#the kitsune's spell
Chapter 14 - Goddess of the Luo River
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It was already a week before New Year's, and Kitsune's days were numbered on the fingers of both hands. It was maddening the Demon Prince, terrifying him for the first time - That he will experience a loss that would leave his heart shattered in pieces forever. He was afraid that, if Kitsune died, he would be incapable of falling in love again - As profoundly as he loves Kitsune - And he would become just like his father.
He did not want to become like his father.
They celebrated a weird version of Christmas a few days prior, but for Kitsune it hardly meant anything. She couldn't fully understand the meaning of Christmas, not the birth of the Biblical figure of Jesus Christ and what it means to the religious Christianity cult; For most people, Christmas wasn't a religious festivity, however, it just meant a reason to celebrate and exchange gifts - Though even that was lost of the fox lady. She hardly had any Grimm to buy anyone gifts - So she went with Mammon to buy gifts - Generic, low-cost Christmas things that meant nothing to her; A scarf, a snowy globe, some mittens - Of course, the Greed Avatar was the happiest with his money gift.
On the other note, Kitsune received some expensive gifts - She was surprised she received anything at all though; It was quite sad - But with time, he was sure she will be able to understand the spirit of gifting to your loved ones. A nice outfit, a rare book, a lovely make up set, a gorgeous pair of shoes - But she couldn't understand the value of money in her own world, let alone in the Devildom. She'd lived through too many eras and currencies.
"Are you all ready?" Kitsune asked as everyone gathered in the House of Lamentation. It was the 'Day of Death' ritual she had to do every year at the shrine - A celebration of death and appreciation of life - A day where the souls of the deceased can roam the earth once more, and mingle with the living - A custom only she could do. 
As everyone affirmed they were ready to go, Diavolo teleported them to the human world. Everyone was dressed appropriately, elegant as never before; The priestesses guided them to the long banquet table, serving them wine, sake and meals of all kinds - All that while watching Kitsune perform, in front of a crowd of humans. They were not allowed to take photographs or film anything; They were a very select few, who would brave the wilderness just to see their beloved for a few hours.
The Sun was about to set down, and the festivity was to begun. Kitsune now stood in the very middle of the stage, looking down with perfect stillness at the people present. "In a festival where we celebrate life - We must also learn to appreciate death." she began. "When one life ends, another begins - And when one begins, another ends - Such is the circle of life that none is exempt from." what a harsh reality that must be for humans, the demons thought to themselves; Though perhaps this idea of a circle of life - A Samsara - The Afterlife and Reincarnation proved to make death easier for them; Death wasn't the end of life, but just another journey. 
"From the time we first cry into this world, after crawling out of our mother's womb, to the time we last take breath, and our remains are burnt, ashes scattered into the wind, to grant us our lasting freedom - We must celebrate life, in all its forms, from the littlest, to the biggest, oldest, and youngest, plant, beast or human, oni, youkai, kami, gashadokuro, yurei, and everything in between." the demon Lords were familiar to some of the entities mentioned, thanks to her extensive care in choosing their Hyakki Yako costumes for the Demon Parade. "In this day, we are blessed to communicate with the skies - Share our messages to those who are no longer amongst us - And they, too, will caress our faces once more." at once, from inside her sleeve, Kitsune took out that magical fan of hers, and with the beat of the instruments, she began dancing - The moves were unlike anything they've ever seen - Not that they've witnessed many such ritual dances, let alone fan dances, or anything that wasn't from the Devildom. - Diavolo, like the others, felt trapped in her trance, and he was sure, all of them were enchanted, one way or another. Her moves were fluid and each movement held perfect discipline, to create a most outstanding show.
As the Sun finally set completely, Kitsune snapped close the fan, driving it back inside the sleeve, only to retrieve something else - It was a her Gohei wand, with the handle a crimson red, and an a golden crest on top - It was the Sasarindo, as Shingen informed, a symbol of the Minamoto clan, the imperial bloodline. From it, two rows of flowing ropes, adorned with paper squares glued together, painted from white, to gold, in perfect gradient - It acted akin to a wand to her, Solomon thought to himself, as he watched the way she danced with it, only to throw it up in the sky, and with a foreign incantation, looking up like a shaman praying to nature's elements - Mystical lights that looked like ghosts and wisps started illuminating the night sky, brighter than the stars, as if the souls of the deceased were descending from Heaven - And as the wand fell back in her grasp, the lights disappeared. 
"Let us celebrate, together, as brothers and sisters!" the stars were invisible, as large, colourful fireworks bombed all across the sky, all the way, until you couldn't see the horizon anymore - Intricate shapes of all kinds, and they dances, and swayed around, depicting stories and folklore that though they couldn't understand, they still could appreciate the grandeur of it.
The luminous wisps that looked like fireflies became corporeal - Elderly, children, men and women - They all reunited with some living person from the audience.  Mammon picked on an elderly man, barely holding himself up with his cane, smiling warmly as the spirit of his young, beautiful wife engulfed him into a hug - He felt like crying, realising the elderly man would crawl the whole dangerous and perilous wilderness, just for a chance to his the woman he loves once more time before they are reunited.
Luke started sobbing into Simeon's chest, pointing towards a child looking very much like him, brought here by his grandparents, was weeping and hugging his phantasmal parents who died young. They would hug him, kiss him and listen to all of his stories - He just started school, and he loved learning - He wanted to become an astronaut, so that one day, he would be able to visit them among the stars.
Solomon found himself gritting his teeth as he watched a teenage girl nervously approach the spirit of her grandmother, holding a worn recipe book in her hands. The grandmother had passed away before she could teach her granddaughter how to cook the family’s traditional dishes, but now, the girl knelt beside her spirit, carefully following her grandmother’s gentle guidance as they prepared a meal together—one filled with love, tradition, and the bittersweet joy of a reunion that transcended time.
Levi sniffed, hugging himself with his tail as he noticed a elderly soldier casually hanging out with his teenage best friend and comrade - A true friendship that lasted for decades as he's always wished for, a loyalty and comradeship he's not experienced even when he was the Navy Captain; The living was wearing the old war uniform proudly, to show his respect and love for his fallen friend. The man held a box of old, weathered comic books that they used to read together, their shared love for heroes and adventures alive once more. They spent the night flipping through the pages, laughing at the same jokes, reminiscing about the imaginary worlds they had once explored together, and for a moment, the years that had separated them melted away.
Beel, for once, wasn't unable to eat; The infinite void in his stomach was temporarily filled as he saw a man kneeling before the spirit of his younger brother, who had died suddenly in an accident. The man held out a small, worn baseball glove, the same one they used to play catch with as children, and the brother’s spirit grinned, taking the glove in his ethereal hands, the two of them tossing a ball back and forth like they used to, reconnecting over a simple game that meant the world to them both.
Asmodeus also had to cling onto Solomon and carefully wipe away the tears - But not the perfectly applied make up - As he saw a living man, on his knees, before his heavily pregnant wife... She had died, along with their child, before she could give birth... And the man was hugging her belly, sobbing inconsolably and asking for forgiveness.
Simeon felt a pang of pain in his heart as he watched as a group of siblings, all now adults, gathered around the spirit of their mother, who had passed away when they were still children. They each took turns sharing stories of their lives, telling her about the families they had built, the careers they had pursued, and the way they had carried her lessons and love with them through all these years. The mother’s spirit smiled, her presence a reminder that she had never truly left them, and she kept kissing their foreheads and cheeks, just as she did to them as children.
Lucifer found himself deeply moved by a woman who sat alone, holding the spirit of a withered rose in her hands. The rose had been a gift from her late husband, given to her on their first anniversary, and though it had died long ago, the spirit of the flower bloomed with the moonlight once more in her hands, its fragrance bringing back memories of the love they had shared, a love that still lived on, even beyond death. Satan watched quietly as a young mother, her eyes heavy with sleepless nights, cradled the spirit of her infant child in her arms. The baby had passed away in its sleep, and now, for just one night, she sang a lullaby that only the two of them knew, tears mingling with her song as the spirit cooed softly, comforted by the familiar melody.
Diavolo found himself deeply moved as he watched a man kneeling before the spirit of his estranged father, who had died before they could reconcile. The man held a bundle of letters - Apologies he had written but never sent. The father’s spirit reached out, and as they embraced, the man felt the weight of years of regret lift, replaced by a profound sense of peace. They spent the night talking, finally saying all the words that had gone unsaid in life, finding the closure they both needed. Would this be how he and his own father end up?
EvenBarbatos paused in his duties, his usual passive visage holding a bittersweet smile as he watched an elderly woman, frail and bent with age, as she danced slowly in the moonlight with the spirit of her long-lost lover. The two had been separated by war decades ago, never to reunite in life, but now they moved together in perfect harmony, reliving the joy of their youth as if no time had passed at all.
That old woman was Aiko and her husband who died in war.
As the servants took care of the attendants, Kitsune returned back to the shrine, where she was able to change into a dancing outfit, but she hadn't returned to her guests - She remained in the middle of the court, looking up into the dark sky. The smoke from the fireworks had dissipated, and the stars were twinkling as powerful as ever.
"I never imagined even demons could cry." Aiko's elderly voice resounded among the guests, startling them. "Ah, of course, forgive me - I forgot some of you were angels... And wizards too."
"Darling, don't tease them so much." her husband's smile was dazzling and charming, Diavolo noted - No wonder she loved him for so many decades.
"I am glad to see you again, Aiko. You are happy, just as you said." the Prince smiled at the joyful elderly woman.
"I had been waiting 67 years to reunite with my beloved, Little Lordling. Of course I am happy." the husband gathered her in his arms, a tear escaping his eye as he kissed her forehead.
"And I have missed you every day, looking down at you from the skies." his voice was so soft and tender that it made Asmo and Mammon hug each other and cry like babies. They were so weak when it came to romance.
"Lady Aiko - Why is no one going to Kitsune?" surprisingly, it was Satan asking. He remembered her distress during the game - Surely, she would have at least one person to want to see her... Right?
"We are a bunch of elderly ladies, Little Demon." Aiko said, pointing towards the spirits of the mikos who slowly gathered around the fox lady. "The Princess raised us all as her own children - We owe her everything." she smiled gently, looking at the poor fox lady sobbing as her children embraced her and expressed their gratitude. "We had nothing - That's why she took us in. Some of us were were refugees, some lost our husbands, children or family and had nowhere to go... Some were born here... Others came to seek a change... But whatever the reason for us being here... The Princess nurtured us as if we were her own children, and taught us everything she knew... History, language, culture, art, literature, poetry, war, spirituality... Everything."
"A mother should not live to see her children dying." Simeon found himself bitterly speaking.
"Quite so, Little Angel. The poor Princess experienced far too much loss... She should not be lingering longer amongst the living. She should take her place among equals that she could cherish forever." the priestesses vanished, as if to push Kitsune towards her guests.
"Kitsune, you were so beautiful!" Asmo chimed as sweetly and enthusiastic as ever.
"Yeah, you were so cool! I'm jealous on how cool you were!" Levi joined also.
"Those fireworks were awesome!" Mammon said also.
"I thought her all about gun powder." said a foreign voice that everyone jump in surprise - A man with silvery-white hair and a snake-like smile had appeared just to her side; To think even Kitsune would be caught off guard. "Well - I suppose I can only be glad the apprentice overshadowed her master... Not that you'd shoot your musket better than me."
"Mitsuhide!" the fox lady chirped - A fire fox and a silver fox were staring at each other.
"So I was called!" he turned towards the feast with a mock bow. "To think you'd replace us so easily - My, little fox, you wound me!"
"W-Wait, no -- It is not like that -- I could never --" the stupefied woman stuttered over her words so cutely; Few times anyone witnessed her so speechless.
"What did I say about teasing the Princess?!" from behind her, a tall man, more burly, with messy brown hair and a frustrated expression on his face, like that of an exasperated mother scolding her misbehaving children. "Mitsuhide, back off!"
"Ah, it's Lord Nobunaga's lapdog... Shouldn't you be looking to become a doormat by now?" the silver haired man sniggered elusively, enjoying the raise he gets out of the other. Hideyoshi was so easy to work up!
"Will you two stop this charade already? You are making fools of yourself." this man was blond with shorter messy hair, dressed in autumnal colours and an apathetic look on his face. 
"Lord Toyotomi, Lord Akechi, please stop your fighting. You are upsetting the princess." came a softer reply from a grey-haired man, smaller, but no less elegant. It was Ishida Mitsunari.
"Ieyasu..." Kitsune threw her arms around her best friend; "My friend, how I have missed you so!" it was Ieyasu and his wife and confidante, Lady Saigo, with whom she spent most of her time after Nobunaga's death - He was young, intelligent and interested in medicine; Likewise, Lady Saigo was well-read in history, politics and war, but also talented in arts of all kinds. She had the best of times spending time with them... And nurturing their children. It was then that she learnt how to take care of people - The influence was a good one, as the priestesses said.
"What about me?!" came a loud, brash yet playful voice - It almost sounded like Mammon whining for attention.
"Shut up, cyclops!" both Kitsune and Ieyasu snapped at him, only to look at each other and stifle a chuckle.
The tall man with long black hair and a single beautiful blue eyes was Date Masamune, the One-Eyed Dragon of Oshu. He was the only trusted friend that Kitsune and Ieyasu had while building the Tokugawa Shogunate; He was wearing a disheveled blue outfit and a black eyepatch over his missing left eye - He had taken it out by himself when he was 14 and afflicted with smallpox; Truly, he wouldn't have cared about it, but Ieyasu warned him an enemy might grab his dangling eye and incapacitate him. What a menace.
"N'aww, c'mon, lemme join the hug!" Masamune threw his arms around Kitsune and Ieyasu, squishing them together.
"Lord Date, please back away. That is no way to treat a Princess." Mitsunari sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Well, Mitsunari, don't you know? When you see something cute, you have to squish them to death. Perhaps that is what Masamune is trying to do." Mitsuhide sniggered under his breath.
"Masamune would never hurt Princess Kitsune and Lord Tokugawa." Hideyoshi got in Mitsuhide's face, having a verbal altercation again.
"That's right - I would never!" Masamune let out a boastful laugh - And then started pulling on her tails, wrapping himself in them. "But I do like a nice scarf!"
"Hey - My tails are not scarfs - Leave them alone, Oni-brain!" much to the demons' shock, Kitsune started chasing Masamune around as if playing tag - He was the youngest of the Sengoku Lords she befriended so intimately - And it was showing. They were behaving like two children, Mitsuhide and Hideyoshi were arguing with each other, and Mitsunari and Ieyasu were trying to pull them away. They weren't unlike the Demon Lords in their childishness.
"Princess Kitsune has forgotten her manners as usual - How quaint!" Aiko laughed heartily. "Your old mentor would have your head for this misbehaving!"
Eventually, they all sat down at the table, wining and dining merrily, sharing stories of all kinds - Like one silly family to the other. Eventually, some of the younger priestesses came by, and they also got social and friendly with the Lord on both sides. Once they were drunk enough, they started chanting Kitsune's name, their alcohol cups up in the air. 
"That's right - Haven't seen Princess Kitsune's dancing in a while!" Masamune threw his arm around her shoulders, making her hunch from the sudden pressure. The ogre was drunk as hell.
"Oh, I'd love to see Kitsune dance! I bet she's a lovely dancer!" Luke was the first to chirp up.
"You should hear her singing, little mouse~." the silver fox chuckled, watching the chihuahua blush and protest at his nickname. "Like a precious nightingale."
"How come you never sang for us, Kitsune?!" Asmo whined playfully. 
"Come on, sing for us." Simeon urged her.
"You are awful - All of you - You know that, right?" the poor girl sighed pitifully, getting up from her seat.
One of the priestesses brought the zither to Ieyasu to play for the Princess - His wife taught him well - And thus, Kitsune started singing in a voice as mellow and sweet as a ripe fruit - And her dance was as graceful as a swan. The guests were marveling at her beauty, while those familiar with her endeavours were cheering on her, equally mesmerised by her enchanting magic.
She is lightsome as a startled swan-goose, As graceful as a roaming dragon; Her lovely complexion outshines the autumn chrysanthemum, Her radiance surpasses the springtime pine.
She is as nebulous as the moon concealed in light clouds, Gracefully gliding, as snow spun by a flowing wind. Gazing at her from afar, She shines like the sun rising above the rosy mists of dawn;
Observing her close by, She is as luminous as a lotus emerging from clear ripplets. ...
Her singing and Ieyasu's zither playing all stopped in unison at the sound of a flute taking charge, dominating the scene. Everyone knew who he was, without a need for introduction. Lord Oda Nobunaga wore a serene expression as he played the bamboo flute for Kitsune to play to his tune.
In perfect sync, the Princess danced around him with the beauty of a pink lotus and the grace of the Phoenix Empress. The universe had created them for each other, only to rip them apart.  Her smile was wide, like that of a woman in love, and she was glowing magnificently.
Their outstanding performance soon came to an end, and the two soulmates looked into each other's eyes so deeply and full of love. He wore a confident smile on his face. Nobunaga waved his hand at Ieyasu to play the melody for the only song he knew to be danced in pair - That of the valiant Prince going to war, and the Princess rushing after him, worried - She was struck down, and died in his arms, leaving him all alone, with his only comfort being the bloodshed of the battlefield.
It wasn't much unlike their own story, they often thought, as Nobunaga rose her up with ease, spinning around; Her flowy dress and sleeves danced around with herself, like a butterfly on a peony. Every move, every caress, every look their shared - They were all special.
Everyone applauded them - The dance of two soulmates fated to never be together - Then allowed them to settle at the feast, where they would converse more. Nobunaga was eccentric and talkative, yet his words were as wise and truthful as always. He earned easily everyone's respect - And poor Diavolo had to see the love of his life clinging onto his arm, her head on his shoulder - Will he ever earn her love? Or will she remain pining for this admirable Lord? 
They stood around the table having a merry time until morn, where the Sun was beginning to illuminate the sky; Once the stars started disappearing, so did the wisps. It seemed to Diavolo that Kitsune might have forgotten this bliss wasn't permanent - Though he would have loved nothing more than to see her as happy as this night... Even if he wasn't the cause of her joy.
"It was an honour meeting all of you. Be well." Mitsunari was the first to disappear.
"N'ahh, what a killjoy! Mitsunari has always been so boring - Always glues to that GO table of his... How lame!" Masamune groaned loudly, drunk out of his wits.
"At least he is not as dumb as a rock - Cyclops." Ieyasu next to her sighed dramatically.
"Exactly --" Kitsune turned to her Shogun friend - But he wasn't there anymore. Her heart began panicking fast-paced. "No... Not yet, no... Not again... Please... Do not go..."
"What a cutiepie!" Mitsuhide hummed, getting up and bending at the waist until he reached her eye-level. "You're too cute to mourn the dead for so long, Princess. Lighten up." he booped her nose and disappeared into smokes before the fox lady could reach out to him.
"No, guys, please -- Stop it!" she was then tugged by her tails; Masamune held a wide, boyish grin on his face, and he waved at her, fading away into nothingness. "Not again... Stop... STOP! STOP!" distress was evident on her face as her friends had died once again before her very eyes - And they will continue to die again, and again, and again, until she is no more. The pain of loneliness was harsh and sharp; A twisting stab right to the heart.
"Do not mourn us, Princess. We are content where we are. And we are looking after you - Always." Hideyoshi patted her hair, like an older brother comforting his sobbing little sister before leaving for war, never to return.
"This always happens." Nobunaga sighed solemnly. "Did I not tell you that, if you start crying like that again, I will stop coming to see you?" his comment made the fox lady shake, immediately clinging onto his kimono desperately.
"Please don't leave me. Not again." her soft pleas were in vain. "Take me with you."
"You never change, do you? Always a cute cry-baby." he let out a low exhale of amusement, raising her hand to wipe away her flowing tears. "When I died, I told you to find a reason to live - And keep on living. Shatter the heavens, reach Godhood and reign over the weak." he held her tightly into his chest, caressing her hair as she sobbed uncontrollably. "You are a woman worthy of being a Queen - So become a Queen." he continued. "Stop crying over a dead man, and move on. You have found a true man worthy of your affections." he placed a kiss on the crown of her head. "He is a good man. Trust him, the way you trusted me."
With one unexpected move, Nobunaga cupped her face and brought her into a deep, loving kiss. "You will always be the only woman I ever loved, Kitsune -- But you must forget me and move on." such a bold, truthful declaration of love shattered Diavolo's heart. Lord Oda Nobunaga was a respectable man in every sense of the word - He perfectly understood why Kitsune was so in love with him... Because he was equally in love with her. So in love, in fact, that he was willing to let her go, just to see her happy. What a man. 
Nobunaga slowly pried himself away from the girl's clutches, and walked towards the middle of the court - And he uttered a most eccentric phrase - A phrase that those who were stuck in the Sengoku no Kokoro game remembered well and vividly. 
Kitsune ran as fast as she could, throwing herself at him - That smile, that expression, that face - Forever engraved into her retina - And she passed right through his smokes, tumbling to the ground, her hands grasping into the air to catch the fumes, yet holding nothing in the end. Every year... Just smoke and mirrors.
With a desperate, raw cry into the skies, Kitsune bolted out of the shrine grounds, and into the forests, away from anyone that could find her.  To think that such a bittersweet night could end so tragically... None of the guests expected the degree of misery they experienced. Not to this degree, at least. Luke, especially, was the most confused and upset - Kitsune was so happy with that man, then he disappeared and she was so sad - He hated seeing Kitsune upset. She was very nice to him - Luke hoped she would never have to cry of sadness ever again...
But Simeon knew best, the torment of Kitsune's heart. The chaos and agony that she's been feeling for so many centuries... He could feel it all, a heavy pain that appears into his chest whenever she is around him - Thus is the extent of her sorrow.  Of course, Solomon lived for many centuries also, and he could relate well with her - The amount of people he loved that he had to watch wither away and die, while he remained young, beautiful and very much alive... It wasn't an easy existence, but he had to make the best out of what he got.
"Diavolo, I think we better wrap up for the day." Lucifer was the first to regain his senses, getting the Demon Prince's attention.
"Yes, of course." Diavolo got up from the table. "Lady Ayaka, thank you for your hospitality. It was a pleasure learning more about your customs. Humans are truly fascinating." Diavolo smiled at the new lady Kitsune put in charge. "Lucifer - Please bring everyone home." he needn't continue further; Everyone knew he was going to search for Kitsune.
"Lord Diavolo, please be patient with the Princess. She is... Very fragile - But she cares dearly for you." Ayaka implored the Lord, who merely smiled at her with reassurance.
"Don't worry - She is very dear to my heart also." thus, he took off into the mountains after her.
The mountains were wrapped in a veil of early morning mist, the air cold and crisp, yet filled with the scents of pine and earth. Diavolo trudged through the dense forest, his usually confident demeanor marred by an uncharacteristic tension. He had spent hours searching for Kitsune, guided only by the faint traces of her spiritual energy that lingered like whispers in the wind. He hadn't expected the forest to be a labyrinthine maze, trying hard to trap him, never to see the light of day again. Each step he took was heavy with the weight of fear—fear that he would be too late, that she would slip through his fingers like sand.
The landscape around him was both beautiful and foreboding, ancient trees towering above, their branches reaching out like the hands of forgotten gods. The path was treacherous, winding and narrow, yet Diavolo pressed on, driven by a desperation that gnawed at his very soul.
Finally, he found her.
Kitsune stood on the edge of a cliff, her figure a silhouette against the pale dawn light. The soft rustling of her kimono was the only sound in the stillness of the mountain, save for the distant call of a lone bird. She gazed out at the horizon, her back to him, seemingly lost in her own world—a world of memories, of love lost and love found, of pain and solace.
Diavolo approached her cautiously, his heart pounding in his chest. As he drew closer, the weight of her sorrow became palpable, an invisible force that pressed down on him, threatening to suffocate him. He hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to say, how to comfort someone who had endured so much.
“Kitsune.” he finally called out, his voice gentle as always, as if to not scare a baby fawn.
She didn’t turn around immediately, but he saw the subtle stiffening of her shoulders, the way her hands clenched into fists at her sides. Slowly, she turned to face him, her eyes red and swollen from tears she had shed in solitude.
“Dia…” she whispered, her voice barely audible.
Without another word, he closed the distance between them, his arms instinctively reaching out to her. Kitsune hesitated only for a second before she collapsed into his warm embrace, her body trembling as she buried her face in his broad chest. Diavolo held her tightly, one hand gently stroking her hair, the other wrapped protectively around her waist.
For a long time, they stayed like that, the silence between them filled with unspoken words, with shared pain and love. Diavolo could feel her heartache, her struggle to reconcile her love for him with the loss she still felt for Nobunaga. Kitsune loved deeply - And he was privileged to be on the receiving end of that also.
“You don’t have to carry this burden alone.” Diavolo murmured into her hair, his voice soothing. “I’m here for you, Kitsune. I always will be.”
Kitsune pulled back slightly, just enough to look up at him. Her eyes were filled with tears, but there was a determination in them that took Diavolo by surprise. “Dia...” she began, her voice overflowing with emotion. “I… I’ve tried to move on, to let go of the past, but Nobunaga… He was... He was my everything... I can’t just forget him.”
Diavolo’s heart ached at her words, but he nodded, understanding. He knew, if he was in her position, he would have felt the same for a man as special as Nobunaga. “I know, my darling. I know.” he replied softly. “And I would never ask you to. Nobunaga will always have a special place in your heart." he reassured her he was sympathising with her - Diavolo had always been so patient and understanding of her, Kitsune often felt she was overstepping his love for her. "As long as you keep a special place for me also." 
Kitsune’s eyes widened, and for a moment, she looked as if she might break down again. Instead, she reached up, cupping his face in her hands. “Dia… I love you.” she confessed, her voice trembling. “I love you so much." she confessed dearly. "But it hurts… it hurts so much, because I still love him too... And I don't want to hurt you also with... This - This... Everything that I have become."
Diavolo felt his heart pounding against his chest; He couldn't see Kitsune so sad and conflicted, it physically hurt him. “Love isn’t something that diminishes, Kitsune.” he whispered, pressing his forehead against hers. “It’s something that grows. Your love for Nobunaga doesn’t take away from what we have. It only makes your love bigger, stronger.” he spoke sweetly to her. "You are one woman who cares so deeply for those she loves - And that love of yours can never dissipate, no matter how much you try. It is not a weakness, nor something you should run from. It is who you are, my love. It is what makes you - You."
Kitsune let out a shaky breath, her eyes searching his for any sign of doubt or hesitation, but all she found was love - A deep, unwavering love - Only for her. “I’m scared, Dia...” she admitted, her voice breaking. “Scared of losing you, of losing myself… Of everything.”
“You won’t lose me. Ever.” Diavolo vowed, his voice firm. “I’m not going anywhere, Kitsune." something in his words, in his tone, seemed to reach her. Kitsune closed her eyes and took a deep breath, as if drawing strength from his presence. Then, with a soft sob, she threw her arms around him, holding him as tightly as she could, as if afraid he might disappear if she let go.
"I don't want to die, Dia. I don't want to die." after so many months of her boldly admitting how she desired death above anything else - To just disappear from the face of the earth forever - She finally found her solace, her reason to live, her safe haven - Her soulmate. "I want to live forever, by your side. I don't wanna die - I want to be able to love you for the rest of my existence. I don't want to ever lose you, Dia. I love you so much - So much that I'd go crazy if I lost you too."
Diavolo held her just as tightly, his heart swelling with love and determination. He thawed away her icy shield, and allowed her to feel the sweet relief of love that he's been trying to offer for so long; The comfort and warmth of his warm embrace. 
As the first rays of sunlight broke through the clouds, casting a warm glow over the mountains, Diavolo whispered one last promise into Kitsune’s ear.
"I want to marry you, Kitsune."
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the3rddenialist · 4 months
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A Wrath Jamie from @the-pastel-kitsune Seven Deadly Sins AU
Hope you like it!
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scouting4love · 1 year
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1 in the morning, no one up, usagi posting hours
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incaseofart · 1 year
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Blue fire!
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raitrolling · 1 year
fun nerrev fact: hes a mage because sorry the floodgates got opened and i cannot get enough of funny wizards :)
his specialty is light magic, but unlike both linnae and velour he has to use an enchanted item as a conduit for his magic instead of just casting out of thin air. he chose a compact mirror
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audiovideomeowart · 2 years
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Shield of faith 🔥✨🔥
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duorogue · 2 years
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saphirafoxgirlspost1 · 9 months
(Open Rp) Helluvaboss X Hazbinhotel in "Suitors Delima"
(Warning, this contains NSFW, Muscle growth, transformation, Ect. If your a Minor please don't reply to this..Viewer disgression is advised)
On the Glorious day At the Kingdom of The Mystic Inferno Fox, The Last Suitor was Kicked Out from the Kingdom..as the guard told the bad Suitor that he's no longer set foot in this castle again…Saphira The True Ruler of hell was Standing there watching the Bad Suitor walks away all beat up and torn..Saphira was Quite Stern..the reason why he was beat it..He Dared to lay a horrible Hands On Her which is a Huge Mistake..But Luckily..He Kept his hands though..otherwise his hands will be chopped off Sooner.. Then Saphira goes back to her throne..rubbing her Forehead with fustration and growls…Knowing that She wouldn't allow Abuse In this hell..then Her Goetia Royal Advisor (which she is a Snowy Owl) Name "Eliza" Comes to her..and she said with a warm concerning tone,
Eliza: "Oh dear Friend, I knew This Suitors is nothing but trouble.. and I don't blame you for Banishing him For Daring to lay hands on you..Luckily He kept his hands as well."
Saphira: "Indeed, Other wise..he'll be left with no hands at all. heh"
Saphira Use her magic to spawn a wine glass full of greatest wine in hell and took a sip of it..but then Eliza said,
Eliza:"So..What Shall we do? You must find Someone who is worthy for your hands as well Your Majesty.."
Saph:" I know..but many suitors of Hell was not Worthy..they're Beyond redemtion as well…Maybe I should go Up to the Mortal World..luckily..I live in the Nice Mansion but I need to blend in So that way the Humans Doesn't Know That I'm the Kitsune that has the Royal Mistical Blood.."
Eliza: "I agree..this is the Only way To Find Someone To marry you and I meant Someone Who is Worthy For your Hand Your Majesty."
Saphira Nodded and Use Her Spells to transport herself and Eliza To the Mortal World..inside of her Beautiful Luxurious Mansion..Eliza in human Form..She has White hair and Yellow Diamond eyes..and Saphira in human form is White hair and Blue Sapphire eyes as she dressed so Lovely and elegant clothes. In the Mortal World, Saphira is Super famous that she OutShine Verosika for a famous concerts, Musics, Modeling, especially Movie and Tv star itself as well…and also She owns her company called "Fire Fox co."…So Now..saphira smiles and said,
Saph:"It is good to be back on top, Sighs best things ever.."
She smiles but faded and said,
Saph:"I pray to inari if I ever find someone, I hope He'll treat me Like a queen..or a goddess more or less.."
Eliza: "Of course Dear, Don't worry There's alot of good man out there waiting for you..you'll see"
So Saphira Nodded knowing that Eliza's Reassuring her, Knowing that There's a Hope that someone who would love her…But..There's someone Who is a Scientist and He Always..and Mean Always was Obsessed with her so much that he will Do anything to win her heart, So he Decided to make a Potion which will make him More Hotter and Seductive as ever But Little Does he Knows That the potion will cause him to have a Split Personality Like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde…Meanwhile Saphira was Riding a Limo With Eliza who is now To humans It's Her Assistant Manager as She head to the Company For Modeling…So During the modeling..She hears the knocking and said," OH! Come in, come in…Lets see who was it?" Then the Door Opens When she sees Her Old good nerdy friend and she said"OH! My good Darling friend! How have you been!?" She got up and Hugs him and then he said…
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ryin-silverfish · 5 months
If let's say it is more characteristic that chinese dragons have the element of water? The fox spirits would be the fire? (once again, looking for Chinese fox spirits is difficult because sometimes I fear that the info will become more mixed with that of the Kitsune) What about tigers?
Yes, Chinese dragons are mainly associated with the Water element, and are weather deities, though Cold Dragons (freeze/chill) and Fire Dragons also exist, they are just a lot more rare.
Foxes do have association with Fire——not as strong as dragons and Water, but there are neat tidbits here and there. For example, in You Yang Za Zu, the same passage that mentioned foxes wearing human skulls on their heads in order to transform also said that, when foxes swung their tails around at night, fire comes out (夜击尾火出).
Vol. 448 of Taiping Guangji also mentioned a fox demon who had flames on its tail, "like a shooting star". In FSYY Pinghua, when Bi Gan shot an arrow at what appeared to be Daji in fox form, fire also came out when it connected.
The fox lady in the Qing dynasty 狐狸缘, while she was battling with Lv Dongbin, also spat out her "golden core" together with a stream of Samadhi Fire in an attempt to hurt him. Which is reminiscent of the more fire-like depiction of a fox's inner core.
However, there are other more obscure sources that associate foxes with the Earth element ('cause they dig holes and are yellow/orange colored?), and because Fire births Earth, you can light 1000 years old dead wood on fire, and the fire would lure the fox out and reveal its true form.
Also, one of the spells that's commonly used to subdue foxes and demons in general is the Five Thunder Arts (五雷法), where Daoists called upon the Thunder Bureau to strike their targets with fire and lightning.
I'm not as familiar with tiger yaoguais, but element-wise, the White Tiger of the West is associated with Metal, and in the Book of Mountains and Seas, Queen Mother of the West was said to have a leopard's tail + tiger's teeths, before she evolved into a more human form in later sources.
Tigers in folklore are more well-known for their ability to command ghosts, though. Specifically, ghosts of people they ate, who help lure in more preys for them, called 伥鬼.
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yandere-sins · 6 days
Monstober 2024
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Monster-Enthusiasts, Monster-Lovers, and Monster-Fucker, I call upon thee! This upcoming October is going to be spooky!
It's time for a whole month of delicious monster content! Whether you want them to stalk, to hunt, or to devour your little protagonists (mind you, the monsters are the real protagonists of the story, hehe), I want to see a month dedicated to the beauty of the Ugly and Horrible! All things monster are welcome—art, writing, any kind of showcasing a monster! No matter how cruel or how obscene you like it—now's the time to show it off! ♥
I have prepared a list of monsters & prompts for your guidance, however, if you'd rather do a different monster or a different prompt, that is totally fine! If you prefer to stay private and not have your post reblogged to this blog, that is totally alright, too! This is merely for fun and giggles, and I welcome everyone who wants to challenge themselves this upcoming October to use this list if they want!
How to participate in my Monstober:
- Starting October 1st create something with the monster or prompt of the day! That is all you have to do.
You don't have to do all days or even in chronological order. Feel free to alter the prompts as needed. Your monsters do not have to match the usual descriptions of their kind! Post whenever and whatever you like as long as it is still connected to monsters!
- If you want your entry to be reblogged: @ me yandere-sins in your post, don't forget to put content warnings if any apply (especially Violence & Sexual Content—however, those are very welcome!), and put long texts (once they reach 3k words) under a read more! I'll reblog the posts as soon as I see and have the time to get to them!
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Day 1: Chimera | Mixed // Misunderstood // Insanity
Day 2: Werewolf/Werecat | Full Moon // Claws // Beastly
Day 3: Alien | Otherworldly // Uncanny Valley // Space
Day 4: Harpy | Cliff // Flying // Illusion
Day 5: Nymph/Dryad/Leshy | Plants // Playful // Nature's Bounty
Day 6: Naga/Lamia | Scales // Wrapping around // Poisonous
Day 7: Sphinx | Riddles // Sand // Giant
Day 8: Merfolk | Water // Singing // Alluring
Day 9: Folklore Creatures | Cautionary Tales // Truth // Naivity
Day 10: Mimic | Treasures // Hungry // Wrong
Day 11: Yuki-onna/Snow Spirit | Snowstorm // Promise // Guiding
Day 12: Witch/Wizard/Magician | Magic // Spells // Towers
Day 13: Shifter | True Form // Unbelievable // Transformation
Day 14: Minotaur | Labyrinth // Bannished // Following
Day 15: Eldritch Horror | Eldritch // Imprisoned // Tentacles
Day 16: "Church" Grim | Graveyard // Protecting // Spirit
Day 17: Dragon | Fire // Hoarding // Fairytale
Day 18: Kitsune | Tricked // Tails // Mystical
Day 19: Elf | Warrior // Swift // Merciless
Day 20: Goblin/Orc/Troll/Oni | Hordes // Village // Brutish
Day 21: Kelpie | Deception // Following // Stuck
Day 22: Skeleton/Zombie | Undead // Loved // Grave
Day 23: Angel | Feathers // Guardian // Watching
Day 24: Ghost | Shadows // Invisible // Coldness
Day 25: Vampire | Blood // Biting // Night
Day 26: Fae Folk | Lost // Fairy Circles // Names
Day 27: Drider | Silk // Cave // Ensnared
Day 28: Demon | Summoning // Contract // Otherworldly
Day 29: Gods | Reign // Glow // Worshipping
Day 30: Human | Real Monsters // Dangerous // Smile
Day 31: Free Choice of your favorite monster or a completely new one!
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I look forward to all the monstrous ideas you'll come up with! ♥
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The Kitsune's Spell - Diavolo (Obey Me!) ~ On Going
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Although the wish of Lord Diavolo was to unite the Three Realms, he brought two immortal beings into his precious Devildom: One all-mighty, all-knowing wizard that has reached immortality since ancient times... And one trickster spirit with sublime and enigmatic tricks up her sleeve, and an array of nine fluffy tails - A Kitsune, whose job is to perform exorcisms and divinations at shrines all over Japan. Will Diavolo's plan come to fruition, or will it be destroyed by the stubbornness of a beloved Kitsune Guuji?
Chapter 1 - A Fox In Hell Chapter 2 - A Fox In School Chapter 3 - Sweet Perfume Chapter 4 - Greedy Deals Chapter 5 - Quizzical Affairs Chapter 6 - Drowning Chapter 7 - Eternal Torment Chapter 8 - Cinderella Chapter 9 - Glimpse of Us Chapter 10 - Dating Shenanigans Chapter 11 - Hyakki Yako Chapter 12 - Book of Souls Chapter 13 - Happily Ever After Chapter 14 - Goddess of the Luo River Chapter 15 - Kitsune no Yomeiri
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v-akarai · 9 months
References in Servamp
Arabian mythology
Jinn. Ch. 16
Greek mythology
Elpis. Ch. 75
Moirai. Ch. 108
Pandora. Ch. 130
Pygmalion. Ch. 123
Pandora's Box. Ch. 97
Japanese mythology
Gashadokuro. Ch. 129
Kitsune. Ch. 3
Raijin. Ch. 85
Norse mythology
Baldr. Ch. 39
Bifröst. Ch. 88
Brunhild. Ch. 88
Fimbulwinter. Ch. 40
Freya. Ch. 65
Frey. Ch. 131
Gleipnir. Ch. 101
Hati. Ch. 91, 131
Hod. Ch. 39
Hliðskjálf. Ch. 96
Idunn. Ch. 65
Loki. Ch. 15
Mimir. Ch. 29
Mjölnir. Ch. 53
Ragnarök. Ch. 101, 122, 131
Sigurd. Ch. 101
Thor. Ch. 41
Yggdrasil. Ch. 42
Biblical references
Abel. Ch. 8
Adam. Ch. 128
Boaz and Jachin. Ch. 42
Eden. Ch. 21
Eve. Ch. 1
John the Baptist. Ch.122
Lucifer. Ch. 135
Nod. Ch. 29, events
Asura. Ch. 57.5, 89.
The Fool - Mahiru. Ch. 50
I. The Magician – Night trio. Ch. 41
II. The High Priestess – Mikuni. Ch. 42
V. The Hierophant - Shuhei. Ch. 77
X. Wheel of Fortune - Junichiro. Ch. 53
XII. The Hanged Man - Tsurugi. Ch. 50
XV. The Devil – Shamrock. Ch. 72
XVI. The Tower - Touma. Ch. 47
XVII. The Star - Iduna. Ch. 73
XVIII. The Moon - Yumikage. Ch. 69
XX. Judgement - Mikuni. Ch. 144
Literary references
 "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" Lewis Carroll. Ch. 3, 4, 7, 19, 98, 122. Misono, Lily, Dodo, Mitsuki, Yamane, Hattori, Mikuni, Bad B and Good B.
"As You Like It" William Shakespeare. Ch. 10, 38.5. Mikuni's spell.
"My Fair Lady" English nursery rhyme. Ch. 10 Mikuni's spell.
"Dracula" Bram Stoker. Ch. 12, 30. Hugh.
"Romeo and Juliet" William Shakespeare. Ch. 23, 34. Hyde, Ophelia.
"Faust" by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Ch. 29 Johannes.
"Through the Looking-Glass" Lewis Carroll. Ch. 29, events. Mikuni, Johannes.
"Julius Caesar" William Shakespeare. Ch. 23, 84. Hyde.
"Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" Robert Stevenson. Ch. 23, 37. Hyde, Licht.
"Macbeth" William Shakespeare. Ch. 24, 31. Kuro, Saint Germain, Mahiru.
"Night on the Galactic Railroad" Kenji Miyazawa. Ch. 26, 142. Higan, Tsubaki.
"The Little Prince" Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Ch 30, 67. Kuro, Mahiru, Sloth demon, Gear, probably Jeje.
"Hamlet" William Shakespeare. Ch. 33, 34. Hyde, Ophelia.
"The Phantom of the Opera" Gaston Leroux. Ch. 36 Licht and Hyde technique.
"Peter and Wendy" James Barry. Ch. 44, 56, 74. Tsurugi, Touma, Mahiru.
"Ring a Ring o' Roses" nursery rhyme. Ch. 53 Junichiro's spell.
“Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens” James Barry. Ch. 53, 75. Tsurugi, Touma.
"Death in Venice" Thomas Mann. Ch. 55 Gilbert technique.
"Total Eclipse" a play by Christopher Hampton. Ch. 55 Rayscent's technique.
"The Morning of the Last Farewell" Kenji Miyazawa. Ch. 57.5 Tsubaki.
"Spring and Asura" Kenji Miyazawa. Ch. 57.5 Tsubaki.
"The Catcher in the Rye" Jerome Salinger. Ch. 62 Shuhei.
"Four and Twenty Blackbirds" Agatha Christie. Ch. 62 Shuhei's spell.
"Metamorphosis" Franz Kafka. Ch. 62 Shamrock technique.
“The Nighhawk's Star” Kenji Miyazawa. Ch. 62, 76. Shamrock technique.
"Rock-a-bye Baby" an English lullaby. Ch. 70 Touma's spell.
“Schlafe, mein Prinzchen, schlaf ein” lullaby. Ch. 70 Touma's spell.
"Who Killed Cock Robin" an English nursery rhyme. Ch. 70 Yumikage's spell.
"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" Lyman Frank Baum. Ch. 70, 88. Tsukimitsu brothers’ spells.
"Daddy-Long-Legs" Jean Webster. Ch. 74. Dark Night Trio, Touma.
"King Lear" William Shakespeare. Ch. 86. Hyde.
"The House of the Sleeping Beauties" Yasunari Kawabata. Ch. 86. Iori.
"The Divine Comedy" Dante Alighieri. Ch. 118, 120, 121. Niccolo, Ildio, Gluttony demon.
“A Brute's Love” (人でなしの恋) Edogawa Rampo. Ch. 122 Mikuni, Lily.
"Coppelia" ballet Leo Delibes. Chapter 122 Mikuni, Lily.
"Salome" Oscar Wilde. Ch. 122 Mikuni, Lily.
"Turandot" opera by Giacomo Puccini based on the play by Carlo Gozzi. Ch. 129, 136. Lily.
"The Tempest" William Shakespeare. Ch. 131. Licht and Hyde.
"The Old Man and the Sea" Ernest Hemingway. Ch. 134 Hugh.
"Flowers for Algernon" Daniel Keyes. Ch. 135 Hugh.
"Jane Eyre" Charlotte Brontë. Ch. 136. Hokaze.
"Madama Butterfly" opera by Giacomo Puccini. Ch. 136. Lily.
"Hansel and Gretel" the Brothers Grimm. Ch. 140. Faust and Otogiri.
"Für Elise" by Ludwig van Beethoven. Ch. 34
"Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring" by Johann Sebastian Bach. Ch. 125
Sonata No. 17 "Tempest" by Ludwig van Beethoven. Ch. 131
"It's a Wonderful Life" (1946). Ch. 131
"Life is Beautiful" (1997). Ch. 131
I believe this list can be expanded. Somewhere I’ve written only chaps when some reference was mentioned for the first time and omitted all further mentions.
Special thanks to hello-vampire-kitty, joydoesathing and passmeabook, because some works wouldn’t be included in the list without their observations.
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thestalkerbunny · 1 year
I'm not caught up on kitsune lore, actually.
You have come to the right place, my friend.
All I think about is weird fox based lore.
We'll cover the 3 big ones of Japan, Korea and China.
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The fox in many cultures-in this case countries residing in the Eastern areas of the world-have been symbols of mystery, trickery, transformation and deception. This may account to the fact a fox is naturally a very fast and intelligent animal, that is rather nocturnal and has a way to always evade danger that it finds itself in. They're problem solvers. They also scream like women in distress. Or when they're happy-they scream like cars trying to rev up.
THE KITSUNE: Japanese messanger of the gods and local nuisence
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The most popular of foxes in media, art and story, the Kitsune story comes from Japan. It has been the subject of movies, games, animes, mangas and even folk tales for generation. To put it simply, a Kitsune is a fox that possesses paranormal abilities. People already believed that foxes were supernatural in general-but with time and age, they'd grow smarter and wiser. A kitsune grows a new tail for every 100 years it lives-with those that have 9 tails being very powerful and with 10 tails earned, will ascend into GODHOOD.
-sound familiar to someone you might know?-
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Kitsune and humans have always lived together and gotten along mostly. Fox Urine actually repels rats-so stones soaked in the urine of foxes would be placed near fields; which most likely led to people finding foxes sacred and becoming a symbol of the Japanese Deity, Inari Okami-the God of agriculture-and eventually being regarded as their messengers.
Kitsunes had the ability to shape shift-often doing so into beautiful women (and sometimes men depending on the story) and getting themselves married, but usually getting run off by their spouses' dogs (which they are afraid of) They also have a tendency to reveal themselves when they get drunk or are careless as the tails are the one part of themselves they can't hide properly (which is tricky if you got 9 of 'em.) Beautiful women with certain face structures and high cheek bones are often called 'fox faced'
Kitsune can be good or evil-some of the more wicked ones going out of their way to possesse humans and have to be exorcised to free them.
THE KUMHIO: Korea's nightmare manic pixie dream girl
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The Kumhio is my personal favorite-hailing from Korean, the Kumhio (or Gumhio depending on spelling variation) is a fox similar to the Kitsune in many aspects. It's a very long lived 9 tail fox, it has supernatural powers of illusion, shapeshifting and magic. But the Kumhio is different in it's behavior. The Kumhio's favorite meal-unlike the tofu loving Kitsunes-is human livers. And they go about acquiring it in a very interesting way. They will become women (or men) and manage to get hitched up to whoever is most convenient and begin to systematically prey on everyone in the household. First the animals, then the servants, the family, and often times leaving the spouse for last. They are also known to dig up fresh graves to get the livers. They also sport something similar to the kitsune that was not mentioned-a Bead they keep inside their bodies that they can cough up. This is called a Fox Bead. Putting this bead in your mouth can give you IMMENSE knowledge of the sky land and seas. Often times this is only shared by the Kuhio via a sort of 'deep kiss' where it puts the ball in your mouth and then takes it back with it's long unnatural tongue. But most cases have been people trying to steal it/accidently swallowing it. Although humans are a Kumhio's prey-if a Kumhio abstains from killing and consuming a human for 1000 days, it too will become mortal and then can enjoy all mortal perks (getting married, sharing a life span with someone, not being a literal monster) They are sometimes in mythology (depending on who you ask and which variation of the story you read) regarded as a lesser creature, but still very very dangerous. I wouldn't wanna fuck around and find out with one of these puppies.
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Laon, it's a great horror read, kinda short, but still great. I love it unironically.
THE HULI-JING: Your friendly neighborhood fox ghost
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The Huli-Jing is another Fox Spirit, this time from China. Much like Japan, it has the same properties as the Kitsune; Supernaturally weird, crazy long lived, can become god, people tend to like them. Until they do fucked up stuff. One case had a huli-jing posesses an important woman in power and she and her husband while posessed basically started torturing and murdering people and starting a massive revolt against their dynasty. Unlike Kumhios who suck life essence from the mouth (and eat your liver) The Huli-Jing will go the Succubus route and.....steal semen. That's right, the foxes are turning into hot hot women and are stealing your life force via your jizz boys, keep it in your pants. But despite that, many villages in history love the Fox Spirit-a saying going as far as villages shouldn't be established without a fox spirit milling about. They're seemingly friendly provided you pay them the right respects. Many people would have in home shrined dedicated to them to make offerings right there.
TLDR: Foxes are fuckin' spooky, turnin into women, stealin' your semen, your liver and making your goddamn rice grow. fuckin' foxes doin' FOX SHIT.
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cupcakeslushie · 6 months
The empyrean that Leo was subjected to, does that make him a little unhinged like Donnie? Or due to his limited exposure, and I’m guessing his training he’s able to handle it?
You’ve might explained this before in your comments but I can’t find anything 🙈
So I think it’s a common assumption in my AU that Empyrean is the cause of Donnie’s mental issues…but Donnie’s poor mental health is due to all the torture and trauma that Draxum put him through, and the Empyrean only heightens it by making his visions more realistic, and his emotions more erratic.
In the EW verse, Empyrean enhances emotions that are already there. This is why Draxum becomes obsessive with figuring out his mutation formula and training Three. Over the years, without the Empyrean, he would’ve been able to focus on more important things, like raising Three properly, and was even heading in that direction, but then they started collecting it. Stern parenting and simple tests became horrible abuse and dangerous experimentation.
For Leo, Kitsune was incorporating her own magic with his exposure. So the Empyrean made her spells to control him stronger. What helps snap Leo out of this control is seeing his brothers for the first time, and more importantly, what happens to him during his three week coma (which should be explained in the next update or so). His coma will act as almost a system reboot for his mind. This will cause the unusual turn around in his behavior, that we’ve heard Cass talk about. When Leo sees his brothers, it throws him off his game, and causes him to make mistakes, but after waking from his coma, Leo really begins to act like a totally different person to the one the Shredder has meticulously crafted.
But judging by that big pit of green goop, Leo’s not going back to his family without one last Empyrean exposure. And he’s pretty angry right now. Hope that won’t affect his relationships with his brothers and father 😬.
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kurishiri · 1 month
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Vogel’s LINE campaign: full walkthrough and translation
꒰ ִ ֺ ⊹ @ notice ⊹ ֺ ִ ꒱ this translation may not be 100% accurate or contain creative liberties due to characterization purposes. if you enjoy, please consider reblogging, but please don’t repost these or claim these as your own!
꒰ ִ ֺ ⊹ @ info ⊹ ֺ ִ ꒱ for vogel, there is a campaign on LINE until 08,30,2024 where they challenge you to solve their puzzles (if you want to have fun with it yourself, or have more high quality images of the reward, this will also walk you through the campaign, step by step). the picture above shows their signatures, which you can get the full document from which they came — a certificate, that is — in this campaign. and it also features an interaction with the vogel members as well.
˚˖𓍢ִ໋🦢˚ what you need to do beforehand:
download the LINE app and make an account there
after you have an account, click here to friend them on LINE! this will subsequently start a chat with them too
download the ikévil jp app and make sure you have access to the game (so finish the initial data download)
you need to have access to twitter as well
don’t worry about needing to know japanese. any parts that need japanese knowledge, i will walk you through
♯┆initiate the challenge .ᐟ
when you open LINE, text the following phrase to them:
this translates to “i accept vogel’s challenge”! the romaji would be [fōgeru no chōsen wo ukeru].
when you send this, you’ll receive the poster promoting the campaign followed by a message from darius🪽 basically welcoming you.
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To the one Crown holds dear, miss fairytale keeper,
This is an invitation to partake in Vogel’s challenge. Of course, turning it down is not an option.
After all, the game has already started. See, there is nowhere to escape, so the only option left is to face the challenges.
I will be watching over you as you brave through, alright?
—— 🪽
♯┆puzzle n.1 .ᐟ
this is darius🪽’ puzzle! nika🍒 has one too, and ring💍 will give you the reward upon completing their challenges. the idea is sort of like a crossword puzzle, where you have to find certain words that are associated with crown or its members.
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this puzzle is probably the most challenging for those who don’t know japanese, because all the words are in japanese. you basically need to have some at least some rudimentary knowledge.
so let me tell you what words are in there! hint: there may be repeats, and unlike crossword puzzles, it’s possible the words may be spelled out in a ‘L’ shape, and there may be overlap, but there is no diagonals.
[ちぇしゃねこ] (chesha neko) = the cheshire cat = liam’s curse
[はーとのじょおう] (hāto no jo-ō) = the queen of hearts = william’s curse
[きつね] (kitsune) = fox = harrison’s curse
[かがみ] (kagami) = mirror = alfons’ curse
[いばら] (ibara) = thorns = ellis’ curse
[じょおう] (jo-ō) = the queen = maybe referring to a shortened version of william’s curse, or her majesty the queen (女王陛下, jo-ō heika).
[おとぎし] (otogi-shi) = fairytale keeper = kate’s role in crown
[かりうど] (kari-udo) = the hunter = roger’s curse
[じゅうさんばんめのまほうつかい] (jūsan-ban-me no mahō tsukai) = the thirteenth fairy = jude’s curse
[こまどり] (koma-dori) = robin = kate’s nickname in crown
i would recommend highlighting or crossing out the boxes that contain these words, as you will need the remaining characters. if you’d like the highlighted answers, you can click here.
here, you will notice that there are some boxes that haven’t been “filled.” you will need to read these “unfilled” boxes left to right, top to bottom, much like reading a manhwa or webtoon.
if you do this, did you piece together this message?
or: [お知らせの一番下] (oshirase no ichiban shita). this translates to “the announcement at the very bottom.”
this is where you’ll need your ikévil jp app! did you find it? if not, here’s how you can find it.
if you did, let’s head to the next puzzle!
♯┆puzzle n.2 .ᐟ
i hope you guys like sudoku, because this is something a bit similar.
you’ll find a 3 × 3 grid with some numbers filled out.
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the bottom text translates to “if the sum is 15, where is 7?”
basically, the complete grid should have numbers 1–9, with no repeats, such that the sum of the 3 numbers in any direction is 15. in other words, if i number the grid’s positions as
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
then the 3 numbers located at each of these positions would have to add up to 15: [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9], [1, 4, 7], [2, 5, 8], [3, 6, 9], [1, 5, 9], [3, 5, 7].
after you solve this, you will want to note down where the number 7 is, because once you scroll down, you’ll see a grid of 9 illustrations of vogel’s crest in a similar formation as the grid you solved.
once you click the corresponding crest where the 7 was on the puzzle grid, you can move on to the next puzzle!
if you want the answers to this puzzle, you can click here.
♯┆puzzle n.3 .ᐟ
this puzzle is pretty straightforward — you’re given a legend made up from the crown members’ names. after that, you must use that to crack the code at the bottom.
the only thing you need here is to be able to spell the characters’ names and a couple minutes to figure out the message.
i would note down which letter is what symbol, because you’ll need it in the last puzzle!
break the code, and then follow the instructions (back on LINE). it’s not case sensitive, so you don’t need to worry about that. once you do this, nica🍒 will give you a puzzle!
the answer to this puzzle can be found here.
♯┆puzzle n.4 .ᐟ
so first you’ll get a message from nica🍒:
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Oh? Look at you, you’re doing better than I thought. Great job. Though seeing you so desperately make your way this far, could it be you’re taken by me or something?
Haha, from the look on your face, it looks like I’ve hit the mark.
If you’re feeling shaken, the puzzles will only feel harder, you know?
Alright, time to focus again. Wishing you the best.
—— 🍒
he then sends you these two images, and you’ll want to keep the left side one handy, as you’ll need it later as well.
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When you connect the words together,
what was a place where the birds sang together once upon a time is now a variable of an unknown value.
Should you find a one-way ticket to a new story,
you cannot return to the time before you knew of us.
using this grid, you want to do some more code breaking to decipher the pink text at the bottom of the right side image! note that the bracketed numbers are formatted as [col, row]. any numbers not enclosed in brackets should be left as is. here is the answer if you want it.
and now, we’re gonna open twitter, because the cracked code will lead you to an account on twitter.
♯┆vogel interaction .ᐟ
when you visit this account on twitter, you can see a conversation between the vogel members! here’s a translation.
🪽: We must get along with Crown from now on. That’s why, first, I would like to start with the one who has caught my eye: Sir Rex. I should open more opportunities to get to know him further…
🪽: And what of you two? Are there any Cursed ones that have caught your interest? Because if there are, I do not mind if you initiate contact with them. In order for us to become a “family,” we also have to show our share of geniality.
🍒: Hmm, let’s see, seeing the fox be so cautious around us, I think he and I could get along. Oh, and that company president with a harsh look in his eye, maybe? I like to think I do understand his desire for money. Well, I’ll arrange for that soon. And Ring? What about you?
💍: I don’t really have anyone in mind. I’ll get rid of anyone who gets in your way. That’s all there is to it.
🍒: Geez, Ring, going out and saying something so reckless again… ‘getting rid’ of someone is not only risky, but also inefficient and outright boring. That kind of thing is only okay when the opponent strikes first. But for right now, stay put.
🪽: Yes yes, do get along with them, for they may end up becoming “family.” ——Well, aside from that grim reaper, that is. Ahh, seeing him in person made me absolutely despise him all the more. To think he makes the Cursed ones work for the sake of humans, he truly is the worst.
💍: ‘Get along with them’ in order for them to become a “family”… ‘to get along’… what do I have to do then? To get along… since… I, well… don’t have a lot of friends…
🍒: Ring, you just set your bar too high for friendships. Ah, actually, how about starting with the Rotkehlchen? I don’t actually have that much information on her, so take my words with a grain of salt, but I don’t think she’s hostile toward us, so I don’t think she’d do us harm.
💍: That’s a good point… as you said, she really is cute.
🍒: Hm?
💍: Ah—no, it’s nothing! I misunderstood just now! …h-how do I delete that post… hm… hmm? …I-I can’t…
🪽: Anyway, that aside, can I have you follow the fairytale keeper then, my very adorable Ring? I’m certain if it’s you, you can find out more about her, yes? Pass auf dich auf.
💍: Will do. Alles klar.
🪽: Truly, Ring is such a good boy. Not only is he kind and earnest, he listens to everything I say.
🍒: Just what are you thinking about, Dari? You’ve got this evi——I mean you look like you’re enjoying this.
🪽: Ahaha, I see you are as sharp as ever, Nika. But yes, I suppose I was thinking of doing something a little impish with them. Something that will reveal just how useful the little miss fairytale keeper can be, that is… yes?
they then end with this image:
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recognize this from in the game? head over to the app and click on that and then scroll down to the bottom! if you’re stuck, you can click here.
♯┆puzzle n.5 .ᐟ
this is very similar to the previous puzzle, except the code word is different, and you’ll need to input this word into LINE to continue! you will need to use the legend that nica🍒 gave you, along with the legend based on the characters’ names from puzzle n.3, and crack it in the same way you figured out the twitter handle!
you can get the answer here.
♯┆finale .ᐟ
once you send the code word you just cracked over on LINE, you’ll receive a message from ring💍
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To see you’ve come so far in solving everything… could you be a genius?
A fairytale keeper really is something to behold…
Maybe, you could tell me about many things I don’t know? Like fashionable shops or delicious foods… ah, t-that just now! It was nothing—
—— 💍
he then gives you a certificate, where all of them sign it. yep, that’s where the signatures come from! i have the translation below, but i would encourage you to go through this yourself, if you can, because it’s pretty fun, i think! and it may be higher quality images because tmblr may compress quality.
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The end…?
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mrsrookhunt · 7 months
Monster Rook Hunt Pt. 3-- A Mega compilation
@v-anrouge I have returned
This is my apology for essentially 3 months of total radio silence <3
Today's Specials
Kitsune!Rook Hunt
Yeti!Rook Hunt
Siren!Rook Hunt
MIB!Rook Hunt
Alien!Rook Hunt
Ghost!Rook Hunt
Kitsune Rook Hunt
While he may appear as a normal fox beastman in public, you meet him by discovering him at his most vulnerable point-- in between transformation from a regular foxman into a beautiful, legendary kitsune.
It's a night you'll never forget. Sometimes you're convinced that he revealed himself to you on purpose simply so that he could make the excuse that you had to be his now.
Oh how he loves loves lovesss pets and pats and if you wanted to brush his tails or maybe just tousle the fur that would be great, thank you--
Touch is everything to him. If you sit beside him for a spell you have made a mistake, because now you're all wrapped up in nine bushy tails and two great strong arms. He does nothing but nuzzle you if you get even remotely close to him.
I hope you're not allergic to fox fur.
He may or may not suggest he's already built it so you better accept building a den for you if you're far enough in the relationship two weeks it's been two weeks. You may think that it'll be your average fox den nestled in a muddy hole in the ground, but you could not be more wrong. Unbeknownst to most people, foxmen and kitsune folk alike are expert builders of log cabins they consider the modern counterparts of their closely related fox dens.
It's got everything
Two-story ceilings in the living room, 5 bedrooms, a beautifully equipped kitchen and cinema room... and let's not forget the sauna room in the basement. Yeah, Rook, a 'den'.
Apparently, Rook is a master builder. You're tempted to ask him if all kitsune do this but you're not sure you're ready to be blown away by the answer.
Overall you will be isolated from the outside world. Rook has found the one he loves, and he wants to be himself around you. The more time passes the less and less you will be able to convince him to take a transformation potion and venture out into town. Rook is content with your nature-filled, person-devoid life, and he hopes you are too.
Yeti Rook Hunt
So much for a peaceful exploration of the woods on a snowy day.
If you had known a walk in the forest would lead to the untimely and wholly accidental meeting of a half-human, half-yeti creature that seemed to adore you with all of his heart and by that I mean refuses to stop crooning over how taken with you he is and how it's love at first sight, just like he's seen on TV! you might honestly have turned around and gone back home.
Your meeting is... fun. Being lovingly greeted by a 7-foot-tall, fur covered monster in ill-fitting clothes is a lot to process-- first to admit to yourself that such things are real altogether-- and that this one is in love with you.
He asks you to come back to his cave-- and no matter how much you decline, he will always pop up in your life somehow again to invite you as soon as you say no to the previous invitation.
When you finally do go to visit him, you are immediately pulled into cuddles and kisses. This is how you discovered that the only socialization Rook has been given was through TV.... and pushy romance tropes do tend to make their rounds on a good number of shows.
Rook knows nothing about his own species. What you're seeing and feeling is exactly the extent that he knows about himself. He feels that he is human mentally even though he knows that physically he isn't.
Once you lean into him and his company, you will get unfiltered touch to his long, soft fur, and you will be able to intimately converse with him about what he wants in his future. Two very great perks of dating a legendary monster. And unsurprisingly, he wants you.
You will have to get used to living with him. Once you're dating, it isn't optional. Rook is insistent on being the provider, and for once you don't know if that's from TV or instinct.
His cave ahem, apologies, home is actually quite nicely kept, and oddly cozy. The occasional stalagmite encounter typically isn't awful, as the main part of the cave is comprised of solid, nice, well-furnished rock rooms. There's a deeper part of the cave system, but you aren't allowed in there, since past the liveable part Rook has made there's nothing but steep drop offs and weakened ground. Do not test that theory please.
And if you're threatened by weird cave bugs? Do not fret, they come with insurance. If Rook is home, he'll take care of the bugs. If he's out hunting? There's a nice little tightly sealed log cabin with a fireplace and a bookcase outside for you to chill in until he gets home.
It really is the life. Rook makes sure you never want for anything except fast food and all modern conveniences with the exception of cable.
Siren Rook Hunt
Man, these singers are getting too good. So good.
So very, very goo......
Hey, at least the view from the rock outcropping you're trapped on is nice.
Rook is sweet and charming, but you can't really get past the fact that he decided to sing you into an easy kidnapping over just asking you to dinner. He insists that these days, kidnapping is cheaper than going out for dinner, and you hate to admit that he is correct.
Your days are spent watching Rook be a one-man show in performing his favorite operas for you with a little break every few lines so you don't slip into siren-song induced madness and basking on the shore of the small rock island you live on.
Sometimes he brings you back fabric or paper or something to be creative with, but oftentimes he prefers just to spend as much time with you as possible and talk and talk and talk and talk and... well, he's quite chatty. It does entertain you thoroughly.
All of your basic needs are taken care of but Rook does not fully understand the human need for stimulation and outside of chatting with him and sleeping, there's not much for you to do.
If he really wants you to spend your life with him you are tasked with convincing him to buy a house on the shore, so both of your habitat needs are fully met.
After that, things go smoothly. Rook is very convincingly human and you don't have many differences between you. Rook is dedicated to you, and you are dedicated to him.
Men In Black Rook Hunt
Your meeting was your own fault. You had seen an alien, and you were raising hell about it.
Unfortunately, you couldn't just get a normal interrogator. No, you got the self-proclaimed 'investigator of all things eerie', Rook Hunt.
To say he was ecstatic to interview you was an understatement. He seemed more interested in your personal life than he did the actual incident you'd assumed he'd be investigating.
After that interrogation, your fuzzy memories aided you in spotting him following you around town.
When you finally got around to an actual date with him, he was already planning your future on the first conversation of the night.
You knew you were stuck with him then and there.
MIB!Rook has no interest in marriage, for whatever reason. However, you are undeniably his lifetime partner and he loves you more than life. He is often out on jobs... or whatever it is he does for work (you will NEVER know, he's trying to protect you from the truth).
When he's home, he studies you intensely. Rook does not seem fully human to you (something else he hides from you) and his behaviors tend to mimic you with the exception of his unending, incessant French vocabulary. That came pre-eqipped.
Overall, Rook is secretive, but he only wants the best for you... whatever that means to him.
Side note I've actually seen a UFO and documented evidence of it. Does anyone want that story? It actually inspired this lol
Alien Rook Hunt
Learning that aliens exist is fun. Learning that one is stalking you is infinitely worse.
Rook comes in no spacecraft, no beam of light, or fancy supernatural story. He just knocks on your door and invites himself into your home as Rook Hunt of a planet you can't pronounce.
You've known that someone was following you for several months. You weren't necessarily aware it was an inhuman man with a creepy smile who admittedly creeped around your house amd watched your every move. And didn't seem to find anything wrong with it
Have you seen those people with the letters on their backs around here?? Please tell me you haven't seen the people with the letters on their backs around here..... he means the FBI. Unfortunately, the alphabet is still eluding him.
There's a surprising amount of extraterrestrial gossip between species and planets... apparently earth has just been missing out.
Rook is actually on earth as a scholar-- with a degree in cultural studies and a focus on conversational language. So, he does what he can do best: study you, ask questions, and share his own experiences with you! Keep in mind you will have a very sad, defeated, puppy-eyed Rook if you're not keen for lengthy conversations on interstellar tradition and history
Rook likes bringing you soft things. Much like jewelry is a gift of high praise here, soft things such as blankets and warm ...jackets? Why do they have 9 arms are of equal value where he comes from.
He also enjoys taking you out for hikes. His planet boasts a very rich ecosystem, and most people go for dates exclusively in nature--- its something he's trying to bring back to you.
Your differences, while quite obvious to you, are hard to discern to Rook. So long as you entertain him, and allow him to hang around, life will go smoothly.
Ghost Rook Hunt
If you didn't want to attract the attention of the mischievous spirit of a long-dead esteemed hunter, you probably shouldn't have broken into that cabin in the woods in a far off rural town as a 'roadtrip'.
The moment you walked through the door, you knew you had gotten yourself into deeeeep trouble.
Every light was lit in a building that wasn't supposed to have power, the fireplace had been recently stoked, and there were two warm bowls of stew set at the dingy kitchen table as if it had been set for dinner.
Eerie? Yes.
Enough to keep you from dinner? No.
Somehow, your food disappeared out of your backpack Poltergeist? No, Pomefioregeist , so what else could you get this far out of town?
The food makes you dizzy, and you swear you feel the softest touch of a hand on your shoulder before you're out cold.
When you wake up, the door to the cabin is jammed. It's like a horror movie. But most horror movies don't come equipped with giddy, excited, hat-wearing full apparitions.
Rook's plan is to keep you there until you die. He says he'd have to open the door to get groceries, and then you'd leave. Not the best scenario, but, hey, you won't have to pay off your loans anymore.
When you do die, you're Rook's favorite person ever. Cuddles, kisses, the works. He takes you out to see performances that you don't even have to pay for!
Dying is very cost-efficient.
You'd never imagined that ghosts would feel solid to each other, but it was a pleasant surprise when you had your first kiss with him.
Though you two have no real possibility of a future other than floating through the 4th dimension with each other, Rook will keep your eternity filled with love and devotion.
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