#the last jedi spilers
pyreo · 7 years
Man I dunno what everyone was so mad about I thought the last jedi was great
I have some thoughts
Also I’m ready for the Discourse now so if you guys have posted anything that I skipped for spoilers, please reply to this post and link me so I can reread
I cried, I cried so much at That Leia Bit early on. It was so beautiful. Her sheer determination and manifestation of will to live, after everything that’s happened in real life, god, fuck
I love Leia god I’m gonna fucking cry again right now
This movie’s THEMES though?? I was surprised at how daring it was. They deconstructed, literally deconstructed, Star Wars. The hothead pilot with the daring plan to save everyone that’s ‘so crazy it might just work’, ignoring the orders of his superiors? He’s wrong. He’s so goddamn wrong. He makes everything worse with this plan. 
Bold, conscientious, I love it. Is that what guys were mad about?
Luke, originally the optimistic, light-hearted kid living the dream of a space adventure... is bitter, disillusioned, has given up entirely. He had a moment of lapsed morality that ruined everything he’d built and started this whole sorry thing by betraying his pupil. HE betrayed Ben. He couldn’t live up to that ideal of being pure and perfect and good all the time and thinks he’s a failure, so the Jedi order must die rather than be taught by him, someone who can only fail further. 
I love, absolutely love, the theme of letting go of old traditions. I feel very strongly about it. It’s something you can notice daily, how we cling to routine and fawn over old documents that have lost their relevance. The Jedi tree with its last library burning up was gorgeous. Over and over again the Jedi had slipped up, made the wrong call, and god knows there’s a lot of insight in the fan community about whether the Jedi are even right about anything. And this validated all that. It’s right to let it all go, to build something that works better, and that someone who’s failed can make the best teacher. Question your goddamn traditions. 
The movie was about failure, pretty much. The rebels got what they thought was an important win at the start, and then they were tricked, they got beaten, their lives are on a timer, and they fail and they fail and they fail. A string of events and everyone’s best efforts that just... fails. They brought up hope a lot and it was absolutely deserved, I think, just looking at how the story really, really worked to make hope a precious and rare thing. 
I like that Poe learned some humility, after seeing the assumptive general was some older lady and he... clearly had hoped he might get it himself. After being demoted. And then he starts seeing his own leader as a villain and.. like, I’m not imagining it right, I don’t think what Poe did was at all justified. He obviously cares deeply for Leia as we all do and yet when she was hospitalised he didn’t listen to the last advice she gave him. He didn’t try to learn from his demotion. Instead he thinks he might get made general because they were buddies and then takes issue with not being privy to the new general’s plans, putting his own plan into action that ultimately kills tons of his comrades. It’s all about learning from failure and not letting it beat you. 
I also liked that this woman, who was set up as Poe’s antagonist, who he held a mutiny against, was supposedly failing the resistance by planning an escape. And she had purple hair. Like, we KNOW what some guys who see this film are gonna think about that. And then it turns out, no, this experienced woman, trusted by Leia, DOES know better than a spunky daring pilot. She IS extremely brave and sacrifices herself and saves the resistance. There’s no reason for her to have purple hair she just does. 
God, I am still hung up on the main plot being “the heroes have a cunning plot that might just succeed, and then it doesn’t and it fucks EVERYTHING up”. Like, god damn, thank you. 
And it’s about Rey too and I admit I was fairly worried throughout as they clearly connected Rey and Kylo together? Two sides of the same coin kind of thing? But on reflection I think it works. They’re both young force users trying to wrangle their way through emotional turmoil without losing the side they’re on. Kylo is confused by remorse, I guess? For killing his father, he seems to think the dark side means no regrets and yet he has them, so could he be good? Rey is extremely powerful and Luke says she might go immoral just like Ben, so will she stick to her guns despite having no mentor figure, no surrogate father, no parents, etc
Kylo’s redemption was an illusion fostered by Snoke to trap Rey, but it reveals why Rey is on the side of good: she thought Kylo could be saved and threw her life aside to attempt to get him. She was stupid yeah, but tricked by the most powerful person in the galaxy because she is like Luke, and will not give up on someone that might leave the dark side, which is what makes both of them heroes. 
Honestly I didn’t see anything wrong with the movie, aside from I guess... I’d say it was heavy on the one-liners, that’s all. Finn didn’t have as much growth as Rey or Poe, but he still got to use his backstory skills, and face-off against his old boss, and god the energy in a black man going hand-to-hand and beating a top agent of a fascist regime who calls him scum? GOD
So many things were relevant and real. It’s always been about Space Antifa but like now it’s REALLY about Space Antifa. The city of abominably rich space assholes who just look good and gamble and rest on a social construct of animal abuse and child labour, who get their shitty 1%er casino smashed in by a stampede? I think we all really needed that right now. 
Anything I’ve heard that didn’t make sense I accept entirely. Luke drinking some titty juice? It’s not that goddamn weird. It was showing how he lives on this island, for one thing, and how he’s not a legend, a space saviour they can call on to win the war. He’s just a fuckin old dude living in a cave, milking weird animals for food. The weird island creatures I think people complained about? Wtf do you think Star Wars has always been about if not weird loads of space creatures. Luke’s... ending? What’s wrong with it. He went because he got the closure he wanted, he saved the rebels from Kylo and atoned for his past mistake. He realised Yoda was right and that the galaxy needed to move on from the old order and something new would replace him. And, crucially, he did not stall Kylo by letting himself get killed, I think he needed Kylo to see ‘revenge’ in his grasp and try to take it, to tell the boy that killing in anger would stay with him, to stoke that doubt the death of Han caused, and then reveal that Luke was not ended by the heir of Vader. There’s a big, meaningful difference between Han dying at Kylo’s hands and Luke giving him the option and tricking him, then peacing out on his own terms having moved past his years of guilt. 
My head hurts from taking it all in, but hahah, I really thought I was in for a bad movie there thanks to the internet. It was genuinely great.
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mysharona1987 · 7 years
People getting upset over Ackbar?
He is literally only famous for one line
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readingroxy · 7 years
Did you watch the last jedi? If so,what did you think of Snoke... I loved every scene he was in and I hope he's not really dead cause that would be a MAJOR DISAPPOINTMENT
Star Wars Spoilers
I did watch it! I have mixed feelings about the movie as a whole but, I also hope he isn’t dead only because it would blow my mind that a dude who was supposed to be that powerful was able to die so easy. We’ll see.
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ao3feed--reylo · 6 years
Somewhere in the night
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2HRVyTe
by Alle__Panda
After Crait, Kylo Ren can't sleep and thinks about the events that brought him to be alone again, being the Supreme Leader of the First Order, until the bound with Rey snap open once again...
Words: 2091, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Reylo Theories
Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, Star Wars Original Trilogy, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Rey, Ben Solo, Kylo Ren
Relationships: Kylo Ren/Rey, Rey & Ben Solo
Additional Tags: force bound, Star Wars Theory, Spilers of The last Jedy novelization by Jason Fry, Spoilers of Bloodline by Claudia Gray, Kylo and Rey are far apart after Crait but they can't sleep, The force still connected them, Internal Conflict, Reylo theories, Speculations about episode IX, lots of theories, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Rey Needs A Hug, Ben really needs a hug, cuddles in bed, Comforting Each Other, Secret Relationship
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2HRVyTe
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ao3feed-kyloren · 6 years
Somewhere in the night
read it on AO3 at http://bit.ly/2HRVyTe
by Alle__Panda
After Crait, Kylo Ren can't sleep and thinks about the events that brought him to be alone again, being the Supreme Leader of the First Order, until the bound with Rey snap open once again...
Words: 2091, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Reylo Theories
Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, Star Wars Original Trilogy, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Rey, Ben Solo, Kylo Ren
Relationships: Kylo Ren/Rey, Rey & Ben Solo
Additional Tags: force bound, Star Wars Theory, Spilers of The last Jedy novelization by Jason Fry, Spoilers of Bloodline by Claudia Gray, Kylo and Rey are far apart after Crait but they can't sleep, The force still connected them, Internal Conflict, Reylo theories, Speculations about episode IX, lots of theories, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Rey Needs A Hug, Ben really needs a hug, cuddles in bed, Comforting Each Other, Secret Relationship, Very Reylo centric fic, The others are just mentioned sometimes and nothing more
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2HRVyTe
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rainbow-femme · 6 years
Solo movie thoughts under the cut, with spilers
1. Q’ra should have been bad. If both of their arcs were going from minor crime to bigger crime, with Han going into smuggling and high stakes thievery while she goes into the mob, that would have made sense. In the movie it’s implied she is stuck in the game and wishes she could run away with Han but is trapped, and it would be much better if she had been using and lying to him and genuinely was bad and only doing things for power. This not only makes her more interesting, gives her more agency, but it also explains why Han goes from a man ready to settle down to a man who rejects stability and has to be persuaded back into love by Leia because his first love used him then betrayed him.
2. Why even cast Thandie Newton if you’re going to kill her off? She was easily one of the most interesting female characters, one of the most interesting characters period, and would have been a much more interesting character to follow than Beckett and we know from Westworld that she’s got the acting skills to play a criminal hardened by time. She felt completely wasted.
3. Why did we even have her/kill her if it affected nothing? Beckett mourned for all of one minute then she was barely mentioned again. They were partners in crime and in love, were going to basically get married after this last job, but after putting up the graves all he cares about is that he owes a mob boss money. No “Because you gave up stealing the stuff Val died for nothing”, just annoyance that he now owes that guy money.
4. Han didn’t have a last name? He got “assigned” Solo by the dude filling out his paperwork? Han mentions growing up at least partially with a father why would he not use that name he’s not Rey he didn’t get dropped on the planet as a four year old he remembers having a family who presumably had a family name and we see him be sentimental so why would he leave the name behind if he cared about the family he lost?
5. L-3 was amazing and died way too soon and was very under utilized.
6. The Kessel run we’ve heard about Han doing for decades was putting some special fuel in the tank to make it go faster? If that fuel exists and people can use it why is it special that he did something anyone else could do with that fuel it wasn’t skill he flew straight.
7. So the sense I’ve always gotten from the Han/Lando interactions was that they worked together on jobs and Han was the no rules sarcastic guy while Lando was more the long suffering straight man who loved Han but was also sick of his shit and wanted to be settled down while Han didn’t want to ever be tied to one place. In this movie they barely interact outside of card games, piss each other off, and we see no start to this supposed friendship just them being very antagonistic to one another after a single job where Han immediately wins the Falcon while also not really seeing Lando as any of the Lando he becomes, just a shallow pretty boy without any character change by the end of the movie.
8. “Chewbacca? I’m going to have to give you a nickname that’s too long.” Hey movie you don’t have to explain the history of giving your friend a nickname we would have figured out from context that as they became friends he gave him a nickname.
9. No real amazing fights. I hated Rogue One and Last Jedi but they both had amazing final battle scenes that were visually cool, exciting, and emotionally effective. There really wasn’t any of that in this the botched stealing at the beginning was kinda that but we didn’t really know any of them and they were just balancing on a train so it wasn’t that cool or impactful, and the final battle was just three people in a room so it wasn’t all that interesting or gripping.
10. No real quotable lines. So far every Star Wars movie, good or bad, has been very quotable but I could not think of a single stand out line walking out of this movie it was all just blah.
11. The reason this movie exists is to answer the question “How did the Han we meet in Episode Four become that way” and this movie does not answer it at all. He starts out as a naive street kid who wants to get into smuggling for one job to save someone he loves and ends with him giving up all profit for the chance to help the Rebellion. This doesn’t explain how he ends up a selfish smart mouth who only looks out for himself and Chewbacca and has no interest in helping the Rebellion. 
12. Lando is barely in it? He plays two card games, flies once, then just hangs out on the ship out of sight the rest of the movie this is supposed to set up their big bromance and he doesn’t really do much to build a relationship with Han.
13. Enjoyed the marauders being freedom fighters but it would have been more impactful to see a middle aged/older woman than a very young one. I don’t buy a girl who looks so young is able to convince the galaxy she’s the leader of the most ruthless marauders in the galaxy I would much more believe it if she was a woman in her sixties who devoted her life to this and was the true foil to Beckett’s selfish and untrusting ways.
14. The video asking people to join the fascist Empire being based off of American military recruitment videos, and the way the Empire generals talk being just like how America justifies going into areas, destabilizing them, and killing everyone was a touch I really liked. It’s not every day a movie compares the United States to the fascist evil regime of the Empire so blatantly and I thought that was a nice touch.
15. So we see Q’ra talk to Darth Maul, which means this takes place before his death and he died when Anakin was between 9 and 12. Anakin had Luke around 10-15 years later, meaning Han is about 15 years older than Darth Vader and a few decades older than Luke when he looks to be about mid 30s when we first see him and Luke looks young 20s so that would put him around the same age as Obi Wan who looked a hundred at the same time Han looked like he hadn’t broken 40 yet. (And books aren’t accepted movie canon I know he lives on in the books but that doesn’t mean he does in the movies so that doesn’t count for the timeline)
Just... Not good in so many ways.
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ao3feed4reylo · 6 years
via AO3 works tagged 'Star Wars - All Media Types' read it on AO3 at http://bit.ly/2HRVyTe Alle__Panda
by Alle__Panda
After Crait, Kylo Ren can't sleep and thinks about the events that brought him to be alone again, being the Supreme Leader of the First Order, until the bound with Rey snap open once again...
Words: 2091, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Reylo Theories
Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, Star Wars Original Trilogy, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Rey, Ben Solo, Kylo Ren
Relationships: Kylo Ren/Rey, Rey & Ben Solo
Additional Tags: force bound, Star Wars Theory, Spilers of The last Jedy novelization by Jason Fry, Spoilers of Bloodline by Claudia Gray, Kylo and Rey are far apart after Crait but they can't sleep, The force still connected them, Internal Conflict, Reylo theories, Speculations about episode IX, lots of theories, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Rey Needs A Hug, Ben really needs a hug
read it on AO3 at http://bit.ly/2HRVyTe
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titouanpont-blog · 6 years
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The last jedi spilers but without context
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