#the karaoke's there at least..... only $10 baby that's like six dollars more than in rgg... five even...
i be so normal and then someone post arakawa on my tl <- frothing at the mouth and just might turn into a werewolf
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shrimppebbles · 4 years
Through the Generations
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there’s probably another challenge named this, but I am not good at names, so I’m keeping it
*this challenge is currently unfinished as I am play testing it and fell into a rut, but feel free to start from this point*
this challenge is a free forming challenge meant for me to hopefully enjoy the sims more and have structured legacy that I like without anything that seems to hard. this legacy can be bended however you want and the gens played in whatever order you want (each gen however has a backstory and will not work if you switch them around, so create your own backstory if you switch generations around) there are a lot of pack requirements I didn’t intend to make, but you can skip those or modify them to your will.
Also, feel free to play with siblings and such to make fun family trees, just make sure to have “auto-age current household only” on!
we’ll get into all the rules below the cut to make it neat, but incase I ever delete my tumblr or it gets deactivated, HERE is a google doc of the rules too 
@sims4challenges​ @ts4-challengenet​
Some Basics before we get into the Generations
Heirs are whoever you choose unless specified 
You can give the next generation however much of the family funds of the current generation as you choose
Piggy-backing off of that, unless specified you can use however many funds you want to build/buy new lots
You can create sims to be your spouse and add them into the world unless specified
Any lifespan length is fine, although regular is recommended
Start each gen at young adult unless specified 
You can have pets in any generation unless otherwise specified
You can have same-sex or hetero couples per each generation (your choice). In same-sex couples, you may adopt or use a mod that will allow try for baby and pregnancy between them
and lastly...have fun and please tag me if you play or use the tag #ThrGen, I’d love to see it!
Generation one: A Big Happy Family 
family oriented, [your choice], [your choice]
any family aspiration
You grew into young adulthood with absolutely no-one, no siblings or parents, it’s not something you would wish onto your worst enemies, let alone your own family. You vow to make a large, happy family for your own children and never want to lead a boring life for your kids
Marry one of the first sims your spouse meets
Have 10 children (you can use mods if you wish, but just replacing them as they move out is fine)
You can live in whichever world you want, just pick the biggest lot of that respective world
Paint, write, or any other work from home job (your spouse may hold a part-time job or do the same)
Max the parenting, cooking, and charisma skills
Grow a nice little veggie garden
Have good relationship with all children
Most of your children should have the happy toddler trait and at least one positive character trait
Generation two: Work, Work, Work
 [your choice], [your choice], [your choice]
fabulously wealthy aspiration
You didn’t hate growing up in a full, loud house, but you saw how much your parents sacrificed of their own freedom and ambitions for you and you never want your family to come in between your dreams and you like that. So you move to the city to build up a career for yourself completely kid free.
Move to San Myshuno, working from a small apartment up to a penthouse
Reach level ten in either the Business or Politician careers (you can pick which branch)
Take any career opportunities the game offers you
Only after you reach the top of your career can you look for a serious relationship (you can have one night hook ups here and there if you wish, just nothing serious)
The only way you can intentionally boost fun is by listening to the radio or watching the television
Have a child with your spouse once you complete your aspiration (this should be into adulthood, the older you are the better)
Only have one child building a strong relationship with them and spoiling them rotten
If you or your spouse dies of old age, the respective partner should also die in some manner shortly after (to set up for the next gen)
Generation three: All on my Own?
snobby, [your choice] , [your choice]
start with whatever aspiration you think fits, but change it to and complete the Friend of The Animals aspiration
With the sudden passing of both your parents, you have no idea what do with yourself and how to live on your own. In a rash decision, you sell the penthouse and all it’s belongings. You blow through all this money quite quickly on drinks and gambling until you have barely enough money to move out to a small house on the coast (you will probably need to cheat this, just cheat it down to 20,000). There you try to find yourself and make a life for your new normal. After job after job, you notice the amount of strays in the area, which inspires you to open a small family clinic
Do as the description above says, only starting once both of your parents are dead
Move to Brindleton Bay
“Try” (you can just work at them for a couple days) three different jobs before deciding to open a small vet clinic
adopt at least five animals over the course of your life
You can meet your spouse wherever (perhaps the clinic) and have 2 children with them
Take your children on trips to different parks, museums, etc., every week
Max the pet training and veterinary skills
Generation four: The Nuclear Family
athletic, paranoid, [your choice]
strangerville mystery aspiration and successful lineage aspiration 
Your parents always encouraged you to pursue what you wanted, but also encouraged economic conscious and independence. Not sure what you want to do, you enlist in the army and move to StrangerVille, trying to figure out what you want, but as your there, you get enveloped into what’s going on
As a teen, have a part time job
move into the trailer park in StrangerVille
Enlist in the Military
Complete the StrangerVille Mystery aspiration
After finally taking down The Mother, you are finally able to decipher what you wanted, a Writer. You leave your position in the military and pick up a job at the local paper (the writer career), where you tell your stories of your adventures and other strange happenings in Strangerville. At the paper, you meet your spouse and settle down to have a few children with them. But still feeling unsatisfied, you find solace in a stranger at a bar and do things very questionable as a married sim.
Move to the Suburbs of StrangerVille
Become a writer and choose the Journalism path
Meet your spouse at work
Have 3 children (preferably at least one boy and one girl)
Cheat on your spouse with someone you meet at the bar (this can be a one time thing or a continuous theme)
Complete the Successful Lineage Aspiration
Max the Writing Skill
Generation five:  Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
green fiend, perfectionist, [your choice]
Eco Innovator Aspiration 
Sensing something was always off in your parents marriage, you wanted everything else in life to be perfectly in your control to balance it out. One of the biggest problems that seemed to be out of your control however, was the environment and the negative impacts of it, until you learned about a little town on the coast, Evergreen Harbor. There people of your similar mind lived and coexisted, working on creating a community of a better environment. So, soon after your eighteenth birthday, you pack your bags and move. 
Move to Evergreen Harbor
Always live in a tiny home, the smaller, the better
Grow a garden of at least ten different plants
Go into the Civil Designer Career, specifically the Green Technician Branch (you can also choose the conservationist career, just cheat the aspiration go
Concerned about their environmental impacts, have only one child, you can either by adopt or a have a one night stand resulting in a child ( you can be in contact and be in a relationship with the child’s parent, but they should not live with you) 
Have at least fifteen renewable energy sources
Make your neighborhood (and maybe others!) the cleanest it can be
Generation six:  Paintings of Cityscapes
creative, loves the outdoors, [your choice]
 pick painter extraordinaire aspiration, but also complete “friend of the world” along the way
Growing up with a single parent, your life was a little interesting, but never dim or unloved. Growing up in Evergreen Harbor gave you access to many interesting and cool people who shaped your view of the world and it’s beauty (Rory and Lorelai Gilmore type vibe ig?). Interested in broadening your world view, you move yourself all the way to the big city to pursue a career in arts. There you meet all sorts of people 
Move to San Myshuno, try moving into the smallest apartment possible, make it into a studio/loft and live there for as long as possible
Meet all your friends at art galleries and karaoke bars
go to as many festivals as possible, trying to paint and photograph them as much as possible
Max the Charisma and Painting skills
Never to boggled to settle down, have at least two children to at least two different people, preferably “casual” friends
Never live in an apartment bigger than what you need in the name of being unique (basically no mega big apartments and penthouses)
Marry as a elder to your highest romantic partner
Take your kids on trips to art galleries and such every week
You should have an extra stock pile of money, don’t spend it on stuff you don’t need
Generation seven:  A Higher Degree
genius, [your choice], [your choice]
Academic aspiration and then whichever aspiration you think fits
Living with your eccentric parent in a tiny apartment with your siblings, at times, felt quite odd and claustrophobic, but your parent always introduced you to new people and new places that widened the lens of what you could do in your life. With the help of your parent, who put away any extra dollar they could so that you and your siblings could to go to college and pursue your passion, you apply for university and move into the dorms. 
Go to University and get a degree in Psychology, History, or Literature and Language
Join at least one student organization
Meet your spouse while in university (they can be attending or you just meet them somewhere on campus)
Have a big graduation party with all your friends and classmates
Marry your partner soon after graduation
Pursue a career related to your major
Max your Logic and Research & Debate skills
I will add  more to this as I get here 
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