#the just friends couple ALMOST became joon and daisy. like i almost had that be the couple in the longterm couples series
taetaespeaches · 2 years
I absolutely adored reading “just friends” :(
:( oh my god that's such a throwback, I'm so glad you read it and enjoyed it. Thanks so much, lovely <3
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taetaespeaches · 3 years
hi Liv! oh my gosh i'm sorry that it has taken me forever to get back you! i finally got caught up on all of your fics, and i know that i have said this before but i love your writing so so much! everything is always so well written and i really love how you put so much thought and effort into it. you always seem to take traits that the boys have irl and incorporate them into the fics, as well as portraying what an actual relationship looks like - having both ups and downs.
Jin and Poopsie are an absolute breath of fresh air. they both have that chaotic energy to them that Jin himself exudes. i also love how they were best friends before they actually got together. my most favorite fic from these two definitely has to be "I still choose you every single day" where Jin told her "I just don't want to contribute to anything negative in your life, that's not what a partner should do." LIKE UGH🥺 he is just absolutely perfect in every way possible!!
Min and Kid are just two precious babies. 😭 they're one in the same. while reading their story up to now i had this thought in the back of my head that maybe that they were so hesitant at first to get close to each other was because they'd possibly been hurt before in the past, and just had some kind of wall built up from the particular experience? i feel like i have read the "I know it's 4 am but it's snowing" fic almost a thousand times. the whole time i was just like 🥺 they gradually became more comfortable with each other and were more open to talk about a lot of different things; it's so refreshing and warm to see! they are 100% my faves!
next to Min and Kid, Jimin and Dear are my second faves! for some reason the two relationships feel the same to me and have similar dynamics but with just different people and different situations. they both have definitely had their rough patches but they were able to work through them and come out stronger and better than ever. the reason why they remind me of each other a lot aside from that is because of Jimin and Dear's breakup; it reminded me of how before Min and Kid made things 100% official, there was a point in tine where Yoongi had to go to Japan and when he got back he went to see Kid. they had that argument and Kid said "you know that I would ruin myself over and over again for you." they are both willing to whatever it takes to be with each other, and even though the girl wanted them both Jimin and Yoongi felt like they weren't enough for them?
Namjoon and Daisy are so fond of each other that it's so adorable. i remember in the post where you gave facts about the girls you mentioned that Daisy can't cook but is learning, sings in the shower, has a fashion sense, and is intimidating but soft; it's like she is the girl version of Namjoon in some way. in my head i can definitely imagine the two of them coordinating outfits, going on long walks together, giving each other help and tips while cooking. i can also see them just doing simple little things like more museum dates, picnics in a park, hiking together, reading together, playing games together on rainy days in. they level each other out well!
Jungkook, Hobi, and Tae's relationships also strike me as being a little similar because it's like they both just have a love that's purely innocent. they have their ups and downs to but majority of everything that comes from them is wholesome.
(i hope you are doing well and staying safe love!!❤❤)
Omg don’t apologize, you’re totally fine! I’m so glad you enjoy the fics, that makes me really happy! Min and Kid are just a little special lol they are overwhelmingly the favs on here and rightfully so haha. I agree, there are certain couples that definitely share similar origins/have similar dynamics. I would even group Daisy and Joon into the Min/Kid and Jimin/Dear group bc of Daisy’s fears and hesitations early on. Those three are all really fun couples to write because of the growth they’ve made since their hard times. 
Jin and Poopsie lmao I personally relate to Jin a lot so writing for them is so fun because I get to let all my chaotic strangeness out on them. I do that with Tae and Peaches a little bit too and it’s always a good time lmao. 
Omg I’m actually planning a fic where Daisy is giving Joon cooking lessons, even though she’s far from a pro herself. They really are kind of mirrors of each other :( 
I agree, Jungkook/Holly, Hobi/Petal, and Tae/Peaches all maintain this kind of wholesome/innocent/besties within the domestic sphere vibe. They never have too many conflicts and when they do they can easily work through them and forgive and move on. There’s just a lot of mutual understanding between these three couples. They’re so sweet :( I swear, everyone deserves the Petal to their Hobi or vice versa and that’s that on that. 
Thank you for sending this, I love hearing your guys’ thoughts on the couples and it means a lot that you took the time to type all of this up <3 
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