#the kyutiez haterz
radkyudolph 2 months
"hey this person came into my dms and harassed me even though i have them blocked and thats not nice" "LEARN HOW TO USE THE BLOCK BUTTON"
"anyways i said somnophilia is okay if it's between consenting people around the same age and you implied your experience fit those criteria so then i said what i said based off of the fact that you were acting like you simply regretted the experience." 1: its not okay, youre supporting rape 2: where did i imply it was consensual? cause last time i checked, i put it in "" and you removed those
"when i said that, you had not brought up the fact that you were a child when it happened. you brought up the fact that you were a child AFTER having implied you had consented to it, to guilt me because i made a fair assumption." 1: i never said i was a kid when i was assaulted in my sleep 2: i never implied it was consensual. i literally said "consensual" somnophilia. implying that it wasn't but that i was made to believe it was
"do not say "um actually no because i did (x)!!" right after someone says "(x) is okay as long as it's between people of similar ages who have explicitly consented to it" next time and that won't happen" do not say "youre not a victim" when someone tells you youre defending rape because they went through what youre defending. somnophilia isnt okay. its rape. someone cannot consent to sex if theyre unconscious. and by defending it, youre defending rape.
you literally did say you were a child. you said, and i quote, "I want you to tell me that being upset i was touched in my sleep at 11 years old is the same as calling someone a rapist because of regretting the sex" in an anon before my last blog got booted. or did you forget that. also if someone'z talking about consensual sex and you bring up your experiencez they're going to assume you had consensual sex. "i'm a victim of sex. 'consensual' sex." do you see where i could've gotten confused?
people in the bdsm community have sex with their partnerz while they're asleep and vice versa all the time. consensual somnophilia iz okay and if you seriously don't think it iz then go tell a grown adult that letz their partner fuck them while they're asleep that they're a victim and see how they enjoy you trying to be a saviour to them (they won't)
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radkyudolph 2 months
yes, i was in that groupchat. and you accused me of agreeing with "murdering everyone who isnt the first type of para." when i didnt. literally my only comment was "im the first type and i hate it." in your words, who the fuck are you to try and gaslight me?
it seems like you do care since you keep posting about this publicly, then complaining its public. why should he have to delete his account too to make you stop talking about him, when he has repeatedly asked you not to? why dont *you* delete your account?
why is it okay for you to talk about someone *repeatedly* after being asked not to, but you'll bitch and complain when someone does the same to you? why cant you stop being a little fucknugget and actually stop talking about him?
and again no, corpses cannot consent. i do care about consent and bodily autonomy, you dont. stop saying that i "hate it because i find it personally disgusting." its not about what i find disgusting, its the fact you have and still are supporting rape.
but now im reporting you for genuine harassment and rape support. cause thats what you are. stop trying to deny it.
yeah i'm not reading the rest of thiz i saw fucknugget and immediately couldn't take any of thiz seriously. go away hio or whatever your name iz i don't want people who pretended to be my friendz in my inbox
also word of advice talking to children several yearz younger than you about sex doesn't make you look good馃榿
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radkyudolph 2 months
1: "because homosexuality is illegal in some places, this means youre a homophobe for not supporting somnophilia and necrophilia" 2: "you have saviour complexes for wanting to help people not be abused or raped. why do you have this saviour complex i just decided you have because you wont agree with me that raping corpses and sleeping people is okay?" 3: "if someone is talking about something they think is consensual when its not, you shouldnt bring up your trauma because theyll think you arent a victim and are just lying for attention." 3: probably not, i just block and report.
the only reason im still "pissy" is because youre being a hypocrite. you say for pro-cs to not int, but you are pro-c for necrophilia yourself. you think you're in the right by defending rape. you literally told me "youre not a victim" and that people need to shut up about their trauma because "you shouldnt bring up your personal experiences to say this thing is not consensual"
ok dude. every single thing you've told me while arguing with me tells me you couldn't give less of a shit about other people and you don't actually care about whether or not someone can consent, you just don't want people doing things you personally find gross or bad
i'm not arguing with you anymore. maybe if you eventually grow to dislike people consensually acting on somnophilia and necrophilia because of concern and not personal disgust like you are currently, i'll actually care to argue with you. but until then, listen to people when they say they consented to something, stop trying to save people who don't want your help, and fuck off
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radkyudolph 2 months
1: I fucking apologized??? for being mistaken??? am i not allowed to apologize when i realize i was wrong about something??? 2: "the law doesnt determine morality, and if you think it does you're admitting you think being any sort of queer is immoral. and that is why im using homosexuality to defend the rape of the unconscious and dead. youre the homophobe, not me" 3: "you have a saviour complex for being against something that traumatized you. and i think thats weird" 4: "dont bring up your experiences of sexual assault discussing somnophilia, because i believe its consensual and therefore your opinion doesnt matter"
i'm astonished by your ability to use so many wordz and yet say nothing
homosexuality being illegal in a multitude of placez waz an example. you could replace it with any law ranging from simply stupid to oppressive
nah it'z not just thiz you guyz just have saviour complexez in general. someone will tell you they're okay with their partner being an ass to them and you antiz (not just you) will tell them they're a victim against their own wishez. you guyz just all have saviour complexez for a reason i have yet to learn. also the internet traumatized me from here on out the internet should be banned
??? what the fuck are you talking about. if someone'z talking about the fact that consensual sex iz okay you shouldn't bring up your personal experiencez to say that it'z not otherwise they will believe you had consensual sex and simply regretted it. that'z how that workz. not sure how you got whatever that iz from what i said
genuine question. would you be thiz pissy if you never knew me. would you keep coming into my inbox consistently with every blog i make if you hadn't spoken to me while i waz an anti. because i don't think i've ever seen you do thiz to anyone that'z alwayz been a radqueer
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radkyudolph 2 months
that ask was sent literally five minutes before you got termed. i dont remember every little thing i said. if i did say i was a child, then i am mistaken. sorry. /gen
but again, you are literally defending sexual assault. because even if someone consented to having sex while asleep, that is classified as STATUTORY RAPE. because having sex with an unconcious person CANNOT. BE. CONSENSUAL.
(also the "" shouldve been a dead giveaway that i was being sarcastic on it being consensual. along with the word VICTIM. and yet you still decided to say im not a victim.)
not sure how you "mistakenly" say you were 11 yearz old in an anon but alright!
the law doesn't determine morality and if you think it doez you are admitting you think being any sort of queer iz immoral. again, go up to somebody that consentz to their partner having sex with them while they're asleep and try to tell them they're a victim. you and every other anti seem to have some sort of saviour complex and it'z really fuckin weird
again, don't bring up your experiencez when someone'z talking about consensual sex or else they're gonna think you had consensual sex! very easy for thiz to have been avoided
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