#the last picture had me weak bruh
drunkenkissesatdusk · 1 month
pairings — jason todd x reader
warnings — mentions of blood, mentions of injuries, mentions of yeowch, swearing, this was cams ( @harleyyquinnsgf ) idea so this is a dangerous game we play
summary — you would always be Jason’s safe haven; the only person he would ever let help him when he’s hurt would be you. that’s why he goes straight to you for help of any kind.
notes — like i said bruh cam gave me this idea bc i was a little lost on what to do
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━━━━━━━ YOU’VE KNOWN JASON FOR YEARS at this point, befriending him in your earliest high school years. it was a pretty unusual friendship, Jason and his tendencies to get into trouble, and your picture perfect student record.
they do say opposites attract.
maybe that’s what made you and Jason begin a steady dating life as soon as you were both done with any studying. well, you attended online college and he continues with his Red Hood side gig.
you could hear the sound of your windowsill opening, and Jason sliding through it. nothing clattered to the floor - Jason had a designated window he would slide in from whenever he finished patrol.
you didn’t like it, but he liked it, so you endured it. it reminded you of before you guys got together, when he would still enter your family’s house to get inside and see you.
“did i ever tell you,” you were leaning against the doorframe, watching him remove his helmet, “how much this reminds me of when we were teenagers, and you always ran to me for help with your injuries?” you walked forwards, embracing him in a warm hug.
“no, but we could do a blast from the past and you could patch me up.” he gave you a weak grin, motioning to the gap in his leg.
“jeez, Jason.” you sighed, leading him into your guys’s shared room. you had him sit in the side of the table, your face flushing as he sat down after removing his costume. uniform? you forgot what Jason called it.
“you should see the other guys, then.” Jason muttered.
you began to work carefully, removing the dried blood. Jason watched you intently. you could feel his eyes burning into you as you continued to wipe away the blood from his wound.
“i bet you fucked them up, Jay.” you smiled, throwing away another paper towel, grabbing a new one. you doused it immediately in saline solution, doing the last passover of his wound with care.
“anyone else show up?” you hummed.
“no,” he mumbled, “Dick wanted to, but something happened that he needed to deal with. i told him he could come over and hangout soon.” he was still watching you, admiring the care you carried for him.
“well, he’s welcome whenever. was it just him patrolling?” throwing away the other paper towel, you reached for the gauze and medical tape you kept on standby for this exact reason - Jason.
“yeah. Damian’s patrolling tomorrow with Tim, which is destined to be a shit show. Tim’s only going because i’m staying in tomorrow.” he hummed, moving to make the dressing of the wound easier.
you responded to his movement with a small ‘careful’.
“staying in? what for?” you ripped the top of the gauze pads packaging off.
“you’re always telling me to take a break.” he muttered softly, his arms crossing over his chest.
“you’re finally taking my advice into your vigilante lifestyle? never thought i’d see the day.” you teased.
“and i’m regretting it already.” he joked.
you smiled up at him, wrapping the tape around the previously places gauze. Jason eyed the movements, how careful you were, and how lucky he was.
“movie night? i’ve been wanting to watch something new. we could try a romcom?” you suggested.
“i am not watching a romcom.”
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masterlist — reminder that asks / requests are open!!
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medusa12346 · 2 years
Future spouse’s love language: CHOOSE A Melanie Martinez
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Pile 1-
Hmm okay, so there is an energy of submitting to you, like after a day at work they’ll be around you, just comfortable. No work clothes, no exterior, nothing. Just them and them only. It’s not the most romantic thing, like it wont be roses and butterflies but its gonna be moreso action and physical touch. Many conversations as well; not the “i love u baby” but more deeper and elegant conversations. There is something about the nose, they might like to cuddle up with their nose buried in your body, or while theyre crying they like to cry with their face shoved near your shoulder. They have a certain sad, yet determined aura to them? Like its extremely confusing. Theyre not seen as weak, but they are seen as a bit too polite. Anyways I LOVE THIS FOR YOU BC ITS LITERALLY SO CUTE HAHA- Also wow they are like near a perfect partner i think? Theyll bring joy and colour into your life. WOAH OKAY I JUST REALIZED OMG WTH YES. The first 3 cards have only ONE person in them, and all of them are black and white. As soon as the last card came out, it was colorful and bright WITH TWO PEOPLE IN IT GUYS THIS IS LIKE ONE OF THOSE POVS WHERE YOU CAN SEE COLOUR WHEN YOU MEET YOUR SOULMATE THOSE ONES.There is definitely some connection here, and it seems like youll have a family of 4. Whether that be your parents, their parents, siblings or children involved, 4 people are involved here.
Think of “Love story” by Taylor swift but only the aesthetic
Pile 2
lmaoooooO This person is a confused piece of sh*t- no lol im kidding but yes this person is very confused. Not about their feelings, but about how they present their feelings to you. Like, there are so many ways, that they have a hard time choosing one. I just see a man (SEPCIFICALLY a man but you can take it as per your preference!) confessing while touching your shoulder and stammering sooo much while trying to be alluring while being cute at the same time PLEASE its cute-OOh this is deff mixed. They have physical touch, words of affirmation and emotional something. They have lots of love languages. The one that stuck out to me was passionate tho. Theyre more fiery than any other element and are definitely one to sweep you off your feet… quite literally. Like carrying you. On their shoulder. With you hanging. It is DAMN. Also, they seem like one to be celebrating each and every victory in a more expensive and dramatic way. ITS CUTE AS HELL. They are quite financially abundant i like this pilee!!!!! They love to spoil you with gifts as well.
Agar tum saath ho is the song i got here!!!
Pile 3
BRUH this person’s love language is based solely on communication. ANY TYPE. And they like to dissect your feelings through your face. They have great observation skills. OKAY IK THIS IS WEIRD but this is like a parent type thing like they want to protect you and honor you and treat you and just love you unconditionally. They dont show their sorrows much but they let you show yours freely. Maybe theyve had a more fortunate life than youve had or the opposite, but theyve learned to control their emotions and sometimes maybe suppress them. YES, i know i said communication but that type of communication where you talk about the important things. Itll be enchanting and honestly very lovely. You both are a bit lonely when youre alone. They love comforting through hugs as well. THIS IS A PICTURE I GET SPECIFICALLY FOR YALL
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casreturns · 2 years
finished the ones within manga.. that shit is insane bro. i’m not gonna rant about it here cuz i already did to someone irl but here are screenshots i love 🚸🤍
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clouds-rambles · 3 years
hi bestie!! i loved the prompt you wrote where the reader dies in the genshin boys arms,, so do you think you could do that for zhongli and xiao? :]
We about to cry again huh?
Bro Stormbearers Lair is making me sad and for what? All I’m doing is looking for chests. Bruh. Kinnie moment
Pairing(s); (Seperate) Zhongli, and Xiao x reader
Warnings; major character death, angst, hurt/no comfort, injury description, blood
Keep reading under the cut!
He had lost many a person over the millennia, so loss isn’t exactly foreign to the ex archon
But you, even if you were mortal. In Zhongli’s eyes you would grow old with him. You would get to see your children grow into adults, you would get to see grand children, maybe you would even get to see great grand children if you were lucky.
But no
Your body lays limp in Zhongli’s arms. You were both fighting a particularly tedious foe, like you have done some many times before. But this time ended with you dying
And Zhongli didn’t even get to say his goodbyes to you for he was too preoccupied with putting down the enemy. Like has happened so many times before, people close to him, gone without even a goodbye let alone a kiss on the cheek
It had happened with Guizhong too. One day she was there fighting beside him and the next. Gone
Zhongli finds himself doing something that he hasn’t done in a very long time. He cries. He cries for you. Your loss of life, for your loss of experience. For all those years he was going to spend with you. For all those years that he did spend with you that are going to be nothing but a painful memory that he has to dwell on to remember why he’s alive
How would he explain it to his children? Children that are certainly not going to understand why one of their parents are gone. Especially when the said parent is used to being gone for long periods of time? How would he explain this to himself? That the person he loves above all things has been taken away?
Hu Tao is funnily enough the one to find Zhongli dry sobbing in the middle of the plains. She says something about how she was in the area, but really? Hu Tao had this sudden gross gut feeling, as if your spirit was trying to call out to her. The gross gut feeling she had was right
Hu Tao suddenly ever so professional helped the broken Zhongli up. She doesn’t mention it when his trousers are stained by your blood, nor does she mention Zhongli’s wet face. Hu Tao knows better, especially when dealing with the dead.
The service is as small as it could physically be, considering that just in Liyue you and he have made so many friends that want to say goodbye
Both Zhongli and his children are so overwhelmed with emotion that none of them cry at the service. But everyone knows how they’re feeling. 
After the service Zhongli sits his kids down and tries to explain everything to them without crying. He must stay strong for his beautiful children, he wont let himself crutch onto them.
Often when the kids are tucked away happily in bed Zhongli will visit your grave. Often with flowers, it doesn’t matter which ones. You always had a way of finding beauty in even the weeds that litter both the garden and the wilds
On more than one occasion Zhongli has found Xiao and Ganyu silently saying goodbye to you. In all honesty you were the reason why the human adepti started seeing the ex-archon in the first place. It’s only right they offer their blessings to the person who bought them closer to the only father figure they have
As the years pass your loss has gotten easier. Zhongli still visits your grave often and occasionally brings the kids to say hello. 
Though Hu Tao cannot help but note that Zhongli still wears his wedding ring on his finger. And sometimes, she can catch glimpses of what she can only presume to be your wedding ring hanging around his neck.
Zhongli isn’t going to be letting your memory within him die anytime soon
Having a mortal lover really wasn’t the best plan for Xiao. But he had always pictured at least you getting old. That way it would be less painful for the adeptus to let you go.
But fate obviously didn’t want that for him
He should have been more careful about having you near. You had helped him open up, so much so displays of PDA were something that he really began to enjoy. Holding your hand as you wonder about Wangshu’s market stalls, or kissing each others cheeks just when you feel like it
That’s what must have enticed the Abyss to target you. While you were defenseless
It was just a night like any other. Xiao had decided to go out for some monster slaying. He had noticed a slowly growing presence and generally a night out slaying monsters cleared out the area for a week or two
And it was going great until he heard the bloodcurdling scream of his name. If Xiao wasn’t a lightning fast adepti the scream of his name alone would have caused him to cry
The scene as he entered your room was much worse
The first thing he notices is the smell of the elemental traces of the abyss, but that smell is quickly overpowered by a metallic smell Xiao has become more than acquainted over in his lifetime. Blood
They you are lead on your bed, somewhere that should have been a safe space for both you and Xiao by extension
“Xiao” you speak again between laboured breaths, he is by your side in an instant, he clasps your hand in his
“Tell me who, I’ll ki-” he says before you interrupt
“shh” you shush with a weak smile “Xiao, I’ll” you pause coughing “I’ll find you in my next life, I promise” you manage to say
“[name], [name] stay with me!” Xiao yells as he begins to shake your body. It’s obvious from your glassy eyes and lack of breath that you’re not going to
Xiao leaves Goldet to clean up the room of blood, and you as he tracks down the culprit of your demise
He eventually does. But Xiao realises that much time has passed since your death. How long had he been pursuing this abyss herald? Days? Weeks?
When Xiao returns to Wangshu Goldet almost hugs him exclaiming that she and her husband had been worried sick. They had almost come to the conclusion that he to had taken his own life
“How long have I been gone?” Xiao inquires
“Four months” Goldet responds “We tried to hold [name]’s funeral back as much as we could, but we buried them three months ago. I’m sorry Xiao”
The adepti shakes his head. A million thoughts race his mind as he ponders what he should do next. Visit the grave and make himself be lost in your memory? Or just bury you in his head like he had done with the yaksha during the war?
He settles on both
Xiao visits your grave and says his goodbyes. He sets up some incense to help your spirit rest if its in turmoil before he turns to leave your grave. Your memory is like a wound. He will bury it in the sand like all the others in due time
A hundred years later is when he visits your grave again. Not because he forgot to before. But because this wound of your memory has infected his brain. In the last decade your memories have resurfaced once more
The memories range from the first time the two of you shared a kiss, shared the bed to when he had reached you in the bedroom
Xiao wonders to the promise your dying breaths offered, were they an empty promise like all other dying breaths? Or was this a true one?
“You know I’ve been tending to this grave for the last decade or so” a voice behind Xiao speaks. “My name isn’t [name] but I think I am them” the voice continues standing just behind the yaksha
“A hundred years is a little long for you to have grown” Xiao tells the figure behind him. You hum
“I think I was blessed by the gods” you confess “For I am truly a century old”
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karasunology · 4 years
✎ . . . “please just kiss me already” with sakusa 🥺🥺 hcs or scenario is up to u!!
❝ ― submitted by @akaashit-baeji <33 ❞
-ˏˋ ➶ character(s) ━ sakusa kiyoomi <3
⇣ please read the RULES before requesting.
[ ♡ ] i love the ending but in the middle i was kinda a bit of in a lost, so hope y'all don't mind that part tehee🙈✨ i have rewritten it SO MANY TIMES AHH. i just gave up so please enjoy this huhu
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➜ atsumu was a good guy, but right now all you wanted to do was strangle him tehee <3
➜ okay well, this was also probably, KIND OF, your fault for agreeing on this but curiousity got the best of you and now you're plotting on how the fuck do you ACTUALLY get yourself to ignore your boyfriend, sakusa for a day.
➜ sitting beside him, your head leaning against the headboard while you plan on how to ignore your boyfriend AS IF HE WASN'T RIGHT NEXT TO YOU REWATCHING THEIR MATCH HIS HAND BRUSHING AGAINST YOURS
➜ and so here you are now, trying to avoid your boyfriend early in the morning, slipping away from his grasp on your waist, rushing out of the door before sakusa realizes your absence
➜ you came to practice earlier than usual, though THAT wasn't the part why some were looking at you in curiousity buzzing their minds
➜ it was because your mans wasnt with you
➜ like bruh mind your own bussiness damn😤😪👊
➜ but then i remembered im also like that 👁👄👁
➜ sakusa came in earlier too but he was all by himself with an irritated look, he hated mornings, especially ones that he doesn't wake up to you by his side.
➜ his usual routine has incorporated you into it, there wasn't a day that you didn't exist in his schedule.
➜ he discreetly watched you play a two vs. two with bokuto, hinata & adriah, watching you laugh as you setted to hinata ─ the ball bouncing to the wall with his spike, rolling over to sakusa.
➜ you were about to get the ball until you saw who it rolled up to ─ your eyes widening as your froze when he maintained eye contact with you.
➜ you were like : pANIK
➜ until hinata being the innocent babie he is, didn't notice the growing weird tension between you and your boyfriend, taking the ball from the ground
➜ timeskip hinata. periodt.
➜ the power he has tho
➜ n e ways, that's where kiyoomi lowkey started freaking out
➜ and by lowkey, i mean his BURNING EYES never leaving you
➜ like you could F E E L his eyes on you
➜ like 👁👁
➜ he was also kinda scared ngl
➜ did he hurt you?
➜ did he do something that could hurt you?
➜ did you not love him anymore?
➜ sir how tf did u come into that conclusion i
➜ while sūgo in the back be like : oh wow, tea.
➜ # sūgo is a chismosa 2k20
➜ AND WHEN YOU THOUGHT YOU WERE DOING FINE, homeboy hits you up with a text
➜ the last straw was when you LOOKED at the notification pop up at your lockscreen but decided to ignore it
➜ like HIS MESSAGE, igNORED, by YOU, which did i mention was ONLY A FEW FEET AWAY FROM HIM??
➜ knowing by the end of the day he'll have his way with you🙈✨
➜ no but really, you were scared that you probably took it too far and made him upset with you
➜ and atsumu pretending he was jena marshall while YOU freak out for the whole day
➜ acting as if he wasn't a main contributer to this chaos
➜ the day ended and you were now forced to go back home WITH sakusa
➜ you were nervous
➜ bruh who wouldn't??
➜ this is sakusa kiyoomi we are talking about
➜ we don't know what's going on behind that mask of his
➜ and it has been driving you INSANE while you two sat in silence on the way home
➜ #prayfory/n2k20
➜ unbeknownst to him also in the brink of going insane because HOW. THE. FUCK. DOES. HE. CONFRONT. YOU. LATER.
➜ and the SECOND you two stepped inside your house PHEWWW
“ why have you been ignoring me? ” his voice muffled by his mask, cornering you into the wall as your back was against it, your eyes averted somewhere else while you're just the embodiment of 👉👈😔
➜ don't be suspicious, no don't be suspicious.
➜ realizing that you still weren't talking to him, he moves away from your face, backing away, a lowkey heartbroken expression evident in his face as he dragged his mask down.
“ i'm sorry. ” he apologizes, his eyes looking at the ground
➜ you were caught off guard by his apology since it seemed so sincere and GOD DID YOU FEEL LIKE A HORRIBLE PERSON
➜ the guilt luv, THE GUILT
➜ you said fuck it to the challenge, while you tugged on his jacket while he looks back at you with a snap
“ i'm sorry, ” you started off, making his jerk an eyebrow at you. “ i never meant it to go this far. ”
“ what do you mean 'this far ' ? ”
➜ after you told him that it was a prank 💆✨😻🔫 he didn't know how to react
➜ sakusa.exe has stopped
➜ basically that microsoft shut down audio right then and there
➜ he was irritated to say the least, he didn't get ANY sort of conversation and contact with you the whole day and FOR THIS?
➜ sakusa : you did this,,, FOR WHAT ?
➜ but his emotions didn't cloud his judgement just yet, the fatigue from practice and just everything that happened today was getting to him.
➜ he stays silent to collect his thoughts and wow did it frighten you.
“ okay, i know you're mad at me ─ and i won't force you to forgive me, because wow i would have hated myself too ─ no, that's not the point uh, i just wanna say sorry, god i'm a mess ─ ”
➜ sakusa wanted you to shut up.
➜ and he did, his hand covering your mouth while you looked at him with surprised
“ can you please just kiss me already? ” again, caught off guard by the one and only sakusa kiyoomi.
➜ and not gonna lie, he also caught HIMSELF off guard.
➜ this sakusa was desperate, this side of him that no one but you could see. the vulnerable and weak sakusa that put his pride away to ask for your touch.
➜ kiyoomi doesn't like skin contact, but with you, he wouldn't mind it.
➜ of course you obeyed his request, you already feel guilty enough for depriving him of your affections for almost a day.
➜ the kiss was passionate and longing in a way, it was a long and drawn out one that left the your legs jelly as it was only sakusa holding onto you that gave you support to stand up ─ needy and greedy, the pent up flustration and yearn for you was too much that he had to pour it all in not just one kiss.
➜ oh no, the night was still young.
“ don't you know how worried i was? ” his hot breath and pants fanning your face, an uncharacteristic flush across his face.
➜ challenge : failed.
➜ but hey, atleast you had a long night ahead of you.
➜ and sakusa made sure your attention was only at him.
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op-peccatori · 4 years
Hopefully, Yours (part 2) | MLQC Victor
Fandom: Mr Love Queen’s Choice
Pairing: Victor/Fem!Reader
Rating: Mature 
Word Count: 8326
Summary: It took some cake, a friend, and some impulsive behaviour, but they got there. (part 2 of Hopefully, Yours)
Warnings/Tags: making out, language, my cheeseball antics
a/n: I was afraid of opening this doc at one point because every time I did I added more words to it ;; Also accidentally deleted the first draft, so I hope I didn’t leave anything out for this one. 
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After Hours | Victor and Y/n
200, 280 views • Feb 8th, 2020
1.19M subscribers 
somsom 5 minutes ago
They’re both so nice. Victor’s always made out to be this heartless CEO, so it’s nice to see this side of him :) 
tooktiktook  7 minutes ago
cheribb 15 minutes ago
their eyes said more than enough <3 <3
saltqueen 16 minutes ago
what i wouldn’t give to have someone look that soft over me
Victor eyed the cheerful grin splitting Jason’s face, just a little uneasy in his seat. 
While having eager eyes on him was not an unfamiliar experience, he’d never been in a position where he was expected to talk about his feelings on camera. Not that he was about to confess in front of the entire crew of the show, but when it came to you the lines always got a little too blurry for his comfort. 
He got a little too eager.
“Just be nice,” Jason had instructed gently, and Victor steeled himself. 
They started, quite predictably, by asking him about his ideal type. Resisting the urge to scoff, he tried to stick to the script he’d worked on with Goldman, who had insisted on being present for today’s shoot. Not that Victor was complaining; it wasn’t exactly part of the job description, but Goldman had been enthusiastic, which Victor could appreciate and would certainly reward. 
Goldman had also spent most of yesterday handling the public relations department in his absence, preparing them for his appearance on the show. A tentative plan would be sent to him by tomorrow morning. He had faith in them, believing that they would be able to make this look good for him. 
“Someone who works hard,” he answered, knowing you would laugh at that. “Who can be themselves around me, someone I can be myself around. Someone...kind.”
The times you’ve spent in Souvenir flit through his mind, some quiet and some full of bright-eyed chatter.
“You’ve known Y/n for some time, right?” the interviewer asked. She looked nice, but he’d been on the block long enough to know that even the kindest faces can often hide the sharpest teeth.
“What do you think of her?”
“She’s a very kind person,” he said easily. “One of the most hard-working and inspiring people I’ve ever met.”
You would surely gape like a fool after  seeing this. It was a little embarrassing, but Victor was determined to leave your image shiny after this. He would not have any words of his twisted to give you a bad name. If it got even a fraction of his feelings across, well, that was a bonus he wouldn’t mind having. The intimate setting of the ferris wheel had seemed to help some, but his admittedly indirect confession didn’t reach you as he had hoped.
God, but his father would love this.
“Did you have fun on your date?”
“It was lovely.” They tacked on another question and he nodded. “I...yes, I’d love to do it again.”
It was a little curt, but he didn’t really get what Goldman had meant by ‘nod tenderly with a far-off look.’
What would you think of that?
The interviewer raised a brow, her smile widening. “Let’s get to it, then. How do you feel about her?”
For some bizarre reason, the first thing that had come to his mind at this question was his inexplicable need to check your social idea every day. And the way his heart beats just a little faster when you’ve posted a new picture. How, in moments of weakness, he’d given in and saved a few to his phone. Even a mental reminder of it made him a little hot under the collar.
There were many things he couldn’t even begin to try and explain when it came to you.
Really, the list is endless.
Victor’s current favourite was the video you’d uploaded of eating the tiramisu he’d cooked. He watches it at the end of a bad day and just like that, he feels a little better.
“I think anyone who ends up with her would be the luckiest person in the world,” he said honestly. “She’s beautiful in every single way.”
The last three words were supposed to have stayed in his head, but saying them felt natural. Goldman seemed to approve, shooting him a discreet thumbs up.
When you walk in, sleep-deprived and grumpy but trying to hide it, thinking he won’t catch on as if he isn’t running sharp eyes over every inch of your face. When the first sip of your coffee is too eager, leaving your tongue burnt and him with a pressing need to soothe it with his own. When you eat too much sugar and complain about a stomach-ache; he scolds you for it, but his arms are left straining with the need to wrap themselves around you.
He cherished these moments and wanted every single one all to himself. 
She makes me greedy.
“Would you want to be that person?”
Victor laughed, light and incredulous. 
Yes. Yes. Yes. 
“I guess time will have to answer that question for us,” he said, the ghost of a smile on his lips, leaving it at just the right note to keep viewers hanging—right along with him.
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lightscameranaps ✓ @jasonp
Hope y’all enjoyed the episode! #HopefullyYours
bandanaman @headaccs
@jasonp sooo really sorry about this but we’re kinda dying over here
raspberrydream @berryberry
@headaccs Victor’s acc is still private. Maybe there’s something there? 
srirachafire @hotsauce
@berryberry But Y/n’s isn’t private, and there’s nothing there. Give it up guys, they’re just friends. 
bandanaman @headaccs
@hotsauce bruh that look?? was not friendship 
raspberrydream @berryberry
@hotsauce those words?? were not friendship
srirachafire @hotsauce 
@headaccs @berryberry you two?? are hopeless romantics
lightscameranaps ✓ @jasonp
@headaccs honestly? me too D: 
bandanaman @headaccs
@jasonp !!!!!! asdfgdvsd
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Closing your Moments and the entire thread discussing the episode, you flop back down onto your mattress. Reaching for your newest plushy, you hug it tight, perhaps a tad too aggressively. 
It’s odd. You struggle between the visceral sort of pleasure that comes from a job well done—because the response is terrific—and the trembling nerves that come from watching yourself on a date with Victor.
Watching the episode had been harder than you had expected; you hadn’t quite been expecting the way Victor was looking at you—the intense gaze was a little too convincing, and watching it from the audience’s perspective was flustering. 
You spent most of it trying to suppress the inconvenient surges of hope, telling yourself it wasn’t real.
There really was nothing to know. The ferris wheel shot had ended there because you had nothing to say to Victor’s answer. You don’t know if he was referring to his past or his present, but the look in his eyes made it clear: his feelings were still there. Instead of pressing him, you chose to stay quiet, exhaustion clear in your face and sinking deep into your bones.
Victor had seemed to understand and maybe even appreciate it, probably not wanting to discuss it either, and only insisted on dropping you home. The ride to your place had been mostly silent, but you had tried to ask him his thoughts on the day and the shoot. He kept his answers concise, appearing a little distracted, which was so unlike him it made you wonder if he regretted opening up.
You’d spent the entire ride trying to quell the delicate little thing trembling in your chest.
The next video started while you were lost in your thoughts, and it happens to be your individual parts. Curious, you lean in, wincing slightly at the way you were fidgeting. 
And then they switch to Victor. You both had to wear the outfits from the date for these, but you still weren't quite expecting the impact his voice alone would have on you. 
And as always, those fierce eyes have you freezing in place.
“Let’s get to it, then. How do you feel about her?”
He looks unfazed by the question. Of course, they go over the questions with you beforehand, but you still remember how nervous you’d felt when asked how you felt about him; Victor’s eyes flick towards the camera, filled with intent, as if addressing you—and you close the laptop with a snap, your throat tight.
You don’t have to watch that right away.
You had been very careful about what to say, how to act, channeling your inner-Victor to adopt a marble-smooth expression. Say nice things about him? Easy, you didn’t even have to make anything up. Imply just enough to keep people guessing. 
Keep your unwanted feelings to yourself. 
Palm coming to rest over your heart, pressing down as if it would alleviate the ache there, you try to sort through your thoughts. You never really thought there was a chance, but to hear it confirmed was a blow you weren’t prepared for. 
It’s ridiculous to feel so insecure, you think. You feel like you lost a competition you had never even had the chance to compete in. And over an unnamed, mysterious figure? So silly! 
But another part of your mind says it’s okay to feel this way, that it’s only natural. You’ve had such strong feelings for Victor for so long. And all of these feelings, the good and the bad, are yours; the wounds of your heart, the light in your laughter. Fighting them would only make you suffer. The love and the hurt are part of you, both important in their own right.
Knowing all of that doesn’t make it easier, though. 
After all, Victor had alluded to his feelings on camera, to your face. Knowing him, he would never do that unless he was sure about the person. 
“This fucking sucks,” you admit out loud, and at the heels of your words come the tears. Because, to make it even worse, people really seem to think it’s you. 
You can’t blame them, because even you had been taken in by his soft looks. Anyone watching would believe he’s smitten with you. Good for the show, terrible for you. 
You’re not strong enough to reply to them, to tell them you aren’t that fortunate, and have been hoping Victor, or someone from his team, would put a stop to it. 
But there hasn’t been any word from them and you curse out loud at the fact that he expects you to do something about it. As if there’s any more emphasis needed, your phone vibrates. Unlocking it with a miserable sigh, you scroll down quickly.
Minor [19:40]: am I watching this right? Boss, are you dating the CEO? PLS SAY NO
Chik [20:21]: You bitch. When were you going to tell me you snagged THAT? So I was right back then, ha! Anyway, you two are adorbs. The puppy eyes are disgusting. I’m proud of you.
Chik [20:22]: also...deets. Now. I’ll even throw in a please!!! 
Lucien [20:40]: Well, now. I seem to have missed out on quite the opportunity.
Kiro [20:45]: I wish you’d invited me. But I guess it wouldn’t have mattered. I hope he makes you happy, Miss Chips! He better, or else ;P
Frowning at the texts you scroll back up, hoping, hoping, hoping, and at the sight of the name that always sits at the tip of your tongue, you curl up tighter.
Victor [21: 05]: Are you okay?
Y/N [21:20]: I’m fine. Moments seems to be blowing up, haha. Did you watch the episode?
Victor [21: 20]: Yes.
Victor [21: 21]: Did you?
You pause at that, looking guiltily at your laptop. You had, sort of. Fighting off your own thoughts had taken up most of your attention. Resolving to watch it again—a clear display of previously dormant masochistic tendencies, roused by Victor— and actually pay attention this time, you turn back to the screen.
Y/N [21:22]: Yeah, but not the individual parts. It was nice, they made it seem so real! But we’re going to have to say something to let them know there’s nothing like that.  
You wait anxiously for a reply, a part of you clearly suffering from delusion hoping he’d oppose that. When there’s no text from him for a few minutes, you plug your phone in to charge and get out of bed, heading for a quick shower before you get something to eat.
Heartbreak hasn't been enough to curb your appetite, and you feel more than ready to let dessert have the chance to make you feel better.
Who needs Victor when you have cake, right?
Just as you’re halfway through cutting a slice of the cake Jason—well, his team—had sent as thanks, trying to keep your thoughts away from the bottle of wine you‘ve got tucked away, your doorbell rings, breaking the melancholic silence of your apartment. A part of you wants to roll your eyes at your dramatics, while the other feels you have the right to wallow for as long as you need to.
The irrational side of you stirs once more, conjuring thoughts of Victor rushing over, and you peep through the hole with a wildly thumping heart. 
Lucien’s serene smile chases those thoughts away, and you open the door with a sheepish grin. 
He looks a little tired, his dark bangs ruffled; unlike his usual sharp appearance, he looks impossibly soft in his barn red sweater and comfortable looking track pants. He’s also got a folder tucked under one arm.
“Sorry to drop by so late,” he greets you, his warm eyes bringing you a little comfort instantly. “But you mentioned you’d be working on Miracle Finder tomorrow and I wanted you to have the chance to go over my remarks before that.”
“Lucien! Thank you,” you insist, waving away his apology. “Would you like to come in? I’ve got cake.” 
He searches your face for a moment, and his eyes narrow the slightest bit. You feel a little self-conscious in your over-sized sweatshirt and shorts, but it’s not like he hasn’t seen you in various states of disarray before. 
“Can’t really say no to that. Let me get my laptop,” he finally agrees. You wait at the door as he gets it, before leading him in. But you notice his curious, inquisitive looks, so subtle and so Lucien, as he toes off his shoes.
“Everything okay?” You reach for another plate, cutting a second slice as Lucien takes a seat at the table. 
“Yes, of course. It’s just,” he hesitates, and there’s that odd scrutiny again. “I wasn’t expecting you to be alone.” 
“On a Sunday evening?” The first bite of the cake tastes like sweet comfort over the taste of despondency, and you send a silent thanks to Jason. “I spent the day napping.”
“Well, after the show I just watched,” he says, quite slyly in your opinion. “I wasn’t even sure if you’d be home.”
“I didn’t know you were interested in dating shows.” You’re aware your tone is more than a little petulant, but Lucien only laughs around a mouthful of the cake. 
“I am if you’re in one,” he retorts. “This is quite nice, by the way.” 
“The director, Jason sent it. And, honestly, it wasn’t planned. We were supposed to have Kai and Hollow on, but they ended up clashing horribly. Jason asked me and Victor was around, so…” you trail off, uncomfortable. 
“Is that why you texted me that day?” He seems to have remembered your message, and you wince slightly. You had texted him later with an apology, but hadn’t really expected him to cotton on. He doesn't look mad, just expectant.
“Well, yes, but Jason wanted, he wanted Victor.” Stumbling over your words, heat suffuses your skin as you flounder for a moment.
Lucien watches you with the eyes of a fox and the understanding of a good friend. “Just Jason?”
“Was it just Jason who wanted Victor?” he asks, tilting his head as your mouth purses. 
No, no, of course it wasn’t. You stare down at your half-eaten cake, the other half of it beginning to churn in your stomach. His small, soft smiles. His scent. His rants on street food and the way he dragged you away from food that would ‘absolutely make you ill, you absolute dummy’ as Jason resigned himself to having to cut all of that out. It all comes back in a rush, your head left feeling heavy.
And then it feels the weight of a hand, as Lucien reaches over to pat it gently. “Never mind. Why don’t you get your organizer and we can go over tomorrow’s episode?” 
Relieved, grateful and slightly emotional over his silent acceptance, you rush to your bedroom to find your notebook and laptop, barely catching the light of your phone screen before it went black. Unplugging and checking it as you exited the room with your materials in hand, your train of thought comes to a screeching halt.
Victor [21:59]: Do you really believe that?
Victor (2 missed calls)
Victor [22:15]: Y/n.
Victor [22:16]: ...Did you fall asleep?
Victor [22:18]: Dummy. Goodnight. 
Unwilling to delve into what his first text means, you shift your thick planner in your arms and type a quick reply. 
Y/N [22:19]: Hi! Sorry. I went to get something to eat and then Lucien dropped by. We’re going to get to work haha ^^
Victor [22:19]: …
You wait for a whole minute before Lucien calls for you, and let your hand fall, phone locked, with a sigh. 
Well, at least he’ll be happy to hear you’re working hard.
Sinking into familiar, engaging discussions with Lucien is easy. Even with the thoughts of Victor looming at the back of your mind, you straighten out a plan for the shoot. Lucien listens to your input carefully, adding his own notes as you squint at yours. His voice, familiar and soothing, lulls you, distracting you from yourself for a short while.
Before you know it, it’s eleven and you’ve got a fantastic plan in hand. 
“I’m sorry I kept you so late,” you say for the second time in a minute, and he gives you an exasperated look. “And thank you.” 
“I’ve told you, there’s no need for all that between us,” Lucien repeats, crossing one long leg over the other as he adopts a thoughtful look. “However, perhaps you could satisfy my curiosity regarding one thing.”
“What is it?” 
You were prepared for a philosophical question. What he comes up with is, in your opinion, way more difficult to answer. 
“Why aren’t you with Victor?” he asks seriously. You blink, uncomprehending.
“Like, right now?” 
“Right now, or in general. I didn’t think he would just...let you be,” Lucien mutters the last part under his breath, but you still catch it. He continues to say something about possessive bastards, but you’re not touching that.
“I think you’ve misunderstood,” you say, slowly, with a nervous laugh, shoulders hunching a little. “All of that was just for the camera. Victor and I aren’t like that.” 
“But you have feelings for him,” Lucien points out, cutting straight to the heart of the matter and yours. Really, this is almost cruel. Lucien turns to face you fully as you sigh and sink back into the couch. 
“I do.” It’s the first time you’ve admitted it out loud. Sure, some of the people in your life have had an idea, but you’ve never said it. Lucien seems like a good person to start with. “But he doesn’t feel the same way, so.” 
And you’ve never said that out loud either. It hurts, as you put it out into the universe. As if shying away from it before would have increased your chances. 
Lucien looks at you oddly. “Did he say that? Because the way he looks at you says otherwise. It’s quite embarrassing.”
You feel heat creeping up the back of your neck.
“I’ve never told him how I feel,” you mumble, pressing the side of your cheek into the soft fabric, hoping it would swallow you up. 
“Then how do you know how he feels?” Lucien continues to probe, and you exhale forcefully because it’s so clear to you; why isn’t it ever as clear to everyone else? 
And Lucien is supposed to be your smart friend!
‘Well, there’s also someone else in his life but I can’t exactly say that.’
“Because it’s Victor,” you declare with an emphatic sweep of your hands, hoping it would somehow get your point across, that it would explain how unattainable he is. Just as you do, two things happen successively. 
One: Lucien looks at you as if he wants to boink you on the head or laugh really loudly. He does neither, but his mouth twitches violently.
And two: there’s a series of loud, heavy knocks on your door, before the culprit seems to remember you have a doorbell and rings that instead. It only rings once, but you can sense that the person is still there.
Exchanging alarmed looks with Lucien, you rise to your feet and shuffle towards the door.
“Let me,” Lucien murmurs, stopping you before you can reach the entrance, and steps forward to look through the peephole. His only reaction is a quick, sharp exhale before he steps back to unlock the door. 
Without telling you who was just knocking at your door like a maniac. 
“Wait, who i-” the words fall away with your panicked thoughts, as Lucien opens the door to reveal your uninvited visitor.
It really is Victor this time, with his chest heaving as if he’d run up the stairs. Victor, with his inky hair pushed back carelessly, in dark grey sweats and a light grey t-shirt and indoor slippers. 
Victor, with a furious look in his eyes as he pushes past Lucien, who looks a little too entertained in the face of such ire. 
“Sorry to intrude on your cosy evening,” he says, after a short pause, through clenched teeth. You stare at him in disbelief, unable to form actual words at the moment. It feels as if a concentrated storm itself has swept into your living room, ready to swallow you up. 
Of course, a part of you would be more than okay with that. Even with that knife-sharp glint in his eyes, you can’t help but want to throw yourself at it, let it graze the softest parts of you, in an emotional variation of bloodletting. 
Sometimes you surprise yourself with the things you think.
Maybe you should’ve changed into nicer pyjamas after all, damn it.
“Victor? What-is everything okay?” You look him over carefully, seeing no visible signs of injury. The stony look on his face, however, keeps you from coming too close. What could you possibly have done now?
Swiftly, you run through a list of work-related tasks. Nope. Nothing. You’ve been sure to give it your all this week just so Victor wouldn’t feel the need to call you.
Even now, though, something under your skin starts buzzing, as it always does when his entire attention is on you.
“Yes. Why wouldn’t everything be okay?” he says mutinously, crossing his arms over his chest. Okay, you’re sensing more than a little hostility here. 
And, because life is unfair, bitchy is also a good look on Victor.
“Well,” you draw out, looking past him at Lucien, who shrugs lightly. Victor frowns at the exchange. He levels a downright lethal glare at Lucien, who tilts his head in clear interest. Kinda hot, but you should probably keep that to yourself lest you push Victor to the point of spitting fire. “It’s...late...and you’re here…?”
That has his mouth doing that little spasm it does when he’s pissed. “And I notice I’m not the only one. What, is it just me who’s barred from coming to your place this late?” 
“Well, n-no,” you stammer, looking once more at Lucien who seems content to watch and be unhelpful. “But Lucien was just here to talk about tomorrow’s episode.” 
Why are you here? 
The question seems to hang in the air, unsaid yet clear. 
Victor says nothing, standing tall in your living room like an indignant matron. You feel helpless, confused, elated and increasingly offended because of the implication in his words that only catches up to you now.
You pick the path of offense.
“But what, exactly, did you think Lucien was doing here?” you ask, your tone turning decidedly cooler. He returns your glare. Behind him, you see Lucien trying to hide a smile. “You seem to be under the impression that I make it a habit of entertaining people in my evenings?” 
Victor blinks at that, arms coming loose, and you hold up a hand.
“And even if I did want to have friends over at night,” you say loudly, through gritted teeth. “What business is it of yours?” 
“It’s inappropriate,” he insists. 
“No, what’s inappropriate is you coming into my house and telling me who I should, or should not, be spending time with, regardless of the time.” Much to your frustration, you find yourself blinking back tears as your voice cracks towards the end. 
Victor deflates at that, the ice in his expression melting in the face of your furious tears; Lucien, concern clear on his face, takes a step towards you. Your eyes squeeze shut, as if that would hide you from them; anger and embarrassment war within you at not only crying in front of Victor, but to have a quiet Lucien witnessing this ridiculous drama. 
Where did your peaceful day go?
You hear footsteps, hesitant and barely audible, come closer, feel the heat from a body as it nears yours. 
“I’m sorry. I’ll leave.” It’s Victor.
Your eyes snap open to the sight of his back, your feet carrying you forward without the aid of your thoughts, a hand curling loosely into his t-shirt. 
Leave? Just like that? 
He stops in his tracks, looking back down at you in surprise. You’re not sure what he sees as you keep your eyes fixed on his shoulder, but it makes him sigh softly.
A thumb wipes under your eyes, gentle, and strong arms wrap around you carefully, pulling you into an—unreasonably broad, you think—chest; his comforting scent envelopes you, pulling you back from the edge. 
It’s frustrating. You want to yell at him for barging in like a lunatic. But you don’t want him to leave. You want to sink into his steady embrace and allow the solace it brings.
With your face pressed to his t-shirt, you miss the way he looks back at Lucien, who nods and turns to leave, but not before holding Victor’s gaze for a moment longer—you don’t see the warmth drain from his face, the vicious warning warning clear in his eyes. 
Victor pulls you closer, nodding once. 
If Lucien’s answering smile is a touch more resigned than amused, neither of them can really acknowledge it. 
You try to pull back when you hear the door close gently, but Victor cards a hand through your hair and you slump back into his embrace. 
“I’m sorry,” he repeats, stroking your hair, with a gentle hesitance uncharacteristic for the decisive man. “That was...extremely inappropriate of me. I should not have done that. I can leave. I should.”
He should. But neither of you move. His heart beats a little faster, the sound clearer the longer your ear remains pressed into his chest. 
With cotton in your mouth, your mind totally mush with the knowledge that Victor’s hugging you, and with the little voice yelling that he does not get to hold you after driving you to tears—it takes you a moment to form a response. 
But you can’t resist. “So what you’re saying is you made an impulsive decision.” 
The soft motions of his hand pause before he huffs into your hair. There’s no other response, and it makes you smile a little.
“Why did you?” you finally ask. Victor quite visibly lost his cool. While he did seem to have something against Lucien, this was a bit much. You hadn’t been aware that the hostility ran this deep.
He tucks your head under his chin, the arm around your waist tightening, and as the anger subsides, your face begins to heat up as you realize how intimate this is. But Victor seems content to stay like this, and your heart hammers when you feel something brush the crown of your head. 
“Dummy,” he mutters, and yes, his words are slightly muffled by your hair, and you feel the urge to stick your head in the refrigerator. “You had that guy over this late at night. Do you really need to ask?” 
“It’s just Lucien,” you respond, and this time he lets you pull your head away to look at you with abject disbelief. 
“Just? There’s no just with that guy.” He seems serious, so you swallow the laughter bubbling up.
“Lucien is a dear friend,” you assure him. “You were really that worried about it?”
“Worried,” Victor repeats, staring at you. Your confusion is clear in your face, as the feeling that you’re missing something creeps in. “Worried. Yes. I was worried.” 
You nod encouragingly, and take a quick step back when he laughs. It isn’t one of his airy laughs, that escapes him when he finds something funny. It’s low, almost strangled—and then he steps forward, expression melting into sheer intent. 
When he speaks, his voice is a full octave lower and it scrambles your brains with shameful ease.
“Since he was the one you considered over me for our date that day. Yes, I suppose I was worried,” he muses, matching every unsteady step you take backwards with one towards you. You refrain from pointing out that it was for a show, and all too soon, the back of the sofa hits your hips and Victor looms over you. 
You tuck the part about him knowing you wanted to ask Lucien first away for later. Victor, his soothing scent, the heat from his breath, his tempestuous gaze—your senses flood with him.
“Y-yeah. But you didn’t need to be, he always helps us out,” you point out confusedly, and he gives you a familiar, unimpressed look that brings a small, and odd, measure of relief. 
“What kind of a person would I be,” he says, and your stomach swoops as he leans over you, hands resting on the top of the sofa as you lean back. “If I let dangerous men like him think they have a chance with you?” 
“Dangerous? He’s…” The rest of his words catch up and you can’t think, tongue struggling to form coherent speech. “Not...dangerous?” 
“Too dangerous,” he murmurs, lips brushing over your temple. Something in the back of your throat trembles. “Even if I don’t have the right, I…”
He doesn’t continue.
Holding your breath, you count to five before releasing it, pulse beating an anticipatory beat in your veins. “Why should anyone think they don’t have a chance with me?” 
You know he hasn’t, but with how everything in you stills after asking that question, you wonder if he stopped time.
You’re not sure if it’s the right question to have asked, or the worst.
But it gives him pause, and when the tip of your tongue slips out to wet your lips, his eyes slide down to your mouth. A large hand slides up your spine to rest at the back of your head, your skin erupting with goosebumps at the touch. 
Your lips part on the softest sound and it makes something rumble in his chest, quiet but clear with how close he is. 
It gives you what you’ve been dreaming of—Victor’s lips falling over yours, soft, with a rushed breath and fervent eyes, something desperate at the edge of it. Everything goes quiet, with only your blood pounding in your ears. It feels as if every inch of you is awake in a tingly sort of way, your thoughts deserting you at the way he looks at you, ready to devour. 
There’s hunger in his eyes, and you feel faint when it hits you.
It’s also his answer, you realize, mouth opening to say something, anything, and he pulls you back, kissing you fiercely. Something in you caves, spilling into your blood, setting it alight with a burst of sparking desire.
Victor kisses with his entire body, like he does everything else: controlling every inch of it, sweeping your mind clean, licking into your mouth with the determination that drives his every action, to conquer.
But you’ve been determined to match him since the day you first met him, all too eager to push back and clash. You don’t mind the clack of teeth, the lack of rhythm, and Victor only presses in harder as your arms slide over his shoulders, fingers weaving into his hair. Your tongue is a sly thing that licks along his, your mouth a clever warm weapon that sucks at it, and he unravels. 
Hands that were so careful lose their caution as they dig into the sides of your hips, slinking down and hooking around your thighs as he lifts you up, your legs wrapping around his waist.
“You’re not stopping me,” he rasps against your lips, almost questioning, pupils blown wide. He looks so good you might just lose your mind, and this is after a kiss.
Taking a page out of his book, you kiss him again. 
He carries you around the sofa—with a strength you’ll be sure to admire deeply once you’ve regained the ability to form thoughts—even as he sucks bruises into the delicate skin of your neck, sitting down with you sinking into his lap. 
You’re shivering, you realize, at this sudden fulfilment of a desperate, impossible wish. Your knees press into the sides of his thighs as Victor kisses the corners of your mouth, the curve of your upper lip, the plush, swollen jut of your lower lip—and you feel deliriously drunk. 
He watches you carefully.
“Oh,” you say, half-slurring, kissed stupid. “That’s why.”
“Hm,” he agrees, nuzzling the side of your face. His eyes are bright, his arms a grounding touch around your back. “No one should think they get to have this.” 
“No one but you?” It’s meant to be clever, sharper, but it comes out shy instead. He nips at the shell of your ear, and you can’t bring yourself to be mad about it. 
“If you allow it,” he confirms. He presses his lips to the soft skin behind your ear.
Something swells within you, sweet, sudden and threatening to dissolve you into tears. It breaks open, everything you’ve worked so hard to suppress spilling out like hoarded treasure out of a box now too small to hold it.
“I like you.” It comes out in a rush, and you slap your hands over your face. This time, his low chuckle rings clear in your ears. But when your breath hitches on a sob, his grip on you tightens, lips finding your forehead. “I really like you. So much. I have for a while. At the fair, all of it, I wasn’t...wasn’t acting.” 
“What, and you thought I was?” He looks a little offended when you take a peek at his face. But the sight of his ruffled hair and kissed-puffy lips sends a hot, thrilled jolt through you, and you have to restrain yourself from pouncing. “I have many skills. Acting, admittedly, is not one of them.”
“I thought maybe it was a hidden passion or something,” you mutter, trying to repress a wet laugh at the withering look he gives you, gentle hands wiping at your eyes. “What, you were great!”
“Nope. That was all real,” he declares, pulling you in to rest against him, your head on his shoulder. You feel a little awkward, but that’s mostly outweighed by how much you want to stay here. “...well, maybe I was a little…”
“Nicer than usual?” you offer, and he huffs into your hair. “Cheesy, like you binge-read several romance novels the night before?”
“Cheesy?” He protests, and you laugh with warmth building and rushing through you. “I thought you liked all that.” 
“I do.” This time, the kiss he presses into the crown of your head is firmer. 
“Then I’ll do it.” You look up at him, a little enchanted, a little bewildered, but the former wins out as the corners of his mouth curl up. “Every silly thing you want to do. Oh, and I really like you too.” It’s almost a scoff, but the tremor in his voice and the flush that spreads across his skin speaks his truth.
“Really?” you ask, your grin a little mad and ridiculously beatific. It feels unreal, the joy and relief spreading through you; he pecks the tip of your nose.
“Have I ever given you reason to doubt me?” Victor asks, and the solemn sincerity in his voice prompts you to deliver a loud, smacking kiss to his cheek, just because you can. To your unending joy, the lobes of his ears are almost impossibly red. 
“Never,” you assure him, peppering more kisses over his skin, fascinating by the sight of him pinkening. A thought strikes you, dampening your rising spirits. “I thought...thought there was someone else.” 
He makes a soft, surprised noise in his throat, disbelief winning out over the tenderness for a moment. “Who?”
“I don’t know!” You press your face into the side of his neck, inhaling his comforting scent, hoping it would help with the remnants of hurt. “Some mystery goddess.” 
He’s quiet as you nuzzle his rapidly warming skin, feeling the first hints of sheer mortification settle in at the way your voice just cracked. He whispers something. 
Victor clears his throat. “Just you.” He buries his nose in your hair before you have the chance to lean back like you want to. “It’s only ever been you.” 
Not expecting the sincere confession, it feels as if the breath was punched out of you.  “Why didn’t you ever say anything?” 
He toys with a strand of your hair, curling it absently around a finger. “I didn’t want to overstep. And to make you feel like you had to reciprocate.” 
You stay silent, sensing that he has more to say, even though you want nothing more than to wrap yourself around him and never let go.
“I’ll admit that I feared you would feel pressured to be with me. And that would...I would rather see you happy with someone else, than see you miserable with me.”
“I could never be miserable with you,” you protest at once, feeling almost offended by the mere suggestion. 
“I’m not...I know I can be difficult.” The words fall out in a rushed exhale, as if he wants to get them out before they can be swallowed; you feel weak with the force of your emotions. “But I can try for you. I did that day. I wanted you to relax, to have fun, like you do with your friends. I didn’t want you to be so...cautious.” 
It’s true, you realize guiltily, that there are times where you can’t completely relax in Victor’s company. Those are the days where your feelings sit a little heavier in your stomach, when his words strike a little sharper. The thought of disappointing him, of doing something not to his taste, of judgment, held you back. 
But the day of the fair had been different. He met you halfway, maybe even more than that, and never said a word of complaint. You’d assumed that had been for the camera, though.
“Please,” he says with a roll of his eyes, and you realize you’d said that out loud. “No, that was…” He lowers his gaze, long lashes fanning over the tops of his cheekbones. “That was to show you that you can have fun with me too. I...like you. The way you are. Every bit. The determined, unyielding parts.”
You stare at him.
“The hurting, unsure parts,” he says, a little quieter. “The silly, ridiculously cute parts—don’t look at me like that.”
“Like what,” you ask, your overworked mind trying to process his words, knowing your smile is probably embarrassingly dopey. 
He scowls at you. “Just be yourself with me. Dummy is fine.” 
“Victor,” you exclaim all of a sudden, startling him. “How am I supposed to stay standing in the face of you saying things like that?” 
He rolls his eyes again. “First of all, you’re sitting right now, and I don’t plan to let you move for a while.” Predictably, you feel a little lightheaded at that. “And as for the future...then don’t try to stand, dummy. You can just rest here.” He pulls your head to rest on his shoulder, patting it firmly.
“I’m going to die,” you say with absolute certainty into his shoulder. “I can’t survive this.” 
“You have to,” he mutters dryly, tucking you more firmly against him. “Haven’t you seen the discussions? Our ‘love story’ can’t end in your death, too many would be left devastated.” 
“Including you?” The look you direct at him is positively vulpine, and he snorts, pushing your head back down. Bully. 
The titillated fluttering in your stomach makes you smile.
“...I can’t become a widower before we even get married,” he says solemnly, and you can nearly feel the blood drain from your face as you rear back. 
The corners of his mouth twitch with something like mischief, and the smack you deliver to his bicep is perfectly justified. 
The undoubtedly chiselled muscle you feel very briefly will also require further rumination once you’re alone.
He’s cracking marriage jokes, no doubt referring to the few comments gushing about a secret wedding. An hour ago, you had been under the impression that he was madly in love with some mystery figure. 
Like a bird just freed, your heart flutters at the thought of him having feelings for you.
“Say it again.” 
To his credit, he doesn’t do you the disservice of pretending he doesn’t know what you’re asking for. He clears his throat, eyes flicking to the side before finding their way back to yours. 
“I like you,” he says, a little lower, a lot deeper. “Dummy.” 
You wish you could see what your face was doing, because it makes his eyes go really, really soft. Now that you aren’t weighed down by the frantic need to hide your feelings from one of the most astute people you’ve ever met, you feel like you could float away the way you’ve seen Gavin do, just from how free and happy you feel.
“Just for the record,” you say quietly. “I like you the way you are too.”
“Even when you’re being a jerk.” He tweaks your ear lightly, rolling his eyes when you giggle. Your heart beats a harsh beat as you try to come up with the right words. “But you’re also the best man I know. When you have it together, and when you don’t—I’ll be there for you. Always.” The way he’s always been there for you.
He kisses the tip of your nose, his pretty eyes a little shinier than before.
“We should aim for a real date first.” He sounds decisive, and a little hoarse.
“...I have a list of places I thought would be good for our first date,” you admit, eyes still locked with his despite your shy admission. He looks pleased, always happy when you take the initiative, and you watch his mouth do that tender thing for a second before leaning in for a swift kiss, catching his lower lip between your teeth as you pull away.
“Good.” His head falls back onto the sofa as your lips trail down his neck curiously, mouthing at the slope of his adam’s apple. Just because you can. “Send it to me.”
“Good,” you murmur, breath hitching in your throat as his hands curl over your waist, skimming the hem of your sweatshirt. “We’re doing this, then.” 
“Most definitely.” With how throaty his voice has gotten as you reach his clavicle, a gentle explorer, you’re not sure words will be your allies for much longer.
“Will you be my boyfriend then, Mr. CEO?” you ask playfully, tasting the words in your mouth. Victor makes a soft, content sound in his throat. 
“I’m all yours,” he affirms, relishing the words in his mouth, raising his head to look at you through hooded eyes. You both know it, just a little, but saying the words brings a giddy, vulnerable sort of feeling with them. “And you…”
With no need for hope, just certainty, you rise up to kiss him softly. 
“I’m yours.” 
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Goldman stares at Jason in horrified disbelief, shocked by the words that had just left the director’s mouth. He glances at his boss, whose only reaction had been to cock a brow. 
“Would you be open to replacing Kai?”
“I’m...not really one for such shows,” Victor says, quite delicately in Goldman’s opinion, knowing the man usually has no qualms about being savagely blunt.
“I’m aware. I just thought it would be something different, something that would let people see a different side of you,” Jason explains, still completely at ease. 
Victor’s expression makes it quite clear he doesn’t care about people seeing other sides of him.
“Who’s the other participant? Did Hollow come back?” Goldman asks, curious despite himself.  In his very personal opinion, which he will definitely be keeping to himself, it might be nice for Victor’s image if people saw he isn’t always heartless. 
“Oh, no. She didn’t,” Jason says pleasantly. But the look in his eyes is almost hawklike as he keeps them locked on Victor. “I asked Y/n to do it instead. She agreed.” 
Now, to the untrained eye, Victor gives no outward reaction to that statement. 
But Goldman sees the way his brow twitches, the way his lips purse the slightest bit. He wonders if Jason, as a director with many years of experience under his belt, caught it too. 
“She agreed?” Victor asks, sounding as if he doesn’t quite believe it. 
“Yes,” Jason answers, suddenly distracted as he glances at his wristwatch. He sighs, a touch too dramatic to be convincing, but Goldman doesn’t think Victor cares about that. “But I understand. We wouldn’t want you to do something you’re not interested in. I have to go check on her, we’ll keep you updated.”
Something is happening here, Goldman realizes. Jason isn’t rushing out, but seems to be waiting for something. 
Victor, staring at the surface of the coffee table, is struggling. 
Goldman struggles too. He struggles not to roll his eyes in abject exasperation, to pray for divine patience. Why is he like this? Of course, to step into such an obvious trap surely goes against all the instincts he’s honed over the years, but none of that matters when it comes to the delicate matters of the heart! 
Instead, he catches Jason’s eyes, pushing his glasses up his nose, eyes glinting. 
“But who else would you ask to step in on such short notice?” Goldman asks, pointedly. 
And finally, Goldman holds his breath as the ghost of a smirk passes over Jason’s mouth.
This is it.
“Oh, it shouldn’t be a problem. Y/n said she could call Professor Lucien, having already guessed Victor wouldn’t be, um, up for it. She really knows you well, huh?” Jason informs them cheerfully, and even Goldman isn’t expecting that. He thought Jason would go for the ‘who will help poor y/n’ route.
It’s obvious manipulation, and they all know it. Knowing Victor, he will stubbornly refuse to give in and suffer for it. At least, the way he’s glaring at Jason seems to indicate that.
Goldman rushes through several justifications in his head, forming a rapidly coherent argument as to why he should do it, carefully keeping ‘if you don’t want to see her with someone else, suck it up’ and ‘please, please, watching you sulk is really sad I can’t do it’ off the list. 
Surely, Victor wouldn’t let the sexy professor sweep you off your feet? He’s heard the man talk, that kind of smooth talk should not be allowed and holy hell, Jason has played this really well. 
“They do get along well, so it should work,” Jason muses, slathering a little more icing on his three-tier cake of clear-cut manipulation, drama, and subterfuge.
“I’ll do it.” It’s said through a tightened jaw, but it rings clear in the silence of the room. Goldman abandons his mental speech, head whipping around to stare at Victor.
“Oh?” Jason sounds genuinely surprised, as if he hadn’t been aiming for this from the start. 
“Yes,” comes the answer, leaving no room for argument. 
“Are you sure?” Jason asks, oddly somber, finally abandoning the pretense. So he is in possession of some morals, who would have thought?
“Give me the briefing,” Victor says, shoulders set in a firm, determined line Goldman is all too familiar with. 
Jason relaxes into his seat, relief clear in his face. 
And as Victor turns to him, giving him specific instructions about his outfit, cologne and flowers, determined to do this right with that familiar, besotted spark in his eye, Goldman feels warm pride trickle in. 
‘We’re gonna get you the girl, boss.’
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I know the last behind the scenes thing wasn’t really needed but I had to 
Thank you for reading, I hope you liked it!
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renaerys · 4 years
PPG One-Shot: Mall Santa (Boomer/Mike and Brick/Blossom)
Summary: To earn a little extra cash over the holidays, Brick, Mike, and Boomer agree to help out their buddy Todd at a Mall Santa gig. Shenanigans ensue.
This one is for @snailbutters, @genovah, and @hanaokm. Merry Christmas and happy holidays! Enjoy some Boomike, Blossick, and Capri Sus on me. 
[Cross-posted to AO3]
There were a lot of things Todd needed: a haircut, for one. His black hair was getting too long for gel and it was really pushing the boundary between greaser sexy and sad trash hobo. Money, for another. But like any other 21-year-old townie with a high school education and two restaurant jobs, he always needed money.
A new best friend, for yet another.
“I’m not your best friend,” Brick snapped as he tied a black tie around his neck. He needed to leave in ten minutes if he was going to be early for his dinner meeting with Oliver Morbucks.
Todd put a hand over his heart like it might fall out of the wound Brick’s words had stabbed there. “Dude, of course you are. I’m totally sorry if I ever gave you the wrong idea.”
Brick grimaced so hard he was sure he’d end up constipated. “No, you idiot. I know you think I’m your best friend. You’ve never shut up about it, even after we graduated high school. I’m pretty sure the whole fucking Peninsula knows it the way you go around shouting it when you’re blasted.”
Todd looked like he’d just received news that his favorite nana wasn’t dying of cancer after all. “Oh, cool. For a second there I thought I really hurt your feelings. You know you’re kinda sensitive, right?”
Oh god.
“What do you want, Todd? I have a really important meeting and I’m not missing it for your bullshit.”
Brick checked his reflection in the bathroom mirror in his one-bedroom apartment in downtown Townsville. It was a shitty hole-in-the-wall kind of place, but Brick was used to squalor. His break was coming, he could feel it. If tonight’s meeting went over well, he’d have a more steady revenue stream and, more importantly, the connections and clout the Morbucks name brought to open doors. All the long days at Red’s Auto Shop saving and scraping by would finally pay off, and just in time for Blossom to graduate from college. It was perfectly planned, meticulously manipulated, all down to this last pivotal dinner.
“Cool, no big deal! I just need to know if you’re free this weekend.”
“Free to do what?” Brick indulged him, because Todd was one of the few people on this planet who wasn’t 100% intimidated by his very presence.
“To help me with this Mall Santa gig I got. Harry Pitt was supposed to be my number two elf, but he ate some bad prawns and they had to, like, airlift him to Citiesville General.”
Brick stopped everything he was doing and glared at his second-to-best friend, which was a key fact because second was not the same as first. “What the fuck did you just say to me?”
“I know, right?” Todd knew his way around Brick’s embarrassingly small bathroom, opened up the hair wax, and fixed Brick’s styling job. “Dude always had a weak stomach, you remember. But you don’t fuck with bad prawns. I mean, obviously.”
Brick swatted Todd’s hands away and checked his reflection. It was definitely an improvement. “Not that; the Mall Santa thing, obviously!”
“Oh, yeah. So you’ll help me out?”
“Fuck no.”
“Aw, Briiiiiiick,” Todd whined.
Brick grabbed his dinner jacket from the closet barely big enough to fit a small, starving child. Todd, who had latched onto Brick in the seventh grade like a goddamned barnacle and never let go no matter how hard Brick tried to push him away, followed. “Not if you paid me.”
“You’ll get paid! It’s $20 an hour!”
Brick hesitated over the threshold. “That’s higher than minimum wage.” It was higher than his hourly rate at the garage too.
“Seasonal gigs, man. That’s how you win.”
“It’s seriously fucking not.”
Todd, one of three people in the universe who actually cared about Brick on a personal level even though he wasn’t obligated by blood, made his blue eyes big and wide in a way that reminded Brick of Puss-n-Boots from Shrek, Todd’s favorite movie. “C’mon, bruh. Do your bestie a solid? Just this once? I really need the money and they won’t let me keep the gig without two elves to fill in. So please? Pleeeeeeease?”
And Brick, former scourge of Townsville, a Super with the power to literally raze the planet if it so much as tickled his fancy, and the dictionary definition of the boy every father dreads his perfect, pretty little girl falling for against her better judgment, cracked like an egg.
“For fuck’s sake,” he groused. “Just text me the time and place and get out of my face already.”
Todd punched the air with both fists. “Yes!! Oh, hell yes! I love you so much, dude.”
“Blow me.” Brick checked his watch. Shit, now he was merely on time.
“I’d consider it an honor,” Todd said, probably literally serious.
Boomer rolled glitter on his cheeks and around the edges of his dark blue eyes with the help of a compact as he huddled behind the North Pole set on the first floor of the Townsville Mall. When he was satisfied that he sparkled like the tinsel-festooned Christmas trees in Santa’s twelve-by-fifteen-foot “forest” themselves, he discreetly re-emerged just as the latest child slid off Santa’s lap.
“Merry Christmas, Dan!” bellowed a red and white-clad Todd behind an enormous, curly beard. “Remember to brush your teeth!”
The little boy ran back to his parents, who were having a word with the photographer about purchasing a picture of their son on Santa’s lap. Before Boomer could follow them, Brick was quick to cut him off.
“Where the hell were you?” he demanded. Sour as an un-sugared plum in his festive, candy-striped elf costume, Brick may have absolutely intimidated the seven-year-olds waiting in line with their parents for a turn on Santa’s lap, but Boomer only allowed him a bemused smile.
“Why, I was making toys for the good little boys and girls who came to visit us here at the North Pole,” Boomer said in a raised voice. He looped his arm through his brother’s and let his power surge with enough force to turn Brick around and face the crowd that was definitely within hearing range. “Isn’t that right, Elf Mursten?”
Brick pushed back with inhuman force, but Boomer held his ground with a smile as bright as the glitter on his cheeks as a little girl in overalls trotted forward.
She giggled. “I like your hat.”
“Thank you!” Boomer gushed, and he tipped his pom-pom-topped cap. “And what’s your name?”
The little girl giggled again. “My name’s Alynn.”
“Well, Alynn, why don’t you step right up and take a seat on Santa’s lap? I’m sure he has a great present for a cool girl like you. Right, Elf Mursten?”
Brick glared medieval torture at him, and he managed a smile that showed too many teeth to be anything other than life-threatening. “Of course, Elf Buller.”
Boomer’s smile tightened.
“Ho ho ho! Come on over, Santa doesn’t bite,” Todd said.
“What a psychotic reassurance,” Brick said soft enough for only the Super brothers to hear.
“Hey, Brick?” Boomer said, just as softly. “Cheer the fuck up.” He gave his brother a bone-crushing squeeze around the arm and broke from him. Brick could be a sourpuss when he wanted to be (all the time), but he wouldn’t mess up Todd’s Mall Santa gig when he’d bothered to show up and actually put in the effort at all. Complain as he might about Todd’s exuberance, Brick had always come through for his best friend since the seventh grade.
Boomer, on the other hand, had been very happy to accept Todd’s offer to work the two weeks leading up to Christmas. The hours were reasonable, the pay was good, and Boomer loved children. It was easy money in between local shows he and his garage band had booked over the holidays.
Plus, the photographer had a nice rack.
“Okay, Santa, Alynn. Look over here and say ‘jingle bells’!” A flash went off, and Mike Believe stood to his full height behind the tripod he’d set up for the day’s pictures. Even in reindeer antlers and a bright, red-painted nose, Mike filled out every fold of his brown Rudolph outfit almost to the point of popping a button. His broad chest puffed out when he put his strong hands on his hips and grinned brightly like he wouldn’t pick anywhere else to be right now.
Their eyes met, and Boomer flushed and smiled like a fool.
When Mike winked back at him coyly, his heart leaped into his throat. Mike had gotten home from college just two days ago, but the three weeks he had off for Winter Break would surely fly by like they did every year, and Boomer was determined to spend every moment together.
A tug on Boomer’s green tunic drew his attention. “Can I take a picture with you? Please?” the little girl asked.
Boomer beamed and scooped her up onto his hip. “Of course you can. Hey, Mike? Can you take one of us, please?”
“You bet! Get in close, now.” Mike readied his camera.
“Oh, wait a sec. Why don’t you take this too?” Boomer removed his festive hat and put it on Alynn’s head. It was big on her, but she laughed happily.
They posed for the picture, and Boomer hugged her cheek to cheek.
“Thanks!” The little girl tried to give him his hat back, but he pressed it to her chest.
“You keep it. Merry Christmas. Remember to be good, okay?”
Alynn’s father was waiting with a hand for her to take when she ran back to him, yammering about how she’d met Santa and his super cool elf friend, and Boomer watched them go.
“You know you’ll have to pay for that hat,” Brick said.
Boomer sighed and ran a hand through his cornflower hair. “You know I look better without it.”
Brick frowned deeply. “Uh-huh.”
“If you keep frowning, your face will stick like that.”
He always had to have the last word. Brick went to stack the empty boxes wrapped in bright, shiny paper, which was probably more productive than blowing up the entire display. Boomer left him to it. It was time for their mid-morning break, anyway.
Todd got up to stretch. “Man, who knew sitting could be so tiring, huh? Whack.” His phone buzzed, and he grinned when he saw the caller ID.
Boomer, however, had eyes only for Mike as the latter turned off his camera and put a sheet over the tripod to protect it. “Working hard, I see.”
When Mike smiled, his dark eyes crinkled in the corners. He had a face made for smiling. “Oh, you know. Just helping out some friends.”
Like Brick, Todd had asked Mike to help out behind the camera for this gig. Mike didn’t exactly need the extra cash given his lacrosse scholarship that covered his college expenses, but the three of them had been as thick as thieves all through high school no matter what Brick said when he was annoyed. No way was Mike going to bail on the chance to help out a bro.
“This is cute,” Mike said, running a thumb over Boomer’s sparkly cheek.
“If only I could convince Brick to wear some,” Boomer said, lacing his fingers in Mike’s as they shuffled to the side of the exhibit behind a blinking Christmas tree for a bit of privacy.
Mike chuckled. “That’ll take a Christmas miracle. But anyway, I don’t want to talk about Brick right now.”
Their kiss was soft and mostly chaste, considering the venue, but Boomer didn’t mind at all. He rose up on his toes to lean into his boyfriend’s superior height and smiled into their kiss. Even in the middle of the Townsville Mall with shoppers mere yards away, for a few seconds Boomer got lost in the fantasy of the forest and the snow drifts, bright lights and magic that came around only once a year and had always touched his heart in a way nothing else quite could.
“Babe! You got here quick!” Todd’s excitement and a small commotion around Santa’s throne drew the lovers’ attention, and Boomer reluctantly broke the kiss. His Super hearing quickly picked up on what was going on.
“What is it?” Mike asked.
Boomer smiled wryly. “That Christmas miracle you wished for. Come on.” He took Mike’s larger hand in his and pulled him back toward the front of the display, where Todd had scooped up a very small, very fashionable Asian woman in his arms.
“Oh my god, don’t do shits in front of the innocent children, Toddy.” Hana patted her high bun and smoothed out her oversized black jacket once Todd released her.
“Hey, I just missed you is all,” Todd said with a genuine smile like he had really, truly missed his girlfriend since this morning when they had last seen each other.
“You guys are too cute,” said Bubbles with a giggle. As usual, she was adorable in blonde twin tails and a holiday-appropriate sweater dress. Shopping bags hung from both her arms, also as usual.
“Right?” Hana said, her deadpan façade melting completely as she beamed at her closest friend.
“No contest.” Bubbles set down her small nation of shopping bags. “Oh! Hi, Boomer!” She dashed to hug him in a flash of blue, and he caught her easily. “Oh my gosh, I love your glitter. You look like a supermodel!”
Boomer laughed and hugged her back. “Thanks for letting me borrow it. I really owe you.”
“Don’t worry about it. Oh, but you definitely need some touching up. Here, let me just…”
Mike had wandered over to Todd and Hana. “Hey, Hana. Are you staying for the holiday?”
Hana shrugged. “Yeah, my art show isn’t until after New Year’s. You know, I’m always looking for more models.” She raised her eyebrows suggestively.
Mike laughed. “I’m honored, but I’m really nothing special, honestly. You might try Butch.”
Todd guffawed. “Oh man, Butch is, like, one of her top models! She painted him for what, six weeks last summer, babe?”
“Seven,” Hana said, dead serious.
Mike smiled nervously. “That’s a lot of inspiration.”
“He is very inspiring,” Hana said, deader and more serious.
“That dude is goals,” Todd said, totally unironically.
“I guess I can’t argue with that,” Mike said.
“Aaaaand done.” Bubbles stepped back to admire her handiwork. “Honestly? You’re the most beautiful elf the North Pole ever employed.”
Boomer snickered. “Don’t tell Brick that.”
“Don’t tell me what, now?” Brick emerged from his useless empty box stacking task, glitter-less and severely lacking in Christmas cheer.
Bubbles gasped, right on cue. “Brick! Where is your glitter? Get over here.”
Brick made a weird face. “What are you talk—hey!”
Bubbles all but accosted him with the glitter pen. Hana cheered and applauded, and Todd joined in because he liked to cheer and applaud in general.
“What are you—get off!” Brick shoved Bubbles hard, but a flash of pink caught her before she could crash into anything.
Blossom peered around her totally unfazed sister, a tray of lattes in one hand and her perfectly sculpted eyebrow raised. “Brick,” she said.
Brick swallowed. “Blossom.”
She looked nice in leggings and a sweater dress that matched Bubbles’ style, except where Bubbles’ was white, Blossom’s was a scarlet that rivaled the shade of Brick’s eyes.
“I brought you guys coffee,” Blossom said, her eyes trained on Brick even as she held out the tray.
Mike took the tray before it could become collateral damage in whatever was going on between the two of them.
“Here you go.” Mike offered one to Boomer, who gratefully accepted it.
“I thought you weren’t getting home until tomorrow,” Brick said, as if he and Blossom were the only two people there.
“Change of plans,” Blossom said. “Problem?”
Brick seemed to remember what he was wearing and snatched his elf hat from his head. He bunched it up between his hands like that would hide his imagined shame. “It’s fine.”
It wasn’t fine, clearly. But it wasn’t Boomer’s place to intrude. He would have been extremely happy for it to end there, but sadly Blossom, like his brother, had a flair for the dramatic and an affinity for the center of attention.
She sauntered up to him and smeared the bit of glitter Bubbles had managed to draw on his cheek before he’d shoved her off. “Good,” she said, half an invitation and half a challenge.
Brick didn’t bend easily. Boomer knew his brother as well as he knew himself, and he knew Brick didn’t relent, never gave in unless he was well and truly beaten, which was rare. But he slackened now, lips parting and eyes falling. Even though his arms stayed stubbornly at his sides and he didn’t do something as scandalous as hold his girlfriend’s hand in public, he melted under her touch and attention.
“All right! Bloss, you’re back early! This is massive, like, supernova massive,” Todd said. “Hey, I know! Let’s throw a party at mine tonight! Brick said you weren’t coming back for another couple of days, so this is like a cool early Christmas present to all of us.”
Bubbles gasped. “Oh my gosh, yes! Let’s all go to Todd’s tonight, just like we used to. I’m calling Robin right now.”
“We can make it a real Christmas party,” Blossom said. Somehow, she’d gotten ahold of Bubbles’ glitter pen and now smeared a generous amount on Brick’s cheeks until he gleamed without suffering a nuclear meltdown. A Christmas miracle, indeed.
“You’ll wear the Santa suit,” Hana said. Demanded.
“Ho ho ho! You got it, babe.”
“That thing’s a rental,” Brick said. “And it’s, like, 75 degrees outside.”
“If he gets too hot, I’ll hose him down,” Hana said.
Brick smartly decided not to press her on that one.
“I like your elf costume, Brick,” Blossom teased. Maybe.
“I’m burning it as soon as I get paid,” Brick said.
“I thought it was a rental like Todd’s?”
He hesitated, trapped by his own logic, and she laughed softly and kissed the side of his mouth. Brick froze and played it off like it didn’t affect him, but his eyes were drawn to Blossom’s lips for the next six whole minutes. Boomer really didn’t get why he had to make everything so damn complicated.
“Hey, hombres, our break is up and I see a super cute kid waiting to sit on the softest lap in Townsville,” Todd said, sinking back onto his candy cane throne and patting his lap.
Brick visibly cringed.
“It could be worse,” Mike whispered to Brick. “At least this time we get to keep our shirts on.”
Boomer smiled at the memory of Todd’s last seasonal gig he’d roped Brick and Mike into over the summer. The shirtless carwash had admittedly been one of his more rewarding part-time jobs, and Boomer had the photo evidence to cherish the memory extremely fondly.
Blossom and Hana retreated behind Mike while Bubbles finished up her phone call with Robin and Brick admitted the next child on set.
“Welcome to the North Pole,” he said with all the cheer of an old tire. Nonetheless, his cheeks dazzled. “What’s your name, kid?”
She looked up at him but didn’t say anything. Boomer noticed her shyness and decided he better intervene.
“Hey there,” he said, taking a knee so he could be on her eye-level. “Merry Christmas.”
That alarmed her even more, and she hugged Brick’s leg.
“What the—” Brick put his hands up like he didn’t know what to do with them. “Great.”
The girl’s parents were busy talking to Mike about the picture packages and didn’t seem to notice what was going on.
“Uh,” Boomer said, ready to flag them down before the little girl got scared or started to cry. They’d been lucky this morning with only one child throwing a temper tantrum out of the tens they’d seen.
“All right, kid. I hope you have a good grip.” Brick floated off the ground with the little girl clinging to his leg and flew over to Todd’s throne.
Boomer was so flabbergasted by his brother’s gross disregard for this child’s safety in front of her parents that he was momentarily stunned where he kneeled. It was over in about two and a half seconds, with her parents none the wiser and the little girl still in one piece, miraculously. Brick peeled her off him and dropped her on Todd’s lap.
“Name,” Brick demanded. And then, reluctantly: “…To check you off the Nice List.”
The little girl looked up at him with wide-eyed wonderment, or maybe fear. “Morana.”
“Morana. Super. Tell Todd—I mean, Santa—what you want. And smile for the camera.”
Todd didn’t miss a beat and wrapped his arms loosely around her to hold her safely in place. “Morana, that’s a pretty name. Wanna tell me what you want for Christmas?”
Morana pointed at Brick. “That one.”
Brick turned as red as his messy man bun. Todd wheezed.
“Oh, yeah? Well, that one’s taken, but I bet I can get you a picture together. How ‘bout it?” Todd asked.
Boomer was up and moving in a blue flash. “That can be arranged.” He shoved his brother with a healthy burst of Super strength, and Brick all but fell on his knee next to Todd’s throne. Boomer waved back at Mike for the picture.
“Big smile now!” Mike said cheerfully, and snapped the picture.
“What the hell is up with these kids?” Brick asked when Morana skipped back to her parents and started chattering at them in a language Boomer didn’t recognize but assumed must be all good things from the way she grinned from ear to ear. “They get bolder every year.”
“Or you’re just getting softer,” Boomer teased.
“Yeah, right.”
Blossom laughed at something Hana said on a nearby bench, drawing both their eyes.
“Whatever you say, man,” Boomer said.
Todd’s party was a nostalgic and long-overdue affair later that evening. Unlike Boomer, who had to make do in a small studio apartment on the outskirts of Citiesville where the rent was more manageable and his commute didn’t matter when flying anywhere took only minutes, Todd lived in a big house he took care of for his often absent, globe-trotting parents. Blossom, Bubbles, and Robin had taken the initiative and strung up Christmas lights, while Boomer created and managed the playlist for the night. They had a good crowd with old friends from high school and new ones from work and college gathered for no excuse other than to have a good time.
Butch, Buttercup, Mike, and Todd had set up beer pong in the basement, where most of the festivities were taking place. As usual, the shit talking and macho bravado had soared to ludicrous heights.
“Come on, BC,” Todd goaded. “Money shot, right here.” He fluffed his Santa beard, the ends of which were damp with beer. Buttercup had one cup left to hit.
“I’m about to straight-up tea bag you with this ping pong ball, Todd, I swear to god.” Buttercup tried to focus on her aim after too many beers and the distraction of Todd’s stupid Santa beard.
“Do it, fucking do it,” Butch said, bobbing on the balls of his feet and slightly manic with the competition and holiday cheer, probably.
“I’m gonna fucking do it!”
“I don’t think you can fucking do it,” Mike said.
“Ohhhhh!” Butch hollered when Buttercup lost her temper and threw the ball too hard. It bounced off Todd’s beard and fell on the floor, leaving the last cup untouched.
“Mike, you cheater!” Buttercup shouted.
Mike burst out laughing.
“All riiiiight, the Toddster’s final shot. You filming, babe?” Todd asked.
Hana, across the table from Boomer, had her phone out and poised. “Kick their asses, Toddy.”
“Yeah, bring it on, Toddy,” Butch jeered.
“Oh, it’s about to be brought.”
“Oh god, please, you peaked in high school,” Buttercup said.
“Hey, he plateaued,” Mike said. “There’s a difference.”
“Just take the damn shot!”
Todd shot, hit the rim of the solo cup, and missed. Buttercup and Butch threw up their hands and whooped. They were still in the game, and the stakes were even higher now.
Boomer squeezed Mike’s arm in a silent excuse and went to change the music…only to find Brick and Blossom making out in the hallway like it was their last night on Earth.
The music was fine, he decided. No need to interrupt Brick and Blossom trying to fuse with the wall and face his brother’s cock blocked wrath. Discreetly, Boomer snapped a picture on his phone and texted it to Bubbles.
[Boomer: Shooketh]
Bubbles’ reply was lightning fast.
[Bubbles: More like shattered!!]
[Bubbles: Better get out of there before they catch you lol 💀]
After another hour (and Brick and Blossom’s reemergence from the wall in one piece with not a hair out of place because god forbid), Boomer and Mike decided to head out early. They went back to Boomer’s apartment, where a very excited Pomeranian welcomed them home.
“Hi, Pumpkin!” Mike brightened like the sun and scooped up his favorite girl, left in Boomer’s care while he was away at college. “Who’s ready for a walk?”
They walked Pumpkin and let her tire herself out running around the suburban neighborhood where it was too late at night for any cars to be out. A half hour later, they were curled up on the loveseat with Pumpkin snoozing in her fuzzy bed at their feet and an old black-and-white Christmas movie playing on low volume on the television.
“Hey,” Boomer said, lifting his head from Mike’s chest to look at him properly.
Mike set aside the hot chocolate he’d been drinking and pulled Boomer up by his waist. “Hey, you. What is it?”
Boomer smiled. It was silly, really. “It’s nothing.”
“Oh?” Mike returned his smile and leaned closer. He smelled like soap, a hint of chocolate, and something else that made Boomer want to bury his face in his neck.
“Just happy,” Boomer said.
“Really? I can’t tell.”
Boomer sat up a little higher. The neck of Mike’s old lacrosse jersey he wore dipped down his shoulder, too big on him and softer than a cloud. He pressed a chaste kiss to the underside of Mike’s jaw. “How about now?”
“Hm, nope, I don’t think I quite got that.”
Boomer threaded his fingers though Mike’s short, dark hair at the nape of his neck. Feeling coquettish, he gave his ear a nip. “How about now?”
Mike shifted on the couch and pulled Boomer’s bent legs onto his lap. His voice was as warm as the hot chocolate he’d been drinking. “I think I’m starting to get a vague understanding.”
Boomer laughed and painted a trail of kisses along Mike’s jaw, up his chin. He pressed a strong hand to his chest and put a little power behind it. Centimeters apart, he could taste the lingering heat of the hot chocolate on Mike’s breath. “And now?”
Mike’s eyes drooped and darkened. His hands slipped around Boomer’s waist, under the jersey, a silent entreaty. “I think you can do a little better than that, Angel.”
The secret nickname broke Boomer’s resolve, and he kissed his boyfriend full on the mouth with all the confidence and shamelessness he couldn’t give him that morning at the mall surrounded by children and their parents. Mike’s shirt soon found its way to the floor along with Boomer’s borrowed jersey. The loveseat was too short to accommodate Mike’s height comfortably, and after a few moments Boomer held him close and flew them to the bed in a flash.
“I’ll never get over how hot that is,” Mike said, breathless.
Boomer blushed, unable to help it. He was careful with his strength around Mike, but sometimes the X bonded to his bones pushed him to the raw, carnal boundaries of humanity. Mike’s hand on his cheek drew him out of those spiraling thoughts.
“I mean it,” Mike said. “I love that part of you. And I trust you completely.”
Words did not come easily, nor did they seem appropriate in that moment. Boomer bent to kiss Mike again and pull him as close as he could get. Wrapped up in the warm sheets and each other, Boomer’s silly little thought that he had never been happier grew and swelled to heights he never could have imagined before Mike. They lay there together, lazy and sleepy, as the credits of their forgotten holiday movie played on the television.
“One more semester,” Mike said, “and then I graduate.”
“I can’t believe you’re almost a college graduate,” Boomer said. “It feels like you left ages ago.”
“Four years is a long time, but it’s not forever. And you should get ready.”
Boomer looked up at him. “Ready for what?”
“To move, of course.”
“Hey, I love how cozy your apartment is, but I’m pretty sure Pumpkin would appreciate her own room once we’re living together full time.”
Boomer sat up properly. “You… You want to move in together? With me?”
“Of course! The only question is, where do you want to go?”
Boomer covered his mouth. Of course he had thought about getting a place with Mike, but that always seemed like the distant future. What if they didn’t stay together? What if the long distance was too hard? What if Mike met someone else at college? Brick didn’t talk about it much, but after a few too many drinks one night the year Blossom and Mike both left for college, he’d confessed how afraid he was that he would lose her forever. How can the old be exciting and fun compared to the amazing, new adventures she would be having?
But from the way Boomer had caught them all but absorbing each other at Todd’s tonight, Blossom seemed perfectly happy to keep him. And Mike…
“You’re serious,” Boomer said.
“I’ve never been more serious.” Mike took his hand and kissed his knuckles carefully. “I can’t wait to start our lives together.”
Boomer could have cried. He almost did. Life was hard, even for a Super like him. With endless bills to pay and the occasional monster to dispose of, sometimes he felt like he was being pulled in too many directions without anyone there to help pick up the slack. But this… This was his.
“Me too,” Boomer said. “And I don’t care where we go, as long as it’s together.”
“Well, cool. In that case, if you’re not opposed to it, was thinking farther north, like Metroville. There are some great photography jobs there that I want to apply for, and the music scene is bigger than it is here—”
“Yes! A hundred percent yes, let’s do it. When do we leave?”
Mike laughed. “June 1st, as soon as they hand me my diploma.”
Six months. It had a date now. Unthinking, Boomer threw his arms around Mike’s broad shoulders and hugged him tight. “I’ll mark my calendar.”
“It’s a date.”
Incidentally, they did not get much sleep the rest of that night.
I told myself I wasn’t going to do a ton of fluff, but damnit all, Boomike is SUPER CUTE and I couldn’t help myself. Let them have the happy ending they deserve. Thanks for reading!
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Erik has a new girl who has a baby prior to dating him and they become one big happy family. The baby daddy is jealous and he tries to one up on Erik but they end up being cool with eachother afterwards.
Warnings: Mentions of SMUT, Fluff.
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Erik is currently staring at a picture of little Sasha. She was only one month on the photo. Now, Sasha is turning one.
When he first met Y/N and Sasha, they were in a Caribbean supermarket. Erik always shopped there. He decided to go and grab what he needed before heading home to his new apartment. If you ever wanted to shop for Afro-Caribbean ingredients, the best place to go to was a Caribbean supermarket. He wanted to cook up some beef patties, oxtail, rice and peas, and some fried cabbage. Already picking up the spices he needed, Erik wasn’t paying much attention when his cart bumped into Y/N’s. The loud clanking sound woke Sasha up. She cried a little bit but it didn’t last very long.
“Shit, my bad. My eyes were on the shelves looking for curry powder. Ah, I woke up this pretty little mama right here.”
“It’s alright, you don’t have to apologize. It happens to the best of us.”
The corners of Erik’s mouth turned up into a smile and his eyes widened slightly at the sight of her. Pushing a yellow cart with a light grey strapless sundress on that hugged her ample curves was one of the most beautiful women Erik has ever seen. Her skin was a beautiful mocha with tan lines. Short blue-black curly fro and nutmeg eyes with a bright white smile. She looked like she lived on an island and not California. That’s where the pretty new born baby got her looks from for sure.
“Here’s your curry powder.”
Erik blinked out of his trance, staring down at the beautiful woman’s hand holding up a bag of curry powder. Erik grabs it, his full lips still holding a dimpled smile.
“Thank you, ma.”
“No problem,” She looks down at her daughter in the cart, smoothing her black hair, “Well, let us get out of your way, I’m sure you have shit to do.”
“No rush, just got off of work,” Erik held out his hand, “My name is Erik.”
“Y/N,” she grabs it gently, shaking Erik’s hand slowly.
“And what’s her name?”
“She’s very beautiful like her mama.”
“Thank you,” Y/N blushes.
Erik licks his lips, “This is probably the only time I’ll ever see you...so I was wondering if I could have your number? I mean,” Erik looks Y/N up and down, “You are so damn beautiful. Make a nigga hold up traffic doing a U-Turn if I see you walking down the street.”
Y/N nibbles on the corner of her pouty bottom lip, “Just like that, huh, Erik?”
“It’s now or never honestly.”
Y/N cocked her head to the side, “You didn’t even ask me if I was single. I do have a new born baby. I could have a boyfriend, be engaged, already married-“
“My fault,” Erik chuckles, “It’s just in my nature to go after what I want.”
“I can see that,” Y/N shakes her head with a big smile.
“Aight, so, are you taken?”
“No. Not anymore.” Y/N sighs, “Long story.”
“I’m sorry to hear that gorgeous.”
“I’m okay. My Sasha is okay. That’s all that matters.”
“Well, she looks like she’s in good hands, no doubt.”
“Yes,” Y/N’s eyes sparked and her lashes fluttered, “Do you still want my number, Erik?”
“Hell yeah,” Erik pulls out his phone from his suit jacket. Y/N grabs her phone from the cart, handing it over to Erik. They both exchanged numbers before swapping back. They didn’t really know what else to say, Y/N looking at Erik bashfully and Erik is honestly enamored by how beautiful and chocolate Y/N is.
“Promise we will talk?” Erik says while walking back to his cart.
“I promise, Erik.” Y/N giggles, turning to her cart, giving Erik a view of her tantalizing voluptuous hips.
“Yeah, I’ll hold you to that, ma. Bye bye Sasha.”
Sasha just looked at him with her black eyes
Y/N and Erik talked that night, Y/N agreeing to go on a date with him but she definitely wasn’t ready for anything intimate. Erik respected that, he started falling deeper and deeper for Y/N and they didn’t start having sex until after a month of getting to know eachother. Ever since then, they were inseparable and Erik took care of Sasha like she was his child. They would spend the night the first 11 months into dating but by month 12, just weeks before Sasha’s birthday, Erik asked Y/N if she wanted to move in with him. Y/N instantly agreed without hesitation.
Sasha’s Birthday
“Rayvon is getting on my last nerves!”
Erik looks up from the photo of Sasha on her birthday cake at Y/N entering the kitchen in their apartment with a scowl and her lips pouting. She went back to stirring the potato salad, Erik’s eyes unable to ignore her ass jiggling in her yellow sundress.
“What happened with that nigga now?”
“He keeps asking me why I moved in with you. It’s none of his goddamn business!” Y/N kisses her teeth, “I am so sick of him questioning my decisions when he couldn’t even figure out if he wanted Sasha in his life. While he was out there screwing around I was dealing with my pregnancy alone.”
“Want me to talk to him?” Erik walks over to Y/N in the kitchen, his hand rubbing her back, “Cuz you know I will.”
“No, baby,” Y/N looks up at Erik with her doe eyes, “It’s not something I want you to get involved in unless it’s absolutely necessary. Ray is just jealous.”
“His loss. The nigga should have been on his shit but then again, I wouldn’t have you.”
“You won me,” Y/N turns, wrapping her arms around Erik’s neck, “I’m yours now. This may sound fucked up but...I was thinking the other day that I wish I would have ran into you in that market 9 months earlier. Then, you would have impregnated me and not Rayvon.”
“Aye,” Erik kisses Y/N’s forehead, “Sasha is a part of Rayvon. As much as I would have loved to meet you, Sasha wouldn’t be so fucking amazing if it wasn’t for him too-“
“You’re right. I don’t want you to think I’m saying that I don’t want Sasha-“
“Stop,” Erik rubs Y/N’s arms, “I know what you meant. You’re a great mother, baby, just... relax, okay?”
“Ugh,” Y/N smiles, “I’m so glad you’re here. Ray will be here and if you weren’t with me I wouldn’t survive-“
“You’re a strong woman, don’t let that nigga make you think otherwise,” Erik grabs her chin, “Look at me. Never let that nigga make you feel weak. Ever.”
“Okay,” Y/N stands on her tiptoes to kiss Erik.
“Good girl,” Erik gave Y/N another kiss, sucking on her bottom lip.
“Mmm, baybeee,” Y/N whimpers, “make me feel good before the party starts?”
“Damn,” Erik felt himself growing stiff, Y/N felt it too. Her hand came down the length of Erik’s body before resting gently over his crotch. She drags her nails up his length, her tongue poking out to sweep across her upper lip.
“Mm, Daddy. He’s so big-“
“Chill, ma, you can’t be doing that. You want yo’ mama to see how big of a freak her daughter is?”
“I just want it so bad,” Y/N kisses Erik’s neck causing him to groan, “So bad, Daddy-“
“I don’t want a quickie with you, I want it all, ma. Let’s wait until after the party. Isn’t Sasha going with Ray so he can take her to his parents?”
“Yeah,” Y/N had a sad expression, “I’ll wait the four hours I guess.”
“Trust me, it’s worth the wait, baby girl. I plan on wearing your ass out. Fix that pretty face, ain’t no pouting around here.”
“Okay, Daddy.”
“That’s right,” Erik takes both of his hands to reach around Y/N squeezing her generous buns and then making them bounce in his hands.
Everyone showed up to Sasha’s first birthday, even some of Erik’s friends came out to support. The party was themed Disney Princess with Tiana from Princess and The Frog. Erik even got a dress made to match Princess Tiana’s for Sasha. She also had a little gold crown to match the gold anklet Erik gifted her for her birthday.
Are you Sasha’s Daddy?
You look like you could be Sasha’s Daddy.
I like you better than that dumb ass Rayvon.
The questions and comments circulated around multiple times. Erik did feel a little uncomfortable answering that with Ray there. Speaking of Ray, he was giving Erik a cold look the entire time. Whenever Erik gave Sasha or Y/N a kiss, held Sasha, accepted Y/N sitting on his lap, or gave Sasha a gift, Rayvon would scowl or clench his jaw like he was itching to say some foul shit. Y/N definitely did have a type. Rayvon looked about Erik’s height and weight except he was dark skin with a kinky fro. Rayvon is a kick boxer. He looked like he wanted to kick Erik out of one of his luxury apartment windows so he could watch him fall twelve stories.
After gift opening time with Sasha, Rayvon, and Y/N, Y/N allowed Sasha to walk around so she could get used to moving on her feet. Sasha is so fast and every time someone tried to pick her up she would twist and turn her body. As soon as Y/N felt Sasha pulling on the bottom of her yellow dress, smacking her little lips, Y/N knew that her daughter wanted some food.
Y/N sat bouncing Sasha on her lap while feeding her some Mac and cheese. Erik took a seat next to Y/N on one side while Rayvon approached to take the empty seat on the other side. Y/N rolls her eyes, glancing over at Erik before going back to feeding Sasha.
“Can I feed her?” Rayvon spoke with a deep voice.
“Yeah, she’s your baby,” Y/N passes Sasha over to Rayvon.
“Oh? No arguing with me? Shit, I’m shocked.”
Rayvon pinches Sasha’s cheek, grabbing some Mac and cheese with his fingers to feed her.
“Since I’m here, you gon’ introduce yourself, homie?”
“Erik,” Erik looked over at Rayvon with humor, “Nice to meet you, bruh.”
“Hmm,” Rayvon reaches out his hand across Y/N, “Nice to meet you.”
“Cool,” Erik shook his hand but he held just as tight as Rayvon. Erik gave Rayvon a sly smirk before pulling his hand away.
“Since you around my daughter so much, what do you have to offer? I need to know especially since Y/N is living here now-“
“Chill out Rayvon, shit,” Y/N was ready to cuss Rayvon out but Erik’s hand on her shoulder calmed her down.
“It’s all good, baby, he’s just asking questions,” Erik looked up at Rayvon with unwavering eyes, “I’m not tryna take your place but I care about her and Y/N so I WILL be around. I love them both, and that’s real. I’m finna treat Sasha and Y/N with nothing but respect and mad love just like I’ve been doing for the past year.”
Rayvon sat quiet but he kept his eyes on Erik. He honestly couldn’t think of anything to counter what Erik just said. For some reason, Rayvon could see that Erik was telling the truth. The jealous part of him wanted to hate Erik’s existence but he has been nothing but amazing towards Sasha.
“And I understand the energy, bruh, I get it,” Erik shrugs, “I don’t have a problem with you but I will back this woman up right here. She means a lot to me.”
Rayvon glances at Y/N, “Yeah, she has that effect on people.”
“For sure,” Erik wraps an arm around Y/N’s waist, “She don’t play though,” Erik chuckles.
“You got yourself a hard woman. Ain’t that right, Y/N?”
“Shut up, Ray,” Y/N rolls her eyes.
“Where are you from, Erik?” Rayvon tried to make small talk.
“Oakland, you?”
“Shit, we might know the same people.”
Rayvon, shrugs, “We might, what area?”
“East Oakland, you?”
“Bro...same. What high school?”
Y/N looked from Rayvon to Erik with a perplexed expression.
“Castlemont High School for my junior and senior. I was at Oakland High at first but I got put out. What year did you graduate?”
“06’. I went to Oakland High school. I don’t remember you though.”
“Probably because I stayed in the office and getting suspended,” Erik laughs, “Juvie too.”
“I’m sure we know the same people. Same niggas still out there on the corners.”
“Shit, who you telling. I had to let some of my homies go. I ain’t tryna get dragged down in that mess.”
“Best move, honestly.” Rayvon agreed.
Y/N couldn’t believe what she was witnessing. Rayvon was actually being nice to Erik after all the shit he talked about how he was going to beat his ass when he saw him. Now, he was having conversations about their childhood, laughing and getting along. They were so invested in talking that Y/N went unnoticed.
“I’m gonna take Sasha to see if she needs to be changed,” Y/N stands, reaching out for Sasha.
“Go to mommy, little mama,” Rayvon gives Sasha a kiss on her neck causing her to giggle before handing her over to Y/N, “she’s looking more and more like you every damn day, girl. Look like you created her on your own.”
“That means she’s gonna grow up to be pretty like her mama,” Y/N grabs Sasha’s hand to kiss, “ain’t that right cutie pie!”
Rayvon sat back in his chair admiring Y/N. Erik caught him staring at her frame while chewing on his bottom lip with a crease in the middle of his brows.
“We will be back, behave Ray,” Y/N gives him a stern look.
“I’ll keep Erik company, seems like we’re vibing.”
“Okay,” Y/N walked up to Erik, giving him a kiss on his cheek. Before she could even step away from him, Erik reached out to slap her ass. Y/N looked back at him while shaking her head before placing Sasha on her hip, walking away.
“Still looks soft,” Rayvon said without a care for Erik being there.
“It is,” Erik side eyed Rayvon, “Still jealous?”
A muscle in Rayvon’s jaw twitched before he gave a half smile, “I can be a man and admit that I’m a little envious. You enjoying what I had...that would make any man feel some type of way.”
“If you don’t mind me asking-“
“Why did I fuck it up?” Rayvon finished Erik’s question, “Because I couldn’t handle the fact that she was pregnant. I wasn’t ready to take care of a baby. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I was going to take care of Sasha regardless, I knew I had a big responsibility I just...it was unexpected. I never imagined being a father. I never imagined falling for Y/N at all, period. She just has this energy man, Hmm, I mean, you know that energy. I kept telling myself not to fall for her but, damn, she really sunk her nails deep, you feel me?”
“Oh, I feel you. I’ve been there. I’ve never had a baby but I’ve been in that situation. I didn’t want that type of commitment either. Now, I love that shit. When I saw Sasha and Y/N for the first time, I couldn’t leave without at least getting her number. She had me and I barely even knew her.”
“Where did y’all meet again?”
“Erik smiles, “Caribbean supermarket. Bumped carts.”
“Get the fuck out of here,” Rayvon laughs, “I met her walking past her on Telegraph Ave. I couldn’t keep walking without getting her number. All she had to say was hi and my ass was sprung.”
“All she had to do was look at me and I was hooked,” Erik lifted an eyebrow before turning to Rayvon, “I heard you’re a kick boxer?”
“I am. Been doing it for five years now. I love it. I want to teach Sasha some day.”
“She already kick and punch like a beast so I can only imagine how she will be when she gets older.”
Rayvon leans forward, resting his elbows on his thighs, “What do you do?”
“I work for the Outreach center here in Oakland.”
“Serious! Could you help out my brother? He’s been trying to get a job there for at least two years now. They still have him on like some sort of waitlist.”
Erik ponders for a second before answering, “What’s his name?”
“Davon. Ex Military, Masters in Computer Science, wants to help design technology to help struggling communities. He also interned for Stark.”
“He sounds perfect. I’m like, in charge of all of that. Well, I’m in charge of a lot but I oversee the technology aspect of things more. I’ll give you my business card and you can have Davon call me Monday morning at 8:00 AM. No later.”
“Chill, you’ll really do that for him? Damn, you’re really a stand up guy, Erik. And here I was tryna hate you for taking Y/N away from me. I ain’t got no reason to hate you man,” Rayvon held out his hand for Erik to shake out of respect.
Erik sizes Rayvon up, “You were tryna come up in here and one up on me?” Erik’s tone was rough and angry. Rayvon leans back, brows furrowed and hands up like he didn’t want any problems.
Erik’s face slowly morphed into that of humor. He snorts a laughter before clapping Rayvon on his back, “All jokes, homie, I don’t want no beef. We good.”
“Shit,” Rayvon let’s out a suppressed laugh before fixing his denim jacket, “I thought you were about to put hands on me.”
“Nah, that’s not in my character. Ain’t no reason for me to beat your ass-“
“Aight, nigga,” Rayvon chuckles.
Y/N walks back without Sasha in her arms, hands on both her hips as she stood before Rayvon and Erik.
“So, did you both exchange words while I was gone or was everything good?”
Erik and Rayvon exchanged looks, faux anger on their faces.
“Seriously? Damn, that didn’t last long. Listen, I can’t have-“
“CHILL,” Erik couldn’t control his laughter, “We’re good, just messing with you, baby.”
“Erik don’t do that!” She hits Erik’s broad shoulder, “I thought I was going to have to separate you two until the party is over, and Rayvon stop laughing! You’re the one that gave threats about wanting to strangle Erik with your bare hands!”
“No worries, girl, we talked, got to know eachother, and...I can honestly say that you chose right, probably better than me.”
Y/N didn’t know how to respond to that. She could see that Rayvon wished he would have done better but the maturity in his response is what won her over. Never in a million years did Y/N expect Rayvon to say those words about any man she decided to be with besides him.
“That really makes me happy, Ray, I just want all of us to get along for Sasha.”
“I agree,” Rayvon gave Y/N a charming smile before standing to give her a hug. Y/N accepted his hug but she made sure to look at Erik to see if he was okay with it. He didn’t seem bothered, he actually looked happy.
“Aight, where is my baby girl? The party is basically over I’m ready to take her home so she can chill with her cool Daddy.”
Y/N pointed to her mother and her aunts, “She’s over there eating ice cream. You’re gonna have a lot of diapers to change, Ray.”
“Eh, I’m prepared,” Rayvon turned to Erik bringing his fist towards him to bump, “Good talking to you man, see you again soon.”
“Same, bro. Let me get you a card for your brother.”
“Good looks.”
Erik stood up, heading towards his small office area to grab one of his business cards. When he returned, Sasha was already on her Daddy’s hip, her Minnie Mouse baby bag in Rayvon’s free hand.
“Erik, come say goodbye to Sasha,” Y/N waves him over. Erik came over, planting a kiss on Sasha’s cheek, “See you, cutie pie. It’s never a goodbye when it comes to you, ain’t that right?!”
Sasha giggles with her gums and drool.
“Have fun, birthday girl.” Erik turns to Rayvon, “Glad we talked, man, see you soon.”
“No problem, take care of her,” Rayvon was referring to Y/N.
“That’s a promise.”
Rayvon gave one final goodbye to the others who lingered around to help clean before strolling out of the apartment with Sasha.
“Look at you, being nice. I like it.”
Erik wraps an arm around Y/N’s soft waist, “Daddy can be nice too.”
“Will Daddy be nice to me later?” Y/N whispers, “Or will Daddy make me beg for it?”
“Depends on how good of a girl you are before the rest of your family leaves.”
“Then I should be on my best behavior then,” Y/N flashed Erik a sexy smile earning a hard slap to her ass.
“Not with an ass like that,” Erik bites his lower lip, “Gon’ girl before I bend you over.”
“Okay, Daddy,” Y/N made sure to walk away extra slow so Erik could watch her.
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salexectrian-heir · 4 years
messages from last night update
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chapter below the cut | ao3 link
✧ Oracle ✧
SEPT 1ST 4:57 AM
[Joker] Hi
[Joker] Story time
[✧ Oracle ✧] i see yusuke returned ur phone
[Joker] Aha, yeah. After swearing on my life I would not make any more poor life choices
[Joker] I assume that was your doing
[✧ Oracle ✧] ur welcome
[Joker] Hmm well I might not have sworn hard enough
[✧ Oracle ✧] ???
[Joker] bet you 500 yen you can’t guess where I woke up this morning (without hacking my location)
[✧ Oracle ✧] oh god akira… jail?
[✧ Oracle ✧] again??!
[Joker] No
[Joker] Better
[✧ Oracle ✧] !!?
[Joker] On the catwalk of the auditorium
[✧ Oracle ✧] BRUH
[✧ Oracle ✧] didnt yusuke like walk u home???
[Joker] He did
[Joker] I just didn’t stay home after
[✧ Oracle ✧] (-_-;)・・・
[✧ Oracle ✧] but don’t they lock up the buildings at night….
[Joker] ...
[✧ Oracle ✧] also i’m p sure catwalks are at least fifteen meters in the air??
[Joker] ...
[Joker] I am surprisingly still very dexterous while intoxicated
[✧ Oracle ✧] o m g
[✧ Oracle ✧] what possessed u to sneak out of the dorm, pick a lock, scale scaffolding, and fall asleep on a metal beam is  / literally /  beyond me
[Joker] Me too, It's all very...fuzzy after getting back to the dorms
[Joker] Maybe I was a cat in a past life
[✧ Oracle ✧] cat!kira
[✧ Oracle ✧] congrats u now have a fursona to add to your growing list of ‘sonas
[Joker] Cat!kira go prrr?
[✧ Oracle ✧] HAHAH a self-drag?
[✧ Oracle ✧] Someone truly is hungover and regretting his life choices
[Joker] Jokes aside, all that flexibility training I did in hs apparently paid off
[Joker] I have no new bruises or injuries that I am aware of so I made it up in one piece. Somehow.
[✧ Oracle ✧] wait hold up I thot all that “training” u’d say u were doing was just like horny akira code for “going to mess around with Sumi after school”
[✧ Oracle ✧] don’t tell me u actually were doing gymnastics with her that whole time
[Joker] Okay
[✧ Oracle ✧] ????
[Joker] You literally just told me not to tell you
[✧ Oracle ✧] but was i right?! i NEED to kno if i was right
[Joker] Haha yes and no
[Joker] We did both
[Joker] is typing...
[Joker] You have written fanfic more explicit than anything I could ever tell you I’ve done, AND I PROOF READ IT FOR YOU
[✧ Oracle ✧] ヽ(•//д//•)ノ [ok true]
[✧ Oracle ✧] but
[✧ Oracle ✧] ヽ(•̀//д//•́)ノ
[Joker] Ik Ik, I’m teasing. I won’t corrupt your virginal ears
[✧ Oracle ✧] /anyway/ people r gonna be mad jealous when they find out u dated an olympic gymnast
[Joker] She wasn’t one when we dated though so technically I didn’t
[Joker] She found out she qualified shortly before we went back to being just friends
[Joker] I think we’re both much happier this way
[✧ Oracle ✧] Obviously. you still talk to her??
[Joker] Yeah
[Joker] We caught up before the semester started
[Joker] She said she was nervous, but that’s to be expected when you’re on the global stage. Aside from that she’s fitting in really well with her new teammates. She just wishes Kasumi could have been a part of it
[✧ Oracle ✧] </3
[Joker] Yeah :( </3
[Joker] But she’s good
[Joker] Still calls me senpai though...which idk how to feel about that
[✧ Oracle ✧] lol its ~cute~
[Joker] Hmm leaning towards don’t think so
[✧ Oracle ✧] “oh ~senpai~ you’ll still watch me compete in the olympics on TV right?”
[Joker] ...did you listen in on the call
[✧ Oracle ✧] no
[Joker] “no,” she lied like a liar (I know you still have my phone bugged damn it)
The Phantom Thieves of Cats
SEPT 1ST 5:01 AM
[✧ Oracle ✧] *kicks down the door to the thieves den*
[✧ Oracle ✧] INARI U FAILED
[✧ Oracle ✧] (hint: not where he’s supposed 2 be)
[Fox] Preposterous! He was safely returned to his dorm room. I personally put him to bed.
[Panther] you stayed over in their dorm room Fox… isn’t he in there w/you??
[Fox] is typing...
[Fox] Ah. It appears that I am in his bed and Akira is indeed missing. I was on the floor when we went to sleep. I have no recollection of this transfer.
[Fox] I have awoken Ryuji but all he has done is throw his possessions at me in an attempt to silence my “pestering” so I do not think he will be of any help in this situation.
[Joker] Don’t bother with him Fox. He isn’t responsive until at least 9am after a night out.
[Joker] Also, why aren’t the rest of you sleeping?
[Panther] Joker! you’re alive!!! are you okay???????
[Joker] Define okay
[✧ Oracle ✧] *cackles*
[Panther] where are you?!?
[Joker] You aren’t going to guess?
[Panther] jail?
[Fox] Please let it not be true your detective arrested you last night, and you are suffering in incarceration as we type.
[Joker] Why is jail everyone’s first guess? I was only arrested once!
[Joker] Fuck
[Joker] Also, he is not “my” detective
[Fox] is typing…
[✧ Oracle ✧] u sure about that
[Joker] Oh no
[✧ Oracle ✧] pls reread our messages from last night
[Joker] Oh GOD
[✧ Oracle ✧] *cackles louder*
[✧ Oracle ✧] i can’t wait to hear what inari is about to dish out
[Panther] wait what did akira say to you @ ✧ Oracle ✧?!
[Joker] Futaba please *softly* don’t
[Fox] Last night I had to relieve you of your phone before you texted the detective prince incriminating evidence of your state of inebriation and infatuation. You were adamant that you had to send him a picture of a cat as a token of your feelings, which I objected as the image you selected was not flattering of the cat. I may have just met you a few days ago, so please tell me if I am overstepping my bounds, but I do not think sending hideous pictures of cats is a wise way of winning over this man’s affections.
[✧ Oracle ✧] pls show us the picture he wanted to send
[Panther] Hahahah oh akira
[✧ Oracle ✧]
[Joker] …
[Joker] I’ll be staying at this undisclosed location until further notice
[Panther] no Akira!!! seriously where are you??
[Joker] the_view_is_nice.image
[Panther] :O
[Panther] how did you get up that high???
[✧ Oracle ✧] gymnastics training
[Panther] huh? i didn’t know you were a gymnast Akira!!
[✧ Oracle ✧] im sure he’ll tell u all about it now
[Joker] -____-
[Fox] I cannot believe I failed my first mission as the Chosen One.
[✧ Oracle ✧] i can
[Fox] is typing…
[Panther] @ ✧ Oracle ✧!!!!!!
[✧ Oracle ✧] kek
[Fox] I am an utter disgrace to this friendship. How can I even call this a friendship when I have done nothing but leech from the kindness you all have bestowed upon me. How will I ever be able to show my face among you,  those whom I have failed. I must atone for the shame I have wrought.
[Joker] You didn’t fail @ Fox, and you are not a disgrace. It was my fault. I was the shitty friend in this situation. I’ll make it up to everyone, and to you Fox. I’ll think of something.
[Fox] Food would suffice.
[Joker] Dinner for a week it is.
[Fox] Delightful!
[Panther] wow he got over that fast
[✧ Oracle ✧] welcome to being friends with Inari, the path of forgiveness is through his stomach
✧ Oracle ✧
SEPT 1st 5:07 AM
[Joker] Slight problem
[Joker] I actually have no idea how to get down
[✧ Oracle ✧] u really r part f*cking cat
Regrettably, some of his life choices last night did him no favors.
Mistakes had been made. Limits and Lessons had been learned. Unfortunately the hard way.
After miraculously finding a way down off the catwalk without injury  into his dorm shower and a fresh set of clothes, Akira managed to show up for his opening shift at Big Bang Blends ten minutes early.
Haru took one look at him when he slinked into the kitchen and immediately said, “Oh dear.”
Akira spun a damp curl around his finger. “That bad, huh?”
“Uhm.” Haru offered him a wobbling, pitiful smile. “You kind of look like how I would imagine a cat that got caught outside in the rain might feel.”
He let out a self-deprecating chuckle and wandered over to the apron rack. “Fair comparison.” Selecting his off its hook, he pulled it over his head. “I’d add on that the cat also got stuck in a tree and developed a splitting migraine.”
“I know just the thing that’ll sort you out!” Haru hovered over to Akira’s side. “Whenever I--” she paused, considering her words with a finger to her lip, “overindulge,” she settled on with a giggle, “I’ll make myself a cup of my special tea. It instantly clears my head and calms my stomach.”
Akira’s stomach rolled unpleasantly. “ Special tea ?”
Haru nodded vigorously. “It works like a charm! And I’m not just saying that because I drink it, I have a friend--well, I might be overstepping if I were to call him that, we aren’t that close,” Haru sighed, “but I make it for him too when he occasionally stumbles in here in a similar state.”
“Do I want to know what’s in it?” he asked hesitantly.
Haru beamed brightly at him. “No.”
Akira groaned.
“I promise it’ll work,” Haru said, wandering out of the kitchen and over to her collection of loose leaf teas that were displayed in clear, sealed jars behind the counter. She called back to him, “You’ll perk up in no time!”
He gave her a weak thumbs up.
Picking up the task list from the side of the walk in freezer, he resigned himself to his fate of ingesting whatever the fuck concotion Haru was going to feed him. It couldn’t have been worse than what he drank last night. In all honesty, he would have been feeling way, way, worse if Yusuke hadn’t convinced him to drink so much water when they got back. Akira would like to think the fact he wasn’t curled up on the floor in the fetal position on the cafe floor was also thanks in part to the Amazake he had chosen to drink the night prior too. But the thought of the non-alcoholic sake made his stomach churn harder so he stopped that train of thought immediately, and focused on setting up the dining area.  His head felt like it weighed five pounds heavier than it usually did, which made moving it a bit of a hassle, but he had the opening sheet to finish before the cafe opened and he’d damn himself if he didn’t deliver.
What his stomach did seem safe to think about was luck stats, and that maybe Futaba was onto something when she had made that off hand comment in their chat last night. Akira was incredibly lucky to have landed two bosses ( three if he counted Sojiro but the man was more like a father than he ever was a boss) who cared more about his well being as a person than as a source of cheap labor. Watching Haru make his tea as he flipped chairs down off the tables only amplified his guilt of showing up before her utterly and unmistakably hungover.
Being the sloppy friend did not sit well with Akira.
He swore to himself as he pushed in the last chair he took down that this was the first and last time he ever did anything as stupid and irresponsible as he did last night. Not to mention, his luck wouldn’t last if he kept this up. He’d make it up to everyone somehow, and Haru in particular now. He wouldn’t let his current state impact his work.
And once he stopped feeling like dogshit and could form a coherent argument, he was going to have a long, hard talk with whichever one of his personas decided it would be great fucking idea to drink so much, scale the interior of the theatre, and fall asleep on a steel beam no greater than sixty centimeters in width. Because honestly, what the fuck ?
Even In high school, his “peak stupidity” years, he hadn’t done anything as dumb as this.
Okay, well, that was a lie.
He had done a lot of stupid, often illegal things (see: petty theft, breaking and entering) in high school that to him, had been justified. He was quite gifted at stealing and knew his way around a lock with professional proficiency, and he had gotten away with it unscathed for a very long time.
Except for the whole getting arrested and put on probation thing , which ironically had been for a crime he didn’t actually commit.
“It’s ready!”
“Thanks, Haru.”
Akira swung by the to-go counter reaching for the mystery tea waiting for him and continued on.
After thirty minutes of sipping on whatever miracle cure Haru brewed as he checked off the morning set up tasks, it fucking kicked in. The mind fog and nausea disappeared almost entirely, settling his stomach enough that he was able to keep down some Advil and melon pan with Haru for breakfast. Akira could handle the headache until the medicine took over.
He just couldn’t move too fast or too sudden (Akira was still a little too off balance for that), or turn his neck sharply (thanks to what he had drunkenly decided to use as a pillow the night before). But he powered through it as he set about stocking the various coffee beans in their containers.
The last item on the task sheet they completed together. Prepping the food items for the pastry case with all of the baked goods Haru had made the night before. In addition to mochi, goma dango, and other pastries one would expect to enjoy with tea and coffee, there was always some kind of cake. Meticulously and lovingly decorated, sliced by hand that Haru showcased in her cake display. Today’s selection was a daring one, a pink lemonade cake with delicately applied ombre pink frosting and topped with candied lemon slices that were evenly spaced, each sitting on an artful dollop of whipped white icing.
“Did you want to try a piece, Akira-kun?”
Akira glanced over from where he was sliding a tray of nerikiri into the case. A plate with a modest slice was being extended to him. Eyeing the color up close, his stomach protested. Apparently still a little too hungover to test the limits of his digestive tract with such an extravagant confection.
“It looks amazing, but I think I’ll stick to the melon pan this time Haru.”
“I can always save it for la--”
A sharp series of knocks interrupted their conversation.
From his position squatting on the floor, he checked the time on his phone. There were still five minutes until the cafe officially opened for the day. Haru had warned him there were always a few people who showed up early and failed to read the sign.
“I’ll get it,” Akira sighed, sliding the door of the pastry case shut. “You finish with the cake. I’ll handle our impatient caffeine addict.”
“Oh don’t worry the cake’s all done, I just cut the last slice.” Haru waved Akira off. “I can get him.”
He hastily straightened up, brushing a few stray sugary crumbs off his apron and immediately looked over at the entrance. Every muscle in his body seized up. Waiting outside the glass doors was one impeccably dressed and restless looking Akechi Goro. Akechi rolled his shoulder, adjusting the strap of his messenger bag while he checked his phone.
The message Akira sent Akechi last night intrusively echoed in his head the moment the former detective looked up and locked eyes with him. Pocketing his phone into his suit jacket (it had to be custom fit, because there was no way it could have cut his figure that well without tailoring), he lifted his chin ever so slightly. Akechi’s expression twisted wickedly into something that short circuited Akira’s brain.
Fuck .
A war waged between two primal instincts in Akira’s body at the sight, the overwhelming urge to run in the face of danger clashing with a tidal wave of lust. The rush coursed through his veins, freezing him in place. Much like prey that had been cornered, his heart began to thrash against his ribs.
Akechi’s grin was sharp and salacious, a stark contrast to the innocent and winsome smile that the T.V. ready Prince so often wore. Akira didn’t know him all that well (... yet ), but God , that smile just seemed to suit Akechi so much better.
Akira got to witness this side of Akechi knowing it was reserved for only him for about two whole seconds before Akechi’s face changed, shifting into his composed, manufactured doll-like mask when Haru made it over to let him in.
The transformation gave Akira something pretty close to whiplash.
Really arousing whiplash.
“Good morning Akechi-san,” she greeted him, holding the door open with a warm smile.
“And same to you, Okumura-san,” he returned politely, stepping past her and into the cafe proper. “Pardon my early arrival, I have quite the busy day planned unfortunately and was hoping to get a jump start.” He brushed aside a few strands of hair that had fallen into his eyes with a gloved hand. “I hope your morning has been going well.”
“It’s barely started,” Akira muttered, reaching for a to-go cup to start Akechi’s order to busy himself with so he wouldn’t stare at the breathtakingly handsome man in front of him. His heart needed a break already.
Instead of writing Akechi’s name, he doodled a pair of handcuffs with the bold letters A and G within the negative space in each cuff (Akira admired his work for a brief moment and thought Yusuke would be proud). He marked the drink as a caramel latte, recalling what Haru had put down on his cup yesterday. Then proceeded to make a pour over instead.
Haru flipped the sign to open, and then said, “Very well, so far! I tried out a new cake recipe, you have to try it.”
Akechi laughed, and Akira’s stomach clenched--but this time in an all too pleasant way. Akira diverted his attention from grinding the beans for his drink to watch the detective ( Fuck! ) The sound was light and lyrical, and after what Akira witnessed… sounded totally out of place coming out of the same mouth that had held that smug, voracious grin a moment ago.
“As much as I would love to, I must decline. I cannot get into the habit of having cake for breakfast.”
“Then you must take a slice with you!” Haru walked past him and over to her cake display, lifting the glass lid and taking a piece out.
“Alright, if you insist,” Akechi conceded, coming to a stop in front of Akira, who moved on to scooping the grounds into the damp filter. The proximity made it near impossible to keep his eyes off the detective, but Akira somehow managed it, forcing himself to pay attention to his pour.
“Actually, would you mind if I borrowed your barista for a moment, Okumura-san?”
Akira snapped his head up from his preparations and met Akechi’s eyes once more ( God damnit! ). Which was a really dumb idea as a shock of pain spiked down his neck. He bit the inside of his cheek to stop from wincing.
A dangerous glint appeared in that maroon gaze that catapulted Akira’s thundering heart into his throat.
“Is he in trouble?” Haru peered over her shoulder from where she was packing a bright pink slice of cake into a to-go container.
“He might be,” Goro murmured just loud enough for Akira to hear, then broke their eye contact to address Haru, “I assure you, nothing of the sort.” He smiled that infuriatingly fake smile at her, complete with an innocent tilt of his head. “I just need to ask him a few questions, in private.”
Haru shot Akira a questioning stare, Do you need me to say no?
He shrugged nonchalantly, or as nonchalantly as someone who was having a very intense internal meltdown over an insanely attractive man could, and said, “It’s fine, Haru.” He continued to pour the scalding water in a circular motion over the coffee grounds in the filter, doing his best to quiet all the alarm bells in his head.
His response must have come off convincingly enough because Haru nodded and said, “Well, I can’t see why that would be a problem.” She hesitantly returned Akechi’s smile. “But I will need him back in a bit when the morning rush hits.”
“This shouldn’t take too long,” Akechi turned and gestured to a table in the corner of the cafe--far away enough from the counter that Haru couldn’t possibly overhear their conversation. Then under his breath he added, “As long as Kurusu-kun doesn’t resist, that is.”
Akira cleared his throat, willing his throbbing heart to drop back into its cage between his ribs. “Go on, I”ll join you when I’m finished.”
Akechi nodded, leaving the yen for his coffee on the counter and sauntered away. Akira topped off the pour over and transferred the liquid into the to-go cup. On his way around the counter he snagged what was left of his miracle tea and took a swig. He hoped it would replenish his mental reserves to handle the upcoming verbal sparring match he was sure he was about to walk into.
Akechi, in his immaculate glory, was leaning back in his chair languidly with one dark clad leg crossed. He watched Akira closely as he wandered over with their drinks. Akira suddenly felt incredibly out classed and underdressed in his usual cardigan-v neck combo he had going on compared to Akechi’s tan suit jacket and pressed button down shirt.
He slid into the seat opposite Akechi and pushed his coffee across the table. Akechi nodded in thanks and brought it to his lips.
Akira pretended he didn’t watch the way Akechi’s throat moved as he swallowed his first sip.
The detective hummed approvingly. “Black.”
“The way you actually like it,” Akira said with a knowing smile. “Don’t worry, your secret’s safe with me.”
“Is it now,” Akechi chuckled darkly against the lid still pressed to his lips. “Sadly, my coffee preferences are the extent of where your knowledge of me ends.”
In the tenuous silence that descended after that statement, they sipped at their respective drinks. Gazes not once wavering off one another.
“I assume you know why I’m here,” Akechi finally said, cutting the tension.
“When I said ‘come get me ’ I didn’t mean ‘corner me at work ’,” Akira hissed over his cup of miracle tea.
He could think of many other, far more superior places he would have loved to be cornered by Akechi in. But Akira kept that part to himself.
The detective leaned forward, resting his chin on his fist. “You do realize if this were a real investigation and I caught you as unaware as you were this morning, you being at work with your Boss present wouldn’t have deterred me.”
Akira stole a glance at Haru, who was busy writing the specials of the day on their blackboard, then drained the rest of his tea.
Akechi followed his gaze and continued on in a saccharine tone that contradicted the alluring smile his mouth had split into again, “But since it’s not, I highly doubt you want an audience for when I bend you over the counter and take what I want from you.”
Akira promptly choked.
Any lingering doubt Akira may have had about Akechi’s preferences evaporated. Akechi knew exactly what he was saying. He had to have, right? There was no heterosexual explanation for that response.
Point to Akechi, he thought, accepting the fact his face was probably as red as the flowering plant hovering three inches above his head.
“How considerate,” Akira managed to rasp once he got his tea to go down his throat correctly. Swallowing burned like a bitch. Now he had to deal with a sore throat on top of the rebellion being staged by his heart and stomach, and the leftover vertigo from his hangover.
“Will you hand it over now?” the detective asked with a hint of sugar coated venom.
“Hate to disappoint, but you’ll be walking away empty handed this morning. I left it in my room.”
Which wasn’t a lie. In his haste to recover from last night’s  escapade and get to work on time, he hadn’t thought to grab the handkerchief. The last thing he expected was this.
“I think you’re sending me mixed signals.”.
“Am I?”
“You tell me you want one thing, then act like you didn’t expect it to come to fruition when I follow through on it so I’m curious,” Akechi titled his head and his hair shifted, shining ethereally in the early morning sun streaming through the window. “What is it you really want, Kurusu?”
For you to fuck my brains out, Akira thought. But admitting that so bluntly to Akechi’s face felt like defeat. So, he kept the stupid illusion of their game going and leaned in.
“I want to see if the Detective Prince is really as good at his job as the rumors say he is.” Akira mirrored the detective’s head tilt and offered him a crooked grin. “I won’t be that easy.”
“If you want me to physically remove it from your person, then I must insist from this point forward you carry it with you. If every time I corner you, you… aren’t ready,” Akechi’s smile grew wider, “then doesn’t that defeat the purpose? And unlike you it seems, my time and attention is limited.”
“Rude.” Akira mimicked the detective’s posture, dropping his chin into his palm. “My time is limited too. I just can’t have you stalking me at work. And--” what Akira really meant to say next was , I cannot possibly work and retain my sanity with you watching me like that all the time. But instead said, “--Think of Okumura-san’s business. You’ll scare away her customers.”
Akechi shot him an unimpressed look. “Somehow I highly doubt that.”
Wow. Cocky bastard.  
"Well,” Akira said, changing tactics by imbuing a little bit of truth, “I imagine you can relate to not wanting to be distracted at work, with your fans and all.”
“They can be...rather inconvenient at times, yes.” Akechi studied him intently. “Alright then. Let’s make a deal.”
“Making a deal with the enemy? Akechi,” Akira feigned a gasp, “don’t tell me you’re a dirty cop.”
The detective snorted into his coffee. “I’m going to choose not to entertain that comment and suggest we establish some ground rules.”
“I thought rules didn’t exist in investigations,” Akira said mischievously.
“Like I previously stated, good thing this isn’t one, then?”
They shared a private smile.
“I propose this,” Akechi said, straightening up, hands clasped on the table. “From this point on, you will carry it on your person. I will catch you off guard within the next two weeks and take back what is rightfully mine. Our working hours are exempt from this. Obviously, the common spaces in the dormitory will be too by default. Should you ever need me as your RA, that will come first and foremost, I take my duties seriously. As should you. I think you’ll find these terms agreeable and respectful of each other’s time. Unless there are any other locations you want to deem off limits.”
Akira made a show of considering Akechi’s words, tapping a finger against his cheek. This was literally the most drawn out, intellectually charged foreplay Akira had ever engaged in but he couldn’t say it didn’t excite him. In fact, there was something exhilarating about it.  
“No. Everywhere else is fair game.”
“Really?” Akechi inquired, grin breaching that rapacious territory again. “Be careful what you agree to, Kurusu.”
Akira shrugged and leaned back.
“So,” Akechi prompted, “you won’t say no, will you?”
Of course he was going to accept. So Akira simply said, “I think I’ll hold on to your handkerchief.” And then held out his hand. It felt like the right thing to do.
“Hah, excellent,” Akechi smiled and shook it firmly. The leather was soft and warm as it dragged against Akira’s palm. “Otherwise, I will be forced to order a room inspection and somehow I doubt that is how you want this to play out.”
“If you are inspecting the room while I’m in it, then I might be.”
Right after the words left his mouth, the logical part of his brain that wasn’t stuck on being hungover and horny on main finally spoke up and reminded him of the very important, expulsion worthy, major cockblock that was currently being housed in his room: Morgana.
But then Akechi’s mouth upturned devilishly, and suddenly Akira decided he’d cross that furry bridge when he got to it.
“Well, then. I must be off. Thank you for the coffee,” Akechi said, dropping Akira’s hand as he stood up. “I have an interview taping in…” he checked his phone and sighed, “just over an hour. Hopefully the trains are on schedule.”
Akira tilted his head. “Still doing those?”
“Yes, keeping up appearances on behalf of the precinct,” Akechi explained, “I may be officially on hiatus as a full time student, but I still pick up cases from time to time. The media wants to know how I balance it all.”
“Ah. Explains the get up.”
Akechi bristled at the comment, his nose wrinkling ( cute! ) and brows drawing down as he straightened his already perfectly straight tie. “What’s wrong with my outfit?”
“Nothing,” Akira teased with a lilt in voice, “It’s nice, maybe a little stuffy.” He deliberately looked Akechi up and down. “But I bet you’d look better out of it, judging by what I saw you wear the last time you showed up here.” He couldn’t fight the coy smile his mouth twisted into even if he tried. “If you’re looking to show off, those shorts from yesterday would do a better job.”
The call out was meant to fluster Akechi, but the detective’s face remained remarkably even toned. Flawless even. Too flawless.
Could he be... he's totally wearing makeup.
Akira lifted a brow pointedly.
That did the trick, earning Akira a heated glare before Akechi turned his head sharply away. The movement roughly shifted the hair around his face, revealing a sliver of skin previously hidden. To Akira’s rapidly dawning delight, the detective’s neck was rapidly turning pink.
“Shut. Up. Kurusu.”
Oh, so Akechi blushes all the way down when he’s flustered. Fascinating. Akira filed the thought away for… later.
For totally innocent purposes.
Akira stood up and slipped in front of Akechi, demanding to be looked at. Giddy with his new discovery. “Oh? What’s this? He can dish it out but can’t take it?”
Akechi’s eyes flashed as he brought himself up to his full height, and stepped into Akira’s space. Scowling down the few centimeters he had on him, he forced Akira to take a step back. “You,” he said lowly, continuing to move forward, making Akira walk backwards until his back hit the counter, “are a brat .”
“Just figuring that out now, detective?” Akira smirked. “I thought that was obvious.”
From this close Akira could see just how gorgeous the detective’s eyes truly were. Flecks of light red dotted the center most part of his eyes, giving off the illusion of glittering in the light. He was close enough that if Akira leaned in a fraction more their noses would touch.
A very polite, soft cough came from somewhere on Akira's right.
The detective’s eyes widened in shock. He quickly put space between them again and turned to face Haru, who was standing in between the kitchen and the counter area looking anywhere but at them.
Akira owed her now a second apology.
“I wish both of you a good day,” Akechi gracefully recovered and turned on his heel. He flexed his shoulders as he opened the door but stopped with one foot out the door.
“Oh, and Kurusu-kun?” Akechi turned halfway to face him, “Be sure to check your email this afternoon.”
And then he was gone.
It’s Always Snack Time in Tokyo
SEPT 1ST  8:00 AM
[Takuto Maruki] Hello! I was going to wait until I saw you in person, but I can’t resist telling you the good news! I submitted the paperwork to bring on an official research assistant. The chair of the department should grant me an answer by the end of the week. The position is yours once I get the documented approval.
[Takuto Maruki] That is, if you are still interested in conducting research with me like you did over the summer
[Akira Kurusu] I am
[Takuto Maruki] Even more wonderful!
[Akira Kurusu] Won’t it be unethical if you don’t let other people apply for the position though?
[Akira Kurusu] You can’t play favoritism
[Takuto Maruki] I, fortunately, get to make the rules in this situation and I wrote that I could appoint the position to any student that met certain criteria and showed promise in the field
[Akira Kurusu] You literally wrote the position description so that only I fit that criteria, didn’t you
[Takuto Maruki] You would be correct! :D
[Takuto Maruki] So if you’re free and want to get a jump start on assisting, I was hoping to recruit you this upcoming Friday to proctor an exam.
[Akira Kurusu] An exam? The second week of class? Savage Sensei
[Takuto Maruki] It is a 300 level that meets M/W/F so the curriculum moves fast. This cohort in particular is grasping the concepts at a much faster rate than the other two I teach for this course.
[Akira Kurusu] When is it? I open the cafe Friday mornings
[Takuto Maruki] 2pm
[Akira Kurusu] Okay, I can make that work. I’ll be there
[Takuto Maruki] Wonderful! :)
The Phantom Thieves of Cats
SEPT 1st 11:12 AM
[Skull] yo i am not back readin any of that
[Skull] wat did i miss?
✧ Oracle ✧  Changed Skull to Edgelord Can’t Read
[Edgelord Can’t Read] I CAN EFFIN’ READ!!!
[Edgelord Can’t Read] i said i wasn’t gonna, not that i cant big difference
[Edgelord Can’t Read] ur the one who cant read
[✧ Oracle ✧] wow gr8 comeback edgelord im so offended. what r we 7yrs old
[Edgelord Can’t Read] shuddup
Gotta Go Fast
SEPT 1st 11:28 AM
[Skull] BRO A CATWALK?! WTF?!?
[Skull] how the eff did u get down??
[Joker] My amazing cat-like reflexes
[Skull] bro
[Skull] how u feelin btw
[Joker] You know that feeling you get when you’re about to go over the hill on a rollercoaster?
[Joker] Like that
[Skull] oof
[Skull] ill make u my ma’s soup when ur shifts over, its the best for this kinda shit
[Joker] Why is everyone being so understanding with me today
[Skull] were ur friends man we gotchu
[Joker] alsdjflskf
[Skull] uh did the rollercoaster drop or smth
[Joker] Haha no
[Joker] Thanks Ryuji
The Phantom Thieves of Cats
SEPT 1st 2:01 PM
[Panther] what?? why??
[✧ Oracle ✧] im surprised u even read ur email
[Joker] Oh.
[Joker] Fuck.
To: Shujin Hall_5th Floor
From: Akechi Goro; Niijima Makoto
CC: Kawakami Sadayo
Subject: Violation of Dormitory Rules
Dear Fifth Floor Residents of Shujin Hall,
This is a friendly reminder that there is a strict No Pets Policy in this Residence Hall. A contraband item, a can of pet food, was located on the floor inside the trash room on Friday night. As such, we will be conducting room inspections beginning tomorrow, starting with rooms located in the Girls’ Wing. Let this be an example to all that the consequences for violating this rule will be termination of their dormitory agreement and the loss of their on campus housing status. Any additional charges will be determined by the Residence Hall Director, Kawakami Sadayo.
If you have any further information on this subject, please feel free to contact us.
We hope you have a wonderful rest of your weekend.
Your Resident Assistants
Akechi Goro
University of Tokyo | Class of 20XX Criminal Justice / Psychology Major | Philosophy Minor [email protected]
Niijima Makoto
University of Tokyo | Class of 20XX Criminal Justice Major | Psychology & Law Minor [email protected]
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stressedkitkatttt · 4 years
You Can Take It
Dedicated to two anons who had some wonderful ideas about Zabdaddy and his big dick. Both were too good to pass up and I thought, why not shove them into one story? I wish I knew who they were so I could tag them but I hope you two see this and know you are responsible for one of the filthiest stories I have ever written. But I am proud of how it turned out so thank you and enjoy. If I thought Richard's story was sin bruh I was lying to y'all
Word Count: 4.6k (99% of it is smut)
Warnings: Zabdiel is packing and everyone knows it so he basically splits you open in this fic, two smut scenes, size kink to the max here, Jesus I am going to hell but at this point I’m just enjoying the ride, this is sin through and through, read a bible or something holy after this lmao(or don't and enjoy being unholy and the slow descent into hell with me :D) 
Anon 1: Y’all ever think about taking Zabdi’s dick for the first time and it is so fucking big you gotta like train up for it and do loads of prep like different sized dildos and then when you manage to get him all in he’s whispering things like « wow my baby taking all of me » and « like the stretch?» and you’re just like woAH bc you feel so full and then when you’re done home boy gives you a massage bc you feel like you can’t walk....bc I do
Anon 2: Okay last anon I can one up you now. What about sexy time with zabdiel in front of a mirror?! And he’s got his hand round your neck to keep you looking at yourself in the mirror because “look how pretty you are, nena, look at what your boy can do to you. You like this, yeah? Like seeing your legs shake for me?” And you just fucking whimper Bc he’s holding your legs open so wide and rubbing your clit so hard and you can just tell the boys can hear an :D!!!!!
DISCLAIMER: Do NOT  think it is okay to take my stories and post them somewhere else without my EXPLICIT PERMISSION. Do NOT  think it is okay to take anyone else's stories and post them somewhere else without their EXPLICIT PERMISSION. Giving credit does NOT count as permission. You may reblog my stories, you may NOT repost my stories without MY PERMISSION.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Zabdiel pinned you down against the mattress, his hands on either side of your head. He looked down at you before landing a fiery kiss on your lips. Your hands come up and run through his blonde locks, lips moving in sync with his. He settles himself between your legs, thigh resting close to your core. Zabdiel pulled away from your lips and leaned down to find your sweet spot on your neck.
You tilt your head back and moan when you feel Zabdiel drag his teeth against your weak spot. "Mm, Zabdiel," you arch your back. One of Zabdiel's hands cups your breast as he works a hickey against your neck. You bend a knee and brush against his bulge. He groans against your neck and you freeze for a moment. You felt his bulge against your knee and multiple thoughts ran through your head leading to one question. How big was he?
You move one of your hands from his hair and down his chest right to his bulge. You cup him through his shorts and your mind goes blank. He fit into your hand and then some, and he wasn't even full mast yet. He feels you tense against his body and he pulls back to look at you. Your eyes are wide and he sits back on his knees, giving you a gracious look at the thick bulge in his shorts.
He notices the look on your face and leans over you again, hand cupping your face. "If you are not comfortable, we won't do anything." You try hard not to look at his bulge but you can't help it. Oh, you wanted to do something alright. But you were nowhere near prepared enough to take him.
"I-I do want to do something, but I don't think I'm ready to take.... all of you." You reply, eyes glued to his groin. He tells you to look him in the eyes and you do so.
"So you want  to do something?" He asks and you nod, tongue poking out to lick your lips. "Okay. Let's start slow." He sits back on his knees and removes his shirt. You look at his toned chest and sit up on your elbows. He lays down beside you, gripping your arms and pulling you on top of him. You settle on his hips, your clothed heat settled directly over his bulge. You whimper at the feeling of him resting against your mound.
He wraps a hand in your hair and pulls you down to connect your lips. Your lips move in sync and he licks your bottom lip, asking for permission. You don't deny him and let him slide his tongue into your mouth. He takes control of the kiss and places on hand on your hip, gently rubbing circles. After a few moments, you pull away to breathe. He moves his hands from your hair and hip and places them on your chest, cupping both your breasts through the tank top. You look down at him and smile. He smiles back and shifts under you, grinding his dick against you.
You moan and he brings a hand to your cheek. "Whenever you're ready, amol." He leans up so he's chest to chest with you as he begins to trail kisses down your neck again. You thread your fingers through his blonde locks and moan as he begins to suck more marks onto your neck. His hands find your hips again and this time they grip you tight enough to leave bruises and begin to slowly move you back and forth. You get the hint and begin to ride his clothed bulge and the pressure of his dick and the fabric of your shorts grinding on your heat have you moaning already. "Such a dirty girl, aren't you?" He whispers, bucking his hips a little and sending a jolt up your back.
You enjoy this; just grinding down on him while he occasionally bucks his hips to give you an extra sensation. But your curiosity is growing and you want to know just how big he actually is - in all his glory. "Zabdiel," you groan his name and gently tug on his hair to pull his face away from your neck. He looks at you with dark eyes and lips red from sucking marks and kissing you. "Can I..." you trail off. You wanted to sound not-so-nervous but you couldn't help it. He nodded slightly and laid himself flat on the bed.
You wiggle your way down his body, dragging your nails along his exposed chest, laying a few kisses here and there as you went. You travel past down his navel and finally come face to face with his clothed dick, straining hard against his shorts. The shorts did little to hide him and you sucked in a breath. Taking your hands, you reached for the tops of his shorts and begin to pull them down past his thighs. You were expecting him to be wearing something underneath but nope. Your breath catches in your throat as his dick slaps against his navel.
You feel yourself getting wetter and wetter at the thought of having his thick cock inside you. You look up between his thighs and Zabdiel is looking right back at you, a smirk playing on his lips. He was going to ruin you and you were going to enjoy it. You wanted to get a feel for him. To prep yourself because you knew there was no way he was going to fuck you without any prep. You take a deep breath and cup him. You can feel the heat radiating from his dick and your heart begins to beat faster. Everything else around you seems to disappear. You can only focus on Zabdiel and his... Well, you get the picture.
To say he was well-endowed would be an understatement. All the thoughts running through your head all point to one thing - you wanted him. All of him. Tonight. You look back up at Zabdiel, who had relaxed against the bed. You turn your attention back to his dick and fully wrap a hand around him. He jerks at the contact and looks down at you. You can feel him pulsing against your hand. "Damn Zabdiel..." You whisper. You slowly begin to stroke him up and down, watching as precum began to leak from his tip. Soft moans begin to fall from his lips and he tilts his head back into the pillows.
Once you've stroked him a few times, you begin to look for certain spots to see if he was more sensitive. You focus on his tip first and almost instantly find a spot, a little bundle of nerves that has him bucking his hips and grunting like crazy. You mess around with him until you feel his hand cover yours and pull it away. You pout and look up as he sits up. "I wasn't done..." You whine, bringing your lower lip between your teeth.
He doesn't respond. He grabs your arms and pulls you up, placing you beside him and settling himself between your thighs. You feel his dick brushing against your heat and you throw your head back, pussy clenching around nothing. God, you wanted him so bad. You feel Zabdiel's lips connect with your neck once again and feel him gently moving his hips in a thrusting motion, giving you a taste of what's to come. You begin to move your hips against him, causing amazing sensations down below. You bring a hand to his blonde locks and tug gently. "Zabdie..." You whine. He pulls his lips away from your neck and stops the movement of his hips. "Please..."
He nods and connects your lips for a brief moment before pulling away and making his way down your body, leaving butterfly kisses here and there. Once he reaches your clothed core, he doesn't waste any time in removing your shorts and underwear, practically tearing them off in excitement. The groan that leaves his mouth is unholy as he takes in the sight of your glistening pussy. You were dripping for him and he had only grinded his hips against you. Taking his hand, he uses one finger and drags it through your folds, barely brushing against your clit. His eyes dilate at the wetness coating his finger. "Fuck nena, you're soaking for me."
You reply with a breathy, "Only for you." You grip the bedsheets, knuckles turning white as Zabdiel finally lowers his face to where you need him most. His tongue kitten licks through your folds, flattening against your throbbing clit. You throw your head back into the soft pillows and moan his name. Zabdiel can feel your thighs closing around him so he uses his hands and spreads you wide again, giving him a clear view while holding you still. He dives back in and begins to work your core skillfully. When he adds a finger to the mix, you buck your hips and a hand finds his hair, tugging.
Your tight walls hug his digit and he adds a second finger, pulling his face away to gauge your reaction. You begin to lose yourself in the pleasure Zabdiel is providing you with his fingers. You feel him stretch his fingers, opening up your walls in a gentle scissoring motion. As he continues to spread you open, you feel one of his fingers brush a spot deep inside you. You let out a particularly loud moan and Zabdiel angles his fingers to brush the spot again. When he feels you've opened up enough, he adds a third finger slowly. He watches your face closely for any signs of pain or discomfort but all he can see is the pleasure consuming you. His dick twitches as he lets himself think about what you'll feel like when he's buried himself deep inside you.
Once he's sure you're not in any pain, he lowers his head again and begins to assault your pussy with his tongue as well as his fingers. You're riding on cloud nine as Zabdiel does as he pleases. Feeling your walls clench around his tongue and fingers, he loses himself for a moment and suddenly drags his teeth against your sensitive clit and bites down ever-so softly. You yelp in surprise at the pleasurable jolt that goes up your back and gives you goosebumps, a gush of juices flow from your pussy, and Zabdiel cleans it up.
You begin to struggle to hold back your orgasm, clenching hard around him. He knows you're close, so he pulls away, chin covered in your juices, and tells you to cum for him in a sultry tone. You don't hold back as your eyes roll into the back of your head and your hips buck hard against his hand. He works you through the intense orgasm, finally pulling his fingers from your dripping core.
"You've made such a mess, mami." He makes his way back up your body, sliding your shirt over your head, removing your bra as well. You're completely naked beneath him and he is completely naked above you. He cups your face as you come down from your high. "Are you sure you still want me?" He brushes his tip against your aching clit and you nod.
"I'm sure, Zabdie, I want you. All of you." You reply, looking up at him with glossy eyes. He grins and leans over to the dresser and pulls out a bottle of lube, adding lubricant over his shaft. Once he's lubed himself up, he grabs his dick and lines himself up with your entrance. He looks up into your eyes, searching for the green light one last time. When you buck your hips impatiently and tell him it's okay, he slowly pushes his tip in. Just from the pressure of his tip had your eyes crossing a little. You grip his arm and your other hand grips the sheets. "Oh, f-fuck!" You whine.
Zabdiel stops and looks at you, trying so hard not to bury himself inside you and hurt you. He wanted to be as gentle as possible... For now. You look up at him and ask him why he's stopped. He doesn't reply. He slowly pushes more of himself into your greedy walls. He's creating a pleasurable burn and all you can do is whine and whimper. You want more. "Please, Zab, please," you begin to move your head side to side, attempting to buck your hips to push more of him inside.
He is quick to pin your hips down, stopping you from taking things into your own hands. He knows you want more, and he'd be more than willing to bury himself to the hilt, but he also doesn't want to hurt you. He keeps feeding himself into you, stopping every few seconds to let you adjust and soon he's a little more than halfway inside you. You were no virgin by any means but Zabdiel was hands down the biggest man you've been with. It was official. He had ruined you for any other man and he hadn't even bottomed out yet. No one was ever going to measure up to him.
He repositions himself so he's got either of his arms on either side of your head, his head buried in your neck. "You're doing so well, amol." His voice is deeper than you've ever heard it. He has to take a moment before he blows himself then and there. Your walls are tight and seem to be sucking him in. He wants to bury himself to the hilt but he controls himself and his thoughts. How much of him could you take?
"Zab, more," your breath tickles his ear. He groans at the desperate sound of your voice calling his name. He loses his control again for a split second and suddenly buries the rest of himself inside you. Even when he was halfway, he still had a generous amount of shaft before he was buried inside of you. And not to mention his girth. You cry out and curl your legs, knuckles white as you feel him in places you didn't know he could reach. He was fully inside you. You collapse into the bed and Zabdiel grows concerned.
"Nena, look at me," his voice wavers slightly. It has been quite a long time since he's been buried full hilt inside someone. You slowly open your eyes and look up at him with glossy eyes. "Are you okay?"
You don't reply immediately, only able to breathe in heavily and let out little whines and whimpers. When you do find your voice, you only ask for more. He takes a moment to settle himself before pulling out slightly, not wanting to leave your warm walls for too long, and gently sliding back in. The first thrust is enough to send you over the edge, but you hold on, wanting this moment to last.
"You feel so good, papi," you whimper. The sound of how broken your voice is wearing his control thin. He doesn't know how much longer he can hold the beast back. He leans down and whispers in your ear,
"And you feel so good, amol." He pulls back and pushes back in. He starts at a slow pace, letting you feel every inch of him. The more he slows his pace, the more you want him to just wreck you. He looks down at the spot where his dick disappears inside you. He smirks. "Wow, look at how well you take all of me, amol. You like the stretch?"
"Yes!" You reply. "Papi, please, faster. I promise I can take it." He tests the waters a little, biting your neck and picking up his pace only slightly. The only thing keeping him from completely destroying your pussy is the thought of not wanting to hurt you. But the more you whine, the more you beg for him to go faster, to go harder, the harder it is to control himself. Soon, he can feel himself begin to lose his grasp on control, snapping when you cum around him and your walls hug him impossibly tight.
He pulls back and bucks his hips into yours while you're cumming and you scream his name, your back arching. He looks down and asks if you're okay. You nod and just beg for more. You were the first girl in a long time able to take him all the way. He contemplates in his mind whether or not to listen to your pleas; to pound you until you physically can't take it anymore. He decides to give you what you want, asking a final time if this is really what you want. You nod fervently and he lets the beast inside take control. He pulls out and slams himself back in and it's over for you.
You have never felt pleasure like this before. Zabdiel was hitting spots you didn't know were there and you can't help but scream his name. You'd seen the way he worked his hips on stage and now that he was showing how he worked those hips; you were on cloud nine and a half. With the feeling of him filling you and then some, and how he was working himself against you, you can't hold back your orgasm. 
Your eyes roll back and you go limp against the mattress. His rhythm didn't falter as he felt you cum around him. He grunted against your ear at the tightness but kept up. He turned so his head so his lips were by your ear.
"You're such a good girl," he moans. You can barely register his words. As he continues to keep a steady pace, his navel rubs against your sensitive clit and it doesn't take long for another orgasm comes crashing over you. This time, Zabdiel does falter in his rhythm and his lips attach to your neck while he whines out. "Stay with me, nena," he pulls away to look at you.
Your eyes were closed, your head was thrown back, and your mouth was open but nothing was coming out. He took pride in knowing that you were this way because of him. He feels a warmth in his stomach as he grows closer to his orgasm. But seeing you like this had him twitching inside you and he can't hold himself back any longer. He reaches down between your bodies and finds your throbbing cunt and rubs circles as his orgasm comes down on him.
He groans loudly and almost crushes himself against you, burying himself all the way as his cum coats your insides. You follow right behind him, gushing and squeezing his dick for the last time that night. He's panting and you collapse into the soft mattress as Zabdiel pulls out of you with a wince. Your eyes are closed and you're also breathing heavily, all the energy zapped out of you. Zabdiel collapses beside you. Once you've regained some strength, you open your eyes and look over at Zabdiel. He meets your gaze and leans down to press a kiss to your lips. "Are you okay, amol?" He gently strokes his thumb over your cheek.
You take a few breaths before replying, "Yeah, I'm fine... I think you've ruined me though." You end your statement in a laugh and he joins you. "Fuck, that was amazing..."
You feel the bed move as Zabdiel goes to the bathroom to get a rag to help you clean up. He walks back over and gently cleans you, well aware of how sensitive you are. As he begins to clean your ruined pussy, he takes a moment to admire how his cum leaks out of you. He felt a flutter in his chest at the sight of you. You were all his. Once he's done, he throws the rag into the hamper and makes himself comfortable behind you, pulling you to his chest. "You owe me a massage." You say, looking into his eyes as he smiles.
It's been about a week since you had sex with Zabdiel. You were sore for a few days but he made sure to take good care of you, giving you massages and bringing you things that you need and want. You could tell he felt kind of bad seeing you like this, even when you reassure him it was the best sex you've had. It's a good thing he has a two-week break otherwise this would've sucked.
He doesn't leave your side too often and you guys spent the days after your first time with him on the couch watching movies, cuddling, and having a few steamy make-out sessions. You could tell that he wanted to have sex again, and so did you. You just had to take a small break after he practically ruined you. He understood and settled for snuggling and taking long naps with you. Which is what you were both doing.
You both were laid down on the bed, Zabdiel's arms were wrapped around your waist and your back flush against his chest. His light snores were barely audible because his head was buried in your hair. A sudden jolting movement against you woke you from your sleepy state. You slowly open your eyes and yawn, arching your back a little against Zabdiel's chest. He shifts at your movement and a low groan reaches your ears. You move your hand and wipe your eyes, looking at the bedside clock. 5:36. Almost a three-hour nap.
Another grunt from behind you makes you turn your head slightly, seeing Zabdiel still asleep. The more noises he makes, the more you begin to think he's having a bad dream. It isn't until your body finally registers something hard pressing against your lower back that you realize he is having the exact opposite of a bad dream. You have to stifle a giggle as he begins to grunt and buck his hips against you. You can't help but get a little turned on at the thought of Zabdiel having a wet dream about you.
You let him continue and enjoy his dream for another minute before you giggle softly and slowly reach behind you and towards his groin area. You reach his hard cock and cup him in your hand. He lets out another grunt and bucks his hips into your hands, a muffled groan of your name slips from his lips. You gently squeeze him through his shorts and he suddenly jerks. You hear him yawn and move his arms from your waist as he turns on his back to stretch. You turn around so you're facing him and you smile.
"Did you have a good dream?" You tease him. You can see his cheeks flush as he smiles with you. You lean in and kiss his cheek. "It's okay. I actually think it's kind of hot that you had a wet dream about me." He turns and connects your lips, pulling you close to his side. You melt into the kiss and climb onto his lap. When you pull away to catch your breath, Zabdiel speaks what's on your mind.
"Do you want to help me out?" He breathes out. You smirk and bite your lip, nodding as you slowly begin to run your hands up his chest, under his shirt. He does the same to you and massages your breasts. You moan and move your hips against his. He doesn't waste any more time and your shirt is gone. He is quick to remove his shirt and shorts while you do the same. You're about to straddle his hips when he stops you. He doesn't speak but he maneuvers you so you're on all fours. He settles himself behind you, after making sure you were well prepared to take him again. Though it didn't take so long to prep you this time. And that's a good thing because you were impatient.
Zabdiel grips your hips and begins to gently push himself in. He's still taking his time pushing into you, though he makes minimal stops. You don't think you could ever get over how good he feels when he bottoms out inside you. You feel so full and the stretch is so amazing. You collapse face-first into the bed, ass in the air. He starts out slow, placing kisses along your back and leading up to your shoulder, where he sucks a dark hickey. He's barely started thrusting and you're already a moaning mess.
"Zabdiel, faster please," you breathe out. He doesn't hesitate this time, bucking his hips into you, making your eyes roll back and grip the bedsheets. Zabdiel looks up from your shoulder and sees the full body mirror you had bought a few weeks ago. With the position he had you in, he had a good view of himself dominating you. He lowered his head again to your shoulder but kept his eyes glued to the scene unfolding in the mirror. His eyes were dilated and dark. gracious view of his cock thrusting in and out of you, glistening for the split second he was visible.
He wraps a hand around your throat and moves your head so you're looking at yourself in the mirror. However, your eyes were closed from all the pleasure you were receiving and your head lulled back onto his shoulder. He makes a path of kisses that leads up to your ear, his grunts and groans almost coming out as growls. "Mírate en el espejo," he whispers.
It takes you a moment to comprehend what he said and you lift your head enough to look at the scene reflecting in the mirror. Your eyes widen slightly and focus on the gracious view of his cock thrusting in and out of you, glistening for the split second he was visible.
"Look how pretty you are nena," he whispers, locking eyes with you. "Look what I can do to you." He suddenly snaps his hips hard into yours, fully sheathing himself inside you and you scream as he reaches spots deep inside you. "Look how easily you fall apart for me. How well you submit to me. You like this, don't you? Seeing me dominate you until you all you can do is take it?" You barely process his words and any breath you have in your lungs is immediately knocked out by his powerful thrusts. You can only whimper and hope that this never ends.
You're riding on cloud nine and Zabdiel tells you to keep looking at yourself through the mirror. He takes his other hand that was on your hip and slides it to your clit, rubbing softly at first before he rushes to bring you to the edge. You're so far gone by now; if you die then and there, you'd die the happiest person alive. And that would be one hell of a way to leave this world.
You both are close, with you clenching hard around him and his rhythm was faltering. "Are you close?" You nod and he adjusts himself and continues to thrust and rub your clit. Finally, you can't hold back the inevitable, and the knot in your stomach snaps and you throw your head back and clench around him.
Zabdiel isn't far behind you. He wraps an arm around your front, placing a hand over your navel and moans when he can feel himself inside you. He lets you ride out your orgasm, sending him into an abyss of pleasure alongside you. You both stay in the position. He grabs your hand and places it where his was moments ago. Your eyes widen as you feel him twitching inside you.
You both stay wrapped up in each other's arms for a minute before he pulls out. You feel drained of any energy but you were thoroughly satisfied. Zabdiel gets up and helps you clean up before helping you under the covers and you both fall asleep again.
TAGLIST: @cnco-hoenesty @papichriscnco @cracraforfandoms @kmsmedine
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thermaboo · 4 years
Happy Here || Villain!Reader X Shoto Todoroki
Warning: Reader is yandere, Noncon, recording, HEAVY Angst, Degradation, Slapping, verbal abuse, kidnapping, reverse noncon, very NSFW
All characters are 18+, and you have to be too to read this.
Word Count - 3.6K
a/n: If you follow me, you’ve probably seen this post 900 times because tumblr has been struggling to upload things properly, if you’re seeing this in the tags, hello~~~ Anyway, lmao nothing smacks harder than breaking in a strong character bruh and thats that! I typed this like a woman possessed so if you see a mistake mind ya business lmao.
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He looked into the abandoned building, getting a reading that there was an energy source in the area. The sidekicks in his agency scoured the bottom levels and he went straight to the source. Today was supposed to be his day off, he really didn’t want to be out at this time. It was your 3 year anniversary, and he had to see it through without you.
It’s been 14 months and 23 days since you’ve gone missing.
If he had known that final call would be your last. He would've stayed on the phone with you longer, he would’ve talked about something else besides work, he would’ve told you not to go out. So many would haves and should ofs, none of them brought you back home.
His mind returned to the present, his feet had carried him to where he needed to be without the consciousness to follow it. It was useful for work, but otherwise a sign of his emotional disturbance. The floor was empty, a few broken windows illuminated the dirty flooring with a late evening orange. There were some glass bottles in the corner and pieces of trash strewn about. It looked properly abandoned, but the pulsating radar said differently. There was something in this room, but absolutely nothing at all.
He walked around the room, noticing a faint difference in temperature in a certain spot in the room. He walked through it a few times just to make sure he wasn’t making it up, but the last time he did it the temperature difference vanished. In an instance a rope like material surrounding him, leaving him in an upright but uncomfortable position.
“Hello love, I’ll be a bit late again, please don’t wait up for me.”
“It’s okay hun, I’m going out with a friend tonight.”
“Please be safe and enjoy yourself. I know I’ve been really busy but just in case you make it back home before me, I have some wonderful news to tell you.”
“Oh! Don’t leave me in suspense Sho, I’m gonna be thinking about it all night!”
“It’s a surprise, you’ll love it, I promise.” He glanced at the small jewelry box on his desk, hoping that you love it just as much as he loves you.
“Okay” He could hear your pout even through the phone. “Well I miss you okay, take a break if you need to. I love you.”
“Love you more.”
A figure walked into view from the dark, taking him out of his thoughts once more. A mask obscuring your face, whirring in the darkness with a faint glow. It illuminated the body underneath, a light green glow against your figure.
"Who are you", he shouted, trying to seem confident. He was a pretty powerful hero, he wasn't used to being so easily caught. There wasn't any response on your end, you simply tilted your head and stared at him through your mask. The whirring and the sound of his teammates running around confused being the only thing in the room. He rocks against his bindings, sending out a distress signal to notify the others of his location. You both hear the pings echo across the floor, the door slams open. Izuku looks around confused.
"I'm here!" he calls out, watching his friend whip around confused. Izuku sighs and quickly leaves, assuming it was a mistake and all the machinery was acting up.
What's happening.
You laugh, voice aggressively distorted through your mask. He's still not frightened, not letting go of his hope that he can escape this. He tries again to activate his quirk to no avail, the bindings are quirk proof.
You continue laughing at him in the vague encroaching darkness of the room. "Who ARE YOU" he shouted a little louder. An explosion went off in the distance, the building groaned at the nearby pressure. Any heros currently in the building rushed towards the sound of destruction, realizing that this was a distraction.
The small device next to you fizzled at the tap of your foot, emitting a large energy pulse before turning off. You pulled out a scanner of your own to demonstrate how that mysterious ping on it before is suddenly gone. Curious.
You walked up to the man in front of you, his heterochromic eyes stared at you intently, trying to figure out who this mysterious woman was. You still said nothing. You didn't think it was possible for him to get any stronger but he looked bulkier since you've last seen him. A little darker, maybe not as nice to others, cold, frigid. You imagined what his interactions were like now in days. Did he try seeing anyone else, did he still hang out with friends? Did he even miss you? Your partners only showed you so much before leaving, all you’ve seen of him in months were through short videos and pictures, and he seemed so happy that you were gone. You stroked your hand up his chest, feeling around your old stomping grounds, trying to test the waters of your guilt. See if there's still any left.
All you felt was hatred, pure, unbridled hatred. You held his head delicately, patting his frayed hairs away as you thought about how much you missed his head. How he would lay in your lap and let you play with his hair and tell you about his day. Days you had ripped from you, days he seemed to forget. The pro hero was shaking in your grasp, you're not sure if it was from fear or the uncomfortable positioning of the ropes, but either was fine for you. You grabbed him by his hair and forced his vision up, you got your answer. It was fear.
"What was that explosion? What are you doing." He lets out in slight trembles.
"Oh, just a few friends. Don't worry about them, you can't do shit for them anyways."
“Why is this happening?”
“Because I can Shoto, because
can. They can handle that without me, but here, here is where I’m needed.”
He had no clue what you were talking about, the fear was starting to get to him. Usually there’s some kind of motive behind these sorts of things, but this seemed entirely too personal. He can’t help but notice how familiar you look and a thought crosses his mind.
You let one hand roam downward fiddling with the zipper of his hero costume. Giggling under her heavy breathing. "Stop.”
You keep going. Slowly.
"Ple-" a smack lands across his face, he doesn’t bother to move his face back, he just leaves it there. He isn't weak by a long shot, but right now there wasn't a single fight in him, he just wanted to run.
His mind replays the moment of panic. When her friend called to see if she simply didn’t leave your shared apartment.
“Hey Todoroki, I know she said you were at work, but do you know if she left the house.”
His whole body paused, “Yes, she left, she was walking when she last called me.”
“I-”. The sound of traffic and wind blew through the call. “She never showed up. I’ve called her and text her a dozen times and she didn’t respond. I don’t want to worry you I just-. I don’t know what happened.”
“I will call you back.” He hung up and immediately called you while running out of his office, call after call after text and nothing. He left a few panicked voicemails, hoping that you just had your phone on silent and was busy. His mind reeled at the possibilities, trying his hardest to think the best of the situation. Yeah, he’d arrive home and you’d be asleep on the couch, wrapped up in your favorite blanket, Tv cycling through Netflix shows. Maybe you realize you didn’t want to go, and forgot to tell your friend. Maybe-
The door to your apartment opened, silent, cold, nothing. He ran through the apartment checking everything, even underneath the pillow hoping there would be some kind of sign of you. All that was left was a funny little drawing you left for him on the whiteboard near the door. “Don’t forget to eat! There’s some Soba in the fridge, I won’t be gone too long!”
He rang the police and then your friend. “She hasn’t responded to any of my calls or text, and she’s not at the apartment. I’ve called the police.” The both of them continued the call in silence, hoping to say something that would reassure the other but nothing came to mind.
"Awwww, look who came to visit."
You poked at the forming bulge in his pants. "You're fucking sick, you know that?".
He cranes to look down, unaware that his body was reacting without his mind.  "Let me fucking go,” he strains against his bindings, desperate to escape whoever this was torturing him.
You squeeze his dick, and laugh again. "Or what? Where are you going to run to? Who's gonna hear you? You're in my world now." He tries to move away from your touch and you just persist. "Do you get this hard for every villain that touches you or just me?" He pushes against his restraints and looks at you with murderous but fearful intent. "You still don't know me? I'm hurt." His brain hurts trying to figure out who this woman was, wanting to figure out anything that can vaguely put some kind of understanding to this situation. He couldn't think of anything but-
Was it?
Who else had that quirk.
Images flashed in his head to you two holding hands in a crowd, he watched as the world continued on without any notice of their presence. The cars drove straight through them, people walked right by them, they were there and weren't all at once. "See, it's neat I guess but I can't go much further than here. One layer below this and it's pretty much the same thing with less people. One to the left has a weird saturation to it."
"I think it's amazing Y/n"
"Really?" You ask, unsure of how to feel. He was very confused at your insecurity, you were just not trained, but pocket dimensions were surely a powerful quirk. He wondered just how many of these dimensions there were?
He came back to his senses when he felt his dick pop out of his boxers. His memories fade into the darkness of his reality that keeps calling him back when he so badly wants to escape. In his mind he still has you, you’re safe, and this isn’t happening to him. For a second, the thought passes by that whoever this is may kill him, and he may get to see you again. He quickly shakes the thought away, you were alive, and he was going to find you one day. He mentally berated himself for even entertaining the thought of this being you or death.
"Shotooooo, I'm trying so hard to get your attention? Why do you keep leaving me?” You lift your mask slightly to accommodate his length in your mouth, you almost forgot how much you enjoyed this. Almost. Your lips bop up and down paying close attention to his cute pink head, it was always so pretty. Lucky for Shoto, it was always prettier in your mouth. You drag your nails around his thighs, making sure to draw blood on your way back. He arches, hating himself for responding to your actions
His dick leaves your mouth with a sickening pop, “How's my little Pro Hero? Think about how many people needed your help while you were here, you didn't even clock out for this.” You rest your head on his thigh and lazily stroke his cock, “you couldn’t even save your girlfriend.”
“Shut the fuck up you don’t know a thing about her.”
“Oh, really struck a chord there. Didn’t think you cared about her that much, especially because you’re gonna cum to some villain you can’t even recognize.” You begin to pick up the pace, precum coating your hand and filling the air with a wet gliding sound. “Or can you hold it in? Can you do it for her? Her dead body is in a ditch somewhere, and here you are, about to come on some other chick's hand.”
He said nothing, you could tell from the faint light that was left in the room that he was crying. Oh god did you love seeing those tears. You felt a familiar tensing underneath you and you prepared for what was going to happen next and placed your mouth over his cock again. His groans mixed with his sobs and he came in your mouth, you swallowed quickly and smiled upwards at him.
“I think she’ll forgive you for cumming, after all, the conditions weren’t entirely fair.” You stand up and turn on a lamp next to you before activating a button to readjust his ropes. He hit the floor with a thud and you could hear him groaning behind you before the bindings quickly tightened to their new position. You turn back around and take your place on top of his thighs, your hands reaching upward to wipe the tears from his cheeks.
“Sho are you okay?” He wasn’t sure if that was the memory or the woman on top of him, quite frankly they’re both starting the sound the same.
“Babe you’ve been so silent, are you okay? You sat across from him, holding his hand. You two were at a Diner, it seemed very late.
“Yes, I’m alright, I’m not sure where I went.”
“I understand, you smile at him and squeeze his hand.” There is only one cup on the table.
Izuku walks between the tables looking concerned.
“Midoryia, nice seeing you, we were just waiting for our food.” The green haired man stares at him sympathetically and puts his hand on his shoulder.
“Shoto, I think you need to see someone.”
“Why?” He looks in front of him, no one’s there. The seat is empty. It dawns on him that he’s done it again, went off on an adventure like he used to do with someone who wasn’t there. He paid the tab and quickly left, making sure to ignore the concerned faces of people who recognized him and must’ve seen him talking to himself.
“Do you think she’s dead?”
Reality welcomes him back and he sees the top of your head laying down on him. You’re very warm, it sounds like you’re muttering something to yourself.
You snap up, glossy eyes connecting with his heterochromatic ones. “I was worried you might have died.” There wasn’t an ounce of seriousness in your voice. He continued to say nothing and you could feel him tremble again. He must have noticed that you were no longer wearing pants or underwear. The sound of burning in the distance still emanated in the air. This was all so horrid, well, for him at least.
You pull off the mask hiding your face and he begins to struggle underneath you wildly. You hold on to the sides of his hip and let him thrash about.
“No no no no NO NO NO!”
“Shhhhh It’s okay, it’s me.” You crawl upwards to be closer to him, you watch him, wild and confused underneath you. He looks like an animal caught in headlights. “I’m gonna make this all so much easier for you.” You glide back down him, hand reaching first for his dick. You give him a few good strokes and hover above him, seeing if he’d move on his own.
There was nothing.
You know, I don't know why you idiot Heros have big cocks if you're not gonna use it. You plunge all the way down him, earning a delicious whimper as he twitches inside of you, clearly feeling overstimulated by what's happening. "Awwwww, I forgot you were a virgin. I’m not anymore, but I was thinking about you every time they touched me.” His insides felt like liquid, he hated this. He wanted to lose his virginity to you, but not like this. He still sees you as the soft girl he met at a bakery, he sees your smile as you giggled in the rain underneath your umbrella, he remembers all the times he's confided in you, and the memory can not merge with who you are now. Corrupted, violent, dark.
You continue bouncing on his dick, watching him writhe underneath you. You wonder where he is right now, he looks at you so betrayed, so lost, but you can't tell if its painful or in lust. At this point, it doesn't matter and it all becomes a muddled mixture of everything.
"Y/n, p-please. This isn't you."
You slowly lift your bottom half, making sure to keep eye contact with those beautiful eyes, waiting to see the moment when he loses all his composure.
"You don't know that. You don't know anything about me." You slowly go back down on him, making sure it feels like blissful hell. "Where were you Shoto?"
You slammed down again. "I needed you." Slam. "And you weren't there." Slam. "You weren't there for so fucking long." Slam. "But you're here now."
"I'm sorry I didn't save you. I won't leave you again." He's crying a cry you’ve never seen before. It should invoke worry in you, bring out the motherly instincts you always had for him, but instead it made you crave to see him broken like this again and again. You look at him tenderly and stroke his cheek. He seems like he’s on the verge of losing it.
“You're a good boy shoto, always have, always will be. And I can't hate my good boy.” He can’t escape to his head anymore, you were here, you were finally here with him.
You buck down on him, one hand leaned back on the concrete other on your phone's record button. You pull your mask down in order to distort your voice. "Show me you’re sorry". He bucks up into you, completely blissed out. His rhythm is sloppy and desperate, he can’t really think straight anymore. All of his thoughts are of you, and you were happy like this. He just wants to make you happy.
The light from the camera is blinding him, he should be covering his face, he should be doing something but he can't bring himself to fight against you. He smiles back at you and all he can manage out is a weak "I love you."
You look at him through your screen and he looks absolutely beautiful like this. Sweat plastered to his face, deep in a breakdown that you're sure he'll never recover from. You feel yourself going ragged against him, slapping his face as you near your end. He can't even form words anymore. Not an ouch, not a stop, just groaning and incoherent words. He's so close.
You slow your movements and grab him by the throat, just tight enough for his dick to feel it, but not tight enough for him to not be able to talk. "You're fucking worthless you know that right?"
"You're nothing without me."
"I'm nothing with or without you."
You pause and smile underneath the mask, surprised that you broke him down that badly in such a short time span.
"You're a fast learner. Now, smile Princess." You set your sights on the end and continue riding him with all the strength you had left. He obliges you, smiling with exhaustion, up at the light. You position your body at the right angle so his cock hits everything at the right angle, and you feel yourself flying over the edge of your orgasm. Your body spasms violently, your sure the camera is probably disoriented. Your hips continue to meet with his as you ride out your orgasm. He shortly met his own, moans and sobs echoing throughout the abandoned room.
You hope you caught that because you sure as hell couldn't see it through your own orgasm still burning through you.
You stopped the recording and laid on his chest in silence. A sticky liquid continued to drain down your legs, a lot of it actually. You tried not to focus on the feeling of his cum in you, it could probably get you going again and you definitely didn't need that. You instead listened to his heavy breathing, it felt so nice to be home.
He watched you type something away on your phone before you looked up at him. "This is gonna be everywhere in probably....20 minutes? Maybe even less. Your father will probably try to have it taken down but you know how the internet is." He continued to breathe on the ground, still feeling waves of his pleasure mixed with shame. He knows his Hero career is essentially over, but maybe it's better this way. You were the only person to ever understand him, and if he couldn't show you his love through saving you, he'd show you his love this way. Even if you never love him again, even if he can only see you smile by being below you. He just wants to be your hero, even if that means he has to be the world's villain.
You ran your finger through his hair, he cuddled further into you silently. He must've seen the news reports about his disappearance. It’s been weeks and it’s still on every station, his father is probably pushing hard to get him back but you know better than that. Besides, everyone loves his videos, every time you post it blasts to the top of trending before being “removed”. He should be happy to know his son is still alive. Your captors, well, coworkers let you keep a pet and you’ll be damned if anyone takes him away from you. "You're happy here right Sho?"
He says nothing, he just clutches into you further, his breathing increasing with every moment. That familiar tremble began to accompany his breathing, he was going to cry again.
"There there love, there there."
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thisbibliomaniac · 3 years
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) all of them except the too personal ones
1. What is you middle name? Classified ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)
2. How old are you? 80
3. What is your birthday? Boring as heck
4. What is your zodiac sign? Whichever one means you hate LOTR fans
5. What is your favorite color? PINK
6. What’s your lucky number? 2
7. Do you have any pets? Not technically mine, but I live with some
8. Where are you from? Slightly west
9. How tall are you? Exactly average
10. What shoe size are you? Not average
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? Like 10? I wear maybe 3 regularly
12. What was your last dream about? I'll definitely tell you when I remember....
13. What talents do you have? Pinterest fails
14. Are you psychic in any way? I almost always grab the correct number of earring backs from the box, no matter how many orders I'm filling. Does that count?
15. Favorite song? We Could Run Away by Needtobreathe
16. Favorite movie? Sabrina
17. Who would be your ideal partner? I'm in love with Henry Cavill rn, so
18. Do you want children? Yes
19. Do you want a church wedding? I don't really care
20. Are you religious? Very
21. Have you ever been to the hospital? Yes
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? I don't think so?
23. Have you ever met any celebrities? Yesterday I would've said no, but a picture of me and Mark Schultz showed up in my facebook memories today
24. Baths or showers? Shower
25. What color socks are you wearing? I JUST put on brand new knitted green and purple wool socks and I love them
26. Have you ever been famous? Does my post with 300,000 notes telling me to kill myself count?
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? Nooooo
28. What type of music do you like? Bits of all of it I think
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? Lol no
30. How many pillows do you sleep with? At least 3
31. What position do you usually sleep in? Side
32. How big is your house? Small
33. What do you typically have for breakfast? Nothing
34. Have you ever fired a gun? Yes!
35. Have you ever tried archery? Yes!
36. Favorite clean word? Nonetheless
37. Favorite swear word? Heckalump.
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? Probably 24 hours
39. Do you have any scars? Oh yes
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? Do anons count?
41. Are you a good liar? Yes
42. Are you a good judge of character? Usually
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? Lol yes
44. Do you have a strong accent? I have no accent. I speak correct English
45. What is your favorite accent? Correct English like we speak in Ohio
46. What is your personality type? Annoying as heck
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? I just paid $15 for a shirt that says Schrute Farms. It was on sale
48. Can you curl your tongue? Yes
49. Are you an innie or an outie? 👀
50. Left or right handed? Right
51. Are you scared of spiders? No
52. Favorite food? FETA CHICKEN
53. Favorite foreign food? Shish tawook
54. Are you a clean or messy person? Both
55. Most used phrased? Oh good heavens
56. Most used word? Bruh
57. How long does it take for you to get ready? Five to ten minutes
58. Do you have much of an ego? I don't think so
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? Neither
60. Do you talk to yourself? Oh yes
61. Do you sing to yourself? Definitely
62. Are you a good singer? I've been told so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
63. Biggest Fear? 👀👀👀
64. Are you a gossip? 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen? Idk about best, but I just watched Warrior Queen of Jhansi on Sunday and it was fantastic
66. Do you like long or short hair? Oh?
67. Can you name all 50 states of America? Sure can
68. Favorite school subject? History
69. Extrovert or Introvert? Intro
70. Have you ever been scuba diving? No?
71. What makes you nervous? Getting reviews 👀
72. Are you scared of the dark? No
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? Depends on the person and the mistake
74. Are you ticklish? Nah
75. Have you ever started a rumor? I don't think so
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority? I have had one (1) employee
77. Have you ever drank underage? Lol no
78. Have you ever done drugs? I have some CBD?
79. Who was your first real crush? Probably Errol Flynn
80. How many piercings do you have? Currently? 2
81. Can you roll your Rs?“ yis
82. How fast can you type? Fast. Correctly? Slightly less fast
83. How fast can you run? Not fast
84. What color is your hair? Red
85. What color is your eyes? Brown
86. What are you allergic to? Furries
87. Do you keep a journal? Only when I was reading the book of mormon
88. What do your parents do? Work
89. Do you like your age? Sure
90. What makes you angry? When sitcoms end with all the characters going their separate ways
91. Do you like your own name? Noooo
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? Yes, but I don't remember what they are
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child? Yes
94. What are you strengths? Putting fear into my printer
95. What are your weaknesses? Hitting my printer
96. How did you get your name? Nobody else had it (and then it was the most popular baby name for like fifteen years)
97. Were your ancestors royalty? No
98. Do you have any scars? I thought we asked this already
99. Color of your bedspread? Pink
100. Color of your room? Purple
Just for u tur 😘
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devilsrecreation · 3 years
Thoughts on Muppet Fairy Tales part 4: (last one)
Bella Thorn, the Sleeping Beauty:
Yes, I know it’s a story, but the fact that Big Mean Carl is married to Mean Mama is hilarious to me, since I hc him as aro/ace (how can he not be?)
Also I read Walleye’s rhyming prophesy in his voice and I’m proud of it
And he gets eaten....big surprise
Just sitting here how a monster and a bunny-bear hybrid thing could create a rat (which is our girl, Yolanda btw!)
What the fu-Camilla is Maleficent?....ok...giving Piggy a break
I love how Camilla’s yelling (squawking) just confused everybody
#goodparenting by Carl. Makes me wonder how good he is with kids irl
“as young Yolanda grew up, for she turned out to be modest, good-natured, and an excellent gnawer, and everyone who saw her was bound to fall for her”-cuz she a QUEEN
Apparently, Yolanda is having a quinceñera....I had no idea she was Hispanic (prolly not)
So...Camilla let Yolanda prick her finger and it says here that she “let loose a creepy cackle and disappeared”.....how the hell does a chicken cackle? What does that sound like?
Ooh yay! Fozzie’s in here!
I wonder how Carl really felt about spooning with Mean Mama? He probably hated every minute of it
Aaand just like the others, they get married after knowing each other for two seconds
Clueless Trades a Turtle:
The fact that Clueless has his own story, man. He deserves this moment
I know Clueless is lazy, but he’s getting tired of taking out his turtle?....IT’S A TURTLE
Me, after reading Clueless is gonna marry his neighbor, Dorothy: Lmao look at Clueless pretending to be straight
“She was the type that’d stand near a ketchup bottle and wait for an earthquake”-BRUH😂😂😂
“Those two turtles disturb our best sleep every morning with their inaudible movements and inconvenient need to eat”-honestly, Dorothy just hates turtles
Oh god no. Animal and Clueless are in the same story....this can’t go well
*after reading that Animal’s clearly gonna eat the turtles and Clueless trades them anyway* OH NO I WAS RIGHT
“Husband, chill”-I dunno why, but I like that phrase. It’s the same as “Honey, calm the f down”
Clueless be turning into Zoot at the end of the story. Fell asleep in seconds
No turtles were harmed in the making of this story.....I hope
Pepe and Polly:
The illustration to this one looks VERY promising....cuz I see three of my fav muppets
Of course Waldorf and Statler are in here. Of course! Who else as the parents in this story
“We’re not eating our kids. This isn’t Game of Thrones...”- *WHEEZE*
Damn Waldorf. You’re so dark
According to Waldorf, Pepe misbehaves like crazy (facts) and Polly is apparently the stupid one (excuse you, Polly’s smart)
Also, since Pepe “gets paddled more than a canoe”, why am I imagining he’d like it?
“I dunno. He kinda grows on you”
“So do warts”
And this is why I love W and S. SAVAGE
I like how Statler has some consious and cares for Pepe and Polly. It’s sweet
Awww. Now I’m picturing Polly giving himself a self-pity hug🥺🥺🥺🥺
Ah, the classic insult. “You failed at raising a Tomagachi, how the hell are you gonna take care of a pet?”
Waldorf, you suck at excuses
“Polly always wanted a cracker”—No kidding, sherlock
OBJECTION! In this story, Polly says he lost his other claw while spinning a wheel on the game show “The Price Is Right”, but in the encyclopedia, Polly lost his other claw in a fight. SO HIS TESTIMONY IS FALSE! (I’ve been watching too much Ace Attorney)
Sam is in here? Okay. Makes sense. He IS a bird
There is a vending machine in the forest.....okay
I love how crackers are Polly’s weakness. The minute someone mentions “cracker”, he’s in
“I’m going to have to cook?!?”- Mood
Polly knew Deadly’s British but gumbo (which Deadly’s planning to make using Pepe) is Cajun. See? What a smart boy!
Of course Pepe used the candy cane as his finger (tail) method! Cuz he clever
👏👏👏👏Polly, once again, shows he’s smarter than W and S say he is! Poor Deadly, though
Polly is honestly such a mood in this book
Pretty cool that Sam came back for these two!
Aww, how nice! They’re getting revenge on those geezers by buying their own place and making noise!
Ah, poor Deadly....again. But hey! Nice reference to the other book he was in!
Overall, my favorite story in here! And interesting seeing them as friends when I hc they’re really rivals
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igotthejuice · 4 years
Part 2 of My Bumble Date from Hell
Okay, I’m back! So anyways, I ran behind him out of fear he was going to put his hands on her but don’t worry, he’s not a complete idiot, he didn’t touch her.  He did get real close to her and started yelling at her.  By the time I got over there she was walking away.  I finally told him we need to go.  He insisted he was fine and to not let that moment ruin our date…too fucking late but you know what, for whatever dumb ass reason I said okay LI still regret that decision and it got so much worse.  So, now that everyone’s staring at us, we go back to our picnic area and he continues to drink and record me *eye roll*.  Oh he brought speakers too, I’m not gonna lie, his music choice was a vibe. But he ruined that shit too low key. He acted like it was his playlist but it was actually a Brent Faiyaz Spotify playlist…which, I mean I’m not judging…but I’m judging, but only because he acted like that was his beautiful creation.  Why lie about that?  Anyways, it happened guys, the moment I was most afraid of, he turned to me and said, “oh shit, you know Blaine?!  She told me to tell you hi!”  I was so fucking pissed.  Blaine was one of those girls I knew but would never tell my business to.  She seems to always know peoples business.  I kid you not, within 30 seconds of him saying that, I got a DM from her saying “Yo you know he has a whole ass kid on the way right?”  My. Stomach. Turned.  I dropped my phone and just stared at him.  His drunk ass didn’t even notice.  So, once I gathered myself I told Blaine I had no fucking idea but good looks.  I may not fuck with Blaine but in that moment I did, she responded with sending me the girls IG profile, clutch.  Luckily it wasn’t private.  My heart was racing, we all know that feeling, scrolling hella carefully to make sure you don’t accidentally like anything, meanwhile he’s just living his best live with not a clue of what’s going on.  Just goofy.  So I’m scrolling and it didn’t look like they were in a relationship but he was definitely the dad.  The picture of them at the baby shower, yea y’all she’s been pregnant for a while, had a caption that said “Our situation may not be ideal but I’ll always respect you as the father of my son.”  So that’s why I figured they probably aren’t dating but still! Call me crazy but if you have a kid or one on the way that’s definitely worth mentioning.  So anyways, I’m scrolling and scrolling on her page and guess who tf I see.  The girl taking the pictures of us.  Yup, she was at the baby shower, I didn’t know her relation to them but she was for sure there.  This idiot knew her all along.  So now I’m pissed because I’m clearly caught up in some mess but also, this girl was really taking pics of me and my dumb ass was too naïve to realize, sticking up for her and everything.  Ughhh!! So when I finally got over the initial shock, I was like “Yo”, and I showed him the phone.  Y’all I can’t make this shit up, this man instantly burst into tears.  Sir.  Fuck is you cryin for?  Because you were exposed? Ewww.  I rolled my eyes and started packing my shit.  He started crying even more and, I mean do have a heart y’all.  I felt bad just leaving him there crying.  Sometimes I wish I was ruthless.  So here I was, consoling a liar in the middle of a pandemic, and he starts coming up with all of these reasons for why he didn’t tell me. All BS tbh.  Oh and that girl is the future kids moms best friend AKA the God Mother.  She happened to see us and was investigating, as any good friend would.  Kudos to her frfr.  So once he calmed down I told him we should leave and he said he wanted to show me something to try and make up for everything.  I just wanted this “date” to be over but he clearly was hurting and I knew I would never talk to him ever again so I said fine.  He suggested we go to the water to see the sunset. Ehhh that part was actually really cute. So anyways we were chillen by the water and it was beautiful, I was actually considering hearing him out when he sobered up BUT…this dumb ass thought it would be funny to rough house near the water, he thought tickling me would be cute…I hate being tickled.  It’s the worst feeling because I’m telling the person to stop but I’m laughing so it’s misleading lol.  I should start putting a “No tickling” disclaimer in my bios. Anyways, after trying to escape the “tickle monster” I kept backing up, tripped on a rock and fell in the Nasty! Ass! Water!  I got out the water drenched and just fucking lost it! Everything I had bottled up just exploded and I just went off on him the way Tyra Banks went off on that one girl we were all supposedly rooting for back in the day.  Anyways, I guess he didn’t like what I had to say because he started going off on me.  I don’t really remember what he was saying because he was so damn drunk and barely making any sense but I do remember him saying “Nobodies fucking with your dusty ass anyways.”  Oooop. Bruh that shit honestly had me weak though…but only because I know I’m not dusty and that’s on periodt.  But also, I love a good roast session.  So anyways, I’m walking back to go get my skates so I can get tf and they weren’t there…yup, my fucking skates were gone. I mean why not?  It was a horrible date already, lets top it off with my skates being stolen, nbd.  Anyways, I hopped my nasty soaked ass in an uber and ubered my ass home.  As you know by now from my other blogs, ya girl is a whole ass investigator outchea.  As soon as I got comfortable I went back on his future kids moms IG and just started digging lol.  Lucky for me she’s one of those girls that posts everything so it was quite entertaining. I didn’t really find anything juicy out though, just that the bike he came with was hers, apparently he didn’t have a car for a while so she was kind enough to let him use her bike since she couldn’t use it right now, maybe it was her brothers, idk but regardless, the FUCKING nerve of him.  Long story short, I got the juice and I don’t have time for shit like that and I think I answered my own question, no second chance for him.  He’s actually texting me now saying he was so embarrassed and out of character.  Aht aht, sucks to suck.  Lmao what a damn mess?  Well anyways, I’m about to be out.  Oh guess what?! Remember the ex I mentioned a few blogs ago?  The one that led to my 9 months of celibacy?  I think it’s time I fill you guys in on that story.  I’m going to a cookout this weekend and him and his new gf will be there.  I hate having mutual friends with ex’s.  The last time we spoke he drunk called me and told me he regrets everything and that he was sorry and he wanted to meet up…his girl was in the other room.
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Hindsight: My thoughts on Loki (2021)
As always, thanks for being here my friends. There’s definitely more nuanced discussion of this show, but I’m here for the vibes. Anyways, here’s my thoughts on Episode 3 of Loki. Bear in mind I hadn’t watched episode 4 before I wrote the review for 3. No hate on anyone/thing, it’s all my opinion.
Episode 3: LAMENTIS
Pre-title scene
I rioted when I heard Hayley’s voice. It’s a win for all of us.
C-20! Sylvie!
C-20’s lil dance was adorable. I love her.
I want Sylvie’s tie dye.
Is that Ralph Bohner?
The same place, but at night. Coincidence? I think not.
Sylvie’s powers have limits. She can’t search someone’s mind and take information, she needs them to willingly tell her though she can use her powers to do that.
Sylvie’s experienced. Always tie your hair into a bun before a fight.
Her music is nothing like what we’ve heard previously. It’s the Sylvie show folks.
The mural on the left side of the hall is the one from the credits scene.
The plaque above the elevators says ‘FOR ALL TIME ALWAYS’.
Even in the mural on the right side, the Time Keepers aren’t equal, the middle one takes up the most space.
I love how their movements are similar. The head-snap-hair-flip combo is nearly identical, reflecting how they are the same person to some extent.
2077 Lamentis - 1
“Get off my leg!” SiblingTM energy.
“Goodbye, variant.” She sure has the Loki drama.
I finally remembered it’s called a TemPad. Rip.
“Don’t ever call me that.”
“Tech savvy?”
That’s so Ragnarok.
I love the music as we pan up to the planet. It’s the familiar, anxiety-inducing ticking for me lads.
“You idiot! This is Lamentis - 1.”
“I don’t know what that means!”
My siblings when I can’t restart the router (every country has an AT&T).
I like that it’s a moon that’s inhabited. It’s nearly always the planet, still not great for the people on it.
That slide to get under the dump truck was so smooth.
“So we’re a team now?” Jesus Loki needs friends. Probably a good therapist too.
“Didn’t need your help!”
“You’re so weird!”
I like the way Tom runs. Don’t know why. Just do.
Sidenote, my favourite running form is Chris Evans’.
Sylvie’s magic flickered so I genuinely think the enchantment didn’t work.
“Well then I’ll cut it out.” I like the way she says that. I am questioning so many things rn.
“Just because I have to work with you doesn’t mean I wanna hear your voice.” It’s ironic since they spend so much time talking about themselves.
“Alright, well, slow down… Variant.” They really play off each other’s egos to find weaknesses.
“You don’t know what you want.” Sylvie’s more straightforward in everything she does. She efficiently points out Loki’s flaws but when it comes to a goal, she’s meticulous.
“...just walk away.” Loki stops walking, but Sylvie does walk away. There is distance between them (for now).
I’ve had experience with mining towns like this one and whilst they weren’t so out-of-this-world (ya know) there is a tendency for rural and isolated communities to struggle with old/not maintained infrastructure. This is not everywhere, but it’s not uncommon from what I know. Even though these towns are a source of wealth, there isn’t distribution of the money and it’s a grim reality that’s being shown. I appreciate it.
The shot of them walking past a slab of that planet towards the hut is incredible. Wow.
The person in there is just waiting for their death. I’m going to be addressing a lot of the harsh realities in this episode folks so it won’t be so cheerful.
I understand that people weren’t so happy with this being a filler episode, but I think they got it right. It’s strange that a literal planet-moon collision doesn’t bring the tension that the hurricane did in the last ep, but by having an atmosphere that wasn't so omnius, they conveyed (to me at least) that hope was already lost. In the Roxxcart Disaster, the people believed that it wasn’t going to be the end. There’s desperation on Lamentis - 1 but as Sylvie said, the collapse of society occurs. That’s a large group of people realising that class divides will cause slaughter. It’s greed portrayed in two different ways, one being the integration of excessive capitalism into society, the other being social structure based on oppression. Not everyone’s reading into Loki like this but it’s a change from how Marvel usually approaches conflict.
We learnt about the characters and whilst I’m not a fan of when a plot line is moot (my bet is that Loki and Sylvie will be rescued next ep, making all the attempts to get off Lamentis - 1 pointless), it’s necessary for the characters to develop. The way Loki and Sylvie end up on Lamentis - 1 makes sense and the plot doesn’t feel forced.
“It’s remarkable that you made it as far as you did.”
Devils is recurring in this episode. Maybe this has implications on future episodes?
“Which one was that, diplomacy?” Why are their interactions so funny?
I don’t think I need to comment on the significance of the train station scene.
I would like to acknowledge that though this is good writing that’s relevant in the time it was released, we shouldn’t forget it’s coming from large corporations who aren’t perfect.
How do they just walk past the line?
The people who snitched were right in front of them.
Did the cat get Loki’s silvertongue? That was the most graceless lying I’ve ever seen.
Sylvie not sitting with her back to a door makes sense, but why won’t Loki go backwards on a train? They both have little quirks.
“That’s not a plan. That’s just doing a thing.” Loki went to the Thor school of planning, it’s Get Help all over again.
Loki’s exaggerated nods at the other guards lol.
Sylvie growls whenever she’s mad, it’s hilarious.
The close ups of their faces when the conversation gets personal and isn’t just trading jabs is great for conveying the authenticity of their answers.
Loki not pressing Sylvie when she clearly didn’t want to talk about what happened to her mother is something I appreciated.
Here’s to Tom for having to do magic for more than 10 years now. He’s so serious, I can only imagine how funny it is without the effects.
“Well she did.” Yeesh, has Loki gotten time to grieve?
Sylvie is genuinely impressive.
“Pity the old woman chose to die.”
“She was in love.”
I don’t quite understand what they were talking about then, I guess we’ll find out later?
Loki, why are you so unnecessarily dramatic?
I laughed. Who am I kidding, they’re dorks and I love them.
Loki is trying to find out anything, anyone who could be used against Sylvie.
Here’s to the postman, they’re probably dead but we appreciate Sylvie’s happiness anyways.
“A bit of both. I suspect the same as you.” AND THAT’S HOW YOU WRITE IN REPRESENTATION FOLKS!
Let’s just take our scraps and be happy, eh? It made my week.
They both need real relationships of any kind, guys.
“Love is… uh, something I might have to have another drink to think about.” Me whenever anyone asks me about my love life.
“You do realise… ...a civilisation’s only hope?” I think this was Sylvie’s way of making sure Loki’s (albeit grey) morals and drinking habits don’t interrupt her plan.
The train sure gives me Snowpiercer vibes.
Do I have to talk about Drunk Loki?
Tom’s singing voice is lovely.
Sylvie’s eyes shift nervously to the door and then back to Loki. She’s initially tense but she relaxes slightly though she knows she’s gonna have to clean up the mess.
“Nobody cares. It’s the end of the world.” Again, Loki’s headspace is one where existence is futile.
The green walls contrast the purple lighting nicely.
You can see plants (?) from the outside if you look out the windows. Talk about attention to detail.
Bruh what is the dagger about? Drunk Loki’s a comedic genius.
The descending notes in the background of Loki’s fireworks.
Sylvie’s smile when she goes to attack is animalistic. I’d like to see her character explored more in terms of how she views violence.
“You’re right. I’m a god.” Loki’s defense mechanism is to state that his motives are above the understanding of others.
“You’re a clown.” Sylvie tells it as it is.
Loki and Sylvie’s reactions to the TVA contrast the most here. Sylvie is potentially motivated by vengeance or a need for revenge whilst Loki has resigned to numbing the pain (for now at least) as he comes to terms with his reality. The question of what drives you is so important for these characters, I’m excited to see whether they’ll find a common ground and wreak havoc on the sacred timeline.
Loki and Sylvie both struggle with communicating in a healthy way. Sylvie calls him out on his directionlessness and Loki tells her what may be the harsh reality of her plan. Neither of them are willing to accept it, but there’s potential for a strong bond if they do.
Sylvie’s scream lmao.
I love the colour of Loki’s pants.
Problem? Solution! Do thing! Is Sylvie’s method of thinking when all is lost.
Gosh I love the shots in this episode.
“That’s a pretty good life.” Sylvie’s definitely not lived as a royal, or not from what she remembers.
“I just need to know if I can trust you.” Sylvie giving up how she enchants people is an olive branch because as useful as the things that Loki told her may have been for manipulation, they both know the importance of her upper hand. But she only relents once Loki doesn’t have the TemPad. Later, when she asks whether she can trust Loki, it’s more of a reassurance because he’s already been vulnerable around her.
The actor’s body language and facial expressions are incredible. Loki’s eyebrow’s furrow slightly when Sylvie mentions C-20’s mind but Tom takes a second for the information to be processed rather than instantly reacting to Sophia’s next line. She does the same when Loki talks about the TVA workers being created. What skilled people they are.
The city is a wonderful piece of set design.
“We do, and you can.” They step into the light, neither of them have tunnel vision and are able to see a bigger picture.
“They’re gonna let these people die.” This show explores a side of Loki we haven’t seen before, his morality and compassion. He has grey areas that could be explored in the next season. It also points back to how Sylvie and Loki differ in their view of others. I think this is partially because of their childhoods. Loki was raised as a prince and cared about his people, but Sylvie doesn’t share that perspective (“...they usually survive”), maybe because of her past. Hopefully in the upcoming episodes we’ll get a bit more of her backstory.
That sequence is beyond words. The constantly rotating and revolving camera really hammers home that it’s a disorienting fight for their lives at the end of the world. I’m speechless, just watch it.
The music in that blue-purple-pink club was banging tho.
Loki and Sylvie’s posture, facial expression and general body movement is similar. The variant point is hammered home here.
It’s interesting how Loki is in shock/denial of the Ark being destroyed whereas Sylvie immediately leaves.
The end music of this episode is beautiful. I love how it all builds to leave us on the soft tones of Dark Moon.
No one’s interested, but my mum and I bonded over the Jim Reeves version of this song and the Bonnie Guitar one.
Ep 3 review
Short episode with not much going on other than character development. However, if the first two were anything to go by, this episode will have greater implications on the plot. The pacing of this show is a bit strange, but we may see this change in the next season.
I mentioned previously that it would be a shame if the entire plot of this episode was made irrelevant by how they get off Lamentis - 1 next ep. This show has been really good at keeping us on our toes with the writing so they probably won’t take turns that have been speculated.
Happy mid-season guys! The following two episodes were apparently Tom’s favourites so we can expect some mayhem up ahead. See you next time!
Here's the link to my Ep 2 review
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shewrites02 · 5 years
Fuck Your New Nigga | Erik Killmonger x Black Reader
Summary: Erik finds out you got a new nigga
Word count: 2.6K
A/n: This fic is inspired by this: https://shewrites02.tumblr.com/post/184315342705/thickoreo-imagine-getting-a-new-nigga-and-erik post by https://thickoreo.tumblr.com/ . I know I’m not one of the writers tagged but I was so hyped about this prompt. The story is kinda proof read but I also wrote it at 3 am, so forgive my oppses. I hope yall enjoy it :)
"Watchu gon tell erik?" Your best friend, Desiree, asked unboxing yet another stack of old pictures of you and erik packed before yall broke up.
You scoffed at her notion. That bastard disappeared for three months, then wants to pick up where y'all left off  upon his arrival. and now you owe him some type of explanation. No ma'am. That was not going to be how this relationship worked. You are a queen and anyone who treats you any less than such doesn't deserve to be in your presence. That was that. So as for what you were going to tell Erik... not a goddamn thing.
"Fuck that nigga." You mumbled tossing the picture of y’all on the Superman ride at six flags onto the stack of trash that had compiled in the middle of the floor.
Desiree laughed. She was a little erie of your new found disdain for Erik. Especially when she was the one wiping your tears and consoling your broken heart just a month ago.
The faint noise of your phone going off in the kitchen drew your attention. You scurried over jumping over bubble wrap, picture frames, and whatever else currently covered your floor. Just when the last ring was about to end you were able to save the call.
"Hey baby, How's the moving going?" The sweet and sincere voice of your new boo Chris sang through the other line. A part of your heart melted knowing he had remembered, another part burned knowing if it had been Erik he'd have done everything in his power to be here helping you.
"It's good. Me and Desiree are almost finished."
"I'm so sorry I had to work, I wish I could be there helping you."
"It's okay. I understand." You lied.
Erik had once faked having appendicitis in order to stay home to help you study for your Bar exam. So Chris not being able to call in one day was truly something you couldn't wrap your head around. But you still allowed it to slide. What you had with Chris was fresh, and casual. You couldn't ruin it by letting all your crazy show at once.
"How bout this... Dinner on me tonight? I'll pick up a pizza and help you set up your tv?"
You agreed, thanking him for such a thoughtful gesture. After getting off the phone you walked back into the living room with Desiree. She held a picture of you and Erik from the day you graduated law school. He had gotten you this huge bouquet of roses, along with all these festive balloons and a giant stuffed lion, your school's mascot. It was corny and all your classmates thought it was obnoxious, but it was Erik telling you he was proud of you.
"Shall I throw this one away too?" She inquired.
She saw the stress on your face. The being torn between hating this nigga's guts but missing him more each day. You had finally gotten to the point were you didn't cry at the sound of his name, and you thought you were ready to dispose of any memory of him. That you were completely over him. But not being able to part with the photos and the constant comparison of chris to him might be proof that maybe you aren't.
You let out a disgruntled huff, flopping down onto you very sketchily set up couch. The whole thing shaking from your weight.
"Just leave that shit in the box! I'm not trying to deal with it right now."
Desiree hummed some high pitched tone.
"Okay" she mumbled.  Poking her lips out as she dropped the picture back into the box. "And what exactly are we telling your new nigga when he sees three boxes worth of you and stevens uh?"
"We aren't telling him anything. You are going home, and I'm hiding them."
She put her hands up in surrender another skeptical look painted of her face. She gave me a tight hug, reminding me that she is there if I needed her, and exited the apartment.
I turned looking at the mess that engulfed my hardwood floor. Most of it was bubble wrap and broken down cardboard boxes. Disposing of that would be easy. It was the three large boxes of Erik paraphernalia that you didn't know what your were going to do with. You scanned the apartment for a hiding place, cursing the open floor plan you basically begged your realtor for.
You opted to put them in your bedroom closet, cause who in their right mind would be looking there? One by One you plopped the boxes down in the back of your closet shutting the door to lock away the secrets.
Three soft knocks on your door drew your attention. Chris had made it.  You made your way over and answered the door pulling Chris into a soft hug then inviting him inside. the two of you went straight to the kitchen to dig in on this large pizza.
"Dominos and coconut ciroc." Chris smiled wide holding up the bottle of liquor. " A house warming gift."
You offered him a soft smile.  Erik had always known that Pizza Hut's thin crust was your favorite pizza and that peach ciroc was the superior ciroc. But you tried hard not to fault chris for not knowing this about you.
You grabbed paper plates and cups for the two of you, since your dish sets had yet to be unpacked. Yall sat at the dining room table after deciding the couch could not yet be trusted, and engaged in light conversation. You spoke about how the move was, and how desiree almost dropped every lamp you owned from three flights of stairs. He spoke about work and how his white counterparts had asked him how to get waves despite the fact his hair was curly and messy. I directed him to speak with HR.  But for the most part we were enjoying ourselves.
"Smile." Chris requested centering his phone with your face. You obliged with his command making sure that your slice of pizza made it into the picture. A wide smile broke on Chris face as he went about posting it to snapchat.
Once we finished off the pizza we moved into the living room where Chris followed through on his promise to setup my t.v. He had finally gotten it mounted to the wall and now we sat on the floor trying to figure out the cable box.
"Try the red one." You suggested. No where being qualified enough to do so. You had no idea what any of these wires meant, you just were trying to be involved.
Chris sighed at yet another failed attempt and went searching google for some type of step by step instructions. You bit down on the inside of your cheek in an attempt to hide your disappointment. Erik would be able to hook it up, Hell with his M.I.T degree he could probably program your t.v to do whatever you desired.
"I'm sorry babe. I have no clue what the fuck I'm doing." You chuckled some.
"It's fi-"
You were interrupted by the sound of someone's fist slamming against your front door. If you hadn't known any better you'd assume that it was the police. You and chris exchanged glances a little stunned by the suddenness.
"I swear to fucking god, Y/N, if you don't open this door!"
You had known that voice, missed that voice, yearned to hear that voice.... but not like this. You sprung up from the floor marching to the door unlocking it and before you got the opportunity to open it,  Erik shoved the door causing it to fling open.
"You break up with me and start fucking with a new nigga a month later. What you had his ass lined up while I was gone?" He hissed at you.
He stalked over to you till he was inches away from your face, his body towering of yours. But if he thought he could walk in here an indimitae you... in your own home he had another thing coming.
"What I do with my pussy isn't your concern! You wasn't worried bout me when you left for three months, keep that same fucking energy." You spat back at him.
Now pushing him away from you, he grabbed your wrists before you could fully withdraw your hands back.
"I love you Y/N, but on my daddy grave... don't ever put your fucking hands on me again." He growled. His voice was deep and husky, the same way it was in the bedroom when he was rearranging your guts. and just how it made you weak then it made you weak now.
"I guess what we had didn't mean shit to you." He continued. His warm breath grazing your cheek.
"Yeah, Erik I could say the same for you."
"Say Bruh, don't be putting your hands on her!" Chris now interjected snatching your arm away from Erik. Part of you wanted to save Chris, tell him that despite it being really sweet, fighting with Erik was smoke he didn't want. But part of you also didn't want to bruise his ego.
"I will fuck this nigga up, on everything I love." Erik mumbled his eyes never leaving yours.
You rested your hand on top of chris' arm. a silent way of telling him that although the argument maybe heated you were safe when it came to erik. A sign telling him to back down, a sign he ignored.
"Nah shawty lets see what you bout!" Chris' ATL accent drenched every word he spoke. His accent that had always been heard when he spoke but never to this capacity.
You could see Erik's fist balled and the palm of his hands were white from clenching so hard. The few traces of Erik leaving his eyes as his Killmonger gaze began to come over them. I Knew then that if I allowed them to fight, Erik wouldn't stop till Chris was dead.
"Chris leave, we got shit to hash out. I'm fine. really I promise."
Chris scoffed at you. Obviously pissed off that you would choose Erik over him, but he did not protest. He grabbed his coat from the kitchen, and stopped in front of you,almost standing between you and Erik but not quite.
"Call if you need me. Forreal." He bent down placing a gentle but passionate kiss on your lips, before exiting.
You knew he had only done it to spite Erik and a large part of you was happy he did. You wanted to hurt Erik in the same way he had hurt you. And the way his eye twitched at the sight of you kissing another man let it known, it had gotten to him.
"Oh Yall boo'd up on snap now? Must be real fucking nice uh?! "
"So you keeping tabs on me! If only you cared this much when you vanished for three months!" You had stormed off into the kitchen him following closely behind you.
"I mean someone said my girl was hoeing I had to come see it for myself."
You stopped looking at Erik with nothing but disgust and pure disbelief. 'hoeing'! this coming from the man who had a body count well into the 40s when yall had first meet, and all you did was move on from this dead relationship.
You snatched the bottle of ciroc off the kitchen counter and chunked it as hard as you could toward him. Erik ducked the bottle smashing against the wall and shattering into a million pieces before the liquor puddled at his feet.
"Don't ever in your fucking life call me out my name."
Erik's lips pursed into a small smirk. Not the playful kind he had before he would pick you up and carry you to the bed. Nah this one was darker, more devious.
"You was fucking him when I was gone?"
You contemplated lying, saying the answer that you knew would piss him off. You wanted now more than ever to be able to tell him that you didn't shed any tears over him. That you got on your city girls shit and T'd the fuck up. But you couldn't.
"Does it fucking matter?! YOU left me, YOU abandoned me. You don't get to be the fucking victim Thats me!"
Erik slammed his fist against the granite top of the island letting out a labored growl.
"THEN FUCKING EXPLAIN IT TO ME!" You yelled in Return. Lakes pooled at the brim of your eyes and you struggle to choke out your words. "You up and left for three months and said nothing Erik. Not even bye or a phone call or text letting me know you were alive. Then you came back and all was supposed to be forgiven, I was supposed to take you back?... You wouldn't even tell me where you went!"
You could no longer suppress your tears, they freely streamed your face. Erik turned away from you, as if the sight of seeing you cry had been just too much to bear. Or maybe it was the fact that he was the cause of my tears.
"Wakanda" He sighed returning his eyes to mine. "That's where I went. And I- I don't want to talk about it. but you're right, you deserve to know where I was."
You had some knowledge of Wakanda, and the situation with Erik's dad. You knew how broken the death of his dad left him. He was forever stuck in that moment, forever that sad little boy who was never allowed to grieve because in Oakland... people die everyday. It was what made him act so spiteful and ruthless when he got angry, the feeling that the world owes him something after taking everything away from him. The cause of his immature communication skills that caused explosive fights like this one.
"You could have spoke to me about it Erik... I would have been there for you. I could've went with you."
He shook his head no. His eyes glossy from the tears swelling in them.
"Nah you wouldn't, cause I was acting hella outta pocket.”  A single tear fell. He used the back of his hand to wipe it away before looking back at you.
“You didn't need to be apart of that. I just- I thought the one thing I could count on was you being there when I got home. And when you wasn't, when you looked me in my eyes and told me to go 'fuck myself'... I thought there go another fucking person abandoning me. " You opened your mouth to speak but erik cut you off. "And that ain't on you. I should've no better than to leave and not say nothing, but I needed to do this alone."
You didn't have much more to say. You waltz over to Erik grabbing onto his shirt and pulled him into you until his lips were on yours. You had missed everything about Erik, but you probably missed his lips the most. You pulled away and saw the boyish grin on his tear stained face.
"I'm sorry I called you a hoe, I ain't mean that shit.” He dragged his hand down his face, erasing any trace of his fallen tears. Allowing him to resume being the cool calm Erik Stevens the world saw.
“And I'm sorry you had to put up with that lame nigga for a month!" He now joked.
You smacked his chest, telling him that Chris had been a great rebound. You even tried to rub in the fact that he was helping you set up the t.v. Erik looked back into the living room then bursted out in laughter.
"That shit ain't set up!" He walked over and fiddled with the wires. Within 5 minutes Erik had ESPN playing.
He flopped down on the couch causing it to make a loud creaking noise before it wobbled all the way to the floor. You couldn't help but to laugh.
"That nigga also help you 'set up' this couch."
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