...I can't imagine sleeping as well without you to wake me up. And Suzanne will miss you...No, that's not at all what I mean to say-" Mark seemed bashful. “Y/N.” Finding himself, he met your eyes. "I do not fear the battles that await me when I think you might be here waiting for me at the end. I want to see you again. I want you to promise that we'll see each other again."
I am afraid...I cannot make that promise without tears in my eyes…
Your eyes stung with heat. You fought back the drops that threated to spill. You really should tell him to forget this place and never come back. But if you want him to be safe against all the dangers he will face, then perhaps this promise is the best way to ensure that? 
"...Unless, you do not wish-"
"I promise! I promise I'll see you again." 
Mark smiled in relief and took your hand. "Just don't break your side of the promise. All right?"
"And incur the wrath of this city’s greatest soldier? I didn't get to be the last eterni by being a fool, you know!"
"Is that so? I figured you were the last because you were so much scarier than the rest!"
I love you so much, my clever soldier.
Of all the years you’d lived, these few minutes on the last night of your life were the happiest. If you turned to dust now, you would not regret it. But for one thing “...I'd like you to promise me one last thing."
“..Live. Outlive everything that would try to harm you or put out your fire. Live as long as you possibly can!"
"I promise. I will live until I am old and tired and gray, and then I will live some more." We smiled at that. And then it was time to let go. We released each other's hands. "I will see you again, Y/N. Goodbye.”
“Yes. Goodbye…” Mark mounted up and gave you a last smile before riding off into the forest.
Your life was over. But you want all the happiness that you might have enjoyed, had you lived, to go to him. You watched until Mark was a distant shadow amidst the trees. Then you fell to the ground, your body collapsing as you did.
 ..This is...the end…
Weakly, you lifted your hand, thinking of Mark’s hand touching it as you did.
I wish...I could have…..kept…..our...promise…
..Many, many years passed. Mark, mighty soldier of the Regiment had become something of a legend among the people of the City. His success helped him rise through the ranks, and that, in turn, helped him to protect more people…
"I heard you'd barely said a word to your staff officers before running off. Did you go to your mansion in the woods again?"
"I might have.”
"And? Was she there this time?"
"…..No. It was empty as it's ever been. Like any old house that's been abandoned. I still don't know what could have happened..." 
Lee Donghyuck looked at his commanding officer and good friend and sighed. "Why do you still keep going, time and time again, year after year? Most men take their leave to find their reason to live. You come back from yours like you've just died.”
"Always so critical of me, Donghyuck."
Mark laughed a bright but somewhat tired laugh and looked up at the sky. "…..Honestly, it feels that way. That I'm being torn apart, piece by piece. But until the last piece of me is gone, I will keep our promise. I will see her again."
"What if she's truly gone?"
"…..Not while I remember her. Not while I believe. And not while I wait. I've never loved another like I loved her.. So I will keep searching. Until I am old and tired and gray. And then I will search some more.”
"I've seen you win fights with the worst odds, scraping together every ounce of life you could. You don't know how to waste” The two men exchanged a look of understanding. Just then, Suzanne raised her head and whinnied. Mark looked curiously at his horse, who seemed desperate to chase after something, though neither man could see what.
"...Donghyuck, I think Suzanne wants me to take her out for a little ride. I'II be back!" Mark let Suzanne guide the way. Running. Running toward some unknown destination… 
She stopped at a hillside. Flowers covered the grass like a carpet. Standing in the center of it all like the jewel on a crown was a lone girl. She had her back turned to Mark, not having noticed his arrival. Even from this distance, she looked so familiar. 
"...Pardon, miss.”
Slowly, the young woman turned around. 
But it wasn’t you. 
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perm taglist -> @lyvhie
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sillylittleguytm · 2 days
Hi! I saw your requests were open so thought I’d send one in. Could I have Copia with an s/o who gets sick a lot? Because of an autoimmune disease I have called Lupus I get sick a lot and it’s been kicking my butt lately. I just need some soft Copia to take care of me. 💙🖤
Unholy Quarantine
Copia x gn!Reader
Warnings: None. Just sick comfort.
Words: 831
A/N: Ayy this is the first request I've completed! I still have one more to take care of from a while ago but I'm finally returning. Anyway, I hope that this is what you had in mind and thank you for the request!
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Copia can tell that you're unwell almost immediately.
He enters the room the two of you share after he arrives back from his duties for the day, and the first thing he hears is the violent coughing coming from inside the bathroom. His expression becomes one of sympathy, a frown gracing his lips. Just as you recover from your previous sickness, you catch something again. You just can’t get a break, can you?
Copia is quick to follow the noise to the source. He sees you in the bathroom with the door open, taking some medication. Immediately, he’s on you, wrapping his arms around your waist and rubbing your middle gently. After the first few times, he stopped caring about the potential of getting sick. He’d rather be there for you during your frequent illnesses than keep his distance. You deserve to be taken care of. “Oh, amore. Where do you ache this time?” He asks gently, pressing a kiss to your head.
Copia is met with a sigh. “Everywhere. It feels like I got tossed down a staircase.” You reply, the congestion evident in your voice. He lets out a quiet chuckle, giving you a gentle, sympathetic squeeze. Then, he gives a small pat on your hip.
“Let’s get you back in bed then, hm?” Copia says. Without giving you time to protest, he begins to guide you out of the bathroom by the waistband of your sweatpants– red to match his own favorite pair. You try to laugh, but it’s quickly intercepted by a rough cough met with a quiet coo from Copia. He lays you down in bed, covering your shivering body with a light blanket to account for your inconsistent body temperature. With a sigh, you curl up underneath it and look up at him wearily.
“C? Can you get me some more tissues? Pretty please?” You ask, looking up at him with tired eyes. He gives a soft sympathetic smile. He could never deny you anything when you’re like this. Hell, he rarely denies you anything when you’re in good health.
“Of course I can, amore.” Copia readily agrees, standing up from his position on the bed to get you a tissue box from the other room. Before he makes it out of the bedroom, you call out to him again.
“Ooh! And maybe you could make me that soup like you did last time?” You suggest. You haven’t wanted to eat much of anything today, and it’s not likely that you’d be able to stomach much. But this soup sounded good. It felt so nice on your sore throat the last time. Copia chuckles.
“Anything for you.” He responds, once again prepared to do whatever you need to help you feel better. You smile at his willingness to help you, appreciative of all that he does for you. You swear to yourself that you’ll return the favor when he inevitably catches this from you.
“Oh yeah, and Copia?” You say, stopping him from leaving once more.
“Yes, amore?”
“Make sure you put some extra love in it.” You say, batting your eyelashes at him playfully with the joking request.
“Okie dokie.” Copia accepts, his tone soft. “This illness has made you extra sappy, I see.” He adds teasingly.
“Ah, I figured that I should be nice to you while I’m on my deathbed.” You say, dramatically draping a hand over your forehead and shutting your eyes. You quickly peek one open in order to view his reaction. Copia simply rolls his eyes. “So dramatic.”
“Yeah, yeah. Make with the soup, soup boy.” You say, resuming your original curled position under the blanket.
This reply makes Copia snort as he finally exits the room, bringing in the box of tissues before leaving your quarters and heading to the ministry kitchen to get started on your soup. It’s not often that he cooks, but for you, he’d take on the responsibility of cooking your every meal if you so wished. Entering the busy kitchen, he finds a corner out of the way of the sisters on dinner duty for the evening and begins to fulfill your request, making the soup with all of the care and love he holds for you in his heart.
Some light labor and some dishes later, the soup is perfected. He walks back quickly so he can give it to you while it’s still warm (and also because he hates leaving you alone when you feel bad). Upon opening the door, he finds you fully asleep in bed, holding a pillow to your chest. Copia sighs, looking between you and the soup. 
Should he wake you?
He quickly shakes away the thought, knowing that it was probably hard enough for you to fall asleep given your congestion. The soup could be reheated. In the meantime, joining you in bed sounds like an excellent idea. His embrace is pure love and could warm you like no soup could.
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sleepyjuice · 11 hours
weed, sex, beach - jj maybank
summary: you and jj share a joint on the beach and have some good ol’ beach sex.
warnings: 18+!!! drug use (weed), semi public sex (there is no one around but it’s still in a public place), unprotected p in v sex, creampie, squirting, dirty talk, a lil praise kink.
wc: 2064
a/n: this is literally just filthy dirty smut. had me giggling and kicking my feet writing this. enjoy! <3
It was well past dusk, the only nearby light source being the moon which illuminated the dark waves that splashed onto the shore.
It was beautiful, this spot jj had taken you to. No one else around for miles, only you and jj occupying this little sliver of the beach that he claimed was a ‘hidden gem.’
It was, it was peaceful and you could get away from the congestion of your hectic lives for a bit.
“I like it here, jay.” You hummed, head on jj’s shoulder as you both sat on a beach towel, one and a half joints deep.
He flashed you a satisfied smile as he passed you the joint, his hand rubbing softly up and down your thigh.
You brought it to your lips and inhaled, holding it in a bit longer than usual as you decided this would be your last hit of the night, your eyes feeling heavy and your body loose.
“Atta girl. You done?” He asked, taking the now almost finished joint from you.
Nodding in response, you rested your head against his shoulder, watching the gentle waves move in front of you.
You loved moments like these. Just you and jj and the tranquility of the beach. All the drama this island brought was long forgotten when you got to experience this side of things.
jj finished off the last of the joint, putting it out in the sand below before slowly inching his fingertips up your thighs.
You instinctively opened your legs a bit, allowing him to go higher, a soft sigh leaving your lips. His light touch felt so much stronger and it felt like his fingertips held electricity.
“That feel good?” He whispered against your ear, and you hadn’t even realized you let out a quiet whimper, your mind a beat behind your body.
“Yeah, it does,” he answered for you, chuckling softly, his fingers now undoing the buttons on your shorts, “let me take care of you, pretty girl.” Your head fell back and off of his shoulder, your gaze finding jj’s face as he worked to undo your shorts and pull them off your legs, leaving you only in your shirt and bikini bottoms.
He cupped your pussy through the fabric, and this time you were well aware of the moan that fell from your lips, moving your head down to watch as he slipped a finger through, rubbing a slow line up and down your wet slit.
You didn’t miss the slick sound that his actions created, and neither did he, his dick now fully hard in his shorts as he began rubbing circles on your clit.
“You’re all wet for me, baby. Look at you.” He cooed gently, chuckling when you bucked your hips against his hand, desperate for more of him.
“Need you, jj.” You breathed, completely at his mercy.
Your words emitted a groan from him, his dick now painfully pressing against the seam of his shorts, begging to be released, to feel you.
“I know, sweet girl. Let me see you.” He moved his body so he was in front of you now, but not before he gently laid you down on the towel. Keeping his motions against your clit, he used his other hand to fully remove your bikini, sliding it down your legs.
You shivered as you were now fully exposed from the waist down, the soft ocean breeze hitting your wet pussy and bringing goosebumps to your skin.
He quickened his pace against your clit, your mouth falling open as you shamelessly grew closer to your high. It didn’t take much, the weed very much present in your system had your body feeling extra sensitive and after spending the whole night with jj, you were already fiending for him.
“I know, baby, I know, let go for me, yeah…” he urged you on, sensing how close you were without you having to say anything.
You opened your mouth to say something, but all that came out was a loud moan, your eyes rolling back as you came, his fingers working you perfectly as you rode out your orgasm, thighs clenching and threatening to close due to how sensitive you were.
“Fuck,” you panted, reaching to grab jj’s wrist to pull it away from your now throbbing clit, the sensitivity too much.
He chuckled at your actions, bringing his fingers to his mouth to lick up your arousal that had coated them.
“God…” you breathed, his sensual actions making your pussy ache for more of him.
“Need you to fuck me.” You spoke, not a care in the world.
“Yes, ma’am.” At that, he wasted no time undoing his shorts and pulling them off, the tent in his boxers present along with the wet spot that pooled just where his tip rested, precum leaking eagerly.
He quickly rid himself of his boxers, his hard cock springing free from its restraint and you swore your mouth was watering at the sight of him like this. His tip was slightly swollen, the moonlight gently illuminated his slick precum that was leaking down onto the base of his cock. He was perfect.
He spread your thighs a bit more, positioning his body between your legs, his hand pumping his cock slowly as he slid it teasingly against your leaking entrance and up to press against your clit, gathering your arousal and dampening his cock even more.
You whined at the feeling of him, not usually caring about his teasing actions, but right now, you needed him inside of you. Your pussy ached at the feeling of emptiness, his cock right there and so close to being inside of you had you ready to throw all of your morals away. You were so down bad for him.
“Eager, huh? You need this sweet pussy fucked good, huh?” He teased, lightly smacking his cock against your sensitive clit, a hiss falling from your lips at the feeling.
“jj, please, please.” You begged, not a care in the world. He loved this, though. He loved how much you needed him this way, and he certainly needed you, too. He ached for the feeling of his cock buried deep inside you, but seeing you so desperate for him was one of the hottest things in the world.
“Shh, I got you, baby, I got you. Imma take care of ya.” He assured you, lining himself up with your entrance as he slowly pushed himself in, his mouth falling open at the feeling.
Your body accepted him immediately, taking little to no time to adjust to his cock, allowing him to bottom out almost immediately.
You moaned at the feeling, his tip pressed deep inside your pussy as he stayed still for a moment, relishing in the feeling.
His balls were pressed against your ass, both of you breathing heavily as you waited for him to move.
He pulled back swiftly, cutting you off as he began to finally thrust his cock into you, a loud gasp falling from your lips at his movement.
He found a good rhythm, his hand grabbing onto your thigh and lifting your leg to wrap around his waist as he pounded into you.
He grunted with each movement, your pussy swallowing his cock perfectly, gripping him tightly as he fucked into your wet walls.
“Let me…” he grumbled, stilling his movements for just a second as he grabbed onto both of your legs, bending your knees and positioning you so your legs were bent and your knees were pressed up against your chest.
“Oh, fuck, yeah…” he groaned loudly as he began his movements again, this new position allowing him to fuck you even deeper, hitting parts of you he had never reached before.
You gasped, which quickly turned into a loud moan, reaching your hands up to hold onto his shoulders as he fucked you relentlessly, your tits bouncing beneath your shirt with each movement.
“You like it like this, baby? Like feeling me so deep inside of you?” He grunted, quickening his pace, his tip hitting your g-spot perfectly with each thrust.
“I- oh god, yeah, so good.” You panted, digging your fingers into the skin of his shoulders as if you were holding onto him for dear life.
His movements were hard and quick, and with each thrust you could feel his heavy balls smacking against your asshole, which only brought you closer to your end.
“Takin’ me so well, baby. You’re- you’re perfect, my perfect girl, this pussy is so perfect.” He praised you between moans, his breathing staggered as he attempted to speak through the euphoric pleasure that filled his entire body.
Your pussy clenched around him, hugging his cock tightly as he continued to fuck just the right spot inside of you.
“I’m close, oh fuck… jj- oh god, I’m close.” You whined, your heart rate picking up as you felt your lower stomach twist and tighten, your fingernails now pressing harshly into his skin.
“I know, baby, let go for me. Cum all over my dick for me.” He moaned hoarsely, his own cock twitching as he felt you tighten around him.
It didn’t take much more, his cock hit your g-spot once again, and that was it for you.
Your head fell back onto the sand, eyes rolled back as you came, your pussy clenching so hard onto his cock that it pushed him out, squirt gushing out of you and all over his cock and down his balls, some painting his shirt as well.
“Oh, fuuuckkk…” jj gaped, quickly grabbing his cock and shoving it back inside of you, continuing his previous movements as your pussy continued to flutter and clench around him.
You moaned so loudly, a straight up pornographic sound filling the air as you came, your chest rising and falling rapidly as you continued to ride out your high, the wet sounds of jj’s dick fucking into your soaking pussy was euphoric.
His now soaked balls were warm with your release, smacking against your ass once again, only heightening the sensation you were feeling.
“Fuck, baby, I’m ’bout to cum.” jj announced only a second before you felt his cock twitch inside of you and you felt him fill you up with thick hot spurts of his cum.
He groaned loudly through his release, keeping a steady hand on your upper thigh so he wouldn’t slip out again, the mixture of both of your releases creating a wet mess between you.
“God, you’re so good, so so good.” He muttered as his thrusts slowed, both of your releases now leaking out of your pussy and down onto his balls before he eventually stilled inside of you, taking a moment to catch his breath as his dick slowly softened.
You were a panting mess below him, feeling properly fucked and full of his cum, your pussy clenching around his softening cock as it adjusted to not feeling as full anymore.
He eventually pulled out of you, thick globs of his cum pooling out of your pussy and onto the towel below you.
He leaned down to kiss your damp forehead, peppering a few slow kisses before kissing your plump lips sloppily, having to pull away as he was still working to properly catch his breath.
“That was so good, baby.” You smiled lovingly down at you, pulling up the corner of the towel to somewhat clean you up the best he could.
You sighed happily, wrapping your arms around his neck to pull him down on top of you, relaxing at the feeling of his body weight on top of you as you held him close, breathing in his scent. Ocean water, sweat, weed, sex and a hint of cologne he had put on hours ago.
“I love you so much.” You hummed, the serotonin from the sex and the weed pooling around in your brain. You couldn’t ask for anything more in life.
“I love you, too, baby.” He spoke against your skin, his legs intertwining with yours.
“Ugh, we have to walk all the way back.” You spoke after a moment, realization hitting you like a ton of bricks. Your legs were jelly, that thought just about ruined the moment.
jj laughed loudly at that, shushing you with another kiss.
“Don’t worry ‘bout that right now, baby. I got you.”
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friedbaekhyunandeggso · 19 hours
found you - ch. 5 (part I)
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pairing: gojo satoru x female oc (ara natsuna)
tropes: psycho! rival! athlete! yandere! gojo x introvert! booksmart! sheltered! rbf! oc
warnings: 18+ only babes, stalking/possessive themes, profanity, coercion, pet names (kitten, baby), begging, mentions of abusive parents, w33d, dub/non-consented sex, unprotected & protected sex, rough sex (just pls be an adult before reading this)
word count/plot: [17.3k!] ara catches gojo's attention when news breaks that she is the top academically ranked student in their grade. he is ranked second. he tries to befriend her but she ignores him. despite her obvious disinterest, his obsession begins...
a/n: ahaaa so i know this has been a long time coming tbh i wasn't even sure if i was ever going to end up finishing writing this chapter bc it is soooo long. prolly the biggest chapter yet. i just didn't want to post it without completing it all and maybe at the end of this chapter (in part 4) you'll see why. regardless tysm for even being interested & pestering me enough to feel guilty about leaving u guys on a cliffhanger for so long haha. u guys got me thru writing this toxic bs but here it finally is!! enjoyy
ch. 1 , ch. 2 [ part 1 | part 2 ] , ch. 3 , ch. 4 , chapter 5 [ part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 ]
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She couldn’t stop crying. The loud pitter-patter of the rain behind her felt like her tears.
Gojo clutched her so tight, it was almost reassuring. She almost wished he could crush her to dust. She was tired of herself.
And now, she reached rock bottom. She went to him.
She knew what that meant. What stepping into Ijichi’s car would entail. And she hadn’t stopped.
She went to him.
And now her consequences were own to bear.
Ijichi grabbed her fallen duffel bag from the ground beside her. He’d offered to carry her bag for her but she refused. She supposed it didn’t matter now because she dropped it the second Gojo held her in his arms. 
Gojo’s voice was faint to her ears, “That all her stuff?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Take it to my room.”
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Her breathing evened out as the last of her tears slipped down her face. She had no tears left to cry.
The moonlight streaming through the windows casted shapes along on the floor, a slanted reflection of the tall windows. The outlines luminous enough to subtly brighten the dimly lit living room–if that’s what this expansive space even was. It was so quiet, her sniffles and uneven breath felt like the loudest thing in the room.
His fingers ran down her hair, “You done?” he whispered, voice soft.
She glanced up at him-heating scattering along her cheeks as she realized this was the second time she’d cried on him as if he weren’t a part of the reason. She supposed it didn’t matter anymore, especially not after the decision she’d made.
His iridescent eyes searched her face as he whispered once-more, “Can I kiss you now?”
Her puffy eyes narrowed, “Seriously?” she croaked.
A low, whiny sound left him as he tugged her further up his lap-pressing his forehead to hers. “Just one, just one,” he insisted-trying to convince her, “On the cheek.”
It seemed he was helpless to his instincts because he didn’t wait for an answer-quickly tilting his head to press a short yet eager peck to her cheek.
She felt him pause, his lips ghosting up her temple before kissing her forehead. She sighed, she knew it wouldn’t be just one.
Suddenly he was kissing her all over—showering her face with short, chaste kisses that landed everywhere but her lips.
She writhed on his lap before placing a hand on his chest to push him back, “Satoru!”
“Sorry, sorry.” he sighed, “I just missed you. A lot.”
She merely stared at him, searching his crystalline eyes. She could only imagine why.
My body, you mean.
“All of you.” he corrected, a light smile slipping across his lips.
She instantly tensed. She hadn’t meant to say that outloud.
He lightly flicked her forehead, “Your mind..”
He lowered his hand, brushing his thumb over her bottom lip, “..your naughty mouth..”
His fingertips trailed down her navel, “I guess I missed this place too..”
Her eyes widened, quickly catching his hand before it went lower.
His lips curled into a smirk, “But your panties kept me company.”
“You-?” Her face instantly heated up when she realized. She threw his hand away from her, “Ugh. You’re actually disgusting.”
His eyes glittered with amusement, “Yet you came back.”
She glared, her face simultaneously blazing brighter as she hastily turned her face aside.
He laughed-the sound too triumphant for her liking. 
A yawn suddenly left her lips. It seemed her lack of sleep finally caught up to her.
“You tired?”
She froze-her eyes flitting to him. If she said yes he’d most likely take her to his bedroom and she didn’t trust what that would entail. She didn’t trust him. She truly couldn’t tonight. Especially not with the way her whole body ached.
“No.” she replied instinctively.
“Hmm,” his blue eyes raked over her countenance, “Are you hungry?”
She shook her head.
“Are you…staying the night?”
She swallowed before whispering, “Yes.”
“Just tonight?” he asked-a little too quickly.
She paused, her voice hollow, “Longer.”
She saw something flash through his glowing eyes. His arms around her tightening possessively.
He nuzzled her hair, inhaling sharply-before exhaling when he pressed his forehead to hers, “Are you gonna tell me what happened?”
She hesitated, voice shaky, “N-not right now.”
His gaze sharpened, eyes colder than ice, “Why?”
“Because..” she slipped her shaky hand over his jaw, “I don’t want to be sad anymore.”
He went quiet at that, seemingly still for a moment. Her fingers stroking his jaw wavered as something close to fear made her stomach knot.
Suddenly he tilted his face into her palm, his eyes flickering close like a cat enjoying their scratches.
“Hm..” he murmured before kissing the bottom of her palm, his eyes bright, “I got an idea.”
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He showed her ‘their’ home (he kept calling it that)—giving her a house tour. Well, estate because that's what it really was. There were so many rooms, so many floors. It was entirely impossible for her to remember them all.
It was 4 am and they still weren’t done with touring the ‘house’ yet. It was truly unreal. It was nothing like she’d ever seen, not even in her dreams. The architecture was so ‘old world’–everything exquisitely detailed down to a t. It was breathtaking, and overwhelming.
A music room. ball room. library. gym. balconies–several balconies, as well as living rooms, dining halls. engraved ceilings. statues–real-life, hand carved statues. She couldn’t fathom it. She couldn’t understand how someone could have so much.
Her head was spinning.
She stared at the marble steps growing larger behind him as he carried her upstairs. Looks like her tour was done for the night.
She glanced up at the sky themed mural on the vast ceiling and walls. She could only imagine how long that took to paint. It suddenly struck her that every part of the house contained some sort of blue. Not always the exact same shade but there were hues of blue everywhere.
Especially the main areas. The kitchen, the foyer, the extravagant pool directly in front of the manor—she couldn’t help but notice that those areas were the same shade of blue. The blue felt oddly familiar, maybe because it meshed so well with the rest of the white and tan-ish gold theme of the manor. She couldn’t help but commend whoever the interior designer was-they’d truly done the estate justice.
She glanced up at him and suddenly everything clicked into place. His eyes. Everything blue was a similar shade to his eyes. Even now, the sky themed mural on the ceiling above matched perfectly with his eyes.
He glanced down at her. His platinum hair was slicked back today-for what reason, she didn’t know but it seemed the gel couldn’t tame him either because unruly white strands hung all over his forehead.
He pouted, “You know how I feel about that name, sweets.”
“Satoru.” she corrected quietly.
A subtle smirk formed on his lips as he perused her countenance fondly, “Mhm?”
She absentmindedly held onto his shirt tighter, “Does everyone in your family have blue eyes?”
He raised a playful brow, “Why do you ask?”
“Cause.. there's a lot of blue everywhere. You said this has been your family home for generations so I thought-maybe-“ she fumbled with her words, “It wasn’t a coincidence.”
A sly smile slipped across his lips, “Smart girl.”
He lowered his head to dramatically blink in her face, purposely showing her his big diamond blues up-close. She pushed his chin away, squinting in disapproval.
His smile widened, “Yeah, everyone in my family’s got blue eyes. It doesn’t matter who we marry, the kid always gets blue eyes.”
He glanced up at the sky mural above them as he made it to the top of the steps, “I guess we made it a personality trait.” he teased.
She glanced at the rest of the floor ahead of them. It looked empty. In fact, the only people they’d encountered during her tour was a maid here and there.
“Where is everyone?” she asked impulsively.
“What do ya mean?”
She glanced up at him, “Is there no one else here?”
She’d known he was an only child but.. all this space? There had to be others.
He nodded before pressing a delicate kiss to her neck as he continued to carry her through the hallway.
“No one but us.” he smirked.
A cold shot of fear entered her system as she rapidly became hyper-aware of her situation, who she was with–what she was doing–his arms carrying her, bridal style, at that. 
She tensed, “Put me down.”
He glanced down at her-walking a bit slower, “But we’re almost to my room.”
Her eyes widened ever so slightly-an uneasy feeling swirling in her gut, “We’re going to your room?”
“Yeah,” He blinked, “What—you wanna stay up?”
She paused, “No.. It’s late, I’m tired.”
When he didn’t respond, she added, “A-and we have school tomorrow..”
A short laugh left him, “Oh, we’re not goin’ to school tomorrow.”
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She stared at his room. It was the size of her living room–quadrupled. It was dauntingly surreal, the level of luxury he was encircled with. It was nothing short of royalty. She didn’t understand how he eagerly stayed all those nights in her room when he had access to this much space.
It felt irregular for her to even be seeing all of this–like she shouldn’t be here.
His chest brushed the back of her head. His hands lightly touching her waist, “You gonna stand here all night?”
She hesitated before stepping past the threshold. His hands sliding off her as she walked into his room.
He waited a beat, watching her step further into his domain with slow, unhurried steps. It was almost teasing, the way she took her sweet time, as if he hadn’t repeatedly dreamt of her being here with him countless of times. Whether it be a passionate fantasy of them intertwined on his bed or a glimpse of a future where they made this home less empty–he never dared to believe he’d get here this soon. 
The feeling that settled in his gut was so utterly possessive-it was visceral in its intensity. This was their room now. Everything here was hers as much as it was his.
She looked so curious, so hesitant-maybe for good reason. He watched her twirl around slightly, taking in the room as if it were too much to accept. Her eyes swept over the lounge area, the sliding glass doors that lead to the balcony, the leveled embroidered ceiling. Her neck arching as she tilted her head back to peer at it.
A subtle smile slipped across his lips. Too damn cute. Her eye for art was too obvious, her eyes always catching little details. His great-great grandfather also had an eye for such things. He utilized that interest when he designed this place.  She’d fit right in here.
He quietly closed the doors behind himself-his eyes never leaving her. He covertly followed behind when she stepped through the short pathway that led into the private area of their room. Her eyes skimmed over the king sized bed, the flat screen TV across it, the multiple doors at each corner-those leading to his closet, bathroom and study. He’d show her them all tomorrow.
She stood beside his bed, completely distracted by her surroundings when he silently approached her. His arms snaked around her sides, drawing her close to kiss the crown of her head. She gasped.
“Do you know how much I missed you?”
His low voice sent a shot of fear up her spine. His hands traveled up her hip bones to the dip of her waist, squeezing lightly. She winced-hard.
“W-wait-“ she quickly turned around, hastily sitting on the edge of the bed. Her eyes wide, “I can’t tonight. I really can’t.”
His white brows drew together when he spotted her arm over her stomach, “Why?”
“B-because-“ she came up with something on the spot, “I’m on my period.”
He took a step towards her, “You know a little blood doesn’t scare me.”
Shit. Shit! She did know that. Her frantic mind couldn’t come up with a good excuse.
She slowly shifted further back on the bed-trying not to move too fast. She knew if she made it too obvious that she was trying to gain some distance from him, he’d act without a second thought.
“M-my cramps are really bad. It hurts-a lot, please.” her voice shook.
He held her gaze for a long moment. She thought her anxiety would end her before he responded.
“Take your shirt off, Ara.”
Her eyes widened, “I-I’m in pain, Toru-please.”
His eyes flared, “Not for that.”
He moved towards her and she instinctively scrambled back. Just as she made it halfway across the bed, he grabbed her by the leg. She screamed as he dragged her back to the bed’s edge.
She struggled against him, crying and writhing as he pinned her wrists above her head-forcing her in place. He ripped her shirt off with his free hand.
She sobbed, turning her face aside, keeping her eyes squeezed shut. She couldn’t bear this-she never let anyone see her like this.
His lucid eyes slowly took in the sight of her body. Her skin tone matching bra the only article of clothing on the upper half of her body. Bruises of varying colors blooming all over her torso—especially along her clavicle, sternum and abdomen. There were also thin red cuts on her skin-some longer than others, some scabbed over and others still bubbling with caked blood.
He released her wrists, standing over her in pure, unadulterated silence. He stared as she instinctively turned to her side, curling in on herself as she sobbed-unintentionally revealing her back. It was in worse condition than her front, with a few larger cuts marking her shoulder blades and spine. Most were already scabbing. A bruise faintly resembling the shape of a hand on her upper arm.
“He cut you.” his voice was flat, purely factual.
She shook her head, her voice cracking, “N-no, I fell on broken glass.”
“Don’t lie.” he snapped.
“I’m not!” she shouted through tears, partially sitting up, “He kept kicking me so I fucking fell on the pieces of the mirror. H-he dragged me t-through it s-so-“ 
Her voice cracked and she curled in on herself once more—trembling.
“He.. dragged you?” he repeated, voice hollow.
“He threw so many things..” she murmured to herself, a bit zoned out,  “I don’t know how he’s gonna clean it all up.”
His eyes widened. Suddenly she sat up, “He remembered you, y’know. He asked me who the white haired boy was.”
He stared down at her-appearing to consider that, “Is that right?”
She glanced aside-deep in thought, “Yes. He remembered you.. hurt him that night. I-I don’t know how.” her voice ended as a whisper.
“So he knows of me then..” he nodded a few times, “That’s good.”
He sauntered backwards a couple steps, “I should pay him a visit.” His tone was oddly light.
Her eyes snapped up, refocusing on him, “What?”
He glanced down at his rolled up sleeves, eyeing the Patek on his wrist, “It’s not too late now, is it? He should be up.” he mused.
She rose from her seat on the bed, “W-what are you talking about?” her voice slightly raspy.
He lowered his arm, shrugging, “It’s about time we officially met, no? I’ve been wanting to introduce myself for a while..”
His eyes raked over her body once more before he tugged at his tie-easily loosening it as he turned around, “There’s a lot I want to ask him.”
Her eyes widened. His tone was too light. His attitude too airy. Something wasn’t right.
She closed the distance between them-nearly tripping as she ran on wobbly legs to stand in front of him, “What are you saying?!” her voice panicked, “You can’t see him-You can’t-He’s n-not okay. I didn’t tell you so-“
“Relax, Ara,” his voice was silkier than honey as he touched the side of her face, “I just wanna talk, that’s all.”
She gripped his shirt, staring up at him through tear-filled eyes as she spoke, “No, you don’t. You don’t!”
She searched his face wildly, heart beating erratically in her chest as she whispered shakily, “You’re angry.”
He stared down at her for a long moment before a subtle yet fervid smile bloomed across his lips, “You got me all figured out, don’t you?”
He tilted his head, his hands slipping around her loose fists at his shirt. He tugged her wrists-forcing her close-close enough that his lips brushed hers with every word he spoke.
“No one touches what’s mine, remember? No one.”
He yanked her wrists off him-with enough force to make her stumble backwards. She gasped out, clutching the armrest of a nearby loveseat to keep from falling. She quickly glanced up to see him stalk towards the door.
“No!” she ran towards him, attempting to grab the back of his shirt, “Toru! Toru-please!”
He easily side-stepped her.
She lunged, clutching onto him with all her might. Her arms locked around his waist as she buried her face in his back.
“Stop, toru! Stop–STOP!” she cried out, he could feel her body trembling with the force of her cries, “It doesn’t matter! It doesn’t fucking matter–I hate him!”
He froze. If there was one thing about Ara, she never-ever-spoke badly about her dad. Even if he brought up an obvious disparity, it didn’t matter. She would easily shoot him down with a cold look or say ‘don’t talk about him’ with such a severe edge that even he decided it wasn’t worth the argument.
Her arms tightened around him as she whispered off, “I hate him, I hate him, I hate him, I hate him–” her voice cracked.
Suddenly her arms disappeared from his waist and he immediately turned around. Her back was to him, her hands running rampantly through her hair as she sobbed, “I HATE HIM–I HATE HIMMM!”
The pain in her voice, the frustration echoed throughout the walls and seemed to rack through her own body as she visibly shook.
He reached for her, “Ara-”
She smacked his hand away, “No!”
He reached for her again, voice softer, “Ara—”
“NO!” she screamed before scurrying away from him, “You don’t get it—you don’t get it!”
She shook her head, another sob leaving her lips before she frustratedly raked her hands through her hair once more, “I did everything for him-everything! I did everything for my family but guess what? GUESS WHAT?”
She went on, “no one gives a shit! My dad doesn’t give a shit. My mom doesn't give a shit. And n-now I don’t give a shit. I’m done. I’m done!”
But she was lying. Her watery eyes, trembling lips, wobbly knees. Every part of her was hurting.
She dropped to her knees and he immediately went to her. He lowered himself before her but before he could get a word out, she shoved him back—barely making him budge.
She yelled, “I don’t wanna see him again! I don’t want to-” her voice cracked.
He pulled her close, letting her lean against his chest. His long arms easily enclosing her back, one hand at the crown of her head, “You don’t have to.” he murmured into her temple before kissing her forehead, “You don’t ever have to.”
A deep sob left her, the kind that made her feel so utterly vulnerable. She’d been trying to hold it back, gritting her teeth so tightly to the point that it hurt but it was useless. Useless, when it came to being held in his arms.
She clutched his arms as he sank lower to the floor, letting her fully lean into him-in between his long legs. He gently rubbed her back, trying to quell her trembling as she buried her face into his chest.
Suddenly her head shot up-a lost look to her tear stained eyes, “Y-you can’t see him either! No one can see him-” her voice was so small, so hoarse from all her yelling and crying. Her frail hands tightened around his sleeves, over his biceps, as she shook her head.
“You can’t leave me,” her voice cracked again, “You can’t–”
His eyes widened before he instantly cupped her face, “No, kitten, no, no, no,” his voice oh so gentle as he planted sweet deft little kisses all over her face as she cried, “I’m not leaving you, I’m never leaving you.”
“You promise?”
How could I ever deny you?
“I promise.”
Her shoulders sagged before she curled into his chest once more. He wrapped his arms around her again-one hand at her lower back and the other in between her small shoulder blades. One long leg semi raised beside her while the other was bent at the knee, outstretched on the floor. His fingers raked through her hair as he rested his chin atop her head.
He patiently listened to the pace of her uneven breaths as she cried, listened to the way her breathing gradually staggered less and less and grew into something more slow, more shallow. 
“Why is it always you..” she suddenly asked. her voice low, a subtle scratchiness to it before she repeated herself, slightly stronger, “Why’s it always you?”
She pulled back from him slightly and he loosened his arms to give her some room. He glanced down to find her staring-somewhat zoned out-at his chest.
“Why are you always there-“ for me, her voice cracked, “..why do you always know what to do… what to say… to make me feel better… why.. why? why!” she didn’t know when she started to hit him but she was. Her tiny fists connected with his chest, blow after blow–continuously yelling ‘why!’ as she did so.
His lips were moving, probably saying her name but she didn’t hear it–not until her arms were pinned to the floor and he was over her.
“Ara!” his voice wasn’t angry at all, maybe a bit admonishing but even then he didn’t appear offended. She wasn’t sure if she wanted him to be.
His bright blue eyes stayed on her for a lingering moment. He was slightly out of breath, she felt it against her skin as puffs of air traveled down her neck. She watched his eyes slowly look her up and down-as if just now realizing their proximity. His hands unconsciously tightened around her wrists.
She quickly turned her face into her elbows, “No–”
Suddenly he yanked her wrists higher, forcing her arms to straighten. No where for her to hide now.
Her eyes widened as he leaned closer, his face merely millimeters away, “I make you feel good..” his eyes trailed up and down her face once more, “cuz your mine, Ara, your mine.”
Her mouth parted a hair's breadth and suddenly his lips were on her. In that all consuming manner that she’d nearly forgotten–no, more like tried to forget. Every part of her lit up in that heedy addictive way that only he knew how to ignite. His tongue sweeped her mouth as he tilted his head, needing to taste all of her. A broken whimper left her lips as he kissed her like a madman, an addict who hadn’t gotten its fix in too long.
His jaw opened up as he pulled back for a millisecond only to attack her mouth again. Her lips were merely his to use with how demanding he was being. It was like he was trying to prove his words to her, by branding her lips with his own. She could feel the desperation of his obsession thrumming through him, through the force of his hands on her wrists, through the pressure of his lips on hers.
When he finally pulled away, his vivid eyes were hazy with lust–his hair infinitely more disordered than usual.
Her elbows shook as she attempted to move her hands underneath his grip, “Toru.. let me touch you.”
He froze-as if in shock-before instantly letting her wrists go. She placed her hands on his chest, pushing him aside so that he laid on his back, on his elbows. She climbed atop him, planting her ass on his abs–inches away from where she knew he’d prefer her to be. He stared at her with wide eyes as her hands slid up his chest to either side of his neck.
She took her time lowering her face above his.. before kissing him. Her kiss was slow, light and teasing at first. Her lips pressing his sweetly before nipping at his lower lip-a trick she’d learned from him. She felt his breath hitch–and reacted a millisecond before he could. Her tongue slipped past his lips and intertwined with his. She gripped his jaw-controlling the pace as she turned the kiss into something molten hot and sensual to a degree that made him dizzy.
So much so, he nearly lost strength in his elbows and fell back but she broke the kiss. He leaned up slightly-chasing her lips-but she pushed his shoulders, making him fall back.
He groaned.
She smiled slightly. He never wanted their kisses to end.
Her palms rested over his pecs as she stared down at him. She mumbled something, her voice entirely too faint to hear.
His head immediately snapped up. His big blue eyes blown wide, “What?”
She squinted, “I’m not saying it again.”
A seductive grin split across his lips as he sat up, she slid into his lap in the process.
“You missed me?” His forehead pressed into hers as his eyes sparkled with satisfaction, “I knew it.”
“Your hearing things.”
His hand slipped into her hair, around her nape and suddenly they were kissing again. His lips insistent at first before growing more gentle, more probing.
He pulled away, his nose nudging hers, “You're staying here.”
He hadn’t asked but she heard the undercurrent of question in his tone.
She nodded.
His fingers around her nape tightened slightly, “Not just tonight right?”
He already asked her this but she hesitated anyway, “I’m here now, aren’t I?”
A slight laugh left him as he recalled the countless times she vehemently denied him from bringing her here whenever he offered, “Right.”
He watched her glance away, unsurely, “I’ll stay here as long you let me.”
Something within him swelled so strongly he nearly crushed her in his arms then and there, but instead he snaked his arms slowly around her shoulders, drawing her as close as possible.
She felt his smirk against her lips, “I’ll keep you here forever then.”
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She awoke to the sweet smell of waffles and maple syrup. She jolted upright on the bed, only to immediately crumple in on herself at the pain that consumed her. It looked like all the pain-numbing salves the nurse applied last night could only deter so much.
She gasped slightly, hand over her stomach as she writhed.
“Ma’am-Ma’am, are you okay?”
Her eyes shot open to see she was in an extravagant, sunlight lit room-Gojo’s room. Last night had been real then.. not just a bad nightmare…
She pulled the covers up when she saw an elderly woman in a monochrome outfit standing at her bedside. A cart filled with several trays of breakfast food behind her.
She blinked, completely at a loss for words.
“Should I call the doctor?” The woman inquired-despite her monotone voice and wary gaze she seemed genuinely concerned.
“N-no,” she croaked before clearing her throat. She slowly straightened to a sitting position, “.. Who are you?”
“I’m Marin.”
Ara gave her a once-over and belatedly realized that her outfit could surpass as a maid uniform. She supposed her all black attire was a requirement. Similar to Ijichi-who always wore black head to toe. The only color being that tiny blue emblem at the chest pocket—the Gojo family sigil.
Ara swallowed, “Where’s Satoru?”
“He wanted me to inform you that he had a family matter to attend to. He won’t be long. He’d like for you to eat breakfast without him.”
“He didn’t go to school?” she questioned.
She shook her head, “No, ma’am.”
Her brows furrowed as she glanced at the several trays on the cart beside her. There was too much-food-drinks-fruits-it was completely excessive.
“He doesn’t.. expect me to eat all of that, does he?”
Marin paused, “I’m sure he’d want you to eat as much as you like.”
She stared at the cart in wonder. The entire contents of the cart was enough to feed a family of ten-maybe even fifteen.
Marin followed her gaze to the cart and clasped her hands together in front of herself. “Please let me know if you need anything else.”
“Erm-“ Ara stammered, “I’m good. Thank you.”
She slightly bowed her head and exited the room.
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She felt the sheets shift slightly and immediately opened her eyes. Gojo sat on the edge of the bed, beside her.
He looked absolutely breathtaking. The sunlight streaming through the open windows lit the edges of his white hair, casting an angel-like glow to one side of his face. His blue eyes glittered as he smiled.
He tousled her hair, “Wakey, wakey.” he teased.
His touch drew out of her daze. She quickly shoved her face back under the sheets, groaning. She heard him laugh.
He tugged the blanket lower-revealing her face again. “Araa, you barely ate y’know.”
“I ate enough.” she muttered, “Who eats that much in the morning?”
“Me.” he said, rather upbeat.
She narrowed her eyes before freezing when he leaned close. She turned away a millisecond before his lips touched hers.
“I-I didn’t brush my tee—“
His hand found her throat, rendering her frozen when he pressed a sweet yet passionate kiss to her lips.
He withdrew, a satisfied smile on his lips, “You know I don’t care about that stuff, kitten.”
His blue eyes looked her up and down slowly. In the midst of his silent perusal she asked, rather quietly- “Did something happen with your family?”
His eyes widened before he smiled again, “Ah, right-you met Marin. What’d you think of her? She was so curious about you.”
Ara blinked, “.. she was?”
His smile turned impish, “I don’t usually have girls running into my arms and crying on my doorstep-despite what you may think.”
She buried her face into the sheets once more, “Shut up.”
“You were so cute y’know-”
She squeezed the sheets tighter, “Stop talking!”
He chuckled, tugging her blanket down again. He leaned towards her, “Make sure to call her if you need anything when I’m not here, ‘kay? She knows where everything is. She’s been with my family for 50 years.”
Her eyes shot open, “50 years?!”
He smirked at her shock, “Mhmm..”
He cupped the side of her face, his thumb playing with her bottom lip, “You’re gonna be with me for much longer..” he grinned.
She smacked his hand away. “Go away.” she mumbled before pulling the sheets up once more.
He laid down atop her, tickling her through the blanket. She gasped before laughing uncontrollably. She twisted underneath him-making a mess of the sheets as she did so.
His grin widened, “Never.”
“Toru-toru! Wait, wait. It hurts.” she whined through laughs.
He paused, immediately tugging the blanket down to see her flushed face. He watched her gather her breath, “Sorry.” he replied.
He waited a moment before resting his head on her chest, continuing to stare at her. He absentmindedly twirled a strand of her hair until her breath returned to normal.
“Are you gonna lay in bed all day?”
She turned her face aside, not meeting his gaze, “.. Is it bad if I do?”
He stared at her-his blue eyes searching her face for a moment, “Course not.”
She glanced down at him, holding his gaze for a few seconds before her face heated up. She didn’t know how he managed to look so innocent sometimes-despite being the most chaotic individual she knew. Maybe it was those big baby blue eyes. They ought to swallow her up whole at this point.
She placed her hand over his eyes, “You should’ve went to school.” she muttered.
He shook his head to move her hand away, “And leave you here all by yourself? After I just got you back? Hell no.”
He nuzzled his face between her collarbones-making her squirm from ticklishness, “I wanna stay with you.” he whined.
“Okay, okay.” She huffed, turning her face aside to cover her eyes with her arms. She didn’t want him to see the effect his words had on her.
A moment of silence ensued until she felt him kiss her cleavage, somewhere along the soft skin that treaded above her breasts. She shivered, shifting slightly, “Toru..”
She was grateful he hadn’t tried to touch her again after everything that occurred last night. She wasn’t sure if her wounds would stop him when he kept kissing her before bed. She could tell he wanted to go further.. but it seemed he had enough decency to hold back.
She felt his breath whisper down her skin as he hummed, “This doesn’t feel real.. You being here…doesn’t feel real.”
She raised her arms slightly to look down at him laying over her. Her breath caught at the sight. He was looking at her as if.. as if he had everything he wanted.
She gently cupped his jaw, her chest inadvertently rising as she forced herself to breathe. If someone had told her at the start of this semester that Gojo would look at her like this she would’ve told them to go back to the psych ward they were discharged from. And yet, here she was.
Her eyes flitted between his before she swallowed inaudibly. She used her hands on his face to lure him closer, gently pressing her lips to his.
He instantly deepened the kiss-his head pushing her further into the pillow. A subtle sound left her, “mmmh!”
His tongue moved eagerly against hers-unrelenting. She slipped her fingers through his hair, swiftly kissing him back with just as much strength.
He immediately tilted his head, intensifying their lip lock-until she began to run her fingers through his hair, somewhat coaxingly. Her lips moved softly over his-kissing him sweetly before using her hands in his hair to gently pull him back.
Their shallow breaths filled the minimal air between them. She ran her hand over his smooth cheekbone as she spoke quietly-through uneven breaths, “What if I’m not real..”
He exhaled in faint humor, his gaze flitting between her lips and eyes, “Yeah?”
A subtle smile bloomed on her lips, “I’m just a figment of your imagination..” she teased.
He nuzzled her nose with his own, his typical smirk on his lips. “Nah.”
“You’re dreaming.” she continued.
His smirk widened, “We do different stuff in my dreams.”
Her eyes widened before she shoved his face away. His bright laughter filling the room.
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“I really don’t wanna go..”
“Should we both skip?”
“No.” She glanced up at him, “You should go to class.”
Gojo blew out a puff from his joint, “Now that’s not fair.” he complained.
“Why’d you park all the way out here?” Another voice pitched in from nearby.
Gojo glanced over from his perch against the car before tossing his unfinished joint in the air and rushing to- “Suguru!” he slipped his arm over the male’s shoulder, greeting him enthusiastically.
Suguru accepted his liveliness with a mere shake of his head and subtle smile. He lightly elbowed Gojo before returning his hands to his pockets, “What’s got you all-oh.”
Suguru’s dark eyes landed on Ara and nodded in greeting, “Glad to see you back.”
Gojo used his free hand to gesture towards her, “You see, Ara here is going through a little..” he paused, as if considering the right word for it, “-social anxiety moment so I parked all the way here for her sake.”
She glared, “What?!”
It was true to some extent. When they pulled up to school in his car, he’d pulled into his unofficial yet ‘official’ parking spot-which was the first one closest to the school. No one else parked there but him-it seemed no one else ‘dared’ to. But Ara wasn’t mentally prepared to step out of his car and have all eyes on her again. She’d gotten comfortable slinking back to her semi-unnoticeable demeanor at school and wasn’t ready to be forced back into the spotlight again.
“It looks like you're tryna’ hide.” Geto muttered, kicking a nearby rock to cover the joint on the ground.
Gojo blinked at Ara, “Am I wrong?”
Ara’s glare intensified, “I asked you to park away from the school entrance, not the furthest spot in the entire lot! Now we look even more sus.”
The boys watched her discreetly peek past the car. She instantly noticed the other students glancing their way-a few even pointing at Gojo’s car-before murmuring amongst themselves. She raised her hands to her head, turning her back to them as she made a noise of frustration.
Geto chuckled under his breath before glancing at Gojo beside him, “You didn’t kidnap her, did you?”
Gojo beamed, “Nope. She came back to me by herself.”
“For real?”
“For real real.”
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Ara closed her locker door only to jump when she saw Millie behind it.
Millie stood with her hands on her hips, “You and Gojo are back together?!” 
Ara jumped, “Holy shit, Mills,” She glanced around before snapping quietly, “Can you talk lower?”
Millie threw her hands up, “How come you didn’t tell me?”
Ara sighed, readjusting her tote bag over her shoulder before beginning to walk down the hallway. Millie walked in stride beside her.
“I’m living with him now.” Ara mumbled.
Millie’s eyes nearly popped out of her head, “What?! No way.”
Ara kept her eyes low, “Yeah.”
“How?” Millie asked.
Ara’s eyes shot to her, “I told you. My dad kicked me out.”
Millie stared at her before stammering out, “Wait so.. your Dad was legit about that?”
Ara raked a hand through her lengthy hair, barely keeping the annoyance from her tone as she responded lowly, “Yes.”
Millie pried, “He hasn’t contacted you since then?”
Ara stopped walking, not looking Millie in the eye as she nodded.
Millie merely stared at Ara in shock-while she fidgeted uneasily under her gaze. Millie knew how Ara was, there was no way she was comfortable living without her Dad.
Millie asked, “What are you gonna do?”
Ara shrugged.
“Are you really not gonna call him?”
Something flashed through Ara’s eyes before her poker face returned. She merely shrugged again-still avoiding eye contact.
Millie’s brows furrowed. This behavior was completely unlike the Ara she knew.
Millie belatedly added, “Also.. I thought you never wanted to get back with Gojo? You seemed so sure..”
Ara winced, “Um..”
The girls both turned around to see Gojo waving his hands wildly from the other end of the hall. A bright, boyish smile on his face.
Millie glanced back at Ara to see her gnawing at her bottom lip. She finally met her gaze, her voice low, “Gotta go. See you.”
Ara quickly walked past her.
Millie watched as Ara walked up to him-completely unaware of the students moving aside to make room for her. She watched a cute yet shy smile bloom on the girl’s face the second Gojo engulfed her in his arms. Light laughter coming from her as he squeezed her obnoxiously.
Millie couldn’t believe her eyes. Ara wasn’t the type to enjoy PDA. Even when her and Gojo dated before, she never accepted his PDA without her typical grumpiness or scolding. This was.. different.
Gojo lowered his face to kiss her and she welcomed it-a small, pretty smile on her lips when he withdrew. He automatically returned her smile with a cheeky one of his own.
Wow. She really is different. Millie concluded before staring at them a little longer. Something about them was so intriguing to watch.. 
Ara looked so small compared to him-especially with the way she had to turn her face up to look at him. Even her hand on his chest looked small. Maybe it was the height difference-maybe it was their clashing personalities-she couldn’t pinpoint it.
I guess I’d cave too if I had the chance. Millie giggled to herself before glancing down at her phone to check the time.
Shit. She only had two minutes to get to her class. Just as she turned to head in the direction of  her next class, she froze.
She slowly turned around to see she was standing directly beside the door. Ara must’ve stopped walking here on purpose.
She smiled, glancing over to check where she’d last seen her-only to find that she was gone, as well as Gojo.
She sighed. Ara was always the considerate type-once you got to know her anyway.
At least, that hasn’t changed.
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“What the hell?”
“What is it?”
Ara spun around, she hadn’t expected him to be here. He must’ve skipped basketball practice again. This was the third day now-coincidentally the same amount of days since she’d been here, living with him. It seemed he was trying to find every excuse to be home now.
She stared at him leaning against the entrance of their shared closet. Half of the closet had been cleared out and replaced with feminine clothes, accessories, shoes-you name it. It was completely excessive.
She blinked before pointing at the countertop where her duffel bag had been, “Where’s my bag?”
“I dumped it.”
“What?!” she snapped, her voice sharper than a blade.
He held his hands up, laughing airily as he sauntered towards her, “Heh-heh! Just kidding—kidding!” (a/n: he wasn’t kidding, he’s about to make Marin go dumpster diving)
He grasped her shoulders before spinning her around to face the various rows of obviously high-end, maybe even fresh off the runway items.
“Your clothes were dirty so I put ‘em in the wash. You can use all this now ‘kay? I ordered a lot cuz I didn’t know what you’d want—a stylist helped me but we can always do more shopping if you don’t like it.”
She stared at ‘her’ side of the closet in shell-shocked silence. Everything about it was just… unfathomable. A stylist? Did he seriously go to a stylist?
She unconsciously gravitated towards a floor length dress on a hanger. It was undoubtedly stunning. It might’ve looked plain and simple to some but it was quite literally everything to her. A pure white silk dress that looked almost perfectly tailored to her frame. It had the most unique ruching around the chest area and was backless.
She moved the dress aside to look at the other dresses behind it and nearly gaped. A blue thin strap, beautifully detailed, high-low style dress lay before her eyes. It was somewhat early 2000s inspired as well, clearly haute couture. The following dresses-a nearly sheer purple dress, a more modern-esque black dress, an elegant silky light pastel yellow dress-weren't any less impressive.
She found herself touching the angelically soft material of the pastel yellow dress, “This is insane.” she murmured.
The corner of his lip curled upwards.
She immediately withdrew her hand, facing him, “Where the hell would I wear this.”
He shrugged, “Galas, soirées, red carpets, any black tie event.”
She stared at him like he’d grown three heads before remembering he was somewhat known in the media for his father's name—and basketball, annoyingly enough. She was sure his last name contributed to that as well since his family was listed yearly on Forbes richest families, aka billion dollar dynasties. The media would never leave those families alone.
She fixed him with a glare, “I’m not going to any of that.”
He whined, “You have tooo. I need a plus one.“
“No-“ she cut herself off when she saw the classic Louboutin’s amongst the several women’s shoes arranged on the built in shelves, “Red bottoms, seriously?”
His grin reappeared, “They’re hot.”
She rubbed her temple, “Baby, y’know I can barely walk in kitten heels.”
His eyes widened momentarily before his arms slipped around her-drawing her small back against his chest. It was hard to focus on her little complaints when she oh-so-rarely called him pet names.
He kissed the spot of her temple she’d been rubbing moments ago, “You can practice in them?” he suggested lightly.
He kissed her cheekbone while winding his arms a bit tighter around her waist, “M’sorry, kitten. I know I got carried away. I jus got excited cuz you look so sexy in everything-“
He kissed her neck, “-had to spoil you..”
She flushed deeper, “Satoru..”
Her breath scattered all over the place when he continued to kiss and nip her neck.
She pushed at his arms around her, “Toru—Toru, wait, I need pajamas.”
His head suddenly shot up, “Pajamas? Hehe—I got you.”
Her brows furrowed when he quickly released her and began to open several drawers, efficiently searching for whatever he was looking for. He usually never let go of her that easily—or eagerly, at that. It made her nervous.
“Aha~” he grinned brightly, holding up something that she couldn’t see until he tossed it to her. She instinctively caught it as he said, “Wear this.”
She didn’t miss the glint of mischievousness in his eyes before she caught it. She held open the nightgown. She immediately bunched it up-a bright flush on her face.
“I’m not wearing this-“
“Pleaseeeee, don’t be mean.” He was suddenly behind her again. His arms slipping around her waist as he buried his face into her neck, “I got it for you.”
She squirmed slightly, “Toru-“
“Try it, just try it. You can take it off later if you hate it that much but I wanna see it on you.”
She pushed at his arms around her waist, “Let go-“
He dug his face into the crook of her neck once more, “No.” he whined, squeezing her in his arms, “No. no. no-not til you tell me you're gonna try it.
She pushed at his arms again, “Let go, you fool.”
He began to tickle her and she shrieked before laughing. “Oh- my god! Stop! Stop!”
He kept tickling her and she doubled over in laughter. He grinned boyishly as she tried to push his arms.
“Stop what?”
“Toru!” she yelled before shaking her head, “Okay! Okay! I will-let go,”
He didn’t stop. “Promise?”
“Promise-!” she squeaked through giggles.
He instantly let go, a bright smile on his face, “Really?!”
She immediately shoved him, “Fuck you!”
He was laughing now, “You promised~”
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She stepped out of the closet, covering the top half of the thin nightgown with her arms. The material was incredibly soft, in fact she might’ve liked it if it wasn’t… the way it was. The straps were awfully thin, it ended a little higher than mid-thigh—in fact she wasn’t sure if it even fully covered her ass—and the chest area of the nightgown was see-through.
“Satoru,” she called out-a bit hesitant, “I’m not wearing this. I’m taking it off, okay?”
When she didn’t hear a response, she walked further into the bedroom, “Okay?”
She’d kicked him out of the closet to change-despite him wanting to stay-but she hadn’t expected him to leave the room. She supposed that saved her the trouble.
Just as she speedily turned around to zip back into the closet and steal one his shirts, an arm slipped around her and she yelped.
“Woa, woa–where you runnin’ off to..”
She tensed when she was pulled flat against his chest. Her back against him as he slowly slid his hands down her sides. He sighed-in a way that was anything but regretful.
“You look so cute, Ara.”
He gently kissed her below the ear and she shifted slightly, turning her face into her opposite shoulder. She wrapped her arms tighter around her chest. 
“Can I take it off now? You saw it..”
“Hold on, hold on,” he whined a bit before pausing, “But I didn’t see all of it, did I?”
She blinked, “What?”
He moved his arms over her own wrapped around her chest. “You’re hiding something, aren’t you?” he teased-though there was an undecipherable undercurrent to his tone.
She swallowed, too dumbstruck to respond when he grasped her hands and slowly led them down to her sides–unveiling her ample chest, barely contained within the lace bust.
He inhaled sharply through his nose.
She closed her eyes, unable to bear the weight of his gaze. She felt his gaze from above her shoulder-in fact, she felt it all over. From the strands of her hair pressed against his chest to the goosebumps rising along the skin his eyes pierced. She couldn’t bear it–and his silence only made it more unnerving.
He squeezed her hips, making her jolt.
“Does that hurt?” he asked, a bit quietly.
She swallowed, “N-no.”
His hands slid higher up her sides, into the dip of her waist. He squeezed lightly, “What about here?” he murmured.
She was so tense, she wondered if he sensed it, “No.”
His hands slid higher, his fingers fitting right underneath her plushy underboobs as he gently squeezed her over her ribs.
“And here?” he asked, not a trace of emotion in his low voice.
A sprinkle of pain spread from his hold but it was rather faint. It seemed the wounds her father had given her had healed some. The nurse’s ointments were more effective than she thought.
“A little.” she murmured.
Suddenly he pressed his face into the side of hers.
The sound of his low groanan was muffled by her hair as he fisted her nightgown needily. Her nightgown bunching up between his fingers.
“Okay,” he breathed out, his nose grazing her temple as he withdrew-his voice ragged, “That’s okay..”
Her heart thumped rapidly in her chest. She didn’t understand what he was on about.
“I can work with that.” he murmured.
Suddenly he tugged down her straps, “Let’s take this off-“
She didn’t get the chance to react when she was getting walked to his bed-his firm frame walking behind her forcing her to stumble ahead. She held onto the front of her nightgown to keep it from falling.
“Wait-“ she tried to fast walk ahead but couldn’t when she was suddenly grabbed by the hips. She yelled when she was held up and tossed onto the bed. She landed face down in the sheets with her hips in the air.
He hastily unbuckled himself-the sound of his belt hitting the floor and zipper quickly followed. 
She attempted to turn around only for him to steady her hips and flip her nightgown up. He caressed the soft skin of her hips, groaning under his breath, “Fuck, jus’ looking at you..”
She twisted partially to look at him, her movement rather restricted due to his grasp. Fear bloomed in her gut at the hunger in his eyes. She instinctively reached towards him, “Toru, wait-Toru–”
He grabbed her forearm, pinning it to her lower back, “What is it, kitten?”
She winced at the uncomfortable angle he held her arm at, “I’m not ready, Toru-please, I’m not ready.” she plead futilely, “My body hurts..”
He bent over her, pressing short needy kisses along her jaw and temple as he rasped, “You said only a little..”
She felt his cock ghost along her inner thigh. He was hard-hard enough that she had to look.
She glanced underneath her partially twisted body to see his rigid cock between her raised hips. His cockhead a prominent shade of pink, as if it was swollen for attention. She couldn’t ignore the veins popping out against his pale length. Her eyes widened as his angry cockhead twitched and touched her belly, a clearish white substance dribbling out the tip.
She buried her face into the sheets, holding back a sob.
“Ara..” his voice was ragged-speaking into her temple, “I miss you, Ara. I wanna be in you..”
She felt his tip graze her pussylips and jolted.
“Toru-toru! Be gentle, be gentle-please.” she begged.
Her begging made him want to do anything but. He straightened to hold his cock at her entrance. He released her restrained arm to keep a hand on her ass.
He pushed his cockhead through her narrow hole, groaning through his teeth, “Fuck, Ara..”
He’d only gotten an inch past the tip in and her cunt was already acting like she couldn’t take it. Her pussy was too damn tight. He would’ve burst right there if he hadn’t gotten himself off that morning-well, every morning since she’d moved in. Sometimes it’d be multiple times a day. It was the only way he kept his hands off of her for this long.
He gripped the rest of his length, trying to push himself deeper—she yelled out, gripping the sheets, “Toru-Toru! Please-nngh—“
He pulled out slightly, only leaving the tip in. Her cunt was so tight it wasn’t letting him leave.
Fuckin’ hell. He glanced down at the sight of his cock stuck in her pussy—only a fourth or so in. The rest of his veiny length waiting to be fully drenched. He was desperate-delirious-addicted.
He squeezed her ass cheeks, hard, “Been two months and you forgot me already, hmm? Do I need to reshape you all over again?”
She gasped, “N-no, please, be gentle with me, please..”
“Sh, sh, sh..” he pressed his hand into her nape, pushing her down, “S’okay…”
He spoke into her temple, “Just listen to me and you’ll be okay, kitten. I promise.”
She cried silently into the sheets.
His hand slid down her nape, along her spine. He gently pressed the middle of her back, “Bend more here.”
He watched her back sexily arch further-her nightgown dropping low to reveal her waist. He just wanted to hold that pretty little waist and fuck her senseless.. but that would have to wait.
He caressed her hips, his tip still lodged in her cunt. His eyes flitted closed as his cockhead nudged her walls, “Raise your hips a bit.”
She complied, her thighs trembling oh so bad as she did so. God, she’s so cute.
He lowered his hands, letting his palms run over her soft ass before his thumbs touched her pussylips right where it suctioned his cockhead. She jolted, whimpering.
“Loosen up here.” he ordered, raspily.
“I-I can’t!” she cried out, face buried in the sheets-hidden from him.
“You didn’t even try, kitten.” he teased.
She merely whimpered in response.
He bent over her once more, pressing his hands to the sheets beside her head while pushing his hips into her slightly.
“You won’t like it if I do it.”
A low, weak whiny sound left her before she wriggled her hips slightly. He watched eagerly as she spread her knees, angling her hips up high around his cock, only to tremble when she tried to lower herself over him.
He groaned, her cunt walls sucking him in so fucking tight. He grabbed her hips, his long fingers leaving marks on her soft skin as he attempted to work with her and slowly push himself in.
I missed this… so much—so fuckin’ much.
Her pussy walls were wrapping around him just right. The rigidness of her cunt gradually giving way the further he seated himself.
Her mewls and whines didn’t stop-only getting louder the deeper he sank into her cunt. His cock was half-way in when he lost it. His fingers dug into her waist-forcing her still-before savagely thrusting his cock all the way through.
“Toru!” she shrieked, “Toru-toru!—fuck!”
His forehead dropped to her nape as he groaned. His grip on her waist unforgiving as he delivered short desperate thrusts to her cunt. Lewd sounds echoing throughout his room.
“-m’sorry, ara-m’sorry, I can’t stop—I can’t.” he rushed out, completely lost in the feeling of her.
“nnngh-torunnh-ngh! unh-unh-toru!”
His speed picked up. The lewd sound of their sex louder now that her pussy had grown slippery within.
“Missed you s’much-so fuckin’ much—“ he half groaned, half-growled into her ear. His grip on her waist relentless as he pounded into her.
“Never gonna let this pussy forget me again.”
She moaned when his cock reached a spot too deep. She couldn’t take it. He promised he would be gentle and yet here she was. She should’ve known.
His cock twitched and her eyes widened. Oh no.
“Satoru!” she cried, “not inside, not inside-please-“
Suddenly his hand fisted her hair, forcing her face into the sheets as he bent over her. His voice ragged beside her ear, “Let me, Ara, let me-I deserve it.”
He didn’t slow down, “Be good to me and take it-all of it.”
“Toru-uh!-ngh! ohhh.” she moaned through tears.
His cock throbbed within her slick cunt. His tip pulsating against her cervix before spurting within her. She felt his warm cum fill her cunt up—it’d been too long since he’d had her bareback.
His mouth was half-open, his eyes squeezed shut as he buried his face into her neck. His hands clasping the back of hers as he groaned.
She felt so fucking good he couldn’t stop. the tip of his cock twitched as it spilt load after load within her. 
He needed her—he needed this.
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He squeezed her tits while looking down at her. Her tits bouncing hypnotically with each rough fuck.
His free hand fisted the sheets beside her head, her hair splayed out all over his fingers. The heels of her feet knocking into his lower back as she lay spread open between his knees. Her smooth legs supported by his firm thighs. Her body trembled-addictingly-with each deep rut of his cock. Her eyelids sewn shut as she bit into her lower lip.
He let go of her right breast to grasp her jaw. His thumb swiftly tugging her bottom lip free from her teeth.
“Don’t quiet yourself. It’s just me.”
She merely reddened.
His cock pistoned into her harder—forcing her to cry out.
“Toru-uh-ungh!-hnn-” Broken moans left her.
He bent over her, his hand finding her tits once more. He squeezed greedily before palming her perky nipple. She was breathless—and so helpless to his advances he couldn’t help but fuck her harder. It didn’t help that her tiny pussy walls seemed to gobble him in.
“Be as loud as you want.” he urged-wanting to hear it all. She would always have to keep quiet at her father’s house.
She held onto his forearm as her body jerked.
Her cunt tightened around him. She was close.
He saw it in her face-her trembling lips, her strained expression. She always tried to hide her pretty face when she came, as if she were doing something wrong. It was truly adorable, but she couldn’t hide from him now.
Nor did they have to hide from anyone else.
His lips ghosted her neck as her entire body arched, “This is our home now.”
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His cock slipped out of her with a lewd sound. A low sigh left her lips as she plopped onto the sheets. Her breasts pressing into the bed uncomfortably, but she was too tired to care.
She felt something warm and thick slowly slip out of her cunt, traveling down her thighs. She couldn’t even think straight.
Suddenly she felt his cockhead touch her leaking cunt again-she jolted, “T-toru!”
But he was already back inside her, buried half-way to the hilt. She was so gummy inside that there was no resistance. He nuzzled her cheekbone, strands of his light hair sticking to her skin. “One more time. One more,” he urged.
She whined through strangled gasps as she felt him push his cock deeper, shoving his spilled cum back in.
“Hhnngh, toru..” She shook her head, her voice cracking, “Y-you said that last time.”
He thrust his hips into her and she cried out-quickly fisting the sheets once more.
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She lay in bed, facing him. The moonlight streaming through the thin curtains the only light in the dark room.
Her short uneven breaths loud in the silence.
The air felt thick from their nonstop activities. The scent of sex stuck to the sheets. Her breath still hadn’t recovered-neither had her heartbeat.
His blue eyes glimmered in the dark-not one emotion on his face as he stared at her. He appeared completely composed, a calm aura radiating from him. As if completely satisfied.
He looked agitatedly beautiful. His pale face flushed as he lay his head atop his lean bicep. Strands of his white hair pointed every which way from their sex. She couldn’t count how many times she’d sifted her fingers through his hair to draw him near or away whenever she came.
Light pink nail marks decorated his tautly muscular chest. There were a few along his bulging shoulders as well. She hadn’t realized she marked him that much.  She didn’t even want to think about the marks he left on her.
His hand ran up and down her side reassuringly, lightly squeezing her over her ribs.
He scooched closer, “Breathe, Ara..”
He kissed her forehead, “You’re perfect yanno.. perfect.” A low, slightly rugged edge to his voice.
She closed her eyes when he began to lightly thumb the sensitive skin of her under boob. He always liked to touch her there.
She instinctively held onto his arm, stopping the subtle movement. Her eyes flickering open to find his eyes still on her.
The silent stream of fear coursing through her couldn’t be withheld as she shivered. Her hand wavered over his elbow; her gaze dropped to his arm to reel herself in. She needed to focus on something that wasn’t his eyes.
Her eyes followed the bright green veins protruding against his triceps, down his forearm-like little pathways along his skin. She didn’t notice her hand following her gaze, her fingertips lightly tracing his dark veins.
When her fingers made it up to his wrist, she took his hand-gently lifting it off of her. She intertwined her fingers with his before placing their connected hands beside her cheek, using it as a makeshift pillow for the lower half of her face.
She glanced up at him-finally confident enough too-and immediately flushed at his expression. His light, clear-ish blue eyes were looking at her as if she was the only thing in the universe.
She glanced away from him again, inadvertently squeezing his hand as she did so.
“Toru..” she whispered.
Her eyes flickered back to his, “What would you do if I didn’t come back?”
She felt his hand subtly twitch in hers before a short silence ensued. It was hard to make out his expression in the dark. They’d fucked all evening since they got back from school so no one had gotten the chance to turn on any lights-in his room anyway.
Suddenly his hand in hers yanked her close. His lips caught hers mid-gasp. The kiss was needy—desperate—and unrestrained. His tongue lashing against hers as he winded his arm around her lower back, keeping her close as she twisted slightly. Her hands on his chest the only thing keeping some distance between their bodies.
He drew his face back, a small grin on his lips as their noses grazed each other.
His arm subtly tightened around her back, “I had a few ideas…”
His eyes shimmered as he searched her face, “You’d hate me if I told you.”
Her breath hitched. She didn’t doubt his words.
Her tone was flat, “You don’t think I hate you already?”
His white teeth were visible in the dark. She hated how attractive his smile was.
He leaned closer, his forehead nudging hers, “Nahh..”
His hand on her lower back traveled down to her ass, squeezing her with enough strength to make her yelp.
He watched her cry out with a grin before whispering into her ear, “You moan like you love me.”
Her face instantly went hot. She pushed his hand away from her ass and quickly turned around to face the other side of the bed—only to be stopped by a firm hand on her hip.
“Where are you goin’ Araa?” A bit of laughter intertwined in his tone.
She didn’t have time to answer because suddenly she was pushed to her back and her hands were pinned to the bed.
He squeezed her wrists before moving her arms so that only one of his hands was necessary to keep her down. His one hand was large enough to curl his fingers around both of her wrists.
His blue eyes were fierce in the dark as he leaned above her, nearly panting as he looked her up and down. She suddenly wished that she wasn’t naked.
She turned her face aside, raising her elbows slightly as if they could cover her.
“What are you doing?” she asked shakily.
His head dropped low, making their foreheads touch, “I’m showing you how I woulda had you tied to my bed..”
Her eyes widened as his free hand touched her arm-his knuckles grazing her skin-making her hands buckle slightly. His gaze was distant, yet alert.
He cupped her breast, making a low whimper leave her lips. Her tits were already so marked up and sore from his attention, she wasn’t sure she could handle anymore.
He continued, “If Suguru wasn’t around you would’ve been right here a week in. Tied up, spread open..”
He squeezed her wrists, “I pictured it.”
His voice dropped low as he looked her up and down again, “I had the rope, just no you.”
His forehead against hers pressed her deeper into the sheets, “I missed you so much, Ara.” She couldn’t miss the desperation running rampant in his tone.
He palmed her breasts, needily, “Suguru stopped me from getting you so many times—I hated it. I jus wanted you back.”
Her eyes widened, “H-he knows?” -that you would literally kidnap me?
“He knows I don’t like being abandoned.”
She gasped when his thumb pressed into her nipple, “Toru!” she squealed.
He leaned back to watch her writhe below him. His gaze growing fond as he played with her. He missed those pretty expressions on her face so damn much.
“He kept telling me to leave you alone..” he tilted his head, tips of his white hair tickling her face, “but look at you.”
Her body arched, pressing her chest into his to slide his hand off her breasts. Her nipples were too sensitive, his touch was too much.
“Toru!” she whined, “No more, toru, please.”
He pecked her lips, loving the feel of her bare tits pressed up against him. He let himself lean into her with all his weight, nearly crushing her petite body. His free hand slipped under her thigh, tugging her leg around his waist.
She moaned weakly. If she’d known her question would lead to this..
He pecked her once more, “Suguru said you’d come back if we were meant to be.”
Her eyes widened as he kissed the heart of her throat.
“He was right.” he whispered, before shoving his length through her slick walls. Her pretty whines masking his groan.
He was right.
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“Ara Natsuna?” Mrs. Finch called.
“Absent.” Gojo’s voice answered.
Mrs. Finch raised her head from her clipboard to cut a glance towards Ara’s desk—to find it empty. She’d been ready to scold him but it seemed he was being honest-for once.
She merely squinted at him before continuing down the list.
He smiled to himself, completely unaware of the looks coming from the other students glancing his way. He sat propped up on his elbow, hand supporting his head. His posture lax as he absentmindedly spun a pencil in his free hand.
Suddenly the pencil was snatched away, instantly drawing him from his thoughts.
He blinked to find Geto staring quizzically at him-pencil in hand, “What’s with you?”
The corner of his lip curled, “Oh, nothing.”
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Ara glanced down at the steamy dish on the ornate plate before her, with several utensils set out on either side of the plate. She hesitantly raised her hand only to freeze when she heard a camera click.
She immediately glanced up to see Gojo lowering his phone, a smirk on his lips, “Shit-“
She reached out, trying to snatch his phone, “What the hell—“
He easily stretched his arm out of her reach, his grin widening, “Aht, aht, this is for me.”
She leaned back in her seat, scowling, “Why?”
She watched him scroll through his phone with a stupidly wide grin, “Because,” he explained lightly, “I don’t have enough pictures of you.”
Her brows furrowed as he continued, “I always take pics on your phone cuz I want you to think of me but when you left I realized I didn’t have you on my phone.”
He set his phone down on the table before resting his face on his propped arm. He reached over to flick her chin with his free hand.
“You won’t give me the chance to miss you like that again but I don’t wanna make the same mistake twice.”
A smug smile slipped across his lips before he gestured towards her food, “Eat. You asked the chef for it after all.”
More like he had asked for her since she was still shy with the house staff. She wasn’t used to having people at her beck and call but she also wanted to test if his chef really could cook everything.
It was simple banter with Gojo at first-with him trying to convince her that his chef could truly cook anything-but it ended with her googling an uncommon dish to purposely throw off the chef. Now, they both sat at the lavish long table in one of the several dining rooms with a steaming bowl of Käsespätzle in front of her. And it smelled delicious.
She’d only picked the German dish because she remembered once seeing a microwavable, frozen food tray version of it at the grocery store. She never saw it again so she assumed it was seasonal.
She scooped up a bit with her fork before taking a hesitant bite. She was careful to school her reaction as she chewed—heavily aware of Gojo’s eyes zoned in on her.
“How is it?” he asked.
It seemed the chef had defied her expectations.
She swallowed-doing her best to keep her poker face intact, “It’s… okay.”
His eyes glittered with amusement as he watched her grip over her fork waver and her little tongue deftly swipe her bottom lip to lick up a bit of cheese sauce.
“Oh?” he raised a brow before reaching out to her plate with the bowl atop it, “I’ll take it then-“
She instinctively smacked his hand, “It’s mine.”
He grinned and she immediately flushed-belatedly seeing through him.
She quickly withdrew her hand, crossing her arms, “Nevermind, it’s yours.”
He suddenly grabbed the bottom rim of her chair and tugged her seat close. He shoved aside the several neatly aligned utensils to place her plate before her.
“You’re a bad liar, kitten,” a teasing grin on his lips as he raised a forkful to her lips, “just eat.”
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Ara grabbed her lunch tray and turned around. She didn’t meet anyone’s eyes as she walked through the cafeteria to the courtyard doors.
She used her back to open the courtyard door before stepping outside. The weather was nice enough to make her feel warm through her blazer.
She took a moment to scan the freshly landscaped expanse of green before her eyes landed on the familiar gazebo. She took her time as she made her way towards it. The closer she walked she began to overhear their voices.
“That’s not the answer.” Geto’s voice.
“Yes it is!” Gojo.
“It’s not, where’d you even get that equation from?“
“Ara!!” Gojo exclaimed the second she entered his line of sight. 
He reached for her as she set her tray down beside his. His muscular arms winding around her to bury his face in her sternum, a low whine coming from him.
She placed her hand over his head, absentmindedly raking her fingers through his fluffy white hair as she half-sat, half-stood on the bench attached to the table. 
“What is it?” she muttered as she glanced down at the open notebook and ipad-displaying a textbook page-laying on the table.
She instinctively reached for the notebook just as he raised his head to look up at her from against her chest. She read over his scribbles as he complained.
“Suguru is saying I’m wrong~”
She recognized the problem immediately, it was a Physics problem.
“Is this Mr. Langard?” she asked.
“Yes.” “Yep~” Geto and Gojo answered simultaneously. She’d taken his class last semester.
She pointed at an equation in Gojo’s notebook, “That’s wrong.”
Geto immediately pitched in, “Exactly.”
“But that’s what photomath used!”
“Seriously.” Geto grumbled.
“That equation isn’t bad-if you're looking for an estimate,” she leaned over to use her fingers and zoom in on a specific sentence in the online textbook, “You need precise numbers for this question.”
Geto quietly read over the zoomed in text-which confirmed her words. He hadn’t known that, he’d merely been following Mr. Langard’s instructions. Gojo’s lips made a small ‘o’ shape.
Geto then went on to use his apple pencil to minimize the textbook to one half of the screen and reveal his own notes in the other. He swiped to a specific point in his notes before circling an equation. 
Geto added, “This is the equation you're supposed to use.”
She peered at his work before reaching out to swipe her index finger across the screen to see if there was more, only to find blank sheets.
A subtle frown graced her features before she responded, “Yeah but your answer is incomplete.”
Both boys merely stared as she slipped the apple pencil from Geto’s fingers and scribbled in a new formula underneath his numerical work.
She continued to deftly solve the equation until she circled the answer, “This is the answer.”
Geto’s brows furrowed as he turned the iPad to himself—quickly readjusting it for him and Gojo to see when Gojo loosened his hold around her to lean towards the ipad.
Gojo silently assessed the work as Geto glanced up towards her, “How?” he asked.
“We need to convert it back to its original units.” Gojo answered-rather quickly.
Ara nodded, before sitting down beside Gojo.
Geto shook his head, gradually retreating into his slouched position as he did so. “I completely missed that.”
Just as she handed the apple pencil back to Geto, Gojo pressed a haste yet passionate kiss to her cheek. She immediately shoved his face away.
He was beaming, “I love having a smart girlfriend.”
Geto’s attention returned to the ipad, his thin brows furrowed in concentration, “This formula.. do they ever ask for estimates on exams?”
Ara shook her head briefly, “No but that formula is mainly for checking your work. If your answer is far off from the estimate then you probably did something wrong.”
“Ah, makes sense.” Geto said, until Toji plopped into the seat beside him.
Toji was peeling an orange in his hands, “What’re you guys talking about.” he asked, though he didn’t sound too interested.
“Nothing you would understand.” Gojo answered sweetly.
“Fuck you.” Toji retorted.
Toji’s head was suddenly shoved and they all looked to see Shoko behind him, cigarette in hand. Toji rubbed his head, “The hell?”
“You skipped again? Are you planning on repeating this year too?”
Toji frowned, “Why do you care?”
“I don’t. Miss Payton was asking about you.”
Toji raised a brow, grinning, “Was she?”
Shoko rolled her eyes before sitting beside him, “Don’t tell me you gave her STDs too.”
Geto raised his brows, “too?”
“Yeah, didn’t you hear Inez got herpes?” Shoko gave Toji a dramatic side-eye, “Zenin was messing with her last sooo we all know who the herpes handler here is.”
Geto and Gojo burst out laughing while Toji’s face twisted in annoyance.
Geto shook his head, “Herpes handler is crazy.”
Gojo reached out to high-five Shoko, “Syphilis sampler.”
Shoko high-fived him back, “Gonorrhea gobbler.”
“Will ya shut the fuck up.” Toji spoke up, rubbing his temple as if he had a headache.
Suddenly Haibara ran up to the table, all huffing and puffing.
“Hi guys.” he chirped through breaths.
Shoko looked him up and down, “Why are you running?”
He used his thumb to point behind him, “Nanami wanted to race here—“ he turned around to glance behind himself. No one was there.
Shoko snorted, “Idiot.”
Haibara barely frowned before slipping into the seat next to Ara. Ara was diligently eating her lunch.
He greeted her politely, “Hi Ara.”
She glanced over, “Hey.”
He smiled shyly, “Can I have one of your mozzarella sticks?”
“Don’t give it to him,” a male voice. Ara glanced over to see Nanami walk upto the table, “He already ate mine.”
Nanami lightly smacked Haibara on the back of the head before sitting down next to Shoko.
Shoko offered him her cigarette and Nanami took it without a second’s hesitance, only to toss it on the ground and stomp it out.
“What-!” Shoko exclaimed.
He glanced over at her, “I thought you were tryna quit?”
Toji snorted, “She says that every week.”
Shoko shot him a look, “Noo.”
Gojo’s tone was teasing as he tilted his head, “Are you actually tryna quit then?”
She scratched her head, “I was..”
“How long did you last?” Geto asked.
“30 minutes.”
Geto chuckled while Nanami shook his head.
Gojo faced Nanami, “Yo, what’d you get on your exam?”
Nanami answered flatly, “Ninety eight.”
Shoko smiled-nudging him, “I knew you were gonna ace it. We should celebrate.”
Haibara immediately piped in, “Yeah! Let’s.”
Nanami kept his eyes on Shoko, “Don’t we have to go to the mall today?”
“Oh shit, you're right. I need to get a gift for my aunt.”
“Can I come too?” Haibara asked.
Shoko nodded, “Yeah, yeah, come,” her eyes landed on Ara, “You come too.”
Ara’s eyes lifted up from her lunch, “Me?”
“Yeah, we don’t hang out enough,” her eyes cut to Gojo, “since Gojo’s gatekeeping you.”
Gojo smirked, “I’m not gatekeeping her~”
“Then why don’t you bring her to the hangouts?”
“Because she’s always studying!” he pouted.
“Oh c’monnn,” Shoko tilted her head at Ara, “You gotta come out sometime. How about this weekend?”
Ara glanced at Gojo to see him looking at her with thinly veiled anticipation. Ever since they got back together he’d been asking her to come hang out with his friends with him or not-so-subtly tell her who was throwing a party this weekend—she always declined, using studying as an excuse. Though it wasn’t entirely an excuse. She wasn’t like Gojo who didn’t have to try to keep up stellar grades.
She would tell him to hang out with his friends by himself, which he sometimes did, but he never went to parties—since it was against his self-assigned rule of not going without her.
She knew not attending these ‘parties’ was making his social butterfly ass itch.
She ran a hand through her hair, “..how about after midterms?”
“So next weekend?” Shoko asked.
She felt Gojo’s hand at her back, “Really?” he asked.
She glanced at him, noticing the subtle spark in his gaze before rolling her eyes, “Yeah.”
Shoko announced, “She can get ready at mine.”
Gojo immediately responded, “Wha—no, she’s getting ready with me.”
“You see! You are gatekeeping her.”
“I’m not!”
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Gojo bounded up the steps before scurrying down the hallway to his room. He gathered his breath before entering the bedroom.
The doors opened soundlessly as he stepped within. There were some lo-fi beats playing from the speaker and he smiled slightly before his gaze fell on Ara.
She was sitting on his bed, papers splayed out before her. She used a textbook as a firm surface to write on as she shifted her attention between her notebook and laptop.
Her hair was down loose, tucked behind her ears to keep her hair from falling in front of her face. She wore a pair of fuzzy shorts and a tank top. One baby pink ankle sock on her left foot whereas the other sock lay a foot away on the floor. Her face a mask of deep concentration.
His smile widened subtly, tilting his head as he watched her.
He told her she was free to use the desk but she always seemed to find her way to the bed.
He deftly picked up his drawstring bag and backpack off his shoulder before letting it drop to the floor. Her eyes immediately darted up.
Her eyes widened, “Satoru.”
He walked towards the bed, a wide smile on his lips, “Hey.”
“How was practice—aah!”
He jumped atop the bed, letting his head rest on her lap and the rest of his long limbs crinkle her papers.
His arms slipped around her, “I missed you.”
Her eyes widened as the bed shifted from his weight and her Macbook tipped over the bed’s edge.
Suddenly his arm shot out and he caught its edge a millisecond before it tumbled off.
“Got it.”
At her silence he glanced up and instantly grinned at her shell-shocked expression. He placed the Macbook on a safer area of the bed before slipping his arms around her again.
He tilted his head on her lap, “Can I have a kiss now?”
She blinked-gathering herself from her shock to respond, “You think you deserve one?”
He pouted, “I don’t?”
She stammered out, “Y-you literally jumped on my homework and damn near broke my laptop—“
“But did it break?”
She glanced down at him, “What?”
His bright eyes didn’t waver, “Did your laptop break?”
Her brows furrowed slowly, “.. no but-“
“Aht aht. I saved it, so we’re good.”
She squinted, opening her mouth to refute him only to get interrupted by a whiny nonsensical sound, “It’s not like I can’t get you a new one if it broke, okay?”
He partially raised his head from her lap. His adam's apple bobbing within his neck as he spoke, “Now gimme a kiss.” he pleaded.
She rolled her eyes before gently slipping her hands around either side of his face, “You’re so annoying.”
He grinned delightfully, “I know.”
She bent low, letting her nose lightly nudge his before pressing her lips to his.
He couldn’t deny the butterflies that erupted in his gut.
He leaned up slightly, trying to access more of her lips but she continued to peck him—some of her pecks longer than others. She was truly such a tease.
Just as he leaned in some more, she broke the kiss. Her hands cupping his face slid down to his neck, her thumbs stroking the skin along his sharp jaw..
She yelped when his arm around her grabbed her thigh, deftly tugging her down so that she was no longer sitting. Instead she now lay beside him.
His hand clasped her throat before he kissed her—deep and with tongue. Just the way he liked.
He lightly bit her lower lip before breaking the kiss. His gaze was fond as he looked down at her, “you know how perfect you look on my bed?”
She couldn’t find any words—to breathless by his kisses to speak.
“I used to dream about you being here..” His piercing eyes slowly looked her up and down, making her skin rise with goosebumps wherever his gaze touched, “..never thought I’d get to see it this soon.”
He kissed her cheek, “Now I get to see you sitting pretty on it everyday,”
He kissed the corner of her lip, “I’m too lucky..”
His lips hovered over hers, “I get to come home to you.”
She placed her hand on his chest-stopping him a millisecond before he leaned in.
“Toru wait—w-we can’t.”
He made a short sound of dismay before continuing to shift himself over her. He easily angled himself between her legs, “Why not?” he whined once-more.
She cupped his jaw just as he leaned in again, “Cuz you stink, fool.” 
He chuckled as she went on, “Go shower.”
“Liarrrr.” His nose nudged hers playfully, “You’re just tryna get rid of me.”
She reddened, “Nooo.”
He shook his head wildly, letting strands of wet hair touch her face.
She immediately faced elsewhere, “Ew! Get your sweaty hair off me-“
He laughed, his lips ghosting her cheek as he stopped shaking his head, “It’s not sweat, baby. I showered in the locker room.”
She swallowed inaudibly, her eyes widening with indecision.
Suddenly his hand found her throat, his long fingers gently probing her to face him.
She cupped his hand over her throat, “Toru, we have homework..” she whined hesitantly.
He pressed his forehead to hers, “Sh, sh, sh. No more excuses..” he murmured before unbuttoning her top one by one.
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“nngh-ngh!-unnn—“ She gripped the sheets tight as he pounded into her. Her macbook and papers scattered along the ground.
His fingers dug into her hips as he panted. She looked so fucking good, he couldn’t stop.
Her back was to him, his large hands easily fitting into the curves of her waist as he moved her hips as fast as he liked. She could barely moan properly due to his pace.
Her hair swayed sexily with each deep thrust of his cock. Her body jolted when the tip of his cock reached somewhere deliciously deep.
“toru…!” she rasped, “oh god—oh godohgodohgod—nnnh!”
She bent over, her hands resting on his knees as her cunt twitched around him.
He groaned, “fuckkk, ara, ara, ara..”
He sat up straight from his position against the headboard. He cupped her tits-squeezing them heartily-as he pushed her small back against his chest. He shoved his cock deeper into her, making her yelp.
“toru please!” she cried as her cunt tightened drastically, “please-t’much, toomuch.”
He didn’t stop fucking her through her high. His bright eyes peered down at her over her shoulder, kneading her tits greedily with one hand and keeping his palm against her stomach with the other.
“cum, ara. cum.” he huskily urged her, his eyes only growing brighter with each squeeze of her cunt, “cum on me jus like that.”
He groaned when her body listened to him. He’d been fantasizing about fucking her like this all day—the feeling of her cunt suctioning his cock like this. Fuckk, her pussy was perfect. perfect.
“a-araa..” he groaned into her ear as his cock throbbed. He knew she felt it too when a whimper left her lips. Her legs continued to shake as he burst inside her—his cum so warm she could feel it through the condom.
Her head was spinning as he squeezed her tits hard. She knew there’d be marks left behind. She closed her eyes, breathing heavily as she ran a hand over forehead to move her hair out of her face.
His haggard breaths trailed down her skin as he began to massage her breasts—more kindly.
She kept her eyes closed as his lips ghosted her neck, “Again.”
His fingers found her clit and she instinctively squeezed her legs together. His fingers didn’t budge, neither did his stiff cock within her.
“let’s do it again,” he murmured-almost drunkenly as strangled gasps left her when he rubbed her clit, “again and again and again.”
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“You don’t understand, this one has 12 new weapons-“
“You said that about 30 times.” Nanami muttered.
Haibara was too distracted by Toji and Geto heading towards the kitchen.
“Yo! Where you guys goin? Let’s go to the spot.”
Toji opened the french door refrigerator, “I’m tryna eat something first.”
“C’monnn, we can eat later-“
Nanami ruffled Haibara’s hair, “Aren’t you a little too excited for a game?”
Haibara immediately faced him, “It’s not just a game!”
“Can you tell he gets no bitches,” Toji closed the fridge when he spotted nothing but fresh ingredients, “Where’s the chef here?”
Haibara pouted, “Hey.”
“Me and you both, Haibara,” Geto slid off the stool beside the island counter, “I’ll get Marin.”
Toji raised a brow, “Marin?”
“The maid,” Geto answered, “She’s cooked for you a thousand times and you still don’t know her name.”
Toji scratched the back of his neck, “Oops.”
Geto disappeared down a hallway, just as Haibara announced, “Alright, you all get ten minutes to do your shit before you're required to show up to the game room, okay? Be fast. I don’t wanna start without everyone.”
“Okay, dweeb.” Toji muttered.
“Shut up, don’t act like you're not hype.” Haibara replied lightheartedly.
Toji grinned, “True.”
“Where’s Gojo?” Nanami asked.
“Dunno, but Toji can let him know he has to get to his ass to the game room, okay? Let’s goooo!” Haibara’s voice faded out as he bolted from the kitchen in the direction of the game room.
Nanami shook his head.
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Suddenly her airpod disappeared from her ear. She glanced over and screeched.
“Oh my god!! What the fuck, satoru!” Ara yelled while scurrying out of the chair, hand over her heart. “Scared the shit outta me.” 
He smiled-a bit too brightly, “Heh, I wanted to surprise you.”
She glanced over at the clock before frowning, “Aren’t you supposed to be at practice?”
He set the airpod down on her desk, “We got out early today.”
She stared as he stepped towards her. He cupped the sides of her face, keeping her eyes on him.
“Aren’t you happy to see me?”
She lightly grasped his forearms, tilting her head back when he leaned over her.
“No..” she smiled slightly when his lips grazed hers, “Never.”
He pouted, “Meanie.”
She didn’t have to go on her tiptoes to press a light peck to his lips. He eagerly returned it, his arms sliding around her waist to tug her against him.
He tilted his head, prying her lips open with his own before going still. He then kissed the corner of her lip, her jaw, her neck..
“Tell me the truth, kitten.”
She blushed, quickly closing her expectant mouth. She turned her face aside and pressed her forehead against his chest. His large hands rubbing her lower back as he lightly nipped at her ear.
She shivered. Her hands grasped his firm biceps as she spoke-her voice wavering, “You already know how I feel about you..”
“Do I?” he squeezed her hips, “Tell me again.”
She squealed slightly before shaking her head, voice small, “You don’t need to hear it.”
He chuckled slightly. She was always worried about making his ego too big, wasn’t she? Too late.
He kissed her forehead, “Fine. Then show me.”
Her brows furrowed only to loose all train of thought when his hand wrapped around her neck and tilted her face up.
She stared at him as he nudged her nose fondly, “Show me you're happy to see me..”
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“Where the hell is he..” Geto muttered.
They’d been waiting in the game room for a good five minutes before Haibara got restless—constantly asking him about Gojo's whereabouts as if he knew. Gojo wasn’t answering his texts either, just like the rest of them.
He sighed while walking up the steps, hands buried in his pockets. He made it Gojo’s bedroom, pushing open the door with his shoulder.
“unngh—nngh! ohh, toru..”
“yo-“ he immediately cut himself off when he processed what he heard.
His eyes instinctively landed on the bed and froze when he got a split second glimpse of Gojo propped over someone. Even with the blanket over them it wasn’t hard to tell that whoever it was had their legs around his waist. A short feminine yelp came from under sheets and the blanket suddenly got yanked higher, only revealing the top of her lengthy hair.
Geto immediately turned around, hastily running a hand over his face in shock. Ara. He’d completely forgotten she lived with him now.
Even through his breathlessness, he could still hear the smirk in Gojo's voice, “Suguru!! hi~”
Geto’s face burned, “Dammit, I didn't know y—“ he quickly cut himself off when he swore he heard not-so-subtle sounds of the bed moving and a whispery ‘stop’.
Geto raised his hands, “fuck, i’m out.”
Just as he bolted towards the door, Gojo called out, “Suguru, wait!” The little shit was laughing.
He continued heading out the door, face still hot.
“Sorry!” Gojo called out, his voice laced with humor. “You guys can start without me!”
Just as Geto closed the door he faintly overheard Ara’s voice, “You didn’t lock the fucking door?!”
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Ara hesitated before entering the semi-dark room. Her eyes followed the atmospheric lights dancing along the high ceilings and walls while recalling the first time gojo showed her this room—ironically, the last time she’d been in there.
The huge flat screen TV on the center wall was the main source of light. It would’ve resembled a movie theater if it weren’t for the gunshots blasting infinitely from the speakers in the walls. She didn’t know how they managed to sound proof this room.
“Haibara what are you doing?” Nanami snapped.
“I’m reloading! wait, wa—“
Suddenly the sound of a bomb rang from the speakers.
“What the fuck!” Toji hollered.
Gojo’s maniacal laughter filled the room, “oops~”
“You said you had no bombs left!” Haibara protested.
She watched Suguru smack the back of Gojo’s head as he continued to laugh.
Gojo suddenly raised his hands, one hand clutching the video game controller as he shouted in his typical whimsical demeanor. It wasn't hard to tell that he was-unapologetically-explaining himself from his body language but his words were suddenly too far to make out. too distant to decipher.
Her eyes had latched onto his hands and her mind had gone elsewhere…
She couldn’t believe those hands were pinning her wrists to the sheets moments ago. or that sly voice of his was in her ear—all breathy, whiny and worshipping.
She didn’t even need to close her eyes to remember…
"ara—araa," he whined over the repeated smacking sound of his cock pummeling into her. her inner thighs growing slicker with each thrust.
"T-toru!" she cried out. she couldn’t take it anymore. He'd grown bigger inside of her and was stretching her to her limit. She’d lost her ability to think eons ago.
He didn’t stop. He spoke haggardly, between fucks, "your cunny knows what it wants right—how to milk Toru dry."
His cock throbbed within her.
"gripping me so tight," He groaned out—ever so desperately, "you wanna get knocked up so bad"
“mmmm,” He groaned from above her.
She felt his eyes on her skin—his hands on the back of her thighs—his hot cum on her stomach.
He spread her knees further apart, letting her watch as he rubbed his length through her folds—over her clit.
“t-toru—“ she pleaded, weakly.
He watched her body arch, trying to give her overstimulated pussy some space but he refused-merely lowering himself against her to keep his cock glued to her clit. She moaned when the pace of his grinding picked up.
He pressed his forehead to hers, his eyes never leaving her face, “y’know how beautiful you are, ara? sodamnperfect, i can’t take it.” he was breathless.
Her hands found his chest, trying to push at him, “stop toru—please—“ she whined. He came twice already, it should be enough.. should be enough..
“Stop telling me to stop kitten—“ he rammed his length into her, thrusting without a second thought, “-you know i can’t.”
She blinked, suddenly back in the game room. She glanced over to see Haibara beside her.
He smiled, “When did you get here?” He was about to greet her with a side hug until he heard-
“Ara?” another-all too familiar-voice piped up. Haibara stepped out of the way to let her see Gojo. His face was upside down as he looked at her, his head against the couch’s backrest.
“Toru.” she instinctively responded before walking towards him.
“Toru.” Toji mocked under his breath.
Gojo immediately straightened in his seat as she approached, his eyes bright and curious. When she stood close enough he tugged her onto his lap.
“You were lookin’ for me?” he asked her, a note of verve in his voice.
Her eyes met Geto-who was seated right beside him-and immediately flushed. Geto glanced away, seemingly red himself.
“Yeah..” she answered Gojo hesitantly. She placed a hand on his shoulder to adjust herself on his lap more comfortably before facing him, “Why’s the game paused?”
“Cuz Haibara will get his panties inna twist if we play without him.” Toji answered.
“He went to the bathroom.” Geto supplied.
“Ara~” Gojo suddenly whined, tugging her chin to make her face him, “What happened?”
He deftly searched her face before smiling in a way that was endearing yet smug. He murmured, “You came to me.”
“Yeah..” he playfully pinched her cheeks as she spoke on, “I jus wanna know how late you’re gonna stay up.”
“Oh?” he raised a brow, deliberating, “Why? You want me to join you in bed?”
She flushed, “No I was just checking cuz you have a midterm first period tomorrow..”
His eyes sparkled, “You’re worried? how cute~”
Suddenly her face and neck was getting peppered with kisses. She laughed, pushing at his chest to get him off. He didn’t budge, continuing persistently.
She finally managed to push him back a little, “stop you idiot,” she breathed out through giggles.
He was still grinning, “You’re worried about me~”
She shoved his shoulder, “I’m leaving.”
He immediately grabbed her hips and planted her back down, “Nope, you're gonna stay here.”
She tried to pry his hands off her as he continued, “C’monnn, watch me play.”
She glared, “That’s boring.”
“Then you play.”
“I’m not a kid.”
She faintly heard Toji say, “Wowww.”
Gojo smirked, “You never played video games before, have you?”
“Yep, you’re not goin’ anywhere.”
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He glanced down at her and grinned.
She sat in between him and Suguru, his controller in her hands. She was doing surprisingly well for a beginner, he wasn’t sure if she was truly picking it up that fast or if it was pure luck. Maybe a mix of both.
She was definitely more engaged than she let on, her bottom lip stuck between her teeth and steady gaze on the screen gave her away.
Suguru leaned over to give her a pointer and she nodded before opening her inventory as he instructed.
Suddenly the sound of a bomb going off blasted through the speakers.
“Yo, what thE FUCK! WHO THREW A BOMB???” Toji bellowed. Poor guy was in the lead. was.
She yelled back, “It was an ACCIDENT!”
Gojo opened his mouth only to get interrupted-
His laughter was masked by the sound of another bomb exploding through the speakers.
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He skipped several steps as he bolted upstairs. He boisterously shouldered open his bedroom doors, tossing his duffel bag to the floor before catapulting straight to the bed—
He stopped a second before lift-off, staring at the neatly made bed.
Where is she?
He didn’t move, merely turning his head to aptly scan the room. Her backpack was nowhere to be seen. Her home slippers were left in place. Her daily afterschool coffee left untouched on the nightstand.
She didn’t come home? Marin would’ve said something.
He took a step towards the nightstand only to note a lighter brown line of foam within the rim of the clear mug residing a slight bit higher than the coffee itself. She did come home.
He didn’t waste a second slipping a hand into his pocket and retrieving his phone. He tapped the screen twice before a location showed up.
His brows furrowed, “555 Palm Avenue..” he murmured to himself before his eyes widened.
Shoko’s house.
He tilted his head, faint confusion passing over his features before he raised the phone to his ear.
She picked up on the second ring.
“Hi loser.” Shoko.
He tilted his head, “Ieiriiiii, why’d you steal her?”
“What the hell did you do to her phone that it won’t turn off location sharing with you?” she huffed, “I wanted you to have a panic attack.”
“Heheh. Nice try,” his smile flipped into a pout, “Now give her back.”
He slipped his car keys out his pocket before tossing them into the air and catching it, “I’m coming.”
“NO! This is a pre-game for the girls only.”
“Eh? I’m one of the girls too,” he said before adding, “the fuckk.” -in a feminine voice.
“Shut the hell up. And don’t do that again.”
He was cracking up as she continued, “She’s getting ready here.”
“I wanna seeeee.”
“Can I talk to her then?”
He whined, “C’monn, don’t do this to me, Ieiri~”
When she remained silent he continued, “pleasepleaseplease-“
“You’re like a puppy with separation anxiety. How is she not sick of you?”
He grinned, “She loves me.”
“She said that?”
He blinked before his brows furrowed slightly, “Not yet.”
“Then don’t assume.”
He knew she only meant that in jest but suddenly he was thinking about it.
He heard the sound of footsteps over the phone, a door opening before the sound of a lot feminine voices. He heard Shoko say something and then-
“Hi baby,” My sweet Ara. She sounded worried, “I’m so sorry, I wanted to call you when she picked me up but she wanted to prank you.”
He shook his head, smiling, “s’okay, kitten. i jus miss your pretty face.”
He heard her exhale softly, “You’ll see me tonight, all dressed up.”
He groaned, “ughh, i don’t wanna waittttt.”
He could hear the smile in her voice, “stop whining you child.”
He grinned, “let me see you at shoko’s then.”
He heard shoko yell, “NO!” in the background.
“did you hear that?” Ara asked with a light laugh.
“yes. tell her i said she sucks bootycheeks.”
Shoko yelled once more, “i know!”
Ara spoke, “i’ll see you at brit’s okay?”
He pouted, “fineeee.”
“bye baby.”
He smiled slightly, he couldn’t help but feel warm whenever she said that. “see you, kitten.”
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Shoko sat her down in front of a vanity.
“Alright, now that hair is done, we can do makeup.”
Ara stared as Shoko opened all the drawers of the extravagant vanity before her, revealing a countless amount of high-end makeup. Most of it barely touched.
“Shoko!!” a girl yelled from downstairs.
“What!” Shoko yelled back only for silence to follow.
She rolled her eyes as she mumbled to herself, “What does Arden want now,” she gestured toward the makeup, “Knock yourself out, I’ll be back.”
Shoko turned around, eyes alert.
Ara hesitated before admitting, “I don’t know how to do my makeup.”
Her eyes widened, “Forreal?” She then crossed her arms, “Actually I can’t even blame you, I only started doing my own makeup like a year ago.”
“Would your Mom do it for you?” she asked, considering the fact that the vanity before them was hers.
“Nah, I had a makeup artist.” Shoko appeared to be in thought before she said, “Hold on.”
She walked out of the room and yelled, “Anybody here good at makeup??!”
A ton of feminine voices arose, answering her. Ara wasn’t the least bit surprised since half of their school’s female population was here.
She heard Shoko yell something before peeking her head back in the room, “Alright, we got help for makeup. Do you want anything to drink?”
Ara hesitated. She’d told herself that she wouldn’t drink after the last party but—
“IM COMING IDIOT!” Shoko yelled back before saying, “I’ll be back.”
She left within a blink of an eye, only for someone else to enter the room a second later. Karina.
Ara stared as Karina walked closer, looking insanely perfect as usual. She also had a bottle of Pink Whitney in her hand.
She set the bottle down on the vanity, “You need help with your makeup?”
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a/n: continued in chapter 5 [ part 2 ] >:) & here's a link to the previous chapter if anyone needs it
30 notes · View notes
yrluvjane · 19 hours
Dilf!james watching you wait for Harry while he's at the store and flirts with you but when you hear the car pull up he speeds off and you don't get caught!(if u don't wanna it's totally fine bc I could use your writing any day and even if it's not my request it's amazing)
Bringing back dilf!James? Pfft, you're welcome to request and ask anytime!
The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm, golden glow over the quiet suburban street with you standing by the porch, waiting for Harry to return from his quick trip to the store. The soft hum of bees and the distant chirping of birds created a peaceful ambience.
James Potter, the ever-dashing epitome of expected-unexpected chaos and father of your best friend, sauntered over with that trademark 'Potter-grin' of his. His hair was perfectly tousled, and he had that twinkle in his eye that always made your heart race, that twinkle that both he and his son shared - the one that told you they were up to something.
"Fancy seeing you here," James said, leaning casually against the porch railing. His voice was smooth, almost like a purr, and you couldn't help but smile.
"Mmmh, seems like we always run into each other at these moments," you replied with feigned suprise.
James chuckled at that, his eyes raking over you in a way that made your skin tingle. "Must be fate, don’t you think?"
Laughing softly, you shook your head. "Or maybe you're just very particular with your timings, Mr. Potter."
He took a step closer, the space between you shrinking. "Maybe," he said, his voice dropping to a lower, more intimate tone. "Or maybe I just enjoy our little moments." Your heart skipped a beat as he reached out, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear.
"And it’s James."
"James," you whispered in both warning and yearning, torn between wanting to lean into his touch and the nagging voice in your head, reminding you of Harry's imminent return.
He seemed to read your mind, a playful smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. "Relax, love. Just enjoying the view."
You raised an eyebrow, trying to maintain your composure. You took a deep breath, "Oh, really? And what exactly are you viewing?"
"Well," he said, leaning in closer, "I see a very intriguing and breath-taking individual. Someone who clearly enjoys these little games as much as I do."
You laughed, shaking your head. "You are impossible, you know that?"
He shrugged, his grin widening. "Impossible to resist, maybe."
You rolled your eyes, but you couldn't deny the fluttering in your stomach. "Is that what you tell yourself to sleep at night?"
"Every night," he replied with a wink. "Helps me sleep like a baby."
"Must be nice," you teased. "I bet Professor Remus has to put up with a lot."
He sighed dramatically, placing a hand over his heart. "Remus is a saint; he knew what he was getting into." You both laughed, and it was moments like these that made you forget the boundaries, the lines you shouldn’t cross.
And then he'd say something like this..
James stepped even closer, his voice dropping to a whisper. "You know, if things were different…"
The sound of a car engine in the distance made you both freeze. James glanced over his shoulder, his eyes narrowing slightly.
"That’ll be Harry," he said, his tone abruptly shifting from playful to serious. He gave you one last lingering look, his eyes filled with something you couldn’t quite place. "Until next time."
And just like that, he was gone. He moved swiftly and with the grace of someone much younger, disappearing around the corner just as Harry’s car pulled into the driveway. You tried to steady your breath, your heart still pounding from the encounter.
Harry stepped out of the car, smiling as he walked up to you. "Sorry that took so long. Did I miss anything?"
You shook your head, a smile playing on your lips. "Nope, nothing at all."
As Harry wrapped you in a hug, you couldn’t help but glance in the direction James had vanished.
You both walked inside, chatting about Harry's trip to the store. As you stepped into the kitchen, you froze. There, sitting at the table with a mug of tea, was James. He raised his hand in a playful shush motion, a cheeky grin on his face.
Harry didn't seem to notice your surprise. "Oh, hey, Dad. Didn't know you were here."
James took a sip of his tea, his eyes never leaving yours. "Just popped in for a quick visit from work. Thought I'd keep you company."
You bit your lip to suppress a laugh, shaking your head slightly as James winked at you over the rim of his mug, making your heart flutter all over again.
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shichey97 · 2 days
Meet Me At Our Spot
Older!Steddie, Mentions of homophobia, mental abuse, and arranged marriage. Death of Uncle Wayne.
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Eddie hadn't seen Steve since the younger man turned 21. That was 20 years ago and he hadn't looked back after the guy called him in tears saying they couldn't see each other anymore. Eddie had been hurt and had reacted to the news the only way he new how to. He ran away from Hawkins and Steve. Now he's back in Hawkins for his uncle's funeral and he finds the kids still there and Dustin hands him a polaroid that says "meet me at our spot" on it. That's how he ends up sitting in the bed of his uncle wayne's truck with none other than the man who broke his heart. Neither had said anything for a little bit, but Eddie sighs, "What do you want, Steve? Last I heard you were married with a daughter."
"I was married and I do have a daughter." he confirms, "My father forced me to marry Ashley. He was told about us by a friend who saw us together and he flew home." he looks down at his hands. "He made me break up with you...I didn't want to, but I do want to explain to you why I left. Why I broke your heart."
"Forced you? How'd he force you to do anything when I told you we could leave." Eddie asks pulling off his tie and setting it beside him.He was exhausted and just wanted peace and quiet. He doesn't even know why he showed up here in the first place. He chose to ignore the voice that said it's cause he missed Steve.
"He would hit me when he thought I was doing something to disgrace the Harrington name. Which was most of the time. He found out about us and he hit and hit and hit and it didn't stop until I agreed to break up with you. Eddie...I never wanted to leave you. I love you why would I leave unless I had to?" he asks looking at him. "We could've ran away. I told you I wanted out of here. I would've had no problem leaving here." He mutters and watches the ground. He could feel Steve staring at him. Drinking in the 43 years he had on him. The slightly greying hair at his temples, the still messy curls that were down past his shoulders now. He had a gene in his family that made them go grey prematurely so that's what he was dealing with.
"He threatened to hurt you guys too, Eddie." Steve says shaking his head, "I wouldn't do that to you and Wayne...I tried to find you, but Wayne said he didn't know where you were so I dropped it." he says softly.
"I could've taken care of myself, Steve." He sighs. "I appreciate you explaining yourself to me. I...hope you're happy in life, Stevie." He says softly as he looks at his shoes and sighs. He feels an overwhelming sense of loss. More than he should for an uncle. Maybe he should've called more of came home to visit. He felt guilty that he hadn't seen Wayne as much as he should have and now this, knowing why Steve broke up with him, made it worse.
"I am. Alexis is going to college soon, I'm by myself again, life is...good." he says softly though his tone said he wanted to say something else, but chose not to.
"Sounds...empty now." Eddie says still looking down at the ground. He couldn't bring himself to look at Steve right then. He just couldn't look at him because if he did he'd lose the tight grip on the ache in his chest.
"Yeah...It's been empty for 20 years though." he says softly looking up at the sky, "I'm really sorry about Wayne." "It's not your fault. He lived a good life..he was happy." he says as leans back on his hand to pull a cigarette out of the pocket of the suit he wore. Something he only wore on sad occasions. He wouldn't wear a suit to happy occasions because of it.
"I know. He was there for Alexis and me after Ashley took off." he says softly and sighed. "Eddie I..." he starts before he sighs. "I want another chance to love you. If you can't I understand, but please give me one chance." he says looking at him again. Eddie bristled under the weight of his eyes and hangs his head, "Steve...I'm only here for week." he says quietly.
"Let me take you out for dinner in that weer. Just once and if there's no spark then I'll let you go again." He says looking at him. Eddie finally looks at him and searches his face before he nods, "ok. One date." he agrees and has to fight back a smile when Steve smiles really wide and hugs him. He gets a one armed hug back before Eddie is pulling away. He wants to say he knows the spark is gone, but the hug felt like coming home so there's no way it was.
Both men were hopeful for their future
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