#the kids always took it seriously. they were giving that bag of flour a name. they were talking to it. they were putting it in little hats
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haystarlight · 10 months ago
Also do you guys actually cut frogs open like wtf is that about. Y'all okay? Do you need some help?
okay americans i gotta ask because as an European i grew up with lots of american shows and cartoons and in a lot of them there was an episode where they give the protags a doll or an egg or a bag of flour or whatever and told them pretend to be its parents or something
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m-aster-of-spinjitzu · 3 years ago
orange and gold
...I just need more Cole and Vania content, they seem like they'd be great friends.
Basically it's just 'Cole goes to visit her there, they almost burn down the kitchen, and make way too many puns', lol.
Set a few months after Master of the Mountain, but before Seabound or The Island.
Also yeah, I couldn't think of a better title, sue me- I just know that they wear one of the colours at some point, so... 🤦‍♀️😂
Trigger warnings: none I think? Huh-
Also, bingo!! I really need to learn better time management, dear freaking gosh- I hope I'm not too late though? I know it's like half a day late, eek- and I was supposed to post this earlier, but I ended up literally falling asleep while writing it😂
Thank you so much Fabro, for hosting such a cool event!:D Your comments on my fics literally never fail to make my day<3. And I'm so glad that I met so many awesome, really skilled people through this event too - it's been a lot of fun working alongside y'all:D, I wish I'd had more time to interact instead of posting stuff and vanishing lol, but exams be like:////
Prompt: cooking (does baking count as cooking? I realized too late lol-) from @ninjago-bingo 's warm board.
Word Count: 2497
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Trying to escape from killer dire-bats hadn't been on Cole's to do list today - although the mountains were kind of beautiful.
It was a bit difficult to see them while he was being dragged to his death, but hey, didn't Jay always tell them to be more positive?
That was, until he made the mistake of looking down.
Miles of snowcapped mountains touched the pastel blue sky, but he was more focused on exactly how high he was from the ground.
Trying to swing back onto the Bounty, he didn't notice a golden-winged blur shoot past the bat, almost dropping their spear in haste.
"Let my friend go, or I'll-"
She throws the spear at the bird, successfully knocking one of its wings.
Huh. She must've been practicing - throwing with accuracy while flying seemed kinda difficult.
"I'm so sorry!" she replies, grabbing his arm before he fell down too. She winces at the strain on her wings, almost dropping him onto the deck. "I was supposed to come earlier, but there was an issue with one of the mines, and it took forever to-"
"There ain't anything in this world that's managed to kill me yet," he replies jokingly, checking that the autopilot hadn't been damaged. "I doubt an angry bird is going to be the first."
"Didn't you mention that you became a ghost once? Pretty sure that means you were dead-"
"Shh, that's not an important detail," he jokes.
"If you say so," she replies with a grin. "Did I mention that Chompy's been tearing down the palace flower arrangements again?"
"Send my regards to the gardener-"
"Did you just make a pun?"
"Remind me why I decided to visit you again?"
"Because you love me?" she asks stepping onto the ground as the Bounty landed gently.
"I hereby crown you as my platonic soulmate," Cole deadpans, taking her hand. "Vania and Cole-"
"Destined to annoy each other for eternity," she giggles, swinging their hands up and down. "But seriously - thanks. I don't think I realized how much work being a queen was."
"What's it like?"
"I mean - I'm glad that people trust me, and they come to me if they have a problem, but the paperwork is a nightmare. I never get to go outside anymore, I swear."
"Paperwork? Also, you just invited me here for a week. I don't wanna disturb you?"
"Nah, I cleared my schedule, don't worry. And trust me, you don't want to know. Everything requires some sort of official written thing, and it's so boring-"
"Official? But you're the queen?"
"Well, yeah, but I don't really want to change something unless it benefits the people. Not after..."
Her smile dims, eyes straying to the palace walls.
Oh- oh.
"You're nothing like him," Cole says firmly, squeezing her hand. "I mean, if you need to take a break, or you can make your job a bit easier by cutting out something unnecessary, that's just gonna help you become a better queen. You've definitely got the interests of your people at heart, and that's the most important thing, you know? And well, uh, everything seems to be going great so far - you don't have to beat yourself up over someone else's mistakes."
"Thanks," she replies softly, her smile slowly returning. "Speaking of breaks, what do you think we should do this time?"
"You could show me around the city again?"
"You've already seen everything cool," Vania giggles, skipping ahead of him. "We don't renovate much - unlike you guys-"
"Hey, it's not our fault that our city gets destroyed every few months-"
"More like every few days," she teases, tying back her golden hair. "How about we find some dragons to adopt?"
"Tempting, but where would you keep them?"
"They could sleep in my room-"
She breaks off when she notices him laughing. "What?"
"N- nothing," Cole replies, in between laughs. "Jay and I just made a bet."
"On what?"
"How many dragons you've adopted. I bet at least six, he bet fifteen."
"Well, jokes on both of you - I'm pretty sure my advisor's going to throw a fit if I show up with another one," she starts, giggling. "We've got twenty living in the palace right now."
"Twenty dragons?"
"They're so cute! You just look into their adorable little eyes," Vania pauses for breath, continuing her animated gesturing, "and you can't help but wanna hug them!"
"Oh, Jay's going to be so mad."
"Aww, I'm sorry guys. They're just too adorable!"
"...Wanna hear a funny story?"
"Yeah, sure!"
"I actually used to be terrified of dragons-"
"No way!" Vania exclaims. "Y'all have been on a lot of adventures though, so-"
"Nah, we used to have our own dragons at first. They were pretty cool! I just- I'm a simple guy! Huge animals with wings are scary up close when you're barely a teenager."
"Or when you're really short-"
"We're the same height!" Cole exclaims, facepalming in a bit of a fondly exasperated way.
"I'm two years younger than you-"
"Ugh, whose idea was this?"
"Yours," Vania grins, sitting down on the kitchen counter.
"You were supposed to help me, not leave me high and dry!" Cole accuses jokingly, staring at all the appliances they'd found in the cupboards.
"'One must always be prepared for new adventures,'" she quotes seamlessly, waving one of- what was his name again? Mulch something? Oh! Clutch! Some explorer he was, leaving them to die in the pyramid - Clutch Powers' books in the air.
"Fine," he sighs, staring at the old recipe book she'd found in one of their back cupboards. "But you've gotta help me? I almost burned down-" "Woah, what? If you finish that sentence with 'kitchen'-" "In my defense, Kai was playing a prank on me-" "In my defense, I wouldn't like to explain how the queen of Shintaro burnt down the palace by teaching one of her friends to cook," she grins, flipping through the pages. "What do you wanna start with?" "Something simple?" "Have you ever tried baking bread before? It's a lot of fun!" "I haven't really had the time, but that sounds kinda interesting."
He skims the recipe, raising his eyebrows. "Wait, why does this take hours? I thought you said it was simple?"
"Trust me, it is," she laughs, adding, "besides, I still wanna hear about all your adventures!" "Uh... okay," Cole replies hesitantly, "but if this fails, I'm so sorry." "Give yourself some credit, you guys literally saved the world! Multiple times!" "Bold of y'all to assume we know how we did it," he laughs, only half-kidding. "Besides. I botched soup once."
"I've botched toast," she mock-sighs, smiling. "Pretty sure that makes us even."
"Lemme get this straight. You've messed up toasting bread, but you can bake it from scratch?"
"Trust me, I don't know either," she giggles, trying to open a brightly coloured packet of... something? Did flour come in packets that small?
"Uh, why are you opening something called 'feast'?" he asks, eyebrows creased in confusion.
"Feast," she echoes, trying to stifle her laughter. "Off to a... rocky start, aren't we?"
It took him a second.
"I already regret this," he jokes, facepalming. "But I'd say that your puns are, uh, gold."
"I've un- unleashed-" breaking off, she half-falls off the counter, laughing so hard her face starts to go red, "a monster."
"Uh, is it supposed to look like that?" Cole asks, frowning.
The mixture looked less like the dough he'd been expecting - more like one of Jay's inventions gone wrong.
Badly wrong, he thought, eyes widening at the goopy mess of foam that threatened to spill over the jug.
"The yeast?" Vania echoes, poking her head out of one of the cupboards. "Yeah, all good! It always looks a little gross, and you're gonna doubt ever eating bread again, but at least it doesn't taste like it's fermented-"
"It's what?"
"Yeah," she grimaces, exaggerating her disgust a bit. "If aliens ever fell from the sky, they'd think we were crazy for eating bread-"
"Aliens? I think we're a bit crazy!" Cole exclaims, trying not to laugh.
Vania smiles, then sighs, lugging a huge bag of flour onto the counter. "I can never open these bags properly," she starts, eyeing the the bag a bit warily, "and it always makes such a huge mess all over the kitchen. You'd think they'd make it easier for people to use, right? I swear-"
He jokingly puts his hands over his ears. "I can't hear you!" "But you know that I've sworn off swearing-" she replies, breaking off with a laugh. "Pun not intended - that actually made sense in my head. I swear!"
"No," Cole interjects with a grin, shaking his head. "You don't, remember?"
"See, this is why we're friends-"
"Friends? Is that all I am to you?"
"Oh, be quiet," she shoots back, exaggeratedly dragging a hand down her face. "I mean, sure, just because everyone thinks that we're dating doesn't mean that we-"
Wait. What?
"People think that we're dating?" he asks, clamping a hand over his mouth in a poor attempt to muffle his laughter. "I- I- really?"
"I know, right?"
"Even my friends thought so at first," he confesses, dragging a hand down his face. "I mean, as much as I love you-"
"I love you too," Vania replies, completely seriously. "Even if you'll always be more like an annoying-"
"Sibling to me than anything else," she finishes, grabbing a pair of scissors. Cole watches, a little alarmed, as she stabs them into the flour bag over and over.
"Is it... supposed to be this difficult to just open the bag? Seems kinda stupid-"
"Well, er, they have this piece of paper with glue that you're supposed to pull away from the rest of the bag, but it never works properly and I-"
"Well, we could always make our own flour," Cole interjects, laughing. "I mean, I've got a scythe? Let's go!"
"Uh, but we don't have wheat growing here. I don't think it'd suit the climate very well?"
"Wheat a shame," Cole sighs jokingly, measuring out the flour (which had, finally, escaped the bag).
"Oh my gosh," Vania deadpans, "you did not just-"
"Yep, I did."
"You're horrible," she giggles, "then again, I was the one who started this whole debacle, so I think we'll share the blame."
"Debacle? Where'd you pick that one up from? Sounds kinda cool-"
"Oh, it's from a book someone wrote about you guys," Vania says casually, pouring a cup of water into the bowl.
"Hey, uh-" Cole starts hesitantly, twisting his fingers back and forth, then breaks off. "Why'd you read all that stuff about us, anyways? Adventure books don't really seem like something you read a lot, since we have similar favorite books. I mean..."
"Well, um..." Vania trails off, clearly uncomfortable. "Uh- I guess, well, it sounds kinda stupid, but I'd never really met anyone my age who wasn't a royal or something. I... er, I didn't want to be left out, you know?"
Cole thinks back to a scroll; a quest, a sacrifice. One that his friends never seemed to really notice, unless it was with horror or flinches. Not that he blamed them, but - joking about how he was much more useful to the team when he was freaking dead than he was before he'd stumbled and fell in the temple?
That had been a bit far, even for his best friend. Locks could always be picked or something, he didn't need to be a ghost to provide some sort of value-
Well, that's not completely true, is it? a small voice questions, and he can't keep his hands from shaking a little.
"Jay here thinks you're the least valuable ninja."
Not enough to be a performer. Now, not good enough to even be a ninja, apparently.
Well, he reminds himself firmly, you don't have to be the best - just stand up to those who are cruel and unjust.
Nothing but a scar that glowed warm orange occasionally left of the whole Cursed Realm ordeal, sometimes it was all too easy to forget - or pretend - that it had never even happened in the first place.
Other times, like when he'd dropped a glass of water on the floor and his hands hadn't stopped shaking for hours, or when he woke up screaming, expecting to fall through his bed again, it still felt like he was trapped as a ghost. Literally - and maybe a little figuratively as well.
Yeah. Yeah, I know.
"Thanks for trusting me with that," he replies softly. "And I'm sorry. That sounds... horrible, but, honestly, you're a pretty cool person, and I ain't just saying that because we're friends. People can be awful, and they can- they can leave, but you don't need to pretend to be someone you're not for people to accept you. I kinda know what it's like, and it's... just, uh, not great."
"No, thank you," Vania says, rubbing her eyes. "You're pretty cool, too. And I'm glad that we become friends, even if wasn't in the- the, er, greatest circumstances."
"Right back at ya. The fall was pretty terrifying, though," Cole says casually, as if memories of that nightmarish plunge into the depths of earth don't still send shivers down his spine.
"No, definitely! I was so sure we were gonna splat onto the ground or something, thank gosh we didn't."
"Yeah..." Cole trails off, reading the recipe they'd been following. "Oh- do we just leave the bowl somewhere for a few hours now?"
"Oh, yeah," Vania answers. "Other than clean up the kitchen, what else do you wanna do?"
"That's kind of you, but, ah, I don't mind. You can choose something."
"I don't mind either," she replies, covering the bowl with a dishcloth. "Seriously, I don't."
"Same here though."
"Really, I don't mind-" Vania breaks off with a laugh, adding, "Well, actually, there is something."
She doesn't elaborate, thoughtfully gazing out the window.
"Well, what is it? Don't keep me in the dark."
"Ugh, it's kinda stupid-"
"I'm sure that it's not- well, unless you want to try to jump off a flying ship with a homemade parachute to prove a bet to someone-"
"Do I even wanna know?"
"...uh, probably not. We're way too crazy sometimes, our Master has a hard time keeping us in check. Your thing, though?"
"Can I give you a hug?"
Cole blinks for a second, expecting some sort of punchline.
"That's your thing?"
"Well, yeah- I mean, I said it was kinda stupid-"
"No no, that's not what I meant. You're so sweet - that's all."
"Well, not more than you-"
"Nah, you're sweeter-"
"Let's just call it a tie," Vania says with a smile, reaching over to give her friend a hug. "Thank you so much, I swear- well, no, I don't, but you know, anyways-"
"Yeah," Cole replies, laughing softly. "I know."
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wiypt-writes · 4 years ago
Stark Spangled Banner
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Ch 11:  A Turkey Called Marv
Summary: Nat, Clint, Evans, Lawson and the rest of her SHIELD team throw Katie a leaving party once news of her resignation spreads across the Triskellion before Katie and Steve head to New York to spend their first Thanksgiving as a couple with Tony, Pepper and Bruce.
Paring: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
Warnings: None for this chap, bar a bit of bad language and teeth rotting fluff
A/N: Accompanying One Shot- The Life Of Marv. 
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Chapter 10
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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November 2013
News of Katie’s spectacular resignation spread like wildfire through the Triskellion. Evans, Lawson, Natasha and Clint had all been pretty upset but had understood when she had explained why she was doing it, even if Natasha didn’t necessarily agree. They had no intention of letting her go quietly, however, and the team took it upon themselves to organise a small Leaving do at Lori’s which was in full swing. Background music was playing, food had arrived and the drinks were flowing. Steve was talking to Lawson, Rumlow and Evans by the bar, leaning against it, an easy smile on his face as Katie stood with Clint and Natasha a bit further down the bar as Clint was talking to them about his latest home improvement plan.  
“So I thought about putting in a pool.” Clint mused, “Now the kids are bigger I thought it might be nice to have one. Maybe even a pool house round it for bad weather.”
“How ambitious.” Nat quirked an eyebrow.
Clint grinned. “That’s my middle name.”
“Really?” Katie asked. “I always thought it was Robert.”
“What?” Clint looked at her as Nat snorted out a laugh.  "Francis.  Why would you think its Robert?“
Katie shrugged "You look like a Bob.”
“Wait… so it’s not Ambitious?” Nat asked, winking at Katie. “How boring.”
Katie nodded, draining her glass.  "Bob would have been better.”
"Right,” Clint started, pulling himself taller. “I hate both of you.”
The girls laughed and Nat turned to Katie. “So what’s in the pipeline for you now Nova?” “I have no idea.” Katie shrugged and she didn’t. “I guess I’ll just get more involved in the family business.”
“You gonna move to New York?” Clint asked. She shook her head. “Probably spend a bit more time there but, I’m not moving back.”
“Nah, she can’t leave lover boy.” Natasha looked at Clint and Katie rolled her eyes. Truth is Nat had hit the nail on the head. No way was she leaving Steve in DC to move back to the tower. Although they had only been together seven months she had spent over a year of her life being ‘with him’ one way or another and the thought of him not being there terrified her.
“You know, to be fair Nat, they’ve been going out a while now. Things are probably starting to cool off.” Clint teased “Oh trust me, there’s no problems in that department.” Katie sniggered, looking over to where Steve was stood.
“And would you look at that. I’m out of alcohol…” Nat said, suddenly “And so is Stark.”
“There’s a bar over there,” Clint pointed
“Cheers…”Natasha took Katie’s glass and handed it to him along with her own. Clint shook his head taking the glasses with a sigh.
“So… now he’s gone…” Nat glanced over at Steve then back to Katie “Gimme details…”
“Details on what?”
“Throw me a bone here Stark. I’m working on a dry spell.”
“Why are you so obsessed with my sex life?” Katie groaned. “You’re constantly trying to get me to talk about it.”
“Hey, look, up until a few months ago I was convinced he was a virgin.”
“Well then you’re a dumbass.” Katie smirked “Like I said, he’s Captain America, had girls throwing themselves at him back in the day.” “So he was until the serum?”
“I never said that.” Katie flushed.
“You’re such a shit liar.”
“Can we change the subject?”
“Ok, answer me one question and then I’ll drop it.” Nat pressed.
“What?” Katie snapped with an air of playful frustration. If she was honest, it was quite nice to have a girlfriend to chat to about these kind of secrets.
“Did the serum enhance…everything?” Nat wiggled her eyebrows.
Katie glanced over at Steve and smirked before she looked back at her. Fuck it.
“Well if it didn’t, I’ve no idea how he managed to stay upright before.” she smirked "I’m a lucky woman”
The red head threw back her head in a dirty laugh, a laugh that Katie had never heard from her before and it made her snigger at the sight of the normally composed assassin letting loose.
“What I miss?” Clint asked as he reappeared, handing them their drinks.
“I’ll explain when you’re older…” Nat said, patting his chest fondly.
The next two weeks flashed by and before they knew it, it was the morning before thanksgiving and they were at the Tower in New York. Last year Katie and Steve had spent Thanksgiving as friends. This year they were spending it as lovers, and Katie was also excited to be spending it with Tony, although she would never admit that out loud.
Steve was also looking forward to it as well. Tony had mellowed to him somewhat over the past few months, especially when he had found out Steve was supporting Katie’s decision to quit SHIELD and not trying to stop her as he had original thought the Captain would. He was also looking forward to Katie’s damned fine cooking as well. Despite the fact that Tony had offered to cater in as Pepper was away until the very last minute, his girl had insisted on cooking it herself, especially now she had plenty of time on her hands.  
As such, Steve and Tony had left her in the kitchen area of the main living quarters at midday to head down to the lab to discuss some further upgrades to the Tower. When they left Katie had been surrounded by bags of flour and ingredients, and when Steve returned he found her at just gone 5:30 surrounded by 3 pies (one apple, one pumpkin and one blackberry) pans of vegetables prepped ready for the and a turkey in the oven ready for JARVIS to turn on in the morning. She was stood at the sink, gently humming, the kitchen now clean and the smell of her baking making his mouth water.
“What are you doing Soldier?” Katie asked, jumping a little as Steve’s arms came around her sides, reaching for the sink, effectively trapping her between the counter and his body.
He laid his chin on her shoulder. “The dishes,”
“I’m only leaving the pie dish to soak.” She informed him, turning her head to give him a quick kiss. “The rest are going in the Dishwasher.”
“Oh because God forbid her majesty would actually wash a dish.” He teased and she rolled her eyes.
“You don’t wash them much either. How many brushes did you break last week?”
“The plastic is bad quality.” Steve pouted.
“Nothing to do with your ridiculously large hands being too rough.” “You weren’t complaining last night.” He grinned, lips warm against her neck as he gently nipped under her ear. Katie squirmed a little and then swatted him in the face with the dishtowel, and he laughed out loud.
“Seriously though Doll face, are you nearly done? You’ve been in here all afternoon. You do know we’re not eating till 3 tomorrow, right?” His hands squeezed her hips and she tossed the dishcloth down and turned to face him, her hands sliding up his chest to his shoulders.
“Yeah but the more I do now, the less I have to do tomorrow, and let’s face it, it’s not like I have anything else to do, on account of being an unemployed bum.” She shrugged making Steve laugh again.  “Plus, I just want everything to be, you know…right.” she shrugged, and she did.
“It’s a dinner.”
“It’s Thanksgiving” She corrected him.
“Yeah, and last years was pretty cool, remember?”
“Yeah but…” she trailed off, biting her lip. Steve knew that look well enough now to know there was more to this.
“What?” He probed gently.
“Nothing, just, well I never had a boyfriend over for Thanksgiving before. Or Christmas come to think of it.”
Steve smiled “I like being your first…” Katie grinned. The whole ‘I like being your first’ thing had started off by her saying it to Steve but they’d fast come to realise that they actually both had a world of inexperience between them when it came to relationships, and it was nice that they could be each other’s firsts in a lot of ways.  “Honey, tomorrow is gonna be great.” He assured, tipping her face up to look at his “Don’t sweat it.”
“Did you seriously just say don’t sweat it?” she sniggered.
Steve groaned “I told you I spent the afternoon with your brother…”
She giggled and leaned up to catch his lips in a soft kiss.
“Getting kinda tired of catching you two making out in a kitchen!” Tony chose that time to waltz in and open the fridge door, pointing to them as he did so. “You got your own floor, piss off and go use it.” ******
Katie woke the next morning to find Steve’s side of the bed empty and cold. It wasn’t unusual for him to be up earlier than her, she knew he would either be out running, in the gym or making coffee. She climbed out of bed and walked to the blinds of the bedroom, instructing JARVIS to open them, the AI being one of the many perks about being 'home’. The New York skyline stretched below her and as she glanced down she saw the people gathered on the sidewalks, attention turned to the streets, obviously waiting for the Thanksgiving Parade. She had asked Steve if he wanted to go and watch it in person but he had said he would prefer to stay in and watch from the tower as he didn’t fancy getting mobbed in the street. Being recognised by one person every so often was fine but in those crowds if one person spotted him then it would spread like wildfire. Besides, as he had pointed out, her floor had an awesome view so they could watch out of the window with a drink. Katie frowned as suddenly a large brown turkey shaped balloon floated in front of her eyes. The parade wasn’t supposed to start until nine and that meant by the time it made its way to the Avengers tower it would be… she turned and glanced at the click and gave a yelp. She had slept in until Ten. 
Steve heard her before he saw her, not that he needed super hearing to hear the loud yell of "how fucking late?” coming from the bedroom. Grinning to himself he turned back to the griddle on the island of the kitchen, flipping a pancake with one hand and drinking a coffee with the other. “Why didn’t you wake me?” Katie grumbled to him as she leaned in the kitchen doorway, taking him in for a moment. He was freshly showered, dressed in a loose grey t-shirt and sweats, hair still a bit damp and spiked up in a way that made her smile. “Because you were up early yesterday and I thought I’d make you breakfast for a change.” He shrugged as she wrapped her arms around his waist, pressing her face into the back of his shoulder. The smell of his shower gel mixed with the smell of the pancake mix, made her nuzzle her nose into him to inhale deeply. “You smell good.” She eventually spoke again. “Good to know.” A grin tugged at the corners of his lips at the fact she was still clinging to him. “I just saw a giant inflatable Turkey.” Her hands dropped and slid under his T-shirt, gently rubbing at his stomach. “What?” Steve paused. “The parade”
Steve smiled. “You know when I was a kid, the parade was the best part of Thanksgiving.” “Yeah?” she mumbled, her cheek still pressed to his shoulder.
“Yeah. Me and Bucky used to come into Manhattan with his family and my ma if she wasn’t working and stuff ourselves on popcorn and warm mixed nuts” He smiled to himself at the memory. They always picked out their favourite balloons, ate until they thought they would burst, and made Rebecca, Bucky’s younger sister laugh till she cried by pretending they were in the marching bands. But once the war started, the parade had ended. He had never realized that they started it up again until Tony and Katie had mentioned it last night as they had sat eating takeout. Part of him had wanted to go to the street to watch it but after seeing that morning how crowded it had been on his run he was happy to watch it from the comfort of Katie’s floor. He turned to face her for first time that day, her arms still round his waist. Her hair was pulled up into a pony tail, face fresh, eyes bright and she was, as ever, in one of his shirts and not a lot else. He leaned forward to give her a quick kiss and when he moved away, she quickly closed the space to give him another, letting her lips linger on his for a second. “I’ll burn the pancakes.” He murmured and she grinned, pulling away. “I’ll make fresh coffee.” She pat his chest and turned to the machine. “Hey JAR…Hit me with some Christmas tunes, buddy” “The usual Miss Stark?” “As long as it has the Pogues on…” “Wouldn’t dream of not doing” the AI replied and then the apartment was flooded with the sounds of ‘Fairy Tale of New York.’ “It’s November.” Steve turned to look at her, but she simply grinned to herself and turned around, singing to him. He couldn’t help but laugh, he knew from last year that Christmas for her started at Thanksgiving and ended on New Year’s Day. Plus the fact that the previous year she had spent Christmas day fighting a bunch of exploding super soldiers meant that she was going to enjoy this year as much as possible. He shook his head, a low chuckle escaping before he turned back to his pancakes. They dragged the cushions off the couch and ate breakfast sat by the huge floor to ceiling windows of the penthouse, Katie sat between Steve’s legs as they both watched the parade. Suddenly, a large green balloon floated by the window and Katie gave a loud squeal when she saw what it was. A Hulk float. An amused smile spread across her lips as she watched the balloon bob in front of the window, twisting to the sides in the air as it wrestled with the wind. “Oh my God!” Katie giggled again, gently tapping Steve’s right calf but he had already spotted it. A massive shield was coming out, followed by Iron Man’s mask, Thor’s hammer, a bow and arrow, Natasha’s Red Widow symbol and her own Nova star. She turned to look at him, a little smile was tugging at the corners of his mouth and when he met her eyes the smile broke out across his features. Laughing in disbelief, he shook his head, turning his attention back look at the shield float bounce down the street. “That’s pretty cool.” He allowed himself a slightly smug and amazed sigh, and it was. If anyone had told him all those years ago that one day he would feature in the Macy’s Thanksgiving parade he would have told them that they were mad. Yet there it was. He found himself smiling as he thought about how his ma and Bucky would have reacted. When they had finished eating, Katie leaned back into him a little more, slouching so that her knees were bent and her feet rested on the bottom of the window. His arms reached round her neck, and he kissed the back of her head as they continued to watch the floats, the gentle sound of Bing Crosby “White Christmas” now playing through the room, the two of them simply enjoying the closeness of one another. ***** Eventually it was time to head downstairs and join Tony, Bruce and Pepper for their dinner. Katie and Pepper left the men to it and finished off the prep before calling them all to the table. As was tradition, as ‘head of the house’ Tony carved the turkey with his usual, trademark drama and they took it in turns to give a few things they were thankful for. Tony was thankful for his friends, family and a decent brand of scotch he had in the cupboard for later, Pepper was thankful for being so fortunate and being surrounded by people she loved, Bruce was thankful for being welcomed into their family home, not just for today but since he had taken up residency just after the Chitauri Battle, and Katie was thankful for being in the presence of people she cared for, and for the last year being so much better than the previous twelve months. She shot a wink at Steve as she said that and he beamed before he realised they were waiting for him.
 "Okay, well…” He cleared his throat. “I guess I’m thankful for being given a second chance, being welcomed by you all…and for, err, you.” He grinned at Katie who gave him a playful roll of the eyes but the flush on her cheeks told him she had understood.
“Awww.” Pepper smiled, as Tony made a gagging noise which resulted in Katie throwing a carrot at him. He pointed at her, frowning.
“No food fights on my floor, Kiddo.” He said sternly and she simply raised an eyebrow at him, taking a sip of her wine.
The food was good, not that anyone expected anything else. Both Tony and Banner managed two servings whilst Steve made it through three. And then there was the pie. Steve scoffed down a piece of each, whilst everyone else could only face one, but no one cared. And he found himself secretly pleased that there was enough left for him to scoff later on.
“I’m so glad I wore leggings.” Pepper sighted, leaning back and massaging her stomach.  
“Tell me about it.” Katie moaned. “I’m so glad this denims have an elasticated waist.” She pulled at the middle of her long maroon peplum style top. “Think I’m having a food baby.”
“Yeah, I gotta hand it to you Kiddo…” Tony leaned back in his chair, undoing the top button of his pants and massaging his stomach “That was absolutely awesome.“
Steve’s hand dropped to his girl’s leg under the table and he gave her knee a little squeeze as she reached for her wine glass, before he moving his arm to drop it round the back of her chair. "I certainly prefer the Turkey dead and cooked anyway” Tony added and Katie groaned. “Are you ever gonna let me live that down?” She looked at him. “No” he shook his head. “What’s this?” Steve asked, setting his glass down. “Did she not tell you about the time she brought home a live Turkey one year? Katie sighed as Steve sat up, turning to her, smirking "No…” “I was seventeen and going through a meat is murder phase.” She waved away the comment with her hands. “I was in the way home and saw him. He was the only one left in the farmyard so I liberated him” “By liberated she means stole.” Tony quipped, standing up to retrieve two more bottled of Rijoca from the wet bar as laughs rang round the table. “No one came looking for him.” She shrugged. “Marv lived a happy life for five years in our back garden” “Marv?” Bruce looked at her, a smile creeping across his face. “After the character from Home Alone.” She replied simply
“You had a turkey called Marv?” The scientist deadpanned and she nodded.
“He was a great pet. Used to chase Tony around” “The bird was a fucking menace.” Tony frowned, topping everyone’s glass up. Settling back into his chair, Katie noticed Pepper giving him a look and he started suddenly as if he was remembering something. He leaned forward and looked at Katie. "So I know we don’t do Thanksgiving gifts kiddo but I was thinking yesterday about something you said to me once, about having a vision for a publishing company.”
Katie stole a look at Steve who simply shrugged. It was true, when she had first graduated she had thought about setting up a publishing company, but one that dealt with unknown writers. Her favourite books in the world were the Harry Potter series and during her degree she had been lucky enough to attend a small seminar held by JK Rowling, who had openly discussed her life before becoming a famous author. She had been a single mother, struggling to make ends meet, and even after she had written the books it took her years to get a deal, being rejected by four different publishers before Bloomsbury (a small, independent group) took a chance on her and it paid off for both of them. Katie loved the rags to riches story and since then had always harboured a desire to do the same thing for other authors but it had never really been much more than a pipe dream.
“It was an idea I once had.” She shrugged, looking at Tony. “Then things went a bit crazy.” “Well… how about we make it a bit more than an idea?” Pepper said. “What?” Katie frowned, looking at Pepper, then he brother who nodded. “I want you to put a proper proposal together, business plan, mood and story board that type of thing.” He said, waving his hand in that Tony-esque manner “Then we’re gonna look at what we need to set it up and take it to the board. Run it as a Ltd company under the Parent company of Stark Industries, but you’ll be the Managing Director.” “I…, I can’t run a business!” She stammered. “Didn’t you run the UK branch of SI for a while?” Bruce looked at her, smiling. “That was different.” She pressed. “Why?” Steve asked. “Shut up Steven.” She shot without even looking at him.
There were a few chuckles round the table before Tony continued. “Look, you don’t need to work.” He shrugged. “You have enough capitol behind you plus the revenue from the business as it to live your life out as an IT girl,  but we both know you’ll end up killing someone if you get bored, and that’s likely to be Cap seeing as you see him most so this is for him as much as you.” “Thanks Tony.” Steve tipped his glass to the Inventor who winked. Katie pondered. It really had been a dream of hers since leaving Uni, putting her degree and passion into her work and she would be lying if she said the thought didn’t excite her but it was a hell of a big commitment, and what if it all failed?
“I’ll help you.” Pepper smiled at Katie who was biting her lip. "I’ll proof read the proposal and I’ll be there every step of the way whilst you set up.” She leaned back in her chair. "The week before Christmas there’s another board meeting. I suggest we use that to pitch the idea.” 
“I think this could be a great opportunity for you and Stark Industries.” Tony looked at Katie. “And you’ll get full autonomy over it all, I promise.” This was amazing. She looked at Steve who nodded encouragingly. “What is it you keep saying to me? You’ll never know until you try?” he smiled at her. She took a deep breath and looked around the table before throwing caution to the wind and letting out a huge grin. “Ok. Fuck it. Let’s do it.” **** After another half an hour or so of chatter, and a bottle of champagne to celebrate Katie’s agreement to the business idea, everyone chipped in to clear the table before retiring to the plush living area of Tony and Pepper’s floor for more drinks and chat. Then the alcohol really did began to flow, Steve and Tony moving onto the scotch,  the soldier watching as everyone around him descended into that well recognised drunken haze. And then out came ‘Drawing Without Dignity’, a game Steve had never played before which was really rather vulgar, but he couldn’t help but enjoy it. The game fast slid into chaos which was to be expected with an extremely competitive Super Soldier who had a natural advantage as he could actually draw, an equally competitive billionaire and a normally mild mannered scientist who also was quite cutthroat when it came to winning it turned out.
Pepper and Katie spent most of the time sniggering at the bickering men, and at the point when they were laughing that much when it was their go, the three boys got so frustrated they banned them from playing. For that, the next time Steve asked Katie what one of the more risqué sayings meant (he had cringed at a fair few of them over the course of the evening) she lied to sabotage him earning her a full on Captain glare. “That was a pretty shitty thing to do.” He grumbled at her as Tony and Bruce were both howling with laughter. “Not my fault Captain Badass doesn’t know what Rimming is!” Katie shot back, wiping away her tears. Steve had to bite back his own laugh at the ridiculous nickname, instead he fixed her with another glare which she returned with a simple shrug of her shoulders. The game ended, and Steve and Tony called it a draw, which was probably the easiest thing to do since Pepper had stopped taking count and tallying towards the end. It was now well after ten pm and Steve looked around the room as Tony stood up, a little unsteady on his feet, teetering back over to the bar.
“I think maybe we’ve had enough.” Pepper hiccupped slightly looked at Tony who had been reaching for another bottle of liquor, wheeled round slightly too fast causing him to stumble into the bar.
Katie cackled as Tony looked at Pepper “Shut up Mom.” he grabbed another bottle of scotch in one hand and the open bottle of Krug the girls were drinking in the other. He walked carefully over towards the sofa, as he dropped down into it heavily, handing the champagne to Katie who was on the floor in between Steve’s legs, her back resting against the sofa. She took it and poured herself and Pepper a glass, quite pleased that she didn’t spill any.
“You know he…he can’t get drunk!”  Tony handed Bruce a now full glass, pointing to Steve.
“That’s sad.” Bruce surmised, taking a sip of his drink before Tony sat bolt upright, and pointed at the scientist.
“Hey, I wonder if Hulk can get drunk?”
“That’s an…that’s an…ex…exper-expediment I don’t think we should do.” Bruce shook his head, hiccups punctuating his speech.
“Absolutely not.” Steve shook his head as Katie cackled.
“But it would be for science purposes.” Tony pressed
Bruce wrinkled his nose and shook his head “No Code Green.” “Spoil sport.” Tony sniffed
They stayed for another hour or so, until Pepper fell asleep. Katie’s cheeks were flushed pink and when she asked for a bottle of water Steve knew it was time to go. After asking Tony if he needed help clearing anything up, which he declined stating housekeeping would be in at some point tomorrow to deal with it, Steve stood up, surprised to find he actually felt a little bit of a head-rush. Ok, so maybe the three bottles of scotch they’d managed to go through had had a little effect after all, but he felt the fizziness ebbing away as he pulled Katie to her feet and she grinned up at him.
“Wanna carry me Soldier?” she asked.
He arched an eyebrow and in one swoop had her over his shoulder, causing her to shriek with laughter as she clutched at his navy blue cardigan jacket.
“Night!” She waved from her upside down position. Tony and Bruce waved distractedly from where they were now trying to mix some form of cocktail at the bar.
“You can put me down now.” Katie patted Steve on his back as they boarded the elevator. “Steve…”
He smirked to himself, ignoring her giggles and protests, swatting lightly at her ass, and didn’t put her down until they reached  the bedroom where he tossed her onto the bed and set about showing her exactly how thankful for her he was
******* If you want to read more about Marv the Turkey, check out the One shot: The Life Of Marv. As with all SSB One Shots, they don’t need to be read to understand the main story...consider them tasty little side dishes.
Chapter 12 Part 1
**Original Posting**
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yayeetsonny · 5 years ago
Knucklehead Moves~USWNT x Baby Reader
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Prompt: Similar to the imagine “Skateboarding Shenanigans” baby r gets hurt and faints... 
Requested by: @laikato​
My name is Y/N L/N and I have 22 “moms”and sisters. Now I know what you’re thinking “22 of them? How?” Well you see I’m the youngest player on the USWNT at 16 years old, and as such the older players feel the need to be protective and parental in every situation and the younger ones are treated much the same way that I am. I’m sure if they had it their way I’d be wrapped in bubble wrap and carried around 24/7. They’re always saying how I’m “ the clumsiest kid they know.” and a “knucklehead” when it comes to doing anything that doesn’t involve kicking around a soccer ball. I wholeheartedly disagree but they’ll hear nothing of it. Speaking of the team, they’re picking me up from the airport any minute now. 
I turned around to see all of my teammates running towards me, breaking into a run myself I met them halfway.
“Hey guys!”
“Short stack! How you been?”
“Kiddo! We missed you!”
“You’ve grown since we saw you last!”
I continued to be greeted like that and made sure to give everyone a hug.
“I haven’t grown that much!” I playfully rolled my eyes
“Yes you have.” They all said
After we finished our Hello’s and got my bag from the luggage claim we split into groups and made our way to the hotel we were staying at for this camp. I was in a car with Alex, Tobin, Kelley, Morgan, and Megan.
“So kid, how’s school?” Tobin asked.
‘it’s good. I’m passing all my classes and I nailed my history test last week.”
“That’s awesome! Good job bub.” Christen said
“Any accidents?” Megan said smirking at me.
“U-um, no. No accidents.” I fidgeted in my seat.
“Mhm. How many?”
“How bad.”
“Only ever a 4 or less.”
“A 4 on your scale is a 7 on anyone else’s scale.”
“Is not!”
“Right, well what about that time you injured yourself after you fell down a flight of stairs and then said “It’s only a 4.”?” Alex asked 
Everyone else gave me a knowing look while chuckling at the offended look on my face.
“It was!”
“Okay, okay. Settle down. We’re only teasing.” Morgan said
“in all seriousness though, you have got to be more careful Y/N.”
I just rolled my eyes playfully at them as we pulled up to the hotel. When we got out Megan was determined to carry my bag for me.
“Pinoe I can carry my stuff.” 
“I know but I just want to be helpful.”
“Well, thank you.”
“Besides kiddo, I wanted to carry you.” Alex said taking me by surprise and picking me up and all but cradling me.
“Alexxx. I’m a big girl, I can walk.”
“Just let it happen Y/N.” Tobin laughed
“Ugh, fineee.”
When we got into the lobby to find out room assignments Alex finally put me down, with a pat to my butt and told me to “Stay close.”
“Yes mom.” I said jokingly.
I took off in the direction Morgan had gone and caught up with her, Mal, Lindsey, Sam, Emily, Tierna and Rose.
“Hey guys!”
“Hey Y/N! You ready for camp?” Sam asked
“Oh yeah, definitely.”
“You ready for all the pranks we are gonna pull?”
“Yeah Sonny, I am. What are you guys thinking?” I giggled
“Well what about the good ol’ water bucket above the door trick?”
“Nah, that’s such an amateur move.” Lindsey said
“Ooo, what if we switched the water with… flour?” Mal said
“That sounds like quite the mess but that’s what we’re known for. I’m in.” Sam said
“Me too.”
“Me three.”
“Are you guys sure that’s a good idea? You know how the girls are about their hair.” I said hesitantly
“Aw, come on Y/n. Don’t be a chicken.” 
“I just don’t want the others to kill us.”
“Why would we kill you?” Carli asked coming out of nowhere.
“No reason!” We all said
“Mhm. What’re you hooligans planning?”
“Wha- why would you think we were planning anything?” I said nervously
“Well, for starters I’m talking to the youngest players on this team and every time we come to camp someone always ends up either getting their hair dyed or with itching powder in their underwear and it’s always traced back to one of you.” She said, giving us a look.
“Oh would you look at that, it’s time to go up to our rooms. Come on Y/N, you’re rooming with me!” Lindsey said, grabbing my hand and dragging me away.
“Thanks a lot guys!” Morgan called after us as we ran away.
“Lindsey, Y/n, walk!” Alex scolded as we passed her.
“Yes mom!” We replied
We made it up to our room and decided to do rock paper scissors for the bed closes to the bathroom. I won of course. 
“We have today off to settle in right?” I asked
“Yeah, why?”
“You wanna see if the others wanna go to a park for a little 4v4?” 
I texted the group I had with the other “Youngins” and told them to meet us down stairs in 5 to go to the park. They all agreed and said they would get a ball from the coaching staff. I texted the group I was in with the veterans and let them know where I was going, with who and that we’d be back soon. I received several
“Be safe.” 
“Make sure to wear your sweater, it’s chilly.” And 
“Be careful, don’t get hurt.” Texts. Moms I swear, always thinking it’s chilly.
I was pretty certain I wasn’t going to get hurt and that I didn’t need a sweater but I replied and promised that I’d wear one and that I would be careful. The girls and I met in the lobby and made our way to a park that we knew was nearby. 
The 4v4 started out pretty smoothly, It was me, Lindsey, Tirena, and Sam on one team and Mal, Rose, Emily and Morgan on the other. My team was down by 2 but I knew it wouldn’t stay that way for long. Sam crossed the ball to me and I went to head it passed Morgan.
 What happened next was like one of those freak accidents that if I had shifted my body even an inch away or had been a second earlier or later it wouldn’t have happened. Emily kicked her foot out to clear the ball away and instead made contact with my forehead. I hit the turf with a deafening thud and stayed down in a heap. Getting kicked in the head is just as nasty as it sounds. I could definitely feel blood gushing from my head.
“Y/N! Oh, shit! I’m so so sorry. I was only ever aiming for the ball I swear!” 
Emily was the first to reach me the others close behind. Her and Sam turned me over to look at my head and gasped when they saw the blood
“Moms are gonna kill us!” Emily said
“Nu uh, Emily they are gonna kill you.”
 “Who cares who they’re gonna kill! We have to do something!”
Mal and Morgan set to work, Morgan texting Abby and telling her what happened, making her swear not to tell until we at least made it look like I wasn’t dying and Mal taking her shirt off and pressing it to my forehead to stop the blood. Rose was doing her best to calm Emily who was distraught and Tierna was doing the same for Sam. 
“How you feeling Y/N?” Mal asked 
“Like I got kicked in the head.” I replied
“We’re gonna take you back to the hotel and have the medical staff stitch you up.”
“How are we gonna get passed all the vets?”
“uhhh… Not a clue.” Rose said
“We’re gonna be in so much trouble.”
After they were finally able to make the bleeding stop just enough to get me up and help me back to the hotel, we sent Morgan ahead to see if the coast was clear. When she signaled to us that it was we made our way in and quickly headed to see the medical staff. The others surrounded me so that I was hidden from any curious onlookers
“What seems to be the problem ladies?” Dawn asked
“Uhh, well… Y/N sorta got kicked in the head during a 4v4 in the park.” Emily said, moving aside to show Dawn.
Dawn just shook her head, said something like “of course she did.” And told me to sit on the table so the medics could stitch me up.
“You know the others will want to know what happened, right?”
“Dawn, please don’t tell them. I will, but not yet.”
She gave me an unimpressed look but agreed none the less.
“Geez kid, you’re always getting hurt.” The medic chuckled.
“Yeah, yeah. I know.”
They finished the stitches and told me how to take care of them and sent us all on our way. The girls did the same thing they did last time in case we ran into the girls, this time I had my hood up to cover my wound.
“Hey guys, what’s up?” Ashlyn asked, coming up to us.
“Nothing!” We all said.
“Okay, what are you guys hiding?”
“Nothing. We gotta go though, bye Ash.” I said before I pushed Emily and Lindsey forward so they would start running.
Ashlyn PRO//
“Those kids are definitely hiding something.” I thought, shaking my head and walking back to my room with Ali.
“Hey babe?”
“Have you noticed the youngins acting weird lately?”
“No, why?”
“I dunno, it’s just that they were walking all tightly together and whispering about something and when I asked them what was up they all were acting weird. Especially Y/N.”
“Hmm, I’ll text Alex to see if she can get them to talk about it.”
She sent her a text and received a reply saying that she would wait in Y/N and Lindsey’s room, after asking the staff for an extra key and that she would let us know. 
“I hope they’re okay.”
“I’m sure they are, they probably just set up a messy prank again.” I shrugged.
Alex PRO//
After tricking the receptionist into giving me a key to Y/N and Lindsey’s room, I decided to just wait on Y/N’s bed. I would see what was really going on. I felt like I had been waiting forever when the door opened and all the young players on the team made their way inside.
“Well here’s what we’re not gonna do…”
They didn’t even seem to notice me yet, talking among themselves. Emily was the first to spot me, and when she did I saw all the color drain from her face.
“Alex? What about her?” Morgan asked still not looking in the direction of the bed. Emily stopped her in her tracks and pointed to where I was sitting. Everyone else finally saw me and much like Emily they looked scared. 
“Yeah, oh. Is there something you guys want to tell me?” I said sternly
“W-well… you see… what had happened was-”
I cut her off when I saw Y/N was swaying on her feet and holding her head. She looked like she was going to pass out.
“Y/N? What’s wrong?” I asked jumping up and going to her.
She didn’t get to finish because she fainted, I was able to catch her and hold her up with ease. My focus then shifted to the seven guilty players standing timidly by the door.
“Explanation. Now.” I growled
“I kicked Her in the head! I’m sorry!” Emily cried
I picked Y/N up and carried her over to the bed where I laid her head gently on the pillow.
“Someone go get a cold wash cloth and someone call Christen, Ali and Ashlyn. Now.”
They all immediately started scrambling to do what I said and I could tell they were even more scared than before.
“I can’t believe none of you thought to tell us. Completely irresponsible. Does any one else know about this?” 
I gasped when I removed her hoodie and saw the stitches.
“We went to Dawn when we got back and we begged her not to tell. And we texted Abby right after it happened but same thing.” Mal said
Dammit Dawn.
“Tell Abby to get her ass in here, right now.” 
I took the cold rag from Emily and pressed it gently to Y/N’s cheek, neck and then being extra careful around her stitches, pressed it to her head.
“Y/N, open your eyes baby. You’re okay. Please open your eyes.” 
She slowly started to open her eyes, looking around wildly before trying to sit up.
“Wha- where am I?”
“You’re in your room baby. Take it easy, you need to lay down.” I cooed
She kept trying to sit up but I gently pushed her back down every time.
“Shh, it’s okay.”
Knocking sounded from the door and Rose went to answer it.
“Hey Al, what’s the- ”
“Oh my god, what happened?” Christen exclaimed.
“Emily kicked Y/N in the head.”
“You what?!” The newcomers yelled
“And Abby knew about it this whole time.”
“You knew?! Why didn’t you tell us?!”
“Ow, guys cool it with the yelling.” Y/N whined
“Sorry babe.” Ali said
“Sorry, kid. Our bad.” Ash said.
“I said I was sorry! It was an accident, I swear!”
“I swore I wouldn’t tell!”
“Guys, seriously.”
“Sorry, we’ll be quiet.”
“How the fuck did you manage to kick her?”
“We were playing a 4v4 game and when she went to head the ball passed Morgan I went to kick it out and got her forehead instead.”
“Jesus.” Ali said rubbing her temples.
“It was an accident?” I asked
“You’re all grounded.” Christen said.
“What? that’s not fair!”
“ Actually it’s completely fair. You need to be careful and I know it was an accident but what you did was reckless and someone got hurt, and you hid it from us and we only found out after Y/N passed out.” I said leaving no room for argument
“What about Y/N? Why isn’t she grounded?” Tierna whined
“She’s hurt and I think that’s punishment enough.” Ashlyn said
“We’ll be with her 24/7 from now on anyways.” I added
“mmm… Nooooo” Y/N whined.
“it’s for your own good, kiddo.”
Later we told the whole team what happened and to say they weren’t please was an understatement. I had to talk Kelley down from kicking Sonnett’s ass and Becky had to convince Megan to switch rooms with her so she wouldn’t kill Morgan. The same could be said for the others. They understood that it was an accident but they hated that the girls hid it from us.
“How is she?” Kelley asked, having come over to check on our youngest teammate
“She could be better, she’s still groggy but she’s better than she was.” I shrugged
“What are we gonna do with her?”
“I vote bubble wrap.” Christen said
“I second that.” Tobin said
“Guys, that’s a little extreme don’t you think?” Ali chuckled
“She’s such a knucklehead though. She hid a pretty nasty injury from us. It’d be a way to make sure she’s safe.” Ashlyn chimed in
“Mmm, no. Ali is right. We’ll just have to keep a closer eye on her from now on.”
“I can take care of myself.” She mumbled, starting to wake up.
“We’re sure you can bub, but after today and at least for a little while we’re going to be hovering and babying you more than usual.” Chris said
“Ugh. Whatever.” She grumbled
We chuckled at her but we knew she would appreciate it anyways and that she secretly loved it when we babied her. 
She definitely was a piece of work sometimes and she kept us on our toes but we loved her more than anything and would always be there to help her when she was down.
Sorry for any mistakes
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brainlessacademia · 4 years ago
Pairing: Bakugo x Reader
Word Count: about 2k
Note: hey y'all this is my first ever writing. Please tell me what yall think and what suggestions you have. thanks!.
You hated school
Well mostly you hated English and how difficult it was.
But what definitely didn’t make it any easier was having him as your partner for your classes’ poetry project.  
Right when you heard that you two would be partners you couldn’t be more annoyed.
Bakugo seemed to have his same bothered expression on but with a little something else, you couldn’t place your finger on it.
Now you weren’t going to lie.. you did find him attractive. But you knew he wouldn’t go for you. He didn’t seem to reciprocate any kind of feelings. You weren’t even sure he knew your name. What also got you was-
His voice snapped you out of your daydream and brought you back to reality. Which was that you were working together in the library.
You suddenly felt super embarrassed and tried to hide your face from getting red but you don’t think it actually worked.
“Yeah?”, you replied as if you’d been paying attention the whole time.
“So are you going to show me what you ducking got so far or what?” Bakugo snaps.
That’s right you were here to work on the project after all.
You take out the papers from your bag and hand it to him.
As he’s taking the papers from you, his fingers brush over your hands and give you chills ever so slightly.
Why am I getting excited over just his hands touching mine. I’m so dumb. You think to yourself.
He starts skimming your paper.
“Well, can I see yours too?”  You ask.
“Mine are fine.” Is all he says.
You roll your eyes. Of course he thinks his is perfect and just wants to check if your work meets his idea of good.
You look around the library and notice all the other kids studying. You look around for a while just seeing if anything will catch your eye. You then look at Bakugo reading your work and you swear you see him look down really fast as if he’d been looking at something else.
Confused, you ask “Uh.. how is it ?”
You wonder if you were just thinking too deep into it. He couldn’t have been looking at you could he ?
“ it’s alright, but i think you should change the third poem thought”
“Oh really, and how about yours? I think I should see yours to know too”
“Mine are good dammit. But since you're being so goddamn annoying I’ll show you them.”
He takes out the papers from his bag and forcefully hands them to you. To your surprise they were actually pretty good. You're wondering how he got so good at English and especially  at writing poetry. You looked at him just above the edge of the paper and you swore he was trying to look like he hadn’t been staring at you.
“You misspelled irresistible by the way “ you huff as you give the papers back to him.
“Fuck you.” He says as he snatches them back with just the hint of a smile on his face.
You wonder if you’re just crazy but you can’t but help find him more attractive when he does that.
“I think we’ll only need to meet one other time. I think we got almost everything covered.” You say. You feel almost sad that you won’t really have a reason to meet with him anymore. Then you remind yourself that it’s useless anyway because he doesn’t feel anything.
“Yeah sure whatever.”
The next morning you were up pretty early. No one was in the kitchen yet so you enjoyed the quietness. You hummed while looking around for something to eat. You didn’t really feel like cooking anything so you decided that cereal would do.  As you were pouring you noticed that Kirishima walked in.
“ Hey”, Kirishma says
“Hey Kirishima”, you say back.
“Are you seriously just making cereal ?” Kirishima says laughing.
“Come on, I didn't feel like making anything else.” You say tiredly.
“Come on let’s make pancakes I’ll help you.” He says while smiling.
Of course you give in because who wouldn’t want pancakes over cereal. Also you wouldn’t be doing all the work so that’s nice too.
You ended up both making a mess of the kitchen laughing and throwing pancake mix at each other. You and Kirishma got along pretty well. He was always nice and brightened up the mood anywhere he was.
“Okay seriously let’s make a few more than finish up we’ve made a huge mess.” You say as you throw some more flour at him.
“Fineeee” he whines.
You were both laughing and playing around and it wasn’t till you felt a chill go through your body that you realized someone else was there.
You looked over and saw Bakugo standing at the entrance to the kitchen with an almost mad look on his face.
“Oh hey Bakugo want some pancakes?” Kirishma says as he’s pouring batter on the pan.
“What the hell are you guys doing” is all Bakugo says.
“Uhh making pancakes obviously? Need your eyes checked?” You say matching his attitude.
You couldn’t place the emotion on his face. He seemed mad but you wondered why. He was definitely trying to suppress some emotion but what was it? He seemed bothered but more than usual. But he’s always bothered so is there really any difference?  
“Just shut up and clean up this mess” Bakugo huffs. He walks and purposely bumps into you while walking towards the pantry.
“Soo you don’t want any ?” You say playfully as you hold up an extra plate with pancakes on it.  
“Hell no” Bakugo says while still looking in the pantry.
“Well I’m gonna go get ready for class today” Kirishima says. He’d been eating his pancakes while simultaneously making them which resulted in more of a mess but he actually cleaned it pretty well.
“See ya y/n , Bakugo.”
“See ya” you replied
Bakugo didn’t seem to want to reply, him still putting on an attitude while searching for food.
After Kirishima left, Bakugo turned around and started walking to the table you were sitting at.
“I’m only going to eat this because there’s nothing else to fucking eat.” He yells as he grabs the extra plate and sits across from you.
“Uh huh I’m totally sure there’s nothing else to eat.” You reply.  
 Later during class you were trying hard not to fall asleep. It’s not like Math was anything fun anyway. Soon the bell rang and class was over.
To your surprise Bakugo caught up to you as you were walking. “I think we should meet again tonight so we can finish the project for good. '' he says.
You were surprised he wanted to meet today when the project wasn’t due for a while.
“Oh sure, Um where do you want to meet?” You ask.
He didn’t reply which you took as he didn’t really have a place to meet. Which further confused you on why he asked to meet suddenly with short notice.
“Well Um we can meet in my room if you’d like ?” You posed. You couldn’t really think of anywhere else to meet, plus you only had little to work on so it shouldn’t take that long.
“Sure whatever, I don’t care. “ he replied.
He seemed not his normal self. Like something was bothering him outside of everything that already bothers him.
“Hey you’re the one who said we should meet what's with the attitude.”
“Yea yea whatever. See you there” is all he said. Before you could say anything back he was already ahead of you to your guys next class.    
Next class was science which you didn’t really mind because your lab partner was always high energy. Halfway through the experiment you and Kaminari realized you messed up completely and just created an utter mess of the table. You both laughed it off and tried to fix your experiment but cleaning it up was the worst.  
“Hey y/n bet you won’t drink this.” Kaminari laughed while pushing the beaker of god knows what towards you.
“Yea no way how about you I’ll give you 5 dollars ?” You pose.
“Omg 5 dollars you got it ?!” Kaminari yelled while “drinking” but you could clearly tell it was a dumb magic trick.
You roll your eyes.
“Shut up I know you didn’t actually.” You say laughing.
Something caught the corner of your eye. You turned and you noticed Bakugo staring at you and Kaminari with a glare on his face. Bakugo turned away before you had a moment to react. Was he actually looking at us? You thought to yourself. No way and was he mad? But why ? He’d been like this almost the whole day. Maybe something was bothering him. But what did it have to do with me ?
You ended up cleaning everything with Kaminari and class ended soon after.
Back in your room you looked at the clock. 6 pm. You completely forgot about meeting with Bakugo. You two didn’t discuss a time so you just got ready anyway expecting him to show up any moment.
Soon enough about 10 minutes later you heard a knock at the door. You got up to open and sure enough it was Bakugo.
“Thanks for setting up a time.”  You say sarcastically. You realize you’ve been smiling for a little too long so you stop and try to change the mood.
“So uh... are you going to come in?”
“Waiting for you to move out the goddamn way . He snorts
“Oh right” you reply. Embarrassed you didn’t realize you were blocking the entrance.
You both sat down at your desk. You assumed Bakugo wasn’t going to break the silence so you decided to.
“Can I see your poems so we can decide what order to put them in?” You ask.
Without a word he hands them over to you. You were surprised you didn’t get any sort of back talk or complaints. You decided not to question it and start reading through them.
“I think y-“.
Just as you were about to say something his lips met yours. You didn’t move. Was this really happening you thought to yourself? All the times you thought he didn’t even notice you and now this was happening.
You pulled away and said, “Bakugo what-“.
“I-I like you okay? I didn’t want to say anything about it before but I knew I had to today so there you go.” He said while avoiding your eyes.  
You leaned back in and kissed him. You thought he was so cute in this moment so vulnerable and shy, avoiding your eyes.
It gave you a sort of confidence boost.
Know he felt the same way as you.
“Aww why didn’t you tell me before Bakugo”. You said after pulling away.    
You noticed he got super red and you pulled him into a hug.
“Well after I saw how much fun you were having with Kirishma and Kaminari I knew I had too soon.”  
You pulled away from the hug with a smug look on your face.
“Ohh were you jealoussss ? Was that why I caught you looking at us today ?”
“You’re lying I was looking at you guys.” He said avoiding your eyes again.
“Oh my goodd just admit I know you were. It’s Cute.” You said.
“No I didn’t. Not at all.” He said while rolling his eyes.
“Okkkayy finee.” You said sarcastically.
You gave him another hug and you guys decided to get on the bed and cuddle for a while.
You were surprised he could be so soft and his usual fiery self at the same time. You guys stood like that for a while. You started scratching his head and he seemed to like it. He held you tightly and you wished this could’ve happened earlier.
You sat up a bit and met his eye level. You held on to his hand and questioned, “ waittt does this mean you lied to me ?”
“What do you mean I didn’t lie about anything?” He said. You noticed he looked concerned
So cute.
“You didn’t really wanna work on the project huh.” You said while putting on a fake sad face. He pulled you back down into his arms and ruffled your hair.
“Are you serious? We’re literally cuddling shut up” he said.
“Uh huh so you did lie.” You said playfully. You crossed your arms as if you were mad just to play around with him.  
“Fine you know what if you wanted that I’ll just leave.” He huffs while getting off the bed.
“Wait you know I was just jokingggg” you while pulling on his shift for him to come back.
“Exactly what I thought.” He said back while smiling.
“Now come on let’s cuddle. I'm cold without you.”
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write-like-you-mean-it · 4 years ago
Tied Apron Strings: No Doze Café
This is a Choose Your Own Character. This is part 2 to Sugawara’s story. Go to part 1 to read the beginning of the story.
Sugawara’s idea of a first date was to give me an address to a location, tell me what type of outfit I should wear, and tell me a time to be there. If I hadn’t known him as a regular in the cafe, I may have been more cautious towards this type of date. Instead, Koshi’s attempt at romance made my heart flutter. He must’ve gotten this idea from one of the cheesy romance movies he watches on weekends. 
My head was buried in my phone as I watched the little dot follow along the path to my destination. The address Sugawara picked wasn’t too far from my apartment. Plus I didn't want to spend any extra money on unnecessary expenses like a car. 
The blue dot came closer and closer to the checkered flag with each step. They were grounding motions as I became afraid of what I had agreed to do. First dates were never my forte. I would only look up to see if I was in the way of another passerby. 
I looked up one more time and spotted my date before he had an idea that I was there. He stood outside an old brick building. He leaned on the staircase for support. I’d seen Koshi dressed up many times. He was a teacher after all. This time was different. He looked more put together as if he spent extra time getting ready. He was dressed in a pale blue top that was tucked into his  corduroy pants. The shirt had been recently pressed as residue of post ironed wrinkles still laid claim to his back. 
His profile was a beautiful sight to see. His head was turning to look down the opposite side of the street as that was where the cafe resided. I could’ve stayed for the full date admiring his beauty; however, a shout from behind me must’ve caught his attention. His head turns and we’re face to face. 
Suga waves his hand as if to beckon me closer. I feel his pull as I finally start walking towards him. “You look gorgeous,” he said once I was in earshot. The simple phrase made my heart skip a beat. He moved out of his comfortable, relaxed state and put his phone away. 
Words caught in my mouth as I stared down at my own outfit in pure wonder of what I actually put on today. “Oh, thank you. You look great too.” I tried not to give away that I was staring at him from far too long. My eyes met back at his once I gained the courage to look. I was met with his smile that reached from one ear to the other.  He reached out a hand towards me.  
“Where are we going?” I ask and take his hand. The teacher looked up at the brick building and started his incline up the stairs. 
“I’ll explain inside,” he says. “I’m glad you’re on time. If you’d been any later, we would have missed our reservation.”
“Our reservation?” I asked while following behind him. Suga didn’t respond except for entering through the door. Inside was a quaint reception area. I looked around the older looking room to see if there was a sign for our destination. Sadly, there were no markers other than the reception desk and a couple that sat in chairs across from it. 
Koshi hit the bell. The resounding ring echoed through the small room. He’d let go of my hand after we saw the pair. An elderly lady came out behind a beaded curtain. “Hello, do we have a reservation for today?”
“Yes. It should be two for Sugawara,” he replied. 
“The room is up the stairs, on the third floor, and to the right.” The lady held the same smile mirrored on all our faces; however, the word room was concerning. What did he have planned for us? 
Suga made sure to grasp my hand once again. He must’ve noticed the look of confusion on my face. Suddenly, the realization of what she with the lack of information he had given me had said dawned on him. He pulled me up a few steps before leaning in, “I thought you might like a cooking class.” The teacher was so close that I could smell his cologne of sea breeze. “I wouldn’t do that to you. We’re learning how to make bread. With a tasting afterwards.” 
He was so close that I swore he would’ve heard my heart skip a beat. For a first date, Koshi didn’t hold back. “You’ll have to tell me how much this cost so I can pay you back later,” I said. After the words were out of my mouth, I regretted them. Suga was only trying to be nice and I worried about his financial status. 
“No worries. This is all my treat.” The third floor came before either of us could finish the conversation. I was the first to open to a large kitchen with many tables. Couples, families, and friends were gathered around each of the tables with aprons around their necks. 
“Welcome, welcome,” called the enthusiastic instructor. “You must be Mr and Mrs. Sugawara.” He was a broad man dressed for a day of cooking. His hands were already covered in a thin layer of flour. 
Suga and I turned to look at each other on how to respond politely to the instructor that we were not, in fact, married. Instead, he hands us two white aprons and ushers us to our seats. 
“We really should have told him-” I joke while putting on my apron over my head. 
“-I did put two under my name,” he interrupted while following the same pattern. “Maybe we already look like we could be.” My heart couldn’t tell if his words were meant as a joke or if there was a hint of seriousness. I chose to ignore the continuous pounding that threatened to escape my chest. 
My date turned around so that his back was facing mine. “Can you please tie me up?” he asked. Now I know he was teasing me. I took the two apron strings in my hands and made a tight bow. My hands were suddenly aware of how much they touched his back. It was an intimate moment that I dared not disturb. 
“Can you do the same for me?” I ask while turning away from him. For a moment, I felt nothing except for eyes drilled into the middle of my back; the same stare I’d given only a second ago. Suga took the strings into his hand and I felt the tie against my back. A few more tugs of the string and the apron was secure. 
I turned back to face Koshi; yet, his hands were still floating next to my waist. Our faces were close enough that I could feel his hot breath dancing across my skin. Before either of us could speak, the instructor started the class. 
We pulled away only to find the reflection within the shiny chrome table. Ingredients were scattered across. “Today, you’ll be making sourdough bread,” boomed the instructor. “Hopefully you already knew what was being made as you signed up for this class.” The chef holds up a light coffee color jar. “This is your leaven. I made this up for you in preparation for today or this class would take days to complete.”
I chuckled at the chef’s joke. My eye’s scoured Sugawara's to see his reaction. I caught him looking my way. He picked up the same glass that the instructor had. I picked up some of the salt water that had been dissolved. “Would you like to pour it into the bowl or should I?”
“How about at the same time?” he suggests. I tip that glass into a larger bowl. Suga does the same with his mixture. I grab the spatula and stir the mixture until it starts to bubble. 
“I really hope we’re doing this alright,” I say. “I stopped paying attention after he started pulling out random ingredients.”
He chuckled while reaching across the table for the instructions. “Baking is just chemistry. I’m sure we’ll do alright.” The plastic sheet was already dripping with some splashed water. “The next step is getting flour.”
I take the bag and the measuring cups and put them in front of us. We work in sync for the next few steps of the recipe. Suga would read out what was needed while I poured or got the ingredients. We fell into a calm peace as we found our own stride. It felt like we’d made thousands loafs of bread together. Soon, we came to a resting break for 30 minutes. 
“Koshi?” I ask. He turns from the little stool provided. “Why’d you not make a move sooner?”
A grin danced across his lips as he leaned back. There wasn’t anything to catch him so he had to stop for himself. “I think it was the kids. They noticed something that I should have a long time ago.”
“The teenagers could be good for something,” I say. 
“It didn’t help that Eichi would tease me during volleyball practice. Soon I found myself coming to see you at the shop. It wasn’t about the coffee or getting my work done. I came to see you talk to the kids or customers. You always had the most beautiful smile.”
“I see,” I said before biting my lip. It was a simple reaction in hopes of keeping the color from forming on my face. “I noticed you from the first time you walked into the cafe. Who knew a teacher would actually want to date his barista.”
“I did. You were too beautiful to ignore.” He reached out his hand to grab mine. They were covered in a thin coating of flour. Koshi moved his thumbs over the top of my wrists. I opened my mouth to respond in the same way but our timer went off. 
The teacher let go of my hands to find the instructions. “I guess we have to knead the bread now.” 
“Do you want to do it together?” I ask. 
“You stole my line,” Suga smiled while pouring out the batter. He led me to the bread and guided my hands to how to knead. His chin rested on my shoulder as a way to see along with being as close to me as he possibly could be. My back began to heat as I could feel his chest pressed securely to mine. 
His hands felt coarse against my skin. Years of volleyball weren’t kind to his hands. Calluses built up from extended use; however, the tops of his hands were soft. Kneading the dough wasn’t hard at the beginning. After awhile, the dough started to look like a normal loaf. If it wasn’t for Suga’s constant push and pull of the dough, it wouldn’t be remotely done. I was too busy all consumed in his floral scent and strong embrace to think about making the perfect bread. 
“This looks like a good time to let the dough rest,” said the instructor. I was too busy enthralled with the idea of love to realize he approached our table. “All you have to do is let it rest for a little while. You may want to take a break before coming back.” 
“Thank you,” said Koshi as he moved away from my back. A whine escaped my lips which was noticed by the only person I didn’t want to notice. I scoop up the bread and put it into the proofing basket. “How about we take a walk outside. I think we’ll have enough time to get a bobba from the place down the street.”
“Sounds delicious,” I comment. My hand entangles in his as if it belonged there all along. We escaped down the steps and out of the building. “Koshi.” My voice stops us in our tracks. 
“What is it?” he questions while turning to look at me. Our faces were within that small gap. Close enough that all it took was a few inches before our lips met in a tender touch. Suga reciprocated the form of affection by pressing a little tighter onto my own lips. 
“That was a surprise,” he mumbles against my lips. 
“It felt right.”
“Yes it did.” Our moment was broken by the faint bustle of people trying to get past the couple kissing in mid-afternoon. None of them knew the magic that had happened in our lives. All the build up and excitement to this point. “Let’s go get the drink. I don’t really like people staring.”
“Let them stare,” he comments while wrapping his arms around my waist. “Let them be jealous of us. They know nothing.” He left a final kiss on my lips before dragging me down to the shop. We had so much time to kill before our bread would be ready and we were going to take full advantage of that fact.
Haikyuu Masterlist
(This series is a choose your own adventure. Pick your favorite man or all of them. I will try to make as many of them as possible with continuations. So far, there is Oikawa, Sugawara, Tuskishima, Kageyama, Hinata, and Akaashi. If you have a suggestion or comment, please message me!!)
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keelywolfe · 5 years ago
SOS Drabbles: Take Two and Call Me In the Morning
Note: Actually, take three. 
Like everyone else in the world right now, I'm stuck at home with my anxiety dancing around like oil on a hot skillet. Aside from everything else, it's affecting my writing and so, I decided I was going to make this collection of drabbles and just try to have some fun. Not stress too much about making them perfect or agonizing over titles, nothing but enjoying.
Thanks for reading this series as long as you have, everyone, I really appreciate it and I love sharing it with you all
So, here’s three drabbles for our boys. Enjoy!
Part of the ‘By Any Other Name’ series
Read them on AO3
Read them here!
Chapter 1: Boo-boos
The front door opening was unexpected, but Edge finished wiping off the shelf he was dusting before he spoke.
“You weren’t outside for long—” Edge began, turning to look. The rest of the words froze on his tongue, hastily discarded for, “What happened??”
“it’s not that bad,” Stretch tried even as Edge rushed to his side, hands hovering over his husband as he tried to decide where to start. There were scrapes and bruises blossoming on his bones from the crown of his skull all the way down to the torn-out knees of his pants. Beads of marrow were welling up and was that a tiny piece of gravel nearly embedded into Stretch forehead?
“Your definition of not that bad could use some work!” Edge snapped as he helped Stretch over to the sofa and what a pair they made, Stretch wounded and him with his leg still in a walking cast, both of them limping along in the world’s worst three-legged race.
Stretch made a feeble noise of protest as Edge pushed him down. “i’ll mess up the cushions!”
“I’ll worry about that later.” Edge shifted to sit on the coffee table across from his husband, absently noting the faint tremble in his hand as he lightly touched the worst scrape. Stretch was right, it really wasn’t that bad, but seeing his love hurt when not twenty minutes ago he’d been cheerily running out the front door left him a little shaken.
Stretch only sat and allowed Edge to check him over, obediently tipping his skull this way and that as Edge scrutinized the injuries. “There’s no cracks,” Edge said at last. “Only a few scrapes.”
“see, i told you—” Stretch trailed off as Edge swung a Look at him. “babe, I’ll be fine.”
“You will,” Edge agreed, stripping off his gloves. He gingerly settled a hand over the nasty scrape on Stretch forehead, felt the dampness of marrow smearing his palm. He took a long, slow breath, let it out. Healing magic still didn’t come easily to him, but Stretch couldn’t heal himself and he wasn’t about to let his love suffer even from little hurts. Nor was he going to call Blue over something so minor. He could do this.
He closed his sockets, focusing. Under his hand, he felt Stretch wince as his hand heated with green magic, but when Edge opened his sockets and removed his hand, the only thing left of the wound was the dappled spots of marrow.
He leaned down to start on Stretch’s scraped knees. “Were you going to tell me what happened?”
From the way Stretch was squirming, Edge guessed he was hoping he’d forgotten that part of the question.
Finally, Stretch sighed. “okay, so, i was outside playing with the kids.”
“yes, with the other twelve-year olds, go on.”
“and oscar brought along his skateboard."
Edge paused. “You didn’t.”
A ruddy flush rose in Stretch’s cheek bones, blotchy and orange. “i wasn’t that bad at it!”
“All the evidence indicates otherwise.” Edge shook his head. He loved his husband with every pulse of his soul, but he truly was one of the least coordinated Monsters he’d ever met. Bad depth perception did not make for grace.
“yeah, well,” Stretch slumped back against the sofa cushions. “i was doing okay but there was a hole in the road and i couldn’t figure out how to turn.”
“I see.” Edge laid a gentle hand on each of Stretch’s knees and focused. “And it didn’t occur to you to shortcut away?”
“sure it did,” Stretch gasped, trying not to squirm away from the heat of the healing. ”after i hit the ground.”
“Hm.” Knees healed, Edge leaned back and looked Stretch over critically. The worst of the bruises were fading and the rest could heal on their own. He plucked a tissue from the box on the table and dabbed away the drying marrow on Stretch’s forehead, then leaned in to press a light kiss to it. “There, all better.”
“thanks, doc,” Stretch gave him a lopsided smile, “gonna kiss all my boo-boos?”
“Of course,” Edge told him with all seriousness.
Stretch’s smile widened and he pointed at his mouth, “think i got one right here.”
His soft laughter was caught against Edge’s mouth as he kissed him, melting into a sigh. There was a particular sort of healing in a kiss, one not for the bones but for the soul, and Edge was going to give his love as many as he could.
Chapter 2: Preservation
Of all the love affairs in Stretch’s life, the one that endured the longest, through all the best and worst of times, was his deep, unbidden affection for junk food.
Look, he loved Edge’s cooking, seriously, he really did. When his baby really got going, he sure knew how to put on the Ritz, whether it was muffins or meatloaf, stirring up pancakes or a pan sauce, it was always delicious.
But man, sometimes you gotta have a different kind of Ritz, the cracker kind. Sometimes the craving for artificial yellow #5 couldn’t be denied and Stretch had a stash of goodies hidden away in the pantry, back behind the bags of whole wheat flour and sugar that Edge kept on hand.
Today there was a Twinkie calling his name and Stretch was going for it. First, he needed an alibi and one came to him in the form of a Netflix, watching while lying innocently on the sofa while Edge went through his weekend laundry routine. He waited for the basement door to close behind him and that was when his plan came into play.
First, a shortcut into the kitchen so there were no suspicious footsteps leading in. Next, a quick scramble into the pantry where he promptly knocked two cans off the shelf, catching them before they hit the ground with a desperate skill he couldn’t have replicated on a bet. He set the cans carefully back on the shelf and crouched down, reaching behind the bags and feeling around for his stash. At first there was nothing and then just as panic was setting in, the crinkle of cellophane.
“gotcha,” Stretch murmured. He pulled it out and there it was in all its golden glory. The Twinkie, golden sponge cake and cream, along with enough preservatives to mummify a cat, if anyone was inclined to go the old Egypt. He opened the wrapper, inhaling the sweet aroma of monoglycerides and high fructose corn syrup.
The taste was even better, pure chemical bliss and Stretch moaned as he chewed, damn, this was the shit and—
“What are you doing?”
It came from directly behind him and in a moment of panic, Stretch crammed the whole thing in his mouth, wrapper and all, frantically licking his teeth clean before turning to look at Edge. Who was looking down at him suspiciously, crimson eye lights narrowed.
“nuffin!” Stretch burbled as he scrambled to his feet, trying to keep a burst of crumbs from coming out with the words. Desperately, he swallowed, holding back a gag with sheer willpower as the cellophane incorporated into his magic along with the poor, abused Twinkie. Ah, well, it died as it lived. Unhealthily. That problem handled, he tried again, brightly, “nothing!”
Edge nodded slowly. “Just felt like crawling around on the pantry floor for no good reason?”
If there was no other route, the path of righteous indignation was always there. “yeah, so? i don’t make fun of your hobbies.”
“You absolutely do.”
Yeah, that defense wasn’t gonna fly, he teased Edge about his action figures all the time. “okay, i do, but it’s done with affection!”
That suspicious look finally eased, and Edge leaned up to give him a light peck on the mouth, murmuring as he drew back, “Yes, it is. Well, don’t let me interrupt you.” He turned and walked back out of the pantry and just as Stretch was relaxing, he called back, “You might want to brush your teeth when you’re done if you want any other kisses. I’ve never cared for the taste of preservatives.”
Stretch whipped around to stare at him, that preservative-flavored mouth of his dropping open, but Edge only raised a brow bone at him and closed the door behind him. He stared for a long moment and then he could only laugh, crouching down to dig out another Twinkie so he could get his junk food fix without the extra aftertaste.
Did he say his longest love affair was with junk food? That might be true enough, but the love he felt for his husband left it behind in sugary, crumb-filled dust.
Chapter 3: Egg-splanations
Stretch was only a couple of steps past the sliding glass door when he screeched to a halt, walking backwards until he could look outside again, just to verify that he’d actually seen that.
Yep. That was what he thought he’d seen.
Edge was out in the backyard with the chickens, standing with one hand on his hip and with the other shaking a finger sternly at Nugget. Who was looking up at him, her little head cocked to the side as if she was taking in every word.
Okay, yeah, this needed some context. But first…
Stretch dug out his phone and took a picture, quickly setting it as his phone background before he opened the sliding glass door.
“…so you can’t keep doing this!” Edge was saying. “The fence is not there only to hold you in, it’s for your own protection!”
Nugget replied with a series of inquisitive clucks, wandering closer to Edge and looking up at him hopefully.
“No. You stop that,” Edge told her sternly. “I can’t carry you around all the time while I’m out here, I am working on the gardens beds. You realize that’s to your benefit as well, you all loved the seed plants from last year.”
That stern expression wavered and finally Edge sighed, crouching down and gently running a hand over Nugget’s back. “You have two minutes,” he told her. “And you can stay out of the pen while I am working, but after that, you need to go back in, do you understand?”
Edge seemed to take her happy clucks as agreement. He settled down to sit on the grass, stretching out his splinted leg with a groan. Stretch leaned against the closed door and watched him for a moment, a smile playing on his mouth. His big, tough Underfell husband, gently petting an adoring, crooning chicken. If only the Embassy could see him now.
He gave it another minute before calling out, “that’s telling her, babe. i swear, chickens these days need round the cluck supervision.”
Edge didn’t look up, only scratched Nugget gently under her chin while she closed her eyes in blissful euphoria. “You aren’t funny.”
“baby,” Stretch sighed, shaking his head in dismay. “i keep telling you, i’m not only funny, i’m clucking hilarious. a real comedi-hen.”
Edge rolled his eye lights and was that the faintest hint of a smile curving his mouth, hell yes, it was. “Yes, and I’m one bad mother clucker.”
“now you’re getting it. hate having to egg-splain it all the time.” Stretch walked over and sank down to sit behind Edge with one long leg on either side of him, settling his chin on his shoulder as he snuggled in. “love you, baby. i’ve fowl-len under your spell, no yolking around. love you so much, honestly.” He settled a hand on Edge’s unbound knee, smooth it down his inner thigh. “plus you’ve got a big co—”
“All right,” Edge interrupted, jabbing him lightly with his elbow. “that’s enough.”
“heh. if you say so.” He pressed a kiss against Edge’s cheek bone and lingered there, nuzzling that angular line, “can’t help thinking about it, though, you so close and all.”
Edge only gave Nugget another scratch and said coolly, “I’m sure. You’ll excuse me if I'm distracted by a different little pecker.”
A pause, then Stretch burst out laughing, pressing a harder, messier kiss against his skull, “that was a good one, you shit.”
Edge craned his head around to look at him and that faint, impish smile belonged only to Stretch, no one else. “What’s the matter, love? Out of puns already?”
“nah,” Stretch murmured. He cupped Edge’s face in one hand, thumb stroking the line of his jaw. “but talk is cheep.”
"Don't worry," Edge told him hoarsely. Neither of them paid Nugget desolate clucks any mind as he tipped his head up into the kiss, “you can wing it.”
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27emailsicantsend · 6 years ago
Baking with Bowie: A Tyrus Blueberry Macademia One-Shot
“Seriously guys, I cant find the recipe anywhere!” Cyrus pleaded to Andi and Buffy through their group video chat.
“I can’t believe you are actually following through with that stupid bet you made about me. And why me? Why couldn’t you have made a bet on Andi? Or each other?” Buffy drilled.
“Says the world’s most competitive girl,” Cyrus retorted.
“Good point,” Buffy said back almost immediately.
“Maybe Bowie or CeCe can help you, Cyrus. Bowie is a really good cook,” Andi chimed in as she sat back up from painting her toe nails. While she was screwing the brush back into the bottle, Cyrus chimed, “really? You think they would do that?”
“Sure,” said Andi, “But don’t ask Bex for help. I love her,” Andi suddenly lowered her voice, “but she can’t cook to save her life”. All of the kids giggled together as they reminisced Andi moving in with Bex for the first time and the many cooking disasters they ran into.
The next day, Cyrus gently tapped on the Mack’s door. If he was at Bex’s, he would have just walked in, but he wanted to use a bigger, nicer kitchen, so he begged Bowie to use CeCe’s. Which, admittedly, frightened Cyrus. He was worried about leaving finger prints on the muffin tins or not remembering to put a utensil back where he found it. Or worst of all, what if he left some crumbs on the counter?? Cyrus shuddered the thought away. He didn’t want to imagine the retaliation of Celia.
Bowie answered the door with a big smile, pat on the shoulder and “how are you buddy?” As Bowie led Cyrus into the kitchen, he began explaining where everything was and all of CeCe’s kitchen rules. The list seemed to take ten minutes. There were so many things. Put the dishes away. Make sure they are all prerinsed before the washer but use the specific determinen for glassware vs pots and pans. Don’t put the pans in too high of heat, they pop...
“... and we also need to sweep and mop when we’re done. Oh and we need to wipe the counters too. Make sure to use the wash rag for rinsing the counter, the dirtying rags for the disinfectant, and a soft cloth for the glass cleaner. Oh and why are you doing this anyway? Seems like a lot of work for some muffins”.
Cyrus snapped back into reality. Bowie’s question caught him completely off guard.
“What? Oh. I- uh- uh” Cyrus stammered as he tried to come up with a reasonable explanation as to why he needed the nicest kitchen in Shadyside to make one of the messiest foods.
Because TJ deserves the best. Because these muffins need to prove that I won the bet. He can’t win if I made muffins better than what he was expecting. That in turn, makes me the winner. Because I want to impress-
“Hello?” Bowie cut off Cyrus’ thoughts. “Listen, little man, it’s totally ok. I get it. The food always tastes better when it’s made in a nice kitchen”
Yeah. That’s it.
“Listen, why don’t we just get started. Did you bring the ingredients?” Bowie said, obviously trying to change the topic.
“Sure did!” Cyrus exclaimed. He dropped two grocery bags filled with items. Cyrus began pulling out items and naming them, “blueberries, macademia nuts, flour, eggs...”
The two began to make the muffins. It actually turned out to be a really fun time baking with Bowie. They put Bowie’s music he played on his tour through the house while they talked about cooking mishaps and different types of dinosaurs. Bowie even talked about how he used to use baby tater’s for his grease mobile.
While the muffins were baking and the scent was filling through the house, Bowie put down the wet dish rag for the counter and gestured Cyrus to come sit down at the table with him.
“Let’s take a break, little guy. Come sit down for a minute”.
“Thank you,” Cyrus said with mercy.
Bowie giggled.
“No, seriously,” Cyrus said as he became more serious. “I really appreciate this. It was so nice of you to give me a break from cleaning, but it was also for helping me make these muffins. For CeCe to let me use her kitchen... I just really want TJ to like these”.
Bowie’s expression softened, then became curious. He sat up and leaned forward. “I know making these means a lot to you. You wouldn’t of basically killed yourself to make them for him if they didn’t. Besides, you bought all of the ingredients. I just instructed you,” Bowie said with an arrogance in his voice, while still mysteriously staying humble.
“I really did believe in Buffy though,” Cyrus pleaded. “I still do. I think this team really has a shot, but TJ is bringing her confidence down. Maybe if he starts to believe in her, then-“
“Then why did you make these for him? Doesn’t that just prove his point? And make it seem like you’re letting him not have confidence in her?” Bowie said as he cut Cyrus off.
“Well, I’m also hoping that maybe if he sees these muffins aren’t that big of a deal, he’ll pull down on her a little. That bringing her down wasn’t worth some silly little muffins”.
“I don’t know, bro,” Bowie said suspiciously. “It seems to me like these muffins aren’t so silly to you. Especially with how much work you went through to make them”. Bowie gestured his face towards the kitchen. Cyrus was shocked. Bowie was really bringing down the hammer on these muffins. It was just innocent, right?
Just as Cyrus was plotting a debate strategy for telling Bowie he was wrong later in his head, the oven started to smoke. Both guys ran over to the oven startled.
“Cyrus! Fire extinguisher! It’s in the pantry closet!” Bowie exclaimed as he went to open the oven. Cyrus ran to the closet and flew the door open. He tried to lift the extinguisher, but it was too heavy.
“But Bowieeee. My arms. They’re so puny. You know this. I’m a coogle if a man, remember?” Cyrus whined.
Bowie sighed, frustrated. Darted his head back and forth between the oven and closet for a minute and ran over. Cyrus backed into the pantry as Bowie lifted the fire extinguisher off it’s hook. Bowie ran back to the oven. Cyrus, on the other hand, slowly stepped back into the kitchen.
“Heh heh heh, I’m out of the closet!” Cyrus giggled to himself.
“Cyrus! This is no time for jokes!”
“Right. Right. Sorry about that.” Cyrus said quickly as he ran back to the oven.
Bowie looked at Cyrus, the smoke beginning to fill the room and the smoke detector’s alarm now covering up the sound of the music.
“Ok!” Bowie yelled. “On three, you open the door and I’ll put out the fire!”
“Alright, one... two...”
Cyrus panicked and opened the door. They both started screaming and Bowie started yelling, “Cyrus! I said on three!”
“I’m sorry! I panicked! It was a high pressure situation and I thought it would be best to get it over with. My mom says I don’t think stressful situations through and act on impulse. It’s something I’m trying to fix so that I can eventually level out my blood pressure-“
Suddenly a small flame burst out of the oven. Bowie and Cyrus both screamed. Neither of them had realized when they opened the oven it had just been smoke until that point and now was the time to actually start panicking. Instinctively, Bowie pulled the trigger and sprayed down the oven.
The fire stopped and Bowie and Cyrus started opening up doors and windows to let the smoke go out. The alarm eventually stopped sounding. Thankfully, there wasn’t any damage to the oven and only some damage to the pans themselves. Cyrus hoped that with some paint from Andi Shack and a lot of clear polish they could cover up the damage on the pans and any scrapes from scraping the burnt muffin off of the pans.
Cyrus and Bowie both learned against the sink.
Cyrus sighed and said, “well, so much for that idea”.
Bowie looked at him slightly frustrated and said, “and remind me again why it was so important we did this, Cy?”
The next day at school, Cyrus ran up to TJ in the hall.
“Teej!” Cyrus exclaimed as TJ gave him a bro-hug.
“What’s up underdog?”
“I, uh, I have something for you”. Cyrus pulled out a clear plastic baggy filled with black char from his backpack. “As promised”.
“Um... thanks?” TJ said as he took the bag with hesitation and began to look it over. “But I don’t really know what it is?...”
“It’s your muffins!”
“I hate to break it to you, Cy, but these aren’t really muffins. This is more... volcanoe ash”.
“You didn’t let me finish”, Cyrus grinned. “It’s your muffins from my first attempt. And my second. And my third. Apparently, you’re supposed to push bake instead of broil.”
“And it took you three attempts to figure that out?” TJ asked Cyrus with a slight smirk.
“Yes, but once I did figure that out, it only took me one to make these”. Cyrus pulled out another plastic baggy from his backpack. He pulled out a batch of the most perfect looking mini muffins with speckles of white and blue in them.
TJ’s face beamed as he grabbed the bag. “Whoa! You actually made them! I thought these would be impossible to make! You’re the best, underdog! Thank you!” TJ wrapped Cyrus in his arms, the muffins pushing against his back. TJ let go first, but Cyrus lingered a half second longer.
“You’re welcome”, Cyrus said as he broke the hug and then smiled innocently at TJ.
“So.. these muffins?” TJ asked suspiciously.
“You know you didn’t need to put that much work into them right? I mean, I get I won the bet, but I didn’t want you to set your house on fire to make them. You could have easily just gotten me a chocolate chocolate chip muffin, and I would have still been happy”.
“But TJ, you know that would have been the same amount of work for me,” Cyrus said, slightly cynical.
“I watched you get that muffin before. Cy, you’re a lot more capable of doing things than you give yourself credit for”.
“Thanks, TJ. That means a lot.” Cyrus smiled. “But the work for these was worth it”.
And then Cyrus thought, because you’re worth it.
Requested by: @kitalphrii
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chimmy-joos · 8 years ago
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Description: Moving to an entirely new town is already hard as is, but now you’ve got a serial killer on the loose and your name is first on his Kill List.
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
word count: 16.4k
tags: smut, angst, serial killer Jungkook!AU
WARNING!!!! I understand that this fic may be very triggering as it contains mentions of murder, extreme violence and rape, so if you are sensitive to those topics I recommend you DO NOT read this. Thank you in advance.
Moving to a new town is hard, especially after the company you worked for went bankrupt and you're left jobless and alone in the hot, summer weather. Thankfully, a close relative informed you about a new apartment near them that was insanely affordable. You didn't even think twice about the possible living conditions before driving out to the secluded town. In all honestly, anything would've sufficed as long as you got out of your old apartment which was now too expensive for you to rent out (not to mention the air conditioning cut off a while back).
The town was, to sum it up, eerily empty. A ghost town. The population wasn't even around a few thousand, probably 3,000 at most, and having a new face come in was as strange as an alien abduction. You knew you'd be the talk of the town for at least a week, but you dealt with it. The apartment that was for rent was cheap and you had internet connection. What else did you need?
Well, other than a job. You had taken care of that one as soon as you could, cruising down the shopping center lined with mom-and-pop stores up and down the boulevard. Stores like antique shops, a run-down movie store which only had movies from the 90's and all of them were in VHS, and even a carpeting store which you hadn't seen the open sign once since moving there. You wouldn't be surprised to see a tumbleweed passing through the vacant streets.
Near the outskirts of town was the sea and the long pier connecting the land to water. The wood leading off the coast was a dark brown and was chipping off at the edges of each piece, weathered down from the constant waves washing over the docks. Along the pier bobbing up and down in the water were fishing boats varying from simple canoes to ginormous metal ships.
The waters were a murky blackish blue, only the shimmering light from the sun as it illuminated off the surface. You peered into the waters as if to see through the thick blackness and the sandy bottom. The fishermen at the docks were very nice and very welcoming towards of you and warned you not to get too close or you'll tear your pretty face apart.
There was a place that caught your attention. Located more towards the downtown area where most of the population used their leisure time was a small donut shop. They were known for their jelly filled donuts and you stumbled across it while hunting for a job.
You ordered a glazed twist and a strawberry banana smoothie when the cashier smiled at you as he took care of your change.
"I recommend the strawberry jelly donuts. They are amazing." The man said, taking your glazed twist from out of the display and placing it in a small paper bag with the logo Sugarcoat spelled out in beautiful cursive font.
"Really? If that's the case, then sure, I'll take one." You smiled back which made the man's expression light up. He took out one of the jelly donuts, perfectly showered in powdered sugar, and placed in a separate bag.
"Let me know what you think." He said while handing you the bag before turning around to make your smoothie. You promptly took the donut out of the bag, curious to see what the excitement was all about, but after biting into the jelly-filled confection, suddenly nothing else in the world mattered.
"Oh my god," you stuttered, your hand going up to your mouth to catch any crumbs that had fallen from the crispy donut. "This is so good." Your brows wrinkled in disbelief and you thought, how could something so delicious be real?
"Isn't it?" The man turned around with your smoothie in his hand, topped with fluffy whipped cream. You nodded in response since no words came to your mind.
"It's so good. Amazingly good. How is it so crispy? And the jelly is so... so tart and sweet at the same time!" You exclaimed. The man nearly jumped over the counter with excitement.
"Exactly!" He grinned, clearly satisfied with your response. "I'm glad you like it. We use strawberries from my grandma's farm and they're all made right back there." He said and pointed a finger to the back of the shop, closed off by two swinging doors.
"Do you make them?" You asked, taking another bite and trying not to melt in front of him from the sheer deliciousness of the donut. He scoffed and shook his head.
"Oh no, I can't even make a omelette without it turning back into a chicken," he said and you fell into a fit of giggles. "The owner makes them but she's out doing errands right now so I'm covering the store for her."
"That's nice," you said and glanced around the bright shop. The walls were a vanilla white and had large, bright pink circles painted along the walls. On the largest circle was the name of the shop, Sugarcoat painted in the same beautiful cursive font. Overhead the menu, there were old pictures in black and white in what the assumed to be the first years of the shop. You guessed that, even in the city, there were mom-and-pop stores that thrived to this day. Around the shop were small tables that seated two people at each, each set of furniture followed the same white and pink color scheme. "I like this place. Are you hiring?"
The man shrugged. "Sure. It's only the owner and me, but I supposed we can take in a new face," he said and leaned over the counter, eyes narrowing in on you. "Speaking of new face, I don't believe I've seen you around here before. Are you visiting?"
"Nope, I just moved here let's say, a couple of hours ago?" You replied and the man's eyes widened. "I still haven't unpacked anything but I thought I should probably get a job first."
"Did you move into the new apartments that just opened up for rent?" He asked and you nodded. You figured word got around fast in such a small town like this. "Good luck, I hear it's haunted."
You jaw dropped. "W-What?"
"Yeah, why do you think it's been up for rent?" He said and you swallowed thickly. Seeing your paled expression, the man burst out in laughter. "I'm kidding. The old residents moved and the landlord was desperate to find new ones, which is why you're paying such a low price, am I right?" He smirked.
"Wow, you are a psychic. Tell me, what does my love life look like in the future?" You leaned in and fluttered your eyelashes and the both of you laughed out loud.
"If you're looking for a job, you can work here." The man said, his smile innocent and widened into a rectangular shape. Your brows raised in shock.
He shrugged in response. "Sure, why not? The owner's just an old lady, she won't mind having more company here. Also, I think you're kind of cool," he grinned and reached out his hand. "I'm Taehyung, by the way. Nice to meet you."
You took his hand and squeezed firmly. "Y/N, and likewise. Are you sure you should be making decisions while the owner's away?" You narrowed your eyes suspiciously and Taehyung shrugged.
"I'll be fine. I'll tell her when she comes back, so just drop by here tomorrow and we'll figure out all the legal shit or whatever." He rolled his eyes and you giggled. Maybe working here wasn't going to be such a bad thing. Sure, dieting would be completely out of the question since you would be surrounded by such tempting treats, but that was fine with you.
Taehyung and you spoke a bit more about the best hot spots in town, the cafe everyone goes to, the drive in movies that happens every Friday night. Taehyung warned you not to go because there will always be somebody getting caught having sex and he didn't want you to see it because more often than not, it'll be some middle aged couple and nobody wants to see that.
You returned back home and after filling up your stomach with sweet desserts, you decide to use your hyper energy to unpack your belongings. Taehyung offered to help, but you declined. He was already generous enough to give you a job, so you didn't want him to do any more extra work. Besides, you had moved into this new place by yourself and it wouldn't hurt to act like an adult for once, would it?
The owner of Sugarcoat was, as Taehyung described earlier, an aged woman. Wrinkles created thin crevices around her eyes and mouth and her cheekbones were starting to discolor as sunspots settled in. Her eyes were a deep, brown color and were covered by her loose eyelids. Her thin hair was streaked with strands of grey and white. Although her appearance gave away her age, she moved around quite nimbly. However, she did make Taehyung carry out trays of donuts to the front as well as picking up heavy sacks of flour, but she made every batch of donut by hand.
The owner told you to call her Sue, short for something, but she didn't tell you. You tried asking Taehyung but he didn't know either. As Taehyung assured you, Sue was very pleased to have another face here so Taehyung wouldn't be so lonely. He obviously retorted back to that, whining to Sue about how he was perfectly fine by himself, which only resulted in Sue scolding him. This was going to be a great job.
You received a uniform, which was simply a baby pink tee with Sugarcoat on the front. Other than wearing that, Sue couldn't care less about what you wore.
Apparently on Sundays, everyone closed up early. The entire shopping strip had closed down and the only places that were open were a few fast food restaurants and bars in which the old timers would head over to and perform karaoke throughout the night.
Taehyung invited you out for a meal and you gladly accepted it. He took you to a 24-hour burger joint and the two of you got a cheeseburger and fries. Taehyung pulled into a secluded parking lot so the two of you could eat in peace.
"So," Taehyung spoke up before remembering that his mouth was stuffed with food. He swallowed it down before continuing. "Why did you move to such a shitty place like this?"
You gave him a hard look. "It is not a shitty place. It's cute and makes you feel at home," You laughed and Taehyung muttered back an, I guess under his breath. You rolled your eyes at his childishness before continuing. "The place I used to work at went bankrupt and they couldn't afford to pay their employees anymore, so they fired each and every one of us."
"I know," you sighed and peered out the window at the violet colored clouds that melted into the aegean sky over the blackened buildings. "This place isn't so bad. I can get a good nights rest without being interrupted by honking cars and my neighbors yelling at 3 in the morning." You scowled while remembering the terrible nights you spent awake back in the city because of the bustling world.
"True, but you do have to worry about tractors breaking down in the middle of the road and chickens stealing your crops." Taehyung shuddered at the thought.
"I'm starting to think you actually hate it here." You chuckled with a wide smile. Taehyung's eyes widened, but he couldn't open his mouth because of all the food stuffed in his cheeks. However, his expression said, I do! You gave him a moment to swallow his food before letting him continue.
"I'm glad you moved here, Y/N, but there's some things about this town that you still don't know about," Taehyung said and suddenly the entire mood in the car went grim. You noted Taehyung's averted gaze and his rigid jaw that clenched at he grit his teeth. He was eating so enthusiastically but now, he looked at his food as if he were holding a dead puppy. Suddenly, the smooth indie music playing from his CD left you feeling distant and detached from the happy mood earlier. You gulped, afraid to say something wrong in a situation such as this.
"What do you mean? Like, secret satanic rituals performed at night?" You laughed, but it only thickened the awkward air. Taehyung realized you were making a joke and the sides of his mouth jerked into a shadow of a smile before disappearing behind his scowl.
"No, I mean serious stuff." Taehyung took a long, deep breath to collect himself. "Recently there... has been some murders happening around town."
You blinked. "Murders?"
Taehyung nodded his head slowly with pressed lips as he hummed softly, anxious for your reaction.
"Murders. Murders as in, killing people or..." your trailed off your sentence, hoping something would come to mind but you were left with nothing.
"I don't know what else constitutes as murder besides killing people," Taehyung managed to chuckle a bit before the mood returned back to solemnity. "I didn't think much of it at first---nobody did since it's such a small town. Old people die often, but when it's women in their late 20's to mid 30's, people start to notice."
"Wait, women? It's only women being killed?" You stammered quickly; your heart rested suddenly increased upon hearing the age range in which you were creeping into.
"Yeah, only women. So far it's been, I think, five women? I forget the number of missing people posters are hanging up on the town bulletin." His eyebrows creased deeply and you knew he was recalling the faces of the victims. Your heart ached for Taehyung. You were new here and the only people you knew were Sue and Taehyung, but Taehyung must've been living here his entire life. He was much closer to the townsfolk and who knew, maybe he was friends with the victims as well.
Your body went stiff as the awkwardness in the air struck you. You didn't know what to say and how to make the mood better. But before you could say something might've made the situation worse, Taehyung let out a startling growl.
"Fuck! Fuck all this depressing shit!" He shouted and your jaw fell at the sudden string of curse words that spilled from his mouth. "I'm so sick of this town and all the stupid shit that goes on here! Like, Jack the Ripper stumbles in here and all of a sudden everyone's running like headless chickens!"
Your hands slapped over your mouth to silence your snort and not to ruin Taehyung's monologue.
"Taehyung, that's really harsh. People died, you know." You stated as a matter-of-factly.
"Look, I know you might think I'm some sort of sociopath---"
"No, not at all." You giggled.
"But my point is, at least something eventful is happening in this place." Taehyung shrugged in response and proceeded to shove fries into his mouth to relieve his anger.
"Why don't you move out to the city? I'm positive it'll make your life more eventful." You suggested and it only made Taehyung frown.
"It's not like I haven't been to the city. I've gone... for field trips in school and stuff like that, but I don't know if I can ever leave this place." He said and you caught a glimpse of a smile over his lips. "This is home."
You spent your time at the shop learning how to make donuts from Sue and decorate them. She gave you free range in that area, allowing you to dowse the donuts in as much sprinkles and edible glitter as you pleased.
Taehyung began leaving early to head down to the dock. Summer was fishing season here in town and Taehyung had been helping out at the ports, packaging fish and delivering orders throughout town. He came back to the shop reeking of smelt and trout and you took joy in watching Sue scold him for that. Although, it never hurt to receive fresh fish on your doorstep with a note that said, fry it using bread crumbs for maximum taste bud EXPLOSION!
On a day Taehyung wasn't working at the docks, the two of you suffered through the intense heat together. You had the air conditioning blasting throughout the store while Taehyung and you sat around sipping new smoothie mixtures that the two of you came up with. Sue had blessed both of you with permission to use the smoothie machine to keep cool while sipping on icy drinks. It was a slow day and the streets were emptier than usual, so Taehyung and you tried to come up with a new smoothie combination. He created a blueberry and coconut smoothie while you, taking a huge risk, tried lemon and pomegranate.
Let's just say pomegranate became your least favorite fruit for the day.
"How high is it?" You grumbled with your head thrown back as you slouched in your chair. Taehyung reached for his phone and slurped his smoothie.
"98." He replied. You groaned louder.
"It was just 96 like, two seconds ago!" You complained.
"Quit it, you baby. Sue's coming back with ice cream in a bit." Taehyung replied. You frowned, feeling sweat trail down your temple and your clothes matting to your body.
"At this point, it'll be ice cream soup."
Just then, the chime of the doorbell rang throughout the store, alerting you and Taehyung that somebody was here. Usually, hearing the doorbell would've been music to your ears considering you were currently working in the middle of a ghost town, but now, in this smothering heat, the last thing you wanted to do was get up.
In the end, it was your job and you didn't want to seem rude to anybody in this nice town, so you pulled your best customer service persona.
"Hi, welcome to Sugarcoat, how can I---" you froze; the words latched onto your throat and refused to come out. Your eyes were wide and staring so intensely as your jaw continued to descend to the floor.
The first thing you noticed about him was his eyes. They were wide and his thin eyelashes cast shadows over his brown eyes and onto his cheeks. His luscious, black hair was frayed in an unkempt manner, as if he had just gotten out of the shower and headed out the door. He wore a thin, black muscle tee revealed his chiseled arms and just a peek at his muscular chest.
He must've been wearing that because it was so hot outside and definitely not to show off his irresistible muscles. Most definitely not.
You also couldn't help but notice the bright red swimming trunks that he wore which caught your eye because of the outstanding color and not the way they accentuated his thigh muscles.
You gulped, eyes fluttering as if he were a mirage and you were trying your hardest to see through it.
"Hey, Jungkook. Long time no see," Taehyung greeted him and the two did a little handshake. Jungkook. The name fit him so well. "Are you still working at the pool?"
"Always have been since the 7th grade," he said, and his voice was like rich honey that passed his lips with a rolling purr. It sent shivers through your body, but nothing like the shivers you felt when his eyes fell on you. Suddenly, the world stopped upon Jungkook making eye contact and you didn't think it was possible to freeze up more than you already had.
"Who's this?" The edges of Jungkook's mouth jerked with a smirk.
"This," Taehyung politely gestured a hand to you. "Is our new hire, Y/N. I'm sure you've heard of her."
"Sure, heard of, but never seen before," his smirk widened and he tilted his head, eyes still on you. "Maybe I should've stopped by sooner."
"Maybe I should go out more." You replied, surprised that you could even form words. Jungkook's eyebrow jerked suggestively and you were quick to turn your gaze away.
"So what'll it be, my friend?" Taehyung smacked the glass counter, taking Jungkook's attention away from you.
"Mixed fruit smoothie, large, please." He smiled back. Taehyung gave Jungkook a thumbs up before turning around to make his smoothie. You slid next to Taehyung, nudging his arm.
"Hey, Taehyung." You whispered. He raised a brow at you while throwing frozen berries into the blender.
"Who was that?"
"Oh, him? His name's Jung Jungkook and he's the lifeguard at the municipal pool." He sang and your eyebrows raised in interest.
"Lifeguard?" You whispered and glanced back at Jungkook. He was staring up at the menu with his lips pursed in thought. Occasionally, he would glance down at the donuts behind the glass counter and his eyes would sparkle. "He's sexy."
Taehyung froze and looked at you with wide eyes before rolling them back into his head. He huffed and pinched the bridge of his nose before placing the lid over the blender.
"You're actually delusional." He turned the blender on and drowned out any arguement from you. After making the smoothie, Taehyung handed it to Jungkook and he took it happily, handing Taehyung a 10 dollar bill.
"Stop by again sometime, Kook." Taehyung said. Jungkook laughed and pulled the straw into his mouth. He glanced over to you and you made the mistake of making eye contact with him. Although you wanted to look away so badly from embarrassment, there was something about his brown eyes that pulled you in so magnetically.
"Maybe I will." He smirked and turned to leave. After Jungkook left the store, you flopped down in your chair and sighed, fanning yourself.
"Is it just me, or did it get even hotter in here?" You asked. Taehyung reached for his phone again, sighing as he scanned the screen.
"Nope, its at 100 now."
On your day off, you took a trip to the pool. Just to get a good tan and maybe finish reading a book, and definitely not to snoop on Jungkook.
Definitely not.
You wore a simple, red one piece and threw a white kimono over that. With a pair of sunglasses sitting on top of your nose, you were ready to go to the pool.
It was a small building, there being a larger pool indoors that was mostly used by athletes to train as well as a pool on top of the roof of the building. Since it was summer, nearly everybody was up there. You took careful steps to the roof, the sound of your flip flops squeaking on the wet concrete.
When you reached the top, the sun immediately blared down on you and you promptly pulled your sunglasses over your eyes. You headed over to an open lawn chair, saying hello to some people that you knew. Sitting down, you pulled out a book from your bag and opened it to the page that you left off from, but you weren't reading at all. Your eyes scanned the pool in an attempt to find Jungkook. The lifeguard chair was empty so you assumed he was walking around.
"Jungkook!" The man sitting on the ledge of the pool with his legs submerged underwater bellowed across the pool, making you jump in your seat. You looked out to the far end of the pool to see Jungkook wading through the deep end, his hands clasped around a young boy as the child flapped his legs wildly. Jungkook looked over to the man, brushing his hair away from his eyes.
It seemed like time stopped the moment you laid eyes on Jungkook. His body glistening with water droplets that fell off his godly arms. You sighed dreamily when you saw his wide smile, which distracted you from ogling at his shirtless body.
"Don't baby him, okay?! He's a man, he can take it!" The man cackled and Jungkook gave him a thumbs up before returning his attention back to the child. You decided staring wasn't going to help you at all, so you turned back to your book. You would look up on occasion to see Jungkook watching over the pool in his high chair and take a moment to drool over his tanned skin. He would often scan the pool and when he turned to your direction, you would look back down at the book.
"Hey there," you heard his honey voice call out to you. You jumped and looked up, pulling your sunglasses over your head to see Jungkook smiling down at you. "Y/N, right? How's your reading going?"
You looked down at your book and gawked like a fish out of water, unable to answer the sudden question sprung onto you.
"I-Its great." You stammered finally. He sat down in the lawn chair next to you and you finally noticed that he pulled a loose black tee over his body.
"Really? What's it about?" He leaned in. You didn't know if he was faking his interest in your book, but nonetheless, you had no idea what you had read.
"It's um... its about---"
"You wouldn't know, would you?" He chimed in with a smirk. "I see you haven't turned a single page since coming here."
You looked down at your book and sure enough, your bookmark was still placed neatly in the middle. A bright blush covered your cheeks and you wanted to cover our face in embarrassment, but you weren't going to let him get to you.
"Isn't that considered stalking?" You narrowed your eyes at him. Jungkook shrugged.
"I'd consider it being observant," he smirked. "I have to know what's going on in my pool."
You raised an eyebrows and swung your legs over the chair to face Jungkook. He pulled back, startled by your sudden action.
"Oh really? Well then, if this is your pool, what are you doing over here talking to me?" You sneered with narrowed eyes. Jungkook's tongued the inside of his cheek as a smirk widened across his lips.
"Well," Jungkook leaned forward with his elbows on his knees, clasping his hands together. "I'm currently on break so my coworker's covering for me." He replied and you glanced over to the lifeguard chair to see a blonde sitting there. "And I thought you'd be lonely sitting here, not reading." Jungkook grinned mischievously and made your cheeks color.
"I was reading." You muttered under your breath.
"Mmhmm, sure," he chuckled and scooted forward. "Are you free this weekend? I'd like to take you out."
You blew a raspberry and stared at him with wide eyes. "Wow, you work fast." Jungkook shrugged at that.
"I like to get what I want. So about it? Maybe a nice dinner date with a movie afterwards?" He suggested. You pondered on that, even though the idea seemed so romantic and perfect. You pulled your bottom lip under your teeth and smiled, pulling your hair behind your ear.
"I like horror, if that's okay with you."
Jungkook and you exchanged phone numbers and the minute you got home, he texted you. He was a very straight forward person and the first few texts from him laid down the time he would be picking you up, the place you would be eating at, and the movie you would be watching. He was sweet, always asking if his choices were okay with you but since you weren't familiar with the area, you let Jungkook take the lead.
On the night of your date with Jungkook, you dressed up in a casual, white romper and curled your hair just enough so it fell like waterfalls. He picked you up at 7, just like he said in his text and you didn't want to keep him waiting. Not to mention the fact that you were nearly shaking from excitement and boy did Taehyung receive the blunt end of your endless squealing and gushing over your date with Jungkook over the past week.
You headed out your apartment upon receiving a text from Jungkook. After stepping out of the apartment complex, you nearly melted after seeing Jungkook casually leaning against his sleek, white car which contrasted with his black leather jacket and ripped black jeans. His hair was messy, just like you liked it. Everything about him just screamed sexy.
Jungkook looked up when he saw you walking towards him; a warm smile spreading across his lips.
"Hey," he said, pushing himself off his car. He held out his hand and you grasped onto it. "You look beautiful."
"And you don't look so bad yourself." You giggled when Jungkook shrugged his shoulders.
"It's an effort. Shall we depart, madam?" He raised an eyebrow at you and opened the passenger door to his car. You pressed your lips together to hold back the wide grin threatening to show.
"Why, thank you." You said and stepped into the car. Jungkook drove to a steakhouse located downtown, where most of the modern stores were located. Sugarcoat was the one store that connected modern business to old-fashioned one since it had been around for so long but still kept that fresh, modern feel to it.
You ordered a filleted grilled salmon while Jungkook had a roasted, half chicken, which you took great joy in watching each such a monstrosity. Over dinner, he asked you about the city and what you did there. Jungkook had been to the city more than Taehyung, so it was easier to talk about it without explaining what everything was.
"Do you ever want to go back?" Jungkook asked, his eyes seemed to sparkle with curiosity as he listened to you speak. You twisted your lips in thought.
"Maybe one day, but I like it here." You chuckled.
"Really? In this shit hole?" Jungkook narrowed his eyes at you suspiciously, as if you had said the most offensive thing ever. You laughed out loud.
"You and Taehyung both. I don't get what's so wrong with this place! Why do you two hate it so much?" You argued. Jungkook licked his lips and scooted forward in his chair, leaning in as if to tell you a secret.
"Well, for one, there's absolutely nothing to do here. It's more boring than watching two snails have sex."
"I bet you'd love watching that, wouldn't you?" You sneered, making Jungkook pause. He quirked an eyebrow at you.
"Oh, I'm not interested in slow sex, baby girl." He smirked and your jaw dropped immediately. You gawked at him in shock at the sheer suggestiveness behind his words. Jungkook was a straight forward man who liked to get what he wanted, but for some reason, the way he dodged directly spouting risqué comments by lacing his words with subliminal, raunchy content made your face flush more than if he were to say it directly. The fact that he said slow sex was uninteresting and boring to him only hinted that he loved rough sex.
And god were you willing to do anything to experience that.
"Y-You---" you stuttered, eyes blinking furiously as you tried to find words to say. Jungkook chuckled as he rest his elbow on the table, leaning in towards you. You gulped as a whiff of his sweet cologne wafted through your nose.
"I know it's still early into the night, but I think seeing a movie is the last thing on our minds right now." He whispered to you, nearly purring into your ear. You squeezed your legs together and suppressed a moan. How could such a man trigger such a reaction from you from just talking?
Turning your attention back to Jungkook and away from the possible ways he could fuck you, you nodded. Jungkook smirked and stood up from his seat, taking your hand again.
The next thing you knew, Jungkook had you slammed and pinned against the wall of his apartment as his lips ravished yours aggressively. You wrapped your arms around his neck to hold you up, moaning into his mouth as his hands traveled up your sides. Jungkook pulled away with a growl, biting your lip in the process.
"Fuck, why do you have to wear this thing?" He cursed, pulling at your one piece romper. You giggled and began unbuttoning the romper in the front. Jungkook watched with wide eyes, anticipating the reveal of your supple breasts only covered by your bra.
You let the top of the romper fall and Jungkook exhaled in satisfaction, the sight of your tits turned him on so badly that his cock pressed painfully against his jeans. Jungkook snatched your hand and lifted you over his shoulder, rushing to his bedroom. He flopped you on the bed before dragging the rest of your romper down your legs and threw it on his floor.
"Off. I want it all off." He snarled, ripping your panties off. You hummed happily and reached behind your back to unclip your bra. Meanwhile, Jungkook had already stripped off his jacket and shirt and was now unbuttoning his jeans. After being completely naked, you got on your knees and watched with glazed eyes as Jungkook pulled down his boxers; his erect cock springing up. Immediately, he grasped his long fingers around it, stroking it a few times as a low grunt came from his throat.
"Come here and suck me off." He said. You gladly slid off the bed and got on your knees. Jungkook stood in front of you and you took his member in your hands. You stroked it rhythmically, squeezing it from time to time. Hearing Jungkook's moan as you rubbed your palm over his head made you determined to make him cum in your hands.
Remembering Jungkook wanted you to suck him off, you took him into your mouth and ran your tongue over the slit. Jungkook jerked his hips forward and hissed. His hands went up to run through your hair before gripping it tightly.
"Just like that." He said under his breath, eyes glossing over with need as he watched his cock disappear inside your mouth. You took him deeper, humming happily as he slid down your slick throat. You continued to suck Jungkook off as strings of moans and grunts left his mouth. He would occasionally throw his head back and you would look up to see his neck damp with sweat and his arms flexing as he gripped your locks.
Jungkook pulled your head back suddenly and you gasped when the sudden fullness Jungkook's cock gave you was snatched away from you.
"You were about to make me cum." He chuckled and helped you stand up by grabbing your arms. Jungkook pulled you close and planted his lips onto yours briefly before pulling away. He picked you up from under your arms and pinned you to the nearest wall; his cock pressed against the underside of your ass throbbing painfully. You giggled and ran your hands up his chest to wrap around his arms.
"You do work fast." You purred. Jungkook took his cock in his hand and slapped it against your folds making sure the tip caught all of your juices that were already lathered around your sex.
"Looks like you don't need any foreplay, do you?" Jungkook smirked as he continued to tease your hole with the tip of his cock. You whined in need, pressing your head against the wall.
"Please, Jungkook. Just hurry up and fuck me!" You pleaded. Jungkook wanted to tease you more, maybe taking the time to watch you squirm as his tongue explored every part inside of you, but seeing you so desperate for his cock made it impossible not to slam it into you.
He suppressed a possessive grunt with a shaky exhale and positioned his dick at your entrance, slowly entering inside of you, filling you up to the brim. You gasped as Jungkook's length stretched you out. It had been a while since you had sex that you had forgotten how good the stretch was.
"Holy fuck...!" You clenched around Jungkook subconsciously. He grunted and latched his lips onto your neck, grazing his teeth along your flesh.
"You're so tight. So fucking tight." Jungkook moaned into your neck before he began thrusting into you. He was slow at first, making sure that you adjusted to him perfectly before grinding deep inside of you. Your eyes fluttered back from pleasure and your jaw hung low.
Jungkook held you pinned against the wall with his hands gripping the bottom of your ass tightly as he continuously slammed into you. With each thrust, you could feel him reaching your deepest parts. When he pulled out of you, it was like being released from the sweetest sensation you had ever felt and you wanted more.
"God, you feel so good squeezing around me," Jungkook groaned loudly, his thrusts started become more erratic and rapid. His lips found yours and he sucked on your bottom lip, nibbling it. Finding it hard to stay up with Jungkook's hurried movements and your breath being taken away by his lips, you latched your nails onto his back and dug into them. Jungkook groaned into your mouth in pain as he pulled away, pressing his forehead against yours. "You like that? You like it when I fuck you deep?"
Your only response was a needy whimper and you nodded your head furiously while biting your lower lip. With every deep thrust, a burning sensation began to gradually grow hotter in the pit of your stomach. It was so intense that it came to a point where no moans were coming out of your slacked mouth. Jungkook caught onto the fact that you were on the brink of climaxing from the way your eyebrows knit deeply and how your fingernails were carving out crescents in the nape of his neck.
"Cum for me, baby girl. I want you to come all over my cock." He whispered in a husky voice. You whimpered, biting your lip in need before tightening around Jungkook. He moaned and his sporadic thrusts returned and they synced with his desperate moans and whimpers.
It must've been because Jungkook was striking your g-spot with every thrust of his and not because he told you to cum, but here you were, cumming all over his cock as he drove it into you without a second thought. You scrambled to stay up, nails scratching up his shoulder blades and the nape of his neck. Your pussy was pulsing around him, clenching involuntarily as pleasure washed over you in intense waves.
"Oh my god!" You gasped from oversensitivity. Jungkook began to move slower, pulling out of you so agonizingly slow and pushing his wet cock back in to grind into you.
"Tell me where you want my cum." He nibbled on the meat of your neck.
"Inside. I want it inside me." You exhaled sharply. Jungkook grunted and slammed into you; his mind was hazy from your sultry words. Jungkook managed to get a few hard thrusts in before he was spilling his seed over your walls and your entrance. His eyes squeezed shut and he tried not to black out from the blinding pleasure of your soft walls constricting around him as he came. Jungkook pulled out before his cock was throbbing in oversensitivity and slowly set your feet back on the ground. Your hand reached down to cup your sex and scooped up the dripping cum that leaked out of you.
"You're right," you said as Jungkook was putting his boxers back on. He glanced up at you through his sweat-soaked hair. "Slow sex is pretty boring." You laughed and Jungkook managed a smirk.
"I'm happy you think so."
The next few weeks go by in a fluffy daze with your heart dictating your every movement and action. Taehyung and Sue couldn't help but be somewhat creeped out by all the hearts you were icing on the donuts. Jungkook asked you to be his girlfriend officially after a long night drive to the outskirts of town. He proposed the question so subtly as you spoke about moving into an apartment with your significant other. Jungkook then asked if you wanted to move in together and you, quite taken back at his sudden question, told him that it would be appropriate to start off dating before moving in together to which he replied, then what are we waiting for? You could not stop screaming about that to Taehyung for a good week or so.
Jungkook would now stop by the shop to pick up a smoothie before going to work over by the pool just to see you.
"You should come by later." Jungkook smirked as he nibbled on his straw. The action was so nonchalant yet Jungkook pulled it off so sexily that you couldn't help but gawk.
"I'm not off until later tonight." You pouted, intertwining your hands with his over the counter.
"I'll miss you." He pouted back, gazing dreamily into your eyes as you melted into his.
"I'll miss you more."
"You guys are disgusting. Get a room, would you?" Taehyung gagged from behind you, nudging you with his hip to move out of his way.
"Oh, well, the storage room is empty. We can---"
"Absolutely not." Taehyung interjected with a glare and the two of you giggled.
"Alright, I gotta go or else my manager's gonna chew my ass out." Jungkook said before smoothly brushing his lips over yours with a kiss. It happened so quickly that you didn't have time to react, but he left you feeling bare and needing his touch so desperately. You watched him walk out the door, a silly grin spread across your face.
"I see somebody's in love." Taehyung snickered as he studied your face. You pulled away from the door which Jungkook had left through long ago.
"In love? No, not even close. Completely and utterly obsessed with him? Maybe." You shrugged and Taehyung flopped down in a chair from the lobby. A long and deep sigh came from his chest and the strange sound worried you. "Are you okay?"
"I'm... tired." Taehyung closed his eyes and it was then with the sun shining down on his tan skin that you could see the deep set of dark circles under his eyes. "It's gotten so busy down at the docks that they're not letting anyone go home until 3 in the morning." Taehyung complained as he rubbed his eyes. You frowned deeply. Seeing the usual energetic Taehyung so down and lifeless hurt you, but you knew there wasn't anything that could be done about it.
"I can always come down and deliver a smoothie." You grinned, trying to make him feel better. Taehyung purses his lips in thought.
"I don't know if drinking a smoothie while surrounded by disgusting, raw fish is a good idea." Taehyung laughed and scrunched up his nose at the thought.
Saturday nights were movie nights with Jungkook and you. Over the time that you two started dating, you've already went through all of the Disney movies and we're getting into early 80's movies. Now, Saturday nights were your favorites. On these nights, even if you didn't have sex (which the night usually ended with), just snuggling up with Jungkook on his couch with his arm around your shoulder and your hands intertwined together. His thumb would draw small circles over your knuckles and you melted the small gesture.
"I still think Samantha should've ended up with Ted." Jungkook shrugged his shoulders while popping M&M's into his mouth. You rolled your eyes.
"Ted was a freak and a stalker. Plus, Jake is so hot!" You exclaimed, making Jungkook glare at you.
"So that's your type? Cocky jocks that bully kids smaller than them?" He wrinkled his brow. You twisted your lips and tilted your head sideways.
"No, my type is cute lifeguard boys that think they're so much better than everyone else." You sneered and watched Jungkook's eyes widen and his jaw drop in shock.
"When have I ever?!" He snapped, grabbing your wrists and pulling you over him. You squealed, straddling your legs around him. Jungkook still held your wrists tightly as he gazed into your eyes. You stared back, melting into a soft smile upon seeing his puppy dog eyes. All of a sudden, Jungkook squeezed your wrists and your attention was pulled away.
"Your wrists are so... soft." He said in a low voice, almost inaudible. His thumb began rubbing small circles over it, feeling every tendon and gracing over your veins. There was an awkward silence that filled the room despite the ending credits of the movie you just finished playing in the background.
Suddenly, Jungkook's touch felt cold and distant. His eyes weren't filled with light and excitement and instead there was a shadow cast over them, void of his beautiful brown eyes. Now, you were looking at black marbles that paid no attention to you.
You jerked your hand away from Jungkook and the sudden movement made him jump, almost as if you had snapped him out of his thoughts.
"Sorry, I got lost in my train of thoughts. Where were we?" Jungkook said and let his hands fall on your thighs. You managed to smile back, part of you already forgetting what had just happened, but the other part was still uneasy. Of course, the former was definitely more dominant.
"Well, I believe I'm still waiting to receive my punishment." You sang in a sultry voice. Jungkook quirked a brow as you scooted up his legs. Your hands snaked up his chest to wrap around his neck, grinding on his crotch. He let out a deep growl in return as his nails dug into your thighs.
"You're such a treat." He said through his clenched teeth. Jungkook's hands grabbed under your thigh to pull you upward so you were no longer straddling him and instead your knees were digging into the couch. From that position, you were now face to face with your noses nearly touching. You inhaled sharply, surprised by his dominant actions and forwardness. Jungkook ran his hand up your hamstring slowly as chills ran through your body. You shuddered and let your eyes fluttered close. You were already anticipating the incredible sex that would come after all his teasing, so you didn't mind.
Then, as if to deliberately rip your mind away from thinking of anything pleasurable, Jungkook dug his nails into your skin and ran them along your flesh, leaving burning trails in their tracks.
"Ow! What the fuck?!" You pushed yourself off of Jungkook and stood up, looking down at your legs to see claw-like marks running across your leg. Your jaw dropped in utter disbelief.
"Y/N, oh god, I'm so sorry. I wasn't---" Jungkook immediately stuttered and stood up.
"What is wrong with you?" You snapped, taking a step back and putting a hand up as if to ward him off. Jungkook refused to take a step forward and his face fell upon seeing your panicked expression.
"Y/N, I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking straight. It was an accident and it won't happen again. I promise." He said in a calming voice. You lowered your hand reluctantly while the other one continued to hold your hamstring, soothing the pain with soft rubbing.
"I think I should go home for tonight." You said hurriedly, grabbing your jacket and purse from the couch and turned to head out the door. As you fumbled with the lock, Jungkook approached from behind you, pressing his against the door.
"Y/N," he whispered into the shell of your ear. You froze and let his hand trail down your arm until he reached your hand. Jungkook squeezed it softly. "Have a good night." He said before pulling away. You exhaled sharply, very much tempted to stay and forgive him, but the mood wasn't right and you already had the door unlocked. In the end, you left Jungkook's apartment and drove home; your mood already bitter for the night.
A few nights passed after your falling out with Jungkook, but he still came by during work to say hi and converse before going to work. Even after a few nights passed, the marks Jungkook left on you that night still remained. Taehyung wasn't blind to it either. He noticed the uneasiness you portrayed when Jungkook came by the shop and he saw the way you clung to your body tightly, hugging yourself as if to make you smaller whenever you were in the presence of Jungkook.
He also noticed the red marks that mysteriously appeared after the weekend. He noticed how you wore long jeans instead of shorts despite the sweltering heat and when he asked why, you dodged the question. Taehyung wasn't dumb. Sure, he was a goof and was always looking for a good time, but he could read in between the lines. It was when the bruising hadn't gone away for days that Taehyung finally asked you about them.
"How are things with you and Jungkook?" Taehyung asked as you were wiping down the counters. You didn't react too much, but even from the slight twitch of your mouth Taehyung knew you were hesitant to answer the question.
"We're fine. We still see each other everyday and we hang out on the weekends." You answered quite vaguely. Taehyung frowned knowing that you were still dodging his questions.
"Y/N," he said, his tone firm. You glanced up at him meekly. "You know you can tell me anything."
Silence laid between you save the scratchy radio playing over the speakers and the soft humming of the smoothie blender behind you. You swallowed thickly. You were definitely afraid to tell Taehyung. This was something that happened in your relationship and you weren't sure if letting people know about it was a smart idea.
But Taehyung was your friend, your closest friend, and you felt guilty for making him worry.
Clearing your throat, you responded. "A few days ago, I was over at Jungkook's place. You know, Saturday is movie night and I went over to spend time with him. But then... things escalated and---"
"Escalated? Like how?" Taehyung leaned in over the counter. You gave him a look despite the seriousness of the conversation.
"You know what I mean," you said and looked down at the inside of your wrists. The mark was fading away, but the coldness and apathy you felt from Jungkook that night still made you shudder. It was as if he was a different person. "I thought he was being romantic and everything, that was until he---"
"Did he hurt you?" Taehyung perked up, nose flaring in silent rage. "He hurt you, didn't he?"
"No," you interjected quickly. "Well, not exactly. I don't think it was intentional."
"Y/N..." Taehyung sighed as if to one, collect his thoughts and two, hold himself back from saying something he might regret later. "I don't think that's healthy at all."
You nodded in acknowledgment. "It's okay, Taehyung. I'm okay."
"It's not!" Taehyung exclaimed loudly. You stared at him with wide eyes, clearly startled by his outburst. Taehyung took a deep breath and calmed himself. "It's not okay, Y/N. This is wrong. You shouldn't be with someone who hurts you."
"I know," you nodded, refusing to say anything more than that. You knew it wasn't right, but you wanted to give Jungkook the benefit of the doubt. Maybe it was just a one time thing. Maybe it was an accident.
"If he does anything else, let me know." Taehyung grunted and turned away to release his anger elsewhere. A small smile twitched at your lips. You were happy, or more enthralled to know that Taehyung worried about you to this extent. Heart-warming yes, but did it ease your anxiety? The unsettling feeling you felt in your gut whenever you were around Jungkook? The fear that Jungkook would hurt you again? Definitely not.
You assumed, since coming to this small town, that nothing eventful would happen. That was somewhat true. During the day, the townsfolk carried out their routine as if it were any regular day, not caring about anything else; not even batting an eye at the news of a serial killer on the loose. At night, you could sleep carefree without having to wake up in the middle of the night to bang on your wall to quiet the neighbors.
That was somewhat true.
It was nearing one in the morning and you were absolutely determined to finish the latest season of the new show you started. You had been texting Jungkook all night up until he had fallen asleep on you in the middle of the third season. You were just laying in bed, eyes red and stinging from forcing them to stay open so you could finish the show. As usual, the residents around you were dead asleep and the only sounds were either from your laptop or the barking of a dog.
You were dozing off at around three with a couple episodes left when the most unexpected thing that could happen in your apartment complex occurred. You were suddenly jerked awake by the sound of glass shattering. You straightened up your posture, eyes wide and alert as you looked around wondering where the noise came from. Your windows were still intact, but the sound was so pronounced that it could only come from your neighbor's.
You grabbed a cardigan before walking out of your apartment and into the hall. You could see other residents coming out; their movements slow and groggy as they had just woken up.
"What's going on?" You muttered to yourself and headed outside the complex to see a gathering of people standing outside. You poked and nudged your way through their shoulders to see what the commotion was about, only to reveal an array of broken glass on the ground.
"What happened?" You asked one of the residents.
"The house got broken into." The person replied and pointed the smashed window. Egg colored curtains swayed in front of it from the slight summer breeze that passed by.
"Has anyone called the police?" You asked, reaching for your phone in case nobody had done so yet.
"Don't worry, they're on their way. It's a shame nobody here puts up security alarms anymore. That way, the police'll be here quicker."
Indeed, the police arrived long after the woman's house was broken into. You were debating on letting the issue go and returning back to your apartment to finish the show if only the police were investigating right outside your window. You didn't know that the resident was living next door. There was nothing stolen, but that was the least of your worries. The police had found out through hours of investigating that the resident, a 76-year old woman by the name of Meredith, was murdered with a knife wound to the chest and died of blood loss. It wasn't said amongst anyone there, but they were all thinking the same thing.
This was undoubtedly another victim of the serial killer.
The police came to the conclusion that there was no more harm done other than the one murder and they would be wary of anything happening like this again. They suggested that you stay inside for most of the time and if not, be careful of your surroundings.
After everything had settled down, you returned to your apartment. You didn't want to stay after and witness the paramedics escort the elderly woman out of her home. If you weren't already so tired and sleep-deprived before, you were most definitely depleted afterwards. Luckily you didn't have work the next day (or in a few hours) so you slept in. Before going to sleep, you texted Jungkook and Taehyung and told them what happened so they would hear it from you first before word got around town as quickly as it did.
You awoke to a bountiful amount of text messages from both of them consisting of panicked "are you okay?" and "are you hurt?" More of a frantic and urgent manner with random capital letters from Taehyung but that was just his personality. Jungkook wasn't much different, but he was more mature than Taehyung.
You walked into Sugarcoat the next day and was immediately bombarded with questions from Taehyung. It was so much that it went from worrying about you to scolding you for being so careless.
"Taehyung, I'm fine! I've told you at least a thousand times over text that nothing happened to me!" You laughed at his absurdity.
"Well, you should still be careful! Who knows, maybe the person was going from house to house!" He continued to scold you and you rolled your eyes at him as his words went in one ear and right out the other. Just then, the bell on the door jingled lightly and the both of you turned your heads. You raised your eyebrows in surprise to see Jungkook panting; his hair was disheveled and matted to his forehead with sweat.
"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at wo--" you asked but before you could finish your sentence, Jungkook ran towards you and cut you off with an extremely tight hug. You groaned in pain and tried to tap on his back to loosen his grip, but Jungkook didn't budge. Finally, after a desperate whimper, Jungkook released you and his hands went up to cup your face.
"You're not hurt or anything, are you?" He asked, tilting your face in all sorts of directions as he examined you. You gently pulled his hands down away from your face and gave him a reassuring smile.
"I told you, nothing happened to me. I'm perfectly fine." You replied in your best calming voice. Jungkook nodded, but you could tell he was still hesitant to let the thought go.
"I can't believe there was another victim. There hasn't been one for the longest time," Taehyung shook his head in disbelief. His teary eyes wandered to the glass display of donuts and he ran his fingers over it. "Poor Meredith... the coconut sprinkled donuts were her favorite." Taehyung reached into the display and pulled it out, taking an unenthusiastic bite out of it.
"Are you going to be okay with staying at home?" Jungkook pouted as he gave you his signature puppy dog eyes. His fingers pushed your hair away from the face idly as he anticipated your answer.
"Well," you took a deep breath. "The police are still swarming around the complex like bees so I'd rather not stay there."
"In that case, you can stay with me. I'm sure my grandma would love having you." Taehyung smiled innocently. You were about to reply when Jungkook intertwined his hands with yours.
"I think it'd be better if Y/N stayed with me. You know, since we're dating and all." Jungkook squinted his eyes and you could nearly taste the sarcasm dripping from his words. You hoped Taehyung didn't take any offense to it because you knew his intentions were good, but when you glanced at him, his smile was still strong.
"Y/N? Is that okay with you?" Taehyung raised his brows. You felt Jungkook's thumb begin to rub circles around your knuckles which was his way to calm you. He always had a way to make your heart skip a beat by doing even the slightest gesture.
"That's fine," you squeezed Jungkook's hand back. "I haven't been over in a long time." You gazed upon Jungkook with dreamy eyes. He smiled softly at you and kissed you just as softly.
"I'll see you soon, then." He said and released his grasp from your hand. Jungkook raised his hand to Taehyung in a casual farewell before heading out the front and running back to the pool where he should've been the entire time.
"Are you sure about this?" Taehyung asked, bringing you out of your longing stare out the door. You turned back to him to see Taehyung's eyebrows wrinkled. "After everything that happened, you still want to stay at his house?"
You couldn't seem to answer the question right away. It was harmless; in fact, you knew Taehyung was asking only because he cared deeply for you. For you, being with Jungkook seemed to overshadow the fear of him doing something again.
"I'll be fine, Taehyung. If anything happens, you'll be the first one I'll call."
So the night crept in and Jungkook picked you up from work. You could see as you left the shop after closing up how Taehyung frowning in worry as he watched you leave. He probably wanted to say more and stop you from going, but he really had no right to say anything anymore.
Jungkook drove you to his place and the two of you caught up on work, personal life, and even passed around inside jokes. It was so nice to catch up and talk to Jungkook that you completely forgot the worries you had. He had a way of doing that to you; to take all of your worries and cares away so easily.
Upon arriving at Jungkook's apartment, you immediately got comfortable and changed into one of his oversized hoodies(which always smelled pleasantly of fresh linen) and stripped yourself of any undershirts and pants. You know, for easy access. After being void of Jungkook's company for so long, it was almost impossible not to rip his clothes off and mark up every inch of his body. The two of you must've been fucking for hours, round after round with little to no time for rest.
And then came your period of rest, at around one in the morning as you slept curled up in his sweater. You fell asleep with Jungkook's fingers raking through your hair, snuggled in his chest that radiated warmth.
You didn't think it was strange for Jungkook to carefully remove his hand from underneath you and sneak out of bed. Maybe he was just using the bathroom, or getting a drink of water. Maybe all that rummaging and clinking was him trying to find a cup in his drowsiness.
Then, rough hands were tangled in your hair, pulling strongly at your scalp. The covers were thrown off your legs as you were dragged off of the bed. Your mind couldn't wrap around what was happening through the sleep drawn over your eyes, muddling your mind in confusion. You felt your legs get scratched by the laminated floors of Jungkook's apartment and finally after seconds of realizing the pain coming from your head, your hands shot up in an attempt to release the muscular hands that were gripping your hair.
Your body was slammed against a wall and your breath was knocked out of you; you didn't even have the strength to utter an ow.
Your eyes fluttered open and you tried to make out the blurry figure that was now kneeling in front of you. Hands roughly grabbed your face and squeezed to stabilize your head so you could focus on the person. It wasn't long before his wide, brown eyes met yours through his soft fringe.
"Are you awake now?" Jungkook's voice was as smooth as ever, still retaining that velvety tone that always made you melt. "If you aren't, there's still much more to come." He flashed a quick smile before releasing his tight grip on your face. Pain began to settle in quickly from the stinging in your cheeks to the burning of your back. He stood up and walked to the kitchen table and grabbed a frayed rope. He examined it for a few seconds before running his palm over it, feeling every fraud strand.
"W-What---" you tried to speak, but your words tumbled out of you in a quiver. Jungkook didn't bother letting you finish as he knelt down in front of you, grabbing hold of your leg. You gasped sharply, panic overcoming you as the true severity of the situation came to realization. "Don't touch me!"
Jungkook slapped you across the face and your mouth fell open in shock. Never had you been hit by your significant other, and for someone like Jungkook to do it was unbelievable.
"Stop struggling and we'll end this quickly." He growled under his breath. Despite all your struggling and thrashing, Jungkook still managed to push your legs together and tie them with the rope. He grabbed your face again and squeezed making you gasp and hold your breath in sheer fear. Your limbs weren't listening to you even though your mind screamed for them to move. Jungkook was so close, so vulnerable that with a single punch you could get away, but your arms were frozen. Trembling.
Suddenly, Jungkook was no longer the cute lifeguard that visited you at work. He was no longer your boyfriend that took you out to dinner and made mix tapes for you, about you. His eyes no longer looked at you with affection and adoration and instead a cold, glazed sheet fell over them. His hands that used to hold you in their comforting warmth were now working nimbly with ease and practice to tie up your wrists in a thinner rope.
Suddenly, Jungkook was no longer your Jungkook.
He reached into his pocket and pulled out a red ball gag, raising it in front of you for you to examine it.
"Open." He demanded. You didn't move. He grabbed your face again, fingers sinking into your tender cheeks. "Open up or else I'll rip your jaw open." He growled and your jaw fell open in obedient silence. He popped the gag into your mouth, scraping against your teeth as you resisted just slightly, but not enough in fear that Jungkook would do something to hurt you.
"Perfect," Jungkook smiled in satisfaction as he gazed upon his work. Your feet were bound together by the rope which dug into your ankles with a sharp pain every single time you struggled. Your hands were the same; tied tightly together by a rope and knotted for extra measures. "I knew your wrists would look beautiful in those ropes." Jungkook's hand reached for your face and you turned your head, shuddering in sheer fear.
"What's wrong? All of a sudden you hate when I touch you? What about two hours ago when you were begging for me to touch you? Hm?" Jungkook sang in a mocking tone and with every single word, the urge to vomit became stronger. How could someone you felt so fondly towards suddenly seem so revolting?
"So here's the plan, Y/N," Jungkook shifted into a squatted position. "You play it by my rules and I'll make things quicker for you. Painless, even. If you don't and you make one single sound, I'll make sure that pretty little face of yours won't be seen ever again." He stroked his knuckles against your cheek, too softly for a psychotic killer.
"Do you understand?" He asked, eyebrows wrinkled. You don't remember if you nodded your head or if you just sat there shaking uncontrollably. Whatever you did, Jungkook stood up from his squat and headed back to the table of supplies. As he ran his hand over them, his lips pursed in deep thought as he pondered on what to use. The clinking of metal rang in the apartment.
In the corner of your eye, you watched as Jungkook pick up a long, sharp knife that made a resounding shing. You cried out desperately, tears streaming down your cheeks.
"Oh, you like this one? I like this one too." Jungkook chuckled and set the knife aside. You squeezed your eyes shut and felt the tears pool at the corners of your eyes. You wondered what you did that caused you to end up in this situation. Was it because you forgot to wish your grandmother a happy birthday before she died a month later? Was it because you forgot to give the right amount of change to a customer? How could you have been so ignorant and blind to the fact that your boyfriend was a psychotic serial killer?
Jungkook returned to your side with cheerful steps and a drawstring bag slung over his shoulder. He knelt down and gripped the area where your feet were bound by ropes and then where your hands were before picking you up effortlessly. He reentered the bedroom and threw you onto the bed carelessly before stripping the drawstring bag off his shoulder. He opened it and pulled out the same knife that you saw before.
You cried out a muffled scream as best as you could with the gag in your mouth and thrashed around in a useless attempt to free yourself. The more movement you made, the more the ropes dug into your skin, peeling and scraping at your wrists and ankles until blood seethed through the shallow cuts.
Jungkook stilled your movements by climbing on top of you; straddling his thick legs over your waist. He held the knife in his hand as an eager smile curled at his lips.
"Why are you doing this?" You managed with a shaky voice, but with the gag in your mouth it came out as 'hwai aw hyuu doohing hiss'
Jungkook wrinkled his brows, clearly surprised that you could even speak in a situation like this. "Because I'm bored. I'm so unbelievably fucking bored in this shit town that I decided to take matters into my own hands. The police should be thankful that they're actually doing their jobs instead of sitting on their asses all day not even giving tickets to those who drunk drive."
Jungkook let out a frustrated huff after his monologue and you continued to stare at him because you knew he wasn't done.
"I know what you're thinking. 'Why not move out to the city if you're so bored?' Well, news flash, the city's boring too. There really isn't anything better than watching defenseless women cry and beg for their lives like sows."
You didn't realize how hard you were glaring at Jungkook until your eyesight became blurry from you squinting at him.
"What? You have something you want to say?" Jungkook asked and pulled the gag from your mouth; trails of saliva connected to it.
"You're a monster, Jeon Jungkook."
He frowned and shoved the gag back into your mouth, scraping against your teeth in the process. "I changed my mind. Unlike the others, I'm going to take my time with you. Slowly torturing you just to hear those sweet, sweet cries," he sang as he ran the blade along your cheek so agonizingly slow. You felt the blade sink into your skin as a sharp pain shot through your face; you whipped your head away and cried out desperately with your legs squirming beneath him.
Jungkook grabbed your neck and gripped it, his fingers digging into the sides of your neck. You gasped and your body immediately froze up.
"God, you're so aggravating!" He grunted and pressed his palms against your Adam's apple. "You know, I'd rape you right now, but knowing you, you'd probably like that, wouldn't you?" Jungkook released his grip around your neck and you gasped for air in rapid, desperate intakes. Jungkook pressed the knife against your other cheek and created another incision along your cheekbone. He continued to do so, inserting tiny cuts into your skin which gradually grew into larger, deeper lacerations which you could feel blood dripping from as they mixed with your endless tears.
Throughout the entire time, Jungkook seemed to be enjoying himself. It was obvious from the small smirk on his face as he worked on you. His crazed eyes burned with a manic glow.
Jungkook made his way to your jaw and scraped the blade along your mandible. Your breathing suddenly became erratic and frantic the moment you realized how close he was to your neck, your vital arteries which would end your life almost instantly. Feeling the blade sink into your skin, you squeezed your eyes as millions of thoughts zipped through your mind.
You wanted to apologize to your family for all of the stupid shit that you said or did to them. If not that, then maybe a simple goodbye would suffice. You wanted to see Taehyung again, to laugh with him again and talk endlessly about the most strangest topics. Your mind traced back on all of your mistakes and you regretted every single one of them, even if they didn't matter anymore. You regretted ever meeting Jungkook and lusting over him. If it weren't for you and your thoughtless actions, maybe you wouldn't even be in this situation. Maybe it was your fault that you were going to die without a last word to anybody.
To your surprise, Jungkook didn't slice into your flesh and have your blood spurt out and stain his bed. Instead, he pulled the knife away and tossed it aside.
"I just had a wondrous idea." He smiled and climbed off of you. A part of you was relieved that you didn't die. A big part of you, actually. But that was immediately overcome by the dread of what idea Jungkook could possibly have in his twisted mind. It was as if you had accepted your fate, not even resisting as Jungkook picked you up again and headed for the door. Before leaving his apartment, Jungkook pressed his mouth against your ear.
"Just know that if I hear a single peep from you, you will be responsible for an entire massacre in this town, do you understand me?" Jungkook hissed. You nodded, knowing that he was dead serious. Jungkook opened the door to his apartment and grabbed his keys which hung from a wall mount. Jungkook walked down the hall of his complex while humming an upbeat song. You contemplated on screaming out. Just straight up bellowing as loud as you could without a care of what your throats would feel like afterwards. It was a thought, but it was also a suicide mission. You decided not to, not because you were afraid of dying because at this point it was going to happen sooner or later, but because you didn't want to drag anybody else into this mess. If anybody was going to die, it was going to be you and you alone.
Jungkook loaded you into the trunk of his car before slamming it shut. You heard him walk around to the drivers side and climb in. The car started promptly afterwards and then he was driving off to who knows where. During the drive, you could hear Jungkook playing music which reverberated throughout the car. It was calming, in a very twisted way. You were swallowed in complete darkness and your heart was beating intensely, but hearing a familiar tune helped you take your mind away from the harsh reality you were about to face, even if just for a short time.
After what seemed like an eternity of laying in the trunk, the car pulled to a halt. Your eyes shot open and you focused on the sound of Jungkook getting out of the car; his footsteps became louder the closer he approached you. Then, the trunk clicked open and you were blinded with the sudden yellow fluorescent lights. You squinted to shield your sensitive eyes that burned from the abrupt shift from complete darkness to blinding light.
Jungkook pulled you out from the trunk and set you on the ground, which was an aged pier with wood splinters poking out. You looked around to see yourself on the dock. The long wooden platform was illuminated by the same yellow hue from the lights above that stretched all the way down the coast. It was completely empty, not a single soul to be seen or heard. Just the soothing sound of water crashing against the wooden planks holding up the dock.
You didn't have the pleasure of enjoying the lulling silence of the water before Jungkook yanked you away by your wrists and dragged you down the dock. You yelped as the wood stabbed your legs with splinters, but your cries went unheard.
Taehyung raised his head from behind the giant crate of fish, still fresh from today's catch. He looked around with wide eyes, body frozen stiff.
"What... was that?" He muttered to himself. Ever since he started working at the docks, the older fishermen always teased Taehyung about ghosts showing up at night. His fear of the supernatural was already a nuisance enough, but now that he was staying late into the night, his paranoia was amplified tenfold. Not to mention he was alone tonight after his superiors had left him to do all the dirty work like they did every night.
Taehyung considered leaving the fish to rot while he ran for his life, but not only would he get an earful and possibly one less job, but he was sure the ghost or whatever was out there would find him. He quickly placed the lid over the crate of fish and peeked out from behind it again to get a better view of the dock.
There he saw it. A limping woman in her pajamas, all bloody and hair strewn over her face...
A stifled scream rumbled in Taehyung's chest and he ducked behind the crate; his hand clutched over his chest to calm his beating heart. Okay, maybe the old men weren't joking about a ghost, not that Taehyung ever doubted them, but to see it in the flesh was completely different than hearing about it.
Taehyung, letting curiosity and wonder get the best of him, slowly peeked out from behind the crate again to see if his eyes were playing tricks on him. And to his surprise, the woman had disappeared. That was either a good thing or bad if she had suddenly decided to pop up right behind him.
Taehyung's eyes wandered the docks in search of the ghost when he saw something strange. The front of a car parked at a careless angle. He narrowed his eyes at the familiar dented bumper.
"Is that..." Taehyung muttered, slowly creeping out of his hiding spot to catch a better view. The closer he got, the more Taehyung was sure that the car belonged to Jungkook. He could recognize that car anywhere. But what was Jungkook's car doing here? And more importantly, where was Jungkook?
He crept out of his hiding spot and tip-toed to the car with light steps, making sure the weight of his footsteps didn't cause the dock to creak. When Taehyung saw the car up close, he was certain that it was Jungkook's car. There was no doubting the matching Playboy air fresheners that hung from his rear view mirror (Jungkook's was black while Taehyung had a white one).
Taehyung peered down the dock, squinting his eyes to adjust in the darkness that swallowed the end of the dock despite it being lit by the lights overhead. Then, he caught a slight movement---a jerking motion as if... as if someone was dragging a heavy object. Something in Taehyung's mind clicked together and he ducked behind the car as his hand shot over his mouth to silence any sounds that could possibly be heard.
There was no mistaking that Jungkook was here, but who was he with? Why would he be here in the dead of the night? What business did he have at night, disposing of something large into water that was so thick with dirt and blackness? It was a perfect place to hide something, or worse, someone. If that were the case, then Jungkook could possibly be...
"Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Taehyung didn't stop the stream of curses that came out his mouth as he ran his hands through his hair in a frustrated manner because he didn't know what to think at this point. He didn't even dare think of the hypothetical that his best friend for years had been murdering women and dumping their bodies into the waters of the town that he grew up in his entire life. It was just impossible.
Not believing his own thoughts, Taehyung peered over the car again. The figure, which Taehyung knew was Jungkook at this point, was getting further down the dock. If he squinted his eyes hard enough, Taehyung could see legs flapping around in a frantic manner.
"They're still alive!" Taehyung gasped in relief and shot to his feet. But wait, if he were to go over there, what could he do? Kindly ask Jungkook not to kill an innocent person? Even if Taehyung were to barge in there, the outcome will be the same.
Fuck that. This was a human life he was talking about. Nothing is more precious and important than that and Taehyung was more than prepared to put his own life in danger if it meant saving another.
Before heading over, Taehyung rang the local police station, silently cursing them for not picking up immediately, but when they did he informed them of the possible danger that was about to go down.
"Hello? Yes, I have information about the person who broke into Meredith's house recently." Taehyung said as he took slow steps down the dock. He wanted to move faster, but he also didn't want to risk getting caught by Jungkook and add another name to Jungkook's kill streak.
"How do you know that?" The officer asked.
"My friend lives in the same apartment and she saw the face of the intruder. She wasn't able to report it to the police because she had to leave town for a trip."
"I see, thank you. Where are you right now?"
"I'm at the docks and the intruder is here. I saw him walking just a while ago."
"I understand, we'll be there as soon as possible." They said before hanging up. He felt bad for lying to the police, but at least it'd give them a real reason to come down to the docks instead of trusting some boy's guttural instinct about his best friend being a serial killer. Taehyung turned the flashlight on his phone on and flashed it down the dock as he approached the end.
"Who's there?!" He shouted, loud enough for Jungkook to whip his head around in panic.
"Shit," he cursed under his breath before pushing your body behind a ole of fishing nets. His hand stroked your hair gently, too gently for the words that came out of his mouth afterwards. "I won't hesitate to give you a swimming buddy if you make a single sound, do you fucking hear me? Not a single sound." He gripped your leg tightly before standing up.
"It's me, Jungkook." Jungkook replied to Taehyung, covering his eyes from the blinding light from Taehyung's phone. He lowered it and his eyes widened in shock.
"Jungkook? What are you doing here so late?" Taehyung asked, stepping closer.
"Just taking a breather."
"What about Y/N?"
You tensed at the sound of your name. It was the perfect opportunity to scream out and get Taehyung's attention, but the image of Taehyung's dead body sinking down beside you stopped the scream mid-throat. You simply sobbed silently, trying your best not to let your shaking shoulders move the net.
"She's still asleep. Why are you out?" Jungkook asked nonchalantly, clearly unshaken by the sudden interruptions in his plans.
"I'm still working. They're still making me stay behind to finish inventory and shit like that." He laughed shakily. There was no way Jungkook couldn't sense the uneasiness seething out of Taehyung. He was nearly shaking in his own skin.
As the two talked mundanely about work, your mind raced with ideas of getting his attention. Maybe if you moved while they were talking, Taehyung could see you. But then what? By doing that, you'd put Taehyung in danger as well. Then again, you could just sit here and do nothing. Your life was in danger and you were not about to just give it up to some psychopath who you thought was your loving boyfriend.
As you slowly inched yourself into a position where you could raise your legs more easily, you were grateful to hear their conversation include more laughing than interrogating. It was just a slight raise of your legs, but it could very much be considered the deciding factor of your life.
Taehyung was no different than you. He was simply stalling Jungkook in order to make time for the police, but anxiety still bubbled in the pit of his stomach. What if he was too late? What if Jungkook had already disposed of the body before he reached him?
Taehyung's eyes began darting around frantically as he was running out of conversation starters and searched for another way to distract Jungkook.
Then, he saw it. The rustling of the fishing nets shied away in the shadows created by the dock lamps. At first he thought it was just being pulled along by the crashing waves, but remembering how long it took Taehyung to heave those nets out of the water, he knew that wasn't the case. Jungkook was too busy talking about his job to hear the rustling and the waves were too loud to hear it, but Taehyung was positive he saw it move.
They're alive.
The only thought that ran through his mind was such and a wave of relief crashed into him. It took him a lot to hold back on pumping his fist in joy.
"You know, you've been working hard, Taehyung. Why don't you go home and rest? Don't you have work tomorrow anyways?" Jungkook said.
"Well," Taehyung paused and took a breathe. "I should say the same to you. Making sure little kids don't drown sure sounds tough." He chuckled and jungkook pulled a smirk.
"Well, it's a good thing bodies float, right?" A thick silence filled the space between Jungkook and Taehyung as they stared at each other with tense glares. The only sound present was the softly crashing waves against the poles underneath the dock, the faintness of police sirens in the distance, and the slight scraping against the wood coming from your direction. Immediately, Taehyung's eyes darted to you and his heart dropped the second Jungkook turned his head around.
In an instant, Taehyung leapt towards Jungkook, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and pushing his weight against him. Jungkook slammed against the dock and groaned in pain. Taehyung held him down as he pulled his legs over him.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing, Kim Taehyung?!" Jungkook shouted as he reeled back and swung at Taehyung. He moved back slightly, luckily only getting brushed by Jungkook's knuckles. Just when Taehyung thought he was safe, Jungkook's other fist met Taehyung's side and sent him doubling over.
"I should ask you the same thing!" Taehyung grunted and knocked Jungkook in the cheek. His eyesight was laced with rage as he continued to parade on Jungkook's face with fists. While doing so, he looked up at the fishing nets. He didn't know if you were watching, but you must've heard what was going on. Taehyung saw only the outline of your leg in the light, but he shouted anyways.
"Hurry up and move!" He yelled and Jungkook punched Taehyung in the gut.
Their brawl continued and you were giving your best effort to roll away from the edge of the docks because one wrong move could have you tumbling over and sinking down to the ocean floor. You managed to pull yourself over onto your side. The best option would've been for you to keep rolling over until you were in a... safer place. Nothing about this situation was remotely safe. The next best thing was to get somewhere far away from Jungkook.
"Get the fuck off of me, Taehyung!" Jungkook growled and pushed Taehyung's chest, but he was resilient and determined to hold Jungkook down. It was just until the police arrived, but it was starting to feel like an eternity.
"You do realize what you're doing, right? This is murder, Jungkook!" Taehyung retorted back with a punch, which Jungkook skillfully dodged with a jerk of his head.
"Of course I know what I'm doing! Stop treating me like I'm some sort of kid!"
"Then grow up! If you've got nothing else to do besides murder and ruin people's lives, then maybe you should leave! Leave and never come back!"
At that, Jungkook lunged at Taehyung. He gathered his strength and sat up, causing Taehyung to topple over. Jungkook grabbed Taehyung's collar with one hand, gripping it tightly in his fist while his other hand rained down on Taehyung with punches.
It hurt you to see your dear friend get beat up so you turned away, inching further down the dock, further away from Jungkook. You kept repeating 'please be safe' over and over in your mind because the last thing you wanted was Taehyung to be in the same position as you.
You were almost to the end of the dock when you felt your leg get pulled behind you. You yelped out loud and turned back; your face fell when you saw Jungkook holding onto your leg. His face was painted over with pure rage. He had cuts and bruises all over his face especially around his cheekbones and nose and his hair was matted to his forehead with sweat. You glanced over at Taehyung who was on his side, holding onto his stomach as his face contorted in pain.
"You..." Jungkook heaved and pulled you up by your wrists. You screamed and although it was muffled by the gag, the shrillness of it reached across the dock.
There was no hope anymore. There was no savior, no superhero to come to your rescue.
"You really pulled a fast one on me there. Both of you," Jungkook turned back to Taehyung and breathed out his nose. "You must've been thinking you were getting the upper hand, weren't you?" He snorted condescendingly. Your face exploded in embarrassment because he was absolutely right. For a moment, you actually thought you were going to live.
Jungkook walked closer to the edge of the dock and for some reason, the feeling of fear left you. You had no energy, no will to resist nor fight back. At this point, death was pretty much inevitable. Now, you wondered what drowning would be like. How long could you hold your breath, or should you even hold your breath at all? How cold would the water be as if enveloped you in its soothing embrace? How long would it be for people to find your body? Decaying and eroding away in time with the ocean's current, snuggled safely in the soft sand on the bottom of the ocean sounded like a dream.
By the grace of the gods, Jungkook released you. You were too doped out and dazed in your imagination to realize that the police had pulled up.
"Freeze! Drop the girl and put your hands in the air!" An officer yelled and Jungkook followed their orders. His hands slowly reached above his head as he clasped them together. He couldn't do anything now, not when he was surrounded by people carrying weapons.
The police immediately rushed in and took Jungkook custody by pulling his hands down behind his back and locking them with handcuffs. A few officers ran to your side, brushing the hair out of your face to see if you had any serious injuries or if you were even alive. They promptly untied the ropes from your joints, but since you were in that curled up position for so long, it seemed almost impossible to stretch out from it. It was as if you were paralyzed.
Taehyung seemed alright, for the most part. When the police arrived, he had already gathered enough strength to stand, still clutching his stomach which ached whenever he moved. Taehyung watched Jungkook get pulled away by the police, trying to hold back a smirk. He knew it wasn't the appropriate time, but he couldn't help it. He saved you.
The police had wrapped you in an emergency blanket and carried you out to the ambulance which arrived just shortly after the police had. You sat on the edge of the truck as medics attended to your wounds, wrapping them up in what seemed like an endless supply of gauzes. You were silent for the entire time and found it hard to find your voice. Although, you knew you had to speak up at some point for future interrogations with the police. Everything happened so fast, you were stuck wondering if it was really over.
After treating you, the medics gave you a cup of coffee, but they didn't provide any cream or sugar so you simply held it in your hands to warm yourself up. All of a sudden, Taehyung's shouted your name and your head whipped up to see him rushing towards you. You set the coffee cup down before Taehyung knocked it down with his squeezing bear hug. You whimpered in pain, but there was something comforting about Taehyung's arms binding you together tightly.
"I'm so, so so so so so glad you're okay!" Taehyung exclaimed, his voice cracking from holding back potential tears. You gave him a sympathetic smile and returned the hug.
"Thank you, Taehyung. Seriously, I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't come." You replied as tears blurred your vision. You bit your lip and a hand went up to dab them dry. Even through your efforts to hold back tears, they all decided to come streaming out at once from the overwhelming emotion of reassurance that still didn't seem real. To be completely logical, your psychotic boyfriend attempted to add you to his long list of victims. Sobbing shamelessly was completely reasonable.
Your light tears eventually turned into frantic hiccups which Taehyung tried to calm down by stroking your back. He sat beside you on the truck while looking out onto the scene that played before him. Police officers were scattered along the dock, marking it up for potential evidence. Taehyung glanced over at the police car that held Jungkook and his heart sunk into his chest. He sat there in the backseat, staring off into space with a tense expression. His locked jaw and dead fish eyes were enough to express the frustration Jungkook must've been feeling. Thinking about what could've happened to you if he hadn't intervened sent shivers through Taehyung's body. He might've been considered a hero in your eyes, but at what cost? Both of you were traumatized and you might never trust anybody ever again.
Just then, as if Jungkook knew Taehyung was watching him, he looked over and locked eyes with him. Taehyung inhaled sharply and straightened his back in a poor attempt to look stronger despite getting his ass handed to him just minutes before. Jungkook smirked and his lips moved slowly as he spoke. It was slow enough for Taehyung to read his lips as he annunciated every syllable and when he realized what Jungkook had said, he paled and found it extremely hard to swallow.
See you soon.
It wasn't long before you got back into the swing of things. The doctors suggested you take things slow and not to engage in too many extraneous activities (which you used to your advantage and made Taehyung wipe down all he tables after closing) and they had you come in for regular checkup. Luckily, since you had no fractured bones and nothing was torn, your recovery didn't take long at all.
Talk of Jungkook being the mysterious serial killer became the only thing the town talked about and still hadn't died down even after your recovery. You couldn't imagine what they must've been thinking; a young boy that everyone saw grow up only to turn into some sort of... monster. Especially Jungkook's parents who couldn't even look anybody in the eyes after that. They locked themselves up in their house, away from everyone's stone cold, judging eyes. You felt sorry for them, so say the least. It wasn't their fault their son turned into a psychopath killer. In all honestly, there was nothing they could do to change what Jungkook became.
You heard news that Jungkook had been sent to a solitary prison across the state, but despite the distance between you two, the mark he made on you still managed to keep you up at night. Sometimes you would wake up in cold sweats, arms wrapped around yourself to still your shaking body. He would appear in your dreams and flashbacks of the incident would interrupt you in your daily life. Sometimes, your imagination would make you think you saw Jungkook riding down the sidewalk on his skateboard, but he would disappear with a double take.
You started calling Taehyung in the middle of the night because he was one of the people that could calm you down. Him, as well as your parents, but you always felt bad for calling and interrupting their sleep so late at night. Of course, you felt bad towards Taehyung too, but he reassured you that he didn't mind, so you took his word for it.
Although your body has recovered from the wounds, there was still a deep scar in your memory that still haunted you after the fact. But you were fine, for the most part. You still had your job, your family, your friends, what else could you need? What else could you possibly ask for?
Perhaps, maybe a pill that would erase your memories and heal your insomnia, but other than that, nothing.
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medicatemedrmccoy · 8 years ago
Unexpected Guest - pt. 1
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This is based off a dream I had the other night, and decided to write out. Nothing special or exciting, just a fun, fluffy story. And now that I’m officially posting the first part, I’m dedicating myself to finishing the rest.
3,123 word(s) of fun and fluffy buildup. No warnings.  Leonard x Reader
You shimmered onto a familiar patch of grass. The warm breeze blew your hair gently around your face, you closed your eyes and took a deep breath. You opened your eyes slowly and stood there for a moment and stared at the quaint farmhouse your parents had given to you, with your bag slung over your shoulder, smiling ear to ear.
The Enterprise had just finished another mission and had come back for supplies and repairs, granting the crew a weeks leave. You had jumped at the opportunity to come home. It had been far too long since you’d been back.
You made your way through the grass and up the gravel walkway, and made your way up the steps to the wrap around porch, listening to the porch swing creaking in the breeze and the wind chimes jangling. You pushed open the front door gently and made your way inside, dropping your bag just inside the door. You took in another deep breath, and crinkled your nose slightly. You quickly made your way around the house, and opened a few windows.
Once satisfied at the breeze blowing through the house, you made your way to the bathroom. You walked over to the shower and turned on the faucet and placed your hands under the spray. You groaned softly to yourself, finally, a real shower. You shed your clothes quickly and stepped in the shower and pulled the curtain closed.
You had cleaned yourself up rather quickly, but you just couldn’t bring yourself to shut off the warm spray. You lost track of time as you stood there with your eyes closed, the spray on your back helping to loosen your tight muscles. Eventually the water began to turn cold, and you groaned inwardly as you shut off the shower. You stepped out and toweled off quickly, while stepping into some fresh clean clothes.
You were in the middle of towel drying your hair when you heard a soft knock on the front door. You furrowed your brows, at the interruption, wondering who it could be. No one knew you were even home yet, furthermore, who had found themselves this far out off the beaten path? You made your way slowly to the front door, still toweling out your hair. You peeked through the window and saw an all too familiar, albeit, confused face of your best friend aboard the Enterprise. You quickly opened the door and took in the man standing in front of you.
“Leonard? What are you doing here?” You questioned, with an upturned eyebrow. Leonard didn’t answer at first, as his confusion lifted at the sight of you standing in the doorway. He cursed out a “dammit Jim” quietly and sighed, running a hand through his hair. Leonard shuffled around on his feet awkwardly.
“Jim told me he was beaming me to the hotel, but I guess he accidentally sent me here instead.” Leonard offered in explanation, looking a bit agitated, trying to look anywhere but your face.
“Well, that’s.... a strange accident.” You replied as you eyed Leonard suspiciously, but still Leonard offered no further explanation. “Would you like to come in then?” As you swung the door open further, stepping out of the doorway.
“Thank you, Y/N.” Leonard replied as he picked his duffel up off the porch and made his way inside, sitting it down by your bag. You walked around Leonard, leaving him standing in the doorway as he gave your living room a once over. You made your way to the couch and plopped down.
“It isn’t much, but it’s home.” You shrugged at him. You were never one for much decorating, which was just as well since you were out in space more than you were here.
“You can have a seat you know. Nothing in here bites.” You said jokingly, as you drapped your legs over the side of the couch. Leonard slowly made his way over to a recliner and sat down rigidly. A slightly uncomfortable silence filled the room and lingered, before you spoke quietly.
“So, do you need to use my comm to call Jim?” You questioned as you looked in Leonard’s direction. Leonard just shook his head slightly.
“He wouldn’t answer if I commed him, he’s busy giving reports and debriefings.” Leonard sighed in reply, rocking in the chair slightly, looking down at his hands in his lap.
“Is there anyone else you want to call? Somewhere you want me to take you?” You offered once more gently. Leonard just shook his head at both of your questions, while rubbing the back of his neck slightly.
“Let me guess, you’re going to want to stay here for the week?” You quipped, as you rolled your head to the side to look at Leonard.
“If that’s ok?” Leonard replied quickly, not realizing you were joking “I don't have anywhere else… except with Jim and…” Your heart broke a little and you cursed yourself for sounding insensitive.
“No, of course you can. I didn’t mean for it to sound that way, I’m sorry. You can stay as long as you like. I have plenty of room, and it’d be nice to have some company.” You replied quickly, cutting him off. You sat up on the couch sightly and offered Leonard a small smile. Leonard visibly relaxed at your words and eased back into the chair more comfortably, offering you a small smile in return. You got up from the couch slowly and stretched.
“Well I hope you're hungry, because I am. I'm dying for some real food.” You said wistfully as you made your way passed Leonard and patted his leg softly. You padded into the kitchen, and began rummaging through the cabinets. You laid out everything you’d need on the counter and went to gather the chicken from the fridge. Leonard made his way to the entryway and leaned against the door frame.
“What are you making?” Leonard questioned while quirking his eyebrow at the myriad of bowls and utensils strewn across the countertop. You grabbed what you needed from the fridge and shut the door with your foot.
“What I always make when I come back from a mission. Fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and corn on the cob.” Leonard groaned softly from the doorway and you smirked to yourself.
“Need a hand?” Leonard offered, pushing himself off from the entryway. “It's the least I can do.”
“Sure, you can start by dredging the chicken.” You answered casually as you started peeling potatoes.
“I can do what?” Leonard replied, looking at you confused.
“Dredge… you know… cover in flour?” You replied, turning your head and meeting his confused eyes.
“Oh…” Leonard breathed out, looking slightly abashed.
“You can name everything there is to know about the human body without a second thought, but you don't know what dredge means?” You laughed out in reply.
“I'm a doctor, not a culinary chef, woman.” Leonard huffed out as you handed him the seasoned flour.
“Whatever you say Leonard, just don't make a mess.” You sniggered as you returned your attention to peeling and cutting potatoes. You finished cutting the potatoes and turned your attention back to Leonard. The sight made you stop in your tracks. Leonard had seemed to get flour on everything in the vicinity except the chicken.
“Leonard Horatio McCoy, what on earth…” You breathed out taking in the whole scene.
“What? It's harder than it looks!” Leonard grumped out, as he sent more flour flying in all directions.
“You’re worse than a kid, you know that? How did you manage to even get it in your hair?” You replied as a bubble of laughter began building in your chest, and you moved your hand to your mouth to suppress it. Leonard narrowed his eyes, glaring in your direction.
“Don't you dare.” Leonard growled a warning. You couldn't help it, you couldn't take his warning seriously as he stood there covered in flour, you lost it. You laughed harder than you had in a long time. When you finally stopped laughing you looked up and Leonard had moved in closer to you, with a stern look on his face. You wiped the tears from your eyes and breathed out a final laugh.
“I hope you know you're going to clean all this up.” You said as you gestured to the mess all over the half of the kitchen.
“It’ll be worth it for this.” Leonard replied, the edges of his lips quirking up into a grin.
“For what…? Leonard...” You trailed off, eyeing Leonard suspiciously. Before you could register what Leonard was planning, he closed the gap and lifted you off the ground as he pulled you into a hug, squeezing tight, successfully covering you in flour.
“Leonard! Get off of me! I just showered, you ass!” You yelled as you struggled to get out of his grasp, kicking your feet and wiggling unsuccessfully. Leonard just chuckled as he held you in his arms until you finally stopped struggling, then he set you back down gently.
“You love it darlin’, don't deny it.” Leonard replied with a laugh and a twinkle in his eye.
“I will continue to deny it till the day I die, McCoy. Now go take a shower and leave me be so I can get dinner finished in peace.” You replied with a huff, trying to brush all the flour off your clothes. “Down the hall and to the left.” Leonard made his way out of the kitchen, still chuckling to himself. You sighed and shook your head, a small smile tugging at your lips despite yourself, that man drove you completely crazy, and it was always in the best way.
Leonard finished his shower fairly quickly, and made his way back to the kitchen. He leaned against the door frame in a pair of sweats and an old t-shirt from your academy days, looking quite relaxed as his still wet hair clung to the sides of his head. You had just finished getting everything plated.
“Here, help me carry this stuff to the table. No funny business this time McCoy.” You warned, eyeing Leonard. Leonard lifted his hands in the air in surrender.
“I come in peace.” He stated with a grin, taking the plates from your hands and walking them over to the table. You poured two glasses of iced tea and made your way to the table.
“Good god woman, this is fantastic.” Leonard said in awe as he took his first bite of chicken.
“Thank you. Secret family recipe.” You winked at Leonard, digging into your own chicken. Leonard looked like he was going to reply to your statement for a moment, but he decided to take another bite of chicken instead.
You slipped into silence as you both ate. Neither one of you were big into small talk, and it suited you both just fine. You both would stay late at each others quarters, quietly watching a movie together, or even reading. You both just enjoyed each other's company, it was comfortable. Your friendship seemed almost effortless, you both understood and just got each other.
“This is a nice place you have Y/N, it's homey.” Leonard spoke quietly as he gazed around the dining room.
“Thanks. It's my childhood home. My parents willed it to me when they passed. I couldn't bear the thought of giving it up, so I moved in and have been working on it ever since.” You replied with a small smile. Leonard returned your smile as he got up to take both of your plates to the kitchen sink. You followed behind him with the glasses.
“Just rinse them and put them in the dishwasher. We’ll worry about your flour mess tomorrow. I'm too tired to care tonight.” You replied trying to stifle a yawn as you rinsed out the glasses. You placed them in the dishwasher and shut the door.
“Let’s go watch a movie.” You offered as you hit Leonard's arm softly with the back of your hand.
“After you, darlin’” Leonard drawled as he gestured toward the living room. You rolled your eyes playfully as you made your way to the living room with Leonard close on your heels.
After much debate, the two of you had finally decided on a movie. It had action for Leonard and your favorite actor. You picked up a couple pillows from the love seat and tossed one to Leonard, who caught it and placed it behind his head. You plopped down on the couch and brought your legs up and laid them across the ottoman. Leonard mimicked you and laid his legs across yours.
Halfway through the movie you look over at Leonard, who was already snoring softly. You smiled to yourself as you continued to stare at the sleeping doctor, taking in how peaceful and younger he always looked when his guard was down and he wasn’t stressed. Then a flash of light dancing across the sky caught your attention, you turned your head to the window as a quiet rumble of thunder echoed across the sky.
You looked to Leonard who was still fast asleep. You decided to let him sleep. The two of you had put in countless hours in the Medbay these past couple of weeks due to an outbreak. You knew he was every bit as tired as you were, probably more so. You turned down the tv, so it wouldn't wake him up. You slowly wiggled your legs out from underneath his own and made your way out to the front porch.
You stared out to the west as the lightning continued to snake across the sky. The distant rumbling getting louder and more intense. The breeze was picking up as your wind chimes jangled loudly. You walked over and carefully laid them down on the porch. You sat down on your porch swing and watched the lightning bolts chase each other in the distance. You had always been fascinated with storms.
“Looks like some storm brewing.” Leonard yawned out rubbing his eyes and coming over to sit by you, plopping heavily onto the swing.
“Yeah, we just entered tornado season a few days ago. Should be interesting.” You replied, chuckling softly, not taking your eyes off the sky.
“Tornadoes?! I didn't sign up for tornadoes!” Leonard spoke quickly, eyes bugging out of his head slightly.
“Settle down, just because it's tornado season, doesn't mean every storm is going to be a tornado. Don't worry, I have a tornado shelter out back in case anything happens” You tried to reassure Leonard by patting his arm softly.
“Fantastic, a tornado shelter. I'm glad one of us is taking this in stride.” Leonard huffed out, rolling his eyes as he crossed his arms.
“You get used to it.” You shrugged at him. “It’ll be alright though, don't worry”. You gave Leonard a quick wink as the rain started to fall on the house.
“Get used to spiraling, wind funnels of death, she says.” Leonard muttered to himself. You couldn't help but laugh. You patted Leonard's leg and got up from the swing. The wind was starting to make the rain fall sideways onto the porch.
“Come on grumpy, I’ll show you to the extra bedroom.” You offered as you stuck out your hand to help Leonard up. Leonard took your hand and hoisted himself up and into a stretch.
“Bed sounds good.” Leonard yawned once more and followed you into the house.
You got Leonard settled into the extra bedroom and made your way around the house, shutting the windows as the rain continued to come down in sheets. You finally made your way to your room and pulled the sheets back on the bed and fell on top of it. Oh how you missed your own soft, comfortable bed. You curled in between the sheets and quickly fell asleep as the rain, lightning and thunder continued its relentless assault outside.
“Y/N...” a soft voice spoke into the dark.”Hey… Y/N” the voice spoke a little louder, followed by a gentle shaking on your shoulders. You groaned softly as your eyes fluttered open to see a dark figure standing beside your bed. You let out a soft yelp of surprise before remembering you had a house guest.
“Leonard! Don’t do that!” You sighed softly as you rubbed your face. “What's wrong?” You asked, as you glanced at the window, noticing the lightning continuing to flash across the sky, almost nonstop as the rain pounded against the windows. Leonard chuckled softly, while shifting his weight on his feet nervously while rubbing the back of his neck.
“I uh, well the weather… the weather looked pretty bad so I thought I'd come…” Leonard danced around his words nervously as he glanced back and forth from the window to you.
“Leonard McCoy… don't tell me you're scared.” You fought back a snigger as you sat up slightly in the bed. The lightning flashed through the window, illuminating Leonard's face. You could barely make out his worried expression.
“No!” Leonard spoke quickly. “No of course not! I just thought I'd come check on you is all.” As the last word left Leonard's lips, a deafening clap of thunder rattled the windows. You saw Leonard jump slightly and he quickly crawled over you to the other side of your bed. You sat there, trying to suppress a laugh.
“Not a word.” Leonard threatened grumpily, followed by a yawn.
“Wouldn't dream of it McCoy.” You replied as you held your hands up in surrender. You decided not to poke fun this time while you grabbed your PADD to check the weather. You showed Leonard the screen and showed him there wasn't anything to worry about. Just a heavy storm and it would pass soon.
Once Leonard was satisfied that the two of you weren't going to get swept away in a tornado, Wizard of Oz style, he finally relaxed.
You pulled the sheets up over you and laid back down on your stomach, hugging your pillow. You could hear the quiet shuffling of sheets as Leonard tried to get comfortable. You were about to comment on the noise when you felt a pressure against your side. You opened one eye slightly and peered down and saw Leonard curled up, pressing against you lightly.
“Goodnight Y/N. Thank you.” Leonard mumbled out as he began to fall asleep, smashing his face into his pillow.
“You're welcome Len. Get some sleep.” You replied quietly, smiling down at Leonard, as he pressed further into you as he started to fall asleep. You could hear a quiet rumble coming from Leonard's chest as you quickly fell back asleep.
Part 1 of 4 of my Unexpected Guest series!
People who have asked to be tagged: @imoutofmyvulcanmind @arrowsshootyouforwards @fanscribbling @yourtropegirl @mccoymostly @martinawalker  @jefferson-in-the-tardis
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