#the jazz age flapper (About Sassy)
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localcanadiancreature62 · 5 months ago
Filbrick and Caryn Headcanons
Thinking about the other Pines Parents,the ones that indirectly caused the Stans' issues. Filbrick Fuckface and Caryn best mom ever.
A loving mother of three sons (Shermie Ford and Stan),and a powerhouse that can and will throw hands if anyone ever messes with her family. She may not be as physically strong as her husband and her youngest son,but she knows how to use a gun and has participated in several self defense classes so she knows how to handle herself out there whenever her family is in trouble (now i'm imagining badass Caryn trying to protect Ford from bullies lol). Sassy lady,Shermie and Dipper got their sass from her (i hc that shermie is a sweet but sassy guy,dipper however is just like that). A liar and a cheat,but with a heart of gold. Just like a certain younger son of hers. She scams and outright gaslights people with her phone psychic sessions but she will choose family no matter what in any situation. Also she used to pickpocket and shoplift as a teen during the Great Depression when money was slow with her parents because of the stock market crash (according to the timeline in my head,Stan's craftiness had to come from somewhere. She had to steal food and money for herself while avoiding getting in trouble for being a flapper dancer (type of rebellious woman in the 1920s).
Caryn used to be a dancer at some pub,doing all sorts of dances from general blues to jazz to even exotic,sensual~ dances if the audience paid her enough. Her performances were outstanding and so beautiful as if the music was flowing through her body. One of these performances,lead to her meeting Filbrick who was so amazed by her moves that he ended up taking her to dinner at age 17 in 1939 while he was 18.
She had always been close to Stan,which is why the man became such a mama's boy who always did her every word and helped her with anything he could manage despite being convinced that he can't do anything of use due to Filbrick's treatment of him. She had always protected her youngest son from everything,including his own father,because she knew that with such a bright light,it was bound to go out eventually with the harshness of the world. She learnt that the hard way herself when she had to live out in the difficult 30s era and thus she was trying to preserve her son's innocence for as long as she could. She loved Ford too,but she put her attention on Stan more as she knew that poor insecure boy needed it more than his older twin brother. Although don't be mistaken,she loves her boys equally and she will fight tooth and nail for all three of them. She and Filbrick always loved each other,very amorously. Although having Shermie and then the Stans along with having to deal with a rough financial situation kinda broke them both. Filbrick barely graduated high school with his father opting to send him to two years of military training rather than letting him finish his schooling while Caryn finished college in New Jersey with an art history degree despite her not finishing high school to term in Russia due to the fact that she had to survive the Soviet Union's tyrannical rule and then later leave before she could,plus her art history degree was basically useless as it wasn't viable for any careers at the time. Both of them couldn't land any jobs for the first few years of the Stans' lives,and it ate up at them. The two used to be close,but now that they have three children to deal with and being too financially unstable to support them all plus Filbrick getting snappier as his dormant anger resurfaced due to his father indirectly causing him to be useless while Caryn starts getting stressed from everything was starting to tear their relationship apart. Both Caryn and Filbrick got angry,at themselves,and each other. They started to have a rocky relationship from the problems stacking up on them plus the fact that they're both getting stressed and snappy from said problems. But they eventually got their shit together after finally managing to set up a business via a small pawn shop while Caryn works as a professional liar with her psychic calls in their 20s. They began doing better in their relationship after this happened and they started to love each other again rather than taking their stress out on one another,although Caryn couldn't let Filbrick's treatment of Stan slide..
She used to be into fashion design jewelry making as well as collecting old cassette tapes that weren't hers (she just stole random cassette tapes for fun,she liked the stories and mysteries that came with them),but now as a full time mother and part time liar,she doesn't have the time to do such things anymore. However now as she's getting old and gray and her sons don't need her anymore,she gets to delve into her old interests again as she's able to tell stories to her great grandchildren about her hobbies and her old flapper dancing career. Caryn is Russian to me. Cuz her surname is "Romanoff" which is a different way of spelling "Romanov",a Russian last name. She used to have a slight Russian accent when she was younger. She is currently 90+ years old as she was born in 1922 in the timeline i made up. Her mother Winona Romanoff was the kindest and sweetest woman she ever knew,she was always supportive kind as well as helpful in every way,she was a very accommodating mother that was lenient and let Caryn do whatever she wanted because she wanted to support her daughter and give her room to grow while also always being there for her. However this also made her a pushover as she helped literally anyone and everyone even if it was difficult,people often asked favors of her because of this. Winona's kindness inspired Caryn to love as deeply and as unconditionally as her,even when said kindness lead to her downfall. Winona died in the Great Purge aka one of the horrible genocide events that happened during the Soviet Union which was initially used to pick off any political opponents but it eventually escalated to killing off innocent civilians as they got accused of staging coups and such,it was in her nature to not fight back as she always wanted things to be peaceful and so she didn't deny that she staged a coup against Stalin even when she knew that accusation wasn't true,she later got shot to death in some labor camp a week later even after she told Caryn that she'd be back before she knew it. Caryn knew that something was up but she didn't dare to look into her mother's case as she might be next after the current unstable government thinks that she's doing something suspicious,plus she was only 14 years old when Winona got killed (great purge started in 1936) and so she didn't have the mental energy to do that when she needed to grieve her mother. She got by via selling her homemade jewelry and dresses. Caryn then moved away to America at 16 soon after realizing that it's unsafe to stay in her home country regarding how the Soviet Union has ruined it with their government practices and she ended up in New Jersey where she gave into the flapper lifestyle as well as where she met Filbrick. She always supported Shermie and Ford's interests,no matter how strange they were. With Ford's obsession with the sciences and Shermie's eye for the performing arts,Caryn knew that her sons were going to become extremely successful one day if they put their minds to honing their craft. She gave Shermie advice on how to make his lines sound more natural after reading a guide book on theater for him while pointing out that Ford's equation needed another variable as she tried to keep up with her genius son despite not being nearly as smart as him with her streetwise skills. She also supported Stan's interests in comics and art,but it seems that Filbrick's harsh words about how art is useless and that it won't get people anywhere career wise were stronger than her steadfast support as Stan ended up quitting drawing in his teens. Caryn had Shermie when she was 25,and then the Stans when she was 30. Neither her nor Filbrick were ready to become parents,but they were too into their bedroom activities to consider protection. Caryn had a good chance of being a good mother due to her having a great woman as a role model when it came to parenting,but Filbrick didn't. He had an asshole for a father and that greatly affected how he treated the Stans,which is why Caryn and Filbrick often clashed in their views of how to raise their own sons.
She feels bad for not protecting Stan and Ford enough. She wanted to use herself as a shield for Filbrick's harsh words and outbursts toward Stan,and be Ford's protector whenever he was being bullied by horrible children who ridiculed him for his fingers as well as nerdiness,but the times were difficult as she had to deal with helping Filbrick keep the family business afloat as their financial situation wasn't getting any better plus she decided to leave Shermie to take care of them instead in order to ease the load on herself. Although she regrets not being there for them as she soon realized just how bad her twin boys had it when Stan and Ford explained their lives when they visited Post Weirdmaggedon. Ford felt unwelcome in his own hometown as he went to seek out some place where he felt he belonged in the form of Gravity Falls while also feeling like no one but Stan (and later Bill) understood him,while Stan grappled with self hatred for years all because of Filbrick's shitty parenting. Caryn literally cried after knowing this,knowing that she failed as a mother when her boys suffered this much. However Stan and Ford reassure her that it's okay and that they got over those issues with the help of their family,then the family hug together.
Terrible father of three,hated by everyone except Mabel.
I was strongly convinced by him being a horrible asshole that didn't care based on how the show implied how bad Stan had it with him,but writing Filbrick differently in aus kinda made me think that it's actually more complicated than that. I believe that he was actually abused himself under the guise of being trained by his own father to be tougher when the man was deadass using him as a punching bag,which is why he ended up extending that treatment to the Stans. Especially Stan,as he knew that Ford could make it. However,he also tried to fix Ford too due to him being pretty scrawny and weak but he soon realized that his brains will be enough.
This man is a heavy smoker,which explains why Stan has such a raspy voice. He made his son smoke with him at times,and he threatened to smack him if he didn't. But Stan got too into it to the point of his voice forming a permanent rasp (filbrick actually regretted this,as he secretly didn't want his kids to take up his bad habits).
Filbrick's anger issues are Terrible. They weren't as bad when he was younger and only had Caryn his beautiful flapper girlfriend to worry about but now that he has three kids his own issues as well as his still wavering financial situation to worry about,his dormant anger started to resurface. In fact,both of the Stans ended up inheriting his irritable personality but in different ways (Stan gets mad whenever people spite him or hurt his family/family hurts him,Ford gets mad due to his ego).
He died from a heart attack at the age of 60 (i was actually thinking about Ford's death here lmao. "you will die of a heart attack at the age of 92"),a month after the moment Ford got sucked into the portal. Good riddance,sort of (i feel bad for him).
Imagine Stan going to both his own funeral and his dad's,complicated feelings~.
His thoughts about Shermie and the Stans,Surface level and Real ones; Surface level - Shermie is a useless weirdo obsessed with theater and one that is too emotional to make it out there as a hollywood big shot like he wants,Stan is a good for nothing dumbass nuisance who may be strong but too reliant on his brother and his skills as a swindler to truly be successful,Ford is the only son that i believe in and the one that i know can be a better man than i am. Real thoughts - Shermie is so unique and bright,he could make it out there if he wasn't so sensitive,if only i had the skills to bring out his creativity and say that he needs to work on getting thicker skin without damaging my relationship with him. Stan is a lot like me,a meathead with a big heart but one that the world keeps bringing down with it's drama and problems and general harshness,i wish i could give him the same treatment that his mother gives him,but i'm too deep into my own issues with MY father to even try. Ford may be weak and scrawny,but his brilliant mind will bring him to the top,i know it,but i wish i could have tried to spend more time with him. With all of my sons,giving them more interactions besides yelling and abuse...
Before his untimely death,Filbrick wrote a letter to the Shermie and the Stans detailing how he was sorry and explaining why he was so hard on Shermie and Stan. Because he knew that he didn't have much time left with his smoking leading to his lungs getting weaker plus his anger issues causing him to develop coronary heart disease,but he wanted to at least give his children closure before he went down to his fiery punishment (yeah i hate him. he's going to hellll). He made Caryn keep it in a box somewhere Post Weirdmaggedon,as it was for the time that their boys visit. (i did this cuz i wanted Filbrick to die a painful death as some sort of karmic punishment for what he did to the Stans,but also i want the man to at least have some closure and let his children know that he did love them,repairing their relationship with him even in his death).
He actually used to work at the pub next to the one where Caryn had her performances as some janitor boy in order to pay the bills to his rickety apartment. He crashed at adult pubs and bars often when he was an 18 year old delinquent rascal in order to drink because he was bored,which is why he ended up working at the Charming Martini pub to drink more conveniently at longer hours without getting kicked out and then he later started to work at the Lustrous Lounge where Caryn danced so that he had an excuse to spend more time with her.
He is only a stone faced and hardly expressive person due to the fact that his father forced him to not show any emotion,as expressing his feelings were considered weak for a hardened man of war like him. This ideology was taught to him in high school,at the ripe age of 13,and it was basically beat into him as the bright chipper as well as mischievous child that he used to be turned into a stoic warrior with hidden anger issues underneath his unemotional gaze.
Filbrick's anger issues stem from his horrible father Franklin Pines,who was a veteran and a very troubled man with a history of getting into fights or beating people into submission for the fun of it. Franklin was sent to military camp at 14 because his own father didn't want anything to do with him as he came to be from a quick fling,which is why he was taught military ideals from a young age and by the time he was old enough to have Filbrick (19),he wasn't able to let go of them anymore. The man was hazed and abused by his own father,making him swallow pills whole without water water boarding him slapping him in the face repeatedly making him do pushups for two days straight without any breaks and so many more atrocious hazing rituals. Franklin did this both as a form of bonding (apparently people do this as bonding in real life military camps) and as punishment,because he didn't know any other way to do such things nor did he ever consider it was wrong as he thought it was normal. Franklin was also quite strict as he didn't let him go out any longer than 5pm because then there wouldn't be any time for training,plus he made him eat vegetable gruel instead of actual meals in order to prepare him for the real military where that's the only thing served. Franklin was doing this because he planned to send his own son to the military in order to make him a real man like his father did (he thought that his dad did that to fix him,but really it was just to abandon him). All of this intense treatment made Filbrick rightfully angry as he was never given a normal childhood and he couldn't even do anything about it as he would just get smacked again if he ever tried to go against his father,which is why he held onto a dormant anger for years until he finally escaped from his crazy father at 18,going from Nebraska to New Jersey on a train as he sneaked out at 3pm before his curfew. He was finally able to have a peace of mind after being able to experience a normal life without the thought of constant training and hazing haunting him,and his anger issues settled for a bit as he got to feel calm in the considerably more peaceful of his shitty but cozy apartment rather than his father's trailer park van/mini military camp. Besides his father shaping him to be such a horrible person with skewed views on things,he can actually be quite loving and caring when he wants to as evident in how gentle as well as amorous he treated Caryn. He has a big heart,but it has been hardened by years of abuse and literal torture. He can't bring himself to be as gentle with the Stans,as he doesn't know how and his father's outdated ideals are all he knows. Filbrick made sure to not make his own children go through the torturous treatment that his father made him experience,although the ideals of strength and being a real man stuck to him which is why he was so hard on Stan and Shermie. Stan is a lot like him,a meathead with a big heart but one that the world keeps bringing down with it's drama and problems and general harshness while Shermie is the exact opposite of him with him being emotional and scrawny and too nice for his own good.
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jazzworldquest-blog · 8 years ago
USA: The City Of Las Vegas Presents: ROBERTA DONNAY & the Prohibition Mob March 11 & 12
Greetings Jazz Fans! The City Of Las Vegas Presents: ROBERTA DONNAY & the Prohibition Mob SATURDAY, MARCH 11 1:30-2:30pm concert,  3:00-4:30pm Jazz History Workshop Whitney Library (Performing Arts) 5175 E. Tropicana Ave, Las Vegas NV 89122   PRICE: free  and SUNDAY, MARCH 12 3:00-4:00pm concert Sahara West Library (Performing Arts) 9600 W. Sahara Ave., Las Vegas NV 89117 PRICE: free The Jazz Age with the music of Satchmo, Ma Rainey, Bessie Smith and more. ROBERTA DONNAY– v, LEE BLOOM-p, FRED RANDOLPH-b, GEORGE BRYANT- d, TOM EHLEN-tr, RANDY CRAWFORD-bone Event Link New album coming soon!    ROBERTA DONNAY & the Prohibition Mob SATURDAY, MARCH 25, 6:30-9:30pm concert Healdsburg Hotel, 25 Matheson St., Healdsburg, CA  95448 The Jazz Age with the music of Satchmo, Ma Rainey, Bessie Smith and more. John R. Burr-p., Fred Randolph-b, Myron Cohen-d
Musicians can take on the role of anthropologist, curious about what came before in music and how musicians reflected their world around them. Award-winning vocalist and songwriter Roberta Donnay is that rare species of musician who almost lives in another time, as she and her Prohibition Mob Band exist to revive the Jazz Age of America.  - Motema Music Roberta Donnay is a Jazz Age preservationist, guardian of Depression-era sounds, and extender of traditions, but her music isn't covered with cobwebs or dated in any way. On Bathtub Gin, this singer-composer puts a new coat of paint on the songs of the '20s and '30s, contributes originals sympathetic to the sounds of those times, and conjures thoughts of life during prohibition. - All About Jazz  With her singularly enticing sound, few contemporary vocalists are as well suited to dustily vintage material as jazz-blues stylist Roberta Donnay. She affectively proved so three years ago when, teamed with her Prohibition Mob Band, she surveyed standards from the 1920s and ’30s on the charming A Little Sugar. Now she’s back for more. – Jazz Times  DOWNBEAT MAGAZINE 4 stars **** Stylistic kind to flappers of the anything goes 1920s, Roberta Donnay has a silky, clean voice that is a small marvel of geniality, rarely dipping into touchy-feely cuteness. She's drawn to material from the canon of American songs recorded between the two world wars.  So, on her fourth album, the San Francisco-based singer and arranger takes the measure of Bessie Smith's risque "Kitchen Man", the Boswell Sisters' finger-snapping "Put The Sun Back In The Sky", and bonbons associated with, among others, Josephine Baker, Peggy Lee and the unjustly obscure Annette Hanshaw. Donnay's sassy charm also envelopes her own retro-fun compositions, including the swing dance jamboree "Happy Feet". All the while, the well-groomed, jazz-inclined Prohibition Mob Band motors along spiritedly. – DownBeat  2015 FB band page: https://www.facebook.com/robertadonnay/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/robertadonnay Instagram: https://www.http://ift.tt/2lPNyT7 ReverbNation: https://www.http://ift.tt/2mJ05Ms New album coming soon! video: Oh Papa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Twz_Qq5YzYI  event link: http://www.lvccld.org/events/index.cfm Artist Website:  http://ift.tt/2lPY3WP
  via Blogger http://ift.tt/2mJ1nXA
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sassyflapper · 7 years ago
The Broadway Melody - 1929
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sassyflapper · 7 years ago
Sassy’s official voiceclaim is Ann Morrison~ 🖤
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sassyflapper · 7 years ago
fire. ice. water. air. earth. claws. fangs. wings. gold. diamonds. grass. leaves. trees. roses. metal. iron. rust. rain. snow. lace. silk. cotton. sun. moon. stars. blood. dirt. mud. silver. steel. sugar. salt. lavender. glass. wood. paper. wool. fur. smoke. ash. ocean. bruise. scar. wind. spices. light. dark. paint. charcoal. wine. hard liquor. sweat. dust. ivory. bare feet. canine. feline. coffee. tea. books. scratches. petals. thorns. hay. glitter. heat. cold. steam. frost. candle. sword. dagger. staff. arrow. hammer. shield. spikes. sand. rocks. roots. feathers. pearls. rubies. sapphires. emeralds. herbs. waves. lightning. sunlight. moonlight. clay. stone. brick. lions. wolves. ink. hollow grins. creeping silence.
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sassyflapper · 7 years ago
Copy and paste the following into a new post and bold which applies best to your muse!
Repost, do not reblog! 
♦ Financial : wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty. ♦ Medical : dead / fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged. ♦ Class or Caste : upper / middle / working / slave / unsure. ♦ Education : qualified / unqualified / studying ♦ Criminal Record : yes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has aided/ committed crimes, but not caught yet
♦ Marital status : married - happily  / married - unhappily / engaged or betrothed / partnered (pony verse only) / single (as of 11/09/17)/ divorced / separated / widowed or widower ♦ Children : has a child or children / has no children / wants children / had a child ♦ Relationship with Family : close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings/sibling(s) is deceased. ♦ Affiliation : orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent(s)
♦ extroverted / introverted / in between. ♦ disorganized / organized / in between. ♦ close-minded / open-minded / in between. ♦ calm / anxious / in between. ♦ disagreeable / agreeable / in between. ♦ cautious / reckless / in between. ♦ patient / impatient / in between. ♦ outspoken / reserved / in between. ♦ leader / follower / in between. ♦ empathetic / apathetic / in between. ♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in between. ♦ traditional / modern  / in between. ♦ hard-working / lazy / in between. ♦ cultured / uncultured / in between. ♦ loyal / disloyal / unknown. ♦ faithful / unfaithful / unknown.
♦ Faith : monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic/ nontheistic  ♦ Belief in Ghosts or Spirits : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care. ♦ Belief in an Afterlife : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care. ♦ Belief in Reincarnation : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care. ♦ Belief in Aliens : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care. ♦ Philosophical : yes / no.
♦ Sexuality : heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual / demisexual ♦ Sex : sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favourable. ♦ Romance : romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favourable. ♦ Sexually : adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious. ♦ Potential Sexual Partners : male / female / agender / other / none / all. ♦ Potential Romantic Partners : male / female / agender / other / none / all.
♦ Combat Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none. ♦ Literacy Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ♦ Artistic Skills : excellent / good  / moderate / poor  / none ♦ Technical Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
♦ Drinking Alcohol : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess. ♦ Smoking : quit / never / sometimes / frequently / to excess. ♦ Other Narcotics : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess. ♦ Medicinal Drugs : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess. ♦ Indulgent Food : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess. ♦ Splurge Spending : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess. ♦ Gambling : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
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