#the lack of frank fan content is my vilain origin story
ellilyre · 1 month
Frank Zhang headcanons
For his bday he gets a ton of maple-themed gifts, even from ppl he barely ever interacted with.
He can't get rid of anything anyone ever gave him. Under his bed he has at least two shoeboxes of stuff given by others (including a flower Leo made out of steel while fidgeting, multiple rocks given by various ppl, a few handwritten letters from Reyna...)
He has such bad self esteem. He can make a perfect map from memory, and will genuinely assume its a normal demigod skill and everyone can do that even better than him.
(Yes also HC he's super good at cartography)
His childhood stuffed toy is a panda, and he has slept with it until he joined Lupa. His name is Bao.
Now Bao has his place on a shelf in Frank's bedroom.
Hazel adores Bao. Every time she's in his room she immediately goes to the shelf to take the panda in her arms. Then she holds him until it's time to go.
He sometimes turns into a mouse to travel in Hazel's pocket.
He did once or twice turned into a rat to bite Leo (poor Leo no one believe him when he talks about it.)
Speaking of Hazel, their first date was in a park. They bought ice creams (and sorbets) and just walked around while holding hands and chatting.
For their second date he took her to the movie theater, to see a Ghibli. He made sure to choose a relaxing and calm movie, because she has never seen a movie in colours and he doesn't want her to get overwhelmed.
He doesn't have dyslexia but he sucks at writting chiness characters. It looks so ugly. (yes his grandma did make him take calligraphy lessons no it didnt help much).
He and Percy sometimes spend half of the day hanging out and swimming around in the ocean. It's their bro time (Frank usually turns into a dolphin for that)
He often participates in training lessons (esspecially for newer recrcuits) and everyone loves him.
The toughest guys like it bc he's a very tough opponent and he's super skilled with every weapon.
And the more shy and unsure recruits love him bc he is so gentle and nonjudgemental (you've been here for 2 months and still havent found a weapon youre comfortable with ? its ok theres no rush. You trained like crazy and yet feel no improvement ? Dont be too harsh on yourself your effort will pay soon.)
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